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The PCT has multiple trailheads with parking. Many of them charge fees including at Goldwater, Watson and Willow lakes, the Peavine trailhead and Thumb Butte. The rest are free, including White Spar Campground (if you aren’t camping), Williamson Valley and Katahn trailheads, Pioneer Park and Copper Basin Road near Mount Francis. There are many tools with more in-depth information about each segment of the PCT, including a guidebook available for $10 at the Prescott Chamber of Commerce at Goodwin and Montezuma streets and The Lookout (formerly Jay's Bird Barn), 1230 Willow Creek Rd. The AllTrails app details 11 downloadable segments of the PCT and several blogs have detailed coverage. You camp along the way at the Watson Lake, White Spar or Yavapai campgrounds.
Parking fees: Free at most trailheads
Uses: Hiking, biking, equestrian Distance: 56.25 miles
Level of difficulty: Mostly moderate Elevation: 5,143 feet to 6,693 feet