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Figure 8. Distribution of COVID-19 Quarantine Facilities in Western Visayas
preventive and screening diagnostics such as TB testing, NBS confirmatory testing, HIV testing, non-communicable diseases work ups/refill of maintenance medications, etc. This resulted to the inadequacy of DOH-centrally procured logistics at the regional level like essential medicines, e.g., antiretroviral therapy (ART), TB drugs, drugs for anti-hypertensive, anti-diabetics, vaccines and paraphernalia, micronutrient supplements, and the like. With no available air, sea and land transportation, the distribution of logistics to local government units, hospitals and other health service implementers was also delayed. Moreover, the financial support for non-COVID services was limited since the budget support was prioritized to COVID-19 related activities, logistics, and human resource for health.
Financial support for non-COVID services was limited since budget support was prioritized to COVID-19 related activities, logistics and human resource for health.
Treatment and quarantine facilities and hospital beds are not sufficient to accommodate
projected increasing number of COVID-19 cases. As of May 10, 2020 report of the DOH, there are 316 identified quarantine facilities with 5,899 beds to accommodate COVID-19 related cases. Most of the municipalities have identified at least one quarantine facility.
Figure 8. Distribution of COVID-19 Quarantine Facilities in Western Visayas, As of 10 May 2020
Source: DOH Western Visayas Center for Health Development