The Redeemed Christian Church of God
Sunday School Student's Manual 2010/2011 UK, Ireland and Europe Edition
Sunday School Student's Manual 2010/2011 UK, Ireland and Europe Edition
Edited by RCCG Sunday School UK E. W.
Published by Delta Publishers A division of Delta Solutions UK E. W. July 2010 London, United Kingdom
Published for the edification of the Body of Christ However, no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, except for brief quotations in reviews, without permission in writing from the RCCG Sunday School UK.
THE NEW MAN MEMORY VERSE “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold all things are become new.� 2 Corinthians 5:17 BIBLE PASSAGES Matthew 3:1-12; John 3:1-13 INTRODUCTION The 'real man' is more than the physical man that we know. There is no doubt that it has bearing with the spirit of man. It is sometimes referred to as the heart of man. When your heart comes in contact with the Lord Jesus Christ, it becomes new and adopts the name, the 'new man.' This study series, by the grace of God, will help to look into some qualities of the 'NEW MAN'. May the Holy Spirit teach us the more in Jesus' name Amen. OUTLINES 1. EVIDENCED BY GENUINE REPENTANCE 2. WITH GENUINE SALVATION
EVIDENCED BY GENUINE REPENTANCE Genuine repentance is simply a change of mind that leads to a change of conduct. It is what happens when a man feels sorry for his evil deeds, changes his mind and starts doing the exact opposite of what he has been doing before - Mt. 21:28-32. It is very important in the Christian faith that it constitutes the subject of Christ's preaching - Mt. 4:17. God commands it - Acts 17:30. Certain things feature prominently in genuine repentance and these include: hatred for sin and desire for holiness, godly sorrow for past wrongs - Ps. 38:18, Lk. 18: 13 - and a turning unto the Almighty God - Acts 26:18 - which finally opens the door to God's pardon and the blotting out of past sins - Isa. 55:7, Acts 3:19. 1
WITH GENUINE SALVATION Genuine salvation is the same as being truly born again. New birth is simply the creation of a new life in a man by the Holy Spirit – Jn. 3:5-6. Every man born of a woman is born unclean and into the family of Satan - Job 25:4, Jer. 17:9. New birth qualifies us into the family of God. New birth is not limited by status, education, wealth, and position and the process is very simple. A sinner realises his position of sin - Rom. 3:23 that he will perish if he refuses to turn to Jesus Christ for pardon - Rom. 6:23. He realises that he must receive Jesus Christ into his life as Lord and Saviour - Jn. 1:12, and calls on the Name of the Lord for his salvation - Rom. 10:13. A desire for righteous living and hatred for sin becomes evident - I Jn. 2:29, 1 Jn. 3:9. CONCLUSION Now that we have noted two outstanding qualities of the new man, decide today to be genuinely repentant and saved. It will be easy, therefore, to become new as the scripture has spoken. QUESTIONS 1. What are the evidences of genuine repentance? 2. What is it to be saved or born again? 3. Recite again the memory verse of today's lesson.
Luke 15:10 - God rejoices over every sinner that repents. What is your own attitude to sinners? Tue: 2 Cor. 7:10 - Be sorry for your sins today. That is the only sorrow accepted by God. Wed: Heb. 12:10 - God is only interested in genuine repentance sought with godly sorrow. Thurs: Acts 11:18 - God is no respecter of persons. He rewards the sincere seeker of the truth. Fri: Eph. 2:1 - No matter how dead in sins you are, God has power to quicken you if you will turn to Him. Sat: Jam. 1:18 - Be a student of the Word of truth, follow the process to your salvation and you will be genuinely saved. Sun: John 1:13 - True Christians are born of God. 2
BECOMING THE NEW MAN MEMORY VERSE “The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:” Romans 8:16 BIBLE PASSAGES Romans 5:1-21, Romans 8:1-17 INTRODUCTION Last week, in this series, we examined the new man from the perspective of genuine repentance and salvation. This week, we will examine him from the angle of a justified life and one with full assurance of his salvation or new birth. May the Holy Spirit remain our teacher in Jesus' name Amen. OUTLINES 1. A JUSTIFIED LIFE 2. WITH FULL ASSURANCE OF SALVATION A JUSTIFIED LIFE To justify simply means to declare righteous. The law and the justice of God demand death as the penalty for sin - Ezek. 18:4 – and punishment for the wicked – Isa.57:20-21. Two major events, therefore, become obvious at justification. One is that the sin is forgiven and the punishment of that sin is removed from the sinner - Mic. 7:18-19. The second is that the righteousness of Jesus Christ is credited to the sinner's account - Rom. 3:22. The justified life is obtained simply by grace Rom. 3:24, by the blood of Jesus Christ - Rom. 5:9 and His resurrection Rom. 4:25. The new man wears a justified life identified by peace with God and a vibrant and enjoyable prayer life - Rom. 5:1-2. WITH FULL ASSURANCE OF SALVATION An identification mark of the new man is that of full assurance of salvation that is based on the following: the Word of God - 1 Jn. 5:13, Rom. 10:13, the witness of the Holy Spirit - Rom. 8:16 - and the 3
evidence of a changed life – 2 Cor. 5:17. Feelings or comments of people are unreliable for your assurance, therefore, do not lean on them. Be warned of doubts that may suddenly creep in when you carelessly open the door to sin, worldliness, failure to constantly study the word of God and be Holy Ghost –filled. CONCLUSION The new man must glow with justification and assurance of salvation. Is this true of you already? Jesus has paid it all. Believe and live a meaningful Christian life. QUESTIONS 1. Describe a justified life 2. How is it obtained? 3. What constitutes threats to full assurance of salvation?
Acts 13:38-39 - The Lord Jesus has been given for our justification. Rom. 4:5 - Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and his work of salvation justifies the Christian. Wed: Tit. 3: 7 - Our justification by grace grants us the power of sonship. Thurs: Isa. 53:11 - Our justification was not only prophesied but consummated in Jesus Christ. So exercise your faith today. Fri: 1 Jn. 1:9 - The blood of Jesus still cleanses from sin. So wash and be clean. Sat: 1 Jn.2:15-17 - Do not get entangled with the world. It can mar your salvation and justification. Sun: Gal. 2:20 - What a blessed day and privilege to renew your covenant with the lover of your soul. 4
THE EMPOWERMENT OF THE NEW MAN MEMORY VERSE “Wherefore Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered without the gate.” Hebrews 13:12 BIBLE PASSAGES John 17:13-23, Acts 2:1-8 INTRODUCTION We discovered last week that the new man is identified by a justified life, one fully assured of his salvation. Today, as we continue in this series, we will be examining the new man characterised by a sanctified and Holy Spirit controlled life. May the Holy Spirit continue to unveil new revelations to us in Jesus name Amen. OUTLINES 1. A SANCTIFIED LIFE 2. A HOLY GHOST CONTROLLED LIFE A SANCTIFIED LIFE The new man is a sanctified life which is a separated life unto God – 2 Chr. 29:5, 15-18. A Christian cannot be put into full use by God until he or she has been sanctified – 2 Tim. 2:21. Our Heavenly Father will certainly want us sanctified - 1 Thess. 4.3. Jesus Christ was sanctified by God - Jn. 10:36 - and his followers are equally sanctified - 1 Thess: 5:2324, Eph. 5:26, 2 Thess. 2:13. This great privilege and experience is obtainable by the word of God - Jn. 17:17, the blood of Jesus - Heb. 13:12 - and by heart surgery as the individual becomes surrendered unto God. The new man as a sanctified life lives holy, easily bears fruit and has guaranteed eternity in the Lord - Rom. 6:22, Gal. 5:22-23, Acts 26:18. A HOLY GHOST CONTROLLED LIFE The new man has a life style patterned after and controlled by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is another Comforter promised by the Lord Jesus 5
Christ - Jn. 14:26, Jn. 15:26. He gives power over sin - Gal. 5:16, power for service - Acts. 1:8, power to rebuke and cast out demons - Acts 13:8-11, Rom. 8:16, power to witness to our spiritual adoption - Acts 9:21-22, Gal. 4:6, 1 Jn. 3:24. He helps us to bear fruits unto repentance - Gal. 5:22-23; guides into all truth - Jn. 16:13, controls the movement of believers - Acts 10:19, directs the selection of Christian leaders - Acts 13:2 and chooses the fields of operations of God's servants - Acts 16:6. He gives life - Jn. 6:33, Rom.8:11, 2 Cor. 3:6, 1 Pet. 3:18. CONCLUSION Two outstanding qualities of the new man are the sanctified life and the Holy Ghost controlled life. Be honest as you check your life whether you are truly a new man. If not, pray and decide to qualify today. The Lord remains your present Help. QUESTIONS 1. What characteristics of the new man did we learn today? 2. Who is a sanctified life? 3. How do you know a Holy Spirit-controlled life?
Psalm 4:3 - The Lord who sanctifies me will hear me today as I call on Him. Tue: Ex. 40:9-11 - As in the days of old, the ever constant God still sanctifies for use. Are you a vessel fit for the Master's use? Wed: Lev. 27:14-16 - God wants to sanctify us wholly, physically, materially and spiritually. It pays to surrender all for the Master's use. Thurs: Num. 8:17 -路When God sanctifies, no man can query His authority. Good to simply obey. Fri: Isa. 63:10- Please do not rebel against the Holy Spirit so that he does not begin to fight you. Sat: 1 Sam. 16:14 - The Holy Spirit controlled life is better and more profitable than a life controlled by demons. Sun: Acts 10:38 - An anointed ministry resulting in remarkable exploits is better than a mere one. Take a clue from Jesus Christ. 6
THE ACTS OF THE NEW MAN MEMORY VERSE “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him. ” Acts 10:38 BIBLE PASSAGES Mark 16:15-18, Acts 2:41-47 INTRODUCTION Last week, in our series on the new man, we learnt clearly that the new man is easily identified by a sanctified and Holy Spirit controlled life. Today, by the grace of God, we will continue as we see him in very powerful ministry, like father like son, and in proof producing ministry. May the watering ministry of the Holy Spirit refresh us today as we study in Jesus Name. Amen. OUTLINES 1. 'LIKE FATHER LIKE SON' IN POWERFUL MINISTRY 2. PROOF-PRODUCING MINISTRY 'LIKE FATHER LIKE SON' IN POWERFUL MINISTRY The Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, who rose again for our justification is our perfect example in ministry - Acts 2:22. He went about preaching, teaching, healing and delivering the oppressed - Acts 10:38. He became a celebrity of His days for He was outstandingly known for signs and wonders, for God was with Him - Mk.1:14-15, 2122; 23-24, 40-45. Nothing less than the Master's perfect example is expected of the new man - Mk. 16:15-18. The new man as a carrier of the Holy Spirit is empowered to be a true witness of the Lord Jesus Christ at home and abroad - Acts 1:8. He has a mandate of the Master to 'GO' and with a full assurance of His ever presence - Mt. 28:18-20.
PROOF PRODUCING MINISTRY The book the Acts of the Apostles is indeed a record book of proof producers who walked the narrow path physically and spiritually with the Master and have experiences to share. They have experiences that will challenge the contemporary believers and of course God's expectation of the new man - Acts 2:14-37, 38-41, 42-47. The new man must be a vessel unto honour in anointing to heal - Acts 3: 1-9, in power-evangelism - Acts 4:7-14, to promptly discern and judge iniquity and keep sanity in the body of Christ - Acts 5:1-11, in signs and wonders - Acts. 5:12, Acts 6:8, to bear fruits that will remain - Jn.15:16, Acts 14:1. In the missionary trips, churches were planted even in homes Acts 18:1-11, 24-28, Acts 19:1-7, Rom. 16:1-5. CONCLUSION It is a misnomer to be called the new man if you are not operating in a powerful ministry and proof producing. Decide today and be connected to the Author and Finisher of your faith, the Lord Jesus Christ. QUESTIONS 1. Illustrate the new man in a powerful ministry, "'like father like son.” 2. Give two examples to illustrate Acts of the Apostles as a record book of proof producers. 3. What is God's expectation of the anointed new man?
Zech. 4:6 – Your physical ability will be inadequate. The Holy Ghost power is super power. Tue: Lk.4:14 - The one who commissioned the Christians is not expecting anything less than success because He was not a failure. Wed: Acts 19:11-12 - God is no respecter of persons. The New man can perform spectacular miracles too. Thurs: Eph. 3:16 - God wants the new man strengthened Fri: 1Thess.1:5 - The new man has no other Gospel than that of power in the Holy Ghost. Sat: 2 Tim. 1:7 – The true man has no spirit of fear but of power. Sun: Dan.11:32 – The only language of the new man is exploits for God. 8
MANIFESTING THE GENUINENESS OF THE NEW LIFE MEMORY VERSE “And herein do I exercise myself, to have always a conscience void of offence toward God, and toward men.” Acts 24:16 BIBLE PASSAGES Luke 19:1-10, 1 Corinthians 6:15-20 INTRODUCTION Last week, in this series, we discovered that an outstanding feature of the new man is a powerful, proof-producing ministry, which was typical of our Lord Jesus Christ, the perfect example. Today, as we continue to study, may the Holy Spirit reveal more truths to us in Jesus' name Amen. OUTLINES 1. FULL RESTITUTION 2. FULLY DEDICATED FULL RESTITUTION The new man must have made restitution of his or her ways. Restitution in essence is a mark of true repentance. It involves restoration of what has been damaged or cannot give one a clear conscience before man and God - Lev. 6:1-7, Lk. 19:8, Pro. 28:13 Acts 24:16. The new man is not rash on this issue but rather absolutely dependent on the Holy Spirit for direction and guidance. To be rash may tend to foolishness - Eccl. 5:2, Pro. 29:20. The wisdom of God manifests instead in the new man. Wisdom is the principal thing and always better than strength - Pro 4:7, Eccl. 9:16. The new man would never seek the displeasure of his Heavenly Father. This is why seeking a godly counsel if need be, will not be out of place in the handling of delicate issues such as this Pro.11:14, Pro 12:15, Pro 15:22.
FULLY DEDICATED The new man must be identified by his or her dedication. The Lord of the new man during His earthly ministry manifested a life of dedication to God and to the course of our redemption – Jn.9:4, Jn.4:34. The New man similarly must be separated from anything called evil. He must flee every appearance of evil. This separation is in all ramifications; ungodly marital plans, business/vocation, ministerial life, all forms of heresies and any form of worldliness - Jn. 7:19, 1 Pet. 1:15-16, I Cor. 6:17-18, I Thess. 4:7, Rom.12:1-2, 1 Jn. 2:15-17. The new man is not the loser for being separated or dedicated. He will not be a victim of the terrible diseases of Egypt or even contemporary ones. Instead he will become the blessed of the Almighty God – Ex.15:26, Deut.28:1-13. CONCLUSION Let your newness of life manifest in genuine restitution and dedication that will bring glory to God only. Please pray accordingly. QUESTIONS 1. What are the two qualities of the new man? 2. What does it mean to fully make restitution? 3. What is true dedication?
1 Tim. 1:4 – Do not waver in your faith. God is taking note. Isa. 59:2 - Do everything possible by the grace of God not to get disconnected from the Author and Finisher of your faith. Wed: 2 Tim. 2:22 - All the days long, let righteousness be your watchword. Thurs: Rom. 14:7 - Jesus alone must dominate the new man, nothing more. Fri: Eze.33:15 - Restitute all things now. Sat: Pro. 6:31 - You cannot dodge away from restitution. Do it now. Sun: Ps. 119:9-11 - The wise man will simply obey the word of God. 10
THE NEW CREATURE AND PROSPERITY MEMORY VERSE “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” 3 John 2 BIBLE PASSAGES Genesis 39:1-3, 1 Kings 10:14-29 INTRODUCTION In our study for last week, we discovered that the new man must be sincere about the issue of restitution and dedication to the things of God. Delicate as these issues may be, there can never be any doubt of the fact that God will ever bless His children who will be willing to obey His commandments no matter how hard they may be. May the Holy Spirit continue to teach us in Jesus' Name. Amen OUTLINES 1. PROSPERITY: GOD'S PERFECT PLAN FOR BELIEVERS 2. EXPERIENCING BREAKTHROUGHS PROSPERED, FAITHFUL TO GOD, REMEMBERING THE NEEDY The perfect example of the prospered one is the Almighty God - Ps. 50:7-15, 1Chron. 29:11-12. He dwells in glory decorated with heavenly beauty - Rev. 21:18 -21, I Tim. 6:16. There is a treasure chest of diverse blessings and the master key to it is the Lord Jesus Christ. He determines the composition therein - Phil.4:19. The new man, as an expressed image of the Lord Jesus Christ, is similarly prospered. Numerous examples recorded in the Bible include: - Joseph –Gen. 39:1-3; Solomon – 2 Chr. 1:10-12, 2 Chr. 9:13-30; Abraham - Gen. 24:1; Isaac Gen. 26:12-14. Prosperity is God's perfect plan for His beloved ones – 3 Jn. 2. However, those to be divinely prospered must be worshippers of God who love to appreciate Him regularly with their substance - 1 Kgs. 8:62-66; Lk.6:38; 2.Cor.9:5-8. The prospered new man in his holy appreciation must never forget the poor and the needy that will always be found in the land - Ps. 9:18. 11
EXPERIENCING BREAKTHROUGHS The new man in his supernatural position that regularly feeds on the word of God will always enjoy breakthroughs – Lk.5:1-10, 2 Kgs.4:1-7, 1 Kgs.17:8-16. As a child of God, being led and guided by the Holy Spirit, you might be privileged with some bright ideas which if executed, will forever terminate poverty in your life as we see in the example of the lepers in 2 Kings 7:3-13, 17-20. This will usher in breakthroughs. These breakthroughs will last if the new man will maintain some Godly principles of being generous and learning to invest God's provisions – Pro.11:24-26, 2 Kgs.7:8-9, Mt.25:14-31, Lk.19:12-26. Additionally, you must never give room to complacency, laziness or Godlessness – Lk.12:16-21, Pro.6:6-11, Pro.18:9, Pro.24:30-31, Eccl.10:18. CONCLUSION Are you prosperous? Are you enjoying breakthroughs? If yes, do not forget the godly principles for retaining your blessings. If no, then, become a new creature today, obey the lover of your soul and the tide will turn for the better. 2 Cor 5:17 QUESTIONS 1. Give at least three biblical examples of the prosperous people. 2. What are the conditions to retaining our prosperity? 3. Discuss some Christian ideas that can trigger breakthroughs.
Gen.39:3 – If the Lord prospered Joseph, He can prosper you too. Deut. 28:13 – The word of God is true. They are promises that ensure your prosperity. Wed: Neh.2:20 – Divine decision for our prosperity is forever settled. Thurs: Ps.1:3 – That we shall flourish is the promise of God concerning the apples of His eyes. Fri: Gen.24:35 – We are connected by spirit to Abraham. We can be greater as we keep in close touch with the word of God. Sat: 1 Kgs.3:13 – Solomon was blessed as a worshipper. Be a worshipper too and God's numerous blessings shall follow. Sun: Ps.68:19 – Blessed be the Lord who daily loads us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. 12
PRAYER: VITAL TOOL FOR NEW CREATURES MEMORY VERSE “Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.” Matthew 17:21 BIBLE PASSAGE Matthew 17:14-21 INTRODUCTION In our last study, we discovered that the will of God is that we prosper and experience breakthroughs. We were enjoined not to forget the needy as they will always be in the land and that faithfulness is required of a good steward. Today, by the grace of God, as we conclude this series, may the Holy Spirit reveal more truths to us, in Jesus' name. OUTLINES 1. WITH ALL PRAYERS 2. WITH FASTING OFTEN WITH ALL PRAYERS Prayer includes adoration, which is praise and worship directed to God for who He is – Ps.95:6; confession, which is repentance from every known sin – Ps.32:5; thanksgiving, which is thanks directed to God for everything and anything He has done – 1 Thess 5:18, Phil.4:6 and supplication which is intercession, requests and petitions addressed to God in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ – 1 Tim.2:1. We can pray everywhere – 1 Tim.2:8, in the closet – Mt.6:6 or in the church – Lk.18:10. Prayers can be offered to God in the morning – Ps.5:3, at noon and evening – Ps.55:17, day and night – Ps.88:1, daily – Ps.86:3 and always – Lk.18:1. Our intercessions can include the sick – Jam.5:13-16, rulers/civil leaders/spiritual leaders – 1 Tim.2:1-4, every Christian – Col.1:28, your enemies – Mt.5:38-48; request for wisdom and understanding – 1 Kgs.3:5-9, for safety – Dan.6:18-23, long life – Isa.38:1-5 and the second coming of Christ – Mt.6:9-13. The Holy Spirit will help our infirmities in prayer – Rom.8:26-27 and we must pray in faith, with humility and according to the will of God – Heb.11:6, 2 Chr.7:14, 13
Mt.26:39. We must, of course, always pray in the name of Jesus Christ – Jn.16:24. WITH FASTING OFTEN This is not referring to the wrong type of fasting as we are warned about in Isaiah. 58:3-5. Three major reasons stand out clearly in the Old Testament illustrating why we fast:- (1) To express deep mourning like the men of Jabeshgilead did for seven days - 1 Sam.31:11 -13, (2) To avert divine wrath, e.g. 2 Sam.12:16-17 and (3) To express repentance and sorrow for sin, e.g. City of Nineveh - Jonah 3:7. In the New Testament, Jesus Christ is our model. He fasted forty days and forty nights - Mt. 4:2. He commanded that His disciples should fast after His departure - Mk 2:20, giving more instructions - Mt.6:16-18 and must be combined with prayers - Mt. 9:29. He even said some demons will be easily cast out of their victims by fasting and prayer - Mt. 17: 14-21. Paul fasted often - 2 Cor. 6:5. Other examples are found in Acts 13:1-3, 10:30, 14:23. Fasting is not only abstinence from food. It may also include abstinence from sex by mutual consent of couples - I Cor. 7:5. CONCLUSION Are you a new creature? How is your prayer life? If it is good, it can be better. There is no harm if you fast as well. Fasting does not kill so do not be scared. Take a bold and positive step in prayers and fasting today. QUESTIONS 1. What is prayer? 2. Mention 5 things you can pray for? 3. What do you understand by fasting? 4. How does the scripture recommend that fasting be done?
BLESSED WEEK WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT Mon: Tue: Wed: Thurs: Fri: Sat: Sun:
Ex, 33:11 - God still talks to His own today. Ps. 27:8 - Seek the face of God today. 1 Jn. 1:6 - You need to be truthful in your fellowship with God. Rev. 3:20 - There is a knocking at your heart, will you allow God in? Dan. 9: 3 - Seek the Lord soberly with fasting and prayer. Ex. 34: 28 – A disciplined life of fasting and prayer draws inspiration for divine revelations. Matt. 9: 15 - Pray and fast and remain on the firing line always. 14
HOLINESS MEMORY VERSE “But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation;” 1 Peter 1:15 BIBLE PASSAGE Psalm 15:1-5 INTRODUCTION It is the counsel of God for every believer to prosper and to be free from sickness – 3 Jn.2. God's storehouse is full of blessings prepared for His children because His thoughts towards us are good and not evil. However, to gain unhindered access to His abundant benefits and blessings, He demands that we be holy like Him – Jer. 29:11; Ps.84:11. OUTLINES 1. WHY BELIEVERS MUST BE HOLY 2. BENEFITS OF HOLINESS WHY BELIEVERS MUST BE HOLY Our God is a holy God and He commands every believer to be perfect in His sight. God's desire is to use believers, as His chosen vessels to reach out to the numerous sinners out there, hence all believers must be holy. Holiness is necessary for a believer to do exploits and even greater works than Jesus did. Sinners cannot fellowship with a holy God. The believer must be holy in order to be able to see God on the last day – Eph.1:4; Gen.17:1; 1 Jn.1:3-7; Jn.14:12; 2 Cor.6:14-16. BENEFITS OF HOLINESS A holy believer receives classified information from God. God builds a wall of protection around such a believer. He will also have peace with his enemies. He will receive divine provision and long life. Living holy enables every believer to enjoy God's presence and living forever with God in eternal life - Amos 3:7; Gen. 18:12-21; Pro.18:10; Pro.16:7; Job 1:10; 1 Kgs.5:1-4; Pro.3:1-2; Pro.4:10; Pro.9:11. 15
CONCLUSION The benefits of holiness are inexhaustible since God cannot be separated from His holiness. Living holy must be the yearning of the heart of a true believer, day by day. Do you strive to be holy? QUESTION Why should believers be holy? Mention some benefits of holiness to the believer in Christ.
Phil.4:19 – Do not worry anymore. The Holy God will take care of your daily needs. Tue: Ps.1:3 – God's words are yea and amen. He will cause believers to flourish like a tree planted by the rivers of water. Wed: Jer.29:11 – God's thoughts for His people is to bring every of their expectations to fulfilment. Thurs: Job 1:10- God protects believers from every attack of the wicked. He will protect you too. Fri. Ps.68:1 – The Lord of hosts will arise and destroy all your enemies and scatter them. Sat: Is.1:19 – Willingness and obedience on the part of people bring goodness their way. Sun: Is.1:18 – God's invitation to sinners is on daily basis. 16
WALKING IN HOLINESS MEMORY VERSE “…I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect.” Genesis 17:1b BIBLE PASSAGE Psalm 24:3-10 INTRODUCTION In our last lesson, we considered why believers must be holy and some benefits of holiness. Today, we shall look further into the benefits of holiness and why God does not condone unholy living. OUTLINES 1. OTHER BENEFITS OF HOLINESS 2. WHY GOD DOES NOT CONDONE UNHOLY LIVING OTHER BENEFITS OF HOLINESS There are many rewards attached to holiness. One of them is answered prayers – Lk.1:13; Ps.34:15-17. The tomorrow of a righteous person is determined by God – Is.3:10: Jer.29:11. A man that fears and obeys God will enjoy divine health – Ex.15:26. He also enjoys supernatural provisions from the El-Shaddai God – Ps.92:12. The cup of a holy child of God will always overflow and they will enjoy overtaking blessings – Ps.23:5, Dt.28:1-2. Lastly, they that loves to do that which is right in God's presence will be victorious, promoted and endowed with supernatural anointing – Dt.28:7; Heb.1:9. WHY GOD DOES NOT CONDONE UNHOLY LIVING If two do not agree, they cannot walk together. God cannot condone sin because everything about Him is holy and hence Christians are commanded to be perfect in holiness, body, soul and spirit. Our glorious God lives in holiness. His throne is holy. The angels around Him are holy and holiness is their song. In fact, He also lives in a holy city. Rom.6:19, 22; 2 Cor.7:1; Eph.4:24; 1 Thess.4:7; Ex.15:11; Ps.47:8; Rev.14:10; 17
Rev.4:8; Rev.22:19. CONCLUSION A nation that fears God and lives righteously shall be exalted. Disobeying God's instructions will lead to divine rejection and eternal condemnation. 1 Sam.15: 22-23; Rev.22:14-15; Pro. 14:34. QUESTIONS 1. Supply the right answers to the question in Psalm 24:3. 2. What are the other benefits of holiness? 3. Why will God not condone ungodliness?
BLESSED WEEK WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT Mon: Tue: Wed: Thurs: Fri. Sat: Sun:
Rev.3:7, Rev.4:8 – God expects us to be holy. Heb.12:10 – God chastises to make holy. Jn.17:17 – God uses His words to make us holy. Ps.99:3 – His name is holy. Ps.47:8 – His throne is holy. Is.57:15 – God dwells in holiness. Ps.145:17 – His ways are holy. 18
YE SHALL RECEIVE POWER MEMORY VERSE “But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.� Acts 1:8 BIBLE PASSAGE Acts 2:1-21 INTRODUCTION The period from creation to the birth of Jesus Christ is generally referred to, as the age of the Father while from the birth of our Lord to His ascension is the age of the Son. The period from the ascension to the second coming of our Lord is the age of the Holy Spirit. As such, we should not be ignorant of His existence and operation. Jesus Christ is the only baptiser with the Holy Spirit - Mat. 3:11; Mark 1:8. Therefore, in this lesson, we shall study about the baptism. May the Lord baptise us with His Divine power and make us useful instruments in His hands as we go through this lesson. OUTLINES 1. THE BAPTISM WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT 2. RESULTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT BAPTISM THE BAPTISM WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT Baptism with the Holy Spirit is the endowment with power for effective Christian service. Jesus promised His disciples in Acts 1:8 and fulfilled it in Acts 2:1,2 occasioned by speaking in tongues in fulfilment of the prophecy in Joel 2:28-32. This experience took place on the day of Pentecost. Baptism with the Holy Spirit is an operation of the Holy Spirit distinct from salvation. A man who is saved (born-again) by the act of the Holy Spirit may not be baptised until he undergoes this experience. The divine nature of God is imparted at salvation - 2 Pet.1:4 - but in baptism with the Holy Spirit, the divine power or dynamo is imparted into the life of a believer for effective and result-oriented Christian service. It makes the believer spirit-filled, spirit-motivated, spirit19
controlled and spirit-empowered. How can one receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit? 1. Repentance and faith in Jesus Christ as the one who will give as He had promised - Acts 2:38; 10:43 - 44, Gal. 3:2, 5, 14. 2. Thirsting after God's righteousness - . Matthew 5:6. 3. Earnest prayer of faith and importunity – Lk. 11:11-13; Lk. 18:1 - 7. Our heavenly Father is ready to give us the Holy Spirit if we ask Him. Nevertheless, we must ask in faith without wavering – Jam. 1:6. 4. Absolute surrender in obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ. God gives the Holy Spirit only to those who obey Him - Acts 5:32. 5. In realisation of the fact that the Holy Spirit is for every believer, Jesus promised the Comforter for every believer – Jn.14:26, Jn.15:26, Jn.16:7. Therefore, do not let the devil rob you by whispering to you that there is no baptism with the Holy Spirit or that when you are born again, you have received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. You are only indwelt with the Holy Spirit at conversion but at baptism with the Holy Spirit, you are empowered and energised by the Holy Spirit. 6. Sanctified life. Your heart must be pure and holy – Matt. 5:8; Eph. 4:24. RESULTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT BAPTISM (a) Baptism with the Holy Spirit gives the Christian boldness in service and testimony. The Lord does not give us the spirit of timidity but the spirit of boldness of power and of a sound mindActs 4:29,31, 33.
(b) The supernatural power of God is imparted for effective and efficient Christian service - Acts, 1:5, 8. Without the baptism, there cannot be power for effective profitable service for the Lord. So, seek for the baptism today - Acts 2:41. (c) At baptism, the Holy Spirit bestows different gifts to believers to make them useful vessels – 1 Cor. 12:4-10 - and unless you are baptised, you cannot know your gifts clearly not to talk of using them for the Lord. (d) The Holy Spirit empowers a believer to make him have a godly life. He quickens his spirit and produces in him a holy living – Jn.6:63, 2 Cor.3:6.
CONCLUSION You may not know the usefulness of the Holy Spirit until you have the power. Ask for the Holy Spirit from the Father today and He will give you as He has promised – Lk. 11:9-13, Matt. 7:7. If you have been baptised, are you experiencing the result of the baptism everyday of your life? Ask the Lord to strengthen you with the power of the Holy Spirit so that you can become an effective instrument for Him today. Talk to Him about it now. The Holy Spirit is still available to you today. QUESTIONS 1. Why is it necessary to know about the Holy Spirit today than ever before? 2. What is baptism with the Holy Spirit? 3. Mention 4 steps to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit?
BLESSED WEEK WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT Mon: Acts 10:44·48 - The baptism of the Holy Spirit is not limited to the Jews only but all believers in Christ. Tue: Jn.20:22 - Jesus Christ is the baptizer with the Holy Spirit, surrender to Him today and let Him baptize you. Wed: Acts 19:6·7 - The baptism of the Holy Spirit can also come about through the laying on of hands of an anointed man of God. Thurs: Is. 55: 1·2 -. Everyone that is thirsty for the Holy Spirit shall be satisfied. Fri: Lk. 24:49 - If you sincerely tarry for the Holy Spirit, the baptizer will surely baptize you. Sat: Jn, 7:37-39 - It is impossible for God to lie. He shall surely satisfy our thirst with the Holy Spirit. Sun: Matt. 3: 16 -·If Jesus Christ was baptized in the Holy Spirit, we too can be baptized. 21
BE FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT! MEMORY VERSE “And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;” Ephesians 5:18 BIBLE PASSAGE Acts 2:1-21 INTRODUCTION In the last lesson, we examined the baptism of the Holy Spirit, how we can be baptised and the results of the baptism. In this lesson, we want to know what living a Spirit-filled life means and the fruits, which such life will generate in our day to day living. It is our prayer that the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit will not depart from us at any stage of our Christian life. OUTLINES 1. HOW TO BE FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT 2. EXAMINING THE FRUIT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT HOW TO BE FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT There is only one baptism of the Holy Spirit for every believer but there are many fillings. We must be continually filled with the Holy Spirit. We cannot have too much of the Holy Spirit, but how much does the Spirit possess us? When we surrender and yield more to Him, we receive and enjoy His filling and His fullness more and more. God commands us to " filled with the Spirit;." - Eph. 5:18. To constantly stay filled with the Spirit, we must do the following things:(a) Understand that God has given us the Holy Spirit and that He dwells within us. Be conscious of His presence in your life. (b) Know that God commands us to be filled with the Holy Spirit – Eph. 5:18; John 20:22 - and we must obey Him. If He has not provided it, He will not give the order. (c) Understand that before we can receive His fullness, we must get 22
rid of any known sin in our lives. This calls for repentance and confession of sins - I John 1:9. (d) Yield ourselves completely to God. It demands total submission to His will continuously and let Him rule over every area of our lives - Gal. 5:16. (e) Pray earnestly for the filling every day. (f) Now act on this truth and walk or live with full assurance that God has already filled us, thanking Him for the fullness of the Spirit. (g) Put our faith into action by praying in the spirit and by speaking in tongues – Rom.8:26. EXAMINING THE FRUIT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT The fruit of the Holy Spirit stands as the evidence of a spirit-filled life. They are gracious and godly habits produced in the life of a consecrated believer who has been baptized with the Holy Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance – Gal. 5:22-23, 2 Pet.1:5-8. The nine fruits are united in purpose and direction to make a child of God live a Christ-like life. It is God's expectation in our lives. Unlike the gifts of the Spirit, the fruits of the Spirit are not divided among believers. All must possess them. As we cooperate with the Spirit, He brings the fruits into our lives. In order to have the fruits, you need to do the following: (a) Consciously surrender yourself to the Holy Spirit – 1 Cor.6:19-20. Offer your body to God as a living sacrifice – Rom.12:1-2. (b) We must see ourselves as having died to sin but alive to Christ – Rom.6:11, Gal.2:20. (c) Determine to bring yourself under the Lordship of Jesus Christ by faith. Let your mind be turned completely to God – Rom.12:2. (d) Work on one fruit a time, praying in faith and trusting God that all the fruits stated in Gal.5:22-23 will become a reality in your life – 2 Pet. 1:3. CONCLUSION Are you filled with the Spirit? Allow the Holy Spirit to make more of you by yielding yourself completely to Him today. Pray more and put more faith into action. Note that the only way you can claim to belong to God is by bringing forth the fruits of the Spirit. This is the mark of godliness. Does your life show the fruits of the Spirit? Pray seriously about it and 23
take the steps we recommend in this lesson. Pray that the Lord will fill you and that the fruits should start showing gradually in your life as from today. Talk to the Lord about it. QUESTIONS 1. What do you understand by a Spirit-filled life? 2. How can you be filled with the Spirit? 3. What is meant by the fruits of the Spirit?
BLESSED WEEK WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT Mon: John 3:6-8 - . The Holy Spirit like the wind cannot be inhibited by distance and therefore can satisfy every soul's need whatever it may be. Tue: 1 Cor. 12:13 – We are bonded in love by the Spirit of God. Wed: Phil. 1:21- The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth and He will reveal mysteries of the Kingdom of God to us. Thurs: Eph. 1:13 - Thank God for the Holy Spirit, the seal to our salvation. Fri: Rom. 8:14-16 - We know by the Spirit of God that we are the children of God and we are led by Him. Sat: Gal. 4:6 - We are privileged as Christians and by the Holy Spirit to call the Almighty God our Daddy. Sun: Jn.16:24 - Do not be weary. Ask till your joy is full. 24
THE POISONOUS CURSE OF DISOBEDIENCE MEMORY VERSE “Wherefore it shall come to pass, if ye hearken to these judgments, and keep, and do them, that the LORD thy God shall keep unto thee the covenant and the mercy which he sware unto thy fathers:” Deuteronomy 7: 12 BIBLE PASSAGE Leviticus 26: 14 – 33 INTRODUCTION Obedience implies compliance with the demands and requests of one in authority. It is an act or instance of submitting to an authority. Our focus here is submitting to the authority of God. Obedience to God is an obligation stressed in both the New and Old testaments. OUTLINES 1. DISOBEDIENCE IS A SIN 2. PARTIAL OBEDIENCE IS WORSE 3. CONSEQUENCES OF DISOBEDIENCE AND PARTIAL OBEDIENCE DISOBEDIENCE IS A SIN All were made sinners as a result of one man's disobedience - Romans 5: 19. Disobedience is sinful because it is the fruit of doubt and unbelief Hebrews 11: 6 Adam and Eve learnt by painful experience that because God is holy and hates sin, He must punish sinners. Any time a believer disobeys or works contrary to the word of God, such person doubts and does not believe Him. For instance, God says that we should bring all tithes into His storehouse. Any time you refuse, despite the fact that you read it in the Bible and hear it, you have disobeyed Him - Malachi 3: 10 PARTIAL OBEDIENCE IS WORSE To some of us, total disobedience is not our problem, but half-obedience. God hates those who are neither cold nor hot. Mark 12: 29-30, Revelation 3: 15-16. As far as God is concerned, you have to love Him completely. There is no half measure with Jesus Christ. 25
CONSEQUENCES OF DISOBEDIENCE AND PARTIAL OBEDIENCE Every form of disobedience earns curse(s) from God. Deut 28:15; Daniell 9: 11. Disobedience receives God's judgement. Every believer who disobeys God is courting His wrath- Eph 5: 6. God will use flaming fire to take vengeance on the disobedient people - 2 Thess. 1: 8. Those who kick against His commandment must be getting ready to fight Him - 1 Sam 12: 15. God can destroy a nation who refuses to obey Him Jeremiah 12: 17. Disobedience limits future opportunities as in the case of Moses – Numbers 20:10-12. Moses disobeyed God's direct command and dishonoured Him in the presence of His people. Disobedience can lead to death – 1 Chronicles 13:8-10. Those who obeyed God half-heartedly include Abraham. God told Abraham to do three things - to get out of the country, get out of his kindred and to get out of his father's house - Gen. 12: 4-5, 9-10. He was supposed to meet blessings, according to God's promise but he met a grievous famine. Instead of staying where God had promised to bless him, he went to Egypt where he met greater problem than famine - Gen 13: 5-8. Also, King Saul. God asked him to wipe out the tribe of the Amalekites and to utterly destroy everything in their country. He went there and killed everybody except the king and the fat cattle - 1 Sam 15: 3, 8-9. CONCLUSION The thorns of worldly cares frustrate the word of God in our lives by simply ensuring that we never get round to actually putting it into practice in our daily living. The word you receive is only profitable when you live in obedience of it - Matt. 7: 24 – 27. Along with God's blessings comes the responsibility to His demands for fairness and honesty. If we repent of our disobedience, however, God is willing to forgive us and to restore our relationship with Him. QUESTIONS 1. How is disobedience a sin? 2. Mention consequences of disobedience
1 Sam 15: 23, Tell God to remove every spirit of rebellion in your life. Col 3: 5-6, God will destroy everything that is contrary to His will in your life. Wed: Jer. 7: 23, Obedience to God makes God to draw near to us. Thurs: Deut. 11: 13-14, Whenever we disobey God, we are the losers. Fri: 1 King 13: 26, Disobedience can lead to untimely death. Sat: Rom 10: 21, God is calling all disobedient people to come to repentance. Sun: 1 Pet. 3: 18-20 It is the responsibility of every true believer of Jesus to bring all the recalcitrant people to the fold by preaching the gospel. 26
Lesson 14
THE BLESSINGS OF OBEDIENCE MEMORY VERSE “And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day, that the LORD thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the earth.” Deuteronomy 28: 1 BIBLE PASSAGE Deuteronomy 28: 1-14 INTRODUCTION We have learnt that disobedience is a sin and that partial obedience is worse. Obedience to God brings with it a lot of blessings. We need to study what we will gain by hearkening to the voice of God and look at some other people who obeyed Him in the Bible. May God teach us as we learn in His feet in Jesus Name. OUTLINES 1. THE BLESSINGS OF OBEDIENCE 2. EXAMPLES OF PATRIARCHS OF OBEDIENCE THE BLESSINGS OF OBEDIENCE After the people of Israel had spent 400 years of slavery and hard labour in Egypt, under Moses, God led them out of bondage and put them on the road to a new life of freedom through obedience to Him – Lev. 26: 13. This is a clear reminder of what God has done for us through Jesus Christ - Gal 5: 1. Whosoever wants to enjoy God's blessing must cultivate the habit of obeying Him whole heartedly - Deut 28: 1, Isaiah 1: 19. God is ready to make you a peculiar treasure unto Him - Exodus 19: 5. God will also be an enemy to the enemies of those who do follow Him wholeheartedly - Exodus 23: 22. Diseases will be kept away from anyone who obeys God diligently - Exodus 15: 26. Obedience comes from love and faith – Hebrews 11:1-2. EXAMPLES OF PATRIARCHS OF OBEDIENCE There are many examples of people in the Bible who obeyed God absolutely. If it is possible for these people, obedience is equally achievable for today's believers. Let us look at few of them: 1. Abraham was additionally blessed on one occasion because he 28
obeyed God in offering Isaac on the altar – Gen.22:18; Gen.26:5. The Rechabites, the children of Jonadab. Their father had commanded them not to drink wine throughout their life time. For hearkening to the instruction of their father, God showered His blessings upon his lineage - Jeremiah 35: 1-19. 3. Joseph. Potiphar put Joseph in charge of overseeing his house and all that he had. When his master's wife made advances to him, he refused and said, “How then can I do this great wickedness and sin against God.” For his total obedience to the word of God, Joseph became Prime Minister in a foreign land - Gen. 39: 7-9; 41: 14- 45. 4. Paul. Paul, after his conversion, followed God in totality. He did not look back once he put his hand on the plough. Whatever he was told to do was done with the zeal and seriousness it deserved. No wonder he knew that the time of his departure had come and was able to see the crown waiting for him- Romans 1: 5; 1 Cor. 15: 10; 2 Tim 4: 6-8. 5. Jesus. Jesus Christ is our perfect example. He kept His Father's commandment throughout His ministry here on earth. He humbled Himself and became obedient unto death - John 4: 34; Phil 2: 6-11 2.
CONCLUSION Evidence that a person is a child of God is continued obedience to the commandments of God. Every believer must cultivate the habit of obedience to God. Obedience to Him will put you at great advantage. Fringe benefits of obedience include sound health, joy, peace and wisdom - Phil. 2: 5, 3 John 2 QUESTIONS 1. What are the blessings of obedience? 2. Name some patriarchs of obedience in the Bible and their deeds.
Luke 6: 46 Let us serve God out of a pure and sincere heart. Ex 23: 21 Sin will always attract punishment, for God's eyes cannot behold iniquity. Wed: Is 1: 19,Obedience to God will earn you blessings, no matter where you are. Thurs: John 14: 15, The love of God is supposed to propel us to obey Him. Fri: Phil 2: 8 Humility is one the ways to show you are obedient to God. Sat: James 1: 22, Be the doer of the word, not the hearer only Sun: Pr 30: 17, Our earthly parents and those in authority Our earthly parents and those in authority over us must be obeyed. 29
THE PURIFIED CHRISTIAN BELIEVER MEMORY VERSE “ That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour; “ 1 Thessalonians 4:4 BIBLE PASSAGE 1 Thessalonians 4: 1- 8 INTRODUCTION Sanctification means separation from evil – 2 Chronicles 29:5 and separation unto God - Leviticus 27: 16. Sanctification means being made holy or purified. It is the will of God that every vessel, (believer) should be sanctified - I Thess. 4:3. Only sanctified vessels can be used by God – 2 Tim. 2:21. God cannot use and unclean vessel. OUTLINES 1. HOW CAN A VESSEL BE SANCTIFIED? 2. BENEFIT OF SANCTIFICATION HOW CAN A VESSEL BE SANCTIFIED? The Trinity is involved in the work of sanctification: God the Father - 1 Thess 5; 23-24, God the Son - Eph. 5:26 and God the Holy Spirit - Tit. 3:5 Vessels can be sanctified by the word of God- John 15:3; 1 Tim. 4:5. Meditate in the word of God day and night to make your way prosperous and have good success - Josh. 1:8. Sanctification is also obtained by the blood of Jesus - Heb 13: 12;Heb 10:29. We can also be sanctified by the Holy Spirit 2 Thess 2:13. Sanctification is obtained by receiving a new heart- Eze 36:26 ,that is, replacing the stony heart by fleshy heart to become a vessel unto honour for the use of the Lord. To be sanctified you must be prepared to allow Christ into your life Rev.3:20; 2 Cor. 7:1. If you are ready to receive the heart of flesh, God will give you. You must be prepared to keep God's company and be in His presence.
BENEFITS OF SANCTIFICATION Once sanctified, living a holy life becomes easy. You now become a vessel honourable and able to do the will of his or her master. - 2 Tim 2:21. Then, you will start to bear fruits- Rom 6:22; Gal 5:22-23. You will be free to copy the works of your master -John 14:12. You will be a carbon copy of Jesus and receive the power to do greater works than He did. - Heb 10:14. You will become a representative of Jesus here on earth. You will also have a guarantee of an inheritance in Heaven – Acts 26: 18. CONCLUSION To remain a clean apprentice of Jesus you must be sanctified. Examine yourself. Look inward to see if you are Sanctified. Are you sanctified? If not call on God, read His Word and plead the blood of Jesus to enable you to be used by Jesus to do exploits. QUESTIONS 1. What is sanctification? 2. Is it necessary for a believer to be sanctified? 3. What are the benefits of Sanctification?
BLESSED WEEK WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT Mon: Lev 10:3 - Lord will be sanctified in you, come near him. Tue: Acts 20: 32 - God is ready to give you your inheritance if you can sanctify yourself. Wed: 1 pet 3: 15 - Sanctify the Lord in your heart to give right all questions asked. Thurs: Ps 4:3 : The chosen ones would have their prayers answered. Fri: Phil 3:12-14 –Our sanctification should provoke us into closer walk with the Lord Jesus until we see him in glory. Sat: 1 Cor. 1 :30 -Christ is our sanctification Sun: James 4:7 -Who is Satan to stand on your way if you are totally submitted to God? 31
THE GREAT COMMISSION MEMORY VERSE “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15 BIBLE PASSAGE Matthew 28:19-20, Mark 16:15-20 INTRODUCTION A commission is a duty or task that has been committed to a person or group to be done by a higher authority. It is backed up with the power from such leader to act as an agent. It is compulsory that the person delegated to do the task carries it out. Failure to do so will carry disastrous or bad repercussions/effects. Important and compelling as a commission is in the world, it is more serious in spiritual life. Jesus gave all believers an important duty before He ascended into Heaven. We have to carry it out because He is the King of kings. If a king or president of a nation or governor commissions someone to do a certain task, it is obligatory to perform the task. How much more when the Lord of Hosts, the Owner of Heaven and earth commands us to do certain work for Him. We have to do it no matter what comes our way. So, in this series, we shall look into Christ's great commission and how we should carry it out. It is our prayer that as you study this lesson, the Holy Spirit will minister to you and give you the strength to obey this great command. OUTLINES 1. WHAT IS THE GREAT COMMISSION? 2. WHAT ARE THE VARIOUS ASPECTS OF THE GREAT COMMISSION? WHAT IS THE GREAT COMMISSION? The Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ is to preach the gospel to the whole world – Mk.16:15. The command is "go and preach.” This is the only assignment which our Lord gave to all believers at the time of His ascension and the instruction is valid till His second coming. Obedience to this command is not voluntary. It is not a matter of choice. 32
It is absolutely compulsory. Failure to do it will attract serious consequences. In the plan of God, every believer is supposed to be a soul winner. In Mark 1:17, Jesus commands, “…Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men.” We are commanded to go and preach to every creature, irrespective of race, colour or nationality - Acts 1:8. We are asked to be witnesses of Jesus in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and into the entire world. This is a call to witness around us. That is, our immediate neighborhood, in our village, town or district (which may mean Judea): in our states and nation (which symbolizes Samaria) and finally throughout the world. This is a call for world evangelism. Wherever God directs, we should be able to go without questioning Him on why we should be sent there. So, if there is any command binding on us as believers and very dear to the heart of the Saviour, it is the salvation of the lost which could be guaranteed by obeying this divine commission. WHAT ARE THE VARIOUS ASPECTS OF THE GREAT COMMISSION? There are three dimensions to the Great Commission: (a) Personal Evangelism: This calls for each believer to bring and lead a sinner or someone who is ignorant of the saving grace of our Lord to make him know and accept Jesus Christ as his own Saviour and Lord and follow Him faithfully - John 10:11; Romans 5:8; Gal 1:4. This involves an individual believer testifying about Christ to people, face-to-face or heart-to heart talk, house-to-house in the locality or anywhere he finds himself. This is great responsibility that calls for urgent action on all born again Christians. This is the most effective method of winning souls for Christ. (b) Mass Evangelism: This could be in form of open-air crusade, radio or television programme, seminar, newspaper publication, Christian literature and Christian magazine to make the gospel reach many people both near and far. Jesus Christ used many methods to make sure that many people heard His message Mark 2:1-12; 3:1-5, Lk. 9:11. This was also practiced in the early church - Acts 2:14, 41; 17:22 - 33; 7:1-2. 33
(c) Follow-Up: This is a form of evangelism in which a believer gives the newly converted Christian necessary spiritual guidance to make him understand the steps that he will take to reach spiritual maturity in Christ - Mat. 28:19-20, Prov. 27:23, Acts 20:28. We shall treat this in the third part of this series. CONCLUSION Are you obeying this Great Commission every day? Do you find time for personal evangelism? Know that you will be rewarded for the number of people you have brought to the Lord. When you witness to others, you are making your faith firmly established. Pray to God to make you faithful to the great commission. God reckons on you to do the work. The main reason our Lord has not returned is that the gospel has not been preached to everybody - Mathew 24:14. If you are lazy in preaching the gospel, you are delaying the second coming of Jesus Christ. Pray to the Lord now to make you obedient at all times to this main task. If you have not known the Lord as your Saviour, you cannot be a soul winner. Pray for the conversion of your soul now. QUESTIONS 1. What do you understand by "a commission"? 2. What is the Great Commission? 3. What are the main aspects of this Great Commission? 4. How can I become an effective soul-winner?
Acts 8.4 - Sometimes you may think you are persecuted, but in actual fact, it is another moment to witness Christ. Tue: I Thess 1:8 – Do not limit the word of faith to your immediate environment. It is needed among your neighbours, co-workers, fellow countrymen as well as in other towns and villages around. Wed: 2 Cor. 5: 15 - Because Christ died for us, let us also rise for the salvation of others. Thurs: Romans 1:14 - Our witnessing life must not be parochial. Fri: Luke 9: 11 - Jesus Christ used every method to preach the gospel and we can too. Sat: Mark 13: 10 - The preaching of the gospel to all nations of the world should be our focus. Let us start now Sun: Isaiah 53:10-11 - The sinners need to know gently the price that Jesus paid for them. Let us go and tell them today. 34
OBEYING THE GREAT COMMISSION MEMORY VERSE “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.” 2 Timothy 4:2 BIBLE PASSAGE Acts 20:26-35 INTRODUCTION Evangelism is compulsory because it is God's command. Souls won also have to be followed up so as to make them grow and in return bear fruits. These will be our focus in this lesson. OUTLINES 1. WHY EVANGELISM IS COMPULSORY 2. THE NECESSITY TO DO FOLLOW-UP WHY EVANGELISM IS COMPULSORY (a) Soul-winning is compulsory because it is God's command to every believer - Mark 16:15; Matt. 28:18-20. Disobedience to this command is a sin. No sinner will inherit the kingdom of God. It is as sinful as committing other sins – 1 Sam15:22-23; Jam 2:10. (b) The reality of hell. Sinners are going to hell fire where there will be torture, pain, blackness and the likes forever - Rev.20:10-15; Luke 16:19- 31. We need to rescue them before they die without knowing Christ as their Lord. (c) It is morally binding on Christians to show the lost the way. We are watchmen - Eze.3:17; Mal 2:7. We are also the light of the world and we must not cover our light otherwise there will be darkness - Matt. 5:14-16. (d) In order to make the church to grow and be healthy spiritually, true Christians should be effective soul-winners - Isa. 53:10-11. 35
(e) There is no other place that someone can receive abundant joy and happiness except in Christ. The joy that a sinner gets from drinking alcohol, drugs, committing fornication or other sins is temporal. Therefore, it is necessary to make people have the joy of God by winning their souls. (f) He that wins souls is wise – Pro. 11:30. Our efforts in life should not be centered on food, clothing, good job and pleasures of this world which are temporal – 1 Jn.2:15-17. We should think of things which have eternal values. Evangelism is an important task that is highly valued by God. (g) The worth of a soul is more than the worth of all material resources of the earth – Mark 8:36-37. We should appreciate this and snatch souls from the hand of the devil. (h) The glories of Heaven should serve as an impetus (encouragement) to do personal evangelism – 1 Cor.15:58; 1 Thess.2:19 THE NECESSITY TO DO FOLLOW-UP Follow-up is giving all spiritual support to a new converts to make sure they are fully established in the Lord. There is great need to teach the new converts very well. Make constant visits, encourage and let them know what the word of God says on different aspects of their lives. Some of the benefits in effective follow-up are: Acts 15:36 (a) It makes the new convert to grow in the Christian faith and experiences. (b) The church attendance will be high and converts will be more active and alive to their Christian responsibilities. (c) The soul winner himself will grow in grace – 2 Pet.3:18. We should not neglect follow-up, otherwise, we shall lose many souls to the devil – Jam.5:20. We shall miss our rewards in Heaven – 1 Thess.2:19 – and the devil will be happy, for he will get many citizens into hell fire. 36
CONCLUSION Are you involved in evangelism? Know that you are a debtor if you are not – Rom. 1:14. You should not be ashamed of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ – Rom.1:16; Matt 10:33. Jesus warns that He himself will be ashamed of that person on the last day. Do you want Jesus to reject you on that day when He shall be gathering together His faithful ones? Pray to the Lord now to make you to be alive always to this glorious calling. QUESTIONS 1. Why is it necessary to be an effective soul-winner? 2. What are two important things that should serve as means of encouragement to become active soul-winners always? 3. What is follow-up? 4. How important is follow-up in evangelism?
BLESSED WEEK WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT Mon: 1 Cor. 3: 10 - Let us depend absolutely on the Holy Spirit for the, work of follow-up. Tue: Phil. 3:8 - Why are you down cast? Remember, it is better to suffer loss to win Christ than to gain all and go to hell. Wed: 1 Cor. 12:13 - As you witness the love of God around, let us avoid being burdensome. Thurs: Heb. 7:25 - Our confidence is of the Lord, the Rock of our salvation that He is able to keep His own unto the end. Fri: Matt. 11:16·17 - Now is the day of salvation, tomorrow may be too late. Sat: Dan. 12: 3 - Let us rise and shine as we turn many to righteousness. Sun: 2 Tim. 1: 12 - Standing in the gap for the salvation of others is the greatest privilege man can ever have. 37
IMPORTANCE OF EVANGELISM MEMORY VERSE “How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? ” Romans 10:14 BIBLE PASSAGE Romans 10:1-17 INTRODUCTION We have learnt about the Great Commission as well as its various dimensions. In this lesson, we want to know the advantages of evangelism and the tools we can use to be effective in this area of our calling. Evangelism is the greatest need of this hour. We need to know how to carry it out. We pray that the Lord will make you an effective soul-winner as from today. OUTLINES 1. ADVANTAGES OF OBEYING THE GREAT COMMISSION 2. TOOLS TO BE USED IN EVANGELISM ADVANTAGES OF OBEYING THE GREAT COMMISSION (a) When a person obeys this command, he receives the support of Jesus - Matthew 28:20. If you obey, you will enjoy the blessings of God. (b) Each time you preach to others, you are re-establishing your faith in Christ - Romans 10:9; Luke 12:8-9. Salvation is not complete without confessing your faith. You make your salvation sure and certain when you share your newly found faith with others. (c) You will experience the supernatural joy and happiness of God. There is joy in serving the Lord and doing His sovereign will 1 Pet 4:13-14. There is also joy in seeing your converts – Ps. 126:6. 38
(d) Evangelism adds more to your spiritual fire. It makes you to be more fervent in the spirit – Jer 20:9. (e) You are given divine commendation by God – Rom. 10:15, Is.52:7. (f) It is the only sure way of getting all your problems solved, when you are doing what is dearest to the heart of Jesus (soul winning). He will not leave you to suffer. He will surely cater for all your needs – Phil. 4:19; Dan 12:3. Jesus came purposefully to save souls. When you are involved in the work of soul-winning, you are helping God to do part of His work. God will then send ministering spirits to solve your problems. (g) You will not be guilty of the blood of any person. Let us heed God's warning in Eze. 33:6-8. On the last day, those who refuse to preach to their neighbours before they die will regret when they see them suffer in hell and God will require their blood on such a Christian. (h) We shall be making our calling and election sure. 2 Pet 1:10 TOOLS TO BE USED IN EVANGELISM By tools we mean the soul winner's weapons. They are: (a) The word of God: This is the potent instrument that God uses in the conversion of sinners - Ps.19:7. Use the word properly and confidently – 1 Pet. 1:23. Know the Bible well - 2 Tim. 2:15. (b) It is through the power of the Holy Spirit that the word of God can sink into the heart of the sinner. Also the Holy Spirit is the one that will fertilize the opportunity to be baptised and then filled with the Holy Spirit to make your evangelism very effective 1 Cor. 3:6; John 6:63. The Holy Spirit is the power of God to make a believer an effective witness - Acts 1:8. (c) Prayer: A soul winner must pray more than he preaches to people. It is only intercessory prayer that can convert a sinner to the Lord. Therefore, we should pray souls into the kingdom of God. In 39
Romans 10:1 Paul says " ... my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved." So, pray for those you are preaching to John 15:5. CONCLUSION Are you doing the work of soul-winning effectively? Know that God has a purpose for putting you where you are. The primary purpose of your being there is that you might be useful to Him. Are you useful to your Creator? Look at Christ's warning in John 15:2. Be careful. Obey the Lord, lest you are condemned on that day. Are you spiritually alive and ready to rise up for the salvation of the sinners around you? QUESTIONS 1. What benefits can we derive from evangelism? 2. What is the danger of keeping silent? 3. Mention the main weapons which an effective soul-winner must use. 4. How can I become an effective soul-winner?
BLESSED WEEK WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT Mon: Titus 3:5 - Let us tell them about the mercy of the Lord. Tue: John 1:13 - Our new birth is absolutely the product of the will of God. Wed: Ecc. 11:4-6路 Now is the time to obey the Lord. Tomorrow may be too late. Thu: Ps. 68: 11 - Let us endeavour to be among the company that will urgently publish the word of God. Fri: Ps. 19:1l - God is counting on you to publish the word that will make the wise simple. Sat: Jn. 4:35路38 - There is no better time to start to witness than now. Sun: Matt. 9; 36路31 - Remember, it is the compassionate that can easily 40
CARE OF NEW CONVERTS MEMORY VERSE “Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus:” Colossians 1:28 BIBLE PASSAGES Acts 15:36, Acts 16:5 INTRODUCTION In these days of shallow evangelism, there is a need for extra spiritual efforts on the souls saved to get them established, localised in a church fellowship and mobilised until they too become soul winners. This is the essence of this series. May the Holy Spirit teach and give us full understanding in Jesus' Name. Amen. OUTLINES 1. FRUIT-BEARING IS A MUST FOR THE BELIEVER 2. ABIDING FRUIT IS CHRIST'S COMMAND FRUIT-BEARING IS A MUST FOR THE BELIEVER The primary purpose for our election into the family of God is to go forth and bear fruits - Jn. 15:16, Rom. 7:4. Failing to carry out this instruction may be disastrous in that it may lead to an eternal loss of fellowship with the Lord Jesus Christ - Jn. 15: 1-2, Matt. 3: 10, Heb. 6:8. It is wise, therefore, to watch on possible causes of unfruitfulness which may include: wiles and devices of the wicked one, tribulations and persecution, worldliness - Matt. 13:18-22. It is important to note that these causes may not be due to a personal fault, yet, this type of attitude may incur the Lord's disappointment for failing to invest life's resources - Lk. 13:6, Lk. 19:20. ABIDING FRUIT IS CHRIST'S COMMAND Jesus ordained believers not only to bear fruits but also to ensure that the fruits abide – Jn.15:16. In order to achieve this, therefore, efforts 41
must be geared up towards conserving, maturing and multiplying the fruits – Col. 1:28. An essential tool in the hand of the Holy Spirit to achieve this is the man/woman sold out to the ministry of follow-up of the souls. Biblical examples include the early Apostles, particularly Paul – Acts 15:36, Acts 16:5, Acts 2:46, Phil.2:19 – 20, Eph. 1:15-18, Acts 18:18-23. The principles adopted included spending quality time in prayers and Bible study with the souls as led by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is pleased to increase the work of grace in a life when our trust and confidence in God is expressed in the new convert to suitable and appropriate truths in the Holy Bible - Acts 2:41-47. CONCLUSION The Lord's command is that all born again Christians should bear fruits and more importantly that the fruits should abide. Having examined some basic principles, it is only worth it to put into practice all learnt in this lesson. Call on the Holy Spirit today and He will help you in Jesus' Name. Amen QUESTIONS 1. What is the Lord's command concerning fruits-bearing? What are the implications? 2. Mention some dangers in fruitlessness.
BLESSED WEEK WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT Mon: I Cor. 9:16-18 - The preaching of the gospel is a must. Tue: Matt. 24:9-14 -Preach to all nations for a witness. Wed: Matt. 28:18-20 – Preaching and teaching all nations is a command binding on you too. Thu: Mk. 13:10 –Preach as a sign to the nations that Jesus is coming soon. Fri: Lk. 24:47 -Preach repentance and remission of sins now. Sat: Acts 1:8 - The Holy Ghost shall supply the power for your preaching. Sun: Col. 4: 12-18 - The preaching of Jesus to the Nations is a labour of love. Do it now. 42
ESSENTIALS OF FOLLOW-UP MEMORY VERSE “And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also. � 2 Timothy 2:2 BIBLE PASSAGE Colossians 4:7-8 INTRODUCTION Last week's lesson exposed to us to the fact that fruit bearing is a must for the believer and that abiding fruit is God's command. Today, by the special help of the Holy Ghost, we will continue to learn more on this topic. May our understanding be enlightened the more in Jesus' Name. Amen. OUTLINE 1. SOME METHODS OF FOLLOW-UP 2. PAUL AND TIMOTHY TYPE OF RELATIONSHIP EXAMINED SOME METHODS OF FOLLOW-UP Following an evangelistic programme/ crusade, a believer's/baptismal class is convened to provide specific help to those who are young in faith - Matt. 28:20. Age or gender - specific instructions or teachings may also be organised - I Tim. 5:1-20. Home Bible Study Groups or Home Fellowship Centres are good follow-up programmes - Acts 2:46, Acts 16:40, Rom.16:3-5. The use of Christian literatures could be of tremendous use, the best of which is the Holy Bible. Other biographies could be of value. Paul, for example, insisted that the teaching letter to the Colossians be read also to the Laodicean church and vice-versa Col. 4:16. In modern days, the postal follow-up systems could also be of help especially when converts are not resident in the venue of the outreach or evangelistic meeting. Bible helps and literatures are dispatched by post to the new converts. 43
PAUL AND TIMOTHY TYPE OF RELATIONSHIP EXAMINED This is a closer personalised method of follow-up. It is virtually the most effective – 2 Tim. 2:2. During this type of relationship, emphasis is placed on Christian living, Bible doctrine and winning others. Paul emphasised this greatly in his personal follow-up and making a disciple of Timothy his son in the Lord – I Tim. 1:15-18, I Tim. 4:12-13, I Tim. 2:1-15. Timothy was brought up in basic Bible doctrines and also instructed to teach others likewise - I Tim.1:3-4 - especially as it is so easy to make shipwreck or become a victim of false teachers and heresies - I Tim. 1:19-20, I Tim. 4:1-7, 2 Tim. 2:15-16, 2 Tim. 3:1-12, 2 Tim. 4:1-5: The personal approach also warned on possibility of backsliding or even apostasy - I Tim. 6:20-21, 2 Tim. 4:10 - and the need to beware of evil association – 2 Tim. 4:1415. CONCLUSION The essence of learning some follow-up techniques is that we should do them. Remember, it is the doer of the word that is more blessed than the hearer only - James 1:22-25. If our fruits abide, we shall be rewarded. Here, we shall be full of joy and ·hereafter we shall shine forever - I Thess. 2:19-20, Dan. 12:3. QUESTIONS 1. List at least three methods of follow-up. 2. What is spectacular about Col. 4:16? 3. In few words describe Paul-Timothy type of relationship with reference to follow up.
Gen. 3:1 – Do not doubt the word of God. Remember James 1:8. Psalm 23: 1 - You as well as the convert should be assured of this promise. John 3:36 - Faith in Jesus Christ as the Son of God alone gives eternal life. I Cor. 15. 3-4 - The mystery here is that Jesus Christ died, was buried and rose again the third day. Matt. 16: 6 - A revelation of the person of Jesus Christ. Jn. 3:14-16 -Take Jesus Christ, possess eternal life. No Jesus no eternal life. Heb. 7:25 - We will not fail in our Christian pilgrimage because we are kept by God Himself. 44
THE LORD'S SUPPER MEMORY VERSE “And thus shall ye eat it; with your loins girded, your shoes on your feet, and your staff in your hand; and ye shall eat it in haste: it is the LORD'S passover.” Exodus 12:11 BIBLE PASSAGES Exodus 12:11-13, 29-36 INTRODUCTION In our Bible passage of today we have the occasion of the first Holy Communion service or the Lord's Supper. The Passover feast in the land of Egypt is a shadow of the Lord's Supper that Jesus had with His disciples. The Lord's Supper is not the Lord's Breakfast. In our study today, we want to look at what happened during the first Lord's Supper, and why we should eat the Lord's Supper worthily. OUTLINES 1. BLESSINGS OF THE FIRST LORD'S SUPPER 2. HOW DO I EAT THE LORD'S SUPPER WORTHILY? THE FIRST LORD'S SUPPER After the first Lord's Supper several things happened: A. All those who partook of that first Holy Communion service missed death. The one whose body we partake of during Holy Communion service says He is the Resurrection and the Life and if you believe in Him, you will never die - Jn. 11: 25. If you are dead and you believe in Him, you will live again. B. Those who partook of the first Lord's Supper missed tragedy. Tragedy did not come to their homes. The Bible says in all of the land of Egypt people died - Ex. 12:30 - but in the home of the Israelites that placed the blood on the doorpost, not a single fellow died. Tragedy will not come to your home. 45
C. The people became miraculously healthy - Ps. 105:37 - there was no feeble one among them. As you partake of the Lord's Supper, every disease and sickness would leave your body and you will receive strength. D. They missed barrenness - Song of Solomon 4:2, Ex. 23:26, Deut. 7:14 - there was none barren among them. You will not be barren physically and spiritually. You will win souls. E. They recovered all that they had lost. All lost wages owed them were paid in one day. You will receive back all that the devil has stolen from you, in Jesus' name. The Bible says you will eat the labour of your hands - Ps. 128:2. F.
They received the wages of their forefathers. Their forefathers had been serving for 400 years without payment but this was recovered in one day. The glory that should have been that of your fathers shall be returned to you - Ps. 2:8.
G. The wealth of their enemies was transferred to them. The wealth of the sinner is laid down for the just - Pro. 13:22. H. They became free from Pharaoh. Your Pharaoh would drown, in Jesus' name. I.
They became free from the agony of the taskmasters.
Pharaoh begged them to bless him - Ex.12:32. Your blessings shall overflow. You will lend to nations - Deut. 15:6. The enemy will see you prospering mightily and ask for your prayers.
K. They became the controllers of their destinies. Your future would be practically in your own hands. L. They became free to worship God like they wanted. As you eat the Holy Communion, may the reproach in your life go, in Jesus' name. M. God gave them favour. May favour follow you, every day. N. They sang a new song. You will sing a new song. 46
HOW DO I EAT THE LORD'S SUPPER WORTHILY? (a) By loving Jesus - Jn. 14:23. (b) By forgiving those who have offended you - Matt. 6:14. (c) By loving His Body - 1 John 3:16. (d) By giving cheerfully - 2 Cor. 9:7. (e) By constantly witnessing to add to His Church - Matt. 28:18-20. CONCLUSION The Lord's Supper eaten with faith is a meal that would turn the tide. As you take the Lord's Supper, anything that is not of God hibernating anywhere in you shall be driven out. QUESTIONS 1. What is the shadow of the Lord's Supper? 2. Name three things that happened after the first Lord's Supper. 3. Mention three ways by which you can eat the Lord's Supper worthily.
Deut. 7:14 - You shall be blessed and not be barren. Is. 3:10 - It shall continue to be well with you. Eccl. 2:26 - Resist sin so as not to receive the wrath of God. Mk. 11:25 - Always forgive those who offend you. 1 Jn. 3:16 - Love the brethren always. It is God's command. Matt. 28:19 - Have passion for winning souls. 2 Cor. 9:7 - God loves a cheerful giver. Give cheerfully. 47
DINING WITH THE ALMIGHTY GOD MEMORY VERSE “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.” Revelation 3:20 BIBLE PASSAGE Revelation 3:20-22 INTRODUCTION Our God is high and mighty and He actually wants to eat with us. Our lesson of today will focus on what God possesses to want to dine with us and why we should dine with Him. OUTLINES 1. DINING WITH THE ALMIGHTY GOD 2. WHY DINE WITH THE ALMIGHTY GOD? DINING WITH THE ALMIGHTY GOD When it comes to dining, there are certain ways by which we know the high and mighty in the society: (a) Size of the house. The high and mighty live in mansions. How big is the mansion of the Almighty? 1 Kings 8:27 says the Heaven of heavens cannot contain Him. The accommodation of God is an estate of mansions - John 14:1-2. (b) The furniture. Heaven is the throne of the Almighty and the earth is His footstool - Is. 66:1. (c) The electrical fittings. The accommodation of God is so bright that the light becomes unapproachable - 1 Tim. 6:16. (d) The dressing of your host. Our God is clothed in majesty, strength, honour and light - Ps. 93:1; Ps. 104:1-2. (e) The food on the table. On a rich man's table there would be varieties of food. On the table of God, there are varieties - Ps. 50:10-12. What of the kind of bread on the table? Psalm 78:24-25 says they are angels' food. The fruits on the table are from the tree of life - Rev. 2:7. The wine is the best in the world - John 2:1-11. 48
(f) The cook. The cook is God Himself - Ps. 23:5. (g) The waiters. The waiters of God are the angels - Heb. 1:13-14. WHY DINE WITH THE ALMIGHTY GOD? We dine with the Almighty God to be partakers of the following: (a) Vision. Where there is no vision, the people perish - Pro. 29:18. It is whatever you see that you can have - Gen. 13:14-17. As you take the Lord's Supper, your eyes would be opened and you will begin to see visions of greatness and glory - Lk. 24:13-31. (b) Health. Even if you have great vision, without health, you cannot achieve much. At the age of 120, Moses was still healthy and strong - Deut. 34:7. Jesus is the Living Bread and if you eat Him you will live - John 6:51. (c) Power. They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength Is. 40:30-31. You need the power of God to be able to go round the whole world - Acts 1:8; John 7:37-39. CONCLUSION The Almighty God wants to dine with us for our own sake. When we dine with Him worthily, we receive vision, health and power. QUESTIONS 1. How big is the mansion of the Almighty God? 2. What do you know about the furniture of God? 3. Name three things we can find on the table of God. 4. Why do we need to dine with the Almighty God?
BLESSED WEEK WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT Mon: Ps. 91:1 - Dwell in the secret place of the Most High to abide under His shadow always. Tue: Jn. 15:10 - Keep God's commandments and abide in His love. Wed: Eph. 3:17 - Be rooted and grounded in love. Thu: Is. 40:30-31 - Wait on the Lord and renew your strength. Fri.: Jn. 6:51 - Jesus is the Living Bread. Partake of Him and live. Sat: Rev. 21:3 - The tabernacle of God is with us and we shall be His people. Sun: Jn. 14:23 - If you love God, He will make His abode with you. 49
THE LORD'S SUPPER AND DIVINE HEALING MEMORY VERSE “He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.” Psalm 107:20 BIBLE PASSAGE 1 Corinthians 11:23-25 INTRODUCTION The Lord's Supper is probably the only drug that Jesus recommended for healing. There are two ways to this: physically you take in the Lord's Supper and the one you apply outside is that by His stripes you were healed. OUTLINES 1. GOD AS A SURGEON 2. THE LORD'S SUPPER AS A SERVICE OF REMEMBRANCE GOD AS A SURGEON When an organ in the body goes bad, doctors recommend a transplant. God is the author of heart transplant - Eze. 36:26; Jer.32:39; Heb.10:16. God promises us a new heart. This promise cannot be fulfilled until there is somebody with a good heart to replace your heart of stone. This was not possible until Jesus died. When He died, His heart became available for every diseased heart. God is in the business of breaking off and grafting in - Rom. 11:16-18. As you take the Lord's Supper, you are involved in transplanting. You are bringing into your system the body of Jesus to replace that, which is diseased so that whatever disease or sickness that cannot stay in the body of Jesus will not be able to stand in your body. When you drink the blood of Jesus, it takes over from your own blood and anything that cannot drink the blood of Jesus must not dare to drink your blood. THE LORD'S SUPPER AS A SERVICE OF REMEMBRANCE The Lord's Supper is a service of remembrance. Twice in our Bible passage, Jesus said we should do this in remembrance of Him. What exactly was He saying? He was saying that whenever we take the Lord's Supper, we should remember that we are making contact with His body so as to remember what happened in the past when some people came in contact with His body: 50
(a) Matt. 8:1-3 - a leper came to Jesus and was healed when he touched him. (b) John 9:1-7 - a man born blind was healed when Jesus touched his eyes with mud made with spittle and was told to go and wash. (c) Mark 5:35-42 - Jesus took the daughter of Jairus by the hand and she was raised from the dead. (d) Luke 7:11-16 - Jesus touched the bier carrying the corpse of the son of the widow of Nain and he was raised from the dead. As you take the Lord's Supper, every incurable disease in you would be healed, everything dead in you comes alive, and whatever causes you sorrow is reversed. CONCLUSION Jesus wants you to remember the invitation He gave in John 7:37-39 that any man that thirsts should come to Him and drink. All those who will drink in faith, out of their bellies shall flow rivers of living waters. Whatever He has done before, He can do it again. He does not change - Heb. 13:8. QUESTIONS 1. What is probably the only drug Jesus recommended for healing? 2. Why is the Lord's Supper a service of remembrance? 3. Give three instances when people came in contact with Jesus Christ and were healed.
3 John 2 - Consider the perfect will of God for you and your health. Heb. 11:1 - Have faith in God. Your case is not impossible with Him. Acts 19:11-12 - God is so concerned that He would ever perform special miracles in your life if need be. Psalm 119:9 - We will remain pure if only we obey God's word. Jer. 23:29 - God's word is so powerful that rocky hearts would be broken to pieces. Soul winners do not lose hope. Romans 1:16 - Let us preach the Gospel of Christ now. It is full of power to save the sinner, heal the sick and deliver the oppressed. Eph. 6:17 - The word of God is not ordinary. It is our defensive weapon as Christians - the sword of the Spirit. 51
PRESERVING YOUR DESTINY MEMORY VERSE “And the LORD answered me, and said, write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.” Habakkuk 2:2. BIBLE PASSAGE I Kings 11:1-11 INTRODUCTION God has made it clear through the scriptures that He did not create us just for the fun of it. He has a purpose for our lives. He is willing to fulfill it if we cooperate with Him. However, most people end up unfulfilled because of certain destiny destroyers. These we shall consider today. May the Holy Spirit teach us in Jesus Name. Amen. OUTLINES 1. GETTING THE BEARING RIGHT 2. LACK OF KNOWLEDGE 3. LACK OF FAITH GETTING THE BEARING RIGHT If we consider the testimonies of David and Solomon, we will note that one was an affirmation of success while the other was borne out of regret- Psalms 23:1; Ecclesiastes 12:8. One must therefore be careful about his life. God has a purpose for our lives – Jeremiah 1:5; Isaiah 43:7, 21; This is the reason we cannot just live the way we want. If a man does not follow Jesus, he will carry the devil's yoke – Matthew 11:28-30. God has also prepared a destination for us and we must surrender totally to Him so as to avoid destiny destroyers that may want to scuttle God's plans for our lives. Jeremiah 29:11; John 14:2-3; I Corinthians 2:9; Isaiah 64:4. LACK OF KNOWLEDGE Lack of knowledge is a destiny destroyer – Hosea 4:6; Proverbs 29:18. We need to seek to know God's mind concerning our purpose on earth – 52
Amos 3:7; Proverbs 25:2; Matthew 7:7-8; Daniel 2:22. We also cannot know the mind of God without the Holy Spirit – I Corinthians 2:10; Romans 8:26-27. If we are aware of our destiny, we shall be free, focused and fulfilled like some in the Bible – John 8:32; Isaiah 6:1-9; Hebrews 11:13. LACK OF FAITH Lack of faith is also a destiny destroyer – Hebrews 4:2; I Timothy 1:19. If we have faith, we will take the right steps - Hebrews 11:1; Heb 11:6; Rom 8:14; James 2:18; Luke 17:12-14; Habakkuk 2:2. People who had faith in the Bible possessed their possessions – Joshua 14:12; I Samuel 17:37; Hebrews 11:33-38. Unbelief ends in failure and destruction – Numbers 14:22-24; Matthew 17:19-20; Heb 4:1-4 Ja1:5-8. CONCLUSION Seek the face of God, lift up your faith unto God and run with the vision which the Lord will give to you. Always remember that God will always be there to back you up and your assignment on earth will be easy. QUESTIONS 1. How can you prove from the scriptures that God has a purpose for your life? 2. What will the knowledge of your destiny do for you? 3. What is the consequence of unbelief? 4. What are the things that could destroy your destiny?
Psalm 73:26; God is your portion forever. Jeremiah 29:11; God has a purpose for your life. John 15:5- 6; Without Him you can do nothing 2 Peter 1:5; You need knowledge Proverbs 8:10; The value of knowledge is unquantifiable Romans 10:17; To increase your faith you need the constant food of the word of God. Hebrews: 11:6 ; Without faith, you cannot please God. 53
Lesson 25
AVOIDING DESTINY DESTROYERS MEMORY VERSE “Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or who shall dwell in his Holy Place? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, no sworn deceitfully.” Psalm 24:3-4 BIBLE PASSAGE 2 Timothy 3:1-7 INTRODUCTION We were able to discover in our last lesson that God has a purpose for our lives and that many do not fulfil their purpose because of destiny destroyers like lack of knowledge and lack of faith. Today, we shall study more destiny destroyers with a view to avoiding them in our lives. May the Holy Spirit teach us in Jesus Name. Amen. OUTLINES 1. SIN SINKS 2. PRAYER BRINGS POWER 3. PRIDE GOES BEFORE A FALL. SIN SINKS A man who is living in sin cannot fulfill his destiny or attain to the eternal destination which God has promised. Sin is the transgression of the Law and it is capable of enslaving and destroying- 1 John 3:4; Romans 6:1214; Romans 6:23 Isa 59:1-2. Sins not confessed and forsaken are dangerous because they provoke God to anger- 1 Kings 16:2; Psalm 7:11. We need to obey the scriptures if we want to fulfill our destinyJoshua 1:8. PRAYER BRINGS POWER Many Christians do not pray. They hate vigils and rather seek for others to pray and 'see' for them. They, therefore, fall into the hands of false prophets and scuttle their destinies. Jesus enjoins us to pray- Luke 18:1. He also prayed severally, showing us His example, e.g. at baptism- Luke 3:21; Very early in the morning Mk 1:35 before He chose His disciples - Luke 6:12-13; before He was transfigured –Luke 9:28-29; when 54
people wanted to divert His Destiny - John 6:15; as He was about to leave the disciples - John 17:21-23; before He faced the cross - Luke 22:41-44 and even on the cross - Luke 23:34. Prayer is communication with God and through it our lives can be properly directed – John 10:27; Romans 8:14; Jeremiah 18:1-2. Prayer keeps us constantly in the presence of God and makes His glory to rub on us - 2 Corinthians 3:18. God does not like it when we do not pray. Even when you pray for one hour per day, it will only add up to three years in seventy-two years. Watch it - Isaiah 30:1-2. PRIDE GOES BEFORE A FALL Pride is excessive self-esteem. It is when you are filled with an exciting sense of credit due to yourself. It brings a feeling that one is better than others. It is dangerous. This is because God is the only One who can make you fulfill destiny and He resists the proud - Psalms 138:6, James 4:6. Pride is a sin and it leads to loss and destruction - Proverbs 21:4; 16:18; 2 Chronicles 26:16; Proverbs 29:23. CONCLUSION If you make up your mind to live holy, be prayerful and humble, the Lord will attend to you with grace. Seek His face today and put into practice these things starting with this week and you will see God manifesting in your situation. QUESTIONS 1. Why is sin a sinker? 2. Recount five examples of the times that Jesus prayed. 3. What is the end of pride?
Proverbs 8:13 - God hates pride. Daniel 4:37 - The surest way to shame is via pride. 1 Thess 5:18 - Pray always with thanksgiving. James 5:16 - Prayer plus righteousness is express access to the throne of God. Psalm 66:18 - Stay out of sin for your prayers to be answered. Job 2:10 - Watch your tongue so you don't get into trouble. Isaiah 55:7 -God is willing to pardon the repentant. 55
ENEMIES OF YOUR DESTINY MEMORY VERSE Seest thou a man diligent in his business? He shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men. Proverbs 22:29. BIBLE PASSAGE Proverbs 6:4-11 INTRODUCTION In our last lesson, we discussed on the need to avoid sin, prayerlessness and pride. These are destiny destroyers that are capable of hindering the fulfillment of one's destiny. There are, however, some more which we shall be discussing today. May the Holy Spirit illuminate our hearts in Jesus Name. Amen. OUTLINES 1. LAZINESS 2. DESIRE FOR PLEASURE 3. DEMONIC ATTACKS LAZINESS To be lazy is to be idle and be averse to diligent labour, not wanting to earn a living but rather choosing to depend on Government social welfare schemes. It is not the nature of God. It is a destroyer of destiny John 5:17; John 9:4; 1 Thess 4:11. Jesus even defied hunger to fulfill an assignment – John 4: 31-34. The Bible emphasises the importance of hard work. God expects us to be full of useful activities - Proverbs 18:9, 16, 22:29; Titus 2:14; Romans 12:11. DESIRE FOR PLEASURE Pleasure refers to the gratification of the senses or the mind. It is giving to our flesh not only what it demands but also what it desires and lusts after. It is a destiny destroyer. Pleasure seekers cannot muster selfdiscipline and self-denial which they need to fulfill their destinies - 1 Timothy 5:6. The desire for pleasure may manifest in our appetite 57
Exodus 16:3; Numbers 11:4-6; Philippians 3:19. It is also related to worldliness which God has warned us to avoid - I John 2:15-17 (like it happened to Eve - Genesis 3:6); James 4:4; Romans 12:2. Self-denial is needed for a man to fulfill his destiny - Matthew 16:24; Galatians 2:20. DEMONIC ATTACKS Demonic operations may affect the fulfillment of destiny. There are demons assigned by the devil over nations, cities, territories, families and individuals - Ephesians 6:12; Daniel 10:12-13. These demons are consulted by magicians, astrologers, star-gazers, necromancers, monthly prognosticators and certain false prophets - Isaiah 47:13; Daniel 2:2; Genesis 41:24. Their activities put people into bondage and captivity, bring curses upon them, exchange their destinies and blessings with fake ones and deceive them in order to steal their glory, kill and destroy them - John 10:10; Exodus 15:9; Jeremiah 30:16. In Jesus, however, we are delivered - Galatians 3:13-14; Colossians 2:1415; Luke 10:19; Mark 16:17-18; 2 Corinthians 10:4; Isaiah 54:17; Psalm 91:3; John 10:10. CONCLUSION It is time to rise up against every demonic operation in your life. Hold on to the promises of God and pray through to your deliverance. QUESTIONS 1. Prove from the scriptures that laziness is not the nature of God. 2. What does it require to follow Jesus? 3. Mention two verses of the Bible that you can use to pray against demonic attacks.
BLESSED WEEK WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT Mon: Proverbs 12:24 - Laziness will lead to slavery. Tue: Proverbs 18:9 - The lazy man is wasting the resources which God deposited in his life. Wed: 2 Timothy 3:4- Pleasure seekers cannot love God. Thu: 1 Timothy 5:6 - Pleasure seekers are dead even while still alive. Fri: Psalm 91:5 - In Jesus you are safe from all attacks. Sat: Psalm 23:4 - God's presence is needed to be safe from all evil. Sun: Isaiah 41:11 - God's promises are sure. Hold on to them. 58
Lesson 28
LIBERTY TO THE CAPTIVES MEMORY VERSE “That then the LORD thy God will turn thy captivity, and have compassion upon thee, and will return and gather thee from all the nations, whither the LORD thy God hath scattered thee” Deuteronomy 30:3. BIBLE PASSAGE Psalms 126:1-6. INTRODUCTION Many people are in one captivity or the other but they are blind to it and this affects the output of their efforts in life. There are also many ways in which a man may be made captive. We will study some of these ways in today's lesson and also see if there is any solution to the problem of captivity in people's lives. May the Holy Spirit teach us in Jesus name. Amen. OUTLINES 1. SOME FACES OF CAPTIVITY 2. OTHER FACES OF CAPTIVITY 3. WAY OUT OF CAPTIVITY SOME EXAMPLES OF CAPTIVITY Captivity refers to any form of imprisonment, holding down, effective resistance or wrong placement that can hinder the move of God in one's life. It can resist one's capacity to blossom and achieve greatly or truncate the fulfilment of one's God-given destiny. It can manifest in many ways. Some examples are; being held down by chains or walls Acts 12:6-8, Gen 39:20, 1 King 22: 25- 27; by sickness - 2 Kings 13:14; Luke 4:38-39; John 5:5-6; by wrong placement or positioning - Luke 10:39-40; Jonah 1:3-4; 2 Samuel 11:1-2. It may also be by faulty foundation - I Chronicles 4:9-10; Genesis 32:26-28; by too much of opposition - Genesis 37:18-20; Genesis 26:18-22; by faulty marriage I Kings 16:31-32; I Kings 11:1-3 and by curses or infertility of the land or environment - I Kings 16:34; Exodus 15:23; Jos 6:26. 59
OTHER TYPES OF CAPTIVITY Captivity may also come via Low self-esteem/ self-defeat mentality- Numbers 13:30-33; Pro 23:7; by poverty – Pro 10:15; Luke 16:20-21; by fruitlessness or barrenness or when there is nothing to show for your efforts - I Samuel 1:4-6; Genesis 16:1-2. It may also be due to latent, underdeveloped or dead gifts and talents which are deposited in one - Ezekiel 37:1-2; Matthew 25:24-25; being forgotten or passed up – Gen 41:9-15; Esther 6:1-3; I Samuel 16:10-11. However, the greatest captivity is when one is tied down by sin - Judges 16:1, 18-21. WAY OUT OF CAPTIVITY To get out of captivity, you need to repent from all your sins and be converted - Acts 3:19-20. You also need to examine yourself, correct your mistakes of the past, restitute your ways and prayerfully relocate (if this is necessary) - 2 Corinthians 13:5. You need to call on Jesus to deliver you and rebuild your foundations, praying until your answer comes - Proverbs 18:10; Psalms 11:3; John 16:24. Also, to keep your freedom, always ensure that God is present with you - Ephesians 4:30. CONCLUSION It is time to rise up against every form of captivity in your life. If you are willing to be free, God will empower you unto freedom. Do something about it today. QUESTIONS 1. Give an example of how a man can be made captive by his foundation. 2. How can sin enslave a man? 3. What are the ways out of captivity?
BLESSED WEEK WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT Mon: James 1:14 - Be watchful over your heart. Tue: Ex 15:26 - There is solution to sickness in your life. Wed: John 2:11-Jesus can pour His new wine also into your marriage today Thu: Hebrews 2:15 -Deliverance from fear and bondage. Fri: Isaiah 54:1- Lord, remove fruitlessness from my life. Sat: 1 Sam 1:11- Remember me, O Lord. Sun: Isaiah 1:18 - If you repent and forsake your sins, God is willing to forgive. 60
VICTORIOUS CHRISTIAN LIVING MEMORY VERSE “For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live. “ Romans 8:13 BIBLE PASSAGE Romans 8:1-13 INTRODUCTION The flesh as used in the above Bible passage does not refer to our human bodies, as it were, but to the principle and power of sin i.e. our “old man”, our sinful nature. The body of sin is not the human body but our rebellious sin nature inherited from Adam. The power and penalty of sin died with Christ on the cross, so we are free – Rom.6:6. OUTLINES 1. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE FLESH 2. HOW CAN VICTORY OVER THE FLESH BE OBTAINED? CHARACTERISTICS OF THE FLESH The flesh is quite contrary to the spirit. The flesh is of the old man while the spirit is of the new man. The attributes of the flesh are as follows: enmity with God, inability to please God, profiting nothing, spiritually dead to God but alive to sin – Gal.5:17; Rom.8:6-8; Mk.7:21-23. The flesh are manifests in the following works: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envying, murders, drunkenness, revelling. The Bible makes it clear that those who do these will not inherit the kingdom of God. This tells us that the end of the flesh is death and everlasting punishment – Gal. 5:1921; Rom.6:23; Matt.25:46. HOW CAN VICTORY OVER THE FLESH BE OBTAINED? Jesus lived a victorious life. He was tempted in every way exactly as we are, yet, was without sin. So, He finished the work of redemption. Christ's redemptive work on the cross releases the Christian from the power and dominion that sin has over him. He is now free to choose to walk in obedience to God like Jesus did – Heb.4:15; Rom.8:9; Jn.19:30; Rom.6:814; Rom.8:3-4. Based on the foundation of this great victory won for us by Christ, the Christian can walk by faith and in obedience to the Holy Spirit to overcome the flesh. Despite this victory of Christ, you also have some roles to play in order to appropriate this victory over flesh. They are: 61
(a) Know that the victory is already won. Because of Satan's defeat at the cross, his only strength is found in the Christian's ignorance – Hos.4:6. (b) Walk in the Spirit. We are to walk in obedience to His inner promptings day by day – Gal.5:22-25. (c) Recognise temptation for what it is. Temptation is not sin. It is yielding to temptation that is sin. Understand that God has promised a way of escape for you - 1 Cor.10:13 (d) Keep away from things that can cause temptation – Ps. 101:3; 1 Tim.6:9-11. (e) Be aware of Satan's devices – 2 Cor.2:11, Jn.8:44, 1 Pt.5:8, Rev.12:9- 10. (f) Discipline the flesh with regular fasting and prayer. 1 Cor 9:24- 27 CONCLUSION As Christians, we are called to live in victory. Through Christ, this victory is over the flesh – Gal.5:16. You too can live above sin if you are determined. Sin can no longer have dominion over you. Will you submit to the Holy Spirit today? QUESTIONS 1. What is the flesh? 2. State the characteristics of the flesh. 3. What are the works of the flesh? 4. State how victory could be obtained over the flesh.
BLESSED WEEK WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT Mon: Rom.8:1 – No more condemnation for you because you are in Christ. Tue: Rom.6:8 – Now that you are dead with Christ, you shall also live with Him. Wed: Gal. 5:25 – Live and walk in the spirit and you will be victorious. Thu: Jn.12:24 – Your flesh must die like a corn of wheat for you to bear fruits. Fri: Rom.9:8 – If you remain a child of the flesh, you will not be a child of God. Sat: Is.40:6 – Flesh must die because all flesh is grass. Sun: Gal.5:18 – If you allow the Spirit of God to lead you, you will not be under the law. 62
VICTORY OVER THE FLESH MEMORY VERSE “ For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.” Romans 8:13 BIBLE PASSAGE Romans 8:5-13 INTRODUCTION Many great men of old and in this generation found it easy to destroy the enemy outside but many at times unable to conquer themselves because of the flesh. They always discover that they continue doing what they do not want to do at times in secret or in the open - Eph.5:12; Rom.7:19-20; Ps.19:12. Today, we want to examine the access through which the flesh operates, knowing the danger involved and how to deal with it. OUTLINES 1. THE TOOLS OF THE FLESH 2. DANGERS OF COOPERATING WITH THE FLESH 3. FIGHT THE FLESH NOW THE TOOLS OF THE FLESH The flesh cooperates with the ears and the eyes, which are the gateways of the flesh to the soul in decision-making. Once they accept the offer of the flesh, it manipulates and designs how to execute the sinful act. The heart dictates to other organs of the body on what to do such as hands, tongue and mouth and legs, to achieve the desires of the flesh Pro.23:7; Matt.9:4, 15:19. DANGERS OF COOPERATING WITH THE FLESH The flesh always desires to go into sin and the reward of sin is death. In fact, the fruit of corruption will be produced in the life of those who agree with the flesh or carnality. They will later discover that the flesh 63
does not profit but brings disappointment. Rom.7:18-20; Rom.8:13; Jam.1:15; Ezek.18:20; Gal.6:7-8; Pro.22:8; Hos.8:7. FIGHT THE FLESH NOW What does God expect you to do with the flesh? Though God is willing to help you overcome the flesh, there are certain things that He expects you to do. These include: (a) Reject the demands of the flesh – Rom.13:14; Gal.5:16. (b) Mortify the flesh – 1 Pt. 2:11; Gal.5:16; 1 Cor.9:27. (c) Keep the flesh under subjection to the Holy Spirit – Rom.6:6. (d) Abstain from its lust – 1 Thess.4:3-5. (e) Make no provision to satisfy lust – Gal.5:24. (f) Flee from danger zone areas – 2 Tim.2:22. (g) Amputate any offending members of your body-Matt.5:29; Jn.15:5. CONCLUSION The flesh is the same as carnality. Never allow the devil to get you through anything you count as small in appearance. Work out your salvation with fear and trembling. QUESTIONS 1. Who is the enemy within? 2. What are the tools of the flesh? 3. Why is it dangerous to cooperate with the flesh? 4. What will God expect you to do to enjoy the victory over the flesh?
2 Cor.12:9- His grace will lead you to victorious living. Rom.8:14 – The Spirit of God leads you to victory over sin. Ps.37:3-5 – Trust in the Lord and your expectation shall be met. Heb.13:5 – His abiding presence is the assurance of your victory. Job 36:11- Obedience to His word guarantees your glorious and victorious life. Ps.119:9-11 – Regular cleansing by the word keeps you from sin. 2 Cor.6:16 – As a temple of the living God, your victory is certain. 64
ENEMY OF OUR LIFE MEMORY VERSE “Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.” 1 John 4:4 BIBLE PASSAGE Luke 8:26-30 INTRODUCTION n our previous lesson, we studied how to live the victorious Christian life over flesh. Today, we want to look at how a Christian can maintain his victory over demons. In Isaiah 14:13-14, Satan wanted to be like the Most High. This was not granted therefore he was cast down to the earth with one third of the angels who followed him in rebellion. They now oppress, deceive and seek to destroy man – Rev.12:4. OUTLINES 1. WHAT ARE DEMONS LIKE? 2. WORKS OF DEMONS 3. OUR VICTORY WHAT ARE DEMONS LIKE? The word, demon, is not found in the scriptures but it means evil spirits or devils. The Bible presents them as spirit beings that have no bodies. Demons are personalities that can acquire control. Demons are not subject to human visibility but their presence is known by the deception they cause and the harm they inflict on their victims. They have more than ordinary intelligence, vast in wisdom of Satan and corrupt. Perverted power and strength are attributes of demons and a large number of them operate on the earth and in the air. They do not die. Lk.24:39; Acts 19:15-16; Matt.9:32-33; Mk.5:4,9; Ezek.28:12-19. WORKS OF DEMONS Demons manifest as thieves whose duties are to steal, kill and destroy – Jn.10:10. They are evil. They teach false doctrines, possess people to cause diverse ailments and cause sicknesses and diseases and every other evil they possibly can, to work against man and God. Some of them have miraculous powers and could hold people in bondage. Judg.9:23; 1 Sam.18:9-10; 1 Tim.4:1-2; Matt.9:32-33; Matt.4:23-24; Rev.16:13-14; 65
Rom.8:15. They can do many other things when in possession of bodies they are permitted to operate through. They wage war on saints – Eph.6:10-18. OUR VICTORY The victory the believer has over Satan is based upon our atonement through Christ, the name of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit. Thank God who has given us Jesus Christ. All power (including demons) is made subject to Christ and believers by the atonement, the name of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Every believer has Christ's authority backing him or her up to cast out devils – Mk.16:17; Lk.10:17. However, we can only do these things if we believe and walk in faith. We are also to resist the devil through our steadfast faith. We must also be prayerful and put on the whole armour of Christ – Eph. 6:10-18; 1 Thess.5:17. It is dangerous for anyone who is not born again or holy to try to deal with demons. They will overcome the person or even possess him. To do this, we must be holy and obey the word of God and constantly recognise our position under the blood of Jesus. Rev.12:11; 1 Jn.5:4; 1 Pt.5:9; Mk.16:17. CONCLUSION God wants us to have victory now and every day. Victory is not a one time achievement but rather, a possession that is ours each day as we walk with God in holiness. Go and establish your authority from now on. QUESTIONS 1. What are demons? 2. Name three ways by which demons manifest. 3. What is the victory of the believer against demons rested on?
2 Cor.5:17 – Once we have been born again, we are to walk forward in victory. Rom.8:37 – If we are more than conquerors, we certainly possess victory. 1 Jn.5:4 –We know that faith is an on-going experience in our Christian lives, for we read that we walk by faith and not by spirit. Rev.12:11 – Do you believe in the blood of the Lamb? Lk.10:17-19 – Devils are subject to the name of Jesus. 2 Cor.10:4-5 – The weapons of our warfare are not carnal. Is.54:14-17 – Be established in righteousness of God and you shall see God fight your battles. 66
A FAMILY OF ACTIVE WITNESSES MEMORY VERSE “Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men him will I confess before my father which is in heaven” - Matthew 10 : 32. BIBLE PASSAGE Matthew 10: 32 -33 INTRODUCTION God instituted marriage for the sole purpose of partnership, purity, procreation and praise of His pleasure in fellowship. The Christian family is meant to actively witness the fulfilment of these purposes by the husband, father, wife, mother and children playing well their roles as active witnesses of the Lord and together as the bedrock of the church of God. OUTLINES 1. ACTIVE WITNESSES BY WORDS 2. ACTIVE WITNESSES BY WORKS ACTIVE WITNESSES BY WORDS As a member of Christian home which is a product of Christian marriage, we are to be an active witness of Christ and the love of God for mankind as well as His powerful solution to all situations of mankind. Husbands and fathers are to witness Jesus Christ actively - Acts 2: 38 – 40. Wives and mothers are to be active witness of Jesus Christ too - John 4 : 28 – 29. Children are to tell others about Jesus Christ as well -2 Kings 5: 2 – 4. ACTIVE WITNESSES BY WORKS It is expected of us as products of Christian marriage and home to actively witness Jesus by our lifestyles. Men: Witness Jesus by being of sober mind, grave, temperate, sound in faith, sound in love, patient and cater for the family - Titus 2 : 2, Eph 5: 25 – 33. 67
Women: Witness Jesus by being holy, not false accusers, sober minded, love their husbands and children, submissive and obedient to their husbands, discreet, keeper of home, home builder -Titus 2:4–5; 1 Peter 3:4–5; Eph 5 : 22 – 24. Children: Witness Jesus by being sincere, sober minded, obedient to parents, be of good work, be of good speech, be of pure heart, devoid of evil - Titus 2 : 6 – 8; Eph 6 : 1 – 3. CONCLUSION Members of a Christian family are required to fulfill God's purpose and desires for the institutions and be His active witnesses both in words, works, by lips and lifestyles. Be a good and living witness. QUESTIONS 1. Why should the family be active witnesses? 2. How can a family become active in witnessing Christ?
Titus 2:2. Lord, give grace and power to men to actively witness Jesus by playing well their due roles always Titus 2:3. Lord, give grace and power to women to actively witness Jesus by playing their due roles very well. Eph 5:22-24 - Father, help wives to actively witness Christ by their good words and work. Eph 5:25-33 - Father, help husbands to actively witness Christ by fulfilling their roles and duties to all. Prov. 31:11-15 - Lord, enable mothers to witness Christ actively by their virtues. Gen 18:19 - Lord, enable fathers to witness Christ actively by faithfully ruling their homes well. Eph 6:1-3 - Lord, help children and youths to witness Christ actively by fulfilling their duties and roles in the family. 68
TICK TICK SAYS THE CLOCK MEMORY VERSE “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: ” Ecclesiastes 3:1. BIBLE PASSAGE Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 INTRODUCTION Our God is a God of orderliness. There is time for everything and He has made everything beautiful in His time. As we go through this study may He grant us the wisdom and grace to understand the time and how to act accordingly in our marriage and family life in Jesus' name. OUTLINES 1. UNDERSTANDING THE TIME 2. IT IS NOT YET TIME TO REST UNDERSTANDING THE TIME As believers, we must realise that we are sojourners here on earth and at the close of age, we shall give account of our pilgrimage. God has a plan for all people. Thus, He provides cycles of life, each with its works for us to do. Since we are not going to remain on this planet earth forever, we must do the following: 1. We must understand the time. There is time for everything - a time to work and a time to rest - Eccl. 3:1-8. 2. We must work with the time. To do this, we must have a goal and be focused – Hab. 2:2; John 9:4. 3. We must endure in our marriage and family life with our family altar acquiring fire always - Luke 3:16. IT IS NOT YET TIME TO REST Jesus said “I must work the work of him that send me, while it is day, the night cometh, when no men can work.” - John. 9:4. It is not time to rest 69
yet. The king's business requires haste. Therefore, the hour to work is now – Ps.119:60; Ex.33:14-15; Ecc.12 : 1. We must not rest or give up in praying for our marriage, home, family, spouse, parents and children. It is dangerous to rest or give up in the battle front with the enemy around – 1 Pet.5:8; Matt.13:25; Lk.10:19; Acts 13:10. No matter the situation God has the solution. He is beautiful for all situations - Ps.48:1- 2. CONCLUSION God, the maker of Heaven and earth worked for six days and rested on the seventh day. As true children and followers of Christ, we must follow suit. However, rest is always pleasant after labour, but dangerous within it. Let us continue to work in love and faith until we enter into His rest. QUESTIONS 1. What do we mean by understanding the time? 2. Why is it not yet time to rest?
Psalms 38 : 9 – Lord, give me grace to the desire your will most. John 9:4 – I must be by my Master's business. Psalm 3:1 – Lord, create a thirst in me to keep on keeping on Matthew 10 : 39- Lord, help me to get more committed to Christ. 1 Cor 15 : 58 – Lord, let my labour not be in vain. John 5 : 39 – Father, help me to spend time with your word always Isaiah 6 : 8 - 9 –Father, let me be ready always to do God's work with our whole earth 70
COVENANT MEMORY VERSE "And I will make my covenant between me and thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly". Gen. 17:2 BIBLE PASSAGE Genesis 17: 1 - 10 INTRODUCTION Our God is a great God. He is the covenant keeping God. If He has promised, He would do it. His name is the EI-Shaddai. In Gen 17:2, God told Abraham "And I will make my covenant between me and thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly. What is the implication of this statement? It shows that God wants to bless you. He can on His own initiate an agreement. OUTLINES 1. WHAT IS A COVENANT? 2. SOME IMPORTANT COVENANTS IN THE BIBLE 3. THE NEW COVENANT WHAT IS A COVENANT? A covenant is a legal disposition. It is a solemn promise made binding by an oath, which may be either verbal or symbolic. It is a solemn agreement binding on all parties. Where one of the parties is infinitely superior to the other, as in a covenant between God and man, there God's covenant assumes the nature of a promise - Isa 59:21; Jer 31:33,34; Gal. 3:15-18. In the Bible, God made mutual promises with the Israelites. God wanted to establish a deep relationship with His people so that they could live in a way that glorified Him. God covenanted with Noah, Abraham, and David – Gen. 9:8,9; 17:4,5; Ps. 89:3,4 SOME IMPORTANT COVENANTS IN THE BIBLE: God covenanted with Noah, Abraham, and David – Gen. 9:8-11; Gen.17:4,5; Ps. 89:3,4 71
(a) Noahic Covenant: Gen 6:18; Gen. 9:8-17. Contains promises from God and put obligations on Noah, a prelude to late covenants. (b) Abrahamic Covenant: Gen. 17: 7-21; Gen. 17:1. The promise that Abraham would have many descendants, and that those descendants would inherit the "promised land" of Canaan. (c) The Sinai or Mosaic Covenant: Exo. 19:5-6; Exo. 24:7-10; Exo. 31:18. (d) Palestinian Covenant: Lev. 26:1-; Deut. 11:8-32. (e) Davidic Covenant; 2 Sam.23:5. THE NEW COVENANT Jesus initiated a new covenant between us and God - Jer:31:31-34. Under this new covenant, Jesus died in the place of sinners - Heb. 9:2328; John 1:29. His blood would truly remove the sins of all who place their faith in Him. CONCLUSION The new and better way is the covenant of grace, that is, Christ's offer to forgive our sins and bring us to God through His sacrificial death. It is new in application because it is written in our hearts and minds. It offers a new way to forgiveness through faith. Have you entered into this new covenant and started walking in the better way? QUESTIONS 1. What is a covenant? 2. Mention some important covenants in the Bible. 3. What is the new covenant?
Heb.8-9 – Stay within the covenant for God to regard you.. Heb.10:16 – God's covenant is in our minds and hearts.. Heb.12:24 – Jesus Christ is the mediator of the new covenant. Josh. 7:21 –You must make a covenant with your eyes not to covet. 1 Kgs. 6:12 – Failure to walk with od is breaking His covenant. Jer.35:17-19 – God will keep His covenant with you and your descendants. Acts 3:25 – The blessings of Abraham, by God's covenant, is also ours. 72
THE IDEAL CHURCH LEADER MEMORY VERSE “Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.” 1 Cor.11:1. BIBLE PASSAGE Jeremiah 23:1-4 INTRODUCTION There is no finer example for effective Christian leadership than our Lord Jesus Christ. He declared, “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep” - John 10:11. It is within this verse that we see the perfect description of a Christian leader. He is one who acts as a shepherd to those “sheep” in his care. . OUTLINES 1. QUALITIES OF AN EFFECTIVE CHRISTIAN LEADER 2. CATEGORIES OF LEADERS AND FOLLOWERS ROLES OF AN EFFECTIVE CHRISTIAN LEADER 1. An effective leader follows the footprints of the Master, Jesus Christ - 1Pet.2:21. The shepherd/Christian leader is one who has several roles in regard to his sheep. He leads, feeds, nurtures, comforts, corrects and protects. The shepherd of the Lord's flock leads by modeling godliness and righteousness in his own life and encouraging others to follow his example. Of course, our ultimate example—and the One we should follow—is Christ Himself. The Apostle Paul understood this – 1 Cor.11:1. 2. The Christian leader is also a feeder who nourishes the sheep, and the ultimate “sheep food” is the Word of God. The Christian leader nourishes his flock with the only food which will produce strong, vibrant Christians – the word of God. . The Bible—not psychology or the world's wisdom—is the only diet that can produce healthy Christians – Deut.8:3. 3. The Christian leader also comforts the sheep, binding up their 73
wounds and applying the balm of compassion and love. The Lord Himself promised to bind up the injured and strengthen the weak – Eze.34:16.) As Christians in the world today, we suffer many injuries to our spirits, and we need compassionate leaders who will bear our burdens with us, sympathize with our circumstances, exhibit patience toward us, encourage us in the Word, and bring our concerns before the Father's throne. 4. The Christian leader corrects and disciplines those in his care when they go astray. This is to be done with a spirit of gentleness – Gal.6:2. Those in leadership must correct according to scriptural principles.The Lord disciplines those He loves – Pro. 3:12 - and the Christian leader must follow His example. 5. The Christian leader should be a protector. The devil tries to lure Christians away with false doctrines, dismissing the Bible as quaint and old fashioned, insufficient, unclear, or unknowable. These lies are spread by those against whom Jesus warned us – Matt.7:15. Our leaders must protect us from the false teachings of those who would lead us astray from the truth of the Scripture and the fact that Christ alone is the way of salvation – John 14:6. CATEGORIES OF LEADERS AND FOLLOWERS Today many people are heading towards where they do not know. (a) The blind leading the blind A blind leader cannot see the pits of dangers on the way in order to warn himself and those he is leading e.g. a church whose Pastor cannot see spiritually will find it difficult to stay out of trouble. Both will fall into the ditch. Examples are (1) Someone who is not born again leading someone who is not born again also, someone practicing false religion Mt.15:14. (b) The blind leading the seeing It is a shame for a leader to be blind while the members are seeing e.g. a Pastor that lacks spiritual gifts. This will erode his power as a leader and make him a figure head 1Sam.3:4-17 ; Num.22:16-18, 23:19-26. It also results into confusion and disagreements which may eventually lead to strife. 74
(c) The seeing leading the blind This is ideal. It is good for a leader to see things before they happen and warn his people accordingly. This type of a church will move fast 2 Kgs.5:20-26, 2 Kgs.6:15-17. (d) The seeing leading the seeing This is the type of leadership the church is expected to have. This is a situation whereby the Pastor and the congregation will be on their toes. The congregation will be a check on the activities of the leader and vice versa – 2 Kgs.2:1-11. CONCLUSION The one who leads you will determine where you end. Pray for visionary and spiritually discerning leaders in the body of Christ. Have initiative as a leader and be spiritually filled. QUESTIONS 1. How many categories of leaders are there? 2. Differentiate between an effective leader and an ordinary leader. 3. What are the qualities of an effective leader? 4. What type of leadership existed between Elijah and Elisha?
De 31:6 – Fear not. Just follow the leading of God. Jos 1:9 – The lord is with you wherever you go. Ne 9:19 – God will always show you the way. Ps 5:8 – The Lord will lead you and make your way straight. Ps 16:11 – There are pleasures to enjoy as the Lord leads you. Pr 16:9 – The Lord directs the steps of the righteous. Mt 15:14 – Make sure you are not led by false prophets 75
MISSIONS AND YOU MEMORY VERSE “And the gospel must first be published among all nations” Mark 13:10 BIBLE PASSAGE Isaiah 54:1-3 INTRODUCTION Mission has become a very common word in our churches today. Very often, people have very different ideas about the word. Today, we want to start a series on missions that will enable us to understand some fundamental truths about missions. God bless you as you study diligently, in Jesus' Name. Amen. OUTLINE 1. WHAT IS MISSION? 2. SHOULD I BE INVOLVED IN MISSION? WHAT IS MISSION? In the beginning, because of the continuous sinful nature of man, God had to scatter humanity all over the ends of the world into different tribes, languages, kindred, people etc. - Gen. 3:9-17; 6:5-8, 11:5-7. God being an everlasting Father also immediately started a plan to reconcile the whole world back to Him - Gen. 12:1-3; Mt. 1:17; Jn. 3:17. Missions, simply put, can be described as the efforts of the Church to reconcile the whole world back to God - Lk. 24:47; Acts 1:8. The Lord Jesus Christ, the Head of the Church, has paid the price for every kindred, tongue, people and nations of the world to be saved -; Jn. 3:16, Phil. 2:2-11, Rev. 5:9. It is now the duty of the Church to carry this good news of salvation all over the world - Mk. 13:10; Isa. 49:6; 2 Cor. 5:19. SHOULD I BE INVOLVED IN MISSIONS? God expects every true child of God to be involved in mission work - Jn. 17:18; Mk. 16:15-20. The salvation of all men on earth is something 76
very dear to God's heart Just as God was deeply concerned over the six score thousand persons that could not discern between what is right and what is wrong in our world today just as it was in the city of Nineveh in Jonah 4:10-11, God expects us to be also deeply concerned about every unsaved soul, tribe, kindred and nation on earth-Lk. 15:3-7. CONCLUSION It is God's earnest desire to see every man, kindred, tribe, nation on earth saved. God gave His best, Jesus Christ, to save the whole world. Every true child of God should be able to give his best also for the work of saving the nations. QUESTIONS 1. Why did God have to scatter humankind all over the earth into different tribes, languages and peoples? 2. Give four reasons God is concerned about the salvation of everyone and everywhere in the world. 3. Will you like to be involved in mission work? Give reasons for your answer.
BLESSED WEEK WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT Mon: Mt. 10:7, 27 - Go preach that the Kingdom of God is at hand. Tue: Mk. 16:15 - The mandate is to preach the Gospel to every creature. Wed: Lk. 9:2, 60 - Preach about the Kingdom but also heal the sick. Thu: Acts 5:20 - Preach everywhere, including sanctuaries. Fri: 2 Tim. 4:2 - Preach all times, whether it is convenient or not. Sat: 1 Pet. 3:19 - Preaching everywhere should include unusual places such as prison yards. Sun: Eph. 2:17 - We are not mandated to go without a backing. The Lord Jesus Christ is our perfect example. 77
MISSIONS – OUR DIVINE MANDATE MEMORY VERSE “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: “ Matthew 28:19 BIBLE PASSAGE Romans 15:16-21 INTRODUCTION As we mentioned last week, missions is a common word in the church nowadays. However, just like in the case of prayer where it is more convenient to talk about than to actually pray, the same can also be said of missions. When Jesus said we should go, it means that He is expecting a definite response and a definite plan of action. May God help you to step into His plan of missions for your life. OUTLINE 1. GET INTO GOD'S MISSION PLAN FOR YOUR LIFE 2. HOW TO GET INTO GOD'S MISSION PLAN FOR YOUR LIFE GET INTO GOD'S MISSION PLAN FOR YOUR LIFE It is often said that when a new idea occurs in the world, it occurs to very many but only a few actually pursue it to manifest in reality. Likewise, unless you are really determined to be a part of God's reconciliation plan for the world, it would continue to be a good idea that just crosses your mind occasionally - Is. 53:1; Is.64:4; Lk. 10:21-24. To be determined means you are ready to pay the price, face the consequences and remain immoveable and undaunted in what you are pursuing - Ps. 34:14; Is. 51:7; Lk. 13:31-32. The first step in missions work is that you are determined to be part of it. In other words, when you see the hold of the devil on the world, it grieves and infuriates you and this leads you to seek and pursue righteousness -Heb. 1:9. HOW TO GET INTO GOD'S MISSION PLAN FOR YOUR LIFE Once you are really determined, it means you have developed a burden for souls and this will now serve as the fuel for all your activities in missions - Mk. 6:34; Rom. 10: 1; Rom. 9:1-2. In Christianity, we know that the only thing that can initiate, sustain and complete any work is 78
prayer. Likewise, the major thing that will sustain, direct and equip your participation in missions work is prayer - Is. 62: 1-2, 6-7; Lk. 18:7-8. The kind of prayer that God expects for mission work is not an occasional once a week, once a month prayer session but a daily and continuous exercise in prayer for the unsaved majority of the world - Mt. 6:9-16, 33; Col. 1:9, Rev. 8:3-4. The extent to which we pray will determine the extent which every other step we take in mission work will succeed - Jn. 3: 27, Ps. 2:8. After praying, God will direct you into what step you should take, whether to go, visit, assist, support or co-ordinate. In all these activities, burden and prayer constitute the sustaining fuel for the work. CONCLUSION The Lord Jesus said you are either working with Him or against Him. To go forward in missions, one has to make a definite decision to be involved and committed. Prayer is also very important though it is often easily forgotten. QUESTIONS 1. What is the difference between general interest and real determination for mission work? 2. Someone has said prayer sessions on missions are one of the most uneasy to maintain. True or false? Explain.
BLESSED WEEK WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT Mon: Acts 13:2-3 - Believe it or not, the Holy Ghost still commissions the true Christians today. You can be one. Tue: Mt. 9:37-38 - Our prayers today can increase the number of labourers on the mission's field. Wed: Jn. 4:35-36 - A great opportunity is waiting for you. Seize it now. Thu: Mk. 2:3 - God is waiting for the next faithful Christian worker who will bring souls to Christ. Fri: Jn. 1:41-42 - The missionary activities start with the members of your distant and immediate relations. Sat: Jn. 1:45 - Your friends are within the plan of God for salvation. Sun: Acts 11:25-26 - Remember now and always that the life of a missionary should be that of motivation and blessings. 79
KNOWING GOD'S WILL IN MARRIAGE MEMORY VERSE “House and riches are the inheritance of fathers: and a prudent wife is from the LORD.” Proverbs 19:14 BIBLE PASSAGE Genesis 24:1-19 INTRODUCTION Marriage is the legal relationship between a husband and wife that lasts for a life time. The step taken before going into this journey is very important to prevent pitfall - Gen.2:21-22. In knowing God's will therefore, you do not have to rely on vague hunches and weird rituals. As a child of God, you have His word, it is spirit within you and His men to guide and counsel you. OUTLINES 1. THE RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD FIRST 2. GODLY COUNSEL FOR MARRIAGE THE RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD FIRST Marriage is a creation of God, it all started from Him - Gen.2:18. God will only guide His own - Jer.10:23. He will not play a guessing game with His people. He wants us to know and do His will and He is actively involved in revealing it. Therefore, before seeking God's will in marriage, first have a relationship with Him - Ps.119:130; Ps.119:105. You must not live your life in fear but in fellowship with God - 2 Tim.1:7. Develop your God's gift and master how God deals or guides your steps - Ps.85:8. Discover your identity and purpose through a relationship with Jesus Christ. If you do not have such a relationship, you may find that of man and woman very difficult. This will reduce stress, give your life meaning and prepare you for eternity – 2 Pet.1:3-4. You must be found working in His will (vineyard) like Adam and find a secular work Gen.2:15-18. Marriage is not for lazy people. Marriage is for adults. GODLY COUNSEL FOR MARRIAGE God does not want His people to be joined with unbelievers –2 Cor.6:1416; 1Cor.6:15-17. How do we recognise His will in marriage? (a) Through the word of God - Prov.3:5-7. God has placed His word in 80
our hands so we could have a much more objective set of guide lines to follow than dreams, feelings and impulses. Despite your dreams and conviction, pray to have scriptural backing - Prov.18:22; Gen.2:22; Prov.19:14. (b) God will work in you to do His will. He will use circumstances and situations to perfect His will for your life - Rom. 8:28; Phil.2:12-13. You must therefore remain sensitive; paying attention to doors He opens and closes to direct your path. (c) Through the counsel of elders or spiritual heads in the church Ps.1:1; Pro.19:21; 11:14; 15:22; 20:5; Rom.15:14; Acts. 1:24; Titus 2:35. Passion for sex may influence your hasty decision for selfpleasures, therefore, at that sensitive moment, do not despise Godly counsel from spiritual heads - Judges 14:1-3, Prov.14:29; Isa.52:12. (d) The environment you are and the peers will also influence your choice. Therefore, keep company with believers and not unbelievers - 1Cor.15:33; 1Sam.8:5-6. CONCLUSION Prayer, pure word of God, worship, fellowship and service for God and right environment of good spiritual nourishment are factors that aid our spiritual sensitivity. Pray for our singles today. QUESTIONS 1. What is marriage? 2. What is the first thing to do in knowing God's will in marriage? 3. Can you rely on impulses, feelings and dream in knowing God's will? 4. Why is it dangerous to rely on our own knowledge and power to choose a partner? 5. Mention three things you can rely on in knowing God's will.
1Cor.7:32 – Learn to please God first before seeking His will in marriage. Ps. 85:8 - God is still leading His people today. Pro.20:18 - Confirm your choice through Godly counsel. Acts.1:24 - Always pray and rely on God concerning your choice. Jud.14:1-3 - Listen to your spiritual parents. Gen.2:15 - Engage in something profitable. Ps.25:9 - God will only guide the meek and the humble. 81
CHRISTIAN COURTSHIP MEMORY VERSE “Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry:” Colossians 3:5 BIBLE PASSAGE Genesis 29:11-20 INTRODUCTION Christian Courtship is a period before wedding/marriage where a Christian brother and sister agree about so many issues and see if they both share the same vision, hope and aspiration about marriage. Christian courtship involves two people that have agreed to walk together, in the direction of marriage – Amos 3:3. OUTLINES 1. THE IMPORTANCE OF COURTSHIP 2. LONG COURTSHIP NOT ADVISABLE THE IMPORTANCE OF COURTSHIP Courtship is very important and necessary for the intending couple to observe, if they want to enjoy their marriage. It is during the courtship that proper biblical foundation must be laid down in order to have a happy married life. It is a period to get to know each other intimately apart from carnal knowledge and illicit romance. Before you venture into wedding plans both of you must agree on a lot of things like what you both want for your marriage. Know each others strength and weaknesses, likes and dislikes, parents, Both of you must realize that marriage means TILL DEATH DO US PART! It is a time to plan for the wedding and the marriage. One vital issue that must be addressed during this period is to obtain the consent of both parents - Gen.24:54-59. It is a period to undertake marriage counselling lessons. After proposing to a lady and she has agreed to marry you, the next thing to do is to obey the Biblical injunction to prove all things 1Thess. 5:21. Secretly indulging in bodily, emotional and sexual pleasure at this stage with your marriage partner is a sin Rom.12:1-2. It is a potential sign of marital failure. 83
LONG COURTSHIP NOT ADVISABLE Long courtship, in the interest of the two partners is not advisable. In some churches, long courtship of not less than two years is encouraged with the hope that with such time input, the couple will get to know each other properly. This can, however, easily expose the partners to sexual temptation and thus break the divine constitution – “touch not, taste not and handle not” (Col.2:21). Besides, human beings can pretend and hide true identifies until after the real marriage. To save the intending couple, therefore, a minimum period of six months and maximum of one year is recommended or advisable. CONCLUSION Our Heavenly Father is the best friend anyone can have but also the worst enemy a man can have. Remember He is the one that ordained the institution of marriage. It will be dangerous for anyone to attempt to establish a home without Him. Courtship is not a period to play pranks. Watch and be warned. QUESTIONS 1. What is courtship? 2. Justify the fact that courtship is still relevant today in spite of the present crisis, civilization. 3. Why is long courtship dangerous and not advisable?
Ez.36:26-27 - The Holy Spirit in a heart of flesh enables the believer to do the will of God. Desire Him today. Eccl. 3:1-7 - There is time for everything. Wait for God's approved time. Eph.3: 16-20 - Strength in the inner man is all that is needed to run the heavenly race correctly. Matt.5:13 - Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour wherewith shall it be salted? It is henceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men. 2 Cor. 6:17 – Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separated. In order not to conform and spoil your testimony, hold on to God who is able to uphold you to the very end. 1 Tim. 6:6 – Anyone without Christ is ungodly and great loser. Hook on to God. Num.36:3 & 6 – Anyone who married carnally is alien to the kingdom of God. 84
PREPARATIONS FOR MARRIAGE MEMORY VERSE “Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.” Psalm 127:1. BIBLE PASSAGE Psalm 127:1-5 INTRODUCTION Marriage is not for the unprepared. Proper preparation precedes the marital union. Many people prepare for the wedding ceremony more than the marriage itself. Preparation for marriage is a process one must undertake in order to have a successful marital future. May the Holy Spirit teach us as we study this topic in Jesus' name. Amen. OUTLINES 1. HOW PREPARED ARE YOU? 2. WHAT DO I HAVE TO OFFER THIS MARRIAGE? HOW PREPARED ARE YOU? Spiritual maturity has nothing to do with how long one has been born again but the ability to be able to discern the voice of God. Secondly, knowing the will of God and doing it. Spiritual maturity means to be led by the Spirit of God - Romans 8:14, living a life of holiness and purity Hebrews 12:14. When one is spiritually matured, the ability to receive instruction for one's marriage becomes easy – Gen. 24:33-53. You have to be mentally prepared to get married otherwise the marriage will suffer. The Bible did not specify the age that one must marry but it is important for us to note that marriage is not for boys and girls. Marriage is for the physically matured - Ecclesiastes 3:1. The one who is prepared for marriage must be emotionally healthy and 85
independent. Your marriage will be a happy one if you bring your happiness and peace into it. Though the man is the primary provider in a marriage - l Tim. 5:8, the woman also has financial responsibilities which she must meet if a good marriage is desired. WHAT DO I HAVE TO OFFER THIS MARRIAGE? We look for people who bring balance into our lives; people who compensate for our weaknesses and shortcomings. The truth is that, as the woman is looking for the right man to fix her life, so also the man is looking for "Miss Right" to fix his life. Every single preparing for marriage should stop thinking of what he or she will get out of the marital relationship but rather what do I have to offer? What are the treasures I am bringing in? Would my partner be ready to do almost anything to get married to me because of what I have to offer? Would my partner find it very difficult to replace me? Am I the very best I can be? Proverbs 31:10 - 31. CONCLUSION You will have an exciting marital future if you are emotionally, mentally, spiritually and financially prepared for marriage. QUESTIONS 1. Mention ten ways by which a lady can add value to her marital relationship. 2. Is it good for a couple to have a common purse? 3. If one of the parties is not physically fit due to illness, would you advise them to go ahead with the marriage preparation?
Philippians 4:8 Let our thoughts be pure. Ephesians 4:26 Be angry at sin. Matthew 26: 41 Watch and Pray 1 Samuel 3:9 - God still speaks to those who take time to listen. Proverbs 15:18 - Anger is only one letter short of danger. Psalm 100:4 - When there is a delay in the answering of your prayer, try praising God. Lev.20:10 - The sin of adultery is not ordinary as far as God is concerned. 86
PRE-MARITAL COUNSELLING MEMORY VERSE “But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil.� Proverbs 1 :33. BIBLE PASSAGE Proverbs 1:1-10 INTRODUCTION Counselling is the process of giving pieces of advice or useful suggestions to other individuals by a qualified person in order to help them solve their problems either in the present life or for their future. Everyone needs such pieces of advice or counsels at a particular point in of their life, so as to guide them from taking steps of error. The Scripture says that ... in the multitude of counsellors there is safety. (Proverbs b 11:14 ). Therefore, as marriage is a sacred institution that requires divine guidance before being entered into, such counsels should be given a prime of place. OUTLINES 1. CHARACTERISTICS OF PASTORAL COUNSELS 2. ROLES OF PASTORAL COUNSELS IN MARRIAGE CHARACTERISTICS OF PASTORAL COUNSELS (a) Pastoral counsel as divine instruction is usually aided or enhanced by the manifestation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit in the life of the genuine Counsellor as in ( a) Word of Wisdom, (b) Word of Knowledge, and (c) Discerning of Spirit - 1 Corinthians 12:7 - 8. (b) Pastoral counsels, from a seasoned man of God, is like a reality check - Luke 15:22; Proverbs 15:22. (c) Pastoral counsels are not motivated or influenced by personal interest or propaganda sentiments as in the case of the withdrawal of Micah from David his wife by King Saul - I Samuel 25: 44. (d) It is advice given after having prayerfully requested from and listening to God by a seasoned minister of the gospel for inspirational guidance - Psalms 5: 3; Deut. 29:29; Daniel 9: 3 - 4; II Cor. 1: 11. (e) Pastoral counsel seeks to foster the happiness of both the person being counselled and the counsellor to live a life approved by God. - Proverbs 15:23; Proverbs 27:9. 87
ROLES OF PASTORAL COUNSELING IN THE PRE MARITAL PERIOD (a) Just as devastating and destructive a problem can be is to one's life, so greatly relieving and comforting is the timely divine pastoral counsel at that time - Ruth 3:1 - 3. (b) It acts as useful tools that cannot be brushed aside in the process of choice or decision making - Joel 3:14. (c) It gives no room or chance decisions for men or women with a gambling approach to life in the church. The counselling unit for intending Christian couples should be well coordinated by genuine ministers of God. It prevents young men or women from dating more than one suitor at a time - Proverbs 13:20; Psalm 73:24. (d) It brings about decent take-off of in courtship between two children of God as Jesus Christ through their Pastor becomes the mediator between the intending young couple - Psalm 11:3; Isaiah 58:12. (e) It shows the young contemporary adults that marriage is not bondage or an unavoidable entanglement - Jeremiah 23:22; Acts 20:27-28. CONCLUSION Pastoral counsels are usually borne out of divine inspiration and are meant to show the possible Godly ways out of certain problems and what to do so as not to fall into the same trap over and over again Proverbs 11: 14. QUESTIONS 1. Mention people who have undergone pastoral counsel in marriage in scripture. 2. What are the roles of pastoral counsel in marriage?
Proverbs 24:6 – God will be our wise Counsellor Proverbs 15:22 - In the multitude of counsellors, purposes are established. Wed: Psalm 11:3 – May our foundations never be destroyed. Thu: Amos 9:11 – God will restore your former glory. Fri: Jeremiah 23:22 – Good counsel turns us from evil ways. Sat: Proverbs 20:18 – Presence of many counsellors bring process. Sun: Proverbs 11: 14 – In the multitude of counsellors there is safety. 88
DUTIES IN THE CHRISTIAN FAMILY MEMORY VERSE “In all things shewing thyself is a pattern of good works:…” Titus 2: 7a BIBLE PASSAGE Titus 2: 1 -14 INTRODUCTION A Christian family is an institution where the parents are bound together by Christian, love where children are happy and are spiritually instructed. It is a home where the Lord Jesus is the supreme head of the home. A Christian family is one that radiates Christ, welcomes strangers and dispenses hospitably. A Christian family consist of Christian parents and God fearing children. The Christian family is the bedrock of the nation and the glory of the Christian church. May God Grant us Christian families. OUTLINES 1. DUTIES OF THE FATHER 2. DUTIES OF THE MOTHERS IN THE HOME 3. DUTIES OF BOTH PARENTS 4. DUTIES OF CHILDREN IN THE HOME DUTIES OF THE FATHER It is ordained by God that the husband should be the head of the home Eph 5: 23. For example Abraham commanded his household. Faithfully Gen 18: 19 this is not to say that the wife is a slave but a help mate taken from the side of the husband to be a companion .It is the duties of the husband to love his wife as himself Eph 5: 25, Co13: 19 and this is the love expressed. 1 Corinthians 13, i.e. loving his spouse in poor/good health, sickness and poverty/prosperity the husband is required to be faithful to his wife. God demands honesty, frankness and faithfulness between partners in a marriage. It is the husband's duties to comfort his wife in times of sorrows I Samuel 1: 8. He ought to consult with his wife on business matters and issues that affect their home, for they are a team. By the virtue of marriage, they 89
have become one Gen 31: 47, 14-16. The Christian husband would always put God first in his life. Luke 14: 26. He is the priest of his home and he is responsible for establishing the family alter for daily worship. He is to listen and pray over his wife's wise counsel 2 Kings 4 :8-10, Ecc 4 : 9-11 DUTIES OF THE MOTHERS IN THE HOME Mother are tremendous asset hence the major duty of a wife is to love the serve Jesus Christ Luke 14: 26. The wife is to obey her husband Eph 5: 22. Sarah is a good example to follow 1 Peter 3: 6. Wives are not only respect their husbands but they are to love路 them too Titus 2: 4. Husbands need a great deal of affection, too. The woman is not to be adorned with ornaments 1 timothy 2: 9-10. Instead wives are to be adorned a godly spirit and good works. Also to be a woman who is modest sober, meek and possessing a quiet spirit 1 Peter 3: 45. A Christian wife must be trustworthy, hardworking and not lazy. Proverb 31: 11, 13, and 15. The responsibility of the wife is great and her role can be achieved fully with prayer and the assistance of Jesus, who gives all the grace when they ask him. THE DUTIES OF BOTH PARENTS It is desirable that a Christian Home be blessed with children. Parents are to realize that their children really belong to God _ Psalm 127:3-5. Therefore, parents who love their children shall find favour with GodTitus 2:4. Parents are bringing their children to the Lord at an early ageMatthew 19: 13-14 - to train and discipline them for the Lord- Proverbs 22:6.0ne way of making their task easier is to bring the children to Sunday school and church. Teach them Bible stories at home and give them a part in family prayers. Teach them to obey God and the law of the country - Deut. 32:46. Parents are to provide their children-l Tim.5:8 and should be carefully not to provoke their children to wrath -Eph. 6:4. Above all, let godly parents pray for their children. Pray that they would be saved and that would overcome sin, etc. THE DUTIES OF THE CHILDREN Children are to honor their parents Ex. 20: 12 - Obey them - Luke 2: 51 and pray for them. They must also return their parent's love, for love is 90
two way traffic. Children must constantly remember that the children of the today shall be the parent of tomorrow. Gal 6: 7; this is forever true Luke 14: 26. CONCLUSION The secret of a successful Christian home is in the family altar, where Christ is crowned the Head of the home. Love is the second secret. Father and mothers should also remember we are all children with a loving father above who constantly demonstrate his love - Hebrew 12:6. QUESTIONS 1. What are the duties of the children in the family? 2. Mention the duties of fathers in the home.
BLESSED WEEK WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT Mon: Matt.22:37 – Love of God is the greatest commandment. Obey it. Tue: Mk.12:31 – Do you show love to your neighbours? If not, you are a disobedient Christian. Wed: 1 Jn.4:7 – If you do not practise love, you are not born of God and do not know Him. Thu: Heb.13:1 – Brotherly love should not cease. Fri: John 3:16 – Love is sacrificial. Such a love as that which induced God to give His only begotten son to die for the world cannot be described. Sat: Eph.5:25 – Love with a pure, ardent, self-sacrificing love as Christ loved the church. Sun: Titus 2:2 – Be sound in love, whether old or young. 91
CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE PARTNERSHIP MEMORY VERSE “I am the vine ye are the branches. He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing” John 15:5 BIBLE PASSAGE 1 Cor. 3: 5-10 INTRODUCTION As believers, we are co-labourers with God. We need God in the business and God needs us, but we need God more than He needs us. May the grace to make ourselves more available in partnership be given to us as we study at His feet in Jesus' Name. OUTLINES 1. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE VINE AND THE BRANCHES 2. FINANCIAL PARTNERSHIP IN MARRIAGE THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE VINE AND THE BRANCHES God is the vine and we are the branches. The vine needs the branches and the branches need the vine more. You need God and God needs you, but you need God more than He needs you. God is the Creator of Heaven and the Earth. God can do well without you but without God you can do nothing - John 15:5. God, in His supremacy, with all His power and might, is faithful in playing His part and in the keeping of His covenant – Num. 23 : 19; Ps.62:11. So, for you to enjoy the maximum benefit of the relationship, you must be: 1. Saved - John 3 : 3 – 5. 2. Faithful - Heb . 11: 6. 3. Holy - Heb. 12:14. 4. Obedient - Is.1:19. 5. A cheerful giver – 2 Cor. 9: 7. FINANCIAL PARTNERSHIP IN MARRIAGE God instituted marriage for a purpose but it takes the effort of both the man and the woman for the marriage to work. Both of them must work towards a common goal. An excellent example is procreation. This is 92
virtually impossible except a man and a woman come together for this common purpose. Then, God will now shower His blessings on them – Gen.1:22; 1 Cor. 3: 6; Amos 3:3. Apart from procreation the couple need to plan their finances with their children, for this partnership to succeed. What will cause a person to lose money or assets? 1. Excessive laziness. Proverbs 20:13, 21:25, 24:33-34 2. Excessive eating (gluttony) or drinking alcohol. Proverbs 21:17, 23:21, 31:6-7 3. Follows the advice of a vain person. Proverbs 28:19 4. Refuses instruction. Proverbs 13:18 5. Loves pleasure. Proverbs 21:17 6. Is involved in sexual deviant sins. Proverbs 6:26 7. Lack of budgeting Luke 14:28-30 With what qualities should we replace a love for money? 1. Contentment with what God has given. Philippians 4:11-12; I Timothy 6:6,8 2. God's righteousness I Timothy 6:11 3. Godliness.I Timothy 6:6,11 God expects us to keep money for bread, as well as seed for sowing. Those Christians who give it all away and then expect God to take care of them are violating this principle of keeping bread to eat. (Farmers kept grain to grind into flour for bread making, as well as some grain for seed to plant the next crop.) Some people give all their seed away and have nothing to eat, while others wrongly eat all their seed and have nothing to plant for the next harvest. We should have seed for both purposes. After we plant a crop we expect a harvest; even so we should expect God to meet our financial needs when we have been obedient and have given of our tithes and offerings. Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." (Luke 6:38).
CONCLUSION In partnership, there is need for team work with one goal, one vision and one purpose since both the husband and the wife are God's representatives on earth. The day of accountability is coming so they must sacrifice everything possible to keep the relationship together in unity of purpose and with one spirit, all to the glory of God and their own blessing. QUESTIONS 1. Mention the role of the husband in a marriage relationship. 2. Is it good for a couple to have a common purse? 3. Mention the relationship between God as the Vine and we as the branches. God instituted marriage for a purpose but it takes the effort of both the man and the woman for the marriage to work. Both of them must work towards a common goal. An excellent example is procreation. This is virtually impossible except a man and a woman come together for this common purpose. Then, God will now shower His blessings on them – Gen.1:22; 1 Cor. 3: 6; Amos 3:3.
BLESSED WEEK WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT Mon: 1 Tim 2:11-15 - God's order for the Christian home is clear enough. Tue: Gal. 3:13 - Homes turned to Christ are redeemed from every curse and become a blessed one. Wed: Pro. 31:10-31 - Are you a virtuous mother or wife? Thu: Heb. 12:7-8 - Do not neglect discipline in your home. Fri: Titus 2:9-10 - Let every member of the home including servants be alert to their responsibilities. Sat: 1 Sam. 3:13 - God will not spare parents who fail to correct their children who err. Sun: 2 Tim. 1: 5 - Let us take a cue from Lois and Eunice as parents. 94
RESTITUTION MEMORY VERSE “And Zacchaeus stood, and said unto the Lord; Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have taken any thing from any man by false accusation, I restore him fourfold.” Luke 19:8 BIBLE PASSAGE Luke 19:1-10 INTRODUCTION Restitution is commanded by God to enable us follow peace with all men. It is an act of putting right what has been done wrongly. It is divine restoration of all things to their original order. In this lesson we shall consider what restitution is and its blessings. OUTLINES 1. WHAT IS RESTITUTION? 2. RESTITUTION AT VARIOUS DISPENSATIONS 3. THE BLESSINGS OF RESTITUTION WHAT IS RESTITUTION? Restitution is an act of putting right what has been done wrongly, restoring what has been taken wrongly and repairing or giving any equivalent to loss or damage. This is a very important step for every believer for a clear conscience and good testimony. The doctrine has been taught at various dispensations. RESTITUTION AT VARIOUS DISPENSATIONS Restitution is not a new doctrine. It has been in practice before the law. Moses gave certain laws of restitution – Lev.6:1-6, 24:21; Num.5:6-8; Ex.22:1-5. The doctrine was also confirmed up to the time of the Prophets and Kings – 2 Sam.12:1-6; 2 Kgs. 8:1-6 - and to the Church age, right from the time of Jesus Christ and the apostles until now – Lk.19:8-10; Philem. 1:7-12. 95
THE BLESSINGS OF RESTITUTION A heart of restitution has the following to benefit from God: § Favour from God – Lk.2:52. § Speedy answers to prayers – Lk.11:9. § Fearlessness – Ps.27:1. § Healing – Ps.107:20. § Anointing for exploits – Acts 10:38. § God speaks to him from time to time. § Protection – Ps.105:15. § Heavenly provisions – Ps.132:15-16. CONCLUSION Restitution is an avenue to make your ways right with your fellow man while salvation makes your ways right to God. One is not complete without the other. Therefore, prayerfully take steps to put right those things you have done wrong. QUESTIONS 1. What is restitution? 2. Mention five benefits of restitution.
Ezek. 33:11 – God wants to rescue sinners from death. Ex.23:7 – The wicked cannot be justified. Micah 7:18-19 – God forgives and totally forgets. Gal.12:16 – Jesus died for our sins. Heb. 13:12 – Let your heart be pure. Jn.16:13 – You will be guided to the truth of God. Rom.6:22 – Bear fruits and be perfect. 96
IMPORTANCE OF RESTITUTION MEMORY VERSE “And Zacchaeus stood, and said unto the Lord; Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have taken any thing from any man by false accusation, I restore him fourfold.” - Luke 19:8 BIBLE PASSAGE Exodus 22:1-13 INTRODUCTION One of the biblical evidences of genuine repentance is restitution. It is only a genuinely converted believer that can take steps to make restitution of wrongs which were made at the time of ignorance. It is the desire of God for us to correct past wrongs which are correctable. In this lesson we shall consider some of them. OUTLINES 1. WHY MAKE RESTITUTION AND EXAMPLES IN THE BIBLE 2. SOME SPECIFIC RESTITUTION TO MAKE WHY MAKE RESTITUTION AND EXAMPLES IN THE BIBLE? We make restitution for three major reasons: (a) Because God commands it – Lev.6:1-5; Ex.22:10-13. (b) To have a clear conscience towards God and towards man – 1 Sam.12:1-5; Acts 24:16. (c) It is the evidence of our conversion which shows our readiness to obey the scriptures – Lk.19:8-9; Ezek.33:14-16. There are also examples of people who made restitution in the Bible. These include Abimelech, Joseph's brothers, Old testament kings and prophets, Zacchaeus, during the time of our Lord Jesus and the apostles. Gen.20:6-9, 14; Gen.50:15-19; 1 Kgs.20:34; Neh.5:11-12; Lk.19:89; Acts 23:1-5; Philm10:17-19. SOME SPECIFIC RESTITUTION TO MAKE (a) We should return things that we have stolen, picked or converted to our own use but which belong to another person or to our place of work. These include our tithes and first fruits, the non-payment of 97
(b) (c) (d)
which is robbery and which we must restore - Lev.6:2-5; Lk.19:8; Mal.3:8; Lev.5:14-16. We should replace things we have destroyed which belong to another person- Ex.22:5-6; Ex.21:18-19. We should also reconcile with people who we quarrelled with in the past – Matt.5:23-25; Mt.18:15-17. We should make restitution of all lies and things wrongly said about someone and which has affected the person or is presently causing trouble – 2 Sam.16:5-8; 2 Sam.19:18-20; Acts 23:1-5. Marriages contracted contrary to biblical standards should also be visited. Lawful parental demands should be granted while people who have married another person's spouse must prayerfully take steps towards restitution – Lk.3:8; Gen.20:14; Rom.2:13-16.
CONCLUSION Do you have any restitution to make? Pray to God for help and take the right steps. The Holy Spirit will help you. QUESTIONS 1. What is restitution? 2. Why must we make restitution? 3. What examples can we find in the Bible? 4. Mention three examples of restitution you can make.
2 Tim.3:16-17 – God's word has been packaged to perfect us and make us walk worthy of Him. Believe the word and obey it. 1 Sam.12:3-4 – God's light should shine so bright in us to be able to stand without blemish before people. 2 Cor.13:5 – Examine your life and make amends where you have wronged others, to have a clear conscience before man. Rom.8:26 – Let the Holy Spirit help and direct you in all steps you have to take. Mal.3:10 – Restore all the tithes you have stolen and make up your mind never to default again. Joel 2:25 – Make restitution and expect restoration of things the enemy stole from you. Col.1:21-22 – Jesus reconciled us to God through death on the cross. Give praises to Him for your salvation. 98
RAPTURE MEMORY VERSE “Behold, I show you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,” 1 Corinthians 15:51 BIBLE PASSAGE 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 INTRODUCTION The second coming of Christ prophesied by Daniel in Daniel 7:13 is a sound biblical fact. This return shall be in two stages. The first, “being like a thief in the night” to receive unto Himself His Church. This is popularly called the rapture. May the Holy Spirit Himself guide us into all truth, in Jesus' name. OUTLINES 1. WHAT IS THE RAPTURE? 2. WHEN IS THE RAPTURE? 3. WHAT WILL HAPPEN AT THE RAPTURE? 4. HOW WILL IT HAPPEN? WHAT IS THE RAPTURE? The word, rapture, is not found anywhere in the Bible although it is used to describe this great upcoming and memorable event. The rapture is the sudden catching up or sudden disappearance of holy and faithful saints from the earth to meet with our Lord and Saviour in the air. It is also referred to as the translation or translocation of believers – 1 Thess.4:16-17; 1 Cor.15:51-58. Examples of such translation in the Old Testament are; Enoch – Gen.5:22-24; Heb.11:5 and Elijah – 2 Kgs.2:11. It shall be as sudden as the twinkling of an eye – 1 Cor.15:52. WHEN IS THE RAPTURE? The exact timing of the occurrence of the rapture is not known –Matt.24:42, 44; Matt.25:13; 1 Thess.5:6. We, however, know that it shall precede the tribulation – 1 Thess.1:10, 5:9; 2 Thess.2:12. WHAT WILL HAPPEN AT THE RAPTURE? The following are to be expected at the rapture: 99
(a) The trumpet of God shall sound – 1 Cor.15:52; 1 Thess.4:16. (b) The dead in Christ shall rise first – Jn.5:25; 1 Thess.4:16; 1 Cor.15:23. (c) Saints which are alive shall be “caught up” to meet our Lord in the air – 1 Thess.4:17; 1 Cor.15:51. (d) The dead in Christ and saints who are left shall have glorified or immortal bodies and live forever – 1 Cor.15:52-54; Phil.3:20-21; Col.3:4; 1 Jn.3:2. (e) There shall be extraordinary chaos on the earth – 1 Thess.5:2-3; Mt.24:40-41. HOW WILL IT HAPPEN? (a) It shall happen suddenly – 1 Cor.15:52; 1 Thess.5:3; Matt.24:36-41. (b) The power of God shall make all saints' bodies immortal – Phil.3:21. (c) The sudden “vacancies” produced by such disappearance shall give birth to the chaos. CONCLUSION The greatest calamity that could befall anyone who claims to be a believer is to be on earth a second after the rapture. The one who is coming back for His own “suddenly”, warned us to be prepared, at least six times in different parables. Are you alert and ready? Mk.13:32-37. QUESTIONS 1. What is the rapture? 2. Mention five things that will happen at the rapture.
Jn.3:16 – There is no salvation or eternal life without Jesus Christ. Thank God for His love towards us. Phil.2:12 – Believers must remain in the faith to be raptured. Work out your salvation with fear and trembling. Matt.25:10 – Be like the wise virgins. Be prepared when the Bridegroom comes. Matt.24:44 – Live every moment like your last, for in such an hour as ye think not, the Son of man comes. 1 Thess.4:16-17 – At the rapture, the saints would be caught up to meet with Jesus in the air. Phil.3:20-21 – Our bodies shall be transformed like Christ's glorious body at the rapture. Rev.19:7-9 – The saints would be assembled at the marriage supper of the Lamb. 100
ARE YOU READY FOR RAPTURE? MEMORY VERSE 'Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.' 1 Thessalonians 4: 17 BIBLE PASSAGE 1 Corinthians 15:50-53 INTRODUCTION Our last lesson revealed the meaning of the word, rapture. We also discovered events surrounding the rapture as regards timing and other issues. Today's lesson will show us the reasons behind the rapture, the criteria that qualifies a Christian in being a partaker and looking at the fallacies surrounding the rapture. OUTLINES 1. WHY WILL THE RAPTURE TAKE PLACE? 2. WHO WILL BE RAPTURED? WHY WILL THE RAPTURE TAKE PLACE? (a) To raise up the just of all ages from among the dead – 1 Thess.4:13-17; Ps.50:1-6. (b) To take the saints out of the world before the tribulation – Lk.21:34-36; 2 Thess.2:7-8; 1 Thess.1:10. (c) To allow Jesus Christ to present to Himself a Church without spots or wrinkles –Eph.5:27; Jn.14:1-3. (d) To transform or change the bodies of all faithful saints from mortality to immortality –Phil.3:20-21; 1 Cor.15:21-23, 42-44, 51-58. (e) To assemble the saints at the marriage supper of the Lamb – Rev.19:1-10. (f) To allow the revelation of the anti-Christ – 2 Thess.2:1-8. (g) To present saints to God the Father – 1 Thess.3:13; Jude 24. 101
(h) To make the saints whole in body, soul and spirit – 1 Jn.3:2-3; Rom.8:22-23. WHO WILL BE RAPTURED? (a) Those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour – Jn.1:12; 2 Cor.5:17. (b) Those who earnestly desire His appearance – Titus 2:13; Phil.3:20. (c) Those who love the Lord supremely – Phil.3:7-10; Jn.21:15-17; Jn.14:15;; Mk.16:15-18; Lk.19:12-13. (d) Those whose citizenship is in Heaven – Phil.3:20-21; Eph.2:19. (e) Those who will live holy even as He is holy – 1 Pt.1:16; Heb.12:14; 1Jn.3:1-3. CONCLUSION Let us be sober in watchfulness, always fellowshipping together and keeping the unity of the faith in the bond of peace – 1 Thess.5:6, Heb.10:25, Eph.4:3. QUESTIONS 1. State six reasons the rapture should take place. 2. Mention the categories of people that would be raptured.
Lk.13:3 – Repent today and you will not perish. Matt.25:13 – Watch and pray because His second coming is imminent and the Marriage Supper of the Lamb is inevitable. Rev.21:27 – Remain holy as nothing that is defiled shall enter. Matt.22:13 – Belong to Christ's family and be branded for Him and you will not be cast away. 1 Tim.1:14 – Obedience is a great asset to cherish and display always. 2 Tim.2:19 – Stop pretending, the Lord knows those that belong to Him. Rev.19:7 – The Marriage Supper of the Lamb is a moment of great celebration. Do not miss it. 102
THE MARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE LAMB MEMORY VERSE “…Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God. “ Revelation 19:9b BIBLE PASSAGE Revelation 19:1-14 INTRODUCTION Marriage, in this context, symbolises the union between Christ and the Church – Eph.5:22-32. It is, however, important to note that the second coming of Christ is the next event after the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. May the Holy Spirit teach us and bless us richly as we look at this topic in details. 1 Tim.6:14; Acts 1:10-11. OUTLINES 1. WHAT, WHEN AND WHERE IS THE MARRIAGE? 2. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO SAINTS? 3. WHO QUALIFIES FOR THE MARRIAGE? WHAT, WHEN AND WHERE IS THE MARRIAGE? The Marriage Supper of the Lamb is the consummation of the union between Christ, the Bridegroom and the Church (without spot or wrinkles) – Eph.5:27; Rev.19:1-14; Matt.22:1-14; Matt.25:1-13. It is one of the greatest biblical prophesies. The marriage will take place before the second coming of Christ to the earth. Christ is the Bridegroom. The wife is the redeemed or saints of all ages who will have part in the first resurrection and who will live in the New Jerusalem forever –Rev.21:2. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO SAINTS? (a) To assemble the saints for the last supper with Christ. (b) To present the just of all ages to God, the Father and fulfil their main eternal purpose. 103
(c) To wipe away tears from the faces of the saints. (d) To take away the saints from the earth before the activities of the anti-Christ. (e) To take away the saints before the tribulation. WHO QUALIFIES FOR THE MARRIAGE? Those who will qualify for the Marriage Supper of the Lamb must be those who belong to Christ – 2 Cor.5:17, earnestly desiring His second coming and watching – Matt.25:1-13. Included are those whose patience and visions are not darkened. Also, those who do not get distracted and lose focus completely before the Bridegroom comes, those whose holiness has not been polluted and whose garment of righteousness has not been stained –Rev.21:8, 27; Heb.12:14. Also included are those that obey His commandments and whose citizenship is in Heaven –Rev.22:14-15; Eph.2:14 - 16; Matt.7:21-23. CONCLUSION The Marriage Supper of the Lamb, like all biblical prophecies, will be fulfilled. Our Lord Jesus Christ will have His last supper with the Church without spots or wrinkles. Are you a member of His kingdom? Do you earnestly desire it? You cannot afford to miss it. Pray to God to keep you standing in Him and count you worthy of this great and unique event. QUESTIONS 1. What is the marriage Supper of the Lamb? 2. Who qualifies for the marriage? 3. Name four important reasons for the Marriage?
Heb.9:27 – No one will escape judgement. Matt.25:46 – Faithful ones will enjoy eternal life. 1 Cor.3:15 – Every man's work shall be judged. Matt.25:25 – Use your talent wisely. Rev.22:12 – Christ is coming soon. Heb.12:29 – God is a consuming fire. 2 Pt.3:10 – Be prepared for the day of the Lord. 104
THE JUDGEMENT MEMORY VERSE “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:” Hebrews 9:27 BIBLE PASSAGE Revelation 20:4-15 INTRODUCTION Judgement is imminent. Whether we believe it or not, we are going to give account of all that we do here on earth, whether it be good or bad, righteous or wicked. We will all appear before the One whom God has appointed to judge all, Jesus Christ. OUTLINES 1. TYPES OF JUDGEMENT 2. THE CRUCIAL JUDGEMENT TYPES OF JUDGEMENT The Bible speaks of at least seven different judgements: (a) The Saviour on the cross being judged for our sins. Zep. 3:15; John1:29 (b) The believer's self-judgement – 1Cor.11:31; 2 Cor.13:5. (c) The judgement of the believer's works – Rom.14:10; 1 Cor.5:10-11. (d) The judgement of Israel during the Great Tribulation – Ezek.20:3044. (e) The judgement of nations when sheep will be separated from goats at the second coming of Christ – Matt.25:31-46. (f) The judgement of the fallen angels reserved in darkness, waiting – Jude 6-7; 2 Pt.2:4. (g) The judgement of the wicked dead – Rev.20:11-12, 15; Acts 17:21; Rom.2:16. 105
THE CRUCIAL JUDGEMENTS These are the two major final judgements for both believers and unbelievers: (a) The Judgement Seat of Christ. This is the judgement of believers where each person's work will be tested with fire – 1 Cor.3:13. Also, to be tested are: our words, our thoughts, our secrets, our motives. This judgement will take place after the rapture. Matt.16:27; Matt.12:36-37; Matt.15:19-20; Rom.2:16; 2 Cor.5:14. (b) The Great White Throne Judgement This is the judgement of the wicked. The sinners and all that reject Jesus Christ and the fallen angels. They will be judged according to their works as recorded in the book of life. It is going to be an impartial and open judgement. Rev.20:5; Rev.20:11-15; Matt.7:21-23. CONCLUSION Where will you appear? It is a crucial decision – Judgement Seat of Christ or the Great White Throne Judgement. The choice is yours. QUESTIONS 1. State four types of judgements in the Bible. 2. Describe the judgement of the Great White Throne.
2 Cor.5:17 – Judge yourself, are you in Christ? 1 Cor.10:12 – Over confidence kills. Beware. Heb.2:1-3 – Salvation: a precious gem, guard it jealously. 2 Tim.2:22 – Remove yourself physically from any situation that stimulates your desire to sin. Lk.18:8 – Will He find you in faith when He comes? Matt.24:13 – Do not give up your salvation. Jam.1:25 – Be a doer and not a hearer only. 106
ETERNAL REWARDS MEMORY VERSE “And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life.” Matthew 19:29 BIBLE PASSAGE 1 Corinthians 9:16-27 INTRODUCTION The scriptures say do not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treads the corn. It also says the labourer is worthy of his reward. So, God has a reward for all that make it to the kingdom. We shall one day cross to the other side where we shall have exceeding and eternal weight of glory. 2 Cor.4:17; Ps.37:34; Ps.91:8. OUTLINES 1. TYPES OF REWARDS 2. OTHER TYPES OF REWARDS TYPES OF REWARDS Jesus Christ has prepared crowns for rulers in His coming kingdom. These crowns and their qualifications are: (a) The crown of life – Jam.1:12. The qualification for this is that you must have endured temptation and remain faithful. Other qualifications include overcoming evil, loving the Lord and being faithful unto death – Rev.2:10. (b) The incorruptible crown – 1 Cor.9:24-25. This is for those who patiently run the race to Heaven and who are temperate in all things. (c) The crown of rejoicing – 1 Thess.2:19. You must be a soul winner to receive this crown. 107
(d) The crown of glory – 1 Pt.5:4. A crown for true pastors, missionaries and teachers. (e) The crown of righteousness – 2 Tim.4:8. It is for those expecting the Lord. They are earnestly waiting for His coming. OTHER TYPES OF REWARDS Apart from crowns and leadership positions in His kingdom as kings and priests, the believer will also be privileged to: (a) Reign with Christ -Rom.8:17-18. (b) Behold His face - Ps.17:15; Rev.22:4. (c) Inherit all things - Rev.21:7. (d) Shine as a star - Dan.12:3 (e) Be a pillar in the temple of God - Rev.3:12. (f) Have access to the tree of life - Rev.22:1-5; 22:14. (g) Be glorified with Christ - Gal.4:7. CONCLUSION Knowing that we have this wonderful rewards in serving God, what manner of people should we be? – 1 Jn.3:2-3 QUESTIONS 1. List the various types of crowns. 2. List what qualifies you to have these crowns. 3. What other rewards will Christians receive?
1 Cor.15:58 – Your labour is not in vain. 1 Thess.1:3 – Your labour of love is remembered. Jer.31:16-17 – Thus saith the Lord: thy work shall be rewarded. Pro.25:21-22 – Take care of your enemy. Ps.103:10 – Thank God for His mercies. Rev.22:12 – Will you tarry to the end? Jn.8:51 – You are assured of eternal life if you obey God. 108
HYMN O Sunday School, on the Lord's day, O How I love Thee well, I am happy, it makes me glad To rejoice at Thy birth. O Sunday School, on the Lord's day, Thy friendship suits me well, Both young and old will sing Thy song, We long for Sunday School. O Sunday School, on the Lord's day, Christ was Thy first teacher, The Holy Spirit, great teacher, Does manifest in thee. O Sunday School, on the Lord's day, This testimony is sure, That God, the Father Almighty, Poured His blessing on Thee. O Sunday School, on the Lord's day, Though the sun be so bright, Or if the clouds be black with rain, I'll be in Sunday School. O Sunday School, on the Lord's day, I rejoice to see Thee, Will thou pass over me today? Without my being blest?
To make Heaven
To take as many people as possible with us.
To have a member of the RCCG in every family of all nations.
To accomplish No. 1 above, holiness will be our lifestyle.
To accomplish No. 2 and 3 above, we will plant churches within five minutes walking distance in every city and town of developing countries and within five minutes driving distance in every city and town of developed countries.
We will pursue these objectives until every nation in the world is reached for Jesus Christ our Lord.