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Seniors step into the spotlight
in musicals for ten-plus years, including three with Sequoia Drama, plans to attend the University of Southern California (USC) with a minor in performing arts.

As well as taking classes in the performing arts department, Maire plans to major in political science.
“I love [musical theater] a lot, but it’s not the most reliable career. So that would be the only reason why I’d kind of go in a different direction. But I want to definitely continue stuff with music outside, even if it’s in a little way,” Maire said.
Joshua Thacker, active in the choir and theater programs with having written and musically directed the musical “Right to Rule,” plans to complete the musical theater program at Chico State.

“It’s definitely not going to be the most lucrative job but it’s my passion. It’s what I enjoy doing,” Thacker said.
actually stay.”
Since the process of obtaining a job in this career is challenging, Woodman offers advice to students, whether they plan on achieving this goal in or outside of college.
Her two main tips are to be proactive about learning music by honing your skills both technical and musicality-wise, and being a responsible person and good team member.
Although the competitiveness of the career is overwhelming, both teachers emphasize that if you put enough drive and dedication into your work, it is possible to achieve your goals.
“To me, success is not always having the most amount of talent. And it’s something that I’ve had to kind of just see and observe and learn,” Jefferson said. “Sometimes it’s having the drive and focus that gets you up and wanting to continue to audition, to continue to improve, to continue to stretch yourself.”
Students who have participated in music programs outside or through Sequoia have plans of continuing their music after high school.

Senior Violeta Sanchez, hopes to continue composition and piano playing at school.

Music can be a massively important part of someone’s life. It is also an emotional escape, one of the main reasons so many choose to keep it a part of their life after high school.
“It’s just a way I can escape from reality,” Sanchez said. “I like to think of it as like halfway between a fantasy world and a real world, and it’s kind of like them combining together. Music allows me to express myself in ways that words cannot.”
Music teachers Jane Woodman and Othello Jefferson both note students that have pursued music in several different ways, such as conducting, studying at a conservatory, joining musical groups or songwriting.
Senior Kayla Maire, who has participated
“I think probably the two biggest things people think about is money and stability, in terms of just making sure that you can survive if you’re doing only music, and combined with that is the competition,” Woodman said. “In terms of so many people vying for the big break, the discovery, the consistent jobs that are going to pay enough to not only just get your one little moment of fame but the job that can

Music festivals over the years have grew in popularity. Many people every year wish to attend any sort of music festival for the line up of artists, music and overall to have a fun time while listening to your favorite music with friends and family. However, are music festivals actually what they seem to be on social media? Are they actually worth the expensive price tag?
“From my experience of working and attending Coachella these past 2 years, I do believe that the festival is as grand as people perceive it to be on social media” Marco Prado, Sequoia graduate and fromer worker at Coachella. “ However, I would say that the crowds have been usually less energetic and more laid back compared to other music festivals I have attended”
The reality of some of these music festivals is that they are too expensive to attend and the average income person is not able to afford a 400 dollar or more ticket. An outlet that many people take is finding a position to work at these music festivals that way they get free admission. Not to mention they also get some side money.
“The main reason as to why I wanted to work at these festivals is due to the fact that I probably wouldn’t attend these festivals due to their high prices so by working as a vendor gives me the opportunity of obtaining free admission while also being able to make some extra income.” Prado said
As much as these festivals are expensive, some might consider it a well worth it experience for around 400 dollars, as you do not know what to expect when you go to these festivals.
Outside Lands in August of 2022 was an experience I will never forget. From the amazing lineup of artist to the electric energy they bring, it was well worth every penny I had saved by babysitting and working to attend. A one day ticket is about 200 dollars. With beautiful scenery of Golden Gate Park in San Francisco, you immediately feel the energy from the crowds at every corner of the park as soon as you enter the festival grounds. Everyone is dancing and singing with a nice cool drink in their hand while with their family and friends. Although I only attended one out of the three days of the festival, I would highly recommend attending at least one day of Outside Lands Music festival in San Francisco.

Bottle Rock located in Napa is a music festival that is rather warmer and calm then other festivals that I have attended. With a more diverse line up of artists, Bottle Rock is a good festival to attend when you want to expand your music taste and discover new artist. I know when I attend this festival, I found artist that are now an essential part of my everyday music playlist. Some of these artists include Lilly and one of my now all time favorite artists Jean Dawson.To expand, Bottle Rock is a very warm and very much reminds me of the summer season. Although the festivals is more mature as I only saw adults there, you just get mixed in with the crowds and are going to have a good time.
Summer is almost here and some of these music festivals are right around the corner. This summer I recommend to take advantage of the California sun and try to attend at least one of these festivals, Im almost sure you will not regret it.

“I would describe the environment of these festivals as a sort of oasis that allow people to socially gather through music, art, food, and other activities. Personally, my favorite festival I’ve attended was Coachella 2022 as it I was able to see many artists performing and had a great experience working as well” Prado said.

BY AMARA BAKSHI, NORA KOVSCEK, AND ALEX PARKER-ROGERS Multimedia Editor, Staff Reporter, and News Editor