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Luxury Home Furnishings
On the Cover

Nicole Zuelke grew up in the lower foothills of Yosemite National Park and has traveled all over the United States and even to Iceland for modeling. She’s lived in Prescott for 10 years and says she loves it because there is fantastic hiking, rock climbing and team roping in this area. Photo

If you’re turning 65, or soon to be retiring, we can help you prepare for and understand all the moving parts of Medicare.
We provide comprehensive reviews and comparisons of your Medicare options and Social Security benefits, at a free no obligation phone or in-person meeting.
Have your questions answered, and understand your health plan options.
Do you have questions regarding Medicare?

Do you need help understanding the Medicare process?
Medicare can be difficult to understand, especially if you are just beginning the process. You might be receiving large amounts of mailers and letters regarding your options, and it can be complicated to navigate through. But that’s what we do- we help you quickly understand, and make the right choices. There is never a cost for our advice, and there is no obligation to enroll. Our job is to help you understand, and earn your trust so when you do need a plan, you feel confident working with us!
When it comes to Medicare plans, one size does not fit all. Let us help you make a confident decision.
We are licensed Medicare plan specialists, locally focused in Yavapai County since 2007. We help educate our clients by answering their questions and providing clarity. We can be as in depth or as concise as you’d like to be, and we are happy to meet in person or by phone. We know ALL the plans in Arizona, and can help you select the right one this year, as well as help you year after year.
Elaine M. Earle, CPA
Laurie Fisher
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130 N. Granite St., Prescott AZ 86301 928.350.8006
Corporate Office: 1919 N. Trekell Rd., Suite C Casa Grande, AZ 85122
Elaine M. Earle, CPA
Vice President, Operations
Bea Lueck

Prescott LIVING is published by ROX Media, LLC. Editorial content is provided by affiliates of ROX Media, LLC, community members and local organizations. ©2023. All rights reserved. No part of this publication, including but not limited to editorial content, illustrations, graphics and photographic images, may be republished, reproduced or reprinted without the prior express written consent of the publisher. The publishers of Prescott LIVING assume no responsibility for errors or omissions of any advertisement beyond the actual cost of the advertisement. In no event shall the publishers be liable for any consequential damages in excess of the cost of the advertisement. Prescott LIVING shall not be liable for inaccuracies, errors, omissions, or damages from the use of information contained herein. Submitted articles do not reflect the opinions of the owners or management of Prescott LIVING Information contained within submitted articles had not been verified for accuracy and readers are responsible for forming their own opinions. Real estate information is as of 8/6/21 and is subject to current availability and pricing.