AMessagefromArchbishop Henning
My Dear Friends in Christ:
I have been called to love, to trust, and to serve you, the Archdiocese of Boston. I am humbled to walk with you and am inspired by your generosity of spirit. Already, I have discovered that our Church here is alive with very faith-filled, welcoming people.
I look forward to so many things as I begin this new chapter in my priestly life and ministry with you. Among them is witnessing the collective good work being done by the Catholic Appeal. As I have traveled through different regions, I have been inspired by so many people who do God’s work through parishes, ministries, Catholic schools, and programs.
Your concern and engagement for the common good and for the mission of the Church is visible through our support of the Catholic Appeal. Your time and energy in launching a successful parish campaign allows us to assist those in need of food and shelter, educate our children, support our future priests, care for the sick, and support the many vibrant ministries of the Church. Because of you, those in need will be assisted and feel the power of Christ’s love.
This year as watch and learn, I am thankful for your efforts to support my work and the work of our ministries in the Archdiocese of Boston.
God Bless you.
Archbishop Richard Henning
GRAND TOTAL: $15,500,000
Building Vibrant Parishes $7,563,830 Growing in our Faith $2,708,255 Helping Those in Need $1,801,056
Vocations and Priest Formation $1,941,139
Catholic Schools and Education $1,053,345 Administrative and Other $432,375
Did you know
Each yearover$1.5M is returnedto parishes as rebates
The annual independent audit of the Archdiocese of Boston is available on our website: bostoncatholicappeal.org/about/
Experience shows that the role of the pastor in determining a successful outcome cannot be overstated, and data has shown consistently that those parishes who implement a by-the-book campaign exceed expectations. This manual is created to provide the resources and tools for a “bestin-class” parish campaign.
Your continued efforts in elevating prayerful participation in the Appeal are reflected in part by tried and true methods that will benefit your parish and its overall impact.
All parishes are asked to implement the campaign by incorporating these approaches:
• Recruit or renew a volunteer Appeal Coordinator to assist with your parish campaign. Appeal Coordinators are a vital resource, incorporating a lay voice and providing additional assistance to your campaign.
• Fully implement the In-Pew in your parish on Commitment Weekend March 22-23 by asking ALL parishioners to participate, using the step-by-step guide beginning on page 10.
• Send a Pastor Letter in April. Parishes that utilized this method saw more donations and more parishioner participation than those parishes that did not. This letter is evidence of the pastor’s endorsement of the Appeal campaign and is an effective form of outreach from a familiar voice. Parishes need only provide the pastor signature and parish letterhead; the Appeal office will print, stuff and mail the letters. Sign up forms are available at bostoncatholicappeal.org/for-parishes.
Launching a successful campaign takes teamwork. Each of the following roles is crucial in ensuring your parish runs a successful Catholic Appeal campaign.
Yoursupport and participation isthe most significant factorinthe success ofyourparish’s CatholicAppeal campaign.
Parishes who meet or exceed their goal do so largely because the pastor is a vocal supporter and advocate for the importance of contributing to the Appeal. As pastor, you will provide leadership by:
• Gathering a team to prepare and implement a “Best-in-Class” campaign
• Conducting a heartfelt In-Pew presentation to emphasize the importance of the Catholic Appeal and encourage participation
• Making a personal gift during the In-Pew solicitation – your endorsement through participation matters
Appeal Coordinator
Each pastor should appoint an Appeal Coordinator who can enthusiastically represent the pastor and the parish during the campaign launch. The Appeal Coordinator is the lay voice of the campaign, encouraging fellow parishioners to participate by:
• Endorsing the Catholic Appeal on Announcement Weekend: March 15-16 with a brief witness talk about the Catholic Appeal at all Masses. (sample scripts provided)
• Demonstrating the importance of the Appeal with a personal pledge
• Providing assistance throughout the year with periodic updates at Mass
• Staying updated on parish results to review strategy with pastor as necessary Parish Staff
Many members of the parish staff also play an important role by providing administrative, logistic and technical support for your parish campaign. Some tasks include:
• Verify the parish has received an adequate supply of Appeal materials: posters, envelopes etc
• Regularly add messaging or ads to your parish bulletin with updates on parish success
• Ensure parish website and social media sites are updated with Catholic Appeal video/logo
• Coordinate with pastor/Appeal Coordinator in planning for Announcement/Commitment Weekends
• Help or advise the ushers on distribution and collection of pledge cards
• Ensure secure collection and mailing of all pledge envelopes
• Review parish results and share with Pastor and Appeal Coordinator
Launching a Successful Campaign: While the Catholic Appeal Campaign begins in February and ends the following January, a strong launch is key to a successful campaign.
Preparation and Roll Out
Every parish will receive materials to prepare for its campaign launch. These materials are available in multiple languages (Spanish, Portuguese, Haitian Creole and Vietnamese).
• Posters, including goal poster
• In-pew envelopes for Commitment Weekend March 22-23
• FEDEX labels, large packs, and envelopes to return parishioner contributions
• Parish Goal sheet
• Bulletin Insert will be automatically added to your bulletin on Announcement Weekend March 15-16
Preparation and Roll Out
February 3 Letter from Archbishop Henning mailed to parishioners seeking early support for the Appeal. Archdiocese begins media campaign through social media, Pilot stories, Catholic TV and email messaging.
February 8-9 Hang posters in high visibility areas in the church
February 15-16, 22-23 Include bulletin announcements asking for parishioners’ early support. All resources, including bulletin announcements and easy-to-insert ads for your bulletins that contain the QR code for simple giving, are available on our website.
All materials are available in Spanish, Portuguese,Vietnamese, and Haitian Creole. Visit bostoncatholicappeal.org/for-parishes.
Parish Launch
March 8-9 Last weekend before the Appeal launches in your parish; include ads in your bulletin, post to social media, add video to website. Update your goal poster with any early donation totals.
March 15-16
Announcement Weekend: Bulletin insert, witness talk
March 22-23 Commitment Weekend: Pastor conducts In-Pew presentation
March 29-30 Follow up Weekend: For pastors with multiple worship sites who wish to conduct the In-Pew at each parish, or in case of inclement weather
March 31 Pastor to forward “ready to send” email.
April 20
April 21
Easter Sunday
Letter 2 mailed to parishioners who have not given yet. All pastors are asked to sign up for the pastor letter. Continue to add bulletin announcements to encourage, inform or thank parishioners. Visit the “For Parishes” tab at bostoncatholicappeal.org
March 15-16: Announcement Weekend
Announcement Weekend is your first opportunity to promote the 2025 Catholic Appeal in your parish during Masses. This weekend is extremely important to launch a successful campaign and prepare your parishioners to make their gift on Commitment Weekend. There are three main components to this weekend:
1. Include the bulletin insert provided by the Catholic Appeal Office
If your parish prints its bulletin using LPI or Pilot Bulletins, the insert will be automatically placed in your printed bulletins. If your parish uses a different company or you print in-house, you will be responsible for insertion.
The insert will be mailed to your parish the week of February 23 to ensure insertion for Announcement Weekend. PDF will be available on the Catholic Appeal website.
2. Appeal Coordinator to
give a
“Witness Talk” during Masses
A witness talk is key to explaining to parishioners the importance of the Catholic Appeal and should be given by the Appeal Coordinator or another volunteer from the parish. Sample witness talks are available at: bostoncatholicappeal.org/for-parishes.
3. Share the 2025 Catholic Appeal Video
This year’s video shares a message from Archbishop Henning on the impact of the Catholic Appeal on our parishes, schools, and communities. The video is shorter, 2-3 minutes. If you are able, consider playing the video during Mass before or after the witness talk is given. In addition, add the video to your parish website, post it to your social media page, or send it in an email to your parish list. The video link, as well as instructions on how to embed it on your website can be found at bostoncatholicappeal.org/for-parishes.
Commitment Weekend is when parishioners are asked to make their gift to the annual Appeal during the Pastor’s In-Pew Presentation. There is no more effectivewayto reach yourgoal and promote participation than the In-Pew Presentation. Details and tips can be found on page 10.
March 22-23: Commitment Weekend
The In-Pew approach to Commitment Weekend is a game-changer for parishes, especially considering that so many parishioners see the pastor’s meaningful endorsement as crucial to their participation. Donors are more likely to renew their support when asked directly.
Importance of the In-Pew request:
If your parish has not tried this method, study it carefully and implement it this year! The In-Pew:
• Seeks an intentional gift, providing a brief moment for parishioners to consider their role in supporting the larger Church and the many ministries of the Archdiocese.
• Reaches more people than mailings alone. While the response rate on Catholic Appeal mailings is very good, a letter alone is rarely sufficient to ensure the success of the Appeal.
• Provides the opportunity for ALL to participate. Parishes making an In-Pew request often identify new parishioners who were previously not registered.
• Builds momentum. Most parishes that implement the In-Pew request reach their assessment within a few weeks of Commitment Weekend, meaning a shorter and more successful parish campaign.
As the lay voice of your parish Catholic Appeal Campaign, your witness talk brings life, relatability, and purpose to the campaign. A confident presentation, real examples, and a familiar face all work together to inspire people to give. Sharing a personal story or inserting a bit of humor will make your request more relatable.
A sample witness talk will be provided. We encourage you to edit and revise the sample so that the message is in your own voice. Speakers are encouraged to consider the following:
Review the list of ministries or meet with your pastor to review:
• How has my parish benefited from the Catholic Appeal?
• How does the Appeal help people in the greater community?
Make it personal:
• Introduce yourself (include your parish role)
• Tell your story (Explain how you/your family benefits from the Catholic Appeal)
• Talk about a ministry or service supported by the Appeal with which you are familiar.
• Share how you feel when you give. Use statements such as “I am blessed because…” I give because…”
• Make the Ask
• Today, I am asking every one of you to make a gift to the Appeal. Your participation is critical to its success in sustaining, strengthening, and growing the mission of our Church. Through the Catholic Appeal, we can love our neighbors as ourselves.
• As a recipient of many blessings in my life, I can think of no better way to thank the Lord than by passing forward His goodness and kindness to others.
• Thank Parishioners
• “Thank you for prayerfully considering a gift to the Catholic Appeal. On behalf of Archbishop Henning, [PASTOR/ASSOCIATE PASTORS], I thank you for your time, attention, and support. God bless you.”
Best Practices to Prepare for a Successful Commitment Weekend
• Posters should be hung at all entrances. Goal poster should be in a visible spot.
• All pews should be free of pledge envelopes from previous Masses.
• All pews should have enough pencils for each family representative.
• Tape the QR code sheet to each pew.
• Ensure a sufficient number of in-pew envelopes are available to be distributed during Mass.
• Recruit additional team members such as extra ushers, greeters, speakers, tech support to show the video.
Step by Step: The in-pew solicitation should be led by the pastor at all weekend Masses
• Conduct the in-pew after the homily. Please do not leave the talk for the end of Mass -- some people may leave Mass early.
• Ensure all parishioners are engaged. Ask a member of each family to raise their hand so that the ushers can distribute envelopes expeditiously.
• Do not ask parishioners to take the pledge form home! This greatly reduces parishioner response. Ask for a commitment that day. Have ushers distribute and collect completed forms during Mass.
• Be available and prepared for parishioners to ask questions. It is recommended that pastors, celebrants, and volunteers remain after Mass to answer questions about the Appeal.
March 29-30: Follow-Up Weekend
For parishes with multiple worship sites or in case of inclement weather, you can use this weekend as a back-up for Commitment Weekend. If that is not necessary, use this weekend to remind your parishioners that they can still make their gift to the Appeal.
Week of March 29-30: Follow-Up E-mail Solicitation
Sending out a follow-up e-mail is an easy and effective way to remind your parishioners to make their gift to the Appeal. The Catholic Appeal Team will provide you with all necessary components for this e-mail for you to build and send through your e-mail system (i.e. Constant Contact, MailChimp, Flocknote, etc.). Sample messaging with links to donation page and video will be provided to parishes.
Catholic Appeal Website: www.bostoncatholicappeal.org
The Catholic Appeal website is a resource for pastors, parishioners, parish staff and volunteers.
The website has helpful giving and financial information, as well as compelling stories about our ministries.
For parishes, the most helpful resources can be found on the “FOR PARISHES” tab
• Here you will find all materials to launch your campaign. Bulletin announcements, messaging, ads, video.
• All materials are translated into Spanish, Vietnamese, Portuguese and Haitian Creole and available to be downloaded and distributed to your parishioners.
• Each week, parish totals are updated for all to view. (Detailed donor reports are sent to your secure email account).
• All materials are updated periodically throughout the year for new messaging.
Catholic Appeal Parish Reporting
Catholic Appeal parish results are updated weekly on Monday with an e-mail notifying parishes when reports are ready. There are two reports generated:
Parish Summary Reports: A listing of all parishes with total donations vs. goal and number of donors. The report is uploaded to the website with a link emailed to all parishes for quick updates.
Detailed Parish Donor Reports: A listing of all donors to your parish campaign which includes: Goal • Total Pledged • Total Collected • Pledge Balance • Total Donors
This report is sent each Monday to your secure parish’s secure e-mail account, beginning February 22. Business managers are encouraged to print and share this report with the pastor and finance council.
PLEASE NOTE: During peak remittance times (March through mid-April) it may take longer for parish results to reflect all receipts.
LYBUNT (Last Year But Unfortunately Not This) This report is run monthly, beginning in May. It represents parishioners who have given in the past, but not yet in the current year. The report will be e-mailed to your parish secure email account. Review this list periodically to check for deceased or inactive parishioners. Send updates to catholicappeal@rcab.org.
Please contact Arlene Dubrowski for all custom reporting needs at 617-779-3706 or Catholic_Appeal@rcab.org
All Catholic Appeal donations received at the parish should be submitted as soon as possible for processing using the envelopes, bank bags, and FEDEX materials sent to your parish.
Notify parish staff and volunteer counters of the special processing of Catholic Appeal donations. Please be sure to store all envelopes and donations in a secure location until they can be sent for processing.
2. Write your three-digit parish number on the outside of all envelopes to ensure your parish receives credit for each donation.
1. Tally all loose coins/bills and deposit into your parish account.
2. Write a check from your parish account made payable to “The Catholic Appeal” for the corresponding amount.
1. If the check is made out to the parish: Simply write “pay to the order of the Catholic Appeal” on the back of the check and include a signature from an authorized signatory of the parish.
2. If the check is made out to the Catholic Appeal: you do not need to write anything on the check.
For on-line donations: Write a check for the total donations. Send the check along with a listing of the each donor’s name, address and amount. Without this information, a thank you acknowledgment and tax receipt cannot be sent to the parishioner.
Bundle all unopened in-pew envelopes and checks together. Place inside the FEDEX envelope and attach label for mailing to our lockbox agent: Datamatix, Inc., Be sure to retain a copy of the FEDEX air bill for tracking purposes.
Drop your package in the nearest FEDEX bin. To look up the location of the nearest FEDEX bin go to FEDEX.com.
Any Donations that require special handling should be mailed to: Catholic Appeal Office
Attn: Wendy Bartlett 66 Brooks Drive Braintree, MA 02184
1. Who benefits from the Annual Catholic Appeal?
Every parish and all people within them benefit from the Annual Catholic Appeal, as well as those who turn to our Archdiocese for charitable and spiritual assistance. For a full list of ministries supported by the Catholic Appeal visit: bostoncatholicappeal.org
2. What is the goal of the Annual Appeal?
The goal of the 2024 Annual Catholic Appeal is $15.5 million, however this only covers about half of the budget of our Central Ministries. It will be to the benefit of the ministries that are supported by the Annual Catholic Appeal to be as successful as possible. For full financial report or more information about the impact of your donation, visit bostoncatholicappeal.org
3. How can I make a gift to the Annual Appeal?
• Donate online at bostoncatholicappeal.org
• Make a gift over the phone at 617-779-3700
• Fill out an in-pew envelope at your parish.
• Complete and return the pledge card you received in the mail.
• Gifts of Donor Advised Funds, stock, IRA distributions, bequests and charitable annuities can be coordinated by contacting Lynne Sullivan at 617-779-3747
4. What payment methods can I use to make a gift?
• For security reasons, cash is not recommended.
• Checks and money order made payable to “The Catholic Appeal”
• Credit card, or electronic transfer from your bank account.
Digital Wallets: Using the QR code provides safe, secure and convenient giving by credit or debit, as well as Venmo and Paypal. Visit the donation button at www.bostoncatholicappeal.org or
5. Where should I mail my pledge/gift?
Any donations or payments should be mailed to:
Archdiocese of Boston
Catholic Appeal Attention: Wendy Bartlett
66 Brooks Drive, Braintree, MA 02184
6. Are there other ways to give?
Gifts to the Catholic Appeal can provide the strategic benefit of tax deductions, flexibility and control when donated through:
• Donor Advised Funds
• IRA Distribution
• Stock Donation
• Will or Trust
Archdiocese of Boston (Tax ID # 04-2106175) For questions, call Lynne Sullivan at 617-779-3747
7. What do I do if parishioners are calling the parish with questions about their Catholic Appeal donation?
Any parishioner questions about duplicate or inaccurate mailings or payment issues, should be directed to our gift processing team at 617-779-3700 or email Catholic_Appeal@rcab.org.
We all share a stake in the success of the Catholic Appeal. To that end, we wish us all great success.
Know that our team stands ready to guide and assist you in the Appeal and in your local parish efforts. Do not hesitate to reach out if you have questions. We are here to provide you with the resources and tools to help launch a “Best-in-Class” campaign. We are here for you. Let us know how we can help.
Gavan Mooney, Director of Philanthropy • 617-779-3740 • gmooney@rcab.org PJ O’Connell, VP of Development • 617-779-3745 • poconnell@rcab.org
Arlene Dubrowski, Catholic Appeal Manager • 617-779-3706 • adubrowski@rcab.org
Wendy Bartlett, Development Operations Manager • 617-779-3708 • wbartlett@rcab.org Or e-mail: Catholic_Appeal@rcab.org