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CAC Students Helped in Navigating In-Demand Careers
by Angela Askey, Executive Director, Public Relations & Marketing, Central Arizona College
Central Arizona College (CAC) is partnering with Pipeline AZ, an Arizona career development and jobs skills platform, to provide a regional solution to advancing economic opportunities and developments.
The CAC Pipeline helps students and Pinal County job seekers explore high-demand careers that align with their passions, skills and Pinal County’s economic demands.
“CAC Pipeline is not just another job board for students,” says Carrie McIntyre, Academic Success Coordinator. “Leveraging Pipeline AZ’s technology, CAC students can explore fields of interest, identify their skills and training opportunities that align with our community’s workforce needs.”
CAC Pipeline gives students and job seekers insights about the exact skills, education or certificates needed to reach their career goals. Upon completion of their profile, users will have access to a variety of career exploration opportunities and information, including job shadowing, service learning, field experience, research, apprenticeship and other opportunities specific to Pinal County.
“Pipeline AZ’s partnership with CAC provides a workforce solution that will highlight pathways to in-demand careers by bringing together educators, local employers, community partners and students onto one platform,” says Katherine Pappas, Senior Vice President of Pipeline AZ.
“The platform’s skills mapping technology helps job seekers begin a new path, level-up in their existing careers, explore work or work-based learning opportunities and discover new passions for lifelong success while also giving local employers access to current and rising talent in the region.”
Every CAC student will have access to customized career exploration tools and support through the platform, which showcases Pinal County-specific as well as statewide career opportunities.
Pinal County job seekers not enrolled at CAC also will be able to set up a profile to explore careers and discover local training programs to help them reach their career goals. Regional employers will be able to post jobs. The listings will include skills, certifications and degrees needed.
“Pinal County is home to a wide range of economic opportunities and our students are lifelong learners who want to make a strong impact on their local community,” says Nicole Costales, CAC’s Title V Project Director. “Through the CAC Pipeline, we can better serve and educate our diverse student body by helping them make fulfilling career choices while growing the local economy in Pinal County.”
Job seekers can connect with employers at https://cac. pipelineaz.com.