2023 Golf Program

Table of Contents

Clubessentials times will utilize the following schedule to reserve tee times:
January through December 7:00 am
Tee Times can be reserved one week (7 days) in advance:
Tuesday for Tuesdays
Wednesday for Wednesdays
Thursday for Thursdays
Friday for Fridays
Saturday for Saturdays
Sunday for Sundays
Tee Times can be reserved five days in advance:
Saturday for Thursdays
Sunday for Fridays
Monday for Saturdays
Tuesday for Sundays
Thursday for Tuesdays
Friday for Wednesdays
Tee Times can be reserved three days in advance:
Tuesday for Fridays
Wednesday for Saturdays
Thursday for Sundays
Saturday for Tuesdays
Sunday for Wednesdays
Monday for Thursday
DEPENDENTS UNDER THE AGE OF 26 Dependents can book tee times 48 hours in advance. All player positions reserved by TBD must be filled 48 hours prior to the reserved tee time. If not, the system will automatically remove the TBD.
All players are required to be off the 1st tee at their assigned tee time. Example: If your tee time is 10:00 am, then your group should have all played their first shot and be moving down the fairway by 9:55 am.
We please ask all Members to sign in at the golf shop prior to play. Guest names must also be written in the registration sheet.
Cancellation policy: Please give your fellow Members the courtesy of 24 hours notice.
Golf Course, Practice Facilities, & Teaching Tee
We please ask members and guest to wear appropriate dress on the golf course and the practice area. Golfers will NOT be allowed to utilize the golf course or practice facilities until dress code requirements have been satisfied.
All men and boys are asked to wear collared shirts or mock turtlenecks (short or long sleeved) and golf slacks or appropriate shorts. Tailored golf shorts are permitted. We ask that shirts be tucked inside slacks or shorts. Golf hats and visors are to be worn with the bill forward at all times. Tank tops, tee-shirts, short shorts, swimwear, sweatpants, workout shorts, and jeans are not permitted.
Appropriate-length shorts, slacks, golf skirts, or skorts are to be worn depending on the height of each individual. It is recommended golf shirts have either a collar or sleeves. Golf hats and visors are to be worn with the bill forward at all times. Tank tops, swimwear, sweatpants, workout shorts, leggings, and any colored denim type jeans are not permitted.
Here at Ravenna we believe in the safety and well being of all Children. Therefore, we ask that children are supervised by Members at all times when at Ravenna. This includes the Club House, Driving Range, and Golf Course. Please be aware of your children and their actions at all times so not to disturb fellow members.
While visiting The Club, we ask that all Members and guests turn their mobile device on vibrate mode and refrain from speaking on cellular telephones in the dining rooms. Please utilize the back patio or outside. Text and email usage is permitted in the dining room at any time.
Locker Rooms & Clubhouse
Members and designees shall dress in a fashion befitting the surroundings and atmosphere of The Club at Ravenna. The attire for the clubhouse that is acceptable and appropriate include: informal (jeans) , golf, casual sports, and business casual may be worn. It is the responsibility of members and designees to advise their guests of the dress requirements.
Men & boys must remove hats, visors or caps when indoors and in all covered clubhouse areas. "NO COVER UNDER COVER" , headwear is allowed at all outdoor areas.
Women’s headwear is allowed inside the indoor Clubhouse bar area and Women’s Locker Room ONLY. Women’s Headwear is NOT allowed in the main dining room or Buona La Prima.
Members, dependents and Guests over the age of eighteen are allowed in the Womens and Mens locker room lounge and outdoor patio areas. Children ages seventeen and younger are not permitted in either the men's or women's locker rooms lounges including the extension of the locker room lounge onto the outdoor patio areas.
Men & boys must remove hats, visors or caps when indoors and in all covered clubhouse areas. "NO COVER UNDER COVER" this includes Men’s Locker Room lounge , headwear is allowed at all outdoor areas including the Men’s Locker Room room patio.
Proper decorum and consideration of the comfort of others must be observed at all times. Loud or offensive language is not tolerated at any time.
Smoking is permitted outside on the Men's & Women’s patios.
When inviting guests to The Club, please forward the Clubessentials tee time confirmation so they are aware of The Club’s policies. Members will need to enter guests names into the Proptia Systems to get through the gatehouse.
Guests are allowed to play a MAXIMUM OF 6 TIMES per calendar year, excluding Club Tournaments & Events.
Accompanied Guest Fee Weekday (Tue-Thur) $135.00 - 18 Holes
(Max 3 Accompanied Guests per day) Weekend (Fri-Sun & Holidays) $185.00
All Days $85.00 - 9 Holes
Accompanied Family Guest* Fee All Days $85.00 - 18 Holes $42.50 - 9 Holes
Unaccompanied Guest Fee
Weekday (Tue-Thur) $235.00 - 18 Holes
Weekend (Fri-Sun & Holidays) $285.00
Unaccompanied Family Guest* Fee Weekday (Tue-Thur) $135.00
Junior Guest (15 to 18) Fee
Junior Guest 14 & Under
Weekend (Fri-Sun & Holidays) $185.00
All Days $30.00 - 9 & 18
All Days $0.00 - Play for Free
Replay Rate Half Price Guest fee and Full Cart Fee
*Family Guest is defined as: Son, Daughter, Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, Grandparents, Grandchildren, Mother-in-law, Father-in-law, Brother-in-law, Sister-in-law, Son-in-law, Daughter-in-law.
$26.00 - 18 Holes | $16.00 - 9 Holes | Juniors 14 & Under - Zero Cart Charge
Permit Drivers: Only Member Dependants with a driving permit are allowed to operate a cart at age 15 and the Primary Member will be held responsible for any and all damage to the golf cart. Cart fees are charged if a member or guest has a golf bag on a golf cart.
In the event of a rain-shortened round, you will be charged for the number of completed holes. For example, if you played 5 holes you would be charged 28% or (5/18 of your round) for guest green fees and cart fees.
Resident Members who are in good standing are eligible to submit a written request to The Club to purchase or lease a golf cart for use to and from their residence. Members must agree to the terms of The Club Golf Cart Agreement and provide the declaration page on personal insurance policy. The member must also have Visage Club Car Connect installed in their cart. The annual trail fee will provide use of the golf cart at The Club at Ravenna for the Resident Members, spouses, and any children (dependents) under the age of twenty-six (26) that are listed on the membership application. The Member agrees that all guests and other Members who ride in the cart will be charged The Club's published cart fees and The Club will collect all fees charged for other passengers. Any resident Member who has paid the annual fee and rides in one of The Club at Ravenna fleet golf carts understands they will be charged The Club's published cart fee rate.
Members who wish to service carts BEFORE and AFTER the round should drive and park the golf cart at the servicing kiosk to service their golf cart. The kiosk will have bottled water, ice in the cooler, sand bottles, scorecards, and pencils.
The Official Golf Season will be March 1 through October 31. All play must start from the first tee box and all groups of players must be foursomes (4) or less. Fivesomes (5) will be allowed during the off season, November through February.
Small groups for business clients, family reunions, or an outing with friends. Small groups must be arranged in advance with the Director of Golf. Small groups must consist of 11 or less players. Small groups of more than 11 players will be charged the unaccompanied guest fee rate. Small groups may play Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays. The individual Member who hosts the small group agrees to accompany the guests on the day of play. The Club Member Host will be responsible for payment of all fees: The Members who accompany his/her small group the accompanied guest fees will apply. Members who are not available to accompany their small group will have unaccompanied guest fees will apply. The Member who books the groups must distribute The Club’s guest guidelines to the players and ensure The Club’s policies are adhered, most notably the dress code, personal conduct, and pace of play. If a guest is not in compliance with dress code, the member must purchase appropriate attire form the golf shop.
All players are required to be off the 1st tee at their assigned tee time. Example: If your tee time is 10:00 am, then your group should have all played their first shot and be moving down the fairway by 9:55 am. If your group is 3 or less players please be prepared to be paired with other Members on the 1st tee.
It is expected that an 18-hole round of golf at The Club at Ravenna should take no more than 4 hours and 20 minutes to complete with the carts returned to the clubhouse. It is expected that play on the front nine (9) should arrive at the Raphael Grille in 2 hours, and take no more than 2 hours and 20 minutes to complete playing the back nine and return the carts to the clubhouse. Singles, twosomes and threesomes should not expect to play through foursomes and should not exert pressure on the groups ahead. Foursomes shall have the right of way. If the course conditions require Cart Path Only, then the expected pace of play moves to 4 hours and 35 minutes. The golf shop staff has complete authority to monitor play, and move groups if neccessary.
“Your position on the golf course should be immediately behind the group in front of you, not immediately in front of the group behind you.”
Shelters can be found on holes #6 (bathroom), the Raphael Grille, on #10, or after #15 green. If you are in the area of the clubhouse, please return immediately. If lightning is detected, we will send a message via VISAGE to alert golfers on the course. It is ultimately the responsibility of each golfer to be aware of changing weather conditions. Please note that if lightning is near and you have not recieved the message, all golfers should immediately take shelter. Frequently, lightning will develop above the course without warning. When play resumes, groups should maintain position according to tee times.
The Club has a Hole-in-One Club. All Members and their spouses who were enrolled the previous year will automatically be enrolled for a $5.00 charge per person every time a hole-in-one is made (you will see this on your billing statement), unless you opt out by emailing gkahrhoff@ravennagolf.com. Dependents and children under the age of 25 will not be included in the Hole-In-One-Club. These funds are split up evenly, with half allocated to the drink tab for that day, and half allocated back to that Member in Golf Shop credit. On the day of the hole-in-one, drinks will be served when the Member who made the hole in one arrives in the clubhouse, at no charge, until the allocated funds are spent!
Only Members and Member’s spouses/significant others (as identified in the Member Roster) can be enrolled in the Hole-in-One Club. Holes-in-one will be recognized when the tee markers and greens are regulation (temporary greens are not regulation), and the round is eligible for USGA score posting. The hole-in-one must be witnessed by another golfer in your group. You must complete all 18 holes of golf, unless the hole-in-one occurs in a Club-sanctioned 9-hole event.
The Rule of 90 allows players who's age and course handicap from the forest tee equal 90 or higher to compete in Ravenna events from the Umber tee boxes.
The Club at Ravenna wants to provide our Members, their families, and their invited guests with quality merchandise. The Club's pricing on soft goods will be competitive in the private club market place. Equipment pricing for irons, wedges, putters, balls, and shoes will be competitive with the big box retailers. If we don’t have it in stock, a golf staff will be happy to place a special order.
If you purchase a product from the golf shop and within thirty (30) days after the purchase date you are not happy, simply return it. The golf professional staff will apply the credit to your credit book account, the product will be sent back to the manufacturer, and your Member account will be charged the applicable restocking and shipping fees.
The Club’s vision is to ensure playing times for Members, their families, and their invited guests, balanced with a number of Club-sanctioned events spread evenly throughout the golf season. The events held at The Club at Ravenna will be administered with great pride and attention to detail for the enjoyment of the Members who participate.
Sign up on Clubessentials for all events:
April 3, 4, 10, 11, 17, 18, 24, 25. Golf Course Closed for Aerification Mondays. Tuesdays the golf club opens @ 11:00am
March 1........................... Golf Season Rules Apply
May 3............................... Ravenna Ladies Opening Day...................Sign up opens: April 3
May 6............................... Ravenna Men's Opening Day....................Sign up opens: April 6
June 15, 16 .................... Ladies Girly Curly ...........................
June 15, 16, 17............... Hurly Burly ......................................
July 12, 13, 14, 15 ........ Bravado ............................................
up opens: May 15
up opens: May 1
up opens: April 1
July 25.............................Junior Club Championship (15-17)..........Sign up opens:
July 26, 27 ...................... Divot's and Diva's .........................
up opens: July 1
August 1.......................... Junior Club Championship (7-14)............Sign up opens: July 1
August 5, 6 Men’s Sr. Club Championship .................. Sign up opens: July 5
August 19, 20................. Men's Club Championship ........
August 9, 10 .................. Ladies Club Championship
September 5, 6 ............. Course Closed for Aerification
September 20 ............... Ladies Finale ...................................
September 23, 24 ....... Ravenna Cup (Season Long Points)
November 1 Non-Golf Season
Sign up opens: July 19
up opens: July 9
up opens: Aug 20
2022 Forest Champion: Troy Reisner
2022 Gold Champion: Andrew Barr
2022 Black Champion: John Woody
Sign up opens March 1st in the Golf Shop or online at www.ravennagolf.com through the Clubessentials system. The entry deadline and draw for pairings is April 10th. Seeding will be based on a random draw utilizing Golf Genius.
The format is an individual net match play event. We will take the lowest index from the last 12 months. Players will receive 100% of their course handicap (maximum 36). Rounds 1 through 3 will be played as a Round Robin. The player with the best record from each pod will advance to round 4. If circumstances arise, byes will be awarded during the pod rounds. Players will determine the “honors” for the first tee by a coin flip or a method accepted by both players. Players are responsible for turning in a completed scorecard at the completion of the round. The golf shop will post all match play scores for competitors.
The Black tee flight will play as scratch. GOLD
The Gold tee flight is reserved for 0 to 10 handicaps. Higher handicaps may play, but will be reduced to a 10 playing handicap.
The Forest tee flight is reserved for all handicaps.
Must have at least 8 Players signed up for competiion to take place.
Match #1 ................... April 15 – May 14
Match #2 ................... May 15 – June 14
Match #3 ................... June 15 – July 14
Match #4 ................... July 15 – August 14
Match #5 ................... August 15 – September 14
Match #6 ................... September 15 – October 14
The Head Professional will utilize this information to monitor the timely progression of matches. Matches not completed within the predetermined time frame WILL NOT be extended. Winners will be decided by a coin flip unless circumstances dictate otherwise.
The matches will be played in accordance to The Club's Rules and Regulations of 4 hours and 20 minutes. Matches on the course that are 15 minutes behind the scheduled pace card will be required to move to the next tee box and halve the hole.
The 2023 Match Play Champion will receive a plaque. All other prizes will be awarded in Golf Shop credit.
Players may sign up online at www.ravennagolf.com or the mobile application starting April 5th
5:30 - 6:30
6:30 - 7:30
7:30 - 8:30
2022 Forest Champions (Overall Gross): Chris Blackwood & Sam Blackwood
2022 Forest Champions (Overall Net): Luke Davis & Jonathan Barsness
2022 Gold Champions (Overall Gross): John Woody & Jeff Scheich
2022 Gold Champion (Overall Net): Jesse Piburn & Don Berthiaume
$280 per team ($140 per player) Carts billed separately
Players may sign up in the Golf Shop or online at www.ravennagolf.com through the Clubessentials system starting April 6th. **THE FIELD IS LIMITED TO THE FIRST 40 TEAMS TO REGISTER FOR EACH SHOTGUN**. Members with a USGA handicap are eligible to play. Children are eligible to play with parents only if space is available. The deadline to sign up for this event is Thursday, May 3rd at 5:00 pm. Need help finding a partner? Contact us, and we will do our best to help you find one.
Men’s Opening Day is an 18-hole Two-Man Bonus Scramble to kick off the Men’s golf season. We will take the lowest index in the last 12 months. The team’s course handicap will be determined by combining 15% of A player’s and 35% of B player’s handicaps. Teams will first be divided into flights based on combined handicaps. ***Must use 7 tee shots from each player***
Gold Tee and Forest Tee Flights
7:00 am–8:30 am ......... Registration - $100 Optional Team Net money game ($50 per person)
pm–2:30 pm ......... Hosted Lunch and Awards
12:00 pm–1:30 pm ...... Registration - $100 Optional Team Net money game ($50 per person)
12:00 pm–1:30 pm ...... Hosted Lunch
1:30 pm .......................... Shotgun Start
6:30 pm–7:30 pm ......... Hosted Apps & Awards
Golf Shop credit awarded to 1st and 2nd Gross and 1st and 2nd Net in each flight. Teams cannot win both Gross and Net. Gross takes precedence.
Money game Pool pays 1st, 2nd, 3rd Net in each flight
2022 Champions: Matt Somers & James Kinkade
$590 per team ($295 per player)
Players may sign up in the Golf Shop or online at www.ravennagolf.com through the Clubessentials system after invitations are sent on May 1st. The deadline to sign up for this event is June 12th at 5:00 pm. Male dues paying Members over the age of 26 are eligible to play. The field will be limited to 60 teams and if the event is oversubscribed, completed entries will be accepted on a priority basis. Any member who is on the resignation list will automatically be placed on the waitlist.
Teams will add both playing handicaps together and divide by two. We will take the lowest index from June 1st 2022 to June 1st 2023. Maximum of 8 strokes between partners. If more than 8 strokes, the higher handicap player will be reduced.
Friday: Better Ball of Partners : Gross better ball of the team scoring both balls on #6 and #16. The team will add the total gross score and the subtract the team handicap at the end for their "net" score. Max Gross Double Bogey will be applied to holes #6 and #16.
Saturday: Better Ball of Partners : Gross better ball of the team scoring both balls on #14 and #18. The team will add the total gross score and the subtract the team handicap at the end for their "net" score. Max Gross Double Bogey will be applied to holes #4 and #14.
Final Battle Royale: The top SIX overall net teams will qualify for the Battle Royale. All scores from this event will be posted to the GHIN system with the “tournament” designation.
The Rule of 90 allows players who's age and handicap equal 90 or higher from the forest tee to compete in Ravenna events from the Umber tee boxes.
Thursday, June 15th
6:00 pm ..............Calcutta, Hosted Heavy Appetizers $500 per team mandatory opening bid
Friday, June 16th
11:30 am–1:00 pm Registration, Day Money
11:30 am–1:30 pm ........ Lunch Buffet
1:30 pm ............................ Shotgun Start
6:00 pm–8:00 pm
Hosted Hors d’Oeuvres
Saturday, June 17th
7:30 am–9:30 am ........... Hosted Breakfast 9:00 am ............................ Second Round Shotgun Start
1:30 pm ............................ Hosted Apps
2:15pm-4:00pm..............Battle Royale
2022 Champions: Matt Somers & James Kinkade
Teams will own the opening auction bid of $500 for their team. The auction is for the Owner Flight Payout and Owner Battle Royale pool and anyone participating in the tournament may bid on your team. If somebody else purchases your team they become the “Owner” and you have the option of purchasing up to 50% of your team.
Ten Percent of all the money raised in the Auction will be put towards the Ravenna Cup. The balance on money will be split into three separate pools (Owner Flight Payout, Team Flight Pool and Battle Royale Owners Pool)
*The following Scenarios is based on 60 teams and 10 teams per flights and is subject to change.*
A total of $3,000 will be put into the flight payout pool. The First place Owner in each flight will receive 50% of the pool. The second place Owner will receive 30% of the pool, Third Place Owner recieves 20% of the pool. In the case of a tie the money will be split evenly between the owners.
A total of $10,000 will be put into the team flight. If the overall Hurly Burly Champion from the Battle Royale comes from your flight, each Team in that flight will be paid $1,000 from the overall team flight pool.
The remainer of the money will be put into the Battle Royale Pool. 1st place team owner 50%, 2nd place team owner 30%, 3rd place team owner 20%. In the case of ties for second or third place the cash will be split by the number of teams that tie.
$200 per team ($100 per day)
Continues on next page...
2022 Champions: Matt Somers & James Kinkade
The top SIX overall teams and ties will qualify for the Battle Royale.
Teams will receive 10% of their Team handicap for the Battle Royale.
The top 6 teams carry forward scores in relation to par. The Battle Royale will be held on holes #6, #7, #17, & #18. The GROSS Better Ball of Partners will be scored on holes #6 and #18 and will count both GROSS ball’s on holes #7 and #17. The maximum individual score a player may record in the Battle Royale is gross Double Bogey on holes #7 and #17.
The team with the lowest score relation to par after the 4 holes in the Battle Royale will be crowned the 2023 Hurly Burly Champions. In the event of a tie for first place, the teams that are tied will repeat hole #18 until a champion has been crowned.
Gallaries are encouraged; keep your carts to “Follow the Leaders”
JULY 12, 13, 14, 15
2022 Champions: Mike Walters & Jonathan Lee
$2150 per team
Carts billed separately
Invitations will be emailed to every male golf Member over the age of 26. Players sign up in the Golf Shop or online at www.ravennagolf.com through the Clubessentials system starting April 1st. Members must submit their COMPLETED Bravado entry by 5:00 pm, April 29th. Tournament entries submitted after the entry deadline will be placed on the waitlist. The field has been increased to 72 teams and if the event is oversubscribed, completed entries will be accepted on a priority basis with those who played in the tournament last year having first priority. Members who had a medical exemption last year will have second priority. Members who were wait listed last year will have third priority. Once all the 2022 tournament participant entries and 2022 wait list entries have been fulfilled, a blind draw lottery will be held to determine the remaining field positions. Based on the Membership level, first draw will be Presidential, Founder and Charter Members. Second draw will be Full Golf Privileged Members and the third drawn will be the remaining membership levels. The remaining entries will be placed on a wait list until a position becomes available. Any member who is on the resignation list will automatically be placed on the waitlist. If a lottery is necessary, the Bravado field will be determined and will be communicated to the field by12:00 PM on May 1st. Your member account will be charged the full entry fee on April 30th. Please note that cancellations between June 1st and June 15th will be refunded back 1/2 of the entry fee, and there will be no refunds for cancellations after June 15th.
The Format: 45-Hole Round Robin Net Four-Ball Match Play Event. In this format teams play their better ball against the better ball of two other players; using 80% of each player’s handicap. For all matches, handicaps will “wheel” off the lowest handicap contestant in the four-ball match. The lowest handicap player will play to scratch with the other three players receiving strokes based on the difference between their handicaps and the lowest handicap player in the four-ball. Each 9-hole match represents 9 possible points.
One (1)
One-Half (1/2) point for halving a hole
Zero (0) points for losing a hole
JULY 12, 13, 14, 15
2022 Champions: Mike Walters & Jonathan Lee
The tournament handicap differential between partners must not exceed eight (8) strokes. If it does exceed eight (8) strokes, then the higher handicapped player will be reduced to an 8-stroke differential of his partner. The tournament handicap is calculated at 80%. The Member and Guest must have an established USGA handicap to be eligible to participate.
The index for the tournament will be based off the low index in the last 12 months.
The Bravado field is limited to 72 teams. The golf staff will determine flights and the size of flights based on all handicaps. The first flight may play from the gold tees if six or more teams sign up, if more than six teams register the lowest six teams by handicap will comprise of the gold tee flight. If less than six teams sign to play the gold tees, the entire flight will play Forest. This determination will be made after flighting has been completed and before the tournament. All other flights will play from the Forest tees. Due to the tournament flighting procedure, the last-minute substitution of playing partners will be allowed only under extreme circumstances and then only after application and review by the Director of Golf. Participants are responsible for verifying that their designated Guest will be available to play in the tournament.
Competitors 70 years of age and older. If the competitors age and forest tee course handicap add up to 90 or greater, the option is available to play from a senior tees (Umber). This option has to be declared by the practice round. Any senior utilizing this option will have their handicap calculated from the umber tees.
$300 Per Team for Day money
$100 Per Team Practice Round Individual Gross & Net Skins, Closest to the pin Par 3’s. Total $400 per team charged to member account
JULY 12, 13, 14, 15
2022 Champions: Mike Walters & Jonathan Lee
Teams in Flights 3-12 will own the opening auction bid of $500 for their team. Teams in the 2nd flight will own the opening bid of $1,000 for their team and teams in the 1st Flight will own the opening bid of $1,500 for their team. The auction is for the Owner Flight Payout and Owner shootout pool and anyone participating in the tournament may bid on your team. If somebody else purchases your team they become the “Owner” and you have the option of purchasing up to 50% of your team.
Ten Percent of all the money raised in the Auction will be put towards the Ravenna Cup. The balance on money will be split into three separate pools (Owner Flight Payout, Team Flight Pool and Final Shoot Out Owners Pool)
The following Scenarios are based on a full 72 team field.
Three Hundred Dollars ($300) from each teams purchase price from the auction will be put into the flight payout pool ($1,800 total). The First place Owner in each flight will receive seventy percent (70%) of the pool or one thousand two hundred and sixty dollars ($1,260). The second place Owner will receive thirty percent (30%) of the pool or five hundred and forty dollars ($540). In the case of a tie the money will be split evenly between the owners.
$100 from each teams purchase price from the auction will be put into the flight pool for a total of $7,200. If the overall Bravado Champions from the final shootout come from your flight, each Team in that flight will be paid $1,200.
The Remainder of the money will be put into the Final Shoot Out Pool. The money will be split three ways; the “Owner” of the final shootout first place team will be fifty percent (50%),the second place “Owner” will be paid thirty percent (30%) and third place “Owner” receiving twenty percent (20%). In the case of a tie for second or third place the money will be split evenly.
(Practice Round tee times can be made beginning June 2nd by calling the Golf Shop)
8:00am-2:00pm Registration
8:30am-2:00pm Practice Round & Optional money Game “Gross-Net Skins & Proxies”
6:00pm-8:30pm Hosted Bar & Hors d’ Oeuvres (casual golf attire)
7:00pm-8:30pm Men’s Team Auction
9:00pm Drinks & Cocktails Member Charge
10:00pm Last Call Bar Closed
7:00am–10:30am Hosted Breakfast
8:00am-10:33am First Round Tee times Front & Back Nine
10:30am-2:00pm Hosted Bar & Grill Stations Clubhouse
11:30am–2:03pm Second Round Tee Times Front & Back Nine
2:00pm–5:00pm Hosted Bar & Appetizers
5:00pm-7:00pm Men’s Evening Hors d' Oeuvres
8:00pm Drinks & Cocktails Member Charge
9:00pm Last Call Clubhouse/Bar Closed
7:00am-10:30am Hosted Breakfast
8:00am-10:33am Third Round Tee Times Front & Back Nine
10:30am-2:00pm Hosted Bar & Grill Stations Clubhouse
11:30am-2:03pm Fourth Round Tee Times Front & Back Nine
2:00pm–6:00pm Hosted Bar & Appetizers
6:00pm Golf Course Closed
7:00pm Drinks & Cocktails Member Charge No Evening Events scheduled at Clubhouse or Pool
8:00pm Clubhouse Closed
7:00am-9:00am Hosted Breakfast
9:00am Fifth Round Shotgun Start Front & Back Nine
9:00am-12:00pm Hosted Cocktails Grill Stations Clubhouse & Raphael Grille
12:00pm-1:30pm Hosted Lunch & Drinks Clubhouse
2:00pm–5:00pm Final Shootout Hole #6, #7,#16, #17, #18
(Hosted Cocktails) Spouses encouraged to attend
5:30pm-8:30pm Awards, Hosted Couples Cocktail Party & Heavy Hors d’ Oeuvres
(Casual golf attire, function outdoors, dress accordingly)
8:30pm Drinks & Cocktails Member Charge
9:30pm Last Call Clubhouse/Bar Closed
2022 Champion: Christopher McClain
$120 per player
Carts billed separately
This event is open to all Members age 50 or older before August 6th . Flights will consist of a Senior, Super Senior, and Legend division. Players may sign up in the Golf Shop or online at www.ravennagolf.com through the Clubessentials system starting July 8th. The deadline to sign up for this event is Thursday, August 3rd at 5:00 pm.
36 Hole Stroke Play Event
All players will play from the Forest Tees. All Players will receive 100% of their course handicap for net prizes. Scores from this event will be posted to the GHIN system with the “tournament” designation
The Men’s Senior Club Championship is a 36-hole two-day individual stroke play event. The lowest gross score for all seniors will be declared the “Senior Club Champion”. Once the Senior Club Champion has been recognized they are no longer eligible for any other prizes or awards.
Senior Flight 50-59
The lowest gross score for the Senior Flight will be declared the gross flight champion and are not eligible for net prizes. The remaining awards and prizes will be awarded for net score.
Super Senior Flight 60-69
The lowest gross score for the Super Senior flight will be the flight champion are not eligible for net prizes. The remaining awards and prizes will be awarded for net score.
The Legends Flight 70+
The lowest gross score for The Legends Flight will be the gross flight champion and are not eligible for net prizes. The remaining awards and prizes will be awarded for net score.
Saturday: 9:00 am Tee Times
Sunday: 9:00 am Tee Times
Following golf Sunday: Hosted Hors d'Oeuvres
All prizes will be awarded in Golf Shop credit.
The Rule of 90 allows players who's age and handicap equal 90 or higher to compete in Ravenna events from the Umber tee boxes.
2022 Champion: Andrew Dannewitz
$120 per player
Carts billed separately
Players may sign up in the Golf Shop or online at www.ravennagolf.com through the Clubessentials system starting July 20th. The deadline to sign up for this event is Thursday, August 17th at 5:00 pm.
The Championship Flight
The Championship Flight is open to ALL golfers regardless of handicap. The winner of the Championship Flight will be the overall 2021 Club Champion. Golfers who elect to participate in the Championship Flight must compete in the 36-hole stroke play event from the Black Tee markers. The Championship Flight winners will be determined by using only gross scores.
The Gold tee flight will compete in a 36-hole net stroke play event from the Gold Tee markers. The Gold tee flight is reserved for 10 handicaps and lower. If you are above a 10 handicap and want to play in the Gold tee flight your handicap will be reduced to 10.
All other flights will compete in a 36-hole net stroke play event from the Forest Tee markers. Flights will be divided evenly based on handicap index. Flight numbers may vary depending upon participation. Each player will receive 100% of his handicap. Flight winners will be determined by using only net scores.
All scores from this event will be posted to the GHIN system with the “tournament” designation.
Saturday and Sunday - Tee Times Starting at 9am
Players will be paired by handicap the first day, and then paired based on previous round scores for the final rounds.
Following golf Sunday: Hosted Hors d'Oeuvres
All prizes will be awarded in Golf Shop credit.
2022 Champions: Sidewinders
$130 per player once qualified* Carts billed separately
Those who were signed up last year will be automatically placed on the same team for 2023. Your name will appear on the Ravenna Cup points list upon completion of your first point event of the year.
To qualify for a Ravenna Cup team you must accumulate points thourghout the season. Points are awarded for playing in the Saturday Men's game events, as well as other major club events. Teams will be comprised of 23 Members and 1 Professional. The 2023 Ravenna Cup Points Allocation Chart is provided on the next page of the program.
Pairings Party 6:00 PM
Tee Times Starting 9AM
Morning Front Nine: Fourball - Match Play
Afternoon Back Nine: Foursomes - Modified Alternate Shot
Sunday Singles: 9AM Shotgun (Texas Twosomes)
18 Hole Matches
Scoring for all sessions:
One (1) point for winning a Match
Half (.5) point for halving a Match
Zero (0) points for losing a Match
The Rule of 90 allows players who's age and forest course handicap equal 90 or higher to compete in Ravenna events from the Umber tee boxes.
Breakfast will be served prior to play. Lunch will follow each round.
Seth Zacks, John Woody, Doug Sanford, Mike Shelly, Jack Quinlivan, Tom Riebel, Michael Elges, Brett Stone, Kevin Collins, Jay Bolinski, Scott Theodore, Michael McCormick, Kevin Hall, Geoffrey Collins, John Grahame, Chris Blackwood, Travis Leo, Keith Walter, David Flinn, Christopher Collins, Ralph Hamm, Sam Blackwood, Joe Mowery, Jay Graham
*Teams will be finalized on August 20th, 2023. If you qualify for your respective team and confirm that you will play, your account will then be charged the Ravenna Cup Entry Fee. Players will have until 8am August 28th to confirm. If the golf shop does not receive a response, the next player on the points list will be contacted to play in the Ravenna Cup. Alternates will have 24 hours to respond after initial contact (Voicemail, Email or Verbal).
2022 Champions: Sidewinders
Ask the Golf Shop for a printed version of the below Ravenna Cup points allocation sheet.
$30 Money game ($50 to "Wheel" foursome) + $40 For Breakfast and Lunch
Includes: Game, Skins, and Closest-to-Pin
Men’s Games are a great opportunity for men to meet fellow Members while enjoying some friendly competition. Saturday Men's Games will be played from the Forest tees. There will be a weekly rotation of different team events. The cost is $10 for the game (per wheel), $10 for skins, and $10 for closest to pins. Breakfast and lunch will be included in the entry fee at an additional cost of $40. Entry fees and payouts will be made to member accounts. All players must have an established USGA handicap to be eligible. Guests with an active GHIN are welcome to play; guest fees will apply and all charges will go on member account .
For Two-man events, players have the option to wheel the other players in their tee time for an additional $20 team buy-in. For example, if player A is partnered with player B, player A may also wheel player C as a partner, and player D as a partner, giving him 3 opportunities to win.
$100 Money Game +
$40 For Brekafast and Lunch
Includes: Game, Skins, and Closest-to-Pin, Breakfast, Lunch
All players will play from the Forest Tees.
Double Double Saturdays are a great opportunity for men to earn double the points and double the money of the traditional Saturday Men's game. Double Double Saturdays will take place once a month beginning in May and continuing through August. The format will be Individual Gross & Net, Skins, and Closest-topin.
The cost is $140 per event ($40 for the game, $40 for skins, $20 for closest to pins, and $40 for breakfast and lunch). The entry fee and payouts will be made to member accounts. Money for the game will be split evenly between the Gross and Net pots. Skins money will also be split evenly between Gross & Net. The Closest-to-Pin money will be split between #3, #6, #9, #11 and #16.
All players must have an established USGA handicap to be eligible. Guests with an active GHIN are welcome to play; guest fees will apply and charged to member account . All scores from this event will be posted to the GHIN system with the “tournament” designation.
The Club will be hosting three clinics targeted at ladies who would enjoy group instruction in a laid back social setting. These clinics are suggested for ladies who have some previous golf knowledge.
Thursday Dates: 5/4, 6/1, 6/29
Time: 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
Cost: $20 cash or $40 account charge per person covers the golf pro's time. (Drink specials in bar).
Limited to 20 Ladies' per clinic.
Sign up on ravennagolf.com or the mobile app starting one month prior to each event.
Join us at The Club for the Ladies Kickoff Welcome Party with hosted hors d'oeuvres Wednesday evening, April 6th from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm
This is a great opportunity to meet all the ladies, learn, and ask questions about the upcoming season.
- Drinks
- Hors d'oeureves
- 2023 Golf Program Review
Ladies may sign up in the Golf Shop or online at www.ravennagolf.com through the Clubessentials system starting March 6th.
Ladies Games are a great opportunity to meet fellow Members while enjoying some friendly competition. Tee times will be available from 8:00 to 9:30 AM weekly. 18 hole participants have times from 8:00-8:40 AM and 9 hole participants from 8:50-9:30 AM. There will be a weekly rotation of different team and individual events. Ladies' Games are optional, and all women who desire to participate in the weekly events must indicate their intent prior to teeing off. The cost is $10 per event ($5 for the game, $5 for proxies) and $20 to wheel off the group for team events. Lunch will also be included in the event fee at an additional $20. Entry fees and payouts will be made to member accounts. All players must have an established USGA handicap to be eligible. Guests are always welcome (guest fees apply).
Fri. May 12
2-Person Best Ball - Both players play their own ball. The best score of the two ladies will be used as the team’s score for each hole.
Wed. May 17 ........ 2 Person Net Stableford
Fri. May 26 ............ 2 Person Team Combined Par 4s - Each player will add up their scores on the par 4s and this will make up the team total.
Wed. June 7 .......... 2-Person Team Combined Par 3s - Each player will add up their scores on the par 3s and this will make up the team total.
Wed. June 21........Individual Stableford
Fri. June 30 ...........
2-Person Best Ball - Both players play their own ball. The best score of the two ladies will be used as the team’s score for each hole.
Wed. July 5 ........... Net Blind Draw Hole - the same 9 holes for the field will be randomly selected and count as the team score.
Wed. July 19 ......... 2-Person Team Net Stableford
Wed. August 2 Net Stroke Play (Individual) - Play your own ball and subtract your handicap.
Wed. August 16
Fri. August 25 ......
2-Person Best Ball - Both players play their own ball. The best score of the two ladies will be used as the team’s score for each hole..
2-Person Team Combined Par 3s - Each player will add up their scores on the par 3s and this will make up the team total.
Wed. August 30 ... Net Stroke Play (Individual) - Play your own ball and subtract your handicap.
Fri. Sept 8 .............. 2-Person Team Stableford
Wed. Sept 13.
2-Person Team Combined Par 5s - Each player will add up their scores on the par 5s and this will make up the team total.
Wed. Sept 20.........Ladies Finale
2022 CHAMPION: Bonnie MacDonald
$60 per player
Sign up opens March 1st in the Golf Shop or online at www.ravennagolf.com through the Clubessentials system. The field is limited to the first 64 players to register. The entry deadline and draw for pairings is April 10th. Seeding will be based on a random draw utilizing Golf Genius.
The format is an individual net match play event. 2023 match play will consist of one bracket . We will take the lowest index from the last 12 months. Players will receive 100% of their course handicap (maximum 36). Rounds 1 through 3 will be played as a round robin. The player with the best record from each pod will advance to round 4. If circumstances arise, byes will be awarded during the pod rounds. Players will determine the “honors” for the first tee by a coin flip or a method accepted by both players. In the event of a tie after 18 holes, an immediate “sudden death” playoff will be held, beginning on the 1st hole. Players are responsible for turning in a completed scorecard at the completion of the round. The golf shop will post all match play scores for competitors.
Match #1 ................... April 15–May 14
Match #2 ................... May 15–June 14
Match #3 ................... June 15–July 14
Match #4 ................... July 15–August 14
Match #5 ................... August 15–September 14
Match #6 ................... September 15–October 14
The Head Professional will utilize this information to monitor the timely progression of matches. Matches not completed within the predetermined time frame WILL NOT be extended for any reason . Winners will be decided by a coin flip unless circumstances dictate otherwise.
The matches will be played in accordance to The Club's Rules and Regulations of 4 hours and 20 minutes. Matches on the course that are 15 minutes behind the scheduled pace card will be required to move to the next tee box and halve the hole.
The 2023 Match Play Champion will receive a plaque. All other prizes will be awarded in Golf Shop credit.
2022 Gross Champions: Bonnie MacDonald & Jenn Myers
2022 Net Champions: Jean Quinlivan & Lindy Schossow
$230 per team ($115/player)
Carts billed separately
Players may sign up in the Golf Shop or online at www.ravennagolf.com through the Clubessentials system starting April 5th. The deadline to sign up for this event is May 1st. Members with a USGA handicap are eligible to play. Children are eligible to play with parents if space is avaliable. This will be a paired event; pairing requests will not be honored.
Ladies Opening Day 18 Holes is a Two-person Bonus Scramble to kick off the golf season. The team’s course handicap will be determined by combining 15% of A player’s and 35% of B player’s handicaps. Teams will first be divided into flights based on combined handicaps. ***Must use 7 tee shots from each player*** In Scramble Format each player will tee off from the teeing ground. The team will choose the best drive and all players will play from that spot. This process is repeated until the ball is holed. Once the best shot is chosen, you may play lift, clean, and place within one club length, no closer to the hole. You may NOT improve your position on the golf course. For example, from rough to fairway or fringe to green. If the chosen ball is in a bunker, players may rake the area after each shot and play from the nearest point where the first ball first came to rest. Remember, if you miss a putt, and your team still has another chance to make it, do not tap it in or that score will count.
7:30 am–9:00 am
$100 per team ($50/player)
Carts billed separately
Ladies Opening Day 9 Holes is a Two-person Scramble. The team will choose the best drive and all players will play from that spot. This process is repeated until the ball is holed. No max number of drives. No handicap needed.
8:30 am–10:00 am
All prizes will be awarded in Golf Shop credit.
2022 Champions: Jean Quinlivan & Lindy Schossow
$430 per team ($215 per player) Carts billed separately
Players may sign up in the Golf Shop or online at www.ravennagolf.com through the Clubessentials system starting May 16th. Female dues paying Members over the age of 26 are eligible to play. We will take the lowest index from the last 12 months. The deadline to sign up for this event is June 13th, 5:00 PM
Thursday: Better Ball of Partners : Each player plays their own golf ball for the entire hole. The best net golf ball is the team score for that hole.
Friday: Better Ball of Partners : However, you will score both player’s balls on holes #5, #11, and #15. Max score on those three holes is net double bogey.
90% of the individual’s Sage Tee playing handicap will be used for this event.
All prizes will be awarded in Golf Shop credit and tournament winning certificates.
2022 Champions: Audra Walter-Weishaus & Jenna Walter
$550 per team
Carts billed separately
Players may sign up in the Golf Shop or online at www.ravennagolf.com through the Clubessentials system starting June 27. The deadline to sign up for this event is July 24th.
Two-Person Scramble
Both players tee off, the team selects the best drive and both players hit their second shot from selected spot. The team will repeat the process until the ball is holed. The team’s course handicap will be determined by combining 15% of A player’s and 35% of B player’s handicaps.
Thursday: Two-Person Shamble
Each player hits a tee shot. The team then selects the best drive and BOTH players play their own ball from that spot for the remainder of the hole. The team will use the net better ball on each hole. Therefore, if your score is not going to count towards the team score, you are encouraged to pick up your ball and move on. Please write the player scores in the white boxes to the right of the names, and the team total in the shaded boxes at the bottom of the scorecard. Max team score net triple bogey. Six tee shots must be used from each player at some point during the round. Each player will be given 80% of their course handicap.
Final Shootout: Modified Alternate Shot
The top 6 finishers plus ties will play in a Shootout to crown the Divots and Divas Champion. The Shootout will be a modified alternate shot with both players teeing off, selecting the best drive, and alternating from there.
Bring extra cash!! Wednesday prior to the tournament, all participants will have the opportunity to bet on who they believe will win/place/show.
Continues on next page..
2022 Champions: Audra Walter-Weishaus & Jenna Walter
As we add more competition to our ladies member/guest, we will be taking the lowest index from the last 12 months.
10:00 am–1:00 pm ....... Registration, Pick up Tee gifts, Pari Mutuel Wagering
12:15pm..........................Cart Decoration Judging
1:00 pm .......................... Modified Shotgun Start
6:00 pm–8:00 pm ......... Hosted Hors d'Oeuvres
8:00 am–9:00 am ......... Hosted Continental Breakfast
9:00 am ........................... Modified Shotgun Start
1:30 pm .......................... Snacks and Scoring
2:00 pm............................Final Shootout
3:30 pm............................Awards and Lunch
$160 per team ($80 per player) Carts billed separately
Ladies Member/Guest 9 Holes is a Two-person Scramble. The team will choose the best drive and all players will play from that spot. This process is repeated until the ball is holed. No max number of drives. No handicap needed. Member/member teams and member/guest teams allowed.
8:30 am–10:00 am ...... Registration
8:30 am–10:00 am ...... Hosted Breakfast
9:15 am-9:45 am..........Cart Decoration Judging
10:00 am ....................... Shotgun Start
12:30 pm–2:00 pm ..... Hosted Lunch
Prizes will be awarded for the best looking cart.
2022 Gross Champion: Audra Walter Weishaus
2022 Net Champion: Bonnie MacDonald
$110 per player
Carts billed separately
Players may sign up in the Golf Shop or online at www.ravennagolf.com through the Clubessentials system starting July 9th. The deadline to sign up for this event is August 7th, 12:00 PM.
Championship Flight
36-Hole Individual Gross Stroke Play
Net Flights
36-Hole Individual Net Stroke Play receiving 100% handicap
Ladies will play from the Sage Tee box. Flights will be divided evenly based on handicap index. Flight numbers may vary depending upon participation. Each player will receive 100% of her handicap. Flight winners will be determined by using only net scores. All scores from this event will be posted to the GHIN system with the “tournament” designation.
Players will be paired by handicap the first day, and then paired based on previous round scores for the final rounds.
Wednesday & Thursday: 8:30 am Tee Times
Thursday: Hosted Hors d’Oeuvres following golf
All prizes will be awarded in Golf Shop credit.
Champion: Audra Walter Weishaus and Ellen Steiner
$230 per Team ($115 per player)
Carts billed separately
Players may sign up in the Golf Shop or online at www.ravennagolf.com through the Clubessentials system starting August 20th. The deadline to sign up for this event is Tuesday, September 19, 12:00 PM.
Two-Person Best Ball
In two-person best ball, partners play their own ball to the hole. The lower of the partners’ net scores is the team score for the hole. Players have been awarded 90% of their Sage Tee handicap.
7:30 am–9:00 am .......... Hosted Continental Breakfast
9:00 am ........................... Modified Shotgun
1:30 pm .......................... Ladies' Awards Luncheon
$100 per team ($50 per player)
Carts billed separately
Two Person Scramble
The team will choose the best drive and all players will play from that spot. This process is repeated until the ball is holed. No max number of drives. No handicap needed.
8:30 am–10:00 am Registration
10:00 am ........................ Modified Shotgun
1:00 pm .......................... Ladies' Awards Luncheon
All prizes will be awarded in Golf Shop credit.
$160 per couple
Carts billed separately
Players may sign up in the Golf Shop or online at www.ravennagolf.com through the Clubessentials system starting one month in advance. The deadline to sign up for these events is the Friday before.
May 27th: Net Best Ball Stableford
Both players will play their own ball the entire round. The better net score of the two players will be the team score on each hole. Max score will be Net Double Bogey. Points will be awarded on the following rubric:
Net Double Eagle - 14 Points
Net Eagle - 9 Points
Net Birdie - 5 Points
Net Par - 2 Points
Net Bogey - 1 Point
Net Double Bogey or worse - 0 Points
August 26th: Shamble
Both players tee off, the team selects the best drive and both players play their OWN BALL from selectet spot. Each team must use 6 drives from each player. Players will receive 80% of their course handicap.
12:00 pm ........................ Shotgun
6:00 pm Hosted Dinner Following Play
All prizes will be awarded in Golf Shop credit.
$150 per couple
Includes golf, buffet dinner, and prizes Carts billed separately
Couples Golf events are great opportunities to meet other couples while enjoying a social golf environment. Couples Golf events are 9-hole varied formats. Sign up is available through Club Essentials on www.ravennagolf.com. Guests are welcome to join (9 hole guest and cart fees apply).
30 minutes $100 45 minutes .......................... $125 60 minutes .......................... $150
17 Years Old and Younger
30 minutes $50
45 minutes ........................... $62.50 60 minutes ........................... $75
Playing golf is more than swinging a golf club. Playing lessons offer an opportunity to improve your on-course game with the help of our professional instructors. Focusing on course management, playing strategy and specialty situations, you’re bound to cut some strokes from your scores. Cost is based on an hourly rate (see rates above).
Please Contact the Golf Shop to inquire or set up a lesson.
The short game clinics are designed to help golfers get the most out of their game around and on the greens. Clinics will focus on a variety of chip, pitch, lob, and bunker shots around the green, as well as putting tips to help you score better. Open to all Members and accompanied guests.
Saturday May 13..........................Sand............................................2:00pm -3:00pm
Saturday, June 3 ...................... Putting..........................................2:00 pm–3:00pm
Saturday, August 12... ...... Chipping/Pitching................ .........2:00 pm–3:00 pm
Our new TopTracer Range Technology is a fun way to improve your game. Download the TopTracer Range App in the App Store and explore the different game modes. Our Toptracer range allows players to track the distance, height and ball speed of their shot amongst other things. The system itself has different settings so you can have a longest drive competition, nearest to the pin challenge, track what's in your bag to show how you perform with each club and more.
Stop by the Golf Shop and one of the golf professionals can assist you with your profile setup.
The Club at Ravenna's professional staff looks forward to assisting you in your search for new golf equipment. To book an appointment please sign up in the Golf Shop or call at 720.981.6000.
10:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Taylormade: April 14th, June 23rd, August 11th
XXIO: April 23rd, June 4th, August 27th
Callaway: April 30th, August 13th
Titleist: May 14th, September 3rd
The staff at The Club at Ravenna offers custom golf club fitting. Our staff of golf professionals has been trained by Titleist and the Professional Golfers Association of America to custom fit for proper lie, length, shaft type, shaft flex, and grip size for your next set of golf clubs. Playing with the correct set of specifications in your clubs is an extremely important part of improving your game. Our TrackMan ball and club tracking radar makes it easier than ever to fit you to the right specifications by measuring club head speed, ball speed, distances, and spin rates. Schedule an appointment with one of our Golf Professionals by calling the Golf Shop at 720.981.6000
Bring your old clubs to the Golf Shop and we’ll send them to PGA Trade In Network for credit towards your new purchase! For details, call the Golf Shop at 720.981.6000
The Junior Camps are designed for juniors who would like to improve their games, get familiarity with the golf course, and have some fun! Camps will include 90 minutes of instruction and games, 90 Minutes on the course. On course will include basic golf etiquette and supervised course play. Open to all Junior Members ages 7 and up and accompanied guests. Golfers can choose to attend the clinics, play on the golf course, or both.
$75 per junior. Lunch will be included.
9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
May 30
June 6
June 13
June 20
June 27
July 11
July 18
July 25
2022 Boys 15-17 Champion: Brayden Scheich
2022 Boys 7-14 Champion: Reed Bauman
2022 Girls Champion: Katelin Fawcett
$30 per player
Players may sign up in the Golf Shop or online at www.ravennagolf.com through the Clubessentials system starting July 1st. The deadline to sign up for these events are July 24th and July 31st respectively. Grandchildren of members may participate until the age of 15.
The format will be 18 hole stroke play for the 15-17 competition and the 7-14 competition will be 9 hole stroke play. Flights will be based on age groups and number of sign ups.
Tuesday 9:00 am Tee times begin
$291 per player +
$99 Membership Fee
PGA Junior League Golf (PGA JLG) is designed to bring a “Little League” atmosphere to the game of golf. With teams of boys and girls, age 8-13, PGA JLG provides a structured league environment for young golfers to compete and have fun! This is a great way to get--and keep--kids involved in the game.
• Team Jerseys, Hat, Hat Clip, Bag Tag, Golf Balls
• 6 regular season matches plus coaching/practice.
• 6 Team Practice Sessions
• The opportunity to be a part of a team
• The opportunity to play exclusive area private courses (TBD*)
• End of year pizza party, and post match refreshments for both teams
• Fun team scramble format for players of every skill level.
• All participants get to play in every competition.
• April 15th is the Registration Deadline
• June–July: Regular Season
All Practices are on Sunday's in June and July from 3-4 Detailed schedule to come after our match schedule is set.
This young Junior Camp has been designed for children ages 5-7 years old. Each hour will be filled with enjoyable activities that familiarize young golfers with the game of Golf. Other golf related games, stories and activities will be used to introduce your child to the game of golf. All classes will be limited to no more than 4 children per instructor. Each session will end with on course play on the final day.
Each session runs 1 hour and meets consecutive Tuesday's in June and July
June Session 1
Tuesday's May 30th, June 13th, 27th from 1:00-2:00 PM
July Session 2
Tuesday's July 18th, 25th from 1:00-2:00 PM
Each session is $100
Golf Shop
Director of Golf and Membership:
George Kahrhoff, gkahrhoff@ravennagolf.com
(O) 720-481-0224 (C) 720-346-3624
Head Golf Professional
Seth Zacks, szacks@ravennagolf.com
(O) 720-981-6000 (C) 561-573-7965
Assistant Golf Professional
Joe Sarconi, jsarconi@ravennagolf.com
(O) 720-981-6000 (C) 720-391-1503
Player Services Director
Dan Augustine, daugustine@ravennagolf.com
(O) 720-981-6000 (C) 239-249-2450
Food & Beverage Director
Ryan Huesman, rhuesman@ravennagolf.com
(O) 303-481-0225 (C) 303-481-0225
Men's Locker Room Manager
Wayne Hagin, whagin@ravennagolf.com
Restaurant & Bar 303-214-5042
Raphael Grill: 303-214-5041
La Bella Vita
Main Reception