1 minute read
Mental Health To-Dos for Anyone’s List
by Blake Herzog
• Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables and protein.
• Dance while you do your housework.
• Think about all the good things that could happen during that meeting you’re dreading.
• Clean one space, no matter how small.
• Start taking one step toward changing something in your life, even if you’re not sure what the second step will be.
• Practice gratitude in your mind or on paper at least once or twice a day.
• When you’re feeling stuck, do one activity that will get your heart rate up.
• Watch funny videos on YouTube or your favorite streaming service.
• Spend half an hour walking or hiking in nature.
• Make a “done” list instead of a “to-do” list to remind yourself of your progress.
• Prioritize your relationships with everyone, including cashiers and baristas.
• Start a new home or creative project or pick up one you haven’t finished yet.
• Take time to learn how much sleep you need to function the next day, then get it!
• Meditate, even if you’ve tried it in the past and didn’t like it.
• Eat a full breakfast in the morning.
• Put things you’re looking forward to on your calendar, including TV shows and book releases.
• Volunteer.
• Surround yourself with positive people.
• Move your body as much as you can.
• Start a backyard garden.
• Appreciate the simple things in life.