F r i d a y To p 5 | S y d n e y O f f i c e L e a s i n g
Amazing views from level 27 Part level 27, 25 Bligh Street , Sydney 25 Bligh Street is situated on the western side of Bligh Street between Hunter and Bent Streets in the heart of the financial precinct. On-site amenities available to tenants include a gymnasium, showers, storage facilities and forecourt coffee cart.
Area m2:
245 approx
Rent $/m2: Rental PA:
$1,170 Gross $286,650
Anthony Harris 0409 319 060 aharris@raywhite.com
- Secure private space with 18 electric "sit to stand" desks - 1 private meeting room and 2 glass fronted offices - Shared front of house, 3 boardrooms, 2 meeting rooms, kitchen - Share 40% of the whole floor of 612m2 equating to approx. 245m2
- Assign to June 2024 benefit from full fit out and furniture https://raywhitesydneyleasing.com.au/listing/PrintListingDetail.aspx?listingID=1105067