Finest and Rarest Wines
羅芙奧台北 2014 秋季藏酒拍賣會
RAVENEL AUTUMN AUCTION 2014 TAIPEI Finest and Rarest Wines
2014年12月6日 (六) 上午11:00 富邦人壽大樓國際會議中心 台北市敦化南路一段108號B2
AUCTION Saturday, 6 December, 2014, 11:00 am Fubon National Conference Center B2, No. 108, Section 1, Dunhua South Road, Taipei, Taiwan
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目次 / Contents 2
Sale Information 6
香檳 Champagne
Lot 001 - 070
波爾多 Bordeaux
Lot 071 - 209
珍藏專區 I Private Collection I
Lot 210 - 280
隆河 Rhone
Lot 281 - 290
勃根地 Burgundy
Lot 291 - 496
珍藏專區 II Private Collection II
Lot 497 - 505 珍藏專區 III Private Collection III
Lot 506 - 520 其他 Others
Lot 521 - 554
威士忌 Whisky
Lot 555 - 700
金門高粱 Kimen Kao Liang 160
Lot 701 - 769 索引 Index
業務規則 Transaction Agreement 173
委託競投表格 Absentee Bid Form
羅芙奧樂意提供您本次拍賣當中任何一項 拍品的狀況報告書,報告內容請參閱羅芙 奧網站。
Ravenel is glad to provide you with the condition report of any of the items at the auction. More information please refer to
Dom Pérignon 1996
歡樂慶祝時開瓶香檳總是熱鬧非凡,好的香檳常被認定為有著高雅 宜人的酸度使人生津,細緻的氣泡更代表了香檳酒廠的釀造實力。 清新的花香揉入柑橘、萊姆甚至是些許的礦物味均衡了香味。香檳 必須遵守傳統的香檳釀造法,同時在法國香檳區釀造生產的氣泡 酒才可稱為香檳。主要釀造品種為 Chardonnay、Pinot Noir、Pinot Meunier 等。
NT$ 24,000 - 30,000 HK$ 6,000 - 8,000 US$ 800 - 1,000
003 3 bts
Dom Pérignon
Bollinger R.D. 1996 (RP96)
The 1996 R.D. from Bollinger is another superb wine from this vintage. An expressive bouquet of spices, acacia blossoms and perfumed fruit emerges from the wine’s silky - textured frame. This generous R.D. is drinking well today, but also has enough freshness to age well for years. It is a great version of one of Champagne’s legendary wines. /RP/2009`
001 12 bts OC
NT$ 95,000 - 120,000 HK$ 24,000 - 31,000 US$ 3,100 - 3,900
Bollinger R.D. 為 Bollinger 酒廠等級較高的香檳酒款,百分之六十的 Pinot Noir 以 及四十比例的 Chardonnay 調配更具窖藏潛力,長時間的泡渣,讓酒 液有獨特風味以外也能培養出更深層的複雜香氣。
Bollinger R.D. 2002 002 12 bts
Lot 002
NT$ 90,000 - 110,000 HK$ 23,000 - 28,000 US$ 3,000 - 3,600
「 我 在 飲 天 上 的 星 星 」。 當 然 Dom Pérignon 被 說 是 香 檳 的 代 名 詞也不為過,其僅在葡萄質量最佳的時候推出年份香檳,一般年 份香檳至少陳年七年後才離開酒窖上市,其他小部分會被繼續陳 年,使其達到另一個境界後才得以出廠成為頂級佳釀 Dom Pérignon Oenothèque,一般來說該頂級酒款陳年至少 15 年。
Dom Pérignon 1996 (RP98)
The nose gives intense toasty, biscuity notes with an underlying fruit character of warm strawberries, golden delicious apple slices, oyster shells and chalk dust. Very crisp, fine, youthful and fresh in the mouth, the finish provides layers of minerals, citrus fruits and a pleasant creaminess in texture and flavour./RP/2011
004 005 006 007
6 6 6 6
bts bts bts bts
per lot NT$ 48,000 - 60,000 HK$ 12,000 - 15,000 US$ 1,600 - 2,000
Dom Pérignon 2004 (RP95)
Lily - of - the - valley perfume and scents of lightly toasted brioche and almond rise from the glass of Moet’s 2004 Brut Dom Perignon, along with hints of the apricot, pear and grapefruit that then inform a luscious and creamy yet strikingly delicate as well as consummately refreshing palate. Sweet - saline savor of scallop – also already intimated in the nose – lends compulsive saliva - inducement to a ravishingly rarified and persistent finish, joined by alkaline, nutty, liquid - floral, and nori seaweed notes for a performance of head - scratching subtlety and intrigue. (In case my description hasn’t already made clear, we have here inter alia a fantastic sushi wine.) /RP /Nov2013
008 009 010 011
6 6 6 6
bts bts bts bts
per lot NT$ 24,000 - 30,000 HK$ 6,000 - 8,000 US$ 800 - 1,000
Dom Pérignon Œnothèque 1982 012 1 bt 013 1 bt 014 1 bt
per lot NT$ 42,000 - 48,000 HK$ 11,000 - 12,000 US$ 1,400 - 1,600
Dom Pérignon Rosé 2002 015 6 bts 016 6 bts
per lot NT$ 48,000 - 60,000 HK$ 12,000 - 15,000 US$ 1,600 - 2,000
Dom Pérignon Œnothèque 1980 (ST95)
Dom Pérignon Rosé 1986 (ST93)
017 1 bt 1 bt
NT$ 28,000 - 34,000 HK$ 7,000 - 9,000 US$ 900 - 1,100
Lot 018
Dom Pérignon Edition Jeff Koons 2004 Jeff Koons, the American sculptor, revisits classical art and reinterprets them in a modern context - a motif that resonates with Dom Perignon’s respect for their house history and constant drive for innovation. The inspiration for the Jeff Koons label is the organic stream of bubbles in a glass of champagne. The Dom Perignon 2004 as well is a champagne that walks the line of classic and modern – already reviewed by Antonio Galloni with an impressive 96 point score, the Dom Perignon 2004 will be treasured for years to come.
018 3 bts
Henriot Champagne Brut Rosé Millésimé 1989 (ST95)
019 3 mags
NT$ 24,000 - 30,000 HK$ 6,000 - 8,000 US$ 800 - 1,000
Henriot Champagne Cuvée Des Enchanteleurs Millésimé 1990 020 3 mags
NT$ 32,000 - 38,000 HK$ 8,000 - 10,000 US$ 1,100 - 1,200
Lot 017 7
Henriot Champagne Cuvée Des Enchanteleurs Millésimé 1995 021 3 mags
NT$ 24,000 - 30,000 HK$ 6,000 - 8,000 US$ 800 - 1,000
Henriot Champagne Cuvée Des Enchanteleurs Millésimé 1998 (RP93)
Taittinger 除了著名的藝術家系列香檳以外,以全 Chardonnay 釀造的白中白酒 款 Comtes de Champagne Blanc de Blancs 有著絕妙的酸度,酒體輕盈 卻依舊有完整的結構,姿態優雅。Taittinger 的香檳年輕時高酸,雖 沒有單寧可供窖藏陳年,但是高酸的特性也使酒款得以在瓶中經過 數十年繼續熟成,以至酸度轉化成美妙的口感,適合陳年等待的迷 人香檳。
Taittinger 1995
Comtes de Champagne Blanc de Blancs (RP96)
022 12 bts
NT$ 48,000 - 60,000 HK$ 12,000 - 15,000 US$ 1,600 - 2,000
Perrier-Jouët Belle Époque 1996 Fleur de Champagne Brut Millésimé
023 6 bts 024 6 bts
per lot NT$ 48,000 - 60,000 HK$ 12,000 - 15,000 US$ 1,600 - 2,000
The 1995 Comtes de Champagne, on the other hand, shows fantastic intensity in its freshly cut flowers, citrus and spices. Endlessly layered and perfumed, the 1995 reveals gorgeous richness and intensity wrapped around an intense, mineral - driven frame. The tension between ripeness and minerality is simply breathtaking. Anticipated maturity: 2010 - 2025. /RP /Sep 2010
027 028 029 030 031
6 6 6 6 6
bts bts bts bts bts
per lot NT$ 38,000 - 44,000 HK$ 10,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,200 - 1,400
Taittinger 1996
Comtes de Champagne Rosé
032 033 034 035 036
6 6 6 6 6
bts bts bts bts bts
Lot 023-024
Louis Roederer Cristal Brut 2005 (RP93)
025 3 bts
NT$ 16,000 - 19,000 HK$ 4,000 - 5,000 US$ 500 - 600
Louis Roederer Cristal Brut 2006 (RP93)
026 12 bts
NT$ 70,000 - 85,000 HK$ 18,000 - 22,000 US$ 2,300 - 2,800
Lot 032-036
per lot NT$ 50,000 - 65,000 HK$ 13,000 - 17,000 US$ 1,600 - 2,100
Krug 頂級香檳經典之作,其中 N.V. 年份酒款常帶有焦糖的甜蜜氣息, 融合了烤核桃的氣味,均衡了甜味以及宜人的酸味。其中年份 Krug 須在酒莊中窖 藏十年後才得以出廠,而更頂級的系列稱為 Krug Collection,須在酒莊位於 Reims 的酒窖裡較藏另一個十年,讓酒液 在瓶中再度熟成,培養出更渾厚濃郁的香氣以複雜的層次。
Krug 1990 (RP95)
At its finest, the 1990 Vintage is superb, revealing a slightly oxidized style, but a full - bodied, rustic, rich personality with the body of a red wine, but loads of character. /RP /Dec 2005
Krug 1996 (RP98)
The 1996 Krug Vintage remains one of the greatest Champagnes ever made. It is also far less expensive than either the Clos du Mesnil or Clos d’Ambonnay but equally as delicious. This bottle is stratospheric, with layers of explosive fruit that flow effortlessly to the multi - dimensional, captivating finish. It is another eternal Champagne from Krug. /RP /Jul 2011
037 1 bt 1 bt
NT$ 28,000 - 34,000 HK$ 7,000 - 9,000 US$ 900 - 1,100
Krug Grande Cuvée N.V. (RP91)
038 039 040 041
12 12 12 12
bts bts bts bts
per lot NT$ 50,000 - 65,000 HK$ 13,000 - 17,000 US$ 1,600 - 2,100
Krug Grande Cuvée N.V. 042 043 044 045
6 6 6 6
bts bts bts bts
per lot NT$ 30,000 - 36,000 HK$ 8,000 - 9,000 US$ 1,000 - 1,200
Krug Collection 1979 046 1 mag
NT$ 80,000 - 95,000 HK$ 20,000 - 24,000 US$ 2,600 - 3,100
Lot 046 9
Krug Collection 1985 Lot 047
The 1985 Brut Collection takes some time in the glass to finally open up.Hazelnuts, ash, smoke and truffles are some of the nuances that flow from this rich, textured Collection. Ideally the wine is best enjoyed sooner rather than later. This is Bottle N. 2052. Anticipated maturity: 2010 - 2015. /RP/2010
047 1 mag
NT$ 100,000 - 130,000 HK$ 26,000 - 33,000 US$ 3,300 - 4,300
Krug Collection 1989 (RP96)
Butter - toasted hazelnuts, dried wild mushrooms, kelp, and cocoa mingle in a silken, mouthwateringly saline and savory matrix reminiscent of oyster liquor laced with fresh lemon juice. This finishes with correspondingly pronounced umami and with tangy vibrancy of citrus and salt. /RP/2013
048 3 bts
NT$ 75,000 - 90,000 HK$ 19,000 - 23,000 US$ 2,500 - 3,000
Jacques Selosse Brut Substance Blanc de Blancs N.V. (RP98)
Dried herbs, flowers, anise, hard candy, dried pears and apricots are some of the many notes that emerge from the NV Brut Blanc de Blancs Grand Cru Substance. Deep, sensual and totally beguiling, the Substance impresses for its sheer personality and richness. With time in the glass attractive streaks of tar, smoke and incense flesh out, giving the wine considerable muscle and a sense of pure gravitas that is utterly compelling. Anticipated maturity: 2012 - 2018. /RP/2012
049 6 bts 050 6 bts
per lot NT$ 55,000 - 70,000 HK$ 14,000 - 18,000 US$ 1,800 - 2,300
Le Mesnil 位於香檳區白丘中一片只種植 Chardonnay 的葡萄酒村,為特級園香 檳園區,被認為是最能完整呈現頂級香檳的產區。最具代表性的酒 款不外乎為 Salon,細緻如絲的氣泡帶出清新的萊姆、柑橘、蜂蜜 香味以及白花香氣,微微的麵包味道和核桃香氣更被恰當的酸度適 時地延長。此外也有同樣來自 Le Mesnil 葡萄園的 Bruno Paillard Le Mesnil,則是另一款稍微粗獷卻不失高雅的白中白香檳。
Salon 1983 (RP93)
Butter - toasted hazelnuts, dried wild mushrooms, kelp, and cocoa mingle in a silken, mouthwateringly saline and savory matrix reminiscent of oyster liquor laced with fresh lemon juice. This finishes with correspondingly pronounced umami and with tangy vibrancy of citrus and salt. /RP/2013
051 2 bts
NT$ 36,000 - 42,000 HK$ 9,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,200 - 1,400
Salon 1997 (RP95)
Walnut oil and smoky suggestions of struck flint in the nose of Salon’s 1997 Brut Le Mesnil are joined by intimation of the fresh lime and grapefruit that go on to inform its silken yet vivacious and refreshing palate with metaphorically cooling and sorbet - like refreshment. There is a vivid, hauntingly long, wave - like and buoying exchange of chalk and oyster shell, kelp and iodine with luscious citrus against a backdrop of creamy richness. /RP /Nov 2013
052 6 bts
NT$ 70,000 - 85,000 HK$ 18,000 - 22,000 US$ 2,300 - 2,800
Salon 1999 (RP95)
The Salon 1999 Brut Le Mesnil – disgorged already in 2011 and dosed with a pretty typical six grams of residual sugar – displays faintly fusil and quarry dust notes as well as hickory nut, almond, walnut and toasted wheat piquancy on the nose. Polished and subtly creamy in texture yet brightly juicy with apple and lemon, this displays an uncanny sense of lift and refinement, perfectly complementing the honeysuckle and heliotrope perfume that waft inner - mouth. You could lose yourself in the ineffability of this wine’s floral diversity and in its resonantly nut and grain low tones.Follow this for at least a decade. /RP /Nov 2013
053 054 055 056 057 058
6 6 6 6 6 6
bts bts bts bts bts bts
Lot 061
Guy Michel Brut Tradition 1982 per lot NT$ 65,000 - 80,000 HK$ 17,000 - 20,000 US$ 2,100 - 2,600
4sligtly bsl
061 4 bts
Salon 2002 059 6 bts 060 6 bts
NT$ 12,000 - 15,000 HK$ 3,000 - 4,000 US$ 400 - 500
Larmandier-Bernier V.V. de Cramant 1996 NT$ 75,000 - 90,000 HK$ 19,000 - 23,000 US$ 2,500 - 3,000
Grand Cru
062 6 bts
NT$ 32,000 - 38,000 HK$ 8,000 - 10,000 US$ 1,100 - 1,200
Lot 053-058
Lot 062 11
Dom Ruinart 2002
BORDEAUX NT$ 9,000 - 12,000 HK$ 2,000 - 3,000 US$ 300 - 400
063 2 bts
Château Lafite Rothschild
Dom Ruinart Blanc de Blancs 2002 (RP96)
I had very high expectations for the 2002 Brut Blanc de Blancs Dom Ruinart and was not disappointed. Actually, that is an understatement. The 2002 is a flat - out great Dom Ruinart. It is as compelling as any Champagne I have ever tasted from the estate. Layers of sweet, perfumed fruit emerge with no end in this subtle, sexy Dom Ruinart. The 2002 vintage generally yielded big wines, and of course, a significant amount of the Chardonnay for Dom Ruinart comes from the Montagne de Reims, where the wines are richer and broader, yet those are truly mere details. The 2002 convinces for its superb overall balance and sheer personality. It possesses striking depth and an endless, eternal finish. I imagine the 2002 will enjoy a wide drinking window that will stretch out several decades. Truth is, its pretty special even today. This is Lot AGLDAD. Anticipated maturity: 2012 - 2032. /RP /Nov 2011
064 12 bts
NT$ 65,000 - 80,000 HK$ 17,000 - 20,000 US$ 2,100 - 2,600
Egly-Ouriet Brut Tradition 2002 Grand Cru
065 12 bts
NT$ 50,000 - 65,000 HK$ 13,000 - 17,000 US$ 1,600 - 2,100
18 世紀時,法國元帥黎塞留公爵從波爾多回到巴黎時曾說過;「我 發現 Château Lafite 的酒美味無比,猶如是奧林帕斯眾神享用的甘泉 佳釀一般 !」。(J'ai découvert que le vin de Château Lafite est un cordial généreux, délicieux et comparable à l'ambroisie des Dieux de l'Olympe) 而 Robert Parker 品嚐過的 Château Lafite Rothschild 裡頭, 1996 便是 唯三的 100 滿分,(1986、1996、2003),超過半世紀的陳年實力早已 不再是話題,驚人的是她遠遠超乎想像的複雜性,帶給飲者的不僅 僅是味覺的衝擊,更是一場充滿綺麗,如飲神水甘泉的絕頂享受。
Château Lafite Rothschild 1982 Pauillac Premier Grand Cru Classé (RP97) 1bsl,1cc
This is a denser version of the 1990 that stylistically reminds me of what the young 1959 probably tasted like. Still backward with a deep ruby/plum color revealing only a touch of lightening at the edge, the wine offers up an extraordinary nose of caramelized herbs, smoke, cedar, pen ink, black currants, and earth. The gorgeous aromatics are followed by a full - bodied, plump, rich, fleshy wine with low acidity. With 6 - 8 hours decanting in a closed decanter, it will offer beautiful drinking, but it needs another 5 - 8 years to reach full maturity. It is capable of lasting 50 - 60 years. /RP /Jun 2009
071 2 bts
Moët & Chandon 1959 066 1 bts 067 1 bts
per lot NT$ 18,000 - 24,000 HK$ 5,000 - 6,000 US$ 600 - 800
Bruno Paillard Le Mesnil 1995 Grand Cru
068 6 bts 069 6 bts
per lot NT$ 36,000 - 42,000 HK$ 9,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,200 - 1,400
Bruno Paillard Le Mesnil 1995 Grand Cru
070 1 jero
NT$ 30,000 - 36,000 HK$ 8,000 - 9,000 US$ 1,000 - 1,200
Lot 071 12
NT$ 180,000 - 220,000 HK$ 46,000 - 56,000 US$ 5,900 - 7,200
Lot 072
Château Lafite Rothschild 1986 Pauillac Premier Grand Cru Classé (RP100)
The 1986 possesses outstanding richness, a deep color, medium body, a graceful, harmonious texture, and superb length. The penetrating fragrance of cedar, chestnuts, minerals, and rich fruit is a hallmark of this wine. Powerful, dense, rich, and tannic, as well as medium to full - bodied, with awesome extraction of fruit, this Lafite has immense potential. Patience is required. Anticipated maturity: 2000 - 2030. /RP /Jan 1988
072 12 bts
NT$ 480,000 - 600,000 HK$ 122,000 - 153,000 US$ 15,800 - 19,700
Château Lafite Rothschild 1993 Pauillac Premier Grand Cru Classé wrl
NT$ 95,000 - 120,000 HK$ 24,000 - 31,000 US$ 3,100 - 3,900
073 5 bts
Lot 074
Château Lafite Rothschild 1996 Pauillac Premier Grand Cru Classé (RP100)
This massive wine may be the biggest, largest - scaled Lafite I have ever tasted. It will require many years to come around, so I suspect all of us past the age of fifty might want to give serious consideration as to whether we should be laying away multiple cases of this wine. It is also the first Lafite - Rothschild to be put into a new engraved bottle. Anticipated maturity: 2012 - 2050. /RP /Apr 1999
074 12 bts
NT$ 420,000 - 500,000 HK$ 107,000 - 128,000 US$ 13,800 - 16,400
Château Lafite Rothschild 1999 Pauillac Premier Grand Cru Classé (RP95)
075 3 bts
NT$ 55,000 - 70,000 HK$ 14,000 - 18,000 US$ 1,800 - 2,300 13
Château Latour Latour 在五大酒莊裡有較為雄厚的酒風,堅實的酒體結構展現了如 高塔般的霸氣格局,強而有力的酒質以及滿滿的深層底蘊,往往需 要數十年的歲月去展現該酒款的複雜變化。Château Latour 1961 在 Robert Parker 評論中,展現了豐沛的活力,薄荷、藥草、香水、松露、 皮毛,礦物氣息。飽滿的酒體卻藏著極為精緻的集中度與純淨感, 尾韻交織變化說明了這極度卓越的好酒,絕對是波爾多的世紀傳奇 酒款之一。
Château Latour 1961
Pauillac Premier Grand Cru Classé (RP100)
NT$ 160,000 - 190,000 HK$ 41,000 - 48,000 US$ 5,300 - 6,200
076 1 bt
Château Latour 1989
Pauillac Premier Grand Cru Classé bn,bsl,spc
077 1 jero
NT$ 120,000 - 150,000 HK$ 31,000 - 38,000 US$ 3,900 - 4,900
Château Latour 1994
Pauillac Premier Grand Cru Classé (RP94) bn
NT$ 26,000 - 32,000 HK$ 7,000 - 8,000 US$ 900 - 1,100
078 2 bts
Château Latour 1995
Pauillac Premier Grand Cru Classé (JS18.5)
079 12 bts
NT$ 220,000 - 280,000 HK$ 56,000 - 71,000 US$ 7,200 - 9,200
Château Latour 1998
Pauillac Premier Grand Cru Classé (ST91)
NT$ 70,000 - 85,000 HK$ 18,000 - 22,000 US$ 2,300 - 2,800
080 3 bts
Château Latour 1999
Pauillac Premier Grand Cru Classé (RP93) 3slightly bsl,3scl Deep garnet colored with a touch of brick, the nose offers notes of cassis, tobacco leaf and tar with hints of tree bark and earth. The palate is taut and savory / minerally with very firm chewy tannins somewhat dominating the restrained fruit at this stage./RP/2012
081 12 bts
NT$ 320,000 - 380,000 HK$ 82,000 - 97,000 US$ 10,500 - 12,500
Lot 081
Lot 082
Château Mouton Rothschild 被 Robert Parker 喻為「超過一百分,突破味覺極限的酒款」。1945 年的 Château Mouton-Rothschild 無疑代表著其傳奇的滋味。卓越繽 紛的異國香料,極熟的黑水果,咖啡,菸草,亞洲香料等,單寧柔軟, 口感豐厚綿密且層層環繞舌尖,久久不散,被喻為擁有世紀不朽的 珍藏價值,或許有繼續陳年五十年的潛力,值得珍藏。
Château Mouton Rothschild 1945 Pauillac Premier Grand Cru Classé (RP100) bn, bsl, tl, It was recorked
082 1 bt
NT$ 340,000 - 400,000 HK$ 87,000 - 102,000 US$ 11,200 - 13,100
Château Mouton Rothschild 1975 Pauillac Premier Grand Cru Classé (RP91) bn,wrl
NT$ 32,000 - 38,000 HK$ 8,000 - 10,000 US$ 1,100 - 1,200
083 1 mag
Château Mouton Rothschild 1990 Pauillac Premier Grand Cru Classé bn,wrl
NT$ 60,000 - 75,000 HK$ 15,000 - 19,000 US$ 2,000 - 2,500
084 6 bts
Château Mouton Rothschild 1994 Pauillac Premier Grand Cru Classé (RP91) wrl
NT$ 34,000 - 40,000 HK$ 9,000 - 10,000 US$ 1,100 - 1,300
085 3 bts
Château Mouton Rothschild 1995 Pauillac Premier Grand Cru Classé (JS18.5)
086 12 bts
NT$ 180,000 - 220,000 HK$ 46,000 - 56,000 US$ 5,900 - 7,200
Château Mouton Rothschild 2006 Pauillac Premier Grand Cru Classé (RP98+)
A sensational effort, the 2006 Mouton Rothschild exhibits an opaque purple color as well as a classic Mouton perfume of creme de cassis, flowers, blueberries, and only a hint of oak.Anticipated maturity: 2020 - 2060+/RP/2006
087 12 bts
NT$ 320,000 - 380,000 HK$ 82,000 - 97,000 US$ 10,500 - 12,500
Château Mouton Rothschild 2008 Pauillac Premier Grand Cru Classé (RP94+)
088 12 bts
NT$ 260,000 - 320,000 HK$ 66,000 - 82,000 US$ 8,500 - 10,500 15
Château Haut-Brion 有別於其他四大酒莊,Haut- Brion 位於 Péssac - Léognan 產區,自 16 世紀以來便是一處名園。細膩酒質中帶有力道,相當均衡,複雜 的香氣裡有木質的雪松,木炭甚至是濕泥土,菸草的氣息更揉入黑 嘉倫等經典果香,堪稱非常華麗的組合。其中 1990 年更是拿下 RP 98 得高分,該年度在五大酒莊名列第二名。雖貴為五大酒莊之一, Haut - Brion 始終有股神祕的氣質,而價錢也非常親民。
Château Haut-Brion 1986
Pessac-Léognan Premier Grand Cru Classé (RP94)
092 12 bts
Château Margaux 1993
Margaux Premier Grand Cru Classé (WS90)
NT$ 50,000 - 65,000 HK$ 13,000 - 17,000 US$ 1,600 - 2,100
089 3 bts
Château Margaux 1999
Margaux Premier Grand Cru Classé (RP94)
NT$ 80,000 - 95,000 HK$ 20,000 - 24,000 US$ 2,600 - 3,100
090 6 bts
Château Margaux 2011
Margaux Premier Grand Cru Classé (WE95)
091 12 bts
NT$ 180,000 - 220,000 HK$ 46,000 - 56,000 US$ 5,900 - 7,200
Lot 092 16
NT$ 160,000 - 190,000 HK$ 41,000 - 48,000 US$ 5,300 - 6,200
Château Haut-Brion 1990
Pessac-Léognan Premier Grand Cru Classé (RP98) In terms of the brilliant complexity and nobility of the aromatics, scorched earth, black currants, plums, charcoal, cedar, and spices, the 1990 offers an aromatic explosion that is unparalleled. It is always fascinating to taste this wine next to the 1989, which is a monumental effort, but much more backward and denser, without the aromatic complexity of the 1990. The 1990 put on weight after bottling, and is currently rich, full - bodied, opulent, even flamboyant by Haut Brion’s standards. It is an incredible expression of a noble terroir in a top vintage. While it has been fully mature for a number of years, it does not reveal any bricking at the edge, and I suspect it will stay at this level for another 10 - 15 years ... but why wait? It is irresistible now. /RP /Jun 2009
093 6 bts
NT$ 110,000 - 140,000 HK$ 28,000 - 36,000 US$ 3,600 - 4,600
Lot 093 17
Château Haut-Brion 1993
Château Smith Haut Lafitte Blanc 2001
Pessac-Léognan Premier Grand Cru Classé (RP90)
Château Haut-Brion 1995
099 12 bts
Pessac-Léognan Premier Grand Cru Classé (RP96) 5bn,bsl
094 2 bts 5 bts
NT$ 70,000 - 85,000 HK$ 18,000 - 22,000 US$ 2,300 - 2,800
Château Haut-Brion 2001
Pessac-Léognan Premier Grand Cru Classé (WS95)
NT$ 46,000 - 55,000 HK$ 12,000 - 14,000 US$ 1,500 - 1,800
095 3 bts
NT$ 36,000 - 42,000 HK$ 9,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,200 - 1,400
Le Pin 1990
Pomerol (RP98) 6bn, USA Imported label The 1990 Le Pin has more in common with the 1982 than most wines of this vintage. This wine exhibits concentrated fig, blackberry, creme de cassis, kirsch, roasted coffee, herb, and spice box characteristics, and incredible amounts of glycerin as well as velvety tannins. Still tasting like an adolescent, it rocks and rolls across the palate in a glorious manner. Anticipated maturity: now - 2025. / RP /Jun 2009
100 6 bts
Château Haut-Brion 2004
NT$ 600,000 - 750,000 HK$ 153,000 - 191,000 US$ 19,700 - 24,600
Pessac-Léognan Premier Grand Cru Classé (RP92)
096 1 imp
NT$ 120,000 - 150,000 HK$ 31,000 - 38,000 US$ 3,900 - 4,900
Lot 100
Château La Mission Haut-Brion 2005 Pessac-Léognan Cru Classé de Graves (JS99)
097 12 bts
NT$ 200,000 - 260,000 HK$ 51,000 - 66,000 US$ 6,600 - 8,500
Château La Mission Haut-Brion Blanc 2011 Pessac-Léognan (WE95)
098 6 bts
NT$ 150,000 - 180,000 HK$ 38,000 - 46,000 US$ 4,900 - 5,900
Lot 098
Pétrus 2000 Pomerol (RP100)
It has a sumptuous, unctuous texture, plenty of tannin, but also vibrancy and brightness.This wine needs at least another 5 - 10 years of cellaring and should age for 50+ years./RP/2010
101 1 bt
NT$ 180,000 - 220,000 HK$ 46,000 - 56,000 US$ 5,900 - 7,200
Château Ausone 1999 Saint-Émilion (RP95)
NT$ 20,000 - 26,000 HK$ 5,000 - 7,000 US$ 700 - 900
102 1 bt
Château Ausone 2005
Saint-Émilion Premier Grand Cru Classé A (WS100) This intense 2005 boasts powerful, super - layered, multidimensional flavors with tremendous extraction, yet they come across as incredibly sublime, even delicate for such a stunningly concentrated, full - bodied effort.Anticipated maturity: 2030 - 2080+./RP/2008
NT$ 55,000 - 70,000 HK$ 14,000 - 18,000 US$ 1,800 - 2,300
103 1 bt
Château Lanessan 1964
Haut-Médoc Cru Bourgeois Supérieur
104 12 bts
NT$ 42,000 - 48,000 HK$ 11,000 - 12,000 US$ 1,400 - 1,600 Lot 108
Château Lanessan 1971
Haut-Médoc Cru Bourgeois Supérieur
105 12 bts
NT$ 38,000 - 44,000 HK$ 10,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,200 - 1,400
Château Lanessan 1985
Château Calon-Ségur 1967
Haut-Médoc Cru Bourgeois Supérieur
106 12 bts
Saint-Estèphe 有著波爾多的典型酒風,年輕時艱澀多酸,但卻有著內 斂的香氣,酒體結構堅實,嚴謹中帶點豐厚圓潤,經典的年份酒款 常常需要數十年的成熟期讓酒質單寧能柔化後可口甘醇。知名酒莊 則是 Château Cos d'Estournel 、Château Calon-Ségur 等出產粗獷中不 失細節的堅實酒款,其中 Château Cos d'Estournel Blanc 更是有著波 爾多白酒典範。
Saint-Estèphe Troisième Grand Cru Classé
NT$ 42,000 - 48,000 HK$ 11,000 - 12,000 US$ 1,400 - 1,600
108 1 dmag
NT$ 26,000 - 32,000 HK$ 7,000 - 8,000 US$ 900 - 1,100
Château Calon-Ségur 1998
Saint-Estèphe Troisième Grand Cru Classé
Château La Lagune 1995
109 12 bts
Haut-Médoc Troisième Grand Cru Classé 2sbsl
Château La Lagune 1999
NT$ 38,000 - 44,000 HK$ 10,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,200 - 1,400
Château Cos d’Estournel 1970
Haut-Médoc Troisième Grand Cru Classé
107 2 bts 4 bts
Saint-Estèphe Deuxième Grand Cru Classé
NT$ 12,000 - 15,000 HK$ 3,000 - 4,000 US$ 400 - 500
110 10 bts
NT$ 70,000 - 85,000 HK$ 18,000 - 22,000 US$ 2,300 - 2,800 19
Château Cos d’Estournel Blanc 2009 Saint-Estèphe Deuxième Grand Cru Classé (WS91)
NT$ 36,000 - 42,000 HK$ 9,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,200 - 1,400
111 12 bts
Château Cos d’Estournel Blanc 2010
Château Montrose 2009 年絕對是富饒的年份,許多頂級酒莊在該年拿到 RP 100 並不 是話題,但在左岸一級酒莊內只有兩間酒莊拿到滿分。反觀許多二 級酒莊穩扎穩打地一路提升自己的釀酒水準,慢慢地站上世界佳釀 舞臺,而 Montrose 肯定是其中代表之一。2009 年使用了近三成的 Merlot 增加酒款的複雜度外,酒汁多脂如絲絨般的滑順,豐富了酒 的華麗感,而高比例的 Cabernet Sauvignon 造就這支酒超越半世紀的 陳年實力。
Saint-Estèphe Deuxième Grand Cru Classé (JS94)
112 6 bts 113 6 bts 114 6 bts
Lot 112-114
per lot NT$ 22,000 - 28,000 HK$ 6,000 - 7,000 US$ 700 - 900
Château Montrose 2002
Saint-Estèphe Deuxième Grand Cru Classé (ST91)
115 12 bts
NT$ 36,000 - 42,000 HK$ 9,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,200 - 1,400
Château Montrose 2005
Saint-Estèphe Deuxième Grand Cru Classé (RP96) In 2005, a very serious drought year stressed most vineyards in Bordeaux, which are all dry - farmed. The volume of rainfall was less than half the average of the previous 30 years. The clay subsoils at Montrose have always played a major role in not only dry years, but also in extremely hot ones, such as 2003, as they retain more moisture. The grapes were harvested between September 23 and October 9. This is a very powerful, full - bodied wine that is quite tannic, but the tannins are relatively velvety. The wine is rich, complex, majestic, multi dimensional and also avoids any of the austerity that some 2005s possess. It has done quite well in its bottle evolution and should turn out to be a great Montrose, capable of lasting 30 to 50 years. /RP /Aug 2014
116 12 bts
NT$ 75,000 - 90,000 HK$ 19,000 - 23,000 US$ 2,500 - 3,000
Château Montrose 2009
Saint-Estèphe Deuxième Grand Cru Classé (RP100) Harvested between September 17 and October 5, this wine seems always open for business, so to speak, much like the great 1982s. The summer of 2009 was very hot and dry, which got the harvest off to a reasonably early start. The blend was 65% Cabernet Sauvignon, 29% Merlot, 5% Cabernet Franc and 1% Petit Verdot. Jean Bernard Delmas’ goal was to find perfect equilibrium between freshness and concentration, given its incredible opulence and the voluptuous character this vintage offered. That’s what this wine has in abundance. With an astounding dense purple color, the wine has velvety, sweet tannins, and an extremely open - knit and opulent blueberry, blackberry and creme de cassis nose. There is scorched earth, vanilla and, again, telltale licorice and spice. It is unctuously textured – thicker and juicier than the 2010 and more forward. This wine should come into its own in another five years. And again, it has at least 50+ years of aging potential. /RP /Aug 2014
117 12 bts
NT$ 130,000 - 160,000 HK$ 33,000 - 41,000 US$ 4,300 - 5,300
Château Montrose 2010
Château Ducru-Beaucaillou 1989
This is considered to be among the greatest vintages ever made in Montrose, right up with the 1929, 1945, 1947, 1959, 1961, 1989, 1990 and 2009. The wine is opaque black/blue, with an incredible nose of blueberry and blackberry liqueur, with hints of incense, licorice, and acacia flowers. Tannins are incredibly sweet and very present. The wine is full - bodied, even massive, with great purity, depth and a finish that goes on close to a minute. This is a 50 - to 75 - year - old wine that will repay handsomely those with good aging genes. /RP /Aug 2014
125 12 bts
Saint-Estèphe Deuxième Grand Cru Classé (RP99)
118 12 bts 119 12 bts
Saint-Julien Deuxième Grand Cru Classé
NT$ 65,000 - 80,000 HK$ 17,000 - 20,000 US$ 2,100 - 2,600
per lot NT$ 80,000 - 95,000 HK$ 20,000 - 24,000 US$ 2,600 - 3,100
Château Montrose 2011
Saint-Estèphe Deuxième Grand Cru Classé
120 12 bts
NT$ 38,000 - 44,000 HK$ 10,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,200 - 1,400
Château Branaire-Ducru 2005
Saint-Julien Quatrième Grand Cru Classé (RP95) As usual, the 2005 Branaire - Ducru is one of the more distinctive wines of St. - Julien. Proprietor Patrick Maroteaux has turned out another classic. While not as opulent or fleshy as the 2003, and it remains to be seen if it will eclipse the 2000, the 2005 is a big, structured, intensely rich effort with raspberry, blueberry, and spring flower garden characteristics, stunning purity, full - bodied power, and good underlying acidity as well as harmony. The hard tannins suggest 8 - 9 years of cellaring will be beneficial; it should last for three decades. Anticipated maturity: 2015 - 2030+. /RP /Apr 2008
121 12 bts
NT$ 44,000 - 50,000 HK$ 11,000 - 13,000 US$ 1,400 - 1,600
Château Branaire-Ducru 2010
Saint-Julien Quatrième Grand Cru Classé (PR94)
122 12 bts 123 12 bts
per lot NT$ 28,000 - 34,000 HK$ 7,000 - 9,000 US$ 900 - 1,100
Château Ducru-Beaucaillou 1988 OWC
Château Ducru-Beaucaillou 2010
Saint-Julien Deuxième Grand Cru Classé (RP98+) With loads of minerality, a terrific opaque purple color, and slightly more structure and tannin than either Poyferre or St. - Pierre (and that’s saying something), this is a blockbuster, fabulous Ducru Beaucaillou that should be at its best a good decade from now and last 40 - 50 years. The proprietor is not alone in thinking this is the finest Ducru Beaucaillou since the 1961. The classic wet rock, creme de cassis, subtle oak and gravelly stoniness of the vineyard come through in this spectacular, full - bodied, gorgeously pure and intense effort. This is wine for the ages that should be forgotten for at least a decade. /RP /Feb 2013
126 12 bts 127 12 bts
Saint-Julien Deuxième Grand Cru Classé
124 12 bts
Lot 126-127
NT$ 55,000 - 70,000 HK$ 14,000 - 18,000 US$ 1,800 - 2,300
per lot NT$ 85,000 - 100,000 HK$ 22,000 - 26,000 US$ 2,800 - 3,300
Château Léoville Barton 1982
Saint-Julien Deuxième Grand Cru Classé (ST91)
Château Léoville Barton 1990
Saint-Julien Deuxième Grand Cru Classé (WS93)
Château Léoville Barton 2011
Saint-Julien Deuxième Grand Cru Classé (WE95) Saint-Julien 該產區面積不大,卻有著眾多列級酒莊,為波爾多知名酒村之一, 典型的礫石地質有良好的排水系統,非常適合葡萄種植的優質產 區。該產區最著名的便是 Château Léoville-Las Cases 以及系出同門的 Château Léoville Barton、Château Léoville Poyferré,三家被認為極具 一級酒莊水準實力,甚至在不佳年份裡也能產出品質穩定的酒款, 如 1992 年,Château Léoville-Las Cases 也能有 RP 90 的驚豔表現, 此次則有 1982、1990、2000、2002、2005、2010 等許多美好年份的 酒款。
Château Gruaud-Larose 1986
NT$ 80,000 - 95,000 HK$ 20,000 - 24,000 US$ 2,600 - 3,100
Château Léoville Barton 2002
Saint-Julien Deuxième Grand Cru Classé (ST90 - 92)
130 12 bts
NT$ 42,000 - 48,000 HK$ 11,000 - 12,000 US$ 1,400 - 1,600
Château Léoville Poyferré 2003
Saint-Julien Deuxième Grand Cru Classé
128 12 bts
129 4 bts 4 bts 4 bts
Saint-Julien Deuxième Grand Cru Classé (RP96)
NT$ 90,000 - 110,000 HK$ 23,000 - 28,000 US$ 3,000 - 3,600
It exhibits a dense purple color with a touch of lightening at the edge as well as notes of creosote, barbecue smoke, jammy black currants, licorice and spice box. Still fresh and exuberant, it is just entering its plateau of full maturity where it should remain for 10 - 15+ years./RP
131 12 bts
NT$ 80,000 - 95,000 HK$ 20,000 - 24,000 US$ 2,600 - 3,100
Château Léoville Poyferré 2005
Saint-Julien Deuxième Grand Cru Classé (RP93)
132 12 bts
NT$ 38,000 - 44,000 HK$ 10,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,200 - 1,400
Château Léoville-Las Cases 1989 Saint-Julien Deuxième Grand Cru Classé (RP90) 6bn
NT$ 36,000 - 42,000 HK$ 9,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,200 - 1,400
133 6 bts
Château Léoville-Las Cases 2000
Saint-Julien Deuxième Grand Cru Classé (WS100)
134 12 bts
Lot 128 22
NT$ 150,000 - 180,000 HK$ 38,000 - 46,000 US$ 4,900 - 5,900
Château d’Armailhac 1986 Pauillac Cinquième Grand Cru Classé
141 6 mags
NT$ 50,000 - 65,000 HK$ 13,000 - 17,000 US$ 1,600 - 2,100
Château Duhart - Milon 2005
Pauillac Quatrième Grand Cru Classé (RP94)
NT$ 55,000 - 70,000 HK$ 14,000 - 18,000 US$ 1,800 - 2,300
142 12 bts
Château Grand - Puy - Ducasse 1993 Pauillac Cinquième Grand Cru Classé wrl
143 6 bts
NT$ 11,000 - 14,000 HK$ 3,000 - 4,000 US$ 400 - 500
Château Haut-Batailley 1975 Pauillac Cinquième Grand Cru Classé
Château Léoville-Las Cases 2003 Saint-Julien Deuxième Grand Cru Classé (W97)
135 12 bts
144 12 bts NT$ 90,000 - 110,000 HK$ 23,000 - 28,000 US$ 3,000 - 3,600
Pauillac Cinquième Grand Cru Classé
Saint-Julien Deuxième Grand Cru Classé (WS100)
2015, 2月到貨, arrive in Feb. 2015
NT$ 140,000 - 170,000 HK$ 36,000 - 43,000 US$ 4,600 - 5,600
Château Léoville-Las Cases 2010
The 2010 is a quintessentially elegant, classic wine of Bordeaux – firm, rigid, perhaps slightly lighter than most of the other St. - Juliens, but stylish, potentially complex, and reminiscent of the style of the 1986, but more concentrated and po1werful. It is a blend of 82% Cabernet Sauvignon, 10% Merlot and 8% Cabernet Franc with a normal pH of 3.56. It was raised in 75% new oak and the alcohol came to 13.7%. This wine displays loads of black currants, cedar wood and vanillin, but needs a good 7 - 8 years of cellaring, if not much longer. It should last for 30+ years. /RP /Feb 2013 OWC OWC OWC
145 12 bts
NT$ 180,000 - 220,000 HK$ 46,000 - 56,000 US$ 5,900 - 7,200
Château Lynch-Bages 1990
Saint-Julien Deuxième Grand Cru Classé (RP96+)
137 12 bts 138 12 bts 139 12 bts
NT$ 38,000 - 44,000 HK$ 10,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,200 - 1,400
Château Lynch-Bages 1982
Château Léoville-Las Cases 2005 136 12 bts
per lot NT$ 100,000 - 130,000 HK$ 26,000 - 33,000 US$ 3,300 - 4,300
Pauillac Cinquième Grand Cru Classé (RP99) This magnificent Lynch Bages has been drinking well since the day it was released and it continues to go from strength to strength. The biggest, richest, fullest - bodied Lynch Bages until the 2000, the fully mature 1990 exhibits an unbelievably explosive nose of black currants, cedarwood, herbs and spice. The majestic, classically Bordeaux aromatics are followed by a full - bodied, voluptuously textured, rich, intense wine with superb purity as well as thrilling levels of fruit, glycerin and sweetness. This beauty should continue to provide immense pleasure over the next 15+ years. /RP /Aug 2011
146 12 bts
NT$ 130,000 - 160,000 HK$ 33,000 - 41,000 US$ 4,300 - 5,300
Château Croizet-Bages 1960 Pauillac Cinquième Grand Cru Classé
140 12 bts
NT$ 95,000 - 120,000 HK$ 24,000 - 31,000 US$ 3,100 - 3,900 23
Château Lynch-Bages 2000
Château Pichon-Longueville Comtesse de Lalande 2011
Pauillac Cinquième Grand Cru Classé 2015, 2月到貨, arrive in Feb. 2015
147 12 bts
Pauillac Deuxième Grand Cru Classé
NT$ 110,000 - 140,000 HK$ 28,000 - 36,000 US$ 3,600 - 4,600
Château Lynch-Bages 2009
NT$ 75,000 - 90,000 HK$ 19,000 - 23,000 US$ 2,500 - 3,000
Fairly deep color. Very attractive, sweet, sexy, open nose is filled with crushed blackberries, mocha, and cocoa. Concentrated, with soft tannins and complex structure in the mouth./RP/2012
155 12 bts 156 12 bts 157 12 bts
Pauillac Cinquième Grand Cru Classé (RP93+) OWC OWC
Pauillac Cinquième Grand Cru Classé (WE94)
NT$ 38,000 - 44,000 HK$ 10,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,200 - 1,400
Château Pichon-Longueville Comtesse de Lalande 2002 Pauillac Deuxième Grand Cru Classé (ST91)
150 12 bts
NT$ 55,000 - 70,000 HK$ 14,000 - 18,000 US$ 1,800 - 2,300
Château Pichon-Longueville au Baron 2010 Pauillac Deuxième Grand Cru Classé (RP97+)
Administrator Christian Seeley thinks the 2010 is the greatest Pichon Longueville Baron he has ever made, equaling some of the estate’s colossal wines from vintages such as 1989 and 1990. It was certainly showing well when I stopped by the chateau in January. Opaque purple, with loads of charcoal, licorice, incense and some exotic Asian spices along with abundant cassis liqueur, blackberry and hints of roasted coffee and spring flowers, it is full - bodied and opulent, with relatively high tannins, but they have sweetened up considerably and seem less aggressive than they did from barrel. The oak is clearly pushed to the background by the wine’s wealth of fruit, glycerin and full - bodied texture. This sensational Pichon Longueville Baron needs 5 - 6 years of cellaring, and should keep 30+ years. /RP /Feb 2013
151 12 bts 152 12 bts
per lot NT$ 75,000 - 90,000 HK$ 19,000 - 23,000 US$ 2,500 - 3,000
per lot NT$ 50,000 - 65,000 HK$ 13,000 - 17,000 US$ 1,600 - 2,100
Château Pontet-Canet 2011 158 12 bts 159 12 bts
Château Lynch-Bages 2011 149 12 bts
per lot NT$ 38,000 - 44,000 HK$ 10,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,200 - 1,400
Pauillac Cinquième Grand Cru Classé (RP96)
Performing even better from bottle than it did from barrel, this appears to be the finest Lynch Bages since the 2000, 1990 and 1989. According to the chateau, the 2009 has the highest level of polyphenols ever measured as well as high alcohol (nearly 13.5%). A blend of 75% Cabernet Sauvignon and the rest largely Merlot with touches of Cabernet Franc and Petit Verdot, it is an expressive, voluptuously textured effort with unctuosity and powerful, juicy, succulent blackberry and black currant flavors, low acids, a layered, massive mouthfeel, but no sense of heaviness or fatigue. This exquisite Lynch Bages should drink well for 30+ years. /RP /Feb 2012 OWC
Château Pontet-Canet 2008
Pauillac Cinquième Grand Cru Classé (RP98)
148 12 bts
153 12 bts 154 12 bts
Lot 158-159
per lot NT$ 38,000 - 44,000 HK$ 10,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,200 - 1,400
Les Forts de Latour 1988 Pauillac Château Latour 2nd Label 12bn
160 12 bts
NT$ 65,000 - 80,000 HK$ 17,000 - 20,000 US$ 2,100 - 2,600
Les Forts de Latour 2011
Pauillac Château Latour 2nd Label (WE93)
Carruades de Lafite 2011
Pauillac Château Lafite Rothschild 2nd Lable (WE91)
161 3 bts 6 bts
NT$ 48,000 - 60,000 HK$ 12,000 - 15,000 US$ 1,600 - 2,000
Château Dauzac 2000
Margaux Cinquième Grand Cru Classé (WS91)
162 1 dmag
NT$ 12,000 - 15,000 HK$ 3,000 - 4,000 US$ 400 - 500
Château d’Issan 2010
Margaux Troisième Grand Cru Classé (RP95)
163 12 bts 164 12 bts
per lot NT$ 28,000 - 34,000 HK$ 7,000 - 9,000 US$ 900 - 1,100
Château Giscours 2010
Lot 167
Margaux Troisième Grand Cru Classé (RP91)
165 12 bts
NT$ 26,000 - 32,000 HK$ 7,000 - 8,000 US$ 900 - 1,100
Château Malescot Saint-Exupéry 2009 Margaux Troisième Grand Cru Classé (RP96)
An inky/purple color is followed by notes of Asian plum sauce, forest floor, creme de cassis, black raspberries and a floral component that is unusual for a Margaux. A wine of exceptional intensity and purity with a full - bodied, sumptuous texture, lots of fresh vibrancy and excellent definition, this beautiful 2009 exhibits high but sweet tannin. It is more sexy than the 2005 was at a similar age, although their level of extract and concentration is relatively equal. Anticipated maturity: 2018 - 2040. /RP /Feb 2012
166 12 bts
NT$ 50,000 - 65,000 HK$ 13,000 - 17,000 US$ 1,600 - 2,100
Château Palmer 1961
Margaux Troisième Grand Cru Classé (RP99) It was recorked by Pamler in the 90’s, bn The 1961 Palmer has long been considered to be a legend from this vintage, and its reputation is well - deserved. The wine is at its apogee, with an extraordinary, sweet, complex nose with aromas of flowers, cassis, toast, and minerals. It is intensely concentrated, offering a cascade of lavishly ripe, full - bodied, opulent fruit, soft tannins, and a voluptuous finish. This is a decadent Palmer, unparalleled since in quality with the exception of 1983 and 1989. /RP /Oct 1994
NT$ 75,000 - 90,000 HK$ 19,000 - 23,000 US$ 2,500 - 3,000
167 1 bt
Château Palmer 1994
Margaux Troisième Grand Cru Classé
168 12 bts
NT$ 70,000 - 85,000 HK$ 18,000 - 22,000 US$ 2,300 - 2,800
Pavillon Rouge du Château Margaux 1995 Margaux Château Margaux 2nd Label 12bn
169 12 bts
NT$ 60,000 - 75,000 HK$ 15,000 - 19,000 US$ 2,000 - 2,500
Pavillon Rouge du Château Margaux 2007 Margaux Château Margaux 2nd Label (RP91)
170 24 hbts OWC
NT$ 75,000 - 90,000 HK$ 19,000 - 23,000 US$ 2,500 - 3,000
Pavillon Rouge du Château Margaux 2007 Margaux Château Margaux 2nd Label (RP95)
171 12 bts OWC
Lot 170 26
NT$ 80,000 - 95,000 HK$ 20,000 - 24,000 US$ 2,600 - 3,100
Château La Conseillante 2009
Pomerol (RP96)
波爾多右岸 Pomerol 未曾有過列級制度,但懂酒、愛酒的人肯定曉 得該產區好酒輩出,評價更勝所謂左岸五大。酒質如絲絨綿密細 膩以外,濃厚的梅子香氣帶出酒體厚實圓潤的酒體,此外有帶有些 許松露幽香,相當引人入勝。最受人矚目的酒款除了有 Pétrus、Le Pin 等 領 航 酒 莊,Château La Fleur-Pétrus、Château Lafleur、Château La Conseillante、Château L'Évangile、Vieux Château Certan 等 皆 是 Pomerol 產區裡的佼佼者。
The competition between the 2009, 2005 and 2000 La Conseillante will be interesting to follow over the next twenty years. There was more of a selection process at this estate in 2009 than there was in 2000, resulting in a beautiful Pomerol offering notes of mulberries, sweet cherries, spring flowers, raspberries and truffles. The color is a healthy deep plum/ruby/purple and the wine is medium to full - bodied with silky tannins, a broad, layered mouthfeel and wonderful freshness as well as length. This gorgeous, complex, Burgundian - styled Pomerol will be drinkable in 4 - 6 years and should keep for 30 - 40. /RP /Feb 2012
174 6 bts
NT$ 40,000 - 46,000 HK$ 10,000 - 12,000 US$ 1,300 - 1,500
Château La Conseillante 2010 Pomerol (RP96)
A brilliant effort from this property, known for the sheer elegance and finesse of its wines, the 2010 La Conseillante offers back - to - back monumental efforts, particularly given the remarkable 2009. This estate has been on a hot streak of late. The 2010 is a slightly bigger, richer wine, but without losing its floral, elegant mulberry, black raspberry and sweet kirsch notes. Combine those with some licorice, subtle new oak and a hint of forest floor, and the result is a medium to full - bodied, rich, complex wine that has striking aromatics and perfect balance in the mouth. Forget it for 3 - 5 years and drink it over the following 30. /RP /Feb 2013
175 24 bts
NT$ 170,000 - 200,000 HK$ 43,000 - 51,000 US$ 5,600 - 6,600
Château La Conseillante 2005 Pomerol (RP96)
With the son of the Nicolas family, Valmy, taking over and ratcheting up the selection process as well as the quality, La Conseillante appears poised to challenge its closest neighbor, l’Evangile, as the finest estate on the border of the sector of Pomerol facing Cheval Blanc in St. - Emilion. The 2005 will challenge the extraordinary 2000. Among the truly fabulous wines made here (i.e., 2000, 1990, 1989, 1985, and 1982), its deep ruby/purple hue is accompanied by an exquisite bouquet of incense, raspberry jam, kirsch, licorice, and hints of black olives as well as flowers. This broadly perfumed Pomerol exhibits sensational purity, sweet tannin, medium to full body, and outstanding elegance and finesse. The fruit is forward and precocious, but there is enough stuffing, structure, and density for the wine to evolve for 20 - 25 years. /RP /Apr 2008
172 6 bts OWC
NT$ 38,000 - 44,000 HK$ 10,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,200 - 1,400
Château La Conseillante 2008
Pomerol (RP95)
A major sleeper of the vintage, the 2008 La Fleur Petrus (90% Merlot and 10% Cabernet Franc) is a remarkably sexy, opulent wine that transcends the vintage character. Its dense plum/ruby/purple color is accompanied by notes of sweet black cherries, licorice, truffles and a hint of graphite. Full - bodied with silky tannin as well as undeniable appeal, richness, purity and a 40+ second finish, this is a sure - fire big buy in 2008. Drink it over the next 20+ years. /RP /May 2011
176 12 bts
The beautiful 2008 exhibits a dark plum/ruby/purple color as well as jammy red and black fruit, crushed rock and floral notes. If this were a Burgundy, one might think of it as a grand cru Musigny. With excellent texture, medium to full body and stunning purity as well as nobility, this fascinating Pomerol should drink well for 15 - 20 years. /RP /May 2011
NT$ 70,000 - 85,000 HK$ 18,000 - 22,000 US$ 2,300 - 2,800
NT$ 85,000 - 100,000 HK$ 22,000 - 26,000 US$ 2,800 - 3,300
Château Lafleur 2007 Pomerol
177 3 bts
Pomerol (RP98)
173 24 hbts OWC
Château La Fleur-Pétrus 2008
NT$ 38,000 - 44,000 HK$ 10,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,200 - 1,400
Château L’Évangile 2006 Pomerol (RP93)
178 6 bts 179 6 bts 180 6 bts
per lot NT$ 34,000 - 40,000 HK$ 9,000 - 10,000 US$ 1,100 - 1,300
Vieux Château Certan 2006
Château Angélus 1996
One of the top wines of the vintage is the exquisite 2006 Vieux Chateau Certan. A blend of 83% Merlot and 17% Cabernet Franc, it is a stunningly rich effort boasting an inky/blue/purple color as well as a gorgeous nose of forest floor, coffee, toast, and extravagant levels of black currants and blackberries. Hints of charcoal and flowers add to the wine’s exquisite character. What’s remarkable in this full - bodied wine is that nearly 100% new oak is used, yet the oak is largely drowned out by the wine’s concentration and complex personality. This full bodied Vieux Chateau Certan should be reasonably approachable in 3 - 4 years but last for at least three decades. This great success merits kudos to proprietor Alexandre Thienpont. /RP /Feb 2009
184 6 mags
Saint-Émilion Premier Grand Cru Classé A (RP91)
Pomerol (RP96)
NT$ 50,000 - 65,000 HK$ 13,000 - 17,000 US$ 1,600 - 2,100
181 6 bts
Château Canon 2009
Saint-Émilion Premier Grand Cru Classé B (RP94)
185 12 bts 186 12 bts
Pomerol (RP91)
Château Cap de Mourlin 1966 187 12 bts (730ml)
per lot NT$ 55,000 - 70,000 HK$ 14,000 - 18,000 US$ 1,800 - 2,300
Saint-Émilion Grand Cru
Vieux Château Certan 2011 182 12 bts
NT$ 100,000 - 130,000 HK$ 26,000 - 33,000 US$ 3,300 - 4,300
NT$ 48,000 - 60,000 HK$ 12,000 - 15,000 US$ 1,600 - 2,000
NT$ 70,000 - 85,000 HK$ 18,000 - 22,000 US$ 2,300 - 2,800
Saint-Émilion 產 量 稀 少 且 往 往 物 少 價 昂 的 右 岸 產 區, 酒 款 大 多 混 有 高 比 例 的 Merlot,釀製得以常帶有深厚多層次的底蘊香氣,有如水果蛋糕般 柔順。內斂的香氣有著藍莓、甘草等黑色果香,此外多了奔放的紫 花香,千嬌百態複雜多變,比起左岸酒款的年輕艱澀,右岸佳釀 溫 柔 嫵 媚 的 姿 態 更 容 易 使 人 接 受。Château Cheval Blanc、Château Troplong Mondot 、Château Figeac 等酒款除了有著溫柔的香氣以外, 更是帶有強壯力道的酒款。
Château Pavie-Decesse 1997 Saint-Émilion Grand Cru
183 24 bts
NT$ 46,000 - 55,000 HK$ 12,000 - 14,000 US$ 1,500 - 1,800
Lot 184
Château Cheval Blanc 1997
Saint-Émilion Premier Grand Cru Classé A
188 1 imp(6L)
NT$ 100,000 - 130,000 HK$ 26,000 - 33,000 US$ 3,300 - 4,300
Château La Mondotte 2007 Saint-Émilion (RP91)
197 12 bts 198 12 bts
per lot NT$ 60,000 - 75,000 HK$ 15,000 - 19,000 US$ 2,000 - 2,500
Château La Conseillante 1975 Pomerol bsl, vts
Château Cos d’Estournel 1982
Saint-Estèphe Deuxième Grand Cru Classé (RP95) sdc,bn
Château Lynch-Bages 1986
Pauillac Cinquième Grand Cru Classé (RP94) bsl,bn` This 1982 is still displaying a beautiful deep ruby/purple hue as well as a stunning set of aromatics consisting of blue and black fruits, loamy earth, flowers, licorice, and spice box. The wine is medium to full - bodied with sweet tannins, a medium to full - bodied mouthfeel, and a silky finish. It appears to have hit full maturity, but it can easily be held in a cold cellar for another 10+ years. / RP /Jun 2009
199 1 bt 1 bt 1 mag
Château Figeac 2009
Saint-Émilion Premier Grand Cru Classé B
189 12 bts 190 12 bts 191 12 bts
per lot NT$ 80,000 - 95,000 HK$ 20,000 - 24,000 US$ 2,600 - 3,100
NT$ 32,000 - 38,000 HK$ 8,000 - 10,000 US$ 1,100 - 1,200
Lot 199
Château La Gomerie 2009 Saint-Émilion (RP91)
192 12 bts 193 12 bts
per lot NT$ 24,000 - 30,000 HK$ 6,000 - 8,000 US$ 800 - 1,000
Château Troplong Mondot 2010
Saint-Émilion Premier Grand Cru Classé B (RP99) Inky, bluish/black/purple, with notes of spring flowers, licorice, camphor, graphite, and a boatload of blueberry, black raspberry and blackberry fruit, this is a powerful, full - bodied Troplong Mondot. All the building components of acidity, tannin, wood and alcohol are judiciously and impressively integrated. It is a blend of 90% Merlot and the rest equal parts Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc made by Christine Valette and her husband Xavier Pariente with the consultancy help of Michel Rolland. Forget this for 5 - 7 years and drink it over the following three decades. /RP /Feb 2013
194 12 bts
NT$ 60,000 - 75,000 HK$ 15,000 - 19,000 US$ 2,000 - 2,500
Château La Mondotte 1995 Saint-Émilion Grand Cru
195 12 bts 196 12 bts
per lot NT$ 46,000 - 55,000 HK$ 12,000 - 14,000 US$ 1,500 - 1,800 29
Château Brane - Cantenac 1982
Château Léoville Barton 2011
Margaux Deuxième Grand Cru Classé 2bn
Saint-Julien Deuxième Grand Cru Classé (WE95)
Château d’Issan 2011
Château Mouton Rothschild 1989
Margaux Troisième Grand Cru Classé (WE91)
Pauillac Premier Grand Cru Classé (RP90) 2bn,wrl
200 2 bts 2 bts
Château Pontet-Canet 2011
Pauillac Cinquième Grand Cru Classé (WE96)
Château Duhart - Milon 2011 NT$ 32,000 - 38,000 HK$ 8,000 - 10,000 US$ 1,100 - 1,200
Château Angélus 1986
Saint-Émilion Premier Grand Cru Classé A sdc,bn
Château Ducru-Beaucaillou 1996 I tasted the 1996 Ducru Beaucaillou on four separate occasions from bottle in January. The 1996 is long, with a deep mid - palate. It also reveals tannin in the finish. This wine is remarkable. This profound, backward Ducru-Beaucaillou is a must purchase. It will be fascinating for readers who own the 1996 to follow the evolution of this exceptional vintage. Anticipated maturity: 2008 - 2035. / RP /Apr 1999
NT$ 38,000 - 44,000 HK$ 10,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,200 - 1,400
Château Cos d’Estournel 2000
Saint-Estèphe Deuxième Grand Cru Classé (RP91)
Château L’Église Clinet 2000 Pomerol (JS99)
Gorgeous purity and a natural mouthfeel make for a dazzling wine that will benefit from another 5 - 10 years of cellaring, and last for three decades thereafter./ RP/2010
202 3 bts 3 bts
NT$ 60,000 - 75,000 HK$ 15,000 - 19,000 US$ 2,000 - 2,500
Château Pontet-Canet 2009
Pauillac Cinquième Grand Cru Classé (RP100) Black as a moonless night, the 2009 Pontet Canet offers up notes of incense, graphite, smoke, licorice, creme de cassis and blackberries. A wine of irrefutable purity, laser - like precision, colossal weight and richness, and sensational freshness, this is a tour de force in winemaking that is capable of lasting 50 or more years./RP/2012
Château Léoville Poyferré 2009
Saint-Julien Deuxième Grand Cru Classé (RP100) Displaying fabulous definition for such a big, plump, massive, concentrated effort, I suspect the tannin levels are high even though they are largely concealed by lavish amounts of fruit, glycerin and extract.Anticipated maturity: 2018 2040./RP/2012
203 3 bts 3 bts
204 2 3 3 3
bts bts bts bts
Lot 205
Saint-Julien Deuxième Grand Cru Classé (RP96)
201 1 bt 5 bts
Pauillac Quatrième Grand Cru Classé
NT$ 48,000 - 60,000 HK$ 12,000 - 15,000 US$ 1,600 - 2,000
NT$ 26,000 - 32,000 HK$ 7,000 - 8,000 US$ 900 - 1,100
Lot 206-207
Château d’Yquem 1947
Sauternes Premier Cru Supérieur Classé vts,bsl,cc,cuc, U.K. Imported label
NT$ 120,000 - 150,000 HK$ 31,000 - 38,000 US$ 3,900 - 4,900
205 1 bt
Château d’Yquem 1995
Sauternes Premier Cru Supérieur Classé (RP95) Served from an ex - chateau bottle. The 1995 Chateau d’Yquem is moving into its secondary aroma phase. A deep golden color, it has a dense and almost Barsac - like bouquet with tangerine, apricot, acacia and melted candle wax. It displays good intensity, unfolding beautifully in the glass. The palate has a strident opening, with a slight bitter edge that lends this Yquem great tension. One can discern layers of marmalade infused with honey fruit, with a powerful, spicy finish that lingers long in the mouth. This is drinking perfectly now, but will surely age with style over many years. Tasted March 2014. /RP /Jun 2014
206 12 bts
NT$ 100,000 - 130,000 HK$ 26,000 - 33,000 US$ 3,300 - 4,300
Château d’Yquem 1999
Sauternes Premier Cru Supérieur Classé
207 24 hbts
NT$ 110,000 - 140,000 HK$ 28,000 - 36,000 US$ 3,600 - 4,600
Château Doisy-Daëne 2011
Barsac Deuxième Grand Cru Classé (WS95)
208 12 bts
NT$ 16,000 - 19,000 HK$ 4,000 - 5,000 US$ 500 - 600
Château Coutet 2011
Barsac Premier Cru Classé (WS97)
Château Suduiraut 2011
Sauternes Premier Cru Classé (WE96)
209 6 bts 6 bts
NT$ 24,000 - 30,000 HK$ 6,000 - 8,000 US$ 800 - 1,000
珍藏專區 I Private Collection I
非常年輕的海外收藏家,擁有專業的窖藏環境以及琳琅滿目的各國產 區佳釀,此次割愛的項目皆為藏家常年儲存在臺灣酒窖裡的珍品,保 存條件完善,酒況優良。
Vieux Château Certan 1966 Pomerol 3tl,1cc,1crc,3bsl,3vts
NT$ 18,000 - 22,000 HK$ 5,000 - 6,000 US$ 600 - 700
210 3 bts
Château La Conseillante 2001 Pomerol (RP90)
NT$ 19,000 - 24,000 HK$ 5,000 - 6,000 US$ 600 - 800
211 6 bts
Château L’Église Clinet 2007 Pomerol (RP95)
Unquestionably the Pomerol of the vintage, the dense purple - colored 2007 l’Eglise - Clinet offers an astonishing display of rich, licorice and caramel - infused kirsch, black raspberry, and cassis fruit. Rich, full - bodied, and pure, with low acidity and ripe tannin, it is already offering delicious drinking, and should continue to do so for 15 - 20 years. /RP /Apr 2010
212 6 mags
NT$ 38,000 - 44,000 HK$ 10,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,200 - 1,400
Clos L’Église 1989 Pomerol 6bn
Château Hosanna 2001 Pomerol (RP94)
213 6 bts 6 bts
NT$ 36,000 - 42,000 HK$ 9,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,200 - 1,400
Château La Grave à Pomerol 1990 Pomerol
Château Latour à Pomerol 2001 Pomerol 6bn
214 6 bts 6 bts Lot 210 32
NT$ 28,000 - 34,000 HK$ 7,000 - 9,000 US$ 900 - 1,100
Château Figeac 1986
Château Gloria 1986
Château La Gomerie 1998
220 12 bts
Saint-Émilion Premier Grand Cru Classé B 3tl,2bsl,6bn
Saint-Émilion Grand Cru (RP94)
215 6 bts 6 bts
NT$ 38,000 - 44,000 HK$ 10,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,200 - 1,400
Château Larmande 1995
Château Talbot 1990
Saint-Julien Quatrième Grand Cru Classé 12bn
221 12 bts
Saint-Émilion Grand Cru
Château Lafon-Rochet 1995
Saint-Estèphe Quatrième Grand Cru Classé (RP90)
216 6 bts 6 bts
NT$ 20,000 - 26,000 HK$ 5,000 - 7,000 US$ 700 - 900
Château Clos de L’Oratoire 2000 Le Dôme 2000
Saint-Julien Quatrième Grand Cru Classé (RP90)
Clos Du Marquis 1996 Saint-Julien (RP91)
Saint-Émilion Grand Cru (RP93)
217 6 bts 6 bts
NT$ 38,000 - 44,000 HK$ 10,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,200 - 1,400
Château Cantemerle 1985
Haut-Médoc Cinquième Grand Cru Classé 6bn Saint-Émilion
Saint-Émilion Grand Cru (RP94)
Château La Bienfaisance 2005
223 6 bts 6 bts
Saint-Émilion Grand Cru (RP93)
NT$ 32,000 - 38,000 HK$ 8,000 - 10,000 US$ 1,100 - 1,200
NT$ 20,000 - 26,000 HK$ 5,000 - 7,000 US$ 700 - 900
Château La Lagune 1986
Haut-Médoc Troisième Grand Cru Classé (RP91) 3crc,6vts
Château La Mondotte 酒莊從 1996 年開始便屢獲得各酒評家的欣賞,甚至是不乏 RP 100 的 完美演繹。大部分的葡萄園種植在石灰層,提供了良好的礦物風味以 外,獨特的亞洲香料和咖啡香氣更吸引人,平均 50 年樹齡的葡萄樹 更是蘊藏了當地精彩的風土條件。2005 酒款年輕時活潑的酸度新鮮 漂亮,高單寧的特色也預告了這酒在未來二十年內才會逐漸甦醒。
224 11 bts
NT$ 28,000 - 34,000 HK$ 7,000 - 9,000 US$ 900 - 1,100
Château Paloumey 1995
Château La Mondotte 2005
Haut-Médoc 1wrl
Saint-Émilion Grand Cru (RP100) 3sdc,6wn
This fabulous vineyard was never exploited until Stephan von Neipperg took it over in 1996. Situated on a perfectly exposed slope planted in limestone and clay, the vines average 50 years of age, and are cropped at low yields. The inky/ purple - tinged 2005 reveals gorgeous aromas of roasted herbs, incense, Asian spices, graphite, coffee, and oodles of blackberry and black cherry fruit. The limestone soils provide a freshness and distinctive minerality. Anticipated maturity: 2015 - 2040+. /RP /Apr 2008
219 6 bts
NT$ 26,000 - 32,000 HK$ 7,000 - 8,000 US$ 900 - 1,100
Château Ferrand Lartique 1996
Château Beauséjour 2000
218 6 bts 6 bts
NT$ 44,000 - 50,000 HK$ 11,000 - 13,000 US$ 1,400 - 1,600
Château Branaire 1996
222 6 bts 6 bts
Saint-Émilion Grand Cru (RP93)
NT$ 20,000 - 26,000 HK$ 5,000 - 7,000 US$ 700 - 900
NT$ 65,000 - 80,000 HK$ 17,000 - 20,000 US$ 2,100 - 2,600
225 12 bts
NT$ 15,000 - 18,000 HK$ 4,000 - 5,000 US$ 500 - 600
Château Prieuré-Lichine 1995
Margaux Quatrième Grand Cru Classé
226 6 bts
NT$ 12,000 - 15,000 HK$ 3,000 - 4,000 US$ 400 - 500 33
Goulée 2005
Haut Médoc (RP90)
Château Margaux 僅過了六年時間,Château Margaux 則又在 1996 年時拿下了滿分佳 績,而在五大酒莊內,Château Margaux 總是帶有一絲女性的溫柔特 質,中庸的酒體有適中恰當的單寧,如皇后般優雅中帶有些許霸氣。
Château La Vieille Cure 2009 Fronsac (RP94)
229 6 bts 6 bts
NT$ 12,000 - 15,000 HK$ 3,000 - 4,000 US$ 400 - 500
Château Margaux 1996
Margaux Premier Grand Cru Classé (RP100) The 1996 Chateau Margaux, which was bottled in September, 1998, is undoubtedly one of the great classics produced under the Mentzelopoulos regime. In many respects, it is the quintessential Chateau Margaux, as well as the paradigm for this estate, combining measured power, extraordinary elegance, and admirable complexity. I tasted the wine on three separate occasions in January, and in short, it’s a beauty! The color is opaque purple. The wine offers extraordinarily pure notes of blackberries, cassis, pain grille, and flowers, gorgeous sweetness, a seamless personality, and full body, with nothing out of place. Anticipated maturity: 2005 - 2040. /RP /Apr 1999
227 12 bts
NT$ 180,000 - 220,000 HK$ 46,000 - 56,000 US$ 5,900 - 7,200
Ygrec d’Yquem 2000 Sauternes (WS91)
NT$ 60,000 - 75,000 HK$ 15,000 - 19,000 US$ 2,000 - 2,500
230 12 bts
Château Climens 2007 Sauternes Premier Cru (RP99)
Tasted single blind against its peers. Chateau Climens always tends to go into its shell after bottling, which is probably why I was not dishing out an even higher score to this still, spellbinding Barsac. The 2007 is endowed with a lovely bouquet: very pure with honey, a touch of orange - blossom and a touch of quince. The palate is very well - balanced with great purity and a dash of spice as well as a lovely viscous, botrytis - laden finish that possesses awesome weight and persistency. This is a slice of heaven in a glass, but it definitely needs time to reveal its true potential. Tasted January 2011. /RP /Feb 2012
231 12 bts
OWC no lead
NT$ 24,000 - 30,000 HK$ 6,000 - 8,000 US$ 800 - 1,000
Perrier - Jouët 被酒迷暱稱為花朵香檳的的 Perrier - Jouët,在香檳區擁有 100 多公 頃葡萄園地。其中瓶身有著藤蔓與玫瑰圖騰的 Perrier - Jouët Fleur Blanc de Blancs 為該酒莊等級較高的酒款,珍貴稀少,同時有著各酒 評家極高的評價。老年份的酒款含以豐富的蜂蜜香氣以及甜而不膩 的焦糖氣息,相當精彩,充滿細節的香檳酒款。
Perrier-Jouët Belle Époque 1975 (RJ92)
Lot 228
232 2 bts
Château Grand-Puy-Lacoste 2005 Pauillac Quatrième Grand Cru Classé (RP96)
The brilliant 2005 Grand - Puy - Lacoste exhibits classic Pauillac aromas and flavors of creme de cassis along with stony/floral notes. Proprietor Xavier Borie has created a wine that should rival the brilliant 1982, 1990, 1996, and 2000. Full - bodied with sweet tannin and superb length (a 40+ second finish), the purity of this beauty’s black currant fruit is something to behold. Anticipated maturity: 2013 - 2030. /RP /Apr 2008
228 6 bts
NT$ 15,000 - 18,000 HK$ 4,000 - 5,000 US$ 500 - 600
NT$ 24,000 - 30,000 HK$ 6,000 - 8,000 US$ 800 - 1,000
Perrier-Jouët Belle Époque 1976 (RJ94)
233 2 bts
NT$ 30,000 - 36,000 HK$ 8,000 - 9,000 US$ 1,000 - 1,200
Charles Heidsieck Blanc des Millénaires 1995 234 6 bts
NT$ 24,000 - 30,000 HK$ 6,000 - 8,000 US$ 800 - 1,000
Dom Pérignon Rosé 1996 (RP98)
After having compared original releases and OEnotheque bottlings across a number of vintages going back to 1964, I am increasingly of the belief that the most enjoyable Dom Perignons are impeccably stored bottles of the original release. The 1996 Dom Perignon Rose is simply off the charts. What a wine. The 1996 Rose has begun to fill out rather dramatically. Today it is rich, powerful and totally seductive. /RP /Nov 2010
235 6 bts 236 6 bts
per lot NT$ 65,000 - 80,000 HK$ 17,000 - 20,000 US$ 2,100 - 2,600
Dom Pérignon Œnothèque 1996 (RP98)
The 1996 Dom Perignon OEenotheque offers up layers of pastry, lemon, smoke and toastiness. At first deceptively understated, the wine turns positively explosive and layered on the palate, showing remarkable tension, elegance and power, all wrapped around a seriously intense frame. The balance between fruit and acidity is awesome. This is a marvelous DP OEeno. The OEeno is the same juice as the regular Dom Perignon, except the OEeno is aged on the cork while the regular DP is aged in crown - sealed bottles. Once disgorged, the OEenos gets a slightly lower dosage than is typical for the original release DP. This bottle was disgorged in 2008. Anticipated maturity: 2012 - 2026. /RP /Dec 2010
237 3 bts
NT$ 28,000 - 34,000 HK$ 7,000 - 9,000 US$ 900 - 1,100
Lot 237
Lot 238
Salon 1996 (RP97+)
The 1996 Salon is yet another wine that is maturing splendidly. Once focused to the point of being painfully austere and angular, today the 1996 Salon has begun to soften and fill out. My latest bottles have been rich, generous and totally compelling in every way. /RP /Nov 2010
238 3 bts
NT$ 36,000 - 42,000 HK$ 9,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,200 - 1,400
Vilmart & Cie Cœur de Cuvée 1er Cru 2004 Premier Cru (RP96)
The 2004 Brut Premier Cru Coeur de Cuvée could not be more different than the 2003. Bright floral aromatics meld into white fleshed fruit, spices and crushed rocks as the 2004 opens up in the glass. There is a crystalline purity to the 2004 that is striking. A weightless, totally pure wine, the 2004 Coeur de Cuvée impresses for its fabulous length, and vibrant, chiseled finish. This is a great showing from Vilmart and proprietor Laurent Champs. The 2004 is 80% Chardonnay and 20% Pinot Noir from the Blanches Voies Hautes in Rilly la Montagne. Disgorgement date: December 2011. Anticipated maturity: 2012 - 2024. /RP / Nov 2012
239 12 bts
NT$ 32,000 - 38,000 HK$ 8,000 - 10,000 US$ 1,100 - 1,200 35
Champagne Barons de Rothschild NV Blanc de Blancs Champagne
Champagne Barons de Rothschild NV Champagne Brut
240 1 bt 6 bts
NT$ 10,000 - 13,000 HK$ 3,000 - 3,000 US$ 300 - 400
Champagne Barons de Rothschild NV Champagne Brut
241 12 bts
NT$ 16,000 - 19,000 HK$ 4,000 - 5,000 US$ 500 - 600
Armand Rousseau 開創了獨立酒莊自行裝瓶銷售的風氣,為老牌且品質相當穩定優良 的酒莊。酒體堅強厚實,鏗鏘有力以外相當均衡細膩,更具備了 頂級酒款所有的窖藏實力,為 Gevrey-Chambertin 村內頗富盛名的 明星酒莊。其中 Ruchottes-Chambertin Clos des Ruchottes 為 Armand Rousseau 獨佔的一處葡萄園,含有較多的岩層以外地質較為貧瘠, 所產出的 Pinot Noir 則較容易偏高瘦的酒體,但卻更能有絕妙的酸 度,適合窖藏後細細品味柔化單寧的美味。
Clos de la Roche 1990 Armand Rousseau Grand Cru 3bc2cm
246 3 bts
Champagne Barons de Rothschild NV Champagne Rosé
NT$ 6,000 - 9,000 HK$ 2,000 - 2,200 US$ 200 - 300
242 3 bts
Krug Rosé NV 243 6 bts
NT$ 48,000 - 60,000 HK$ 12,000 - 15,000 US$ 1,600 - 2,000
Château d’Ampuis Côte - Rôtie 1998 Etienne Guigal (RP95) 1bsl
The extraordinary 1998 Cote Rotie Chateau d’Ampuis is more structured, powerful, and concentrated than the 1997. My ratings for the component parts ranged from a low of 90 - 92 for La Grande Plantee, to a high of 94 - 96 for La Pommiere and Pavillon Rouge. All revealed huge colors, earthy, smoky noses with bacon fat and black currants, and various degrees of tannin. This is unquestionably a vintage for patient connoisseurs as it requires cellaring. It is dense, chewy, and muscular. /RP /Apr 2002
244 6 bts
NT$ 20,000 - 26,000 HK$ 5,000 - 7,000 US$ 700 - 900
Château d’Ampuis Côte - Rôtie 2001 Etienne Guigal (RP96)
245 6 bts
NT$ 24,000 - 30,000 HK$ 6,000 - 8,000 US$ 800 - 1,000
Lot 246
NT$ 60,000 - 80,000 HK$ 15,000 - 20,000 US$ 2,000 - 2,600
Ruchottes-Chambertin Clos des Ruchottes 1995 Armand Rousseau Grand Cru (BH90)
247 3 bts
NT$ 48,000 - 65,000 HK$ 12,000 - 17,000 US$ 1,600 - 2,100
Ruchottes-Chambertin Clos des Ruchottes 1998 Armand Rousseau Grand Cru (BH92)
248 3 bts
NT$ 42,000 - 50,000 HK$ 11,000 - 13,000 US$ 1,400 - 1,600
Lot 247-248 37
Gevrey-Chambertin 2009 Armand Rousseau (BH90)
251 12 bts
NT$ 50,000 - 70,000 HK$ 13,000 - 18,000 US$ 1,600 - 2,300
Gevrey-Chambertin Vieilles Vignes 2005 Domaine Dugat - Py (RP92)
252 12 bts
NT$ 42,000 - 50,000 HK$ 11,000 - 13,000 US$ 1,400 - 1,600
Vosne-Romanée 1er Cru Les Beaux Monts 2006 Domaine Dujac Premier Cru (BH94)
253 12 bts
NT$ 65,000 - 85,000 HK$ 17,000 - 22,000 US$ 2,100 - 2,800
Nuits-Saint-Georges 1er Cru “Clos de la Maréchale” 2006 Domaine Jacques - Frédéric Mugnier Premier Cru (BH92)
Nuits-Saint-Georges 1er Cru “Clos de la Maréchale” 2009
Lot 249
Domaine Jacques - Frédéric Mugnier Premier Cru (BH93)
Gevrey-Chambertin 1er Cru Les Cazetiers 2001 Armand Rousseau Premier Cru 1sdc
249 6 bts
NT$ 28,000 - 36,000 HK$ 7,000 - 9,000 US$ 900 - 1,200
Gevrey-Chambertin 2005 NT$ 55,000 - 75,000 HK$ 14,000 - 19,000 US$ 1,800 - 2,500
NT$ 30,000 - 38,000 HK$ 8,000 - 10,000 US$ 1,000 - 1,200
Chambolle-Musigny Les Amoureuses 1er Cru 2008 Domaine Michèle et Patrice Rion Premier Cru (BH93)
255 12 bts
Armand Rousseau (BH90)
250 12 bts
254 6 bts 6 bts
NT$ 48,000 - 65,000 HK$ 12,000 - 17,000 US$ 1,600 - 2,100
Vougeot Clos du Village Vieilles Vignes 2009 Domaine Perrot Minot Grand Cru (BH95)
256 12 bts
NT$ 22,000 - 30,000 HK$ 6,000 - 8,000 US$ 700 - 1,000
Chambolle-Musigny Cuvée de Cigales 2009 Domaine Ponsot (RP92)
257 24 bts
Lot 250 38
NT$ 48,000 - 65,000 HK$ 12,000 - 17,000 US$ 1,600 - 2,100
Gevrey-Chambertin Cuvée de L’Abeille 2009 Domaine Ponsot (RP94)
258 12 bts
NT$ 28,000 - 36,000 HK$ 7,000 - 9,000 US$ 900 - 1,200
Corton Bressandes 1996
Domaine Prince Florent de Merode Grand Cru
NT$ 22,000 - 30,000 HK$ 6,000 - 8,000 US$ 700 - 1,000
261 6 bts
Beaune 1er Cru 150th Anniversary Cuvée 2009 Louis Jadot Premier Cru (RP94)
NT$ 28,000 - 36,000 HK$ 7,000 - 9,000 US$ 900 - 1,200
262 24 bts
Chambolle-Musigny Clos de l’Orme 2009 Sylvain Cathiard
NT$ 32,000 - 40,000 HK$ 8,000 - 10,000 US$ 1,100 - 1,300
263 12 bts
Meursault 1er Cru Charmes 2000 Domaine des Comtes Lafon Premier Cru (RP94)
NT$ 38,000 - 46,000 HK$ 10,000 - 12,000 US$ 1,200 - 1,500
264 6 bts
Meursault “Clos de la Barre” 2005 Domaine des Comtes Lafon
265 6 bts
NT$ 26,000 - 34,000 HK$ 7,000 - 9,000 US$ 900 - 1,100
Bourgogne Aligoté 為勃根地平原區最大宗的白葡萄品種,酒質清淡高酸,為近幾年開 始更被重視的葡萄品種。清新的白花香氣以外也有明顯的礦物風味, 是款非常適合搭配生蠔、貝類海鮮的白酒。
Lot 259-260
Clos de la Roche Cuvée Vieilles Vignes 2009
Bourgogne Aligoté Sous Chatelet 2006
The 2009 Clos de la Roche Cuvée Vieilles Vignes is round, sweet and totally enveloping. It is a huge, towering Burgundy that impresses for its gorgeous inner perfume and juicy, exuberant fruit. This shows tons of richness without being heavy or overripe in any way. Anticipated maturity: 2029 - 2049. /RP /May/2011
266 12 bts 267 12 bts
Domaine Ponsot Grand Cru (RP97)
259 3 mags 260 3 mags
per lot NT$ 95,000 - 130,000 HK$ 24,000 - 33,000 US$ 3,100 - 4,300
Domaine d’Auvenay
per lot NT$ 20,000 - 28,000 HK$ 5,000 - 7,000 US$ 700 - 900
Bourgogne Aligoté Sous Chatelet 2007 Domaine d’Auvenay
268 12 bts
NT$ 24,000 - 32,000 HK$ 6,000 - 8,000 US$ 800 - 1,100
Lot 271 40
Bâtard-Montrachet 2005
Domaine Leflaive
Domaine Leflaive Grand Cru (BH97)
全 世 界 耳 熟 能 響 的 勃 根 地 白 酒 名 家, 酒 莊 於 1997 年 起 全 面 採 用 自 然 動 力 法 種 植 葡 萄。Leflaive 擁 有 Puligny、Chasagne 兩 村 共 近 六 公 頃 的 特 級 園 以 外, 也 涵 括 了 Les Pucelles、Les Folatières、Les Cavoillon、Les Combattes 四個相當出色的一級園,酒質甚至凌駕許 多酒莊的特級園水準。 Puligny-Montrachet 1er Cru Les Pucelles 為臨近 Montrachet 東南方的一處一級約莫七公頃不到的葡萄園,時 常 被 與 Bienvenues - Bâtard-Montrachet 或 是 Bâtard-Montrachet 作 比 較,似乎可見酒質的美好已是特級園水準。由其 Leflaive 所釀造的 Les Pucelles 有集中的白花和白色水果香氣,輕盈的礦物味外酒質滑 順輕巧,在在體現了該酒款凌駕於特級園實力的水準,更是 Robert Parker 也難釋手的白酒佳釀。
This really hasn’t changed all that much from my intial review in 2008 with its highly complex mélange of very fresh orchard fruit and acacia blossom aromas that introduce broad - shouldered and concentrated flavors of serious power and weight that are carrying ample levels of dry extract that really coat the palate on the explosive and hugely long finish. While there is so much extract that it could be approached now with 30 minutes plus of aeration, I would be inclined to allow it at least another two years of cellar time first. /BH /Jul 2011
273 6 bts
NT$ 90,000 - 120,000 HK$ 23,000 - 31,000 US$ 3,000 - 3,900
Meursault Sous Le Dos d’Âne 2006 Domaine Leflaive Premier Cru (BH92)
274 6 bts
Puligny-Montrachet 1er Cru Les Pucelles 2002 Domaine Leflaive Premier Cru (BH95)
269 6 bts
NT$ 42,000 - 50,000 HK$ 11,000 - 13,000 US$ 1,400 - 1,600
Puligny-Montrachet 1er Cru Les Pucelles 2005 Domaine Leflaive Premier Cru (BH94)
270 6 bts
NT$ 19,000 - 26,000 HK$ 5,000 - 7,000 US$ 600 - 900
Puligny-Montrachet 1er Cru Les Pucelles 2006 Domaine Leflaive Premier Cru (BH93)
275 6 bts
NT$ 34,000 - 42,000 HK$ 9,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,100 - 1,400
Puligny-Montrachet 1er Cru Les Combettes 2006 Domaine Leflaive Premier Cru (BH94)
NT$ 42,000 - 50,000 HK$ 11,000 - 13,000 US$ 1,400 - 1,600
276 6 bts
NT$ 34,000 - 42,000 HK$ 9,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,100 - 1,400
Bourgogne Aligoté 2008 Domaine Leroy
Chevalier-Montrachet 2005 Domaine Leflaive Grand Cru (BH97)
277 12 bts
An ultra pure and still somewhat reserved nose of rose petal, anise, white peach and pear aromas that also display subtle hints of stone and smoke that dissolve seamlessly into unusually big and rich flavors that possess real size, weight and muscle, indeed this is almost Bâtard - like in its sheer volume, all wrapped in a deeply concentrated and wonderfully stony finish that is both impressively explosive and strikingly long. While it’s a much bigger and denser version, the flavors positively vibrate in the mouth and it is this sense of barely restrained energy that reminds me a lot of the 1996 at the same stage of development. This remains an exceptionally promising Chevy though 6 years of development have now allowed this to at least become enjoyable and while there is still plenty of upside remaining, this could be enjoyed now if desired. /BH /Mar 2012
271 6 bts
NT$ 110,000 - 150,000 HK$ 28,000 - 38,000 US$ 3,600 - 4,900
Bienvenues-Bâtard-Montrachet 2005 Domaine Leflaive Grand Cru (BH94)
272 6 bts
NT$ 75,000 - 95,000 HK$ 19,000 - 24,000 US$ 2,500 - 3,100
NT$ 18,000 - 24,000 HK$ 5,000 - 6,000 US$ 600 - 800
Bourgogne Aligoté 2009 Domaine Leroy
278 24 bts
NT$ 36,000 - 44,000 HK$ 9,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,200 - 1,400
Meursault Les Narvaux 2010 Pierre - Yves Colin - Morey (BH93)
279 12 bts
NT$ 22,000 - 30,000 HK$ 6,000 - 8,000 US$ 700 - 1,000
Zeltinger Sonnenuhr Auslese 1999 J.J. Prüm
280 12 bts
NT$ 18,000 - 24,000 HK$ 5,000 - 6,000 US$ 600 - 800 41
Lot 281-283
Hermitage Cuveé Cathelin Domaine Jean-Louis Chave Hermitage 為酒莊從七塊葡萄園的酒液混 調出來完整呈現 Hermitage 風味的複雜和平衡。而 Hermitage Cuvée Cathelin 則是僅在更精彩的年份所推出的頂級酒款,此次徵集到從最 初的 1990、1991、1995、1998、2000、2003 六個完整的偉大年份, 年產釀約莫 2400 瓶,皆是 RP96 以上酒款,其中 90、03 更是滿分的 表現,實屬難得的珍稀佳釀。
Hermitage Cuvée Cathelin 1990 Jean-Louis Chave (RP100)
The Cuvée Cathelin, more influenced by new oak than the classic Cuvée, is a prodigious wine. Remarkably, the new oak takes a backseat to the wine’s superb raw materials. The wine exhibits fabulous concentration, richness, intensity, and length, as well as a mind - boggling finish. It is not superior to the classic Cuvée, just different. The Cuvée Cathelin possesses more of an international new oak signature, but awesome extract and potential. The 1990 Cuvée Cathelin should not be drunk for 10 - 15 years; it has the potential to last for 30 - 50 years! /RP
Hermitage Cuvée Cathelin 1991 Jean-Louis Chave (RP98)
In 1991, Chave made 2,500 bottles of an Hermitage Cuvée Cathelin that is significantly richer and more profound than the classic Cuvée. It offers an opaque dark purple color, and a huge nose of cassis, vanillin, smoke, and flowers. Full - bodied, dense, and powerful, this is a deeply concentrated, rich, compelling bottle of Hermitage. Anticipated maturity: 1999 - 2025. /RP /Jan 1997
281 1 bt 1 bt
NT$ 280,000 - 340,000 HK$ 71,000 - 87,000 US$ 9,200 - 11,200
Hermitage Cuvée Cathelin 1995
Châteauneuf-du-Pape 1983
The 1995 Hermitage Cuvée Cathelin, only the third vintage of this offering, is less aromatic than the Cuvée classique. Rich and powerful, with a formidable tannin level in the finish, it possesses a saturated purple color, great purity of fruit, and considerable mouthfeel and length, but what a full - bodied, awesomely - endowed baby! Much less evolved than the 1990 and 1991 were at a similar stage, it will require a minimum of 10 - 12 years of patience, and will last for 30 - 40+ years. /RP /Oct 1997
284 12 bts
Hermitage Cuvée Cathelin 1998
Étienne Guigal slightly bsl
Jean-Louis Chave (RP97)
Château de Beaucastel
Jean-Louis Chave (RP98)
Côte-Rôtie La Landonne 1987 Étienne Guigal
Côte-Rôtie La Mouline 1987
The opaque black/purple - colored 1998 Ermitage Cuvée Cathelin (200 cases) offers a huge nose of smoked licorice, blackberry, cassis, new saddle leather, and vanillin. Tasting like liqueur of Syrah, it is extremely full - bodied and awesomely concentrated, with formidable tannin as well as mind - blowing levels of extract and density. The tannin is sweet, and the wine seamless for a young Chave Hermitage. /RP /Feb 2001
285 3 bts 1 bt
282 1 bt 1 bt
Paul Jaboulet Aîné
NT$ 170,000 - 200,000 HK$ 43,000 - 51,000 US$ 5,600 - 6,600
Hermitage Cuvée Cathelin 2000
NT$ 55,000 - 70,000 HK$ 14,000 - 18,000 US$ 1,800 - 2,300
Hermitage La Chapelle 1988 NT$ 80,000 - 95,000 HK$ 20,000 - 24,000 US$ 2,600 - 3,100
286 12 bts
Hermitage La Chapelle 2001
Jean-Louis Chave (RP96)
Paul Jaboulet Aîné (WS97)
Surprisingly, there will be about 200 cases produced of a 2000 Hermitage Cuvée Cathelin. Based on earlier visits, I thought this Cuvée would not be produced again as the Chaves were embarrassed by all the attention previous offerings received. However, they will continue to produce it as long as it does not detract from their classic Cuvée. The Cuvée Cathelin displays more new oak than the regular bottling as well as firmer tannin, yet also great length, palate presence, and structure. Boasting a chocolatey, blackberry nose, huge intensity, and super elegance and finesse, it will require 5 - 6 years of cellaring. Qualitatively, it is no better than its sibling, but does possess additional structure and new oak characteristics. Anticipated maturity: 2010 - 2040. /RP /Jun 2003
Hermitage Cuvée Cathelin 2003
287 12 bts
More decadent in style, with ripe cassis, truffle, earth, spiced meats and licorice, it offers a singular profile on the palate with massive concentration and extract, a thick, chewy texture and incredible length. As with the straight Hermitage, it stays graceful and elegant, with no sense of weight or heat in its seamless profile. RP2014
NTD220,000 - 280,000 HK$56,000 - $71,000 US$ 7,200 - $ 9,200
NT$ 85,000 - 100,000 HK$ 22,000 - 26,000 US$ 2,800 - 3,300
Châteauneuf-du-Pape Réserve 2003 Château Rayas (WS93)
288 6 bts 289 6 bts
Jean-Louis Chave (RP100)
283 1 bt 1 bt
NT$ 60,000 - 75,000 HK$ 15,000 - 19,000 US$ 2,000 - 2,500
per lot NT$ 130,000 - 160,000 HK$ 33,000 - 41,000 US$ 4,300 - 5,300
Château de Fonsalette Côtes du Rhône Blanc 2000 Château Rayas
290 12 bts
NT$ 26,000 - 32,000 HK$ 7,000 - 8,000 US$ 900 - 1,100
BURGUNDY LEROY Domaine Leroy 勃根地最為傳奇的奇娘子 Lalou Bize-Leroy 所擁的酒莊之一,被國外 媒體譽為「勃根地的女性革命」。經由不斷的嘗試累積經驗,試圖 去找出勃根地每塊地塊的風土。其下葡萄園皆採自然動力耕法耕作, 不實施任何農藥,重視風土精神,僅是村莊級也能有良好的表現和 水準。聲勢如日中天的 Leroy 為勃根地酒界立下了不朽的經典,將被 世界酒迷世代傳唱。此次精選了多種特級園甚至是 Bourgogne 等級的 美酒,如 La Romanée 1953 、Corton1972、Gevrey-Chambertin1985、 Vosne-Romanée Les Beaux Monts1990、Bonnes Mares1990 等佳釀。 La Romanée Domaine Leroy 1953 為勃根地最小的一塊特級葡萄園以及產量最少的產區。與 Romanée –Conti 緊緊相鄰,卻迥異風格,2002 年前為三家酒莊耕作釀造, Leory 則是其中一家精銳,直到 2005 年後才由原本的主人 Liger Belair 收回為獨佔園。
La Romanée 1953 Maison Leroy Grand Cru
291 1 bt
NT$ 110,000 - 150,000 HK$ 28,000 - 38,000 US$ 3,600 - 4,900
Beaune 1969 Maison Leroy
292 1 bt
Lot 291
Lot 292 44
NT$ 28,000 - 36,000 HK$ 7,000 - 9,000 US$ 900 - 1,200
Lot 293
Corton 1972
Maison Leroy Grand Cru
293 3 bts
NT$ 140,000 - 180,000 HK$ 36,000 - 46,000 US$ 4,600 - 5,900
Chambolle-Musigny 勃根地產區中,Chambolle-Musigny 村所產的紅酒,被酒迷認定最能 表現出 Pinot Noir 溫柔風情和高雅的氣質。該村僅有兩片特級園, Musigny 以及 Bonnes - Mares。兩片葡萄園風格差異在微小細節,其 中勃根地酒款中最具代表性的酒款之一 Musigny,滑順如絲絨的酒質 帶有中等結構的酒體,而相較起來,該村最北界的 Bonnes - Mares 則 有較深邃的色澤,酒體偏向圓潤豐滿。
Musigny 1982
Maison Leroy Grand Cru
294 1 bt
NT$ 160,000 - 200,000 HK$ 41,000 - 51,000 US$ 5,300 - 6,600
Musigny 1993
Domaine Leroy Grand Cru (BH97) It’s now revealing some secondary development on the kaleidoscopically broad and spicy red and black pinot fruit nose that is both deep and layered and this sense of profound depth continues onto the big, powerful and seriously robust flavors that possess buckets of dry extract that relegates the still substantial tannic backbone to the background on the strikingly long and palate - staining finish./BH/2010
295 1 bt
NT$ 120,000 - 160,000 HK$ 31,000 - 41,000 US$ 3,900 - 5,300
Lot 294 45
Beaune 1er Cru Bélissands 1983 Maison Leroy Premier Cru
296 3 bts
NT$ 60,000 - 80,000 HK$ 15,000 - 20,000 US$ 2,000 - 2,600
Lot 296
Fixin 1983 Maison Leroy
297 6 bts 298 6 bts
per lot NT$ 65,000 - 85,000 HK$ 17,000 - 22,000 US$ 2,100 - 2,800
Bonnes - Mares 1990 Maison Leroy Grand Cru 2bc2cm
Bonnes - Mares 1990 Maison Leroy Grand Cru 1bc2cm,1bc1cm
299 2 bts 300 2 bts
per lot NT$ 150,000 - 190,000 HK$ 38,000 - 48,000 US$ 4,900 - 6,200
Lot 299-300 46
名列勃根地或者是說世界頂級的 Pinot Noir 產區,酒風嚴謹富含單 寧,適合陳年後再飲用,酒質多肉充滿嚼勁有著雄性磅礡以外,同 時保有 Pinot Noir 該有的細緻溫柔的香氣,看似矛盾的結合卻意外的 達到平衡。
Corton-Charlemagne 1996
Chambertin 1981
Domaine Leroy Grand Cru bc3cm scl*2
Maison Leroy Grand Cru
NT$ 120,000 - 160,000 HK$ 31,000 - 41,000 US$ 3,900 - 5,300
301 1 bt
Chambertin 1981 NT$ 240,000 - 320,000 HK$ 61,000 - 82,000 US$ 7,900 - 10,500
Domaine Leroy Grand Cru (ST96) wisl
310 1 bt
Gevrey-Chambertin 2009 Maison Leroy
303 12 bts
NT$ 80,000 - 100,000 HK$ 20,000 - 26,000 US$ 2,600 - 3,300
Corton-Charlemagne 2006
Maison Leroy Grand Cru
302 2 bts
309 2 bts
NT$ 40,000 - 48,000 HK$ 10,000 - 12,000 US$ 1,300 - 1,600
Montrachet 1966 OC
NT$ 110,000 - 150,000 HK$ 28,000 - 38,000 US$ 3,600 - 4,900
Maison Leroy Grand Cru bc3cm
311 1 bt
Clos de la Roche 1997
Domaine Leroy Grand Cru (RP98) bc3cm
NT$ 50,000 - 70,000 HK$ 13,000 - 18,000 US$ 1,600 - 2,300
304 1 bt
NT$ 30,000 - 38,000 HK$ 8,000 - 10,000 US$ 1,000 - 1,200
Lot 311
Chambolle-Musigny Les Charmes 1999 Domaine Leroy Premier Cru (BH91 - 93) sdc
NT$ 30,000 - 38,000 HK$ 8,000 - 10,000 US$ 1,000 - 1,200
305 1 bt
Chambolle-Musigny 1er Cru Les Feusselottes 2003 Maison Leroy Premier Cru
306 12 bts
NT$ 100,000 - 140,000 HK$ 26,000 - 36,000 US$ 3,300 - 4,600
Volnay Santenots 2005 Maison Leroy Premier Cru
307 6 bts
NT$ 55,000 - 75,000 HK$ 14,000 - 19,000 US$ 1,800 - 2,500
Pommard Les Arvelets 1976 Maison Leroy Premier Cru bc3cm
Volnay ler Cru Clos des ChĂŞnes 1985 Maison Leroy Premier Cru bsl,bc3cm
Nuits-Saint-Georges Les Vignerondes 1991 Domaine Leroy Premier Cru bsl,wisl,moc,bc3cm
308 1 bt 1 bt 1 bt
NT$ 42,000 - 50,000 HK$ 11,000 - 13,000 US$ 1,400 - 1,600 47
Lot 313-314
Domaine d'Auvenay
Auxey - Duresses 2001
Auvenay 的酒質精湛出眾早已被各勃根地酒迷視為精品的象徵,往往 一瓶難求或者是物稀價昂。此次則有兩個年份的 Puligny-Montrachet en la Richarde。En la Richarde 為該村一處地塊極小的葡萄園,與特 級園 Chevalier-Montrachet 相望,該酒富含花香漫迷及宜人的礦味, 是支一級園風範,優雅華麗的白酒。
Puligny-Montrachet en la Richarde 2000 Domaine d’Auvenay (WS93) 2bc3cm,1sdc,1scl
312 3 bts
NT$ 75,000 - 95,000 HK$ 19,000 - 24,000 US$ 2,500 - 3,100
Domaine d’Auvenay (WS91) 1bc5cm,2bc3cm,1spc
313 4 bts
NT$ 55,000 - 75,000 HK$ 14,000 - 19,000 US$ 1,800 - 2,500
Puligny-Montrachet en la Richarde 2001 Domaine d’Auvenay bc6cm, spc, sos
314 2 bts
NT$ 60,000 - 80,000 HK$ 15,000 - 20,000 US$ 2,000 - 2,600
Henri Jayer 勃根地另一位傳奇神人 Henri Jayer 早是名聞遐邇,被世人所追捧的 珍稀佳釀。他高超的釀酒技術貨已經失傳,但是留給世人特別是勃 根地釀酒師們卻是無盡的尊敬,並時常被奉為圭臬。早先購下一塊 Cros-Parantoux 園地釀造屬於自己的葡萄酒,雖僅是一級葡萄園但卻 非比尋常的多特級園風光,甚至是舉世名園 Romanée –Conti 或許也 得甘拜下風。不過濾澄清的作法則企圖保留葡萄原始風味以外,更 想要完整的表達出該地塊風土的精髓。此次一共蒐羅 1988 到 2001 不等五個 Cros-Parantoux 美好年份,絕對可以嚐盡一代釀酒神人的釀 酒哲學。
Vosne-Romanée Cros-Parantoux 1996 Henri Jayer Premier Cru (WS91) bc2cm
317 1 bt
NT$ 240,000 - 320,000 HK$ 61,000 - 82,000 US$ 7,900 - 10,500
Vosne-Romanée Cros-Parantoux 1999 Vosne-Romanée Cros-Parantoux 1988 Henri Jayer Premier Cru (WS92) bc3cm
315 1 bt
318 1 bt NT$ 220,000 - 300,000 HK$ 56,000 - 77,000 US$ 7,200 - 9,900
Vosne-Romanée Cros-Parantoux 1993 Henri Jayer Premier Cru (WS95) bc1cm
316 1 bt
Henri Jayer Premier Cru (WS91) bc0.5cm
NT$ 180,000 - 240,000 HK$ 46,000 - 61,000 US$ 5,900 - 7,900
NT$ 260,000 - 340,000 HK$ 66,000 - 87,000 US$ 8,500 - 11,200
Vosne-Romanée Cros-Parantoux 2001 Henri Jayer Premier Cru bc1cm
319 1 bt
NT$ 180,000 - 240,000 HK$ 46,000 - 61,000 US$ 5,900 - 7,900
Lot 315-319
Bonnes - Mares 1990 Moine - Hudelot Grand Cru
NT$ 48,000 - 65,000 HK$ 12,000 - 17,000 US$ 1,600 - 2,100
320 6 bts
Bonnes - Mares 2010
Domaine Comte Georges de Vogüé Grand Cru
321 12 bts
NT$ 200,000 - 280,000 HK$ 51,000 - 71,000 US$ 6,600 - 9,200
Bonnes - Mares 2010 Lucien le Moine Grand Cru
NT$ 65,000 - 85,000 HK$ 17,000 - 22,000 US$ 2,100 - 2,800
322 6 bts
Bonnes - Mares 2011 Robert Groffier Grand Cru
323 12 bts
NT$ 85,000 - 110,000 HK$ 22,000 - 28,000 US$ 2,800 - 3,600
Chambolle-Musigny 1er Cru Les Amoureuses Chambolle-Musigny 村裡最具盛名的一級葡萄園,位於 Musigny 東 方下坡處,酒風偏近 Musigny 的精巧細緻以外,更被譖賞為具特級 園的水準。該片葡萄園最大的擁有者為 Robert Groffer,所產的 Les Amoureuses 評價極高,時常是酒評家心中理想的柏根地佳釀。Les Amoureuses Robert Groffer 2011 新鮮香氣中有著強烈的口感,略帶陽 剛氣息的細緻酒款。
Chambolle-Musigny 1er Cru Les Amoureuses 2011 Robert Groffier Premier Cru
324 12 bts
NT$ 90,000 - 120,000 HK$ 23,000 - 31,000 US$ 3,000 - 3,900
Musigny 2007
Christian Confuron Grand Cru
325 12 bts
NT$ 110,000 - 150,000 HK$ 28,000 - 38,000 US$ 3,600 - 4,900
Musigny 2011
Jacques Prieur Grand Cru
326 6 bts
NT$ 75,000 - 95,000 HK$ 19,000 - 24,000 US$ 2,500 - 3,100
Romanée-Conti 獨 佔 園 位 於 勃 根 地 紅 酒 最 精 華 的 產 區 Vosne Romanée,佔地僅 1.8 公頃,卻生產出全世界最頂級精彩的酒款,被讚 嘆具有無與倫比的複雜層次、高深莫測,脫俗高雅卻又神祕的特質。 此次釋出 26 個丰姿綽約的美好年份,橫跨 1969 到 2011 不等的款款佳 釀,支支精彩絕倫、風華非凡。
Assortment 2011
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Grand Cru 1RC,3T,2R,2RSV,2GE,2E
327 12 bts
NT$ 1,100,000 - 1,500,000 HK$ 281,000 - 383,000 US$ 36,100 - 49,300
Lot 327 51
Lot 329-334 52
Romanée-Conti 1969
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Grand Cru bc2cm
NT$ 500,000 - 700,000 HK$ 128,000 - 179,000 US$ 16,400 - 23,000
328 1 mag
Romanée-Conti 1971
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Grand Cru (BH91) 5 bc 2cm,1bc3cm,6 bsl
329 330 331 332 333 334
1 1 1 1 1 1
bt bt bt bt bt bt
per lot NT$ 240,000 - 320,000 HK$ 61,000 - 82,000 US$ 7,900 - 10,500
Romanée-Conti 1976
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Grand Cru 5 bn,cc,cuc,bsl
NT$ 300,000 - 380,000 HK$ 77,000 - 97,000 US$ 9,900 - 12,500
335 1 bt
Romanée-Conti 1982
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Grand Cru bc2cm
336 1 mag 337 1 mag
per lot NT$ 420,000 - 500,000 HK$ 107,000 - 128,000 US$ 13,800 - 16,400
Romanée-Conti 1983
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Grand Cru (RP92) bc5cm
338 1 bt
NT$ 320,000 - 400,000 HK$ 82,000 - 102,000 US$ 10,500 - 13,100
Romanée-Conti 1986
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Grand Cru (RP94) bsl,bc7cm
339 1 bt
NT$ 340,000 - 420,000 HK$ 87,000 - 107,000 US$ 11,200 - 13,800
Romanée-Conti 1987
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Grand Cru (RP95) bsl,bc7cm Extremely concentrated, exotic, and sensationally perfumed, with its telltale bouquet of oriental spices, toasty vanillin oak, berry fruit, and plums, this wine had fabulous gingery, cinnamon flavors as well as astonishing length. It is one of the most unique tasting experiences in the world. /RP /Jan 1990
340 1 bt
NT$ 320,000 - 400,000 HK$ 82,000 - 102,000 US$ 10,500 - 13,100 53
Lot 335
Romanée-Conti 1987
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Grand Cru (RP95) 2bc3cm
341 1 bt 342 1 bt
per lot NT$ 240,000 - 320,000 HK$ 61,000 - 82,000 US$ 7,900 - 10,500
Romanée-Conti 1988
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Grand Cru (RP97) high than bc 2cm In 1988 there are 575 cases of Romanee - Conti. Consumers should be deliriously happy, considering there were only 225 cases in 1987. It is more backward than the 1987, 1986, or 1985, and is one of the fullest and most tannic examples of Romanee - Conti I have tasted this decade. It may even outlive the otherworldly 1985. It is staggeringly concentrated with a bouquet that almost defies articulation. There is no doubting what it is and who made it. It is a flashy, dramatic wine with astonishing length and mystique. I would not dare touch a bottle before the mid - to late nineties./RP /Jan 1990
343 1 bt 344 1 bt
per lot NT$ 280,000 - 360,000 HK$ 71,000 - 92,000 US$ 9,200 - 11,800
Romanée-Conti 1989
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Grand Cru high than bc 2cm
345 1 bt 346 1 bt
Lot 338 54
per lot NT$ 280,000 - 360,000 HK$ 71,000 - 92,000 US$ 9,200 - 11,800
Lot 341 55
Lot 347 56
Romanée-Conti 1990 1990 年為少見的世紀年份,即便自然條件較差的勃根地也無例外。 乾熱的夏季使得葡萄不過度成熟,適當的糖分提供了完整的酒體結 構,此外也保留了恰當酸度以具陳年實力。Pinot Noir 在該年有著絕 佳的熟度,使得勃根地紅酒在 1990 年成為該年代精彩的年份,有 著無限美好的未來。此次難得一見地徵集稀罕的 Jeroboam,大瓶裝 Romanée-Conti 不僅完整提供酒質良好的空間沉睡等待甦醒,更能延 長美酒的壽命,保持狀態優良,屬上乘之作。
Romanée-Conti 1990
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Grand Cru (RP98) No#00008, scl, crc, hardly bsl on back label The 1990 Romanee - Conti should ultimately be the most compelling and complex of the DRC wines. Normally it possesses a lighter color than either La Tache or Richebourg, but in 1990 it boasts a surprisingly saturated color that is the equal of La Tache and Richebourg. The nose offers up sweet, clove, cinnamon, and blackberry aromas intermingled with toasty, smoky new oak. Lavishly rich and full - bodied, with abundant tannins, this profound, surprisingly large - scaled, tannic wine boasts more muscle than usual. Let’s hope that the billionaires that buy it have as much taste as money. /RP /Oct 1992
347 1 jero
NT$ 2,200,000 - 2,600,000 HK$ 561,000 - 663,000 US$ 72,200 - 85,400
Romanée-Conti 1990
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Grand Cru (RP98) high than bc2cm
348 349 350 351 352 353
1 1 1 1 1 1
bt bt bt bt bt bt
per lot NT$ 420,000 - 500,000 HK$ 107,000 - 128,000 US$ 13,800 - 16,400
Lot 356-357 Lot 359-360 58
Romanée-Conti 1992
Romanée-Conti 2000
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Grand Cru tl,bc7cm, bottles produced:4,776
354 1 bt
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Grand Cru (BH94) bottles produced:6,286, high than bc 2cm
per lot NT$ 340,000 - 420,000 HK$ 87,000 - 107,000 US$ 11,200 - 13,800
Romanée-Conti 1993
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Grand Cru bottles produced:3,600
355 1 bt
361 1 bt 362 1 bt 363 1 bt
per lot NT$ 320,000 - 400,000 HK$ 82,000 - 102,000 US$ 10,500 - 13,100
Romanée-Conti 2001
per lot NT$ 340,000 - 420,000 HK$ 87,000 - 107,000 US$ 11,200 - 13,800
Romanée-Conti 1995
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Grand Cru (RP93) bottles produced:6,407
364 1 bt 365 1 bt
per lot NT$ 340,000 - 420,000 HK$ 87,000 - 107,000 US$ 11,200 - 13,800
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Grand Cru bottles produced:5,397
356 1 bt 357 1 bt
per lot NT$ 400,000 - 480,000 HK$ 102,000 - 122,000 US$ 13,100 - 15,800
Romanée-Conti 1996
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Grand Cru (RP96 - 98) bottles produced:6,101 It has a gorgeously bright dark ruby/purple color and extremely complex aromatics of fresh herbs, Asian spices, creamy cherries, super - ripe blackberries, and vanilla - imbued oak. This superb wine offers a mouthful of silky - textured cherries, blueberries, plums, boysenberries, earth, minerals, and spiced oak. This masterpiece is full - bodied, dense (yet extremely elegant and defined), thickly textured, and immensely concentrated. Moreover, I sensed this wine was holding a significant amount in reserve! /RP /Aug 1998
358 1 bt
NT$ 260,000 - 340,000 HK$ 66,000 - 87,000 US$ 8,500 - 11,200
Romanée-Conti 1999 DRC 在該年度有著高量的產量,生產將近 7000 瓶的數量可見當年度 量好、質好的高品質。典型的 Pinot Noir 香氣有著精緻的滑順口感, 同時有均衡的單寧,經過數十年的陳年,該酒正開始漸漸甦醒,緩 緩的達到頂級酒的姿態。
Romanée-Conti 1999
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Grand Cru (BH99) bottles produced:6,917, tl
Lot 364-365 Lot 368-369
Vibrant, pure, spicy, distinctly floral and unusually high - toned for the vintage with big, powerful and concentrated almost to the point of painful intensity with its super ripe, palate staining flavors yet this remains regal, almost aloof and quite reserved on the hugely long finish. /BH /Apr 2007
359 1 bt 360 1 bt
per lot NT$ 420,000 - 500,000 HK$ 107,000 - 128,000 US$ 13,800 - 16,400 59
Romanée-Conti 2002
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Grand Cru (RP90) bottles produced:5,548
366 1 bt 367 1 bt
per lot NT$ 380,000 - 460,000 HK$ 97,000 - 117,000 US$ 12,500 - 15,100
Romanée-Conti 2003
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Grand Cru (RP95) bottles produced:3,575
368 1 bt 369 1 bt
per lot NT$ 360,000 - 440,000 HK$ 92,000 - 112,000 US$ 11,800 - 14,400
Romanée-Conti 2004
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Grand Cru bottles produced:5,663
370 1 bt 371 1 bt
per lot NT$ 360,000 - 440,000 HK$ 92,000 - 112,000 US$ 11,800 - 14,400
Lot 366-367 Lot 370-371 60
Romanée-Conti 2005 夏季的缺水使得果實的外皮較為厚實,意味著該年份的 Pinot Noir 將 有高度的單寧,而高度單寧提供了堅實耐久的陳年實力。而後的及 時雨解了乾旱以外也讓葡萄再度熟成,讓葡萄生長美妙以至採收。 2005 年的 Romanée-Conti 被譽為偉大年份裡的偉大酒款。
Romanée-Conti 2005
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Grand Cru (BH99) bottles produced:5,489 An exceptionally floral yet restrained nose with aromas of both rose and violets that combine with a panoply of spice notes yet the overall impression is classic young RC as the nose is both cool and reserved yet aristocratic. BH/2008
372 373 374 375 376 377
1 1 1 1 1 1
bt bt bt bt bt bt
per lot NT$ 480,000 - 650,000 HK$ 122,000 - 166,000 US$ 15,800 - 21,300
Lot 372-377 61
Romanée-Conti 2007
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Grand Cru (RP96) bottles produced:4,088 Hyacinth, rose, gladiola, and iris are underlain by scents of moss - covered, damp stone, wild ginger, and diverse tiny red fruits. A wafting, wave - like finish harbors the sort of exhilarating sheer refreshment one looks for in white wine, and a kaleidoscopic interchange of colorful floral, spice, fruit, carnal, and mineral elements such as few wines of any sort can deliver. RP/2010
NT$ 360,000 - 440,000 HK$ 92,000 - 112,000 US$ 11,800 - 14,400
381 1 bt
Romanée-Conti 2009
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Grand Cru (RP98) bottles produced:6,465 It’s a few of the major components would include dried rose petals, hoisin, clove, anise and cassis that merge seamlessly into regal, pure and gorgeously intense middle weight flavors that possess seemingly limitless reserves of dry extract that almost completely hide the perfectly integrated tannins on the firm, mineral - driven, overtly austere and linear finish. BH/2012
Lot 378-381
Romanée-Conti 2005
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Grand Cru (BH99)
378 1 bt
NT$ 480,000 - 650,000 HK$ 122,000 - 166,000 US$ 15,800 - 21,300
382 383 384 385
1 1 1 1
bt bt bt bt
per lot NT$ 420,000 - 500,000 HK$ 107,000 - 128,000 US$ 13,800 - 16,400
Romanée-Conti 2010 該年度被稱為是二十一世紀後最偉大的年份,但夏季天氣稍嫌涼爽, 使得葡萄成熟較緩,降低了糖分卻保有了明顯的酸度。2010 年 DRC 只得生產了極少產量,看似一個艱難的年份但卻穩穩的獲得眾多酒 評家的讚賞 (RP99),可見該酒莊的實力頂級。
Romanée-Conti 2006
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Grand Cru (RP98) bottles produced:5,546 The remarkable perfume and spice continue inner - mouth, allied to a silken textural refinement to pure, fresh, but not at all superficially sweet cherry and raspberry essence; and too deep, marrow meekness and hints of truffle and forest floor. This pivots at midpoint, as it were – though far more subtly than does its Richebourg sibling – from perfume and fruit to almost sinister animal and mineral suggestions. RP/2009
379 1 bt 380 1 bt
per lot NT$ 400,000 - 480,000 HK$ 102,000 - 122,000 US$ 13,100 - 15,800
Romanée-Conti 2010
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Grand Cru (RP97 - 99) bottles produced:4,636, high than bc 2cm There is a real sense of focused power to the beautifully well - delineated, pure and highly nuanced, multifaceted medium - bodied flavors wrapped in a deep reserve of dry extract before culminating in a breathtakingly persistent finish replete with the hallmark youthful austerity. BH2010
6 bts NT$ 2,200,000 - 3,000,000 HK$ 561,000 - 765,000 US$ 72,200 - 98,500
Lot 387-391 64
Montrachet 1996
Montrachet, Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Grand Cru (BH98)
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti 所產的 Montrachet,占地不到 0.7 公頃, 卻被酒迷捧為白色傑作的迷人佳釀,酒體渾厚,富有嚼勁,精彩的 表現了 Chardonnay 迷倒眾生的風采,值得一提的是該莊園在釀造後, 不儘理想的酒質即廢棄不用,因此 1992 年時便有停產 Montrachet 一 事,可見品質嚴格把關。
Montrachet 1969
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Grand Cru hardly tl,bsl,bc 2cm
NT$ 85,000 - 110,000 HK$ 22,000 - 28,000 US$ 2,800 - 3,600
387 1 bt
Montrachet 1985
NT$ 120,000 - 160,000 HK$ 31,000 - 41,000 US$ 3,900 - 5,300
391 1 bt
Montrachet 2003
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Grand Cru (WS91) USA lmported label
388 1 bt
One of the greatest wines of the incredible 1996 vintage with knockout aromas of white flowers, green apples and a touch of oak spice all framed by an intense minerality followed by discreet, understated flavors that are so focused that they’re entirely crystalline in nature. This just oozes class and breed and the balance is perfect with acidity that exquisitely highlights each nuance yet remains in the background as a supporting, rather than a dominating, element. Seamless from the explosive fruit to the finish that persists literally for minutes. This is an emotionally compelling wine and one cannot drink it and remain indifferent. A reference standard expression of the terroir and incontestably one of the finest wines of this great vintage. /BH /Oct 2006
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Grand Cru (RP97) 2bsl,2tl
NT$ 120,000 - 160,000 HK$ 31,000 - 41,000 US$ 3,900 - 5,300
Montrachet Domaine de la Romanée-Conti 1986 曾被 Robert Parker 讚為此生最難忘的酒款之一,深得他的芳心。提 供了濃烈的蜂蜜香氣以外,具備了頂級白酒該有的溫暖烤麵包氣息, 和豐富的水果如萊姆等清爽的果香,驚人的完整結構富有嚼勁,完 美呈現了 Chardonnay 的精髓。
Sumptuous aromas of spices, yellow plums and buttery toast are found in the nose of the medium to full - bodied 2003 Montrachet. A dense, layered, ample wine of awesome power, it is concentrated, spicy, and velvety - textured. Toasted pears, butter, vanilla, plump yellow fruits, melon balls, and notes of passion fruit make up its extremely extroverted flavor profile. Boasting terrific mouth feel, it also possesses an exceptionally long, seamless finish. While it is difficult to assess the ageworthiness of such a big, super - ripe white Burgundy, it will unquestionably deliver loads of pleasure if consumed over the next decade and perhaps longer. /RP /Aug 2005
392 1 bt 393 1 bt
per lot NT$ 110,000 - 150,000 HK$ 28,000 - 38,000 US$ 3,600 - 4,900
Montrachet 1986
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Grand Cru (RP100) bsl This wine continues to rank as one of the most memorable white wines I have ever tasted. The only criticism may be its heavy-weight style. The light golden color is followed by a nose that zooms from the glass, offering a phenomenal fragrance of honey, smoked nuts, lavishly rich, buttery fruit, and toasty oak. /RP /Dec 1992
389 1 bt
NT$ 85,000 - 110,000 HK$ 22,000 - 28,000 US$ 2,800 - 3,600
Montrachet 1989
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Grand Cru (RP99) Not surprisingly, this is another awesome example from the Domaine de la Romanee - Conti. If pure, honeyed thickness and glycerin are what you are looking for, there is not a more concentrated Chardonnay produced in the world. The only thing I have ever seen from the new world that approaches a wine such as this in nectar - like richness were the 1978 and 1980 Chalone, but that winery has now resorted to making much lighter, more commercially - oriented products. /RP /Feb 1992
390 1 bt
NT$ 80,000 - 100,000 HK$ 20,000 - 26,000 US$ 2,600 - 3,300
Lot 392-393 65
Richebourg 1970
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Grand Cru 1bsl,2sdc,1bc3cm
Richebourg 1970
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Grand Cru 1spc,1bc5cm,1bc6cm
396 2 bts 397 2 bts
per lot NT$ 95,000 - 130,000 HK$ 24,000 - 33,000 US$ 3,100 - 4,300
Lot 394-395
Bourgogne Hautes - Côtes de Nuits Blanc “Sélectionné par Caves Augé” 2010 Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
394 12 bts
NT$ 90,000 - 120,000 HK$ 23,000 - 31,000 US$ 3,000 - 3,900
Bourgogne Hautes - Côtes de Nuits Blanc “Sélectionné par Lavinia” 2010 Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
395 12 bts
NT$ 90,000 - 120,000 HK$ 23,000 - 31,000 US$ 3,000 - 3,900
Lot 398
Échézeaux 1985
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Grand Cru (CT94) slightly bsl,bc 3cm
398 1 bt
NT$ 36,000 - 44,000 HK$ 9,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,200 - 1,400
Échézeaux 2004
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Grand Cru 2bsl,2spc,1sdc
399 6 bts
NT$ 240,000 - 320,000 HK$ 61,000 - 82,000 US$ 7,900 - 10,500
Grands Échézeaux 1970
La Tâche 1990
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Grand Cru 2bsl,1spc,2bc3cm,1bc6cm
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Grand Cru (RP100) 1bsl
NT$ 80,000 - 100,000 HK$ 20,000 - 26,000 US$ 2,600 - 3,300
400 3 bts
Grands Échézeaux 1987
More profound, young red Burgundy tasted than DRC’s 1990 La Tache. Although it still requires another 3-4 years of cellaring, it is incredibly endowed, with an extraordinary perfume of Asian spices as well as jammy black /RP /Feb 2005
404 1 bt 405 1 bt 406 1 bt
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Grand Cru (RP92) cc,bc8cm
NT$ 36,000 - 44,000 HK$ 9,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,200 - 1,400
401 1 bt
Tâche,Domaine de la Romanée-Conti La Tâche 與 Romanée-Conti 葡萄園隔了一小片葡萄園相互對望,是唯 一可以挑戰自家好酒的一款佳釀。1990 酒款拿下了對於勃根地酒特 別挑剔的 Robert Parker 的滿分,說明了刁鑽的 Robert Parker 也不禁 折服在這款絕世好酒的美味之下。
per lot NT$ 160,000 - 200,000 HK$ 41,000 - 51,000 US$ 5,300 - 6,600
Romanée Saint Vivant 1970
Domaine Marey Monge(Domaine de la Romanée-Conti) Grand Cru scl, bsl,cc,sdc,bc5cm
407 1 bt
NT$ 30,000 - 38,000 HK$ 8,000 - 10,000 US$ 1,000 - 1,200
La Tâche 1942
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Grand Cru (WS98) 1tl,2bottles recondition by June 22, 1987
402 2 bts
NT$ 200,000 - 280,000 HK$ 51,000 - 71,000 US$ 6,600 - 9,200
La Tâche 1987
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Grand Cru cc,bc7cm
403 1 bt
NT$ 46,000 - 60,000 HK$ 12,000 - 15,000 US$ 1,500 - 2,000
Lot 408 Cuveé Duvault - Blochet 1er Cru Domaine de la Romanée - Conti 1999 1999 年為勃根地產量極好的一年,Pinot Noir 的表現相當漂亮。DRC 在採收第一輪之後依舊有豐碩的果實可以採收,於是施行第二次採 收,而這批特級園葡萄則用以釀造 Cuveé Duvault - Blochet,雖僅是 一級園等級,但酒質堪比特級園。首釀年份為 1930 年代,經過一甲 子再度釀造,實為難得的珍稀。
Duvault - Blochet 1999
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Premier Cru
408 2 bts Lot 402 68
NT$ 65,000 - 85,000 HK$ 17,000 - 22,000 US$ 2,100 - 2,800
Lot 404-406 69
Clos de la Roche Cuvée Vieilles Vignes 2004
Domaine Ponsot Grand Cru (BH92)
415 12 bts 416 12 bts
Domaine Ponsot 創立於 1872 年,Domaine Ponsot 擁有 11 個特級園,佔地 3.4 公頃的 地塊種植平均樹齡為 63 年的老藤。堅持傳統尊重自然的釀造精神, 且採用人工採收。其酒質有著均衡飽滿的咀嚼口感,尾韻悠悠細且 長綿延不絕,令人著迷的多層次變化,展現出老藤以及地塊所表現 出的「terroir」。Ponsot 為 Clos de la Roche 最大的持有者,Clos de la Roche Cuvée Vieilles Vignes 以老葡萄藤果實釀造出酒質細緻且有濃 烈的黑櫻桃果味,結構依舊厚實且柔和了當地風土的礦石氣味。
Chambertin 2004
per lot NT$ 70,000 - 90,000 HK$ 18,000 - 23,000 US$ 2,300 - 3,000
Clos de la Roche Cuvée Vieilles Vignes 2004 Domaine Ponsot Grand Cru (BH92)
NT$ 50,000 - 70,000 HK$ 13,000 - 18,000 US$ 1,600 - 2,300
417 4 mags
Corton Cuvée du Bourdon 2009
Domaine Ponsot
Clos de Vougeot Cuvée Vieilles Vignes 2006 Domaine Ponsot (RP92)
409 1 bt 3 bts
Domaine Ponsot Grand Cru
418 6 bts
NT$ 46,000 - 60,000 HK$ 12,000 - 15,000 US$ 1,500 - 2,000
NT$ 32,000 - 40,000 HK$ 8,000 - 10,000 US$ 1,100 - 1,300
Clos de la Roche Cuvée Vieilles Vignes 2004
Domaine Ponsot Grand Cru (BH92)
410 411 412 413 414
6 6 6 6 6
bts bts bts bts bts
per lot NT$ 36,000 - 44,000 HK$ 9,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,200 - 1,400
創立於 1731 年,知名勃根地酒商之一 Bouchard Père & Fils 規模龐大, 同時為勃根地最具影響力以及重要的酒商之一,生產著眾多紅、白 佳釀。不同的地塊在個別照顧下皆有不一樣的特質與個性,呈現出 多元複雜的風格。
Chapelle - Chambertin 2007 Bouchard Père & Fils Grand Cru
419 6 bts
per lot NT$ 24,000 - 32,000 HK$ 6,000 - 8,000 US$ 800 - 1,100
Chapelle - Chambertin 2008 Bouchard Père & Fils Grand Cru
420 6 bts
per lot NT$ 24,000 - 32,000 HK$ 6,000 - 8,000 US$ 800 - 1,100
Échézeaux 2011
Bouchard Père & Fils Grand Cru
421 6 bts
NT$ 28,000 - 36,000 HK$ 7,000 - 9,000 US$ 900 - 1,200
Vosne-Romanée Les Suchot 2008 Bouchard Père & Fils Premier Cru (BH92)
Vosne-Romanée Les Suchot 2010 Bouchard Père & Fils Premier Cru
422 6 bts 6 bts Lot 410-414 70
NT$ 36,000 - 44,000 HK$ 9,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,200 - 1,400
Chevalier-Montrachet 2002 Bouchard Père & Fils Grand Cru (RP90)
NT$ 100,000 - 140,000 HK$ 26,000 - 36,000 US$ 3,300 - 4,600
427 12 bts
Chevalier-Montrachet 2009 Bouchard Père & Fils Grand Cru (BH92)
428 6 bts
NT$ 36,000 - 44,000 HK$ 9,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,200 - 1,400
Chevalier-Montrachet 2011
Bouchard Père & Fils Grand Cru (BH93)
429 6 bts
NT$ 44,000 - 55,000 HK$ 11,000 - 14,000 US$ 1,400 - 1,800
Lot 423
Montrachet 2009
Bouchard Père & Fils Grand Cru
423 6 bts
NT$ 85,000 - 110,000 HK$ 22,000 - 28,000 US$ 2,800 - 3,600
Lot 424
Montrachet 2011
Chevalier-Montrachet La Cabotte Bouchard Père & Fils
424 6 bts
此 處 地 塊 為 該 大 片 葡 萄 園 中 下 層 一 塊 石 牆 梯 田, 非 常 鄰 近 下 方 Montrachet,可預見該葡萄園實力不容小覷。此葡萄園為 Bouchard 所獨力釀造,酒質高瘦以外仍有完整的結構,也含有較明顯的礦石 風味卻不失優雅細緻的酒質。
Bouchard Père & Fils Grand Cru (BH96) OWC
NT$ 90,000 - 120,000 HK$ 23,000 - 31,000 US$ 3,000 - 3,900
Bâtard-Montrachet 2002
Chevalier-Montrachet La Cabotte 2006
Bouchard Père & Fils Grand Cru (RP94)
Bouchard Père & Fils Grand Cru (BH91)
NT$ 26,000 - 34,000 HK$ 7,000 - 9,000 US$ 900 - 1,100
425 3 bts
Bâtard-Montrachet 2011 OWC
NT$ 80,000 - 100,000 HK$ 20,000 - 26,000 US$ 2,600 - 3,300
Chevalier-Montrachet La Cabotte 2009
Bouchard Père & Fils Grand Cru
426 6 bts
430 6 bts
Bouchard Père & Fils Grand Cru
NT$ 44,000 - 55,000 HK$ 11,000 - 14,000 US$ 1,400 - 1,800
431 12 bts
NT$ 150,000 - 190,000 HK$ 38,000 - 48,000 US$ 4,900 - 6,200 71
Charmes-Chambertin 2009
Geverey - Chambertin
Sérafin Père & Fils Grand Cru
為 Côte de Nuits 最 大 的 葡 萄 園 村 莊, 集 聚 了 眾 多 知 名 酒 莊, 可 謂是勃根地百家爭鳴之地。此片廣袤的葡萄園共有 Chambertin、 Chambertin Clos de Bèze、Mazi-Chambertin、Ruchottes-Chambertin、 Latricière-Chambertin、Chapelle-Chamertin、 Griotte-Chambertin、 Charme-Chambertin、Mazoyères-Chambertin 等 七 個 特 級 園 產 區。 此 大片產區被認為最能表現 Pinot Noir 雄健渾厚的氣勢,有著完整嚴謹 的結構,在細緻的果香以外更添加了香料氣息,散發出雄性剛強的 酒款,也被認為是左右全世界 Pinot Noir 風格的經典產區。
437 12 bts
NT$ 95,000 - 130,000 HK$ 24,000 - 33,000 US$ 3,100 - 4,300
Mazis-Chambertin 1997 Dominique Laurent Grand Cru
Mazis-Chambertin 2008 Armand Rousseau Grand Cru
Gevrey-Chambertin Clos Saint - Jacques 2003 Louis Jadot Premier Cru
Gevrey-Chambertin Clos Tamisot 2011
438 3 bts 3 bts
Pierre Damoy
432 6 bts OC 12 bts OC
NT$ 50,000 - 70,000 HK$ 13,000 - 18,000 US$ 1,600 - 2,300
Gevrey-Chambertin 2012 Frédéric Esmonin
Gevrey-Chambertin 1er Cru Les Champonnets 2012 Frédéric Esmonin Premier Cru
Gevrey-Chambertin 1er Cru Clos Prieur 2012
Mazis-Chambertin 2005 Faiveley
439 3 bts
NT$ 48,000 - 65,000 HK$ 12,000 - 17,000 US$ 1,600 - 2,100
Gevrey-Chambertin Vieilles Vignes 2012 Geantet - Pansiot
434 12 bts
NT$ 24,000 - 32,000 HK$ 6,000 - 8,000 US$ 800 - 1,100
Lucien le Moine Grand Cru
440 6 bts
Chambertin-Clos de Bèze 2003 Bouchard Père & Fils Grand Cru
位於 Chambertin 北邊處,雖然緊臨著酒風雄壯的 Chambertin,但比 較起來該酒款少了厚實艱澀的單寧,酒體亦為輕巧,稍為早熟的酒 款。此次由 Albert Bichot 釀造的三個年份皆保有了清脆的酸度以及 易入口的單寧,迷人的粉紅果實香氣削減了 Chambertin 原有的厚重 感以外更增添了層次。`
Latricières-Chambertin 2004 Albert Bichot Grand Cru
Latricières-Chambertin 2008 Albert Bichot Grand Cru
441 2 bts 2 bts 2 bts
NT$ 40,000 - 48,000 HK$ 10,000 - 12,000 US$ 1,300 - 1,600
Clos Vougeot 1981
Chambertin-Clos de Bèze 2006
Jean-Francois Thurot Grand Cru
Louis Jadot Grand Cru
NT$ 40,000 - 48,000 HK$ 10,000 - 12,000 US$ 1,300 - 1,600
Chambertin-Clos de Bèze 2011
Clos Vougeot 2001
Domaine de la Vougeraie Grand Cru
Clos Vougeot 2008 MéoCamuzet Grand Cru
Clos Vougeot 2009
Château de la Tour Grand Cru
Robert Groffier Grand Cru
Albert Bichot Grand Cru
此處葡萄園有著石圈圍繞,為千年歷史相傳至今的名園,由 Bèze 教 會種植整理才得此名。其酒風類似於 Chambertin,為該地區頂尖的 Pinot Noir 葡萄園之一,同樣較為剛強的酒款,紮實的結構帶有精巧 的細緻層次。
436 3 bts
NT$ 36,000 - 44,000 HK$ 9,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,200 - 1,400
Latricières-Chambertin 2006
Chambertin Clos de Bèze
435 3 bts 3 bts
NT$ 22,000 - 30,000 HK$ 6,000 - 8,000 US$ 700 - 1,000
Mazis-Chambertin 2007
Frédéric Esmonin Premier Cru
433 12 bts 12 bts 12 bts
NT$ 42,000 - 50,000 HK$ 11,000 - 13,000 US$ 1,400 - 1,600
NT$ 24,000 - 32,000 HK$ 6,000 - 8,000 US$ 800 - 1,100
442 3 3 3 3
bts bts bts bts
NT$ 60,000 - 80,000 HK$ 15,000 - 20,000 US$ 2,000 - 2,600
Richebourg 1985
Remoissenet Père et Fils Grand Cru
NT$ 75,000 - 95,000 HK$ 19,000 - 24,000 US$ 2,500 - 3,100
443 6 bts
Volnay 1er Cru Les Mitans 1997 Hubert de Montille Premier Cru
444 12 bts
NT$ 36,000 - 44,000 HK$ 9,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,200 - 1,400
Clos de Vougeot 2004
Domaine de la Vougeraie Grand Cru
445 12 bts
NT$ 34,000 - 42,000 HK$ 9,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,100 - 1,400
Richebourg 2004 Anne-Françoise Gros
NT$ 20,000 - 28,000 HK$ 5,000 - 7,000 US$ 700 - 900
446 2 bts
Romanée-Saint-Vivant 2007 Nicolas Potel Grand Cru
447 12 bts
NT$ 80,000 - 100,000 HK$ 20,000 - 26,000 US$ 2,600 - 3,300
Échézeaux 2010
Albert Bichot, Domaine du Clos Frantin Grand Cru
448 6 mags
NT$ 65,000 - 85,000 HK$ 17,000 - 22,000 US$ 2,100 - 2,800
Corton Clos Rognet 2011 MéoCamuzet Grand Cru
NT$ 95,000 - 130,000 HK$ 24,000 - 33,000 US$ 3,100 - 4,300
449 12 bts
Grands Échézeaux 2011 Gros Frère et Sœur Grand Cru
450 12 bts
NT$ 75,000 - 95,000 HK$ 19,000 - 24,000 US$ 2,500 - 3,100
Vosne-Romanée 1er Cru Les Chaumes 2011 MéoCamuzet Premier Cru
451 12 bts
NT$ 50,000 - 70,000 HK$ 13,000 - 18,000 US$ 1,600 - 2,300
Lot 450 73
Clos de Tart 2011 Grand Cru
452 6 bts
NT$ 55,000 - 75,000 HK$ 14,000 - 19,000 US$ 1,800 - 2,500
Clos de Tart 2011
採用自然動力法耕作,產量極低,白酒在勃根地地區或是全世界有 著極高的讚譽,在 Meursault 產區有著大片的葡萄園地,也可說是 Meursault 模範酒莊。酒風精巧多變化,迷人的礦石氣味中有宜人適 中的酸度,強而有力,展現出 Meursault 的地道風格。此外所釀造的 Montrachet 可謂是白酒精品中難得的佳釀,往往供不應求,一般只 使用全新的橡木桶,在經過乳酸發酵後換桶,熟成 15 個月後才致裝 瓶,除了增添層次以外,極少攪桶的做法也保留了果實純粹的風味。
Montrachet 1992
Grand Cru
Domaine des Comtes Lafon Grand Cru
453 6 bts
NT$ 55,000 - 75,000 HK$ 14,000 - 19,000 US$ 1,800 - 2,500
456 1 bt 457 1 bt
per lot NT$ 75,000 - 95,000 HK$ 19,000 - 24,000 US$ 2,500 - 3,100
Clos de Tart 2011 Grand Cru
Montrachet 1996
454 3 mags
NT$ 55,000 - 75,000 HK$ 14,000 - 19,000 US$ 1,800 - 2,500
Clos de Tart 2011 Grand Cru
455 1 Jero
NT$ 42,000 - 50,000 HK$ 11,000 - 13,000 US$ 1,400 - 1,600
Domaine des Comtes Lafon Grand Cru (RP99) slightly bsl Medium straw colour. Incredibly complex nose displaying an exciting array of fruit, grain, nut and mineral notes: warm apricots, oatmeal, hazelnuts and chalk dust. After 30 mins in the glass the aromas keep coming including candied ginger, dried persimmon and butterscotch. The crisp, minerally palate is other worldly, paradoxically elegant and powerful. Medium to full body, exquisitely balanced and lots of layers of fruit and nut flavours to disseminate on the very, very long finish. Drink now to 2018+. RP2009
NT$ 65,000 - 85,000 HK$ 17,000 - 22,000 US$ 2,100 - 2,800
458 1 bt
Montrachet 1999
Domaine des Comtes Lafon Grand Cru (WS95)
NT$ 50,000 - 70,000 HK$ 13,000 - 18,000 US$ 1,600 - 2,300
459 1 bt
Meursault-Charmes 2009
Domaine des Comtes Lafon Premier Cru
NT$ 36,000 - 44,000 HK$ 9,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,200 - 1,400
460 6 bts
Meursault-Genevrières 2009 Domaine des Comtes Lafon Premier Cru
461 12 bts
NT$ 85,000 - 110,000 HK$ 22,000 - 28,000 US$ 2,800 - 3,600
Meursault-Perrières 2009
Domaine des Comtes Lafon Premier Cru
462 6 bts
NT$ 55,000 - 75,000 HK$ 14,000 - 19,000 US$ 1,800 - 2,500
Lot 456-459 75
FAIVELEY Bâtard-Montrachet 2008 Faiveley Grand Cru (BH95)
A subtly spicy and wonderfully seductive nose features notes of citrus, pear and white flowers set against a background touch of oak toast that precedes the racy, gorgeously intense and overtly muscular flavors that are textured, sweet and powerful on the energetic and penetrating finish that goes on and on. This is one of those ‘wow’ wines that really grabs your attention with its effortless grace and vigor. /BH /Jun 2010
466 2 bts
NT$ 14,000 - 18,000 HK$ 4,000 - 5,000 US$ 500 - 600
Bienvenues-Bâtard-Montrachet 2008 Faiveley Grand Cru (BH94)
467 4 bts
NT$ 26,000 - 34,000 HK$ 7,000 - 9,000 US$ 900 - 1,100
Lot 463
Bâtard-Montrachet 2001 Domaine Leflaive Grand Cru
463 12 bts
NT$ 160,000 - 200,000 HK$ 41,000 - 51,000 US$ 5,300 - 6,600
Puligny-Montrachet 1er Cru Les Combettes 2001 Domaine Leflaive Premier Cru
464 12 bts
NT$ 75,000 - 95,000 HK$ 19,000 - 24,000 US$ 2,500 - 3,100
Puligny-Montrachet 1er Cru Les Pucelles 2005 Domaine Leflaive Premier Cru
465 12 bts
NT$ 90,000 - 120,000 HK$ 23,000 - 31,000 US$ 3,000 - 3,900
Lot 466
被 Robert Parker 讚為最偉大的釀酒師之一的 Jean-Francois Coche Dury,一共擁有約莫 9 公頃的葡萄園,其大部分位於 Meursault 產區。 該酒莊堅守釀酒傳統,並維持低產量,酒質倍受肯定,被公認最為 傳奇的酒款則是 Corton-Charlemagne。有著圓潤熟甜的香氣,充滿熟 甜梨果的氣息以外,礦石風味更是相輔相成。
Corton-Charlemagne 1989 J. - F. Coche - Dury Grand Cru (RP98) U.S.A. Imported label
472 2 bts
NT$ 160,000 - 200,000 HK$ 41,000 - 51,000 US$ 5,300 - 6,600
Corton-Charlemagne 1990 J. - F. Coche - Dury Grand Cru U.S.A. Imported label
473 2 bts
NT$ 180,000 - 240,000 HK$ 46,000 - 61,000 US$ 5,900 - 7,900
Corton-Charlemagne 1996
J. - F. Coche - Dury Grand Cru (RP96 - 99)
Lot 468
474 1 bt
NT$ 90,000 - 120,000 HK$ 23,000 - 31,000 US$ 3,000 - 3,900
Meursault 1er Cru Genevrières 2006 Louis Jadot Premier Cru (BH92) 5scl
468 12 bts
NT$ 36,000 - 44,000 HK$ 9,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,200 - 1,400
Montrachet 2011 Louis Jadot Grand Cru
469 6 bts
NT$ 90,000 - 120,000 HK$ 23,000 - 31,000 US$ 3,000 - 3,900
Montrachet 2011 Louis Jadot Grand Cru
470 6 bts
NT$ 90,000 - 120,000 HK$ 23,000 - 31,000 US$ 3,000 - 3,900
Bâtard-Montrachet 2002 Louis Jadot Grand Cru (RP97)
Puligny-Montrachet La Garenne 2006 Louis Jadot Premier Cru
471 12 bts 6 bts
NT$ 130,000 - 170,000 HK$ 33,000 - 43,000 US$ 4,300 - 5,600
Lot 472-474 77
Puligny-Montrachet 1er Cru Les Folatières 2007
Domaine Bonneau du Martray
Henri Boillot Premier Cru (RP94)
該酒莊為一家只生產 特 級 園 的 酒 莊, 僅 有 Le Corton 以 及 CortonCharlemagne 紅、白兩款佳釀。同時也是 Corton-Charlemagne 的代表 性酒莊。成熟的年份酒款則帶有結實但輕盈的酒體,卻不失細緻的 風味。有著極佳的礦石氣息以外,濃度適中的蜂蜜與柑橘香味,並 有著絕妙的平衡酸度。
483 12 bts
NT$ 34,000 - 42,000 HK$ 9,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,100 - 1,400
Meursault 1er Cru Genevrières 2008 Henri Boillot Premier Cru
Corton-Charlemagne 1995
Domaine Bonneau du Martray Grand Cru (RP93)
475 6 bts
484 12 bts NT$ 40,000 - 48,000 HK$ 10,000 - 12,000 US$ 1,300 - 1,600
Meursault 1er Cru Genevrières 2007 Henri Boillot Premier Cru (RP92)
Corton-Charlemagne 2000
Puligny-Montrachet 1er Cru Clos de la Mouchère 2008
Domaine Bonneau du Martray Grand Cru (RP94)
Henri Boillot Premier Cru
Corton-Charlemagne 2000
Domaine Bonneau du Martray Grand Cru (RP94)
485 5 bts 6 bts
Corton-Charlemagne 2002
Domaine Bonneau du Martray Grand Cru (PR92)
476 6 bts OWC 477 3 mags OWC 478 6 bts OWC
NT$ 30,000 - 38,000 HK$ 8,000 - 10,000 US$ 1,000 - 1,200
NT$ 30,000 - 38,000 HK$ 8,000 - 10,000 US$ 1,000 - 1,200
per lot NT$ 32,000 - 40,000 HK$ 8,000 - 10,000 US$ 1,100 - 1,300
Corton-Charlemagne 2010
Domaine Bonneau du Martray Grand Cru
479 12 bts
NT$ 55,000 - 75,000 HK$ 14,000 - 19,000 US$ 1,800 - 2,500
HENRI BOILLOT Chassagne-Montrachet 1er Cru Les Chaumes 2007 Henri Boillot Premier Cru
NT$ 15,000 - 19,000 HK$ 4,000 - 5,000 US$ 500 - 600
480 6 bts
Puligny-Montrachet 1er Cru Clos de la Mouchère 2007 Henri Boillot Premier Cru (RP93)
481 12 bts
NT$ 34,000 - 42,000 HK$ 9,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,100 - 1,400
Puligny-Montrachet 1er Cru Les Perrières 2007 Henri Boillot Premier Cru (RP94)
482 12 bts
NT$ 34,000 - 42,000 HK$ 9,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,100 - 1,400
Lot 486
Corton Clos du Roi 2005 Comte Senard Grand Cru (BH93)
486 12 bts
NT$ 34,000 - 42,000 HK$ 9,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,100 - 1,400
Volnay 1er Cru Santenots 2005
Chevalier-Montrachet 2007
Jacques Prieur Premier Cru (BH94)
Albert Bichot Grand Cru
487 6 bts 488 6 bts
Volnay ler Cru Clos des Chênes 2006 per lot NT$ 65,000 - 85,000 HK$ 17,000 - 22,000 US$ 2,100 - 2,800
Fontaine Gagnard Premier Cru (BH89)
496 4 bts 2 bts
Corton-Charlemagne 2008 Domaine de la Vougeraie Grand Cru
489 6 bts
NT$ 15,000 - 19,000 HK$ 4,000 - 5,000 US$ 500 - 600
NT$ 24,000 - 32,000 HK$ 6,000 - 8,000 US$ 800 - 1,100
Vougeot 1er cru Le Clos Blanc de Vougeot 2008 Domaine de la Vougeraie Premier Cru
490 12 bts
NT$ 28,000 - 36,000 HK$ 7,000 - 9,000 US$ 900 - 1,200
Pommard 1er Cru Les Rugiens 2009 Fontaine Gagnard Premier Cru
NT$ 30,000 - 38,000 HK$ 8,000 - 10,000 US$ 1,000 - 1,200
491 12 bts
Bâtard-Montrachet 2009 Bachelet - Ramonet Grand Cru
492 12 bts OC
NT$ 60,000 - 80,000 HK$ 15,000 - 20,000 US$ 2,000 - 2,600
Corton-Charlemagne 2011 MéoCamuzet Grand Cru
NT$ 46,000 - 60,000 HK$ 12,000 - 15,000 US$ 1,500 - 2,000
493 6 bts
Corton-Charlemagne 2011 Philippe Pacalet Grand Cru
494 12 bts
NT$ 65,000 - 85,000 HK$ 17,000 - 22,000 US$ 2,100 - 2,800
Chablis 1er Cru “Séchet” 2011 R&V Dauvissat Premier Cru 12sbsl
495 12 bts
NT$ 22,000 - 30,000 HK$ 6,000 - 8,000 US$ 700 - 1,000
Lot 496 79
Lot 498 80
珍藏專區 II Private Collection II
Gevrey-Chambertin 1985
Aloxe - Corton Corton-Charlemagne 2003
Maison Leroy Grand Cru 5 sdc
J. - F. Coche - Dury Grand Cru (RP94)
NT$ 65,000 - 85,000 HK$ 17,000 - 22,000 US$ 2,100 - 2,800
497 6 bts
NT$ 150,000 - 190,000 HK$ 38,000 - 48,000 US$ 4,900 - 6,200
Chassagne-Montrachet 1995
Clos Saint - Jacques 1987
Maison Leroy
Armand Rousseau Grand Cru 1 sdc
Chassagne-Montrachet 1997 NT$ 48,000 - 65,000 HK$ 12,000 - 17,000 US$ 1,600 - 2,100
498 3 bts
502 3 bts
Les Beaux Monts 為 鄰 近 特 級 園 Échézeaux 的 地 塊, 在 Leroy 手 中 更是展現精緻有力的酒風,精彩萬分更甚其它酒莊特級園水準。其 中 Les Beaux Monts 1990 年更有 RP98 的突出表現,經典的 VosneRomanée 風格,有著煙燻香氣、異國香草以及黑色果實的驚喜演出。
Maison Leroy
Puligny-Montrachet 1999 Maison Leroy
503 1 bt 2 bts 2 bts
NT$ 26,000 - 34,000 HK$ 7,000 - 9,000 US$ 900 - 1,100
Dom Pérignon 1990 (RP97)
Vosne-Romanée Les Beaux Monts 1990 Domaine Leroy (白頭) Premier Cru
Lalou Bize - Leroy’s Vosne - Romanee - Les Brulees and Vosne - Romanee - Les Beaumonts are both sensational wines, but they could not be more different. The Vosne - Romanee - Les Beaumonts is a more subtle, more classic example of a top premier cru Vosne - Romanee. It does not soar from the glass with the exotic, smoky, roasted character of the Les Brulees, but it does offer authoritative and persistent aromas of black fruits, herbs, underbrush, and sweet oak. While it displays exceptional concentration of flavor in the mouth, it is supported by higher levels of tannin and is a more structured, denser, richer wine than the Les Brulees. Since the tannins are more noticeable, it should be cellared for 7 - 8 years, and should last for 30 or more. This profound wine is one of the superstars of the vintage. /RP /Oct 1992
499 5 bts 500 5 bts
504 10 bts
NT$ 120,000 - 150,000 HK$ 31,000 - 38,000 US$ 3,900 - 4,900
Dom Pérignon Rosé 1996 (RP97)
per lot NT$ 130,000 - 170,000 HK$ 33,000 - 43,000 US$ 4,300 - 5,600
Chevalier-Montrachet 1998 Domaine Leflaive Grand Cru
501 6 bts
Medium lemon - straw colour. Intensely fragrant nose with aromas of jasmine, cinnamon buttered toast, stewed apples and preserved ginger. Concentrated honey - nut, warm apple tart and spice flavours fill the mouth giving ample flesh to the firm, fine structure. The bubbles are still remarkably frisky and, in harmony with the crisp backbone of acid, make for a relatively youthful, elegant and exquisitely balanced wine. Very long finish. /RP /Mar 2009
NT$ 90,000 - 120,000 HK$ 23,000 - 31,000 US$ 3,000 - 3,900
Three 1996s from Dom Perignon are special. After having compared original releases and OEnotheque bottlings across a number of vintages going back to 1964, I am increasingly of the belief that the most enjoyable Dom Perignons are impeccably stored bottles of the original release. The 1996 Dom Perignon Rose is simply off the charts. What a wine. The 1996 Rose has begun to fill out rather dramatically. Today it is rich, powerful and totally seductive. /RP /Nov 2010
505 3 bts
NT$ 36,000 - 42,000 HK$ 9,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,200 - 1,400
珍藏專區 III Private Collection III
Napa Valley 新世界好酒,不得不提起美國加州的膜拜狂熱。膜拜酒 (Cult Wines) 一詞源自於 90 年代美國加州一股追求精品酒款的風氣。又因為常常 獲得 Robert Parker 高分加持,使得被稱上膜拜酒的各家酒莊皆被酒 迷們奉為此生必須入手的珍品,往往一瓶難求。 膜拜酒大致產於加州 Napa Valley,該地氣候,土壤等條件適合葡萄 種植、釀酒,而追求單一品種 ( 如:Cabernet Sauvignon) 的極致表 現使得該區佳釀水準高竿,成為新世界產區領航者。此次徵集到美 國 膜 拜 酒 之 首 Screaming Eagle, 共 有 1992、1997、2006、2009 等 美好年份,此外也有遵循以加州當地「風土條件」為釀酒哲學,試 圖將當地葡萄的潛力特質完全發揮到極致的 Colgin Estate ,一共有 2006、2007、2008、2009、2011 等高分讚賞的年份。另外也有 Bond Assortment2003, Melbury,、St.Eden,、Vecina、Pluribus 四 個 葡 萄 園 的獨立滋味。
Screaming Eagle Second Flight 2006 - 2009 Napa Valley
506 8 bts
NT$ 140,000 - 170,000 HK$ 36,000 - 43,000 US$ 4,600 - 5,600
Screaming Eagle 2011 Napa Valley (WA94)
The 2011 Screaming Eagle Cabernet Sauvignon is a sexy, upfront, precociously styled wine exhibiting a dense ruby/purple color as well as lots of licorice, camphor, black currant jam, new oak and spice box characteristics.RP2013
507 3 bts
Lot 506 82
NT$ 170,000 - 200,000 HK$ 43,000 - 51,000 US$ 5,600 - 6,600
Lot 507
Colgin IX Estate 2006 Napa Valley (WA100) Only 1,500 cases
Colgin IX Estate 2007 Napa Valley (WA100) Only 1,400 case
Colgin IX Estate 2008 Napa Valley (WA96)
Colgin IX Estate 2009 Napa Valley(WA97)
3 3 3 3
bts bts bts bts
NT$ 160,000 - 190,000 HK$ 41,000 - 48,000 US$ 5,300 - 6,200
Lot 508 83
Sine Qua Non 美國加州「必要條件」Sine Qua Non 則是另一家讓膜拜酒迷為之瘋 狂的酒莊,除了精心的外包裝設計以外,酒質優良更是在首釀年份 便奪得 RP100 的殊榮。此次則徵集到數款以 Syrah 和 Grenache 兩種 原生於南法品種的釀造酒款,試圖挑戰舊世界風格以外也想顛覆世 界酒迷的味蕾。
Sine Qua Non 2008
The Duel Syrah EBA (WA99)
Sine Qua Non 2008
The Duel Grenache EBA (WA96 - 100)
509 3 bts 3 bts
NT$ 100,000 - 130,000 HK$ 26,000 - 33,000 US$ 3,300 - 4,300
Sine Qua Non 2009
This Is Not An Exit Syrah EBA (WA97)
Lot 509-510
Sine Qua Non 2009
Esto no es una salida Grenach EBA (WA96)
510 4 bts 2 bts
Glaetzer Amon - Ra Shiraz 2006 NT$ 90,000 - 110,000 HK$ 23,000 - 28,000 US$ 3,000 - 3,600
Barossa Valley, Australia (WA97 - 100)
Glaetzer Amon - Ra Shiraz 2007 Barossa Valley, Australia (WA96 - 99)
Glaetzer Amon - Ra Shiraz 2008 Barossa Valley, Australia (WA95)
Glaetzer Amon - Ra Shiraz 2009 Barossa Valley, Australia (WA96)
Sine Qua Non 2009
Glaetzer Amon - Ra Shiraz 2010
Sine Qua Non 2009
513 1 1 1 1 1
Barossa Valley, Australia (WA97)
The Thrill of... Stamp Collecting (WA95) Sine Qua Non Turn the Whole Thing... Upside Down (WA96+)
511 1 1
(1.5L) OWC (1.5L) OWC
NT$ 55,000 - 70,000 HK$ 14,000 - 18,000 US$ 1,800 - 2,300
(1.5L) (1.5L) (1.5L) (1.5L) (1.5L)
NT$ 48,000 - 60,000 HK$ 12,000 - 15,000 US$ 1,600 - 2,000
Luciano Sandrone Cannubi Boschis 2001 Barolo DOCG (WA95)
Luciano Sandrone Cannubi Boschis 2003 Barolo DOCG (WA92)
Sine Qua Non 2010
Luciano Sandrone Cannubi Boschis 2004
Sine Qua Non 2010
Luciano Sandrone Cannubi Boschis 2008
Five Shooters Grenache (WA98+)
Barolo DOCG (WA98)
Five Shooters syrah (WA98)
512 1 1
(1.5L) OWC (1.5L) OWC
Barolo DOCG (WA95)
NT$ 65,000 - 80,000 HK$ 17,000 - 20,000 US$ 2,100 - 2,600
514 1 1 1 1
(1.5L) (1.5L) (1.5L) (1.5L)
NT$ 48,000 - 60,000 HK$ 12,000 - 15,000 US$ 1,600 - 2,000
Poggio di Sotto 2005
Brunello di Montalcino DOCG
515 6 (1.5L)
NT$ 50,000 - 65,000 HK$ 13,000 - 17,000 US$ 1,600 - 2,100
Spain 另一個迷人的南歐國家西班牙葡萄酒則在上個十年開始熱鬧發展, 除了有 60 幾個的法定產區以外,新的設備等使得該區酒款大放異彩 外,豐富的原生品種更使得該產區充滿各種風味的酒款。最具代表 性的葡萄為 Tempranillo,除了有陳年的實力以外,豐富濃厚的熱帶 水果氣味更混雜了胡椒等亞洲香料味,讓人聯想到南歐民族的熱情 奔放。
Bodegas Toro Albalá Don PX Ginés Liébana 1910 Montilla - Moriles DO
516 1 bt
NT$ 28,000 - 34,000 HK$ 7,000 - 9,000 US$ 900 - 1,100
Bodegas Toro Albalá Don PX Convento Selección 1946 Montilla - Moriles DO (WA100) Only 40 bottles made
It is unbelievably powerful, both in the nose and the palate, full of umami, with sweet cinnamon, Christmas cake, camphor, petrol, lemongrass, Belgian chocolate and butter. Incredibly complex and rich, sweet, balanced and smooth in the palate, it is both very sweet and somehow salty.Drink it if you ever have the privilege to do so from 2013 - 2060. RP2013
517 2 (3L)
NT$ 70,000 - 85,000 HK$ 18,000 - 22,000 US$ 2,300 - 2,800
Bodegas Toro Albalá Don PX Convento Selección 1946 Montilla - Moriles DO (WA100)
518 6 (1.5L)
NT$ 170,000 - 200,000 HK$ 43,000 - 51,000 US$ 5,600 - 6,600
Bodegas Toro Albalá Don PX Convento Selección 1949 Montilla - Moriles DO (WA97)
519 12 bts
NT$ 100,000 - 130,000 HK$ 26,000 - 33,000 US$ 3,300 - 4,300
Bodegas Toro Albalá Don PX Reserva Especial 1947 Montilla - Moriles DO
520 3 bts
NT$ 48,000 - 60,000 HK$ 12,000 - 15,000 US$ 1,600 - 2,000
Lot 511-512 85
Screaming Eagle 1992 Napa Valley (RP99)
The 1992 Screaming Eagle Cabernet Sauvignon is exceptionally impressive. The wine’s opaque purple color is followed by a sensational nose of jammy blackcurrants and subtle toasty oak. As stunning as the aromatics are, the wine reveals even greater richness and intensity on the palate, offering up layers of stunningly proportioned, ripe, intense fruit, full body, great purity, and an inner core of sweet, creamy, highly extracted blackcurrant/cassis fruit. /RP /Dec 1995
521 1 bt
Lot 521 86
NT$ 200,000 - 260,000 HK$ 51,000 - 66,000 US$ 6,600 - 8,500
Lot 528
Screaming Eagle 1997 Napa Valley (RP100)
It doesn’t get any better than 1997 Cabernet Sauvignon, a perfect wine. Representing the essence of cassis liqueur intermixed with blackberries, minerals, licorice, and toast, this full - bodied, multi - dimensional classic is fabulous, with extraordinary purity, symmetry, and a finish that lasts for nearly a minute. /RP /Jan 2000
NT$ 150,000 - 180,000 HK$ 38,000 - 46,000 US$ 4,900 - 5,900
522 1 bt
Screaming Eagle 2006 Napa Valley (RP98)
523 3 bts
NT$ 180,000 - 220,000 HK$ 46,000 - 56,000 US$ 5,900 - 7,200
Lot 527
Bond Assortment 2003 Napa Valley (RP94 - 98)
528 12 bts
NT$ 100,000 - 130,000 HK$ 26,000 - 33,000 US$ 3,300 - 4,300
Sloan 2006
Napa Valley (RP98) It possesses terrific structure, melted, well - integrated tannins, full body, and is already bursting with complexity.RP2009
529 3 bts
NT$ 38,000 - 44,000 HK$ 10,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,200 - 1,400
Screaming Eagle 2009 Napa Valley (RP98)
524 3 bts 525 3 bts 526 3 bts
per lot NT$ 180,000 - 220,000 HK$ 46,000 - 56,000 US$ 5,900 - 7,200
Opus One 2000 Napa Valley (RP84)
527 3 mags
NT$ 42,000 - 48,000 HK$ 11,000 - 12,000 US$ 1,400 - 1,600
Lot 529 87
Vega - Sicilia Único 2000 Ribera del Duero DOCa
530 2 mags
Tenuta dell'Ornellaia Masseto
NT$ 50,000 - 65,000 HK$ 13,000 - 17,000 US$ 1,600 - 2,100
為托斯卡尼產區一款以波爾多品種為主要釀造來源的酒款,雖僅 是義大利 IGT 等級,但實力早已凌駕眾多 DOCG 酒款。以百分百 Merlot 釀造,架構非常完整外,卻比波爾多酒款多了一份粗獷的特 性。
Dominio de Pingus 2004 Ribera del Duero DOCa (RP100)
The 2004 Pingus is a glass - coating opaque purple/black color with a bouquet of Asian spices, incense, lavender, truffle, black cherry, and blackberry that soars from the glass. Dense, rich, and seamless, this is a complete, harmonious offering with no rough edges. It will continue to blossom for another 5 - 7 years and offer a drinking window extending from 2014 to 2044. /RP /Jun 2010
NT$ 38,000 - 44,000 HK$ 10,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,200 - 1,400
531 1 bt
義大利酒款除了最熟為人知的超級托斯卡尼以外,兩個產區 Barolo、 Barbaresco 可說是近幾年最為熱門的酒款,也為義大利公認最優質的 高等級酒款之二。釀造以單一原生品種為主的紅酒酒款,為北義大 利 (Piemonte) 大宗品種。該品種有著厚實的外皮,帶來高度單寧以 及雄厚的窖藏實力。Barolo、Barbaresco 所產的酒款更具恢弘的張力, 以及更複雜的層次。年輕時艱澀難懂,陳年後則有多層次的香氣如 松露和迷人的草本氣息,非常誘人。
Masseto 1995
Tenuta Dell’Ornellaia DOC bsl
Masseto 2006
Tenuta dell’Ornellaia IGT (RP99) In my view the 2006 is the greatest Masseto ever made, and the wine certainly lives up to those expectations tonight. It is a marvelously balanced wine with well - articulated aromatics and generous fruit, all supported by powerful yet sophisticated tannins. This is a fabulous showing. Anticipated maturity: 2016 2031. /RP /Nov 2011
537 3 bts 538 3 bts
Biondi Santi 1970
Brunello di Montalcino DOCG
NT$ 32,000 - 38,000 HK$ 8,000 - 10,000 US$ 1,100 - 1,200
532 2 bts
Gaja Angelo Gaja Sori Tildin 1997 Langhe DOC (RP96)
The merits and faults of the 1997 vintage have been debated endlessly. Some people love the wines for their rich round fruit, others find the wines atypical and overly ripe. My own feeling is that the vintage is simply uneven, and that there are exceptional wines that capture the best of the vintage and there are overripe, unbalanced wines that are by comparison much less complex. /RP /Dec 2004
533 6 bts
NT$ 85,000 - 100,000 HK$ 22,000 - 26,000 US$ 2,800 - 3,300
Gaja Barbaresco Costa Russi 1997 Barbaresco DOCG
NT$ 24,000 - 30,000 HK$ 6,000 - 8,000 US$ 800 - 1,000
534 2 bts
Gaja Angelo Gaja Costa Russi 2006 Langhe DOC (RP92)
535 6 bts
NT$ 60,000 - 75,000 HK$ 15,000 - 19,000 US$ 2,000 - 2,500
NT$ 30,000 - 36,000 HK$ 8,000 - 9,000 US$ 1,000 - 1,200
536 2 bts
Lot 537
per lot NT$ 60,000 - 75,000 HK$ 15,000 - 19,000 US$ 2,000 - 2,500
Masseto 2010
Tenuta dell’Ornellaia IGT (RP98)
545 3 bts
NT$ 55,000 - 70,000 HK$ 14,000 - 18,000 US$ 1,800 - 2,300
Penfold 另 一 個 稱 為 新 膜 拜 產 區 的 新 世 界 產 區 則 非 澳 洲 莫 屬, 釀 酒 大 廠 Penfold 的釀造實力早已不容小覷,許多佳釀皆讓人想一親芳澤卻瓶 瓶稀罕難得。此次徵集到 Penfolds Bin 620 2008 來自 Coonawarra 產 區,融合了 Cabernet 以及 Shiraz,為澳洲特有的混釀比例,同時也 有 Penfolds Bin 60A 2004 等近乎滿分的表現。
Penfolds Bin 60A 2004 (RP99)
It offers restrained notes of game, smoked meat, earth, blackberry and blackcurrant liqueurs, yeast, marmite - toast plus whiffs of dried lavender, cedar and bark. Very crisp, very tight and very firm, this taut medium - bodied wine is still all structure at this stage, going very long and earthy in the finish. RP2010
Penfolds Block 42 2004
Lot 539
It displays a very deep garnet - purple color and profoundly earthy / gamey aromas over black cherry preserves, creme de cassis plus scents of leather, pencil shavings, Mediterranean herbs, black truffles, underbrush and black olives. The elegant, medium - bodied palate is tightly - knit and led by structure with a high level of grainy tannins, very high acid and a long earthy finish. Approachable now, it should continue to evolve and drink to 2025+. RP2012
Masseto 2006
Tenuta dell’Ornellaia IGT (RP99)
Masseto 2007
Tenuta dell’Ornellaia IGT (RP96)
539 1 bt 1 bt
NT$ 42,000 - 48,000 HK$ 11,000 - 12,000 US$ 1,400 - 1,600
546 1 bt 2 bts
NT$ 80,000 - 95,000 HK$ 20,000 - 24,000 US$ 2,600 - 3,100
Masseto 2007
Tenuta dell’Ornellaia IGT (RP96)
540 3 bts
NT$ 55,000 - 70,000 HK$ 14,000 - 18,000 US$ 1,800 - 2,300
Masseto 2008
Tenuta dell’Ornellaia IGT (RP97+) The 2008 Masseto is another huge wine. It boasts tons of energy in a tense, inward style I can only describe as implosive, as if the wine is holding back all of its energy. A deep core of black fruit, grilled herbs, licorice and new leather emerges from time to time, but the tannins are still imposing. There is no shortage of pedigree. I fully expect the 2008 to develop into one of the great Massetos. Needless to say, it will be interesting to taste the 2008 in vertical tastings in the future. Anticipated maturity: 2018 - 2033. /RP /Jun 2012
541 3 bts 542 3 bts 543 3 bts
per lot NT$ 55,000 - 70,000 HK$ 14,000 - 18,000 US$ 1,800 - 2,300
Masseto 2009
Tenuta dell’Ornellaia IGT (RP94+)
544 3 bts
NT$ 55,000 - 70,000 HK$ 14,000 - 18,000 US$ 1,800 - 2,300
Lot 546 89
Port 1977 Taylor’s bsl,stl
Port 1985
Fonseca (RP93)
Port 1985 Taylor’s bsl
550 1 bt 1 bt 1 bt
NT$ 8,000 - 11,000 HK$ 2,000 - 3,000 US$ 300 - 400
Port 1983
Warre’s (RP90) wsl
Port 1991 Warre’s wsl,sbsl
551 1 bt 1 bt
NT$ 5,000 - 8,000 HK$ 1,000 - 2,000 US$ 200 - 300
Eitelsbacher Karthäuserhofberg Eiswein 1989 Karthäuserhof bsl
Eitelsbacher Karthäuserhofberg Eiswein No.37 Auction Wine 1993 Karthäuserhof
Penfolds 620 2008
Kärthauserhofberg Beerenauslese Nr.53 Blanc 2011
Very deep garnet - purple colored, the 2008 Bin 620 Coonawarra Cabernet Shiraz is a little restrained on the nose, presenting earthy, black truffle, moss covered bark and loam aromas over gentle notes of cassis, crushed blackberries, chocolate mint and pencil shavings, plus a fragrant whiff of cloves. Medium to full bodied, very ripe and rich in the mouth, the complex, layered fruit is densely packed and well supported by firm, finely grained tannins and very crisp acid. Anticipated maturity: 2015 - 2025+. RP2012
NT$ 75,000 - 90,000 HK$ 19,000 - 23,000 US$ 2,500 - 3,000
547 2 bts
Port 1977
Dow’s (RP93), 全台僅3組, Only 3 sets in Taiwan
548 1 549 1
552 2 hbts 2 hbts 1 (500ml)
NT$ 30,000 - 36,000 HK$ 8,000 - 9,000 US$ 1,000 - 1,200
Graacher Himmelreich Riesling Eiswein 2002 J.J. Prüm
553 6 bts
NT$ 46,000 - 55,000 HK$ 12,000 - 14,000 US$ 1,500 - 1,800
Fritz Haag Brauneberger Juffer Riesling TBA 2010 Mosel (WS94)
(2.1L) OWC (2.1L) OWC
per lot NT$ 24,000 - 30,000 HK$ 6,000 - 8,000 US$ 800 - 1,000
554 6 hbts
NT$ 65,000 - 80,000 HK$ 17,000 - 20,000 US$ 2,100 - 2,600
威士忌 W
RAVENEL AUTUMN AUCTION 2014 TAIPEI Liquor :Whisky & Kinmen Kao Laing 烈酒 : 威士忌與金門高粱 Lot 555 - 769
威士忌 W
威士忌又被稱為是生命之水,從大麥發芽,麥汁糖化,銅器蒸餾, 木桶熟成等,每一個細節都令人津津樂道,又有太多的環節依靠 上天的安排。百年傳承的故事,調和選桶師的堅持,關廠後的浴 火重生等等,更替威士忌添加了傳奇魅力。近年來人們對威士忌 欣賞角度也不斷進化,早期從受歡迎的調和威士忌逐漸轉向講究 個性的 Single Malt,甚至不乏高酒精濃度的 Cask Strength 桶裝濃 度,強調不稀釋,不冷凝過濾等,再再挑戰味蕾極限。 近年來威士忌老酒庫存不足的局面也逐漸浮上檯面,由於七零年 代至八零年代,石油危機緊接著經濟蕭條,讓當時許多酒廠紛紛 關門或停機減少產量,導致今日 25 年以上老酒的庫存壓力。新世 界市場如中國,蘇俄等金磚四國的強力崛起,需求大於供給,從 去年香港首次成立威士忌的投資基金,北京舉辦 Whisky Live 第一 屆等可窺見其熱度。威士忌又是需要時間陳年,未來酒廠勢必紛 紛改以無年份酒款作為主調,以上都讓老年份的單一麥芽威士忌 價值不斷提升。 此次羅芙奧更勝以往,不負眾望的徵集到近 150 組老年份單一麥芽 威士忌,大品牌如 Macallan 麥卡倫,Balvenie 百富,Glenfiddich 格蘭菲迪等,另外也有已關廠的國際熱門酒廠,如 Port Ellen 波特 艾倫,Brora 布朗拉,Rosebank 薔薇河畔等,兼具品飲與投資的 潛力。日本的山崎與輕井澤酒廠則以東方力量力壓傳統蘇格蘭市 場,拍賣表現更勝蘇格蘭威士忌,讓不少人跌破眼鏡。此次也徵 集到 Suntory Vintage Malt 1979 - 1994 全系列與輕井澤 1963 年為 主打。另外,也有數款實惠的老年份的調和型威士忌,口感溫柔 迷人,價格相對親民,不乏為老酒入門的好選擇。
Macallan 麥卡倫早期的幾樣堅持讓其老 酒成為拍賣會最熱門的品項,其一是堅 持 100% 產量低黃金大麥的使用,其二 是號稱使用 100% 的雪莉木桶陳年,專 用 First Fill 第一次裝填的酒桶,帶出濃 郁果香且酒色深邃。麥卡倫更採用小尺 寸蒸餾器,讓酒體更渾圓厚重,華麗柔 和。 2004 年後麥卡倫改以 Fine Oak 系 列取代百分之百雪莉桶,傾向更多元的 口感。如今雪莉桶價格飛漲之際,讓 2004 年前老年份麥卡倫多了一份收藏的 理由。此次徵集到近 25 個麥卡倫老酒, 皆為拍賣市場的熱門品項,市面少見。 92
Macallan 25 年出版至今共有多個版本,從最早的 25 Anniversary Malt 周年木盒平拉版,皮帶版,紅盒版等,麥卡倫酒迷們皆如數家珍。 麥卡倫 25 年曾多次贏得國際大賽的金獎,也是許多大老闆們宴會必 備的酒品。如今多種舊版在市面上一瓶難求,每次出現都是拍賣會 的焦點。
Macallan 25 Years Old - 皮帶木盒舊版 Speyside, 43%, 700ml
555 1 bt 特殊包裝禮盒 556 1 bt 特殊包裝禮盒
per lot NT$ 50,000 - 70,000 HK$ 13,000 - 18,000 US$ 1,600 - 2,300
Macallan 25 Anniversary Malt Speyside, 43.00%, 700ml
NT$ 42,000 - 50,000 HK$ 11,000 - 13,000 US$ 1,400 - 1,600
557 1 bt
Lot 557
Lot 555-556 93
舊版藍盒 30 年已經成為麥卡倫的經典酒款,Michael Jackson 的麥芽 威士忌品飲事典一書中此瓶分數高達 95 分 ,口感評為,“沒有過度 的橡木或雪莉桶,風味緊密結合 ; 最吸引人的,是醇美的成熟度 ; 複 雜 ; 僅有一絲煙燻。”,喝過的酒客們無不讚賞。
Macallan 30 Years Old - 藍盒舊版 Speyside, 43.00%, 750ml 90年代裝瓶
559 1 bt
NT$ 75,000 - 95,000 HK$ 19,000 - 24,000 US$ 2,500 - 3,100
Lot 558
Macallan 25 Years Old Speyside, 43.00%, 700ml
558 2 bts
NT$ 65,000 - 85,000 HK$ 17,000 - 22,000 US$ 2,100 - 2,800
Lot 560
Macallan 18 Years Old 1965 Speyside, 1983裝瓶, 43.00%, 750ml
“ 黃褐偏紅;堅果與雪莉的香氣;大茴香、甘草;辛辣而油的尾韻。” - 麥可 . 傑克森品飲事典
560 1 bt
Lot 559 94
NT$ 55,000 - 75,000 HK$ 14,000 - 19,000 US$ 1,800 - 2,500
Lot 561-565
Macallan 18 Years Old 1975 麥卡倫大多年份都有釋出 18 年,舊版方紙盒只包裝至 1980 年份,目 前市面上已非常難見。這些酒經過調和後仍維持麥卡倫一貫的風格, 品質極高,此次徵集到七個不同年份款,皆為難得釋出的收藏品。
Speyside, 1975蒸餾, 43.00%, 700ml
“辛辣的檸檬香茅與泥煤,在香氣展現;新鮮而多汁的蘋果白蘭地與帶 著花香的醋栗,在口感呈現;清新的橡木結尾。”- 麥可 . 傑克森品飲事典
563 1 bt
Macallan 18 Years Old 1972
Speyside, 1972蒸餾, 43.00%, 700ml
NT$ 40,000 - 48,000 HK$ 10,000 - 12,000 US$ 1,300 - 1,600
“ 深橘色;橡木與泥煤香氣:非常平順;泥煤與糖漿般麥芽的良好平衡; 甘澀,有些收斂感的尾韻。“ - 麥可 . 傑克森品飲事典
561 1 bt
NT$ 44,000 - 55,000 HK$ 11,000 - 14,000 US$ 1,400 - 1,800
Macallan 18 Years Old 1973
Macallan 18 Years Old 1976 Speyside, 1976蒸餾, 43.00%, 700ml
“亮麗飽滿的橘色;泥煤與橡木的香氣;堅實而平順;活潑的青草、泥 煤與橡木口感”- 麥可 . 傑克森品飲事典
564 1 bt
Speyside, 1973蒸餾, 43.00%, 700ml
“亮麗而飽滿的琥珀色;非常具香水的香氣;非常飽滿的味道;多汁橡 木與香草的辛香,一併呈現在緩慢而悠長的尾韻中。”- 麥可 . 傑克森品飲 事典
562 1 bt
NT$ 34,000 - 42,000 HK$ 9,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,100 - 1,400
Macallan 18 Years Old 1980 原紙盒
NT$ 46,000 - 60,000 HK$ 12,000 - 15,000 US$ 1,500 - 2,000
Speyside, 1980蒸餾, 43.00%, 700ml
“香水、辛辣的香氣,帶有肉桂味;油性、平順、太妃糖般的;逐漸轉 為辛辣 分數 :92”- 麥可 . 傑克森品飲事典
565 1 bt
NT$ 32,000 - 40,000 HK$ 8,000 - 10,000 US$ 1,100 - 1,300 95
這款酒是 Macallan 於 1996 年為了紀念專寫諷刺文章的雜誌 Private Eye,創刊 35 年裝瓶的特殊酒款,市面上流通已所剩不多。瓶身亂 舞的小丑色彩豐富,又被藏家稱為小丑瓶。Private Eye 的酒質主要 是將超過 12 年以上的原酒,摻入了 1961 年的雪莉桶原酒,在當今 老酒缺乏之際顯得彌足珍貴。
Macallan Private Eye - 小丑瓶 Speyside, 40.00%, 700ml
566 1 bt
NT$ 80,000 - 100,000 HK$ 20,000 - 26,000 US$ 2,600 - 3,300
Lot 567
Macallan 的 Fine and Rare 又被稱為珍稀系列,蒸餾年份從 1926 至 1976 年,並以桶裝濃度直接原貌呈現,已成為酒迷們眼中最珍貴奢 華的麥卡倫品項。 ”1946 年有著非常吸引人的深黃褐色;辛辣的香氣,特別是肉桂; 糖漿拍打上舌;檸檬、甘澀、香草藥、稍帶醫藥味、酚、泥煤煙燻。 分數 : 92”- 麥可 . 傑克森品飲事典
Macallan Fine & Rare 1946 - 珍稀系列 Speyside, 2002裝瓶 - 56年, 44.30%, 700ml
567 1 bt
Lot 566 96
NT$ 440,000 - 550,000 HK$ 112,000 - 140,000 US$ 14,400 - 18,100
Macallan 40 Years Old Speyside, 43.00%, 700ml 限量450瓶
568 1 bt
NT$ 340,000 - 420,000 HK$ 87,000 - 107,000 US$ 11,200 - 13,800
Lot 569
Macallan 12 Years Old - 綠樹盒包裝 Speyside, 43.00%, 750ml
569 1 bt
NT$ 15,000 - 19,000 HK$ 4,000 - 5,000 US$ 500 - 600
Macallan 10 Years Old Cask Strength Speyside, 57.20%, 1000ml
570 2 bts
Lot 568
NT$ 24,000 - 32,000 HK$ 6,000 - 8,000 US$ 800 - 1,100
Lot 570 97
Macallan 1851 Inspiration - 復刻系列 Speyside, 41.30%, 700ml
572 3 bts
NT$ 26,000 - 34,000 HK$ 7,000 - 9,000 US$ 900 - 1,100
Macallan 1876 Replica - 復刻系列 Speyside, 40.60%, 750ml
“口感:開胃,甜,但不會膩 ; 輕,新鮮,橙花蜂蜜的細緻調性。終感: 非常溫和的酸性,提供平衡的干澀感。分數:96“ - 麥可 . 傑克森品飲事典
573 3 bts
Lot 571-573
復刻版是麥卡倫為人津津樂道的實驗系列,以 19 世紀留存至今的威 士忌為範本,打造出反映時代背景的酒款。當時的麥芽多數使用重 泥煤煙燻,糖化槽與麥汁冷凝槽,蒸餾器也是直接以煤炭加熱,跟 現今口感有很大的差別。麥卡倫高超的復刻技巧,讓這些骨董酒口 味出奇細緻迷人,1841 與 1876 年分別得到麥可傑克森 94 與 96 的超 高分數。
NT$ 40,000 - 48,000 HK$ 10,000 - 12,000 US$ 1,300 - 1,600
如同麥卡倫復科版,麥卡倫旅遊組 Travel Series 試圖創造出舊時代威 士忌的口感與面貌,喚起 1920 - 1950 年代的懷舊風味。包裝上四面 中以各時代的代表性圖案:賽車,渡輪,火車頭,客機圖案辨識, 凸顯出麥卡倫的 Speyside 特色。
Macallan Travel Series Thirties - 旅行系列 Speyside, 40.00%, 500ml 三零年代旅遊系列
Macallan Travel Series Fourties - 旅行系列 Speyside, 40.00%, 500ml
Macallan 1841 Replica - 復刻系列
Speyside, 42%, 750ml
“口感:強烈的甜味起始,然後是香水味,檸檬,大茴香與一點奎寧的 干澀。終感:橡木感。分數:94” - 麥可 . 傑克森品飲事典
571 3 bts
NT$ 42,000 - 50,000 HK$ 11,000 - 13,000 US$ 1,400 - 1,600
三零年代:“ 苦橘香氣;平順酒體;此系列品飲中,最甜、最具果香的 威士忌。分數 :94” - 麥可 . 傑克森品飲事典
574 3 bts 3 bts
原紙盒 原紙盒
NT$ 28,000 - 36,000 HK$ 7,000 - 9,000 US$ 900 - 1,200
Lot 574 98
Lot 575
Macallan 888 是特別為亞洲市場量身訂做的一款威士忌,888 取其富 貴和財富之意,特別選在 2008 年 8 月 8 日裝瓶,釀酒大師所珍藏的 數萬桶中挑出 Oloroso 酒桶,再搭配其他高年份酒款,一共只有 673 瓶推出。用心的包裝外盒也盡顯奢華之感,當時推出即被訂購一空。
Macallan 888
Speyside, 48.80%, 700ml Cask # 888 限量673瓶 玻璃杯2個 隨身碟1個
575 1 bt
NT$ 80,000 - 100,000 HK$ 20,000 - 26,000 US$ 2,600 - 3,300
Celtic Heartlands 系列是由 Bunnahabhain 酒廠慾火重生的傳奇調酒 巨匠 Jim McEwan,親自挑選一系列 60 - 70 年代的蘇格蘭酒桶,品 質受到業界人士讚賞。Jim McEwan 曾榮獲三次年度最佳調酒師, 並被 Malt Magazine 封為業界先驅,品味不凡。此次徵集到為 Celtic Heartlands 2004 年裝瓶的第一批系列,目前已絕版。
Celtic Heartlands Macallan 1969 Speyside, 35年, 40.30%, 700ml 限量726瓶 No. 471
576 1 bt
NT$ 36,000 - 44,000 HK$ 9,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,200 - 1,400
Lot 576
Macallan Sir Peter Blake Whisky 彼德布萊克80歲紀念版 Speyside, 52 - 62%, 50ml Sir Peter Blake彼得布萊克是英國普普藝術的教父級人物,他設計出披頭四唱片的 封面,更替麥卡倫設計出知名的Fine and Rare珍稀系列1926酒標。為了慶祝這位 藝術家的八十歲的生日,彼得和麥卡倫共同設計這一套匠心獨特,只發行250套 限量藝術酒款作品。八款酒橫跨出八個世代的意象,老酒年分別來自1937, 1949, 1952, 1969, 1976, 1989, 1997至2002的木桶,是很有特殊意義的一組收藏品。
577 8 bts
Lot 577 100
NT$ 240,000 - 320,000 HK$ 61,000 - 82,000 US$ 7,900 - 10,500
Lot 578-579
Glenroeths 這間低調的高貴酒廠,其原廠裝瓶一定標有年份,且貼有 特別的手寫字體酒標。酒廠最大的特色就是極為緩慢的二次蒸餾, 風格帶出香水,辛辣水果與鹹味。1977 年份僅提供給台灣和俄國市 場,熟成於雪利酒桶內,裝瓶只得 384 瓶,帶出柑橘,香草可可的 韻味。1979 年份則有著深沈的黑褐色,口感濃郁,精緻,且有法式 烤布蕾的結尾。
Speyside, 2007裝瓶, 59.30%, 700ml Cask # 4859 限量384瓶 No.177 原禮盒
Speyside, 2005裝瓶, 55.30%, 700ml Cask # 13470 限量583瓶 No.512
Glenroethes 25 Years Old Speyside, 2007裝瓶, 43.00%, 700ml 機場限定版
Glenrothes 25 Years Old:“口感:強烈甜美熱帶水果,芒果,甜點辛香料; 細緻引人的木頭尾韻。終感:漂亮的平衡,悠長;甜美水果,辛香料中 帶有許多單寧。分數:93”- 麥可 . 傑克森品飲事典
Glenroethes 1977
578 1 bt
Glenroethes 1979
NT$ 42,000 - 50,000 HK$ 11,000 - 13,000 US$ 1,400 - 1,600
579 1 bt 1 bt
原禮盒 原禮盒
NT$ 60,000 - 80,000 HK$ 15,000 - 20,000 US$ 2,000 - 2,600
Glenfarclas 格蘭花格以家族型態保守經營,不只擁有全 Speyside 最 大的銅製蒸餾器,且九成使用西班牙雪莉桶陳年,口感柔順華麗。 Glenfarclas 1980 的包裝有著濃厚的聖誕節氣息,洋溢著節慶氣氛, 十分討喜。酒款於波特酒木桶內成熟 32 年,融合細膩圓滑的波特酒 滋味,同時帶出辛辣的水果和草藥氣息,聯想到節慶的氣氛。
Glenfarclas 1980 Christmas Edition - 2nd Release Speyside, 2013裝瓶, 45.70%, 700ml 限量792瓶
Glenfarclas 1993
Speyside, 2013裝瓶, 46.20%, 700ml Olorosso Cask雪莉桶熟成
580 1 bt 1 bt
NT$ 22,000 - 30,000 HK$ 6,000 - 8,000 US$ 700 - 1,000
Lot 581
2007 年 Glenfarclas 推 出 了 精 選 超 過 43 個 酒 桶, 依 不 同 年 份 名 為 「Family Cask」家族桶的酒款,年分從 1952 年到 1994 年共 43 瓶, 之後陸續推出不少版本。此次拍賣徵集到第一版本 2007 年出品的 Family Cask 1956 與 1966 年份,另外由日本信濃屋挑選的家族桶則 帶出令人難忘的木質香氣,家族桶的高品質從不讓人失望。
Glenfarclas Family Cask 1979 - 信濃屋裝瓶款
Speyside, 2013裝瓶, 52.10%, 700ml Bottled for Shinanoya Tokyo Japan
Glenfarclas Shimaji 32 years Old Speyside, 49.20%, 700ml Cask # 136 限量581瓶 No.464
581 1 bt 1 bt
Lot 580 102
原禮盒 原禮盒
NT$ 32,000 - 40,000 HK$ 8,000 - 10,000 US$ 1,100 - 1,300
Glenfarclas Family Cask 1956 - 第一版
Speyside, 2007裝瓶, 47.30%, 700ml Cask # 1758 No.435
582 1 bt
NT$ 95,000 - 130,000 HK$ 24,000 - 33,000 US$ 3,100 - 4,300
Glenfarclas Family Cask 1961 Release IX
Speyside, 2012裝瓶, 48.00%, 700ml Cask # 3050 限量133瓶 No.133
583 1 bt
NT$ 55,000 - 75,000 HK$ 14,000 - 19,000 US$ 1,800 - 2,500
Glenfarclas Family Cask 1966 - 第一版
Speyside, 2007裝瓶, 51.50%, 700ml Cask # 4177 No.514
584 1 bt
Glenfarclas Family Cask 1980
Speyside, 2013裝瓶, 49.70%, 700ml Refill - hogshead Cask # 1911 No.184
585 1 bt
NT$ 16,000 - 20,000 HK$ 4,000 - 5,000 US$ 500 - 700
Glenfarclas Family Cask 1988
Speyside, 2013裝瓶, 54.30%, 700ml Refill - sherry hogshead Cask # 821 No.261
Glenfarclas Family Cask 1989 Release IX Speyside, 55.90%, 700ml Sherry Butt Cask # 12989 No.622
586 3 bts 原禮盒 1 bt 原禮盒
NT$ 30,000 - 38,000 HK$ 8,000 - 10,000 US$ 1,000 - 1,200
NT$ 40,000 - 48,000 HK$ 10,000 - 12,000 US$ 1,300 - 1,600
Lot 582-586 103
Balvenie Tun 1401 Batch - No.4 Speyside, 50.40%, 700ml
Balvenie Tun 1401 Batch - No.5 Speyside, 50.10%, 700ml Balvenie Tun 1401 是近期被熱捧的系列,將多個不同酒桶類型的陳 年酒注入大酒桶內調和,待一段時間後才裝瓶,讓不同風味的陳年 滋味彼此融合,被百富調酒大師 David Steward 稱為”Marry 結婚”。 這種早期受歡迎的作法因成本過高而式微,近來又因 1401 系列重新 浮上檯面。每一編號都只得數百瓶,酒標清楚標明混合的酒桶,每 一套作品都只在特定的區域發售。如 #4 只出現在機場免稅商店,#5 只在歐洲和澳洲發行。
No.5:“口感在甜味和橡木單寧中取得著絲絨般的平衡,帶出一點雪莉的 基調如乾果,肉桂和薑的香料滋味。餘韻既豐富又充滿迷人的辛香料味” - 麥可 . 傑克森品飲事典
587 1 bt 1 bt
原禮盒 原禮盒
NT$ 36,000 - 44,000 HK$ 9,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,200 - 1,400
Balvenie Tun 1401 Batch - No.8 Speyside, 50.20%, 700ml 限量2700瓶
588 2 bts
NT$ 36,000 - 44,000 HK$ 9,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,200 - 1,400
Balvenie 30 Years Old Speyside, 40.00%, 700ml
589 3 bts
Lot 587-588 104
Lot 589
NT$ 60,000 - 80,000 HK$ 15,000 - 20,000 US$ 2,000 - 2,600
這款特殊的老年份威士忌是為了慶祝英國 Heathrow 機場五號航站開 幕,於 2008 年特別挑選編號 #9915 的酒桶,總共只得 109 瓶。
Balvenie 40 Years Old 1967
Speyside, 2008裝瓶, 48.00%, 700ml Cask # 9915 限量504瓶 No.287
590 1 bt
NT$ 240,000 - 320,000 HK$ 61,000 - 82,000 US$ 7,900 - 10,500
Balvenie 50 在酒廠歷史上極為重要,為了紀念釀酒師 David Steward 在酒廠任職超過 50 年頭,特別挑選酒桶編號 5576,已有 50 年歷史 的酒桶,一共只得 88 瓶裝。這款酒自 1962 年就放入歐洲橡木雪莉 酒桶內,絲滑細緻的甜順豐美口感間有著蜂蜜,甜橘,橡木和香料 如肉桂、肉豆蔻等無窮無盡的餘韻風味,美好動人。
Balvenie 50 Years Old
Speyside, 2012裝瓶, 44.10%, 700ml Cask # 5567 限量88瓶 No.9
1 bt
Lot 590
NT$ 1,100,000 - 1,500,000 HK$ 281,000 - 383,000 US$ 36,100 - 49,300
Lot 591 105
Glenlivet 湧自花崗岩的水質被公認為釀造威士忌最好的水源之一, 釀造出偏向花香,果香和蘋果般的甜美。Glenlivet Cellar 酒窖精選系 列是由首席釀酒師 Jim Cyrle 精心挑選出最精彩的數只木桶,產量通 常只有數百瓶,酒款有著經典 Speyside 的頂級酒特色。此次酒窖精 選品項分別為 1964,1972,1983 年與 30 年。1964 年更贏得了 2005 年 International Spirits Challenge 的金牌,深受藏家肯定。
Glenlivet 1964 Cellar Collection 40 Years - 2nd release Speyside, 2004裝瓶, 45.10%, 700ml 限量1824瓶 No.8
592 1 bt
NT$ 60,000 - 80,000 HK$ 15,000 - 20,000 US$ 2,000 - 2,600
Glenlivet 1972 Cellar Collection
Speyside, 2005裝瓶, 52.30%, 700ml 4.5顆星 from WhiskyFun No.1000
593 1 bt
NT$ 40,000 - 48,000 HK$ 10,000 - 12,000 US$ 1,300 - 1,600
Glenlivet 1983 Cellar Collection Speyside, 2003裝瓶, 46.00%, 700ml
594 1 bt
NT$ 15,000 - 19,000 HK$ 4,000 - 5,000 US$ 500 - 600
Glenlivet 30 Years Old American Oak Speyside, 2001裝瓶, 48.00%, 700ml
595 1 bt
Lot 592-594 106
NT$ 26,000 - 34,000 HK$ 7,000 - 9,000 US$ 900 - 1,100
Lot 596
GLENFIDDICH 格蘭菲迪 Glenfiddich 30 Years Old - 舊版 Speyside, 40.00%, 700ml
596 2 bts
NT$ 30,000 - 38,000 HK$ 8,000 - 10,000 US$ 1,000 - 1,200
Glenfiddich Private Vintage 系列為酒廠的最頂級酒款,1955 年在木桶 內熟成近 50 年後於 2006 年裝瓶,一共只得 250 瓶。口感上帶出些 許的煙薰香氣,典型的蠟,松樹,煙草和燉烤水果,是一瓶極為迷 人的陳年酒款。
Glenfiddich Private Vintage 1955
Speyside, 2006 裝瓶, 52.60%, 700ml Cask# 4221 No.33
597 1 bt
NT$ 280,000 - 360,000 HK$ 71,000 - 92,000 US$ 9,200 - 11,800
Lot 597 107
這款酒因得到了 2007 年麥芽狂人 Malt Manic 獨立裝瓶的金牌獎而 出名,麥芽狂人大賞是由世界各地專家組成的盲飲大賽,公認為最 競爭且公正的威士忌比賽,金牌更是最高榮耀。來自 Glen Grants 酒 廠於木桶內熟成 34 年的酒款,2006 年由獨立酒廠 the Single Malts of Scotland 裝瓶,口感有著活潑討喜的雪莉酒氣息,如聖誕節般的歡愉 和極具深度的複雜感,難以形容,尾韻悠長令人難忘。
Glen Grants 1972 - the Single Malts of Scotland Speyside, 34年 , 48.20% , 700ml 麥芽狂人MMA金牌 Cask # 2380
598 2 bts
NT$ 50,000 - 70,000 HK$ 13,000 - 18,000 US$ 1,600 - 2,300
Lot 599
Glenmorangie Pride 酒質精選自陳年 18 年以上,滋味熟成圓滿的數隻 酒桶,再放入法國知名的頂級甜酒酒莊 Château d'Yquem 木桶長達十 年以上,算算一共在木桶中經歷了 28 年。由於放入甜酒酒桶內熟成, 原本複雜深沉的威士忌多了一股甜美華麗的滋味,據說口感極為複 雜,有著巧克力奶油,烘烤木頭,各色香料等,香氣豐盈驚人到不 可思議。包裝上選用頂級的 Baccarat 水晶瓶,奢華尊貴,並放置在 荷蘭藝術家 Wouter Scheublin 製作的木盒內,全球僅僅限量一千隻, 值得珍藏。
Glenmorangie Pride Speyside, 56.70%, 1000ml 限量1000瓶
599 1 bt
Lot 598 108
NT$ 110,000 - 150,000 HK$ 28,000 - 38,000 US$ 3,600 - 4,900
Glenmorangie Cellar 放在酒廠最知名的 13 號酒窖內熟成,由於酒窖 靠近海邊,因此多出一股新鮮海風與海水般的淡淡鹹味,增加了一 種難忘的風土深度。喝過的資深酒客皆給予極高的評價,最早只在 機場販賣,目前已絕版。
Glenmorangie Cellar 13 Years Old Speyside, 43.00%, 1000ml
600 6 bts
NT$ 32,000 - 40,000 HK$ 8,000 - 10,000 US$ 1,100 - 1,300
Lot 601
Glendronach 33 Years Old
Speyside, 33年, 40.00%, 700ml Olorosso Sherry Cask 雪莉桶熟成
“口感:非常強烈,展現出力量,許多甜蜜桃與杏桃風味;甜椒,逐漸 干澀的單寧;都很溫和而圓潤。終感:悠長,柔和而甜,平衡;非常吸 引人。分數:88。" - 麥可 . 傑克森品飲事典
601 1 bt
NT$ 24,000 - 32,000 HK$ 6,000 - 8,000 US$ 800 - 1,100
Lot 600 109
Glenglaussaugh 酒廠曾經過 22 年的休停,到 2009 年再度復活,之 前曾貢獻到許多受尊敬的調和威士忌,例如威雀或順風。這款已 Family Silver 之名於 2000 年裝瓶的 1973 威士忌目前市面上已經很難 找到,是收藏家們感興趣的酒。
The Family Silver Glenglassaugh 1973 Speyside, 40.00%, 700ml Sherry Butt 雪莉桶熟成、盒身小磨損
Glenglaussaugh Aged 22 Years Old Speyside, 40.00%, 700ml Sherry Butt 雪莉桶熟成、盒身小磨損
Convalmore 28 Years Old
Speyside, 1977 - 2005裝瓶, 57.90%, 700ml Sherry Butt 雪莉桶熟成
602 1 bt 特殊包裝禮盒 2 bts 原紙盒 1 bt 原紙盒
Lot 602 110
NT$ 30,000 - 38,000 HK$ 8,000 - 10,000 US$ 1,000 - 1,200
Lot 603
LINKWOOD 靈可 Linkwood 酒廠用水的水壩是鳳頭潛鴨與金眼鴨的棲息地,美好的環 境吸引許多蝴蝶昆蟲與此棲息,也讓它有著美好的花香與玫瑰花露 的氣息。此次徵集到的 Linkwood 26 年為少數的原廠裝瓶酒,三款 皆先在波本桶熟成 12 年後,再放入萊姆酒,波特酒與紅酒桶分別熟 成將近 14 年,引起藏家們高度重視。
Linkwood 26 Years Old - Port Finish Speyside, 1981 - 2008裝瓶, 56.90%, 500ml 波特桶熟成
Linkwood 26 Years Old - Rum Finish Speyside, 1981 - 2008裝瓶, 55.50%, 500ml 萊姆桶熟成
Linkwood 26 Years Old - Red Wine Finish Speyside, 1981 - 2008裝瓶, 54.50%, 500ml 紅酒桶熟成
603 1 bt 1 bt 1 bt
原紙盒 原紙盒 原紙盒
NT$ 24,000 - 32,000 HK$ 6,000 - 8,000 US$ 800 - 1,100
TOMATIN 大馬丁 Tomatin 在 1950 - 1970 年代曾是蘇格蘭最大的麥芽威士忌蒸餾廠, 調酒師特別精選出七桶威士忌融合於波本重組桶內熟成,最終以木 桶濃度以原廠之名裝出 1614 瓶。 “口感如辛香料醃漬蘋果,橄欖, 一點皮革。悠長而辛辣的尾韻,像是強烈蘋果酒的尾韻。”—麥可 傑克森
Tomatin 40 Years Old
Speyside, 2007裝瓶, 蒸餾日期05.17.1967, 42.90%, 700ml 限量1614瓶
604 1 bt
NT$ 24,000 - 32,000 HK$ 6,000 - 8,000 US$ 800 - 1,100
Lot 604 111
威士忌達人學院第一課 - Bladnoch 1990
達人學院威士忌課程是由台灣威士忌達人也是蘇格蘭威士忌產業最 高榮譽雙耳酒杯執持者得主,林一峰,親自選桶裝瓶的系列。自 2008 年起精選出 Bladnoch,Glendronach,Little Mill,Bunnahabhain 酒廠,目的是要讓酒客們能逐步感受到單一威士忌的多方魅力,每 一款皆為單一年份單一桶裝瓶。此次一共徵集到威士忌達人學院第 一課至第四課,共六瓶酒,過往一推出即訂購一空。此次難得的徵 集到完整的系列酒款,讓藏家們能一次收藏。
Lowland, 23年, 49.00%, 700ml Refill Barrel 限量88瓶
威士忌達人學院第一課 - Bladnoch 1990
Lowland, 23年, 51.00%, 700ml Refill Barrel 限量104瓶
威士忌達人學院第二課 - Glendronach 2002
Speyside, 10年, 52.80%, 700ml PX Puncheon
威士忌達人學院第二課 - Glendronach 1993
Speyside, 20年, 53.60%, 700ml Oloroso Butt 雪莉桶
威士忌達人學院第三課 - Little Mill 1990
Lowland, 22年, 55.40%, 700ml Ex - Bourbon Hogshead 波本桶
威士忌達人學院第四課 - Bunnahabhain 1987 Islay, 26年, 50.30%, 700ml 限量228瓶
605 6 bts
Lot 605 112
NT$ 32,000 - 40,000 HK$ 8,000 - 10,000 US$ 1,100 - 1,300
山崎 The Owner's Cask 私人收藏系列近年來因 程序過份麻煩,已經停止裝桶。首席調酒師 輿水清一首先確認最佳的酒桶酒質後,再請 由酒廠內部嚴選認可過的客戶親自選桶,被 行家認定為三得利最頂級的酒款。此次徵集 到台灣曾裝過的兩桶私人收藏,包括威士忌 達人林一峰 Whisky's Master,以及麥芽狂人 姚和成替吳淡如女士的選桶,以上兩桶瓶數 僅存不到 200 瓶以內,皆由本人私藏釋出。
Lot 606-607
Suntory The Owner’s Cask 1996 - 威士忌達人協會選桶 Japan, 2010裝瓶, 59.00%, 700ml 限量123瓶
606 3 bts
NT$ 42,000 - 50,000 HK$ 11,000 - 13,000 US$ 1,400 - 1,600
Suntory The Owner’s Cask 1998 - 吳淡如選桶 Japan, 2008裝瓶, 54.00%, 700ml Bourbon Barrel CN # 70168 限量206瓶,一瓶吳淡如親筆簽名
607 3 bts
NT$ 42,000 - 50,000 HK$ 11,000 - 13,000 US$ 1,400 - 1,600
The Cask of Yamazaki 1990 - 山崎選桶
Japan, 1990 - 2008裝瓶, 63.00%, 700ml Sherry Butt 限量448瓶 No.306
608 1 bt
NT$ 26,000 - 34,000 HK$ 7,000 - 9,000 US$ 900 - 1,100
The Cask of Yamazaki 1993 - 山崎選桶
Japan, 1993 - 2008裝瓶, 62.00%, 700ml Puncheon 限量504瓶 No. 287
609 1 bt Lot 608-609
NT$ 26,000 - 34,000 HK$ 7,000 - 9,000 US$ 900 - 1,100 113
三得利集團旗下共有山崎和白州兩大酒廠,2004 年酒廠推出一系列 從 1979 - 1994 的年份款,由大師親自選桶,精選來自兩間蒸餾場的 特殊酒桶,每一年份都有其獨特的風味代表。此套系列因產量過小 只得數百瓶,最早只在酒廠商店內販賣。此次非常難得的徵集到年 份從 1979 - 1994 全系列共 16 瓶,酒款內的小冊子詳述每款年份酒 的身世背景,還有當年度的大記事等,猶如收藏了一本歷史故事書。
Suntory Vintage Malt 1979 - 山崎蒸餾所 Japan, 2004裝瓶, 56.00%, 700ml 雪莉桶水楢木熟成
Suntory Vintage Malt 1980 - 山崎蒸餾所 Japan , 2004裝瓶 , 56.00% , 700ml 雪莉桶西班牙橡木熟成
Suntory Vintage Malt 1981 - 白州蒸餾所 Japan, 2004裝瓶, 56.00%, 700ml 雪莉桶西班牙橡木熟成
Suntory Vintage Malt 1982 - 白州蒸餾所
Japan, 2004裝瓶, 56.00%, 700ml Puncheon北美白橡木熟成
Suntory Vintage Malt 1983 - 山崎蒸餾所 Japan, 2004裝瓶, 56.00%, 700ml 雪莉桶北美白橡木熟成
Suntory Vintage Malt 1984 - 山崎蒸餾所 Japan, 2004裝瓶, 56.00%, 700ml 雪莉桶西班牙橡木熟成
Lot 610
Suntory Vintage Malt 1985 - 白州蒸餾所
Suntory Vintage Malt 1992 - 山崎蒸餾所
Japan, 2004裝瓶, 56.00%, 700ml Hogshead 白橡木熟成
Japan, 2004裝瓶, 56.00%, 700ml Hogshead 白橡木熟成
Suntory Vintage Malt 1986 - 山崎蒸餾所
Suntory Vintage Malt 1993 - 白州蒸餾所
Japan, 2004裝瓶, 56.00%, 700ml 雪莉桶後至Hogshead熟成
Japan, 2004裝瓶, 56.00%, 700ml Hogshead 白橡木熟成
Suntory Vintage Malt 1987 - 白州蒸餾所
Suntory Vintage Malt 1994 - 山崎蒸餾所
Japan, 2004裝瓶, 56.00%, 700ml 雪莉桶西班牙橡木熟成
Japan, 2004裝瓶, 56.00%, 700ml Barrel白橡木熟成
Suntory Vintage Malt 1988 - 白州蒸餾所
Japan, 2004裝瓶, 56.00%, 700ml Hogshead 白橡木熟成
Suntory Vintage Malt 1989 - 山崎蒸餾所
Japan, 2004裝瓶, 56.00%, 700ml Hogshead 白橡木熟成
610 16 bts
NT$ 800,000 - 1,000,000 HK$ 204,000 - 255,000 US$ 26,300 - 32,800
Suntory Vintage Malt 1990 - 白州蒸餾所 Japan, 2004裝瓶, 56.00%, 700ml 美國波本桶熟成
Suntory Vintage Malt 1991 - 山崎蒸餾所
Japan, 2004裝瓶, 56.00%, 700ml Barrel白橡木熟成
Nikka 集團同三得利擁有日本大部份的威士忌酒廠,兩大酒廠分別為 仙台的宮城峽與北海道的余市。余市曾在 2008 年贏得世界最佳單一 麥芽威士忌的大賞,掀起蘇格蘭對於日本威士忌的重視,品質備受 讚賞。此次系列由 Nikka 旗下兩個酒廠中挑選出最具代表性的數桶 酒,以桶裝濃度裝瓶。
Nikka Single Cask Malt 1996 - 仙台宮城峽蒸餾
Japan, 2014裝瓶, 62.00%, 700ml Cask # 37252 No. 18
Nikka Single Cask Malt 1999 - 北海道余市蒸餾
Japan, 2014裝瓶, 63.00%, 700ml Cask # 403026 No. 25
612 1 bt 1 bt
Lot 611
山崎 Rolling Stone 是一款別具意義的酒款,紀念世界上最偉大的搖 滾樂團 Rolling Stone 成軍 50 年,全世界只發行 150 瓶。瓶身為樂 團為人所知的舌頭造型,酒款內容則混合了包括樂團成軍那一年的 1962 山崎威士忌,舌頭造型大為流行的 1971 山崎等,從包裝到酒質 皆有濃厚的樂團精神。
The Rolling Stones 50th Anniversary 山崎滾石樂團50周年紀念 Japan, 2012裝瓶, 50.00%, 700ml 限量150瓶
611 1 bt
NT$ 220,000 - 300,000 HK$ 56,000 - 77,000 US$ 7,200 - 9,900
Lot 612 116
原紙盒 原紙盒
NT$ 24,000 - 32,000 HK$ 6,000 - 8,000 US$ 800 - 1,100
輕井澤自 2000 年因成本過高而停產,近年重新包裝上市後,人們才 注意到其超高品質的威士忌水準。首先他是日本第一家使用蘇格蘭 進口的 Golden Promise 發芽大麥,再者,佔了九成多的原酒皆使用 歐洲紅橡木桶。深具裝飾性的日式藝妓包裝也吸引了買家目光。輕 井 澤酒款的口感以華麗柔順,豐厚著稱,就算是原桶酒精濃度也不 覺累贅。這間以關廠的酒廠這兩年獨立裝瓶在拍賣會的表現驚人, 價格呈直線上升,收藏家無不趨之若鶩,已成為最亮眼的大黑馬。
Lot 613
輕井澤 Karuizawa 1977
Japan, 2009裝瓶, 62.70%, 700ml Cask # 6994
山崎 Yamazaki Bourbon Barrel Japan, 48.00%, 700ml
白州 Hakushu Bourbon Barrel Japan, 48.00%, 700ml 輿水清一簽名 2010.5.13
白州 Hakushu Heavily Peated Japan, 48.00%, 700ml
613 1 1 1 1
bt bt bt bt
原紙盒 原紙盒 原紙盒 原紙盒
NT$ 36,000 - 44,000 HK$ 9,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,200 - 1,400
輕井澤 Karuizawa 1974 - 藝妓標
Japan, 2014裝瓶, 58.80%, 700ml Sherry Cask # 4560 No. 192
614 1 bt
NT$ 75,000 - 95,000 HK$ 19,000 - 24,000 US$ 2,500 - 3,100
Lot 614 117
Lot 615
Lot 619-620
Lot 618
Lot 616
Lot 621 Lot 617
輕井澤 Karuizawa 1970 - 藝妓標
輕井澤 Karuizawa 1983 - 藝妓標
Japan, 2012裝瓶, 61.90%, 700ml Sherry Butt 雪莉桶熟成 限量433瓶 No.30
615 1 bt
Japan, 2012裝瓶, 57.60%, 700ml Sherry Butt 雪莉桶熟成 Cask # 2656 限量589瓶 No.433
NT$ 65,000 - 85,000 HK$ 17,000 - 22,000 US$ 2,100 - 2,800
輕井澤 Karuizawa 1981 - 藝妓標
Japan, 2012裝瓶, 56.70%, 700ml Sherry Butt 雪莉桶熟成 Cask # 2042 限量440瓶 No.141
616 1 bt
NT$ 42,000 - 50,000 HK$ 11,000 - 13,000 US$ 1,400 - 1,600
輕井澤 Karuizawa 1981 - 建國百年
Japan, 2011裝瓶, 53.80%, 700ml Sherry Butt 雪莉桶熟成 Cask # 6370 限量278瓶 No.106
617 1 bt
NT$ 42,000 - 50,000 HK$ 11,000 - 13,000 US$ 1,400 - 1,600
618 1 bt
NT$ 42,000 - 50,000 HK$ 11,000 - 13,000 US$ 1,400 - 1,600
輕井澤 Karuizawa 1983 - 藝妓限定版
Japan, 2013裝瓶, 62.90%, 700ml Sherry Butt Cask # 8333 限量68瓶
619 1 bt 620 1 bt
原紙盒 原紙盒
per lot NT$ 46,000 - 60,000 HK$ 12,000 - 15,000 US$ 1,500 - 2,000
輕井澤 Karuizawa 1984 - 藍浪標
Japan, 2014裝瓶, 59.70%, 700ml Cask # 3657 限量288瓶
621 1 bt
NT$ 36,000 - 44,000 HK$ 9,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,200 - 1,400
輕井澤 Karuizawa 1981 - 黑白標
Japan, 2011裝瓶, 55.90%, 700ml Cask # 7502
622 1 bt 623 1 bt 624 1 bt
原紙盒 原紙盒 原紙盒
per lot NT$ 48,000 - 65,000 HK$ 12,000 - 17,000 US$ 1,600 - 2,100
輕井澤 Karuizawa 1983 - 黑白標
Japan, 2009裝瓶, 62.70%, 700ml Cask # 6994
625 1 bt 626 1 bt
原紙盒 原紙盒
per lot NT$ 42,000 - 50,000 HK$ 11,000 - 13,000 US$ 1,400 - 1,600
Lot 627
輕井澤 Karuizawa 1981 - 相撲組
Japan, 2013裝瓶, 56.90%, 700ml Sherry Cask # 818 限量2120瓶 No.8
輕井澤 Karuizawa 1982 - 相撲組
Japan, 2013裝瓶, 57.90%, 700ml Cask # 4971
輕井澤 Karuizawa 1983 - 相撲組
Japan, 2013裝瓶, 58.40%, 700ml Cask # 3408 限量168 No.8
627 3 bts
NT$ 240,000 - 320,000 HK$ 61,000 - 82,000 US$ 7,900 - 10,500
Lot 622 - 626
輕井澤Karuizawa 1981 - 相撲藍標
Japan, 2013裝瓶, 700ml Cask # 818 限量120瓶 No.8
628 1 bt
NT$ 70,000 - 90,000 HK$ 18,000 - 23,000 US$ 2,300 - 3,000
輕井澤 Karuizawa 1983 - 相撲紅標
Japan, 2013裝瓶, 58.40%, 700ml Cask # 3408 限量168瓶 No.8
629 1 bt
NT$ 65,000 - 85,000 HK$ 17,000 - 22,000 US$ 2,100 - 2,800
Lot 630
輕井澤 Karuizawa 1984 - 能
Japan, 2014裝瓶, 61.40%, 700ml Sherry Butt Cask # 3032 限量279瓶
NT$ 36,000 - 44,000 HK$ 9,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,200 - 1,400
630 1 bt
輕井澤 Karuizawa 40 Years Old - 白命之水
Japan, 2014裝瓶, 57.40%, 750ml Cask # 6114 限量309瓶
631 1 bt
NT$ 75,000 - 95,000 HK$ 19,000 - 24,000 US$ 2,500 - 3,100
輕井澤 Karuizawa 30 Years Old - 黑命之水 Japan, 59.30%, 750ml Cask # 3655 限量285瓶
632 1 bt
Lot 628-629 120
NT$ 40,000 - 48,000 HK$ 10,000 - 12,000 US$ 1,300 - 1,600
Lot 633
輕井澤 Karuizawa 1963
Japan, 2013裝瓶, 51.50%, 700ml Cask # 3655
NT$ 650,000 - 850,000 HK$ 166,000 - 217,000 US$ 21,300 - 27,900
633 1 bt
響系列為日本最頂級的調和式威士忌,在國際上屢屢獲得調和型威 士忌的大賞。響 35 年由首席調酒師精選出輿水清一精選酒齡 35 年 甚至長達 46 年的原酒調配,限量 150 瓶。這款瓶身是由日本享譽工 藝界 400 年的柿右衛門弟十四代掌門人精心製作,彩繪上盛開的山 杜鵑,包裝則類似日本茶道的木盒,在傳統與現代間做出了新的詮 釋。 響 30 年在目前市場上已經嚴重缺貨,響 35 年其珍貴性更是難 得。
HIBIKI 響 響35 Years Old
Japan, 45.00%, 700ml 限量150瓶
634 1 bt
NT$ 360,000 - 440,000 HK$ 92,000 - 112,000 US$ 11,800 - 14,400
Lot 634 121
Dalmore 50 年是藏家於十多年前在馬來西亞機場購得,這款酒曾在 2012 年倫敦艾丁格 Bonham 拍賣中拍出 8,270 英鎊,一度創下世界 最珍貴威士忌的記錄。於 1926 年放入桶內熟中,其中裝有 1868 年 蒸餾,超過 144 年的威士忌,帶出超過一世紀的歷史滋味。口感被 專家形容著有傳統英國橘子果醬,成熟香蕉,太妃糖和水果蛋糕的 香氣等,難以形容。
Dalmore 50 Year Old
Highland, 1926年蒸餾, 52.00%, 750ml
635 1 bt
NT$ 340,000 - 420,000 HK$ 87,000 - 107,000 US$ 11,200 - 13,800
Lot 636
Dalmore 大摩擁有全蘇格蘭最古老的威士忌蒸餾器,首席調酒師 Richard Paterson 更為威士忌界的傳奇人物,俱有先見之明,最早 運用不同木桶熟成威士忌的大師。這款 1973 的酒款放入 Chateau Marbuzet Cabernet Sauvignon 卡本蘇維濃葡萄的紅酒桶內熟成,且瓶 身上由 Richard Paterson 親自簽名,十分難得。
Dalmore 1973 Cabernet Sauvignon
Highland, 33年, 45.00%, 700ml Cabernet Sauvignon紅酒桶熟成 Richard Paterson簽名 限量 1000瓶 ”口感相當檸檬,帶有黑莓,甘草與水果味明顯的紅酒。終感悠長而辛辣; 梅李 與未熟的莓果。”- 麥可.傑克森品飲事典
636 1 bt
Lot 635 122
NT$ 46,000 - 60,000 HK$ 12,000 - 15,000 US$ 1,500 - 2,000
位於低地的 Brora 酒廠於 1983 年關廠,近年於威士忌愛好者心中 晉升殿堂級地位,拍賣行情屢創新高。它是東海岸威士忌中最具海 洋風味的酒款,由酒桶庫存中每年精選裝瓶的 Brora 30 備受行家推 崇,此次一口氣徵集到第二版,第四版,第五版,第七版,第八版, 與 2012 年推出的第十版。第四版當年出產時 Whisky Bible 作者 Jim Murray 將其封為“Malt of the Year 2006”,口感帶出豐富的海洋氣息, 十分飽滿油滑,水果味中併出泥煤與瀝青,複雜迷人。
Brora 30 Years Old - 2th Release
Highland, 2003裝瓶, 55.70%, 700ml 2004 MMA 金牌 限量3000瓶 No.0109
637 1 bt
NT$ 32,000 - 40,000 HK$ 8,000 - 10,000 US$ 1,100 - 1,300
Brora 30 Years Old - 4th Release Highland, 2005裝瓶, 56.30%, 700ml 限量3000瓶 No.1674
638 1 bt
NT$ 32,000 - 40,000 HK$ 8,000 - 10,000 US$ 1,100 - 1,300
Brora 30 Years Old - 5th Release Highland, 2006裝瓶, 55.70%, 700ml 限量2139瓶 No.2083
639 1 bt
NT$ 32,000 - 40,000 HK$ 8,000 - 10,000 US$ 1,100 - 1,300
Brora 25 Years Old - 7th Release Highland, 2008裝瓶, 56.30%, 700ml
640 1 bt
NT$ 32,000 - 40,000 HK$ 8,000 - 10,000 US$ 1,100 - 1,300
Brora 30 Years Old - 8th Release Highland, 2009裝瓶, 53.20%, 700ml 限量2652瓶 No.0599
641 1 bt
NT$ 32,000 - 40,000 HK$ 8,000 - 10,000 US$ 1,100 - 1,300
Brora 30 Years Old - 10th Release Highlands, 2010裝瓶, 54.30%, 700ml
642 2 bts
NT$ 60,000 - 80,000 HK$ 15,000 - 20,000 US$ 2,000 - 2,600 Lot 637-641 123
ARDBEG 阿貝 Ardbeg 阿貝酒廠於 1998 年被 Glenmorangie 格蘭傑團隊收購,1998 年蒸餾於 2003 年推出的 Very Young 成為一系列展現新團隊成果的前 鋒,Still Young 是 2006 年上市的系列之二,Almost There 為 2007 年 上市的系列之三,Renaissance - We’ve Arrived 則為系列的最後限量 款。此次一口氣徵集到系列中的三瓶酒與 Ardbeg 1990 第一版,實不 容易。
Ardbeg Still Young
Islay, 1998-2006裝瓶, 56.20%, 700ml 盒身小磨損
Ardbeg Almost There
Islay, 1998-2007裝瓶, 54.10%, 700ml 盒身小磨損
Ardbeg Renaissance - We’ve Arrived! Islay, 1998-2008裝瓶, 55.90%, 700ml 盒身小磨損
Ardbeg Renaissance - We've Arrived! :“口感甜,水果味;薑味巧克力與 辛辣泥煤味隨之發展。終感水果味繚繞。泥煤,持續的辛香料。分數: 88”- 麥可 . 傑克森品飲事典
Ardbeg Airigh Nam Beist - 第一版 Islay, 1990-2006裝瓶, 46.00%, 700ml 盒身小磨損
643 1 1 1 1
bt bt bt bt
原紙盒 原紙盒 原紙盒 原紙盒
NT$ 26,000 - 34,000 HK$ 7,000 - 9,000 US$ 900 - 1,100 Lot 644
Ardbeg 17 年是一款別具意義的威士忌,1997 年 Ardbeg 重返榮耀開 廠之際,釀酒師推出了一款跟以往泥煤風格強烈的印象截然不同的 “非泥煤”版本,並且選擇少見的“17 年”宣示 Ardbeg 重生的決心。 這款酒的泥煤感比以往稍為清淡,卻依然是一款極佳且骨幹飽滿的 艾雷島威士忌。
Ardbeg 17 Years Old
Islay, 40.00%, 700ml 兩瓶有首席調酒師Bill Lamston簽名
644 6 bts
Lot 643 124
NT$ 50,000 - 70,000 HK$ 13,000 - 18,000 US$ 1,600 - 2,300
Ardbeg 經理人選是由酒廠經理人 Stuart Thomson 於 1999 年精心挑選 出一桶自 1976 年雪莉桶,在當時造成極大的轟動。口感豐裕,金黃 葡萄乾、太妃糖和泥煤,終感有乾燥水果與有些收斂的橡木滋味。
Ardbeg Manager’s Choice 1976
Islay, 1976-1999裝瓶, 56.00%, 700ml Stuart Thomson選桶 Cask # 2391 限量497瓶 No.188
NT$ 170,000 - 220,000 HK$ 43,000 - 56,000 US$ 5,600 - 7,200
645 1 bt
Lot 645
以英式貴族狩獵活動為設計藍本 Ardbeg Double Barrel 雙管來福槍系 列,全世界總共只得 250 組,全來自八個單一木桶。Ardbeg Double Barrel 瓶內均裝有 1974 年份的 Ardbeg 酒款,取自於兩桶不同的單一 酒桶。盒中另附有 8 個由 Hamilton & Inches 手工製作、材質堅固的 銀製酒杯,手工特製的 OMAS 鋼筆,以及 Ardbeg 釀造過程的手工 縫製皮革書等。以上裝進傳統 Double Barrel 狩獵槍的手工皮革箱內。
Ardbeg Double Barrel Gift Box 1974 - 雙管來福槍系列 Islay, 49.00%, 700ml 附加 - 銀杯八個, 手工特製鋼筆, 手工縫製皮革書, 筆芯, 拭銀布,手套各一個
646 1 bt
NT$ 480,000 - 650,000 HK$ 122,000 - 166,000 US$ 15,800 - 21,300
Lot 646 125
Bowmore 波摩 1971 於 2005 年限量裝瓶,總共只得 960 瓶。這款酒 熟成於雪莉酒桶內,色澤上帶出深邃的紅銅色澤;香氣複雜終有著 甜糖漿,肉桂,棗子和一些波摩酒廠的典型煙燻香氣;口感上則滑 出溫暖的橡木煙燻,雪莉酒和異國水果。尾韻溫暖,細緻柔和,且 綿延不絕。
Bowmore 1971
Islay, 34年, 51.00%, 700ml Sherry Wood, 限量960瓶, No. 897
648 1 bt
NT$ 50,000 - 70,000 HK$ 13,000 - 18,000 US$ 1,600 - 2,300
Bowmore 1984
Islay, 28年 1984 - 2013裝瓶, 48.70%, 700ml 波本桶熟成
649 1 bt
Lot 647 這款 Bowmore 50 年為目前艾雷島最老的一款酒,1961 年蒸餾並於 2011 年裝瓶,預定只有 50 瓶酒會依序於 2013 至 2016 年釋出。美麗 絕倫的包裝利用蘇格蘭櫸木,當地藝術家銀器等,打造出令人嘆為 觀止的藝術品。包裝外,Master of Malt 更形容這款酒的口感不可思 議的年輕,並有成熟水果與黑松露,煙燻滋味交替浮現,接著不斷 浮現杏仁蛋糕等超長尾韻,絕對是一款名符其實的頂級威士忌。
Bowmore 50 Years Old 1961 Islay, 40.70%, 700ml
647 1 bt
NT$ 650,000 - 850,000 HK$ 166,000 - 217,000 US$ 21,300 - 27,900
Lot 648-649 126
NT$ 42,000 - 50,000 HK$ 11,000 - 13,000 US$ 1,400 - 1,600
Lot 650-653
Lagavulin Islay Double Matured Single Malt 1980
Islay, 19年 1980-1999裝瓶, 43.00%, 700ml Pedro Ximenez Sherry Wood雪莉桶熟成
位於 Islay 艾雷島的 Lagavulin 拉加維林,酒款的典型風格有著干澀, 煙燻與複雜感。1997 - 1998 年間,帝亞吉歐集團出品一系列的 Pedro Ximenez Sherry Wood Double Matured 培卓賽門斯雪莉桶的過桶酒款, 首發年份 1979,引起許多愛好者的爭相收藏,成為 Lagavulin 最代表 性的酒款。這隻強烈的酒款不僅有著干澀,富攻擊力,強烈海水風 味的威士忌,另一方面為具肌肉感的雪莉酒桶滋味,激盪出複雜迷 人難以忽視的味覺存在。
Lagavulin Islay Double Matured Single Malt 1979
651 1 bt
Lagavulin Islay Double Matured Single Malt 1984
Islay, 17年 1984 - 2001裝瓶, 43.00%, 700ml Pedro Ximenez Sherry Wood雪莉桶熟成
652 1 bt
Islay, 18年 1979-1997裝瓶, 43.00%, 700ml Pedro Ximenez Sherry Wood雪莉桶熟成
1979:“口感豐裕、極甜, 然後出現煙燻,逐漸轉為醫藥味,最終出現 海藻。終感胡椒、鹹、沙子,雖然少了些酒廠特色,但得到不同的出色 發展。分數:95”— 麥卡傑克森 品飲事典
650 1 bt
NT$ 32,000 - 40,000 HK$ 8,000 - 10,000 US$ 1,100 - 1,300
NT$ 20,000 - 28,000 HK$ 5,000 - 7,000 US$ 700 - 900
NT$ 15,000 - 19,000 HK$ 4,000 - 5,000 US$ 500 - 600
Lagavulin Islay Double Matured Single Malt 1986
Islay, 16年 1986 - 2002裝瓶, 43.00%, 700ml Pedro Ximenez Sherry Wood雪莉桶熟成
653 1 bt
NT$ 12,000 - 16,000 HK$ 3,000 - 4,000 US$ 400 - 500 127
Lot 654-655
Lagavulin 21 Years Old
Islay, 1985 - 2007年裝瓶, 56.50%, 700ml No.2503
654 1 bt
NT$ 40,000 - 48,000 HK$ 10,000 - 12,000 US$ 1,300 - 1,600
Lagavulin 30 Years Old
Islay, 1976 - 2006年裝瓶, 52.60%, 750ml 限量2340瓶 No.1906
655 1 bt
NT$ 55,000 - 75,000 HK$ 14,000 - 19,000 US$ 1,800 - 2,500
Lagavulin 37 年為 2013 年的特殊限量版本,也是目前市面上酒廠能 找到的最老年份。這款直接以木桶濃度呈現的酒款於 1976 蒸餾,有 著濃郁的煙燻和灰燼的強勁個性味覺,口感強烈難以忽視,市面上 總共只得 1868 瓶。
Lagavulin 37 Years Old Limited Edition Special Release
Islay, 2013裝瓶, 51.00%, 700ml No.1170
656 1 bt
NT$ 100,000 - 140,000 HK$ 26,000 - 36,000 US$ 3,300 - 4,600 Lot 656
Lagavulin Murray McDavid The Syndicate’s 1979
Islay, 25年 1979 - 2004年, 46.00%, 700ml Pedro Ximenez Sherry Wood雪莉桶熟成 1 bt
657 1 bt
Lot 658
NT$ 30,000 - 38,000 HK$ 8,000 - 10,000 US$ 1,000 - 1,200
LAPHROAIG 拉佛格 Laphroaige 被威士忌大師 Michael Jackson 評為”所有威士忌中最帶 所謂“醫藥味”的酒:充滿類似碘,海藻味的艾雷特色。”Laphroaig 的酒廠擁有自己的泥煤田,酒窖更直接面對海洋,讓酒款有著強烈 的海洋特質。此次徵集到的 Laphrogie 酒款產量稀少,在市面上皆十 分少見。
Laphroaig Cairdeas Vintage 1989 Islay, 2006裝瓶, 50.30%, 700ml
Laphroaig Cairdeas Origin Islay, 2012裝瓶, 51.20%, 700ml
Laphroaig Cairdeas Port Wood Edition Islay, 2013裝瓶, 51.30%, 700ml
Laphroaig Cairdeas Ileach Edition Islay, 50.50%, 700ml
658 1 1 1 1
bt bt bt bt
原紙盒 原紙盒 原紙盒 原紙盒
NT$ 40,000 - 48,000 HK$ 10,000 - 12,000 US$ 1,300 - 1,600
Lot 657 129
PORT ELLEN 波特艾倫 Port Ellen 波特艾倫酒廠為國際拍賣會最炙手可熱的酒廠,風格帶些 鹹味,胡椒,煙燻與香草等,可惜在 1983 年蘇格蘭大蕭條之際關廠, 也讓所剩不多的老酒受到重視。Diageo 集團自 2001 年推出”Limited Edition“限量版系列”,包裝僅存的波特艾倫老威士忌庫存。目前 從第一版推出至 2013 年的第十三版,此次徵集到第三版與第九版, 後勢看好。
Port Ellen Limited Edition 24 Years Old 1979 - 第三版 Islay, 2003裝瓶, 57.30%, 700ml
659 1 bt
NT$ 48,000 - 65,000 HK$ 12,000 - 17,000 US$ 1,600 - 2,100
Port Ellen Limited Edition 30Years Old 1979 - 第九版
Islay, 2009裝瓶, 57.70%, 700ml No. 2974
660 1 bt
NT$ 50,000 - 70,000 HK$ 13,000 - 18,000 US$ 1,600 - 2,300
Lot 661
AUCHENTOSHAN 歐肯特宣 Auchentoshan 1965 - 舊包裝
Lowlands, 31年 1996裝瓶, 48.80%, 700ml Hogshead Cask # 2506
661 1 bt
Lot 659-660 130
NT$ 30,000 - 38,000 HK$ 8,000 - 10,000 US$ 1,000 - 1,200
ROSEBANK 薔薇堤岸 Rosebank 薔薇提岸酒廠如其名,以低地傳統三次蒸餾方式製造,酒 廠風格帶出芬芳且甘菊香氣,常展現出浪漫的花香味。此酒廠於曾 被威士忌大師 Jim Murray 稱為世上最好的十大蒸餾廠,可惜於 1993 年關,令許多威士忌愛好者惋惜不已。此次徵集到已絕版的薔薇提 岸 25 年與帝亞吉歐集團 Rare Malt Selection,目前市面上已不常見。
Rare Malts Selection: Rosebank 22 Years Old
Lowlands, 22年 1981蒸餾, 61.10%, 700ml No. 0749
662 1 bt
NT$ 18,000 - 24,000 HK$ 5,000 - 6,000 US$ 600 - 800
Lot 663
Rosebank 25 Years Old
Lowlands, 1981 - 2007蒸餾, 61.40%, 700ml No.03433 2009 Jim Murray’s Whisky Bible: 96
663 1 bt
NT$ 22,000 - 30,000 HK$ 6,000 - 8,000 US$ 700 - 1,000
Lot 662 131
位於 Sky 島上唯一的蒸溜廠 Talisker,口感擁有火山爆發的力量,特 殊的胡椒味讓人難忘。Talisker 25 年是酒廠的明星產品,每年推出一 款皆受到專家們的一致讚賞,此次一次徵集至四種年份,滿足藏家 慾望。
Talisker 25 Years Old
Islands, 2004裝瓶, 57.80%, 700ml Jim Murray威士忌聖經 94 Points
Talisker 25 Years Old
Islands, 2005裝瓶, 57.20%, 700ml
Talisker 25 Years Old
Islands, 2006裝瓶, 56.90%, 700ml Jim Murray 威士忌聖經 95 Points
Talisker 25 Years Old
Islands, 2009裝瓶, 54.80%, 700ml Talisker 2006:“口感辣椒強力衝擊;帶油性的柑橘類水果,檸檬與萊姆 利口酒;宏大而有力。終感美味,豐裕;酸性水果與泥煤的混合;悠長 而特別。分數:92”- 麥可 . 傑克森品飲事典
664 1 1 1 1
bt bt bt bt
原紙盒 原紙盒 原紙盒 原紙盒
Lot 665
NT$ 44,000 - 55,000 HK$ 11,000 - 14,000 US$ 1,400 - 1,800
早年版本的 Highland Park 30 年小頭瓶目前已經絕版,有許多酒客更 喜歡舊版的 Highland Park 包裝,認為口感上更富個性。
Highland Park 30 Years Old - 小頭瓶 Nothern Islands, 30年, 48.10%, 700ml
665 1 bt
NT$ 24,000 - 32,000 HK$ 6,000 - 8,000 US$ 800 - 1,100
Campelton 鎮上的 Springbank 雲頂酒廠幾乎名列每個威士忌愛好者的 前十大名單,雲頂酒廠有許多遵從舊法的堅持,只使用自家地板發 芽做出的麥芽,並遵守麻煩的三次蒸餾製程,至今不變。酒廠風格 擁有海水味、油性、類似椰子般的風味與非常棒的複雜性,除了自 家品牌也發展出輕泥煤的 Hazelburn,個性派的 Longmorn,目前皆 已絕版。
SpringBank Vintage 1989
Campelton, 46.00%, 750ml Oak Bourbun Casks Type: 423, Private Bottled 限量420瓶 No.2
Campelton, 56.20%, 700ml Bottled for Malt House Islay Tokyo
Connoisseurs Range Longmorn 25 Years Old Campelton, 1960蒸餾, 40.00%, 750ml Bottled by Gordon & MacPhail
Lot 664 132
666 1 bt 1 bt 1 bt
NT$ 50,000 - 70,000 HK$ 13,000 - 18,000 US$ 1,600 - 2,300
Local Barley 當地麥芽系列於 1996 - 2001 以上市,採集 1965~1970 年 間當地泥煤與當地所耕植大麥所生產陳年的酒款,除了少數稀釋至 46%,其餘均採桶裝濃度。此系列是雲頂相當有代表性的精彩作品, 由於裝瓶數量稀少,此外分散於全球發行,收集上相當不易。
Lot 668
Lot 666
Springbank 8 Years Old 1980 - 舊標 Campelton, 43.00%, 750ml 日本版本
667 1 bt
NT$ 15,000 - 19,000 HK$ 4,000 - 5,000 US$ 500 - 600
Lot 667
Springbank Local Barley 1966 Campleton, 1999裝瓶, 56.60%, 700ml
668 1 bt
NT$ 90,000 - 120,000 HK$ 23,000 - 31,000 US$ 3,000 - 3,900
Lot 669-675 (各1瓶)
DOUGLAS LAING 道格拉斯蘭 Caol Ila 33 Years Old - Directors’ Cut Douglas Laing
Douglas Laing 是出名 的 獨 立 裝 瓶 廠, 其 Director's Cut 代 表 著 最 高 等級的選桶,由董事長親自選出最高等級的酒款,代表著 Douglas Laing 的選桶功力,直接以桶裝濃度裝瓶,對口感十足的信心。
Macallan 25 Years Old - Director’s Cut Douglas Laing
Speyside, 2013裝瓶, 50.20%, 700ml hogshead cask # 10160 限量117瓶
669 3 bts
NT$ 75,000 - 95,000 HK$ 19,000 - 24,000 US$ 2,500 - 3,100
Islay, 1980蒸餾, 58.80%, 700ml Refill hogshead 限量136瓶 Dl Ref-10159
672 3 bts
Bunnahabhain 25 Years Old Directors’ Cut Douglas Laing
Islay, 1988蒸餾, 56.90%, 700ml Cask # 10272 限量104瓶
673 3 bts
Glenrothes 26 Years Old - Directors’ Cut Douglas Laing
Speyside, 1987蒸餾, 53.30%, 700ml 2nd Refill Sherry Butt Cask # 10141 限量288瓶
NT$ 40,000 - 48,000 HK$ 10,000 - 12,000 US$ 1,300 - 1,600
Highlands, 1988蒸餾, 50.90%, 700ml Refill hogshead Cask # 9967 限量88瓶
“口感輕盈及新鮮,如絲絨般滑順,精緻的香料氣息與水果風味。餘韻 中等綿長,愉悅的新鮮口感在口腔中迴盪。”
674 3 bts
Port Ellen 30 Years Old - Directors’ Cut Douglas Laing Islay, 53.50%, 700ml Refill Cask # 10124 限量102瓶
“口感富含油脂能覆蓋於整個口腔裡的泥煤香甜風味,餘韻有更強烈的 灰味及煤味貫穿整個口腔,是典型的艾雷島陳年威士忌風味。”
671 1 bt
NT$ 40,000 - 48,000 HK$ 10,000 - 12,000 US$ 1,300 - 1,600
Aberlour 25 Years Old - Directors’ Cut Douglas Laing
“滑順香甜口感伴隨像是充滿油脂的蜂蠟口味,加上葡萄乾及牛奶巧克 力的甜味。尾韻有明顯乾澀與辛辣的成熟風味,品嘗到肉桂及橡木的風 味。”
670 3 bts
NT$ 55,000 - 75,000 HK$ 14,000 - 19,000 US$ 1,800 - 2,500
NT$ 38,000 - 46,000 HK$ 10,000 - 12,000 US$ 1,200 - 1,500
NT$ 38,000 - 46,000 HK$ 10,000 - 12,000 US$ 1,200 - 1,500
Highland Park 28 Years Old Directors’ Cut Douglas Laing
Islands, 1984蒸餾, 48.50%, 700ml Cask # 9968, 限量133瓶
675 3 bts
NT$ 42,000 - 50,000 HK$ 11,000 - 13,000 US$ 1,400 - 1,600
Glen Grant 1970 35 Years Old Duncan Taylor Private Bottling
Speyside, 2005裝瓶, 55.00%, 700ml 限量60瓶 No.5 Duncan Taylor 鄧肯泰勒於 2002 年開始裝瓶,擁有蘇格蘭最多 30 年 以上蘇格蘭老酒的公司,因此特別重視老酒的行銷。此次徵集到頂 級的老酒系列來自台灣資深藏家,以桶裝強度原酒呈現,如 Rarest Auld 稀世原酒系列,專門挑選來自經典產地的酒廠;Private Bottling 私人珍藏系列;Peerless Collection 則是珍藏 40 年以上的原酒,每一 品項都不超過 180 瓶,在國際比賽上屢得大獎。
Port Ellen 27 Years Old Duncan Taylor Rare Auld
Islay, 1983 - 2010裝瓶, 49.40%, 700ml Cask # 672 限量278瓶 No.151
676 1 bt
NT$ 18,000 - 24,000 HK$ 5,000 - 6,000 US$ 600 - 800
Bowmore 1982 Duncan Taylor Rare Auld
Islay, 2009裝瓶, 50.40%, 700ml Cask # 85072 限量202瓶 No.183
677 3 bts
NT$ 28,000 - 36,000 HK$ 7,000 - 9,000 US$ 900 - 1,200
NT$ 46,000 - 60,000 HK$ 12,000 - 15,000 US$ 1,500 - 2,000
678 3 bts
Dalmore 1990 18 Years Old Duncan Taylor Rare Auld
Speyside, 2009裝瓶, 56.70%, 700ml Cask # 5329 限量298瓶 No.288
679 3 bts
NT$ 18,000 - 24,000 HK$ 5,000 - 6,000 US$ 600 - 800
Glenlivet 1968 37 Years Old Duncan Taylor Private Bottling
Islands, 2005裝瓶, 50.20%, 700ml Cask # 6197 限量197瓶 No. 105
680 3 bts
NT$ 48,000 - 65,000 HK$ 12,000 - 17,000 US$ 1,600 - 2,100
Lot 676-681 (各1瓶) 135
Highland Park 1986 Duncan Taylor Rare Auld Islands, 23年 1986 - 2009裝瓶, 54.20%, 700ml Cask # 2318 限量162瓶 No.98
681 3 bts
NT$ 18,000 - 24,000 HK$ 5,000 - 6,000 US$ 600 - 800
Ian Macleods 是國際知名的烈酒廠,以及第三大獨立裝瓶廠。2000 年起以 The Chieftan's Choice 老酋長精選系列開始裝瓶,但早在 1930 年代就做起調和商。Macleods 另外特地幫台灣裝桶的 Speyside 老酒, 其實來自 Glenfarclas 格蘭花格酒廠,精選將近 50 年的原酒,滋味複 雜美妙,品飲價值極高。
Rosebank 1990 Macleods Chieftain’s Choice
Lowlands, 18年 1990 - 2008裝瓶, 46.00%, 700ml Sherry Butt Cask # 612 No. 744
685 3 bts
Lot 682-684
Highland Park 1968 Duncan Taylor Peerless Collection Islands, 40年 1968 - 2008裝瓶, 40.10%, 700ml Oak Cask # 3465 限量177瓶 No.147
682 3 bts
NT$ 65,000 - 85,000 HK$ 17,000 - 22,000 US$ 2,100 - 2,800
Highland Park 1968 Duncan Taylor Peerless Collection Islands, 40年 1968 - 2008裝瓶, 40.80%, 700ml Spirit Gold Medal - Best in Class 2007
683 3 bts
NT$ 65,000 - 85,000 HK$ 17,000 - 22,000 US$ 2,100 - 2,800
Highland Park 1968 Duncan Taylor Peerless Collection Islands, 40年 1968 - 2008裝瓶, 41.80%, 700ml Icons of Whisky 2009
684 3 bts
NT$ 65,000 - 85,000 HK$ 17,000 - 22,000 US$ 2,100 - 2,800
Lot 685
NT$ 22,000 - 30,000 HK$ 6,000 - 8,000 US$ 700 - 1,000
Lot 686-691
Glenlivet 1967 Macleods Rare Single Malt
Speyside, 40年 1967 - 2007裝瓶, 49.30%, 700ml Cask # 5675 No.035
NT$ 65,000 - 85,000 HK$ 17,000 - 22,000 US$ 2,100 - 2,800
686 3 bts
Port Ellen 1982 Macleods Rare Single Malt Whisky
Islay, 24年 1982 - 2006裝瓶, 55.00%, 700ml Whiskybase: 94分 Sherry Cask Cask # 1519 No.129
687 3 bts
Speyside, 42年, 50.40%, 700ml Cask # 3550 No.046
689 3 bts
NT$ 55,000 - 75,000 HK$ 14,000 - 19,000 US$ 1,800 - 2,500
Speyside 1966 Macleods Very Rare Single Malt
Speyside, 44年 1966 - 2010裝瓶, 50.00%, 700ml Cask # 4178 No.171
NT$ 75,000 - 95,000 HK$ 19,000 - 24,000 US$ 2,500 - 3,100
Speyside1952 Macleods Very Rare Single Malt
Speyside, 56年, 44.20%, 700ml Cask # 2833 No.081
688 3 bts
Speyside 1966 Macleods Very Rare Single Malt
690 3 bts
NT$ 55,000 - 75,000 HK$ 14,000 - 19,000 US$ 1,800 - 2,500
Speyside 1978 Macleods Very Rare Single Malt
Speyside, 30年 1978 - 2008裝瓶, 48.70%, 700ml Cask # 3967 No.122
NT$ 85,000 - 110,000 HK$ 22,000 - 28,000 US$ 2,800 - 3,600
691 3 bts
NT$ 46,000 - 60,000 HK$ 12,000 - 15,000 US$ 1,500 - 2,000 137
舊版的 Johnnie Walker 黑牌又分為全金頭與黑金頭兩種包裝,分別為 1970 年代與 1980 年代,極少在市面上流通。1970 年代的黑牌質地 滑順柔細,帶淡淡泥煤香氣且毫無辣感,口感令人驚豔,1 公升大瓶 裝的版本更是少見。
1970 Johnnie Walker Black Label 約翰走路黑牌 - 金頭 Scotland, 1970’s裝瓶, 43.00%, 750ml 水位優良
694 10 bts
NT$ 50,000 - 70,000 HK$ 13,000 - 18,000 US$ 1,600 - 2,300
1970 Johnnie Walker Black Label 約翰走路黑牌一公升 - 金頭 Scotland, 1970’s裝瓶, 43.00%, 1000ml 水位優良
695 4 bts
Lot 692-693
NT$ 32,000 - 40,000 HK$ 8,000 - 10,000 US$ 1,100 - 1,300
1970 Johnnie Walker Black Label 約翰走路黑牌 - 金頭 Scotland, 1970’s裝瓶, 43.00%, 750ml 水位優良
Cadenhead's 卡登赫爾裝瓶廠與雲頂蒸餾廠為同一主人,他們的裝瓶 酒齡與桶型變化很大,造就許多有趣裝瓶滋味,也是非經冷凝過濾 的領導者。其 Authentic Collection 強調不加水,不添加焦糖,不冷 凝過濾的桶裝濃度酒款。此次出現九零年代裝瓶的 Macduff 酒款非 常難得,只有在拍賣會才能見其身影。
696 12 bts
Benromach 1976 Cadenhead’s Authentic Collection
Highland, 20年 1976 - 1997裝瓶, 61.50%, 700ml Strength 水位瓶頸以下
692 3 bts
NT$ 24,000 - 32,000 HK$ 6,000 - 8,000 US$ 800 - 1,100
Macduff 1965 Cadenhead’s Authentic Collection
Highland, 32年 1965 - 1998裝瓶, 53.00%, 700ml Matured in Oak Cask Strength Whiskyfun: 90 分
693 3 bts
NT$ 36,000 - 44,000 HK$ 9,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,200 - 1,400
Lot 695 138
NT$ 65,000 - 85,000 HK$ 17,000 - 22,000 US$ 2,100 - 2,800
全球第二大蘇格蘭品牌 Ballantine's 百靈罈,國際大賽獲獎無數,在 亞洲亦有不少死忠熱愛者。此次徵集到 1990 年百靈罈 Ballantine 21 年,選用多種單一麥芽威士忌精心調配,在橡木桶至少熟成達 21 年 以上,香味和諧完美。
1980 Ballantine’s 百齡譚 21 Years Old Scotland, 1980’s裝瓶, 43.00%, 750ml 水位優良
697 10 bts
NT$ 60,000 - 80,000 HK$ 15,000 - 20,000 US$ 2,000 - 2,600
Lot 698
1980 Johnnie Walker Swing Superior - 約翰走路尊豪 Scotland, 1980’s裝瓶, 43.00%, 750ml 水位優良
700 3 bts
NT$ 15,000 - 19,000 HK$ 4,000 - 5,000 US$ 500 - 600
Lot 697
1980 Royal Salute 皇家禮炮 21 Years Old - 銀頭 Scotland, 1980’s裝瓶, 43.00%, 750ml 水位優良
698 12 bts
NT$ 70,000 - 90,000 HK$ 18,000 - 23,000 US$ 2,300 - 3,000
1970 Johnnie Walker Blue Label - 約翰走路藍牌 Scotland, 1970’s裝瓶, 43.00%, 750ml 水位優良
699 12 bts
NT$ 75,000 - 95,000 HK$ 19,000 - 24,000 US$ 2,500 - 3,100
Lot 700 139
金門 高粱 K I N M E N KAO L AING
金門酒廠的老酒拍賣近來跨出台灣,連對岸的香港,中國 也逐漸體會到陳年金高的品飲魅力,實為台灣之光。成立 逾 50 年,金門酒廠出版了眾多瓶裝樣式奇巧,酒質各異的 酒款,多變造型甚至能出一本專門書籍介紹。金門高粱以 純梁發酵蒸餾而成,酒液晶瑩透亮,忠於原味不添香料, 釀出香醇甘冽的高粱酒。 品飲陳年金門高粱酒,每一口,都訴說台灣五十年來走過 的歲月回憶,點滴在心頭,從蔣中正時代至今,金酒跟台 灣的歷史榮華息息相關,光看瓶身就能隱隱感受到時代洪 流,宛如骨董般有著收藏價值。早期金門酒廠無論原料如 金門特產「旱地高粱」,與窖藏時間上都花足了功夫,並 承襲古法傳統釀酒,品質往往是市面上新年份的金門高粱 所望塵莫及。陳年老酒更因經歷緩慢陳化,辛辣感揮發殆 盡,通常入喉一股暖流且不嗆辣,酒香濃郁,餘韻綿延, 兩頰口中生津,口感讓人深深迷戀。 對於收藏者而言,收藏金酒兼具藝術價值及時間意義,樂 趣十足。稀少的老酒喝一瓶少一瓶,品項同時也有投資的 潛力。此次一共徵集到近 70 組高粱品項,去蕪存菁,品項 完好,盼給藏家最頂級優質的選擇。
Lot 701 140
春節紀念酒自民國 71 年出廠至今,每年推出造型各異的精美瓷瓶, 從葫蘆瓶身,涼亭瓶身等,巧思獨具,許多藏家熱中蒐集全系列酒 款。春節品項中大大的春字,增加了節慶熱鬧的感覺。此次分別徵 集到民國 72 年、77 年、80 年、85 年的春節酒,包裝完整水位高, 幾乎沒有蒸發,極為難得。而瓷瓶保存的酒款更增加品飲的柔順滑 潤,少了烈酒嗆味,喝過的人皆讚賞不已
民國72年 春節酒 特級高粱 58±2度 600ml 水位優良:重量910g,933g,975g
民國77年 春節酒 特級高粱 58±2度 600ml 水位優良:重量1195g,1198g
701 3 btS 附原包裝盒 2 btS 附原包裝盒
NT$ 38,000 - 46,000 HK$ 10,000 - 12,000 US$ 1,200 - 1,500
Lot 702
民國80年代 春節酒 特級高粱 58±2度 600ml 水位優良:重量942g,958g,964g,975g,998g
民國85年 春節酒 特級高粱 58±2度 600ml 水位優良:重量975g,988g,994g
702 5 btS 3 btS 附原包裝盒
NT$ 60,000 - 80,000 HK$ 15,000 - 20,000 US$ 2,000 - 2,600
中秋紀念酒同春節酒為三節節慶酒,早年如果住在金門或身為軍人, 政府都是三節發行配送。此次徵收到民國 71 年、72 年、79 年,包 裝美水位重量足,市面上很難找到如此漂亮完整的品項。中秋節款 慶祝花好月圓,圖案精美富深意,有嫦娥奔月,白兔酒把等造型, 饒富趣味。
民國71年 秋節酒 特級高粱 58±2度 500ml 水位優良:重量974g,936g
民國72年 秋節酒 特級高粱 58±2度 500ml 水位優良:重量1007g,1023g
民國79年 秋節酒
Lot 704
特級高粱 58±2度 500ml 水位優良:重量1005g,1015g
703 2 btS 附原包裝盒 2 btS 附原包裝盒 2 btS 附原包裝盒
NT$ 42,000 - 50,000 HK$ 11,000 - 13,000 US$ 1,400 - 1,600
特級高粱酒因酒標為白底左右各有金龍,俗稱白金龍,也是為金酒 公司銷售最佳的酒款。有品飲家曾形容陳年特級高粱的滋味,清若 泉水,香如幽蘭,陳年白酒龍更是收藏家中的珍品,目前市面上要 找到水位優良的酒款相當不易。60 年代的特級白金龍經過四十若餘 年的瓶中陳化,酒質冷烈,綿甜細長,兩頰間生甘,柔順令人回味。
民國60年 白金龍 特級高粱 58±2度 600ml 水位1標準
民國62年 白金龍 特級高粱 58±2度 600ml 水位3標準
民國65年 特級高粱 58±2度 600ml 水位1標準
民國60年代 白金龍 特級高粱 58±2度 600ml 水位1標準
704 1 3 1 1
bt btS bt bt
NT$ 120,000 - 160,000 HK$ 31,000 - 41,000 US$ 3,900 - 5,300
民國68年 白金龍 特級高粱 58±2度 600ml 水位3標準、1方章、2圓章
民國69年 白金龍 特級高粱 58±2度 600ml 水位3標準、2圓章、1四角章
705 3 btS 3 btS Lot 703 142
NT$ 110,000 - 150,000 HK$ 28,000 - 38,000 US$ 3,600 - 4,900
民國 75年 白金龍金膜 (原裝箱) 特級高粱 58±2度 600ml
水位優良 民國75年8月31日裝瓶 白金龍原裝箱的意思是裝瓶後整箱出貨,因此全為同一日期裝瓶的酒 款。市面有些買家認為原裝箱是一種品質保證,特別喜歡此類型的酒 款。
706 12 bts
NT$ 130,000 - 170,000 HK$ 33,000 - 43,000 US$ 4,300 - 5,600
民國79年 白金龍 特級高粱 58±2度 600ml
民國 81 年的特級高粱因酒質厚甜且帶有特別明顯的醬香氣息,品質 比其他年份出色許多,早成為市場上的搶手貨。此次蒐集到品項完 整水位優良,81 年釀製 81 年裝瓶,俗稱正八一的品項,價格通常比 82 年裝瓶更高,酒質也被認為更具陳年酒的風味。
民國81年 白金龍 (正81原裝箱) 特級高粱 58±2度 600ml
水位3優良、7標準、1標準以下 民國81年6月4號裝瓶
708 12 bts
NT$ 80,000 - 100,000 HK$ 20,000 - 26,000 US$ 2,600 - 3,300
707 6 bts
NT$ 42,000 - 50,000 HK$ 11,000 - 13,000 US$ 1,400 - 1,600
特優 優良 標準
Lot 706 143
Lot 713
Lot 709
民國81年 白金龍 (正81) 特級高粱 58±2度 600ml 水位優良
709 12 bts
NT$ 90,000 - 120,000 HK$ 23,000 - 31,000 US$ 3,000 - 3,900
民國 86 年的白金龍是一款有趣的高粱酒,說明了中式白酒的不可預 期性。特殊之處就是在其奇特的人蔘香氣,有如藥酒質感卻又具備 高粱甜美綿順的口感,層次非常特別。然而,民國 86 年份的酒只有 在六、七、八月份香味特別明顯,以七月份的人蔘味最重,八月份 的次之,市場價格也有所差別,目前市面上都已絕跡。此次品項酒 液完美且酒標完整,值得行家收藏。
民國81年 白金龍 (正81)
民國86年 白金龍 六七八月 人蔘味
特級高粱 58±2度 750ml
特級高粱 58±2度 600ml
710 6 bts
NT$ 40,000 - 48,000 HK$ 10,000 - 12,000 US$ 1,300 - 1,600
民國86年 白金龍 七月重 人蔘味 (原裝箱)
民國84年 白金龍
特級高粱 58±2度 600ml
特級高粱 58±2度 750ml
水位12特優 民國86年7月8日裝瓶
711 12 bts
NT$ 120,000 - 160,000 HK$ 31,000 - 41,000 US$ 3,900 - 5,300
712 12 bts
NT$ 60,000 - 80,000 HK$ 15,000 - 20,000 US$ 2,000 - 2,600
713 12 bts
NT$ 100,000 - 140,000 HK$ 26,000 - 36,000 US$ 3,300 - 4,600
迎賓酒在金門本島為早期的公關用酒,也是當地議員,村里長等專 門用來迎接遠方的貴賓,彰顯金門人熱情好客的個性。由於只少數 於當地生產,取得不易且數量稀少,水位完整的品項更是難得。這 款民國 86 年的酒款有著奇特的人蔘氣息,附盒的銀色包裝更讓送禮 方便好看。
民國86年 金門迎賓酒 人蔘味 特級高粱 58±2度 600ml 水位12優良
714 12 bts
NT$ 60,000 - 80,000 HK$ 15,000 - 20,000 US$ 2,000 - 2,600
這款民國 86 年精選高粱酒最特殊的地方就是有淡淡迷人的人蔘香 氣,酒質為勾兌過之特級高粱。八角瓶形部分參考中正紀年堂屋頂 及中國八卦之形狀,代表忠,孝,仁,愛,信,義,和,平之八德 及吉祥園芝蘭的意象,其寶藍色標籤及盒裝漂亮具現代感,也是送 禮的好選擇。
民國100年 葡萄味高粱
民國86年 精選高粱酒 人蔘味
特級高粱 58±2度 600ml
特級高粱 58±2度 600ml
715 12 bts
Lot 714
NT$ 50,000 - 70,000 HK$ 13,000 - 18,000 US$ 1,600 - 2,300
716 24 bts 717 24 bts
原裝箱 原裝箱
per lot NT$ 48,000 - 65,000 HK$ 12,000 - 17,000 US$ 1,600 - 2,100
Lot 715 145
Lot 718
民國74年 蔣公百歲誕辰紀念酒 民國 70 年代蔣公百年誕辰特選高粱酒,酒質透明清亮,酒體爽淨適 口。民國 70 年代和民國 87 年在近瓶頸的黑色貼紙處,分別已英文 和中國標註,可看出年代不同之處。
民國87年 特選高粱酒 - 蔣公百年誕辰 特級高粱 56±2度 600ml
特級高粱 58±2度 600ml 水位優良:902g, 902g, 905g, 941g, 942g, 952g 此組為民國75年蔣公百歲誕辰紀念所推出的特殊造型瓷瓶酒款,以梅花 為造型,正面為中正紀念堂,背面為蔣公遺訓,非常有歷史趣味。金門 酒廠特選酒質極佳,口感純正的酒款,富有高度的歷史意義價值。
719 6 bts
民國70年代 特選高粱酒 - 蔣公百年誕辰 特級高粱 56±2度 600ml 水位4特優、5優良
718 3 bts 9 bts
2瓶附原包裝盒 附原包裝盒
NT$ 55,000 - 75,000 HK$ 14,000 - 19,000 US$ 1,800 - 2,500
Lot 719
NT$ 40,000 - 48,000 HK$ 10,000 - 12,000 US$ 1,300 - 1,600
民國 73 年的特選高粱酒瓶身貼有黃標籤五爪金龍,酒瓶則為台灣省 菸酒公賣局字樣。啤酒瓶裝的瓶蓋為鐵製的皇冠蓋,外覆金膜包材, 成為 70 年代的特殊產品之一。此品項容量只達 500ml,看起來水位 偏低,其實不然。整體酒質口感香醇,細膩香滑,如今市面僅存數 量非常稀少。
民國73年 特選高粱酒(黃標) 特級高粱 58±2度 500ml 水位12優良 民國73年釀造, 民國75年裝瓶
720 12 bts
NT$ 100,000 - 140,000 HK$ 26,000 - 36,000 US$ 3,300 - 4,600 Lot 721
神泉酒是早期金酒唯一酒精濃度較低的產品,至 87 年左右停產,一 直都有特定鍾愛的買家。此次一共徵集到瓷瓶和玻璃瓶兩種品項, 瓷瓶生產至民國 74 年∼ 80 年,玻璃瓶則為 81 年∼ 86 年。由於酒 精濃度只有約 50%,入喉無一般的辛辣感,甘爽醇甜,餘韻綿延悠 長,柔順舒服。
民國84年 金門高粱神泉玻璃酒 特級高粱 50±2度 750ml 水位4特優、2優良
民國74年 金門高粱神泉瓷瓶酒 特級高粱 48±2度 750ml 水位特優:重量1276g,1348g
民國76年 金門高粱神泉瓷瓶酒 特級高粱 48±2度 750ml 水位優良:重量1146g
民國78年 金門高粱神泉瓷瓶酒 特級高粱 48±2度 750ml 水位優良:重量1190g
民國70年代 金門高粱神泉瓷瓶酒 特級高粱 48±2度 750ml 水位優良:重量1147g,1178g
721 6 2 1 1 2
bts 附原包裝盒 bts 附原包裝盒 bt 附原包裝盒 bt 附原包裝盒 bts 附原包裝盒
NT$ 60,000 - 80,000 HK$ 15,000 - 20,000 US$ 2,000 - 2,600
Lot 720
紅扁陳高是原本黑金剛在民國 80 年後預定改換的新包裝,當年還因 改版而受到行政院長的關切,以致後來兩種版本都有發行。紅扁陳 高經過五年以上熟成醇化,味道清香優雅,入口濃郁且尾韻悠長, 品質與更知名的黑金龍不分上下,近年在拍賣場上嶄露光芒。此次 徵集到從首發年分 72 年到 83 年的一條龍品項,蒐集 70 年代紅扁陳 高並不簡單,民國 73 年尤其產量稀少。
民國72 - 83年 紅扁陳高 陳年高粱 56±2度 600m l 水位6標準、3優良、3特優
722 12 bts
NT$ 120,000 - 160,000 HK$ 31,000 - 41,000 US$ 3,900 - 5,300
Lot 722
民國69年 黑金龍 陳年高粱 56±2度 600ml 水位2標準 單雙日期各一瓶
725 2 bts
NT$ 48,000 - 65,000 HK$ 12,000 - 17,000 US$ 1,600 - 2,100
民國70年 黑金龍 陳年高粱 56±2度 600ml 水位特優
民國73年 黑金龍 陳年高粱 56±2度 600ml 水位特優
726 1 bt 1 bt
附原包裝盒 附原包裝盒
NT$ 55,000 - 75,000 HK$ 14,000 - 19,000 US$ 1,800 - 2,500
民國70年 黑金龍(單日期) 陳年高粱 56±2度 600ml 水位2特優
Lot 723-724
727 2 bts
金門陳年特級高粱又俗稱黑金剛,也是金門高粱中最受藏家歡迎的 頂級酒款品項。以黑色紙盒包裝得名,固態發酵釀酒後經老師傅精 心調配,之後於花崗岩五至八年以上長期地窖儲存。市面上最後一 批是 87 年釀造,93 年裝瓶的版本;另外民國 98 年推出 92 年釀造復 刻版的黑金龍,採庫存舊瓶,新鋁蓋,新標籤,一推出大受歡迎。 這種急不來的優秀黑金剛酒質帶醬香,醇厚適口,回味愈陳愈香, 目前水位標準以上的品項在市面上已買不到。
民國71年 黑金龍
民國69年 黑金龍(單日期)
NT$ 65,000 - 85,000 HK$ 17,000 - 22,000 US$ 2,100 - 2,800
陳年高粱 56±2度 600ml 水位2優良
728 2 bts
NT$ 50,000 - 70,000 HK$ 13,000 - 18,000 US$ 1,600 - 2,300
民國71年 黑金龍
陳年高粱 56±2度 600ml
陳年高粱 56±2度 600ml
69年黑金剛陳期長達8年為第二批釀造的陳年酒款,也是最早期上市的黑 金剛之一,口感帶著些醬油般的黏稠與深沉香氣。一共分為單日期菱形 章與雙日期兩種版本,單日期比雙日期年份更早,價錢也更高。此次徵 集到更多年份的黑金剛,在市場上庫存已不多。
723 1 bt
NT$ 24,000 - 32,000 HK$ 6,000 - 8,000 US$ 800 - 1,100
民國72年 黑金龍 陳年高粱 56±2度 600ml 水位標準
729 1 bt 1 bt
附原包裝盒 附原包裝盒
NT$ 36,000 - 44,000 HK$ 9,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,200 - 1,400
民國69年 黑金龍(雙日期) 陳年高粱 56±2度 600ml 水位優良
724 1 bt
NT$ 36,000 - 44,000 HK$ 9,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,200 - 1,400
Lot 723 149
民國76年 黑金龍 陳年高粱 56±2度 600ml 水位2優良、4標準
734 6 bts 735 6 bts
附原包裝盒 附原包裝盒
per lot NT$ 110,000 - 150,000 HK$ 28,000 - 38,000 US$ 3,600 - 4,900
民國75年 黑金龍 - 司令窖用酒10001 陳年高粱 56±2度 600ml 水位4特優 民國81年裝瓶 75年黑金剛於75年釀造,81年灌裝,陳年期達6年,編號10001司令部指 定用酒,也是司令部贈送外賓之用。品項稀少特別,也是首次出現於羅 芙奧拍場上。
Lot 732
736 4 bts
民國72年 黑金龍
民國92年 黑金龍
陳年高粱 56±2度 600ml
陳年高粱 56±2度 600ml
民國76年 黑金龍
737 12 bts
陳年高粱 56±2度 600ml 水位標準
民國78年 黑金龍
NT$ 130,000 - 170,000 HK$ 33,000 - 43,000 US$ 4,300 - 5,600
NT$ 85,000 - 110,000 HK$ 22,000 - 28,000 US$ 2,800 - 3,600
陳年高粱 56±2度 600ml 水位標準
730 1 bt 1 bt 1 bt
附原包裝盒 附原包裝盒 附原包裝盒
NT$ 55,000 - 75,000 HK$ 14,000 - 19,000 US$ 1,800 - 2,500
民國74年 黑金龍 陳年高粱 68±2度 600ml 水位1優良、2標準
731 3 bts
NT$ 85,000 - 110,000 HK$ 22,000 - 28,000 US$ 2,800 - 3,600
民國74年 黑金龍 陳年高粱 56±2度 600ml 水位4特優、1優良、1標準
732 6 bts
NT$ 160,000 - 200,000 HK$ 41,000 - 51,000 US$ 5,300 - 6,600
民國76年 黑金龍 陳年高粱 56±2度 600ml
Lot 736
733 2 bts
NT$ 36,000 - 44,000 HK$ 9,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,200 - 1,400
鋼印編號 10001
二鍋頭指的是白酒蒸餾時,更換第二鍋冷凝水後開始流出的白酒, 此酒質清香醇厚,綿甜爽淨,好比泡茶時以第二泡口感最佳。。此 次徵集到舊包裝的二鍋頭目前已經絕版,精挑細選出重量水位極佳 的品項,市場上不多見。
民國88年 二鍋頭 特級高粱 53±2度 1000ml 水位優良:重量1636g, 1729g, 1625g, 1626g, 1616g, 1728g
738 6 bts
NT$ 34,000 - 42,000 HK$ 9,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,100 - 1,400
Lot 739
民國70年代 甕裝大麯酒 早期甕裝酒由於採用上好瓷土,毛孔細密,催陳酒體的效果奇佳, 高粱品飲家尤其推崇甕裝的酒質。經長時間存放後,口感往往更加 香醇綿密,迷人不已。此次精選一公斤的甕裝大麯酒搭配五零年代 的藍瓷瓶,後者精選年份品質最佳的大麯酒灌裝,年份可由紅色瓶 蓋的盾牌小臂章查出,此款瓷瓶酒酒香濃郁,可感受到大麯長期釀 造的優質口感。
大麯 68±2度 1公斤 水位特優:重量1562g (全美1600g)
民國50年代 藍瓶大麯 大麯 68±2度 500ml 水位特優:重量856g (全美880g)
739 1 bt 1 bt
NT$ 30,000 - 38,000 HK$ 8,000 - 10,000 US$ 1,000 - 1,200
Lot 738 151
此次一共徵集到兩組陳年罈裝大麯酒,像是只有民國 68、69 兩個年 份出產,以黃漆勾畫文字得名的「金大麯」,酒體雄厚卻也細膩滑潤, 香氣口感極佳,被專家認為是最好喝的金門高粱酒酒款。民國 70 年 代則有凹凸兩種字型的甕裝大麯酒,也是難得特殊的收藏品項。
Lot 740-741
民國70年代 罈裝凹字大麯酒 大麯 68±2度 5公斤 水位優良:重量7944g
NT$ 120,000 - 160,000 HK$ 31,000 - 41,000 US$ 3,900 - 5,300
740 1 bt
民國60年代 金字大麯 大麯 68±2度 5公斤 水位優良:重量7226g
NT$ 170,000 - 220,000 HK$ 43,000 - 56,000 US$ 5,600 - 7,200
741 1 bt
此為難得的雙面版本民國 57 年蔣公壽酒正版,當年特別為高層公關 及收藏所用。品項最特殊的地方就是因當年製程錯誤,導致一面彩 繪 56 年壽酒圖案,壽星與仙鶴立於蒼松下,寓意松鶴延年。另外一 面則彩繪 57 年壽酒,雙仙鶴立於蒼松下,有萬壽無疆之寓意,被愛 酒人士視為最美麗的錯誤。其品項精選出最優質的大麯酒,無論瓶 身,封膜,酒標都十分完整,實為壽酒之精品。
民國57年 松鶴遐齡 - 雙面特殊版 特級高粱 58±2度 600ml 水位優良:重量1379g
742 1 bt
Lot 742
NT$ 360,000 - 440,000 HK$ 92,000 - 112,000 US$ 11,800 - 14,400
蔣公壽酒是為了慶祝蔣公誕辰的紀念酒款,自民國 55 年 ~80 年間生 產,以古樸彩繪造型祝壽,每年只發行一款當年份大小壽酒,在金 酒收藏中具有代表性的地位。如今只要是品項封膜完整,酒液完好, 都是極為難得的收藏品項。壽酒又分為正版和復刻版,瓶蓋平頭蓋 有圓章則為民國 70 年以前的正版,凸頭蓋有方章則為民國 78 - 81 年 出產的復刻板,圖案與第一版相同,但正版價格比復刻板貴上許多。 壽酒陳年後通常酒精度略降低,酒體溫潤,酒香濃郁,欣賞品飲價 值兼具。
民國57年 大壽酒 - 正版 特級高粱 58±2度 500ml 圓印、水位優良:989g
民國57年 大壽酒 - 正版 特級高粱 58±2度 500ml 圓印、水位優良:989g
民國58年 大壽酒 - 正版
Lot 743
特級高粱 58±2度 500ml 圓印、水位優良:905g
永懷領袖系列為蔣公誕辰祝壽紀念酒,民國 64 年蔣公逝世,讓 65 年的紀念酒極具意義。瓶身正面有蔣公照,背面則有蔣公遺訓,緬 懷歷史的光榮遺跡。此品項有大,小兩種瓶裝,酒瓶外觀水位保存 狀況極佳,賞玩趣味高。
民國59年 蔣公壽酒 - 正版 特級高粱 58±2度 500ml 圓印、水位優良:896g
民國60年 蔣公壽酒 特級高粱 58±2度 500ml 圓印、水位優良:867g
民國61年 大壽酒
民國65年 蔣公祝壽酒
特級高粱 58±2度 500ml
特級高粱 58±2度 1000ml
圓印、水位優良:989g 附原包裝盒
民國65年 蔣公祝壽酒 特級高粱 58±2度 500ml
民國62年 蔣公壽酒
水位優良:947g, 941g
743 1 bt 附原包裝盒 2 bts 附原包裝盒
特級高粱 58±2度 500ml 方印
NT$ 60,000 - 80,000 HK$ 15,000 - 20,000 US$ 2,000 - 2,600
民國64年 蔣公壽酒 特級高粱 58±2度 500ml 方印
744 7 bts
NT$ 120,000 - 160,000 HK$ 31,000 - 41,000 US$ 3,900 - 5,300
Lot 744 153
民國70年 蔣公壽酒山 - 水手繪酒 特級高粱 58±2度 600ml
水位優良:1055g, 1068g, 1086g 民國71年推出的山水壽酒手繪瓶正面為紅色壽字,背面為山水松樹,此 次徵集到的品項完美水位佳,非常難得。
745 3 bts
NT$ 28,000 - 36,000 HK$ 7,000 - 9,000 US$ 900 - 1,200
Lot 746
民國70年 國慶紀念酒 - 白瓶 特級高粱 58±2度 600ml
水位優良:重量974g, 988g, 997g, 1027g, 1093g, 1095g
747 6 bts
NT$ 46,000 - 60,000 HK$ 12,000 - 15,000 US$ 1,500 - 2,000
Lot 745
國慶酒為紀念雙十國慶所推出的酒款,瓶身造型優雅,民國 70 年分 別推出為白,淡黃,淡藍三種顏色,又以淡黃的品項最為少見。瓶 身頸下則描有壽字一圈,瓶身一面描壽字,一面印有中華民國建國 七十年紀念。此款酒質細膩香滑,入口清甜,淡雅芬芳,完美的水 位重量更是難得少見。
此組三角瓶身高粱酒造型獨特為正三角形,搭配金色與橘色的包裝 與復古文字,喜氣亮眼。三角高粱是目前生產最早的金門高粱之一, 生產年份為 56 年至 67 年間,又以圓章和方章做區別,依序為五零 與六零年代。其酒質口感沉穩馥郁,滋味香醇。
民國50年 三角高粱圓章 特級高粱 56±2度 600ml 水位1特優、1優良
民國70年 國慶紀念酒 - 藍瓶
NT$ 36,000 - 44,000 HK$ 9,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,200 - 1,400
748 2 bts
特級高粱 58±2度 600ml 水位優良:重量1102g
民國70年 國慶紀念酒 - 白瓶 特級高粱 58±2度 600ml 水位優良:重量1026g
民國70年 國慶紀念酒 - 黃瓶 特級高粱 58±2度 600ml 水位優良:重量987g
746 1 bt 1 bt 1 bt
附原包裝盒 附原包裝盒 附原包裝盒
NT$ 65,000 - 85,000 HK$ 17,000 - 22,000 US$ 2,100 - 2,800
Lot 748
Lot 749-750
民國70年 陳年大麯 香蕉標圓大麴是年份最老的一批大麯酒,因標籤形狀類似香蕉,因 而得香焦標之名。仔細看,香蕉標的酒標成菱形紋紙,香氣濃郁, 口感渾圓雄厚,餘香不斷,令人回味不已。
陳年大麯 68±2度 600ml 水位3特優 民國77年裝瓶
752 3 bts
民國58年 香蕉標圓大麯 大麯 68±2度 600ml
民國69年 陳年大麯
水位特優 單一圓章
陳年大麯 68±2度 600ml
NT$ 38,000 - 46,000 HK$ 10,000 - 12,000 US$ 1,200 - 1,500
749 1 bt
民國60年 香蕉標圓大麯
水位2優良 一瓶為單日期、一瓶為民國76年裝瓶
民國70年 陳年大麯 陳年大麯 68±2度 600ml 水位特優 民國77年裝瓶
753 2 bts 附原包裝盒 1 bt 附原包裝盒
大麯 68±2度 600ml 水位3特優
NT$ 120,000 - 160,000 HK$ 31,000 - 41,000 US$ 3,900 - 5,300
750 3 bts
NT$ 120,000 - 160,000 HK$ 31,000 - 41,000 US$ 3,900 - 5,300
NT$ 120,000 - 160,000 HK$ 31,000 - 41,000 US$ 3,900 - 5,300
陳年大麯酒產量極為稀少,金門酒廠一共只釋出了兩個年份,民國 69 年與民國 70 年,所剩產量稀少,目前都在藏家手裡。69 年裝瓶 出廠為 60 年代早期釀造的酒款,一共熟成了七至八年以上的時間。 此款年份雖老但水位優良,且酒標品項完整,唯有飲過陳年大麯者, 才知曉其力道十足的美妙滋味。
民國69年 陳年大麯 陳年大麯 68±2度 600ml 水位3特優 民國76年裝瓶
751 3 bts
NT$ 130,000 - 170,000 HK$ 33,000 - 43,000 US$ 4,300 - 5,600
Lot 751 155
民國68年 - 82年 圓大麯
民國73年 圓大麯
大麯 68±2度 600ml
大麯 68±2度 600ml
水位特優 民國68-70, 73-78, 81. 82 水位優良 民國79, 80 水位標準 民國72
754 15 bts
757 3 bts NT$ 300,000 - 380,000 HK$ 77,000 - 97,000 US$ 9,900 - 12,500
水位特優 民國70, 72, 73, 76-79 水位優良 民國71, 74, 75
758 3 bts NT$ 200,000 - 280,000 HK$ 51,000 - 71,000 US$ 6,600 - 9,200
大麯 68±2度 600ml
Lot 755 156
NT$ 55,000 - 75,000 HK$ 14,000 - 19,000 US$ 1,800 - 2,500
民國77年 圓大麯 大麯 68±2度 600ml
759 3 bts
水位2優良、1標準 附原包裝盒
民國70年 圓大麯
756 3 bts
民國75年 圓大麯 水位3特優
大麯 68±2度 600ml
NT$ 60,000 - 80,000 HK$ 15,000 - 20,000 US$ 2,000 - 2,600
大麯 68±2度 600ml
民國70 - 79年 圓大麯
755 10 bts
NT$ 60,000 - 80,000 HK$ 15,000 - 20,000 US$ 2,000 - 2,600
NT$ 48,000 - 65,000 HK$ 12,000 - 17,000 US$ 1,600 - 2,100
民國78年 圓大麯 大麯 68±2度 600ml 水位特優
民國83年 圓大麯 大麯 68±2度 600ml 水位特優
760 1 bt 1 bt
附原包裝盒 附原包裝盒
NT$ 18,000 - 24,000 HK$ 5,000 - 6,000 US$ 600 - 800
民國79年 圓大麯 大麯 68±2度 600ml 水位3特優 品項精美
761 3 bts
NT$ 44,000 - 55,000 HK$ 11,000 - 14,000 US$ 1,400 - 1,800
民國79年 圓大麯
Lot 763
大麯 68±2度 600ml 水位特優
民國80年 圓大麯
民國60年代 第一代馬祖特級高粱
大麯 68±2度 600ml
特級高粱 58±2度 500ml
762 1 bt 1 bt
水位4優良 附原包裝盒 附原包裝盒
NT$ 19,000 - 26,000 HK$ 5,000 - 7,000 US$ 600 - 900
NT$ 34,000 - 42,000 HK$ 9,000 - 11,000 US$ 1,100 - 1,400
763 4 bts
馬祖酒廠 金門酒廠在亞洲拍賣會一枝獨秀,其實產自離島馬祖和東引的老酒 也有不少支持者的喜愛。相較於金門酒廠的陽剛滋味強勁,馬祖老 酒則柔順細膩,有如男生和女生的差別,都令酒客們津津樂道。此 次媽祖和東引陳年高粱品項首次於羅芙奧登場,徵集到民國 70 至 80 年代的懷舊品項,有酒質強勁達 75% 的東引大麯,也有溫潤的馬祖 特級高粱,給藏家更多元的選擇。
民國80年代 東引陳年高粱 陳年高粱 45±2度 700ml 水位6優良
764 6 bts
NT$ 30,000 - 38,000 HK$ 8,000 - 10,000 US$ 1,000 - 1,200
Lot 764 157
1970年代 東引大麯三顆星 大麯 75度 700ml 水位優良
766 1 bt
NT$ 46,000 - 60,000 HK$ 12,000 - 15,000 US$ 1,500 - 2,000
東引大麯酒的酒精濃度高達 75%,為台灣所有酒類品項最高。盒裝 上分為兩種版本,火焰標和軍徽標,感覺懷舊。
民國70年代 東引大麯酒 - 火焰標 大麯 75±2度 700ml 水位4優良
767 4 bts
NT$ 24,000 - 32,000 HK$ 6,000 - 8,000 US$ 800 - 1,100
Lot 767
Lot 765
民國70年代 東引大麯酒 - 軍徽標 東引島四面環海,土地窄小人煙稀少,竟也藏著一座酒廠,釀造著 中式白酒中最頂級的大麯酒款。早期東引酒廠除了得天獨厚的天然 條件之外,還有一批技藝精湛的釀酒師傅,最早分級的東引大麯都 是酒廠的巔峰之作,分級的大麯酒依窖藏時間分為三級,兩顆星〈妙 品〉三顆星〈極品〉五顆星〈絕品〉,五顆星除了酒齡還更長之外, 傳說是在製程當中出了個小意外讓酒質帶有特殊香氣。當年的售價 中東引五顆星也是所有國產酒中最高的,產量極少,馬祖本島根本 買不到。如今全台預估剩不到三十隻,是實至名歸的國酒至尊。
大麯 75±2度 700ml 水位4優良
768 4 bts
NT$ 24,000 - 32,000 HK$ 6,000 - 8,000 US$ 800 - 1,100
1970年代 東引大麯五顆星 大麯 75度 700ml
Lot 768
765 1 bt
NT$ 65,000 - 85,000 HK$ 17,000 - 22,000 US$ 2,100 - 2,800
Lot 765
民國70年代 東引大麯酒 - 軍徽標
葡萄酒之領取 / 付運 / 倉儲
大麯 75±2度 700ml
民國70年代 馬祖大麯 大麯 70±2度 600ml 水位2標準
民國70年代 馬祖大麯
大麯 70±2度 300ml
769 1 bt 附原包裝盒 2 bts 附原包裝盒 2 bts 附原包裝盒
為買方安排完善專業之葡萄酒包裝及運送服務,歡迎與我們的運 輸服務人員聯絡。
NT$ 16,000 - 20,000 HK$ 4,000 - 5,000 US$ 500 - 700
如已購得之拍賣品未有在成功拍賣後三十天內領取,羅芙奧將安 排儲存事宜,並根據本圖錄之條款及條件向買家收取儲存及保險 費用,並向買家開出發票,須於支付所有收費後,拍賣品方可接 受領取及付運。 若買方欲運輸至台灣以外地區,除葡萄酒之原有包裝,建議重 新包裝於EPE或保麗龍塑料盒中,客戶可向本公司提出此包裝需 求。客戶若無提出重新包裝之需求,葡萄酒將以原包裝儲存與發 放。無論酒是否重新被包裝,羅芙奧不會承擔葡萄酒運輸中的損 毀責任。
Wines offered for auction are stored at temperature controlled storage. Once buyers have clear the payment and received Ravenel’s release order, wishing to collect directly from the storage, or need expert delivery and convenient shipping, please contact with the collection and shipping services. According to the terms and conditions of Transaction Agreement for Buyers, the company will arrange for the storage of the Lot if such item sold is not collected within 30 days of the successful auction. The storage and insurance fee will accrue to the buyer’s account, and Ravenel will invoice the buyers directly. Please be noted that before lots can be released, all charges need to be paid. Re-packing Service: We recommend wines be re-packed into styrofoam cartons for international shipment. Without clients’ request, all wines will be release in the same packing that they were stored in. Regardless of whether the wines have been re-packed or not, Ravenel does not take any responsibility for breakage of wines during shipment.
Lot 769 159
INDEX Vintage Château/Vineyard
Bodegas Toro Albalá Don PX Ginés Liébana
Producing Region/Dom.
1942 La Tâche
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
1945 Château Mouton Rothschild
1946 1947
Bodegas Toro Albalá Don PX Convento Selección Bodegas Toro Albalá Don PX Reserva Especial
1947 Château d'Yquem 1949
Bodegas Toro Albalá Don PX Convento Selección
1953 La Romanée
Lot No.
1982 Dom Pérignon Œnothèque
1982 Guy Michel Tradition Brut
Maison Leroy
1959 Moët & Chandon
Vintage Château/Vineyard
Producing Region/Dom.
Lot No.
12-14 61
1982 Musigny
Domaine Leroy
1982 Romanée-Conti
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
1983 Beaune 1er Cru Bélissands
Maison Leroy
1983 Châteauneuf-du-Pape
Château de Beaucastel
1983 Fixin
Maison Leroy
1983 Port
1983 Romanée-Conti
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
1985 Château Cantemerle
1985 Château Lanessan
1985 Échézeaux
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
1985 Gevrey-Chambertin
Maison Leroy
1983 Salon
294 336-337
1960 Château Croizet-Bages
1961 Château Latour
1961 Château Palmer
1964 Château Lanessan
1966 Château Cap de Mourlin
1966 Montrachet
Maison Leroy
1966 Vieux Château Certan
1967 Château Calon-Ségur
1969 Beaune
Maison Leroy
1969 Montrachet
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
1970 Biondi Santi
Brunello di Montalcino
1970 Château Cos d'Estournel
1970 Grands Échézeaux
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
1970 Richebourg
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
1970 Romanée Saint Vivant
Domaine Marey Monge(Domaine de la Romanée-Conti)
1971 Château Lanessan
1971 Romanée-Conti
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
Maison Leroy
1975 Château Haut-Batailley
1986 Dom Pérignon Rosé
1975 Château La Conseillante
1986 Montrachet
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
1975 Château Mouton Rothschild
1986 Romanée-Conti
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
1985 Krug Collection
1985 Montrachet
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
1985 Port
1985 Port
1985 Richebourg
Remoissenet Père et Fils
1985 Volnay ler Cru Clos des Chênes
Maison Leroy
1986 Château Angélus
1986 Château d'Armailhac
1986 Château Figeac
1986 Château Gloria
1986 Château Gruaud-Larose
1986 Château Haut-Brion
1986 Château La Lagune
1986 Château Lafite Rothschild
1986 Château Lynch-Bages
92 224
1975 Perrier-Jouët Belle Époque
1987 Clos Saint-Jacques
Armand Rousseau
1976 Perrier-Jouët Belle Époque
1987 Côte-Rôtie La Landonne
Étienne Guigal
1976 Pommard Les Arvelets
Maison Leroy
1987 Côte-Rôtie La Mouline
Étienne Guigal
1976 Romanée-Conti
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
1987 Grands Échézeaux
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
1987 La Tâche
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
1987 Romanée-Conti
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
1987 Romanée-Conti
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
1988 Château Ducru-Beaucaillou
1977 Port
Krug Collection
1980 Dom Pérignon Œnothèque 1981
Maison Leroy
1988 Hermitage La Chapelle
Paul Jaboulet Aîné
1981 Clos Vougeot
Jean-Francois Thurot
1982 Château Brane-Cantenac
1988 Romanée-Conti
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
1982 Château Cos d'Estournel
1988 Vosne-Romanée, Cros-Parantoux
Henri Jayer
1982 Château Lafite Rothschild
1989 Château Ducru-Beaucaillou
1982 Château Léoville Barton
1989 Château Latour
1982 Château Lynch-Bages
1989 Château Léoville-Las Cases
Les Forts de Latour
77 133
Vintage Château/Vineyard
Producing Region/Dom.
Lot No.
Vintage Château/Vineyard
Producing Region/Dom.
Lot No.
1989 Château Mouton Rothschild
1995 Château d'Yquem
1989 Clos L'Église
1995 Château Haut-Brion
1989 Corton-Charlemagne
J.-F. Coche-Dury
1995 Château La Lagune
1989 Eitelsbacher Karthäuserhofberg Eiswein
1995 Château La Mondotte
1989 Henriot Champagne Brut Rosé Millésimé
1995 Château Lafon-Rochet
1989 Krug Collection
1995 Château Larmande
206 94 107
1989 Montrachet
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
1995 Château Latour
1989 Romanée-Conti
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
1995 Château Mouton Rothschild
1990 Bonnes-Mares
Maison Leroy
1995 Château Paloumey
1990 Bonnes-Mares
1995 Château Prieuré-Lichine
1990 Château Haut-Brion
1995 Corton-Charlemagne
Domaine Bonneau du Martray
320 93
Henriot Champagne Cuvée Des Enchanteleurs Millésimé
1990 Château La Grave à Pomerol
1990 Château Léoville Barton
1995 Hermitage Cuvée Cathelin
1990 Château Lynch-Bages
1990 Château Mouton Rothschild
1990 Château Talbot
1990 Clos de la Roche 1990 Corton-Charlemagne
Jean-Louis Chave
1995 Masseto
Tenuta Dell'Ornellaia
1995 Pavillon Rouge du Château Margaux
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
Armand Rousseau
1995 Ruchottes-Chambertin Clos des Ruchottes Armand Rousseau
J.-F. Coche-Dury
1990 Dom Pérignon 1990
Henriot Champagne Cuvée Des Enchanteleurs Millésimé
1990 Hermitage Cuvée Cathelin
20 Jean-Louis Chave
1990 Krug
1995 Taittinger
169 356-357 247
Comtes de Champagne Blanc de Blancs
1996 Bollinger R.D.
27-31 1
1996 Château Angélus
Château Branaire
1996 Château Ducru-Beaucaillou
1996 Château Ferrand Lartique
1990 La Tâche
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
1990 Le Pin
1996 Château Lafite Rothschild
1990 Romanée-Conti
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
1996 Château Margaux
1990 Romanée-Conti
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
1996 Clos Du Marquis
1990 Vosne-Romanée Les Beaux Monts
Domaine Leroy
1996 Corton Bressandes
Domaine Prince Florent de Merode
1991 Hermitage Cuvée Cathelin
Jean-Louis Chave
1996 Corton-Charlemagne
Domaine Leroy
1991 Nuits-Saint-Georges Les Vignerondes
Domaine Leroy
1996 Corton-Charlemagne
J.-F. Coche-Dury
1991 Port
1996 Dom Pérignon
1992 Montrachet
Domaine des Comtes Lafon
1996 Dom Pérignon
1992 Romanée-Conti
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
1996 Dom Pérignon Œnothèque
1992 Screaming Eagle
Napa Valley
1996 Dom Pérignon Rosé
1993 Château Grand-Puy-Ducasse
1996 Dom Pérignon Rosé
1993 Château Haut-Brion
1996 Krug
1993 Château Lafite Rothschild
1996 Larmandier-Bernier V.V. de Cramant
1993 Château Margaux
1996 Montrachet
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
1996 Montrachet
Domaine des Comtes Lafon
1993 Musigny
Maison Leroy
1996 Perrier-Jouët Belle Époque
Fleur de Champagne Brut Millésimé
1993 Romanée-Conti
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
1996 Romanée-Conti
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
1993 Vosne-Romanée, Cros-Parantoux
Henri Jayer
1996 Salon
1994 Château Latour
1997 Chassagne-Montrachet
1997 Château Cheval Blanc
Eitelsbacher Karthäuserhofberg Eiswein No37 Auction Wine
Château Mouton Rothschild
1994 Château Palmer 1995 Bruno Paillard Le Mesnil 1995 Charles Heidsieck Blanc des Millénaires 1995 Chassagne-Montrachet
37 62 391 458 23-24 358 238
1996 Taittinger
Comtes de Champagne Rosé
Henri Jayer
Maison Leroy
Vosne-Romanée, Cros-Parantoux
234 Maison Leroy
INDEX Vintage Château/Vineyard
Producing Region/Dom.
Lot No.
Vintage Château/Vineyard
Producing Region/Dom.
Lot No.
1997 Château Pavie-Decesse
2000 Romanée-Conti
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
1997 Clos de la Roche
Domaine Leroy
2000 Vega-Sicilia Único
Ribera del Duero
1997 Gaja Angelo Gaja Sori Tildin
2001 Auxey-Duresses
Domaine d'Auvenay
1997 Gaja Barbaresco Costa Russi
2001 Bâtard-Montrachet
Domaine Leflaive
1997 Mazis-Chambertin
Dominique Laurent
2001 Château d'Ampuis Côte-Rôtie
Etienne Guigal
2001 Château Haut-Brion
1997 Salon 1997 Screaming Eagle
Napa Valley
2001 Château Hosanna
1997 Volnay 1er Cru Les Mitans
Hubert de Montille
2001 Château La Conseillante
1998 Château Calon-Ségur
2001 Château Latour à Pomerol
1998 Château d'Ampuis Côte-Rôtie
Etienne Guigal
2001 Château Smith Haut Lafitte Blanc
1998 Château La Gomerie
2001 Clos Vougeot
Domaine de la Vougeraie
1998 Château Latour
1998 Chevalier-Montrachet
Domaine Leflaive
2001 Gevrey-Chambertin 1er Cru Les Cazetiers Armand Rousseau
2001 Hermitage La Chapelle
Paul Jaboulet Aîné
2001 Luciano Sandrone Cannubi Boschis
Puligny-Montrachet 1er Cru Les 2001 Combettes
Domaine Leflaive
1998 Ruchottes-Chambertin Clos des Ruchottes Armand Rousseau
2001 Puligny-Montrachet en la Richarde
Domaine d'Auvenay
1999 Chambolle-Musigny Les Charmes
Domaine Leroy
2001 Romanée-Conti
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
1999 Château Ausone
2001 Vosne-Romanée, Cros-Parantoux
Henri Jayer
1999 Château d'Yquem
2002 Bâtard-Montrachet
Bouchard Père & Fils
1999 Château La Lagune
2002 Bâtard-Montrachet
Louis Jadot
1999 Château Lafite Rothschild
1999 Château Latour 1999 Château Margaux
Henriot Champagne Cuvée Des Enchan1998 teleurs Millésimé 1998 Hermitage Cuvée Cathelin
501 22
Jean-Louis Chave
314 364-365
2002 Bollinger R.D.
2002 Château Léoville Barton
2002 Château Montrose
150 427
1999 Duvault-Blochet
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
Château Pichon Longueville Comtesse 2002 de Lalande
1999 Montrachet
Domaine des Comtes Lafon
2002 Chevalier-Montrachet
Bouchard Père & Fils
1999 Puligny-Montrachet
Maison Leroy
2002 Corton-Charlemagne
Domaine Bonneau du Martray
1999 Romanée-Conti
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
1999 Salon
359-360 53-58
2002 Dom Pérignon Rosé
478 15-16
2002 Dom Ruinart
1999 Vosne-Romanée, Cros-Parantoux
Henri Jayer
2002 Dom Ruinart Blanc de Blancs
J.J. Prüm
2002 Egly-Ouriet Tradition Brut
2000 Château Beauséjour
2002 Graacher Himmelreich Riesling Eiswein
J.J. Prüm
2000 Château Clos de L'Oratoire
2002 Puligny-Montrachet 1er Cru Les Pucelles
Domaine Leflaive
2000 Château Cos d'Estournel
2002 Romanée-Conti
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
2000 Château Dauzac
2002 Salon
Château Rayas
2003 Aloxe-Corton Corton-Charlemagne
J.-F. Coche-Dury
2003 Bond Assortment
Napa Valley
2000 Château Léoville-Las Cases
2003 Chambertin-Clos de Bèze
Bouchard Père & Fils
2000 Château Lynch-Bages
Chambolle-Musigny 1er Cru Les Feus2003 selottes
Maison Leroy
2000 Corton-Charlemagne
Domaine Bonneau du Martray
2003 Château Léoville Poyferré
2000 d'Yquem Ygrec
2003 Château Léoville-Las Cases
2000 Hermitage Cuvée Cathelin
Jean-Louis Chave
2003 Châteauneuf-du-Pape Réserve
Château Rayas
2000 Le Dôme
2003 Gevrey-Chambertin Clos Saint-Jacques
Louis Jadot
2000 Meursault 1er Cru Charmes
Domaine des Comtes Lafon
2003 Hermitage Cuvée Cathelin
Jean-Louis Chave
Zeltinger Sonnenuhr Auslese
Château de Fonsalette Côtes du Rhône Blanc
2000 Château L'Église Clinet
Opus One
366-367 59-60
135 288-289
Napa Valley
2000 Pétrus
2003 Montrachet
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
2000 Puligny-Montrachet en la Richarde
Domaine d'Auvenay
2003 Romanée-Conti
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
Luciano Sandrone Cannubi Boschis
Vintage Château/Vineyard
Producing Region/Dom.
Lot No.
2004 Chambertin
Domaine Ponsot
2004 Château Haut-Brion
2004 Clos de la Roche Cuvée Vieilles Vignes
Domaine Ponsot
2004 Clos de Vougeot
Domaine de la Vougeraie
2006 Château L'Évangile
Producing Region/Dom.
Lot No.
2006 Château Mouton Rothschild
2006 Chevalier-Montrachet La Cabotte
Bouchard Père & Fils
87 430
2006 Clos de Vougeot Cuvée Vieilles Vignes
Domaine Ponsot
2004 Dom Pérignon
2006 Colgin IX Estate
Napa Valley
2004 Dom Pérignon
2006 Corton-Charlemagne
Domaine Leroy
2004 Dom Pérignon
2006 Gaja Angelo Gaja Costa Russi
2004 Dom Pérignon
2006 Glaetzer Amon-Ra Shiraz
Barossa Valley, Australia
2006 Latricières-Chambertin
Albert Bichot
2004 Dom Pérignon Edition Jeff Koons
Vintage Château/Vineyard
2004 Dominio de Pingus
Ribera del Duero
2006 Louis Roederer Cristal Brut
2004 Échézeaux
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
2006 Masseto
Tenuta dell'Ornellaia
2004 Latricières-Chambertin
Albert Bichot
2006 Masseto
Tenuta dell'Ornellaia
2004 Luciano Sandrone Cannubi Boschis
2004 Penfolds Bin 60A 2004 Penfolds Block 42 2004 Richebourg
Anne-Françoise Gros
2004 Romanée-Conti
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
2004 Vilmart & Cie Cœur de Cuvée 1er Cru
2006 Meursault 1er Cru Genevrières
Louis Jadot
2006 Meursault Sous Le Dos d'Âne
Domaine Leflaive
Nuits-Saint-Georges 1er Cru "Clos de la 2006 Domaine Jacques-Frédéric Mugnier Maréchale" Puligny-Montrachet 1er Cru Les 2006 Domaine Leflaive Combettes
446 370-371 239
2005 Bâtard-Montrachet
Domaine Leflaive
2005 Bienvenues-Bâtard-Montrachet
Domaine Leflaive
2005 Château Ausone
2005 Château Branaire-Ducru
2005 Château Duhart-Milon
2005 Château Grand-Puy-Lacoste
2005 Château La Bienfaisance
2005 Château La Conseillante
2005 Château La Mission Haut-Brion
2005 Château La Mondotte
2005 Château Léoville Poyferré
2005 Château Léoville-Las Cases
2005 Château Montrose
2005 Chevalier-Montrachet
Domaine Leflaive
2005 Corton Clos du Roi
Comte Senard
2005 Gevrey-Chambertin
Armand Rousseau
2005 Gevrey-Chambertin Vieilles Vignes
Domaine Dugat-Py
2005 Goulée
2005 Louis Roederer Cristal Brut 2005 Mazis-Chambertin 2005 Meursault "Clos de la Barre"
25 Faiveley Domaine des Comtes Lafon
2005 Poggio di Sotto
Brunello di Montalcino
2005 Puligny-Montrachet 1er Cru Les Pucelles
Domaine Leflaive
439 265 515 270,465
2006 Puligny-Montrachet 1er Cru Les Pucelles
Domaine Leflaive
2006 Puligny-Montrachet La Garenne
Louis Jadot
2006 Romanée-Conti
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
2006 Screaming Eagle
Napa Valley
2006 Sloan
Napa Valley
471 379-380
2006 Vieux Château Certan
2006 Volnay ler Cru Clos des Chênes
Fontaine Gagnard
2006 Vosne-Romanée 1er Cru Les Beaux Monts Domaine Dujac
2007 Bourgogne Aligoté Sous Chatelet
Domaine d'Auvenay
2007 Chapelle-Chambertin
Bouchard Père & Fils
Henri Boillot
2007 Château Climens
2007 Château La Mondotte
2007 Château Lafleur
2007 Château L'Église Clinet
2007 Chevalier-Montrachet
Albert Bichot
2007 Colgin IX Estate
Napa Valley
2007 Glaetzer Amon-Ra Shiraz
Barossa Valley, Australia
2007 Masseto
Tenuta dell'Ornellaia
2007 Masseto
Tenuta dell'Ornellaia
2007 Mazis-Chambertin
Lucien le Moine
2007 Meursault 1er Cru Genevrières
Henri Boillot
2007 Musigny
Christian Confuron
2007 Pavillon Blanc du Château Margaux
2007 Pavillon Rouge du Château Margaux
Chassagne-Montrachet 1er Cru Les Chaumes
197-198 177 212
2005 Romanée-Conti
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
2005 Romanée-Conti
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
Henri Boillot
Jacques Prieur
2007 Puligny-Montrachet 1er Cru Les Folatières Henri Boillot
Volnay 1er Cru Santenots
2005 Volnay Santenots
Maison Leroy
2006 Bourgogne Aligoté Sous Chatelet
Domaine d'Auvenay
2006 Chambertin-Clos de Bèze
Louis Jadot
307 266-267 435
Puligny-Montrachet 1er Cru Clos de la Mouchère
Henri Boillot
2007 Romanée-Conti
Puligny-Montrachet 1er Cru Les Perrières
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
2007 Romanée-Saint-Vivant
Nicolas Potel
INDEX Vintage Château/Vineyard
Producing Region/Dom.
Lot No.
Vintage Château/Vineyard
Producing Region/Dom.
Lot No.
2008 Bâtard-Montrachet
2009 Corton Cuvée du Bourdon
Domaine Ponsot
2008 Bienvenues-Bâtard-Montrachet
2009 Gevrey-Chambertin
Armand Rousseau
2008 Bourgogne Aligoté
Domaine Leroy
2009 Gevrey-Chambertin
Maison Leroy
Domaine Michèle et Patrice Rion
2009 Gevrey-Chambertin Cuvée de L'Abeille
Domaine Ponsot
Barossa Valley, Australia
Chambolle-Musigny Les Amoureuses 1er Cru
2008 Chapelle-Chambertin
Bouchard Père & Fils
2009 Glaetzer Amon-Ra Shiraz
2008 Château La Conseillante
2009 Masseto
Tenuta dell'Ornellaia
2009 Meursault-Charmes
Domaine des Comtes Lafon
2009 Meursault-Genevrières
Domaine des Comtes Lafon
2009 Meursault-Perrières
Domaine des Comtes Lafon
2009 Montrachet
Bouchard Père & Fils
2008 Château La Fleur-Pétrus
2008 Château Mouton Rothschild
2008 Château Pontet-Canet
2008 Clos Vougeot
2008 Colgin IX Estate
Napa Valley
Nuits-Saint-Georges 1er Cru "Clos de la 2009 Domaine Jacques-Frédéric Mugnier Maréchale"
2008 Corton-Charlemagne
Domaine de la Vougeraie
2009 Pommard 1er Cru Les Rugiens
Fontaine Gagnard
2008 Glaetzer Amon-Ra Shiraz
Barossa Valley, Australia
2009 Romanée-Conti
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
2008 Latricières-Chambertin
Albert Bichot
2009 Screaming Eagle
Napa Valley
2008 Luciano Sandrone Cannubi Boschis
2009 Sine Qua Non
This Is Not An Exit Syrah EBA
2008 Masseto
Tenuta dell'Ornellaia
2009 Sine Qua Non
Esto no es una salida Grenach EBA
2008 Mazis-Chambertin
Armand Rousseau
2009 Sine Qua Non
The Thrill of... Stamp Collecting
2008 Meursault 1er Cru Genevrières
Henri Boillot
2009 Sine Qua Non
Turn the Whole Thing... Upside Down
2008 Penfolds 620
254 491
2009 Vougeot Clos du Village Vieilles Vignes
Domaine Perrot Minot
Henri Boillot
2010 Bonnes-Mares
Domaine Comte Georges de Vogüé
2008 Sine Qua Non
The Duel Syrah EBA
2010 Bonnes-Mares
Lucien le Moine
2008 Sine Qua Non
The Duel Grenache EBA
2008 Vosne-Romanée Les Suchot
Bouchard Père & Fils
Domaine de la Vougeraie
Puligny-Montrachet 1er Cru Clos de la Mouchère
Vougeot 1er cru Le Clos Blanc de Vougeot
2009 Bâtard-Montrachet
2009 Beaune 1er Cru 150th Anniversary Cuvée Louis Jadot
2009 Bourgogne Aligoté
Domaine Leroy
2009 Chambolle-Musigny Clos de l'Orme
Sylvain Cathiard
2009 Chambolle-Musigny Cuvée de Cigales
Domaine Ponsot
2009 Charmes-Chambertin
Sérafin Père & Fils
2009 Château Canon
2009 Château Cos d'Estournel Blanc
2009 Château Figeac
2009 Château La Conseillante
2009 Château La Gomerie
2009 Château La Vieille Cure
2009 Château Léoville Poyferré
2009 Château Lynch-Bages
Bourgogne Hautes-Côtes de Nuits Blanc Domaine de la Romanée-Conti "Sélectionné par Caves Augé" Bourgogne Hautes-Côtes de Nuits Blanc 2010 Domaine de la Romanée-Conti "Sélectionné par Lavinia" 2010
394 395
2010 Château Branaire-Ducru
2010 Château Cos d'Estournel Blanc
2010 Château d'Issan
2010 Château Ducru-Beaucaillou
2010 Château Giscours
2010 Château La Conseillante
2010 Château Léoville-Las Cases
165 175 137-139
2010 Château Montrose
2010 Château Pichon-Longueville au Baron
2010 Château Troplong Mondot
2010 Corton-Charlemagne
Domaine Bonneau du Martray
2010 Échézeaux
Albert Bichot, Domaine du Clos Frantin
Fritz Haag Brauneberger Juffer Riesling 2010 TBA
2010 Glaetzer Amon-Ra Shiraz
Barossa Valley, Australia
2009 Château Malescot Saint-Exupéry
2010 Masseto
Tenuta dell'Ornellaia
2009 Château Montrose
2010 Meursault Les Narvaux
Pierre-Yves Colin-Morey
2009 Château Pontet-Canet
2010 Romanée-Conti
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
2009 Chevalier-Montrachet
Bouchard Père & Fils
2010 Sine Qua Non
Five Shooters Grenache
Five Shooters Syrah
2010 Vosne-Romanée Les Suchot
Bouchard Père & Fils
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
Bouchard Père & Fils
2009 Chevalier-Montrachet La Cabotte
Bouchard Père & Fils
2009 Clos de la Roche Cuvée Vieilles Vignes
Domaine Ponsot
174 192-193
Sine Qua Non
2009 Clos Vougeot
Château de la Tour
2011 Assortment
2009 Colgin IX Estate
Napa Valley
2011 Bâtard-Montrachet
Vintage Château/Vineyard
Producing Region/Dom.
Lot No.
Vintage Château/Vineyard
2011 Bonnes-Mares
Robert Groffier
Krug Grande Cuvée
2011 Carruades de Lafite
Krug Rosé
2011 Chablis 1er Cru "Séchet"
R&V Dauvissat
2011 Chambertin-Clos de Bèze
Robert Groffier
Chambolle-Musigny 1er Cru Les 2011 Amoureuses
Robert Groffier
2011 Château Coutet
2011 Château d'Issan
2011 Château Doisy-Daëne
2011 Château Duhart-Milon
2011 Château La Mission Haut-Brion Blanc
2011 Château Léoville Barton
2011 Château Lynch-Bages
2011 Château Margaux
2011 Château Montrose
Château Pichon-Longueville Comtesse de Lalande
38-45 243
120 153-154
2011 Château Pontet-Canet
2011 Château Pontet-Canet
2011 Château Suduiraut
2011 Chevalier-Montrachet
Bouchard Père & Fils
2011 Clos de Tart
Lot No.
129, 204
Producing Region/Dom.
429 452-453
2011 Clos de Tart
2011 Clos de Tart
2011 Corton Clos Rognet
2011 Corton-Charlemagne
2011 Corton-Charlemagne
Philippe Pacalet
2011 Échézeaux
Bouchard Père & Fils
2011 Gevrey-Chambertin Clos Tamisot
Pierre Damoy
2011 Grands Échézeaux
Gros Frère et Sœur
Kärthauserhofberg Beerenauslese Nr.53 2011 Karthäuserhof Blanc
2011 Les Forts de Latour
2011 Montrachet
Bouchard Père & Fils
2011 Montrachet
Louis Jadot
2011 Musigny
Jacques Prieur
2011 Screaming Eagle
Napa Valley
2011 Vieux Château Certan
2011 Vosne-Romanée 1er Cru Les Chaumes
2012 Gevrey-Chambertin
Frédéric Esmonin
2012 Gevrey-Chambertin 1er Cru Clos Prieur
Frédéric Esmonin
Gevrey-Chambertin 1er Cru Les Cham2012 ponnets
Frédéric Esmonin
2012 Gevrey-Chambertin Vieilles Vignes
2006Screaming Eagle Second 2009
Napa Valley
Champagne Barons de Rothschild
Blanc de Blancs Champagne
Champagne Barons de Rothschild
Champagne Brut
Champagne Barons de Rothschild
Champagne Rosé
Jacques Selosse Brut Substance Blanc de Blancs
240 240-241 242 49-50
頸部 頸底
3 cm
5 cm
7 cm
中肩 肩底
• •
頸部:較新葡萄酒的正常水位。 頸底:此酒液耗損量適用於各年份之葡萄酒。 頂肩:此酒液水平適用於各年份之葡萄酒,對 10 年或以上之 酒為常見水位。 上肩:木塞鬆弛造成酒液蒸發減少之現象,品質無虞。對 20 年以上酒齡為正常。 中肩:木塞老化或變質,將列入估價考慮範圍。 肩底:有多種不同情況,或有木塞之一定程度損壞,除非為極 稀有或獨特之酒品。
Condition Description
對於勃根地、德國或其他盛裝於斜頸酒瓶,酒液耗損狀況以度量瓶 塞與水位之間的高度,自瓶塞底部向下測量,單位以公分計算。範 例:(2-5cm bc) 即表示兩瓶酒液之自然耗損量為五公分。 • •
三點五公分以上距離:對酒齡少於二十年的勃根地屬正常水位。 四至五公分之距離:對二十年以上酒齡來說,儲存狀況良好。 五至七公分之距離:對四十年以上酒齡,屬常見之耗損情況。 但若水位越低,則酒樽狀況之風險越高
縮語 abbreviation
酒塞下 __ 公分
below cork
bin soiled label
water stained label
slightly protruding cork
wine stained label
slightly depressed cork
記號 / 寫字
writing on lable
signs of seepage
scuffed lable
torn lable
corroded capsule
wrinkled label
cracked capsule
loose lable
Inflate capsule
no lable
切除 ( 鑑定用 )
cut capsaule (for authenticate)
no capsule
Bottom neck
very top-shoulder
original wooden case
original carton
original gift box
Bottle and Ullage Description
within neck bottom neck
3 cm
very top-shoulder
5 cm
7 cm
lower shoulder
n. (within neck): the normal fill of young wines. bn. (bottom neck): a common fill for wines of any age. vts (very top shoulder): an acceptable level for wines of any age, and usual level for wines over 10 years old. us. (upper-shoulder): typical reduce through the cork with natural evaporation, usually no problem for wines over 20 years old. ms. (mid-shoulder): may suggest weakening of cork with some risk and variation. ls. (low-shoulder): risky and usually acceptable for sale only if rare and interesting bottling.
酒瓶尺寸 / 容量 ( 公升 ) 對照 (Bottle Size – Quantity of Litres) hbt
勃根地 Burgundy half bottle(s)
波爾多 Bordeaux
香檳 Champagne
For Burgundy, German and other wines in bottles with sloping necks the ullage in shown in centimeters, measure from the base of the cork. Example: (2-5cm bc) means 2 bottles ullaged 5 centimeters. •
3.5cm fill level or above: normal for wines younger than 20 years. 4-5cm fill level: considered well provenance for wine of aged 20 years or more. 5-7cm fill level: not uncommon for wine of 40 years or more. But the lower fill level with higher risk. • •
注意事項說明 (Cautionary Notes) 1.
波特酒 Port
double magnum
羅芙奧樂意提供您本次拍賣當中任何一項拍品的狀況報告書,報告內容請 參閱羅芙奧網站。 Ravenel is glad to provide you with the condition report of any of the items at the auction. More information please refer to
2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2.
3. 4. 5.
本目錄酒評引述自 Wine Advocate 雜誌、Bordeaux Book,以及 Robert Parker 之評論。 本公司當盡一切義務及努力正確標示老酒之液面高度,然而目錄上所 載之資料與拍賣時之實物仍有可能有差異,造成此一現象的原因包括 瓶塞老化、儲存溫度變化、或酒品運送過程中造成之影響。 買家應了解瓶塞老化或毀壞所造成酒品變質之風險。 羅芙奧於付運後將不接受價格協議之情事,亦不接受退貨及賒帳。 在任何情況下,羅芙奧都不提供代替拍品,如酒品發生破裂或描述標 示錯漏。 All notes taken from the Wine Advocate, Bordeaux Book and Robert Parker's commends. While every possible effort is made to indicate accurately the levels of the older wines, such levels may change between cataloguing and sales. This may be caused by the ageing of the cork or by a change in the temperature of the storage conditions or the shipment of the wines. There is a risk of cork failure with old wines which must be taken into account by the potential buyer. Any price negotiation or credit will not be made after the delivery, and returns will not be accepted. Ravenel will not provide substitutes under no circumstances, for example in the case of breakage, or error of description and measurement. Labels may be stained where wines have been stored in damp conditions. It should be noted that such storage conditions are generally.
下述規則,為羅芙奧股份有限公司(下稱「本公司」)作為拍賣公司與賣家 訂立合約,亦作為賣家之代理人與買家訂立合約之條款。準買家、買家及 賣家務須細讀各項規則並完全同意遵守本業務規則。準買家、買家請特別 留意第二條第5項,其對本公司之法律責任作了限定。 I.本規定所用詞彙之定義 1. 在下列規定中,某些常用詞彙需加以解釋。此等詞彙如下: 2. 「買家」:指本拍賣本公司所接受之出價最高之自然人或法人。 3. 「準買家」:指任何有意參加本公司舉辦拍賣之任何自然人或法人。 4. 「賣家」:指將拍賣品獨家委託本公司於本公司舉辦之拍賣會參與拍 賣之自然人或法人。 5. 「拍賣品」:指交予本公司以供拍賣出售之物品,尤其在任何目錄內 以任何編號描述之一項或多項物品。 6. 「落槌價」:指本拍賣本公司就某一拍賣品而接受之最高出價之價 款。 7. 「買家佣金」:指買家按拍賣落槌價之某一百分比而支付之費用;收 費率如第二條第4a項所列。 8. 「底價」:指本公司與賣家協定之最低價格,拍賣品不能以低於該價 之價格售出。 9. 「膺品」:指拍賣品構成模仿,而模仿之原構想及其整體執行均具有 欺詐意圖,以就拍賣品之產地、釀造者、來歷、年代、時期、文化或 來源進行欺騙,而對此等事項之正確描述並未在目錄之描述上反映出 來,而拍賣品在拍賣當日之價值,遠低於按照目錄之描述所應有之價 值。按此定義,任何拍賣品均不會因為有任何損壞及 或任何形式之 修整而成為膺品。 10. 「保險值」:指本公司不時按其絕對決定權認為拍賣品所應購買之保 險之價值(不論保險是否由本公司安排購買)。 II.買家 1.本公司作為代理人 作為拍賣人,本公司以作為賣方代理人之身分行事。除另行協定外,在本 公司之拍賣中成功拍賣之物品,即產生賣家通過本公司之代理與買家達成 之合約。 2.拍賣前 a.鑑定物品 準買家應於拍賣進行之前親自鑑定其有興趣競投之物品。本公司就任何拍 賣品及拍賣證明文件之真偽,均不對買家作任何保證。 b.拍賣品狀況之重要注意事項 請準買家注意,在可能的範圍內,目錄中對於拍賣品特性上之描述,皆已 提及顯著的損壞,惟不包括所有的缺陷、瑕疪與不完整。對任何拍賣品之 描述不應視作表示其無經過重整或修理,亦不應視作對拍賣品狀態或保存 情況的陳述。在目錄中若有狀態陳述的缺乏或損害鑑定的缺乏,並不代表 拍賣品是為良好狀態。買家充分理解且願意接受拍賣品交付時即存在的自 然程度的耗損、酒箱、標籤、酒塞、酒封及葡萄酒的實際狀況。準買家在 拍賣進行之前,對於有興趣競投之拍賣品狀況應親自檢閱,如果準買家無 法對拍賣品進行檢閱,本公司基於服務至上的原則,將非常樂於應客戶之 要求提供拍賣品特性與狀況之意見,惟準買家充分理解並同意,任何在目 錄中所列出的陳述純粹是本公司的主觀意見,並非提供聲明或擔保。準買 家知悉並瞭解所有的拍賣品一致以「現狀」售出。本公司對於任何拍出之 狀態不作代表或保證,除非另有註明,否則將不提供擔保。 c.符號表示 以下為本目錄所載符號之說明 高估價拍賣品 為對「高估價拍賣品」( )作出競投,買家必須填妥拍賣品預先登記 表,並向本公司交付所需的財務狀況證明、擔保、存款證明及 或本公司 可絕對酌情要求買家為競投須作出的其他抵押。本公司對是否接受任何預 先登記申請有最終決定權。本公司建議買家在有關拍賣日期至少五個工作 日前聯絡本公司,以進行預先登記。請注意本公司不能在週末或公眾假期 期間取得財政狀況證明。「高估價拍賣品」登記競投者,本公司將提供特 殊的競投牌號參與競投。 o保證項目 拍賣品編號旁註有o符號者,表示賣家已取得本公司保證,可在一次或一 連串拍賣中得到最低出售價格。此保證可由本公司、第三方或由本公司與 第三方共同提供。保證可為由第三方提供之不可撤銷競投之形式做出。若 保證拍賣品成功售出,提供或參與提供保證之第三方可能會取得財務利 益;惟銷售不成功時,則可能會產生虧損。若提供或參與保證之第三方成 功競投保證拍賣品時,他們仍需支付全額的買家佣金。 d.目錄說明 本公司於目錄或鑑定意見書內對任何拍賣品及其證書之原產地、年代、實 168
質狀況、質素、罕有度、真實性、歸屬、保存狀況、價值或估計售價之陳 述,或另行對此等方面之口頭或書面陳述,均僅屬本公司主觀意見之陳 述,不應依據為確實事實之陳述,也不得視為本公司對於任何拍賣品之狀 態作代表聲明或保證。目錄圖示亦僅作為指引而已,不應作為任何拍賣項 目之依據,藉以決定其顏色或色調,或揭示其缺陷。拍賣價格之估計,不 應依據為拍賣品會成功拍賣之價格或拍賣品作其他用途之價值陳述。 許多拍賣品基於其年代或性質,使其未能有完美之狀況,目錄內有些說明 或鑑定意見書會提述拍賣品之損壞及 或修整資料。此等資料僅作為指引 而已,如未有提述此等資料,亦不表示拍賣品並無缺陷或修整,如已提述 特定缺陷,亦不表示並無其他缺陷。 e.買家之責任 有關物品之狀況以及目錄說明所提述之事項,買家有責任自行查明並了 解,並就拍賣品為自己獨立之判斷及評估,確使自己感到滿意。 3.拍賣時 a.拒絕入場 拍賣於本公司之場地進行,或於本公司為拍賣而具有控制權之場地進行, 本公司具有完全之決定權,可行使權利拒絕任何人進入拍賣場地或參與拍 賣。 b.競投之前作出登記 每一準買家在作出競投之前,必須填妥及簽署登記表格,並提供身分證 明。準買家應注意,本公司通常會要求對買家作出信用核查。 c.競投者為買家 競投者將被視為買家而須承擔獨立之法律責任,除非登記時已經與本公司 書面協定,競投者僅為第三人之代理人,且該第三人復為本公司所同意接 受者。 d.委託競投 如準買家使用印於目錄說明之後之表格指示本公司代其競投,本公司將盡 適當努力代其競投,但代為競投指示須於拍賣前送抵本公司。如本公司就 某一拍賣品而收到多個委託競投之相等競投價,而在拍賣時此等競投價乃 該拍賣品之最高競投價,則該拍賣品會歸其委託競投最先送抵本公司之 人。委託競投之承擔受拍賣時之其他承諾所限,而拍賣進行之情況可能使 本公司無法代為競投。由於此項承擔乃本公司為準買家按所述條款提供之 免費服務,如未能按委託作出競投,本公司將不負任何法律責任。準買家 如希望確保競投成功,應親自出席競投。 e.電話競投 如準買家於拍賣前與本公司作好安排,本公司將盡適當努力聯絡競投者, 使其能以電話參與競投,但在任何情況下,如未能聯絡或無法參加電話競 投,本公司對賣家或任何準買家均不負任何責任。 f. 透過LiveAuctioneers進行網上競投 若準買家未能出席拍賣會,或可透過 LiveAuctioneers 網上競投服務於網上 競投指定拍品,而承擔買方獨立責任。此項服務乃免費及保密。有關透過 LiveAuctioneers 網上競投服務登記,進行網上競投之詳情,請參閱本公司 網頁。使用 LiveAuctioneers 網上競投服務之準買家須接受透過 LiveAuctioneers 網上競投服務進行即時網上競投之附加條款(可參閱羅芙 奧,以及適用於該拍賣之業務規則所規範,本公司得隨時修 改該業務規則。 g. 包裹拍賣品/選擇性購買 「包裹拍賣品」指的是一組同等品質及型態的酒以包裹形式拍賣。然而在 此一組拍賣品仍有可能在等級、狀況或其他方面有個別的差別。買家應就 拍賣目錄的說明資料詳加閱讀研究。對於拍賣官而言,在一組包裹拍賣品 中首位得標的買家有其權利,但非義務,繼續以與第一標同價的價錢購買 此組拍賣品中的單件或多件拍賣品。如果一組包裹拍賣品中無任何一件單 品拍出,拍賣官得就下一件拍賣品起拍,而首位得標的買家有其權利,但 非義務,以連續的順序購買未拍出的包裹拍賣品中的單件或多件拍賣品, 此時此組拍賣品的價格應以買家當下對上組拍賣品成交的新價位議價。 h. 匯率轉換顯示板 拍賣會中,本公司會使用匯率轉換顯示板。匯率轉換顯示板僅供參考,不 論是顯示板所示之拍賣品編號或是新台幣競投價之相等外匯,其準確程度 均可能會出現非本公司所能控制之誤差。買家因依賴匯率轉換顯示板(而 非因以新台幣競投)所導致而蒙受之任何損失,本公司概不負責。 i.錄映影像 在有些拍賣中會有影像投射,但其操作或會出現錯誤。不論影像是否與成 功拍賣之拍賣品相配合,或是翻版影像之質素,本公司對買家均不負任何 責任。
j.拍賣官之決定權 拍賣官具有絕對決定權,有權拒絕任何競投、以其決定之方式推動出價、 將任何拍賣品撤回或分批、將任何兩件或多件拍賣品合併,決定成功競投 人誰屬,以及如遇有誤差或爭議,將拍賣品重新拍賣。拍賣官會於拍賣開 始前或於相關標的品競標前對注意事項作出通告,準買家須負責自行注意 所有於拍賣會場發表之通告。建議使用即時線上競投服務參與競投的準買 家,於拍賣開始前登入,以確保準買家得知拍賣開始前所作出之通告。 k.成功競投 在拍賣官之決定權下,下槌即顯示對最高競投價之接受,亦即為賣家與買 家之成功拍賣合約之訂立。 4.拍賣後 a.買家支付每件拍賣品之佣金費率: 買家除支付落槌價外,另須支付佣金予本公司。買家佣金,以每件拍賣品 落槌價之16%計算。 b.稅項 買家應付予本公司之所有款項均不包括任何國家或地區稅賦、貨物或服務 稅或其他增值稅。如有任何此等稅項適用,買家須負責按有關法律所規定 之稅率及時間,自行繳付稅款。 c.付款 成功拍賣後,買家須向本公司提供其姓名及永久地址。如遇要求,亦須提 供付款銀行之詳情,包含但不限於付款帳號。買方應於成功拍賣日後起算 七天內悉數支付所有買入價(包含落槌價、佣金,以及任何適用之稅項與 其他費用)。即使買家希望將拍賣品出口並需要(或可能需要)出口許可 證,此一付款條件亦適用。 本公司雖接受個人支票與公司支票,但請留意買家須於支票承兌後方可提 取拍賣品。如以現金或銀行本票繳付款項,則可立即提取拍賣品。惟本公 司的原則為不接受超過新台幣伍拾萬元或等值外幣之現金付款,無論以單 筆或多筆形式支付。本公司接受信用卡〈Visa、MasterCard〉付款之上限為 新台幣陸拾萬元〈每一場拍賣會〉,但須受相關條件與條款約束。請與本 公司財務部查詢信用卡付款詳情。本公司不接受旅行支票付款。 務請注意,除於拍賣前買家與本公司取得協議外,本公司不會接受買家以 外任何人士之拍品付款。 買家如未向本公司支付全部之應付款項,則不能領取拍賣品,也不能取得 拍賣品的所有權,即使本公司已將拍賣品交付予買家亦然。如支付予本公 司之款項為新台幣以外之貨幣,本公司將向買家收取所引致之任何外匯費 用。這包括銀行收費與兌換貨幣之規費及匯差。以新台幣以外之貨幣付款 予本公司之匯率,依拍賣日現場公佈之匯率(台灣銀行),並以本公司就 此兌換率而發出之憑證為準。 d.領取已購拍賣品 除非本公司另有特別相反協定,否則本公司將暫時保留已成功拍賣之拍賣 項目,直至所有應付予本公司之款項已悉數支付為止。拍賣品在暫時保留 期間,由成功拍賣日後起算三十天將受保於本公司之保險,如屆時拍賣品 已被領取,則受保至領取時為止。三十天期滿後或自領取時起(以較早者 為準),拍賣品之風險全由買家承擔。 e.包裝及搬運 本公司謹請買家注意,成功拍賣日後起算三十天期滿後或自領取時起,拍 賣品之風險全由買家承擔,但不得損及本公司之權益。 f.介紹裝運及運輸公司 本公司之貨運部門可作為買家之代理人,代為安排付運及購買特定保險。 雖然在特別要求下本公司可介紹承運人及代購保險,但本公司在此方面不 負任何法律責任。買家必須預先繳付運送及保險費用。 g.不付款或未有領取已購拍賣品之補救辦法 如買家並未在成功拍賣日後起算七天內付款,本公司即有權行使下述一項 或多項權利或補救辦法: (1).在成功拍賣日後起算超過七天仍未付款,則按不超過台灣銀行放款利率 加10%之年利率收取整筆欠款之利息。此外本公司可同時按日收取依賣價 (含佣金)1%計算之違約金。本公司亦得自行選擇將買家未付之款項,用 以抵銷本公司或其他附屬公司在任何其他交易中欠下買家之款項,買方絕 無異議 (2).對任何屬於買家所有而因任何目的(包含但不限於其他交易)而由本公司 管有之物品行使留置權,並在給予買家有關其未付之欠繳之14天通知後, 安排將該物品出售並將收益用以清償該未付之欠款。 (3).如買家因多項不同之交易而欠下本公司數筆款項,將所付之款項用以清 償就任何特定交易而欠下之任何款項,而不論買家是否指示用以清償該筆 款項。
(4).在將來的任何拍賣中,拒絕買家作出或由他人代其作出之競投,或在 接受其任何競投之前先收取買家一筆保證金。如買家未有在三十五天內 付款,本公司除上述(1)-(4)者外,另有權為下述一項或多項權利或補救辦 法: (a)代賣家針對買家進行法律程序,以追討整筆欠款,連同此項以悉數 賠償為基準之法律程序之訴訟費與律師費等相關法律費用。 (b)取消同一次或任何其他拍賣中買家競投得之拍賣品或任何其他售予 買家之拍賣品之交易。 (c)安排將拍賣品公開或私下重售,如重售所得價格較低,就差額連同 因買家未有付款而引致之任何費用一併向買家索償。 (d)向賣家透露買家之名稱及地址,使賣家可以採取法律行動,以收回 欠款,或就買家違約請求損害賠償,及申索律師費等相關法律費用。本 公司在向賣家透露該等資料前,將採取合理步驟通知買家。 h.未有領取已購拍賣品 如已購得之拍賣品未有在成功拍賣日後起算三十天領取,則不論是否已付 款,本公司將安排貯存事宜,費用由買家承擔。在買方付清所引起之貯 存、搬運、保險及任何其他費用,連同欠本公司之所有其他款項付清後, 買家方可領取已購拍賣項目。本公司不對物品之儲存品質負擔保責任。 i.出口許可證 除本公司另有書面同意外,買家希望申請出口許可證之事實,並不影響買 家在成功拍賣日後起算七天內付款之責任,亦不影響本公司對延遲付款收 取利息之權利。 如買家要求本公司代為申請出口許可證,本公司有權向其收回與此項申請 有關之付出款項及各項開支費用連同任何有關之增值稅。 如買家不管需要有出口許可證之事實而作出付款,本公司並無責任退還買 家因此而引致之任何利息或其他開支。 5.本公司之法律責任 本公司僅在第二條第6項所列之情況下,得退還款項予買家。除此之外,不 論賣家或本公司,或本公司任何僱員或代理人,對任何拍賣品之原產地、 年代、實質狀況、質素、罕有度、真實性、歸屬、保存狀況,或任何其他 說明之誤差,任何拍賣品之任何缺陷,均不負有任何責任。賣家、本公 司、本公司之僱員或代理人,不論是明示或暗示,均無就任何拍賣品作出 任何保證。任何種類之任何擔保,均不包含在本條之內。 6. 膺品之退款 如經本公司拍賣之拍賣品,經本公司書面認可之專業鑑定機構出具鑑定報 告證實為贋品或贓物,則交易將取消,已付之款項於交付賣方前將則退還 予買家。但如: a.在拍賣日發出之目錄說明或拍賣場通告符合當時學者或專家普遍接納之 意見,或清楚表明有抵觸當時學者或專家普遍接納之意見,或 b.證明拍賣品為贋品或贓物之方法,只是一種在目錄出版前仍未普遍獲接 納使用之科學程序,或是一種在拍賣日仍屬昂貴得不合理或並不實際或很 可能會對拍賣品造成損壞之程序,則本公司無論如何並無責任退還任何款 項。此外,買家只在滿足下述條件下方可獲得退款: (1).買家必須在拍賣日起十日內以書面通知本公司,說明買家認為有關拍賣 品乃膺品之詳細理由及證據;及 (2).買家必須在書面通知後十四天內將拍賣品送還本公司,而其狀況應維持 與拍賣當日相同,不得有任何損壞;及 (3).送還拍賣品後,買家須盡快出示證據,足以使本公司確信拍賣品乃贋品 或贓物(本公司保有最終及不可異議之決定權),買家並可將拍賣品之完整 所有權及相關權利轉讓予本公司,而與任何第三人之索償無涉。在任何情 況下,本公司均毋須向買家支付多於買家就有關拍賣品而支付之款項,而 買家亦不能索取利息。 本擔保之利益不能轉讓,完全屬於拍賣品成功拍賣時獲本公司發給正本發 票之買家所有,該名買家並須自拍賣後一直保持拍賣品擁有人之身分,而 且並無將拍賣品之任何利益讓予任何第三人。本公司有權依據任何科學程 序或其他程序確定拍賣品並非膺品,不論該程序在拍賣當日是否已使用或 已在使用。
The following provisions (the “Agreement” or “Transaction Agreement”) are entered into by and between Ravenel Limited,as the auctioneer(hereinafter referred to asthe “Company”), and the Seller (hereinafter referred to as the "Seller"). This Agreement is also entered into by and between the Company as the agent of the Seller and the Buyer (hereinafter the "Buyer"). The Prospective Buyer,the Buyer and the Seller must carefully review all provisions hereunder from time to time. The Buyer should pay special attention to Article 2, Section 5 which provides limitations as to the legal responsibilities of the Company. I. Definition Some of the phrases commonly seen herein are defined as follows: 1. "The Buyer" shall mean highest bidder accepted by the Company. 2. “The Prospective Buyer” shall mean any potential bidder willing to attend the auction sale hosted by the Company. 3. “The Seller” shall mean the Seller who provides the Lot and agrees to appoint the Company as its exclusive agent to sell the Lot at the Auction and participate, and cooperate, in exhibitions prior to the Auction if so required by the Company. 4. "The Lot" shall mean the item delivered to the Company to be sold in an auction, especially the single or multiple pieces of items numbered in the catalogue. 5. "Hammer price" shall mean the highest bid with respect to one particular auction item accepted by the auctioning party. 6. "The Buyer’s Premium paid by the Buyer" shall mean the fee based on a certain percentage of the Hammer price paid by the Buyer; the percentage shall be as prescribed in Article 2, Section 4a. 7. "The Reserve Price" shall mean the lowest price agreed by the Company and Seller. The Lot cannot be sold at a price lower than such price. 8. "Counterfeit" shall mean the Lot constitutes imitation and the original concept of the imitation and its overall execution result in fraud to cause deception in connection with the author, history, year, age, culture or origin of the Lot, for which the accurate description is not reflected in the catalogue and the value of the Lot on the auction day is far less than the value it should have according to the description in the catalogue. Therefore, no auction item will become a counterfeit as a result of any damage and/or any repairing in any manner (including repaints). 9. "Insured amount" shall mean the value of the insurance purchased for the Lot which the Company considers necessary under its absolute power from time to time (regardless whether such insurance is purchased by the Company). II. The Buyer The Companyas the Agent The Company (or “We”), as the auctioning party, shall act as the agent of the Seller. Except otherwise provided, items successfully sold in the auction held by the Company shall be bound by the agreement made by and between the Seller, through the agency of the Company, and the Buyer. Prior to the Auction a. Authentication The Prospective Buyers should conduct their own authentication for the Lots they are interested in bidding prior to the auction. We provide no guarantees to the Buyer including but without limitations whether the Lot is a counterfeit or the authentication of the Lot’s certificates(exception for the return with regard to counterfeits as defined in Article 1 and in accordance with Article 2, Section 6 of the Transaction Agreement). b. Important Notice We urge the Prospective Buyers to note that: To the extended possible, the descriptions of auction items will mention obvious defects of the items; however, they do not necessarily include all flaws, defects, or incomplete aspects. The description of the Lots do not imply that the Lots have not gone through readjustment or repair or allude anything about the current state or storage conditions of the items. Any omission in the catalogue description regarding the current condition or the appraisal of defects in the items would by no means represent that those items are in good condition. The Prospective Buyers fully understand and will accept the auction items “as is” at the time of delivery to Buyers, including but not limited to any natural wear and tear, and the actual condition of containers, labels, corks, seals and the wine. The Prospective Buyers shall personally view the items for which they plan to bid before the auction. If a Prospective Buyer is unable to view an item for whatever reason, then in our role as a service provider, we would be more than happy to offer our opinion of the Lot's special characteristics and current condition at the request of the Prospective Buyer. However, the Prospective Buyers fully understand and agree that any description in the catalogue or any statement provided by the Company is purely the Company's subjective opinion and not a statement of fact, not for representations or warranties. The Prospective Buyer completely understands and acknowledges that all of the items on auction are being sold in "as is" condition. The Company does not provide any representation or guarantee as to the condition of any of the items. Unless otherwise stated, the Company does not provide any warranty with the items. c. Symbol Key The following key explains the symbol you may see inside this catalogue. PremiumLot ) the Buyer must complete the required In order to bid on "Premium Lots" ( pre-registration application and deliver to the Company such necessary financial references, guarantees, deposits and / or such other security as the Company may in its absolute discretion require for your bid. The Company’s decision whether to accept any pre-registration application shall be final. We recommend you complete and return the Lot pre-registration form in this catalogue in the manner required therein or contact the Company at least 5 working days prior to the relevant sale in order to process the pre-registration. Please bear in mind that we are unable to obtain financial references over weekends or public holidays. The Company will provide a special paddle number for the register of “Premium Lot”. oGuaranteed
Property The Seller of the Lots with this symbol next to the Lot number has been guaranteed a minimum price from one auction or a series of auctions. This guarantee may be provided by the Company, by a third party or jointly by the
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Catalogue Explanations Any statement of the origin, year, condition, material, rarity, authenticity, Any statement of the origin, year, condition, material, rarity, authenticity, ownership, condition of preservation, value or estimated selling price of any of the Lots and certificates thereof shown in the catalogue or the authentication opinion made by the Company, or any other verbal or written statements made separately shall be solely statements of subjective opinions of the Company and shall not be deemed the basis for the statements of actual facts nor representations or warranties made by the Company as to the condition of any auction items. The photographs shown in the catalogue shall serve as reference only and shall not be deemed as the basis for determining the color or tone of any Lots or disclosure of the defects of such item. The estimates of the auction price shall not be deemed the price at which such item will be successfully sold or the statement of the value of the item for other purposes. Many auction items fail to maintain their perfect condition because of time and other environmental factors. Some of the explanations in the catalogue or the authentication opinions will state defects and/or the repair background of the Lots. Such information is meant for reference only. Missing information in the statements does not mean the Lot has no defects or has not been repaired. Any statement of one particular defect does not mean there is no any other defect. e.Responsibility of the Buyer The Buyer is responsible for clarifying and satisfying himself about the condition of the items and any related matters stated in the catalogue descriptions and making his/her own judgment or estimation independently regarding the Lots. In the Auction a. Refusal of Admission The auction is held at the premises of the Company or any location where the Company has control of for the auction. The Company has full discretion to exercise the right to refuse entry to the premises for the auction or to prevent participation in the auction. b. Registration Prior to the Bidding The Prospective Buyers must fill in and sign the registration forms prior to the bidding and provide personal identification. The Prospective Buyers should also note that the Company may be requested to conduct credit checks against Buyers. c. The Bidder is the Buyer Unless a written agreement has been made upon registration that the bidder will be the agent who acts on behalf of a third person and such third person is accepted by the Company, the bidder will be deemed as the Buyer who will bear individual legal responsibilities. d.Commission Bids The Company will make the proper effort to bid for the Prospective Buyers who instruct us to bid on their behalf by using the forms attached to the explanations of the catalogue; provided, however, bid commission instructions are delivered to the Company prior to the auction. If the Company receives several commission bids for one particular item, with all bid prices being equal and of the highest bid price at the auction, priority shall be given to the Buyer whose bid commission is delivered to the Company first. Commission bids are subject to auction conditions. The situation at the auction may prevent the Company from making the bid as commissioned. This is a free service provided by the Company to the Prospective Buyers pursuant to the provisions prescribed. The Company will not be held legally liable if it fails to make the bid as commissioned. The Prospective Buyers should attend the auction in person if they wish to ensure a successful bid. e.Bid by Phone The Company will make proper effort to contact the bidder so he can participate in the auction by phone if the Prospective Buyer make arrangements with the Company prior to the auction. However, the Company will bear no responsibilities to the Seller or any Prospective Buyer if no contact is made or any failure to participate in the auction by phone under any circumstances. f. Online Bids via LiveAuctioneers If the bidder cannot attend the auction, it may be possible to bid online via LiveAuctioneers for selected Lots to bear individual buyers’ responsibilities. This service is free and confidential. For information about registering to bid via LiveAuctioneers, please refer to the Bidders using the LiveAuctioneers service are subject to the additional terms and conditions for online bidding via LiveAuctioneers, which can be viewed at the and be revised by the Company from time to time. g. Parcel Lots Bid/ Selective Bid “Parcel Lots Bid” refers to the bid placed for the items in a parcel which are equivalent in quality and style. However, individual item may be different from others in the same parcel in its grade, condition or other aspects. Buyers shall read the statements in the catalogue carefully. As far as the Auctioneer is concerned, the successful bidder placed a “parcel lots bid” of the first lot in a parcel has the right, but not have the obligation, to buy single or multiple item(s) in the same parcel at the same price of the first successful bid. If no single lot of a parcel was sold successfully, the Auctioneer may start the auction of the next lot, and the Buyer who placed a “parcel lots bid” of the first successful bid has the right, but not have the obligation, to buy in sequential order the single or multiple lot(s) in the parcels which were not sold, and the purchase price of such items shall be negotiated based on the new price offered by the Buyer in the successful bid. h. Exchange Rate Conversion Board There will be an exchange rate conversion board operating at some auctions. Nonetheless, the auction will still be conducted in NT dollars. The exchange rate conversion board is not absolutely reliable and for the reference only. The accuracy of either the Lot numbering shown on the board or the equivalent of the bid price in any foreign currency is not within the control of the Company. The Company will not be responsible for any losses caused by the reliance of the
Buyer on the exchange rate conversion board. i. Recorded Images There is image projection in some auctions; however, errors may occur during the operation. The Company is not liable for the color accuracy of the reproduced image and whether the projected image corresponds to the item being auctioned. j. Determining Power of the Auctioneer The auctioneer has the absolute power to reject any bid, push for bids at his discretion, withdraw any auction items, separate or combine two or more auction items, determine the successful bidder, and if there is any error or dispute, reauction the items. The auctioneer may announce important notice to buyers prior to the auction or the process of an individual item. The Prospective Buyers shall be responsible for taking note of all notices or announcements at the auction. We recommend the Prospective Buyers using our Online Bids via LiveAuctioneers log in the system prior to the commencement of the auction to ensure the timely awareness of any notices or announcements made prior to the auction. k.Successful Bids Under the discretion of the auctioneer, the fall of the hammer indicates the acceptance of the highest bid price, i.e., the Seller and the Buyer enter into a successful auction agreement.The Buyer shall be responsible to the Seller for performing the obligations and responsibility of a Buyer. Following the Auction a. The Buyer’s Premium of Each Lot Payable by the Buyer The Buyer should pay the hammer price and, in addition, the Buyer’s Premium to the Company. The Buyer’s Premium should be calculated at 16% of the hammer price. b. Taxes All the payments payable by the Buyer to the Company do not include any government tax any commodity or service taxes or any other value added taxes. The Buyer should be responsible for paying any applicable taxes as required by the law. c. Payment The Buyer should provide his name and permanent address to the Company upon the successful bid. Relevant bank information, including but without limitations the payment account, should also be provided upon request. All payments due (including the hammer price, the Buyer’s Premium and any applicable taxes and other expenses) should be paid within 7 days following the auction date. The aforesaid provision also applies if the Buyer intends to export the Lot and (may) need the export permit. Although personal and company cheques are accepted, buyers are advised that purchases will not be released until such cheques have cleared. Payment by cash or banker’s draft will enable immediate release of purchases. It is the Buyer’s company policy not to make or accept single or multiple payments in cash or cash equivalents of more thanNT$500,000 or the equivalent value in another currency. the Buyer accepts payments by credit cards (Visa, MasterCard) up toNT$600,000 per auction sale although conditions and restrictions apply. For details on credit card payments, please contact the Buyer’s Finance Department. Traveller’scheques are not accepted. Please note that the Buyer will not accept payments for purchased Lots from any party other than the Buyer, unless otherwise agreed between the Buyer and the Buyer prior to the sale. If the Buyer fails to pay to the Company all the payments due, the Buyer will not claim the Lot nor acquire the ownership of the Lot even if the Company has delivered such item to the Buyer. If the payment to the Company is made in any currency other than NT dollars, the Company will collect from the Buyer any foreign exchange expenses incurred therefrom, including bank charges and foreign exchange service fees. The exchange rate of the payments to the Company in any currency other than NT dollars should be the exchange rate reported by the Bank of Taiwan to the Company on the auction date and should be based on the certificates issued by the Company according to such exchange rate. d. Collection of the Lot Sold Unless otherwise agreed by the Company, the Company will hold temporarily the successfully sold Lots until all payments to the Company are made in full. The Lot will be covered by the insurance of the Company from the auction date for 30 days during the temporary holding period. The insurance coverage will terminate upon earlier collection of such item. The Buyer should be responsible for all risks following expiration of the said 30-day period or the collection (whichever is the earlier). e. Packaging and Transportation The Buyer is requested to note that he should bear all the risks upon expiration of the said 30 days period or from collection of such items (which is the earlier), without prejudice to the Company’s right. f. Referral of Packaging or Transportation Companies The shipping department of the Company may act as the agent of the Buyer to arrange for delivery. Although we can refer freight forwarders and buy insurance on behalf of the buyer upon special request, the Company will not be held liable for any legal responsibilities in this regard. Costs and expenses for shipping and insurance shall be paid in advance. And the Buyer shall prepay the freight charges. g. Remedies for Non-Payment or Non-Collection of Items Sold The Company is entitled to exercise one or more of the following rights or remedies if the Buyer fails to make payment within 7 days following the auction date: (1)An interest at the annual rate of 10% plus the (lending) interest rate of the Bank of Taiwan will be imposed on all of the payment due if payment is not made within 7 days following the auction date. Besides, we have the right of charging also 1% selling price (including of hammer price and the commission) multiplied by the number of delayed days as fine for the default. The payment to be made by the Buyer should offset any payment owed by the Company or its subsidiaries to the Buyer for any other transactions upon the Company’s sole decision. (2)To exercise lien of any items owned by the Buyer and held by the Company for any purpose including but without limitations other transactions. The Company may arrange to sell such items after serving a 14-day notice to the
Buyer about his non-payment. The proceeds shall make up for the payment due. (3)If the Buyer owes the Company several payments as a result of different transactions, the payments will set off any payments due in any particular transaction, regardless of whether the Buyer specifies to setoff such payments. (4)Refuse the Buyer to make, or to make on behalf of others, bids in any future auctions and/or to require a security deposit from the Buyer before accepting any future bids from him. If the Buyer fails to make payment within 35 days, the Company is entitled to exercise one or several of the following rights listed in the sub-para. (a)to(d) in addition to the aforementioned rights listed in the para. (1)to(4): (a)To bring legal proceedings against the Buyer on behalf of the Seller to claim the entire payment due and the legal fees (including but not limited to the lawyer fees) resulting from such proceeding based on a total claim. (b)Cancel the transaction of Lots bid by the Buyer or any other auction items sold to the Buyer at the same or any other auctions. (c)To arrange a public or private re-sale of the Lot. If the re-selling price is lower, the difference will be claimed against the Buyer together with any cost incurred as a result of the non-payment by the Buyer. (d)Release the name and address of the Buyer to the Seller to enable the Seller to commence legal proceedings to recover the amounts due or claim damages for the Buyer’s breach of contract and legal costs. The Company will take reasonable steps to notify the Buyer prior to releasing such details to the Seller. h. No Collection of the Lot Sold The Company will arrange for the storage of the Lot if such item sold is not collected within 30 days following the successful auction date, regardless of payment. Such storage cost will be borne by the Buyer. Only when the storage, shipping, insurance cost and any other expenses together with any other payments due to the Company are paid in full can the sold Lot be collected. The Company does not provide any guarantee as to the storage conditions of the items. i. Export Permit Except where otherwise agreed in writing by the Company, the fact that Except where otherwise agreed in writing by the Company, the fact that the Buyer's wishes to apply for an export permit does not affect the Buyer's responsibility to make the payments in 7 days following the auction date; nor does it affect the Company's right to impose interest on delayed payments. If the Buyer requests that the Company applies for the export permit on his behalf, the Company is entitled to collect monies made in connection with such an application and any expenses together with any relevant value added taxes. If the Buyer makes the payment regardless of the fact that an export permit is needed, the Company is not responsible for returning to the Buyer any interest or other expenses incurred therefrom. The Legal Responsibility of the Company The Company is responsible for returning payment to the Buyer pursuant to Article 2, Section 6. Otherwise, whether the Buyer, the Company, any employees or agents of the Company will not be held liable for any statements of the origin, year, condition, material, rarity, authenticity, ownership, condition of preservation of any auction item or any errors with respect to any explanations and any flaws or defects of any auction item. The Seller, the Company, the employees or the agents of the Company make no guarantee impliedly or explicitly with respect to any auction items. Any warrantee of any kind shall not be included herein. Return of Payments for Counterfeits The transaction will be cancelled and payments made before remit to the Seller will be returned to the Buyer if the Lot of the Company is confirmed to be a counterfeit by the professional appraisal party agreed and recognized by the Company in writing. However, if: The catalogue explanations or the notice at the auction distributed on the auction day corresponds to the opinions generally accepted by the academic or professional fields or explicitly indicates it conflicts with the opinions generally accepted by the academic or professional fields; or The method used to prove that the Lot is a counterfeit is a scientific procedure not generally accepted for use before the publication of the catalogue or a procedure unreasonably expensive on the day of the auction, or impractical, or may cause damage to the Lot; the Company is not liable for the return of any payment under any circumstances. In addition, the Buyer's payment can only be refunded when the following terms are met: The Buyer must notify the Company in writing within 10 days following the auction day that he considers the relevant auction item a counterfeit. The Buyer must return the Lot to the Company within the following 14 days following the said notice and the condition of the item must be the same as on the auction day without any damage. Upon returning the Lot, the Buyer must present evidence as soon as possible to convince the Company that the Lot is a counterfeit (The Company has the final and sole discretion and decision and such decision shall not be objected in this regard). The Buyer may also assign the good ownership of the Lot to the Company, which shall not concern any third party claim. Under no circumstances is it necessary for the Company to pay the Buyer an amount more than what the Buyer pays in connection with the Lot and the Buyer cannot claim interests. The interests of the warrantee cannot be assigned and belong solely to the Buyer who receives the original invoice on which such Buyer’s name is recorded from the Company when the Lot is sold. Such Buyers shall remain the owner of the auction Lot and cannot assign any interest of the Lot to any other person. The Company is entitled to ascertain that the Lot is not a counterfeit based on a scientific procedure or any other procedure, regardless of whether such procedure is being used on the day of the auction. If the result of appraising and verifying whether the Lot is a counterfeit by the Company conflicts with the evidence provided by the Buyer, the Company’s said result shall prevail over the evidence provided by the Buyer.
Please refer to our website for seller’s Transaction Agreement.
Commission Bids If the bidder is unable to attend an auction in person, we will make every effort to bid for the prospective buyers who instruct us to bid on their behalf by using the forms attached to the explanations of the catalogue; Commission bids are subject to auction conditions. The situation at the auction may prevent the Company from making the bid as commissioned. This is a free service provided by the Company to the prospective buyers pursuant to the provisions prescribed. The Company will not be held legally liable if it fails to make the bid as commissioned. Prospective Buyers should attend the auction in person if they wish to ensure a successful bid. Bid commission instructions are delivered to the Company prior to the auction. And please make sure to provide accurate Lot numbers, description and the maximum bid price that the buyer is willing to pay for each Lot. Appropriate bids will be rounded down to the nearest amount consistent with the bidding increments. If the Company receives several commission bids for one particular item, with all bid prices being equal and of the highest bid price at the auction, priority shall be given to the Buyer whose bid commission is delivered to the Company first. Example to use the Absentee Bid Form As the bidder wish to purchase 12 bottles of Chateau Mouton Rothschild 1982, three cases are available in a parcel from Lots 1 to 3. Château Mouton Rothschild 1982 Lot 1 12 bts (owc) Lot 2 12 bts (owc) Lot 3 12 bts (owc) Lot No.
Quantity of Lots Required
Bid Price TWD (excluding Premium)
Maximum bid price
Bidding Increments Up to TWD 20,000……… TWD 1,000 TWD 20,000-50,000…… TWD 2,000 TWD 50,000-100,000…… TWD 5,000 TWD 100,000-200,000….......................…in TWD 10,000 TWD 200,000-500,000….....................… TWD 20,000 TWD 500,000-1,000, TWD 50,000 Above TWD 1,000,000… TWD 100,000 The auctioneer retains the right to call bids at his own discretion, the bidding increment will give buyers an indication of regular bid steps. When making order bids, to record your bid according to the normal increments. Unusual bid will be recorded to the lowest regular increment. Successful Bids Successful bidders will receive an invoice issuing the purchasing Lots and instructions for payment and goods collections.
委託競投 如買家未能親身出席拍賣會作出競投,可使用印於目錄說明之後 之表格,指示本公司代為競投,本公司將盡適當努力代其競投, 且不超出買家所指示之最高價格。由於此項承擔乃本公司為準買 家按所述條款提供之免費服務,如未能按委託作出競投,本公司 將不負任何法律責任。委託競投之承擔受拍賣時之其他承諾所 限,而拍賣進行之情況可能使本公司無法代為競投。 代為競投指示須於拍賣前送抵本公司,並確保正確填寫拍賣品編 號及描述,以及買家願意就每件拍賣品支付之最高成交價。如適 當時,買家之競投價將會被大概調整至最接近拍賣官之遞增競 投金額。如本公司就某一拍賣品而收到多個委託競投之相等競投 價,而在拍賣時此等競投價乃該拍賣品之最高競投價,則該拍賣 品會歸其委託競投最先送抵本公司之人。
委託競投表 使用範例 如買家欲購買一打1982年Chateau Mouton Rothschild,現有3箱屬包 裹性拍品可供競投,拍賣品編號為1至3號。 Château Mouton Rothschild 1982 Lot 1 12瓶 (owc) Lot 2 12瓶 (owc) Lot 3 12瓶 (owc) 拍賣品編號
競投價 台幣 (不含佣金)
買家之最高競投價 (台幣)
如買方競投之拍賣品非同一批包裹拍品之一部分,僅須填寫拍賣 品編號及最高競投價即可。 出價遞增金額 (幣別:台幣) 20,000元或以下........................................每口1,000元 20,000元-50,000元....................................每口2,000元 50,000元-100,000元..................................每口5,000元 100,000元-200,000元..............................每口10,000元 200,000元-500,000元.............................每口20,000元 500,000元-1,000,000元..........................每口50,000元 1,000,000元以上..................................每口100,000元 拍賣官保留自行酌情叫價之權利,以上可做為買家正常出價之指 引買家於作出缺席競投時,請根據正常標準遞增出價。若以非標 準遞增出價,將記錄為以最低之標準遞增出價。
成功競投 成功作出競投之買家,將收到本公司之發票,發票將載有其購買 拍賣品之資料、付款及交貨指示。
委託競投表格 1
拍賣名稱:羅芙奧2014秋季藏酒拍賣會 尊釀雲集 拍賣編號:TW1405 拍賣日期:2014年12月6日 (六) 上午 11:00 拍賣地點:富邦人壽大樓國際會議中心 台北市敦化南路一段108號B2
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拍賣期間之聯絡電話 (僅限電話競投)
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競投價 (台幣) / (服務費不計在內)
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先收到之競投得優先辦理。 本人已詳閱載於目錄內之業務規則與目錄編列方法之說明 (特別是有限保證、不負其他瑕疵擔保等規定),並同意遵守所有規定。若本人知悉 如投標成功,本人同意支付相當於落槌價百分之十六之買家服務費 (連同該最後落槌價及服務費之營業稅) 。 •
如買家未曾於羅芙奧競投拍賣品,請附上以下文件之副本,個人:政府發出附有相片的身分證文件或護照。 •
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羅芙奧股份有限公司 台北市106敦化南路二段76號15樓之2 15F-2, No. 76, Sec. 2, Dunhua S. Rd., Taipei 10683, Taiwan Tel : +886 2 2708 9868 Fax : +886 2 2701 3306
委託競投表格 2
拍賣名稱:羅芙奧2014秋季藏酒拍賣會 尊釀雲集 拍賣編號:TW1405 拍賣日期:2014年12月6日 (六) 上午 11:00
拍賣地點:富邦人壽大樓國際會議中心 台北市敦化南路一段108號B2
客戶編號 拍賣品編號
競投價 (台幣) / (服務費不計在內)
羅芙奧股份有限公司 台北市106敦化南路二段76號15樓之2 15F-2, No. 76, Sec. 2, Dunhua S. Rd., Taipei 10683, Taiwan Tel : +886 2 2708 9868 Fax : +886 2 2701 3306
Auction Sale Number Date Location Address
Bidder’s Details Client Number
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Post code
Tel (Daytime)
Email Address
AUTUMN AUCTION 2014 TAIPEI Finest and Rarest Wines TW1405 Saturday, 6 December, 2014, 11:00 am Fubon National Conference Center B2, No. 108, Section 1, Dunhua South Road, Taipei, Taiwan
Tel ((For Phone Bid)
□ Written Bid □ Phone Bid Please Print Legibly •
Auction Lot Number
• •
Bid Price (TWD) (Not including service fee)
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Auction Sale Number Date Location Address
Client Name Client Number Lot Number
AUTUMN AUCTION 2014 TAIPEI Finest and Rarest Wines TW1405 Saturday, 6 December, 2014, 11:00 am Fubon National Conference Center B2, No. 108, Section 1, Dunhua South Road, Taipei, Taiwan
Bid Price (TWD)
Please note that the bid price is not including Service Fee.
Ravenel Ltd. 15F-2, No. 76, Sec. 2, Dunhua S. Rd., Taipei 10683, Taiwan Tel: +886 2 2708 9868 Fax: +886 2 2701 3306
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