FINTECH’S VARIOUS APPLICATIONS The rapid pace of technological adoption and evolution has impacted many areas of life, leading to disruption to how people are used to doing things.
One industry that has witnessed this to a great extent is financial services, where businesses are using technology to provide innovative solutions – and new or improved banking and lending products.
Cryptocurrency refers to currencies that exist and can be transacted only on digital platforms.
Some examples include:
Peer-to-Peer Lending This is a form of lending where a thirdparty platform brings together investors and borrowers, with the latter receiving money at a rate that matches their risk. Investors, on the other hand, get to lend at attractive rates that guarantee good returns.
Robo Advice Robo advice tools make use of machine learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to provide automated investment advice that helps investors manage exchange-traded funds (ETFs).
implement smart-saving features, and gain insights on spending.
Digital Banks
Cryptocurrency refers to currencies that exist and can be transacted only on digital platforms. Unlike traditional currencies, they are not regulated by central authorities.
Digital banks are accessible via mobile devices and are built using new technology that allows users to transact in multiple currencies,
To learn more about this topic, visit the blog of Razi Salih.