7 how to teach your child

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7. How To Teach Your Child? Before you start teaching you child, the most important thing in Whole brain education is relationship between you and your child. So, it is important how you view your child. The child will grow according to the way they are being viewed or the image portrayed by their parent or teacher. For example, when a child makes a mistake, the parent should never think or say words like “You are an idiot” or “When this child grows up he/she will not be successful” etc. The child will be what you think and say of him/her. What Parents Need To Know? Classes conducted by Shichida Method, Heguru, and other right brain schools are normally held once a week. And what is being taught in the classes, may vary from different schools or country. Most importantly is, parents plays the biggest part in Whole brain education, or you could say education in general. What can you do as a parent? You may be feel that training your child is beyond your capability. You may believe that some special knowledge or skill is involved. Perhaps you feel that because you are not trained as a teacher or have a lot of education, you should leave it to the professionals. I am here to tell you to relax, because it does not require any special skills you don't already have and a certificate or higher "education" and does not guarantee any success. You already have the most important attribute to teach your child : your love f or your children and your dedication to helping them live happy, productive lives. To teach your child, make sure -

1. Practice, practice, practice 2. Variations (f or example, flash a variety of flash cards and not always the same cards.) 3. Your child is relaxed. You can put some “Alpha music” to get

your child calm down. 4. You are in a positive mood. Especially when your child is very young they can feel your “energy” .

5. Make sure you and your child are having lots of fun! 6. When your child is restless, take a short break and continue later.

Six Points On How To View Your Child


Look at the strong points and potential


Don’t be a perfectionist


Don’t compare! Every child has different strength


Don’t f ocus on academic achievement


Learn to accept your child as he/she is


Don’t expect immediate results

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