It is a non-governmental and nonprofit international organisation with the aim of furthering aeronautical and aeronautical activities worldwide, ratifying world and
In May 2006, in conjunction with its 60th anniversary, USPA moved into its new headquarters in Fredericksburg, Virginia, where it continues to reside.
Skydive Arizona adheres to the USPA Basic Safety Regulations. SIM Section 2. Minimum opening altitude is 2,500 feet/750 meters. Helmets and AADs are not required but highly recommended.
USPA’s mission is three-fold:
• To promote competition and record-setting programs
Within the framework of FAI, each air sport has an International Commission which is responsible for making the rules for competitions and which generally oversees the activities of their particular air sport.

The FAI is now an organisation of more than 100 member countries, forming a strong network linking all those who participate in air sports worldwide.
The Federation Aeronautique Internationale, the World Air Sports Federation, was founded in 1905.
USPA began in 1946 in Mineola, New York, as the National Parachute Jumpers-Riggers, Incorporated, representing an estimated 100 members. It was renamed the Parachute Club of America in 1957 and renamed itself again to the United States Parachute Association in 1967. In July 2016, USPA celebrated its 70th anniversary.

The United States Parachute Association (USPA) is a voluntary non-profit membership organization of individuals who enjoy and support the sport of skydiving. The association is incorporated in New York and follows the by-laws contained in the USPA Governance Manual.
• To promote safe skydiving through training, licensing and instructor qualification programs
FAI World Skydiving Championships
For official competition rules please visit
• To ensure skydiving’s rightful place on airports and in the airspace system

continental records and coordinating the organisation of international competitions. It is recognised by the International Olympic Committee (IOC).
2022 ChampionshipsSkydivingEloy,USA
Landing turns over 90 degrees will not be allowed during any event outside of Canopy Piloting.
The competition will be conducted under the authority granted by the FAI, according to the regulations of the ISC. All participants accept these rules and the regulations as binding by registering for the competition.
FAI World
SCHEDULE OF EVENTS FORMATION SKYDIVING: October 19 - 26 .................................................................... Pg 4 ARTISTIC EVENTS: Freefly October 19 - 26 .................................................................... Pg 6 SPEED SKYDIVING: October 19 - 26 Pg 7 CANOPY FORMATION: October 10 - 16 ...................................................................... Pg 8 WINGSUIT FLYING: Acrobatic October 10 - 16 .....................................................................Pg 11 CANOPY PILOTING: October 10 - 16 .................................................................... Pg 12 ARTISTIC EVENTS: Freestyle October 19 - 26 Pg 14 WINGSUIT FLYING: Performance October 10 - 16 .................................................................... Pg 15 4900 N Taylor St., Eloy, AZ 520.466.375385131 Produced & Published in conjunction with ROX Media, LLC 844.729.9769 | Elaine Earle, Publisher 520.426.2074 | Cover photo DavidPhotoCherryDavid Cherry

Photo David Cherry
Draw: The sequence of formations each team has to complete. Each round has a different sequence. All teams are doing the same draw for each round.
Competition Dates October 21st-26th
Objective: to complete as many scoring formations as possible within the working time, while correctly following the sequence for the round.

Working Time: Time starts when any member of the team leaves the aircraft. This is the amount of time they have to score points.
4 - Way Vertical: Exit altitude is 3,960m. Each team has a working time of 35 secs. Competition consists of 10 rounds. Each round will have 5 to 6 formations drawn from the dive pool. Formations are in vertical orientation either headdown, upright, or a mixture of both.
4 -Way Standard & 4 -Way Female: Exit altitude is 3,200m. Each team has a working time of 35 secs. Competition consists of 10 rounds. Each round will have 5 to 6 formations drawn from the dive pool. Formations are in a belly-towardsearth orientation. In the female event, all team members are female with the exception of the videographer.
8 -Way Standard: Exit altitude is 3,960m. Each team has a working time of 50 secs. Competition consists of 10 rounds. Each round will have 5 to 6 formations drawn from the dive pool. Formations are in a belly-towards-earth orientation.
Teams: Each team has a designated videographer who captures video evidence of each competition jump.
Scoring: Judges review the video from each jump immediately after the team lands. They use electronic scoring systems to score the video while watching in real time.
Grip: consists of a handhold on an arm leg or foot of another jumper. As a minimum, a grip requires stationary contact.

Working Time: 42 seconds
A Freeflying team is composed of two (2) performers and a videographer. Objective: to perform and record a sequence of moves in free-fall with the highest possible merit.

world program 2022.indd 1 8/18/22 2:31 PM
Working time: Working time starts the instant any team member separates from the aircraft and terminates 42 seconds later.
Compulsory Routine: consists of 4 mandatory moves that the team performs in whatever order they choose.
Freefly Event

Photo Niklas Daniel
Exit Altitude: 3,960 m (13,000 ft)
Free Routine: moves and sequences are chosen by the team.
Competition Dates October 21st-26th
Teams complete 5 compulsory rounds and 3 Free Routine rounds
they each have 8 jumps to attempt their fastest speed. This is measured by a Speed Measuring Device worn on their helmet. This device has GPS positioning and the judges can use the data to view the speed reached on each jump. The fastest 3 seconds for each jump is what is used to determine their score.

2021 Maxine Tate: 459.09 km/hr (Female)


n a stable, head down position, the human body has an average terminal speed of around 240-290 km/h (around 150-180 mph). Further minimizing body drag and streamlining the body position allows the skydiver to reach higher speeds in the vicinity of 480 km/h (300 Duringmph).competition,
2021 Kyle Lobpries: 512.97 km/hr (General)
Photo David Cherry
Competition Dates October 21st-26th
Current World Record:
4- Way Sequential: Exit altitude is 3,050 m (10,000 ft). A team of 4 skydivers and one videographer have 120 seconds working time. Each jump follows a draw of formations and point is scored for each formation correctly completed. For each competition jump there are either 4 or 5 different formations in the sequence, which are repeated during the jump to score as many points as possible.
Competition Dates October 12th-16th
2- Way Sequential: Exit altitude 2,450 m (8,000 ft). A team of 2 skydivers and one videographer, have 1 minute of working time to complete a pre-determined series of formations. A point is scored for each formation correctly completed in accordance with a draw made at the start of the event. For each competition jump there are 5 different formations and the goal is to complete the series as many times as possible during the working time.
Formation: two or more jumpers and parachutes linked by grips.
Working time: begins either 30 seconds after the first team member leaves the plane OR at the separation of their first formation, whichever happens first.
4-Way Rotations: Exit Altitude is 2,800 m (9,000 ft). Working time is 90 secs. A team of 4 skydivers and one videographer, build a 4-stack formation. Once the initial formation (worth 1 point) is built, the top jumper rotates to the bottom of the stack to score another point. As soon as the rotating jumper is linked onto the bottom of the stack, the next skydiver on top may commence a rotation to the bottom, thus scoring an additional point.

Teams exit the aircraft and open their parachutes once they are clear of the plane without having extended free-fall. A videographer records the formations made and the video is given to the judging panel.
Photo David Cherry
Grip: a hand hold or a foot hook on the “A” lines or front riser of the parachute system.


Four of the seven competition jumps are made up of these required maneuvers. These are the compulsory rounds.
All competitors wear a pressurized suit specially designed to increase their glide during free-fall. This increases their time in the air as well as the distance they cover during a skydive. There are two ways to compete in Wingsuit Flying: the Performance event (see page 15) and the Acrobatic event.

Three of the seven competition jumps are pre-planned routines that are scored on style, plan and camera work. Judges also give points based on technical work and presentation.
Competition Dates October 12th-16th
Between 3810m (max) and 3558m (min).
@puroskydivephoto: NPCapitalKensho is built reliabilityissafetytrustonbuiltontrust
A team consists of two performers and one videographer. The performers have a set of maneuvers they must do together on each jump. Once they leave the plane, they have 7,500 vertical feet to complete the required maneuvers.

Exit Altitude:
Photo Alex Swindle
Competition Dates October 12th-16th
Accuracy: goal is to drag a foot through as many water gates as possible and then land in the accuracy zone. 10 points are deducted if a stand-up landing is not achieved.
Distance: goal is to begin by dragging a foot in the water before Gate 1 and then continue to fly straight down the course as far as possible. The distance is measured from the entry gate to the first point of contact with the ground. The world’s best athletes have shown flights up to 222 m.
Speed: goal is to navigate the parachute through the boundaries of the course in the fastest time possible. Lasers are used at each “gate” of the course to measure the timing and position of each competitor.
In the Freestyle event, the competitor navigates his parachute through the course performing pre-determined or free moves. The competitor’s objective is to navigate a parachute through a course contacting the surface of the water in the manner dictated by the chosen Freestyle move(s) and end with a stand up landing.

Photo Joseph Thomas
Competition consists of three rounds in each of the following:
The current ratified record is 1.943 seconds, set by Mario Fattoruso in 2019.
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Mondays: (5pm-9pm)
Saturdays: (5pm-9pm)
Teams complete 5 compulsory rounds and 3 Free Routine rounds
Free Routine: moves and sequences are chosen by the team.
Exit Altitude: 3,960 m (13,000 ft)
Competition Dates October 21st-26th
Compulsory Routine: consists of 4 mandatory moves that the team performs in whatever order they choose.
A Freestyle Skydiving team is composed of a performer and a videographer. Objective: to perform and record a sequence of moves in free-fall with the highest possible merit.

Freestyle Event
Working Time: 45 seconds
Photo Trunk / HYPOXIC
ach competitor has three jumps in each task for a total of 9 jumps.
Dwayne Johnson
Time: goal is to stay in the competition window for the longest amount of time.
Current World Record: 2021 Chris 326.8km/hrGeiler,(202.6 mph).
Competition Window: 1,000m measured vertically. Competitors enter the competition window at 2500m and exit the window at 1500m (4921ft).

Speed: Fly as fast as pos sible while in the competi tion window.
Competition Dates October 12th-16th
There are two ways to compete in Wingsuit Flying: the Performance event and the Acrobatic event (see page 11).

Photo Joseph Thomas
Current World Record: 2021 Alexey Galda, 101.9 secs (1.7 min).

Distance: fly as far as possible in a horizontal line across the ground.
WINGSUIT FLYING Performance Event