Information Memorandum | 1737 Discvoery Drive, North Lakes | Ray White NCG

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Keymax Junction Tower - 1737 Anzac Avenue, North Lakes 15/02/2023

GROUND LEVEL (LEASE - RELEASE 1) G01 - AVAILABLE 105 G02 - UNDER CONTRACT 128 G03A - UNDER CONTRACT 50 G03B - AVAILABLE 50 G04 - UNDER CONTRACT 190 LEVEL 1 (LEASE - RELEASE 1) T101 - RESERVED 60 500.00 $ T102 - RESERVED 222 475.00 $ T103 - RESERVED 138 485.00 $ T104 - RESERVED 55 500.00 $ T105 - RESERVED 80 490.00 $ T106 - RESERVED 80 490.00 $ T107 - RESERVED 80 490.00 $ LEVEL 2 (LEASE - RELEASE 2) T201 - RESERVED 60 500.00 $ T202 - RESERVED 222 475.00 $ T203 - RESERVED 128 485.00 $ T204 - RESERVED 55 500.00 $ T205 - RESERVED 80 490.00 $ T206 - RESERVED 80 490.00 $ T207 - RESERVED 80 490.00 $ LEVEL 3 (LEASE - RELEASE 3) T301 60500.00 $ T302 222475.00 $ T303 - LEASED 128485.00 $ T304 55500.00 $ T305 80490.00 $ T306 80490.00 $ T307 - 80490.00 $ LEVEL 4 (LEASE - RELEASE 2) T401 60550.00 $ T402 222500.00 $ T403 - 128515.00 $ T404 55550.00 $ T405 80550.00 $ T406 60550.00 $ T407 - LEASED 100550.00 $ LEVEL 5 (LEASE - RELEASE 3) T501 60550.00 $ T502 222500.00 $ T503 138515.00 $ T504 55550.00 $ T505 - 80550.00 $ T506 - UNDER CONTRACT 80 T507 - UNDER CONTRACT 80 COMMERCIAL TENANCIESSQ. M. SALE RATE $/SQ (excl GST) LEASE RATE $/SQ/YEAR (excl GST & OUTGOINGS)

EachofficeunitinJunctionToweroffersamplenaturallight,withlarge glasswindowslookingoutineachdirection.OfficesfacingAnzacavenue benefitfrom increasedexposuretopassingpedestrianandvehicle traffic,whilethoseofficesontheothersideofthebuildingoffer uninteruptedviewstowardsBrisbaneCBDfrom anelevatedvantage point.

ThedigitalsignboardfacingAnzacAvenueisthelargestdigital signboardapprovedinMoretonBayatthetimeofconstruction,and offerstenantsandownerswithinthebuildingawindow ofexposureto busyAnzacAvenue.


isfoundonthepartofKeymaxPropertyGroup,notwithstandingtheexclusioncontainedinthisclause,thensuchliabilityshallnotexceed$1,000. AllinformationprovidedinrelationtothepropertywhethercontainedinthisInformationDocumentorotherwiseisgivenwithoutresponsibilityand onthebasisthatthepotentiallesseeswillmaketheirownenquiries,searchesandinspectionsandobtaintheirownadvices,bythelegal,financial andotherwise,tosatisfythemselvesinrelationtothepropertyandallmatiersandissuesinrelationthereto.WherethisInformationDocumentrefers tootherin tootherinformationandreportsforthebenefitofpotentiallessees,nowarrantyisgivenorrepresentationmadethatsuchinformationorreportsis correctandaccurate.Potentiallesseesarerequiredtocarryouttheirowninvestigationsandengagetheirownconsultantsandadvisorstoobtain theirownreports(astheydeem benecessary)inrelationtoallmattersinrespecttothepropertyincludingandfutureproposalsfordevelopment and/oruseorapplicationoftheproperty.

ThisInformationDocumentisprovidedtopotentialPurchasersonaconfidentialbasisandisnottobemadeavailabletoanyotherpersonwithout thepriorwrittenconsento ofKeymaxPropertyGroup.Totheextentthatanyoftheaboveparagraphsmaybeconstructedasbeingincontravention ofanylaw oftheStateofQueenslandortheCommonwealth,suchparagraphorparagraphsshallbereaddown,orseveredorbothasthevase mayrequire,andtheremainingparagraphsshallcontinuetoremaininfullforce.

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