DOCUMENT Strategy Summer 2015

Page 1 | summer.15


2015 The Annual List


The Businesses Behind Document Strategy Solutions Page 22

volume 22 issue 2



It’s About Trust 14 Marketing: How customer personas can help build trust and brand loyalty By Bryant Duhon 28 summer.2015 summer.2015

Collegial Future 18 The Why the DOCUMENT Strategy Forum is the intersection of the industry By Gerald Edwards


05 What’s New 06 Masthead 06 Contributors 08 Editor’s View Connect DOCUMENTmedia DOCUMENTmedia company/document-media



Customer 10 Measuring Experience Key performance indicators for customer communications management By David Stabel

Digital 12 Overcome Disruption Focus on people and outcomes By Dave Smith




Tips for Your 16 12 E-Signature Project By Bud Porter-Roth

COMPANIES 2015 22 HOT The businesses behind document strategy solutions

Summer 2015


What’s New IoT and E-Delivery: Reflections from the DOCUMENT Strategy Forum 2015

Who’s in Control of Your Data? How to Break Gridlock and Unlock the Value of Information

By Richard Rosen

By Allison Lloyd Whos-in-Control-of-Your-Data-How-to-BreakGridlock-1633.aspx

Enterprise Content Management Is Mission Critical for Majority of Businesses: Now What? By Bob Larrivee Main/articles/EnterpriseContent-Management-IsMission-Critical-1614.aspx

When Thinking about Customer Communication, Think Return on Maintenance By Scott Draeger When-Thinking-about-CustomerCommunication-Think-R-1622.aspx

Top 5 Document Design Ideas for Communicating Effectively with Millennials

By Francis Dion

I Need the Best Document Management Solution: Is There a Ferrari EDM? By Joao Penha-Lopes

This Is How to Maximize Your SharePoint Investment By Mike Steadman This-Is-How-to-Maximize-Your-SharePointInvestment-1617.aspx

How Digital and Personalization Spawned a New Era in Document Outsourcing By Ken Bechard How-Digital-and-Personalization-Spawneda-New-Era-1631.aspx

Is Email Harming Your Organization?

By George Dunn

Leveraging Content Life Cycle Management: The Next Step in Customer Messaging By Nick Romano Leveraging-Content-Life-Cycle-ManagementThe-Next-1610.aspx summer.2015



publisher Ken Waddell

editor Allison Lloyd

Chad Griepentrog

[ ] contributors


Bryant Duhon Gerald Edwards Bud Porter-Roth David Stabel Dave Smith Ken Waddell

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a udience development manager

Rachel Chapman


creative director

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Cierra Bauer Kelli Cooke

DOCUMENT Strategy Media (ISSN 1081-4078) is published on a daily basis via its online portal and produces special print editions by RB Publishing Inc., 2901 International Lane, Madison, WI 53704-3128. All material in this magazine is copyrighted Š 2015 by RB Publishing Inc. All rights reserved. Nothing may be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission from the publisher. Any correspondence sent to DOCUMENT Strategy Media, RB Publishing Inc. or its staff becomes the property of RB Publishing Inc. The articles in this magazine represent the views of the authors and not those of RB Publishing Inc. or DOCUMENT Strategy Media. RB Publishing Inc. and/or DOCUMENT Strategy Media expressly disclaim any liability for the products or services sold or otherwise endorsed by advertisers or authors included in this magazine. SUBSCRIPTIONS: DOCUMENT Strategy Media is the essential publication for executives, directors and managers involved with enterprise document, content and information strategies. Free to qualified recipients; subscribe at REPRINTS: For high-quality reprints, please contact our exclusive reprint provider, ReprintPros, 949-702-5390, 2901 International Drive Madison WI 53704-3128 p: 608-241-8777 f: 608-241-8666 email:

Contributors Gerald Edwards Mr. Edwards is director of information technology for a large New York City-based health insurer. He manages electronic data interchange (EDI), content and document management teams that deal in diverse aspects of EDI, document composition, document management, imaging, optical character recognition/intelligent character recognition, business process management and web-based applications. He has over 30 years of experience as a consultant and employee across numerous industries.



Bud Porter-Roth Mr. Porter-Roth has over 20 years of experience as an ECM consultant, with a focus on electronic document management, records management and paper document projects. Mr. Porter-Roth is the author of the following books: Document Conversion Project Guidelines, Request for Proposal: A Guide to Effective RFP Development, Writing Killer Sales Proposals: Win the Bid and Close the Deal and Proposal Development: How to Respond and Win the Bid.

Dave Smith

David Stabel

Mr. Smith is the research director and lead analyst for collaboration at Aragon Research. He covers topics such as social business, unified communications, web and video conferencing and video content management. He has over 20 years of experience in collaboration.

Mr. Stabel is an associate director for InfoTrends’ production workflow & customized communications services. His primary focus area is on the graphic communications industry, data processing and customer communications management markets.


Enterprise Data Hub: Delivering Data for Customer Engagement Management In its February 2010 edition, the Economist, through an ominously titled cover story, warned of the oncoming ‘data deluge’, highlighting the challenges and the opportunities that were just starting to become apparent with the arrival of ‘Big Data’. Over half a decade later, research validates many of the concerns brought forth by the Economist: enterprises have access to large amounts of customer data while the ability to turn it all into actionable information remains elusive for most. For example, in a recent health industry survey (KPMG, May 2015), only 10% of the participating organizations reported to use data analytics to its full potential.

gleaned, these disparate data sets need to be brought together to deliver a single source of truth.

What is causing this disconnect between the ready availability of customer data and the dearth of high quality data analysis? The answer lies in what enterprises should recognize as the new normal of customer data.

Customer Data Mix: The New Normal Not long ago, building a data warehouse meant integrating your Oracle, SAP, IBM and a handful of other on-premise structured data systems. Still a complicated endeavor, the limited number of data sources made it straightforward enough for most IT departments to tackle it in-house with limited outside support. The proliferation of mobile devices, applications and social media combined with public, on-premise and hybrid cloud applications have exponentially exacerbated the data handling challenge. Speed, volume and disparate data formats mean that the enterprise data landscape has fundamentally changed. Introduction of unstructured data (email, social apps, etc.) is just one aspect of this new data mix. Customer communication platforms do a decent job of generating a multichannel output, however, there are no out-of-the-box solutions available for collecting and integrating data from these disparate channels for enhanced engagement.

Enterprise Data Hub: A Single Source of Truth for all Customer Engagement Enterprise data, stored in database management systems, ensures quality and performance. On the other hand, very large data sets, residing in modern Hadoop file systems (HDFS), serve cloud applications. Before any meaningful insights can be

Over the past year, the number of organizations with implemented data-driven projects has increased by 125% (IDC, March 2015). However, recent studies (Robert Half, April 2014) indicate that the vast majority (96%) of IT directors say that it had been either ‘somewhat’ or ‘very challenging’ to implement such solutions. Saggezza’s preconfigured connectors, an open API framework and custom web services, all delivered by a veteran team of data experts, provide a rapid solution for enterprise data acquisition, integration and transformation. With a 100-day data-to-output delivery model, Saggezza’s experts, armed with a purpose-built analytics platform and vast CCM platform experience, eliminate the disruptive IT challenges to deliver solutions that reduce both cost and risk. For a more detailed take on this topic and to learn more about Saggezza’s Hadoop-based big data expertise, business analytics platform and customer communication and engagement packages, head on over to





n a time where brand loyalty is shrinking and you are being judged in every single interaction with a customer, is it any wonder that organizations are constantly talking about competitive differentiation? Determining what attributes, servicing strategies and products set you apart can be the secret formula that gives you that razor’s edge ahead of your competitors. This can also include how agile businesses are in the face of change and market disruptors, such as digital technologies. Today, recognizing the traits for competitive differentiation, realistically assessing your capabilities, while balancing those against the realities of cost, and true collaboration with your partners—as efficiently and quickly as possible—will really be the litmus test for your transformation. For organizations that are strategically looking at transformation and competitive differentiation, the conversation quickly turns to the core competencies of the business. Leaders must ask if the business has the technology, talent and knowledge base to empower change effectively and quickly—before their competitors. So, if an organization views relationship-building and servicing as a competitive differentiator, what parts of the organization would they consider to be a core competency—a competency needed to execute the strategy? Many of our readers in the document management space would emphatically say that an organization’s documents and communications would most definitely be a core competency of such a transformation, and wouldn’t that make sense? These are core vehicles in which both—relationship-building and servicing—occur. Yet, many executive boardrooms would disagree, and many are considering outsourcing these functions. Why is that? The decision to where best to invest your resources and then how to orchestrate these resources across your people, processes and technologies is not so straightforward. Contrary to what you might think, it’s not just driven simply by the common denominator of cost. Businesses today are grappling with reputational risk, compliance concerns, capabilities and talent resources, time to market and agility. What used to be predominately a cost-driven decision (26%, according to a 2015 KPMG survey on outsourcing for technology-related services) is now one that also closely looks at quality improvements (21%) and access to skills (19%).



Competitive markets and major digital disruptors (mobile, Internet of things, web, social, etc.) are propelling enterprises to really think about how well they balance their resources, cost and time to meet these changes and the transformation they seek. No matter where you are allocating your resources (inside or outside of the enterprise), I see collaboration as the agent of orchestrating this change across the business. However, managing these types of relationships and interactions is just as difficult as those with our external customers. Will your internal knowledge workers embrace new innovations and processes? Will your service providers prioritize for changing market demands? Moving beyond traditional services to true partnerships requires organizations to manage and prepare for these variables. Every year, we provide you our annual list of HOT Companies in the document strategy marketplace, positioned to help you transform your processes and technologies. As you view our 2015 list (see page 22), I hope that you will consider how collaboration with these service and technology providers will enable you to execute your transformation. If all of us—buyers, vendors and industry pundits—can rethink how we allocate resources, view partnerships and collaborate together in the face of change, we will truly be able to embrace the future. This issue is filled with challenges we face right now, from digital disruption, to customer experience metrics, to customer personas, but as you tackle your transformation strategies, don’t be afraid to really examine your resources inside your business and outside as well to give you that competitive edge we all are looking for. Until next time,

THEY DON’T CALL IT SWEET HOME CHICAGO FOR NOTHING! DOCUMENT Strategy Forum ’16 is going back to where it all began at the Hyatt Regency O’Hare, May 10-12. Mark your calendars and start planning now!



Wow, what a conference! I wish I could have come for the whole thing—lots of great sessions.”

Thank you for everything Joel, it was an amazing event for us.”


The show is great. Instead of these folks being spread out across various shows, it’s great to have them in one place!”


Great event! Great environment, and well planned agenda.” MICHAEL GAUDINO — PRESIDENT PROCONVERSIONS CORPORATION


INTERESTED IN PARTICIPATING? The collaboration and networking acquired at DSF is stellar!” RYAN M. ZILM NEWFIELD EXPLORATION COMPANY

Interested in Sponsoring or Exhibiting at the industry’s first and only Peer-Driven, Peer-Reviewed and Peer-Produced conference dedicated to the professionals charged with delivering superior customer experiences, please email or call 203.378.4991 x201.

By David Stabel

Key performance indicators for customer communications management

mproving customer experience is a key priority for enterprises today. To improve something, you need to have the ability to measure it. Based on your objective, measurement methodologies for customer experience can differ significantly. To steer toward your strategic customer communications management (CCM) objectives, it is important to understand these differences. In our research in the field of customer communications, we observe a shift in strategy that is moving from a cost-driven strategy toward a customer-centric



one. Enterprises today talk about the importance of customer engagement and the need to improve customer experiences. They acknowledge that markets are moving from a “sales era,” which focused on overcoming customer resistance and convincing people to buy their products and services, toward a “social era,” where customers rely more on peer recommendations than on messages from brands themselves. When asked for the most important business objectives they wish to achieve by investing in CCM technology, the top responses from enterprises were improving customer experiences and

loyalty. Objectives such as cost reduction, reducing strain on information technology (IT) or regulatory compliance are secondary priorities for most enterprises today. This would have been the other way around several years ago. To improve something, you must first control it. To control something, you must understand it and have the ability to measure it. This wisdom also holds for improving customer experiences. First, let’s understand what we are talking about and get the terminology straight. In the context of customer communications, we define customer engagement as the act of interaction between an organization and

its customers. As a result of this, the business provides an experience and builds a customer relationship. Customer experience is a short- to mid-term emotional perception of an engagement’s performance level—in other words, how customers perceive the interactions. The net result of all customer experiences over the lifetime of the customer’s relationship with the organization (long term) is what determines customer satisfaction. Thus, by focusing on improving customer engagements, enterprises will start improving customer experiences and, ultimately, customer satisfaction. We can divide key performance indicators (KPIs) for customer experiences into two main dimensions. The first dimension describes the type of data it is expressing. Data can express sentiments (e.g., emotions such as happiness or anger) that are unique for each individual customer. On the other end of the scale, data can be operational in nature, such as the number of website visits or traffic/volume at help desks. The second dimension describes if the KPI represents data that expresses a current state (descriptive) or describes a future state (predictive). To determine predictive data, statistical models

and data-mining techniques are applied using existing data. By combining these two dimensions, we can chart a twoby-two matrix. Through this matrix, we can identify three categories of KPIs: quality improvement, efficiency improvement and customer equity. Each category addresses a specific aspect of customer experience and allows enterprises to gain more insight into that aspect to improve it. Enterprises should know which KPIs to select for improving customer experiences and which to ignore. The insights provided by these categories can be used to address issues of different stakeholders. For example, when discussing funding for a customer communications project to improve customer experiences, using the customer equity KPI to prove return on investment makes the most sense, whereas quality- or efficiency-focused KPIs would make more sense when improving customer experiences at the point of a help desk. O

DAVID STABEL is an associate director for InfoTrends’ customer engagement technologies advisory service. For more information, visit

Performance | Descriptive

EFFICIENCY IMPROVEMENT KPIs expressing rates/volumes resulting from past engagements

Sentimental | Performance | Predictive

CUSTOMER EQUITY IMPROVEMENT KPIs typically expressing a monetary value of the company’s customers

Sentimental | Descriptive

QUALITY IMPROVEMENT KPIs expressing emotional feelings based on past engagements summer.2015


OVERCOME DIGITAL DISRUPTION Focus on people and outcomes By Dave Smith 12


isruption has become the new industry buzzword these days. At every conference I’ve attended this year, “disruption” or “digital disruption” finds its way into the keynote. I am not setting you up for a sarcastic comment here—disruption is actually a very real phenomenon across all industries and business disciplines. Information technology (IT) is being disrupted; sales and marketing are being disrupted; human resources (HR) is being disrupted, which brings me to the driving force behind the disruption: people. Since people are at the heart of this digital disruption, the main things businesses have to address are leadership and creating better employee experiences, which, in turn, impacts creating better customer experiences. Companies cannot wait for a crisis to change business models, culture and strategy. They have to make the shift now in light of digital disruption. Clearly, digital technologies have disrupted many enterprises, transforming their business processes and the interactions of the people involved. The digital phenomenon is hard to control: It’s like a tidal wave that already affects the business in ways we haven’t even named yet. We develop new roles with “digital” in their titles to try and manage it, but that’s not very effective. It’s not effective because “digital” is more than a role. It’s a change in culture and mindset and a willingness to accept that we can’t control everything. When technology is brought to bear, all we can do is focus on business

outcomes. For example, we need to realize that the disparate ecosystem of internal and external constituencies that encompass the enterprise and its suppliers, partners, customers and workers now acts as if there is no separation between “inside” and “outside.” So again, companies have to shift and change business models. In light of disruption, business leaders need to be proactive. Do not wait until change management means, please, change management! By then, it is too late and you are completely disrupted. In the current climate, leaders have to build organizations that can change as fast as change itself.

Enterprises will need to measure the impact to customers and all constituents as the analog and digital worlds intertwine. Traditional business operations have to be managed with the new. Most critically, companies need to listen to their customers, understand their demands, focus on the entire customer experience and evolve new business models to optimize it. Changing focus and undergoing transformation in light of digital disruption will help win the talent war and expand the partner ecosystem, but a company’s top priority should be how its customers experience the company and their relationship with it. It is, after all, the customer’s experience, not the company’s, but it is the heart of the company’s life, and that may be the only fixed star in this rapidly changing digital landscape. Added to that, the actual teams and people within companies have to be valued and engaged. You will realize that whether it is customers, employees or partners, they are all people and require companies to create better experiences for them. This focus on people and then the true outcomes in every line of business will bring better alignment throughout the organization if done in concert with a team-based mindset. O

Companies need to listen to their customers, understand their demands, focus on the entire customer experience and evolve new business models to optimize it. Companies have to adjust and develop clear strategies as digital disruption impacts their employee, customer and partner relationships. However, there are still physical processes that need to be managed. Going forward, it will require companies to manage both physical and digital processes together.

To contact Mr. Smith, follow him on Twitter @DaveMario or visit summer.2015


By Bryant Duhon

MARKETING: IT’S ABOUT TRUST How customer personas can help build trust and brand loyalty 14


find that there’s a “Zen” thing going on when it comes to content marketing— your ultimate goal is to generate a lead for your sales team. However, to most effectively do this, you have to create trust between your company and your customers. In content marketing, useful content is a key way to create this trust. It’s hard to create trust when you don’t know someone. How do you break through the anti-marketing barriers your customers (and you too—we all do it) erect to avoid being bombarded with bad marketing? It’s elementary, but focus obsessively on your customers: Who are they? What do they like? Most importantly, how do you help them do better in their lives? You do this through creating personas. First though, why care about trust? “The business that we’re in, that you’re in, that I’m in—whether it’s swimming pools, whether it’s marketing services, whether it’s selling rocket fuel to airlines—this is a business of trust,” said Marcus Sheridan, founder of The Sales Lion. “As soon as the company realizes that this is a business of trust, they

start to focus on what matters and what they have to do to engender and generate more trust than anyone else in their space.” Trust matters when it comes to the bottom line. According to Research Now, when people trust a brand, they are 83% more likely to recommend it, 78% will give the new product/service a chance and 50% are willing to pay more for the product/service. Earning trust is hard. It’s made easier by being human and by understanding your customers so that you can create content for them. Being human is beyond this article. I’ll just say don’t be a marketer, or a salesperson or whatever title you have—be a person. To understand customers, you need personas. In my work, I’ve recently rediscovered how fantastic personas really are. For years, I paid lip service to the idea of personas, having a vague, “good enough” perception of whom I was talking to—and that worked “ok.” A well-developed persona is a fantastic reference when you begin to create a blog and asset ideas. I find myself rereading the various personas and spending time trying to see the world like they do. So, start with a single persona. Don’t try to cover everything at once. Start small, and understand what works and what doesn’t. Lastly, really focus on building trust with that persona. Over time, data and analysis will help you identify other personas, and your expertise from developing and really getting to know a single persona will make future persona creation (slightly) easier. Don’t wait. Start now and begin—or keep—earning your customers’ trust. O

BRYANT DUHON is the content conductor for Prospect Builder, a marketing agency dedicated to exceeding the inbound needs of the dealer community. He was a longtime editor, community manager and marketer at AIIM. Contact him at or visit




ASK THESE QUESTIONS: Who is this person? How old are they? What do they like to do in their spare time? What’s their education level? What about their family dynamics? Understanding personas at a personal level allows you to better target how you write and the cultural color you can add as you develop content.


PAIN POINTS AND GOALS: Go beyond the surface to understand how challenges make a person feel. For instance, if you sell exercise equipment, the 20-year-old persona may be interested in looking good on the beach, while the 40-year-old persona may be more interested in overall health (and looking good on the beach).


COMMON OBJECTIONS TO BUYING YOUR SERVICE/ PRODUCT: Understanding these concerns enables you to overcome them with marketing collateral and/or in the sales process.


TALK: While worksheets and email questionnaires are useful, there is no substitute for talking with your customers as you develop personas.


DON’T WISH: While creating an aspirational persona can be a good idea, focus on a real persona—as in actual customers paying for your company’s products or services today. Pay attention first to the people who are keeping you in business NOW. Develop target/aspirational personas after you have a stable revenue stream. summer.2015





While on the surface, adopting electronic signatures looks pretty slick: send a document, get it signed and, badda bing, you’re done. Well, not so fast there Hondo—these are some of the major things to think about when starting an electronic signature project.

o N1 First up, make sure you have the names and email addresses for all of your potential customers. Currently, you send all of your signature documents to a physical address, which may, or may not, include a named signer person (NSP). Now, think of a big corporation. Even if you have a NSP, do you have their email address? KEY takeaway: You may not have the names and emails for all of the companies that you do business with.

2 Is the NSP an authorized signer? A corporation defines an authorized signer as someone who can sign on behalf of the company. In some cases, you may be sending a contract to an address without really knowing how that contract gets to the NSP and if that NSP is an authorized signer. KEY TAKEAWAY: Not only do you need to gather the names and emails for your signers, but make sure those people are authorized to sign the contract.


Once you have a list of NSPs and authorized signers, and have verified it, where will you keep and maintain it? Since this is considered personally identifiable information, you will have to keep it in a secure place where only authorized people can access it.


What if the good ol’ boys at GoodOl’Boys, Inc. don’t want to sign electronically? When you receive paper signed documents, can you scan it back into the electronic signature system? KEY TAKEAWAY: Not all of your customers will be on board with an electronic signature program, and you may have to either convince them to use it or send them paper documents.



Is your current naming system for paper signed documents detailed enough to be the naming system for an electronic signature system? What happens when you have an amendment to a contract? How is that document named so that it is electronically filed with the original?


All electronic signature programs “lock” the contract once it is fully signed, so how do you handle amendments to a contract? Whereas before, you may have inserted a new page into an existing paper contract, but you can’t do that with an electronic signature document.

Most, or all, of the current electronic signature applications keep the sender (who may also be a signer) separate from other senders. So, can management see a group dashboard? KEY TAKEAWAY: Ensure that you have a way to aggregate the data you need across all senders/users in order to manage the electronic signature application and be able to identify trends and do reporting. Contracts that are written for paper signing may not work with electronic signature applications. The way items are presented in a paper document may not translate to an electronic signature metaphor. Will you have to make changes to your paper contracts to accommodate electronic items? If so, this can be a costly time- and resource-intensive effort that involves contracts, procurement and legal.

11 7

Since we are talking about electronic files, you may consider keeping a copy of all electronic contracts in your own on-premise system or another cloud-based system to ensure accessibility and survivability of all of your contracts. Top on the list of maintaining a duplicate set of contracts should be the naming convention used, since there may be many amendments to the contract. These amendments will need to be electronically paper-clipped to the original contract. KEY TAKEAWAY: You may want to keep copies of your contracts in a second location, and this needs to be carefully thought through and planned for.

10 Many contracts have language that is oriented around a paper document and a courier send/receive process. These types of statements may confuse the customer and should be removed or made more generic. KEY TAKEAWAY: Read each paper-oriented contract and possibly make changes.

Many contracts ask the receiver/signer to add/complete information, such as their beneficiary information. Ensure that your electronic signature program allows for “fill-in-theblank” information. Even more importantly, consider if the applications you are looking at allow pre-printed contract information to be changed.

o N 12

We have been talking about electronic signatures, which are used in the US, Canada and other countries. However, some countries do not accept electronic signatures but do accept “digital signatures,” which are different. If you are sending signature documents to international countries, check to see if you need a digital signature application in addition to the electronic signature. Most e-signature companies do both types, but a digital signature requires additional work and preparation on your end. O

For more information, contact Mr. Porter-Roth at or follow him on Twitter @BudPR. summer.2015







WELL, the 2015 DOCUMENT Strategy Forum has come and gone, and it’s time to reflect on what we heard and learned from the conference. The overall reviews from our participants showed a significant uptick in satisfaction over the prior year. This was validation that our approach resonated, and we hit a nerve. What were we trying to do, and what was it—besides the dinner cruise around Manhattan—that you all found value in? This is my attempt to correlate the goals of our advisory board and the subsequent results, which we will closely examine for putting together our next conference. The industry is changing, and we are trying to figure out where it’s going. I know I can hear you all now saying—DUH! Change is everywhere, across industries, geography and technology. So, what was so special about acknowledging that fact? I think people were happy to hear that we are all in the same boat, and nobody has the problem solved. Misery loves company and so do document management professionals in highly regulated industries. We received a fair amount of feedback saying that the audience derived good knowledge from listening to realworld challenges and solutions.



I felt the atmosphere was very collegial and that everybody was truly interested in helping solve the problems we all face. That’s a truly powerful experience.

We also had positive feedback on vendor participation from show participants and vendors alike. Vendors, who are given complimentary access to the moderated session discussions, told us it was very valuable to hear people’s challenges in a relaxed environment. One vendor said it would take a few sales calls to hear what they obtained in 50 minutes. Participants as well liked having vendors provide input in a “non-selling mode” as it brought a wealth of experience to the table. A third element to our successful formula was the popularity of the power panels. (Full disclosure, I was on the panel. Unfortunately, I cannot recuse myself and still write this article, so forgive me if this comes across self-serving). We had a cross-section of business, technology and industry to discuss selected topics—capture, paperless processing, life cycle management and outsourcing, to name a few. The overwhelming opinion was positive and that you wanted more. I highlight this because I feel this aspect was what set the conference apart from other trade shows. We thought of it as almost a productagnostic user forum. Where applicable, we did highlight vendors that helped us, but it wasn’t a vendor pitch. It was more about process, multi-vendor integration and how to best leverage a set of diminishing resources as effectively as possible.

That was the sweet spot, because it’s the reality of what you all face every day. This includes pressure to deliver, diminishing resources and an evolving technology palette from which to deliver from. Next year, we’re looking to tackle the behemoth that’s digital transformation. That’s a really broad topic so there should be some really interesting breakouts. I can say I have been researching along these lines, and I see so much that can be learned, such as the intersection of customer experience, marketing and new tools, like social channels. If you are like me and were initially skeptical on how this stuff applies, well, fasten your seatbelts. Some of the stuff that’s going on will be eye-opening. Our job will be to bring it all together and present it to you in a meaningful way. We also want your input, because our exit surveys showed that there is more information that you want. We plan on looking to you for guidance on topics, as we want this to be as relevant as possible. On a personal note, I really enjoyed the conference and interacting with all the attendees. I felt the atmosphere was very collegial and that everybody was truly interested in helping solve the problems we all face. That’s a truly powerful experience. We should not let that critical mass dissipate. We have read all your feedback and want you to stay engaged. Send suggestions. We’ll try to share more ideas as we go along. We think we hit the mark in 2015, and we want to continue with what works and constantly reshape the event’s offerings to fit your needs. We’ll be talking soon. O

GERALD EDWARDS sits on the advisory board of the DOCUMENT Strategy Forum and has served in this position since 2010. For more information, visit summer.2015




The Businesses Behind Document Strategy Solutions summer.2015



25 | ActivePDF 26 | Adlib 27 | Compart 28 | Crawford Technologies 29 | FIS 30 | ISIS Papyrus Software 31 | Level One 32 | Napersoft 33 | NearStar 34 | Paloma Print Products


The Businesses Behind Document Strategy Solutions




ctivePDF, Inc. is a leading software provider of PDF creation, conversion, modification, and viewing tools that integrate seamlessly within business processes of virtually any workflow application including Enterprise Content Management (ECM), Customer Communication Management (CCM), Document Management and many more. Catering to the increasing demand for automated documents to digital practices within key vertical enterprise markets, the ActivePDF suite is designed to streamline large volumes of rendering and assembly of content to secure, accessible, compliant PDFs. The suite of server-based products address a number of enterprise business demands such as drag and drop PDF creation; conversion from many file types to and from PDF; dynamic form-filling; stamping; PDF viewing and editing; digital signatures; PDF/A secure archiving; CAD conversion; extraction of text and images; and conversion to PDF from any URL, HTML stream or file while providing industry leading fidelity.






The company first entered the PDF solutions arena with its flagship product, ActivePDF Server and quickly became a market leader with a reputation for providing high-quality products at affordable prices. Additional server-based products soon followed including Toolkit, WebGrabber, DocConverter, Meridian and Portal. New on the horizon of product introductions is Xtractor and CADConverter. ActivePDF offers a free 30 day evaluation downloads and are available for purchase on the company website, Delivering innovation, ActivePDF prides itself on providing high-quality products and renowned 4 hour response with 24/7 support to its clients and strategic business partners, demonstrating ActivePDF’s commitment to working closely with clients to satisfy their evolving digital needs. Enterprise and government clients rely on ActivePDF’s comprehensive, reliable and performant technology in delivering time saving, end-to-end PDF-based solutions in driving their digital business. Founded in January 2000, ActivePDF has since built a substantial market presence with over 23,000 customers and approximately 300,000 server licenses worldwide. Headquartered in Laguna Niguel, California, ActivePDF is privately held and self-funded, with a global distribution network spanning every continent. ActivePDF clients consist of over half the Fortune and Global 500 organizations, represented in literally every vertical market including healthcare, financial, manufacturing, utilities, engineering, legal, transportation and government.


Tim Sullivan, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Software Architect, is the founder of ActivePDF. Tim began his career as a naval engineering programmer and then migrated over to education working for the University of Southern California. He then began consulting for companies and institutions in industries such as education, utilities, manufacturing, communication, transportation and entertainment. As the Internet began to boom, Tim identified the need for server-based PDF tools to address the demand to implement best practices for the automation of digital documents. Tim is an active member and speaker for the PDF Association and reviewer for the ISO32000/PDF standard.





ogether with a diverse partner ecosystem, Adlib is the leading expert in content conversion technology, enabling the world’s largest organizations to improve the efficiency, quality and control of document-intensive business processes with content-to-PDF solutions to increase productivity, mitigate risk and reduce costs.

With the massive growth in content created daily, organizations are facing their toughest document management challenges yet. Information is generated in more ways than ever before, with email, social media and other unstructured sources emerging as some of the most prevalent sources of critical business information. Companies are struggling with how to capture, process and archive this content effectively. As the document management landscape continues to evolve, Adlib meets these new and changing demands by working with our partner network to deliver innovative document management solutions to the market. Examples include our intelligent compression technology and automated classification modules as part of an Advanced Rendering integration across the enterprise. With more than 5,500 customers worldwide in a broad range of industries including Life Sciences, Energy, Insurance and Banking, Adlib delivers next-generation, enterprise-grade Advanced Rendering technology that integrates with Enterprise Content Management (ECM), product lifecycle management and workflow systems. Adlib takes document rendering to the next level in high-volume environments where accurate, scalable and highly-available document-to-PDF conversion and transformation services are required, enterprise-wide. With Adlib’s Advanced Rendering technology providing benefits like automated classification, increased search capability, centralized document management and intelligent document assembly, organizations are able to increase efficiency, compliance and collaboration across the enterprise and realize the full potential of their ECM system.



Peter Duff, President and CEO Adlib “At Adlib, we not only convert disparate formats into high fidelity PDF, we can also automate the extraction of content to improve organization intelligence. Our enterprise’s Advanced Rendering platform plugs into any ECM environment and easily supports many different document workflows. As a true business partner, we have established a strong on-boarding process, and provide solid training, services, support and an ecosystem of partners specializing in industry solutions. We ensure that customers are continually educated on the longterm potential use of the product—how it can help them today and into the future”



905.631.2875 or 866.991.1740







ome say cyberspace lacks sequence, is devoid of consequences and gives instant access to information—and, therefore attention spans will shrink, deep thoughts will decline and interpersonal bonds will wither away. In less than a generation: no connection with nature or tradition. In other words, chaos.

At Compart, we take an alt + view of a business world free of constraints: of the US letter size page, of 2480 x 3508 pixels, of page definition, of obeisance to particular formats, devices or screens. In other words, freedom. New technology is turning the document output industry on its head. With digital communication becoming dominant, it’s not about pages anymore. It’s about content, pure and simple. IT and Operations are no longer a cost of doing business. They are now key components in a strategy to improve customer experience.






Or as Gartner Research says, “…the smartest leaders are those that flip their approach from supporting the enterprise with legacy technology and capabilities, to identifying and exploiting digital business opportunities by leveraging new, emerging technologies and a digital-information-focused mindset.” The space between these two visions is the delta. Between freedom and chaos, limits and endless possibilities…as anyone in the know will tell you: there is money to be made in the delta. All you need is the right bridge. The bridge has to be well-constructed. Software vendors that grow by acquisition tend to shoehorn disparate technologies together. Solid architecture is not just pieces thrown together. There needs to be precision and flexibility or the bridge will collapse. The German auto engineers that build the greatest engines in the world understand this, and so do we. Precision rules. Here’s how the Wall Street Journal put it: “Germany’s reputation for engineering excellence and innovation means that consumers buying German goods are typically looking for that little bit extra: be it cutting-edge technology or that special, perfectly designed something that simply can’t be found elsewhere. For that reason, Germany’s companies — and particularly small and medium-sized enterprises that dominate the economy — are veritable innovators.”

Compart is a leading international supplier of multi-channel solutions for document management. The scalable and platform-independent DocBridge family of products, designed, developed and supported by Compart, allows documents to be output anytime, anywhere, digitally or on paper without disturbing the metadata that makes the process run smoothly and adds value to the customer experience.


Scott Gerschwer, Ph.D., joined Compart, North America this summer with a commitment to help move the document output industry forward with remarkable technology and a deep understanding of Gen Y: the channel is more important than the message.





ustomer communications is no longer only about delivering paper documents to mailboxes and archiving files forever. Today, organizations actively manage documents and the data they contain during the entire document lifecycle. Reducing operational and postal costs while improving production and delivery processes are still very important, however, emerging global trends are driving sweeping industry changes: • Regulatory compliance — ever-changing data security and privacy laws, including accessibility regulations, are forcing fundamental changes to avoid the risks of data breaches and fines • Migration to digital — formerly paper based workflows are evolving to all-digital, necessitating technology and process changes • Mobile access — increasing demand for immediate, secure, 24x7 electronic access to documents via mobile devices has forced companies to adapt legacy output in ways they never anticipated • Color inkjet — adoption of high speed, high quality, low cost digital inkjet presses are changing production and fulfillment workflows dramatically • Big data — To gain new customer insights or for e-discovery/compliance reasons, companies are combining real-time and archived data in data warehouses and applying analytics tools.


Crawford Technologies





“SO WHAT?” you may ask… Why should you care? CrawfordTech’s solutions and services are positioned at the intersection of customer communications, content management, and analytics. Crawford Technologies can help you navigate the challenges in leveraging legacy applications and data in the platforms and applications of the future • Manage and automate end-to-end high volume workflows with complete visibility and one point of command and control — See our ad! • Consolidate workflows and eliminate redundant process steps — reduce costs • Realize maximum postal discounts with CrawfordTech solutions without reinventing the wheel --USPS offers discounts for using color and lets the “2nd ounce” get delivered for free • Accelerate ROI on you high speed color inkjet technology – get into production fast without requiring changes to your composition workflow and processes • Avoid fines and risks of non-compliance with data security, redaction, and accessibility solutions from CrawfordTech For more information contact us at 1.877.679.0864 or

An electronic document industry pioneer, Ernie Crawford, is the President and Founder of Crawford Technologies. Over the past 20 years, Ernie has grown Crawford Technologies from a basement startup into a leading international technology company. Crawford Technologies has been listed as one of Canada’s fastest-growing companies for the past five years.



Crawford Technologies is a worldwide leader in print-stream conversions, document re-engineering, high-volume document workflow, document accessibility and archiving software solutions. Celebrating our 20th Anniversary in 2015, CrawfordTech is dedicated to helping organizations improve their customer communications delivery systems so people can receive documents in their format and channel of preference.







WEBSITE: FISInvoiceLifeCycle



leading technology provider for financial services, insurers, utilities and billers, FIS delivers integrated data, delivery and payment solutions for the full document lifecycle. The CSF Designer CCM suite anchors the FIS Customer Engagement platform – offering a broad feature set for virtually any design to centralize your enterprise customer communication strategy.

FIS meets your infrastructure needs by deploying the suite via license, SaaS and fully outsourced. IMPROVE YOUR CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE Deliver all your communications – from high-volume statements and bills to ad-hoc, interactive customer service correspondence – wherever your customer desires. • Responsive design to optimize mobile viewing • Web-based content management tools for business users, customer service and customer self-service • Wizards to target messaging content by geography, demographics, transactional history and more • Content on demand by user or system generated requests • Integration to EBPP (push and pull) and eBill distribution solutions with proven adoption strategies CUSTOMER SERVICING CORRESPONDENCE The increasingly regulated world in which FIS clients operate has placed a greater emphasis on the documents generated through customer service and policy or loan origination. Compliance violations can have a significant, negative impact on a company’s financials and brand image. Corralling these communications not only reduces risk but increases efficiency. As reported by Madison Advisors in their FIS Output Solutions Designer Intuition whitepaper dated March 2011, “By using Designer Intuition, organizations can improve customer service and reduce costs for multi-channel document production. Business value will be realized by multiple groups in the enterprise from measurable improvements to productivity, customer satisfaction, and revenue. Madison Advisors’ analyses identified several key areas of cost savings and productivity improvements.” For a copy of the report on how FIS can improve your customer experience - Email or call FIS today.





ISIS Papyrus Software





One Company — One Voice ISIS Papyrus Software offers integrated enterprise software solutions for personalized customer communications and business process optimization in banking/finance, insurance, utilities/energy, telecom, healthcare and the public sector. A common platform seamlessly supports high-volume, on-demand and interactive document applications to centrally manage, administer and deploy document resources, data and definitions for all types of business documents and users. Consolidating inbound and outbound communications with processes linked to enterprise systems, the Papyrus Platform enables your organization to interact with customers as a unified entity. Business teams are empowered to create their own templates and mailings The Papyrus Correspondence Solution enables Business administrative users to assemble and make changes to the document content and template, uploading images and managing standard text paragraphs used across online/batch, interactive/ad-hoc and Web communications. A document solution for the multichannel world Papyrus integrated output management for all types of business documents generated centrally in batch/online, as well as individually by the business users, can be collected for optimized print, mail and digital output delivery to desktop, browser and mobile — based on customer preferences. The unique concept of document pooling results in substantial cost savings and a flexible, high-quality output for each delivery channel using final document composition capabilities. Two-way communication capabilities with response options and powerful reporting on e-mail, printing and archiving are further capabilities of the platform. Recognition from industry experts Experts in business communications and customer service technology have evaluated the Papyrus Platform positively for leading capabilities across document output and automation, CCM and DCM/ACM, with recent highlights including: “The Forrester Wave: Document Output for Customer Communications Management, Q1 2014”: Leader “The Forrester Wave: Dynamic Case Management, Q1 2014”: Strong Performer For more detail from the experts, request a free download of The Forrester Wave on the ISIS Papyrus Web site — for a limited time!






optimize the









e are living in the Age of the Customer. Technology has handed the consumer more power in setting the rules of customer engagement than ever before. Customers demand simplicity, ease of use and access to information and services anywhere, anytime and through any channel.

Smart customer engagement requires organizations to be adept at mastering the customer experience by effectively managing their preferences. Level One can help. Founded in 2004, we were among the first document management solution providers to offer hosted document composition services. Today, Level One offers end-to-end omni-channel customer communication and payment solutions that empower businesses across all industries. Our management team has more than 80 years combined experience implementing business process outsourcing solutions that deliver positive outcomes for our clients. Level One’s solutions are flexible, easy to implement and scale to meet customer demand in a rapidly evolving marketplace. You engage the precise blend of services and functionality delivered by Level One that are best for your operation, leveraging our capabilities with those you prefer to retain inhouse. From narrowly defined tasks to fully outsourced programs, Level One will power up all phases of your billing, payment and customer communications process. OneVIEW Suite is a single cloud-based CCM platform that provides command, control and visibility over the customer engagement process. The OneVIEW platform is configurable to closely align with the fundamental business needs of each client. OneVIEW offers both customer and client interfaces that offer robust functionality and ease of use. The OneVIEW platform focuses on five key areas of customer engagement: quality assurance; content management; multi-channel document creation / delivery; customer preference management; and analytics / reporting. Everything you need—ALL in one place. Level One delivers the right blend of marketing and operational tools that help organizations optimize financial results, enhance the effectiveness of billing and communications and accelerate payments and increase customer satisfaction. With the ability to engage customers based on their own preferences OneVIEW empowers businesses to better connect with their customers. Power up your billing and payment strategies with scalable omni-channel communication solutions you won’t outgrow.










1. Integration With Your Business Applications - We provide an open integration to your customer data (relational, transactional, XML) stored in your business applications such as underwriting/claims, CRM, ERP, EMR, billing, and/or other systems. 2. Template Authoring - We provide an authoring tool, built on Microsoft Word with our custom-built components that enables your template authoring process to be easy, efficient and secure. To make changes to document templates, you simply check the template out from our secure content library, make changes and simply check it back into the content library. 3. Document Generation - We provide you with a choice of methods you employ to create personalized customer documents: high volume production runs (Batch), one to one customer service (Interactive) and/or customer self-service (OnDemand). We have built in easy-to-use automated business processes so you can apply business rules to the template design in order to dynamically include customer data, reusable images, paragraphs and prompts into your personalized customer documents such as letters, correspondence, policies, agreements, statements and EOBs. 4. Document Archival - We provide an out-of-box full-function document archive for the automatic storage and management of all of your distributed customer documents, making it easy to also search, view and redistribute customer documents for one to one customer service and/or customer self-service 24/7. 5. Multi-Channel Document Distribution - Our multi-channel distribution engine enables you to distribute documents based on your customer’s individual preferences - print, e-mail, fax, text messages, mobile and/or the Web.








972.221.4068, ext.207




he most difficult aspect on any project involving automation improvements to an existing process is to know how and where to begin. For NearStar, it all begins with listening to the customer and understanding their future vision. Let NearStar’s 20+ years’ experience providing solutions help you.

Workflow Automation: How important is flexibility? NearStar spent weeks working with the various consulting companies and hardware vendors for a large state agency consolidation to determine all the requirements necessary for a solution. Through our meetings and design sessions, NearStar created an all-encompassing workflow system that migrated both legacy and new applications into the consolidated center with minimal IT/programmer involvement. Our products and services dramatically simplified workflow and operational procedures. These included JES DataGateway mainframe software to transmit jobs to DataServer, print file transforms, DataDoc for document (letter) creation, ATOM for tracking and charge-back metrics, as well as services for the print/mail facility to integrate inserters and provide application re-design such as adding barcodes, splitting jobs, co-mingling jobs and other types of application re-engineering. Based on the type of inserters and their capabilities, NearStar is able to generate the MRDF and have automatic reprints if a mail piece is damaged. NearStar designed and assembled a ‘turn-key’ solution utilizing DataServer as a complete workflow system and ATOM (Accounting Tracking Operations Manager) as the job tracking and mailpiece reconciliation solution. A dashboard provides each job that’s been received, where it resides in each process step and the Service Level Agreement information and alerts. Reports back to the agencies were tracked in a separate workflow from mail. Complete Solutions: NearStar’s Strength When organizations engage NearStar, we listen to their current concerns and future growth plans, provide them with industry best practices, and design a flexible solution using our standard products and integration capabilities that will grow with our customer’s vision. NearStar has the software, consulting and industry expertise for your company. Let us provide an automated solution that will help drive down your company’s costs and improve efficiencies. Expertise includes but not limited to: Enterprise Output Manager Solution with mirrored D/R capability supporting transactional, Print-on-Demand, or fully consolidated environments, Transactional and Variable Data Printing, ADF solutions, Detailed statistical metrics, Data normalization, modification, and transforms which minimizes or eliminates requirements for upstream changes, Postal cleansing software integration, Document splitting/indexing, and Archival integration (FileNet, SharePoint, etc.).




Paloma Print Products offers true end-to-end document quality assurance solutions. Paloma’s flagship solution - Print Perfect - automates labor-intensive, costly, and errorprone manual document testing processes. Print Perfect compares documents digitally, in a fraction of the time required by manual processes. Print Perfect can cut document testing time/cost by up to 75% while allowing document applications to be tested more thoroughly, reducing risk for companies that present sensitive customer information in their documents.


Paloma Print Products



Print Perfect consists of two primary software modules – STREAMdiff and Switch. STREAMdiff is print stream comparison software which quickly, objectively, and accurately compares AFP, Xerox Metacode, Postscript, PDF, PCL, and ASCII text files. Because STREAMdiff compares the underlying print file constructs/commands as well as the pixellevel document layout, it can compare print files generated by different CCM packages, or compare one print file type to another. For example, STREAMdiff can compare Xerox Metacode files generated by Oracle Documerge to PDF files generated by HP Exstream.



Switch is document testing workflow automation software for designing and implementing automated document quality/testing processes. From launching high-volume batch print comparisons to email notification upon completion of comparison jobs to the creation of a time- and date-stamped testing audit trail, Switch ensures the most efficient document quality assurance processes by minimizing the need for manual intervention. Paloma’s second document quality assurance solution, ADEPT Suite, scans nightly production print files for branding mistakes or inappropriate language. For example, if a company produces documents for multiple company brands/subsidiaries, ADEPT Suite will scan “Subsidiary A’s” production print files to ensure that “Subsidiary B’s” name, website address, etc., have not been accidentally placed on “Subsidiary A’s” documents. Paloma’s clients also scan their documents for profanity or other inappropriate language. When errors are encountered, a report is generated showing all pages containing mistakes so these documents can be pulled from the nightly print run and corrected. ADEPT Suite provides our clients another fully automated quality checkpoint for their customer documents. Whether you print your own documents or for other companies, Paloma’s document quality assurance solutions will save you time and money while ensuring you produce the highest quality documents.

Joe Pigeon is President, as well as a founding member, of Paloma Print Products. With more than 23 years of experience in the document creation industry, and a diverse background in sales, marketing, and product management, Joe has been instrumental in establishing Paloma’s current leadership position in document quality assurance automation.



By focusing on more than solely the development of a print stream comparison tool, Joe has helped Paloma assemble the only end-to-end document quality assurance solutions, which is a key competitive advantage for Paloma’s clients. In addition, Paloma’s keen focus on providing unparalleled client training and ongoing support ensures our clients maximize the return on their investment in our solutions.




Co-located Show:

SEPT. 13-16, 2015

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