rawr | 12.3.10

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discipline fear 12.3.10

Sleep deprived and seeing things

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cover art by mark samuels

all new






on the cover “Higher Ground” Mark Samuels is a video production student. He enjoys cinematography and still photography. His main objective is to use the composition of a shot to try and tell a story visually. “Higher Ground” tells a true story of a herd of elephants attempting, and failing at crossing a raging river. However, this photo shows their determination in regrouping and charging up the ridge to safety.




You tend to clam up when you get stressed, Aquarius, which can make others see you as detached and unfeeling. Open up about your state of mind and find things to distract yourself from responsibilities.

Your restlessness is perfectly normal this time of year. Don’t feel like you need to make rash decisions unless it’s a random sledding adventure. Now is the time to sit back and take a deeper look at your options and what you want for your future. If you can bring yourself to a place of more security, the rest will fall into place.

Stop being a slave to the people in your life and make a little time for yourself, Virgo. Go for a walk, watch a stupid movie, go make a freakin’ snow angel. Do something to take the pressure off yourself and take a moment to enjoy life just as it is.

Pisces Be strong in the face of adversity. You will need all your cajones to deal with the next two weeks, so put on your best game face and find your gumption. Repeat the mantra, “I am bigger than finals, I am bigger than finals,” and you should be fine.

Aries Look under there.

Your fiery personality will keep you warm in this weather so put that energy toward the projects you’ve been thinking about tackling. Once you’re finished, take time to catch up with a friend or do something crazy over the weekend. Be the life of the party that you always are.

Taurus Haha. We made you think underwear. uiargonaut.com/rawr.html

kelcie moseley rawr

This kind of weather makes you want to curl up with your laptop and a big mug of your favorite hot drink but save that for break and push through the next couple weeks. Everyone can relate to stress and you’re not alone in feeling you’re at your limit. Lean on friends to make it through.


Dance Theatre

The University of Idaho’s Dance Theatre presents “Dance Here and Now,” at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 3 and 4 at the Hartung Theatre. The performance includes choreography by Jean

Cancer Exciting things are happening for you, but keep your priorities in mind or you’ll end up regretting it later. You pride yourself on keeping your emotions in check even when they boil beneath the surface, Cancer, but sometimes it’s good to ride the excitement and let things be. Enjoy it.

Leo You may feel your normally high energy levels dropping with the temperature, but surround yourself with people you enjoy and keep a positive attitude. You can’t be grumpy and self-absorbed — it’s December.

Libra Things aren’t always going to go the way you wish they would, and you have to learn to accept that. Those around you don’t expect perfection either so strive for the best. That’s really all they can ask for. This goes for finals as well. You’ll make things much easier for yourself if you do your best and get things done.

Erdman and is funded by the National Endowment for the Arts. Dancers will perform an original piece by Susan Hadley of Baryshnikov’s Oak Dance Project. Tickets are $7 for UI students, $9 general admission and $8 for seniors and children. Tickets can be purchased through the UI ticket center at (208) 885-7212

An evening of musical theatre Music, theatre and musical theatre majors have collaborated to bring an evening of musical theatre to the University of Idaho. Students Emily Schneider, Caitlin Boland, Jessica Bohrn and Kyle Rustebak-

Scorpio Oh, Scorpio. Your emotions are running high right now and it’s hard for you to keep a lock on them. Sometimes it’s best to let others give you space and sometimes you should seek out someone to talk to who will understand. It’s important to learn the difference and assess your needs.

Sagittarius The holidays are approaching and there’s nothing you love more than tradition and being with family, but it’s hard for you to wait. If you’re getting too antsy, host a holiday party with friends, music and eggnog (maybe even spiked eggnog, should you be of age) and do a gift exchange. It might help tide you over until break.

Capricorn You’ve put a lot of work into this semester and it may feel like the next couple weeks are more like dragging yourself limping across the finish line than running. Be proud of what you have accomplished and keep in mind that anything worth having takes time to achieve. You’re on the right path, so stay on it.

ke collaborated to present this event and highlight the skills of UI’s theatre department. Doors will open at 7 p.m. and the show will proceed at 8 p.m. Dec. 5 at the Kiva Theatre. The performance is free of charge. Songs from popular musicals like, “Chicago,” “Sundays in the Park with George” and “Nine” will be performed.


Brain freeze When weather turns dastardly matt maw rawr

For some, winter is a time for snowballs, snowmen and snow sports. Don’t be fooled by the pretty alliteration. Like Shakespeare’s Puck, the season is poised to pull our chairs and SUVs out from under us when we aren’t looking. Sometimes we’re victims of winter’s boredom. I get tired of carolers and grinning lodge snobs too. Often we bring misfortune on ourselves. Like good Americans, we laugh in nature’s face and spurn its oppressive laws. Read on to see all the ways winter reminds us of our place.

Finland, 90210 Normal folks enjoy throwing snow at each other and making vegetable-hominid sculptures. Crazy folks think gravity is nerdy and enjoy mocking it with arrogant stunts. A young man from Finland posted a video of himself on YouTube ridiculing gravity’s testosterone deficiency. In the video, he stood on the roof of what I hope was his house. He looked down at the ground six meters below. Then he leaped into the air like a spider monkey in snow pants and buried himself waist-deep in a carefully shoveled snow pile. The guy returned to the roof before gravity could sniffle a Klingon comeback. He took a few extra seconds to consider the stupidity of his actions. Then he gave gravity the finger and back-flipped off the edge. He nailed the landing and proved unequivocally that jockstrap aficionados don’t need brains to shovel a sidewalk.

Forecast: Humiliation Sometimes people are victims of circumstance. News reporters seem particularly unfortunate. One compilation video showed various reporters’ misfortunes recorded forever. One man slipped as he walked and laughed about it. Another man struggled hopelessly to report against a blizzard that seemed to hate the news channel. One clip shows a woman calmly reporting while a giant snowplow rumbled toward her. She remained oblivious until the truck sped past and smothered her in a tidal wave of snow. The crew couldn’t resist winter’s grasp of dramatic irony and laughed immediately. Other people simply underestimate nature’s ability to make them look like fools. http://aol.it/hqSMqA

see freeze, page 10


illustration by loren morris | rawr


When goodbye means forever Under the dark of night, strange but it is something I found myself at the border those who travel or study of Greece trying to get into abroad are accustomed to. Macedonia. I was seemingly With the advent of Facetrapped until I could properly book, Skype and other forms explain to passport control of communication, those that I did not enter people one meets the country illegally. on his or her travels In one of those will still be in conquirky twists of fate, tact but chances are I managed to sit next it is very limited. to the only person on In Morocco, I the train who spoke have made countless English. Her help was friends with locals greatly appreciated and have been taken to get me through a in by families almost sticky situation. as a son. The reality It did not stop I will most likely cheyenne isnever there, however. see any of She, along with her these people again hollis rawr once I depart Mefriends, showed me around Skopje and knes in three weeks. introduced me to the life of a It is a bit harsh to think college student in the former about it in these terms but communist state. avoiding the fact this forever At the end of my three goodbye is coming would be days in Macedonia I was left to deny reality. If anything, it with an incredibly awkward adds much needed closure to yet familiar farewell. I bid one’s adventures and stories. my new Macedonian friends On the other end of the goodbye forever. It may seem spectrum are the American

students I am studying with at Moulay Ismail University. Despite coming from across the States, they are making plans to see each other and talking of reunions once the program ends. The minority of students who admit they will not see anyone from the program once our time in Morocco ends are deemed party-poopers. Most people do not want the amazing times abroad to end because it means losing all of the new friends one has made to return to life back home. But this is the nature of studying abroad and traveling. These intense bonds are rapidly forged but soon end just as quickly has they had been made. Americans tend to struggle in letting go, especially when it comes to relationships of a personal nature. There is this idea that there always has to

see forever, page 10




Student discipline for safety rhiannon rinas rawr

A cell phone rings in a Media and Society class at the University of Idaho. A student in the middle row answers and after finding out there are children in danger, rushes down the aisle towards an exit. Before fleeing the classroom, he pulls off his jacket revealing a red and blue webbed shirt and hides his face behind a Spiderman mask. But the student behind the mask wasn’t Peter Parker – it was Bret Zender. “I stole it (the idea) from other people,” Zender said. “I was just a poser pretty much.” Zender, who pulled the prank in 2007, said he’s the type of guy who likes to make an impression on people. “It was a really boring class,” Zender said. “Nothing personal to Marc Skinner, he’s a really good teacher but he’s got 150 students to teach and you kind of have to standardize everything for them all.” Even though Spiderman was all in good fun, it wasn’t without consequences. Zender thought he would get “whatever the college equivalent of detention is.” “I got a $25 fee, three-page essay on

respecting a community environment, six months academic probation, originally a year (and) 20 hours of community service, originally 30,” Zender said. “This is after I talked them down a little bit. And I had to write an apology letter to Marc Skinner (to) tell him I was sorry. He forgave me.” Zender said even though Skinner didn’t find it funny at the time, it seemed to grow on him because he later showed classes the video on YouTube.com. “I guess it’s become a lot funnier to him since then but at the time he was thinking, ‘What in the hell?’” Zender said. “You could just see it in his eyes.” He said pranks are hard to pull off and there is a lot of stress about doing it right, which is why he wouldn’t consider doing something like this again. “If you screw up your Spiderman (and) run out, everyone remembers the screw up,” Zender said. Zender said he figured he got into so much trouble because the Dean of Students Office didn’t want a trend to start, but classroom disruptions are against the Student Code of Conduct. “Classroom decorum and inappropriate disruptions in the classroom, I could be disruptive by whispering or texting

or Facebooking, or playing games or you’re basically running something like doing whatever,” Laura Hutchinson, Asa tight rope, but its called slacklining, sistant Dean of Students, said. “I could between trees and people walk on it.” also be disruptive … in the middle of a Hutchinson said there’s a culture for conversation where I get up and start slacklining and it’s relaxing for them. shouting unprovoked, and scare the hell She said they don’t understand when out of people.” they get in trouble because it could Hutchinson has overpotentially hurt the trees, sight of the conduct system but they do it because they and said students get sent to love the trees. her office in violation of the “Longboarding. People Student Code of Conduct for will complain that ‘why a variety of issues. don’t I have somebody do “Things like bizarre something about the longbehavior in the classroom boarders,’” Hutchinson said. that could be something “I’m a grown woman and I that’s just a prank or they are cannot run that fast. How under the influence and demam I going to catch them? onstrating a bizarre behavior But if they’re cited for being or they have a mental health in area that they can’t be, issue,” Hutchinson said. they will end up here.” The most common types It’s another culture thing, bruce pitman of things that get students dean of students Hutchinson said. They just sent to her office are violawant to have fun, she said, tions of drug or alcohol but there have been broken policy, academic dishonesty, plagiarism, jaws, missing teeth and skull stitches in cheating and relationship difficulties longboarding accidents. where people are mistreating each People getting into steam tunnels other, Hutchinson said. and on top of buildings are among “Slacklining will get a student in the sillier things that get students in our office and that is truly random,” trouble, Hutchinson said. Hutchinson said. “Slacklining is when Hutchinson said another issue that

We are not only concerned about students’ actual safety, but also the perception of safety.” ­­



photo illustration by amrah canul and loren morris | rawr

cohol Drugs and al gets people in her office is stealing. “I always think it’s strange when someone steals an iPhone because people can track those things,” she said. “It’s like a bad episode of ‘Cops.’ We’re like, ‘Wow, you knew you were going to get caught,’” she said. Dean of Students Bruce Pitman said he doesn’t want to be seen as the “dean of no fun,” because students are allowed to have fun on campus, but there are very serious risks with some behaviors. Pranks or disruptive behaviors in class can pose a serious threat. “With some disruptive acts, students in the class don’t know if it’s a prank or … in that moment when its first starting, they don’t know whether they’re someone who has a mental illness and is someone that is … going to pose a threat to someone in the class or the instructor,” Pitman said. Some classroom disruptions that are meant to be funny may at first represent acts that have occurred across the United States where other students have harmed people in classrooms, Pitman said. “We are not only concerned about students’ actual safety but also the perception of safety,” Pitman said. “You may not … be a threat but if you feel


like you are on the edge of becoming a victim, if you feel threatened, then that is a very important dynamic.” Pitman said a lot of the behavior he has seen is fueled by alcohol and the fact that people dare others to do things. “What we’re really doing is mediating and kind of being a referee often, for student-on-student kind of conduct rather than behavior that … violates university rules,” Pitman said. Pitman said trying to figure out what is in bounds and what is not is sometimes a hard call. “We try to examine objectively,” he said. “Sometimes I feel like we’re the referees on the football field with the yellow flags, throwing the penalty flags.” UI’s campus is ranked the 36th safest campus out of 458 campuses across the country, in a study done by The Daily Beast, which looked at crime rates and enrollment numbers. “With 11,000 or 12,000 students, give or take, we have 350 to maybe 400 disciplinary cases a year. That’s not bad,” Hutchinson said. “So far all the conversation (has been) about this being a terrible place for alcohol — alcohol causes problems for folks, visit just about any

Disruptive behavior Texting other institution.” Pitman and Hutchinson both said they are willing to work with students who want to pull off a safe prank. “A student might then say ‘OK, I really want to do this fun prank. Am I going to run into any problems here,’ and Dean Pitman and I love a good laugh probably more than (most) people because of what we do,” Hutchinson said. She said there may be a way they wouldn’t oppose it. “So if we can see a way through for a student to have a safe prank that doesn’t disrupt university classes or put anybody at harm and hopefully doesn’t start a trend of pranks that could escalate, we’re going to say, ‘Let’s see how this goes,’” Hutchinson said.

more information The top 50 safest schools http://www.thedailybeast.com/ blogs-and-stories/2010-09-14/50safest-colleges/

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of the strange and irrational kristen whitney rawr

illlustration by loren morris | rawr

Clinical level phobias are rare, but basic fears — irrational or rational — are something we all have, psychology professor Ben Barton said. Barton said an irrational fear is like a phobia and can be centered on anything. “What makes it irrational is that in your cognitive process, the fear is not really related to the survival instinct in any way ... primates should be afraid of snakes — the ones that weren’t afraid of them may not have lived long enough to reproduce,” Barton said. Barton said some fears are normal to have and even keep us safe from harm. For example, a fear of bugs may have kept some primates safe because worms could mean decay or, roaches indicate a place is unsanitary. Barton said he thinks many tend to have a healthy association with fearing things like bugs or snakes because of the harm they may cause. Barton said fears only become a problem when they interfere with one’s daily life. “Not everyone has a clinical level phobia, but we all have something we’re afraid of, something that really gets us going,” Barton said. Ameilia Hall, student, said her irrational fear didn’t manifest itself until a few years ago. “One of them is that my appendix will burst when I’m camping in the middle of nowhere and nobody will be able to save me because there’s no cell phone service and we’re far from civilization,” Hall said. Hall said she does not know where the fear comes from but said she worries about a lot of weird things when she feels frazzled. “It seems to affect me worse when I’m really stressed out about other things than at any other time. It doesn’t really bother me most of the time,” Hall said. “Usually, when I start worrying about something so much that it actually affects me physically or mentally, I realize that I’m being irrational and try to calm myself down.” Linda Wells, student, said she has

two irrational fears. One of them makes trips to the countryside a weary experience. “It’s corn fields. After I saw “Signs,” I’ve been afraid of them,” Wells said. “It was because of the aliens, and I have no proof that they’re out there, but there’s still some lurking fear in the back of my mind.” Wells said this fear does not impact her day-to-day life but it has interrupted one of her hobbies. “I’m from the country and I used to go running a lot but unfortunately, my neighbors are farmers and they usually plant corn everywhere so I didn’t go running after a while,” Wells said. Wells said she’s not fearful of all corn fields but of being alone near a field. “My friend made me go to a corn maze for the first time this year, it went pretty well, it took like an hour and a half to get out because we got lost but it wasn’t that bad,” Wells said. Fears can develop in many ways, Barton said, but for some it happens through a classic conditioning effect. Barton said someone will have something that isn’t initially a problem but through a series of circumstances, this something can evolve into an object of fear. Wells said her fear of corn fields stems from her father watching a lot of alien movies while she was growing up – in particular, “Signs.” Another irrational fear, or “idiosyncrasy,” as Wells calls it, is wooden chairs. It’s not the chair itself Wells said she fears but the fear the chair will break and splinter, hurting her badly. Avoiding wooden chairs is easy, Wells said, she simply prefers standing or sitting on the floor in the appropriate setting. “I’d been having this dream that I would sit in a wooden chair and it would break and I would get stabbed by said chair. So I don’t like sitting in them,” Wells said. This idiosyncrasy was rationalized, Wells said, when she attended a graduate party and despite her fear, sat in a faulty wooden chair. “I happen to sit in the one broken chair in the room and it fell apart,” Wells said. “It was terrifying.”



The Laws of Attraction: Guys speak out

amrah canul | rawr

University of Idaho couple Monica Agana and Atticus Thiel express feelings for one another near the Student Union Building November 9.

bethany breeze rawr

“Americans are like, crazy” said Carlos Altamirano, of Mexico. “They like to hook up, that’s all, and they don’t care too much about having an actual relationship. It’s more sort of chillout,” he said. Altamirano comes from what he calls ‘the lower California’ – San Jose del Cabo. He considers himself “pretty much a Californian,” and said when it comes to relationships there needs to be balance. “In Mexico, yes there is a lot of partying but couples normally meet at school. People get really serious and there can be a lot of jealousy,” he said. “Maybe the American way is better because you’re not obsessive about the relationship and not worried about things like them even just talking to other people.” Jacob Franklin, student, said it’s not easy to form relationships in college because everyone seems to be too busy. “People like to think that they’re so busy with classes that they don’t have time for anything else. But I think that people really should get out there and do other things — give themselves opportunities to network,” Franklin said. Dietrich Ringle, from Arkansas, said before a couple of years ago he had to really push himself to approach people. “I was always friendly but just didn’t know how to make a move. I’ve gotten better but I find I’m still pretty conservative in how I approach people,” Ringle said.

Ringle said in Arkansas there’s a very specific formula to how dating goes. “It’s very conservative,” he said, “In my family, sex equals marriage and parents play a big role in relationships.” Ringle said he considers himself “socially liberal” but said his upbringing probably still plays a role in how he approaches relationships. “Not that I’m opposed to things like one night stands but generally my style is just to talk and get to know someone’s personality, then I’m comforable to move to next level,” he said. “Sometimes, when you see a person, you feel like, an energy,” Altamirano said. He said the first attraction is with the eyes. “Then, it’s about the fluency of a conversation – if it just keeps going and going and going,” he said. Altamirano said he also notices a girl’s hairstyle straight away, and the way she speaks. “Humor can be attractive,” he said “but only when it’s appropriate.” Ringle said an element of mystery is what attracts him to people. “I guess I find myself attracted to people who seem a bit mysterious, someone who seems to be walking their own path in the world. They really strike me,” he said, “Where I’m from in Arkansas, the girls all wear the same clothes and have the same hairstyles. It’s sort of boring.” Ringle said it is not about being different for the sake of it. ”I mean someone who just isn’t focused on

see laws, page 11



Roommates aren’t Mommies anthony saia rawr

The school year is starting to die down for most students. Dead week is coming and finals week is just around the corner. For some, this also means ditching a horrible roommate they have had for the whole semester. Bad roommate matches can be inevitable. Maybe a roommate borrows clothes without asking or leaves crusty dishes in the sink for weeks on end. Ultimately, some students get stuck dealing with roommates they hate. When it comes down to having a good roommate, the best thing they can do is pay their rent on time. UI student Brandy Cargo said she was victim to roommates who were less than reliable when paying bills. “I lived with two guys’ friends,” Cargo said, “They paid almost none of their rent the entire year and absolutely none of the power bill.” This stuck Cargo with the bills and the remainder of the rent to pay. “I paid everything that I could on the power bill but after the third time it got turned off, I just left it off and lived on my friend’s couch,” she said. Unfortunately for Cargo, she still owes money to the rental and power companies. Not only is it a good thing to have roommates pay bills on time, or in Cargo’s case, pay bills at all, it is also good to have roommates respect one another’s privacy. It’s hard to balance sleep schedules while in college and necessary to be courteous when having guests over. Sophomore Nick Schram had a difficult experience during his freshman year while living in Wallace Complex. Schram said his roommate was, “nice and clean but he never notified me when he was having his lady friends over.” For most, this would not be an issue, but in Schram’s case it went past just having the roommate’s friend over. “There were a few times where I’d come home and he was getting busy,” Schram said. “Once, it got to the point where I had to go to sleep and they continued doing what they were doing before.” When it comes down to it, sharing a living space with someone is all about respect. Pullman resident James Largent and his former roommate worked together and had been friends for a long time. Occasionally, like some college students, both would go

to the bars or stay home and enjoy some beers. Largent said one night his roommate had a little too much to drink. “I woke up the next morning and went to use my laptop only to notice that when I picked it up it was all wet,” Largent said. Apparently, after a night of drinking Largent’s roommate made the mistake of not finding the bathroom. “I found out that he had urinated all over the keyboard and shut it like he would the lid to the toilet,” he said. In this case, Largent lucked out. Not only did his roommate apologize profusely for frying Largent’s laptop with urine but the roommate also paid for a replacement. Former UI student Paulina Wolter was not as lucky. Wolter said she had roommates who would lock themselves out of the apartment all the time. In one case, Wolter and her other roommate decided to teach their fellow tenants a lesson. One night her roommates came home at 3:30 a.m. to find themselves locked out again. “Both mine and my other roommates’ phones were ringing nonstop but instead of letting them in, we decided to keep them locked out,” Wolter said. Respect for someone’s privacy is not the only thing one should have when dealing with a roommate. Cleanliness is a big factor in whether or not one would choose to continue a living arrangement with someone. Not only does Cargo have to deal with the excessive bills left behind from her former roommates but said she also had to clean up after their messes like she was their mother. “The whole time we were living there, the guys left wrappers and trash all over our living room the entire year,” Cargo said. “On top of that, the bathroom that these guys (used) was black and not just dirty. The toilet, sink and even the shower were covered in black slime.” Similar stories like these happen sometimes when students live on their own for the first time. Setting boundaries with roommates upon move-in is always a good idea. There are things that are easily dealt with as long as the issue at hand is addressed quickly. Some students may not have a choice when living in the dorms, but putting in a transfer request is a good idea or asking a potential roommate for references prior to moving in is always a good idea.

steven devine | rawr

Paying bills on time, returning things, staying clean and leaving a sink full of dishes are some things that have gone wrong for people while living with roommates.



Don’t judge a major by its title autumn st. amand rawr

Char Stevens, junior in interior design, said the program at University of Idaho has been a great experience and has helped her start her future. “Every time I walk into a room, I redesign it with my eyes,” Stevens said. “I wanted a career where I could have freedom in my work and also bring in artwork.” Interior design is often called decorating but there is much more work involved than the simple decorating of a space. Interior designers work with architects to create the interior environment of a building and often include research, sketches and 3D modeling. Interior design students are required to participate in an internship before graduation and Stevens said through this she hopes to discover if she wants to work in a large firm, which includes working with architects on commercial buildings, or a small firm, usually

with a residential emphasis. “I’m really interested in the history of the building and preserving the history of the building,” Stevens said, “as well as materiality, there are new materials being developed and innovated every day.” Stevens said she wants to implement sustainability in her interior design and get a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design accreditation, which is a third-party that verifies if a building or community was designed using an approach to improve energy savings, water efficiency, indoor quality and more. Stevens moved to Idaho after comparing academics with Ohio University, her previous campus, and found that “this one was top-notch.” “I like the program here, and despite the architecture classes, I’ve learned a lot from them,” Stevens said. Some students in the Fish and Wildlife Resources Department said they have a similar experience when explaining what they do because there is such a variety

amrah canul | rawr Interior design senior Rebecca Van Dyken works on an adaptive re-use project for the silos in Moscow in the basement of the Art & Architecture Interior Design Building.

of research projects. Zac Huling, senior in wildlife resources, said he is unsure what he wants to do but will be happy as long as he gets to work outside. “I love wildlife and I love being outside,” Huling said. “(The university’s) got one of the best natural resource programs … I wouldn’t want to go

The caveman diet kristi atkinson rawr

katherine brown | rawr

anywhere but the northwest.” Currently, there are 25 graduate students researching wildlife. Their studies range from the occurrence of sage grouse flying into fences and other structures to habitat selection of pygmy owls in forests to genetic patterns and habitat selection of brown bears in Russia.

Healthy or unhealthy, fast food or organic, protein or vegetarian — each of us is on a diet. Some choose the trendy: Southbeach diet, Atkins, Hollywood Cookie diet or maybe the Caveman diet. Marketdat, Inc predicted America would spend $68.7 billion in 2010 alone on weight loss products and services. The Caveman diet, or Paleolithic diet, allows one to get in touch with the natural instinct to increase chances of burning fat and increase energy levels, according to cavemanpower.com. They advertise the all-natural diet’s immediate results with its “healthy approach to making your body indestructible.” The diet’s goal is to train bodies to crave healthy foods and to eat at regular intervals. It focuses on eating plants and wild animals similar to what cavemen are

Tyson Fehringer is studying the effects of fish nutrition on immunity. He is one of the 20 graduate students researching fishery resources. “We are using waste products from a salmon fishery in Alaska and adding it to fish meal,” Fehringer said. “Right

see judge, page 11 believed to have eaten 10,000 years ago, Kathleen M. Zelman, director of nutrition for WebMD, said. “Try putting a domestic cat or dog on a strict diet, and you will soon see how unnatural it is. Our primate bodies are no different in that sense,” Matt Emery, “caveman” and author of cavemanpower.com, said. The caveman diet encourages dieters to eliminate grains, beans, potatoes, dairy products, sugar and salt, which makes it a strict diet. Campus nutritionist Verna Bergmann said she disagrees with this diet. “People need carbs, the B vitamins from grains, fiber and potassium from potatoes and the calcium and vitamins in dairy products,” she said. Bergmann said she favors avoiding processed and refined grains.

see diet, page 12



Season of charity steve carter rawr

The holiday season can be a busy time for everyone. Many people are out shopping for gifts, making travel plans and driving long distances to hit the slopes. Some also help their neighbors by donating to a local charity or shoveling someone else’s driveway. In Moscow, one of the best known charity organizations is the Moscow Food Bank, located at 618 E. First St. Director Linda Nickels has been in charge of the food bank since 1993, after taking over for some friends who wanted to retire. “I was originally from the area, and after my husband retired from the Army we returned to Moscow,” Nickels said. “Some friends who ran the food bank were looking to retire so I said I would do it for a little while. But then a little while turned into a little longer and I’ve been doing it since.” Nickels said the food bank gets an enormous amount of support from the community, especially during this time of year. “This is the community taking care of the community,” Nickels said. The food bank receives almost all of its donations


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No ice on the Sea of Galilee This video is proof everybody wants to be Jesus. If there’s water with just the pretense of ice, there will be idiots who try to walk on it. It doesn’t matter what the body of water might be. Streams, ponds, lakes and ditches are all fair game. It doesn’t matter what a per-

from the local community including church groups, the boy scouts, University of Idaho fraternities and sororities, ROTC departments and the local Army National Guard unit. “Our food bank is really a grassroots food bank – we support the local area and I think that really makes people feel good when making donations,” Nickels said. “We also do not receive any grants, but because the community has been so supportive we haven’t needed any.” Despite the hard economic times over the past few years, Nickels said the Moscow Food Bank has still maintained an increase in donations. She said this time of year has the largest demand for support but the food bank still receives donations throughout the rest of the year. “We have never done a food drive ourselves,” Nickels said. “All of the support has come from other groups or individual donors. That’s something I really like about this area.” For Thanksgiving the food bank supported about 135 families in the Moscow area and is expecting to provide support for 140 to 150 families for Christmas. Mary Blanton has volunteered at the Moscow Food

Bank for the past 10 years. “I’ve lived in Moscow for about 50 years, and have been volunteering every fifth Friday for the past 10 years, though I think I’m going to start coming more often,” Blanton said. “This is a great chance to help people help themselves. It’s really rewarding to see people come in and be grateful for the help through some tough times.” Harriet Hughes has also been volunteering for a long time. She said about 15 years ago one of her neighbors founded the food bank. “She would ask ladies in the neighborhood if they had some spare time and if they would volunteer at the food bank. I liked that it was helping the community and have been doing it since,” Hughes said. Hughes said some people coming into the food bank are working people, but on occasion need help making their paychecks stretch. “A lot of people don’t have a choice,” Hughes said. Another active charity organization in the Moscow area is Palouse Cares. Founder Rick Minard has been involved with this organization since the early ‘90s. “It originally started out

steven devine | rawr

see charity, page 12

Terrell Donicht unpacks food donations at the Moscow Food Bank on First Street from the New St. Andrews College Wednesday afternoon.

son is doing. You can walk, run, skate or straight stomp nature’s patience into the ice like it’s the eighth Christmas sweater Grandma’s mailed that month. Anything is viable and guaranteed to garner guffaws from the shameless friends recording it. Nature might be cruel. But the threshold for idiocy can be thin and crack under pressure. If you hate winter, this video might give you some sympathy. http://www.collegehumor. com/video:1927705

forever from page 3

be a next time. Being abroad is more or less a suspension of one’s life back home. There will always be a group of individuals one meets in his or her travels, which stay with them in thought, but trying to take the life one has made abroad and trying to incorporate it into life back in the States is impossible. The world is a massive

place. Life should be looked at as an opportunity to create a unique path to do all the things one wishes to see or do. None of this can be done without sacrifice, however, and this means never seeing a lot of friends one had made along the way. Saying goodbye forever to someone should not be seen as a negative act but one that must be done. This is in order to ensure a person continues forward with his or her journey instead of trying to travel backward both in a figurative and literal sense.

The important thing about the forever goodbye is that it is not definitive but simply a chance for closure. There are a countless number of people I am forever indebted to on my journeys around the world. One day I may cross paths with a few of these people again but even if I do not, at least there was a conclusion. There is no need to feel bad about saying goodbye forever, because all good things, including adventures abroad, do and should come to an end.

We never wear sweatpants but we do love music. rawrreviews.tumblr.com



RockMelt: Combining social and news media Dear Firefox, Safari, Opera and all other browsers, meet RockMelt. This new browser puts you all to shame. What is RockMelt you may ask? Launched three weeks ago, it is a web browser that uses the style of Google Chrome and builds customizable social networking and media consumption tools around it. When you open the window, you notice three distinct areas that are not found in Chrome. On the left is a “Friends” bar. Upon logging-in for the first time, users enter their Facebook and Twitter information. This gives RockMelt the ability to access your friend lists and place those people in the “Friends” area. When logged-on, users can scan the sidebar, or search for a specific friend to chat with, post on their wall or send them a message, all without having to be on the actual Facebook website. Pretty cool, huh? It gets better. Switching to the right side

of the screen, users can customize their own “News” bar. This takes RSS feeds from any site that produces one and feeds it into one all-inclusive area. Each feed is represented with its own icon and a number next to it signifying how many unread articles there are from that feed. So with just one click, the user can go from reading the top headlines on ESPN to taking a look at David Pogue’s latest column for the New York Times. This tool is great for keeping up with all of the news, but additional widgets like Facebook Notifications and Twitter also display your customized messages on one sidebar. Between the left and right sidebars alone, there is never a need to visit Facebook or Twitter’s physical websites again, unless you want to stalk someone. The final component of the browser is the share button next to the URL entry field. The highlight of this feature is that the user can share whatever page they are currently on to Facebook

or Twitter without leaving the page. This though is the one area of RockMelt where they are limiting themselves. Why not be able to share the page via e-mail on GMail or other web services? The age of sticking to Facebook and Twitter for sharing is gone, and new tools must be considered. Unfortunately for the masses, RockMelt is still in a “beta-ish” stage, and you can’t just go to the website and downloaded it. Instead they have used social media to allow people to request an invite via Facebook. Once you have been approved and download the software, you are given the power to hand out invites to anyone, making the process of getting this socially minded browser, social. All in all, RockMelt has its flaws, but they are clearly overshadowed by the positives, making it the first in a line of browsers that will bring your networking, news and media right to you without ever leaving your homepage.



conformity and has their own personal style. Not necessarily material style, but it’s how they carry themselves,” he said. Franklin said he is most immediately attracted to a person based on their maturity level. “Because people who are more mature are better at communicating — they don’t hint so much and don’t try and play games. They tend to be more assertive,” he said, “Then you’re more able to know what they actually want.” Altamirano said many people seem to think guys only go for someone who is “hot.” “But we’re all different, and there’s so much more to people than just what they look like,” he said.

now we’re testing…to help with disease resistance.” Kelly Stockton, graduate student in fish resources, said she is trying to find a prevention and control system for New Zealand mud snails. The snails are invasive and have spread throughout the northwest and Great Lakes. Fehringer said he hopes to work in a diagnostic lab or work in a fish health lab and continue doing fish research. “I’ve always liked fish, fishing

and anything to do with fish, so it just seemed like a natural thing to do,” he said. There are many other non-traditional majors at the university who are involved in various types of research. Nutrition students experiment with ingredients and cooking styles that can help avoid health issues. Environmental horticulture creates jobs for people interested in maintaining trees and shrubs for parks or cities, or researching more economical and effective growing techniques. The athletic training program educates students on athletic health issues and includes clinical experience.

madison mccord rawr

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Feel like the world revolves around money these days? You’re not alone. So, to remind us of our common obsession with the green stuff, here is a playlist dedicated to it. “If I Were a Rich Girl” – Gwen Stefani Stefani argues “all the riches … can’t bring what your love can bring,” but paints a nice picture when she talks about what she could do with all that wealth. Lucky for her though, she doesn’t have to choose between the two since she has both — if only, right? “Money, Money, Money” – ABBA I would have felt bad for Meryl Streep in the movie/musical “Mamma Mia!” when she sang about how bad she wanted the wealthy life, but she owned a hotel on a Greek island for God’s sake. “If I Had a Million Dollars” – Barenaked Ladies Instead of starting off buying something ridiculous (like your own island), the band begins by aspiring to buy a house. And, after buying the house? Furniture. Makes sense to me. “Sweetest Girl” – Wyclef Jean Anyone who knows me, knows that my first passion was stripping, so this song lies near and dear to my heart. I am joking. A lesser-known way to make some dough, it talks about a crush on a girl in high school who eventually became a stripper to make ends meet. “Puttin’ On the Ritz” – Fred Astaire Have enough money to buy nice clothes and nothing else? That’s okay, pretending to be rich is just as fun as being rich, according to this 1920s classic. There is no way you can listen to this song and not tap your toes either. “Gold Digger” – Kanye West After the whole Taylor Swift debacle, it is doubtful anyone would be dumb enough to date Kanye for something other than his cash. “Rockstar” – Nickelback Who doesn’t want a bathroom you could play baseball in or their own jet? And who wouldn’t want their own drug dealer on speed dial? OK, maybe not that last one… “Paper Planes” – M.I.A. Apparently, M.I.A. is too good for this “9 to 5” crap. She’s just going to go the easy route and hold you up at gunpoint “and take ya’ muh-nay.” “Ka-Ching!” – Shania Twain The song that truly explains it all, “Ka-Ching!” sums up our country in a nutshell. “We live in a greedy little world, that teaches every little boy and girl to earn as much as they can possibly, then turn around and spend it foolishly.” “Glamorous” – Fergie Yeah, remember those times when we used to reminisce about when we had mustangs and ate Taco Bell? Oh wait… that was just Fergie.



“I don’t think there are many foods you should avoid or focus on. There are so many different types of foods with their own benefits. Just eat a variety,” temporary lecturer Amy Erikson said. Keith Ayoob, assistant professor at New York’s Albert Einstein School of Medicine, said people who consume diets full of whole grains, beans and low-fat dairy tend to be healthier due to nutrients within the foods. “There are mountains of research about the health benefits of diets that include, not exclude, these foods,” said Ayoob. Cavemanpower.com claimed their diet was the most natural of them all. The website provides step-by-step guidance to the diet. In the second stage, the diet encourages fasting: drink a glass of water in the morning, eat nothing during the day and end the day with a meal. The website claimed fasting would be easy, but Bergmann said she disagrees. “It’s conflicting with life. I don’t recommend starving,” she said. “I recommend having your healthy foods distributed evenly throughout the day, meaning not skipping meals.” Erikson said skipping breakfast is common, but not useful. “It is breaking your fast. You’ve been fasting through the night and you need to jump start your metabolism,” Erikson said. Bergmann said the healthiest diet is simple, but the biggest issue college students have is they take time away from eating and good nutrition to sleep or study. “You have to find some time to eat. Students are robbing themselves,” Bergmann said. “Nutrition really has to have a priority in order to make it a foundational part of your lifestyle. It does take a little extra time. It takes money, but does not need to be expensive. It can be done on a low budget. Besides leading to heart disease or diabetes, it can also lead to missing class due to illnesses, Bergmann said. Due to cultivated plants and domesticated meats, Zelman said a true Paleolithic diet would be impossible to replicate. Erikson said there are so many diets, and people are always trying to find the perfect diet for themselves. “Eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full,” she said. “Diets should be a lifestyle thing. If you avoid certain foods, its not really a lifestyle.”

as some employees at Moscow Building Supply wanting to do something nice, and help out those less fortunate,” Minard said. He said in 2006 they applied for non-profit status and founded Palouse Cares. Each year, Palouse Cares organizes one of the area’s largest food drives and benefit auctions. This year’s event will begin at 11 a.m. Dec. 11 at the Eastside Marketplace. “We normally get around 400 to 500 volunteers in Moscow and Pullman,” Minard said. “It’s not just employees that volunteer. We get a lot of support from the high schools, colleges, National Guard, church groups, boy scouts and regular individuals. This is a great opportunity for people to volunteer, especially students. We understand that people may not have a lot of money to donate, but everyone has time they can afford.” Minard said volunteers will be given maps, totes and bags and then sent into the cities. Once volunteers are done for the day they will meet back up at the Eastside Marketplace where the food will be consolidated, counted and taken to the Moscow Food Bank. “I think people are going to be thinking about the bad weather, and how hard it is for some people to get out of their homes,” Minard said. “That usually means people are willing to give a little more and to give from the heart.” Minard said Palouse Cares is the only charity group to canvas the entire area. “It makes people feel good to see others out in the cold weather doing something for their community,” he said. Following the food drive will be a charity auction and barbecue. All items for both events came from local donations. Items for auction include a 1999 Chrysler Concord from Wysup Motors, a raft trip donated from Salmon River Experience, tickets to the Spokane symphony, gift certificates to local area restaurants and many other items.

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