翰墨丹青 中 - 國書畫
Refined Brushwork: Fine Chinese Paintings
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RAVENEL SPRING AUCTION 2019 Paintings and Calligraphy of Chiang Chao-Shen Lee Yih Hong and Zhou Cheng Refined Brushwork: Fine Chinese Paintings
羅芙奧 2019春季拍賣會 水流雲在 — 江兆申、李義弘、周澄書畫專場 翰墨丹青 — 中國書畫專場
拍賣日期 / 地點
Saturday, 1 Jun 2019, 3:30 pm Taipei Marriott Hotel 3F (Grand Space Hall) No. 199 Lequn 2nd Road, Zhong Shan District, Taipei
2019年6月1日(六)下午3:30 台北萬豪酒店三樓(博覽廳) 台北市中山區樂群二路199號3樓
預展日期 / 地點
台中 2019年5月11日(六) 下午1:00 至 下午6:00 2019年5月12日(日) 上午11:00 至 下午6:00 豐藝館 台中市西區五權西路一段110號
高雄 2019年5月18日(六)上午11:00 至 下午6:00 2019年5月19日(日)上午11:00 至 下午6:00 琢璞藝術中心 高雄市前金區五福三路63號8樓
Hong Kong
香港 2019年5月26日(日)上午10:00 至 下午7:00 香港君悅酒店11樓 The Poolhouse 香港灣仔港灣道1號
台北 2019年5月30日(四)上午10:00 至 下午7:00 2019年5月31日(五)上午10:00 至 下午7:00 2019年6月1日(六)上午10:00 至 下午3:30 台北萬豪酒店三樓(博覽廳) 台北市中山區樂群二路199號3樓
Saturday, 11 May 2019, 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm Sunday, 12 May 2019, 11:00 am - 6:00 pm Fong-Yi Art Gallery B1, No. 110, Section 1, Wuquan W. Rd., West Dist., Taichung
Saturday, 18 May 2019, 11:00 am - 6:00 pm Sunday, 19 May 2019, 11:00 am - 6:00 pm J.P. Art Center 8F, No.63, Wufu 3rd. Rd., Qianjin Dist., Kaohsiung
Sunday, 26 May 2019, 10:00 am - 7:00 pm The Poolhouse 11/F, Grand Hyatt Hong Kong 1 Harbour Road Wanchai, Hong Kong
Thursday, 30 May 2019, 10:00 am - 7:00 pm Friday, 31 May 2019, 10:00 am - 7:00 pm Saturday, 1 Jun 2019, 10:00 am - 3:30 pm Taipei Marriott Hotel 3F (Grand Space Hall) No. 199 Lequn 2nd Road, Zhong Shan District, Taipei
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目次 / Contents 4
水流雲在—江兆申、李義弘、周澄書畫專場 Paintings and Calligraphy of Chiang Chao-Shen, Lee Yih Hong and Zhou Cheng
翰墨丹青 - 中國書畫 Refined Brushwork: Fine Chinese Paintings
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水流雲在 - 江兆申、李義弘、周澄書畫專場
文:蔡耀慶博士 江兆申先生,字茮原,1925年出生於安徽歙縣的書香世家。幼受
日,在東北瀋陽的學術演講會中,因心肌梗塞而離開人世。 江兆申先生詩、書、畫、印,無一不精,藝評家推崇他為「中國 江先生少年時居古徽州,是程朱理學始祖的故鄉,加上鄰近黃山
淡雅清秀而層次豐富的色彩暈染諧調配合,使作品獨樹一格。 跟隨江先生學藝者眾,靈漚館中英才濟濟,不僅尊師重道,更於 從筆墨趣觀之,江先生深浸於傳統,但是「師心不蹈跡」。他曾
說:「我認為學古人的字,是學他的用筆,一定要非常認真追求 它的極細微處,非像不可,但如果自己在寫的時候跟古人完全一
高聳、奇峰突兀;或渾厚華滋、鬱鬱蒼蒼。 李義弘先生早年拜師江兆申「靈漚館」門下,以攝影、繪畫、書 黃賓虹曾說:「中國畫訣在書訣,不觀古人所論書法不能明,不
的模仿力和悟性,是天資與才情;後來的成就則建立於勤奮與不 斷自我要求。書法方面,行、楷、篆、隸、草等各體兼備,字體 的書寫安排,婀娜多姿,整篇充滿活潑生氣,自是獨具一格。一 生重視歐陽詢書法,以此立下根基,又臨篆、隸以增古樸雄渾氣
Ravenel 14
Abe, Tsai Yao-Ching PhD Born in 1925, Chiang Chao-Shen was brought up in a literati
age, followed by diligent studies and continuous refinement in his
family, thus learnt literature from his parents and painting from his
adulthood. In terms of calligraphy, Chiang excelled in all scripts and
uncle. After arriving in Taiwan in 1949, he took up prominent roles
spatial arrangement of the calligraphy. Ouyang Xun’s calligraphy
in the National Palace Museum. After his retirement in 1991, he
served as a key reference to Chiang, followed by the Northern
moved to Nantou Puli and Liyu Lake, which became Chiang's main
stone rubbings, enabled Chiang to write with an ancient and sturdy
subject of depiction. Sadly Chiang died of heart attack during an
tone. Running script is the style most unique to Chiang. Small
academic lecture in 12 May, 1996.
characters express high level of fluidity, while larger characters are robust in character. Every stroke in the character was planned,
Chiang spent his adolescence in Ancient Huizhou, the birthplace
space in between are controlled with careful consideration.
of Cheng-Zhou School of philosophy and a place rich in cultural heritage. During his stay, he learnt the production of ink and their
Chiang was an all round scholar and was praised as one of the
characteristics, along with his private training from Pu Hsinyu,
new literati of modern times. With diligent study and practice,
which refined his skills in his early paintings, which carries the
along with his gifted talent, Chiang is now a well-acclaimed artist
style of Pu Hsinyu. Adopting the Qing’s use of paper and Song’s
in art history. Throughout the 70 years, Chiang has left us with a
structural composition, his paintings reflect the broad brushstrokes
bountiful number of masterpieces for our appreciation.
of Jinshi and a graceful way of applying colour to the painting, making the work unique to Chiang’s style.
Followers of Chiang Chao-Shen were plenty, till today, they still live on Chiang’s aesthetic standards, passing on to the new generation
With regard to brushstrokes used, Chiang took reference to the
of Taiwanese artists.
essence of traditions. He once mentioned, “Treatment of brush should be learnt from ancient masters, and not the form. Mere
Zhou Cheng is one of the students of Chiang Chao-Shen. His
copying of ancient masters would lose the meaning of nurturing
calligraphy has strong influence from the practice of Jinshi script.
new artists.” This philosophy is shown in his works of traditional
Zhou believed in observation of landscapes through live sketches.
brushstrokes similar to Fan Kuan, Yuan painters and Shitao,
Composition of his paintings and application of colour and the
however becomes unique to the Chiang style. Adopted from
brush undergo careful consideration. As for seal carving, Zhou
traditions yet transcends tradition, Chiang’s paintings are unique
started learning through Han carvings, then Jinshi Script, allowing
in composition, revealing majestic mountain ranges, cliffs and
his calligraphy to possess a graceful yet sturdy style. Through his
luscious forests.
travels, Zhou has a rich experience in observation, making him yet another all round scholar.
Huang Binhong once said, “The essence of Chinese paintings is that ancient calligraphy especially Jinshi script require intense
Lee Yih Hong is admitted as Chiang’s student since an early
studies and understanding of the origins of characters, otherwise
age, and is renowned for his documentaries of nature through
one won’t understand its use of brush. Calligraphy and Paintings
photography, sketches and calligraphy. His skills in photography
share the same origin. This philosophy speaks of the essence of ink
enables him to create with unique composition and structure. His
art. Lines used in paintings are the same as those in calligraphy,
early works were based on his passion for rural Taiwanese lifestyle
thus the understanding of calligraphy is essential to the expression
and prints. Later after his journey to Northern India and China, he
in paintings. Chiang learnt calligraphy since little and continuously
started devoted his lifetime to record the grandiosity of landscape.
practised calligraphy till his elderly age. Chiang’s power of
Recent works are mostly based on composition of landscape, light,
understanding from ancient scrolls was demonstrated in his early
mists and depiction, fully show the artist’s experience of nature.
端正,不僅平衡了「水」字斜倚的姿態,更將行間的力道凝聚成 一,與「聽」字相互輝映,為難求之佳作。
楷書是江兆申書法的基礎,經常臨寫唐代歐陽詢〈九成宮醴泉 銘〉,旁博歐體筆法的字帖如〈化渡寺碑〉等,字體變化如草裡
畫僅用狼毫筆,特別講究腕力的鍛鍊與發揮,而此用筆習慣才讓 其書畫有挺勁清剛的筆力。行書則是受其詩溥心畬的影響,臺靜
染,山間蒼翠之氣油然而生,掩於山石後的屋舍雅緻幽深,書畫 兩面齊觀頗能得張良詩中寓居鄉野之情。成扇《湖橋策杖》(編
子屬和」兩相呼應,頗得前人畫意;書面題杜審言詩,字體飛揚 工拙、結構沉著,有江體風格之況味。成扇《森林草居》(編號
方穩有度,即知篆隸兩體在江氏的書法上過渡與融合,觀之勁健 古雅,筆勢間頓挫有致,顯露出不即不徐的穩重感,雖然字幅中 題款自嘲筆力生疏,但習隸書有如此功力者,實屬難得。
Ravenel 16
Chiang Chao-Shen once said, “If the brush was held correctly, one
yet sturdy characters. Clerical script in this work possesses an
could write nice calligraphy.” This alone shows Chiang’s essence
ancient tone with a style of seal script. Characters were sturdy
in calligraphy – a solid foundation of skills. Chiang was diligent
and rectangular, even though Chiang was mocking himself of his
in practising calligraphy, especially his skills of holding the brush.
Nice calligraphy could be written with perfect centered brush. To appreciate Chiang’s calligraphy, one could appreciate the structure of each word. Chiang excelled in all kinds of scripts, including standard, running, clerical and seal scripts in all font sizes. Standard script forms the foundation of Chiang’s calligraphy. Having copied Ou Yangxun’s script, his calligraphy was vibrant in
Chiang Chao-Shen was skillful in writing large character. Calligraphy (Lot 602) was a perfect example to the statement. With saturated ink, the two characters sprang to life with carefully planned spatial structure. In this work, Chiang added the style of standard script, adding balance to the elusive quality of running script.
character. Ou’s calligraphy was elusive, allowing Chiang to study every detail in the movement of the brush, thus creating variety in Chiang’s standard script. With only Langhao brush, Chiang paid particular attention towards the training of the wrist, thus creating calligraphy with strong sense of movement and force of the brush. Chiang’s running script was heavily influenced by Pu Hsinyu. Tai Jing-nong once mentioned that Chiang’s running script was natural in character. Chiang’s clerical script was learnt through study of
Calligraphy (Lot 601) was a poem from Chen Yuyi of Song dynasty. This was a work of Chiang’s mature artistic career. Characters were elongated with structured spacing in between, slowing the pace of calligraphy and creating a literati touch to the work. Fan leaf was popular in the Ming and Qing dynasties as a scholarly accessory, if not, a piece of art. Chiang’s Landscape (Lot 605) wrote
stone rubbings, thus possessing an ancient tone.
a Tang poem in small running script. The painting was coloured in
In this sale, Calligraphy (a set of two) (Lot 607) feature a running
cottages behind the hills. Strolling by the Lake (Lot 606) pictured
script in Ou’s script with a touch of stone rubbing style, creating
woods in light ink, featured with a poem from Su Dongpo, echoing
a style unique to Chiang. Saturated ink was used with various
with the two scholars. Running script was used for the poem to
thickness of brushstroke, enhancing the form of the script. Lines
enhance variance of the painting. Spring Outing by the Lake (Lot
were sturdy in form, written in centered and slanted brush.
603) featured Wen Zhengming’s poem with spring scene of a
Characters were arranged in varied spatial depiction, creating
fishing boat. This is a typical composition from the Zhejiang School,
echoing with the poem. In Residing in the Woods (Lot 604),
cream enhancing the lusciousness of the greenery, veiling over the
Chiang wrote a poem of Wang Wei, echoing with the dense forest Another work in clerical script (Lot 607) was elongated, as a
and a hut. The composition was dense yet fresh in the overall tone,
variation from the Han style. Chiang added the qualities of
suggesting the artist’s yearn for rural village lifestyle.
standard script to each character, creating round and smooth
水流雲在—江兆申、李義弘、周澄書畫專場 Paintings and Calligraphy of Chiang Chao-Shen, Lee Yih Hong and Zhou Cheng
601 CHIANG CHAO-SHEN (Taiwanese, 1925-1996)
Calligraphy in Running Script 1992 Ink on paper, framed 34 x 136 cm Signed CHIANG CHAO-SHEN in Chinese With three seals of the artist
NT$ 50,000 – 100,000 HK$ 13,000 – 26,000 US$ 1,600 – 3,300 RMB 11,000 – 22,000
Ravenel 18
江兆申 行書七言句 1992 水墨 紙本 鏡框 34 x 136 cm 釋文:過峽新圖世所傳,峽中猶說泛舟仙,拄天勲業須君了, 借我茅齋看十年。 款識:後山居士句,連生先生正。壬申孟冬,茮原江兆申書。 鈐印:江兆申(白文)、茮原(朱文) 註: 上款人「連生先生」即為張連生先生,曾任第五任航警局局長。
602 CHIANG CHAO-SHEN (Taiwanese, 1925-1996)
Calligraphy 1985 Ink on paper, framed 28 x 61 cm Signed CHIANG CHAO-SHEN in Chinese With two seals of the artist
NT$ 60,000 – 120,000 HK$ 15,000 – 31,000 US$ 2,000 – 3,900 RMB 13,000 – 26,000
江兆申 聽水 1985 水墨 紙本 鏡框 28 x 61 cm 釋文:聽水 款識:乙丑初冬,豐堃先生屬書,茮原江兆申。 鈐印:江兆申(白文)、物外真游(朱文) 註: 上款人「豐堃先生」即為吳豐堃先生,第一屆僑選立法委員, 前中華日報常駐監察人。
水流雲在—江兆申、李義弘、周澄書畫專場 Paintings and Calligraphy of Chiang Chao-Shen, Lee Yih Hong and Zhou Cheng
603 CHIANG CHAO-SHEN (Taiwanese, 1925-1996)
Spring Outing by the River Ink and colour on paper, folding fan 18 x 46 cm Signed CHIANG CHAO-SHEN in Chinese With four seals of the artist
NT$ 150,000 – 240,000 HK$ 38,000 – 61,000 US$ 4,900 – 7,800 RMB 33,000 – 53,000 江兆申 江南春 水墨 設色 紙本 成扇 18 x 46 cm 釋文: ( 一 ) 倪高士有江南春詞,吳中諸子屬和並作圖者一時甚盛, 所見內藏文衡山之作最佳逐一顰效焉。 ( 二 ) 北斗掛城邊,南山倚殿前,雲標金闕迴,樹抄玉堂縣, 半嶺通佳氣,中峰繞瑞煙,小臣持獻壽,長此戴堯天。 款識: ( 一 ) 茮原江兆申 ( 二 ) 初唐,杜審言蓬萊三殿侍宴詠終南山,茮原江兆申。 鈐印: ( 一 ) 兆申(白文)、茮公(朱文) ( 二 ) 江兆申印(白文)、大方無禺(白文)
Ravenel 20
水流雲在—江兆申、李義弘、周澄書畫專場 Paintings and Calligraphy of Chiang Chao-Shen, Lee Yih Hong and Zhou Cheng
604 CHIANG CHAO-SHEN (Taiwanese, 1925-1996)
Residing in the Woods 1980 Ink and colour on paper, folding fan 18 x 46 cm Signed CHIANG CHAO-SHEN in Chinese With three seals of the artist
NT$ 150,000 – 240,000 HK$ 38,000 – 61,000 US$ 4,900 – 7,800 RMB 33,000 – 53,000 江兆申 深林草居 1980 水墨 設色 紙本 成扇 18 x 46 cm 釋文: ( 一 ) 園居鮮人事,閒適如此,何時可得。 ( 二 ) 空山不見人,但聞人語響。返影入深林,復照青苔上。 秋山斂餘照,飛鳥逐前侶。彩翠時分明,夕嵐無處所。 款識: ( 一 ) 庚申兆申 ( 二 ) 唐王摩詰輞川詩句,庚申秋江兆申。 鈐印: ( 一 ) 江兆申印(白文) ( 二 ) 江兆申印(白文)、略無丘壑(白文)
Ravenel 22
水流雲在—江兆申、李義弘、周澄書畫專場 Paintings and Calligraphy of Chiang Chao-Shen, Lee Yih Hong and Zhou Cheng
605 CHIANG CHAO-SHEN (Taiwanese, 1925-1996)
Landscape 1980 Ink and colour on paper, folding fan 18 x 46 cm Signed CHIANG CHAO-SHEN in Chinese With four seals of the artist
NT$ 150,000 – 240,000 HK$ 38,000 – 61,000 US$ 4,900 – 7,800 RMB 33,000 – 53,000 江兆申 圯橋進履 1980 水墨 設色 紙本 成扇 18 x 46 cm 釋文: ( 二 ) 廟算張良獨有餘,少年逃難下邳初。逡巡不進泥中履,爭得先生一卷書。 嬴政鯨吞六合秋,削平天下虜諸侯。山東不是無公子,何事張良獨報仇。 款識: ( 一 ) 庚申秋日,茮原江兆申寫 ( 二 ) 兆申書 鈐印: ( 一 ) 江印兆申(白文)、茮原私記(朱文) ( 二 ) 江印兆申(白文)、略無丘壑(白文)
Ravenel 24
水流雲在—江兆申、李義弘、周澄書畫專場 Paintings and Calligraphy of Chiang Chao-Shen, Lee Yih Hong and Zhou Cheng
606 CHIANG CHAO-SHEN (Taiwanese, 1925-1996)
Strolling by the Lake 1980 Ink and colour on paper, folding fan 18 x 46 cm Signed CHIANG CHAO-SHEN in Chinese With five seals of the artist
NT$ 150,000 – 240,000 HK$ 38,000 – 61,000 US$ 4,900 – 7,800 RMB 33,000 – 53,000 江兆申 湖橋策杖 1980 水墨 設色 紙本 成扇 18 x 46 cm 釋文: ( 一 ) 橋下龜魚晚無數,識君拄杖過橋聲。 ( 二 ) 碧峰南一寺,最勝是仙源。峻阪依岩壁,清泉泄洞門。 金函崇寶藏,玉樹閟靈根。寄謝香花叟,高蹤不可援。 款識: ( 一 ) 庚申兆申 ( 二 ) 盛唐,張承吉題善權寺詩,江兆申書 鈐印: ( 一 ) 雙谿(朱文)、江兆申印(白文)、略無丘壑(白文) ( 二 ) 江兆申印(白文)、略無丘壑(白文)
Ravenel 26
水流雲在—江兆申、李義弘、周澄書畫專場 Paintings and Calligraphy of Chiang Chao-Shen, Lee Yih Hong and Zhou Cheng
607 CHIANG CHAO-SHEN (Taiwanese, 1925-1996)
Calligraphy (A set of two) 1972 Ink on paper, scroll 132 x 20.5 cm; 123 x 39.5 cm Signed CHIANG CHAO-SHEN in Chinese With six seals of the artist
NT$ 150,000 – 260,000 HK$ 38,000 – 66,000 US$ 4,900 – 8,500 RMB 33,000 – 57,000 江 兆申 書法(兩件一組) 1972 水墨 紙本 立軸 132 x 20.5 cm; 123 x 39.5 cm 釋文: (一)輕黠踰竟。鴞梟不鳴,子還養。元鰥寡,蒙祐以寧。 蓄道脩惪,祉以榮。 (二)白日淪西河,素月出東嶺。遙遙萬里輝,蕩蕩空中景。 風來入房戶,夜中枕夕冷。氣變悟時易,不眠知夕永。 欲言無予和,揮杯勸孤影。日月擲人去,有志不獲騁。 念此懷悲悽,終曉不能靜。 款識: (一)戲臨北海相景碑廿五字,手底荒蕪而筆不聽使,人皆恃 熟,我獨用生也。兆申解謿。 (二)陶淵明雜詩有子在川上之慨。壬子初夏,茮原江兆申 書於外雙溪。 鈐印: (一)目送歸鴻(白文)、牛馬走(白文)、江兆申印(白文)、 椒原(朱文) (二)兆申(白文)、江氏(朱文)
Ravenel 28
向的集大成人物」(中國水墨創作在脫離「臨摹」的階段後,主 要分為「革新水墨」、「文人水墨」和「現代水墨」三路創作途
能心手相貫。寫生與臨古皆習作之階段,進而棄寫生而登臨山林 之間體會自然,則筆底之變化足矣!識者以為否?」可視為其畫
Lee Yih Hong was a student of Chiang Chao-Shen since 1969
and spent around 10 years to reach his mature stage. Lee shows
close resembles to Chiang's paintings with a lively and light tone,
contrary to the saturated ink depiction of traditional paintings.
From the viewpoint of a camera, Lee arranged figures to create a
unique modern character in his artwork.
的花園〉(編號609)。 He once mentioned in one of his 1980 works, "Nowadays, 〈赤壁泛舟〉及〈清風輕汗圖〉刊載於《李義弘近作》,為此書
artists put emphasis on life sketches instead of copying ancient
masters. Life sketches could only show an object’s form but not
its expression. Copying works from old masters could practise
the use of brushwork but cannot express one’s state of mind. In
fact, life sketches and copying masters are only a stage of learning,
exploring through nature instead could change one’s experience
as an artist! Don’t you think so too?” Lee thinks all three stages
are essential to an artist’s training. All of the works from this
sale shows both styles - following tradition and exploring nature
through experience. Sailing along the Red Cliff (Lot 611) and Scholars in the Woods (Lot 610) were recorded as the first and last painting of Recent Works of Lee Yih Hong - Annual Edition from the Artist's Studio . This book was published by the artist himself in 1981, showcasing 27 recent yet important works from 1978 to 1981.
能告訴別人,我這顏色疊得有多好,筆墨渾融的有多好,卻拍不 出『景』了。」他自述在個人的要求上已有改變。在筆墨的堅實 基礎上,又更進一步地渾然而成整體畫境,增強視覺表達力量與 人文情調氛圍,已然獨立為無法切割的完整畫作,迎來大開大闔 的宏闊格局。 回顧李義弘的1980年代,藝評家蕭瓊瑞、吳繼濤等論者皆表示為 其筆墨成熟且自我風格完全建立的重要時期。1980年獲頒中山文 藝創作獎,1983年獲吳三連文藝創作獎。不可不提的是,1985年 出版著作《自然與畫意》,以攝影實景驗證古代畫境,清晰可見
Ravenel 30
Ancient Kingdom in the Mountains (Lot 608) and Imperial Garden of the Mughal Empire (Lot 609) were listed in Solo Exhibition of Lee Yih Hong in 1986. The two works were made after the artist’s travel to India and Nepal, and were shown in the exhibition
entitled “Travel to Northern India”, which aroused great attention
Lee’s development of art towards individuality and uniqueness. Lee
from the art community. Wu Jitao once mentioned, “In such
got the Sun Yat Sen Academic and Cultural Foundation Award
celestial grounds, this visit opened the artist’s mind through the
in 1980 and the Wu Sanlien award in 1983. In the book Nature
lens of a camera”. Lee also mentioned in an interview, “During
and Aesthetic Sense published in 1985, the artist juxtaposed
this visit, while I was taking photos as materials for my paintings,
photography against ancient paintings. One could see Lee’s solid
I realized once I cut part of the scene, the grandeur of this land
practice in traditional paintings and the experimental curiosity
disappeared. If only part of the scene is depicted, a painting could
towards ancient art. After the 1986 journey, Lee achieved a new
only show the layering of colours, not the scenery itself.” Lee said
milestone. Nature, traditions, individuality were matched against
he was transformed after this journey. With further refinement in
with photography and poetic nature of a painting, through
brushwork, his paintings had enhanced its depiction of grandiosity
material, ink and techniques. This period marks an important
and aesthetic quality from a scholar’s point of view.
milestone of the artist from traditional practise to experimental modern approach. Critic Hsiao marked this as a revolutionary
Looking back to Lee’s paintings in the 1980s, art critics such as
milestone for Chinese paintings towards experimental, literati and
Hsiao Qiongrui and Wu Jitao all agreed, this period is crucial to
modern ink paintings.
水流雲在—江兆申、李義弘、周澄書畫專場 Paintings and Calligraphy of Chiang Chao-Shen, Lee Yih Hong and Zhou Cheng
608 LEE YIH HONG (Taiwanese, b.1941)
Ancient Kingdom in the Mountains 1986 Ink and colour on paper, framed 85 x 92 cm Signed LEE YIH HONG in Chinese With two seals of the artist ILLUSTRATED: Solo Exhibition of Lee Yih Hong , Cave Gallery, Taipei, 1986
The Artist Magazine, The Artist Publishing House, Taipei, 1986, Series No. 137, p. 191 Lion Art Magazine , Lion Art Publishing House, Taipei, 1986, Series No. 188, p. 106
李義弘 山中古城 1986 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 85 x 92 cm 釋文:塔廟高聳,白雪橫空,此初臨天竺,我心為之一濶, 我情為之一變,雖圖之,亦未有其八方九垓之境也。 款識:丙寅仲夏,李義弘。 鈐印:李義弘(朱文)、水流雲在(朱文) 著錄: 《李義弘畫展》,敦煌藝術中心,台北,1986 年 《藝術家雜誌》,藝術家雜誌社,台北,1986 年 10 月,第 137 期, 頁 191 《雄獅美術》,雄獅美術,台北,1986 年 10 月,第 188 期, 頁 106
NT$ 180,000 – 360,000 HK$ 46,000 – 92,000 US$ 5,900 – 11,700 RMB 39,000 – 79,000
1986 was a crucial year for artistic creation for Lee Yih Hong
with his journey to Northern India. After the journey, Lee wrote,
"Sunlight is the greatest channel of artistic expression from Mother
Nature. Thin morning mist and bright sunset are greatest moments
for appreciation." Depicted in this work was Swayambhunath of
Nepal under thin morning mist. This majestic holy land listed as
World Heritage lies on a hill in the west of Kathmandu, looking
over the city. Foreground was a mountain soaring with rocky relief,
light perpetuates through a thin morning mist casting light the
hill. A temple was put in the middle right of the painting. White
temple looking over the red walled black roof village. On the top
shows layers of mountains under a veil of mist which shows the
movement of humid air. Layers of mountains highlighted the vast
majestic scene of Nature. The artist carved the doldrum of the hills
to balance the tone of the whole painting. He mentioned "My
heart becomes relaxed and mind changed with the scene. Though
depicted the scene, one couldn't fully justify the grandiosity of this
land." Through this visit, one can understand the change inside
the artist's minds. Through focusing on the depiction of layering mountains, morning mist and the movement of light, audience could experience the grandiosity of Nature of Nepal.
Ravenel 32
水流雲在—江兆申、李義弘、周澄書畫專場 Paintings and Calligraphy of Chiang Chao-Shen, Lee Yih Hong and Zhou Cheng
609 LEE YIH HONG (Taiwanese, b.1941)
Imperial Garden of the Mughal Empire 1986 Ink and colour on paper, framed 85 x 93 cm Signed LEE YIH HONG in Chinese With two seals of the artist ILLUSTRATED: Solo Exhibition of Lee Yih Hong , Cave Gallery, Taipei, 1986
The Artist Magazine , The Artist Publishing House, Taipei, 1986, Series No. 137, p. 189 Lion Art Magazine , Lion Art Publishing House, Taipei, 1986, Series No. 188, p. 112
李義弘 愛的花園 1986 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 85 x 93 cm 款識:丙寅仲夏,李義弘畫蒙兀兒王朝愛的花園。 鈐印:義弘之印(白文)、在川小鉢(朱文) 著錄: 《李義弘畫展》,敦煌藝術中心,台北,1986 年 《藝術家雜誌》,藝術家雜誌社,台北,1986 年 10 月, 第 137 期,頁 189 《雄獅美術》,雄獅美術,台北,1986 年 10 月, 第 188 期,頁 112
NT$ 180,000 – 360,000 HK$ 46,000 – 92,000 US$ 5,900 – 11,700 RMB 39,000 – 79,000
In early 1986, the artist travelled to India and Nepal. The
painting depicts Kashmir, the Northern border of India. Under
the Himalayas is the Imperial Garden of the Mughal Empire. The
painting leads straight to the subject as if one is looking from a
window. The imperial structure of red walls and white roof stands
at the center, surrounded by intermingling Chinar from India with
thick stems and dense branches. Autumn leaves turned red and
already started to fall with the coming of winter. Trees soar in the
midst of chilled snow, the frost of winter echoes with the warmth
of the ancient red structure. The artist cleverly uses trees and
tonality of the background to highlight the layering structure and
the subject matter, leading the audience into the tranquility of the
眼,將乍看為攝影的「物眼」,透過錘煉的筆墨,豐富層次意 象,營造實境中的奇幻感,提升為獨到的「造化心源」。
Ravenel 34
水流雲在—江兆申、李義弘、周澄書畫專場 Paintings and Calligraphy of Chiang Chao-Shen, Lee Yih Hong and Zhou Cheng
610 LEE YIH HONG (Taiwanese, b.1941)
Scholars in the Woods 1981 Ink and colour on paper, framed 101 x 69 cm Signed LEE YIH HONG in Chinese With one seal of the artist ILLUSTRATED: Recent Works of Lee Yih Hong - Annual Edition from the Artist's Studio , Lee Yih Hong Artist Studio, Taipei, 1981, p. 32
李義弘 清風輕汗圖 1981 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 101 x 69 cm 款識:辛酉仲冬畫,清風輕汗圖,李義弘。 鈐印:李氏義弘(白文) 著錄: 《李義弘近作—笛音凝室辛酉年輯》,笛音凝室, 台北,1981 年,頁 32
NT$ 180,000 – 360,000 HK$ 46,000 – 92,000 US$ 5,900 – 11,700 RMB 39,000 – 79,000
The painter painstaking structures this painting with willows by
the stream and houses on the edge. These elements lead the
eye to the center where two figures in white were enjoying tea.
This structure and tonality depict a harmonious scene in a local
Taiwanese village. Such light tonality was in fact depicted using
layers of light green, achieving richness and depth of colour. Such
technique could be traced to his masters Chiang Chao-Shen and
Chiang's master Pu Hsinyu. Pu once asked Chiang to observe a
回說:「一共十遍。」這「染色十遍」 的設色心法,江兆申謹
landscape scroll painting closely and guess the number of colour
application. Chiang guessed three, while Pu replied ten. Such
method was repeatedly employed by Chiang ever since and
passed down to his student Lee Yih Hong. Lee further create by
using traditional ink subjects and materials from Taiwan. Structure
and clothing of Lee's painting reflect modern literati elements.
The Chinese title reflects Lu Tong's poem from Tang dynasty,
suggesting the pleasure of tea appreciation.
Ravenel 36
水流雲在—江兆申、李義弘、周澄書畫專場 Paintings and Calligraphy of Chiang Chao-Shen, Lee Yih Hong and Zhou Cheng
611 LEE YIH HONG (Taiwanese, b.1941)
Sailing along the Red Cliff 1981 Ink on paper, scroll 69 x 135.5 cm Signed LEE YIH HONG in Chinese With three seals of the artist ILLUSTRATED: Recent Works of Lee Yihong , Diyin Workshop, Taipei, 1982, p.1
Rocks in the Rolling Waves - Album of Lee Yihong's Ink Paintings , Artist Co. Ltd, Taipei, 2015, p.62 Taiwan Fine Arts Series 32 , Artist Co. Ltd., Taipei, 2016, p.62
NT$ 240,000 – 480,000 HK$ 61,000 – 122,000 US$ 7,800 – 15,600 RMB 53,000 – 105,000
李義弘 赤壁泛舟 1981 水墨 設色 紙本 立軸 69 x 135.5 cm 釋文:赤壁賦。壬戌之秋,七月既望,蘇子與客泛舟遊於赤壁之 下。清風徐來,水波不興,舉酒屬客,誦明月之詩,歌窈窕之章。 少焉,月出於東山之上,徘徊於斗牛之間,白露橫江,水光接天; 縱一葦之所如,凌萬頃之茫然。浩浩乎如憑虛御風,而不知其所止; 飄飄乎如遺世獨立,羽化而登仙。 於是飲酒樂甚,扣舷而歌之。 歌曰:「桂棹兮蘭槳,擊空明兮泝流光。渺渺兮予懷,望美人兮 天一方。」客有吹洞簫者,倚歌而和之,其聲嗚嗚然,如怨如慕, 如泣如訴,餘音嫋嫋,不絕如縷。舞幽壑之潛蛟,泣孤舟之嫠婦。 蘇子愀然,正襟危坐,而問客曰:「何為其然也?」 客曰:「『月 明星稀,烏鵲南飛。』此非曹孟德之詩乎?西望夏口,東望武昌, 山川相繆,鬱乎蒼蒼,此非孟德之困於周郎者乎?方其破荊州, 下江陵,順流而東也,舳艫千里,旌旗蔽空,釃酒臨江,橫槊賦詩, 固一世之雄也,而今安在哉?況吾與子,漁樵於江渚之上,侶魚 蝦而友麋鹿;駕一葉之扁舟,擧匏樽以相屬。寄蜉蝣於天地,渺 滄海之一粟。哀吾生之須臾,羨長江之無窮。挾飛仙以遨遊,抱 明月而長終。知不可乎驟得,託遺響於悲風。」 蘇子曰:「客亦 知夫水與月乎?逝者如斯,而未嘗往也;盈虛者如彼,而卒莫消 長也,蓋將自其變者而觀之,則天地曾不能以一瞬;自其不變者 而觀之,則物與我皆無盡也,而又何羨乎!且夫天地之間,物各 有主,苟非吾之所有,雖一毫而莫取。惟江上之清風,與山間之 明月,耳得之而為聲,目遇之而成色,取之無禁,用之不竭,是 造物者之無盡藏也,而吾與子之所共適。」 客喜而笑,洗盞更酌。 餚核既盡,杯盤狼藉,相與枕藉乎舟中,不知東方之既白。 款識:辛酉在川李義弘讀之,再三進而繪之,並錄其文於笛音凝室。 鈐印:李印義弘(白文)、在川(朱文)、笛音凝室(白文) 著錄: 《李義弘近作—笛音凝室辛酉年輯》,笛音凝室,台北,1982 年, 頁1 《磊石縱浪—李義弘水墨畫集》,藝術家出版社,台北,2015 年 初版,頁 62 《臺灣美術全集 第 32 卷》,藝術家出版社,台北,2016 年初版, 頁 62
資深藝評家蕭瓊瑞:「1981年的《赤壁泛舟》,是這個時期重要 的代表之作。」面對此文人喜愛且膾炙人口的經典題材,李義弘 「讀之再三進而繪之並錄其文於笛音凝室」,證見其構思用心, 造境新奇且扣合文賦,洵為傑作。主體為巨大山石巍然矗立,其 上臥松橫展壓頂,其下江面空闊一葉扁舟,蘇軾與客泛遊其間, 在高聳險峻的對比下而有著「寄蜉蝣於天地,渺滄海之一粟」的 遺世獨立之感,橫出的多姿紅葉增添生機,既點醒畫面也點出 「壬戌之秋」的季節背景,整體畫作體現出文賦精髓, 藉著「蓋 將自其變者而觀之,則天地曾不能以一瞬」的哲理情思。細筆小 字抄錄《前赤壁賦》款題於山壁右側,融入畫中不礙於景且恢宏 氣勢。值得一提的是,此畫繪於「台灣波蘿宣」,張大千曾高度 讚譽此紙「滑能駐毫、凝能發墨,直與元明以來爭勝」,「潑墨 留筆不減乾隆內庫御用」,筆觸歷歷分明,墨韻極佳,備增精 彩。
Ravenel 38
Art Critic Prof. Hsiao Chong Ray once said, "Sailing along the Red Cliff from 1981 was one of the most significant works during the period." After reading such well-known classic, the artist "re-read it three times before constructing this painting, and wrote the passage at his studio." This proves the artist's scrupulous attention placed on the composition of the painting, making this oeuvre a masterpiece. At the center is a lofty mountainous rock with a wide stretching pine tree. Looming over the river is a boat, where Su Shi and his guests were taking. The loftiness of the cliff and the small boat enhance the contrast against the grandiosity of Nature. Red leaves add vibrancy to the painting and highlight the autumn season. The painting echoes directly with the poem of elusiveness. The poem was harmonious written next to the mountain. This work was painted on a Taiwanese paper Boluoxuan , which received high recognition from Zhang Daqian, for its well-balanced absorption of ink.
水流雲在—江兆申、李義弘、周澄書畫專場 Paintings and Calligraphy of Chiang Chao-Shen, Lee Yih Hong and Zhou Cheng
612 LEE YIH HONG (Taiwanese, b.1941)
Scholars along the River 1987 Ink and colour on paper 142 x 373 cm Signed LEE YIH HONG in Chinese With five seals of the artist PROVENANCE: Acquired directly from the artist
李義弘 曲水流觴 1987 水墨 設色 紙本 142 x 373 cm 釋文:曲水流觴圖 款識:丁卯立冬畫於笛音凝室明窗,在川李義弘。 鈐印:山水有靈(白文)、性情所得(朱文)、笛音凝室(白文)、 義弘之鉢(朱文)、在川(白文) 來源: 現藏家直接得自藝術家本人
NT$ 800,000 – 1,600,000 HK$ 204,000 – 408,000 US$ 26,100 – 52,100 RMB 175,000 – 351,000
「曲水流觴」句出王羲之〈蘭亭集序〉,為永和九年(353年) 三月初三日,東晉王羲之與名流謝安、孫綽、高僧支遁等41位名 士,在浙江會稽山陰的蘭亭曲水邊舉行修禊雅集,感興賦詩的故 實。此會之風雅情韻使歷代文人神往,以此為主題的繪畫作品, 盛於明代吳門畫派,歷經千年而不衰。本幅作於1987年,乃今 藏家向畫家本人訂製,為1980年代最大尺幅作品,為142×373 公分,也是目前市場流通所見最大尺幅作品,珍藏逾卅年,首度 曝光,殊為難得;同此主題,與此構圖相似者,刊載於《臺灣 美術全集32李義弘》重要圖錄之圖11,創作於1986年,尺幅為 144×370公分。
The title of this work was extracted from Wang Xizhi's Lantingji Xu , about Wang and 40 scholars' gathering by the river composing poems. Such gathering was welcomed by scholars for centuries, thus became a common subject in Chinese literati paintings throughout history, especially Wu School of Art in the Ming dynasty. This work was commissioned by current collector in 1987, and is regarded as the largest painting made in 1980s (142 x 373cm). It is still one of the biggest paintings by Lee Yih Hong ever seen in the art market after 30 years. Similar work was published by the Taiwan Artist Magazine No. 32 Lee Yih Hong , made in 1986 (144 x 370cm).
二件作品相隔一年。奠基於傳統筆墨與圖式,與先前一年的創作 原型,本幅更顯精湛,以「此地有崇山峻嶺,茂林修竹,又有清
These two works were made in two consecutive years. Comparing
the two paintings, the painting offered in this sale is more mature
in terms of brushwork and composition. Servants on the left
place wine cups onto the water, to allow cups float down the
stream. On the right sat Wang Xizhi by the desk, writing Lantingji Xu . Scholars compose poems while drinking wine. In this later painting, the artist pulled the scene closer to enrich the frame. Running stream, serene and dense woods was expressed through meticulous details and layers of coloured ink. The whole painting depict the thriving spring. Using the composition of the painting and meticulous depiction of figures, this painting has its grandeur from a distance and its amusing details up close, expressing the scholarly pleasure from Lantingji Xu .
性。相較此前,畫家將視覺感拉近,增益故事臨場感,俯清流而 弗湍,仰茂林而幽靜,參天林木蔭翳,氣勢渾然,叢竹修篁泛 翠,筆墨變化層次細節豐富,色墨交融,渾厚華滋,全圖設色更 是明快活潑,一派惠風和暢的春日爛漫景象;人物分群更見靈 活,41人或醉或眠,或俯或仰,或起或坐,曲盡情態,變化多 姿,生動有趣,既「雅」且「集」。透過構圖布局的調整與人物 數量的減省及精準呈現,本幅經畫家千錘百鍊,既可細觀且可遠 觀,並較此前畫面整體感更佳,直是前人句意與山水意象經提煉 重現筆端,並轉化〈蘭亭集序〉文意之末「故列時人,錄其所 述,雖世殊事異,所以興懷,其致一也。後之覽者,亦將有感於 斯文。」相信觀覽斯圖者,將有感於前賢風流雅集之情韻,游目 騁懷,快然自足!
Ravenel 40
於溥儒門下,但溥儒重學問與書法,故江兆申謹遵師訓,勤於詩 書;隨後進入故宮書畫處任職,直至副院長一職退休,期間學術
但藝術的種子已悄然種於心中。江兆申早年水墨創作在於筆墨的 摹仿,除了黃賓虹的影響外,明末新安畫派也對他起了作用,特
了三篇紀念張大千的文章,另張大千也曾讚江氏為「海峽兩岸第 一人」,更可知曉他們對於彼此情誼的重視。江、張兩人痴愛書
1950年,江兆申求拜溥心畬先生門下,溥氏讚其詩文「真如星 鳳」,後隨溥氏讀書,只論詩文不作畫。這段時期江兆申對於繪 畫,只純粹欣賞而未曾得藝;至1963年夏,溥心畬才以手卷示 於江氏,觀畫並授其染畫法,未料溥儒不久與世長辭,但僅此一
Ravenel 42
Chiang Chao-Shen was an all rounded scholar practising all four
did not practise the art. One summer in 1963, Chiang received a
essential elements: calligraphy, seals, literature and paintings.
scroll from Pu and started learning from him till his death. Despite
Chiang's aesthetic sense was inspired from calligraphy, from Ou
the limited time, Pu's teaching affected Chiang the most in his later
Yangxu to various scripts. Seal scripts were first learnt from Hui
works. Chiang was keen on depicting landscape using light ink
style and could carve seals from as early as 10 years old. After
with few brushstrokes but in multiple layers.
arriving in Taiwan, his urge to learn paintings grew and followed Pu Hsinyu to learn Chinese literature and calligraphy. Chiang was
In 1965, Chiang started serving in the National Palace Museum
studious in his scholarly practice. He worked in Chinese Paintings
(NPM) studying Chinese literature and paintings. During such
and Calligraphy department in the National Palace Museum (NPM),
period, Chinag studied Wen Zhengming, Tang Yin and Song's
later took the role of Assistant Director. Until his retirement, he
paintings, and written books which become important references
studied works from Song till Qing dynasty as part of his scholarly
in art history. Chiang organized "Exhibition of Wu School of Art
refinement, thus received acclamation of bring the last all rounded
Celebrating its 90 Years of Anniversary", which was a revolutionary
concept in curating. His paintings during this period was mature
Born in Anhui, Chiang received his early education from home
school of sketches and the Southern school of ink depiction.
in brushwork and the use of ink. His style combines the Northern including literature, seal carving and calligraphy. He visited Huang
Chiang never ceased his calligraphy practice, allowing him to
Binhong during his stay in Shanghai and thus ignited his passion
continuously refine his skills.
towards arts. Xinan School of Art from Ming dynasty affected him in brushstrokes and layering used in his later landscape paintings.
From his work in the NPM, Chiang became close to Chiang DaChien with shared passion in literature and scholarly sharings.
Seal carving was first started in Hui Province during Chiang's
Chiang wrote three passages of Zhang in his published book, while
adolescence. His style was close to Deng School, but with his
Zhang praised Chiang as the premier scholar in China and Taiwan,
practice in calligraphy, his style became unique in character.
thus proved their close relations. Both artists studied ancient
Despite this, Chiang was eager to study works from masters and
paintings and Zhang shared his experience in Dunhuang. With
learn through copying. During his work at the NPM, his years
the great master's teachings, Zhang was able to study brushwork
of study enabled him to correct an ancient seal script study. Seal
of ancient paintings, thus the skills of ancient masters from Song
scripts affected Chiang in all areas of arts, including composition of
dynasty to Zhang's splashed landscape paintings. From years of
paintings, calligraphy and literature.
studies and sharing, Chiang was able to gather essence of all aspects of Chinese art, and expressed them through his works,
In 1950, Chiang followed Pu Hsinyu, who praised him for his poems. During this period, Chiang only appreciated paintings, but
branching out to a nouvel style of painting.
水流雲在—江兆申、李義弘、周澄書畫專場 Paintings and Calligraphy of Chiang Chao-Shen, Lee Yih Hong and Zhou Cheng
613 CHIANG CHAO-SHEN (Taiwanese, 1925-1996)
Landscape in Four Seasons 1984 Ink and colour on paper, framed 92.5 X 47 cm (each) Signed CHIANG CHAO-SHEN in chinese With eight seals of the artist PROVENANCE: Cave Gallery, Taipei Privare Collection, Asia
NT$ 1,500,000 – 2,000,000 HK$ 383,000 – 510,000 US$ 48,900 – 65,100 RMB 329,000 – 439,000
江兆申 四季山水 1984 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 92.5 x 47 cm(每件) 釋文: (一)鵝湖山下稻粱肥,豚柵雞棲半掩扉。桑柘影斜春社散, 家家扶得醉人歸。 (二)翠屏山對鳳城開,碧落搖光霽後來。 回識六龍巡幸處, 飛煙閑繞望春臺。 (三)五柳先生本在山,偶然為客落人間。秋來見月多歸思, 自起開籠放白鷳。 (四)北闕彤雲掩曙霞,東風吹雪舞仙家,瓊章定少千人和, 銀樹長芳六出花。 款識: (一)寫唐人詩句。曩曾旅居鵝湖己人家萬族,非復嚮時景矣, 江兆申。 (二)小杜詩清新中而有遊俠氣,誦之令人神旺。江兆申。 (三)甲子秋日寫此景用,唐人詩句,江兆申。 (四)甲子孟冬歇四景用淨楮蘆簾紙試筆。茮原。 鈐印: (一)江兆申印(白文)、大方無禺(白文) (二)江兆申印(白文)、大方無禺(白文) (三)茮園染翰(白文)、物外真游(朱文) (四)江兆申印(白文)、物外真游(朱文) 來源: 敦煌藝術中心,台北 私人收藏,亞洲
Chiang Chao-Shen's works are based on poetry and calligraphy, thus
the interpretation of his works should be made from this angle. This
work was made at Chiang's prime period. The subject and composition
were made based on the artist's experience from his travels, his study
of ancient scripts and his mature use of ink and composition.
In the Spring panel, hills and cliffs were sketched to depict its texture,
whereas mountains from afar were depicted by dashes of ink. A plum
blossom blooms in the forest suggesting the arrival of Spring and
Chiang's eagerness towards living in the countryside.
The Summer panel highlighted the luscious forest. The middle ground
was separated by heavy mist, adding mysteriousness to the countryside.
The forest was formed by an array of trees. River and rocks were
depicted with rich dense ink, suggesting the style of Yuan scholar Wu Zhen.
秋景設色清朗,畫幅前中後空間的佈局明顯,山巖結構取自溥 儒,率性自然筆意又從吳派的疏朗,佈局平遠渲染且虛無縹緲、
Autumn panel gives a fresh and spacious composition. The composition
of landscape took reference from Pu Hsinyu, Such scene shows an
optimistic autumn scene suggesting the elegance of a literati.
The Winter scene feature mountainous relief with rough rocks depicted
by dried cun strokes. This structure was adopted from Tang Yin,
creating serenity in the scene, yet displaying sophisticated knowledge
and techniques used by the artist.
Ravenel 44
水流雲在—江兆申、李義弘、周澄書畫專場 Paintings and Calligraphy of Chiang Chao-Shen, Lee Yih Hong and Zhou Cheng
614 CHIANG CHAO-SHEN (Taiwanese, 1925-1996)
Autumn Scenery Ink and colour on paper, scroll 96 x 179.5 cm Signed CHIANG CHAO-SHEN in Chinese With two seals of the artist
NT$ 550,000 – 950,000 HK$ 140,000 – 242,000 US$ 17,900 – 30,900 RMB 121,000 – 208,000 江兆申 沙觜秋林 水墨 設色 紙本 立軸 96 x 179.5 cm 釋文:沙觜參差漲落痕,秋林欹倒出霜根。 扁舟一棹歸何處?家在江南黃葉村。 款識:江兆申 鈐印:江兆申印(白文)、茮園浪墨(朱文)
The composition and brushwork of this work resemble that of
Xinan School of Art and Huang Binhong. A mountain rises from
the right of the panel, dots representing trees highlight the
mountain ranges. Cottages stand by the hill facing a winding river,
where a boat sails. Hemp-fiber strokes were used to depict the cliff,
where smooth brushstrokes for stones. Frost on autumn leaves in
the foreground and ochre rocks resemble the style of Tang Yin.
Saturated and splashed ink was used to depict the different types
of trees. This resembles the style of Huang and his attention to the
use of brushstrokes, its direction and speed. Brushstrokes reflect
an artist's personality, and this painting suggests Chiang's sturdy
character. Mountains in the background were painted in light ink,
highlighting the hilly relief in the area. Traditional techniques were
applied through Chiang's new interpretation and composition, thus creating a fresh style of literati painting.
Ravenel 46
水流雲在—江兆申、李義弘、周澄書畫專場 Paintings and Calligraphy of Chiang Chao-Shen, Lee Yih Hong and Zhou Cheng
615 CHIANG CHAO-SHEN (Taiwanese, 1925-1996)
Gathering by the River 1982 Ink and colour on paper, framed 69.5 x 136 cm Signed CHIANG CHAO-SHEN in Chinese With four seals of the artist
NT$ 420,000 – 650,000 HK$ 107,000 – 166,000 US$ 13,700 – 21,200 RMB 92,000 – 143,000 江 兆申 臨江清會 1982 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 69.5 x 136 cm 釋文:江流去不定,山石來無窮。 步步有勝處,水清石玲瓏。 安得扁舟系絕壁,臥聽漁童吹短笛。 弄水看山到月明,過盡行人不相識。 款識:壬戍之秋寫范石湖詩, 茮原江兆申於靈漚小築。 鈐印:江兆申印(白文)、椒原鉢(朱文)、 雙谿行者(白文)、靈漚館(朱文)
Ravenel 48
Zhang Xun once mentioned the references of Chiang's paintings
depth to the painting. The foreground was carefully depicted
to Jian Jiang and Tang Yin. In this work, simple composition, light
with an ancient pine and cottages. Scholars gathered to admire
coloured and flat perspectives were used. Rough rocky hills from
the mountainous relief. Subject matters are put on the right, and
afar were depicted using dried brushstrokes and criss-crossing
a poem by Fan Shihu was then put on the left to maintain the
strokes. This technique was obtained from Xinan School of Art.
balance. Chiang believed painting is not for pleasing viewers but to
A warm ochre colour tone was applied to highlight the depth
create his own style, thus making his paintings unique.
of mountains, accompanied with green to give a balance. Mist concealed forests in the middle ground, bridges creates more
水流雲在—江兆申、李義弘、周澄書畫專場 Paintings and Calligraphy of Chiang Chao-Shen, Lee Yih Hong and Zhou Cheng
616 CHIANG CHAO-SHEN (Taiwanese, 1925-1996)
Landscape 1964 Ink and colour on paper, scroll 99.5 x 56 cm Signed CHIANG CHAO-SHEN in Chinese With three seals of the artist
NT$ 380,000 – 600,000 HK$ 97,000 – 153,000 US$ 12,400 – 19,500 RMB 83,000 – 132,000 江兆申 飛泉谷舠圖 1964 水墨 設色 紙本 立軸 99.5 x 56 cm 釋文:水閣邀賓鼓一舠,形駭脫略聚人毫; 飛泉振響流雲濕,隱隱高歌伴離騷。 款識:劍芬吟長雅命,甲戊七月,江兆申並題。 鈐印:江兆申印(白文)、略無丘壑(白文)、 丐得青山補畫屏(朱文)。 註: 上款人「劍芬」即為張劍芬先生,任湖南彬州縣長,此後歷任國民 政府秘書等政界公職,更於台灣佛教界享有「湖南才子」之美譽。
Chiang Chao-Shen’s landscape paintings resembles closely with
Huang Binhong’s, and the skills could be dated back to that of
Dong Yuan. Landscapes were depicted with dense ink and luscious
plants. Foreground was depicted with bushes. Distant mountains
at the back was coloured in light ink. Nearer mountains were
painted in ochre, creating a dense forest. Jianfen, Zhang Ling, was
the owner of the painting. Born in Hunan, Zhang was a gifted
child, composing literature since the age of 9. At the age of 19,
he was appointed as the leader of the Chenzhou province. Since
then, he took up roles in the government. After arriving in Taiwan,
he taught in several universities. Zhang was a devoted Buddhist
and followed monks. Under his passion towards the religion, he composed poems and wrote calligraphy works for the religious communities. In the Taiwanese Buddhist communities, Zhang was regarded as the talented scholar of Hunan. Died in 1979, Zhang was respected by the Buddhist believers and had works signed under Zhang Jianfen.
Ravenel 50
水流雲在—江兆申、李義弘、周澄書畫專場 Paintings and Calligraphy of Chiang Chao-Shen, Lee Yih Hong and Zhou Cheng
617 CHIANG CHAO-SHEN (Taiwanese, 1925-1996)
Lotus 1976 Ink on paper, scroll 136.5 x 68.5 cm Signed CHIANG CHAO-SHEN in Chinese With two seals of the artist
NT$ 240,000 – 360,000 HK$ 61,000 – 92,000 US$ 7,800 – 11,700 RMB 53,000 – 79,000 江兆申 墨荷 1976 水墨 紙本 立軸 136.5 x 68.5 cm 釋文:空翠 款識:丙辰五月,茮原江兆申畫。 鈐印:江兆申(白文)、茮原(朱文)
This work could be compared with brushwork used by Xu Wei
and Zhang Daqian's splashed ink. Zhang stayed in 1978 and
was close to Chiang Chao-Shen during his job at the National
Palace Museum. To draw lotus, Zhang used wet brush and dense
ink. He once mentioned that ink lotus could be made with two
brushstrokes: one downwards to bottom, one upwards from the bottom. This shows his superb control of the brush.
直幅畫作由中下處深至上端淺,水墨淋漓磅礡,荷葉荷花幾乎佔 滿畫幅;左前方水草枝葉以側鋒用筆、效果毛澀變化豐富,頗
The tone of this painting in full frame, varied from top to bottom.
Slanted brush was used for weeds, creating varieties in their forms.
Lotus stems were drawn in one stroke. This movement could be
credited to Chiang's practice in calligraphy. Huge lotus leaves are
light, depicted with different shades of ink. Veins were drawn with
quick strokes. The various forms of flowers were sketched from
dried brush, matched by bold brushwork and extraordinary skills.
Movement of the lotus was depicted. Such majestic lotus paintings
are unique to the artist's character and skills. Lotus stands for
abstinence from distraction, and this painting directly suggests the ascetic life of the artist.
Ravenel 52
水流雲在—江兆申、李義弘、周澄書畫專場 Paintings and Calligraphy of Chiang Chao-Shen, Lee Yih Hong and Zhou Cheng
618 CHIANG CHAO-SHEN (Taiwanese, 1925-1996)
Pine and Rock 1976 Ink and colour on paper, framed 45.5 x 60 cm Signed CHAO-SHEN in Chinese With three seals of the artist ILLUSTRATED: The Paintings of Chiang Chao-Shen and His Students, The General Association of Chinese Culture, Taipei, 2014, p.47
江兆申 危巗掛松 1976 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 45.5 x 60 cm 款識:丙辰冬,用明琢端溪硯古隃麋墨黑谷楮紙, 寫於雙溪,兆申。 鈐印:江兆申印(白文)、略無丘壑(白文)、 伯時過目(朱文) 著錄: 《靈漚館風 : 江兆申的創作與傳承》,中華文化總會, 台北,2014 年 4 月初版,頁 47
NT$ 220,000 – 340,000 HK$ 56,000 – 87,000 US$ 7,200 – 11,100 RMB 48,000 – 75,000
Chiang Chao-Shen paints without sketches. In this work, sketches
were made on the rocks, resembling works of Jian An from
Qing dynasty. Rough surface was depicted with sharp lines and
angles, suggesting Chiang's skillful use of brush in calligraphy.
Layers of ink were used in the style of Wen Zhengming and Tang
Yin. A touch of green was applied to enhance the lusciousness
of the plants and the painting. A pine near a cliff was depicted
primarily with leaves. Brushwork from this painting shows strong
correlations between art and calligraphy. Poem on the painting
describes Chiang's use of Duanxi inkstone, Guyumei ink, which
are the best of their kinds in the Ming and Qing dynasties. Heigu
mulberry paper from Japan was used, making the painting with
dense and saturated ancient ink. This shows Chiang's strong
preference of stationery, to uphold a scholar's standard.
工繁複、保留了纖細的植物纖維,平滑之外還有結實的優點,特 別能夠凸顯古硯老墨的溫潤墨色;江兆申對於文房用品的使用毫 不吝惜,除了突顯其文人雅好的審美趣味之外,更可知曉江氏對 此畫的用心與重視。
Ravenel 54
水流雲在—江兆申、李義弘、周澄書畫專場 Paintings and Calligraphy of Chiang Chao-Shen, Lee Yih Hong and Zhou Cheng
619 CHIANG CHAO-SHEN (Taiwanese, 1925-1996)
(Taiwanese, b.1935)
Bee and Butterfly Ink and colour on paper, framed 111 x 39.5 cm Signed AU in Chinese With two seals of the artist
NT$ 180,000 – 280,000 HK$ 46,000 – 71,000 US$ 5,900 – 9,100 RMB 39,000 – 61,000 江 兆申;歐豪年 一蜂隨蜨上花梢 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 111 x 39.5 cm 釋文:一蜂隨蜨上花梢 款識:天祐先生屬正,茮原秋海棠,歐介補成並識。 鈐印:江氏(朱文)、兆申(白文)
Chiang was born to the family of rich literati background. His
grandfather practised ladies, flowers and birds paintings, while
his father excelled at boneless flower paintings. Chiang started
learning from Pu Hsinyu, thus focused primarily on landscape
paintings. From 1970s, Chiang explored lotus and more varieties
of flowers after moving to Jieshe Garden in Puli. Chiang's
relationship with Zhang Daqian and Tai Jingnong ignited his
passion towards depicting lotus in splashed ink and plum in sturdy
brushstrokes. His role in the National Palace Museum allowed him
to study ancient scrolls.
酣暢,乃脫胎於徐渭《花竹軸》與《墨花卷》之筆意,潑墨勾染 之餘,重寫意摹生,筆風變化多端,恣意揮灑中可見海棠葉的畫
This work was painted with Au Ho-Nien. Chiang painted the
leaves of begonia and Au added a bee and a butterfly. Begonia
on the right were painted with centered brush and saturated ink,
resembling Xu Wei's paintings. Splashed ink with variations adds
vibrancy to the leaves. The bee and butterfly were meticulously
painted by Au. Two insects fly towards the flowers in the search of sweet honey, adding a touch of Spring to the painting, thus showing the artists' literati dialogue in this work.
Ravenel 56
水流雲在—江兆申、李義弘、周澄書畫專場 Paintings and Calligraphy of Chiang Chao-Shen, Lee Yih Hong and Zhou Cheng
620 CHIANG CHAO-SHEN (Taiwanese, 1925-1996)
江兆申 蘭竹圖
Bamboo and Orchid 1986 Ink on paper, framed 44 x 52 cm Signed CHIANG CHAO-SHEN in Chinese With three seals of the artist
NT$ 110,000 – 220,000 HK$ 28,000 – 56,000 US$ 3,600 – 7,200 RMB 24,000 – 48,000
1986 水墨 紙本 鏡框 44 x 52 cm 釋文:相將 款識:丙寅夏日寫賀,中駿世兄,芬芬小姐嘉禮。 茮原江兆申畫。 鈐印:江兆申印(白文)、略無丘壑(白文)、 日利千萬(白文)
This work was structured with reference to Wen Zhengming’s
painting with similar subject matter, now under the collection
of the National Palace Museum. Orchids and bamboo were considered as two of the four gentlemen, possessing high standard
of virtues.
由下而上、墨色由淡到乾,ㄧ氣呵成,竹勢傾右、搨直向上可見 其秀逸;點竹節以「ㄧ」字落筆,字尾上勾、筆力老辣;此竹
Chiang possessed great skills in calligraphy. The orchid was
drawn using the skills of calligraphy. Bamboo was drawn with
individuality. Its stem was drawn from the bottom, from light to
dried ink. In one stroke, bamboo stems were inclined to the right,
displaying a gentleman character. Nodes of bamboo were drawn in one stroke, end with movement of the brush. Bamboo were drawn
with thin stems and leaves spread to the sides. Saturated ink and
dried ink were used highlighting their layering. Movement of the
leaves were depicted in their natural forms.
草書「上」「下」字點成,用筆虛實互映、輕盈綽約。 Orchid in the painting were painted with sturdy brush and 江氏畫蘭竹筆法不拘泥於古,不僅體察自然、心領神悟,得蘭竹
saturated ink. Movement of the brush and the application of
water enhanced the depiction of tones and colour. Flowers were
painted with saturated ink and light swift brushstrokes. Petals were
coloured with light ink and the stamens were drawn with cursive
script techniques.
藝術創作多畫山水,偶作花卉,此實 難得之佳作。 Chiang’s skills of depiction were achieved through observation, and not only solely through copying from ancient masters. Thus the two subject matters reflect Chiang’s individuality. This work was given to his friends as a wedding gift. Entitled in seal script, the title of the work describes Chiang’s blessing to his friends to his marriage.
Ravenel 58
ZHOU CHENG REVELATIONS FROM NATURE 嵇康云:「夫推類 讚 辨 物 , 當 先 求 之 自 然 之 理 」 。
之,故水墨獨難,用水尤難」,見其畫中大筆暈染的磅礡,從其 色與色間的層次甚是微妙,若有似無,處處可見細膩之筆。
欣賞周澄先生的作品,其取色秀朗清逸,畫面溫潤,山稜脈脈相 通,筆墨簡潔。可見周澄先生對於山林精闢的描寫,不知寫了多
少回?每每江師一句: 「畫的太快了」,先生便執筆再重頭塗起。
法之有成,回顧其二十餘載的浸淫,工筆法,精落墨,細綴景, 實則是扎扎實實的腕底有功夫,人說書前必運氣,以大筆揮毫提
變,但存於心的便不易改,如今年七十八的周澄先生,人說看 山如看人,不負山靈,其遠望一片寂靜,靠近則感無不處處是生
1983所繪,當時的周澄先生年四十二,其作以橫幅成之,兩側做 竹,畫中由左至右,左竹節筍漸升,右竹枝繁茂葉,中心寫菊花 數朵附於石上,此作於中秋夜圓之時,以濕筆淡墨寫出竹的節勁 而不剛,更似多了幾分清柔之意,菊花含苞而綻,若月陰晴圓缺 之變,時景恰若「秋霜造就菊城花, 不盡風流寫晚霞; 信手拈來 無意句, 天生韻味入千家」一如鈐印所言偶然畫得,然而見此美 景,誰不是「酒不醉人,人自醉」,實則小品,格外清雅動人。 《春雪寒山》(編號623)遠山煙霧繚繞,欲見山頭看不穿,畫 中一人乘舟獨釣,林間雲霧飄盪,以墨的濃淡表現畫的前景與中 後間的層次,那究竟是飄過眼前的雲霧,還是這景實則遠之?春 初暖,雪霜遇暖而昇華,這水氣正巧滋潤正萌的嫩芽,此景雖未 盡出,竟能身感其朦朧之美,那樣的氛圍,若墨置於水中,頓然 化開,墨韻氤氳透骨。
Ravenel 60
Landscapes were Zhou Cheng’s favourite subject of depiction,
work was drawn under the full moon of Mid-Autumn festival
which could be traced back to the environment where Zhou
with a wet brush and light ink, adding softness to the bamboo.
was brought up in. Yang Ganzhong was the teacher with heavy
Chrysanthemums were in bud, echoing with the autumn season,
influence to the artist, followed by the guidance of Chiang Chao-
heightening the aesthetic value of the painting.
Shen. Born in Yilan in 1941, Zhou often travelled to the forest and mines of Jiaoxi. In his adulthood, Zhou often travelled to the countryside to connect with the Nature. After being admitted into the National Taiwan Normal University, Zhou followed Chiang Chao-Shen and took the name “Chun Po”, which suggests the thriving woods. Zhou’s works possess rich colour and simple composition, leading
Landscape in Spring (Lot 623) features the endless mountains. Along the river, a man is drifting on a boat. Distant mist among the woods was depicted by various tones of ink and colour, adding structure and creating depth. The arrival of spring melts the snow and nourishes the sprouting shoots. Such misty scenery creates a mysterious veil to the landscape. With the variations of ink, one could experience the dense humidity of spring.
into the open air of the mountain ranges. Zhou excels in the depiction of the forests and mountains through repeated effort in painting. With a comment from Chiang, Zhou would re-paint his work. To copy skills of ancient ink masters, Zhou would repeatedly paint refine his skills. Chiang was strict in his teaching with great emphasis on ancient literature, thus encouraged “painting from the understanding of literature”. This could be achieved through observation, understanding of nature and the study of mists. In two decades of persistent study, Zhou could paint skillfully with gongbi brushstrokes in meticulous detail and strict control over ink and movement of the wrist. Some regard painting as a form of Kungfu with the need of qi . Zhou used qi in the movement of the wrist, thus adding a unique character to the painting. Three works featured from the sale were timeless creation of Zhou.
Bamboo and Chrysanthemums (Lot 624), painting in 1983, when the artist was 42 years of age. Drawn in a horizontal scroll, both sides were depicted with bamboo spreading from left to right. Bamboo thrives with dense nodes and leaves from the left to right. Chrysanthemums in the middle are leaning against the rocks. This
Landscape (Lot 621) was done in broad brushstroke. Painted with green and ochre, a fresh atmosphere was depicted with mountain veiled with mist, enhancing the elusiveness of the area. Echoing with the inscription, one could observe the grandiosity of nature through the layers of application of ink. Landscape of Huashan Mountain (Lot 622) was completed when Zhou was 76. Inscribed with a poem from Li Bai. The poem describes the flickering river under the sun and the gentle movement of the reeds and clouds. A man sat on a stone appreciating nature. This painting was small in size, yet the grandiosity was depicted, leading the audience into the land pictured. Landscape paintings were an artist’s observation of nature, depicted through the use of ink and brush. As an artist, Zhou recorded nature under the transformation of time. From Zhou’s paintings, one could see the artist’s peace of mind, as the tranquil landscape he depicted.
水流雲在—江兆申、李義弘、周澄書畫專場 Paintings and Calligraphy of Chiang Chao-Shen, Lee Yih Hong and Zhou Cheng
621 ZHOU CHENG (Taiwanese, b.1941)
Landscape 1984 Ink and colour on paper, framed 91 x 174 cm Signed ZHOU CHENG in Chinese With three seals of the artist
NT$ 110,000 – 220,000 HK$ 28,000 – 56,000 US$ 3,600 – 7,200 RMB 24,000 – 48,000 周澄 丘浚小景詩意圖 1984 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 91 x 174 cm 釋文:行過山邊又水邊, 眼中非樹即寒泉, 囊琴漫遣樵青抱, 流水高山不在絃。 款識:甲子初冬於居山堂, 蓴波周澄畫。 鈐印:周澄(白文)、 居山堂(朱文)、 不負山靈(白文)
Ravenel 62
水流雲在—江兆申、李義弘、周澄書畫專場 Paintings and Calligraphy of Chiang Chao-Shen, Lee Yih Hong and Zhou Cheng
622 ZHOU CHENG (Taiwanese, b.1941)
Landscape of Huashan Mountain 2017 Ink and colour on paper, album 10 x 123 cm Signed ZHOU CHENG in Chinese With six seals of the artist
NT$ 150,000 – 240,000 HK$ 38,000 – 61,000 US$ 4,900 – 7,800 RMB 33,000 – 53,000
Ravenel 64
周澄 華山西峰圖 2017 水墨 設色 紙本 冊頁 10 x 123 cm 釋文: 清晨入古寺,初日照高林。曲徑通幽處,禪房花木深。 山光悅鳥性,潭影空人心。萬籟此俱寂,唯聞鐘磬音。 青山橫北郭,白水繞東城,此地一為別,孤蓬萬里征。 浮雲遊子意,落日故人情。揮手自茲去,蕭蕭斑馬鳴。 款識: (一)丁酉初秋,蓴波周澄記遊。 (二)唐人常建題破山寺後禪院。唐李白詩送友人五言律詩。 丁酉大雪旅居山堂。蓴波周澄書。 鈐印: (一)周澄(白文) (二)嬾雲(朱文)、周澄(白文)、蓴波(朱文)
水流雲在—江兆申、李義弘、周澄書畫專場 Paintings and Calligraphy of Chiang Chao-Shen, Lee Yih Hong and Zhou Cheng
623 ZHOU CHENG (Taiwanese, b.1941)
周澄 春雪寒山
Landscape in Spring 1984 Ink and colour on paper, framed 33.5 x 95 cm Signed ZHOU CHENG in Chinese With two seals of the artist
NT$ 70,000 – 140,000 HK$ 18,000 – 36,000 US$ 2,300 – 4,600 RMB 15,000 – 31,000
Ravenel 66
1984 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 33.5 x 95 cm 釋文:山寒谷氣暖,春雪半已消。煙翠細如織,茸茸青鳳毛。 我從篔簹來,野色前裙腰俯視聊快意,何用凌雲梢。 款識:甲子新春,蒪波周澄畫。 鈐印:周澄私印(白文)、蒪波(朱文)
624 ZHOU CHENG (Taiwanese, b.1941)
周澄 竹菊圖
Bamboo and Chrysanthemums 1983 Ink on paper, framed 22.5 x 103 cm Signed ZHOU CHENG in Chinese With one seal of the artist
NT$ 20,000 – 40,000 HK$ 5,000 – 10,000 US$ 700 – 1,300 RMB 4,000 – 9,000
1983 水墨 紙本 鏡框 22.5 x 103 cm 款識:林添先生伉儷清翫。癸亥中秋月圓,蓴波周澄寫。 鈐印:偶然畫得(朱文)
翰墨丹青 中 - 國書畫
(Taiwanese, 1921-2007)
Refined Brushwork: Fine Chinese Paintings
Calligraphy Couplet in Seal Script 1986 Ink on paper, framed 36 x 7 cm (each) Signed CHIN HSIAO-YI in Chinese With three seals of the artist
NT$ 40,000 – 80,000 HK$ 10,000 – 20,000 US$ 1,300 – 2,600 RMB 9,000 – 18,000 秦 孝儀 篆書五言聯 1986 水墨 紙本 鏡框 36 x 7 cm ( 每件 ) 釋文:書鏡照千古,筆花開四時。 款識:雪安尊兄,正捥燦齒,且以致思慕也。 中華民國七十五年丙寅冬吉,秦孝儀心波十二 行玉版山房。 鈐印:秦孝儀(白文)、心波(朱文)、十二 行玉版山房(朱文)
Ravenel 70
626 TAI JING-NONG (Taiwanese, 1902-1990)
Calligraphy 1967 Ink on paper, framed 69.5 x 41.5 cm Signed TAI JING-NONG in Chinese With two seals of the artist
NT$ 40,000 – 80,000 HK$ 10,000 – 20,000 US$ 1,300 – 2,600 RMB 9,000 – 18,000 臺 靜農 行書禮記 1967 水墨 紙本 鏡框 69.5 x 41.5 cm 釋文:君子之道,闇然而日章;小人之道,的然 而日亡。君子之所不可及也者,其唯人之所不見 乎。 款識:丁未秋月,靈峯吾兄屬書,靜農。 鈐印:靜者(白文)、臺靜農印信(白文) 註: 上款人「靈峯吾兄」即為嚴靈峰先生,福建福州 人,曾任福州市長,來台擔任過中華民國駐日代 表,國家安全局辦公室主任,駐港澳代表,並擔 任輔仁大學哲學研究所講座教授,兼任台灣大學 哲學研究所教授。
翰墨丹青 中 - 國書畫 Refined Brushwork: Fine Chinese Paintings
627 SUN YUNSHENG (Taiwanese, 1918-2000)
Landscape (a set of two) 1984; 1988 Ink and colour on paper, framed 46 x 53 cm; 60 x 47 cm Signed SUN YUNSHENG in Chinese With two seals of the artist on each painting
NT$ 40,000 – 80,000 HK$ 10,000 – 20,000 US$ 1,300 – 2,600 RMB 9,000 – 18,000
Ravenel 72
孫雲生 潑彩山水(兩件一組) 1984; 1988 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 46 x 53 cm; 60 x 47 cm 款識: (一)甲子秋九月,孫雲生家瑞。 (二)存書道兄正之,戊辰夏四月,孫雲生家瑞。 鈐印: (一)孫家瑞(白文)、雲生(朱文) (二)孫家瑞(白文)、雲生(朱文)
(Taiwanese, 1910-1998)
Peonies Ink and colour on paper, framed 67 x 34 cm With three seals of the collector PROVENANCE: The Collection of Mr. Tai Jing-Nong
NT$ 50,000 – 100,000 HK$ 13,000 – 26,000 US$ 1,600 – 3,300 RMB 11,000 – 22,000 金 勤伯 牡丹 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 67 x 34 cm 釋文:五花驄馬七香車,去看春風第一花, 十里紅塵三月暮,朱欄翠幕是誰家。 款識:金勤伯畫,歇腳庵藏。 鈐印:臺靜農(白文)、歇腳盦(白文)、 肖型印(白文) 來源: 臺靜農先生舊藏 註: 「歇腳庵」為臺靜農的書房堂號
This work by Jin Qinbo was kept into the collection of Tai Jing-nong
who wrote a poem praising Jin’s use of colour and ink. Flowers were
depicted in various forms, one blooming in its full form and one
waiting to be in its full bloom. Such forms represent the flower’s
chastity. Literati in centuries appreciate flowers with a cup of wine
during springtime. Such actions were suggested in the painting
and the poem. Calligraphy of Tai was written in swift strokes and
saturated ink yet dry at the tip of the brush. His poem echoes with the subject and adds a poetic touch to the painting.
自與訂交,余為擱筆,敬之畏之。 三百年來惟吾友黃君璧獨擅其秘, 張大千曾云:石谿一脈,
稱號。 黃君璧不僅用力追摹古人,也勤於師法造化。他從三十九歲 回顧黃君璧(1898∼1991)的成長背景,其出生地廣州,乃
(拍品編號 632),為贈予民國著名教育家兼書法家魯蕩平
時間與閱歷,能使畫家之作改變風格而更臻理想,讀萬卷書, 行萬里路,是為最佳方法。」誠為其藝術之最佳寫照。
除了人物、花鳥,黃君璧最為人知的莫過於山水畫。其早年 山水多由摹古而來,且如同清代大家王翬一般,於南宗北派 無所不臨並進而融合「石谿之古雅,和石濤之奇肆,酌以石
右圖:黃君璧及其夫人 Right: Huang Chun-Pi and his wife.
Ravenel 74
As one of the most accomplished artists of Taiwan, Huang Chun-
Apart from portrait and flower and bird painting, Huang was
Pi was considered as one of the most respected figures in Chinese
famed for his landscapes painting. From early copying of ancient
ink art. Pu Hsinyu and Zhang Daqian promoted ink art in Taiwan.
masters, especially Wang Hui from Qing dynasty, gathering the
However, even Pu and Zhang’s impact could not be compared with
essence of ancient masters in centuries. Such skills were praised by
Huang. Arrived in Taiwan in 1949, Huang took up the role of the
Zhang Daqian. In the 1930s, Zhang once saw Huang’s paintings in
head of Faculty at the National Taiwan Normal University for two
an exhibition in Japan and praised him for his depiction of mists.
decades, promoting live sketches in ink paintings, incorporating
Later Zhang also painted a similar painting with an inscription
Western art education into Chinese art. This thus influenced the
mentioned his admiration for the artist after seeing Huang’s
development of Taiwanese ink art. Even Chiang Soong Mei-ling
followed Huang as his student, thus Huang was acclaimed as the master in art education.
Huang added his individuality while copying ancient masters.
Born in Guangzhou, Huang was born to an important Chinese
mountains of China. Under the turbulence of the war, Huang
merchant family, in a place under heavy influence of the East
moved to Jialing in Chengdu, visiting mountainous regions of
and West and of the old and the new culture. Huang followed Li
China. Since his arrival in Taiwan, Huang frequent visited Alishan
Yaoping, a Lingnan painter, when he was just 16. Huang not only
and observed the clouds and mists under the changes of time. Tiers of Cloudy Peaks (Lot 633) in this sale was a representative work during this period. Since 1969, Huang visited Africa and the US, since then visited major waterfalls in these countries. Huang once took a helicopter to have a closer observation of the natural wonder. This thus contributed to his ink paintings since, creating majestic waterfalls in his later works. Huang once mentioned, “How could Chinese paintings innovate? It requires time and experience. Only through these could an artist achieve an ideal state of artistic creation.” Such philosophy enabled this ink master to excel in his paintings.
Huang started travelling abroad from age 39, visiting famous
learnt essential skills of flower and bird, landscapes and portraiture, he also learnt life sketches, aquarelle paintings, obtaining skills of both the Chinese and Western painting. He was a prominent collector in Guangzhou and observed ancient scrolls, thus obtained skills from ancient masters from Chou Ying to Tang Song masters. Shen Zhou, Chen Chun, Bada and Hua Yan were his major sources of influence. In this sale, Pines (Lot 632), painted in 1964, was given to prominent educator, Lu Dangping and his wife as a birthday gift. Such composition took reference from Shen Zhou’s Pine (now under the collection of the National Palace Museum of Taiwan). A close-up of the pine stem was depicted in detail, showing the aged tree thriving in saturated ink.
翰墨丹青 中 - 國書畫 Refined Brushwork: Fine Chinese Paintings
629 HUANG CHUN-PI (Taiwanese, 1898-1991)
Sparrows on Plum Blossoms Ink and colour on paper, framed 24 x 27 cm Signed HUANG CHUN-PI in Chinese With two seals of the artist
NT$ 30,000 – 60,000 HK$ 8,000 – 15,000 US$ 1,000 – 2,000 RMB 7,000 – 13,000
Ravenel 76
黃君璧 梅雀圖 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 24 x 27 cm 款識:菉猗女弟,鏡堂仁兄嘉禮,黃君璧畫祝。 鈐印:黃君璧印(白文)、君翁(朱文)
630 HUANG CHUN-PI (Taiwanese, 1898-1991)
黃君璧 彩雲居
Ink on paper, framed 37.5 x 76.5 cm Signed HUANG CHUN-PI in Chinese With three seals of the artist
水墨 紙本 鏡框 37.5 x 76.5 cm 釋文:彩雲居 款識:黃君璧 鈐印:白雲堂(朱文)、黃君璧印(白文)、君翁(朱文)
PROVENANCE: Christie's Hong Kong, 30 May 2017, Lot 1521
來源: 香港佳士得,2017 年 5 月 30 日,拍品 1521 號
NT$ 50,000 – 100,000 HK$ 13,000 – 26,000 US$ 1,600 – 3,300 RMB 11,000 – 22,000
翰墨丹青 中 - 國書畫 Refined Brushwork: Fine Chinese Paintings
631 HUANG CHUN-PI (Taiwanese, 1898-1991)
Landscape with Waterfall 1975 Ink and colour on paper, framed 34.5 x 34.5 cm Signed HUANG CHUN-PI in Chinese With three seals of the artist
NT$ 120,000 – 200,000 HK$ 31,000 – 51,000 US$ 3,900 – 6,500 RMB 26,000 – 44,000 Ravenel 78
黃君璧 深壑飛泉 1975 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 34.5 x 34.5 cm 釋文:深壑飛泉 款識:乙卯新秋,畫於白雲堂,君翁黃君璧,時年七十八。 鈐印:黃君璧印(白文)、君翁(朱文)、白雲堂(朱文)
632 HUANG CHUN-PI (Taiwanese, 1898-1991)
Pines 1964 Ink and colour on paper, scroll 102 x 46 cm Signed HUANG CHUN-PI in Chinese With three seals of the artist PROVENANCE: Acquired directly from the family of Lu Dangping
NT$ 440,000 – 700,000 HK$ 112,000 – 179,000 US$ 14,300 – 22,800 RMB 96,000 – 154,000 黃君璧 蒼松 1964 水墨 設色 紙本 立軸 102 x 46 cm 款識:若衡先生暨德配李夫人七秩壽慶。 甲辰春日畫此以之祝,黃君璧。 鈐印:白雲堂(白文)、黃君璧印(朱文)、 君翁(白文) 來源: 現藏家直接得自魯蕩平家屬 註: 上款人「若衡先生」即為魯蕩平,民國著名 教育家、政客、書法家,渡海來台後與于右 任、梁寒操等人創建中國書法學院。
翰墨丹青 中 - 國書畫
633 HUANG CHUN-PI (Taiwanese, 1898-1991)
Refined Brushwork: Fine Chinese Paintings
Tiers of Cloudy Peaks 1965 Ink on paper, framed 63 x 100 cm Signed HUANG CHUN-PI in Chinese With two seals of the artist ILLUSTRATED: Masterpieces of Hwang Chun-Pi, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, 1987, Plate 41 EXHIBITED: Masterpieces of Hwang Chun-Pi, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, November 7-December 16, 1987
NT$ 700,000 – 1,200,000 HK$ 179,000 – 306,000 US$ 22,800 – 39,100 RMB 154,000 – 263,000
黃君璧 層巒疊嶂 1965 水墨 紙本 鏡框 63 x 100 cm 款識:乙巳秋日畫於白雲堂,黃君璧。 鈐印:黃君璧印(白文)、白雲堂(白文) 著錄: 《時代與創作—黃君璧精品展》,台北市立美術館,台北, 1987 年,圖版 41 展覽: 「時代與創作—黃君璧精品展」,台北市立美術館,台北, 展期 1987 年 11 月 7 日∼ 12 月 16 日
Huang Chun-Pi was renowned for his treatment of mist and cloud. He once mentioned, "the mist and cloud I depicted are not copied from previous masters. The mist I created have movement, whereas those depicted by previous masters are only sketched by lines. Same with the clouds I have drawn." As Guo Xi once mentioned in his painting, "Water is the veins of a mountain, plants are its hair, mist gives a mountain its colour. From this logic, water is essential to a mountain’s survival, plants make the mountain look beautiful, whereas
mist enhances its beauty." Clouds and mists are the crucial elements
in Chinese landscape ink paintings. Early depiction of these elements
rely heavily on outlines and sketches. From the Late Ming to Early Qing
dynasty, four monks started using the depiction of colour, thus enabled
the depiction of movement in clouds. Having been trained through
copying old masters, Huang was able to gather the best of ancient ink
masters and applied to the paintings according to personal experience,
thus achieved Huang’s unique representation from his observation.
墨烘染再搭配勾雲法,以表達自然中煙雲浩渺之變化。及至善於 臨仿古畫的黃君璧,不僅藉摹古綜合古代大家之所長,亦摻之以
This painted stated, Huang was 68 years old when he painted this
work. From a bird’s eye view, Huang was able to represent spatial
depth through height, depth and horizontal distance. From this work, mountainous relief amongst the heavy mist was depicted. A river
meanders at the bottom right of the panel towards the center, carving
deep into the valley. Mists defined the painting into two parts across
the mountain. This clever treatment of mists not only provides a clear
structure, it also enhances spatial depiction in the painting. To further
heightens the humidity of the area, rocks and plants were depicted
using different kinds of brushstrokes including fupizhou and zhizhou.
Saturated ink was used in the foreground, lighter ink in the middle
ground and the lightest ink was used for distant mountains, enhancing
the layering of mountains. Clouds and mists were arranged at the
bottom of the valley, depicted as uncoloured area. Using light ink to
highlight the layering of clouds, creating movement of heavy mists.
With careful structuring and skilled brushstrokes, Huang created this
masterpiece of misty mountains.
Ravenel 80
翰墨丹青 中 - 國書畫
(Taiwanese, 1896-1963)
Refined Brushwork: Fine Chinese Paintings
Pine and Rocks 1954 Ink and colour on gold cardboard and paper, framed 18 x 28 cm; 60 x 28 cm Signed HSINYU in Chinese With four seals of the artist
NT$ 750,000 – 1,100,000 HK$ 191,000 – 281,000 US$ 24,400 – 35,800 RMB 164,000 – 241,000
溥心畬 松壽圖 1954 水墨 設色 金箋紙 紙本 鏡框 18 x 28 cm; 60 x 28 cm 釋文:(一)板屋臨高堰,山窗古驛亭,風聲隨水白, 雨氣入燈青,秋鴈何時見,寒猿不可聽,石梁雲樹晚, 松次夜冷冷。 款識: (一)衛華先生正。心畬。 (二)甲午春,心畬。 鈐印:明夷(朱文)、舊王孫(白文)、溥儒(白文)
This work was painted using various skills of brustrokes to
depicted the crooked pine tree and its dense leaves. The
top half of the painting was carefully painted while broad
brushstroke was used for the rocks under the pine, the majestic
waterfall. The painting was composed emphasizing the top half
of the painting. Various light brushstrokes were meticulously
depicted to represent rocks and river in summer time.
快速有力度,以表現山石夏泉之意。 Pu once mentioned in his manifesto, “River next to the rocks 在溥心畬先生的《寒玉堂畫論》中曾寫道:「水旁岩石,則
should be depicted with saturated ink, the further the river,
the lighter the ink. Waterfall should be depicted in between
rocks, greenery should be lush. Even the shadow of waterfall
should be depicted, should it be nearer to the viewer. Those
節。樹枝,宜隔斷,於空處加葉,或反折筆鋒,先上後下, 則氣渾厚」。寫松則「松如耆艾魁儡之士,超群遐舉,屈如 龍蟠,矯如蛟騰。松葉攢針,非同蓬茅之弱,竹葦之薄也,
would be cut by intertwined leaves and branches. Brushstrokes
should be different accordingly.” As for pines, he wrote,
“pines are associated with aged people. They are crooked yet
they flourish. Leaves are thin yet strong and sharp. Two or
three strokes should be used branching outwards. Specific
brushstrokes should be used to resemble ancient ink masters.
Liu Guosong once mentioned that Pu Hsinyu loves pine and
ancient trees. Pu once said, “Pine symbolizes a noble character
and its painting requires one.” Pu’s work carries an austere
elegant touch of ink, representing his unique literati character.
Ravenel 82
farther away should disappear into the mist.” He continued, “crooked branches should be depicted with brushstrokes. Stems
翰墨丹青 中 - 國書畫
(Taiwanese, 1896-1963)
Refined Brushwork: Fine Chinese Paintings
Plum Blossom Ink and colour on paper, framed 27.5 x 54.5 cm Signed HSINYU in Chinese With four seals of the artist
NT$ 950,000 – 1,500,000 HK$ 242,000 – 383,000 US$ 30,900 – 48,900 RMB 208,000 – 329,000 溥 心畬 寒梅圖 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 27.5 x 54.5 cm 釋文:半窗月印梅花影 款識:藹雲先生清賞,心畬。 鈐印:溥儒之印(白文)、 心畬(朱文)、庚寅(朱文)、 自怡室 ( 朱文 ) 註: 上款人「藹雲先生」即為王藹雲先生, 曾任台灣師範大學美術研究所教授, 台灣教育部美術教育委員兼職,早年 與徐悲鴻、張大千、溥心畬、黃君璧 等畫家交往密切。
Ravenel 84
Simplistic structure is often used to depict an austere and bright
Pu Hsinyu once mentioned in his manifesto, “the beauty of
tone. Pu used light ink and thin lines to outline the petals of plum
flowers comes from its position and shape, their aged stems and
blossoms. Lines have various tones and thickness to depict their
fresh green leaves. Stems of plum blossoms are thin yet hard and
positions. Stigma and center of the plum blossoms were lightly
crooked. Flowers faced downwards under the falling rain, face
coloured to highlight their blooming state. The stem is straight
sideways under the wind. Withering flowers face downwards
with few cun strokes. Such lightly coloured painting highlights the
to cover its beauty. Brushstrokes are minimized thus demand
beauty of the flower under the frost of winter.
sophisticated skills.� This shows Pu’s meticulous attention and skills in such work.
翰墨丹青 中 - 國書畫
(Taiwanese, 1896-1963)
溥心畬 楓林雙駿
Refined Brushwork: Fine Chinese Paintings
Horses in the Forest Ink and colour on paper, framed 70 x 39 cm Signed HSINYU in Chinese With four seals of the artist ILLUSTRATED: The Paintings of Recent Famous Painters, Langtao Publishing House, Taipei, 1974, p.53
水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 70 x 39 cm 釋文:楓林雙駿 款識:心畬 鈐印:舊王孫(朱文)、溥儒(白文)、 松巢客(朱文)、二樂軒(朱文) 著錄: 《近代名家畫選 : 第一輯》,浪淘出版社, 台北,1974 年 3 月初版,頁 53
NT$ 1,700,000 – 2,800,000 HK$ 434,000 – 714,000 US$ 55,400 – 91,200 RMB 373,000 – 614,000
Horses in this work were sketched meticulously with small brush.
The gray horse was coloured in light and dark ink with fine hair
scrupulously drawn. It gazed into the distance, with one front
leg lifted. A brown horse hiding towards the tree was a typical
way of depiction by Pu. Coloured in light ochre, the shy gaze
suggests the horse's timid character. Two horses stand on the
top of the hill, running downwards towards the left of the panel.
Such composition enhances the liveliness of the gray horse and
thus the painting itself. Rocks were sketched with a swift dried
brush. The ground was coloured in light green, echoing with
the shadow of the tree above. The tree is crooked and sketched
with sturdy strokes, enhancing the ancient touch of the aged tree
and the brushstroke of the artist. Dried branches were always
depicted through dried brush in ochre. Pu was praised as the most
accomplished scholar of all times, with profound knowledge in
literature, calligraphy and paintings, thus he was well-acclaimed
among the literati artist in Taiwan. Pu practised portrait, horses,
birds and flower and bamboo paintings, and incorporated styles
from the Southern and Northern Schools of Art. Pu once shared his deep knowledge of horses in an inscription of his painting, comparing styles of the Tang, Song, Yuan and Qing dynasties, suggesting his scrupulous studies into ancient paintings. With an imperial background, Pu's horses resembles that of Giuseppe Castiglione from Qing dynasty, thus gathered styles of the East and the West.
Ravenel 86
翰墨丹青 中 - 國書畫
637 ZHANG DAQIAN (Taiwanese, 1899-1983)
Refined Brushwork: Fine Chinese Paintings
(Taiwanese, 1896-1963)
Peonies Ink and colour on paper, framed 68 x 34 cm Signed DAQIAN and HSINYU in Chinese With three seals of the artist
NT$ 2,800,000 – 4,200,000 HK$ 714,000 – 1,071,000 US$ 91,200 – 136,800 RMB 614,000 – 921,000 張 大千;溥心畬 芍藥 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 68 x 34 cm 款識:力耕仁兄法家正之,大千居士張爰。心畬補蝶。 鈐印:張爰長壽(朱文)、張大千長年大吉又日利(白文)、 溥儒(白文) 註: 上款人「力耕仁兄」即為資深台灣藝文記者張力耕。畢業 於中央政治學校新聞系,曾於二戰期間擔任戰地記者,赴 台後任職於《中央日報》,曾專訪周作人、傅斯年,並為 傅先生賞識,與張大千、溥心畬、黃君璧為好友。張氏亦 曾主理《大華晚報》副刊及《電視周刊》編務,後移居美國。
Ravenel 88
柔兒能健,峭而能厚,吾仰溥心畬。 滔滔四海風塵日,宇宙難容一大千。
多樣外,在技法上勾勒、寫意兼而有之,張氏筆下花卉柔中 帶剛,用墨潤透多變,設色清活、意境閒逸,畫境之高,讓 徐悲鴻稱張氏為「五百年來第一人」。
昔莊周夢蝶,將追求自由、順應自然之意寓予蝴蝶,自此蝴 蝶成為文人雅士愛好逍遙灑脫的對象;水墨畫中的蝴蝶除工 筆寫生作為點綴山石花卉之外,寫意化出的蝴蝶更具有靈光
為當時倆人之友-張力耕先生所作,一畫雙成、實屬難得。 畫中上方題款可見張大千筆力古拙雄渾,張氏書法得自其師 古云:「芍藥第一,牡丹第二。」謂牡丹為花王,芍藥為花
了多幅芍藥圖銘記;此幅《芍藥》嬌艷清妍、姿態綽約,芍 藥為草本生,又喚「沒骨花」,即為沒骨花則始得用沒骨畫
右圖:為張大千、黃君璧、溥心畬及其友人之合照。 Right: Zhang Daqian, Huang Chun-Pi, Pu Hsinyu and thier friends.
Ravenel 90
A COLLABORATION OF THE TWO GREATEST INK MASTERS OF ALL TIMES Zhang Daqian was a legend in Chinese modern art history with
technique. The two flowers were coloured in light ink, one in its
superb artistic skills, a rich personal experience and excellent
full bloom, one in bud. In Pu’s words, the blooming flower was
character. Zhang gathered expertise from ancient masters of the
delicate as spring silking worm, outlined skillfully with small brush,
Southern and Northern School of Art. He excelled in portraits,
flourished with red at the center. Green of the stem enhanced
landscapes and flower paintings. Zhang learnt the skills from his
the luscious effect from the plant. This technique resembles that
mother and sister, primarily excelled in Gonbi flower paintings from
used by Shi Tao. The stem was painted in one stroke. Leaves were
the Song dynasty and painted best of daffodils. He later followed
depicted in their natural forms with broad and sturdy brushstrokes.
Yuan style of painting and learnt boneless paintings from ink
The crown of the flower was vividly applied with colour. Blank
masters Chen Chun, Xu Wei, Shi Tao and Bada Shanren. Amongst
background highlights the subject matter. Zhang was strongly
the flower paintings of Zhang Daqian, most of them feature lotus
affected by Qing’s realistic approach of painting, thus devoted time
flowers, followed by plum blossom and peonies. These three types
in gardening and appreciating plants.
are different in character and ways of depiction. Flowers under Zhang's brush are rich in colour with deep meaning, thus he was praised by Xu Beihong as the greatest ink master in centuries.
Zhang Zhou’s dream of butterflies represents freedom and the love for Nature. Butterflies have long been a symbol of carefree spirits among literati. They are often used as flourishing in gongbi style
Another most accomplished artist in Taiwan is Pu Hsinyu, who
next to flowers in gardens. Butterflies in broad brush enhanced
excelled in literature, calligraphy and painting. Zhang once admired
its vibrancy. In this work, the butterfly was drawn by Pu Hsinyu. It
Pu as an all-round artist, keen in brushwork. Pu was a humble
was dancing facing the audience. Its body was sketched by Pu and
scholar living an austere lifestyle in solitude. Zhang and Pu met in
its wings were depicted in layers of light ink. This simple subject
Beijing and lived in Summer Palace before the war. Both scholar
matter could see Pu’s exceptional skills used. Pu painted the
had close friendship. After arriving in Taiwan, their friendship
butterfly after watching Zhang’s elegant garden peonies depiction.
grew even further. As extroverts, both loved engaging friends in
Pu’s butterfly fluttered in its own vibrancy.
the making of ink paintings. This work was made as a gift for Mr Zhang Ligeng, by these two greatest artists of all times, making
Inscriptions on the top shows Zhang’s sturdy calligraphy, inspired
this a rare painting.
by Li Duanqing and Song scholars. Zhang’s calligraphy was unique to the artist, juxtaposing against the elegant peonies depicted.
There are two types of peonies: garden peonies (featured in this
While Pu’s inscriptions was soft and elegant, echoing with the vivid
painting) and tree peonies. An adage goes, “Garden peonies
comes first, followed by tree peonies.” Tree peonies are praised as kinds, whereas garden peonies are chancellors. The latter was
This work was under the collection of Zhang Ligeng. Zhang was
usually given as gift of friendship or farewell. Garden peonies have
once a war journalist and worked under the Central Daily News,
long been the favourite subjects of depiction by literati. Zhang
the official newspaper in Taiwan in the period. He built friendship
once visited Zhang Chonghe at her residence during his interview
with the three greatest ink masters in Taiwan. Zhang established
at the Yale University. Zhang saw the garden peonies blooming in
great achievements for the Taiwanese cultural sector. This painting
the garden and drew a few sketches of the flowers. The flowers
was a collaboration work by the two greatest artist of all times,
in this work were elegantly depicted. These garden peonies were
making this work a rare masterpiece in history.
called Boneless flowers, and were thus drawn with Boneless
翰墨丹青 中 - 國書畫 Refined Brushwork: Fine Chinese Paintings
(Chinese, 1892-1996)
Landscape under Misty Rain 1984 Ink and colour on paper 142.5 x 367 cm Signed ZHU QIZHAN in Chinese With five seals of the artist PROVENANCE: The Collection of Mr. Zhou Yunjian, Brazil
NT$ 7,000,000 – 11,000,000 HK$ 1,786,000 – 2,806,000 US$ 228,000 – 358,300 RMB 1,535,000 – 2,412,000 Ravenel 92
朱屺瞻 細雨垂楊萬里風 1984 水墨 設色 紙本 142.5 x 367 cm 釋文:細雨垂楊萬里風 款識:甲子夏月,畫於上海梅花草堂,朱屺瞻自題,時年九十三 鈐印:梅花草堂(朱文)、開生面(白文)、婁江(白文)、 朱屺瞻(白文)、時年九十三(白文) 來源: 周雲鑒先生舊藏,巴西
朱屺瞻.細雨垂楊萬里風( 周雲鑒先生舊藏 )
交,並成為好友,因此其所藏大部分為書畫家饋贈之佳作。 此幅朱屺瞻《細雨垂楊萬里風》為周雲鑒先生舊藏。
朱屺瞻先生那謙和、豁達與勤奮的美德是皆世所認。他從來 不認為自己的畫比別人好,也從來沒有滿意過一張自己的
壇上獨樹一幟。此幅《細雨垂楊萬里風》 筆墨大方、渾厚,
烘染設色愈顯雲氣蒸騰,猶如浩然正氣塞乎天地之間 。他喜
上。朱屺瞻在詩文方面的成就斐然,動人心魄的詩句烘托了 畫面中華滋拙樸、渾厚富麗視覺效果,更吟詠山水瑰麗之借 景喻情之紓。 自八、九歲起始學畫的朱屺瞻先生,對藝術的追求將近一 個世紀。他在《癖斯居畫譚》裡說多年來,總以「獨」, 「力」,「簡」三字自求。「獨」者,即忠於自己的面目, 不依門戶;「力」者,凝神靜氣,奮筆揮灑,也蘊涵作者
左圖:知名書法家啟功先生與書畫鑑賞家周雲鑑先生於 1991 年 4 月 30 日合影 Left: A well-known calligrapher, Mr. QiGong and Mr. Zhou Yunjian, a connoisseur of calligraphy and painting, took a group photo on April 30, 1991. 右圖:人民代表大會常務委員會副委員長廖承志先生會見巴西台灣同胞觀光團團長周雲鑑先生於 1983 年 4 月 18 日合影於人民大會堂 Right: Vice Chairperson of standing committee of the National People's Congress with Mr. Zhou Yunjian, head of the Taiwan Compatriots Tour Group, took a group photo at the Great Hall of the People on April 18, 1983.
Ravenel 94
ZHU QIZHAN LANDSCAPE UNDER MISTY RAIN THE COLLECTION OF MR. ZHOU YUNJIAN Zhou Yunjian is a Chinese patriot who lives in Brazil. He is also a
Since the age of 8, Zhu Qizhan started his practice in art and
successful businessman and a connoisseur of Chinese ink painting
followed his passion for art for close to a century. He once
and calligraphy. During his time returning to China, he met and
mentioned, “there are three words that I live up to, individuality,
befriended several Chinese ink painting masters including Qi
persistence and austerity.” Individuality states the genuity towards
Gong, Zhao Puchu, Huang Zhou, Wu Zuoren, Liu Haisu and Huang
one’s own thoughts. Persistence refers to the stamina in one’s
Yongyu, hence Zhou’s collections are mainly gifts given by the ink
practice and philosophy. Austerity suggests one’s ascetic life
painting artists. Zhu Qizhan’s Landscape under Misty Rain is Mr.
towards humility.
Zhou Yunjian’s old collection. Zhu’s humility, open-mindedness and diligence had been widely Zhu Qizhan, a Shanghai-style ink painting artist in the 20th century,
recognized. He never regarded his paintings as better than others’
had been infusing western painting style into Chinese traditional
and was never satisfied with his own paintings. He always said
artistic conception in his long and splendid art career. His style
with humility, “I couldn’t do it, I did that badly.” He was never
is simple and straightforward but magnificent. He created deep
arrogant with regards to his achievements, seniority and honour.
conceptual prospects with simple brush strokes and made himself
Zhu went through a century of turbulence in society and supported
a unique style of painting among all Chinese ink painting artists.
the belief of Socialism and the Communist Party of China. He
Zhu painted this work with generous and rich ink strokes. Lively,
always mentioned, “Painting was used to be done for a living, now
vaporizing clouds are created with the coloring, and show an
we do it for the benefit of our country. The quality of life today is
awe-inspiring righteousness between heaven and earth. Zhu likes
much better than that of the past.” The 100-year-old ink master
to use Prussian blue and ochre to paint mountains and water to
once said, “Leading an innocent and austere life, that is the most
represent the essence of humanity in a whole with bold, simple
sacred choice I have ever made in my life.” His power of art and
brush strokes. In the history of Chinese poetry painting evolution,
philosophy live on and will pass down in generations.
the combination of poets and paintings enhances the presentation and contagion of the artwork itself, and further emphasizes the characteristic of unsophisticated and peaceful lifestyle. Zhu Qizhan is absolutely outstanding when it comes to poetry. His hearttouching poems heighten the simplicity in Chinese culture with rich and gorgeous visual impact and further depict the emotion inspired from the glorious mountains and water.
一張畫送給他,信封都會親自題簽書寫,直到大千先生辭世 才停止。」
歐豪年先生才華洋溢,詩書文並重,深具文人士大夫之國家 情懷,于右任先生第一次與他見面,右老就題寫一對聯書法
的畫中,無論是山水、走獸、花鳥作品皴法的用筆中看出, 包含輕、重、點、捺、橫、豎,對於筆法的轉折,速度緩急
情,應允來台任教。其恩師趙少昂先生聞高徒將赴台任教, 更贈送詩歌以壯聲色:「自有高人韻,空山任鳥啼;扶搖雲
於空間與結構的掌握。所以說「立萬象於胸懷,傳千情於 豪素,氣韻本乎遊心,神采身於用筆」,作畫或書法的筆法
蔣介石總統與宋美齡夫人選定,藏購於陽明山中山樓。 歐豪年先生在台五十餘年來,化育無數學子,除了將嶺南畫 本次拍賣推出歐豪年最擅長的翎毛、走獸圖,作品皆以巧妙
與觀者對話,從構圖及用筆把野獸描繪至栩栩如生。從兇猛 的野獸至優雅的鶴,歐豪年把動物的神韻刻畫自如。《松鶴
圖》(編號641)以夏天的溪流為背景,雙羊閒憩於溪旁。 有別於前者,在蒼潤的小溪襯托下,公羊雙膝微彎跳躍的姿 態,更顯露雙羊的善良無邪與歡樂融融的喜氣。
右圖:歐豪年 Right: Au Ho-Nien
Ravenel 96
DEPICTION OF NATURE IN LINGNAN BRUSHSTOKES Au Ho-nien was born into a literati family in 1935 in Guangdong
depicted in pairs. Two subjects connote the artist’s blessings of
province. His strong background of literature and painting was
longevity and health to his friend. In Goats (Lot 641), two goats
obtained through self-learning, from his father and family friends.
rests by a summer stream. Under this composition, the male goat
After the civil war, Au followed his parents to Hong Kong. He
was featured with bent legs, ready to hop in the air, suggesting a
followed Chao Shao-ang when he was 17 years old, which later
joyful and innocent character.
left him to be one of the leaders of Lingnan School of Art. Zhang Daqian once praised Au’s skills, “Once Au paints, the Au was talented in literature, calligraphy and painting. In his first
universe fall under Au’s brush and lies vividly in the paintings”.
encounter with Yu Youren, Yu wrote him a couplet as a gift, which
Zhang had close friendship with Au who composed poems,
was since hung in a prominent position in his studio.
inscriptions and painted together. Au would visit Zhang in the US every year. Au once mesmerized, “Zhang gave him a painting each
Prominent figures of universities in Taiwan invited Au, a 30-year-
year and sent him written letters till his death.”
old young artist, as a teacher. Impressed by Zhang Qijun of Chinese Cultural University, Au came to Taiwan as a professor. After hearing
Au is an all-round scholar excelled in literature, calligraphy and
the news, Chao praised Au with a poem encouraging him in art
paintings. His calligraphy was uniquely developed from his painting.
In his works, animals and landscapes and flower and bird paintings were composed with extraordinary skills of brush. His calligraphy
Au and his wife Zhu Mulan once had a joint exhibition at the
works possess a state of serenity.
National Museum of History in 1968, exhibiting 8 huge creation of animals and flowers paintings, which were then selected by Chiang
Such skills were obtained from years of practice and observation
Kai-shek and his Soong Mei-ling to be put in the Chungshan Hall
of space and structure. His skills of painting and calligraphy are
of Yangming Shan.
derived from observation which reflect the artist’s experience and state of mind.
Au’s works offered in this sale are one of the best subjects created by the artist, including birds and animals. Structure and depiction
50 years have passed since arriving in Taiwan and had many
of character gives the animals a lively character. Tiger (Lot 639)
students. He introduced Lingnan School of Art to Taiwan. One
carries a fearful character through the depiction of the animal.
calligraphy lot (Lot 643) in silk was carries such quality possessed
Tiger looks directly into the eye of the audience as if speaking
by this prominent educator.
with us, enhancing the character of the tiger. From fearsome tiger to elegant cranes, Au depicts each animal’s character in a
Another calligraphy lot (Lot 642) carries the artist’s blessing of
skillful manner. In Cranes and Pines (Lot 640), shadowed under
settlement in a new home, which was often used as a gift to his
the luscious green of the pine trees, the graceful cranes were
students when they moved to new houses.
(Taiwanese, b.1935) (Taiwanese, b.1938)
TIGER 1986 Ink and colour on paper, framed 58.5 x 94.5 cm Signed HO-NIEN in Chinese With two seals of the artist EXHIBITED: 2018 Ink Party Rioters: Eleven Ink-Color Painters, National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, Taipei, April 25-May 7, 2018
NT$ 480,000 – 750,000 HK$ 122,000 – 191,000 US$ 15,600 – 24,400 RMB 105,000 – 164,000
1986 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 58.5 x 94.5 cm 釋文:山君圖 款識:丙寅初夏,與慕蘭合畫於挹翠山堂燈下,豪年。 鈐印:歐豪年(白文)、挹翠山堂(朱文) 展覽: 「墨合之眾 2018 墨彩菁英特展」,中正紀念堂,台北, 展期 2018 年 4 月 25 日∼ 5 月 7 日 註: 此件作品為「墨合之眾 2018 墨彩菁英特展」展覽宣傳 封面作品。
This work was collaborated by Au Ho-Nien and Zhu Mulan in 1986,
during the time when Au was the head of the Faculty of Art at
the Chinese Culture University and Au’s peak of his artistic career.
Au excelled in depicting animals, birds, landscapes and flowers.
Amongst the animals, his favourite subjects are tigers, lions and
eagles, collected by major private and academic collections.
Animal paintings of Au Ho-Nien are renowned for the animals’
liveliness and structure. Despite the stillness of the tiger, its body is
ready for attack, its head is lowered and its eyes are fixated on its
prey. Details of the tigers were depicted, with special attention in
its muscles and body outline.
塊突起的骨頭,要寫繪出並連貫到虎的後背,而到後足老虎強而 有力的身形與肌理,所謂「山君虎步」就是以老虎行走的姿態,
This work requires immense time and effort. Details were
meticulously depicted including the white hair on the head, chest and legs. Shanma brush was used with scrupulous effort, giving
the tiger its majestic character.
的細部看出,除了要將虎頭的鬚髮跟胸前與足身上的白毫寫繪出 來之外,仔細注意老虎身體上還有無數的金毫,都是使用山馬筆
Au loves depicting tigers and once wrote a poem for this majestic
animal. Such gestures show Au’s literati character and his respect to the animal.
歐氏喜愛畫虎,曾為其賦山君詩一首:「狐鼠依城社,山君嘯嶺 皋,物情喻世態,感此動吟毫。」也將其文人情懷寄情於詩,對 於老虎與一般的動物的評價,立下高判,其詩句讀來情濃而豪 邁。
Ravenel 98
翰墨丹青 中 - 國書畫
(Taiwanese, b.1935)
Refined Brushwork: Fine Chinese Paintings
Cranes and Pines 1971 Ink and colour on paper, scroll 136 x 62.5 cm Signed HO-NIEN in Chinese With two seals of the artist
NT$ 180,000 – 280,000 HK$ 46,000 – 71,000 US$ 5,900 – 9,100 RMB 39,000 – 61,000 歐豪年 松鶴延齡 1971 水墨 設色 紙本 立軸 136 x 62.5 cm 釋文:松鶴延齡圖 款識:壬子歲始再題為錫慶先生七秩晉二華誕之祝。 辛亥春日,豪年畫於台北。 鈐印:歐介(朱文)、豪年長壽(白文)
Cranes have been traditionally used as a vehicle of the gods
and they symbolize longevity along with pine trees. The name
of these celestial animals also share similar pronunciation.
(諧音)之意。 Cranes are graceful in form and are popular among the 鶴的姿態優雅,望之可以脫俗,親之可以怡情,歐豪年先生喜愛畫
Chinese. They are the favourite subjects of Au Ho-Nien. Placed
at the front are a pair of cranes, one singing, one resting,
independent to each other. Background shows dense old
pine trees, highlighting the cranes against the dark green
background. The old pines were flourishing in their old age,
enhancing the message of longevity.
現「延齡」茂盛之狀,其左下點綴數枝松針與松果,以增趣味,彷 彿置身於境翠晴嵐之中。
This work was painted by Au Ho-Nien in the spring of 1971, later composed the title for Mr Xieqing to celebrate his 72th
此幅作品為歐豪年先生於辛亥年(1971年)春天所繪,後於隔年 補題給錫慶先生七十二歲華誕之喜。
Ravenel 100
翰墨丹青 中 - 國書畫
(Taiwanese, b.1935)
Refined Brushwork: Fine Chinese Paintings
Goats 1990 Ink and colour on paper, framed 56 x 89 cm Signed AU HO-NIEN in Chinese With two seals of the artist
NT$ 150,000 – 240,000 HK$ 38,000 – 61,000 US$ 4,900 – 7,800 RMB 33,000 – 53,000 歐 豪年 吉羊圖 1990 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 56 x 89 cm 釋文:吉羊 款識:庚午夏仲,課餘遣興,歐介豪年畫於挹翠山堂 鈐印:歐豪年(白文)、挹翠山堂(朱文)
This work was made in the summer of 1990, depicting two goats
under a willow with a river on the side. The male goat was put
on the front depicting a side portrait of the face. Right side of the
work was placed with a summer willow shine with luscious green. A female goat was placed on the left echoing with the other goat,
next to a stream, which enhances the balance and richness of
colours in the painting.
自然飛白的效果,在寫羊的輪廓與線條前,則用筆沾以清水,大 筆寫出羊身的區塊,稱濕之時,以山馬筆沾濃淡墨以勾勒出線條,
Au’s works were painted meticulously with Shanma brush,
commonly used by Lingnan School of Art. Such brushwork creates
a crispy light depiction. Water was used with the brush on the
goat’s body, before outlining the goats’ bodies with ink. Brown and ochre was then used to depict the light and shadow of the body.
最後,再題以篆書「吉羊」二字,古字祥字常寫作吉羊,以為吉 祥之意。
Finally, the title was written in seal script, carrying an auspicious meaning.
Ravenel 102
翰墨丹青 中 - 國書畫 Refined Brushwork: Fine Chinese Paintings
(Taiwanese, b.1935)
歐豪年 居之安
Calligraphy 2015 Ink on paper, framed 34 x 69.5 cm Signed AU HO-NIEN in Chinese With two seals of the artist
NT$ 20,000 – 40,000 HK$ 5,000 – 10,000 US$ 700 – 1,300 RMB 4,000 – 9,000
Ravenel 104
2015 水墨 紙本 鏡框 34 x 69.5 cm 釋文:居之安 款識:乙未新秋,八十一老人,歐介豪年。 鈐印:自得(朱文)、豪年長壽(白文)
(Taiwanese, b.1935)
歐豪年 春風化雨
Calligraphy 2016 Ink on silk, framed 32 x 67.5 cm Signed HO-NIEN in Chinese With two seals of the artist
NT$ 20,000 – 40,000 HK$ 5,000 – 10,000 US$ 700 – 1,300 RMB 4,000 – 9,000
2016 水墨 絹本 鏡框 32 x 67.5 cm 款識:丙申春日,豪年翁。 鈐印:歐介印(白文)、鵬展鯤游(白文)
翰墨丹青 中 - 國書畫 Refined Brushwork: Fine Chinese Paintings
644 CHENG SHAN-HSI (Taiwanese, b.1932)
Cowherd 1985 20.5 x 111 cm Ink and colour on paper, framed Signed SHAN-HSI in Chinese With one seal of the artist
NT$ 40,000 – 80,000 HK$ 10,000 – 20,000 US$ 1,300 – 2,600 RMB 9,000 – 18,000
Ravenel 106
鄭善禧 牧牛童子 1985 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 20.5 x 111 cm 款識:歲乙丑秋,善禧畫。 鈐印:鄭(朱文)
翰墨丹青 中 - 國書畫 Refined Brushwork: Fine Chinese Paintings
645 CHIANG MING-SHYAN (Taiwanese, b.1942)
West Lake 1988 Ink and colour on paper, framed 34 x 138 cm Signed CHIANG MING-SHYAN in Chinese With four seals of the artist
NT$ 50,000 – 100,000 HK$ 13,000 – 26,000 US$ 1,600 – 3,300 RMB 11,000 – 22,000
Ravenel 108
江明賢 西湖 1988 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 34 x 138 cm 釋文:昔人嚐謂「上有天堂,下有蘇杭」,西湖位於杭州城西, 故名。以其明媚秀麗,湖光山色而著名,並與歷史名城相輝映, 歷來為文人墨客吟詠不絕,所謂「西湖風景半天生,一半詩人點 染成」,道出自然美與藝術美結合之特質也。 款識:一九八八年仲夏,首次神州之旅,客杭州遊西湖,歸臺後 作此圖。江明賢於寒巖書屋并記。 鈐印:寫心(朱文)、江氏(朱文)、明賢(白文)、 眾裡尋他千百度(朱文)
就是多蒐集有關花鳥的材料,如報章雜誌上的照相等等,均 基礎錘鍊與國學典籍的研讀探究,因此不論個人書風畫貌如
年來渡海來台前輩書畫家們的風采已在藝術市場上破繭,再 加上他們對於書寫中國20世紀藝術史不可或缺的歷史文獻地
可簡約歸納為幾點: 一、注重寫生,故而題材鮮活,不論
翎毛、花卉、禽畜、昆蟲…皆姿態靈動,造型準確。二、精 研宋元,故而器度雍容,小品具有院體折枝形式之清雅,大
往依舅家,舅父許宗海為知名花鳥畫家,喻仲林得以啟蒙習 畫。後因抗戰軍興,學業中斷,於是投筆從戎,1949年5月
右圖:喻仲林 Right: Yu Chung-Lin
Ravenel 110
Under the divided sovereignty of Kuomintang and the Communist
In Yu's manifesto, he mentioned, "I put in immense effort in
Party in 1949, art development in the early 20th Century
Flower and Bird paintings through observation of objects. One has
underwent another turbulent period. Literati artists previously
to learn every minute detail of an object before depiction, such as
active in the artist circle came to settle in Taiwan, reviving the
no. of petals, its colour, the time it blooms, its form in full bloom
Chinese traditional ink paintings. From the 1950s to 1980s,
or in bud, the shape of the leaves, etc. Through sketching, one
Taiwanese art thus burgeoned and nourished the lifestyle of the
knows how to depict the object. Another way is to gather details
Taiwanese community.
of flowers and birds, through magazines for later use. In terms of
These two generations of immigrant literati artists put great
accomplished ink masters. I am very impressed by Song and Yuan
emphasis on traditional artistic training and studies of ancient
paintings, regardless of their landscapes and flowers and birds
literature. With the rise of China, art market thrives. With
paintings. However, I would not suggest anyone to copy them,
the tone of the painting, one has to observe ancient paintings by
communications revived after 30 years, those generations of literati
instead learn from these masters and obtain their skills in depicting
artists once forgotten were once again recalled. In recent years,
the tone of each painting."
these artists regained their importance in the art history and their works regained popularity among art historians and collectors.
Though Yu's theory of creation, one could understand Yu's
Among these artists, Flower and bird artists were fewer in quantity,
regardless of subject matters, to uphold accuracy of his depiction.
but varied in style. One of them is Yu Chunglin (1925-1985), a
2. Study of Song and Yuan paintings in order to enhance the
philosophy, being: 1. Emphasis on live sketches and observation,
well-acclaimed artist born in Shandong Guan province. His talent
elegant tone of the painting. 3. Innovation from traditions through
was shown from an early age at 9 years old, where he stayed with
applications of brushwork in an innovative way.
his uncle Xu Zonghai, a famous Flower and Bird painter, following the death of Yu's mother. Yu arrived in Taiwan after the war in
Yu's works are renowned for its elegance and beauty. Their
1949 and sat in classes at the National Taiwan Normal University.
subjects were vivid and radiant in colours, thus enabling his works
He followed Jin Qinbo in art practice and was trained to be an ink
regained their worth in the art market.
翰墨丹青 中 - 國書畫 Refined Brushwork: Fine Chinese Paintings
(Taiwanese, 1925-1985)
Tanagers and Hydrangeas 1972 Ink and colour on paper, framed 18.5 x 51 cm Signed CHUNG-LIN in Chinese With two seals of the artist
NT$ 30,000 – 60,000 HK$ 8,000 – 15,000 US$ 1,000 – 2,000 RMB 7,000 – 13,000
Ravenel 112
喻仲林 繡球眷侶 1972 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 18.5 x 51 cm 款識:壬子年五月,仲林畫。 鈐印:喻性根 ( 白文 )、仲林 ( 朱文 )
(Taiwanese, 1925-1985)
喻仲林 松蔭紅雀
Red Bird on Pine 1979 Ink and colour on paper, framed 41.5 x 60 cm Signed YU CHUNG-LIN in Chinese With two seals of the artist
NT$ 120,000 – 240,000 HK$ 31,000 – 61,000 US$ 3,900 – 7,800 RMB 26,000 – 53,000
1979 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 41.5 x 60 cm 款識:己未歲暮,山左喻仲林寫於麗水精舍。 鈐印:喻仲林(朱文)、恨不十年讀書(朱文)
翰墨丹青 中 - 國書畫
(Taiwanese, 1925-1985)
Refined Brushwork: Fine Chinese Paintings
Sparrows in the Bamboo Grove 1975 Ink and colour on paper, framed 46 x 66 cm Signed YU CHUNG-LIN in Chinese With two seals of the artist PROVENANCE: Caves Gallery, Taipei Private Collection, Asia
NT$ 220,000 – 340,000 HK$ 56,000 – 87,000 US$ 7,200 – 11,100 RMB 48,000 – 75,000 喻 仲林 雀鳴 1975 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 46 x 66 cm 款識:乙夘初夏,山左喻仲林畫於麗水精舍。 鈐印:清泉郡(朱文)、喻仲林印(白文) 來源: 敦煌畫廊,台北 私人收藏,亞洲 附敦煌畫廊開立之原作保證書
Bamboo grove was scrupulously depicted in its natural form.
Bamboo leaves and stems were outlined with acute thin
brushstrokes. A careful tone of green was chosen to represent
the density and its light and shade. Sparrows were depicted with
round fluffy bodies in thin brushstrokes. Their tiny eyes sparkle in
ebony. The contrast of dense bamboo grove and playful sparrows
enhance the vivacity in the painting, and the fun in appreciating
nature from a scholar's angle.
Ravenel 114
翰墨丹青 中 - 國書畫
(Taiwanese, 1925-1985)
Refined Brushwork: Fine Chinese Paintings
Sparrows and Garden Balsams Ink and colour on silk, framed 51 x 43 cm Signed CHUNG-LIN in Chinese With one seal of the artist PROVENANCE: Private Collection, Japan
NT$ 220,000 – 340,000 HK$ 56,000 – 87,000 US$ 7,200 – 11,100 RMB 48,000 – 75,000 喻 仲林 鳳仙雀鳥圖 水墨 設色 絹本 鏡框 51 x 43 cm 款識:仲林 鈐印:喻(白文) 來源: 私人收藏,日本
Garden balsams and Sparrows are meticulously depicted in the
painting, with multi-layering of feathers and colours of petals.
Boneless technique was employed on stems and leaves, matched
with veins of the leaves articulated by wet ink. Birds are used to
add vivacity to the painting, one in the air, the other three on the branches with different gestures. White flowers were added to
balance the general tone of the painting. This combination of
Gongbi and Boneless technique creates variance and harmony in
the overall presentation.
Ravenel 116
翰墨丹青 中 - 國書畫
650 LONG CHIN-SAN (Taiwanese, 1892-1995)
Refined Brushwork: Fine Chinese Paintings
Chinese Culture University Kiosk in Springtime Pavilion on a Cloud-Clad Hill Village under the Misty Mountains (A set of four) 1958, 1975, 1933 Gelatin silver print, framed 42.5 x 29 cm; 48.5 x 35.5 cm; 39 x 49 cm; 39 x 49 cm With eight seals of the artist ILLUSTRATED: Landscape on Negatives: A Special Exhibition of Long ChinSan's Photographic Works , Cultural Relics Press, Beijing, 2012, p.73
Long Chin-San , Shanghai Cultural Publishing House, Shanghai, 2014, p.31; Image of China: 20th-century Chinese Photography Masters: Lang Jingshan , Cultural Development Press, Beijing, 2013, p.46 Long Chin-San , JiaugsuRenmin Chubanshe, Jiansu, 2012, p. 50
NT$ 200,000 – 320,000 HK$ 51,000 – 82,000 US$ 6,500 – 10,400 RMB 44,000 – 70,000
郎靜山 文化學府 蘭亭春色滿 亭林煙嶂 山舍炊煙 (四件一組) 1958, 1975, 1933 銀鹽相紙 鏡框 42.5 x 29 cm; 48.5 x 35.5 cm; 39 x 49 cm; 39 x 49 cm 鈐印: (左上)郎靜山(白文) (右上)留雲精舍(朱文)、郎靜山印(白文) (右上)楓林堂(白文)、郎靜山(朱文)、佛造像印(朱文) (右下)乾坤萬里眼(朱文)、朗靜山(朱文) 著錄: (左上)《畫影江山—郎靜山攝影作品特展》,文物出版社, 北京,2012 年 4 月初版,頁 73 (右上)《郎靜山》,上海文化出版社,上海,2014 年 11 月初版, 頁 31 (左下)《影像中國—20 世紀中國攝影名家》,印刷工業出版社, 北京,2013 年 10 月初版,頁 46 (右下)《郎靜山傳》江蘇人民出版社,江蘇,2012 年 6 月初版, 頁 50
Four works by Long Chin-San are gelatin silver prints, sharing
similar composition of traditional landscape through photography.
The works suggest a realization of life through Chan philosophy,
that nature is interrelated. Representation of such vast landscape
in the Eastern and Western composition is a challenge to artists.
This started Cubism in 1906, with an attempt to strike a balance
between an artist’s experience and way of representation. Gelatin
silver print became popular in the 1990s in Shanghai. With such
modern technology, Long Chin-San was able to express landscape in an ancient poetic description, creating a majestic art piece.
Ravenel 118
翰墨丹青 中 - 國書畫
(Taiwanese, 1955-2014)
Refined Brushwork: Fine Chinese Paintings
Landscape 2003 Ink and colour on paper, scroll 134.5 x 68.7 cm Signed YU PENG in Chinese With one seal of the artist
NT$ 220,000 – 340,000 HK$ 56,000 – 87,000 US$ 7,200 – 11,100 RMB 48,000 – 75,000 于彭 無妄山水 2003 水墨 設色 紙本 立軸 134.5 x 68.7 cm 款識:于彭字,無妄山水系列,癸未冬日。 鈐印:于彭(白文)
Ravenel 120
翰墨丹青 中 - 國書畫
(Taiwanese, 1896-1963)
Refined Brushwork: Fine Chinese Paintings
Ancient Tree in Autumn Scene Ink and colour on paper, scroll 58.5 x 27.5 cm Signed HSINYU in Chinese With three seals of the artist
NT$ 300,000 – 480,000 HK$ 77,000 – 122,000 US$ 9,800 – 15,600 RMB 66,000 – 105,000 溥 心畬 古樹秋風 水墨 設色 紙本 立軸 58.5 x 27.5 cm 釋文:古樹秋風岸,平沙明月川。磯邊釣魚客,飛上木蘭船。 款識:心畬 鈐印:省心齋(朱文)、舊王孫(朱文)、溥儒(白文)
Pu Hsinyu was known for his landscape paintings, as it incorporates
the essence of both Southern and Northern landscape paintings.
This paintings resembles Ni Zan's work from Yuan dynasty, with
simple river structure. Using just a few strokes, the artist depicted
a ascetic quality, as if deploring over his former role in the imperial
family. Dried brush was used at the foreground to depict a lonely
old tree with falling autumn leaves. Simple structure was used with
clear divided sections to highlight the river banks in hemp-fiber
strokes and a crooked tree trunk. Such structure shows Pu Hsinyu’s
keen aesthetic persistence. The space of the river and the banks
created a feeling of serenity and vastness of Nature. Moving along
the painting is a fisherman’s boat, giving a lively touch to such
tranquil autumn scene. Poem was written in running script and
round edges, giving an elegant touch to the painting. Pu Hsinyu
was well known for his small paintings. His thoughts were often
expressed in his paintings. His painting style is elegance suggesting
his imperial and scholarly background. Such paintings are highly
sought after by private collectors.
秋風》筆法雋逸清勁,細緻精湛,實為溥心畬小筆山水中之極品、 珍稀難得。
Ravenel 122
翰墨丹青 中 - 國書畫
(Taiwanese, 1896-1963)
Refined Brushwork: Fine Chinese Paintings
Landscape Ink and colour on paper, framed 93 x 33 cm Signed PU RU in Chinese With three seals of the artist
NT$ 400,000 – 650,000 HK$ 102,000 – 166,000 US$ 13,000 – 21,200 RMB 88,000 – 143,000 溥 心畬 山水 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 93 x 33 cm 釋文:西日下山隱,北風乘夕流。燕雀感昏旦,簷楹呼匹儔。鴻 鵠雖自遠,哀音非所求。貴人棄疵賤,下士嘗殷憂。衆情累外物, 恕己忘內修。感歎長如此,使我心悠悠。 款識:元人去宋未遠,山水筆境尚近董、巨,無偏頗之習,如推 畫沙石甚相遠也。溥儒。 鈐印:省心齋(朱文)、舊王孫(朱文)、溥儒(白文)
Pu Hsinyu was praised as the greatest in the Northern School of
Art. Tai Jing-nong once said Pu “took the essence of the Northern
style and revived the School.” Pu possessed Tang and Song ancient
scrolls in his collection and could study through close observations.
This work was tranquil with saturated ink, representing the austere
lifestyles of a literati hermit, as if one was submerged by the sound
of nature where the artist lived. This serene surrounding created
by the painting was a typical style of the Song dynasty. Pu did not
follow any school, but only drawn by his unique style from his
observations of ancient ink masters. On the right, light ink and
quick strokes were applied to represent the rough cliff. The forest
was dense with a light bridge leading into a path. The lower left
was depicted with dried brush and quick rough sketches. Between
the hills was a scholar looking over the mountains. Inscription was
written in smooth running script, as if to fit into the painting. Pu
used a poem to describe the painting, leading into another virtual
dimension of depiction. This work fully shows the style of this ink master in his early artistic career with great resemblance from ancient masterpieces.
Ravenel 124
翰墨丹青 中 - 國書畫
654 PAN HSINHUA (Taiwanese, b.1966)
Refined Brushwork: Fine Chinese Paintings
Bid Goodbye at Riverbank 2000 Ink and colour on paper, framed 138 x 61 cm Signed HSINHUA in Chinese With one seal of the artist PROVENANCE: Sotheby's Hong Kong, 4 April 2016, Lot 547 ILLUSTRATED: Form•Idea•Essence and Rhythm: Contemporary East Asian Art Paintings , Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, 2009, p.21 EXHIBITION: Form•Idea•Essence and Rhythm: Contemporary East Art Paintings , Taipei Fine Art Museum, Taipei, October 4 - December 28, 2008
NT$ 260,000 – 400,000 HK$ 66,000 – 102,000 US$ 8,500 – 13,000 RMB 57,000 – 88,000 潘 信華 江岸送別 2000 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 138 x 61 cm 款識:西元二零 00,信華於花蓮。 鈐印:潘(白文) 來源: 香港蘇富比,2016 年 4 月 4 日,拍品 547 號 著錄: 《形.意.質.韻—東亞當代水墨藝術新貌》,台北市立美術館, 台北,2009 年,頁 21 展覽: 「形.意.質.韻—東亞當代水墨創作邀請展」,台北市立美術館, 台北,展期 2008 年 10 月 4 日∼ 2008 年 12 月 28 日
Ravenel 126
翰墨丹青 中 - 國書畫
(Taiwanese, 1896-1963)
Refined Brushwork: Fine Chinese Paintings
Ruyi Bamboo Ink and colour on paper, framed 28.5 x 57 cm Signed HSINYU in Chinese With two seals of the artist
NT$ 220,000 – 340,000 HK$ 56,000 – 87,000 US$ 7,200 – 11,100 RMB 48,000 – 75,000 溥 心畬 如意竹 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 28.5 x 57 cm 釋文:新春納餘慶,佳節報平安。 款識:心畬 鈐印:明夷(朱文)、舊王孫(朱文)
取彎勢細竿,以墨的濃淡乾濕營造出虛實關係和空間感。竹葉 相疊相破之佈局、夾葉藏鋒,讓畫中的葉子如風搖曳、富有生命
此《如意竹》以狼毫蘭竹筆畫就,下筆勁利,由畫面左下按實筆 虛起,一筆掃成五枝,竹節筆力跌盪,無生澀並立之感,結尾之 筆帶鉤揚之勢,頗醒人耳目。竹葉撇法疏密有致、虛實相間,竹
Ravenel 128
力;竹葉結頂亮相之處,筆態飄逸秀潤,更讓此《如意竹》增添 一股文人雅士之書卷氣。
A scripture from Tang Dynasty once spoke of a child carrying a
finished with a light touch. Bamboo leaves were depicted with
bamboo branch with auspicious blessings. This inspired Pu Hsinyu
specific brushstrokes according to their forms. This painting reflects
in the creation of this work. Depicted in red, the colour of blessing,
Pu’s mastery in brushwork. Pu painted nodes of bamboo with
this bamboo twisted in a natural manner with a blessing of peace.
regular script technique, leaves with cursive script technique, poem
In his lessons, Pu often used such Ruyi bamboo as in his teaching
in running script. Bamboo was depicted in refined lines and space
notes and red was the common colour used. Such notes would be
was enhanced by various tones of ink. Intertwining leaves added
given to students or friends as a new year gift as gifts of blessing.
vibrancy to the painting, giving an elegant scholarly touch to the work.
This work was painted with Langhao Lanzhu brush, from the left. One stroke was done to create five sections of the plant. These sections were depicted by the swing of brush. Ink is saturated and
翰墨丹青 中 - 國書畫
656 ZHANG KUN YI (Chinese, 1895-1969)
Refined Brushwork: Fine Chinese Paintings
Orchid Ink and colour on paper, framed 66 x 34 cm Signed ZHANG KUN YI in Chinese With two seals of the artist PROVENANCE: Sotheby's Hong Kong, 27 Oct 2003, Lot 257 ILLUSTRATED: Overseas Collection of Lin Nan School of Painting: The Paintings of Kao Chi-Feng , Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, 1986, p. 44 EXHIBITED: Overseas Collection of Lin Nan School of Painting: The Paintings of Kao Chi-Feng, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, March 25 - May 25, 1986
NT$ 200,000 – 320,000 HK$ 51,000 – 82,000 US$ 6,500 – 10,400 RMB 44,000 – 70,000 張 坤儀 幽遠清得 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 66 x 34 cm 款識:坤儀 鈐印:張坤儀(朱文)、曲江女郎(朱文) 來源: 香港蘇富比,2003 年 10 月 27 日,拍品 257 號 著錄: 《嶺南畫派海外收藏展:高奇峰畫集》,台北市立美術 館,台北,1986 年,頁 44 展覽: 「嶺南畫派海外收藏展:高奇峰畫集」,台北市立美術 館,台北,展期 1986 年 3 月 25 日∼ 5 月 25 日
Ravenel 130
657 GUAN SHANYUE (Chinese, 1912-2000)
Spring Outing by the Lake 1944 Ink and colour on paper, framed 54 x 41.5 cm Signed SHANYUE in Chinese With one seal of the artist
NT$ 190,000 – 300,000 HK$ 48,000 – 77,000 US$ 6,200 – 9,800 RMB 42,000 – 66,000 關 山月 湖上春遊 1944 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 54 x 41.5 cm 款識:卅三年春,山月寫。 鈐印:關氏山月畫(朱文)
翰墨丹青 中 - 國書畫 Refined Brushwork: Fine Chinese Paintings
658 KUO HSUEH-HU (Taiwanese, 1908-2012)
Queen of the Night 1958 Ink and colour on silk, framed 43 x 52 cm Signed HSUEH-HU in Chinese With two seals of the artist
NT$ 190,000 – 300,000 HK$ 48,000 – 77,000 US$ 6,200 – 9,800 RMB 42,000 – 66,000 Ravenel 132
郭雪湖 曇花 1958 水墨 設色 絹本 鏡框 43 x 52 cm 款識:戊戌仲春,雪湖作。 鈐印:雪 ( 朱文 )、湖 ( 朱文 )
(Taiwanese, 1893-1972)
Bamboo and Chrysanthemums 1947 Ink and colour on paper, framed 67 x 32.5 cm Signed ZISHEN in Chinese With four seals of the artist
NT$ 190,000 – 300,000 HK$ 48,000 – 77,000 US$ 6,200 – 9,800 RMB 42,000 – 66,000 吳 子深 竹菊雙清圖 1947 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 67 x 32.5 cm 釋文: (一)唐六如寫菊多以浚墨為之,略施粉黃,意態自足, 蓋胸有卷軸,靈秀之氣在筆墨之外。曉起晏坐,偶然欲畫, 興盡而止,不計工拙也。 (二)此幀似勝平日之作,藏儲篋中,不欲示人。 今值愛娥姻侄女於歸之喜,加朱竹數筆以賀。 款識: (一)丁亥十月,子深。 (二)戊子冬,子深並書。 鈐印:吳華源(白文)、子深詩畫(朱文)、 清氣軒主(白文)、子深(朱文) 此幅作品以濕筆寫菊花數朵,略施淡彩,看著像十月秋菊晏坐 於石上,皴石下一叢蘭草同生,為之愜意,葉與石雖同以墨繪, 其以濃淡表現層次,如詩文所言,此作吳氏初繪於1947年,本 為興致之作,不料對此之感甚是滿意,似更勝以往之作,故將 其藏於篋中,不欲示人,隔年再看仍意趣未盡,更添幾筆,以 硃砂寫竹莖與枝葉,筆腹蘸色濃潤,收尾提筆之快略帶飛白, 其用色飽滿而鮮潤不豔,何以硃砂繪冬竹之清涼?想是做賀之 意同時一表迎春之喜悅,更凸顯此作別具生意。 In this work, chrysanthemums on the rock were depicted using wet brush and light coloured ink, suggesting autumn season. Below the rock are orchids sketched by ink. Different tones of ink gives a poetic touch to the painting. Painted in 1947, this painting was sketched at leisure but the artist was satisfied with it, thus hid it in his drawer as personal treasure. After a year, he took it out and added bamboo with saturated red ink. Swift and saturated brushstrokes were used. Red ink was used to carry an auspicious meaning to welcome the start of a new year.
翰墨丹青 中 - 國書畫 Refined Brushwork: Fine Chinese Paintings
660 CHENG SHAN-HSI (Taiwanese, b.1932)
Landscape 1994 Ink and colour on paper, framed 30 x 59.5 cm Signed CHENG SHAN-HSI in Chinese With two seals of the artist ILLUSTRATED: Contemporary Taiwanese Ink Painting Series: Cheng ShanHsi , Artist Publishing Co., Taipei, 2004, p.147
鄭善禧 青山碧水 1994 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 30 x 59.5 cm 款識:甲戍,鄭善禧。 鈐印:善禧(白文)、肖型印(朱文) 著錄: 《台灣近現代水墨畫大系:鄭善禧—畫壇拾荒老人》, 藝術家出版社,台北,2004 年初版,頁 147
NT$ 170,000 – 280,000 HK$ 43,000 – 71,000 US$ 5,500 – 9,100 RMB 37,000 – 61,000 瞧見繪中「拙」與「豪」二字,用大筆寫下青山綠蕪,遠處一抹
Broad brush was used to depict luscious greenery and distant
hills under windy weather where kids were playing. From Cheng’s
painting, one could easily observe Cheng’s love for kids. In
terms of composition of forms, structure and colour, Cheng’s
landscape paintings shows an austere depiction of his humble
character. Cheng paints using calligraphy techniques. Cheng’s
landscape paintings are not just a sketch of the environment, but
the representation of his passion towards rural village lifestyle.
Landscapes were drawn as if one could hear the sound of river
and wind. Children are featured playing by the river banks, as if
the artist was recording a scene frozen in its time and in its realistic form. This work was depicted with immense effort on the artist’s feelings towards the austere life of a villager.
Ravenel 134
661 CHAO CHUNG-HSIANG (Taiwanese, 1910-1991)
趙春翔 巢中的鳥
Bird Resting in Its Nest Ink on paper, framed 35 x 36 cm Signed CHUNG-HSIANG in Chinese and CHAO in English With one seal of the artist
NT$ 160,000 – 260,000 HK$ 41,000 – 66,000 US$ 5,200 – 8,500 RMB 35,000 – 57,000
水墨 紙本 鏡框 35 x 36 cm 款識:春翔 Chao 鈐印:醇和琴室(朱文)
翰墨丹青 中 - 國書畫
662 CHEN SHUREN (Chinese, 1884-1948)
Refined Brushwork: Fine Chinese Paintings
Kingfisher and Reeds 1946 Ink and colour on paper, framed 136.5 x 34 cm With one seal of the artist
NT$ 150,000 – 240,000 HK$ 38,000 – 61,000 US$ 4,900 – 7,800 RMB 33,000 – 53,000
陳樹人(1883-1948年) 本名韶,號得安老人、拈花微笑子,廣東
陳樹人 蒼蘆小翠圖 1946 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 136.5 x 34 cm 款識:卅五年早春,逖生先生法正。陳樹人大師蒼蘆小翠圖介 鈐印:樹人六十後之作(朱文)、豪年(白文) 註: (一)上款人「逖生先生」即為浦薛鳳先生,原名瑞堂, 號逖生,歷任國立政治大學教務長,台灣省政府秘書長。 (二)歐豪年先生親自題簽。
Chen Shuren, born in Guangdong province, followed Sun Yat-Sen
in his revolution campaign and was Sun’s confidant and secretary.
Chen practised painting with Ju Lian since age 17 and furthered
his study of art in Kyoto School of Art. Both styles were shown in
his earlier works. Later in his artistic career, his unique style was
shown in his paintings. Chen was called Three Greatest Masters
in Lingnan along with Gao Qifeng and Gao Jianfu, and the three
became leaders of the art reform. Having participated in political revolution, they believed art should be reformed as well, initiating
the rise of Lingnan School of Art.
雅清奇」,他作畫不強調筆墨豪邁的揮灑,勇於脫離傳統的束縛, 以新的造型和構圖作畫,跳脫傳統的構圖方式,常在花鳥作品中,
Chen and Gao Brothers shared different painting styles. Chen’s
works were light coloured, austere in style and different from
traditional ink paintings. Structure of his works were well planned
and different from classical paintings. Using geometric forms and structuring, he painted floral forms predominantly with colour
rather than outline. This was revolutionary at that period.
水仙、蘆葦等題材,可常見到構圖大多採用黃金分割法,以一種 植物的主幹將畫面按「黃金分割」點劃分為兩部分。在此基礎上,
Chen excelled in flowers and birds paintings. From his works,
willows, bamboo, cotton trees, daffodils and reeds were often
used as tools in his “Golden structure” by dividing the painting
into two parts. Under such structure, leaves, stems, flowers will be
added to enhance the richness of the subject, birds would then be added as flourishings. In this work, bold layering of reed was put
at the center, spanning towards the lower right. A kingfisher rests
on a branch as flourishing. This is a typical way of depiction in
Chen’s work.
職。 This work was painted by Chen Shuren in the spring of 1946. Mr Disheng mentioned was Mr Pu Xiefeng, the Secretary of the Taiwanese government. Mr Pu was part of the Overseas Chinese Association where Mr Hu Shi once took up the role of Secretary of the Science Section.
Ravenel 136
翰墨丹青 中 - 國書畫
663 CHEN SHUREN (Chinese, 1884-1948)
Refined Brushwork: Fine Chinese Paintings
Bird under the Scattered Shadow 1943 Ink and colour on paper, scroll 117 x 38.5 cm Signed SHUREN in Chinese With two seals of the artist
陳樹人 餘暇光影 1943 水墨 設色 紙本 立軸 117 x 38.5 cm 款識:卅二年政務餘暇作此畫,懋振先生雅屬即希兩正, 得安老人陳樹人。 鈐印:樹人之印(白文)、安定居(朱文)
NT$ 150,000 – 240,000 HK$ 38,000 – 61,000 US$ 4,900 – 7,800 RMB 33,000 – 53,000
Chen Shuren excelled in Flower and Bird paintings. He was one
of the Three Greatest Masters in Lingnan School of Art. Chen’s
paintings are unique in terms of representation of subjects, with
simple brushstrokes and colour application, which is different
from those promoted by the Gao brothers. Chen structures his
paintings with Geometric Structure or Golden Structure. Chen
discourage excessive use of brushwork and complicated subject
matters. In fact he promoted individuality and unique creation,
instead of following traditional compositions and brushwork.
Chen emphasized the depiction of forms of plants and their
representation through colours, instead of sketches their forms
by the use of lines. Such manifesto was innovative during such period of art creation. This work was painted in 1943. The bottom left shows a common subject of weird formed rock in a Chinese garden. A tree stands behind the rock with a warbling white-eye on the tree. White pink flowers scattered next to the rock along with few other species of plants, suggesting a flourishing scene of summer.
Ravenel 138
翰墨丹青 中 - 國書畫
(Taiwanese, 1896-1963)
Refined Brushwork: Fine Chinese Paintings
Lotus Ink and colour on paper, framed 44.5 x 25.5 cm Signed HSINYU in Chinese With two seals of the artist
溥心畬 荷香帶雨 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 44.5 x 25.5 cm 釋文:荷香帶雨 款識:心畬 鈐印:舊王孫(朱文)、溥儒(朱文)
NT$ 150,000 – 240,000 HK$ 38,000 – 61,000 US$ 4,900 – 7,800 RMB 33,000 – 53,000
Pu Hsinyu was born with an imperial and rich scholarly background.
His literature, paintings and calligraphy were well-acclaimed, as
they suggest deep philosophical background and reflect Pu’s rich
personal experience faced during his lifetime. Pu once mentioned,
“Feathers of birds and plants were differentiated by the tones of
ink. Their ways of depiction are more important than colours.” Pu’s
plants and birds paintings were mostly painted with Gongbi, and less with broad brushwork. This work was a rare example of flower
masterpiece in broad brushwork. Ancient scholars painted an
impression of objects instead of focusing on their realistic forms,
for example depict flowers through heavy mist, or the moon in its
reflection in water. Under this philosophy, this painting in broad
brushwork becomes a better way of depiction compared with Pu’s
usual Gongbi depiction.
荷葉筆墨恣肆酣暢,利落間可見豪放,鋪墨一氣呵成,取出荷葉 翻飛帶雨露的動態,臻至「工筆至沒,寫意帶脂」的狀態,讓荷
Pu painted lotus using Boneless technique introduced by Hui
Shouping, added with a personal touch of individuality. Smaller
brush was used to sketch details of lotus leaves, whereas green
colour was used to depict broad leaves. Simple brushstrokes were
used to depict forms of rocks on the left, green lotus rises in its natural form depicted using centered brush. Sweet flag below the leaves were sturdy and natural, depicted using the techniques in cursive script. Lotus flower was painted in white with dried brush and sturdy outline. Saturated ink was used to colour the flower, suggesting the humidity under the rain. This work used the skills from Gongbi and broad brushwork, creating a refreshing look of the lotus flower. Poem was written using dry brush and its style carries a historic tone. This work was painted by Pu at leisure, using bold brushwork and clean depiction of the flower, creating an elegant literati painting.
Ravenel 140
翰墨丹青 中 - 國書畫
(Taiwanese, b.1925)
Refined Brushwork: Fine Chinese Paintings
Pan-fried Stuffed Buns Ink and colour on paper, framed 97.5 x 181 cm Signed LI QIMAO in Chinese With three seals of the artist ILLUSTRATED: Ink Paintings of Li Qimao , Jingcai Arts, Taichung, 2018, p.22
NT$ 130,000 – 200,000 HK$ 33,000 – 51,000 US$ 4,200 – 6,500 RMB 29,000 – 44,000 李奇茂 台灣美食文化水煎包 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 97.5 x 181 cm 釋文:台灣美食文化水煎包,人間美味可口。 款識:采風堂主人,李奇茂。 鈐印:李奇茂(朱文)、采風堂(白文)、飛龍在天(朱文) 著錄: 《李奇茂水墨天地展覽專輯》,精彩藝術,台中,2018 年, 頁 22 附藝術家合照
Ravenel 142
翰墨丹青 中 - 國書畫
(Taiwanese, 1908-1990)
Refined Brushwork: Fine Chinese Paintings
Two Chickens Behind the Fence 1978 Ink and colour on paper, framed 135 x 39.5 cm Signed YAO TSU in Chinese With two seals of the artist
NT$ 150,000 – 240,000 HK$ 38,000 – 61,000 US$ 4,900 – 7,800 RMB 33,000 – 53,000 沈 耀初 籬落雙雞 1978 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 135 x 39.5 cm 款識:戊午秋日寫於風城客寓,耀初記。 鈐印:沈耀初印(白文)、士渡叟(朱文)
Ravenel 144
(Chinese, 1912-2001)
Birds on Wisteria 1990 Ink and colour on paper, scroll 139.5 x 50.5 cm Signed DAYU in Chinese With two seals of the artist
NT$ 100,000 – 200,000 HK$ 26,000 – 51,000 US$ 3,300 – 6,500 RMB 22,000 – 44,000 陳大羽 紫藤小鳥 1990 水墨 設色 紙本 立軸 139.5 x 50.5 cm 款識:君武同志屬,庚午夏,大羽。 鈐印:大年(朱文)、陳大羽(白文)
翰墨丹青 中 - 國書畫
668 LONG CHIN-SAN (Taiwanese, 1892-1995)
Refined Brushwork: Fine Chinese Paintings
Snowy Mountain 1988 Ink and colour on paper, framed 32.5 x 33.5 cm; 33 x 33.5 cm Signed LONG CHIN-SAN in Chinese With five seals of the artist
NT$ 90,000 – 180,000 HK$ 23,000 – 46,000 US$ 2,900 – 5,900 RMB 20,000 – 39,000 郎 靜山 春山雪瑞 1988 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 32.5 x 33.5 cm; 33 x 33.5 cm 釋文: (一)石上紅花低照水,山水綠篠細含煙。 天生一本徐熙畫,只欠鷓鴣相對眠。 (二)春山雪瑞 款識: (一)戊辰春九七叟,郎靜山。 (二)戊辰歲首,似水德市長博粲。 九七叟,郎靜山。 鈐印:費伯城郎(白文)、法輪常轉(朱文)、 靜(朱文)、山(白文)、山水有情草木香(白文) 註: 上款人「水德市長」即為許水德先生,歷任台灣 省政府社會處長、高雄市長、台北市長、中華民 國內政部長、駐日代表、中國國民黨秘書長、考 試院長、世新大學董事等要職。
Ravenel 146
669 SUN YUNSHENG (Taiwanese, 1918-2000)
孫雲生 芍藥
Peonies 1976 Ink and colour on paper, framed 46.5 x 99 cm Signed SUN YUNSHENG in Chinese With four seals of the artist
NT$ 80,000 – 160,000 HK$ 20,000 – 41,000 US$ 2,600 – 5,200 RMB 18,000 – 35,000
1976 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 46.5 x 99 cm 釋文:紅樓飄渺艷朝霞,上苑曾傳第一花。莫放春風容易過,千枝 齊護碧桃紗。 款識:六十五年歲,丙辰九月既望後三日,寫奉文明仁兄法家教正。 孫雲生家瑞,蘭園別墅。 鈐印:孫家瑞(白文)、雲生(朱文)、大風堂門人(朱文)、 清心堂(朱文)
翰墨丹青 中 - 國書畫 Refined Brushwork: Fine Chinese Paintings
(Taiwanese, 1879-1964)
于右任 草書五言聯信札
Calligraphy Ink on paper, framed 29 x 22 cm Signed YU YOUREN in Chinese With one seal of the artist
NT$ 20,000 – 40,000 HK$ 5,000 – 10,000 US$ 700 – 1,300 RMB 4,000 – 9,000 Ravenel 148
水墨 紙本 鏡框 29 x 22 cm 釋文:不俗即仙骨,多情乃佛心。 款識:于右任 鈐印:右任(朱文)
671 PENG KANG LUNG (Taiwanese, b.1962)
彭康隆 依巖
Calligraphy Ink on paper, framed 35 x 58 cm Signed KANG LUNG in Chinese
NT$ 30,000 – 60,000 HK$ 8,000 – 15,000 US$ 1,000 – 2,000 RMB 7,000 – 13,000
水墨 紙本 鏡框 35 x 58 cm 釋文:依巖 款識:康隆於京都
翰墨丹青 中 - 國書畫
(Taiwanese, 1896-1963)
Refined Brushwork: Fine Chinese Paintings
Poem in Running Script 1953 Ink on paper, framed 31.5 x 14.5 cm Signed HSINYU in Chinese With two seals of the artist
NT$ 40,000 – 80,000 HK$ 10,000 – 20,000 US$ 1,300 – 2,600 RMB 9,000 – 18,000 溥 心畬 行書唐七言詩 1953 水墨 紙本 鏡框 31.5 x 14.5 cm 釋文:武帝祠前雲易散,仙人掌上雨初晴。 款識:癸巳冬,心畬。 鈐印:舊王孫(朱文)、溥儒(白文)
Ravenel 150
(Taiwanese, 1896-1963)
Calligraphy in Running Script Ink on paper, framed 55 x 28.5 cm Signed HSINYU in Chinese With two seals of the artist
NT$ 80,000 – 160,000 HK$ 20,000 – 41,000 US$ 2,600 – 5,200 RMB 18,000 – 35,000 溥心畬 行書書法 水墨 紙本 鏡框 55 x 28.5 cm 釋文:漢泉范多用銅為之, 周秦以陶或以玉為之,將軍遇可。 款識:心畬 鈐印:舊王孫(朱文)、溥儒(白文)
翰墨丹青 中 - 國書畫
(Taiwanese, b.1965)
Refined Brushwork: Fine Chinese Paintings
The Amitabha Sutra 2017 Ink on paper, scroll 251 x 153 cm Signed SAN-HSIN in Chinese With two seals of the artist ILLUSTRATED: Keywords - The 10th Chinese Calligraphy Biennial 2017: Traditional and Experimentation , HCS Art Foundation, Taipei, 2017, p.23
NT$ 50,000 – 100,000 HK$ 13,000 – 26,000 US$ 1,600 – 3,300 RMB 11,000 – 22,000 杜 三鑫 母親的晨練歌頌—佛說阿彌陀佛經 2017 水墨 紙本 立軸 251 x 153 cm 釋文:佛說阿彌陀佛經 款識:丁酉夏月,散仙和南再拜 鈐印:散仙杜三鑫之章(白文)、 得其所齋書畫記(朱文) 著錄: 《關鍵字:2017 第十屆傳統與實驗書藝雙年展》, 何創時書法藝術文教基金會,台北,2017 年版, 頁 23
Ravenel 152
(Taiwanese, b.1965)
Calligraphy Couplet 2017 Ink on paper, scroll 250.5 x 71.5 cm (each) Signed SAN-HSIN in Chinese With three seals of the artist ILLUSTRATED: Keywords - The 10th Chinese Calligraphy Biennial 2017:Traditional and Experimentation , HCS Art Foundation, Taipei, 2017, p.22
NT$ 50,000 – 100,000 HK$ 13,000 – 26,000 US$ 1,600 – 3,300 RMB 11,000 – 22,000 杜三鑫 勤精進急捨離 2017 水墨 紙本 立軸 250.5 x 71.5 cm(每件) 釋文:勤精進,急捨離。 款識:丁酉夏月,散仙書。 鈐印:散仙杜三鑫之章(白文)、 得其所齋書畫記(朱文)、肖型印(朱文) 著錄: 《關鍵字:2017 第十屆傳統與實驗書藝雙年展》, 何創時書法藝術文教基金會,台北,2017 年版, 頁 22
翰墨丹青 中 - 國書畫 Refined Brushwork: Fine Chinese Paintings
(Taiwanese, 1896-1963)
Menu 1962 Ink on paper, framed 18.5 x 42.5 cm Signed HSINYU in Chinese
NT$ 70,000 – 140,000 HK$ 18,000 – 36,000 US$ 2,300 – 4,600 RMB 15,000 – 31,000
Ravenel 154
溥心畬 菜單 1962 水墨 紙本 鏡框 18.5 x 42.5 cm 釋文: 烤鴨三喫 水烹蝦 芙蓉雞片(小塊蒜) 炸丸子(不要茜粉) 糟蒸鴨肝 魚翅(排翅) 拌豬腦(多加蔥蒜) 糟煨筍尖 醬魚雞丁 雞粥(加火腿醬瓜) 炸山藥(要拔絲) 款識:壬寅秋月,心畬訂。
(Chinese, 1866-1940)
Calligraphy Couplet in Seal Script Ink on paper, scroll 130 x 30 cm (each) Signed LO CHUN-YU in Chinese With one seal of the artist
NT$ 80,000 – 160,000 HK$ 20,000 – 41,000 US$ 2,600 – 5,200 RMB 18,000 – 35,000 羅振玉 篆書七言聯 水墨 紙本 立軸 130 x 30 cm ( 每件 ) 釋文:竹邊雲氣陰相得,蓮外風光雨霧嘉。 款識:范孫侍郎大人鈞正,羅振玉學。 鈐印:羅振玉印(白文)
翰墨丹青 中 - 國書畫
(Taiwanese, 1879-1964)
Refined Brushwork: Fine Chinese Paintings
Calligraphy Ink on paper, framed 62 x 26 cm Signed YU YOUREN in Chinese With one seal of the artist
NT$ 90,000 – 180,000 HK$ 23,000 – 46,000 US$ 2,900 – 5,900 RMB 20,000 – 39,000 于右任 草書菜根譚 水墨 紙本 鏡框 62 x 26 cm 釋文:青天白日的節義,自暗室屋漏中培來; 旋乾轉坤的經綸,自臨深履薄處繅出。 款識:永英先生正之,于右任,洪自誠菜根譚。 鈐印:右任(朱文)
Ravenel 156
(Taiwanese, 1899-1980)
Calligraphy Ink on paper, scroll 105.5 x 34 cm Signed CHUANG YEN in Chinese With one seal of the artist
NT$ 90,000 – 180,000 HK$ 23,000 – 46,000 US$ 2,900 – 5,900 RMB 20,000 – 39,000 莊嚴 瘦金體作南鄉子詞 水墨 紙本 立軸 105.5 x 34 cm 釋文:回首萬山橫,不見親朋不見城。惟有天邊雲和水, 依依,伴客長征無限情。航路晚來平,一枕初寒夢未成。 今夜青燈殘照處,晴空,萬里直向北西行。 款識:由台來美,經阿拉斯亞航機,有作南鄉子詞, 錄似本立我兄兩正。莊嚴客芝城。 鈐印:莊嚴(白文)
翰墨丹青 中 - 國書畫
(Taiwanese, 1896-1963)
Refined Brushwork: Fine Chinese Paintings
Calligraphy in Running Script Ink on paper, scroll 100 x 33 cm Signed HSIN YU in Chinese With two seals of the artist
NT$ 120,000 – 240,000 HK$ 31,000 – 61,000 US$ 3,900 – 7,800 RMB 26,000 – 53,000 溥 心畬 行書梅花詩 水墨 紙本 立軸 100 x 33 cm 釋文:陽月寒梅樹,紛紛散綺霞,山中一夜雪, 江上幾枝花。 款識:題梅花舊作,心畬。 鈐印:溥儒之印(白文)、心畬翰墨(朱文)
Ravenel 158
(Taiwanese, 1902-1990)
Calligraphy in Running Script Ink on paper, scroll 133 x 33 cm Signed TAI JING-NONG in Chinese With three seals of the artist PROVENANCE: Acquired directly from the artist
NT$ 120,000 – 240,000 HK$ 31,000 – 61,000 US$ 3,900 – 7,800 RMB 26,000 – 53,000 臺靜農 行書唐李賀詩 水墨 紙本 立軸 133 x 33 cm 釋文:長卿懷茂陵,綠草垂石井。彈琴看文君,春風吹鬢影。 梁王與武帝,棄之如斷梗。惟留一簡書,金泥泰山頂。 款識:卷應作簡,長吉詠懷,靜者書於龍坡。 鈐印:靜者白首攻之(朱文)、臺靜農(白文)、龍坡靜者(朱文) 來源: 現藏家得自藝術家本人
翰墨丹青 中 - 國書畫
682 YANG SHANSHEN (Chinese, 1913-2004)
Refined Brushwork: Fine Chinese Paintings
Calligraphy Couplet Ink on paper, scroll 135 x 34 cm (each) Signed YANG SHANSHEN in Chinese With one seal of the artist
NT$ 120,000 – 240,000 HK$ 31,000 – 61,000 US$ 3,900 – 7,800 RMB 26,000 – 53,000 楊善深 行書七言聯 水墨 紙本 立軸 135 x 34 cm ( 每件 ) 釋文:秋月春風在懷抱, 吉金樂石為文章。 款識:楊善深書 鈐印:楊善深(白文)
Ravenel 160
(Taiwanese, 1902-1990)
Calligraphy Couplet in Running Script Ink on paper, scroll 135 x 32.5 cm (each) Signed TAI JING-NONG in Chinese With three seals of the artist PROVENANCE: Acquired directly from the artist
NT$ 140,000 – 280,000 HK$ 36,000 – 71,000 US$ 4,600 – 9,100 RMB 31,000 – 61,000 臺 靜農 行書七言聯 水墨 紙本 立軸 135 x 32.5 cm ( 每件 ) 釋文:春藏柳谷鶯先覺,露滴松枝鶴有聲。 款識:臺靜農書於龍坡 鈐印:靜者白首攻之(朱文)、臺靜農(白文)、 龍坡靜者(朱文) 來源: 現藏家得自藝術家本人
翰墨丹青 中 - 國書畫 Refined Brushwork: Fine Chinese Paintings
(Taiwanese, 1879-1964)
Calligraphy Couplet in Cursive Script Ink on paper, framed 68 x 24.5 cm (each) Signed YU YOUREN in Chinese With one seal of the artist
NT$ 190,000 – 300,000 HK$ 48,000 – 77,000 US$ 6,200 – 9,800 RMB 42,000 – 66,000 Ravenel 162
于右任 草書四言聯 水墨 紙本 鏡框 68 x 24.5 cm ( 每件 ) 釋文:萬竹猶虛,山有所會。 款識:于右任 鈐印:右任(朱文)
(Chinese, 1894-1968)
Calligraphy Couplet in Running Script Ink on gold-flecked paper, scroll 132.4 x 32 cm (each) Signed WU HUFAN in Chinese With two seals of the artist
NT$ 300,000 – 480,000 HK$ 77,000 – 122,000 US$ 9,800 – 15,600 RMB 66,000 – 105,000 吳 湖帆 行書七言聯 水墨 灑金箋 立軸 132.4 x 32 cm ( 每件 ) 釋文:數粒蒼山黏遠漢,千畦翠浪舞晴空。 款識:熊照先生,吳湖帆 鈐印:吳湖颿印(白文)、倩宜書印(朱文)
翰墨丹青 中 - 國書畫 Refined Brushwork: Fine Chinese Paintings
(Chinese, 1907-1989)
Calligraphy Ink on paper, framed 31 x 84 cm Signed LI KERAN in Chinese With one seal of the artist
NT$ 200,000 – 320,000 HK$ 51,000 – 82,000 US$ 6,500 – 10,400 RMB 44,000 – 70,000
Ravenel 164
李可染 影童室 水墨 紙本 鏡框 31 x 84 cm 釋文:影童室 款識:李可染 鈐印:可染(白文)
687 YANG SHANSHEN (Chinese, 1913-2004)
Calligraphy Ink on paper, framed 33.5 x 137 cm Signed YANG SHANSHEN in Chinese With one seal of the artist
NT$ 110,000 – 220,000 HK$ 28,000 – 56,000 US$ 3,600 – 7,200 RMB 24,000 – 48,000
楊善深 天開長樂 水墨 紙本 鏡框 33.5 x 137 cm 釋文:天開長樂 款識:楊善深 鈐印:楊善深種(朱文)
翰墨丹青 中 - 國書畫 Refined Brushwork: Fine Chinese Paintings
(Taiwanese, b.1938)
朱銘 人間系列
Living World Series Ink and colour on paper, framed 33.5 x 45.5 cm Signed JU MING in Chinese With one seal of the artist PROVENANCE: Acquired directly from the artist
NT$ 40,000 – 80,000 HK$ 10,000 – 20,000 US$ 1,300 – 2,600 RMB 9,000 – 18,000 Ravenel 166
水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 33.5 x 45.5 cm 款識:朱銘,人間系列 鈐印:朱銘(白文) 來源: 現藏家得自藝術家本人
(Taiwanese, b.1938)
朱銘 雙蟹(謝謝)
Thanks Ink and colour on paper, framed 30.5 x 41.5 cm Signed JU MING in Chinese With one seal of the artist PROVENANCE: Acquired directly from the artist
NT$ 40,000 – 80,000 HK$ 10,000 – 20,000 US$ 1,300 – 2,600 RMB 9,000 – 18,000
水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 30.5 x 41.5 cm 款識:朱銘 鈐印:朱銘(白文) 來源: 現藏家得自藝術家本人
翰墨丹青 中 - 國書畫
Refined Brushwork: Fine Chinese Paintings
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ABSENTEE BID FORM Auction RAVENEL SPRING AUCTION 2019 Refined Brushwork: Fine Chinese Paintings Date Saturday, June 1, 2019, 3:30 pm Sale No. TC1902 Location Taipei Marriott Hotel Address Grand Space, 3rd Floor, No. 199, Lequn 2nd Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei
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業務規則 下述規則,為羅芙奧股份有限公司(下稱「本公司」)與賣家訂立合約,亦 作為賣家之代理人與買家訂立合約之條款。準買家、買家及賣家務須細讀 各項規則並完全同意遵守本業務規則。準買家、買家請特別留意第二條第5 項,其對本公司之法律責任作了限定。 一、本業務規則所用詞彙之定義 在下列規定中,某些常用詞彙需加以解釋。此等詞彙定義如下: 1. 「買家」:指本公司所接受之出價最高之自然人或法人。 2. 「準買家」:指任何有意參加本公司舉辦拍賣之任何自然人或法人。 3. 「賣家」:指將拍賣品獨家委託本公司於本公司舉辦之拍賣會參與拍賣 之自然人或法人。 4. 「拍賣品」:指交予本公司以供拍賣出售之物品,尤其在任何目錄內以 任何編號描述之一項或多項物品。 5. 「落槌價」:指本公司就某一拍賣品而接受之最高出價之價款。 6. 「買家服務費」:指買家按落槌價之某一百分比而支付本公司之費用; 收費率如第二條第4a項所列。 7. 「底價」:指本公司與賣家協定之最低價格,拍賣品不能以低於該價之 價格售出。 8. 「膺品」:指拍賣品構成模仿,而模仿之原構想及其整體執行均具有欺 詐意圖,以就拍賣品之作者、來歷、年代、時期、文化或來源進行欺 騙,而對此等事項之正確描述並未在目錄之描述上反映出來,而拍賣品 在拍賣當日之價值,遠低於按照目錄之描述所應有之價值。按此定義, 任何拍賣品均不會因為有任何損壞及/或任何形式之修整(包括重新上 漆)而成為膺品。 9. 「保險值」:指本公司不時按其絕對決定權認為拍賣品所應購買之保險 之價值(不論保險是否由本公司安排購買)。 10. 「賣家服務費」:指賣家應支付本公司之費用。 二、買家 1. 本公司作為賣家代理人 本公司作為賣家代理人之身分行事。除另行協定外,在本公司之拍賣中 成功拍賣之物品,即產生賣家通過本公司之代理與買家達成之合約。 2. 拍賣前 a. 鑑定物品 本公司鄭重建議,準買家應於拍賣進行之前親自鑑定其有興趣競投之 物品。本公司就任何拍賣品及相關證明文件之真偽,均不對買家作任 何保證。 b. 拍賣品狀況之重要注意事項 請準買家注意,在可能的範圍內,目錄中對於拍賣品特性上之描述, 皆已提及顯著的損壞,惟不包括所有的缺陷、瑕疪與不完整。對任何 拍賣品之描述亦不應視作表示其無經過重整或修理,亦不應視作對拍 賣品狀態或保存情況的陳述或保證。在目錄中若有狀態陳述的缺乏或 損害鑑定的缺乏,並不代表拍賣品是為良好狀態。本公司鄭重建議, 準買家在拍賣進行之前,對於有興趣競投之拍賣品狀況應經由親自檢 閱,不應依據目錄中的描述或陳述,因為任何在目錄中所列出的描述 或陳述是為純粹本公司的主觀意見,並非提供聲明或擔保。準買家知 悉並瞭解所有拍賣品均以「現狀」售出,本公司對於任何拍出之拍賣 品狀態不作任何承諾或保證。 c. 符號表示 以下為本目錄所載符號之說明 o保證項目 拍賣品編號旁註有o符號者,表示賣家已取得本公司保證,可在一次 或一連串拍賣中得到最低出售價格。此保證可由本公司、第三方或由 本公司與第三方共同提供。保證可為由第三方提供之不可撤銷競投之 形式做出。若保證拍賣品成功售出,提供或參與提供保證之第三方可 能會取得財務利益;惟銷售不成功時,則可能會產生虧損。若提供或 參與保證之第三方成功競投保證拍賣品時,他們仍需支付全額的買家 服務費。 d. 目錄說明 本公司於目錄或鑑定意見書內對任何拍賣品及其證書之作者、來歷、 日期、年代、尺寸、材質、歸屬、真實性、出處、保存狀況或估計售 價之陳述,或另行對此等方面之口頭或書面陳述,均僅屬意見之陳 述,不應依據為確實事實之陳述。目錄圖示亦僅作為指引而已,不應 作為任何拍賣項目之依據,藉以決定其顏色或色調,或揭示其缺陷。
拍賣價格之估計,不應依據為拍賣品會成功拍賣之價格或拍賣品作 其他用途之價值陳述。 許多拍賣品基於其年代或性質,使其未能有完美之狀況,目錄內有 些說明或鑑定意見書會提述拍賣品之損壞及/或修整資料。此等資 料僅作為指引而已,如未有提述此等資料,亦不表示拍賣品並無缺 陷或修整,如已提述特定缺陷,亦不表示並無其他缺陷。 e. 買家之責任 有關拍賣品之狀況以及目錄說明所提述之事項,買家有責任自行查 明並瞭解,並就拍賣品為自己獨立之判斷及評估,並確使自己感到 滿意。 3. 拍賣時 a. 估價 目錄內及拍賣當日所提供之美金等貨幣估價,僅為參考依據。本拍 賣會須以新台幣結算,買家如須以新台幣之外其他貨幣繳付,須依 拍賣日現場公佈之匯率,折合所繳付之等值貨幣計算。 b. 拒絕入場 拍賣於本公司之場地進行,或於本公司為拍賣而具有控制權之場地 進行,本公司具有完全之決定權,可行使權利拒絕任何人進入拍賣 場地或參與拍賣。 c. 競投之前作出登記 每一準買家在作出競投之前,必須填妥及簽署登記表格,並提供身 分證明。準買家應注意,本公司通常會要求對買家作出信用核查。 d. 競投保證金 競投者,應在領取競投號牌前繳納競投保證金,競投保證金的金額 由本公司在拍賣日前公佈。 (1) 若競投者未支付競投保證金,本公司有權不接受其競投。若競 投者未能購得拍賣品且對本公司無任何欠款則將無息退還保證 金。 (2) 若競投者成為買家,則本公司有權將此保證金自動轉化為已成 交拍賣品購買款項之一部(包含落槌價、服務費或運費等相關 費用),若尚有餘款須退回給買家;若買家無正當理由未於成 功拍賣日期後七天內支付全部應支付之成交拍賣品購買款項 (包含落槌價、服務費或運費等相關費用)予本公司,買家不 得請求返還競投保證金。 e. 競投者為買家 競投者將被視為買家而須承擔個人法律責任,除非登記時已經與本 公司書面協定,競投者僅為第三人之代理人,且該第三人復為本公 司所接受者。 f. 委託競投 如準買家使用印於目錄說明之後之表格指示本公司代其競投,本公 司將盡適當努力代其競投,但代為競投指示須於拍賣前送抵本公 司。如本公司就某一拍賣品而收到多個委託競投之相等競投價,而 在拍賣時此等競投價乃該拍賣品之最高競投價,則該拍賣品會歸其 委託競投最先送抵本公司之人。委託競投之承擔受拍賣時之其他承 諾所限,而拍賣進行之情況可能使本公司無法代為競投。由於此項 承擔乃本公司為準買家按所述條款提供之免費服務,如未能按委託 作出競投,本公司將不負任何法律責任。準買家如希望確保競投成 功,應親自出席競投。 g. 電話競投 如準買家於拍賣前與本公司作好安排,本公司將盡適當努力聯絡競 投者,使其能以電話參與競投,但在任何情況下,如未能聯絡或無 法參加電話競投,本公司對賣家或任何準買家均不負任何責任。 h. 透過 Invaluable 進行網上競投 若準買家未能出席拍賣會,或可透過Invaluable網上競投服務於網上 競投屬意拍品,而承擔買家獨立責任。此項服務乃免費及保密。有 關透過 Invaluable 網上競投服務登記,進行網上競投之詳情,請參閱 本公司網頁。使用Invaluable網上競投服務之準買家須接 受透過Invaluable網上競投服務進行即時網上競投之附加條款(可參 閱網站),以及適用於該拍賣之業務規則所規範,本公司得隨時修 改該業務規則。 i. 匯率轉換顯示板 拍賣會中,本公司會使用匯率轉換顯示板。匯率轉換顯示板僅供參 考,不論是顯示板所示之拍賣品編號或是新台幣競投價之相等外 匯,其準確程度均可能會出現非本公司所能控制之誤差。買家因依 賴匯率轉換顯示板(而非因以新台幣競投)所導致而蒙受之任何損 失,本公司概不負責。
j. 錄映影像 在有些拍賣中會有影像投射,但其操作或會出現錯誤。不論影像是 否與成功拍賣之拍賣品相配合,或是翻版影像之質素,本公司對買 家均不負任何責任。 k. 拍賣官之決定權 拍賣官具有絕對決定權,有權拒絕任何競投、以其決定之方式推動 出價、將任何拍賣品撤回或分批、將任何兩件或多件拍賣品合併, 以及如遇有誤差或爭議,將拍賣品重新拍賣。拍賣官會於拍賣開始 前或於相關拍賣品競標前對注意事項作出通告,準買家須負責自行 注意所有於拍賣會場發表之通告。建議使用即時網上競投服務參與 競投的準買家,於拍賣開始前登入,以確保準買家得知拍賣開始前 所作出之通告。 l. 成功競投在拍賣官之決定權下,下槌即顯示對最高競投價之接受, 亦即為賣家與買家合意依落槌價拍定拍賣品,視為成功拍賣合約之 訂立。 4. 成功拍賣後 a. 買家支付每件拍賣品之服務費費率 (1) 買家除支付落槌價外,另須支付服務費予本公司,落槌價於新台 幣參仟貳佰萬元以下者含參仟貳佰萬元以落槌價之20%計算。 (2) 落槌價於新台幣參仟貳佰萬元以上者,採分為二階段計費,其中 新台幣參仟貳佰萬元以落槌價之20%計算,超過新台幣參仟貳 佰萬元之部份再以落槌價之12%,加總計算服務費金額。 b. 稅項 買家應付予本公司之款項,如須另行支付貨物、服務稅或其他稅則 時(不論由台灣政府或別處所徵收)。買家須負責按有關法律所規 定之稅率及時間,自行繳付稅款。 c. 付款 成功拍賣後,買家須向本公司提供其真實姓名及永久地址。如經本 公司要求,買家亦須提供付款銀行之詳情,包含但不限於付款帳 號。買家應於拍賣日期後七天內悉數支付應支付予本公司之款項 (包含落槌價、服務費或運費等相關費用)。即使買家希望將拍賣 品出口並需要(或可能需要)出口許可證,此一付款條件亦適用。 買家如未向本公司支付所欠之全部款項,則不能取得拍賣品之所有 權,即使本公司已將拍賣品交付予買家亦然。如支付予本公司之 款項為新台幣以外之貨幣,須依拍賣日現場公佈之匯率(台灣銀 行),並以本公司就此兌換率而發出之憑證為準。 d. 領取已購拍賣品 除非本公司另有特別相反協定,否則本公司將暫時保留已成功拍賣 之拍賣項目,直至欠本公司之款項已悉數支付為止。已購拍賣品在 暫時保留期間,由成功拍賣日後起算七天將受保於本公司之保險, 如屆時拍賣品已被領取,則受保至領取時為止。七天期滿後或自領 取時起(以較早者為準),已購拍賣品之風險全由買家承擔。 e. 介紹裝運及運輸公司 本公司之貨運部門在買家要求下,可為買家介紹運輸公司、安排付 運及購買特定保險,但本公司在此方面不負任何法律責任。買家必 須預先繳付運輸費用。 f. 不付款或未有領取已購拍賣品之補救辦法 如買家並未在成功拍賣日後起算七天內付款,本公司即有權行使下 述一項或多項權利或補救辦法: (1) 在成功拍賣日後起算超過七天仍未付款,則按不超過台灣銀行基 本放款利率加收10%之年利率收取整筆欠款之利息。此外本公司 可同時按日收取依成交價(含落槌價、服務費)1%計算之懲罰 性違約金。本公司亦得自行選擇將買家未付之款項,用以抵銷 本公司或其他關係企業在任何其他交易中欠下買家之款項,買 家絕無異議。 (2) 對任何屬於買家所有而因任何目的(包含但不限於其他交易)而由 本公司管有之已購拍賣品行使留置權,並在給予買家有關其未 付之欠繳之十四天通知後,安排將該物品出售並將收益用以清 償該未付之欠款。 (3) 如買家因多項不同之交易而欠下本公司數筆款項,將所付之款項 用以清償已購拍賣品就任何特定交易而欠下之任何款項,而不 論買家是否指示用以清償該筆款項。 (4) 在將來的任何拍賣中,拒絕買家作出或由他人代其作出之競投, 或在接受其任何競投之前先收取買家一筆競投保證金。如買家 未有在三十五天內付款,本公司除上述辦法外,另有權為下述 一項或多項權利或補救辦法:
(a) 代賣家針對買家進行法律程序,以追討整筆欠款,連同此項以悉 數賠償為基準之法律程序訴訟費。 (b) 取消同一次或任何其他拍賣中買家競投得之拍賣品或任何其他售 予買家之拍賣品交易。 (c) 安排將拍賣品公開或私下重售,如重售所得價格較低,就差額連 同因買家未有付款而引致之任何費用一併向買家索償。 g. 未有領取已購拍賣品 如已購得之拍賣品未有在成功拍賣日後起算七天內領取,則不論是 否已付款,本公司將安排貯存事宜,費用由買家承擔。而買家在付 清所引起之貯存、搬運、運輸、保險及任何其他費用,連同欠本公 司之所有其他款項後,方可領取已購拍賣品項目。 h. 出口許可證 除本公司另有書面同意外,買家希望申請出口許可證,並不影響買 家在成功拍賣日後起算七天內付款之責任,亦不影響本公司對延遲 付款收取利息之權利。 如買家要求本公司代為申請出口許可證,本公司有權向其收取與此 項申請有關之款項及零碎開支連同任何有關之稅則。 如買家不需要出口許可證而作出付款,本公司並無責任退還買家因 此而引致之任何利息或其他開支。 5. 本公司之法律責任 本公司僅在第二條第6項所列之情況下,得退還款項予買家。除此之 外,不論賣家或本公司,或本公司任何僱員或代理人,對任何拍賣品之 作者、來歷、日期、年代、歸屬、真實性或出處之陳述,或任何其他說 明之誤差,任何拍賣品之任何瑕疵或缺陷,均不負有任何責任。賣家、 本公司、本公司之僱員或代理人,不論是明示或暗示均無就任何拍賣品 作出任何保證。任何種類之任何擔保,均不包含在本條之內。 6. 膺品/贓物之退款 本公司之拍賣品,經本公司書面認可之專業鑑定機構出具鑑定報告證實 為膺品、贓物或涉及不法情事者,則交易將取消,已付之款項於交付賣 家前將退還予買家。但如: a. 在拍賣日發出之目錄說明或拍賣場通告符合當時學者或專家普遍接納 之意見,或清楚表明有牴觸當時學者或專家普遍接納之意見。 b. 或證明拍賣品為膺品或贓物之方法,只是一種在目錄出版前仍未普遍 獲接納使用之科學程序,或是一種在拍賣日仍屬昂貴得不合理或並 不實際或很可能會對拍賣品造成損壞之程序,則本公司無論如何並 無責任退還任何款項。此外,買家只在滿足下述條件下方可獲得退 款: (1) 買家必須在拍賣日起十日內以書面通知本公司,說明買家認為有 關拍賣品乃膺品或贓物之詳細理由及證據。 (2) 且買家需於書面通知後十四天內將拍賣品送還本公司,而其狀況 應維持與拍賣當日相同,不得有任何損壞。 (3) 送還拍賣品後,買家須盡快出示證據,足以使本公司確信拍賣品 乃膺品或贓物(本公司保有最終及不可異議之決定權),買家並可 將拍賣品之完整所有權及相關權利轉讓予本公司,而與任何第 三人之索償無涉。在任何情況下,本公司均毋須向買家支付多 於買家就有關拍賣品而支付之款項,而買家亦不能索取利息。 本擔保之利益不能轉讓,完全屬於拍賣品成功拍賣時獲本公司發給正本 發票之買家所有(該買家名稱被記載於發票上),該名買家並須自拍賣後 一直保持拍賣品擁有人之身分,而且並無將拍賣品之任何利益讓予任何 第三人。本公司有權依據任何科學程序或其他程序確定拍賣品並非膺品 或贓物,不論該程序在拍賣當日是否已使用或已在使用,如本公司驗證 拍賣品是否屬於贗品或贓物結果與買家出示證據相衝突者,應以本公司 驗證結果為準。
TRANSACTION AGREEMENT The following provisions are entered into by and between Ravenel Ltd., as the auctioneer, (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”),and the Seller (hereinafter referred to as the "Seller"). This Agreement is also entered into by and between the Company as the agent of the Seller and the Buyer (hereinafter the "Buyer"). The Prospective Buyer, the Buyer and the Seller must carefully review and completely agree all provisions hereunder and any revisions from time to time. The Prospective Buyer, the Buyer should pay special attention to Article 2, Section 5 which provides limitations as to the legal responsibilities of the Company. ARTICLE 1.DEFINITION Some of the phrases commonly seen herein are defined as follows: 1. "The Buyer" shall mean highest bidder accepted by the Company. 2. "The Prospective Buyer" shall mean any potential bidder willing to attend the auction sale hosted by the Company. 3. "The Seller" shall mean the Seller who provides the Lot and agrees to appoint the Company as its exclusive agent to sell the Lot at the Auction and participate, and cooperate, in exhibitions prior to the Auction if so required by the Company. 4. "The Lot" shall mean the item delivered to the Company to be sold in an auction, especially the single or multiple pieces of items numbered in the catalogue. 5. "Hammer price" shall mean the highest bid with respect to one particular Lot accepted by the auctioning party. 6. The " Buyer's Premium" shall mean the fee based on a certain percentage of the Hammer price paid to the Company by the Buyer; the percentage shall be as prescribed in Article 2, Section 4a. 7. "The Reserve Price" shall mean the lowest price agreed by the Company and Seller. The Lot cannot be sold at a price lower than such price. 8. "Counterfeit" shall mean the Lot constitutes imitation and the original concept of the imitation and its overall execution result in fraud to cause deception in connection with the author, history, year, age, culture or origin of the Lot, for which the accurate description is not reflected in the catalogue and the value of the Lot on the auction day is far less than the value it should have according to the description in the catalogue. Therefore, no auction item will become a counterfeit as a result of any damage and/or any repairing in any manner (including repaints). 9. "Insured amount" shall mean the value of the insurance purchased for the Lot which the Company considers necessary under its absolute power from time to time (regardless whether such insurance is purchased by the Company). 10. The "Seller Service Fee” shall mean the fee is paid to the Company by the Seller. ARTICLE 2.THE BUYER 1. The Company as the Agent of the Seller The Company, shall act as the agent of the Seller. Except otherwise provided, items successfully sold in the auction held by the Company shall be bound by the agreement made by and between the Seller, through the agency of the Company, and the Buyer. 2. Prior to the Auction a. Authentication We strongly recommend that the Prospective Buyers conduct their own authentication for the items they are interested in bidding prior to the auction. The Company provides no guarantee to the Buyer including but without limitations whether the Lot is a counterfeit or the authentication of the Lot and related certificates. b. Important Notice Attention, the Prospective Buyers: As far as possible, the descriptions of auction items will mention obvious defects of the items; however, they do not necessarily include all flaws, defects, or incomplete aspects. The description of the auction items also do not imply and guarantee that the items have not gone through readjustment or repair or allude anything about the current state or storage conditions of the items. Any omission in the catalogue description regarding the current condition or the appraisal of defects in the items by no means represent that those items are in good condition, function normally. We strongly recommend the Prospective Buyers shall personally view the items for which they plan to bid before the auction. Any description in the catalogue or any statement provided by the Company is purely the Company's subjective opinion and not a statement of fact, not for representations or warranties. The Prospective Buyer completely understands and acknowledges that all of the items on auction are being sold in "as is" condition. The Company does not provide any representation or guarantee as to the condition of any of the items. c. Symbol Key The following key explains the symbol you may see inside this catalogue. ○ Guaranteed Property The Seller of the Lots with this symbol next to the Lot number has been guaranteed a minimum price from one auction or a series of auctions. This guarantee may be provided by the Company, by a third party or jointly by the Company and a third party. A guarantee may be in the form of an irrevocable bid provided by a third party. Third parties providing or participating in a guarantee may benefit financially if a guaranteed Lot is sold successfully and may incur a loss if the sale is not successful. If third parties providing or participating in a guarantee is the successful bidder for the guaranteed Lot, they should be required to pay the full Buyer's Premium. d. Catalogue Explanations Any statement of the author, history, date, year, size, material, ownership, authenticity, origin, condition of preservation or estimated selling price of any of the Lot and certificates thereof shown in the catalogue or the authentication opinion made by the Company, or any other verbal or written statements made separately shall be solely statements of opinions
and shall not be deemed the basis for the statements of actual fact. The photographs shown in the catalogue shall serve as reference only and shall not be deemed as the basis for determining the color or tone of any Lots or disclosure of the defects of such item. The estimates of the auction price shall not be deemed the price at which such item will be successfully sold or the statement of the value of the item for other purposes. Many Lots fail to maintain their perfect condition because of time and other environmental factors. Some of the explanations in the catalogue or the authentication opinions will state defects and/or the repair background of the Lots. Such information is meant for reference only. Missing information in the statements does not mean the Lot has no defects or has not been repaired. Any statement of one particular defect does not mean there is no any other defect. e. Responsibility of the Buyer The Buyer is responsible for clarifying and satisfying himself about the condition of the items and any related matters stated in the catalogue descriptions and making his/her/its own judgment or estimation independently regarding the his/her own judgment or estimation independently regarding the Lots. 3. In the Auction a. Estimates The prices in US dollars or other currencies reproduced in the auction and this catalogue are for reference only. The Buyer is requested to pay by New Taiwan dollars or other foreign currencies in its equivalency based on the exchange rate announced by the Company on the day of auction. b. Refusal of Admission The auction is held at the premises of the Company or any location where the Company has control of for the auction. The Company has full discretion to exercise the right to refuse entry to the premises for the auction or to prevent participation in the auction. c. Registration Prior to the Bidding Prospective Buyers must fill in and sign the registration forms prior to the bidding and provide personal identification. Prospective Buyers should also note that the Company may request to conduct credit checks against Buyers. d. The Bidding Deposit The bidder shall pay the bidding deposit before receiving the bidding number. The Company will announce the amount of the bidding deposit before the auction day. (1) If the bidder fails to pay the bidding deposit in advance, the Company has the right to refuse the bid. If the bidder is not able to purchase any Lot and has no outstanding debts to the Company, the Company will return the bidding deposit to the bidder. (2) If the bidder becomes the Buyer, the Company has the right to transfer the bidding deposit into the payment (including but without limitation, Hammer price, Buyer's Premium, Costs and expenses for shipping and related costs ) of the Lot for which transaction is concluded. And the Company will return the balance of the deposit to the Buyer (if any). If the Buyer ,without any good cause, fails to pay any and all payment (including but without limitation, Hammer price, Buyer's Premium, Costs and expenses for shipping and related costs) of the Lot to the Company within 7 days after the auction date ,the Buyer shall not claim for the return of the bidding deposit. e. The Bidder is the Buyer Unless a written agreement has been made upon registration that the bidder will be the agent who acts on behalf of a third person and such third person is accepted by the Company, the bidder will be deemed as the Buyer who will bear individual legal responsibilities. f. Commission Bids The Company will make the proper effort to bid for the Prospective Buyers who instruct us to bid on their behalf by using the provided forms attached to the explanations of the catalogue; however, bid commission instructions must be delivered to the Company prior to the auction. If the Company receives several commission bids for one particular item, with all bid prices being equal and of the highest bid price at the auction, priority shall be given to the Buyer whose bid commission is delivered to the Company first. Commission bids are subject to auction conditions. The situation at the auction may prevent the Company from making the bid as commissioned. This is a free service provided by the Company to the Prospective Buyers pursuant to the provisions prescribed. The Company will not be held legally liable if it fails to make the bid as commissioned. The Prospective Buyers should attend the auction in person if they wish to ensure a successful bid. g. Bid by Phone The Company will make proper effort to contact the bidder so he/she can participate in the auction by phone if the Prospective Buyer make arrangements with the Company prior to the auction. However, the Company will bear no responsibilities to the Seller or any prospective Buyer if no contact is made or any failure to participate in the auction by phone under any circumstances. h. Online Bids via Invaluable If the bidder cannot attend the auction, it may be possible to bid online via Invaluable for preferred Lots to bear individual buyer's responsibilities. This service is free and confidential. For information about registering to bid via Invaluable, please refer to The Bidders using the Invaluable online bidding service are subject to the additional terms and conditions for online bidding via Invaluable, which can be viewed at and be revised by the Company from time to time. i. Exchange Rate Conversion Board There will be an exchange rate conversion board operating in auctions. Nonetheless, the auction will still be conducted in NT dollars. The exchange rate conversion board is not absolutely reliable and for the reference only. The accuracy of either the Lot numbering shown on the board or the equivalent of the bid price in any foreign currency is not within the control of the Company. The Company will not be responsible for any losses caused by the reliance of the Buyer on the exchange rate conversion board.
j. Recorded Images There is image projection in some auctions; however, errors may occur during the operation. The Company is not liable for the color accuracy of the reproduced image and whether the projected image corresponds to the item being auctioned. k. Determining Power of the Auctioneer The auctioneer has the absolute power to reject any bid, push for bids at his/her discretion, withdraw any auction items, separate or combine two or more auction items, and if there is any error or dispute, re-auction the items. If the auctioneer announces the points for attention before the auction or the bidding, the Prospective Buyers shall pay attention for any announcement as its own responsibility. We recommend the Prospective Buyers using Online Bids Services to log in the system prior to the commencement of the auction, to ensure the timely awareness of any notices or announcements made prior to the auction. l. Successful Bids Under the discretion of the auctioneer, the fall of the hammer indicates the acceptance of the highest bid price, i.e., the Seller and the Buyer enter into a successful auction agreement on Hammer Price. 4. Following the Auction a. The Buyer's Premium of Each Lot (1) The Buyer should pay the hammer price and, in addition, the Buyer's Premium to the Company. For hammer price below NT$ 32,000,000 (inclusive), the Buyer's Premium should be calculated at 20% of the hammer price. (2) For hammer price higher than NT$ 32,000,000, total amount of the Buyer's Premium should be that the first NT$ 32,000,000 of the hammer price should be calculated at 20% and the rest of the amount of the hammer price should be calculated at 12% of the hammer price. b. Taxes All the payments payable by the Buyer to the Company do not include any commodity or service taxes or any other value added taxes (whether imposed by the Taiwanese government or elsewhere). The Buyer should be responsible for paying any applicable taxes as required by the law. c. Payment The Buyer should provide his/her/its true name and permanent address to the Company upon the successful bid. Relevant bank information, including but without limitations the payment account, should also be provided upon the company request. All payments due (including the hammer price, the Buyer's Premium and any freights or other expenses) should be paid within 7 days following the auction date. The aforesaid provision also applies if the Buyer intends to export the Lot and (may) need the export permit. If the Buyer fails to pay to the Company all the payments due, the Buyer will not acquire the ownership of the Lot even if the Company has delivered such item to the Buyer. If the payment to the Company are made in any currency other than NT dollars, the exchange rate of the payments to the Company should be the exchange rate reported by the Bank of Taiwan to the Company on the auction date and should be based on the certificates issued by the Company according to such exchange rate. d. Collection of the Lot Sold Unless otherwise agreed by the Company, the Company will hold temporarily the successfully sold Lots until all payments to the Company are made in full. The Lot will be covered by the insurance of the Company from the auction date for 7 days during the temporary holding period. The insurance coverage will terminate upon earlier collection of such item. The Buyer should be responsible for all risks following expiration of the said 7-day period or the collection (whichever is the earlier). e. Referral of Packaging or Transportation Companies The shipping department of the Company may introduce the forwarder, assist in the arrangement of delivery, or purchase particular insurance upon the Buyer's request. The Company will not be held liable for any legal responsibilities in this regard. And the Buyer shall prepay the freight charges. Costs and expenses for shipping and insurance shall be paid in advance. f. Remedies for Non-Payment or Non-Collection of Items Sold The Company is entitled to exercise one or more of the following rights or remedies if the Buyer fails to make payment within 7 days following the auction date: (1) An interest at the annual rate of no higher than 10% plus the base interest rate of Bank of Taiwan will be imposed on all of the payment due if payment is not made within 7 days following the auction date. Besides, we have the right of charging also 1% selling price (including of hammer price and Buyer's Premium) multiplied by the number of delayed days as punitive damage for the default. The payment to be made by the Buyer may offset any payment owed by the Company or its subsidiaries to the Buyer for any other transactions upon the Company's sole decision. (2) To exercise lien of any items owned by the Buyer and held by the Company for any purpose including but without limitations other transactions. The Company may arrange to sell such items after serving a 14-day notice to the Buyer about his/hers/its non-payment. The proceeds shall make up for the payment due. (3) If the Buyer owes the Company several payments as a result of different transactions, the payments will set-off any payments due in any particular transaction, regardless of whether the Buyer specifies to setoff such payments. (4) Refuse the Buyer to make, or to make on behalf of others, bids in any future auctions and/or to require a security deposit from the Buyer before accepting any future bids from him/her/it. If the Buyer fails to make payment within 35 days, the Company is entitled to exercise one or more of the following rights in addition to the aforementioned: (a) To bring legal proceedings against the Buyer on behalf of the Seller to claim the entire payment due and the legal fees and attorney fees resulting from such proceeding based on a total claim. (b) Cancel the transaction of Lots bid by the Buyer or any other auction items sold to the Buyer at the same or any other auctions. (c) To arrange a public or private re-sale of the Lot. If the re-selling price is lower, the difference will be claimed against the Buyer together with any cost incurred as a result of the non-payment by the Buyer.
g. No Collection of the Lot Sold The Company will arrange for the storage of the Lot if such item sold is not collected within 7 days following the successful auction, regardless of payment. Such storage cost will be borne by the Buyer. Only when the storage, handling, shipping, insurance cost and any other expenses together with any other payments due to the Company are paid in full can the sold Lot be collected. h. Export Permit Except where otherwise agreed in writing by the Company, the fact that the Buyer's wishes to apply for an export permit does not affect the Buyer's responsibility to make the payments in 7 days following the auction date; nor does it affect the Company's right to impose interest on delayed payments. If the Buyer requests that the Company applies for the export permit on his/hers/its behalf, the Company is entitled to collect monies made in connection with such an application and any miscellaneous expenses together with any relevant value added taxes. If the Buyer makes the payment regardless of the fact that an export permit is needed, the Company is not responsible for returning to the Buyer any interest or other expenses incurred therefrom. 5. The Legal Responsibility of the Company The Company is responsible for returning payment to the Buyer pursuant to Article 2, Section 6. Otherwise, whether the Buyer, the Company, any employees or agents of the Company will not be held liable for any statements of the author, history, date, year, ownership, authenticity or origin of any auction item or any errors with respect to any explanations and any flaws or defects of any auction item. The Seller, the Company, the employees or the agents of the Company make no guarantee impliedly or explicitly with respect to any auction items. Any warranty of any kind shall not be included herein. 6. Return of Payments for Counterfeits or stolen goods The transaction will be cancelled and payments made before remit to the Seller will be returned to the Buyer if the Lot of the Company is confirmed to be a counterfeit or stolen goods, or involved in obvious illegality by the professional appraisal party agreed and recognized by the Company in writing. However, if: a. The catalogue explanations or the notice at the auction distributed on the auction day corresponds to the opinions generally accepted by the academic or professional fields or explicitly indicates it conflicts with the opinions generally accepted by the academic or professional fields. b. Or the method used to prove that the Lot is a counterfeit or stolen goods is a scientific procedure not generally accepted for use before the publication of the catalogue or a procedure unreasonably expensive on the day of the auction, or impractical, or may cause damage to the Lot; the Company is not liable for the return of any payment under any circumstances. In addition, the Buyer's payment can only be refunded when the following terms are met: (1) The Buyer must notify the Company in writing within 10 days following the auction day that he/she considers the relevant auction item a counterfeit or stolen goods. (2) The Buyer must return the Lot to the Company within the following 14 days and the condition of the item must be the same as on the auction day without any damage. (3) Upon returning the Lot, the Buyer must present evidence as soon as possible to convince the Company that the Lot is a counterfeit or stolen goods (The Company has the final and sole discretion and decision and such decision shall not be objected in this regard). The Buyer may also assign the good ownership of the Lot to the Company, which shall not concern any third party claim. Under no circumstances is it necessary for the Company to pay the Buyer an amount more than what the Buyer pays in connection with the Lot and the Buyer cannot claim interests. The interests of the warranty cannot be assigned and belong solely to the Buyer who receives the original invoice on which such Buyer's name is recorded from the Company when the Lot is sold. Such Buyers shall remain the owner of the auction Lot and cannot assign any interest of the Lot to any other person. The Company is entitled to ascertain that the Lot is not a counterfeit or stolen goods based on a scientific procedure or any other procedure, regardless of whether such procedure is being used on the day of the auction. If the result of appraising and verifying whether the Lot is a counterfeit or stolen goods by the Company conflicts with the evidence provided by the Buyer, the Company's said result shall prevail over the evidence provided by the Buyer.
Please refer to our website for seller’s Transaction Agreement.