2 minute read
by Blake Herzog
Knowing that you’ll look better than your personal best on your wedding day is priceless, but it will take some careful planning to execute.
Of course, how much time any bride or groom has depends on how far ahead is the actual ceremony.
If the timeline is seven months or fewer, the bride should lay the foundation right away and take a test run for any major departures in her look ASAP so she can manage the risk that comes with any kind of experimentation.
• Nutrition, exercise and sleep
Define or refine your regimen to lay the best foundation.
• See your dermatologist and dentist
Set your overall skin and smile goals and create a treatment plan with the right products to address your concerns.
• Hair removal
Decide whether to invest in laser hair removal, which typically requires considerable lead time for permanent results.
• Hair dares
Experiment now with any drastically different shades or cuts so you can adjust anything that doesn’t meet your expectations.
• Beauty supplements
Augment your diet with nutrients to support skin and hair.
• Upper-body workouts
Get the best fit for your dress or tux and preserve your core strength and posture.
• Hairstyle and makeup trials
Consult with one or more professionals on your preferred styling for the big day. Book your pre-wedding vendors as soon as you decide who to use.
• Injectable dermal fillers
Get them now to ensure the contents will settle and any bruising will subside by showtime.
• Plug in a humidifier
It’s a lifesaver if your skin or hair falls anywhere on the “dry” spectrum.
• Get your teeth whitened by a dentist
You’ll benefit from more effective products and an expert’s touch, and you can also schedule a regular cleaning about a week before the event.
• Pick your lash strategy
Try out your falsies or get your initial extensions installed.
• Regular manicures
Work these into your schedule ahead of the wedding so your artist won’t have to work overtime in the final week to make your hands presentable.
1-3 WEEKS:
• Get your hair trimmed as you have it colored for the final stretch
This will keep it looking fresh.
• Reduce or eliminate sugar and alcohol
Take it as close to zero as you can to save your skin, figure and mood.
• Try out a professional shave Grooms should do this now or earlier in the game, to see if they want to have one a day or two before.
2-6 DAYS:
• Get your final mani-pedi Be extra careful afterward!
• Deep-condition your hair
Pair with a clay facial mask for some at-home relaxation.
• Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.
• Eat a substantial breakfast Make sure there’s plenty of protein, since you may not get to eat much during the reception.
• Get your hair and makeup done early
Wear a button-down shirt so you won’t have to mess your hair up later.
• Relax!
Know that with all the work you’ve put in, you’re looking and feeling better than ever!