1 minute read
Coming Back from an Injury Stronger
by Tiffanie Grady-Gillespie, Certified Physical Trainer, Certified Corporate Wellness Coach, WickedFiTT
Injuries are a nightmare. Nobody wants to experience them — from a traumatic crash, a fall or even an injury during training. A torn muscle, a broken bone, a fracture can feel like the most devastating thing possible.
There’s the horrible physical pain, but believe me, that’s definitely not the worst part. It’s like something you love is taken away from you, and it’s heartbreaking.
When you realize you’re going to need weeks, months or maybe longer to heal, and you feel like you’re living in someone else's body, these injuries can often bring on fear, doubt and depression. Will I ever heal? Will I bounce back from this?
The big challenge is harnessing that energy by taking control and taking action.
We all want a quick fix, to get up and at it as fast as possible. This mistake can and most often will lead to delayed healing and worse, further injury. Recovery takes time.
First, take responsibility for your recovery. It doesn’t mean the injury was your fault, but, this empowers you to train smarter and embrace the uncertainty that comes along with healing.
Try to stay positive. This is a tough one at first. Maybe even journal as you go.
I will admit it, I have been the Queen of Denial. Huge mistake. Once we accept the situation it’s a game changer. Face facts, things have changed.
I have been taught and try to pass on to my students, the 3 As:
• Accept: Let go of what you can’t control.
• Adapt: Change your reactions to what’s happening.
• Act: Do what you can right now to create the best possible future.
Try to focus on what you can do and not what you can’t do.
There is a lot of frustration trying to do exercises that used to be so easy, and now, well, not so much. This is where you focus on your therapeutic exercises, and focus on other exercises you can do.
The transition to recovery is difficult. And not automatic. It’s also an opportunity to grow and learn.
We may not always bounce back exactly the same as we planned. But, if we put in the time and effort, we may bounce back better — different but better.
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Exfoliate and remove the peach fuzz, then brighten and tighten with a vitamin C facial.