Samuel Hoy Sales & Leasing Executive 0423 795 273
Michael Shadforth Director - Commercial Principal 0488 981 076
ADDRESS 3/13 Windsor Road, Burnside QLD 4560
LOCAL AUTHORITY Sunshine Coast Regional Council
ZONING Medium Impact Industry Zone
FOR SALE Expressions of Interest
Rates: $6,071.14*
Water: $2,518.84*
Strata Levies: $9,424.44* = $18,014.42pa*
13 Windsor Road, Burnside is a 18,660m2 allotment comprising three buildings, car parking and additional hardstand. Lot 3 is a total of 1,633m2 that has a head-lease with five separate tenancies. The roof was fully replaced in February 2023 and the outside is brick and rendered with multiple roller doors and personal door access.
The Sunshine Coast is just over one hour by road, north of the state capital of Brisbane and covers an area of approximately 2,291 square kilometres with 52.3 kilometres of open coastline.
The region features commercial, residential and industrial precincts as well as diverse landscapes from ocean beaches to green belts and pristine hinterland communities. Positioned on the doorstep of Asia and the Pacific Rim, the region is well connected to national and international markets through its major transport networks – the Bruce Highway, the national rail network and the Sunshine Coast Airport.
The purpose of the Medium impact industry zone code is to provide for a range of low and medium impact industrial activities and limited non-industrial activities that are ancillary to industrial activities and do not compromise the operation of industrial activities or the integrity of the Medium impact industry zone.
TheinformationcontainedinthisInformationMemorandumandanyotherverbalorwritteninformationgiveninrespectoftheproperty(“Information”)isprovidedtotherecipient(“you”) onthefollowingconditions:
1. North Coast Commercial Properties Pty Ltd trading as Ray White Northern Corridor Group and or any of its officers, employees or consultants (“we, us”) make no representation,warrantyorguarantee,thattheInformation,whetherornotinwriting,is complete, accurate or balanced. Some information has been obtained from third parties and has not been independently verified. Accordingly, no warranty, representation or undertaking,whetherexpressorimplied,ismadeandnoresponsibilityisacceptedbyusas totheaccuracyofanypartofthis,oranyfurtherinformationsuppliedbyoronourbehalf, whether orally or in writing.
2. Allvisualimages(includingbutnotlimitedtoplans,photographs,specifications,artist impressions) are indicative only and are subject t o change. Any measurement noted is indicativeandnottoscale. Alloutlinesonphotographsareindicativeonly.
3. The Information does not constitute, and should not be considered as, a recommendationinrelationtothepurchaseofthepropertyorasolicitationoroffertosell the property or a contract of sale for the property.
4. You should satisfy yourself as t o the accuracy and completeness of the Information throughyourowninspections,surveys,enquiries,andsearchesbyyourownindependent consultants,andwerecommendthatyouobtainindependentlegal,financialandtaxation advice. This includes as t o whether any listing price is inclusive or exclusive of GST.
5. Wearenotvaluersandmakenocommentastovalue. “Sold/leased”designationsshow onlythatstockis“currentlynotavailable”–notthatthepropertyiscontracted/settled.If you require a valuation we recommend that you obtain advice from a registered valuer.
6. TheInformationdoesnotandwillnotformpartofanycontractofsalefortheproperty.
If an interested party makes an offer or signs a contract for the property, the only information,representationsandwarrantiesuponwhichyouwillbeentitledtorelywillbe asexpresslysetoutinsuchacontract.
7. Interestedpartieswillberesponsibleformeetingtheirowncostsofparticipatingin the sale process for the property. We will not be liable to compensate any intending purchasersforanycostsorexpensesincurredinreviewing,investigatingoranalysingany Information.
8. Wewillnotbeliabletoyou(tothefullextentpermittedbylaw)foranyliabilities,costs or expenses incurred in connection with the Information or subsequent sale of the property whatsoever, whether the loss or damage arises in connection with any negligence, default or lack of care on our part.
9. No person is authorised to give information other than the Information in this Information Memorandum or in another brochure or document authorised by us. Any statementorrepresentationbyanofficer,agent,supplier,customer,relativeoremployee of the vendor will not be binding on the vendor or us.
10. To the extent that any of the above paragraphs may be construed as being a contraventionofanylawoftheStateortheCommonwealth,suchparagraphsshouldbe readdown,severedorbothasthecasemayrequireandtheremainingparagraphsshall continuetohavefullforceandeffect.
11. You may not discuss the Information or the proposed sale of the property with the vendorsorwithanyagent,friend,associateorrelativeofthevendororanyotherperson connected with the vendor without our prior written consent. We accept no responsibility or liability to any other party who might use or rely upon this report in wholeorpartofitscontents.
The Information must not be reproduced, transmitted or otherwise made available to any other person without our prior written consent.
Ray White Commercial Northern Corridor Group
Samuel Hoy Sales & Leasing Executive 0423 795 273
Michael Shadforth Director - Commercial Principal 0488 981 076