Word Collage/Representation With a chosen word, a three part collage was made out of an image, a letterform and a shape. An image of the word was considered for each element. A diagonal positioning was chosen to add more sense of movement and speed.
Unpredictable Breaking out of the mold of patterns can often lead to interesting visuals. The journey that a rough pencil sketch takes can often surprise and result in a ‘gem’ of an idea.
Paper Experiments Observing and experimenting with the material texture by creasing and folding, as well the effects created by the paper when exposed to light. Why do you always wear black? By working with magazine cut outs and collage, the idea here was an abstract story telling, beginning with a heavily constructed, protected feel which mimics the idea of being afraid to step out of the safety of black. As it progresses, colour is included and more empty space, as the story ‘lets go’ of it’s fears and embraces it’s inner beauty.
Making a pinhole camera The recorded process of making a pinhole camera for the second time, as the first had many issues. Extra care was taken to ensure that the pinhole was of the correct size, as well as reducing potential light leaks by using tape effectively.
Paper typeface Working with limitations, a typeface inspired by folding and tucking same sized pieces of paper to form letterforms. Inspiration taken from origami and shadow type.
Memory: Digital and Pinhole photography Working with the theme of Memory, a decision was made to record my local park which has changed recently, but still remained a core part of my childhood. The digital photos show a near perfect capture, whereas the pinhole photos are abstracted and vague. This was likely a result of not being careful with protecting light leaks. The pinhole photos I found represented memory in a more personal sense, as I hardly reccognise the park from what it once was.
Unpredictable Breaking out of the mold of patterns can often lead to interesting visuals. The journey that a rough pencil sketch takes can often surprise and result in a ‘gem’ of an idea.
Typographic Animated GIF
Categorisation infographics
Iniitally researching into the forms of letters and what they could
With all the mess in my living room, what better place to source and
represent, I opted to create a GIF that shows the personalities
produce an infographics?
and social conflicts that they suffer. In this case, the growing contempt that Comic Sans has against Helvetica!
Categorisation infographics Composition ideas taken from the angles in a room’s corner. Coloured lines help to differentiate the owners and opacity is used to show the frequency of item usage.
Creatives Playground Using just 5 cardboard boxes, our idea of an interactive design involved triggering the 5 key senses of our bodies, from touch to sight. By taking the users on a fun journey of play, our intention was to trigger both shock and pleasure, keeping that element of surprise with innuendo and curious phrases on the boxes.