Filini HB Menu

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MENU Specially crafted for you


Assorted Starters

Calamaretti Fritti, Zucchine e Salsa Filini al Limone e Basilico (D)

Crispy local fresh baby squid and zucchini with Filini’s lemon basil dip

Burrata con Datterini, Melone, Pesto di Basilico e Aceto Balsamico Bianco (D)(N)

Burrata cheese with locally produced datterino tomatoes, cantaloupe melon, basil pesto and white balsamic dressing

Crostini Caldi (D)(N)

Multigrain sourdough toasted bread topped with smoked capsicum, porcini, buffalo mozzarella, cured salmon, pickled onion cream, datterino tomatoes and pesto

Zuppa di Pomodoro e Crema di Burrata (V)

Tomato soup with burrata cream

Insalata di Misticanza Verde (V)

Mixed green salad with beans, cucumber, tomatoes and asparagus with citrus dressing

Mezza Dozzina di Ostriche ‘Dibba Bay’ con Lime (ADD-ON AED 30)

Half dozen ‘Dibba Bay’ oysters no.3, served with lime

Carpaccio di Salmone Marinato agli Agrumi (N) (ADD-ON AED 30)

Citrus-marinated salmon carpaccio with cucumber and celery crisps, topped with orange and hazelnuts


Pastas | Mains

Margherita (D)(V)

Tomato sauce, fiordilatte, fiordilatte mozzarella and basil


Spicy spianata salami, tomato sauce and fiordilatte mozzarella

Boscaiola (ADD-ON AED 25)

Mixed mushrooms, cream, cooked veal ham and fiordilatte mozzarella

Tavoliere (V) (ADD-ON AED 20)

Burrata (60 gm), bresaola, cherry tomatoes and fiordilatte mozzarella

Contadina (V)

Grilled zucchini, eggplant, mushrooms, baked potatoes, cherry tomatoes, asparagus, shallot petals and fiordilatte mozzarella

(D) - Dairy | (N) - Nuts | (V) - Vegetarian

*All prices are in UAE Dirham and are inclusive of all applicable service charges and taxes.


Specially crafted for you


Pastas | Mains

Risotto ai Funghi Misti e Crema di Piselli (D)

Risotto with wild mushrooms and green peas purée

Rigatoni con Ragu alla Bolognese (D)

Rigatoni pasta with bolognese sauce and grana padano cheese

Cavatelli con Pesto Trapanese e Tartare di Gamberi Rossi e Olio Agrumato (N)(D) (ADD-ON AED 35)

Cavatelli pasta with sun-dried tomatoes and almond pesto, topped with red shrimp tartare and citrus oil

Trofie al Pesto Genovese, Fagiolini e Patate (D)(N)(V)

Trofie pasta, basil pesto, green beans and potatoes

Branzino su Letto di Lenticchie Umbre al Pomodoro, con Granella di Nocciole Tostate (D)(N)

Grilled sea bass on Umbrian brown lentils with vegetables and roasted hazelnuts crumble

Cacciucco alla Livornese a Modo Mio (ADD-ON AED 45)

Livornese seafood stew with shellfish, seafood and bell peppers

Gamberoni alla Griglia con Burro agli Agrumi e Misticanza (D) (ADD-ON AED 45)

Grilled local prawns with citrus butter and mixed salad

Polletto al Mattone in Salsa Verde con Caponata di Peperoni, Capperi, Melanzane, Olive

Nere e Cipolla Croccante (D)

Corn-fed baby chicken with salsa verde sauce, roasted bell peppers, capers, black olives, eggplant, tomatoes and onion chips

Filetto di Manzo or Costata di Manzo or Bistecca di Manzo, Olio Affumicato,

Patate Arrosto al Rosmarino e Insalata Verde (D) (ADD-ON AED 125)

Beef fillet (200g) 205 | Beef ribeye (300g) 205 | Beef flank steak (400g) 185

Seasoned with smoked oil, fondant potato, parsnip puree, Mediterranean herbs butter and a green house salad

DOLCI Desserts

Panna Cotta (D)

Lime panna cotta with infused fruits

Cannoncini con Crema Diplomatica e Sorbetto ai Frutti di Bosco (D)

Diplomat cream, cannoncini and raspberry sorbet

Gelati (D) e Sorbetti

Gelato and sorbets

Vanilla | Strawberry | Dark Chocolate | Lemon | Raspberry

(D) - Dairy | (N) - Nuts | (V) - Vegetarian

*All prices are in UAE Dirham and are inclusive of all applicable service charges and taxes.

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