Migration of the Imperial Eagles according to ringing and GPS/GSM and ARGOS/GPS telemetry

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Migration of the Imperial Eagles according to ringing and GPS/GSM and ARGOS/GPS telemetry

Igor Karyakin, Marton Horvath, Matyas Prommer, Elvira Nikolenko, Kordian Bartoszuk, Ludmila Zinevich, Alexey Pazhenkov, Tibor Juhasz, Elena Shnayder

Фотографии Игоря Карякина, Эльвиры Николенко, Алексея Грибкова, Сергея Адамова, Ринура Бекмансурова, Мартона Ховата и др.

Thanks to the research of Bernd-U. Meyburg in general terms, we already knew where to fly eagles on the wintering

Ringing program

http ://rrrcn.ru/ringing/bd http://rrrcn.ru/ringing/bd

Results of the Ringing Program Ring recoveries and observation of the eagles with rings

The Migration Study Program Satellite and GSM telemetry

ARGOS/GPS and GPS/GSM 2014 – 6 eagles are tagged with GPS/GSM dataloggers and ARGOS/GPS transmitters in the Altai 2016 – 6 eagles are tagged with GPS/GSM dataloggers and ARGOS/GPS transmitters in the Volga-Ural region 2017 – 1 eagles is tagged with GPS/GSM datalogger in the Tatarstan

http ://rrrcn.ru/migration/eagles2014 http://rrrcn.ru/migration/eagles2014 2014/15

21 July

1 August

13 June

26 March 14 November

11 December 15 March 26 March

2014/16 – при поддержке MME/BirdLife Hungary, Revir Nonprofit Ltd., NGO Altai Project (USA), GGF, Русского географического общества, ПРООН/ГЭФ/МПР 9 Alril

Солнечный орёл по имени Ануйка

August, 2015

July, 2014

http ://rrrcn.ru/migration/eagles2014 http://rrrcn.ru/migration/eagles2014

Солнечный орёл по имени Каночка

February, 2016

July, 2014

Солнечный орёл по имени Ороша

July, 2014

Солнечный орёл по имени Ороша

Sept, 2016

July, 2014

Солнечный орёл по имени Ороша

Sept, 2016

July, 2014

Солнечный орёл по имени Ороша

Jan, 2017

Солнечный орёл по имени Ороша 2/03 – 14/03 2017

Imperial Eagle named Orosha made a long stop in the semidesert

14/03 – 7/04 2017

Солнечный орёл по имени Ороша

7/04 – 12/04 2017

10/04 – 25/09 2017

Солнечный орёл по имени Ороша Winter 2016/2017 25/09 – 07/11 2017

Winter 2017/2018

Солнечный орёл по имени Ороша

Autumn 2017 – Spring 2018

Солнечный орёл по имени Ороша

April 2018

Огромная гибель на ЛЭП от столкновения и в результате поражения электротоком

The Migration Study Program Satellite and GSM telemetry

http ://rrrcn.ru/migration/eagles2016 http://rrrcn.ru/migration/eagles2016

2016/17 – при поддержке MME/BirdLife Hungary, Revir Nonprofit Ltd., ИЛПБ «Экотон» и ООО «Сибэкоцентр»

Солнечный орёл по имени Мира

Electrocution on the breeding territory

In the first year of life, migration of Imperial Eagles in the Altai started from between 20 and 30 of September to October 07, in the Volga-Ural Region – from September 25 to October 9 (3 eagles, a male and 2 females started migration on September 25, 27 and 29, respectively). Despite the great difference in the environmental conditions between the regions and different time of hibernation of ground squirrels (Spermophilus sp.), which are the main prey objects for eagles, the starting date of migration were identical both in the Volga, the Southern Urals, and in the Altai.

Солнечные орлы по имени Канди и Дымка

Start migration 29/09 2016

Start migration 27/09 2016

5/11 2016

Солнечные орлы по имени Канди и Дымка

10/11 2016

Солнечный орёл по имени Канди Electrocution near breeding territory

Солнечный орёл по имени Сакмарик Start migration 25/09 2016

16/12 2016

Солнечный орёл по имени Моисей Start migration 9/10 2016

11/11 2016

Солнечный орёл по имени Гагарин Start migration 7/10 2016

11/11/2016 – 28/02/2017

Солнечный орёл по имени Гагарин

11/11/2016 – 28/02/2017

Солнечный орёл по имени Гагарин


The migratory range in the first year of Altai eagles was about 2.0–3.3 thousand km on the straight and 2.1–3.9 thousand km along the route for birds flying along the eastern migration route. For the eagle that flew to Mesopotamia, the migratory range was about 3.7 thousand km on the straight and 3.9 thousand km along the route. The migratory range of the Volga-Ural eagles in the first year varied from 1.9 to 3.9 thousand km on the straight and from 2.1 to 4.8 thousand km along the route The site fidelity and natal philopatry was very high – all eagles returned to the natal population if they survived their journey The Altai eagles spent the second summer (a male and a female) and the third and fourth summer (a male) mostly in the highlands of Altai and Tarbagatai, where the imperial eagle does not nest, periodically visiting breeding grounds of parents, 350–550 km away from their summer home ranges

Only one male from Altai out of the 12 tagged birds survived to conditional sexual maturity (the 4th year of life). The death rate for 4 years was 92% (if we consider the rehabilitated bird also dead)

If we consider the whole set of deaths (10 dead birds), it can be said that the anthropogenic causes are the main ones – 90%, herewith the main threat is posed by power lines - 60% of all deaths (4 cases or 67% of which is electrocution and 33% – collision with wires).

УЧАСТНИКИ ЭКСПЕДИЦИЙ Российской сети изучения и охраны пернатых хищников

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