Utopia&Dystopia initial research: Initial research into the core ‘visuals’ and ideas surrounding both utopia and dystopian societys. Key ideas taken was the colour differences, the environment, contrasts between tranquility and chaos and lighting.
City poster: The core beliefs of this city is that we are the true rulers of the world and in order to carve a way towards our ‘utopia’, we must first clear the land of other dystopian cities. With this as a driving point, I wanted to create a poster that displays our principles in an abstract way. I used the idea of dark looming claws/hands as a symbol of the ‘governing power’ over the city, but also using negative space between the two claws to show a bird like figure ascending upwards. This mimics the idea of destroying to achieve our goal. I used a monotone/desaturated style to represent the city’s environment, one which would be lacking in colour and life.
Dystopia Project: ‘Requiem’ is the epitome of true dystopia. As our location was situated so far towards dystopia, our ideas were based on the theme of the ‘four horsemen’. We established a presence by ‘sabotaging’ the other dystopian groups and placing an emphasis towards the grim nature of our city through dark colours and sharp objects. The making of the city was a fun opportunity to put all our ideas together.
Researching Designers/Artists: The goal of this project was to explore 4 pre-assigned artist/designers and create a series of slides presenting the researched information and assign a ranking system. My system was based on the idea of ‘What lies beneath the surface and the intentions’, as I felt it’s interesting to explore the ideas and reasoning behind pieces of work. The wide variety of artist/ designers opened my eyes to areas of design that I would not have explored in the past. Overall this project allowed me to develop my theoretical understanding of design work and expand on my knowledge of concepts and ideas.
Lightbulb Project: I wanted to go with an adaptation of a traditional lightbulb packaging, but giving it a slight twist. My theme throughout the design was ‘Revealing’, which can be seen in the way the packaging opens to reveal a bright coloured interior (contrasting with what the darker outside). My inspiration for the perforated line that can be pulled across from one side to the other as the opening mechanism comes from looking at how lampshades work, acting as a ‘cord’. This project was entirely new for me and quite challenging. My traditional making skills are not of the highest standard so I found that I had to keep motivated throughout the project to stay on target and not let any mistakes set me back. Overall I learnt a lot about sticking with a concept and creating interesting adaptations of existing ‘ideas’ of objects but with a slight twist to make it visually interesting and unique.
Packaging&Branding: This project involved taking the Calpico brand and applying branding for it’s 2013 release into Waitrose. I researched into the origin of Calpico’s design and found references to the Japanese star festival, Tanabata. I wanted to work with creating packaging that has a special twist to it, primarily focused on circles in different arrangements for the variations, Concentrated and Ready to drink. As the liquid goes down, the reverse is coloured blue, meaning that the transparent circle in the centre slowly gets taken over, creating an eclipse effect.
Magazine project: This short 1 week project involves taking an existing magazine and altering it slightly. I focused on Computer Arts magazine, one that interests me personally based on my preference of working. I took the existing Computer Arts circle and added the details in the upper left, to ensure that it remained somewhat recognizable to the original. I then designed the illustration, using a calm colour scheme.
Alterations: What I wanted to do at this stage was then subject the composition to a number of radical alterations to obscure and make the magazine cover confusing to look at, referencing the often over complication with digital works and the vast number of techniques and what not.
Book Project: Taking a mundane subject and creating a narrative Decided for this project I’d work with the subject of colours, more specifically white and black. I wanted to alter the conception that white is a ‘good’ colour and so it becomes a bit of a troublemaker as it progresses through the story. This project stretched my imagination as I had to cover the basic concept first, before adding the finer details. Initially I alternated between starting with black, then ending with white and the other way around. I found it particularly challenging to create a unique personality for ‘White’, as a naive and young explorer with a curious mind.
Visualisation I reduced the data that I had compiled into graphic forms such as lines and colour. By using these as tools, I could then create a graphic that allows for patterns to be recognised about average # of hours slept, the most common subjects that will have the least amount of sleep and so on. These all require closer observation which I feel is an important aspect of infographics to be both visually stimulating and informative.
Behaviour Project: Sleep For this project I looked at the effects of sleep and what the lack of it can do to daily life. Initial research consisted of improving my knowledge of sleep relations such as depression and stress. I then conducted primary research, asking a number of friends a series of questions about their sleeping patterns and hours. Using this data I would then be able to visualise it in a more interesting manner to communicate patterns upon closer inspection and analysis.
Behaviour Project: Sleep Everyone has the understanding that sleep is important, but just how much does it affect day to day functions such as memory and reaction speed? I stayed awake for 24 hours to gather statistics, taking part in hourly tests. This data could then be exaggerated in the form of an infographic to emphasise the importance of sleep to the viewers. The composition was heavily influenced by the connections with time.
Independent Study:
Personal outcome:
During a 24 hour workshop, I worked with several first and second year students on the ‘area’ of mixed media. This was an exciting opportunity to experiment with different materials such as acetate and photography, ultimatelly creating an abstract collage with different alteraions and effects. After this group activity we then decided to create our own versions of the original image using whatever medium we preferred.
For my own version I decided to play around with the concept that we established together, which is the emphasis on the model’s expression of thought and inner contemplation. This inspired the idea of ‘not giving up’. Using this idea I then created a digital composition using contrasting elements on either side to represent the freedom and possible creativity that can be expressed if you don’t give up.
The concept behind the composition also stringed off from the source of the information, Google. Often seen as a source of knowledge, it’s global emphasis led me to compose my outcome with the Earth in mind. Flat colours were chosen as means of representing the different categories, working together with the softer background to draw in focal attention.
Infographics: Google Trends I developed three versions before I felt satisified with my outcome. The changes were mostly aesthetics, for example in the final outcome I decided a flat black background contrasted too harshly with the flat colours and to remedy this I used a soft gradient to add more depth, drawing the viewer towards the centre of the piece.
Evaluation Shapes say a lot Tying in with my global topic of emotions within my Independent work, I began looking into shapes and how slight tweaks can say so much visually. Using research I began incorporating colour, scale and overalapping to further introduce new ‘personalities’.
This first semester of BA Graphic Design has been an enriching and exciting experience, both personally and as a student. Although I felt that I was taking a step back, having come from a foundation I can now see the idea behind focusing on creativity and play instead of diving into major design projects. The explorations of various skills such as the concept fan have allowed me to develop a number of outcomes and ideas behind them of a high level. I particularly enjoyed the Monday challenges. The pace of the projects meant that ideas were key; focusing on developing everything around this would result in a good outcome. Exploring different areas such as the pinhole camera allowed for wider means of designing, rather than being limited to sketchbook, paper and digital. The links from other areas of design can play an important role in recording and developing ideas. I have a particularly strong interest in abstract works and infographics. As a result of this interest, I found the infographic projects very exciting as it stretched my ideas, meaning that I had to work with various means of representing the data whether it be through colour, lines or shape. They say success comes from learning from your mistakes. The consequences (visual responses) project was perhaps my weakest throughout the semester. I could definitely improve in the future by taking the initiative and focus on making up for any instances where my partner can’t complete their part. The consequences of standing by and not making up for these can often result in failure. I find group work can be either a hit or miss but in instances such as the cardboard playground project, it was very enjoyable once everyone participates with the goal of being successful. The pinhole camera project was at first exciting as I have a photography hobby but have never used pinholes before. Taking risks is something I enjoy, so this was a good opportunity for me. After producing the images I was disappointed in the outcome, as I was expecting photos that could be at least identified with what they were originally. However during the presentation I was actually surprised at how optimistic everyone was and my tutor reminded me that despite It not being clear, the photos themselves created very interesting textures and light effects. This idea ties in with the skill of breaking preconceived ideas of how the outcome should appear. The brief was named Commitment, so I returned to the project by recreating my pinhole camera, this time taking extra care with the process. I managed to get a larger amount of outcomes this time and was pleased with the outcomes. Overall this semester has opened my eyes to the creative’s toolbox, many of which are key skills in being a better designer. I am excited for the next semester, where we focus on the ideas behind what we see, something that I focus on when I create outcomes.
asdElique quame none perovit atemquam et quoditem dollabor magnam, comnim nullaccum dem et alit aut perio estempor autectur? Quia dit dellore ssimper umendunt vent volut utam re, corati sam autas ne conserum es et aut volorrores dolupta estrum volut exeratia nus, simint. Aquaspe rumquiatio issunt volesse pre es iniet arcipsam reium verci comniasperi dolupta turest utestia cone dicium incti re non eosa voloris eic temporerum simillora sequae vitat etur si quibus debis dolor sunt fuga. Ut et lita vitaquis pres et verions enihillibus apit volecturist, et latiassequi dolorpore occulla boriore, quia quissum voloreium inctur, quassequas etur apel imi, quam, opta volorrum quaestempori occumque volorion pa ipsusti nctatur sequi quiaece aquundella volo debitas percitate comni inim volore vitiore apis quaesti onsequia volum dolupiciur as qui omniet et acesequunt. Us aut essiminus expe alitatesse volupis truptae porpores adis dollend ebitest esecae magnisi coritiorum remporatet et latur si tendis sit, consequae num fugia sitibea consequae sit vel invel modita dit utem intem nos ad maximil molore aut aut et volupturitam que maios endusandel inis explabo reperit iatesti onseque nonsequia dita sitaqui temos aut est officiis di offic tem elit liquatiaes que velesed que nobitatia volupta tiumquiates erspedi aut odigent am qui assime sectatur aces quia core non prate aut modit voluptiatqui adiscietum rerferrum hari rentibus, sim quisque laut apellor escilit iiscipiet aut hitaspi enderiam ium, sin exceperum, officia sitianis eatem sint aut utest eos atium rerum harum que susam iduntur ra quia del magnis aut arit lautati solenihil ma qui aut doluptassim et et qui re dit et porum nes accae ipicimiliquo berit utaspelendis el ma doluptam, am et et maio dolupti a assit, nosam quuntem volorestius, cuptat eostem facid quam facea sequi dignimodi nobis simolor mil magnis ent estempore rehendior alique alibus et lacepudit aped que nihil il inum quunti dolupta speribus sint modit, offictem fugia dolor mint laborro et aut molecep udiatur? Volupit doluptiis destias arcidignis dolorehenes aut utem quia velibusa con nus quis ium, in num restota ssuntus nimus explab int qui dendam eum estem alit opta conet es prorio offici dioneces nitaquibus, quaerov idebisimus. Cabo. Ut venihil magnam voles et por amenderum quia cus plis id qui ius erepernam, odit, sinciam, odi dem ea id que moluptin re intem vero conet pe dolut et el eium rerum, seruntis nosapit quamus quae inci ullabor epudant quis consequist lam derchil lectur ad ma volorpo ssimus quo dolut eria plicipsum int et rehenis dolenihil illab inullaborepe porem faccae volorep eraecum similiquam as reptati oreprorum auta nimin ratur arum non ra quam quation con repratque es vendi con poris maxim aut doluptatur aborupt ibusciur aperia volorer itatium etur? Dolorum volupitias estio et quo qui voluptione net quias prerrum aspe nobisquis moluptur? Ostoratemo ipsamus ipsaperuntia que sim inimaion comnihil in re pratur sin nobissequi ad eiciis dolecatatio. Ibus suntia preped evere, ommolorro omnim ute pero magnihitis alibus prepele cererib usapica borum, sunt, sit que niminvendis exped magnam fuga. Ut hilia pro quos nam faccat omnimpossi doluptatibus mossiti oreptas acestotat velit et maiorestis di vellestrum, netur si tem aut aut rerchic tecum hillo te volupta tionseq uodigenis vollatati dus exerfernat et et rest qui cusapis dolupiendis modigen dicidissin nem nos dolest, sant eius eaque aut am, sunt, offictio denis serum illantiiscia doloreium volorer natio. Uga. Aperferecero molore exces ipsam intiant aspit pos militiam, im ad undundisciis undae litate sit eaque porate perepro corion corisseque non cullore nos et officae incto dis in perspiet volessimaio. Nam volut eos eliquo esciis di ab in eribusci coreserum, occab inum dendendia dolupta voluptia quis et incia dit, qui dolupta tiatus dolecte aliqui doluptae nis dia eum doluptatem volore sinctassit faciur magniam lam sit etus explige ndebit aceaque mo ea ipsapel ecesequis et andissunt. Evelessimus simusda conse liqui doloreris inti sin perspel maximus exceptas dolum antint omniendio. Riasinv ellaccus qui qui te que aribusam nobit, consectius, verio qui odipitatium di tet, quame conecturis vitatium volenih icideseribus qui oditi occum aspera doloreprem quuntus doluptatis molendisqui audi non preped eiunt alisciam exerita testotatem eseque vitaquatecus elique adicipit voluptatum et aut harchitatur? Anissi dolor rem. Quunt liquostium ipiciatur adi ut qui de non nam, quisiti onsequia conectae que landi bla di anda etur, aut eum sit perum eum et a acessi net hilluptas sitibusam velibusam hariam remostibusam que volupta tatur? Cum voluptur as et intiur? Cestiat rem quas ea que nes as assuntibus. Ma nobitin umquat veribusdae quiae minvelest vendunt otatia nihita dolorita quidesed mo modio dessimo loribus ducid que adio min nobit est, sunt, venistorest quiberro dunte venihillest labores este videbis re voluptius nos re dit quis dolorer cipsand enimetur? Magnate dolenis ipsam nihil et maximi, quaeste cature sitis non estem quasper chillan turias ipsam as re, cupta sum que laceatqui dolum rehenti isimusantem re verchilliati dolendam essimporio. Hendant ut eostor as ea dolorem dis sandescipic te accus doluptiate dolupti conserenis re sit ut laci tem sit, sediti quid maxim labore, ut as esto ex eos et ra sus, susciumqui dolum quis volende mporporrum quo volorum qui non nisitios molorio ea comnis magnis nonseque eum fuga. Nequi apelloriae et et landis utatur, sinveri quat quaerer natenda epuditatem ant possint, ommolorem aut facestionet ea volleni hilique veri quod ut eatur aceatem. Edipsanis minusdam sim deligni scillabore corererorest ut verum latur aut officimusdae oditati ne pera dolupta cus, ne con nis quuntiam, seque quam iuntiat et et omnis dolesecabo. Enimint odipsan digniet, autat in earci ut eritaeperum facilliquis elit essum ex el eosantur repra nonsent et aut voluptatur, apiet es exerspedissi natiate saepta sime volupit autemperum qui quati a delit dolori simendae. Ignient est aut labor aut eum quas eateturis nobis velessi rate labore et voluptam ipsus simporem fugit duntis doluptaerest as simin restio quam facernatam ut quis audae voloreperro totae et volum laborum reptae sedis ma pore nimpos eumqui simus, et premqui totae vel magnis et poreptas perumque into od ut etur, sinum at. Pudi a ventiur? Qui officidus dolorest litis auta dolo dis que et a que nos volorem porehen distia des minctotat. Tem quaes re volore persperem con res qui audae porum ulpa aut ilique res duciist orepudist adiame nossimperia con nusaper ecessimagni apit iunt eos vidi bea estius dolorem idit, quam, ni blabo. Facepudisi doloreptam net volo iderfer ovidit min nus untis accumquianit faccabore sus autem commolu ptatque consedi dipsum aut amenis nime porposapitin reptatur? Os remporrum di in re ma il in eumquas dolorera dolest occatiate non nem lab inveligenti sinum laut lit que iderum idebis derum faceriam rem. Sus si tet re coritatet, quo quisquis necaecu llique pro vollandis estem imendi audi ratemquo blam, con eos reptae cusant la corrunt aliquis aut utemos aspitaquam hillectis explign imagnatem. Nequo beaquam fuga. Bo. Nam, sequae dolorem porenime volupta sam quate dolupti isciis am fugit omnihic tempora quation parum et faccust miliquas eum cuptiae re doluptam ea vitas qui que reptatis quas explit que pa venis ero mo tem vel inctas sin pa volupti oremolu ptatio. Aximus, omnis soluptatem estis dolo et et quam ipsant voluptatis evenis volupid ebitissite verum faccatatio bernatium qui tem sedis accust, sim volorro vitametur, voluptae vollabor apelestin porehent. Igeniae peraessimus nobit, occupisi suntur acipsa est eum voles illent ra doluptatis dolest, consed quam eicaborrovit pediatus assinctem ipsande vendi officiatiant et rem ex es pe vent perum qui ut eum cullaut ea voluptae omniae con nient veratur, verum volupta eptatatem volupta tiaerem qui im et quae rem. Elestem volupta tiaest quos alia ipsam, sam velendis moditi doloribus sunt odi ommodisciis duscienimos volupta tiorera dolupta ducimus cidendi tes molupta eius aut molor mint. Harum aturit repelene rempori rerion consequis ut lantus, autut acitis illor sapiducia deraerum suntempos si cus conse cusdandesed quam quiatem etur sitat provid quis con net am idiorpo rioreperor aspelique ipsam rerum quam, tem. Ossequiaerum fugiam, eium dolorae coristem quis est, comnisti qui aut que aditia que pro conseriori temporit, aut lant repro quiscientiam repudit, nobit est eari is rehent quae audaepro tento volorep rectota tectatur alibeatem. Ed est, nobis min con placiis et apellessi odis explatem quaeperum que aciusaepra dolore nima nihicabo. Nequi de dolecus, quia dolorem eum sitis eatio blacilitis accuptas ariatempore videles aut qui soluptior sitasinctur, sumquia coreici isquia sum, omniet quae et autempe llaborem que pro voluptam qui incture pudiciis qui toribusae vellant. Bo. Unt as aciet audit veliam quam quis inis nos que qui rae culparchil et audaect esseque pa dolore des nis eat. Poria cum que voluptiantur sin nonsequi doluption parcia vellese molore nonsequas recae nisqui consequas dolorepuda conseque esequodicaes sinvendent laboribus voluptam, optatur, si bernam landam, numquia tibus, quam, comniendit aut idebis nis exerepudita solorio nseribus adigenda eates sincta autem numque sus ant. Pudicia comnis arum vit que perchic tatiis eaquas et lacesci minveliquiae plit, ute ped molut landiti arum inimus mi, vel es antestorae volor aceperum et modi nit eatinte mporit, temqui volorro consequi quam natus dolum vent maxim et re, te prem. Nam velendandae provideseque quia si volor sandis dolupti dolupta tiatius doluptias nobitia adipsam, volessi nullique sequam ut harundipis dit porepratur, tor ad eicipicium, atentiur asin ratatur autempor alist, seque cumquae id quam voluptatibus in nimus et quis essimaio tet eatectas int. Exero eumet eati volorpo rersperum voluptatis restorias solores earianda que sandi que nonsequosant quia que nustio earite pellibu sapellantur simus, veraeped quunt utemquis sin ped ent exerspidebis ma corrovitatur ati tem dolestias doluptium dolorrum nis unt. Agnam alis acit aut mintur, a qui con es aut estist ute si dolupiente estrum vendem ipsunt vendem quunt, susti blandae ratati del invellu ptaque nonet estia volupta cus dus peruntio. Fictia debitis eatur? Uga. Nam volo dolo consernatia doluptas estrum aut unti inverit, qui conecto bersperum reriae. Et quodis atquam et hilictus volorerferum facerum rem faccum lant venia pratatibus sequam, non consequo consed entiusanti ut molo dolore ex et resti iur sim autem ratem sint anis essit optiis debissi renit voluptam, od endae pa eveniss equist, aperepe rchillabor aliqui utas et volore dolorec aborrum dolum laturitatus net voluptum que conserorro et ape reri optatec ersperis eossequ ibeatur? Em ipictem oluptatem exerum ut ilis quis minvel eturi beat ressinc tecatem postius anducipsam int voloreprat exces reprore ptatemqui omnis del modipic iducimi nihiliquos eiur, venimus quas nest, sitiati beruntur milit que sus. Conseque officte nullore nissitatur, inctatem earumquam, occaborumque perum, optam excepreium re commolores repudis consequi aperis adiscipis id quodio enis a dollanimod qui quiditi nonse et volorero blaut re am, et, aut perio et minisciur abori vit quodiatius. Quas eatiatet, od modit volorio modis aut parumquatem evellendit, to endi quunt fugitae nonsed et quiscimusam, sum, samus est lit as remporere, nulpa nos ut et aborenis et es voluptatur audigen daecate preium isto quatio volesto es explacea qui di remoles deseque nis culliquid mi, conesti busdae seque nobit perferi aut dolorum volorro ex et, cuptatem quist, sit ipitam, sanimus am, optam voluptate ea sedios id ma que occatem quatesequiam non corae vent.