1 minute read
Many factors will contribute to your success on your fitness journey.
Establish a goal and identify it loudly! Confidentiality limits our accountability, and the lack of support sets the stage for failure. Fitness is one area where you don’t have to do it alone.
First Steps
Find an online group centered around your goal. Start conversations, learn and allow people to support you and give you accountability.
Encourage yourself. Write yourself notes of affirmations, design a playlist of songs that set you on fire. Create a vision board to refer to daily, helping you stay focused on your goal.
Set your workout schedule. Routine and consistency are key factors in reaching goals. These are appointments you have made with yourself that should not be canceled outside of true emergencies or illness.
Tell your tribe. Share your goals with the ones you love. You never know who you may be inspiring.
REACHING YOUR GOAL Read! Find reliable, wellknown sources and dive in. Read up on and watch videos on timeless exercises, boot camp classes and fitness programs that have earned their place in many standard workouts. If a personal trainer interests you, do your research. There is someone for everyone. Prepare a list of qualities you would like in a trainer, any questions, and set up some interviews. Proper training and certification are musts.
If not using a personal trainer or boot camp classes, create your workouts prior to arriving at the gym. Go in knowing exactly what you will be working on and what you will accomplish.
While creating and achieving a goal is personal, the way we measure can be broken down very simply. If you have reached your goal and have been able to maintain it for a year, you have succeeded.
Does that mean if you have not reached your goal and maintained it that you have failed? Absolutely not. It simply means that you need to keep going.
Take small steps and celebrate the smaller successes along the way. You showed up on days when the world told you to stay home. You fought battles to get here, and you won. You are someone else’s inspiration.
Continue to be that bold and beautiful light on your journey while lighting the path for another.