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MAY 2006



JON RAMON M. ABOITIZ “We are one group with one vision.”

Edited photo taken from Aboitiz Equity Ventures 2004 Annual Report, page 44

NEWS 3 SEZ improves new Cubi Substation 5 Passion for Better Ways: Aboitiz Brand Cascade held in SEZ 7 A Journey into One’s Self 9 Block B What? 10 SEZ commended by SBMA labor department 11 Team members’ page FEATURES 12 Summer Outing ‘06: SEZ goes to Villa Escudero 15 The Word 16 Antonio Casimero 17 Mr. Cool Speaks 18 All in a day’s work 19 Ways to reduce stress SPORTS 20 Red Torque takes Over-all Team Title 21 Payback time! 22 Alipoyo named ‘06 MVP 23 Torque distorts Phasers 24 SEZ secures P185M loan for power projects


STAFF BOX Raymund Tamayo Corinne Grace Manalo Aaron Berin Gay Cleo Viva Jay Navarro Revelie Guevara Edgar Caluza Jerry Mark Famanila Mark Silos Ross Pangilinan Ramny Guatelara

Editor/Layout Artist Writer/Finance Officer VOL. 2, ISSUE 2

MAY 2006

“Let us keep our Correspondents


Contributors PRESIDENT AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER JON RAMON M. ABOITIZ “We are one group with one vision.”

Editorial Consultant

Dante Pollescas

General Manager

Mars Escobar

Circulation Officer

This issue’s cover features Jon Ramon Aboitiz, President and CEO of Aboitiz Equity Ventures (AEV). He is the man at the forefront of the new Aboitiz brand essence: Passion for better ways. It is this same passion that drives every Kaibigan in Subic EnerZone to continue to Lead, Excel, and Serve.

SEZ improves new Cubi Substation By Ross Pangilinan and Raymund Tamayo

The new Cubi Substation (main photo), amidst more improvements. Inset were photos of (upper right): ongoing construction of the retaining wall; (center right): re-painting and re-modeling of the perimeter fence; and (bottom right): the drainage system.


o further enhance a healthy and safe environment within the compound of its newlyrehabilitated and recently energized Cubi Substation, Subic EnerZone Corporation (SEZ) launched various projects last March 14. Projects included the following: a.) re-modeling of the existing perimeter fence, b.) construction of retaining wall, c.) a new service road, d.) re-painting of the switch gear building, and e.) a drainage system. For the perimeter fence, the color scheme was defined from SEZ's logo. And while the bright colors identifies SEZ, it also serves as an early warning device to all motor-

ists passing by the accidentprone area. The main purpose in constructing the retaining wall is to control the soft soil from a mountain slope in the area from eroding. Meanwhile, the new service road is an 18 x 6 meter wide road to be used as an access road for maintenance servicing. The existing transformers and switch gears, which were all non-operational, were transferred to the Procurement and Property Management Department (PPMD) of the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA) by the Aboitiz Projects group. ♌


brand is the symbolic embodiment of everything about a company, its product or service. It encompasses the set of expectations associated with a product or service which arise in the minds of the people. Such people include employees of the brand owner, people directly involved in the operation, sale, or supply of the product or service, and ultimately the customers or consumers. Companies seek to develop or align these expectations through branding. Through branding, a brand name will carry a “promise” that will give the product or service that certain unique quality or characteristic which makes it special. Aboitiz, that's the name. A “Passion for better ways”, that's the promise. (cont. on page 6)

All right! (left page photos) The SEZ team attends the Aboitiz Brand Cascade last February 17 at the Legenda Hotel along Waterfront Road inside the freeport zone. “Turn our brand promise into reality and to be consistent in the processing of that promise.” (above, inset) JRA delivers his message during the Aboitiz Brand Cascade held for SEZ at the Legenda Hotel, February 17.

Vol. 2, Issue 2

(Passion… cont. from page 5) A brand image may be developed by attributing a “personality” to the product or service, whereby this personality is “branded” into the consciousness of consumers. A brand therefore is so important as it demonstrates what the brand owner is able to offer. The art of creating and maintaining a brand is called brand management. In here, you are the main man. You are creating the story. You are the brand manager. “Today, you're all promoted as brand managers,” quipped Jon Ramon Aboitiz, president and CEO of Aboitiz and Company, Inc., during his message as the guest speaker of the Aboitiz Brand Cascade held for Subic EnerZone Corporation (SEZ) at the Legenda Hotel inside the Subic Bay Freeport Zone last February 17. Although it may sound funny the first time, the statement absolutely made complete sense. “Everything we do reflects on our brand as much as our brand reflects on us,” JRA continued. “My challenge to you is to deliver on the promise: turn our brand promise into reality and to be consistent in the processing of that promise.” True enough, one of the major

Jon Ramon Aboitiz

keys in branding is consistency. JRA also stressed that “a brand is a relationship built on a promise between a product or service, and its customers. A trusting relationship with the customer and not just a depiction of a physical product. The foundation of a brand is trust.” And that's what exactly the Aboitiz name is trying to get across. In “Through Aboitiz Eyes”, the official Aboitiz brand book, one

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paragraph stood out as a testament of this trust we are talking about. It reads distinctly: “The Aboitiz name holds a proud legacy, nurtured and strengthened for over a century. From our early ventures, to the dynamic expansion of our business interests, our unique work style remains unchanged. It is this driving force that unites us and builds on the foundations of the Aboitiz brand.” Aboitiz, that's the brand. A “Passion for better ways”, that's the essence.

room staff, and Gay Viva, HR staff, as the core group; with Edgar Caluza, CSD supervisor, Ricky Coronel, T&D supervisor, Jay Navarro, engineer 1, and Yolly Cawagas, Billing & Collection staff, as the other members. Aboitiz and Company, Inc. Assistant Vice President for Brand Management Carol Ballesteros facilitated in the orientation. The event was also graced by the presence of SEZ Chairman Erramon Aboitiz, SEZ President Jaime Jose Aboitiz, and SEZ EVP/

Strategic Planing Seminar

An Aboitiz brand Strategic Planning and Team Building was held last April 18-21 at the San Carlos University Retreat House in Banilad, Cebu City. Attended by brand teams from different Aboitiz companies, the seminar was aimed to be able to come up with the brand teams' duties and responsibilities; to formulate the vision and mission of the brand teams per company and group wide; to be able to define in detail all the functions of the brand team members in relation to their respective jobs; to be able to come up with awareness measures using the drivers of customer satisfaction framework in order to ensure brand recognition and evaluate brand recall; to be able to come up with branding activities and initiatives aligned with the spikes that will sustain our branding efforts; and to be able to formulate mechanics and criteria needed to identify brand COO Benjamin Cariaso Jr. “Passion for better ways” is the heroes in their respective compaAfter JRA's message, the Kaibistate of mind, the attitude, the call nies. gans formed 5 groups with each to action. It is the passion to conThe first day of the seminar one presenting a “skit” that showed stantly improve products and serfocused on character building and what “Passion for better ways” is vices. Adapting, adopting, and transformation. The book “Purpose evolving to better lead, excel, and all about. Drive Life” by Reverend Rick serve. In the first part of their presentaWarren, founder of Saddleback These are exactly the Aboitiz tions, they displayed what it was Church in Lake Forest, California, brand's spikes: “We are Driven to like to not have “passion”, by bewas the basis of the discussions. ing rude to customers, to not anLead, Driven to Excel, and Driven The second day of the seminar swering the phone, to always being to Serve.” late, and to simply not care at all. concentrated on “Manifesting the Driven to Lead means to beThe second part pictures how to do Aboitiz brand”, with the book come trendsetters, pioneers, or it the Aboitiz way, with a mindset “Secrets of Customer Relationship innovators in the industry. Driven Management: It's All About How You Make Them Feel” by James G. Barnes. Aboitiz companies which are represented w e r e : Benjamin Cariaso Jr. Erramon Aboitiz Jaime Jose Aboitiz Aboitiz & Co., Inc.; to of “passion”. Customers and callExcel is the constant pursuit of ers were treated with an enthusias- Aboitiz Equity Ventures, Inc.; the excellence, acting decisively to tic approach, eager to answer their Aboitiz Power Group: Davao Light implement plans while being concerns with innovative solutions. & Power Co., Inc., Cotabato Light adaptable and responsive to an This shows that the brand prom& Power Co., Inc., Subic EnerZone ever-changing ise was clearly imparted, as JRA environment. was fervent in emphasizing his call Corp., and Hedcor, Inc.; City SavDriven to Serve by always remain“for all team members to champion ings Bank; Pilmico Foods Corp.; ing customer focused, creating greater value for all stakeholders, the brand” by delivering on the Land & Construction Group: through excellent service and repromise to lead, to excel, and to Aboitizland, and Metaphil; Transserve. sponsible action. port Group: Aboitiz Transport Commitment. Dedication. Perse- System Corp., 2GO, and Super The event also unveiled SEZ's verance. Innovation. own brand team which included: Ferry Travel & Leisure; and the Ramny Guatelara, administration This is us. This is Aboitiz. This FBMA Marine, Inc. ♦ supervisor, Mars Escobar, stockis Passion for better ways.

My challenge to you is to deliver on the promise: turn our brand promise into reality and to be consistent in the processing of that promise. - JRA

Based on the best-selling self-help book “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey, the Principles of Quality Living Seminar, facilitated by the Aboitiz and Co. (ACO) Human Resource department, was attended by two batches of Subic EnerZone employees last March 2-4 (1st batch) at the Subic New Central Garden Resort (formerly Fisherman’s Wharf) inside the Subic Bay Freeport Zone, and March 9-11 (2nd batch) at the By the Sea Resort in Bo. Barretto, Olongapo City. (cont. on page 8) By Corinne Grace Manalo and Raymund Tamayo

Vol. 2, Issue 2

(PQL… cont. from page 7) Spearheaded by ACO assistant vice-president for human resources Nancy Lim, the seminar workshop was aimed to empower and increase performance capabilities while working to achieve purpose in life. Unlike the highl ysuccessful Kaibigan Seminar last May 2005 which was focused on unity and teamwork, the PQL seminar concentrates on starting from within an individual’s identity, understanding first his own self and establishing his own goals in life. Afterwards, directing the revelation on the relationship with other people and how to deal with certain circumstances around one’s self. The 7 Principles of Quality Living are as follows: 1.) Be proactive, 2.) Begin with the end in mind, 3.) First things first, 4.) Win-win, 5.) Seek first to understand, 6.) Synergy, and 7.) Sharpening the saw. The first 3 principles were a journey into one’s self while the last 4 is its outward manifestation. For each habit discussed, different activities were done to fully comprehend each concept. One major activity was the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). Before the seminar, each participant was asked to answer a set of questions based on their perception. The results were shown at the last day of the seminar. MBTI was focused on revealing the character of each individual. It reports each one’s preferences in four scales: the focus of attention,

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Batch 1. PQL Seminar Batch 1 participants at the Subic New Central Garden Resort, March 2-4.

Batch 2. PQL Seminar Batch 2 participants at the By the Sea Resort, March 9-11.

As if?! (From left to right) Mars Escobar, Eric Caseja, Edu Caluza, and Tikboy Rodriguez at work.

Ayos! SEZ lineman Edgardo Geronimo at the front door of their “Big Brother House” at By the Sea.

Ehem, ehem. SEZ lineman Manuel “Rocky” Lacanin (left) watches as colleague Paul Morales states his life mission statement.

Smile! The girls of PQL Batch 2 (from left to right): Corinne Manalo, Karen Matawaran, Leahliz Sia and Mia Zamora from ACO, and Yolly Cawagas.

preference to take information, how to make decisions, and the preference of lifestyle. By knowing this, each one will fully understand himself, and the people around him will also be aware of his identity. Another activity was the group sharing, wherein the group was instructed to form a circle and to discuss some things about themselves, the

most influential people in their lives, happiest moments, lowest point in each one’s life, most difficult decisions, greatest achievements and so on. One of the most important parts of the workshop was the composing of each participant’s own life mission statement. This sets a tangible, readable testament for an overall purpose of the composer’s

life. By referring to it and realizing its meaning, the individual can easily make choices based on the values written and reject things that are not aligned to it. Other facilitators from the ACO HR department were: Paula Ruelan, HR specialist, batch 1; Leahliz Sia, HR specialist, batch 2; and Mia Zamora, HR manager, batch 2. ♦

May 2006

Subic Flame

Rizal Gate The Subic Commercial and Light Industrial Park, otherwise known as the “Block B”, which will be “evolved” by SEZ into a premier commercial center.

Aura College


Manila Ave.

Rizal Highway

Canal Road

Block B, as it was named on the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority’s (SBMA) Locators Map, was assigned to Subic EnerZone Corporation (SEZ) as its developer last January. SEZ “christened” it to Subic Commercial and Light Industrial Park, which is located strategically at the corners of Rizal Highway and Manila Avenue. It is composed of 17,331 square meters of lease able lots, complete with service roads, water and drainage system, fire hydrant system, paver block path walks, and streetlights. “This is the commercial lot we leased for 50 years from SBMA which is part of our P14 million per year lease

commitment as per our Distribution Management Services agreement with SBMA,” said EVP/COO Benjamin Cariaso Jr. Subic EnerZone is the main lessee of Block B and is committed to develop it into a commercial area. “We basically want to lease out the developed property to small factories, banks, and hotels,” added Cariaso. As early as the later months of 2005, the SEZ Project Department was already concep-

tualizing the plans for the site development of this commercial lot. The project was awarded to AINA Construction last February 2 and target completion date is June 14. As of this writing, almost 50% of the utilities are completed. The project was done to-

gether with Boton Light and Science Park Corporation. In the meantime, there’s still no finality as to what Block B would become. But one thing is certain: Truly, there are bigger things in store for Subic EnerZone. Much bigger things. And wait until the world sees it. ♦

Vol. 2, Issue 2



ith the promulgation of the Distribution Services and Open Access Rules (DSOAR), San Fernando Electric Light and Power Company (SFELAPCO) formally implemented its rules, terms, and conditions pursuant to the EPIRA law of 2001. DSOAR, considered as the ’bible’ for distribution utilities like SFELAPCO, provides for the regulated application of the various terms and conditions related to Distribution Connection Assets and Services, the Captive Market, Distribution Wheeling Charges and the Guidelines for Establishing Regulated Service Rates. These new rules complement the Magna Carta for Residential Customers. The DSOAR is an offshoot of the Section 31 of Republic Act No. 9136 (otherwise known as the Electric Power Industry and Reform Act or EPIRA of 2001) and Rule 12 of its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) to create an environment of retail competition and open access among distribution utilities. DSOAR officially took effect on February 17, 2006 fifteen days after it was published in Manila Standard. In effect, it superseded the Energy Regulatory Board’s Standard Rules and Regulations Governing the Operation of Electrical Power Ser-

vices and ERB Resolutions 9521, as amended by ERB Case No. 95-368 in its Order dated April 10, 2000. Accordingly, all technical provisions were transferred to the DSOAR. The more responsive imperatives and directives of the DSOAR are expected to boost efficiency and reliability in the power distribution business in the environment of retail competition and open access. In other developments, the unbundling of SFELAPCO rates took effect with its March 2006 bill. The unbundling of rates identifies and separates the individual cost for providing electric service to consumers. It aims to reflect the true cost of electric service through the gradual removal of interclass cross subsidies. Rule 15 of the IRR of the EPIRA OF 2001 particularly Sec. 1 states, “Consistent with Sec. 36 of the Act & Rule 10 on Structural and Functional Unbundling of Electric Power Industry Participants, this rule on the Unbundling of Rates shall result in the identification and separation of the individual charge for providing a specific electric service to any end-user for generation, transmission, distribution (e.g., SFELAPCO), and supply.” The generation charge refers to the cost of power generated

and sold to SFELAPCO by National Power Corporation (NPC) and Independent Power Producers (IPPs) like HEDCOR while the transmission charge pertains to the regulated cost for the delivery of electricity from generators to the distribution system of SFELAPCO. The latter charge is for the use of the transmission system of the National Transmission Corporation (TRANSCO). The distribution charge, which accounts for only about 20% of the consumer’s bill, represents the regulated cost of putting up, operating and maintaining the distribution system, which distributes power from high voltage sub-transmission grids, to the low voltage system for use by end-users. Finally, the supply charge stands for the cost of rendering services to customers, such as billing, collection, customer assistance and related services. ♦ (contributed by Irwin Nucum, Corporate Communications Officer, SFELAPCO, Inc.) EDITOR'S NOTE: San Fernando Electric Light & Power Company, Incorporated (SFELAPCO, INC.) is the seventh largest privately-owned electricity distributor in the country and Aboitiz Power Corporation's first power distribution investment in Luzon. They own 10% of Subic EnerZone.

SBMA Celebrates Four Days of Nature, Fun and More


n connection with the celebration of Earth Day Month last April 2006, the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA), held the Subic Earth Day Festival from April 28 to May 1, 2006. The event was lead by the Ecology Center of SBMA. The said festival was the start of an annual event here in Subic Bay Freeport Zone which aims to increase public awareness of environmental protection and sustainable development and showcased the rich biodiversity in Subic. According to the Ecology Department this has also positioned the Subic Bay Freeport Zone as a leading ecotourism destination in this part of the country. The four-day event showcased exhibits, cultural shows, context, and other environmentrelated activities such as beach clean-up and an eco-industrial forum for company CEOs within the SBF. A concert was staged entitled Earth Day Jam Concert featuring local bands/ artists. There were also contest like kite flying, ethnic dance, body painting, and mural painting. Most of the events were held at Boardwalk Park. A grand fireworks show closed the four-day festivity. ♦ (RGuevara)

Subic EnerZone commended by SBMA labor department


ubic EnerZone Corporation (SEZ) has received a letter of commendation from the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA) Labor Department for its full compliance with the department’s labor standard requirements, as shown by SBMA’s records as

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of December 8, 2005. In a letter to SEZ general manager Dante Pollescas, SBMA Supervising Labor Affairs Officer Adan Dumpit and Division Chief III Atty. Nelson Manalili wrote that SEZ has been “successful in addressing labor relations issue in the workplace”. They added, “We commend the competence, pro-

fessionalism and consciousness of your managers, Administrative, Human Resources and Accounting personnel in their extra diligent efforts to keep up with the standards, such that they have greatly contributed to your company’s sound labormanagement relations practices.” The letter of commendation,

according to the SBMA labor o f f i c e r s , i s a n “acknowledgment of SEZ’s good standing as a locator in the Subic Bay Freeport Zone. Please carry on maintaining a reputation worthy of emulation by other establishments,” they added. (taken from the Aboitiz Eyes Vol. II No. 3, January 2006 issue)

May 2006

Subic Flame


Kristine Pulido, Data Encoder; and Lilibeth Bandingan, Accounting staff..

New Regular team members (from left to right): Isagani Madrid, Cadet Engineer; and Karen Matawaran, Billing and Collection staff.

Isagani Madrid, Cadet Engineer from Line Services Department to Power Metering Department.

Eng’r. James Binoya (left), from Davao Light & Power Co. (DLPC), replaces Eng’r. Ferdinand Pantinople (right), also from DLPC, as SEZ Substation and Electrical Equipment Department’s (SEED) supervisor. This is DLPC’s commitment to assist SEZ in the smooth flow of their operations. Eng’r Pantinople had been with SEZ for more than two years.


he small road, dotted with coconut palms and fruit trees, usually fails to give tourists and visitors an idea of the wonders and treasures that await them. The simple signboard along the Maharlika Highway near the Tiaong-San Pablo City boundary does not provide an inkling that the once sprawling coconut plantation is now the biggest and the most popular tourist destination this side of the country. The place is called “Villa Escudero”. And once inside, you’ll almost wish you can stay there forever. For two straight years now, it has been the tradition of the Subic EnerZone management to hold an activity wherein team members can relax, enjoy and be free from the burdens and stress

brought about by daily work routine. Last April 22-23, the SEZ family was in for an experience of a lifetime as they invaded Villa Escudero Plantation and Resort in San Pablo City. Upon arrival, the team proceeded to a m u s e u m lies wherein different antiqu e items from the 19th and early 20th century. After that, the team checked in their hotel rooms and then had lunch — well, at a waterfall.

A river was dammed up and the water runs over the dam down into the river gorge. Tables are set up in the river gorge where you eat — with water up to your ankles running over your feet.

The afternoon included a cultural arts show from 2:00 to about 3:30 pm. Others went on bamboo rafting under the heat of the sun and those who cannot resist the waters dived with their sexiest

swimsuits and joined other vacationers in the swimming pools. The team was joined by general manager Dante Pollescas and his wife Gina, while EVP/ COO Benjamin Cariaso Jr. took time out of his busy schedule to be with his team members on the first day. On the night of April 22, the team had a showcase of talents. Each department presented a

song number followed by the newts. The night was filled with laughter but the most awaited number was rendered by GM Dante. His serenade culminated the night. This year’s company outing is indeed a stress-relief party! Everybody enjoyed the place, the sumptuous food, and the activities inside Villa Escudero. Indeed, the long trip was worth it. ♦

What participants say about the outing: “A place wherein Philippine culture and history comes to life. Here, I experienced the true meaning of recreation and relaxation. It is really a focal point to experience culture and history in a beautiful rural setting.” - Jeff Figuerrez “Nakakabusog! Mmmm…” - Jay Navarro “A wonderful experience, really. The food was superb. I especially enjoyed the cultural show and the carabao ride… not to mention the never ending posing and picture taking. Whew!!! Nothing compares to the “samahan” of Subic EnerZone.” - Beng Javier “Relaxing… Sarap…” Andy Solis

“The outing in Villa Escudero was one of the best vacations I’ve been through. I was having fun and relaxing at the same time. The memories shared in the place are ones that I will treasure forever. It is really unforgettable. I know everyone will agree with me.” - John Ducos “Masaya! Masarap at malamig.” - Yolly Cawagas “It’s very relaxing. You get to commune with nature and I really enjoyed it. Especially when we get to eat lunch while our feet was in the water. I also enjoyed the cultural show. Sana maulit muli!” - Ken Ebilane “OK sa alright!!!” - Jun Bustria “Sana’y maulit muli… Galera?!” - Mars Escobar

Villa Escudero is a true tropical paradise to suit almost everyone’s fancy. The Subic EnerZone team is indeed very blessed to have spent their summer outing on such a beautiful place.

Vol. 2, Issue 2

May 2006

Subic Flame


When Faith Is Not Enough “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.” James 1:22 Where there is life, there is motion. Some antelopes, as well as the cheetah, can sprint faster than speeding cars. Bighorn sheep, charging one another head-first, collide with such force that the sound echoes like a gunshot through the mountain ranges. Migrating birds battle winds for 1,000 miles, nonstop, before dropping back to earth. Sometimes we keep relics of life: a fragile, perfect seashell, an exotic butterfly mounted on a pin. Some cultures have even gone to the extreme of preserving the body of their deceased loved ones. But these are mere mementos: life has gone from them, and with it motion. The fact is, they are dead. Authors of the Bible often look to nature for analogies to express spiritual truth. And the book of James, controversial because of its emphasis on “good works”, is best understood through the analogy of motion. In the spiritual realm, also, where there's life, there will be motion. When a person truly be-

comes a Christian, new life begins (2 Cor. 5:17), and inevitably that life must express itself through “spiritual motion”, or good deeds. In James' words, “What does it profit, my brethren, though a man says he has faith, and has not works? Can faith save him?” (James 2:14). Movement does not cause life, but rather movement does invariably follow life. It's a sure sign that life is present. Similarly, genuine faith in Christ should always result in actions that demonstrate the faith. Of course, apostle Paul said in Ephesians 2:8-9 that we are saved by the grace of God through our faith, and not because of ourselves, so we that we can't have the right to boast. But we are not talking about salvation here. We are saved by grace through our faith in Christ, that's right. So if you tell me you have faith and still living an unchanged life, this I tell you: “Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works. You believe that there is one God; you do


by Moychi

Are you brainy enough? See if you can answer the following riddles. Good luck! He he…

day is it half grown?


You are in a house. There are 3 light switches. Inside of a closed room (that you CANNOT see) there is a light bulb that is turned on by one of the switches. If you can only go inside the room one time how can you tell which switch turns on the light?

If you were running a race, and you passed the person in 2nd place, what place would you be in now?

RIDDLE NO. 2 GROWING TREE A tree which is planted on Monday and doubles in size each day, is fully grown on Saturday. On what



well: the demons also believe, and tremble” (James 2:18b-19). James is not writing about how to become a Christian, but rather how to act like one. Having all the correct beliefs about God will hardly suffice: even demons believe in God. Real, life-giving faith should produce motion, and James minces no words in describing the specific spritual actions expected of Christians. Christian thinkers, notably Martin Luther, have struggled to reconcile the message of James with that of Paul, who so firmly warned against slavish legalism. But Paul never belittled holy living. When he wrote to those living in sin, such as his letters to the Corinthians, he railed against immorality as strongly as James. Evidently, James' readers were not even flirting with legalism. They lived at the other extreme, ignoring those laws God had clearly revealed. James had a simple remedy: Be not hearers only -- but be doers of the word! Unlike Paul, James was no A manager told his engineer that he would give him $1000 if he could accomplish the following task. He gave the engineer ten envelopes and a thousand dollars, all in one dollar bills. He told him, "Place the money in the envelopes in such a manner that no matter what number of dollars I ask for, you can give me one or more of the envelopes, containing the exact amount I asked for without having to open any of the envelopes. If you can do this, you will keep the $1000." When the manager asked for a sum of money, the engineer was able to give him envelopes containing the exact amount of money asked for. How did the son distribute the money among the ten envelopes?

urbane man of letters. He was a simple, homespun preacher, perturbed at people who were not living right. His letter covers a wide range of topics, applying the Christian faith to specific problems and commanding readers to live out their beliefs. Be humble! James says. Submit to God! Stop sinning! James is as forthright as an Old Testament prophet; it's hard to miss his point. Modern readers of James face the same dilemma as the first recipients of this unsettling letter. The words are easy enough to understand, but are we doing what the Word of God says? What kind of motion characterizes our spiritual lives? Do the people around us see Christ in us? As Luther himself said, “You are saved by faith alone, but if faith is alone it is not faith.” Are you solely satisfied about being saved and going to heaven, without giving glory to our Lord God here on earth? Salvation is not the issue. Our Christian walk is.

RIDDLE NO. 5 WHICH DOOR At the time of your death, twin angels meet you to tell the way to heaven. The first one is a pure liar while the second one speaks only the truth, and you don’t know which is which. Behind them are two doors, one leading to heaven and the other going straight to hell. You are given only one question to ask them. So, What do you ask? EDITOR’S NOTE: If you haven’t been able to sleep trying to think and seek answers to these questions, you can e-mail me at, or just approach me at my table at the office and ask. He he he...

Vol. 2, Issue 2

ANTONIO CASIMERO The meter reader talks about helping other team members, being efficient at work, and putting family first. SF: How does it feel to be part of the SEZ family? TONI: Sa EnerZone laging masaya, mataas ang level ng samahan. As a team member, ginagawa ko yung part ko mula umaga hanggang hapon. And, still, kung may maitutulong sa iba, nagbibigay pa rin ako ng effort doon para kahit papaano ay makatulong tayo sa bawat isa. When it comes to compensations, siyempre bilang employee masaya ka kapag may mga additional privileges or bonuses, yun ang pinakamasayang part ng pagiging team member dito. (laughs) SF: Okay… can you describe how you began here. TONI: I started as a project basis employee, extending up to 5 months. Nung una, tagadeliver lang ako ng mga electric bills sa mga customers, pero nung nasa probationary status na ako, naging meter reader na ako. After six months, I got regularized at doble talaga ang saya ko. Naging secured na ako sa work, but still yung effort na pinapakita ko ay hindi nagbago. Hindi puwedeng dahil na-regular ka na eh magbabago na yung sistema ng trabaho mo. SF: What is your work attitude? TONI: At work, when someone approach me at nag“paki”, I see to it na mapagbigyan ko siya kahit na alam kong it would mean delay sa ●Page 16/ Page 17■

aking trabaho. Dito kasi sa amin, tulungan dito eh. As much as possible I try to live in that spirit, kasi hindi naman talaga natin kaya ang work na nag-iisa. Hindi matatapos na mabilis and efficient kung kanyak a n ya at walang pakialam sa bawat isa. When it comes to being a meter reader, I also see to it na matapos agad ang trabaho, hindi na ipagpapabukas pa. Kailangan yun. We need to be firm and in control of our work, para maging efficient. SF: What drives you to excel in your work? TONI: Of course, ang family. Number one yun eh. You have to love your work if you love your family. Dapat ayusin mo ang trabaho mo para maitaguyod mo ang pamilya mo. But it comes, with a balance. Hindi naman puro work na lang at nakalimutan na ang pamilya. At

h i n d i naman nagiging mabigat sa akin ang effort ng pagbabalance nun with the help and understanding of the Kaibigans here in SEZ. SF: What do you think is the best contribution you can give to the team? TONI: To be honest in your work, and to have the initiative to do things right. SF: What do you expect from the company? TONI: I expect it na makapagbigay ng security sa aking

family. Of course through me. Yun bang hangga’t nandito ka at pinapakita mo na maayos ka sa trabaho ay hindi ka nila pababayaan. Yun lang siguro ang expectation ko sa company. Alam naman natin ang buhay ngayon. Kaya hindi ka manghihinayang na ibigay yung best mo as an employee. SF: Final message. TONI: I just hope na dito sa munting interview na ito ay marami tayong mapulot na magagandang bagay. I believe na lahat ng Kaibigans dito sa SEZ ay hindi naging pabaya sa mga kasama nila, and I would say to keep it up. Let’s keep the Kaibigan fire burning. Always give your best in your work, and always focus on the good things ahead of us. ♦

May 2006


Subic Flame

One-on-one with Mar Sanqui

arcelino “Mar” Santos Sanqui was born on April 26, 1957 in Sta. Rosa, Nueva Ecija. He is a family man, with his wife Dea and 2 kids, a boy and a girl. He is a licensed civil engineer, tenth placer during the May 1980 board exams. He had a Masters degree in Business Administration. And, yes, he is the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA) Deputy Administrator (DA) for Public Works and Technical Services Group (PWTSG). He projects a meek countenance, one that you would not expect from a man of such a stature. And, the humble guy that he is, he welcomed us in his office with a warm smile as we requested for a quick interview with this man they call “D.A. Mar.”

sion, kasama ako doon as a consultant. Then, diretso na sa SBMA. SF: Is this your position already when you joined the SBMA? MS: No. I was then the head of the Engineering Department. Then, I got involved in the Project Management Office, dealing with World Bank related projects. Then, nagconsultant ako for a while. After that, dito na ako sa office of the DA, that was October 2002 before the

MS: Utilities, Maintenance, Transporation, Engineering, and Foreignassisted projects.

culties, pero ngayon malaki ang improvement.

SF: Over-all, do you oversee the operation of PWTSG? MS: Yes, with regards to the physical development of the freeport zone. Infrastructure development.

SF: With that, how will you rate the performance of SEZ so far? MS: Compared as before? As I've said, we are satisfied. Talagang sa EnerZone, you could see the commitment.

SF: What do you think are the challenges of being DA? MS: There are many challenges. In

SF: In a short span of almost three years, would you say that the purpose for the privatization of SBMA's

the SBMA, very high ang expectations because of the standards. We have to live with that expectations, and that's very hard. (laughs) SBMA is different, everything is world class, and that's the challenging part.

power distribution was served? MS: I think so. Because of the feedback from other municipalities. Just like in Olongapo, they tried to adapt the same system we have. And that means, hindi tayo nagkamali. Another thing is maganda ang coordination ng EnerZone sa amin. With Benjie and Dante, palagi silang nandito, ini-inform palagi ang mga developments sa amin, hindi kami nale-left behind.

SF: Before you joined the SBMA, where were you connected? MS: I worked here in Subic Bay for the US Navy, when the Americans were still here. In the public works center, maintenance engineering. Before, the public works center comprised of the utilities depart-

ment, maintenance department, transporation, and engineering. After that, nag-conduct ang World Bank dito ng masterplan for the conver-

privatization of the power distribution system. SF: What was the scope of the PWTSG?

SF: What are your functions/roles in connection with SEZ? MS: Actually nagkaroon ng regulatory team to oversee the DMSA (Distribution Management Services Agreement), and kami yung na-assign with regards to the technical aspect of it. SF: What can you say about SEZ's presence in the freeport today? MS: We're happy with Subic EnerZone. It brought a lot of improvement, and we give credit to SEZ. Just like yung recent typhoon, continuously wala tayong outages. Malaking difference yan compared before. Everytime pag may typhoon we experience lots of diffi-

SF: So, would you say that SEZ is living up to your expectations? MS: Yes. Yes. Definitely. Deep within, we appreciate the commitment and accomplishments of SEZ. That's why ginagawa nga tayong example sa buong Pilipinas ngayon. Accomplishment sa ating lahat yun, hindi lang sa inyo. So we're happy, damay din kami dun. SF: Thank you for your time, sir. MS: You're welcome. Thank you rin. ♦

Vol. 2, Issue 2

what I pay you for?” The manager replied, “No, sir, this I do free of charge.”

Human lingo

A doctor, a lawyer, and an engineer A doctor, a lawyer, and an engineer were discussing the relative merits of having a wife or a mistress. The lawyer says, “For sure a mistress is better. If you have a wife and want a divorce, it causes all sorts of legal problems.” The doctor says, “It’s better to have a wife because the sense of security lowers your stress and is good for your health.” Finally, the engineer says, “You’re both wrong. It’s best to have both so that when the wife thinks you’re with the mistress and the mistress thinks you’re with your wife, you can do some mathematics.”

Let work be your salvation When Joe’s wife ran away he got so depressed that his doctor sent him to see a psychiatrist. Joe told the psychiatrist his troubles and said, “Life isn’t worth living.” “Don’t be stupid, Joe,” said the psychiatrist. “Let work be your salvation. I want you to totally submerge yourself in your work. Now, what do you do for a living?” “I clean out septic tanks,” Joe replied.

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Late for work Tom had this problem of getting up late in the morning and was always late for work. His boss was mad at him and threatened to fire him if he didn’t do something about it. So Tom went to his doctor who gave him a pill and told him to take it before he went to bed. Tom slept well and in fact beat the alarm in the morning. He had a leisurely breakfast and drove cheerfully to work. “Boss,” he said. “The pill actually worked!” “That’s all fine,’ said the boss. “But where were you yesterday?”

Job application An applicant was filling out a job application. When he came to the question, “Have you ever been arrested?” he wrote, “No.” The next question, intended for people who had answered in the affirmative to the previous question, was “Why?” The applicant answered it anyway, “Never got caught.”

The Boss The boss came early in the morning one day and found his manager screwing his secretary. He shouted at him, “Is this


what they want and do it.

Honesty test An office manager was sent three secretaries, equally qualified, to fill one vacancy. “Well,” thought the manager, “I’ll give them an honesty test to determine which secretary to keep.” To this end, he gave each secretary a money bag to take and bank telling them that there was $50 in the bag. (In fact, he had placed $100 in each bag; thus the honesty test.) The first secretary goes to the bank, discovers the extra money, banks $50 and returns the extra $50 to the manager. The second secretary goes to the bank, discovers the extra money, banks the full $100, and returns with a deposit slip as proof. The third secretary goes to the bank, discovers the extra money, banks $50, goes to the local lottery and uses the $50 to win $300, then returns, explains to the manager and gives him all the money. Question: Which secretary does the manager select to retain??? Answer: Well, DUH!... The one with the biggest breasts! FIN//

1. “Competitive Salary” - we remain competitive by paying less than our competitors. 2. “Join our fast-paced company” - we have no time to train you. 3. “Casual work atmosphere” - we don’t pay enough to expect that you’ll dress up. 4. “Some overtime required” - some time every night and some time every weekend because we lack people. 5. “Must be able to multitask” - anyone in the office can boss you around. 6. “Must have an eye for detail” - we have no quality control. 7. “Problem-solving skills a must” - you’re walking into a company in perpetual chaos. 8. “Preferably with experience” - to replace the people who had just left. 9. “Requires team leadership skills” - you’ll have the responsibilities of a manager, without the pay or respect. 10. “Good communication skills” - Management communicates, you listen, figure out World’s worst office mate.

May 2006 According to some studies, too much work can be stressful and it can lead to addictive behaviors. If you have a stressful job, there are tips to lessen the stress that you’re experiencing while you are at work:


tress is the "wear and tear" our bodies experience as we adjust to our continually changing environment; it has physical and emotional effects on us and can create positive or negative feelings. As a positive influence, stress can help compel us to action; it can result in a new awareness and an exciting new perspective. As a negative influence, it

can result in feelings of distrust, rejection, anger, and depression, which in turn can lead to health problems such as headaches, upset stomach, rashes, insomnia, ulcers, high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. With the death of a loved one, the birth of a child, a job promotion, or a new relationship, we experience stress as we readjust our lives. In so adjusting to different circumstances, stress will help or hinder us depending on how we react to it.

1. Take positive values to work. Because of the stressful job that we have, so metimes we tend to forget to smile, to be patient and to be kind. Alwa ys remember to have these values even when you are at work. 2. Keep inspiration close at hand. You can do this by having inspirational articles, books of inspirational quotes or stories at yo u r desk. You can d e vote some o f yo u r time by reading these while you don’t have much work. 3. Work soft. Its okay to work hard but too much effort can be counterproductive. We can work hard at the expense of our ability to think clearly, to be in touch of our intuition or to operate in a relaxed and efficient manner. Whenever the fax machine or the phone rings, do it as a reminder to relax your shoulders and breathe deeply. Soften your focus as you sink back into your body.

4. Clear clutter. A cluttered environment can literally drain your energy and cause additional stress! Apply some principles of good cleanliness to your workstation. Clear the clutter from your bulletin board and your desktop. Change the old pictures, cartoons or anything that no longer supports your sense of p r o sper ity and wellbeing. 5. Lig ht en up. Smile more. We all know laughter reduces stress. You will b e

Subic Flame

friend. Having someone to talk to can take a lot of stress off you. 9. Relax and breathe deeply. Whether you are feeling overwhelmed by the amount or work you have to do or if someone is "in your face", a good thing to do is to "breathe through your nose". You can't get as worked up if you force yourself to breathe through your nose. Your body simply can't maintain the same level of energy without that extra oxygen you get when breathing through your mouth. 10. Spend more time with optimistic people. Negative people will pull you down to

amazed at how much more pleasant the people around you are when you make an effort to be pleasant yourself. 6. Learn to listen bet-

ter. Rather than getting upset when others disagree with you, listen actively and find the areas of agreement. Be assertive and stand up for yourself, but don't be rigid. 7. Don't sweat the small stuff. Realize that there are some things that just aren't worth worrying about and there are some things you just can't change. Don't waste time stressing over the things in either category. 8. Find a mentor or a

their level. Choose to work with people who have a positive attitude instead. ♦

Vol. 2, Issue 2

Red Torque takes Over-all Team Title


he Red Torque proved right to its billing as the team to beat in the 2006 SEZ Sportsfest as they clinch the muchcoveted title of Over-all Team Champion during the awarding rites at the SEZ administration building, May 19. The Torque amassed 6 golds to inch out the Yellow

Phasers for the prize including 3 golds from Mars Escobar. They won in the following events: Scrabble, Mars Escobar; Games of the Generals, Mars Escobar; Basketball; Women's Badminton, Ethel Valerio; Table Tennis, Ramny Guatelara; and Chess, Mars Escobar. The Yellow team placed second with 5 golds: Mara-

thon, Nonoy Vallejos; Longest Line; Sack Race; Volleyball; and Darts, Richard Bulaon. The Blue Sparks settled for third with 3 golds: Cheering; Billiards, Eme Jagupit; and Men's Badminton, Robin Geronimo. The Green Reactors was the fourth placer with only 1 gold to boot, in Quiz bowl. EVP/COO Benjamin Cariaso Jr. and General Manager Dante Pollescas graced the said awarding rites. ♦

Jagupit beats Pangilinan to top 9-Ball tourney


lue Sparks' billiards master Emerito “Eme” Jagupit grabbed the gold medal after defeating Ross Pangilinan of the Red Torque, 9-8, in a race to nine finals of the 2006 SEZ Sportsfest Billiards event at the Cue Zone along Dewey Avenue, Subic Bay Freeport Zone, February 17. Jagupit was undefeated going into the finals while Pangilinan barely entered, surviving playoff matches with Robin Geronimo (Blue Sparks) and John Ducos (Yellow Phasers). Geronimo took home the bronze. ♦


Official Medal Tally TEAMS

Number One! Members of Over-all Team Champion Red Torque poses for a photo during the 2006 SEZ Sportsfest awarding ceremonies held at the SEZ admin building last May 19. GM Dante is the Red Torque’s team manager.

























BACJ presents Jagupit as SEZ’s first billiards master.

“Little” Phasers bring down “Giant” Reactors to grab Volleyball Diadem


irtual underdog Yellow Phasers trounced heavyfavorite Green Reactors in five sets, 25-19, 29-27, 21-25, 2225, 25-14 to clinch the gold medal in the 2006 SEZ Sportsfest Volleyball event. The Phasers leaned on the relentless performances of their ace spiker Eugene Candaliza, steady setter Richard Bulaon, and formidable stoppers Dodong Gumba and Gani Madrid to repulse the challenge put up by the tough Green team. The Yellow Phasers’ awesome foursome combined to push the team to victory in the first two sets before the mighty comeback of the Reactors.

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Behind the inspired efforts of Easy.” to say that whether you’re the Green team mainstays Keng Again, as all great champions favorite or the underdog, still “the Balbuena, Jeff Figuerrez, Jay know and conclude, it will be safe ball is round”. Toyok! Toyok! ♦ Navarro, and Marvin Devera, the Reactors took sets 3 and 4 to force a deciding fifth set. But in the final set of the night, the Phasers showed their counterparts what team play is all about. “It’s much like David beating Goliath,” said Gumba. “What killed Goliath wasn’t David’s stone or fighting ability. What killed him was his broad experience in battle. His experience told him that David was small and weak. It made him overconfident. BACJ awards the volleyball championship trophy to the Yellow Phasers.

May 2006

Subic Flame

Sweet, Sweep, and Swift Revenge as Guatelara drubs Figuerrez in straight sets


eturning for mere redemption, Ramny Guatelara of the Red Torque dismantled Green Reactors' defending champion Jeff Figuerrez in the best-of-five SEZ table tennis finals at the SEZ motorpool area, May 2. Guatelara was undefeated the whole tournament, convincingly beating every opponent who dare cross his path. Figuerrez lost only once in the tournament, a semifinal bowing to, who else, but Guatelara. “Pressured ako masyado nung finals. Kulang pa sa practice, huling-huli ni Sir Ram yung mga weaknesses and loopholes ko,” Figuerrez said after the match. “Pero magaling talaga si Sir Ram.” Looking unbeatable,

Guatelara overpowered Figuerrez in straight sets, 2118, 27-25, 21-14, retaining his deadly reputation as the best table tennis player in SEZ. “I focused myself not to be complacent with the championship match. I know my opponent is just waiting for any opportunity to strike or to bring me down”, Guatelara said. “But I'm not giving him any.” Last year, Figuerrez defeated Guatelara in an anticlimactic finals also in straight sets, although it was the latter who was heavilyfavored to capture the crown. This year, the story seemed to be straightened out. “I feel a little bit higher, knowing that I am the best right now,” Guatelara con-

cluded. Meanwhile, another Reactor, Achilles Balbuena, grabbed third place by beating Richard Bulaon of the

An eye for eye. Jeff Figuerrez’s eye seemed to be turned into a pingpong ball as he prepares to receive a volley shot by Ramny Guatelara. Figuerrez made a gallant stand but Guatelara prevailed to become the new champion.

Geronimo dethrones Navarro to take Badminton Gold


obin Geronimo of the Blue Sparks overcame insurmountable odds by defeating defending champion

Justin Jay Navarro of the Green Reactors, 7-15, 15-11, 19-17, and claim the gold medal in the 2006 SEZ

Yellow Phasers in a tightlycontested match that went the distance, 21-18, 16-21, 1721, 21-17, 21-19. ♦

Sportsfest's Badminton event Men's Division. Playing with nothing left to lose, Geronimo broke the deuce in the final set to claim the crown, amidst stunned spectators at the SEZ Motorpool. Navarro, defending champion and undefeated Si Malakas at si Maganda. (left photo) Robin Geronimo gets hold of his championship trophy from BACJ as teammate Ryan Griva applauds. (right photo) Ethel Valerio also re- throughout ceives her trophy after topping the women’s division. Both players came from behind to the tournament, snatch the gold medals.

looked as though he was ready to take Geronimo away right in the opening set. But Geronimo had other plans. He slowly but surely made his way through Navarro's defenses to take the second set. In the final set, the pressure was heavy on Navarro's shoulders. Tired and breathing heavily, Navarro began to react slowly while Geronimo took advantage of his opponent's weakness. Meanwhile, Ethel Valerio of the Red Torque pulled out a similar surprise in the Badminton event's Women's Division as she struck out Gay Viva of the Yellow Phasers to become champion. ♦

Vol. 2, Issue 2

“TRIPLE CROWN” for Red’s Escobar In a show of utter supremacy, Mars Escobar of the Red Torque proved to everyone who is the master when it comes to board games. Escobar conquered 3 sporting events during the 2006 Sportsfest, capturing the gold medal in Scrabble, Games of the Generals, and Chess. First stop is scrabble. Reaffirming his status as the best scrabble player in SEZ, Mars Escobar of the Red Torque successfully defended his scrabble title by besting three others in the championship match of the 2006 SEZ Sportsfest Scrabble event. He scored 209 and 165 points in the finals' rounds 1 and 2 respectively for an average of 187 points. Marvin Devera of the Green Reactors took the silver with 130 and 138 points (134 average). Karen Matawaran, also of the Green Reactors, won the bronze medal with 82 and 107 (94.5). In the Games of the Generals, Escobar won 5 straight games to rally from a 3.5-0.5 deficit to outlast Ryan Griva of the Blue Sparks, 3.53.5 (2-0), in a best-of-seven finals that coursed for 2 weeks. Griva won 3 straight to put Escobar to the brink before a draw in the fourth game. But Escobar never wavered and bounced back to become the firstever SEZ GG champion. Meanwhile in chess, Escobar finally captured the elusive crown in 2006 against a hard-fighting Frederick Coronel of the Blue Sparks. He ran over Coronel 3-0 in the best-of-five series. In 2004, Escobar lost to Ross Pangilinan while in 2005, he was also runner-up to Herman Puda. To sum it up, Escobar contributed 3 golds en route to the Red Torque in becoming the Over-all Team Champion of the 2006 SEZ Sportsfest. ♦

Alipoyo named 2006 MVP


Noel Batingal (12.6 percentage points), and Yellow Phasers' Nonoy Vallejos (12.5 percentage points). It was the first playing season of Alipoyo in SEZ, and he managed to make a huge impact right on opening day. He led the Red Team in scoring, rebounding, and blocking en route to the championship. Alipoyo guided the Torque to a leagueleading 4-2 win-loss MVP. A smiling Alipoyo hoists up his Most record in the elimi- Valuable Player trophy. nations and in dismantling the Blue Sparks in the semifinals. He joined Manny Tabradillo as the only MVP's of the 3 year-old league. Tabradillo did not play in the 2006 season because of a 6month training in Davao City. The 2006 Mythical First Team (which is also the top 5 MVP contenders) were also awarded, namely: Veloso, center; Alipoyo, forward, Tamayo, forward; Vallejos, guard; and Batingal, guard. Below are the tabulated Best of the best. The 2006 Mythical First Team (from left to right): results for the 2006 SEZ BasEmon Tamayo, forward; Luther Alipoyo, forward; Noy Vallejos, guard; ketball tournament Most Noel Batingal, guard; and Boy Veloso (represented by team manager Valuable Player Award comRicky Coronel), center. putation. ♦

uther Alipoyo of the Red Torque was named as SEZ Basketball's 2006 Most Valuable Player in an awarding ceremony held during the halftime break of Game 2 of the best-of-three SEZ AllStar Game Series, April 7. The 5-10 forward totaled 43.3 percentage points, including 22 MVP votes from the league's players and managers for the 2006 season. He also ranked first in statistical points with 97. Rounding up the top five were Blue Sparks' Boy Veloso (17.9 percentage points), Blue Sparks' Raymund Tamayo (13.8 percentage points), Red Torque's






Luther Alipoyo, Red






Boy Veloso, Blue






Emon Tamayo, Blue






Noel Batingal, Red






Noy Vallejos, Yellow







Escobar receives his chess championship trophy from BACJ.

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May 2006

Torque Distort Phasers to Win SEZ Basketball Championship, 53-40


gain, the old cliché proved to be correct: offense wins ballgames, but defense wins championships. In one of the greatest defensive performances by a team in the history of SEZ basketball, the Red Torque erupted for a 242 run in the second half of game 4 to beat the Yellow Phasers 5340 and capture the 2006 SEZ Basketball title at the SEZ basketball court, March 24. Down by 10 points after the first half, 18-28, the Torque applied a full court pressing defense to baffle the confused Yellow squad, forcing them to

commit 15 turnovers in the third quarter alone. The Phasers started out strong, taking control of the match for the first two quarters and majority of the third before the suffocating defensive ordeal. “Our players were more of one-on-one type of players, while theirs (Phasers) are a cohesive teamwork-oriented unit,” Red team head coach Mars Escobar commented. “When we switched to a full court pressure defense, they were rattled. Sumabay sila sa laro namin, fastpaced, razzle-dazzle, and I think that was one of the biggest fac-

tors that contributed to our victory.” The Red team never looked back after taking the lead in the third quarter, 34-32, and continued to pounce on the helpless Phasers until the final buzzer sounded to end the best-of-five championship series, 3-1. As it was for the whole season, the Red Torque was led by the dynamic duo of 2006 MVP Luther Alipoyo and perennial MVP contender Noel Batingal. For the best-of-five series, Alipoyo and Batingal averaged 17.0 and 10.8 points respectively. Meanwhile, the Blue Sparks took care of business and grabbed the bronze medal after a 37-31 conquest of the Green Reactors. Here are the scores: SPARKS (37) – Coronel 12, Tamayo 11, Veloso 6, Griva 4, Aparicio 2, Abarquez 2, Geronimo 0. REACTORS (31) – Balbuena 11, Nayona 7, Beniga 7, Ysulat 6, Navarro 0, Celoreco 0, Caluza 0, Devera 0, Lacanin 0. Quarterscores: 6-7, 15-11, 2519, 37-31

We are the Champions: The Red Torque receive the 2006 SEZ Basketball Championship trophy. In the photo are (from left to right) Arnieric Quimpan, Ferdie Jimenez, Noel Batingal, Eric Caseja, head coach Mars Escobar, 2006 MVP Luther Alipoyo, and player/manager Ramny Guatelara.

Bulaon retains Darts crown


ellow Phasers’ Richard Bulaon successfully defends his Darts crown by tripping Blue Sparks’ Frederick Coronel in the finals match of the 2006 SEZ Sportsfest Darts competition, May 24. Bulaon totaled 775 points

(432-254) in the 45-pin 2round finals against Coronel’s 554 (254-300). Bulaon bested 24 contestants divided into 4 brackets in topping the tournament. Raymund Tamayo, also of the Blue Sparks, grabbed the

TORQUE (53) – Batingal 22, Alipoyo 19, Jimenez 7, Vallejos 3, Quimpan 2, Escobar 0, Guatelara 0, Caseja 0. PHASERS (40) – Vallejos 14, Candaliza 11, Fernandez 7, Bulaon 5, Villanueva 3, Quelestino 0. Quarterscores: 8-14, 18-28, 36-32, 53-40 ♦

Subic Flame

All-Star Game ‘06

Southwest grapples Northeast, 72-61 They came as losers. They’re leaving as winners. The Southwest All-Stars, playing with nothing left to lose, proved critics wrong by overpowering the heavily-favored Northeast squad, 72-61, in game 3 of a best-of-three All-Star showdown at the SEZ Basketball Court, April 10. Coached by Jun Bustria of the Green Reactors, the Southwest team used a slow halfcourt game and honest defense to counter the speedy Northeast All-Stars. Northeast won game 1, 57-55, while Southwest bounced back to take game 2, 76-65. Starting unit for Southwest were: Richard Fernandez, Yellow, center; Dennis Beniga, Green, forward; Eugene Candaliza, Yellow, forward; Keng Balbuena, Green, guard; and Noy Vallejos, Yellow, guard. First five for Northeast were: Boy Veloso, Blue, center; Luther Alipoyo, Red, forward; Arnieric Quimpan, Red, forward; Noel Batingal, Red, guard; and Emon Tamayo, Blue, guard. Here are the scores: SOUTHWEST (72) - Balbuena 20, Beniga 12, Nayona 9, Vallejos 8, Ysulat 8, Candaliza 7, Caluza 4, Fernandez 4, Bulaon 0, Celoreco 0. NORTHEAST (61) - Alipoyo 19, Jimenez 12, Tamayo 9, Batingal 8, Veloso 7, Quimpan 2, Mojal 2, Guatelara 0, Griva 0, Caseja 0. Quarterscores: 17-16, 41-31, 53-47, 72-61 ♦

bronze medal. Marvin Devera of the Green reactors was the o t h e r semifinalist. ♦ Bulaon shows the form that made him champion.

MAY 2006 Canal Road corner Labitan St., CBD, SBFZ Tel. No.: (047) 252-7392 Fax No.: (047) 252– 7397 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF SUBIC ENERZONE

AT THE LOAN SIGNING. (standing from L to R): Arlene Orencia, Senior AVP, DBP; Froilan Mendoza, Account Management Specialist, DBP; (sitting from L to R): Gabby Manalac, First Vice President, AEV; Belen Olano, First Vice President, DBP; Benjamin Cariaso Jr., EVP/COO, SEZ; and Ma. Lourdes BenedictoGumba, AVP, DBP.

Subic EnerZone secures P185M loan for power projects


ubic EnerZone Corporation (SEZ) recently signed a P185million, 10-year loan with the Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP). Proceeds from the loan will support projects mandated under the SEZ contract Distribution Management Service Agreement (DMSA) with Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA). These projects include the rehabilitation of power distribution systems to reduce systems loss, building of new substations in Cubi and Maritan, and further improvement in the computerization

Press Release from Aboitiz Eyes systems. “These investments are part of our SEZ commitment to provide reliable power to the Subic Bay Freeport Zone,” said Benjamin A. Cariaso Jr., SEZ Executive Vice President/Chief Operating Officer. At the signing were (standing L-R) Arlene S. Orencia, DBP Senior Assistant Vice President; Froilan Mendoza, DBP Chief Account Management Specialist; seated (L-R) Gabriel T. Manalac, Aboitiz Equity Ventures Treasurer; Belen G. Olano, DBP First Vice President; Mr. Cariaso; and Ma.

Lourdes Benedicto-Gumba, DBP Assistant Vice President. A subsidiary of Aboitiz Equity Ventures, SEZ is the electric distribution utility managing the power distribution system (PDS) of SBMA. It boasts of one of the lowest systems losses of any distribution utility in the country. As SEZ continues to implement projects that will improve the efficiency of SBMA’s PDS, it expects systems loss to further reduce. Correspondingly, as losses reduce further, so will the power rate per kwhr. ♦

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