1 minute read
1950 Unknown
from Democracy in Print
by rca-issuu
of onus on the success of the posters and the relative success of the parties, 1945 & 1950 mark a zenith in the party in terms of messaging and electoral success, and I think in recognising the importance of visual narratives helped them capitalise on that success. There is a lot written about the declining importance of posters in this period, with Jon Lawrence highlighting the diminishing use of them in 1950 campaign,31 but without these advancements, the 31 Jon Lawrence, Conservatives wouldn’t have upped their game Electing Our Masters: The Hustings in for the coming elections, and maybe we would British Politics from Hogarth to Blair exist in a very different party political aesthetic (Oxford : New York: Oxford University world without 1950 and the Soldiers of Lead. Press, 2009), p. 140.