2022 Ravalli County Fair

2 - Ravalli County Fair Magazine, Sunday, August 28, 2022

Ravalli County Fair Magazine, Sunday, August 28, 2022 - 3

4 - Ravalli County Fair Magazine, Sunday, August 28, 2022 Ravalli County Fair 2022 Dave T i e D o w n y o ur D r e a m B a r n T o D a y F o r F r e e Q u o t e s , C a l l u s t o l l F r e e : ( 8 5 5 ) 6 7 7 - 2 2 7 6 or visit us @

Ravalli County Fair Magazine, Sunday, August 28, 2022 - 5

Fairgrounds Manager Melissa Saville said new offerings at the fair bring great experiences for attendees to make wonderful memories.Fairgoers can jump-start their Ravalli County Fair experience on Tuesday, Aug. 30, with live music featuring Shenandoah, an American country music band founded in Muscle Shoals, Alabama, in 1984. “When I graduated high school, they were super-popular,” Saville said. “They still sound great.”
Shenandoah hit songs include “Next to you, Next to me,” “I want to be Loved Like That,” and “Sunday in the South.”
Opening for Shenandoah is Billie Dean, William Harold Dean Jr., an American country music singer, songwriter and Grammy Award winner who gained national attention after appearing on the television talent competition “Star Search.” His most well-known songs include “Somewhere in My Broken Heart,” “An American with a Remington” and “Let Them Be Little.”“We met up with Billie Dean at a fair conference and got to jam with him live,” Saville said. “He was super nice, very per sonable.”Grandstand doors open at 6 p.m. for the concert and live music begins at 7 p.m. Purchase tickets at the fairgrounds office now and at the gate to the grandstands starting at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 30. Tickets cost $40 for general admission and $50 for Pepsi party pit arena with band. The concert is sponsored by Farmers State Bank. Provided photo Enjoy the live music of Shenandoah, an American country music band, to jump-start the Ravalli County Fair at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 30.
Get ‘Down on the Farm’ at the Ravalli County Fair
6 - Ravalli County Fair Magazine, Sunday, August 28, 2022
“Down on the Farm” is the theme of the Ravalli County Fair and Rockin’ RC Rodeo this year and it has all the makings of an exceptional event after a busy year of planning.

Saville updates Facebook as often as possible before the fair begins and during the week Touch Point Design takes over the fairgrounds page to post all the events. The office will be open during the fair from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., so stop in or call 406363-3411. RR Provided photo American country music singer, songwriter, and Grammy Award winner Billie Dean will open for Shenandoah at the Ravalli County Fair at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 30.
Saville said the hardest part of giving bikes away last year was the process which was harder than she thought because of its simplicity: kids just need to be present to win and have a free ticket.“Idon’t need to know what cereal you had for breakfast, I don’t need to know your email, if you are under 12 and want to win a free bike here’s a free ticket,” Saville said. “We just drew from the tickets we gave away. People were like ‘I just won this free bike, what do I have to do for it?’ I’d say, ‘just take it, it’s yours.’”Bitterroot Health will handle the details of the Bike Giveaway this year. They will give away free tickets all day long and at 6 p.m. will draw the winning tickets, kids need to be present to win.
“Kids can then just ride off into the sunset with their new bike,” Saville said. Ravalli County Public Health will be providing free helmets to all the winners.
August has been a busy month as FFA and 4-H shows, inter view judging and project judging have already started.
Outstanding Service Serving the Bitterroot Valley since 1994 Sue Justus Broker of EstateReal EXIT Realty 406-360-9799 The Valley’s Oldest, Most Trusted Auto Body Towing • Quality Collision Repair Free Estimates and Loaner Cars 998 N. First, Hamilton • 363-4050 Since 1968
Open class division exhibits arrive on Sunday, Aug. 28. Free entertainment for the fair will include Tumbleweed Crossing, an Old West town that comes to life with comedy, stunts, special effects and a gunfight; Cale Moon, a country music entertainer who makes each show based on the audience; Marty Davis and The Legend of the Pioneers full of nostalgic stories, songs from the Silver Screen Cowboys; Jared Sherlock, an award-winning illusionist and magician; a mini train for kids of all ages to tour the fairgrounds and mini-ponies bareback rid ing each night during the rodeo.
Other happenings at the fair include displays and exhibits, a parade, the Miss. Rodeo Pageant, North Star Amusements Carnival (with a special time for sensory-affected individuals), department demonstrations and plenty of rodeo action.
The Bike Giveaway was a success last year and will be repeated with even more bikes donated this year.
The main arena rodeo events include mutton bustin’ each night and Rockin’ RC Ranch Rodeo on Wednesday, Bulls N’ Broncs on Thursday, National Rodeo Association on Friday and the NRA Finals Rodeo on Saturday. See the full schedule for days and times.
Ravalli County Fair Magazine, Sunday, August 28, 2022 - 7
This year what’s new at the fair includes debit/credit cards accepted at all gates, free Wi-Fi provided by Grizzly Broadband, a private event for sensory-affected children and adults on Thursday, the “Lunch at Fair” program will be Wednesday through Friday 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., and the second annual Bike Giveaway will be held each day at 6 p.m. The Ravalli County Fair is hosting the 2022 Montana State Corn Hole Challenge, there is an Antique Tractor Pull event, and an exciting array of Moto Round-Up races.

One of the main draws to the fair is the variety of food, including favorites like elephant ears made by the Bitterroot Swim Team, chocolate dipped frozen bananas from Groovz, or lefsa by the Sons of Norway. According to the Wisconsin State Fair website, the newest food debuting there this year is edible bugs — blue raspberry slush topped with whipped cream and a sprinkling of edible bugs, including a scorpion.
Ravalli County Fair offers variety of fun food choices
Photo by Michelle McConnah Enjoy the great entertainment and taste the wonderful foods at the Ravalli County Fair and Rodeo, Sept. 1-4.
8 - Ravalli County Fair Magazine, Sunday, August 28, 2022
In comparison, the food at the Ravalli County Fair is tame … and “Lunchedible.atFair” will be offered again, Wednesday through Friday.“That seems to be a huge deal for us,” said Melissa Saville, fairgrounds manager. “We have so many people that don’t have time to see the full fair but want to come at lunch and enjoy fair food. Participation tripled last year over the previous year. We

Come see us at our booth!(406)363-2211 1200bitterroothealth.orgWestwoodDrive,Hamilton We’ll have information on available jobs and locations, services and providers. Don’t forget to enter the bike raffle while you’re visiting!

Photo courtesty of Doug McConnaha
The Fair has elephant ears made by the Bitterroot Swim Team.
Photo by Michelle McConnah
Fair vendors include: 4-H Corner Café with a wide menu; American Heritage Girls — rib eye steak sandwiches; Baskin Robbins — Glacier Sweets with ice cream, milk shakes, root beer floats; Big Sky Squeezes — artisan lemonade, iced tea; Bitterroot Celtic Society with gyro wrap and gyro salads; Bitterroot Health Hospital Auxiliary — caramel apple slices; Bitterroot Snowballs in two locations; and the Bitterroot Swim Team is selling elephant ears and drinks.
The Bitterroot Valley Kiwanis will be serving steak kabobs, homemade fries, curly fries and corn dogs; Country Kitchen — loaded nacho fries, Mexican street corn, bur ritos, street tacos; Double K Ranch Food Truck — smash burgers, lamb burgers and pork sandwiches; Expressions of Sugar, LLC.; Groovz — chocolate dipped frozen bananas, smoothies, and slushies; Little Bear Espresso — coffee, espresso, lattes, boba, frappes, Italian sodas; Meandering Moose — Italian sausage, meatball subs, taco salad, nachos;
10 - Ravalli County Fair Magazine, Sunday, August 28, 2022 have city and county employees who are grabbing their food then wandering to see the fair, or just preview it.”
Lunch at Fair works by entering through the south Main Gate ticket booth. Simply exchange $9 cash (no checks, debit, or credit cards) for a special admission ticket and enjoy a “fair-tastic” lunchtime between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. to see the carnival, animals, businesses and exhib its. Receive your admission $9 back when you return your admission ticket to the same ticket booth by 2 p.m. Once again, all food vendors are teamed up with a non profit organization in Ravalli County.

Ravalli County Fair Magazine, Sunday, August 28, 2022 - 11 We sell whole pies! 363-3822 Hours-6am-10pm Open 7 days a week 500 South First Hamilton Bitterroot’s Best Breakfast and a whole lot more!
The 2021 Ravalli County Fair “Best Fair Food” award was presented to The Double K Ranch for their smash burger and seasoned fries. So, get your nibbling, noshing and satiating food tasting done at the Ravalli County Fair. RR
Missoula Mountain Berry Bowls — berry, yogurt, granola, fruit; Portable Pizza Palace — Lost Trail Hot Springs — pizza, pistachios and Lickety Splits — ice cream and frozen treats.
Montana Kick Ass BBQ on the rodeo side only with pulled pork sand, brisket sand, smoked mac and cheese, nachos; Moose Creek BBQ & Grill — pulled pork sand, brisket, tur key legs and corn; Polar Bear Treats — shaved ice and bottled water; Pop’s Kettle Corn — kettle corn, lemonade, Redbull and water; SKC Teriyaki — noodles, rice, Asian food, cakes; Sons of Norway — vikings, lefsa and Coke; Spuds R Us — potatoes and drinks; Taco Del Sol — burritos, tacos, taco salads, quesadilla and takis (a type of rolled corn tortilla chip); and UpNSmokin BBQ House — tri-tip sandwiches, sausage sandwiches and pork sandwiches.
Two vendors will have breakfast items, Little Bear Espresso — breakfast burritos, bagel sandwiches, and muffin tops; Meandering Moose — breakfast burritos, breakfast sand wiches and yogurt parfaits.
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Photo by Perry Backus 4-H at the heart of the Ravalli County Fair
12 - Ravalli County Fair Magazine, Sunday, August 28, 2022
Beyond the midway in the project buildings and the barns, kids from across the Bitterroot will gather for a week of inter views, weigh-ins and demonstrations designed to show off the skills and knowledge they have developed working with 4-H clubs throughout the valley. But they aren’t just learning the ins and out of feeding and caring for animals, which is a huge responsibility in itself, they’re learning to be part of a community. Kids in 4 H pro grams complete hands-on projects in areas such as health, science, agriculture and civic engagement. They also receive guidance from adult mentors and are encouraged to take on leadership“They’reroles.learning the knowledge and skills specific to their project, so they’re learning a specific skill set, but in learning that specific skill set they’re also learning to work with adults as those adult volunteers help present that knowledge to them. But then they also learn leadership because then they turn around, and they demonstrate their knowledge and skills to people that are younger than them or people that are coming in that aren’t as knowledgeable,” Extension Agent Toby Wilson said.“We want it to be about taking that young person and inspiring some interest in and giving some knowledge and giv ing them that confidence in the skills and the ability to com municate and the ability to work with people of different ages, both as a learner and a leader,” Wilson said.
JESSICA ABELL Ravalli Republic
Leadership and communication aren’t the only things kids are learning in 4-H though, many are getting a first-hand lesson in economics.“They’reactually keeping record books. They’re learning how to keep records and calculate things like rate of gain on their animal. They’re calculating their feed and what their feed costs were, and how much their feeding, and how that affected the rate of gain and that type of thing on their animal,” Wilson said. “So that when they’re looking at a price that they want to sell an app, they know, kind of where their profit margin is.

Ravalli County Fair Magazine, Sunday, August 28, 2022 - 13
So they’re actually learning to run a business of sorts as they go through and, and raise these animals as well.”
RR 3682 Eastside Hwy, Stevensville 406.777.3844 www.bur Stop in to meet our new small animal veterinarian, Dr. John! New extended hours 8am 6:30pm on Tuesdays AND Thursdays! Open for regular appointments on Saturday 9am 2pm. Accepting new patients! Large Animal Ser vices Large Animal routine and emergency ser vices now available! Call and choose the large animal option 115 West Main Street Hamilton (406) 363-1250 WESTERN STATES ASSOCIATES REAl ESTATE Stop by our office for a free market analysis of your home or property.
And it isn’t just the kids who will be busily preparing for the events at this year’s Ravalli County Fair. From securing judges and scheduling the events time to coordinating all the kids and parents coming in to participate in those activities, it takes a small army of volunteers behind the scenes to make it all come together.“That’s one of the things that’s really surprised me, is just the amount of work that goes in to the coordinating all of this. I mean, hundreds of projects, hundreds and hundreds of proj ects and project animals and so forth,” said Wilson. “From the registration, to checking with the barn superintendents to make sure they’ve registered properly with their project. And then get ting numbers and cards set up for each one and then doing pen assignments and table assignments and the coordinating with the young people, as far as this is the time to come in to weigh in and getting the numbers and the tags correlated with the ani mals and so forth. It’s just amazing.”

“We’re going to have a good crowd,” Johnson said. “It will be fun.”Johnson became the Ravalli County Extension agent in 1972 and watched the 4-H program grow to more than 400 members with livestock, home arts and special projects.
Ravalli Republic
“We’ve had many fair managers, they’re all different,” Johnson said. “The fair is a significant part of Ravalli County Extension and 4-H. I still judge some of the small events like cowboy poetry, Clover Buds and whatever else they need. I haven’t done any live stock. I haven’t really wanted to. I do go to the livestock sale and help Pat Miller and Al Sperry in the Ag Building.”
14 - Ravalli County Fair Magazine, Sunday, August 28, 2022 MICHELLE MCCONNAHA
He recalled that in 2000 the fair was canceled because the Bitterroot Mountains were on fire. The fairgrounds was hous ing displaced animals and serving as a base camp for firefighters. Johnson and volunteers worked to ensure 4-H members could still sell their market animals.
“It was a big change for us not to have the fair,” Johnson said. “There was always a group of leaders that were dedicated to mak ing sure things worked out for the best for the kids.” He was especially proud of the members who took their proj ects to the national level and was most passionate about livestock at the“I’vefair.had almost 40 years of 4-H horse leader meetings and Weed District meetings,” Johnson said. “I’ve had 38 years at the fair, which is quite a while.”
Rob Johnson honored as 2022 Fair Family
Johnson said his family is coming to share the parade experi ence with him, at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 31. His wife, Joan passed away in 2006, but he will be joined by his son Joel (Hamilton), his daughters Cindy (Missoula) and Kristine (Iowa), his grandchildren and a great-grandson.
Rob Johnson has been selected to be the 2022 Ravalli County Fair Farm Family for his 38 years of service at the fair and his valley-wide efforts that have helped make the Bitterroot Valley a special“Rob’ was thrown in this year and when he won, we called him and he was so excited,” said Melissa Saville, fairgrounds manager. “He’s looking forward to being in the parade.”
“It was the biggest of all my programs,” he said. “We had many clubs, a lot of activity and much support.”
Photo by Michelle McConnah Rob Johnson has been selected to be the 2022 Ravalli County Fair farm family for his 38 years of service at the fair and his work to make the Bitterroot Valley so special.
Johnson rounded-up volunteers and made significant improve ments to the fairgrounds including the Hornung Arena and Iman Arena, the sheep and beef showing area now used for the Saturday morning Market Livestock Sale, and the smaller show arena which has helped reduce the number of runaway pigs dur ing show day. He fondly recalled Fair Manager Ned Applebury.
As the county agent, Johnson’s contributions to Ravalli County include holding cattle and range workshops, stopping the spread

Ravalli County Fair Sunday, August 28, 2022 - 15 of noxious weeds and working with the late Bob Thoft. During the ’70s he worked with veterinarian Jack Ward to find the cause and a cure for weak calf syndrome. Johnson worked with the Western Montana Ag Research Center, especially Jim Story, to find a way to stop the spread of spotted knapweed.
Johnson has been involved with the Fourth Grade Farm Fair since its beginning.
Johnson recalls that the Bitter Root Water Form was inspired by four curious grandmothers who wanted to know how the water flowed in the Bitterroot Valley and what would preserve water“Wehealth.justwanted to know about it,” he said. “We learned about it and several years later we offered talks on how it works and how to protect it.”
“You’ve just got to be willing to work with people. You can’t decide what — it just comes to you and you have to decide it needs you, or you need to learn.”
Johnson received a national award for his efforts in these two fields.Johnson said he is proud that he has been able to be part of laying the foundations for the Right to Farm, Open Land Board on which he has served since its inception, and the Bitter Root Land Trust which works with agricultural families to protect the rural landscape and open lands that make the Bitterroot special.
“The thanks for that goes to Jay and Coleen Meyers,” he said.
Promise Best Tire Value ENJOY THE FAIR & RODEO Monday - Friday 8AM - 6PM Saturday 8AM - 5PM Ser ving the Bitterroot Valley and Supporting our local Fair since 1987! 211 N 1st Street, Hamilton 406.363.3884
“You don’t even know what you’re going to get into,” he said.
Johnson didn’t realize the impact and experiences he would have as an Extension Agent in the Bitterroot Valley.
Johnson has also been a Kiwanis for many years, starting when George Steward was the president. He has enjoyed working in the back of their booth at the fair.
Johnson was born near Glendive on an irrigated farm in eastern Montana where he helped raise sugar beets, oats, hay and corn. He herded Hereford cattle and trained horses. He gradu ated high school in 1956 in Savage, attended the University of Montana and was on its first rodeo team in 1957. He transferred to Montana State where he received a degree in agriculture exten sion. He worked as an extension agent in Mineral County and Yellowstone County. He started a family and then earned his mas ter’s degree in Lincoln, Nebraska.
“I wanted to return to Montana,” Johnson said. “I’d never been to the Bitterroot Valley before. My favorite thing at the fair is the lamb burger. I start the fair with that as my first meal, you’ve got to have one.” RR
He said the Extension department in Hamilton has undergone many“Katelynchanges.[Andersen, retired Extension Agent] was here before I retired and she has been a major factor in the modern Extension Office for MSU and Ravalli County,” Johnson said. “Jocelyn [Snider, administrative assistant] retired and is going to school to become an Episcopalian Minister. The new agent Kimberly Richardson is very capable.”


Ravalli County Fair Magazine, Sunday, August 28, 2022 - 17 BONDE D • IN SU RED ALSO OFFERING: Pit Run Gravel • 3/4” Minus Road Base • 3/4” Fractured Rock 3” MinusSand (3/8” Traction Sand) • Fill Dirt RAP (Recycled Asphalt) • 1 1/2” Minus We take Asphalt and Concrete Waste Clean, no garbage (Prior arrangements required) Now Hiring all Positions! BONDED

MONDAY, AUG. 29 9 a.m.: Open Division Dairy Goat Show in Applebury Arena 9 a.m.: Judging begins in Event Center and Agriculture Barn for Open Division Exhibits 1 p.m.: Open Division Meat Goat Show in Applebury Arena 2-7 p.m.: 4-H/FFA & Open Division Rabbit check in at Rabbit Barn 3-7 p.m.: Open Division Floral Exhibits due in Floral Barn 4-7:45 p.m.: Market Goat & Market Lamb Weigh in and Breeding Sheep check in TUESDAY, AUG. 30
All Day: Car Show Featuring the Bitterrodders Car Club in the Antique Machinery area
11 a.m.: Kiddie Goat in Applebury Arena followed by 4-H Market Goat, Boers,
6 p.m.: Grandstand gates open for Live Music
SUNDAY, AUG. 28 Noon—7 p.m.: All Open Division Still Exhibits due – except Floral and Arts Divisions are due Noon—5p.m. 12 p.m.: Goats arrive in afternoon 1 p.m.: 4-H Interview Judging (perishable) under the grandstands
3 p.m.: South (Main) Gate Open for Live Music
2022 Ravalli County Fair Schedule
All Day: Main Arena is closed to any public use or practice (events only)
All Day: BINGO! At the Lions Bingo Booth
All Day: Spinning demonstrations in the Natural Fiber Arts Department in the Event Center
All Day: Blacksmithing demonstrations in the Antique Machinery area
8 a.m.: Poultry Breeding Project Interviews in Poultry Barn 8 a.m.: 4-H/FFA Sheep Breeding Interviews in Sheep Barn 9 a.m.: Kiddie Poultry Show in Poultry Barn 9 a.m.: 4-H/FFA Swine Showmanship in Iman Arena
18 - Ravalli County Fair Magazine, Sunday, August 28, 2022
All Day: East Gate is closed due to Live Music set up 8 a.m.—4 p.m.: 4-H/FFA Dairy Cow Check In 9 a.m.—5 p.m.: LAST CHANCE to purchase Pre-sale Carnival Tickets and Livestock passes in Fairgrounds Office before 5 p.m. 9 a.m.: 4-H/FFA Dairy Goat Show & Showmanship in Applebury Arena 8 a.m.—6 p.m.: 4-H/FFA Swine Weigh In 8 a.m.—6 p.m.: 4-H Market Beef Weigh In & Beef Animals Checked In
7 p.m.: Live Music in Main Arena — Shenandoah with special guest Billy Dean 8 p.m.: ALL Livestock Exhibits must be in Barns
All Day: Aspen Hot Glass demonstrations throughout the day at their booth behind the Grandstands
10 a.m.: Fair Parade on Main Street in Hamilton
10 a.m.: Exhibit buildings and barns open 10 a.m.: 4-H/FFA Poultry Show in Poultry Barn
10 a.m.—2 p.m.: TBA demonstrations/discussions/workshops in Floral Barn
All Day: Honey demonstrations and tasting in the Agriculture Barn
All Day: Main Arena is closed to any public use or practice (events only)

Ravalli County Fair Magazine, Sunday, August 28, 2022 - 19 Have fun at the Ravalli County Fair Locally Owned & Operated State Liquor Store for over 30 years Liquor • Craft & Domestic Beers Wine • Mixes • Tobacco Check out our Humidor - We have a large selection of fine cigars ONE STOP PARTY SHOP
Monday-Saturday 9am-8pm • 501 South First - Hamilton • 363-3751
Showmanship, Pack Goats, & Non-Dairy Shows 11 a.m.: Kiddie Swine Show in Iman Arena 11 a.m.—2 p.m.: Come in for lunch between the hours of 11 a.m.–2 p.m. and get a refund of your gate fee. Available at the Main Gate Only Noon—4 p.m.: Pictures available for purchase with Tired Iron Tractors and Antique Tractors in Antique Machinery area Noon—5 p.m.: Horse, Mule & Donkey Competition in Main Arena Noon: Tumbleweed Crossing Show — in N/E area of Goat Barn lawn 1 p.m.: Marty Davis — Legend of the Pioneers at the KLYQ Free Stage 1:30 p.m.: 4-H/FFA Beef Showmanship, followed by Breeding Beef in Hornung Arena 2 p.m.: Carnival opens 2 p.m.: Jared Sherlock at the KLYQ Free Stage 2 p.m.—8 p.m.: All Aboard Train rides 2:45 p.m.: Marty Davis — Legend of the Pioneers at the KLYQ Free Stage 3 p.m.: Tumbleweed Crossing Show — in N/E area of Goat Barn lawn 3:45 p.m.: Jared Sherlock at the KLYQ Free Stage 4 p.m.: Open Division Poultry Cage judging in Poultry Barn 4 p.m.—8 p.m.: Montana State Cornhole Challenge sponsored by Ravalli Fun Center and The Drive Radio Station 4:30 p.m.: Poetry Contest Reading & Awards at KLYQ Free Stage 5 p.m.: Little People’s Stick Horse Rodeo behind the KLYQ Free Stage 5:45 p.m.: Jared Sherlock at the KLYQ Free Stage 6 p.m.: FFA Cake, Cookie & Pie Auction at Goat Barn 6 p.m.: 4-H/FFA Dairy Cow Show in Hornung Arena 6 p.m.: Tumbleweed Crossing Show — in N/E area of Goat Barn lawn 6 p.m.: Bike Giveaway at the Bitterroot Health Fair Booth 6:30 p.m.: Marty Davis — Legend of the Pioneers at the KLYQ Free Stage 6:30 p.m.: Mutton Busting in Main Arena 7 p.m.: Rockin’ RC Ranch Rodeo in Main Arena 10 p.m.: Exhibit buildings and barns close THURSDAY, SEPT. 1
All Day: BINGO! At the Lions Bingo Booth 9 a.m.: 4-H/FFA Market Swine Show in Iman Arena 9-10 a.m.: Main Arena open for practice 9:30 a.m.: 4-H/FFA Rabbit Show in Rabbit Barn 10 a.m.: Exhibit buildings and barns open 10 a.m.: 4-H/FFA Sheep Market Lamb & Feeder Lamb in Hornung Arena 10 a.m.: 4-H Dog Rally Obedience Demonstration in 4-H Dog Arena 10 a.m.—2 p.m.: TBA demonstrations/discussions/workshops in Floral Barn 11 a.m.: Marty Davis — Legend of the Pioneers at the KLYQ Free Stage 11 a.m.: Cheese Making Demonstration in Agriculture Barn 11 a.m.: Working Dog Scent Demonstration at the Dog Barn 11 a.m.—1 p.m.: Dunk Tank — Supports SAFE, located front of the Beef Barn 11 a.m.—2 p.m.: Come in for lunch between the hours of 11 a.m.–2 p.m. and get a refund of your gate fee. Available at the Main Gate Only Noon—5 p.m.: Horse, Mule & Donkey Competition in Main Arena Noon: Tumbleweed Crossing Show — in N/E area of Goat Barn lawn Noon: Dog Powered Sports demonstration by Bitterroot Dog Powered Sports at the Dog Barn 12:30 p.m.: Pioneer Carriage offers horse drawn carriage service from the north parking 1 p.m.: Carnival opens

20 - Ravalli County Fair Magazine, Sunday, August 28, 2022 Our dream has always been to pro vide healthy and delicious food for our friends and family. So please come visit us in the beautiful Bitterroot Valley and you too can see where your meat comes from. 3096 KK Ranch Road, Darby, MT- 406.802.4372 The animals are all natural and pasture raised from start to finish, and handcrafted into a variety of different products right on the ranch. 2021 Best Fair Food Ravalli County Fair

1:45 p.m.: Marty Davis — Legend of the Pioneers at the KLYQ Free Stage 2 p.m.: Jean Israel presents “All About Herbs” in the Agriculture Barn 2 p.m.: Grain Threshing & Hay Baling Demonstration in the Antique Machinery area 2 p.m.: 4-H Dog Freestyle demonstration in 4-H Dog Arena 2 p.m.—8 p.m.: All Aboard Train rides 3 p.m.: Tumbleweed Crossing Show — in N/E area of Goat Barn lawn
Ravalli County Fair Magazine, Sunday, August 28, 2022 - 21 1 p.m.: Jared Sherlock at the KLYQ Free Stage 1 p.m.: 4-H/FFA Sheep Showmanship followed by Sheep Breeding in Hornung Arena
All Day: Spinning demonstrations in the Natural Fiber Arts Department in the Event Center
Town & Country Plaza 716 S 1st Street, Hamilton • 375-8800 Interest Rates Are Low! • NMLS 290647 • NMLS 283623 Looking to Purchase, Refinance, Build? Are you interested in a Reverse Mortgage? •Conventional •Rural Development •FHA •New Construction •VA - 0% down for purchases, Cash out up to 100% •Rehab Loans •Reverse Mor tgages We offer: Now is the T ime! Consider a Reverse Mor tgage The loan that pays you! Home Equity Values are at an all time high angela@hamiltonmor • NMLS 290647 robin@hamiltonmor • NMLS 283623 406-375-8800 716 Street 1st Street, Hamilton Now is the T ime! (Available for Refinances and Purchases-must be a minimum of 62 years old.)
All Day: Honey demonstrations and tasting in the Agriculture Barn
All Day: Aspen Hot Glass demonstrations throughout the day at their booth behind the GrandstandsAllDay: Car Show Featuring the Bitterrodders Car Club in the Antique Machinery area
3 p.m.—5 p.m.: Dunk Tank — Supports Sapphire Lutheran, located Beef Barn 3:30 p.m.: Jared Sherlock at the KLYQ Free Stage 4 p.m.: Pioneer Carriage offers carriages North parking lot to the North gate until 7 p.m. 4 p.m.—8 p.m.: Montana State Cornhole Challenge sponsored by Ravalli Fun Center 4:15 p.m.: Marty Davis — Legend of the Pioneers at the KLYQ Free Stage 5:15 p.m.: Jared Sherlock at the KLYQ Free Stage 5:30 p.m.: Parade of Wagons — Antique/Unique in Main Arena 6 p.m.: Kiddie Calf Division in Hornung Arena 6 p.m.: Tumbleweed Crossing Show — in N/E area of Goat Barn lawn 6 p.m.: Mutton Busting in Main Arena 6 p.m.: Bike Giveaway at the Bitterroot Health Fair Booth 6:30 p.m.: Bitterroot Mountettes in Main Arena 6:30 p.m.: 4-H/FFA Market Beef Show in Hornung Arena 6:45 p.m.: Rockin’ RC Rodeo Pageant Introductions in Main Arena 7 p.m.: Bulls N’ Broncs in Main Arena 10 p.m.: Exhibit buildings and barns close FRIDAY, SEPT. 2
All Day: Blacksmithing demonstrations in the Antique Machinery area
All Day: BINGO! At the Lions Bingo Booth 7 a.m.—12 p.m.: Main Arena open for practice 9 a.m.: Kiddie Rabbit Show in Rabbit Barn 9:15 a.m.: Open Division Rabbit Show in Rabbit Barn
1 p.m.—3 p.m. Dunk Tank — Supports Emma’s House located front of the Beef Barn

10 a.m.: Exhibit buildings and barns open 10 a.m.: Kiddie Lamb Show followed by Open Jackpot Lamb in Hornung Arena 10 a.m.: 4-H/FFA Market Beef & Breeding Interviews in Beef Barn 10 a.m.: Rockin’ RC Rodeo Pageant Speeches, Interviews & Fashion in KLYQ Free Stage 10 a.m.: 4-H Dog Agility demonstration in 4-H Dog Arena 10:30 a.m.: Open Division Sheep Show in Hornung Arena “Show and Go” – Walk in and walk out — No trailers 11 a.m.—2 p.m.: Come in for lunch between the hours of 11 a.m.–2 p.m. and get a refund of your gate fee. Main Gate Only 11 a.m.—3 p.m.: Dunk Tank — Supports Hamilton Volunteer Fire Department, located front of the Beef Barn 12:30 p.m.: Pioneer Carriage offers horse drawn carriage service from the north parking lot to the north gate until 3:30 p.m. 1 p.m.: Carnival opens 1 p.m.: Tumbleweed Crossing Show — in N/E area of Goat Barn lawn 1 p.m.: Molly Hackett presents Gardening in Agriculture Barn 1:15 p.m.: Jared Sherlock at the KLYQ Free Stage 2 p.m.—8 p.m.: All Aboard Train rides 2 p.m.: Marty Davis — Legend of the Pioneers at the KLYQ Free Stage 2 p.m.: Tractor Pull Contest in Antique Machinery area 3 p.m.: Rockin’ RC Rodeo Pageant Horsemanship in Main Arena 3 p.m.: 4-H/FFA Small Animal Round Robin Showmanship Contest in Hornung Arena 3 p.m.: Cale Moon at the KLYQ Free Stage 3 p.m.: Rob Johnson presents “Cutting Edge News on Local Agriculture” discussion in Agriculture Barn 3 p.m.: Tumbleweed Crossing Show — in N/E area of Goat Barn lawn 3 p.m.—5 p.m.: Dunk Tank — Supports Bitter Root Humane Association located front of the Beef Barn 4 p.m.: 4-H/FFA Large Animal Round Robin Showmanship Contest in Hornung Arena 4 p.m.: Pioneer Carriage offers horse drawn carriage service from the north parking lot to the north gate until 7 p.m. 4 p.m.—8 p.m.: Montana State Cornhole Challenge - Ravalli Fun Center and The Drive R
22 - Ravalli County Fair Magazine, Sunday, August 28, 2022 OPEN 24 HOURS, ATM, FULL SERVICE BAKERY, DELI, FRESH PRODUCE, USDA CHOICE BEEF & MORE! Hamilton: 363-6200 Stevensville: 777-7300

5:30 p.m.: Mutton Busting in Main Arena 6 p.m.: Parade of Champions in Main Arena 6 p.m.: Cale Moon at the KLYQ Free Stage 6 p.m.: Bike Giveaway at the Bitterroot Health Fair Booth 6:15 p.m.: Rockin’ RC Rodeo Pageant Coronation in Main Arena 6:45 p.m.: Bitterroot Mountettes in Main Arena 7 p.m.: NRA Rodeo in Main Arena 7 p.m.: Tumbleweed Crossing Show — in N/E area of Goat Barn lawn
Ravalli County Fair Magazine, Sunday, August 28, 2022 - 23 “Big enough to ser ve, small enough to care” 125 Old Corvallis Rd, Hamilton, MT 59840 406.363.1001 Supporting local 4H, FFA and agricultural families since 2001 free consultation for new clients (406) 961-9616
4:15 p.m.: Jared Sherlock at the KLYQ Free Stage 5 p.m.: Marty Davis — Legend of the Pioneers at the KLYQ Free Stage 5 p.m.: Tumbleweed Crossing Show — in N/E area of Goat Barn lawn
7:15 p.m.: Jared Sherlock at the KLYQ Free Stage 8 p.m.: Marty Davis — Legend of the Pioneers at the KLYQ Free Stage 9 p.m.: Cale Moon at the KLYQ Free Stage 9 p.m.: NRA Rodeo Slack in Main Arena following NRA Rodeo 10 p.m.: Exhibit buildings and barns close SATURDAY, SEPT. 3
All Day: Spinning demonstrations in the Natural Fiber Arts Department in the Event Center
All Day: BINGO! At the Lions Bingo Booth 6:30 a.m.: 4-H/FFA Auction Breakfast in Hornung Arena 8 a.m.: 4-H/FFA Livestock Auction in Hornung Arena SALE ORDER: Dairy, Sheep, Swine, Market Goat, and Beef 10 a.m.: Exhibit buildings and barns open 10 a.m.—2 p.m.: TBA demonstrations/discussions/workshops in Floral Barn 11 a.m.: Jared Sherlock at the KLYQ Free Stage 11 a.m.: Roger Joy presents “Grafting” in the Agriculture Barn 11:45 a.m.: Marty Davis - Legend of the Pioneers at the KLYQ Free Stage Noon: Cale Moon at the KLYQ Free Stage Noon: 4-H Horsemanship Demonstration in Main Arena Noon—4 p.m.: Dunk Tank — Supports Ravalli County 4-H program, Beef Barn Noon—6 p.m.: Premium Office is open for payout of Winners — South end of Art Building Noon—6 p.m.: Dunk Tank — Supports local nonprofits located front of the Beef Barn Noon—7 p.m.: Enjoy Tim the Juggler strolling entertainment — throughout the grounds 12:30 p.m.: Pioneer Carriage offers carriage north parking lot to the north gate until 3:30 p.m. 12:45 p.m.: Cale Moon at KLYQ Free Stage 1 p.m.: Carnival opens 1 p.m.: Tumbleweed Crossing Show — in N/E area of Goat Barn lawn 1 p.m.: Rabbit Jumping in the Rabbit Barn 2 p.m.: Jared Sherlock at the KLYQ Free Stage 2 p.m.: Cheese Making demonstration in Agriculture Barn 2 p.m.: Tractor Pull Contest in Antique Machinery area 2 p.m.—5 p.m.: Main Arena open for practice 2:45 p.m.: Marty Davis — Legend of the Pioneers at the KLYQ Free Stage 3 p.m.: 4-H/FFA Small Animal Auction in Hornung Arena 3 p.m.: Jean Israel presents “All About Herbs” in Agriculture Barn 3 p.m.: Tumbleweed Crossing Show — in N/E area of Goat Barn lawn 3:45 p.m.: Cale Moon at the KLYQ Free Stage 4 p.m.: Pioneer Carriage offers service from north parking lot to the north gate until 7 p.m. 4 p.m.—8 p.m.: Montana State Cornhole Challenge - Ravalli Fun Center and 5 p.m.: Jared Sherlock at the KLYQ Free Stage 5 p.m.: Tumbleweed Crossing Show — in N/E area of Goat Barn lawn 5:45 p.m.: Marty Davis — Legend of the Pioneers at the KLYQ Free Stage 6 p.m.: 4-H/FFA Special Award Presentation in Hornung Arena
All Day: Blacksmithing demonstrations in the Antique Machinery area
All Day: Honey demonstrations and tasting in the Agriculture Barn All Day: Aspen Hot Glass demonstrations throughout the day at their booth by Grandstands
All Day: Car Show Featuring the Bitterrodders Car Club in the Antique Machinery area
BOOKKEEPING FOR SMALL BUSINESSES & INDIVIDIALS 224 North 4th St Hamilton, MT (Entrance on Cherry Street)

7 a.m.—noon: Goat and Dairy Cows released 8 a.m.—noon: Small Animals (Rabbits & Poultry) released 9 a.m.—noon: 4-H/FFA & Open Division Sheep 9 a.m.—noon: Swine released Noon—4 p.m.: Release of Open Division and 4-H Still Exhibits *PLEASE NOTE: Baked Goods will not be returning entries, just entry tags with ribbons awarded. Ravalli County Fairgrounds will hold entries for 30 days before disposing of them.
Noon—4 p.m.: Premium Office is open for payout of Premium Winners — Entrance at South end of Art Building. *PLEASE NOTE: Any remaining premiums will be held and available in the Main Office for collection until Sept. 30. After which the monies will be returned to the County Finance Office and entrant will forfeit any premiums won. RR
7 p.m.: 4-H/FFA Market Beef release time 7 p.m.: 4-H/FFA Market Lamb release time 7 p.m.: Release of Auction Birds 8 p.m.: Jared Sherlock at the KLYQ Free Stage 8 p.m.—10 p.m.: Rabbits & Poultry released — WALK OUT ONLY 8:30 p.m.: 4-H/FFA Breeding Beef release time 8:45 p.m.: Cale Moon at the KLYQ Free Stage 10 p.m.: Exhibit buildings and barns close SUNDAY, SEPT. 4
24 - Ravalli County Fair Magazine, Sunday, August 28, 2022 DIVISION OF E.A.S.I., INC. Uniform Rentals Dust Control Dry Cleaning Have Fun at the Fair! Have Fun at the Fair! 363-1231 113 Foxfield Street, Hamilton GLOBAL EXPOSURE MONTANA EXPERTISE Lindsay Buhler Supervising Broker Engel & Völkers Western Frontier 406-868-0728 ©2022 Engel & Völkers. All rights reserved. Each brokerage independently owned and operated. Engel & Völkers and its independent License Partners are Equal Opportunity Employers and fully support the principles of the Fair Housing Act.
6 p.m.: Bike Giveaway at the Bitterroot Health Fair Booth 6:30 p.m.: Mutton Busting in Main Arena 6:45 p.m.: Cale Moon at the KLYQ Free Stage 7 p.m.: NRA Finals Rodeo in Main Arena 7 p.m.: Tumbleweed Crossing Show — in N/E area of Goat Barn lawn 7 p.m.: 4-H/FFA Battle of the Barns Relay Race T! Sa

The Ravalli County Fairgrounds has a new entrance at the northwest gate with greetings painted on a huge live edge sign and the revitalized Arts Department has expansions, improve ments and
Hamilton artist Leisa Lewis painted the sign that reads “Welcome to Ravalli County Fairgrounds” on the front and “Thank you for visiting, see you again” on the back. Joel Gordon also added some branding.
Saville said Pioneer Log Homes donated the entryway and Joel Gordon of Log to Living Room donated a 26-foot board of blue pine with knots. “It is just gorgeous,” Saville said. “It was such a com munity effort by Leisa Lewis, Pigman Builders, Pioneer Log Homes, Log to Living Room, Vantassel Crane Service, and the Hamilton Trap Club.”
Melissa Saville said she and the Ravalli County Fair Board members are excited about all the modifica tions that are happening and new editions, especially the new north gate.
Photo Courtesy Doug McConnah Ran Pigman and Joel Gordon on the lift join Melissa Saville, Leisa Lewis and Larry Ward at the installation of the sign over the northwest entrance of the Ravalli County Fairgrounds.
“I know many people thought that the north parking would just be parking at fair but we’re kind of developing it to be more,” Saville said. “The motorsports are there, The Place Church is hosting archery and paintball, and the whole facility is becoming a benefit to the county. It’s been fun with parking and camping at the fair, and we’re now trying to use it more year-round.”
Improvements revitalize County Fairgrounds
26 - Ravalli County Fair Magazine, Sunday, August 28, 2022
Installing the new gate required special stabilizing units in the ground to ensure its sturdiness.
The sign was too large for Lewis to turn over so Larry Ward, Dan Minatre, Lane Ellis, Dan Parks, Jay Wibber and Ty Ellis, members of the Hamilton Trap Club, turned the board over for painting and weatherproofing. “I think it weighs a million pounds and because I’m painting both sides they flipped it for me,” Leisa said. “It has a heavyduty varnish and is a labor of love.”
“Gary Vantassel came down with a crane to install the entry with a lift provided by Ran Pigman of Pigman Builders,” Saville said. “We pulled out boulders and a new fence will add to the quality. Sean Jackson will be able to welcome people to his motorsports events through that gate, it will look so pretty.”
Saville said the fair is blessed to have Leisa Lewis. “Now that she’s in the premium office it’s like the next genera tion,” Saville said. “Gayle Tintzman hand-picked her personally and then trained her for a year. So, it’s the next generation of people coming to the fair.”

Ravalli County Fair Magazine, Sunday, August 28, 2022 - 27 We would like to say a HUGE thank you to Far mers State Bank for being our new Event Center Sponsor! 100 Old Cor vallis road, Hamilton, MT

Becker said the goal of raising the bar and having quality dis plays is to encourage more people to enter their art at the fair.
Photo by Michelle McConnah
“These displays enhance the art,” he said. “They did a good job.” “We are so happy,” Becker said. “These look so good.”
Pfaff said the displays will have lights shining onto the art. “It’s going to be a professional display this year,” she said. “When someone comes in, they bring their art which is their treasure. They feel that way or they wouldn’t put it in the fair. I believe you need to display it the most professional way you can. I believe presentation is everything.”
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28 - Ravalli County Fair Magazine, Sunday, August 28, 2022 New co-superintendents for the Art Department at the Ravalli County Fair, Norma Pfaff and Trish Becker, have updated the displays and rejuvenated the department.Theyspent $3,400 and 197 volunteer hours of labor redoing the 19 large, doublesided framed units to exhibit the community art that is submitted for competition at the fair. The display units are now on wheels that lock, are lightweight due to the tran sition to insulation board on the inside and are covered with new carpeting.
There are even more additions and updates to the Ravalli County Fairgrounds, come to the fair and enjoy them all. RR Leisa Lewis paints “see you soon” on the back of the 26foot sign that will hang over the newly installed Northwest Entrance.
Becker is the president of the Bitter Root Arts Guild (BRAG) which is providing $25 premiums based on unique criteria.“We have our own ribbons, which are not the same as fair ribbons or what the fair judges judge,” Becker said. “We are in our own little category. We also give away prizes like art sup plies and puppets.”
This year the art department added a special abilities cat egory in both adult and junior departments to showcase art made by community members with special needs. She said there is a difference between art and craft. “The big distinction is that in fine art the artist creates the design, they create everything,” Pfaff said. “They buy the plate, but I buy my canvas. They design the piece, and they paint the piece. With a craft, they buy premade items and put them together, like jewelry. We do have one vendor who is a fine arts jeweler because he designs his pieces.”
“James Schmitt from All Valley Flooring gave us the carpet at a really, really good price,” Pfaff said. “We give thanks to Massa and James. These turned out so nice.”
Schmitt said that prices have increased due to freight costs.

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30 - Ravalli County Fair Magazine, Sunday, August 28, 2022 Fairgrounds Rd RdCorvallisOld East Gate West Gate North Gate KLYQ Free Stage ROWFOOD MainArenaEvent ArenaNorth North Parking Lot FREE StablesHorse 14 13 12 11 10 9 7865 4 3 21 PARKINGPARALLEL FREE Grandstand TIX TIX TIX pensHorseH4 ONLYPARKINGSTAFF TIX cafecorner4H applesMdmh Fire trucks + weed district + ice Antique Machinery & Antique Cars Dunk Tank15 16 Softball Field for extra parking EntertainmentFair TractorPull Ravalli County Fair Ticket Hamilton City Police First Aid Booth Nursing Station Men’s WomenRestroom ’ Fair Office & Lost & Found TIX Porta HandwashPottyStation Barns & Buildings 1.Premium Office 8.Grandstand * 2.Event Center Indoor Exhibits 9.Bleachers 3.Agriculture Barn 10.Maintenance Shop 4.Bingo Booth 11.Hornung Arena 5.Floral Building 12.Iman Arena 6.Commercial Building * 13.Fair Coffee Booth 7.Youth Building 14.Applebury Arena *A variety of Commercial Vendors can be found in these buildings as well as the lawn. Make sure you cruise through and shop! Food Vendors 15. West Food Row Moose Creek BBQ, Bitterroot Valley Kiwanis Club, Knights of Columbus/American Heritage Girls 16. East Food Row Bitterroot Celtic Society, Polar Bear Treats, Taco Del Sol, Spuds R Us, Bitterroot Swim Team, Groovz A variety of Food Vendors are also available throughout the grounds Baskin Robbins, Big Sky Grub Truck, Big Sky Squeeze, Bitterroot Snow Balls, Country Kitchen, Double K Ranch & 5th Season MT, Little Bear Espresso, Marcus Daly Hospital Auxiliary, Meandering Moose, Missoula Mountain Berry Bowls, Montana Kick Ass BBQ, Pops Kettlecorn, Portable Pizza Palace, Ravalli County 4H, SKC Teriyaki, Sons of Norway, Up N Smokin BBQ House and Wild West Soda Map Legend Rodeo Contestant & Sponsor Commercial Vendor Clearwater Systems

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32 - Ravalli County Fair Magazine, Sunday, August 28, 2022 Happy Hour, Sports Bar and Casino 140 Bitterroot Plaza, Hamilton 375-0007 11AM - 10PM VOTED BITTERROOT’S BEST 2022 SPIRITS • BEER WINE • MIXERS OPEN 7 DAYS 8:30AM - 11PM 375-0006 Voted Favorite: Appetizer, Business Lunch, Bar, Outdoor Dining, Liquor Store (Hamilton Wine & Liquor) and Waitress-Michelle Cole