V Frame Bookshelf

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V frame bookshelf

The Design Confidential


V frame bookshelf

Tape Measure



1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Saw—miter, circular or jig clamps Kreg jig




1w3 at 1:’ 1w3 at 8’ 1w2 at 8’ 1w2 at 6’ 1w1: at 6’ 1w12 at 4’ 3;4” ply at 2’w4’

1 1;4” pocket hole screws 2” xood screxs 2” finish nails Wood Glue Sandpaper Mineral oil

V-frame shelf

2 - 1x3 at 31 1/2" (back leg side panel) 2 - 1x3 at 20" (front leg side panel) 2 - 1w3 at 14” (front angle side panel) 2 - 1w3 at 6” (top side panel) 2 - 1w3 at 32” (top Shelf Support) 2 - 1w2 at 17” (w side panel) 4 - 1w2 at 8” (w side panel) 2 - 1w2 at 1: 3;4” (bottom side panel) 2 - 1w2 at 32” (Shelf Trim) 2 - 1w1: at 32” (V shelves) 1 - 1w12 at 35 1;2” (Top Shelf) 1 - 3;4” ply at 32” w 14 1;4” (bottom shelf)

Use your pocket hole system to form the side panels, and wood screws to attach the shelves. Always countersink for the most professional appearance and use wood filler along any seams and adjacent boards to disguise joinery and trim board connections. Adhere to all safety standards...and enjoy, please pot pictures in the community gallery of you finished xork! Cant’ wait to see. For finishing tutorials, visit my finishing school!

The Design Confidential


Step 1:

Create your side panels using pocket holes for 3;4� stock and your 1 1;4� pocket hole screws. You will construct 2 of these side panels that will mirror one another. Cut your angled pieces at tad longer than indicated above to leave room for error or adjustment when creating the angles. When possible, join boards by placing pocket holes on rails (horizontal pieces) even if those rails are at an angle.


Step 2:

Attach shelf supports using 2� xood screxs. The back support xill sit flush with the back of the side panel and the front support will sit at the inside (bottom) portion of the angle of the top piece from the side panel.


Step 3:

Join the middle shelves at a 9: degree angle, (a right angle) using 2” xood screxs and then attach at the top of the w shaped pieces using 2” xood screxs from the outside of the side panels. The front of the v will sit on the back of the v to form the right angle. Fasten the top shelf to the supports and panels, use 2” screxs.


Step 4:

Cut your bottom shelf to size and attach to the bottom piece of the side panels and the front and back legs, use 2� screxs. Leave just enough space for your 1x2 trim that sits along the front and back edge of the shelf. Attach the trim using 2� finish nails. If you have3 difficulty using finish nails, you are welcome to screw them on, just be sure to countersink and fill to disguise. Fill any screw holes, sand and finish as desired!


Disclaimer: Disclaimer: Some rights reserved. The information provided herein is intended for PERSONAL AND PRIVATE use only. Plans from this publication are not to be used for commercial purposes, REPREINTED, or republished without the express written consent of the publisher, Rayan Turner. All plans, materials lists, processes and graphics are considered to be the sole property of rayan turner, and is FOR THE GENERAL PURPOSE OF DOCUMENTING AND SHARING her PERSONAL EXPERIENCES, CREATIVE ENDEAVORS, AND INSPIRATION WITH THOSE INDIVIDUALS WHO SHARE this COMMON INTEREST AND ARE OF A LIKE-MIND, Any information is OFFERED SOLEY FOR THE ENJOYMENT AND ENTERTAINMENT OF SAID INDIIVIDUALS, Please be advised that any persons electing to build a plan shared by the publisher, do so at their own risk, and are thereby assuming full and complete responsibility for their safety and the integrity or stability of the piece. Prior to building, all individuals should understand basic carpentry concepts, procedures, and techniques to the extent they have the knowledge and foresight to recognize a possible inaccuracy, that may compromise the integrity or stability of a project, Accordingly they should have the ability to troubleshoot and modify plans as needed, and according to best building practices, to ensure the finished product is safe, stable, and well made. THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN should NOT TO BE construed as indicating a claim of expertise, or advisement, and that any information is subject to change or be modified at any point, for any reason. Changes made to a publication may include, but not be limited to, a change in readily available materials, new technologies, or any other factor that may alter the method of construction, the publisher wishes to feature. The publisher’s intent is to provide consistently accurate plans, depicting one possible building process, for a particular project, and for which there may be many alternative methods of construction. The publisher strives to provide well detailed descriptions, that are properly outlined, with accompanying graphics, and helpful personal insights throughout. however, there can be no guarantee of accuracy for any plan as Not every plan published, has been built and tested, Please contact the publisher immediately, if you should come across an error or inaccuracy so that It can remedied. you are building at your own risk, and the commencement of a project shall constitute and imply your express acceptance and agreement to indemnify and hold harmless, rayan turner and the design confidential, in the unfortunate event that you experience any form of loss, injury, or inconvenience, relating to any of the publisher’s content.

V frame bookshelf

The Design Confidential


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