Ravensburger Values

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Ravensburger. Values since 1883.

More than Good Games and Books. Ravensburger. Values since 1883.

Ravensburger, the brand of trust

for themselves; picture books train the

The blue triangle is a seal of quality and

and shared activities create a sense of

a respected trademark with high brand awareness, especially in Germany. Behind the blue triangle, there is a family company that feels duty-bound to up-

hold values that are gaining in import­ ance today. Games, books and art and

eye and help toddlers to grasp what

they see and learn to talk. Reading aloud security and belonging. Ravensburger

Spieleland, a theme park in a beautiful rural setting, brings families together

to share the enjoyment of playing and learning.

only give pleasure, they are useful, too;

Ravensburger values and what they stand for

same time, they communicate values

Ravensburger offers only content of

tion and togetherness.

the result of our rich experience and

craft products from Ravensburger not they shape hearts and minds. At the

our society needs: enjoyment, educa-

While having fun playing amusing

the highest quality. Our products are of the very latest insights, of expertise and knowledge. Ravensburger always

games, children learn to think ahead, to

uses superior-quality materials. We put

obey rules. Art and craft products and

tion into the development and manu-

ation and children’s joy of doing things

they satisfy our stringent quality and

accept losing graciously and even to

a great deal of loving care and atten-

puzzles foster concentration, imagin­

facture of our products and ensure

safety standards before leaving our

premises. What’s more, Ravensburger assumes responsibility for more than the products themselves.

In this little brochure, we would like to

outline what quality and responsibility mean to us, the role they play in our

life and how we constantly work to do them renewed justice.

Quality Content

More than Good Content: Meaning and Pleasure for Life

Passion and principles go to make good content “Only the best” was the principle that guided the founding father of the

Ravensburger publishing house from the very beginning. Otto Maier wanted to make toys to please heads, hands and hearts. The standard he set still

applies today. One reason for the qual­ ity of Ravensburger products is that

we develop them ourselves. By far the majority of our games and books are

Ravensburger originals – developed by

our own editorial teams and produced

to the highest quality with well-known authors and illustrators.

We see it as our abiding duty, nay our

responsibility, to take a keen interest in the needs, wants and interests of the children, young people and adults for

whom we make our products. What’s

more, we observe trends and develop-

ments, work side by side with teachers

and child carers, and also consult recognised authorities. Products that cater

to different age groups, superior content and clear design – these are the

fundamentals of Ravensburger quality. The themes and texts of our children’s products are adapted to the different

stages in a child’s development, to the appropriate abilities and skills. This also

applies to presentation – in other words,

to the colours and shapes, pictures and design we use. A further guiding prin-

c­iple at Ravensburger is to reject all glori­ fication of violence. Our games and

books offer an opportunity for mean-

ingful occupation and convey positive

values, such as a sense of community and family.

On the following pages we would like

to give you an idea about our product development process for games at Ravensburger.

Creating a new game carefully and systematically

Age appropriateness is one of the key

The first Ravensburger game was released

and instructions are adapted for the

thousands of games. Many of these have

“Funny Bunny” for children ages four

as “memory®” (1) or “Labyrinth”. Game

and includes simple instructions as well

matic process overseen by experienced

helps develop the fine motor skills of

market analysis, the editorial depart-

product range offers a variety of games

elements in the development process.

Theme and illustrations (3), game play

in 1884 and since then we have developed

designated age group. For example

become international best sellers, such

and up is age appropriately illustrated

development at Ravensburger is a syste­

as a three dimensional aspect that

product managers. Following a thorough

young children (4). The Ravensburger

ment identifies the theme and target

for every age group.

renowned inventor with its develop-

Before a new game arrives in stores, it

up to the finished product. The most

testing within the target age range.

Ravens­burger principles – our mission

ment guarantee the ultimate satisfac-

group for a new game, commissions a ment and coordinates all further steps

first goes through numerous rounds of

important guarantors of quality are the

Continuous improvement and refine-

to promote intellectual, social, emo-

tional and creative skills – as well as the

major care, passion and commitment (2) which go into creating our games.

tion of our customers.





Quality Materials

More than High Quality: Conscientiousness

In-house production ensures quality

Ravensburger controls more rigorous than legal requirements

Ravensburger is one of the few German

Quality consciousness is an everyday

all of its products itself. We make 85 per

culture. We are profoundly aware of

game producers to manufacture almost

element of the Ravensburger corporate

cent of our articles at our main factory in

our responsibility towards the children

Czech Republic. This alone guarantees

take the utmost care in the develop-

portion of our products in collaboration

our products. The elaborate quality as-

Ravensburg and at our factory in Policka,

who use our games and books and we

top quality. We manufacture a small

ment, production and processing of

with partners in the EU. We also collab­

surance procedures we impose in line

orate with partners in China who can

provide the required high level of man-

with our own self-imposed inspection

requirements are clear evidence of this.

ual craftsmanship for those products

In many cases, they are more stringent

able price in Europe. Here, we are con-

the case of critical ingredients. Safety

that cannot be produced at a reasonscientious about ensuring the safety

of all products and operate a system

of painstaking checks not only during production, but prior to shipment to

Germany and on the products’ arrival in Ravensburg.

than the EU standards, for example in is our top priority, especially when it

comes to products for small children. Because they put our books in their

mouths, we use only pure cellulose instead of recycled materials. We also

have a so-called “mouth gauge” with

which we check how small a part can

We also offer quality service

low it. Our limit value is 7 per cent above

Thanks to the geographical proximity

children cannot detach and swallow

we can keep deliveries going out to re-

be without a child being able to swal-

the legal requirement. To ensure that

and flexibility of our production plant,

small parts from toys or books, we do a

tailers until shortly before Christmas –

the statutory standard; and we are

of ordering. Our custom care team

our break-resistance test. Even the

charge, via our online service page; on

pull test that’s 10 per cent higher than

also 15 per cent above standard with Ravensburger Spieleland theme park is

one of only a handful of parks anywhere

anywhere in Europe, within 48 hours

offers uncomplicated assistance, free of

request, we can soon replace a lost puzzle piece or a game’s instruction sheet

in the world to hold certification from

that simply cannot be found.

monitoring authority, TÜV, for maximum

To give you an idea of the high quality

our aim is for Ravensburger products

ucts, we would like to explain, on the

Germany’s technical inspection and

possible safety and quality. After all,

and activities to give carefree enjoy-

ment – and to give parents a safe, secure feeling.

of the materials we use in our prod-

following pages, how we produce our puzzles.

Ravensburger quality puzzles are superbly crafted

cutting out biscuits from a piece of

The Ravensburger range of puzzles has

punching templates for the manufac-

the right picture and the right number and size of pieces for every age group.

rolled dough. Whereas small cutters

are used for biscuits, we need precise ture of puzzles. Here at Ravensburger,

we produce these templates in a lengthy

Ravensburger puzzle pieces are so pre-

process that combines handcraftsman-

is a genuine “experience”. The premium

state-of-the-art technology. To ensure

cisely cut that assembling the puzzles

quality we produce comes from over 40 years of experience and an elab­

orate production process that begins

ship and watchmaker’s precision with

that no two pieces are identical, tem-

plates are drawn by hand (1) and lasercut (2) into a mounting plate. Our spe-

with the choice of board. Developed ex-

cialists bend metal cutters by hand

ecological and the grain and length of

them one by one with millimetre ac-

clusively for Ravensburger, our board is the cellulose fibres are ideally adapted to our quality standards. The chrome

linen facing of the printed picture makes for non-glare pieces. Precise punching

using specially developed tools, insert curacy into the laser-cut lines on the plate (3) and check that no gaps have

been left (4). Once the finished punch-

ing tool has been set up in the punching

of the puzzle pieces from the board-

machine, the puzzle pieces can be cut.

locking, variety of shape and a “quiet

are clean and the puzzles complete in

mounted motif is crucial to perfect interpicture”. The process resembles that of

Constant checks ensure that all cut e­ dges their boxes.






More than Responsibility: Obligation

The responsibility of a family enterprise

Responsible production, fair partners

More than 125 years of company history

Because we produce our own products,

Ravensburger brand its name – those

are fair. We are highly successful in our

in one place, a place that has lent the

years stand for close ties and deep roots with the city and the region. A logical

consequence of this is the need to keep the location competitive – and that’s quite a challenge we are facing. The

family enterprise’s close ties also bring

we can ensure that working standards

efforts to ensure the greatest possible safety for our production and logistics

employees. As for the small proportion of articles we cannot produce ourselves, we do our utmost to ensure fair work-

ing conditions at our partners’ produc-

with them a responsibility.

tion sites. Ravensburger was one of the

A family enterprise stands very much

we insist that our suppliers in China, for

hard and fast principles. In our case,

ance with the International Council of

by the owner family. We all feel duty-

a ban on child labour, compliance with

first to join the “Fair Play” initiative and

for continuity, enduring values and

example, hold certification of compli-

these values are also greatly influenced

Toy Industries’ code. The code includes

bound to keep the Ravensburger pro-

statutory working hour regulations, as

materials and service.

tal standards. Our partner companies

mise of quality – in terms of content,

well as safety, health and environmenare obliged to meet these standards

and their compliance is monitored by in-

mitment both to Germany’s national

production also means using resources

which we have been patrons since its

dependent institutes. To us, responsible sparingly and doing our utmost to pro-

tect the environment. We recycle more than 95 per cent of our production waste.

reading foundation, Stiftung Lesen, of formation in 1988, and to the Mehr Zeit für Kinder (More Time for Children) initiative it has already been supporting

Here at Ravensburger, responsibility

for many years.

we are reliable and predictable partners

Ravensburger values: A promise you can trust – today and tomorrow, too

also applies to our business dealings:

for everyone with whom we work, for

our authors and suppliers, for our customers and buyers all over the world.

We assume corporate social responsibility

Long experience and the keen sense of

responsibility that governs all of our actions have forged the values which influence every aspect of our work, small

In the year 2000, the family enterprise

and large, today and tomorrow. We act

tion Stiftung Ravensburger Verlag, which

feel a deep obligation to keep our brand

projects in the cultural and social envir­

constantly . . .

founded the non-profit-making founda-

upon those values with conviction and

sponsors educational and child-raising

promise. So that children and adults

onment of children and families.

Ravensburger also continues in its com-

Discover What is Really Important.

The Ravensburger Values Published by:

Ravensburger AG

88188 Ravensburg

Š Ravensburger AG, October 2008

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