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Ryan Oliver Lewis

Manchester, United Kingdom

TL;DR – Young, human. Dry humour. Bit of a geek. Likes music, sport, and audiovisual stimuli [in various different flavours some of which are outlined above]. Somewhat verbose. Essentially a nice person. And a man. A man much like many other men are a man. One man. One single man. Young. Hard working. Creative. One young, single, hard working (and creative) man wielding two hands and a brain, held up with calcium hydroxylapatite and bundled into skin. Finished with a big looping bow. Indeed, upon impossibly close scrutiny, a ‘me’ consists of all the traditional elements found in the semantic field of ‘human body parts’ all thrown together as randomly as genetics will allow. On any given evening I can be found having an as yet undisclosed amount of fun (at a location yet to be announced). Previous pastimes have included failing to learn how to ride a bike in the car park of a closed down supermarket and sewing.
