PAGES 18-21
5970 W. Brown St., Glendale, AZ 85302
(623) 930.2820 | GlendaleAZ.com/parksandrec
As we head into the fall season, I want to thank the Parks and Recreation staff for their efforts in coordinating a successful summer season. The Foothills and Rose Lane Aquatics Centers were both open for a full summer season, and a new splash pad was built at Sunset Palms Park, which opened at the end of May. Services at our three neighborhood community centers have been expanded to offer 6-day-a-week programming thanks to recently approved funding. The Glendale Community Center, Rose Lane Recreation Center, and the O’Neil Recreation Center are now open to the community and will be open Monday through Saturday beginning in August. Each center will operate through May with programming offered for youth, adults, seniors, and families.
The NFL Youth Flag Football League begins in September. This is a great opportunity for your child to learn great fundamental skills and be a part of a team. Did you know that lighting plays an important role in our health and safety? According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, spending time outdoors promotes physical activity, mental health, and stress reduction. Plus, most experts in lighting, law enforcement, and parks and recreation management agree that lighting parks and other public spaces benefit communities by deterring crime and, thereby, increasing after-dark recreational activities.
Knowing this, Glendale has invested over $2,000,000 in new recently completed LED lighting projects. Your brilliantly shining parks and recreation sites include:
• Delicias Park
• Glendale Community Center
• Hidden Meadows Park
• Hillcrest Park
• Mary Silva Park
• Myrtle Park
• O’Neil Park and Recreation Center

• Paseo Racquet Center and Softball Complex
• Rose Lane Recreation Center
• Sands Park
Additional projects are planned in the new year. What a difference this LED lighting makes in illuminating these locations! Not only do the new lights cost less because they last longer, they are also energy efficient, and much, much brighter. In fact, the city has received rebates from Salt River Project in recognition of the energy savings! As our sunsets befall us earlier each day this fall, I encourage you and your family to visit one of these parks and recreation sites at night and enjoy the new and improved LED lighting. Also, please explore the many recreation programs and activities offered in this publication. There is sure to be something for everyone!
Jim Burke James P. Burke, Director Parks and RecreationParks and Recreation Purpose Statement
We enrich the lives of our residents, organizations, and visitors by providing memorable experiences and learning opportunities. We create an inclusive and fun variety of programming and parks that foster growth, play, and innovation. Our team is committed to inspiring lives well-lived!

Proof of Glendale residency is required to obtain the resident rate.

IN PERSON: Verification of residency is done using a City of Glendale water bill and a photo ID or a staff member can verify within our system.
ONLINE: Once an account is created, your address will be verified.
• All class cancellations and class transfer requests must be submitted at least 7 calendar days prior to the class start date.
• All class registrations are subject to a $5 cancellation fee per class/program per participant.
• Refunds not issued for missed classes.
• Cancellation requests due to medical reasons that are not submitted at least 7 days in advance must provide documentation to receive a pro-rated refund.

ONLINE: www.glendaleaz.com/parksandrec
BY PHONE : (623) 930-2820 , option 1
IN PERSON: Glendale Adult Center 5970 W. Brown St, Glendale, AZ 85308
Interpreter assistance or reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities may be made available with a minimum 72-hour notice. For more information, call (623) 930-2820. Hearing impaired persons may use the Arizona Relay Service (800) 367-8939.

Participants should be aware that there is some risk involved in these activities and all participants do so at their own risk. Medical insurance is not provided by the City of Glendale. Participants should also be aware that photographs taken at city facilities, during classes and activities, may be used to promote future city programs and events.
¿Le gustaría hablar con alguien en español? Llame a nuestra nueva línea telefónica para hablar con un operador bilingüe de servicio al cliente. Si el operador no está disponible, por favor deje un mensaje y alguien se pondrá en contacto con usted de manera oportuna. El número es (623) 930-3310.
59th Avenue, ½ mile north of Deer Valley Road
• Open sunrise to sunset
• Over 20 miles of trails
• A desert conservation park
• Parking available off main entrance, 67th Avenue and Patrick Lane and off Pinnacle Peak Road at 55th Avenue
51st Avenue & Utopia Road to 73rd Avenue & Greenway Rd
• Open sunrise to sunset
• A linear trail of 3.5 miles connecting to Thunderbird Paseo Park and various neighborhood parks
• A trail system running along Skunk Creek
• Parking available at Foothills Park at 57th Avenue & Union Hills Drive
75th Avenue and Camelback Road to New River Trail
• Open 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.
• A linear trail of 7.5 miles
• A linear park running along the Grand Canal, with a lighted, paved trail and an equestrian trail. Trail heads west to State Farm Stadium, Westgate Entertainment District, Glendale Youth Sports Complex, Glendale Heroes Regional Park and then to 75th Avenue North of Camelback Road
• Parking available on 75th Avenue just north of Camelback Road, 83rd Avenue and Bethany Home Road and 107th Avenue and Bethany Home Road
• Equestrian parking located on 51st Avenue, south of Bethany Home Road
51st Avenue & Cactus Road to 73rd Avenue & Paradise Lane
• Open sunrise to sunset
• A linear trail of nearly 4 miles connecting to Skunk Creek Linear Park
• A linear park running along the Arizona Canal with a paved trail and an unpaved equestrian trail
• Parking available at 59th Avenue just south of Thunderbird Road and off 67th Avenue just south of Greenway Road
107th Avenue and Bethany Home Road to 101st Avenue and Northern Avenue
• Open 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.
• A paved trail of 2 miles through Glendale along the New River Wash that connects to City of Peoria – New River Trail at Northern Avenue (continues North)
• Trail runs along New River Wash that has a wide variety of wildlife for great photography opportunities
• At 107th Avenue and Bethany Home Road, trail connects to Grand Canal Linear Park and heads east to State Farm Stadium, Westgate Entertainment District, Glendale Youth Sports Complex, Glendale Heroes Region al Park and then to 75th Avenue
West side of 51st Avenue from Cactus Road north to Thunderbird Conservation Park
• A 9-mile, decomposed granite path for equestrian use
Help us protect this fragile environment by staying on the trails.
GLENDALE’S TRAIL SYSTEM - All trails below are designated as “easy,” except those at Thunderbird Conservation Park. See information below for designations for those trails. EASIEST EASY

COACH WHIP: Approximately 5.0 miles.
Rating: Moderate.
FLATLANDER: Approximately 1.25 miles.
Rating: Easy.
CHOLLA LOOP: Approximately 3.0 miles.
Rating: Moderate to Moderate/Difficult in certain areas.
SUNRISE: Approximately 2 miles with the west branch. Rating: Moderate to Moderate/ Difficult in certain areas.
RIDGELINE: Approximately 0.4 miles.
Rating: Moderate.
DESERT IGUANA: Approximately 0.75 miles. Rating: Easy.
CHUCKWALLA: 0.25 miles.
Rating: Moderate
ARROWHEAD POINT : Approximately 1.5 miles.
Rating: Moderate/Difficult.
RATINGS: During the hotter months when the temperature and/or humidity is high, trails will be rated at least one level higher.

Aquatics Water Aerobics Ages 15 yrs+
Water Aerobics is a fun, low impact workout. All classes are held in deep water.

Classes are offered in 3 week sessions with a 3-day (MON/ WED/FRI), 2-day ( TUE/THU), or 1-day (SAT ) option per session. Participants must be comfortable in deep water with or without the use of an aqua-belt.
*Classes are not held on city holidays and the pricing will reflect the closures.
Classes that have less than eight participants enrolled may be canceled due to low participation.
Instructor: Aquatics Staff
CLASS 1 - $32R / $40NR – 3 weeks
CLASS 2 - $48R / $60NR - $43R / $54NR* – 3 weeks
CLASS 3 - $16R / $20NR – 3 weeks

Adult (13y+) Group Lessons Beginner:
Learn basic strokes and improve your comfort level in the water from an experienced, patient instructor. Comfortable, small-group classes.
Classes are offered in 3 week sessions with a 2-day ( TUE/THU) a week per session.
Make-ups, refunds, or credits will not be issued for missed classes.
Classes that have less than four participants enrolled may be canceled due to low participation.
Instructor: Aquatics Staff
SESSION 1: - $60R / $72NR – 3 weeks
SESSION 2: - $60R / $72NR – 3 weeks
5600 W. Union Hills Drive • (623) 930-4600
Monday through Friday - 5:30AM – 7:30PM • Saturday - 7AM – 5PM; Sunday - Closed www.glendaleaz.com/parksandrec
The Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center (FRAC) is a full-service, recreation and aquatics center serving the Glendale community. At FRAC we provide educational, recreational, fitness, and social activities through classes, special events, and ongoing center programs.

• A full-size basketball gymnasium
• Weekly fitness classes
• A wide variety of community classes
• Open racquetball, racquetball lessons, league, and social racquetball
• Social pickleball pickup games
• Room rentals for private events
• A full fitness center with free weights, a strength training circuit, and cardio equipment
• Lap swimming year-round in heated, outdoor pool
• Public swimming during the summer at mini-water park
• Adult and youth swim lessons
Come join us for pickleball, one of American's fastest-growing sports. Players use hard paddles, wiffle balls, along with lowered mini tennis nets. It's a blast! Please call the front desk at (623) 930-4600 for current schedule.
Ages 15+. Drop in.
Rock Wall
Have you checked out our rock wall? Try out a new challenge today!

Please call the front desk at (623) 930-4600 for current schedule.
Senior Fitness Programs
Stop in and check to see if your health insurance benefit includes Silver Sneakers, Renew Active or Silver&Fit. You could enjoy access to a variety of classes and equipment at no cost to you.

Please check the website for the most current facility dates and hours of operation.
Membership rates at FRAC are designed to accommodate many different lifestyles. A membership includes access to the full fitness center, basketball gymnasium, social racquetball and pickleball, an indoor walking/jogging track, rock wall, lap swimming, basic aerobics, and the locker rooms. Open swim is not included in a FRAC membership.
Membership rates start at $35 per month for a single adult and up to $700 for an annual family pass. Please visit our website for membership rates.
Anyone may buy a single use day pass to the facility that will allow you to experience the same great benefits as a membership pass.
Day Pass Rates
Youth (5-12 YRS) $3.00 $4.00
Student (13-19 YRS) $4.00 $5.00
Adult (13 YRS+) $6.00 $8.00
Senior (65 YRS+) $5.00 $6.00
5401 W. Ocotillo Road | (623) 930-4700
For full programming information contact us directly at (623) 930-4321
After School Program
FREE – Glendale Elementary School District School day hours: 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Early release days program hours will follow the GESD Schedule.
(Ages 5-14) Participants must be registered and complete a parent handbook packet to enroll child. Handbooks are available at the Glendale Community Center. This program provides enriching recreational activities in a fun atmosphere. Program activities include creative arts & crafts, recreational games, sports, STEM/STEAM experiments, guest speakers, special events, homework assistance, and a snack program on school days. Participants are allowed to sign-out at any time without a parent's or guardian’s permission. This program operates only on scheduled school days, including early release days. City holidays excluded.

Senior Meal Program
Senior Meals are back at Glendale Community Center! Come enjoy a social hour and a meal with us at GCC provided by the YWCA! We begin senior social at 11 AM and Lunch is served at 12 noon. Enjoy conversation, activities and food Monday through Friday.
Location: Glendale Community Center
Instructor: YWCA
5970 W. Brown Street | (623) 930-4321
For full programming information contact us directly at (623) 930-4321
The Glendale Adult Center passes are available to persons 18 years and older.

Whether you are looking for a fitness class or just a friendly place to spend time, the Glendale Adult Center is the place to visit. The Center offers aerobic classes, two rooms of fitness equipment, YWCA lunch programs, a ceramics room, and much more.
Senior Fitness Programs
Stop in and check to see if your health insurance benefit includes Silver Sneakers, Renew Active or Silver&Fit. You could enjoy access to a variety of classes and equipment at no cost to you.

Party Bridge
Included in membership pass R / NR - Ongoing
Enjoy playing Bridge and already know how to play? Come join this fun, social, and enthusiastic environment!
Location: Adult Center
Instructor: Volunteer
83rd Avenue and Bethany Home Road
X-Court is a 26,000 square-foot, concrete multi-use (bikes, boards, blades) facility. This facility provides challenges for skaters and bikers of various skill levels. The perfect balance of bowls, banks, transitions and street components make the design fun and wide open for both bikes and boards. X-Court is open 6 AM - 10 PM daily.
83rd Avenue and Bethany Home Road
Whether you want to practice, take a beginner lesson , or create a family activity, the Glendale Heroes Park Archery Range is open during regular park hours 6 AM – 10 PM. 3G Archery has partnered with the C ity and offers certified coaches to teach classes for all levels and ages.

8710 W. Maryland Avenue | (623) 772-0110
Desert Mirage Golf Course offers excellent practice facilities, reasonably priced gear in the Golf Shop, and nine holes of challenging golf. There are four par 4s and five par 3s at varying distances to get you through all the clubs in your bag. The Golf Shop offers a variety of clothing, golf gear, rental club sets, and custom golf club/golf bag sales.
6268 W. Thunderbird Road | (623) 979-1234
MON - FRI 8 AM - 9:30 PM
SAT - SUN 8 AM - 2 PM
Court rentals, pro shop, youth and adult programs, and cardio tennis.
Tennis lesson information is listed on page 19.
Come play at one of our pickleball courts. Bonsall Park North at 5840 W. Bethany Home Road , or Foothills Park at 57th Avenue and Union Hills Drive. Try this trendy, fun and healthy sport for all ages!
57th Avenue and Union Hills Drive | (623) 930-2820
Open daily 9 AM - 10 PM
This skater’s paradise offers a streetscape with grinding and obstacle features; 5-foot bowl with a center spine; 9-foot, two-level bowl; steel rainbow, ramadas, bleachers, and water fountain.
Skate at your own risk. Facility is unsupervised.
Bicycles, scooters, boards greater than 34", speed skates, and all types of motorized vehicles are not allowed inside the fence.
There is an on-site concessionaire and pro shop, Cowtown Skateboards, selling skating products, food, and beverages.
Glendale Community Center Rose Lane Community Center O'Neil Recreation Center
Starting August 2023 through May 2024, our neighborhood recreation centers will be open for youth, adult, and family programs 6 days a week.
Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
For more information about programming schedules, please contact the following staff members:
Glendale Community Center: Brittany Espinoza, 623-930-2046
Rose Lane Community Center: Isabelle Flores, 623-930-2048
O'Neil Recreation Center: Aaron Crow, 623-930-2047
CPR/AED Training
$37R / $43NR - 1 DAY
Creative Arts Studio
$50R / $60NR - 6 WEEKS
Restorative Yoga By Candlelight
$15R / $20NR - 1 DAY
This CPR/AED Training program is designed to provide those with an occupational requirement or personal enrichment interest with the core knowledge and hands-on skills to provide care for the injured until EMS arrives. This course will include: adult hands-only CPR, adult/child/infant CPR, AED (automated external defibrillator) usage, and how to relieve choking in an adult, child or infant. Course content conforms to the American Heart Association guidelines for CPR and Emergency Cardiac Care. Upon successful completion each participant will receive a two year certification card.
The AERT CPR/BLS PRO Health Care Level is designed for healthcare professionals. Course covers both singlerescuer and team basic life support skills for application in both in- and out-of-hospital settings. This course trains participants to promptly recognize several life-threatening emergencies, give high-quality chest compressions, deliver appropriate ventilations and provide early use of an AED.

Do you need the CPR BLS Healthcare Certification? An instructor will train you an additional 45 minutes following this class. There is an additional $30 fee for this upgrade
Location: Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center Instructor: Emergency Response Training
Here is an opportunity to practice old skills while learning something new in the arts field. Popular art mediums, including oil, water color, acrylic painting and pouring, as well as drawing, and polymer clay sculpture are just some of the mediums we encourage. Individual instruction and exercises in the basic principles and elements of art and how it applies to your chosen medium is offered as well as critique and support from your fellow students, if desired. All levels of experience from beginner to advanced are welcome and encouraged. The studio setting is a relaxing environment where all are made to feel empowered, comfortable, and welcome. Please bring your own supplies for whatever medium you wish to work in and join the fun! For questions please email the instructor, Kat Moody at be.a.light12@gmail.com.
Location: Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center Instructor: Moody
The end of the year can leave us feeling stressed and frazzled. If you can relate, then you will definitely want to attend this special workshop designed to relax and restore the mind and body through calming breath work, connected to gentle/basic yoga stretches and poses. You’ll enjoy an atmosphere of lights off, replaced with the soft glow of flameless candlelight along with the gentle scent of calming lavender in the air to enhance your experience. No yoga experience necessary. Mats will be provided or feel free to bring your own mat and a blanket for the cool down at the end.
Location: Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center Instructor: Pivonka
Party Bridge
Included in the Glendale Adult Center membership pass R / NR - Ongoing
18+ JUN-06 TUE/FRI 12:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Already know how to play Bridge and enjoy the game? Come join this fun, social, and enthusiastic environment!
Location: Adult Center
Instructor: Volunteer
Points-Based Poker League
$17R / $21NR - 7 WEEKS
Japanese Judo - Adult
$21R / $25NR - 4 WEEKS
Important Things to Know Before and After Retiring
$10R / $15NR - 1 DAY
4:30 PM - 7:00 PM
This is a fun, recreational and pointsbased poker league for adults. Earn points every night you play. There will be six regular season games followed by and end-of season tournament! No prior experience needed.
Location: Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center
Instructor: Recreation Staff
Learn and advance your judo skills by expanding your postures and salutations, how to move on the mat, control your opponent, and how to fall safely. Techniques of grappling, locking, choking, escaping and sequence combinations taught. Participant must supply their own Gi. No class OCT 31.

Location: Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center Instructor: Carrillo
What Everyone Needs to Know About Social Security
$10R / $15NR - 1 DAY
This class will help clarify important decisions to make before and during retirement. You will learn strategies to lower your taxes, increase your cash flow, and minimize your financial worries. We will discuss how tax brackets work, what types of accounts to have, and Roth IRA conversions. Some key questions: Should I roll over my 401k or leave it at work? How is the taxation of my social security benefit affected by my retirement income? How can I protect my investments in inflationary times? We will discuss these issues and many more.
Location: Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center
Instructor: Urbanowicz
Stack the Deck for Quality Years
$15R / $20NR - 1 DAY
In this class, we will be answering the questions that everyone thinks about. When should I take my Social Security benefits? Should I continue to work while collecting Social Security? How is my benefit amount determined? How do I minimize the tax on Social Security? Get the answers and discuss key strategies to position yourself for YOUR Social Security benefits.
Location: Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center Instructor: Urbanowicz
It’s becoming “common” to hear getting old stinks but common isn’t the same as “normal”. In the biological sense, normal means naturally occurring and free from disease. If you are looking to improve your health, join us as we explore the pillars of health to learn how you can slow down the aging process and add quality years to your life. “Getting older is inevitable, aging is optional.” Dr. Mario Martinez.
Location: Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center Instructor: Pivonka
Virtual Instant Piano for Hopelessly Busy People
$63R / $73NR - 1 DAY
18+ NOV-20 MON 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Note** This class is taken remotely. In just a few hours, you can learn enough secrets of the trade to give you years of musical enjoyment. Learn to play piano the way professionals do-using chords. Since this class is being held online with ZOOM you will be able to sit at your piano or keyboard at home and take this course with no pressure at all. And since this course includes an online book and online follow up video lessons, you will be able to continue your practice and study on your own. An optional periodic online question and answer session is also included. A recording of the class is included as well. The course is partly lecture/demonstration and partly hands on instruction.

Location: Online
Instructor: Coffman
Virtual Instant Guitar for Hopelessly Busy People
$63R / $73NR - 1 DAY
18+ NOV-21 TUE 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Note** This class is taken remotely. Have you ever wanted to learn the guitar but simply find it difficult to find the time? In just a few hours you can learn enough about playing the guitar to give you years of musical enjoyment, and you won’t have to take private lessons to do it. This crash course will teach you some basic chords and get you playing along with your favorite songs right away. Since this class is being held online with ZOOM, you will be able to sit at home with your guitar and take this class without any pressure at all. And since the class includes an online book and online follow-up video lessons, you will be able to continue your practice and study on your own. An optional periodic online question and answer session is also included. A recording of the class is included as well.
Location: Online
Instructor: Coffman
Intro to Voiceovers - One on One Live Video Chat
$49R / $59NR - 1 DAY
Note** This class is taken remotely in a 1:1 setting using video chat. Each student is scheduled for a day and time of their preference for the month of the enrollment.
Wow, you have a great voice! How many times have you heard that? Or maybe you listen to your favorite audiobooks, commercials, or cartoon characters and think, I could do that! Explore the voiceover industry with your instructor, a professional, working voice actor from Voices For All. Discover current trends in the industry and how they make it easy and affordable for just about anyone to get involved. You’ll learn about different types of voiceovers and the tools you’ll need to find success. Your instructor will take notes as you read a real script in this one-on-one video chat setting, and offer some coaching to improve your delivery. You’ll receive a professional voiceover evaluation later. One-time, 90-minute, introductory class. Learn more at http://www.voicesforall. com. You owe it to yourself to finally explore the possibilities of this fun and rewarding job!
Location: Online Instructor: Voices for All LLC
Mat Pilates
$60R / $70NR - 8 WEEKS
$30R / $40NR - 4 WEEKS*
Adult Ballet II (INT/ADV)
$60R / $70NR - 8 WEEKS
$30R / $40NR - 4 WEEKS*
Adult Racquetball Leagues
$25R / $35NR - 8 WEEKS
Pilates is a total body workout that promotes core strength, flexibility, good posture, and long lean muscles. Exercises are done on a mat with a focus on breath, flow, form, and muscular awareness. This class incorporates a mix of beginning and intermediate exercises including modifications as needed. Wear comfortable clothes for movement. Mats are available or you may bring your own.
Location: Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center
Instructor: Soto
This class is designed for dancers who have a passion and previous experience with ballet. Enjoy a fantastic workout while we have fun at the barre and across the floor with combinations including turns, petite allegro, grande allegro, and adagio. Dance wear or fitness attire recommended and ballet shoes are required.
Location: Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center
Instructor: Soto
Tennis I
$66R / $79NR - 4 WEEKS
- 7:30
For those who have played little or no tennis. Learn the basic strokes to enjoy the game.
Location: Paseo Racquet Center
Instructor: Paseo Racquet Center Staff
This league is ideal for players that have racquetball experience in leagues and tournaments and are looking for more competitive play.
Location: Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center
Instructor: Lovinger
Adult Racquetball Leagues

$25R / $35NR - 8 WEEKS
Meet new players at your level, develop basic skills and improve your game.
Location: Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center
Instructor: Lovinger
Friday Night C/D Adult Softball
$455R / $555NR - 8 WEEKS
Sunday Night C/D Adult Softball
$455R / $555NR - 8 WEEKS
Self-Protection / Situational Awareness Safety (AZ CCW Permit)
$84R / $96NR - 1 DAY
C/D adult softball leagues are for teams that want to play at a moderate intensity level. Focusing on heathy competition, teams will play 7 weeks of double-headed games depending on the schedule and a single-night/singleelimination tournament.

Location: Sahuaro Ranch Sports Complex
Instructor: Recreation Staff
C/D adult softball leagues are for teams that want to play at a moderate intensity level. Focusing on healthy competition teams will play 7 weeks of double-headed games depending on the schedule and a single-night/singleelimination tournament.
Location: Sahuaro Ranch Sports Complex
Instructor: Recreation Staff
This class focuses on situational awareness, the Arizona laws, and how it applies to "use of force" situations. Taught by a retired Phoenix Police Sergeant, this class can be used for an AZ CCW Permit.
Location: Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center
Instructor: Wamsley
Street and Intersection Improvements & Public Safety
In an effort to continue to improve streets and safety, the Glendale City Council has placed two important bond questions on the ballot this November. These bonds are a fiscally responsible way to fund key projects that would help improve public safety, keep response times low, make safer intersections, and reduce congestion.
QUESTION 1: Asks voters to invest $82 million in street and intersection improvements
QUESTION 2: Asks voters to invest $78 million in public safety projects
Oct. 10, 2023: Voter registration deadline
Oct. 11, 2023: Ballots mailed to voters
Oct. 31, 2023: Last recommended day to mail ballots
Nov. 7, 2023: Election Day (All ballots must be received by 7pm)
Ballet/Tap Combo 1
$100R / $120NR - 10 WEEKS
Ballet/Tap Combo 2
$60R / $70NR - 6 WEEKS
An introduction to ballet, tap, creative movement and tumbling skills. No experience is necessary, the focus of this course is on giving your child a positive introduction to dance. Black tap shoes are required and pink, leather ballet shoes are recommended. Students can wear any type of comfortable clothing. We recommend that you put your child’s initials in their shoes and bring a bag with their ballet shoes inside. Students will start the class in their tap shoes. Optional offsite recital. $45 costume fee for optional recital.
Location: Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center
Instructor: Steppin’ Out Performing Arts
An introduction to ballet, tap, creative movement and tumbling skills. No experience is necessary, the focus of this course is on giving your child a positive introduction to dance. Black tap shoes are required and pink, leather ballet shoes are recommended. Students can wear any type of comfortable clothing. We recommend that you put your child’s initials in their shoes and bring a bag with their ballet shoes inside. Students will start the class in their tap shoes. Optional offsite recital. $45 costume fee for optional recital.
Location: Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center
Instructor: Steppin’ Out Performing Arts
Parent Tot Ballet and Tumble
$60R / $70NR - 6 WEEKS
A fun and exciting way to build strength, flexibility and coordination. Learn tumbling basics such as forward rolls, handstands, cartwheels, back walkovers and more. Each child will be encouraged to advance at his or her own pace safely. No experience is necessary. Children should wear form-fitting clothes and have their hair pulled back.

Location: Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center
Instructor: Steppin’ Out Performing Arts
Cheer Hip Hop
$100R / $120NR - 10 WEEKS
This class is a great introduction to dance and tumbling basics for your little one. The focus is on having fun and giving your child a positive introduction to dance. Tumbling skills such as forward rolls, handstands and cartwheels will be taught. Parent participation is required.
Location: Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center
Instructor: Steppin’ Out Performing Arts
Students will learn some of the newest dance styles, jumps, and tricks in this high-energy class. These skills are combined into fun dance combos. Students can wear any type of comfortable clothing (for easy movement) and tennis shoes. Optional offsite recital. $45 costume fee for optional recital.
Location: Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center
Instructor: Steppin’ Out Performing Arts

Child Care & Babysitting Workshop
$60R / $72NR - 1 DAY
Crafty Kids
$5R / $5NR - 1 DAY
Japanese Judo - All Levels
$21R / $25NR - 4 WEEKS
Learn safe and fun ways to babysit and care for children. Class covers CPR, first aid, techniques for active children and how to have a successful babysitting adventure. Build confidence, self-esteem and skills necessary to care for infants and children on a daily basis and in emergency situations. Bring a sack lunch.
Location: Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center
Instructor: Emergency Response Training
Come and enjoy a simple arts and craft project. Option to make your craft inperson or to take with you to make at home.
Location: Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center
Instructor: Recreation Staff
Santa’s Workshop 2023
$5R / $5NR - 1 DAY
Learn and advance your judo skills by expanding your postures and salutations, how to move on the mat, control your opponent and how to fall safely. Techniques of grappling, locking, choking, escaping and sequence combinations taught. Participant must supply their own Gi.
Jingle on over to the Foothills Recreation and Aquatics Center for a holiday themed event and to take your children’s picture with Santa. Children can enjoy hot cocoa, treats, crafts, and holiday music! Pre-registration is required, adults attending with a paid child are free, and space is limited.
Location: Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center
Instructor: Recreation Staff
Location: Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center Instructor: Carrillo
4 Sport - Multi Sports by BEST Sports
Soccer Skills & Training with BEST Sports
NEW! This industry-leading 4-Sport program brings you multiple weeks of 4 fantastic sports: Soccer, Baseball or Softball, Basketball & Track. Players will learn how to kick and control a soccer ball. How to hit, catch and throw a ball and how to run the bases. Shoot and dribble a basketball and running, jumping and building strength and endurance in our Track & Field program. The focus is to maintain an energetic and highly active program that teaches, encourages, and advances young players regardless of their skill level. Please bring a size 3 soccer ball for the first week. A hitting tee & bat and a basketball is needed later in the session. Location: Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center Instructor: B.E.S.T. Sports
This weekly soccer class will teach your kids the skills of soccer by offering dribbling, kicking, throw-ins, goalie skills, scrimmaging activities. Our goal and focus is to maintain an energetic and highly active program that will teach, encourage and advance your young players regardless of their skill level. Please bring a size 3 soccer ball with your child's name on it and a water bottle.
Location: Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center
Instructor: B.E.S.T. Sports
$50R / $60NR - 8 WEEKS
- 8:00
This is a recreational 5-on-5 co-ed flag football league. The league teaches the fundamentals and rules of football. The first practice will be the week of September 4th and days and times will be determined by the coaches. Games will begin the week of September 18th between the hours of 5:30 -6:45 PM. All games will be played at Sahuaro Ranch Sports Complex.
Location: Sahuaro Ranch Sports Complex
Instructor: Recreation Staff

Rookie Flag Football
$50R / $60NR - 8 WEEKS
10-12 SEP-20 VARIES 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM
The program provides players a fun and exciting opportunity to engage in limited contact, and continuous action while learning lessons in teamwork. The league teaches the fundamentals of football offensive plays, defensive plays, rules, and sportsmanship. First practices will start the week of September 4th. Practice days and times will be determined by your volunteer coach. Games will start the week of September 18th. All games will be played at Sahuaro Ranch Sports Complex. Game times are usually between the hours of 5:30PM and 6:45PM.
Location: Sahuaro Ranch Sports Complex
Instructor: Recreation Staff
Junior Racquetball Fall Clinic
$13R / $17NR - 2 WEEKS
- 12:30
Youth and teens will learn the game of racquetball in a fun environment. Instructor will share basic skills, rules, and teach participants how to play the game. Each day will build on previous skills learned. Participants should come dressed in active workout attire with tennis shoes. Equipment will be provided.
Location: Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center Instructor: Lovinger
Junior Racquetball Holiday Clinic
$13R / $17NR - 2 WEEKS
DEC-30 SAT 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Youth and teens will learn the game of racquetball in a fun environment. The instructor will share basic skills, rules, and teach participants how to play the game. Each day will build on previous skills learned. Participants should come dressed in active workout attire with tennis shoes. Equipment will be provided.
Location: Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center Instructor: Lovinger
$45R / $54NR* - 4 WEEKS
$60R / $72NR - 4 WEEKS
Students will be trained under USTA Quick Start guidelines. Class will utilize smaller courts, smaller nets, smaller racquets and special balls. Play-based drills will be geared toward increasing enjoyment and skill development.

Location: Paseo Racquet Center
Instructor: Paseo Racquet Center Staff
The Parks and Recreation Department offers a wide variety of facilities for your next party, meeting, or reception — all available at reasonable rates. For information on rates and availability, contact the facility and our staff will be glad to assist you.
5750 W. Glenn Drive | (623) 930-4300
Our award - winning meeting and event facility located in Historic Downtown Glendale can host a variety of events such as large meetings, tradeshows, graduations, performances, sporting events and corporate social events. Our 8,000 sq. ft. ballroom along with our outdoor event spaces can host groups up to 660 people. Full service food and beverage can be provided by one of our Preferred Caterers. Call one of our experienced hospitality professionals to plan your next event. .
5600 W. Union Hills Drive | (623) 930-4600
A welcoming environment for rental activities of all sizes. Host a birthday party, class, graduation party, business meeting, reception, or wedding. An optional catering kitchen is also available for your gathering.
5970 W. Brown Street | (623) 930-4321
The perfect place for your next event, meeting, party, reception, or wedding, featuring facilities for up to 130 guests, and a stage. Rentals are currently available Monday - Friday 8 AM - 5 PM.
(623) 930- 4600
Rose Lane and Foothills Aquatic Centers are available for private rentals.
9802 N. 59th Avenue | (623) 930-4202
Unique venue surrounded by historic buildings in a rustic setting. The Fruit Packing Shed has country charm ideal for your next gathering. It is large enough for 120 guests and outside caterers are allowed. For weddings in the Rose Garden, contact Glendale Historic Society at (623) 435-0072. Visit our website for pricing and information.
(623) 930-2820
A family, club, business , or organization can reserve a sheltered area available for their special gathering at selected city parks by reserving a ramada.

Softball and multi-purpose fields available for reservation.
5401 W. Ocotillo Road | (623) 930-2820
This community center is located in the heart of downtown Glendale, and is a perfect location for smaller gatherings.
REGIONAL PARKS (25 to 200 acres)
64 Foothills Park, 57th Ave. & Union Hills Dr.
65 Glendale Heroes Regional Park, 83rd Ave. & Bethany Home Rd.
66 Grand Canal Linear Park, 75th Ave. & Camelback to Bethany Home & New River
67 Sahuaro Ranch Park, 59th Ave. & Mountain View Rd.
REGIONAL PARKS (25 to 200 acres)
68 Skunk Creek Linear Park, 51st Ave. & Utopia to 73rd Ave. & Greenway
69 Thunderbird Paseo Park, 51st Ave. & Cactus to 72nd Ave. & Greenway
71 New River Trail, 107th Avenue & Bethany Home Road to 101st Avenue & Northern Avenue
64 Foothills Sk8 Court, 57th Dr. & Union Hills Dr.
65 X-Court, 83rd Ave. & Berridge Ln.
65 Splash Pad, 83rd Ave. & Berridge Ln.
65 Archery Range, 83rd Ave. & Bethany Home Rd.
E Splash Pad, 6448 W. Missouri Ave.
J E. Lowell Rogers Amphitheatre, 5850 W. Glendale Ave.
K Bridle Path, 51st Ave. from Cactus to Potter Dr.
L Elsie McCarthy Sensory Garden, 55th Ave. & Morten Ave.
M Paseo Racquet Center, 6268 W. Thunderbird Rd.
Glendale Parks & Recreation Facilities
N Myrtle Avenue Cultural Gateway, Myrtle Ave. & Grand Ave.
70 Thunderbird Conservation Park, 59th Ave. & Pinnacle Peak Rd. (main entrance)
& Greenway 69
to 73rd
Paseo Park, 51st
B Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center, 5600 W. Union Hills Dr.
& Cactus to 72nd Ave. & Greenway 71 New River Trail, 107th Avenue & Bethany Home Road to 101st Avenue & Northern Avenue
C Glendale Adult Center, 5970 W. Brown St.
D Glendale Community Center, 5401
W. Ocotillo Rd.
E O'Neil Recreation Center, 6448 W. Missouri Ave.
70 Thunderbird Conservation Park, 59th Ave. & Pinnacle Peak Rd. (main entrance)
F Rose Lane Recreation Center, 5003 W. Marlette Ave.
A Community Center North Building, 14075 N. 59th Ave.
H Desert Mirage Golf Course, 8710 W. Maryland Ave.
B Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center, 5600 W. Union Hills Dr.
C Glendale Adult Center, 5970 W. Brown St.
D Glendale Community Center, 5401 W. Ocotillo Rd.
64 Foothills Sports Complex, 19070 N. 57th Ave.
E O'Neil Recreation Center, 6448 W. Missouri Ave.
F Rose Lane Building, 5003 W. Marlette Ave.
62 Paseo Sports Complex, 6228 W. Thunderbird Rd.
67 Sahuaro Ranch Sports Complex, 9895 N. 63rd Ave.
G Glen Lakes Municipal Golf Course, 5450 W. Northern Ave.
H Desert Mirage Golf Course, 8710 W. Maryland Ave. SPORTS
I Glendale Youth Sports Complex, 6220 N. 91st Ave.
B Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center, 5600 W Union Hills Dr.
F Rose Lane Aquatics Center, 5003 W. Marlette Ave.
B Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center, 5600 W Union Hills Dr.
F Rose Lane Aquatics Center, 5003 W. Marlette Ave.
ADDITIONAL FACILITIES 64 Foothills Sk8 Court, 57th Dr. & Union Hills Dr.
J E. Lowell Rogers
5850 W. Glendale Ave.
K Bridle Path, 51st Ave. from Cactus to Potter Dr.
L Elsie McCarthy
Garden, 55th Ave. & Morten Ave.
M Paseo Racquet Center, 6268 W. Thunderbird Rd. N Myrtle Avenue Cultural Gateway, Myrtle Ave. & Grand Ave.