F r i d a y To p 5 | S y d n e y O f f i c e L e a s i n g
Outdoor balcony with city views Level 4, 60 Union Street , Pyrmont 60 Union Street is popularly known as "The Atrium." It is located close to Darling Harbour, Star City & Harris Street, near prominent businesses such as IAG, Google, Accenture & Oscar's Hotels. - Sublease to 31 June 2023, or new lease at adjusted rental - Good quality existing fit out with exclusive balcony - 10 offices, 7 meeting rooms, 3 boardrooms, 68 workstations - Compactus storage, large kitchen and breakout area - Please contact the exclusive leasing agents
Area m2:
905 approx
Rent $/m2:
$852 Gross $771,893
Rental PA:
Andrew Telepis 0415972696 atelepis@raywhite.com