Portfolio_works 2020-24

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Email: heywl1@nottingham.edu.cn

199 Taikang East Road Ningbo

Application for M.Arch I, Portfolio 2020-24

Wei Li_Raymond

Application for M.Arch I, Portfolio 2020-24

Wei Li_Raymond


In The Poetics of Space, Bachelard points that “If we have retained an element of ream in our memories,if we have one beyond merely assembling exact recollections, bit by bit the house that was lost in the mists of time will appear out of the shadow...It is as though something fluid had collected our memories and we ourselves were dissolved in this fluid of the past.”

For me, architecture is something ordinary drift or something else:

i. A true construction object; ii. A photograph of a building, and, iii. A descriptive dictionary word for "building". Between entity, image and concept, which is the essence of architecture?

- Without my tank, I am dying...

Imagine that from a fish's perspective, what exactly constitutes a fish tank?

Is the tank its sanctuary, and if so, what's the deal with the water inside?

Fish from a tank might as well vanish into thin air if they dare to escape their watery haven. Meanwhile, those lucky ponddwelling fish appear to swim through life without a care in the world. So, as a fish, what do they call home, what are their dwellings and is the water tank still be considered?

By analogy what are these human-made physical constructs we so refer to as 'buildings'?

Which is the real context, the fish tank or the pond?


II. Soothing Kitchen and Scenes from Childhood, A Social Housing

III. Repetition and Recurrence, An Artist Studio

Another narrative IV. The Signifier and the Signified, A Community Center

The fluidity, uncertainty and ambiguity of place

A city block as a kitchen. V. Gathering and Dispersion, A Learning Art

- Without tank, I am still alive...

A Re-manifesto for Cyborge, A Camping Chamber

How to define "I", and how to approve the being

Individual work, 2023-24

Advisor: Jun Lu

Email: Jun Lu@nottingham.edu.cn

This project explores segregated spaces during epidemics as a way for discussing uncertainty, informality, hybridity and de-regularity, which is an attempt at an anti-essentialism and the paradox of life.

Rigid structures and formal objects are time-limited, while clouds, informal elements, and the human body are not. The body grows, reaches limits, and stops, exhibiting varied proportions in the head, legs, feet, and torso, each part following a unique growth trajectory

Order only gains meaning in relation to disorder, and exceptions serve to delineate the rule more distinctly. Offering exceptions is a way of making rules effective by challenging and breaking them—an expression of freedom. A room transforms into a square, and the bed ceases to be a mere object.

1. The first mobile cabin hospital in Wuhan, Hubei 2. Scenario within the isolated space
Convention center hall in regulatory period
One chamber contains 200 beds

- 01

The builders, who were well-compensated for their work, were the first people to enter the place.

- 02

Following the builder, the operator and manager of the venue, who is also the senior of the convention center, enter. - 03

After that, come the supporters of the whole system: the medics, the cleaners, and the maintainers of order. - 04

And finally, the direct or indirect exposer of the pathogen. - 05

Passive participants, with fear and speculation about death, have limited freedom but their everyday needs are met.

- 06

Active participants in this space move relatively freely but bear the weight of a mission. - 07

A mask is the initial sign of trust in communication for those under Monitoring. - 08

The monitor's concern is with the calmness of space, order and feverish bodies。 - 09

The monitor and the monitored spy on each other, and the identities of the two are grounded in a mutually supporting.

A Vivid Life around the Beds in Isolation Space

Crossing the borders is the beginning of ambiguity and uncertainty.

- 10 A material-symbolic metaphor devoid of essence, capable of uniting dispersed social alliances through affinity rather than identity.

- 11 Drift of Human

Monitored flows, purposeful paths and aimless wanderings, contexts threatened with death; whether active or passive, human identity in the present begins to crumble.

Path of Medical Workers
Path of People in Quarantine
Plan of isolation facility (Above) / Abstraction of bed space (Below)

One Chamber Contains 200 Beds

Instead of the 1-room-1-bed type of common lounge space, this space presents anomaly, which is 1-room-200-beds.

Shift of Objects

Exceptions make games work by breaking the rules, fostering new forms of intangibility, and association.

Section of a series of beds Plan in a common status

Perspective from the long side

Affinity and Coalition

In the technology era, we are questioned, giving way to dynamic transformations, reorganizations, and regenerations between things as the "new paradigm".

Soothing Kitchen and Scenes from Childhood, A Social Housing

Freedom, introspection, self-criticism & rediscovering the self

ABEE 2022 Architectural Design Studio 2A, 22-23

Individual work

Advisor: Eugenio Mangi, Andrea Palmioli, Shiyun Qian

Email: Eugenio.Mangi@nottingham.edu.cn

This project conceives a city block as a kitchen representing the ambiguity of traditional yard and the affinity of kitchen rooted in my childhood.

Before age 7, in front of the home stood a small forest, behind the gate is kitchen, and in the yard, there was a table my mother and I had built. The dining spot shifted with the seasons, from the yard to the eaves to indoorsan inclusive living where the sun, trees, wind, rain, earth, birds, and we coexisted.

After that, the entrance of the home turned into a dark corridor, featuring a study table that changed several times. Mealtime discussions shifted to interrogations about recent studies. Outside, a green belt surrounded the building, and the entrance to the neighborhood was a mundane asphalt road for cars.

Typical Yard and Drifting Space

Traditional Chinese yard accommodate a wide variety of enriching events embodying the mystery of changes.

The Relationship Between Kitchen and the Others in Modern Housing

Kilchberg | Gigon Guyer 1996

E_3 | Kaden Klingbeil Architekten 2008 Rockpool Popov | 1999 San Sebastián de los reyes | S-M. A. O. 2011 Wienerberggründe | Steidle + Partner 1993 Märkisches Viertel | ungers 1969

aalto, Baumgarten 1957

Märkisches Viertel Fleig 1966

tyroltgasse Kovatsch | 1994 tyroltgasse Kovatsch 1994

Galgebakken Storgård, orum-Nielsen, Marcussen 1974 Casa Mendes da Rocha Mendes da Rocha | 1960 House Kauf Märkli 1989

Bungestrasse Alder 1993

Brüderstraße Frey, Schröder & Schmidt 1968

Schlesische Straße léon, Wohlhage 1993

Müllheimerstrasse Morger & degelo 1993

altonaer Straße Niemeyer 1957

Müllheimerstrasse Morger & degelo 1993

Hollainhof Neutelings Riedijk | 1999

Bahnhofstraße riegler, riewe 1994

Kapellenweg Baumschlager & eberle |1996

Carl-Spitzweg-Gasse | Giencke 1993

Frankfurt-Bonames Kramm 1995

the Ryde phippen, Randall, parkes 1964

Friedrichstraße oMA 1989

Rue de Suisses Herzog & de Meuron | 2000

Hannibal Jäger, Müller, Wirth 1971

Brunswick Centre Hodgkinson, Martin 1972

Rue de l’ourcq gazeau 1993

Schlangenbader Straße Heinrichs | 1982

Paul Clairmont-Strasse Gmür & Steib architekten aG 2006

Friedrichstraße oMA 1989

Ludwig-Windhorst-Straße Gieselmann 1961

Hannibal | Jäger, Müller, Wirth 1971

Weberwiese Henselmann 1952

KNSM- and Java-eiland | Diener & Diener 2001 Wagenaarstraat duinker, van der Torre | 1989

A Dwelling Generated by A Dinning Table

Representation of Street, Lane, Yard and Kitchen:

a. A Free Party

The street is no longer the street it's life itself.

b. A Soft Space under the Trees

courtyard becomes a container for the life of a community.

Zhongshan S Rd
Shiwukui Ln Community, Shangcheng District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
The corridors become intimate, no longer claustrophobic, as open as possible.
c. A Chatting Corridor
The table fully reveals its attributes and the people are being connected.
d. A Tender Table
A Nostalgic Haven Where Home, Yard, & Kitchen Converge

Repetition and Recurrence, An Artist Studio

The endless of time, the endless of space, the endless of path

ABEE 1023 Architectural Design Studio 1A, 21-22

Individual work

Advisor: Aurel Fábri, Yimeng Wang, Wenjvan Li

Email: aurel@fabriarchitekt.com

This project explores the juxtaposition of multiple daily events, using paths as clues that weave together the entire narrative.

Nestled by the riverside and veiled by the surrounding forest, this house stands distinctly apart from the homes to the south, all the while embracing the village to the north. Two continuous pathways intricately navigate the entire spatial sequence, skillfully bridging gaps between interior and exterior, public and private, and human and nature.

These internal pathways gracefully evolve, harmonizing with shifts in ground and roof heights, creating a layered journey towards an elusive endpoint. Yet, upon retracing one's steps at the exit, they transform into a new beginning, continuing the cyclical essence of life.

"To be permanent is contrary to existence. Things are forever changing."

The first thing Miyazaki does when he arrives at the studio is to say hello to the house elf. Then, he tidies up the room and brews a cup of coffee. Miyazaki and his assistant move a wooden chair to the curb in front of the studio,
old granny who passes by every day. After that, Miyazaki begins to conceive concept images
"Redeem the Form of Everyday Life" - Carlo Scarpe

story can unfold normally, perversely, or abruptly, depending on the narrator.

Intersecting Circles

a. Polyphony of the walls

b. Contextual intersections

c. A dwelling along the path

Discover new approaches in familiar situations by uncovering or manipulating contingent connections, reopening once-closed situations.

Walking as A Hint

The Signifier and the Signified, A Community Center Unmeasurable and Intuition

ABEE 1023 Architectural Design Studio 1B, 21-22 Individual work

Advisor: Aurel Fábri, Yimeng Wang, Wenjvan Li

Email: aurel@fabriarchitekt.com

This project explores the ambiguity of space, viewing a building as a human body, where each part intersects and cooperates.

"In an ambiguous position, this paradoxical phenomenon unveils a preobjective space with a broad extension of certainty. The multiple body points touched together are not confused by the audition (although they are not individually located), as no fixed spatial frame can persist from one perception to another (Merleau-Ponty, 1945)."

A house is no longer a simple box, but an organism rooted in the land. It is not a solid entity with only one, but a collection of many interconnected parts. These parts are not just elements but organs that fulfill multiple functions, just like our limbs.

Walls adorned with diverse textures and patterns reflect the whispers of time and nature. Public life beneath the corridor hints at the town's history, while the pop music and fluid dance movements in the square embody the silhouette of the town's contemporary life.
"To Leave, To Trace"
- Nestling - Nestling

The project is situated in Cicheng, Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, China. The site boasts a documented history of over a thousand years, characterized by a clear grid pattern within the city. Several public spaces within it encapsulate the essence of the entire town.

Road for Cars Road for Bicycles

The Signifier of Place

A process that commences upon arrival at a space or building and concludes with a peaceful and satisfying departure.

The Signified of Event

A continuous whole - chaotic yet open, sparse but not falling apart, revealing yet concealing, strikingly clear yet ineffable..

7.Entertainment Space (Active) 8.Entertainment Space (Quiet)

Referring to the Delft Montessori School , use a front plaza as a transition space between the outer and inner worlds. Another consideration is to apply the centralized circulation rather than the linear way.Try to use a vertical connection nearby the back garden, to enhance its existence.

Any new architectural element will not touch the historic buildings will keep, giving respect to the history and creating a corridor that varies in width to introduce people to the garden at the backside while connecting the new with the old. Find the axis of the available sites to locate the new project.

A proposal: Can I recover the connection between the site, the back Hill, and the Community? How to make the building more efficient, to think the upper-level design.

Try to uniform the exterior and interior formal language. Rethink how the new elements can softly touch the site. Curves, or a more organic language?

Further unifying the spatial language of interior and exterior. Create overlapping highs and lows in the vertical direction, with a sculptural sense of architecture. To make the interweaving of nature and Artificiality more bonding.

Wondering while pondering

ABEE 2022 Architectural Design Studio 2B, 22-23

Individual work

How to transform the designer's own intention into the normal users. am not willing to be a guy with strong control and force users to adopt my design. will delete every special element to make the building simple and humble, and the space

Email: Eugenio.Mangi@nottingham.edu.cn V. Gathering and Dispersion, A Learning Art Center

Advisor: Eugenio Mangi, Andrea Palmioli, Shiyun Qian, Luca Frassanito

"What, then, does bauen–to build-mean? The Old High German word for bauen–buan-means to dwell. This means 'to remain' or 'to stay in a place'. The actual meaning of the verbbauen, namely, to dwell, has been lost to us." As Heidegger said that essential language words often overshadow primary meanings with easily forgettable interpretations. The mystery behind this phenomenon is seldom pondered.

a. Heidegger writes, "A bridge indicates gathering, on the earth already means under the sky"...Something here indicates things there. Gathering at same time implies the detachment. The cycle repeats itself ad infinitum.
b. The experience of 'flâner' proceeds from the seemingly broken spatial divisions and dissipated spatial hierarchy. Furniture and the distant side of the horizon become the justification for being here.
"To Remain, To Stay in A Place" Seeing a same person in same position from different perspectives to show the diverse status of space.

Other work VI. "One Chair and Three Chairs"

Record of chairs, whether or not they're actually a chair

ABEE 3055 Vertical Design Studio 3A, 23-24

Master planning, Book of reference, Group work, Group leader, own photoes & drawings

Advisor: Yat Ming Loo, Yimeng Wang, Yinqiu Wang, Hui Zhang

Email: Yat-Ming.Loo@nottingham.edu.cn

Other work VII. Rebuilt Vicinity Representation of the vanishing 'street'

ABEE 3055 Vertical Design Studio 3A, 23-24

Master planning, Group work, Group leader, Own drawings

Advisor: Yat Ming Loo, Yimeng Wang, Yinqiu Wang, Hui Zhang

Email: Yat-Ming.Loo@nottingham.edu.cn

This project is based on the “SEMI-ARCHITECTURE” concept of Jo Nagasaka, exploring the revitalization and repurposing of abandoned and neglected spaces in urban environments as a virtual hub for community collaboration.

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