WHO IS A LEADER ? "a person who influences a group of people towards the achievement of a goal".
Ravinder Tulsani
A mnemonic for leadership would be 3P's Person, People and Purpose
Ravinder Tulsani
Is leadership a position of office or authority? Or, Is leadership an ability in the sense that he is a leader because he leads?
Ravinder Tulsani
NO‌.. A leader by its meaning is one who goes first and leads by example, so that others are motivated to follow him. To be a leader, a person must have a deeprooted commitment to the goal that he will strive to achieve it even if nobody follows him!
Ravinder Tulsani
PURPOSE A requirement for leadership is personal vision - the ability to visualize your goal as an accomplished fact; a thing already achieved. “The very essence of leadership is that you have to have vision. You can't blow an uncertain trumpet.” Theodore M. Hesburgh “The leader has to be practical and a realist, yet must talk the language of the visionary and the idealist.” Eric Hoffer Ravinder Tulsani
Why are some individuals more effective than others at influencing people? Effectiveness in leadership has been attributed to (1) persuasion skills, (2) leadership styles and (3) personal attributes of the leader.
Ravinder Tulsani
PEOPLE To be a leader, one must have followers. To have followers, one must have their trust. How do you win their trust? Why would others trust you? Most important, are you worthy of their trust?
Ravinder Tulsani
Leadership is a process by which a person influences others to accomplish an objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and coherent.
Ravinder Tulsani
Leaders carry out this process by applying their leadership knowledge and skills. This is called Process Leadership We know that we have traits that can influence our actions. This is called Trait Leadership
Ravinder Tulsani
Ravinder Tulsani
Ravinder Tulsani
FACTORS OF LEADERSHIP Leader • You must have an honest understanding of who you are, what you know, and what you can do. • To be successful you have to convince your followers, not yourself or your superiors, that you are worthy of being followed.
Followers • Different people require different styles of leadership. • The fundamental starting point is having a good understanding of human nature, such as needs, emotions, and motivation • Have be, know, and do attributes. Ravinder Tulsani
Communication • You lead through two-way communication. Much of it is nonverbal.
Situation • All situations are different. What you do in one situation will not always work in another. • You must use your judgment to decide the best course of action and the leadership style needed for each situation. Ravinder Tulsani
The 7 Secrets of Inspiring Leaders
Ravinder Tulsani
IgnIte Your enthusIasm. “You cannot inspire, unless you’re inspired yourself. ” The famous financial guru, Suze Orman,
Ravinder Tulsani
navIgate a course of actIon.
Nothing extraordinary ever happened without a leader articulating a vision, a course of action.
Ravinder Tulsani
seLL the BenefIts
Ravinder Tulsani
PaInt a PIcture Our brains are programmed more for stories than for abstract ideas. Stories can also include personal anecdotes, helping to establish a closer connection between leaders and teams.
Ravinder Tulsani
InvIte PartIcIPatIon Google Vice President Marissa Mayer once told me that she keeps a signup sheet outside her door for “office hours� that are held each day at 4:00 p.m. She gives team members 15 minutes to voice their opinions or pitch new ideas. People want more than a paycheck. They want to create meaning. Invite them in. Ravinder Tulsani
good Leaders are made not Born. If You have the desIre and wILLPower, You can Become an effectIve Leader. good Leaders deveLoP through a never endIng Process of seLfstudY, educatIon, traInIng, and exPerIence. Ravinder Tulsani