December Report Rotary Club of Bhubaneswar Royal Charter No: 59386 || Charter Date: 07/08/2002
1. Royal Cup Cricket Tournament 2021 2. Blood Donation Camp 3. Blanket & Medicine Distribution Cataract Surgery by Rotary Eye Hospital, 4. Bhubaneswar 2
On 12th December, Rotary Club of Bhubaneswar Royal has organized the Royal Cup Cricket Tournament 2021 at Unit-II Girl's High School ground. The program was inaugurated by PP Rtn Anil Samal(DRFC, Dist 3262) and PDG Sibabrata Das. There were 8 teams from different clubs joined in this tournament. Also there was a Special Cricket match only for the Rotaractors, in which Rotaract members from different clubs of District 3262 participated. 3
On the eve of Christmas, a Blood Donation Camp has been conducted by Rotary Club of Bhubaneswar Royal in association with National Youth Project, Odisha along with the support of Team Rotaract Royal held at Sai Mandir road, near Green Park, Janla. ACP Lalitendu Mohanty from Bhubaneswer Police Commissioner was present as the Chief Guest in the camp. Total 32 units of blood collected in the Blood Donation camp.
Medicine & Blanket Donation
On the eve of Christmas, the members of Rotary club of Bhubaneswar Royal along with the Team Rotaract Royal have distributed blankets and medicines to the mentally challenged patients at Mission Ashalok Male ward at Khurdha.
Cataract Surgery by Rotary Eye Hospital, Bhubaneswar Total No of Camps Conducted in December : 16 Total Patients Screening OPD at Hospital- 159 Total Patients Screening in Different Camps: 350 Total Surgeries Performed- 251
Rotaract Activities
Rotaractors collected the unused medicines from the drop box which installed in AMRI Hospital, Bhubaneswar. Members of Rotaract Royal along with Interact member had segregated the medicines which was collected from medicine drop box. The segregated medicines are to be donated to the different old age home, orphanages and Ashrams, with pharmaceutical facilities.
Classes on Eco Bricks Rotaractors arranged a class on Eco Bricks for the kids of Pathshala which is being run by Rotaractors of Royal. Members taught them how to make ECO BRICKS for building shelters for stray animals. They also tried to stand with the vivid concept of creating best out of waste for our ecosystem.
Members of Rotaract and Interact Royal arranged a session at PATHSHALA where the children were enlightened over the topic: Human Body parts and Organs. The session was filled with curios environment where the craze of learning was completely visualized by the discipline and attention of the children.
On 25th December rotaractors and interactors of Rotary Royal had celebrated Christmas Day with the children of pathshala. In the end distribution of bags, copies and pencils for the children. The mood was light and cheerful with optimism and spirit in place. The volunteers as well as the children made it a memorable Christmas eve.
Members of Rotaract Royal met Past DRR Kaustav from Dist 3142, who is traveling PAN India with message The Great Indian Business. The Rotaractors have an interaction program with PDRR Kaustav, where he shared his experience on how to support small businesses.
Our District 3262 is going to organize it's DISTRICT TRAINING ASSEMBLY PRASIKSHAN at VARANASI on 9th and 10th April 2022. To REGISTER & BOOK ACCOMMODATION click on below given link. Register Now : Accommodation: For more details, Contact: Rtn Dr Sidhartha Sankar Padhy (Chairman, Dist Training Assembly) Rtn Balakrushna Dikshit (Chair - Registration Committee) 17
Thank you!