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Keep Up your Self-Care for the Rest of Winter
Keep Upyour Self-Care FOR THE REST OF WINTER
1.Brew your favorite warm drink and inhale the fragrance as it wafts through your kitchen. Then, sit down with your favorite mug and sip it slowly, savoring the moment.
2.Maintain close contact with family and friends.
3.Eat a balanced diet that focuses on vegetables and fruit, lean protein and whole grains.
4.Find a ray of sunlight pouring into your home and sit in its center, absorbing the warmth you feel on your skin.
5.Ask your doctor if you should take a vitamin D supplement as your sunlight exposure decreases.
6.Snuggle up with your cookbooks and find some healthy, delicious comfort food to make for yourself and your family. 7.Take photos of the winter landscape and other scenes to give you a new perspective on the season.
8.Find a time and place to exercise for the days when it’s too chilly to go for a run or drive to the gym.
9.Care for your indoor and outdoor plants throughout the season for improved mental health and the joy of watching them grow.
10.Go through your closet and find new ways to mix and match your winter coordinates, then buy a couple new pieces to complete new outfits.
11.Master a few delicious baked dinners and desserts for extra heating and a self-esteem boost. 12.Adjust your skin care routine to protect against the added dryness that winter brings.
13.Bundle up and enjoy your favorite sweaters, coats and especially those cute knit hats!
14.Keep drinking plenty of water even if you’re not as thirsty as you feel in the summer.
15.Dress in layers when exercising so you’re able to remove some as your body heats up.
16.Take a long, soothing bath whenever you can take the time for yourself.
17.Use towels fresh out of the dryer after a shower or bath.