2 Pinal NOW! September 2022 520.442.3120 ROC#322603 • HVAC#330229 $100 OFF A/C Duct Cleaning Only valid with work performed. Must be presented at time of purchase. Not to be combined with any other offers. Not valid on prior services. Call our office for more details. $50 OFF Any Appliance Repair NOT APPLICABLE TO SERVICE CALLS Only valid with work performed. Must be presented at time of purchase. Not to be combined with any other offers. Not valid on prior services. Call our office for more details. Heating, Air & Appliance Repair Voted Maricopa Chamber of Commerce small business of the year.

The owner takes every consultation personally to ensure the highest level of service from beginning to end. $99 Maintenance Plan Includes 2 Tune-Up Visits Only valid with work performed. Must be presented at time of purchase. Not to be combined with any other offers. Not valid on prior services. Call our office for more details. Robert Felix & Family

520.423.8250 | 1919 N Trekell Rd., Ste. A Casa Grande, AZ 85122 ©2022 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Each Office Is Independently Owned And Operated. Coldwell Banker and the Coldwell Banker Logo are registered service marks owned by Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. Free Rental Evaluation Thinking of renting your home? We have a consistently high occupancy rate and we are successful at finding tenants quickly. Contact Coldwell Banker ROX Realty today for a FREE consultation. • No Set Up Fees. • 10% Monthly management fee only on collected rents. • No Hidden Fees. • No Mark-up in Vendor Bills. • Discounted managementmonthlyfeesfor 3 or more properties. • Marketing • Tenant Screening • Lease Execution • Rent Payments • Rent Collections • Evictions • Accounting • Regular Inspections • Emergency Calls • Coordinating Maintenance & Much More RENT with Coldwell Banker ROX Realty Have peace of mind with our experienced management team.

SCOTT P. GUNNELL, DDS 520.423.0022 1968 North Peart Road Suite 11 Casa Grande

EXECUTIVE PUBLISHER Elaine M. Earle, CPA ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER Laurie Fisher SALES & MARKETING Laurie Fisher Director of Sales & Marketing Julie Turetzky Director of Public Relations Jenna Leatherman Executive Sales & Marketing Assistant PRODUCTION & DESIGN Michele Rodriguez Creative Director Abigail Biegert Graphic Designer Stephanie Vander Mel Social Media Manager Keith Dobie Social Media Coordinator Jennifer Conrad Digital Media Representative EDITORIAL Christia Gibbons Senior Editor Blake Herzog Staff Writer John Stapleton Contributing Editor OPERATIONS Bea Lueck General Manager Comments and Ideas Calendar Inquiries • Subscriptions • Advertising Inquiries • Corporate Office 1919 N. Trekell Rd., Suite C Casa Grande, AZ 85122 520.426.2074 Pinal NOW! is published by ROX Media, LLC dba Raxx Direct Marketing. Editorial content is provided by affiliates of Raxx Direct Marketing, community members and local organizations. © 2022. All rights reserved. No part of this publication, including but not limited to editorial content, illustrations, graphics and photographic images, may be republished, reproduced or reprinted without the prior express written consent of the publisher. The publishers of Pinal NOW! assume no responsibility for errors or omissions of any advertisement beyond the actual cost of the advertisement. In no event shall the publishers be liable for any consequential damages in excess of the cost of the advertisement. Pinal NOW! shall not be liable for inaccuracies, errors, omissions, or damages from the use of information contained herein. Submitted articles do not reflect the opinions of the owners or management of ROX Media, LLC. Information contained within submitted articles had not been verified for accuracy and readers are responsible for forming their own opinions. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY: All real estate advertising in this publication is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 and its amendments that make it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. This publisher will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate that is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this magazine are available on an equal opportunity basis. Real estate information is accurate at time of press and subject to current availability and PINALNOW.COMpricing. PINALNOW MAGAZINE
if you’d like to be added to this pick up list! Casa Grande ACADEMY MORTGAGE: 442 W. Kortsen Rd., Suite No. 104 Anaya’s Fresh Mexican Restaurant: 2876
COLDWELL REALTY: 1919 N. Trekell Rd. COMMUNITY:1771 E. McMurray Blvd.
TITLE SECURITY AGENCY: 442 W. Kortsen Rd., No. 101 Maricopa ACE HARDWARE: 21542 N. John Wayne Pkwy. Brake Masters #234: 20400 N. John Wayne Pkwy. Copper Sky Family Center: 44345 MLK Jr. Blvd. Dunkin’: 20595 S. John Wayne Pkwy. Empower Physical Therapy: 21300 N. John Wayne Pkwy., No. 107
Find us here! Call
Ave. Arizona Village Mobile Home and RV Park: 426
EXCEPTIONAL COMMUNITY HOSPITAL - MARICOPA: 19060 N. John Wayne Pkwy. Headquarters Cafe:19640 N. Maricopa Rd. HONEYCUTT COFFEE & WINE: 44400 Honeycutt Rd., No. 109 Joe’s Barber Shop: 44480 Honeycutt Rd., No. 101 LAW OFFICE OF ANGEL A. RAYMOND: 4440 W Honeycutt Rd., Suite 110 Medical Group PofCC: 21300 N. John Wayne Pkwy., Suite No. 123 Plaza Bonita Family Mexican Restaurant: 21141 N. John Wayne Pkwy. Say Sushi: 21101 N. John Wayne Pkwy, Suite No. 103 Senior Center: 41614 W. Smith Enke Rd., Suite No. 100 Sports & Cuts Prime Barbershop: 41600 W. Smith Enke Rd. Sunrise Cafe: 20917 N. John Wayne Pkwy., No. A104 Tacos & More: 21596 N. John Wayne Pkwy., No. 104
CEO Elaine M. Earle, CPA General Manager Bea Lueck 520.426.2074 N. Pinal W. Blvd. E. 1st St., E. Florence CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: 575 N. Marshall St., No. 5246
THE ROOST SPORTS BAR AND CAFE: 20800 N. John Wayne Pkwy. WATER & ICE: 20928 N. John Wayne Pkwy., Suite No. C7 Coolidge Barbers Finest Worldwide: 787 N. Arizona Blvd. Barnett’s Better Buys LLC: 909 N. Arizona Blvd. Casa Palomino Restaurant: 1076 N. Arizona Blvd. Coolidge Chamber of Commerce: 351 N. Arizona Blvd., No. 5 Coolidge Post Office: 229 W. Central Ave. Garrett Motors: 197 N. Arizona Blvd. Tag’s Cafe: 156 N. Arizona Blvd. Florence Florence Cafe: 495 N. Pinal Pkwy. Ave., No. 102 Lidia’s Cocina at Old Pueblo: 505 S. Main St. Eloy Eloy Chamber of Commerce: 515 N. Main St. Robson Ranch Arizona: 5687 W. Robson Blvd.
EL PIMA MERCADO Y CARNICERIA : 116 N. Casa Grande Ave. Elite Real Estate Pros: 502 E. Cottonwood Lane, No. 11 Eva’s Casa Grande: 665 N. Pinal Ave. Fiesta Grande RV Park: 1511 E. Florence Blvd. Liquor Factory & Deli: 930 E. Florence Blvd. L’Grande Cafe: 2820 N. Pinal Ave., No. 4 Lucky Sushi & Chinese: 1350 E. Florence Blvd. Mi Amigo Ricardo: 821 E. Florence Blvd. NORRIS RV: 973 W. Gila Bend Hwy. Outlaw Ink: 210 E. Florence Blvd. Sparkle Auto Spa: 1635 E. Florence Blvd. Sunwest Resort Village: 450 W. Sunwest Dr., No. 101
Casa Grande Cal Ranch: 1116
Cottonwood Lane Big 5 Sporting Goods: 1320 Florence Blvd. BRAKEMASTERS: 1649 E. Florence
MARICOPA REAL ESTATE COMPANY: 21300 N. John Wayne Pkwy., No. 101
Deadlift Shop: 305 N. Florence St. Ed Tire Pros: 313 N. Maricopa St.
COFFEE PERFECTFRIENDS&MAKETHEBLEND Maricopa’s Best Coffee Shop, Wine Bar & Cafe Honeycutt Coffee is your local neighborhood coffee shop with pastries, breakfast sandwiches, specialty coffee drinks, and a small boutique. We are locally owned and operated with a focus on customer service and satisfaction. Our goal is to provide the community with a safe place to meet, gather and enjoy conversations with delicious coffee drinks and delicious eats! Monday-Thursday 5am-7pm Friday SundaySaturday5am-8pm6am-8pm6am-3pm 44400 Honeycutt Rd #109 Maricopa, AZ 85138 (520) www.honeycuttcoffeecafe.com510-4468

INNOVATIONGRANDEACADEMY The Grande Innovation Academy is committed to our scholars’ potential and achieving their academic ambitions. Our one-of-a-kind interactive learning environment offers a FabLab, SMALLab, electives, and a differentiated learning program for gifted scholars. For scholars needing flexibility, our Path to Potential on-line school offers 4th-8th grade scholars a fast-paced curriculum with the opportunity to still participate in school sports, clubs, and on-campus activities. Our K - 8th grade, tuition-free charter school offers innovative classroom technology so our scholars may build the future they want. Discover the possibilities available for your children! Now accepting applications. SMALLab with VR Online School Fab Lab with 3D Printing Tuition Free Full Day Kindergarten Gifted Program EToday! nroll

Pinal NOW! September 2022 9 34 14 WANT TO CREATE? TRY THIS CLAY BASICS WORKSHOP LOCAL BARS & SALOONS SEPTEMBER EVENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS On the Cover ADVERTISER INDEX 12 CALENDAR OF EVENTS 23 PINALNOW YOUR GUIDE TO LOCAL EVENTS & HAPPENINGS! SEPTEMBER 2022 LIVE MUSIC AT SAN TAN FLAT CASA GRANDE • MARICOPA • FLORENCE COOLIDGE • ELOY • SUPERIOR San Tan Flat has live music Wednesday & Thursday from 6:00 to 9:00 PM and Friday & Saturday 7:00 to 11:00 PM. They are located at 6185 W. Hunt Highway in Queen Creek. See San Tan Flat’s September schedule on our Local Bars & Saloons Events page on page 23. Photo by Blushing Cactus Photography A Storage Place of CG 43 ACP Painting LLC 15 AZ Quality Plumbing LLC 41 Brakemasters - Casa Grande 31 Casa Grande Family Dentistry 25 Central Arizona College 29 CGI Communications 45 Chatty Shack Salon & Med Spa 15 Coldwell Banker ROX Realty 19, 21, 35, 37, 47 Coldwell Banker ROX Realty - Property Management 4 Culver’s of Casa Grande 30 Cypress Point Retirement Community 45 Desert Sky Dental 5 Desert Sun Heating & Cooling 39 Exceptional Community Hospital GrandeGloverFelixMaricopa..............................................................50-Appliance,Heating&Air-Maricopa2CourtSolutions41InnovationAcademy8HoneycuttCoffee7HorsepowerCarpetCleaning43JustWaterHeaters27LiftedHighGarageDoorRepair25Machado’sHardscapes17MaricopaWaterAndIce45McDillInsurancePLC27MercadoYCarniceriaElPima39NorrisRV11RaymondLaw35RentACan43ROXCommercial..............................................42ROXTravel...........................................................10RushAirConditioning&RefrigerationLLC52TheRoost39TitleSecurityAgency47 THE MUSTANG, MODIFIED TO PERFECTION


Pinal NOW! September 2022 11 HOW CAN WE HELP? 973 W. Gila Bend Hwy Casa Grande 520-836-7921 | Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Saturday and Sunday: Closed Our dealership offers used RVs for sale, RV parts and accessories, RV repair and service, Propane and RV storage.FamilyownedandoperatedbusinessSince1993

September 2nd Maricopa Library - September Events Maricopa Library and Cultural Center September events and meetings at the Maricopa Library: Nonfiction Addiction, 5Up Storytime, Friday Night Knits, D&D Adventurer’s League, Toddler Time, Babytime, A-Pop, Color Me Calm, Writer’s Group, and more! Visit the Pinal County Library District website for a full listing of September events at the Maricopa library.
10:00CoolidgeAM-3:00 PM Open Wed.-Sat. from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Exhibits include fossils from all over the world, gems and minerals, and children’s activities. Check their website for information on monthly meetings of the Pinal County Gem and Mineral Society. The museum is located at 351 N. Arizona Blvd. in Coolidge.
Pinal County Historical Museum Florence - 11:00 AM-4:00 PM The museum is open Tue.-Sat. and has a wide range of exhibits, including Native American culture, day-to-day life in early Florence, 2nd Territorial Prison artifacts, antique clothing, cactus furniture, farm machinery, vintage fire engines, and much more. Admission is $7 for adults, under 18 free. Free admission on first Sat. of each month. www.pinalcountyhistoricalmuseum.org520.868.4382
Casa Grande Main Library September events at the Casa Grande Main Library: After School Lego Club, Family Movie with Fun Activity, Fun Van, Preschool Storytime, Community Blood Drive, Library Buddies Playgroup, and more! Visit the Pinal County Library District website for event details and a schedule of all upcoming events.
September 2nd Visit the Ostrich Ranch Rooster Cogburn Ostrich Ranch 8:00PicachoAM-2:00 PM Open Friday-Monday 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM through Sep. 30. The Ostrich Ranch has an amazing variety of animals that visitors can watch and feed, including stingrays, goats, miniature donkeys, fallow deer, tortoises, and lots of ostriches! Located by Picacho Peak State Park, just off I-10.
Skydive Arizona - Eloy Skydive Arizona is hosting a three-day event on Sep. 2-4 to say thank you to its customers and staff members. There will be fun activities at the drop zone each day, along with discounted jump tickets and no registration fee. See their Facebook page for updates on each day’s additional events, which will include contests, mechanical bull rides, and a pool party.
September 3rd Summer Music at the Windmill Winery Windmill Winery - Florence 5:00 PM-9:00 PM Live music with Warren Young. No door charge and reservations are not required. Come as you are. Visit the Wine Tasting Room page on the website for the Sep. schedule. Located at 1140 W. Butte Ave. in Florence.
Pinal Geology & Mineral Museum
Central Arizona Speedway Casa Grande 7:00 Tonight’sPM racing is sponsored by R/S Service & Supply. Events include ASCS CAS Sprint Cars, Pure Stocks, Bombers, and Power 600 Series Micros. Located at 512 S. Eleven Mile Corner Rd. in Casa Grande, behind the Pinal County Fairgrounds. Grandstand seating. Pit passes available. Admission is $20 cash only. Free for ages 11 and under. www.centralarizonaspeedway.com520.709.0718
September 1st Visit the Arboretum Boyce Thompson Arboretum
12 Pinal NOW! September 2022 EVENTS CALENDAR
September 1st Comedy Night & Karaoke The Roost Sports Bar & Cafe - Maricopa 7:00 PM-8:30 PM The Roost has Comedy Night every Thursday from 7:00 to 8:30 PM. Free admission to this stand-up comedy show. They also have Karaoke on Tuesdays from 6:00 to 10:00 PM and Saturdays from 9:00 PM to 2:00 AM. Located at 20800 N. John Wayne Pkwy in Maricopa.
Meeting Maricopa Library and Cultural Center - Maricopa 10:00 AM-11:00 AM Maricopa Chamber of Commerce - monthly Women in Business committee meeting. See the Chamber website for more member events, including networking mixers.
Casa Grande Ruins National Monument - Coolidge 9:00 AM-4:00 PM The Casa Grande Ruins National Monument is open daily, including the monument, museum exhibits, movie theater, monument bookstore, and picnic area. Free admission.
6:00SuperiorAM-3:00 PM Discover Arizona’s first and oldest botanical garden, situated on 343 acres of scenic upland desert with nearly 5 miles of trail. See website for special events and visitor information. Located 4 miles west of Superior on Hwy. 60. Closed on Tuesdays in Sep. Guided tours will resume in Oct.

September 5th Casita Fiber & Fabric Club Casita Workshop Casa Grande 4:00 PM-6:00 PM Held on the first Monday of the month. $5 session fee. Meet others with an interest in creating with fabric, yarn, thread, or woolanything with fiber. Great for people who sew, quilt, spin, weave, crochet, knit, embroider, rug hook, or stitch. If you have a project you are currently working on, you can work on it during club time — or just come and hang out! Be sure to confirm this event on the website and RSVP to if you plan to attend.
Skydive Arizona - Eloy Skydive Arizona is hosting a three day event on Sep. 2-4 to say thank you to its customers and staff members. There will be fun activities at the drop zone each day, along with discounted jump tickets and no registration fee. See their Facebook page for updates on each day’s additional events, which will include contests, mechanical bull rides, and a pool party.
Skydive Arizona - Eloy Become a USPA licensed skydiver in the Accelerated Skydiving Program. Ground school is the first step to getting your USPA A-License. Check the website for details about ground school and learning to skydive. Ground school will also be held on Sep. 17. Skydive Arizona is holding an AXIS B-License weekend on Sep. 3-4 and Oct. 1-2 for licensed skydivers. Tiny Town The Pony Ranch - Casa Grande A fun place for tiny cowboys and cowgirls to experience riding a pony and feeding ranch animals at the petting zoo. Will reopen in September after their summer break, depending on the weather. Visit the Pony Ranch Facebook page for their September schedule. Located at 18536 W. Houser Rd. in Casa Grande.
September 3rd Vista Grande - September Events Vista Grande Library - Casa Grande September events at the Vista Grande library branch in Casa Grande: Toddler Storytime, Inklings Writers Group, The Lounge, English as a Second Language, Preschool Storytime, Literati Book Club, DropIn Craft, Family Gaming, Anime Club, Kids’ Makerspace, and more. Search the calendar on the Pinal County Library District website for event details and the full schedule of upcoming events.
Continued on page 16
September 4th San Tan Valley - September Library Events San Tan Valley Library September events at the San Tan Valley library branch include: Yarn Crafters, A.C.T., Take & Make Crafts, Fun Van, Read Intrigue, San Tan Seniors Game Day, Tiny Tales, Love & Loss Grief Support Group, Story Station, Campfire Tales, and more! Visit the Pinal County library website for event details and the full schedule of September library events and meetings.
Pinal NOW! September 2022 13 EVENTS CALENDAR
September 4th Explore the History of the Superstition Mountains Superstition Mountain Museum Apache Junction 9:00 AM-3:00 PM September hours are Wed-Sun 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. The museum sits on 14 acres of Sonoran desert and the exhibits include artifacts, artwork, memorabilia, mining equipment, Indigenous history, an outdoor model railroad exhibit, and much more. Admission $7 for adults, $6 for seniors, $4 for students 11-17. Free admission for children 10 and under.
September 3rd Arizona Days Skydiving Event Skydive Arizona - Eloy Skydive Arizona is hosting a three day event on Sep. 2/3/4 to say thank you to its customers and staff members. There will be fun activities at the drop zone each day, along with discounted jump tickets and no registration fee. See their Facebook page for updates on each day’s additional events, which will include contests, mechanical bull rides, and a pool party.
Central Arizona Speedway Casa Grande 7:00 Tonight’sPM racing is sponsored by R/S Service & Supply. Events include ASCS CAS Sprint Cars, Pure Stocks, Bombers, and Power 600 Series Micros. Located at 512 S. Eleven Mile Corner Rd. in Casa Grande, behind the Pinal County Fairgrounds. Grandstand seating. Pit passes available. Admission is $20 cash only. Free for ages 11 and under.

Photography by Jeremy Lopeman
Previously, Lopeman had a 2007 Nissan 350z and a ’88 Honda Accord, both vehicles often modified, even if just with a stereo system that shakes theNow,neighborhood.Lopemanis on his fourth pair of wheels, paired with titanium lug nuts. The carbon hood has a see-through window putting the supercharged engine on “Carbon-fiberdisplay.GT350R rear-spoiler, The ModifiedMustang,toPerfection by John Stapleton
massive aluminum front splitter with heavy-duty splitter rods,” Lopeman says, adding “the list of mods is way too long.”
“He knows that one day when he’s old enough that it will be his car. So he already calls it his car. Needless to say I definitely don’t have any plans to sell it — I’m keeping it for my boy when he’s old enough.”
14 Pinal NOW! September 2022
The Mustang started off as an everyday driver. Nowadays, Lopeman brings the car out only on special occasions and shows. “The heads this car turns at car shows just gives me a sense of pride knowing the hard work I put into it is loved by most, but she’s always got some haters, too,” he says. “The amount of trophies she brings home definitely makes me feel pretty accomplished; hard work pays off, literally.”
Jeremy Lopeman says he had no plans to modify his 2014 S550 Mustang when he bought it. “I was particularly interested in this new S550 platform because it had the independent rear suspension sub-frame rather than the traditional solid straight axle that most Mustangs came with in earlier generations,” Lopeman says. “I called around to a few Ford dealerships, and only one dealership had one coming in that was blue and I had to test drive it! Needless to say I fell in love with it and took it home right after my test drive.”
The work put into the Mustang got Lopeman invited to the SEMA convention (Specialty Equipment Market Association). “To have my car at a national convention was something I’ve always dreamed of,” he says. “I had such a blast and can’t wait to go back again someday.” For Lopeman, the best part of the work is including his 5 year-old son Brayden.
“I love that my son always wants to be in the garage helping me work on the Mustang,” he says. “It just warms my heart hearing him say ‘Dad, I wanna help’ every time he sees me heading into the garage.

Pinal NOW! September 2022 15 Kelsie Pate Brandy(520)AestheticanFNP-c,719-0859Prescott,Aesthetician(520)245-6147ChristySilva,Cosmetologist(520)483-5141 Casey Valerie(520)CosmetologistDiggins,350-0338McCarthy,Cosmetologist(605)695-6885AliciaPerez,NailTech(520)450-6800 Book online or call for your appointment now! 520-719-0859 | 766 N. Park Ave (Across from BeDillon’s) Residential and Commercial COATINGSFLOOR • Interior & Exterior • Garages, Pool Decks, Patios, and more • Same-Day Polyaspartic Coating Installations • Fast dry time! Ready to park your car on in 24 hours FREE ESTIMATES • CALL TODAY | 480-764-3556 Licensed - Bonded - Insured ROC 290242

DAV Chapter 36 Pinal County 5:30CoolidgePM-6:30 PM DAV is a national nonprofit charity that provides a lifetime of support for veterans of all generations and their families, helping more than 1 million veterans in positive, life-changing ways each year nationally. Disabled American Veterans Auxiliary Unit 36 serves veterans in Pinal County. Located at 320 E. Central Ave. in Coolidge. A weekly Koffee Klatch is also held on Tuesdays from 7:00 - 10:00 AM.
page 18
Karaokewww.dav36.org520.494.3283withRosie & Live Music Tumbleweed Inn - Eloy 6:00 PM-9:00 PM The Tumbleweed Inn has karaoke on Tuesdays from 6:00 to 9:00 PM, Bob Villa on Wednesdays from 5:00 to 8:00 PM, and live music on Friday and Saturday throughout the month. See their Facebook page for the Sep. live music schedule. Located at 3802 W. Frontier St. in Eloy. Reservations are recommended.
16 Pinal NOW! September 2022 EVENTS CALENDAR September 5th All-Levels Yoga Class with Tiffany Thrive Academy - Casa Grande 6:30 PM-7:30 PM Organized by Yoga Recovery & Healing Arts Project. Weekly yoga classes take place at Thrive Academy for Performing Arts in Casa Grande. See website for location details. $5 suggested donation. Bring a yoga mat. EntertainmentEventswww.yogahealingartsproject.orgatAk-ChinCircleCenter Ak-Chin Circle Entertainment Center TheMaricopaEntertainment Center offers movies, bowling, laser tag, an arcade, parties & events, and more. See the Ak-Chin Circle website and Facebook page for this month’s featured events. LibraryApachewww.ak-chincircle.com520.568.3456Junction-SeptemberEvents Apache Junction Public Library September events at the Apache Junction library branch include: Native American Flute Lessons, Wild West Crochet Club, Fun Van, Seed Celebration, Resume Workshop and more. Search the Pinal County Library District online calendar for event details and the full schedule of upcoming events at all branches. Departments/ September 6th Museum & Visitor Center McFarland State Historic Park 9:00FlorenceAM-2:00 PM The museum and the visitor center are open Mon. through Sat., 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM, May through Sep. Park entrance fee is $5, and free for ages 18 and under. Visit the AZ State Parks website to plan your visit. September 6th Explore Pinal County’s History Pinal County Historical Museum 11:00FlorenceAM-4:00 PM The museum is open Tue.-Sat. and has a wide range of exhibits, including Native American culture, day-to-day life in early Florence, 2nd Territorial Prison artifacts, antique clothing, cactus furniture, farm machinery, vintage fire engines and much more. Admission is $7 for adults, under 18 free. Free admission on first Sat. of each month.
September 6th Tours of the Historic Kannally Ranch House Oracle State Park 9:00 AM-4:00 PM Take a self-guided tour through the multi-level Kannally family home. The Mediterranean-revival style ranch house built from 1929-1933 is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The tour offers a glimpse into early 20th century life in the southern Arizona high desert, and the creative family that lived there. Open daily.
University of Arizona Biosphere 2 9:00OracleAM-4:00 PM Biosphere 2 is a world-famous research facility operated by the University of Arizona and located near Oracle. The Biosphere 2 Experience allows visitors to tour the interior of the facility. This fascinating, family-friendly experience is guided by a mobile app. Download the tour app prior to arrival. Tickets must be purchased online. Open daily from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
The Live It Well Place - Gold Canyon 9:15 TuesdayAM classes: Yoga Dynamics at 9:15 AM, Pilates ConneXion at 10:30 AM and Danz n Sculpt at 5:30 PM. The Live It Well Place offers a wide range of yoga, pilates, and fitness classes. Visit their website for the Sep. schedule. They also have other integrative health services such as therapeutic massage and reflexology. The studio is located at 6607 S. Kings Ranch Road in Gold Canyon. on
Pinal NOW! September 2022 17 520.709.1847 MACHADOSHARDSCAPES@GMAIL.COM Complete Hardscape Design & Installation Turf - Pavers - Outdoor Kitchens FirePits - Alumawood Pergolas Driveways - Patios Walkways Pool Decks and More JUNE 2022 2021 %DECREASEINCREASE SOLD LISTINGS 437 498 12.2% ACTIVE LISTINGS 1,355 437 + 210.1% PRICE PER SQUARE FT (median sale) $206.24 $170.30 + 21.1% MONTHS SUPPLY OF INVENTORY 3.10 .88 + 253.4% DAYS ON THE (median)MARKET 35 21 + 66.7% This information is brought to you by: Coldwell Banker ROX Realty 520.423.8250 | Source: ARMLS® Arizona Regional Multiple Listing Service. Statistics provided by: RapidStats Generated on 8/3/2022. Copyright © 2022 - All Rights Reserved. Information deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. Real Estate Market Statistics Arizona City, Casa Grande, Coolidge, Eloy, Maricopa and Stanfield

18 Pinal NOW! September 2022 EVENTS CALENDAR September 6th Activities for Seniors - September Dorothy Powell Senior Center Casa Grande The Dorothy Powell Senior Center provides residents the opportunity to experience recreational, cultural, and educational programming in a friendly atmosphere. It’s open to individuals 50 years of age or older. Activities include health and fitness, dance, pool, cards, walking club, bingo, art and more. The monthly activity calendar is posted on the City of Casa Grande website. Pinal County Administrative Complex Florence - 9:30 AM Board meetings are broadcast live and the public may access the meeting on the BOS Videos page on the Pinal County website. Board agendas are available at sessiontotheFlorence.Courthouse,“CallPublic”at9:30AMduringregularboardmeetings. Pages/ September 7th Karaoke with James G. Gallopin’ Goose - Coolidge 7:00 PM-11:00 PM The Gallopin’ Goose has karaoke every Wednesday with new host James G. Check their Facebook page for the weekend DJ schedule. Located at 1980 S. Arizona Blvd. in Coolidge.
September 7th Explore Local History The Museum of Casa Grande The Museum of Casa Grande is open 12:00 to 4:00 PM Wed. through Sat. Collections include historic artifacts, archives, photography and more. The exhibits portray the development of mining, agriculture, railroad expansion, settlement, and technology. Admission is $5/adults, $4/seniors and is free for children and members. Located at 110 W. Florence Blvd.
Achieve Pinal - Pinal County Local initiative that allows students and adults to explore career opportunities with a focus on Pinal County. Content is delivered online and features career exploration interviews with Pinal County professionals who work in a wide variety of trades and professions. Discover what is required for careers you’re interested in. Includes information about college access and scholarships.
September 7th Oracle Farmers Market Sue & Jerry’s Trading Post - Oracle 6:00 PM-9:00 PM Wednesdays from 6:00 to 9:00 PM - April through October. Located at 1015 W. American Ave. in downtown Oracle. The market offers specialty food and fresh baked goods, produce, live music, artisan vendors and more. Great atmosphere and lots of fun! See their Facebook posts each week market
September 8th Visit the Arboretum Boyce Thompson Arboretum 6:00SuperiorAM-3:00 PM Discover Arizona’s first and oldest botanical garden, situated on 343 acres of scenic upland desert with nearly 5 miles of trail. See website for special events and visitor information. Located 4 miles west of Superior on Hwy. 60. Closed on Tuesdays in Sep. Guided tours will resume in Oct. www.btarboretum.org520.689.2723
The Roost Sports Bar & Cafe Maricopa - 7:00 PM-9:00 PM and sip every Wednesday at The Roost in Maricopa. Party starts at 7:00 PM! website Kaui Wilson at on social media: @KauiWilson. Virtualwww.theartandsip.com602.796.8194CareerExpo
for more info and to sign up. Contact
Livewww.tmocg.org520.836.2223MusicatSan Tan Flat: Rod Kent San Tan Flat - Queen Creek 6:00 PM-9:00 PM San Tan Flat has live music Wed/Thu from 6:00 to 9:00 PM and Fri/Sat 7:00 to 11:00 PM. Located at 6185 W. Hunt Highway in Queen Creek. This week: Rod Kent, Neil Bunker and Arizona Blacktop. www.santanflat.com480.882.2995
Continued on page 20

520.423.8250 | 1919 N Trekell Rd, Ste. A, Casa Grande, AZ 85122 Coldwell Banker ROX Realty The Luxury Listings Team ©2022 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Each Office Is Independently Owned And Operated. Coldwell Banker and the Coldwell Banker Logo are registered service marks owned by Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. ERIN DUGAN, PLLC Realtor® Erin@roxsells.com520.709.0998 YZMIRA ANDUJO, PLLC Realtor® Yzmira@roxsells.com520.431.1190 KELLY HERRINGTON, PLLC Sales Manager/Realtor® Kelly@roxsells.com520.780.0843

Historic Downtown Casa Grande 5:00 PM-8:00 PM Come to Historic Downtown Casa Grande for a fun Friday evening experience! This event is hosted by Casa Grande Mainstreet. www.cgmainstreet.org520.836.8744
Arizona Zipline Adventures - Oracle 8:00 AM-5:00 PM
September 8th Newcomers and Neighbors of Casa Grande - Welcome Meeting Central Meeting Hall - Casa Grande 5:30 PM-6:30 PM The Newcomers and Neighbors Club of Casa Grande is a great place to meet new friends. The Club sponsors monthly activity groups and quarterly get-togethers. Come learn more at an orientation meeting, held on the second Thursday of most months. Meetings take place at 408 N. Sacaton Street. Confirm event on website.
on a Branch Casita Workshop - Casa Grande 1:00 PM-4:00 PM With instructor Patti Kramer. For ages 16+. This is a two-afternoon workshop taking place on Sep. 9 & Sep. 23. All supplies included and is suitable for all skill levels. No clay experience needed. Make a ceramic wall hanging that you can display either indoors or outdoors.
Pinal Geology & Mineral Museum
Continued on page 24
10:00CoolidgeAM-3:00 PM Open Wed.-Sat. from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Exhibits include fossils from all over the world, gems and minerals, and children’s activities. Check their website for information on monthly meetings of the Pinal County Gem and Mineral Society. The museum is located at 351 N. Arizona Blvd. in Coolidge.
September 9th
7:00CoolidgeAM-9:00 AM Senior food box distribution takes place on the second Thursday of each month. Located at 1280 North Arizona Blvd in Coolidge. For seniors only, age 60 and up. Please bring your ID. Volunteers are welcome. Check website for other food distribution days in September.
The Zipline EcoTour allows you to zip on 5 different spans ranging in length from 400 to 1,500 ft. and lasts approximately 2 hours. Open Thursday through Sunday by reservation only. See website for details. Located on Mt. Lemmon Rd. in Oracle. Moonlight and Sunset Zipline experiences will be available this fall.
Visit the Ostrich Ranch Rooster Cogburn Ostrich Ranch 8:00PicachoAM-2:00 PM Open Friday-Monday 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM through Sep. 30. The Ostrich Ranch has an amazing variety of animals that visitors can watch and feed, including stingrays, goats, minature donkeys, fallow deer, tortoises, and lots of ostriches! Located by Picacho Peak State Park, just off I-10. www.roostercogburn.com520.466.3658
20 Pinal NOW! September 2022 EVENTS CALENDAR
Casita Workshop - Casa Grande 1:00 PM-4:00 PM Open Clay Days are for those who have some experience with handbuilding. For adults and teens age 13+. Clay will be available for purchase. Includes a second session on Sep. 22 for glazing your project. See website for class description. No instruction takes place at Open Clay Days. You should have some previous experience making pinch, coil, and slab pots.
Casa Grande Open Monday-Friday from 5:15 AM to 9:00 PM, Saturday 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Closed Sunday. Facilities include a fitness center, gym, indoor walking/ jogging track, community meeting space, and more. The CRC offers a variety of group fitness and sports activities and classes. See website for the September group fitness and gymnasium schedules.
Boyce Thompson Arboretum 5:00SuperiorPM-7:00 PM Each ticket includes two complimentary drink tickets, limited access to the gardens and light bites catered by Bella’s Marketplace and Cafe. A tour of the Smith Display Greenhouses will be offered at 5:30 PM. The tour is free (with event admission) but space is limited and pre-registration is required. Continue your evening in Superior at Bella’s Cafe and stroll through their one-ofa-kind marketplace during Superior’s Second Friday event. Arb After Hours is a 21+ event. Register on website.
September 9th Visit the Casa Grande Ruins Casa Grande Ruins National Monument - Coolidge 9:00 AM-4:00 PM The Casa Grande Ruins National Monument is open daily, including the monument, museum exhibits, movie theater, monument bookstore and picnic area. Free admission.
The Roost Sports Bar & Cafe 7:00MaricopaPM-8:30 PM The Roost has Comedy Night every Thursday from 7:00 to 8:30 PM. Free admission to this stand-up comedy show. They also have Karaoke on Tuesdays from 6:00 to 10:00 PM and Saturdays from 9:00 PM to 2:00 AM. Located at 20800 N. John Wayne Pkwy in Maricopa.
September 8th Food Box Distribution Day for Seniors Hope International Food Pantry
©2022 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Each Office Is Independently Owned And Operated. Coldwell Banker and the Coldwell Banker Logo are registered service marks owned by Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. 199433 ROX REALTY PETSTEMBERPETS+SEPTEMBER= Visit our Facebook page to learn more about how we’re supporting our local animal shelters and what you can do to help. We will also be sharing tips and posting pics with our pets. We would love to see your pets too! Scan the QR code to visit our Facebook page! This month we ourcelebratingarepets!

22 Pinal NOW! September 2022 LOCAL BARS & SALOONS

Pinal NOW! September 2022 23 LOCAL BARS & SALOONS
September Events Windmill Winery September 3rd Warren Young 5:00 PM-9:00 PM September 10th Sam Meric 5:00 PM-9:00 PM September 29th Everett Lafferty & His Highway Outlaws 5:00BandPM-9:00 PM San Tan SeptemberFlat1st Britney Burns 6:00 PM-9:00 PM September 2nd Night Flight 7:00 PM-11:00 PM September 3rd Night Flight 7:00 PM-11:00 PM September 7th Rod 6:00KentPM-9:00 PM September 8th Neil 6:00BunkerPM-9:00 PM September 9th Arizona Blacktop 7:00 PM-11:00 PM September 10th Arizona Blacktop 7:00 PM-11:00 PM September 14th Rod 6:00KentPM-9:00 PM September 15th Britney Burns 6:00 PM-9:00 PM September 16th Curt N Rod 7:00 PM-11:00 PM September 17th Curt N Rod 7:00 PM-11:00 PM September 21st Rod 6:00KentPM-9:00 PM September 22nd Neil 6:00BunkerPM-9:00 PM September 23rd Abby and Luke Band 7:00 PM-11:00 PM September 24th Abby and Luke Band 7:00 PM-11:00 PM September 28th Rod 6:00KentPM-9:00 PM September 29th Britney Burns 6:00 PM-9:00 PM September 30th Highway 260 7:00 PM-11:00 PM October 1st Highway 260 7:00 PM-11:00 PM Tumbleweed Inn September 7th Bob 5:00VillaPM-8:00 PM September 14th Bob 5:00VillaPM-8:00 PM September 16th Silver Aces 6:00 PM-9:00 PM September 21st Bob 5:00VillaPM-8:00 PM September 24th Troubadour Trio 6:00 PM-9:00 PM September 28th Bob 5:00VillaPM-8:00 PM October 1st Silver Aces 6:00 PM-9:00 PM October 3rd Bob 5:00VillaPM-8:00 PM
Local Bars & Saloons

Harrah’s Ak-Chin Hotel and Casino Tickets8:00MaricopaPMavailable through Ticketmaster. Caifanes is a rock band from Mexico City, one of Mexico’s biggest bands in the ‘80s and ‘90s. chin/shows/
Divine Art Institute - Casa Grande 1:00 PM-2:00 PM Create a series of drawings/paintingsone-of-a-kindusingvarious waterbased mediums and other really fun surprises that will stimulate the senses. This class will be geared toward children ages 3-8 yrs old. Parents are welcome to stay and help their child as needed. Children younger than 5 are welcome but parents are required to stay and assist. The class size is limited to 10 students. Register on website.
September 1oth Casa Grande Roller Derby vs. Arizona Roller Derby Roller Derby Hanger - Casa Grande 4:00 PM Big House Bombers vs. AZ Roller Derby (Phoenix). Tickets Are limited and available online only. Doors open at 3:00 PM and game starts at 4:00 PM. Family friendly event - come out and support your local team! Location is 798 N. Picacho St. in Casa Grande. Visit Facebook page for ticket link.
September 9th Superior Second Fridays Town of Superior 6:00 PM-8:00 PM Enjoy music in the park at Main Street & Magma. Shops will be open late! Takes place on the second Friday each month.
September 1oth September Drawing Club - Conte Crayon
Combs Performing Arts Center San Tan Valley 7:00 PM-9:00 PM Presented by ART4Kids on Sep. 9/10. Based on the popular Disney Channel original movie. This production is a brand-new musical jam-packed with comedy, adventure, Disney characters and hit songs from the films. Tickets available at
September 1oth Florence Farmers Market McFarland State Historic Park 8:00FlorenceAM-12:00 PM The market is held on the porch at McFarland State Park in Historic Florence on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month. Sponsored by Florence Copper. The market features produce from local farmers, farm fresh eggs, meat, cheese, bread, sweets, coffee & tea, seasonings and many other locally made artisan products. www.florenceazchamber.com520.868.9433
Casa Grande Main Street 6:00 MonthlyPM all-ages open mic event is open to all creative artists, including singers/songwriters, spoken word, poetry, dance, and comedy. Doors open for sign-up at 5:30 PM. Open mic starts at 6:00 PM, with a maximum of 10 minutes for each performer. Location is 110 W. 2nd St in Casa Grande (Back Patio). Microphones and sound system provided. $5-$10 suggested donation. Presented by the Yoga Recovery & Healing Arts Project and the BlackBox Foundation. www.yrhap.org520.532.2337 Continued on page 26
24 Pinal NOW! September 2022 EVENTS CALENDAR
Casita Workshop - Casa Grande 1:00 PM-4:00 PM Create your child’s handprint in clay. The piece will be fired in the kiln two times. Drop in anytime between 12:00 PM and 4:00 PM. For adults with their babies and children. Fee: $20. This is a twosession workshop — on the second day one adult will come back to decorate the piece. Visit website for all the details.
Windmill Winery - Florence 5:00 PM-9:00 PM Live music with Sam Meric. No door charge and reservations are not required. Come as you are. Visit the Wine Tasting Room page on the website for the Sep. schedule. Located at 1140 W. Butte Ave. in Florence. Openwww.thewindmillwinery.com520.868.5200MicNight
Divine Art Institute - Casa Grande 9:00 AM-12:30 PM Using Conte Crayons, learn the method of the masters, and create a traditional one-of-a-kind drawing of your choice of hands or see feet on archival paper. All art supplies are provided. Separate sessions are offered for youth and for teens & adults. Register on website.
Combs Performing Arts Center San Tan Valley Two performances today at 2:00 PM and 7:00 PM. Presented by ART4Kids on Sep. 9-10. Based on the popular Disney Channel original movie. This production is a brand-new musical jam-packed with comedy, adventure, Disney characters and hit songs from the films. Tickets available at
Pinal NOW! September 2022 25 SPECIAL OFFERS $ 500 OFF A COMPLETE SET OF DENTURES $200 OFF ANY MAJOR TREATMENT $49 EXAM, XRAYS & CLEANING (IN ABSENCE OF PERIODONTAL DISEASE) FREE 2ND OPINION Restrictions apply. Call for details PINAL NOW • Crowns & Bridges • Restorative Dentistry • Root Canal Therapy • Teeth Whitening • Extractions • Full & Partial Dentures • Same Day Crowns • Periodontal Therapy • Implants • Same Day Repairs CASA FAMILYGRANDEDENTISTRY “We cater to cowards” 520.836.0100 Daryl B. Potyczka, D.D.S. Tri-Valley Plaza 1355 E. Florence Blvd., Ste 107 Casa Grande, AZ 85122 Great Prices - Quality Parts Unmatched Service $90 off Two new 25,000 cycle torsion springs with bearing replacement. $200 off retail price of any standard 16 x 7 two car garage door. Get an additional $50 off of a new garage door opener when purchased at the same time Must present coupon - While supplies last exp 9/30/22 | 480-270-1639 Family Owned and Operated – Licensed, Bonded, and Insured ROC#3344-11 any job worth doing is a job worth doing right

26 Pinal NOW! September 2022 EVENTS CALENDAR
September 13th
September 11th September Bridal Open House Windmill Winery - Florence 11:00 AM-2:00 PM Bridal open houses give couples the best opportunity to tour this popular wedding venue and meet with staff and vendors. See website for registration details.
The Live It Well Place - Gold Canyon 9:15 TuesdayAM classes: Yoga Dynamics at 9:15 AM, Pilates ConneXion at 10:30 AM and Danz n Sculpt at 5:30 PM. The Live It Well Place offers a wide range of yoga, pilates, and fitness classes. Visit their website for the Sep. schedule. They also have other integrative health services such as therapeutic massage and reflexology. The studio is located at 6607 S. Kings Ranch Rd. in Gold Canyon.
September 1oth Dive In Movie - “Hook” Superstition Shadows Aquatic Center Apache Junction 7:30 PM-9:00 PM Bring your beach blanket or lawn chair and enjoy a nice evening outside at the Superstition Shadows Aquatic Center watching the great family movie “Hook.” Movies are presented by SRP and start at 7:30 PM. Entry fee is $3 per person. See website for details.
September 13th September Dynamic Duo Divine Art Institute - Casa Grande 9:00 AM-11:30 AM Dynamic Duo is a class designed as a block class for students who want to attend both drawing club and homeschool art back to back. Cost is $25/student per class. All supplies provided. See website for class details and to register. www.divineartinstitute.com520.340.4162
September 10th Fundraiser for the 90th Florence JR Parada Coolidge / Florence Elks Lodge Help5:00CoolidgePMusmake the Florence 90th JR Parada one of the best rodeos to date! Live music, live auctions, silent auctions, raffles, 90th poster unveiling, appetizers, cash bar and more! Donations accepted at the door. Music by Rod Kent & Friends. Event is organized by the Florence JR Parada and the Historic Florence Foundation, Inc.
Town The Pony Ranch - Casa Grande A fun place for tiny cowboys and cowgirls to experience riding a pony and feeding ranch animals at the petting zoo. Will reopen in September after their summer break, depending on the weather. Visit the Pony Ranch Facebook page for their September schedule. Located at 18536 W. Houser Rd. in Casa Grande.
Continued on page 28
Yoga and Pilates Classes
September 12th All-Levels Yoga Class with Tiffany Thrive Academy - Casa Grande 6:30 PM-7:30 PM Organized by Yoga Recovery & Healing Arts Project. Weekly yoga classes take place at Thrive Academy for Performing Arts in Casa Grande. See website for location details. $5 suggested donation. Bring a yoga mat.

Pinal NOW! September 2022 27 Why Pay More?! When You Need Just A Water Heater It’s All We Do! Save Time And Money Licensed and Insured - ROC 334155 *Price Subject to Change 480.417.2075 JustWaterHeatersAZ.com40GallonElectricWaterHeater Delivery & Installation Supply Lines Permit & Inspection (if required) $795 +tax Nextdoor’s NeighborhoodFavoritefor 2021Financing Available Your Source for All Things Local

Copawww.ziparizona.com520.308.9350SeniorsMeeting Maricopa Community Center 9:15 AM-10:45 AM
Sue & Jerry’s Trading Post - Oracle 6:00 PM-9:00 PM Wednesdays from 6:00 to 9:00 PM - April through October. Located at 1015 W. American Ave. in downtown Oracle. The market offers specialty food and fresh baked goods, produce, live music, artisan vendors, and more. Great atmosphere and lots of fun! See their Facebook posts each week for market info.
Tumbleweed Inn - Eloy 6:00 PM-9:00 PM The Tumbleweed Inn has karaoke on Tuesdays from 6:00 to 9:00 PM, Bob Villa on Wednesdays from 5:00 to 8:00 PM, and live music on Friday and Saturday throughout the month. Silver Aces Band will play on Friday 9/16. See their Facebook page for the Sep. live music schedule. Located at 3802 W. Frontier St. in Eloy. Reservations are recommended.
September 14th Karaoke with James G. Gallopin’ Goose - Coolidge 7:00 PM-11:00 PM The Gallopin’ Goose has karaoke every Wednesday with new host James G. Check their Facebook page for the weekend DJ schedule. Located at 1980 S. Arizona Blvd. in Coolidge.
Zipline EcoTours Arizona Zipline Adventures - Oracle 8:00 AM-5:00 PM The Zipline EcoTour allows you to zip on 5 different spans ranging in length from 400 to 1,500 ft. and lasts approximately 2 hours. Open Thursday through Sunday by reservation only. See website for details. Located on Mt. Lemmon Rd. in Oracle. Moonlight and Sunset Zipline experiences will be available this fall.
Pinal Geology & Mineral Museum 10:00CoolidgeAM-3:00 PM Open Wed.-Sat. from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Exhibits include fossils from all over the world, gems and minerals and children’s activities. Check their website for information on monthly meetings of the Pinal County Gem and Mineral Society. The museum is located at 351 N. Arizona Blvd. in Coolidge. www.pinalgeologymuseum.org520.723.3009
September 14th Explore Local History The Museum of Casa Grande 12:00 PM Open 12:00 to 4:00 PM Wed. through Sat. Collections include historic artifacts, archives, photography, and more. The exhibits portray the development of mining, agriculture, railroad expansion, settlement, and technology. Admission is $5/adults, $4/seniors and is free for children and members. Located at 110 W. Florence Blvd.
The Roost Sports Bar & Cafe - Maricopa 7:00 PM-9:00 PM Paint and sip events every Wednesday at The Roost in Maricopa. Party starts at 7:00 PM! Visit website for more info and to sign up. Contact Kaui Wilson at or on social media: @KauiWilson. www.theartandsip.com602.796.8194
Tan Flat: Rod Kent San Tan Flat - Queen Creek 6:00 PM-9:00 PM San Tan Flat has live music Wed/Thu from 6:00 to 9:00 PM and Fri/Sat 7:00 to 11:00 PM. Located at 6185 W. Hunt Highway in Queen Creek. This week: Rod Kent, Britney Burns, and Curt N Rod. Oraclewww.santanflat.com480.882.2995FarmersMarket
Art Class: (LevelWatercolorExploringForBeginnersI) Casita Workshop Casa Grande 9:00 AM-12:00 PM For adults and teens ages 16+. Instructor Edna Harris. All of the supplies for this class will be provided. Learn the basic watercolor techniques and how to select watercolor paper, pigment and brushes. Continued 32
September 12th
on page
September 13th Karaoke with Rosie & Live Music
Copa Seniors meet on the third Thursday of the month. Come learn about new events and up to date information for your community, Bring your questions as well! Great time to meet new people and different senior groups.
Visit the Arboretum Boyce Thompson Arboretum 6:00SuperiorAM-3:00 PM Discover Arizona’s first and oldest botanical garden, situated on 343 acres of scenic upland desert with nearly 5 miles of trail. See website for special events and visitor information. Located 4 miles west of Superior on Hwy. 60. Closed on Tuesdays in Sep. Guided tours will resume in Oct. www.btarboretum.org520.689.2723
28 Pinal NOW! August 2022 EVENTS CALENDAR
September 15th
September 15th

Select Your Path to a Great Career! Biological/Physical Sciences & Agriculture Business & Professional Industries Communication & English Computer Technology, Engineering & Math Education Industrial Technology & Skilled Trades Nursing, Health & Emergency Careers Social/Behavioral Sciences & Public Service Visual, Fine & Performing www.centralaz.eduArts

32 Pinal NOW! September 2022 EVENTS CALENDAR
Rooster Cogburn Ostrich Ranch 8:00PicachoAM-2:00 PM Open Friday-Monday 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM through Sep. 30. The Ostrich Ranch has an amazing variety of animals that visitors can watch and feed, including stingrays, goats, minature donkeys, fallow deer, tortoises and lots of ostriches! Located by Picacho Peak State Park, just off I-10. www.roostercogburn.com520.466.3658
September 16th Visit the Casa Grande Ruins Casa Grande Ruins National Monument - Coolidge 9:00 AM-4:00 PM The Casa Grande Ruins National Monument is open daily, including the monument, museum exhibits, movie theater, monument bookstore and picnic area. Free admission.
Central Arizona Speedway - Casa Grande 7:00 Tonight’sPM racing includes IMCA Modifieds, Sport Mods, Pure Stocks and Bombers. Located at 512 S. Eleven Mile Corner Rd. in Casa Grande, behind the Pinal County Fairgrounds. Grandstand seating. Pit passes available. Admission is $20 cash only. Free for ages 11 and under.
September 17th 2022 Fiestas Patrias Main Street Park - Eloy 12:00 PM-10:00 PM Join in the celebration of Mexican Independence Day! Presented by Corazon De Latinos Unidos (CDLU). Celebrate the rich Hispanic culture with live music, food, and entertainment. The two-day celebration is family friendly with entertainment for all ages and is free to attend. Includes the annual parade and car show on Saturday 9/17. See their Facebook page for www.fiestaspatriascdlu.com520.431.3090MotorsportsRacing-RockNRollRumble
September 16th Superstition Open Golf TournamentApache Junction Chamber Las Sendas Golf Club - Mesa 7:30 RegistrationAM from 6:00 - 7:00 AM and a shotgun start at 7:30 AM. Includes breakfast, golfing prizes, raffles, networking, awards luncheon and more. A portion of the proceeds benefit the Chamber’s scholarship program.
The Roost Sports Bar & Cafe - Maricopa 7:00 PM-8:30 PM The Roost has Comedy Night every Thursday from 7:00 to 8:30 PM. Free admission to this stand-up comedy show. They also have Karaoke on Tuesdays from 6:00 to 10:00 PM and Saturdays from 9:00 PM to 2:00 AM. Located at 20800 N. John Wayne Pkwy in Maricopa.
Central Main Street Park - Eloy 12:00 PM-10:00 PM Join in the celebration of Mexican Independence Day! Presented by Corazon De Latinos Unidos (CDLU). Celebrate the rich Hispanic culture with live music, food, and entertainment. The two-day celebration is family friendly with entertainment for all ages and is free to attend. Includes the annual parade and car show on Saturday 9/17. See their website and Facebook page for event details and the live music lineup.
The Pony Ranch - Casa Grande A fun place for tiny cowboys and cowgirls to experience riding a pony and feeding ranch animals at the petting zoo. Will reopen in September after their summer break, depending on the weather. Visit the Pony Ranch Facebook page for their September schedule. Located at 18536 W. Houser Rd. in Casa Grande.
September 19th
Town of Superior 4:00 PM-10:00 PM Tardeada in the Park is a celebration of Mexican/American culture at Besich Park in Downtown Superior. Enjoy Folklorico dancers, live music and street vendors. www.superiorarizonachamber.org520.689.0200
September 15th September Homeschool Art Class Divine Art Institute - Casa Grande 10:30 AM-11:30 AM Farm & Friends Collage - Part 1 of 2. Using a combination of collage, pens, and acrylic paints, create an expressive farm critter, dog, or cat mixed media piece! Two part classregister on website.
Casa Grande Main Library 10:00 AM-2:00 PM Sign up today to save a life! Register with Vitalant at
All-Levels Yoga Class with Tiffany Thrive Academy-Casa Grande 6:30 PM-7:30 PM Organized by Yoga Recovery & Healing Arts Project. Weekly yoga classes take place at Thrive Academy for Performing Arts in Casa Grande. See website for location details. $5 suggested donation. Bring a yoga mat.

Tumbleweed Inn - Eloy 6:00 PM-9:00 PM The Tumbleweed Inn has karaoke on Tuesdays from 6:00 to 9:00 PM, Bob Villa on Wednesdays from 5:00 to 8:00 PM, and live music on Friday and Saturday throughout the month. The Troubadour Trio will play on Sat. 9/24. See their Facebook page for the Sep. live music schedule. Located at 3802 W. Frontier St. in Eloy. Reservations are recommended.
September 2oth Yoga and Pilates Classes The Live It Well Place - Gold Canyon 9:15 TuesdayAM classes: Yoga Dynamics at 9:15 AM, Pilates ConneXion at 10:30 AM and Danz n Sculpt at 5:30 PM. The Live It Well Place offers a wide range of yoga, pilates and fitness classes. Visit their website for the Sep. schedule. They also have other integrative health services such as therapeutic massage and reflexology. The studio is located at 6607 S. Kings Ranch Road in Gold Canyon.
Explore Local History The Museum of Casa Grande 12:00 PM Open 12:00 to 4:00 PM Wed. through Sat. Collections include historic artifacts, archives, photography, and more. The exhibits portray the development of mining, agriculture, railroad expansion, settlement and technology. Admission is $5/adults, $4/seniors and is free for children and members. Located at 110 W. Florence Blvd. Livewww.tmocg.org520.836.2223MusicatSan Tan Flat: Rod Kent San Tan Flat - Queen Creek 6:00 PM-9:00 PM San Tan Flat has live music Wed/Thu from 6:00 to 9:00 PM and Fri/Sat 7:00 to 11:00 PM. Located at 6185 W. Hunt Highway in Queen Creek. This week: Rod Kent, Neil Bunker, and the Abby and Luke Band.
Pinal County Historical Museum 11:00FlorenceAM-4:00 PM The museum is open Tue.-Sat. and has a wide range of exhibits, including Native American culture, day-to-day life in early Florence, 2nd Territorial Prison artifacts, antique clothing, cactus furniture, farm machinery, vintage fire engines and much more. Admission is $7 for adults, under 18 free. Free admission on first Sat. of each month.
September 2oth Biosphere 2 Tours University of Arizona Biosphere 2 9:00OracleAM-4:00 PM Biosphere 2 is a world-famous research facility operated by the University of Arizona and located near Oracle. The Biosphere 2 Experience allows visitors to tour the interior of the facility. This fascinating, familyfriendly experience is guided by a mobile app. Download the tour app prior to arrival. Tickets must be purchased online. Open daily from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. www.biosphere2.org520.621.4800
Sue & Jerry’s Trading Post - Oracle 6:00 PM-9:00 PM Wednesdays from 6:00 to 9:00 PM - April through October. Located at 1015 W. American Ave. in downtown Oracle. The market offers specialty food and fresh baked goods, produce, live music, artisan vendors and more. Great atmosphere and lots of fun! See their Facebook posts each week for market info.
Gallopin’ Goose - Coolidge 7:00 PM-11:00 PM The Gallopin’ Goose has karaoke every Wednesday with new host James G. Check their Facebook page for the weekend DJ schedule. Located at 1980 S. Arizona Blvd. in Coolidge.
September 17th Kids Day Maricopa Maricopa Wells Middle School 10:00 AM-4:00 PM Kids Day Maricopa is a free event open to all elementary age children in Pinal County, held at Maricopa Wells Middle School (45725 W Honeycutt Rd, 85139). Children will have the opportunity to interact with special guests, learning about health, safety, and environmental awareness in a fun, entertaining atmosphere. Food and prizes will also be provided at no charge.
Pinal NOW! September 2022 33 EVENTS CALENDAR
Continued on page 36
September 21st Coolidge Rotary Club Monthly Meeting Coolidge Chamber of Commerce 7:00 AM-8:00 AM The Coolidge Rotary Club was established in 1937 and is part of Rotary International. Meets on the first and third Wed. of every month.
September 21st

34 Pinal NOW! September 2022
The workshop will cover types of clay and glaze, and there is a chance you can help unload your items from the kiln. You’ll make three vessels, about 4 inches in size — you’ll have time to practice the three main ways of forming vessels. There also will be time to create more than one piece of your choice. At the end, you’ll bring home a small pinch pot, coil pot, slab container and any other pieces you make. Each piece will be fired in a kiln two times in the process (between classes). All supplies are included in the $55 class. If you get the ceramic itch to create more, after this workshop you will be ready to join any of the Open Clay Days where you can come in and make anything you’d like.
Want to Create? Try this Clay Basics Workshop PINAL NOW Rewind
More information on classes at Casita Workshop, 127 S. Wilson St. in Casa Grande, is available at
Photography by The Casita Workshop
If you’ve never worked with clay before, these two-day classes at Casita Workshop may be just for you. Learn to hand-build with clay (no wheel). The next classes start Nov. 5 and Nov. 19. This beginning class will introduce you to clay and give you the experience and confidence to create with this medium. Get to know the feel of clay, and learn to use the pinch, coil and slab methods to create small vessels. Learn how to add textures to the clay and how to attach two pieces of clay so they will stay attached during the drying and firing processes.

Pinal NOW! September 2022 35 Law ofOffice Angel A. Raymond 44400 W. Honeycutt Rd. Ste. 110 Maricopa, AZ 85138 P. 520-208-2274 Personal Injury Auto WhereCriminalAccidentsDefenseWillsandTrustsJusticeandIntegrityMatterMost Proud Member of the WA and AZ State Bar 520.423.8250 • • 1919 N. Trekell Rd., Casa Grande ©2022 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Each Office Is Independently Owned And Operated. Coldwell Banker and the Coldwell Banker Logo are registered service marks owned by Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. Susan Gallegos 520.371.0015 Karen Henson 520.705.1714 2138 LAKESHORE DR. $550,000 4 Bd, 3 Ba 3,099 SF + 3 Car Garage This is not a dream, it is very real. It is possible to own a huge house in a popular lake subdivision, without breaking the bank. Featuring 4 bedrooms, including a spacious master suite, with double sinks, separate shower and tub and walk in closet. The entertaining areas are nearly unlimited including dining room, living room, family room and large covered patio with view of the pool and sparkling lake. There is abundant parking and a 3 car garage with lots of storage. At this price there is room for you to add your style.

Continued on page 38
Visit website for
Pinal Geology & Mineral Museum 10:00CoolidgeAM-3:00 PM Open Wed.-Sat. from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Exhibits include fossils from all over the world, gems and minerals, and children’s activities. Check their website for information on monthly meetings of the Pinal County Gem and Mineral Society. The museum is located at 351 N. Arizona Blvd. in Coolidge.
Visit the Ostrich Ranch Rooster Cogburn Ostrich Ranch 8:00PicachoAM-2:00 PM Open Friday-Monday 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM through Sep. 30. The Ostrich Ranch has an amazing variety of animals that visitors can watch and feed, including stingrays, goats, minature donkeys, fallow deer, tortoises, and lots of ostriches! Located by Picacho Peak State Park, just off I-10.
The Roost has Comedy Night every Thursday from 7:00 to 8:30 PM. Free admission to this stand-up comedy show. They also have Karaoke on Tuesdays from 6:00 to 10:00 PM and Saturdays from 9:00 PM to 2:00 AM. Located at 20800 N. John Wayne Pkwy in Maricopa.
September 21st Art & Sip Roost Sports Bar & Cafe - Maricopa 7:00 PM-9:00 PM Paint sip Wednesday at The Roost in Maricopa. starts at 7:00 PM! more info and to sign up. Kaui Wilson at or on social media: @KauiWilson. www.theartandsip.com602.796.8194
Guided tours will resume in Oct.
September 23rd
Visitwww.roostercogburn.com520.466.3658theCasaGrandeRuins Casa Grande Ruins National Monument - Coolidge 9:00 AM-4:00 PM The Casa Grande Ruins National Monument is open daily, including the monument, museum exhibits, movie theater, monument bookstore and picnic area. Free admission.
September 22nd Visit the Arboretum Boyce Thompson Arboretum - Superior 6:00 AM-3:00 PM Discover Arizona’s first and oldest botanical garden, situated on 343 acres of scenic upland desert with nearly 5 miles of trail. See website for special events and visitor information. Located 4 miles west of Superior on Hwy. 60. Closed on Tuesdays in Sep.
events every
The Roost Sports Bar & Cafe 7:00MaricopaPM-8:30 PM
September 24th
Arizona Zipline Adventures - Oracle 8:00 AM-5:00 PM The Zipline EcoTour allows you to zip on 5 different spans ranging in length from 400 to 1,500 ft. and lasts approximately 2 hours. Open Thursday through Sunday by reservation only. See website for details. Located on Mt. Lemmon Rd. in Oracle. Moonlight and Sunset Zipline experiences will be available this fall.
36 Pinal NOW! September 2022 EVENTS CALENDAR
Florence Farmers Market McFarland State Historic Park 8:00FlorenceAM-12:00 PM The market is held on the porch at McFarland State Park in Historic Florence on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month. Sponsored by Florence Copper. The market features produce from local farmers, farm fresh eggs, meat, cheese, bread, sweets, coffee & tea, seasonings and many other locally made artisan products. www.florenceazchamber.com520.868.9433
September 23rd Tracy Morgan: No Disrespect Tour Harrah’s Ak-Chin Hotel and Casino Maricopa - 8:00 PM You’ve seen him on TV — now you can enjoy his comedy show in person! available through Ticketmaster. chin/shows/

520.423.8250 • • 1919 N. Trekell Rd., Casa Grande ©2022 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Each Office Is Independently Owned And Operated. Coldwell Banker and the Coldwell Banker Logo are registered service marks owned by Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. Text: ROXSELLS To: 59559 FOR INSTANT DETAILS on This or ANY Home for Sale 199433 ROX REALTY 508 E MANOR DR $424,900 4 Bd, 2.5 Ba, large 12,077sf lot 2,471 SF + Pool, Workshop + Storage This home has WOW! Remodeled ranch home with new paint inside and out, new flooring, new cabinets, appliances, quartz counters and dramatic carrara marble backsplash. The outdoor paradise includes a newly replastered diving pool with water feature, gazebo/bar area, huge workshop or art studio, large covered patio and outdoor seating area with wood fire pit. NO HOA Owner/Agent. Bea Lueck 520.560.5671 2119 N LAKESHORE DR $680,000 4BD, 2.5BA, 10,909SF golf course lot 2,558SF with diving pool Spacious single level with the desired amenities and upgrades such as fireplace, lots of storage with granite counters and more. Low maintenance backyard with pool, paver patio and golf course views! Must see. Owner/Agent. Bea Lueck 520.560.5671 2060 N DISCOVERY LN $479,500 4BD, 2BA, large 13,196SF lot 2,310SF + 3 car garage Home features 10’ ceilings, gorgeous kitchen with upgraded appliances, split floor plan, tile and laminate throughout (no carpet!) Huge manicured backyard with large patio, natural gas grill and grass area for outdoor activities. Annalisa Tapia 520.560.2960 Connie Rush 520.560.0433 2398 E SAN GABRIEL TRL $450,000 3 Bd, 2 Ba 1,887 SF Stunning, almost new DR Horton home with a very popular floorplan with a HUGE kitchen island! Enjoy this nice open floor plan and large kitchen pantry. Get all the features of a newer home without the wait time! Landscaping in front and back. Beautiful citrus trees out back. Plus this community features its very own pool/ water slide park! North/South exposure and no neighbors behind! Kelly Herrington, PLLC 520.780.0843 65 N POTEBAUM RD $750,000 5BD, 4BA, huge 1.2 acre lot in town! 4,340SF + 696SF Guest house Loads of possibilities, perfect for multigenerational living, bed & breakfast, or group home (currently licensed). Fenced pool area plus 1,200 detached garage/shop. Annalisa Tapia 520.560.2960 Connie Rush 520.560.0433 1750 E WILDFLOWER $399,800 4 Bd, 2 Ba 1,940 SF + 3 Car Garage Stunning, updated 4 bedroom home with a 3 car garage!! Newer porcelain plank tile and carpet with upgraded padding. This home is gorgeous and move-in ready. Enjoy the large backyard with a nice shade tree and covered patio. Must see! Kelly Herrington, PLLC 520.780.0843 199433 ROX REALTY

Walkwww.copanightmarket.com520.568.9098ontheWildSide:Attractions in the Night Sky Boyce Thompson Arboretum - Superior 6:30 PM-8:30 PM Discover Sonoran Desert nocturnal life’s unique sights, sounds, and smells as your flashlight beams along the trails. Learn from local partners with live animal encounters and educational activities. Learn about the wonders of the planets and stars and discover creatures that take to the sky at night. Pre-registration is required. Event partners are ASU Earth & Space, Liberty Wildlife, and AZ Game and Fish.
September 24th The Pony Ranch featuring Tiny Town The Pony Ranch - Casa Grande A fun place for tiny cowboys and cowgirls to experience riding a pony and feeding ranch animals at the petting zoo. Will reopen in September after their summer break, depending on the weather. Visit the Pony Ranch Facebook page for their September schedule. Located at 18536 W. Houser Rd. in Casa Grande.
All-Levels Yoga Class with Tiffany Thrive Academy - Casa Grande 6:30 PM-7:30 PM Organized by Yoga Recovery & Healing Arts Project. Weekly yoga classes take place at Thrive Academy for Performing Arts in Casa Grande. See website for location details. $5 suggested donation. Bring a yoga mat.
38 Pinal NOW! September 2022 EVENTS CALENDAR Continued on page 40
September 27th Red Cross Blood Drive Real Estate Clubhouse - Casa Grande 8:00 AM-1:30 PM Register on the Red Cross website and use sponsor code: RealEstateClubhouse. Search for ZIP code 85122. Will take place at 631 E. Cottonwood Lane in Casa Grande. There will also be a blood drive on Oct. 25. www.redcross.org800.733.2767
September 25th Freeform Movement & Dance Party Studio of Dance - Casa 4:00GrandePM-5:30 PM Monthly event. Enjoy freeform creative movement sessions where no experience or skills are needed to enjoy the benefits of dance. Dance in a safe space with an inspiring musical playlist! Shake, groove, let out stress and have fun. Families are welcome - best for kids 7 and older. $5-10 suggested donation per person. Held at the Studio of Dance in Casa Grande. Wear comfy stretchy clothes and bare feet, dance shoes or non-skid sneakers. Refreshments provided.
September 26th
September 24th Maricopa Salsa Night Market Copper Sky Regional Park - Maricopa 6:00 PM-10:00 PM Salsa Night Market combines elements of the annual Salsa Festival and Copa Night Market event series. Enjoy live entertainment, market/ artisan vendors, food trucks and cervezas! There will be two separate salsa contests for amateurs and ultimate competitors! Children are welcome to attend, however, Salsa Night Market is geared towards an adult audience. Outside alcohol is not permitted and coolers will be subject to search upon entry.
September 24th Bluegrass & BBQ Dinner Life Under the Oaks Lavender Farm - Oracle 5:00 PM-7:00 PM Enjoy cooler weather and celebrate the autumn opening of the Lavender Farm at our Annual Bluegrass & BBQ Dinner on September 24 at 5:00 PM! Enjoy listening to The Buckjumpers and feast on delicious BBQ prepared by Big Daddy ... yum! Fee also includes a lavender sachet. Feel free to bring lawn chairs. Tickets are available on the website.

Pinal NOW! September 2022 39 Fresh El Pima Mercado y Carniceria Marinated Meats - Seafood Carnitas - Chicharrones - Candies Piñatas & More! FREEwithHomemadeMed.Salsaany$5meatpurchase Expires 9/30/22. Limit One Coupon Per Customer Per Day. PINAL NOW 116 N. Casa Grande Ave. | Casa Grande, AZ Todo tipo de carne para comida preparada. MON - FRI 8AM-8PM (520) 426-9332 * Must present coupon to technician to be valid. Offer applies only to regular hour calls. Rebates are on qualifying systems. Expires 9/30/22 520-466-1489 | office@desertsunhvac.comUPTO $1,300 IN NEW UNIT REBATES 30% OFF AIRSERVICECONDITIONINGCALL SHOWING ALL THE BIGGEST GAMES Now Serving Brunch WWW.THEROOSTAZ.COM | 520-568-5338 (The Shops at Maricopa Fiesta) 20800 N John Wayne Pkwy #101, Maricopa Special EVENTS including weekly Karaoke, Comedy Nights, DJ & Dancing Kitchen Open 9 am - 2 pm Daily Fridays and Saturdays 11 am to 2 amKitchen until Midnight Submit your event free at Follow us on Facebook @PinalNOW To advertise SEPTEMBER 2022 L VE MUSIC AT SAN TAN FLAT

 The Roost Sports Bar & Cafe - Maricopa 7:00 PM-9:00 PM Paint and sip events every Wednesday at The Roost in Maricopa. Party starts at 7:00 PM! Visit website for more info and to sign up. Contact Kaui Wilson at or on social media: @KauiWilson. www.theartandsip.com602.796.8194’sHistory
boardatdowishing135inagendapublic.,N.PinalSt.inFlorence.Anyonetoaddresstheboardmaysoduringthe“CalltoPublic”9:30AMduringregularsessionmeetings. Museum of Casa Grande Open 12:00 to 4:00 PM Wed. Sat. Britney Burns and Highway 260. www.santanflat.com480.882.2995
ExplorePages/ The
The museum is open Tue.-Sat. and has a wide range of exhibits, including Native American culture, day-to-day life in early Florence, 2nd Territorial Prison artifacts, antique clothing, cactus furniture, farm machinery, vintage fire engines, and much more. Admission is $7 for adults, under 18 free. Free admission on first Sat. of each month.
September 29th
Visit the Arboretum Boyce Thompson Arboretum 6:00SuperiorAM-3:00 PM Discover Arizona’s first and oldest botanical garden, situated on 343 acres of scenic upland desert with nearly five miles of trail. See website for special events and visitor information. Located 4 miles west of Superior on Hwy. 60. Closed on Tuesdays in Sep. Guided tours will resume in Oct. www.btarboretum.org520.689.2723 on page 44
Collections include historic artifacts, archives, photography and more. The exhibits portray the development of mining, agriculture, railroad expansion, settlement and technology. Admission is $5/adults, $4/seniors and is free for children and members. Located at 110 W. Florence Blvd. Livewww.tmocg.org520.836.2223MusicatSan Tan Flat: Rod Kent San Tan Flat - Queen Creek 6:00 PM-9:00 PM San Tan Flat has live music Wed/Thu from 6:00 to 9:00 PM and Fri/Sat 7:00 to 11:00 PM. Located at 6185 W. Hunt Highway in Queen Creek. This week: Rod Kent,
Yoga and Pilates Classes
The Live It Well Place - Gold Canyon Tuesday classes: Yoga Dynamics at 9:15 AM, Pilates ConneXion at 10:30 AM and Danz n Sculpt at 5:30 PM. The Live It Well Place offers a wide range of yoga, pilates, and fitness classes. Visit their website for the Sep. schedule. They also have other integrative health services such as therapeutic massage and reflexology. The studio is located at 6607 S. Kings Ranch Road in Gold Canyon.
Gallopin’ Goose - Coolidge 7:00 PM-11:00 PM The Gallopin’ Goose has karaoke every Wednesday with new host James G. Check their Facebook page for the weekend DJ schedule. Located at 1980 S. Arizona Blvd. in Coolidge.
September 28th Oracle Farmers Market Sue & Jerry’s Trading Post - Oracle 6:00 PM-9:00 PM Wednesdays from 6:00 to 9:00 PM
- April through October. Located at 1015 W. American Ave. in downtown Oracle. The market offers specialty food and fresh baked goods, produce, live music, artisan vendors, and more. Great atmosphere and lots of fun! See their Facebook posts each week for market info.
Pinal County Historical Museum Florence - 11:00 AM-4:00 PM
The Tumbleweed Inn has karaoke on Tuesdays from 6:00 to 9:00 PM, Bob Villa on Wednesdays from 5:00 to 8:00 PM, and live music on Friday and Saturday throughout the month. See their Facebook page for the Sep. live music schedule. Located at 3802 W. Frontier St. in Eloy. Reservations are recommended.
September 28th Pinal County Board of Supervisors Meeting Pinal County Administrative Complex - Florence 9:30 BoardAMmeetings are broadcast live and the public may access the meeting on the BOS Videos page on the Pinal County website. Board agendas are available
Tumbleweed Inn - Eloy 6:00 PM-9:00 PM
40 Pinal NOW! August 2022 EVENTS CALENDAR September 27th
Pinal NOW! September 2022 41 LOW-COSTEstatePlanning&CourtDocumentAssistance 41704 W. Smith Enke Road, Suite 100, Maricopa, AZ 520-450-1715www.glovercourtsolutions.com85138| Some restrictions apply. Must present ad. Offers Expire 9/30/22 $425 Estate Plan $1175 Living Trust Package $200 Beneficiary Deed $975 Divorce $325 Business Formation • Water Heater Installation • Slab Leaks & Leak Repair • Backflow Prevention • Gas Heaters • Toilets • Water Softeners • Sewer Repairs & Replacements • Water Main Repairs • Showers • Re-piping • Garbage Disposals • Reverse Osmosis Drinking Systems • Rooter Service • Camera Inspections • Faucets • Kitchen Remodels • Bathroom Remodels • Water Conditioners OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY, 7 DAYS A WEEK 480- 415-3507 | Residential Plumbing - Serving the City of Maricopa & Surrounding Areas - Family owned and operated FREE Estimates for all our services (within a 10 mile radius of the city of Maricopa) - Special rates for Real Estate agents SatisfactionCustomerGuaranteed Dependable, Reliable, Honest Plumbing Repair

42 Pinal NOW! September 2022 CHECK OUT t he FUN at your local library! Find more information about the library near you online at Regularly scheduled activities are available for all age groups and interests at libraries throughout Pinal County. Rock Earle Jerry Kirkpatrick Matt Herrington Industrial | Commercial | Retail | Sales & Leasing The largest group of dedicated commercial real estate brokers in Arizona's Golden Corridor. Rock Earle, a 40-year veteran of the real estate industry and his team, including Jerry Kirkpatrick, Brett Eisele, and Matt Herrington, bring over 120 years of local experience guiding clients in our market. Visit to sign up for the latest news sent right to your inbox. ROXIntroducingCommercialROXCommercial|1919N.TrekellRd., Ste. B, Casa Grande, AZ 85122 | 520.421.9000

Pinal NOW! September 2022 43 THE ONENUMBER LEADER IN PROVIDING HIGH QUALITY TOILETPORTABLERENTALS 1-855-55-POTTY | Follow Us 1367 N VIP Blvd, Casa Grande Luxury Restroom Rentals for Weddings & Events ADA Compliant Portable Toilets - Hand Washing Stations A Storage Place of Casa Grande 1688 N. Pinal • 520-836-6080 (Next to the Post Office) 1551 Arizona Blvd, Coolidge • 520-723-6888 (Next to Walmart) Need Storage? Air controlled Units Available State-of-the-art Security Open 7 days We’re Your Place! TILE & GROUT CLEANING & SEALING • UPHOLSTERY CLEANING CARPET REPAIRS • PET STAINS & ODOR TREATMENT STAIN REMOVAL • DUPONT PROTECTORS • CARPET CLEANING CALL FOR DETAILS. CERTAIN LIMITATIONS APPLY. LIMITED TIME OFFER. TRIP FEE MAY APPLY. 3 ROOMS CLEANINGCARPET$80 FREE HALLWAYS AND CLOSETS SOFA & LOVE CLEANINGSEAT$100 5 ROOMS CLEANINGCARPET$125 FREE HALLWAYS AND CLOSETS Cleaning Licensed & Insured We Don’t Cut Corners, We Clean Them!

Pinal Geology & Mineral Museum OpenCoolidgeWed.-Sat. from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Exhibits include fossils from all over the world, gems, minerals and children’s activities. Check their website for information on monthly meetings of the Pinal County Gem and Mineral Society. The museum is located at 351 N. Arizona Blvd. in Coolidge.
44 Pinal NOW! September 2022 EVENTS CALENDAR Continued on page 46
5:00FlorencePM-9:00 PM Live music with Everett Lafferty & His Highway Outlaws Band. No door charge and reservations are not required. Come as you are. Visit the Wine Tasting Room page on the website for the Sep. and Oct. live music schedule. Located at 1140 W. Butte Ave. in Florence.
Visitwww.roostercogburn.com520.466.3658theCasaGrandeRuins Casa Grande Ruins National Monument - Coolidge 9:00 AM-4:00 PM The Casa Grande Ruins National Monument is open daily, including the monument, museum exhibits, movie theater, monument bookstore and picnic area. Free admission.
October 1st Run Fast for Foster Villago Park - Casa Grande 7:00 AM Get your running shoes on and come join us! Starting point will be at the Villago Soccer Fields, choose from a 5K, 2.5K or 1K kids run, or become a sponsor and get your brand in the hands of all our runners! Prizes will be given for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place runners in each category, but best of all, proceeds from your registration or sponsorship go to Pinal County foster children and teens. Event will take place at Villago Park, 3368 N. Pinal Ave. in Casa Grande.
September 29th Zipline EcoTours Arizona Zipline Adventures - Oracle 8:00 AM-5:00 PM The Zipline EcoTour allows you to zip on 5 different spans ranging in length from 400 to 1,500 ft. and lasts approximately 2 hours. Open Thursday through Sunday by reservation only. See website for details. Located on Mt. Lemmon Rd. in Oracle. Moonlight and Sunset Zipline experiences will be available this fall.
September 3oth Visit the Ostrich Ranch Rooster Cogburn Ostrich Ranch 8:00PicachoAM-2:00 PM Open Friday-Monday 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM through Sep. 30. The Ostrich Ranch has an amazing variety of animals that visitors can watch and feed, including stingrays, goats, minature donkeys, fallow deer, tortoises and lots of ostriches! Located by Picacho Peak State Park, just off I-10.
September 3oth Art Class: Exploring Watercolor For Beginners (Level II) Casita Workshop - Casa Grande 1:00 PM-4:00 PM For adults and teens ages 16+. For beginners who have taken the Level I class or by instructor’s approval. Instructor is Edna Harris. Bring the brush and paints from your Level I class. Additional paper will be supplied. Once you have taken the Exploring Watercolor Level I class and have done a bit of practice on your own, you should be ready to learn a bit more about watercolor and what it does. We will continue practicing techniques and will create a floral painting using the techniques you have learned.
The Roost Sports Bar & Cafe - Maricopa 7:00 PM-8:30 PM The Roost has Comedy Night every Thursday from 7:00 to 8:30 PM. Free admission to this stand-up comedy show. They also have Karaoke on Tuesdays from 6:00 to 10:00 PM and Saturdays from 9:00 PM to 2:00 AM. Located at 20800 N. John Wayne Pkwy in Maricopa.

Pinal NOW! September 2022 45 CONTINUE YOUR BOOK, START A NEW CHAPTER HERE Heated Pool • Pet Friendly • 1 & 2 Bedroom Floorplans Beautiful Single Level Grounds with Walkways Friendly Community Atmosphere | 520-836-6555 1771 E McMurray Blvd Casa Grande, AZ 85122For virtual tour videos cypresspointliving.comvisit Family Owned and Operated 20928 N John Wayne Pkwy Maricopa, AZ 85139 520-568-4740 - Find us on FB! WATER ICE Ice Cream Ice Cream 9/30/2022 Isyourplacesafe? ▪ 24/7 Monitoring ▪ Doorbell Cameras ▪ Panic and Medical Alarms ▪ Smoke and CO Detection ▪ Interactive Smartphone App ▪ Insurance Discounts Security and Camera Systems Protect Your Home & Business | 520.421.3333

Central Arizona Speedway Casa Grande - 7:00 PM 512 S. Eleven Mile Rd. Casa Grande,
Casita Workshop - Casa Grande 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Held on the first Monday of the month. $5 session fee. Meet others with an interest in creating with fabric, yarn, thread, or wool — anything with fiber. Great for people who sew, quilt, spin, weave, crochet, knit, embroider, rug hook or stitch. If you have a project you are currently working on, you can work on it during club time — or just come and hang out! Be sure to confirm this event on the website and RSVP to if you plan to attend.
Tonight’s events include ACSC CAS Sprint Cars, AZ Senior Sprints, Bombers, and Power 600 Series Micros. Located at
www.pinalcountyhistoricalmuseum.org520.868.4382 on page 48
Ak-Chin Circle Entertainment Center TheMaricopaEntertainment Center offers movies, bowling, laser tag, an arcade, parties & events, and more. See the Ak-Chin Circle website and Facebook page for this month’s featured events. www.ak-chincircle.com520.568.3456
Thrive Academy - Casa Grande 6:30 PM-7:30 PM
offering an
Organized by Yoga Recovery & Healing Arts Project. Weekly yoga classes take place at Thrive Academy for Performing Arts in Casa Grande. See website for location details. $5 suggested donation. Bring a yoga mat.
Show Historic Main Street - Superior 12:00 PM-5:00 PM Car show
Pinal County Historical Museum Florence - 11:00 AM-4:00 PM The museum is open Tue.-Sat. and has a wide range of exhibits, including Native American culture, day-to-day life in early Florence, 2nd Territorial Prison artifacts, antique clothing, cactus furniture, farm machinery, vintage fire engines, and much more. Admission is $7 for adults, under 18 free. Free admission on first Sat. of each month.
Become a USPA licensed skydiver in the Accelerated
October 3rd Museum & Visitor Center McFarland State Historic Park Florence - 9:00 AM-5:00 PM The museum and the visitor center are open Mon. through Sat., 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Oct. through Apr. Park entrance fee is $5 and free for ages 18 and under. Visit the AZ State Parks website to plan your visit.
Program. Ground school is the first step to getting your USPA A-License. Check the website for details about ground school and learning to skydive. Ground school will also be
for licensed skydivers. www.skydiveaz.com520.466.3753
behind the Pinal County Fairgrounds. Grandstand seating. Pit passes available. Admission is $20 cash only. Free for ages 11 and under. Skydivingwww.centralarizonaspeedway.com520.709.0718Training
Skydive Arizona - Eloy Skydiving held Oct. Skydive Arizona is also AXIS B-License weekend Oct. 1-2
46 Pinal NOW! September 2022 EVENTS CALENDAR October 1st Coolidge Airport Fly-In Coolidge Municipal Airport 8:00 AM-10:30 AM The City of Coolidge sponsors a Fly-In on the first Saturday of every month from October to April. Breakfast is served by the Coolidge Lions Club in front of the main hangar. Pilots can call Airport Manager James Myers with any questions.
October 4th Explore the History of the Superstition Mountains Superstition Mountain Museum Apache Junction 9:00 AM-3:00 PM New hours go into effect today: Tue.-Sun. 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. The museum sits on 14 acres of Sonoran desert and the exhibits include artifacts, artwork, memorabilia, mining equipment, Indigenous history, an outdoor model railroad exhibit and much more. Admission $7 for adults, $6 for seniors, $4 for students 11-17. Free admission for children 10 and under.
will feature cars, trucks, motorcycles, lowriders, and classic vehicles. Awards will be presented for the best vehicles in the show. MethanolMotorsportswww.superiorarizonachamber.org480.215.1398Racing-Madness
University of Arizona Biosphere 2 Oracle - 9:00 AM-4:00 PM Biosphere 2 is a world-famous research facility operated by the University of Arizona and located near Oracle. The Biosphere 2 Experience allows visitors to tour the interior of the facility. This fascinating, family-friendly experience is guided by a mobile app. Download the tour app prior to arrival. Tickets must be purchased online. Open daily from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

Pinal NOW! September 2022 47 This unique, lush desert parcel is 8.78 acres, offers breathtaking views and ultimate privacy. Topography allows for various homebuilding sites that can be split if desired. Gorgeous saguaros and natural desert throughout. One saguaro has an age certification of 325 years. Land borders the China Wash which adds to the splendor and uniqueness of the views. $215,000 – 25931 E. Diversion Dam Rd., Florence, AZ 85132 Yzmira Andujo, PLLC REALTOR® O: 520-423-8250 | C: 520-431-1190 Coldwell Banker ROX Realty 1919 N Trekell Road, Ste. A Casa Grande, AZ 85122 Each office is independently owned and operated.

posts each
offers specialty
for market info.
October 5th Explore Local History The Museum of Casa Grande Casa Grande 12:00 PM Open 12:00 to 4:00 PM Wed. through Sat. Collections include historic artifacts, archives, photography and more. The exhibits portray the development of mining, agriculture, railroad expansion, settlement and technology. Admission is $5/adults, $4/seniors free children Located at 110 W. Florence Blvd.
and lots of
Karaokewww.dav36.org520.494.3283withRosie & Live Music
vendors and more.
48 Pinal NOW! September 2022 EVENTS CALENDAR October 4th Monthly Meeting - DAV 36 (Disabled American Veterans) DAV Chapter 36 Pinal County Coolidge - 5:30 PM-6:30 PM DAV is a national nonprofit charity that provides a lifetime of support for veterans of all generations and their families, helping more than 1 million veterans in positive, life-changing ways each year nationally. Disabled American Veterans Auxiliary Unit 36 serves veterans in Pinal County. Located at 320 E. Central Ave. in Coolidge. A weekly Koffee Klatch is also held on Tuesdays from 7:00 - 10:00 AM.
and members.
Dorothy Powell Senior Center Casa Grande The Dorothy Powell Senior Center provides residents the opportunity to experience recreational, cultural and educational programming in a friendly atmosphere. It’s open to individuals 50 years of age or older. Activities include health and fitness, dance, pool, cards, walking club, bingo, art, and more. The monthly activity calendar is posted on the City of Casa Grande website.
Learnwww.ziparizona.com520.308.9350aboutArizona’sGeology 5th
and is
Sue & Jerry’s Trading Post 6:00OraclePM-9:00 PM Wednesdays from 6:00 to 9:00 PM - April through October. Located at 1015 W. American Ave. in downtown Oracle. The market food and fresh baked goods, produce, live music, artisan Great atmosphere fun! See their Facebook week
Virtual Career Expo Achieve Pinal - Pinal County Local initiative that allows students and adults to explore career opportunities with a focus on Pinal County. Content is delivered online and features career exploration interviews with Pinal County professionals who work in a wide variety of trades and professions. Discover what is required for careers you’re interested in. Includes information about college access and scholarships.
Tumbleweed Inn - Eloy 6:00 PM-9:00 PM The Tumbleweed Inn has karaoke on Tuesdays from 6:00 to 9:00 PM, Bob Villa on Wednesdays from 5:00 to 8:00 PM, and live music on Friday and Saturday throughout the month. See their Facebook page for the Oct. live music schedule. Located at 3802 W. Frontier St. in Eloy. Reservations are recommended.
October 6th Zipline EcoTours Arizona Zipline Adventures 8:00OracleAM-5:00 PM The Zipline EcoTour allows you to zip on 5 different spans ranging in length from 400 to 1,500 ft. and lasts approximately 2 hours. Open Thursday through Sunday by reservation only. See website for details. Located on Mt. Lemmon Rd. in Oracle. Moonlight and Sunset Zipline experiences will be available this fall.
Pinal Geology & Mineral Museum 10:00CoolidgeAM-3:00 PM Open Wed.-Sat. from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Exhibits include fossils from all over the world, gems and minerals, and children’s activities. Check their website for information on monthly meetings of the Pinal County Gem and Mineral Society. The museum is located at 351 N. Arizona Blvd. in Coolidge. www.pinalgeologymuseum.org520.723.3009 October CALENDAR
9:00PicachoAM-5:00 PM Open Friday-Monday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM from 10/1 to 11/15. The Ostrich Ranch has an amazing variety of animals that visitors can watch and feed, including stingrays, goats, minature donkeys, fallow deer, tortoises and lots of ostriches! Located by Picacho Peak State Park, just off I-10.
Rooster Cogburn Ostrich Ranch
Pinal NOW! September 2022 49
October 7th Visit the Casa Grande Ruins Casa Grande Ruins National Monument - Coolidge 9:00 AM-4:00 PM The Casa Grande Ruins National Monument is open daily, including the monument, museum exhibits, movie theater, monument bookstore and picnic area. Free admission.
October 8th Skydiving - Night Jump Skydive Arizona - Eloy 5:00 PM-7:00 PM Night jumps are one of the most beautiful and surreal experiences you can have in the sky. See the website for special requirements. Offered monthly.
October 7th 2022 Coolidge Days (October 7-8-9) San Carlos Park - Coolidge Coolidge Days takes place at San Carlos Park, located at 300 W. Central Avenue. The festival has a great lineup of events and activities, including the annual parade and pancake breakfast on Saturday, 5K Run, Arts & Crafts vendors, cornhole and volleyball tournaments, carnival rides and games, food booths and entertainment. Check their Facebook page for the festival schedule.

520-534-0100 • 19060 N. John Wayne Parkway • Exceptional Community Hospital - Maricopa honors all in-network benefits for emergency services provided to our patients. We bill in-network copayments, deductibles, and coinsurance. We do not balance bill patients for any amounts in excess of in-network benefit patient costs, thus network status with Health Plans should not hinder access to emergency care for any insured community member. Maricopa’s ONLY HOSPITAL & 24/7 ER

At Exceptional Community Hospital (ECH-M), we accept ALL Commercial Insurance Plans and any Medicare, Medicaid (AHCCCS), TRICARE plans and IHS/ Tribal and VA plans. Note that ECH-M is State licensed but is pending Medicare Certification. Once Medicare certified, we will bill for services after the Medicare participation date, Medicare, Medicaid and TriCare services will not be billed to insurance or the patient prior to Medicare certification.
No matter your injury or ailment, Exceptional Community Hospital in Maricopa is ready and equipped to quickly treat you and your loved ones with our “Concierge Care” service standard. Our facility features minimal wait times, a caring staff, highly individualized care and state-of-the-art technology, ensuring your healthcare and service needs are met in every way.

LocalECRWSSPostalPatron PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID Denver, CO PERMIT NO. 5377 Whether you are in need of a heating and air conditioning system, repair services or preventative maintenance, our skilled technicians can handle the job. Locally Owned & Operated for Over 10 Years! Office: 520-840-2681 Emergency: 520-840-2469 Residential & Commercial | Repair Service | New Installation | Upgrade & Replacements Licensed, Bonded & Insured • Roc# 278214 • Several Payment Options Available • Call Today for Current Promotions! Keep Your Family Cool & Comfy this Summer! PROUD CHAMBER MEMBER EloyCasaServingGrande,Maricopa,&Coolidge