Being in time and space is the basic element artists work with. Whether you know it or not, you live it and breathe it like air. Philosophers think about it, poets write about it, artists express it through various mediums. For me, it is a journey of investigation that I have been on for a few years. Exiting a ‘successful’ corporate life in conventional terms, I search for the deeper meaning of life - the essence of being and existence. Many answers are to be discovered while more questions are raised as I try to dig deeper. Having grown up and lived in both Eastern and Western cultures, I have turned to ancient Greek and East Asian philosophies for wisdom. Fortunately, art found me on this journey, or as I called it - a salvation and a grounding medium for me to connect with and view this complex world. On this journey, I discovered paths were laid by so many ancestors in history, philosophy, science, humanity and new paths are being explored every day. Through changing time and social development, some paths are in debate and some still stand strong. I have learned that the ultimate goal is not about seeking the truth, but an adventure both outwards and inwards. By practicing art on this journey, there are the being, thinking and making. Each state weighs equally important and influences each other. This could be a life-long journey. However, in this dissertation, I wish to diarise the discoveries during this particular period of my life, which is also an unprecedented time in the modern days - a world-wide crisis - ‘covid-19 pandemic’.