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Community and Healthcare Leaders Share Their Resiliency Secrets
What Keeps You Resilient?
Many believe resiliency is a state of mind, body and spirit that helps us embrace our experiences, face our challenges, recover from loss and become stronger.
Each of us has our own understanding of what keeps us going when we hit that wall and what is our own personal resiliency factor.
Sun Health Foundation asked these community and healthcare leaders what keeps them going?
Chair, Sun Health Foundation Events Committee Member, Sun Health Foundation Board of Trustees
Learning to swim
“I couldn’t be that kid standing at the top of a 10-foot diving board looking down and over thinking it, I had to take that leap.”
As a young adult
“It’s my reaction to adversity, not adversity itself, that determines how my life’s story will develop.”
Mid life
“Working at Japan Airlines and being responsible for reclamation of a 1985 crash site, resilience was knowing that I was the only one who had the power and the responsibility to pick myself up and keep going forward despite the obstacles.”
At retirement
“Over a 38-year carrier at JAL there were times it seemed everything was working against me, and I would often think of a quote by Henry Ford: ‘Remember that aircraft take off against the wind, not with it.’
Chief Nursing Officer Banner Boswell Medical
“Resilience is being selfaware with the ability to bounce back, adapt, adjust to and recover from difficult or challenging experiences. I keep resilient with self-care, which includes a daily routine of meditation, reading, exercise, healthy food; along with connection to people who bring me joy — my spouse, children, grandchildren, close friends and church.”

Vice President Wealth Management, FineMark National Bank & Trust Member, Sun Health Foundation Board of Trustees
“Resilience to me is to focus on what can be controlled, learn what I can from the challenges, and to be accountable to myself and to those who may need support.”

Chair, Sun Health Foundation’s Generosity for Generosity Campaign; Member, Sun Health Foundation Board of Trustees
“Helping raise philanthropic dollars for charitable organizations in our community has been a source of great pleasure in my life. When I see donors gifting to a charity in a major way, it makes me feel so happy because I know they will experience the many benefits of being involved in a meaningful way.

“On the other hand, if a prospective donor has told me that they do not want to be involved, it does make me feel sad, sometimes very sad, that they do not see the value to themselves and to the charity.
“I feel that I have let them down by not explaining properly or skillfully enough the reasons for hopping on board.
“I do try to learn from each discussion, and I never give up because I believe so strongly in the mission of the organization I am involved with.”
Immediate Past Chair, Sun Health Foundation Board of Trustees
“Nothing rejuvenates my soul like live music. There’s a collective effervescence that naturally emerges when we have shared experiences with others. And music is well-known to deeply nourish our soul. The confluence of these two powerful forces restores me with all that’s beautiful in life. So, let’s go to a show!”

Former Chief Nursing Officer Banner Del E. Webb Medical Center
Chief Nursing Officer Banner Thunderbird Medical Center

“What’s kept me resilient over the last few unprecedented years? “I choose happiness each day, and I have a belief that I will succeed in serving others through positive thinking, planning, hard work and determination. “My team of nursing leaders and the care team are aligned around a common vision ‘to make healthcare easier so life can be better.’ My team knows they are trusted healthcare advisors. Believing in my team, rallying around with them, alongside them, recognizing them.
“I believe in the power of hope and routinely instill hope generously in those around me. I live my life with trust and courage, while taking time to reflect, rest and recharge. I believe that compassion and kindness are a necessity and a choice. I trust that regardless of what occurs in life or within our sphere of influence, it will be OK because we are resilient. And together, we make a difference.”

Chair, Sun Health Foundation Board of Trustees
“Resilience for me is maintaining my purpose and integrity, remembering that patience is a virtue, telling myself it will happen if I keep pushing forward.”
Chief Executive Officer Banner Boswell and Banner Del E. Webb medical centers
“Resiliency does encompass body, mind and spirit; I believe it is a blend of perseverance and tenacity, having the ability to overcome despite difficulties and challenges, possessing determination that can influence and impact in a positive way. Strengthening my resiliency comes by way of staying connected to my True North, staying mindful about my core values and purpose to enrich the lives of others—through family, friends, work, and community connections.
What keeps you resilient?
We invite you to share with us. Please email or call Gina W. Ore, Chief Philanthropy Officer at gina.ore@sunhealth.org or (623) 471-9560.