Teachers Manual 2010

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The Redeemed Christian Church of God

Sunday School Teacher's Manual 2009/2010 UK, Ireland and Europe Edition

NOTE ON 2009/2010 TEACHER'S MANUAL God bless all teachers. This year's teachers' manual is presented in a way to respond to the unending and increasing need for additional trained teachers to realize the teaching mandate of the Directorate of Christian Education. Therefore, the manual is presented in a subtle way to develop the assistant teachers and students to assume the leadership role of teaching and assisting. For instance, under the “Previous Knowledge� students will review every previous lesson while the assistant teacher will mark all assignments. The logic here is to develop a teaching interest in the students and in the assistant teacher. Standing to review the lesson before the class helps build up the confidence needed to teach. Furthermore, assigning the students to review the past lessons helps them to revise the lesson before the class. To the assistant teacher, accessing the student's performance weekly helps him/her also to remember the lessons and to develop the right sense of judgment. Another important innovation in this year's presentation is the use of student's workbook. The workbook is an exercise book with 48 questions and answer spaces. Students will be required to acquire the workbook and answer the questions on weekly basis. Teachers and assistant teachers should develop marking scheme for every assignment at the preparatory class (prep). The Assistant should use this guide to mark the assignment on Sunday. The logic here is simple. For students to answer the assignment well, they would have to spend at least some extra time in addition to the time spent at the Sunday school. This invariably keeps the students close to the teaching of the word of God and improve the quality of their Christian living. Teachers are therefore required to ensure that the assignments are marked weekly (see details on the students work book).

Added to the assignment is project. There is a project for each quarter. That means there are four projects for the year. The project is a group activity that is targeted on the church, and its mission on one part and the society on the other hand. The sense here is to endear the Sunday School to the entire church and the society at large through social responsibility. It is a good way to advertise the Sunday School. Therefore, teacher should support, supervise and ensure successful execution of the projects. Any student who participates in the project should score 10 full marks for that week. Objective and lesson plan. The objective is the desired purpose of the lesson. The lesson plan is the systematic presentation of the entire lesson. Teachers are therefore required to follow the plans accordingly. Both lesson introduction and conclusion are not different from the way they appeared in the student's manuals except in a few lessons. Quarterly review should be carried out as specified in the teacher's manual. Teachers should ensure that students recite their memory verse and should make the class activities real participatory. Thank you and God bless.


2. 3. 4. 5.


7. 8.

Student's manual workbook is an exercise book designed to enable students carry out their take home assignments. As the name implies, the workbook contains questions and answer spaces. Each question is tagged to a corresponding lesson in the student's manual. There are 48 questions in the work book, forty (40) of which carry 10 marks each while the remaining 8 carry zero (0) mark each. For every quarter, there are 12 lessons with corresponding 12 assignments of which 10 Assignments carries 10 marks each while the remaining two assignments carry zero marks. The assignment scores are indicated under each assignment. At the end of each quarter, students' scores for each week are summed over 100. Whatever marks scored by each student is added to the quarterly review score and the total is divided by 2. For instance, during the first quarter, Brother 'S' scored 80/100 in the assignment. 40 30 He also scored /50 in the Attendance and /50 in the quarterly test. His total score for the quarter would be: 80 + 40 + 30 = 150 = 3 = 75% 100 + 50 + 50 = 200 = 4 Brother 'S' scores in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarters are as follows: nd rd th 80%, 60%, 90% in 2 , 3 and 4 quarter respectively. His cumulative scores at the end of the Sunday School Year would be as follows: 75 + 80 + 60 + 90 = 305 x 100 = 76% 100 + 100 + 100 + 100 400 1 There is a project in every quarter that carries 10 marks as other accessible assignments. Students who participate in the project should score 10 full marks while those who fail to participate should score zero mark. Students who are absent from the Sunday School should not do the assignment. They should score zero for that week. Students who fail to do the assignment should not be allowed to carry it over.


10. 11. 12.

Students should not do the assignment in advance i.e. before the lesson is taught. They should do it after the lesson has been taught and bring it to the class at the next Sunday School for marking. Students should collect the workbooks after they have been marked on Sundays or during the mid-week services. The best student in every quarter should be awarded prizes either quarterly or cumulatively at the end of the year. Students are enjoined to do the assignments/ exercises/ projects sincerely and regularly, while assistant teachers or Teachers should mark them promptly and regularly. Thank you.

CONTENTS Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Lesson 8 Lesson 9 Lesson 10 Lesson 11 Lesson 12

Power In Praise The Attitude of Praise Timeless Praise The Spotless Bride Without Spot or Wrinkle The Price of Purity Purity before Power The Comforter- His Personality The Ministry of The Holy Spirit The Baptism of The Holy Spirit By The Anointing Conditions for The Anointing

WEEK THIRTEEN (FIRST QUARTERLY REVIEW) Lesson 14 Lesson 15 Lesson 16 Lesson 17 Lesson 18 Lesson 19 Lesson 20 Lesson 21 Lesson 22 Lesson 23 Lesson 24 Lesson 25

Anointed for Victory Anointed for Wealth Anointed to Rule Fresh Anointing Transfering the Anointing The Grace of Giving Preaching The Gospel Passion for Souls Go Ye The Revelation Gifts of The Holy Spirit The Vocal Gifts of The Holy Spirit The Power Gifts of The Holy Spirit


Lesson 27 Lesson 28 Lesson 29 Lesson 30 Lesson 31 Lesson 32 Lesson 33 Lesson 34 Lesson 35 Lesson 36 Lesson 37 Lesson 38

The Purpose Driven Life Transformed by The Word His Word is Yea and Amen Power In The Word His Word is settled forever Fruitfulness Prayer: The Master Key The Elements of Prayer The Christian family Family Issues and Solutions Christian Family Discipline Dangers of Unforgiveness

WEEK THIRTY-NINE (QUARTERLY REVIEW) Lesson 40 Lesson 41 Lesson 42 Lesson 43 Lesson 44 Lesson 45 Lesson 46 Lesson 47 Lesson 48 Lesson 49 Lesson 50 Lesson 51

Beware of Rebellion Doubt The Christian Mission The Christian Missionary The Christian Mission Support Cure for the Wounded Soldier Faithfulness Tithing Firstfruits The Divine Pilgrim Watch and Pray Behold He comes soon



06 September 2009

Power In Praise Prayer Point – Students should pray that the Lord will bless them with understanding through out this Sunday School year. They should also ask the Lord to bless them and their teacher. They should also pray for grace to obey all the teachings in this Sunday School year. Previous Knowledge – Teacher should encourage students to be punctual, regular and be involved in this year's Sunday School. Teacher sets growth target for students Note- Teacher should announce the best performing student(s) in the class during the previous Sunday School year and present Class Awards to the student(s). Parish Coordinator should present Parish Award to the best Sunday School student(s) in the Parish. Area and Province Awards should also be presented to the deserving Parishes and Areas accordingly.



A. BIBLE PASSAGE – Psalm 103:1-22 B. Memory Verse – “Let the redeemed of the LORD say so, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy;” Psalm 107:2 C. Lesson Introduction – The divine decision at creation to make Man a living soul established an eternal link between Man and God. The strength of this link is determined by many factors one of which is the supernatural ability to praise God especially for His unique merciful acts, which was not extended to any other of His creations. May the Holy Spirit teach us and bless us as we study, in Jesus' name. 1


Lesson Aim- To study why the redeemed of the Lord should praise the Lord.

B. Teaching Objectives and Lesson Plan – At the end of the lesson, students should be able to discover why the redeemed of the Lord should praise the Lord. They should also be able to discover that there is power in praising God. To achieve these objectives, teacher enumerates reason students should praise the Lord. Teacher also explains that there is power in praising the Lord and cites some examples of people who praised the Lord. C. Text Review – Psalm 103: 1-22 David gave 20 reasons the redeemed should praise the Lord. His benefits (2.) He forgives our sins (3.) He heals our diseases (4.) His loving kindness (5.) His tender mercies (6.) He satisfies us (7.) He renewed our days (8.) He is the righteous judge (9.) He sets the oppressed free (10.) His revelation acts. (11.) He is slow to anger (12.) For His amnesty (13.) He pitied us (14.) His righteousness (15.) His covenant (16.) He remembered us (17.) His reign (18) His strength (19) His dominion (20) His faithfulness. Note – Teacher should use the 20 points as answers to the class activity 1 D. Teaching Method – Lecture teaching method is recommended E. Time Management – Share teaching time equally among the three lesson outlines.




LESSON OUTLINE 1–THE REDEEMED OF THE LORD SAY SO Believers must praise the Lord for the following reasons: 2

i. ii. iii. iv. v.

For forgiving our sins. Psalm 103: 1-4; Psalm 107:12 For assurance of salvation. John 3:16 For regenerating us into a new life. Rom 8: 15-16 For redeeming us from the curses of the law. Gal 3:1014 For making us His children. Matt. 6:9

Class Activity 1 – Teacher asks students to identify reasons for praising the Lord from today's Bible passage. ii. LESSON OUTLINE 2 – THE LIVING BODY, SOUL AND SPIRIT i. ii. iii. iv.

All living souls should praise the Lord- Psalm 150: 4-6 God has constantly spared us from the attack of the enemies. God wrought miracles for believers in the Bible to enable them praise Him e.g. Hannah I Sam 2: 1-10; Mary – Luke 1: 46-55; Paul II Cor. 1:34 Your own miracles too are coming the more you praise Him.


Jehoshaphat praised God and won the battle of Moabites. II Chr. 20: 19-22 Paul and Silas praised God and prison doors were unlocked while the jailor was saved. Acts 16: 25-34 Jesus prayed and thanked God and the dead Lazarus rose up after 4 days. John 11: 4-45 Praise Him too and you will quickly get your own breakthrough.


SUMMARY Let us praise the Lord with everything that is inside us.


CONCLUSION Christians, as peculiar people, a chosen generation, royal priesthood and a holy nation, should show forth the praises of Him who has called them out of darkness into the marvellous 3

light – 1 Pet. 2:9. 5

ASSIGNMENT Students should write 5 kinds of powers that are associated with praises. NOTE AT THE PREVIEW



13 September 2009

Attitude Of Praise Prayer Point – Class should pray for grace to bless the Lord always with singing, dancing, clapping, with musical instrument and in the Holy Spirit. Previous Knowledge – Teacher reads out the correct answers to the previous week's assignment and allows the assistant teacher to collect the assignment and score them. Thereafter, teacher requests a student to review the previous week's lesson.



A. BIBLE PASSAGE – Psalm 150:1-6 B. Memory Verse – “Sing praises to the LORD, which dwelleth in Zion: declare among the people his doings”. Psalm 9:11 C. Lesson Introduction – We were able to discover in our last study amongst many things, who should praise the Lord, some reasons for which we praise the Lord and that there is power in praises. It is the living and the redeemed that praise the Lord. May the Holy Spirit teach us, in Jesus' name. TEACHER'S DIARY A.

Lesson Aim- To study the importance of singing, dancing, clapping, musical instruments and the Holy Ghost in praising the Lord.

B. Teaching Objectives and Lesson Plan – At the end of the lesson,students should be able to discover the importance of singing, dancing, clapping, musical instrument and the place of the Holy Spirit in praising God. To achieve these objectives, teacher should explain the various 5

means of praising the Lord. These are: In singing; in dancing; by clapping; by using musical instruments, etc. Teacher also explains the position of the Holy Spirit in praising the Lord. Teacher should supervise the class activity and concludes by encouraging students to employ these means to bless the Lord always. C. Text Review – Psalm 150: 1-6 · David mentioned in Psalm 150: 1-2, the place and reasons for praising God. · He mentioned about 7 instruments which could be used in praising God, one of which was the trumpet. verse 3,4,5 · He enjoined the worshippers to dance to God. V.5 and requested every living thing to praise the Lord. V.6 D. Teaching Method –Teacher should use lecture-teaching method. E. Time Management – Teacher should share teaching time equally among 3 lesson outlines. 2.


i. LESSON OUTLINE 1 – WITH SINGING AND DANCING How can people of all ages praise God? (Matt. 21:9) i. They can praise God without limit by singing and dancing. Psalm 149:3 ii. Sincere praises come from the inner heart of believers. Luke 1:59 iii. Singing and dancing is a symbol of bubbling joy from within. Psalm 35:8 iv. Praising God will displace sorrow- Psalm 30: 11-12 ii. LESSON OUTLINE 2 – WITH CLAPPING AND INSTRUMENTS OF MUSIC i. We can praise God with clapping of hand- Judges 7:16 ii. We can praise God with musical instruments. Psalm 49: 11 iii. Timbres, violins, organs, pianos and drums are some of 6

the biblical instruments we can use to praise God. Psalm 150:1-end. iii. LESSON OUTLINE 3 – IN THE HOLY SPIRIT i. Singing spiritual songs from the heart is the work of the Holy Spirit. Ephesians 5: 19-20 ii. Singing in the Holy Spirit will prevent our tongue from evil. Psalm 34:13 iii. The Holy Spirit wants to use our tongues to the glory of God through singing praises. I Cor. 14:15 Class Activity – What was Paul's admonition about singing unto the Lord? 3

SUMMARY Sing, dance, clap and make joyful noise to the Lord all ye people. These also, are your reasonable services unto the Lord.


CONCLUSION Christians are enjoined not to be hearers only but also doers of the word – Jam.1:22. Today's teaching is a practical one which should be put to practice now and always. Sing unto the Lord, dance before the Lord your Maker with clapping of your hands and musical instruments as well, for He is good and His mercy endures forever. It is pleasing to the Lord and highly rewarding too.


ASSIGNMENT Find out at least 20 musical instruments employed in the Bible. NOTE AT THE PREVIEW



20 September 2009

Timeless Praise Prayer Point – Students should pray for the grace to be rejoicing evermore. Previous Knowledge – Teacher reads out answers to the previous week's assignment and allows the assistant teacher to collect and score. Thereafter, teacher requests a student to review the previous week's lesson.



A. BIBLE PASSAGE – Exodus 15:1-18 B. Memory Verse – “Rejoice evermore”.

1 Thessalonians 5:16

C. Lesson Introduction – We discovered in our last study how to bless the Lord in our singing and dancing, with clapping and the use of musical instruments and in the Holy Spirit as well. May the Holy Spirit continue to teach and bless us the more as we examine when to bless the Lord, in Jesus' name. TEACHER'S DIARY A. Lesson Aim- To study how to rejoice evermore. B. Teaching Objectives and Lesson Plan – At the end of the lesson, students should be able to discover how to rejoice evermore. They should also be able to discover that the Lord's praise shall be till eternity. To achieve these objectives teacher should explain how to rejoice evermore. Teacher should also explain the times and situations in which praise should be offered to the Lord. 8

Teacher concludes by encouraging the students to develop the habit of praising God always and in all situations. C. Text Review – Exodus 15: 1-18 Moses explained 10 reason he led the children of Israel to sing to the Lord. i. God was his father and strength. Ex. 15: 2 ii. God is a man of war and had just conquered the Egyptians armies . V. 1-3 iii. Pharaoh's chariots and chosen captains had just drowned in the Red Sea. V. 4-5 iv. God is glorious in power and excellency. V. 6-7 v. He pursued and overtook the enemies instead and abolished their plots. V.9-10 vi. God is fearfully holy and wonderful. V. 11 vii. God had redeemed the Israelites through mercy. V.13 viii. God made the people to pass over sorrow, death and slavery. V.16 ix. God has made the people to possess their inheritance according to His promise and that God shall reign forever. D. Teaching Method –Teacher should use lecture-teaching method. E. Time Management – Teacher should share teaching time equally among 3 lesson outlines. 2.



LESSON OUTLINE 1 – IN THE MORNING, ALL DAY LONG EVERMORE. God visits man in the morning . Job 7:18 Man should also serve God in the morning. Psalm 59:16 Man should also serve God morning, noon and night. Psalm 134: 1 The praise of the Lord should be with rejoicing. I Thess. 5:16 His praise should be to the end of our lives. Psalm 104: 33

i. ii. iii. iv. v.

Class activity – What are the benefits of rejoicing forever?



God commands the work of His hand to praise Him at all times I Thess 5:18, His praise should be in our mouth. In all places: fire, deep water, air or on land. His praises should be in our mouths. Isaiah 43: 1-3 In all situations: famine, persecution, imprisonment, poverty or prosperity. His praise should be in our mouth. Heb. 3:17; Acts 4:41; 16:23

iii. LESSON OUTLINE 3 – TILL ETERNITY i. ii. iii. iv.

We must praise God till eternity (after this life) Luke 2: 1314 Our eternal language will be Halleluiah – rev. 5: 11-12 HALLELUYAH is also the angel's songs in Heaven. The saints shall sing new songs of rejoicing in Heaven to praise to Lord who redeemed them. Rev. 19: 1-7

Class Activity 2 – Why should our praises of God be unlimited? 3

SUMMARY To praise Him in eternity we must begin to praise Him now in all situations and circumstances. God inhabits the praises of His people.


CONCLUSION Your present situation is not without the knowledge of an allknowing God. God is surely greater than the situation. The Holy Spirit is reminding you today to rejoice anyway, for this may be the only weapon against your predicament. Rejoice evermore.


ASSIGNMENT Identify any 10 situations where people tend to forget to praise God. NOTE AT THE PREVIEW



27 September 2009

The Spotless Bride Prayer Point – Every student should pray to be spotless. Previous Knowledge – Teacher reads out answers to the previous week's assignment and allows the assistant teacher to collect and score. Thereafter teacher selects a student to review the previous week's lesson.


OPENING A. BIBLE PASSAGE – Ephesians 5: 17 - 30 B. Memory Verse – “ That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. ” Ephesians 5:27 C. Lesson Introduction – The Church, that is, the congregation of all born again believers, is the Bride of Jesus Christ – Eph.5:25. Almost invariably, when a man chooses a bride, he chooses someone who is closest to him in manners, attributes, aspirations, and ways of doing things because only birds of the same feathers flock together – Amos 3:3. The Lord Jesus Christ is holy, spotless and without blemish, hence, His bride must be without spot or wrinkle too. TEACHER'S DIARY

A. Lesson Aim: To study reasons spotlessness is compulsory for every Heaven- bound believer. B. Teaching Objectives and Lesson Plan – At the end of the lesson, students should be able to discover 11

why believers must be spotless. They should also be able to discover areas where spotlessness is essential. To achieve these objectives, teacher should explain reasons for spotlessness. Teacher should also indicate those areas where spotlessness is essential. Teacher concludes by encouraging students to be spotless in words. C. Text Review – Ephesians 5: 17- 30 i. To be spotless, believers must understand fully the will of God for their lives. ii. Their mouths should be filled with praises unto God always. V.19-20 iii. Believers should submit themselves to Christ. V.25 iv. Constantly, they must wash and be cleansed in the word of God. v. They must love the Lord. V.29, 28-29 D. Teaching Method –Lecture teaching method is recommended E. Time Management – Teacher should share teaching time equally. 2. i. A.

LESSON OUTLINES LESSON OUTLINE 1 – WHY MUST I BE SPOTLESS? Christians must be and remain spotless for the following reasons: i. He/she is a child of God. John 1:12 ii. He or she is a bride of Christ. Eph. 5: 29- 30 iii. Nothing unholy will enter into Heaven where the wedding between Christ and His bride will take place. iv. God our Father is perfect and spotless. He commands us too to be to perfect. Matt. 5: 48 v. Believers are part of Christ and they must remain spotless. Ephesians 5: 29-30 ii. LESSON OUTLINE 2 – SPOTLESS IN WHAT? i.

Believers must be spotless in all things. 12

ii. iii. iv.

They must be spotless in words. James 3:2 Their words must be Yes for Yes and No for No. Liars are murderers and sorcerers who are hell bound. Rev. 21:8

Class Activity 1 – How can believers be spotless in words? Answer Tip –The 5 points raised under the Text Review answers the question. 3

SUMMARY The three key words that explain purity (i.e. the “Why” “What” and “How”) have been answered in today's lesson. It is left for us to comply.


CONCLUSION We must be spotless.


ASSIGNMENT Students should set apart time to pray to be spotless. They should thereafter take decisive steps to ensure purity. NOTE AT THE PREVIEW



04 October 2009

Without Spot Or Wrinkle Prayer Point – Students should pray to be spotless in thoughts and deeds. Previous Knowledge – Teacher asks a student to review the previous week's lesson. Teacher also finds out how the students fared with the previous week's lesson.



A. BIBLE PASSAGE – Matthew 5: 20- 48 B. Memory Verse – “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your father which is in heaven is perfect.” Matthew 5:48 C. Lesson Introduction – In today's lesson, we shall study spotlessness in thoughts and deeds. We shall also study how to be spotless. TEACHER'S DIARY A. Lesson Aim- To study how to be spotless in thoughts and in deeds. B. Teaching Objectives and Lesson Plan – At the end of the lesson, students should be able to discover how to be spotless in thoughts and in deeds. To achieve these objectives, teacher should explain how to be spotless in thoughts and in deeds. Teacher should also explain how to be spotless totally and daily. C. Text Review – Matthew 5: 20-48 The list of requirements for purity in thoughts and deeds enumerated in today's text. 14


i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii ix. x.

Be pure in heart – v. 28 Discipline your eyes – v. 29 Keep a holy hand- v.30 Swear not- v. 33 – 34 Speak the truth always. V. 37 Be meek . v. 39 Love thy neighbour and enemies- V.44 Give willingly – V. 42 Pray- V. 44 Be perfect.- 48

D. Teaching Method –Use lecture teaching method E. Time Management – Share teaching time equally among the three lesson outlines. 2.


i. LESSON OUTLINE 1 – SPOTLESS IN THOUGHTS i. To be spotless in words is to be spotless in thought. ii. The mouth expresses the content of the heart. Matt. 12:34-35 iii. The thoughts of the man directs his behaviour (i.e. makes him) Proverbs 23:7 iv. Watch your thoughts and meditation. v. Fill your heart with Godly virtues such as truth, just, honesty, purity, love, praise, good report and so on. Phil. 4:8 ii. LESSON OUTLINE 2 – SPOTLESS IN DEEDS i. ii. iii. iv.

Our deeds must be as pure as light. We are to shine everywhere we find ourselves. We must reflect the image of our Father. We must reflect true holiness in our character on daily basis

iii. LESSON OUTLINE 3 – HOW TO BE SPOTLESS i. Be born again, be a new creature. II Cor. 5:17 ii. Purge yourself from all sinful habits. Job. 11: 14-15 iii. Steer clear from all worldly affairs that glorify the devil. James 1:27 15

iv. v. vi.

Live a daily life of devotion to God. Rom 12- 1-2 Live your life as if that would be the last. Rely on Jesus for help to sustain the spotlessness. Phil 4:13


SUMMARY God wants all His children to be spotless in thought and deeds. He has provided a guideline to be spotless. What is left is to keep to the guidelines.


CONCLUSION “Perfection� is a commandment which must be jealously guarded.


ASSIGNMENT Write out any 5 lies which are often referred to as common. List 5 consequences of lies. NOTE AT THE PREVIEW



11 October 2009

LESSON TOPIC- THE PRICE OF PURITY Prayer Point – Students should pray to the Lord to fill them with true hunger and thirst after righteousness. Previous Knowledge – Teacher asks a student to review the previous week's lesson.


OPENING A. BIBLE PASSAGE – Genesis 39: 1-14 B. Memory Verse – “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.” Matthew 5:6 C. Lesson Introduction – It is a common practice in marketing to place prices on articles for sale. The value of an article determines its price. Purity is of eternal value and therefore must be priced accordingly. May the Holy Spirit teach and bless us as we examine this important aspect of the Christian life. TEACHER'S DIARY


Lesson Aim- The lesson aims at discovering the price(s) of purity

B. Teaching Objectives and Lesson Plan – At the end of the lesson, students should be able to illustrate the price of purity. They should also be able to discover that there is no crown unless there is cross. To achieve these objectives, teacher should explain what purity is. Teacher should also explain with examples some of the prices to pay to be pure. 17

Teacher also explains that the cross is a pre-requisite for the crown. Teacher concludes by encouraging the students to be ready to pay the price because the price cannot be compared with the glory of the crown. C. Text Review – Genesis 39: 1-14 i. Joseph paid a few prices of purity. ii. He fled from temptation and appearance of evil. V 12 – 13 iii. He was ridiculed with lies and was sexually harassed by his master's wife yet he never gave in. V. 12-13 iv. He suffered imprisonment for the sin he never committed. V. 20 v. But all the prices he paid were like spring board to his promotion. He remained pure. He prospered and was promoted to the corridor of power. D. Teaching Method – Teacher should use lecture teaching method. E. Time Management – Share teaching time in ratio of 1: 1: 2 2.


i. LESSON OUTLINE 1 – WHAT IS PURITY? A. Purity Defines: i. Purity is absolute cleanliness of the body, soul and spirit. B. Role of Purity: i. It is the passport to ascend to the grace of God. Ps. 24: 3-4 ii. It is basis for genuine love and other Christian virtues. I Tim. 1:5; Matt. 12: 34b – 35a. iii. It is the condition to dwell in God's dwelling place. Matt. 5:8 ii. LESSON OUTLINE 2 – THE PRICE OF PURITY ILLUSTRATED i. ii.

Joseph paid the prices of temptation, false accusation, ridicule, demotion, dishonour and imprisonment. Genesis 39: 7-20 Believers who want to continue to live a godly life in Christ must suffer persecution. 2 Tim. 3:12 18


Believer's suffering cannot be compared with the glory they will enjoy thereafter. Rom. 8:18

iii. LESSON OUTLINE 3 – AFTER THE CROSS IS THE CROWN i. ii. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i.

The cross is defined as all suffering for righteousness. They could be persecution, denial, rejection, physical punishment, prison and so on. Benefits of paying the price (enduring the cross) The one that endures the cross would be bold and strong. Job 11:15, Proverbs 28:1 They will be raptured at the 2nd coming of Christ's appearance. Ephesians 5: 27; 2 Pet. 3:14 They will be pure/ holy (and would not be contaminated. They will be enthroned with God. Rev. 3:21 They will eat spiritual food. Rev. 2:7 They will have a new name. Rev. 21: 7 They will be clothed with the robe of righteousness. They will rule over nations. They will inherit all things. Rev. 21: 7

Class Activity – Mention a few believers in the Bible other than Joseph who preferred to endure the cross for the crown. 3

SUMMARY Christ endured the cross and paid the ultimate price and won the crown. Believers too must be ready to pay the price for the crown.


CONCLUSION Purity has prices and benefits. Only those who can pay the prices will enjoy the benefits.


ASSIGNMENT There is still one more price of purity which you have not yet paid. Spend quality time before God for grace to pay it. NOTE AT THE PREVIEW



18 October 2009

LESSON TOPIC- PURITY BEFORE POWER Prayer Point – Class should pray for grace to be pure. Previous Knowledge – Teacher asks a student to review the previous week's lesson. Teacher also reads answers to the previous week's assignment while assistant teacher collects and scores accordingly.


OPENING A. BIBLE PASSAGE – 2 Timothy 2:15-22 B. Memory Verse – “Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed three with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.” Hebrews 1:9 C. Lesson Introduction – We shall study in today's lesson, why purity must precede power and what should be the ultimate goal of every believer. TEACHER'S DIARY

A. Lesson Aim- To study the relationship between purity and divine power. B. Teaching Objectives and Lesson Plan – At the end of the lesson, students should be able to discover why purity must precede divine power. They should also be able to discover what should be the ultimate goal of believers. To achieve these objectives, teacher should establish the true source of divine power. Teacher connects purity with power as one is a condition for the other. Teacher cautions the student on the danger of placing a 20

wrong priority on power against purity. Teacher places a high premium on making Heaven at last rather than craving for power. Teacher concludes by encouraging students to strive to make Heaven. C. Text Review – 2 Timothy 2: 15- 22 Two ungodly characters were mentioned in today's passage. They are Hymenaeus and Philetus. They were full of profane and vain babbling. They had erred from the truth. They had not only gone into backsliding but caused some to backslide too. They were filled with iniquities and lusts. They were no longer vessel unto honour. They were impure in hearts. Believers are warned to steer clear of the above evil deeds and be prepared unto every good work. D. Teaching Method –Lecture teaching method is recommended E. Time Management – Share teaching time equally. 2.


i. LESSON OUTLINE 1 – WHY PURITY MUST PRECEDE POWER A. Why must purity precede power? i. God is all- powerful and the source of all power(s). ii. The all-powerful God is also a holy God. Isaiah 6:1-3 iii. God is perfect. Matt. 5:48 iv. Divine power is a holy thing and holy things are not for dirty people (dogs). Matt 7:6 v. Divine power is light which darkness cannot comprehend no matter their attacks. John 1:5 B. What are the Conditions for obtaining the holy power of God? i. Be holy. I Peter 1: 16 ii. Obey God's will / commandment. Deut. 28:2 iii. Be ready always to purify yourself. 2 Tim. 2:20-21


C. Why do believers need the power of God? i. To become the number one. ii. To be able to resist and overcome the attacks of the devil and his angels. Daniel 6: 1-4 ii. LESSON OUTLINE 2 – HEAVEN IS THE GOAL i. The goal of every Christian is to make Heaven at last. ii. It will be useless to use divine power to heal deliver and bless others and at the end fail to make Heaven. iii. To make Heaven, believers must be pure /holy. iv. It is possible not to make Heaven despite the gift of miracles if we are not pure. v. One can make Heaven without power to perform miracles but not without holiness. Texts: I Cor. 9: 24- 27; Matt. 7: 22-23 Class Activity 1– What are those things which disqualified Hymenaeus and Philetus from being good examples in today's text? Answer Tips –See some reasons from the text review. Class Activity 2 – How can believers be a right example of a powerful being? 3

SUMMARY Believers need to be holy and pure to obtain divine power and they need to use the power in holiness to make Heaven.


CONCLUSION Holiness is the hallmark of divine power.


ASSIGNMENT List five reason believers must avoid wrong use of power. NOTE AT THE PREVIEW



25 October 2009

LESSON TOPIC- THE COMFORTER –HIS PERSONALITY Prayer Point – Class should pray that the Comforter will reveal Himself to the Church today. Previous Knowledge – Teacher asks a student to review the previous week's lesson on price of purity.



A. BIBLE PASSAGE – John 16: 1- 11 B. Memory Verse – “But the comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the father will send in my name, he shall teacher you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whosoever I have said unto you” John 14: 26 C. Lesson Introduction – People do misinterpret the personality of the Holy Spirit. Some call Him “Force” some see Him as 'It', while others do not know how to describe Him. Our today's lesson will address the issue of the personality and attributes of the Holy Spirit. TEACHER'S DIARY A. Lesson Aim- To study the personality and attributes of the Holy Spirit B. Teaching Objectives and Lesson Plan – At the end of the lesson, students should be able to identify the personality and attributes of the Holy Spirit. To achieve these objectives, teacher should enumerate some descriptions or characteristics of the Holy Spirit. Teacher should also explain four attributes of the Holy Spirit. Teacher should conclude by encouraging the students to request for the manifestation and attributes of the Holy Spirit in their lives. 23

C. Text Review – John 16: 1-11 Perhaps the Old Testament mode of the operation of the Holy Spirit make people think that the Holy Spirit is a 'force' or 'feeling'. For instance, in the case of Samson, the scripture recorded that he was full of the Holy Spirit and he slew one thousand Philistines with the jawbone of an ass. He removed the gate and threw it off Judges 13: 16 and so on. But the Bible describes the Comforter as “Him”, “He” would reprove and “He” would guide, “He” would speak”, etc. These are all human attributes not force. John 16: 111 D. Teaching Method –Use question method. E. Time Management – Share teaching time between two lesson outlines. 2.


i. LESSON OUTLINE 1 – WHO IS THE HOLY SPIRIT? The Holy Spirit is not a feeling, crying, emotion, etc. i. The Holy Spirit is the third person in the Trinity. ii. The Holy Spirit is the Comforter. John 16: 5-7 iii. The Holy Spirit brings meaning to life and Christian service. John 14:12 iv. The Holy Spirit is the Chief Executor of the divine program on earth. John 15:26 v. The Holy Spirit is the revealer of God's plan of salvation. vi. The Holy Spirit is the revealer of the hidden treasure of the Kingdom of God. vii. The Holy Spirit is the controller of divine treasures and inheritance. Eph. 1:18 viii. The Holy Spirit is the captain of divine breakthrough. Col 1:12 ix. The Holy Spirit is the revealer of the Son of God. I Pet 2:9 x. The Holy Spirit is the Obstructer and Interrupter of ungodly order. xi. The Holy Spirit is the breaker of the Apostle's prison e.g. Apostle Peter. xii The Holy Spirit is the Power against Satan and his forces. 24

xiii. The Holy Spirit is the one who inspired the divine messages and testimonies about Christ. Acts. 6:7; Acts 4:1-4 Class Activity 1 – Students should mention other identities of the Holy Spirit. ii. LESSON OUTLINE 2 – WHAT ARE HIS ATTRIBUTES? i. Oil of joy. Isaiah 61: 3 The oil of joy or gladness is the strength of believers. Neh. 8:10 ii.Love is another attribute of the Holy Spirit. Rom. 5:5 It is the supernatural love of Christ expressed in the Holy Spirit that glues us to God irrespective of prevailing circumstances. iii.

Praise is another attribute of the Holy Spirit. Psalm 149:6: The Holy Spirit in believers helps them to render HIGH PRAISES to God; High praises to God brings supernatural defeat to the camp of the enemies and healing upon believers' body. John 16: 14; II Cor. 20:20

iv. Favour is another attribute of the Holy Spirit . I Sam 10:4 The Holy Spirit in believers makes them obtain favour of God and men. Class Activity 2 – Students should distinguish among the Holy Spirit, evil spirit and the spirit if man. 3

SUMMARY The Holy Spirit is a person. He has characteristics and attributes. He enables believers to rise to high spiritual realms.


CONCLUSION The Holy Spirit undoubtedly has a comforting ministry, which can be our experience today. Let us therefore pray for a release of fresh Oil of Joy, Love of God, supernatural Praise and Favour 25

with God and men now, in Jesus' name. 5

ASSIGNMENT Students should find out 5 differences between the Holy Spirit and the spirit of man.




01 November 2009

LESSON TOPIC- THE MINISTRY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT Prayer Point – Class should pray that the Holy Spirit should launch them into witnessing afresh for Jesus. Previous Knowledge – A student should remind the class some of the attributes and the personalities of the Holy Spirit. Teacher reads out the answers to the previous week's assignment and asks the assistant teacher to collect the assignment and score them.



A. BIBLE PASSAGE – Acts 1: 1-19 B. Memory Verse – “But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon: ye shall be witness unto me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and in Samaria and unto the uttermost part of the earth” . Acts 1:8 C. Lesson Introduction – Last week we studied the personality of the Comforter and His attributes. Today, we will be looking at the significance and the ministry of the Holy Spirit. May He, the true Comforter, teach and bless us in Jesus' name. Amen. TEACHER'S DIARY A. Lesson Aim- To study the significance and the ministry of the Comforter. B. Teaching Objectives and Lesson Plan – At the end of the lesson, students should be able to enumerate the various ministries of the Holy Spirit and the role which the Holy Spirit plays in the lives of believers. To achieve these objectives, teacher should explain the various ministries of the Holy Spirit. 27

Teacher should also explain the significance of the Holy Spirit. Teacher concludes by encouraging students to join hand with the Holy Spirit to accomplish His mission. C. Text Review – Acts. 1: 1-9 “Power”, “Holy Spirit”, and “Witness” are key words in Acts. 1:8. The relationship among them is simple. The Holy Spirit gives the power to witness. Jesus was empowered to witness to the Apostles and others by the power of the Holy Spirit. Thank God for the Holy Spirit. D. Teaching Method –Use discussion method E. Time Management – Spend a greater part of your time on outline 2 2.



The Comforter is significant to the believer because He is the power that makes them active, powerful, immovable, and true witnesses of the word. Acts. 2: 1-47, Acts 4: 10, 19 ii. Another significant dimension of the Holy Spirit in believers' life is that He is the consuming Fire of God. Fire purifies, produces heat, and burns. He burns all the works of the devil, and purifies the believers for the Lord's use. Matt. 3: 11-12 iii. Wind (air) is significant for life. Without it, no plant and animal will survive. The same goes for the Holy Spirit. He is the divine grace and reward for faithful workers of Christ. Ezekiel 37: 110, I Cor. 2:4, Luke 4: 14-18 ii. LESSON OUTLINE 2 – THE MINISTRY OF THE COMFORTER i.

He quickens our mortal bodies. (makes it divine in nature). Romans 8:11 ii. He is the divine guidance into all truth (past, present and future) Jn. 16: 12 28

iii. He reveals things to come. Acts. 21: 4, 10-12 iv. He reminds the believers of the scriptures. Matt. 4: 1-11 v. He reproves the world of sin (sinners get divine conviction by the Holy Spirit and are empowered to turn away from sins) Zech4:6 vi. He makes believers live righteous in the midst of a perverse generation. vii. He makes a true judgment. John 16:11 viii. He bears true testimonies about believers. John 15:26;Job 22:28 ix. He intercedes for the saints. Romans 8: 26-27 x. He gives spiritual gifts to believers. I Cor. 12: 4, 11 Class Activity – Differentiate between the role of the ministry of the Holy Spirit and that of the evil spirit. 3

SUMMARY The ministry of the Comforter is for all true believers. He is the one that makes them active in the ministry.


CONCLUSION No comforter, no ministry.


ASSIGNMENT Students should list 10 reasons we still have devil's children around despite the grace of the Holy Spirit? NOTE AT THE PREVIEW



08 November 2009

LESSON TOPIC- THE BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT Prayer Point – Class should pray that the Lord should fill all members with the Holy Spirit. Previous Knowledge – Teacher asks a student to review the previous week's lesson. Teacher reads out the answers to the previous week's assignment while the assistant teacher collects the assignment and scores.


OPENING A. BIBLE PASSAGE – Luke 11: 9-13 B. Memory Verse – “Then Peter said unto them, repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Acts. 2:38 C. Lesson Introduction – Last week, in this series, we studied the significance and the ministry of the Comforter. By now, hopefully, the Holy Spirit would have discovered in us clean vessels and temples of the Holy Ghost, ready for divine occupation. May the Holy Spirit continue to make us more comfortable in Him in Jesus' name. Amen. TEACHER'S DIARY

A. Lesson Aim- To study on how we can receive the power of the Holy Spirit. B. Teaching Objectives and Lesson Plan – At the end of the lesson, students should be able to discover how to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. They should also be able to discover that the baptism of the Holy Spirit is still alive today 30

and will remain till the day of the Lord. Heb. 13:8. To achieve these objectives, teacher should explain the guidelines to receive the Holy Ghost. Teacher should also explain who does the baptism and the evidence of the baptism. Teacher concludes by encouraging students to ask for the baptism. C. Text Review – Luke 11: 9-13 Luke 11: 9-13 considers the Holy Spirit as a “good gift” which is meant for children. But why do some children not speak in tongues? It could be that the 'seeking' and 'knocking' might be absent. Cornelius sought out for Peter and found him. Some people want the gift but not the giver. This is wrong. You may not be able to separate the Holy Ghost from a Holy God who wants you to be holy. D. Teaching Method –Use lecture teaching method E. Time Management – Spend more time on lesson outline 1 2.


i. LESSON OUTLINE 1 – HOW TO RECEIVE THE BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT The following steps will guide any sincere candidate for the baptism of the Holy Ghost: 1. Be born again - Jn. 3: 3; Acts. 3: 19. 2. Be desirous and thirsty for the baptism of the Holy Spirit - Ps. 37: 4; Ps. 42: 1; Isa. 55: 1 3. Believe that the promise of the baptism of the Holy Ghost is for you and all believers - Acts 2: 33. 4. Identify the Lord Jesus Christ as the right source of the baptism in the Holy Ghost - Matt. 3: 11. 5. Have confidence also in His word, which will never fall to the ground but is forever settled in Heaven - Jn. 7: 37-39; Ps. 119: 89. 6. Then ask Him and He will answer, “For every one that asketh receiveth;” - Lk. 11: 10. 7. Praise and thank God in advance for your baptism because 31

He is the giver of good gifts - Jam. 1: 17; I Thess. 5: 18. Class Activity 1 – Why do some people not receive the Holy Ghost baptism? ii. LESSON OUTLINE 2 – THE ACTUAL BAPTISM, THE BAPTISER AND THE EVIDENCE i. The actual baptism of the Holy Ghost is the Baptism of fire and power. ii. The promise, which was from the Lord, was communicated by John the Baptist. Luke 3:16 iii. The Lord Jesus Christ is the baptizer. Matt. 3:11 iv. The Lord promised the fire baptism. Acts 1:8 v. The evidences of the Holy Spirit baptism are: (a) Speaking in tongues. Acts. 2: 24 (b) Filling with power. Acts 10:38 (c) Doing exploits for the Lord. Luke 24: 49 (d) Fruit of the Spirit. Gal. 5: 22-23 Class Activity 2 – What can the Holy Spirit power do? 3

SUMMARY If you are filled with the Holy Spirit, then you are filled with power.


CONCLUSION The baptism in the Holy Ghost is for you to make you strong, ride high in God and be perfect as God intends you to be. If you are born again then ask for the baptism in the Holy Ghost and the Baptizer will do it now in Jesus' Name. Amen.


ASSIGNMENT Students should mention 5 gifts of the Holy Spirit and how they can be used. NOTE AT THE PREVIEW



15 November 2009

LESSON TOPIC- BY THE ANOINTING Prayer Point – The class should pray for fresh anointing for exploit. Previous Knowledge – The assistant teacher scores the assignment while the teacher asks a student to review the previous week's lesson.


OPENING A. BIBLE PASSAGE – Acts. 4: 5-20 B. Memory Verse – “Be glad then, ye children of Zion, and rejoice in the Lord your God: for he hath given you the former rain moderately, and he will cause to come down for you the rain, the former rain, and the latter rain in the first month.” Joel 2:23 C. Lesson Introduction – What is anointing? What does it do? How can it be maintained? These are the main issues in today's lesson. TEACHER'S DIARY

A. Lesson Aim-To study the place of anointing in a Christian life. B. Teaching Objectives and Lesson Plan – At the end of the lesson, students should be able to define the anointing and enumerate how to maintain it. To achieve the objectives, teacher asks students to define the anointing in their own terms. Teacher illustrates the anointing as “rain” which increases all forms of surface or ground water. Teacher explains the conditions for maintaining the flow of the rain of the anointing. Teacher concludes by encouraging students to pray for 33

fresh anointing for exploit. C. Text Review – Acts 4: 5-20 The following people were anointed and they did exploits for God. i. King David – He destroyed Goliath among others. ii. Isaiah / Jeremiah. They prophesied. iii. King Jehoshaphat- He praised God with dancing. iv. Jesus Christ- He went about doing good. Acts 10:38 v. The Apostles – They performed miracles. Acts 3: 6, 11 These people did so much exploits like healing the sick, delivering the oppressed, raising the dead, overcoming battles, binding and loosing, breaking curses, liberating prisoners, preaching the gospel of the kingdom etc. The secret is in the flowing of the fresh anointing. D. Teaching Method –Share teaching time between two lessons outlines. E. Time Management – Use questions and answers method. 2.


i. LESSON OUTLINE 1 – WHAT EXACTLY IS ANOINTING? a. What is Anointing? i. It is the outflow of the Holy Spirit through a sanctified vessel. Acts 2:1-4 ii. It is a divine enabling grace. Acts 4: 5-20 b. i. ii. iii.

What is the anointing like? It is like the rain. Zech 10:1 It is like a well. John 4:14 It is like a River. John 7: 38

c. What role does the anointing play? i. It increases the level of water of life, joy, peace, goodness, and holiness in the lives of the vessels. Luke 4: 18-19 ii. It increases the productivity of a man of God. Acts. 2:41; 4: 38 It brings holy fame to believers. Luke 4:14 iii. It makes the believers more active. Luke 4: 14 iv. It makes believers more resourceful. I Peter 2:9 34

v. It enthrones the believers. Rev. 1:6 vi. It breaks every yoke. Isaiah 10:27 Class Activity 1 – Students should mention the role of the anointing as rain. ii. LESSON OUTLINE 2 – CONDITIONS FOR MAINTAINING THE FLOW How can we maintain the flow of the anointing? a. By our continuous love for righteousness and hatred for sin. Psalm 45: 6-7; John 14:30, I John 3:7. b. By living a total life of love for God, His word and His Church. Lev. 19:18, Mark 12:31 c. By living a total life of praise. Psalm 150:6, Murmuring & complaining destroy the anointing. d. When we walk in righteousness as Jesus, sin has no dominion over us. Psalm 118: 19-20 e. Living in love leads to the release of supernatural power. John 11: 43-44 f. A life that is dedicated to the praise of the Almighty God will experience constant release of the anointing. Class Activity 2 – Mention 10 blessings that could come your way if you praise the Lord. 3

SUMMARY The anointing is the secret behind any great exploit. The more you are anointed the greater your exploit.


CONCLUSION All true believers that want to succeed in the pilgrim's way must equally desire ever- flowing anointing. The Kingdom of God is not in words but in the demonstration of the Spirit and power. Samuel was a highly anointed man of God that did not allow any of His words to fall to the ground - I Sam. 3: 19. Pray for your anointing now in Jesus' name. Amen.


ASSIGNMENT Students who have experienced the flowing of the Holy Spirit should pray for more flow while those who have not experienced 35

the flow pray earnestly for it. NOTE AT THE PREVIEW



22 November 2009

LESSON TOPIC- CONDITIONS FOR THE ANOINTING Prayer Point – Ask the Lord to increase your anointing. Previous Knowledge – Teacher announces the result of the quarterly review.


OPENING A. BIBLE PASSAGE – Luke 10: 1-19 B. Memory Verse – “For the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power.” I Cor. 4: 20 C. Lesson Introduction – We shall study in today's lesson the gateway to anointing and qualifications for and the effects of anointing. TEACHER'S DIARY

A. Lesson Aim- To study the qualifications and the effects of the anointing. B. Teaching Objectives and Lesson Plan – At the end of the lesson, students should be able to enumerate the qualifications for the anointing and explain the effects of the anointing on the believers. Furthermore, they should be able to identify the role of “thirst” in the process of receiving the anointing. To achieve these objectives, teacher should explain how 'thirst' is the gateway to the anointing. Teacher also explains the relationship between 'emptiness before God' and filling by the anointing. Teacher explains both the qualification for and the effect of the anointing. 37

Teacher concludes by encouraging students to thirst for more anointing and do exploit with their present level of anointing. C. Text Review – Luke 10: 1-19 The harvest is truly great but the labourers are few. Luke 10: 2. The solution to the gap between the great harvest and the few labourers consist in the outward flow of the anointing from the Lord. Once the anointing begins to flow, the labourers will increase. Waste of harvest will reduce. This explains why the apostles, after the outward flow of the Holy Ghost in Acts. 2, turned the whole world upside down. We need the flow in our days not only to turn our nation to Christ but also the whole world. D. Teaching Method –Use lecture method E. Time Management – Share teaching time equally. 2.


i. LESSON OUTLINE 1 – THE GATEWAY TO ANOINTING The following are the gateway to anointing: i. Thirst could cause a constant flow of the anointing e.g. David thirsted for the anointing and was satisfied. Psalm 42:1 ii. Continuous craving could cause a constant flow. Isaiah 55:1 Moses, Paul, etc craved for the anointing and were satisfied. Exodus. 33: 12-14 iii. Standing in God's presence. iv. Standing in God's presence after a great achievement is a door to a fresh anointing. Eph. 6:13 v. Knowledge of one's emptiness: Realising that one is empty and that the Holy Spirit is the only one that can fill one. Luke 4: 14-21 Class Activity 1 – What are the wrong gateways to the anointing? ii.


EFFECTS OF THE ANOINTING. a. The following categories of people are qualified for the anointing. i. Unworthy people. I Sam. 10: 11-12 ii. The foolish by worldly standard. I Cor. 1: 23-26 iii. The humble (people who humble themselves for Christ) I Pet 5:6, James 4:6 iv. The just (the righteous people ) Exodus 3: 11-12; 4: 10-12 b. i. ii. iii. iv.

The under-listed are the effects of the anointing. Anointing brings information. I Sam 10: 6 Anointing quickens man's spirit. Isaiah 58: 1 Anointing provides simple solutions to difficult problems. Matt 17:21 It makes fasting easy (holy fasting increases anointing).II Cor. 11:27; Exo. 24: 18, Exodus 34: 29-35

Class Activity 2 anointing?

How can one continuously enjoy the flow of the


SUMMARY Give God quality worship and you will see the anointing gate opened to you


CONCLUSION Do not rest when you should be doing exploits for God. As the Lord satisfied the thirst for anointing of David, He can do likewise for you. Do not write off yourself but come before God as you are and be sure He will satisfy you in Jesus' name. Amen.


ASSIGNMENT Students should list 10 factors that could prevent the anointing from flowing. NOTE AT THE PREVIEW



29 November 2009

SUNDAY SCHOOL QUARTERLY REVIEW FIRST QUARTER SECTION 1 – TEST (50 Marks) TIME ( 15 Minutes) Parish Coordinators or Area Coordinators are to set 10 similar questions for all students in their Parishes on the twelve lessons on the just concluded quarter and administer them for 15 minutes during the quarterly review exercise. 5 marks should be awarded for every correct answer to make a total of 50 marks. SECTION 2- Attendance and Participating Activities MARKS: 50 marks TIME: 15 Minutes Award 4 marks each for each week's attendance. Therefore, the teacher should check the class attendance register and award marks accordingly. For instance, a student who was present for 10 times during the quarter would score 40 (4 x 10 ) marks while another student who was present throughout the 12 Sunday School lessons will score 48 (4 x 12) marks. Add 2 marks for being present in the Sunday school on the quarterly review day. Total 2 + 28 = 50marks. SECTION 3- Workbook Marks (100 Marks) The addition of marks for sections 1 & 2 above should be added to the workbook marks while the total should be divided by 2 (see workbook note). SECTION 4 -Interactive Section (Zero marks ) TIME: (15 Minutes) i. Teacher should ask students if they have any problem (physically, spiritually) with the Sunday school during the just concluded quarter and resolve the problems. ii. Teacher and students should discuss how to move the Sunday School Class forward in the new quarter. iii. Teacher prays with the students on the past quarter and for the new quarter. Note: Teacher should use scores to award prizes. Thank you. 40


06 December 2009

LESSON TOPIC- ANOINTED FOR VICTORY Prayer Point – Class should pray for the anointing for victory Previous Knowledge – Teacher asks a student to remind the class what he/she gained during the previous week's lesson. Teacher reads out the answers to the previous week's assignment and allows the assistant teacher to score the assignment.


OPENING A. BIBLE PASSAGE – Romans 8: 35-39 B. Memory Verse – “Behold I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpion, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall be any means hurt you”. Luke 10:19 C. Lesson Introduction – The relevance of the anointing at the battlefront cannot be overemphasized. It destroys the battle and every other thing connected with it. This shall be our focus in today's lesson. TEACHER'S DIARY

A. Lesson Aim- To study the roles of the anointing in warfare. B. Teaching Objectives and Lesson Plan – At the end of the lesson, students should be able to state the role of the anointing in battle To achieve these objectives, teacher should explain with examples the role of the anointing in battles. Teacher also explains how students can engage the anointing in the battles of life. Teacher concludes by emphasizing that Jesus is the mighty one in battle. C. Text Review – Romans 8: 35- 39 Romans 8: 35- 39 indicates that battle is inevitable for Christians. 41

Paul in verse 36 remarked, “For your sake we are killed all the day long”. Killed? Yes. A combatant work indeed. The gospel work requires absolute intelligence in the spiritual realm. It is a spiritual intelligent individual that can fight unseen forces and prevail. Such spiritual intelligence consists in the power of the anointing. Paul listed some of the forces in verse 35, 37 and 39. These are tribulation, persecution, famine, nakedness, sword, death, powers angels of darkness, principalities, height and deep and all other forces referred to as other creations. From this long list, it is then clear that believers have many spiritual contentions to make. However, the joy of victory is in verse 37, “we are more than conquerors” Praise the Lord for the conquering anointing. D. Teaching Method –Use lecture method E. Time Management – Spend greater part of the teaching time on the outline 1 2.


i. LESSON OUTLINE 1 – THE COMFORTING ANOINTING IN WARFARE i. Believers should note the fact that Christian warfare is inevitable. We can say that battles have been and shall be until Christ returns. Therefore, believers should be prepared. Eph. 6: 10-12 ii. Believers should prepare for battle by using: b. The knowledge of the word of God. c. The confidence in the Holy Spirit or in the anointing. iii. Perhaps we should ask why is the word of God effective in the battle? a. The word of God brings the enemies into captivity. Daniel 11:32, John 8: 32 b. The spoken words create a way of escape for believers from the devils net. Heb. 2:3 c. The words of God are sharper than the swords for the believers. Matt. 28:20; I John 4:4 d. The deeper your knowledge of the words of God the greater your victories in the battle. David, Paul and Silas are our biblical proofs to this fact. Dan. 3:16-18, Dan 6: 21-22, I Sam 17: 36-37, Acts. 25:29 42

iv. a. b. c. d.

Believers who want to win must replace fear with confidence. Where should the believers' confidence lie? Confidence in Christ's righteousness. Psalm 130: 3 Confidence in the ever-abiding God's presence. Matt 28:2 Confidence in the name of Jesus. Phil 2:9-11 Confidence in the voice of the Lord. Psalm 29:5

Note – It should be noted that no obstacle can withstand the power in the name of the Lord, the voice of the Lord and the anointing through the Holy Spirit. ii. LESSON OUTLINE 2 – THE COMFORTING ANOINTING IN VICTORIES i. Judah was identified with victorious anointing in battles. Gen. 49: 8-21 Note that Christ also came from that tribe. Rev. 5:5. Eph. 5:8; II Cor. 2:14 ii The anointing launched Samson into full victory over the Philistine. Judges 14:19 iii. David fought Goliath and other battles and prevailed because of the anointing. I Sam 16:13 iv. The Lord Jesus Christ is an emblem of victory. He conquered death, devil, demons, sins and all devilish imaginations. I John 3:8; Mark 1: 24, Matt. 8: 27; Luke 7: 14 Class Activity – Why is Christian warfare unending? How can we maintain our constant victory? 3

SUMMARY Though the battles are tough, the anointing will surely break all the yokes of battles.


CONCLUSION God is a champion. He conquered in the past, He conquers in the present and will conquer forever.


ASSIGNMENT Pray for anyone who is fighting any battle.



13 December 2009

LESSON TOPIC- ANOINTED FOR WEALTH Prayer Point – Class should pray that the power to get wealth will come upon all the members and abide with them always. Previous Knowledge – Teacher asks the students to explain what they did with the anointing since last week's lesson.


OPENING A. BIBLE PASSAGE – Matthew 6: 25- 34 B. Memory Verse – “But thou shall remember the Lord thy God; for it is he who gives you power to get wealth, that he may establish His covenant which he swore unto thy fathers as it is this day.” Deut. 8:18 C. Lesson Introduction – If you are poor, the solution is not pity or regret or crying. The solution is the anointing for wealth. This is what you need. TEACHER'S DIARY


Lesson Aim- To study the relationship between the anointing and wealth.

B. Teaching Objectives and Lesson Plan – At the end of the lesson, students should be able to discover that the anointing brings wealth. To achieve these objectives, teacher should explain how the anointing brings wealth. C. Text Review – Matthew 6: 25- 34 Why are people anxious? The possible responses are: food; clothing; 44

shelter, problems and difficulties, because of future, etc. But the fact is that people are anxious for lack of faith. Consider the following: An anxious Christian is likened to a Gentile. An anxious Christian is lesser than the lilies. An anxious Christian sees problems while a Christian who is full of faith sees God instead the problem. The truth is that God is able to take care of our problems if only we can believe Him. Deut. 8:18 D. Teaching Method –Use discussion method E. Time Management – Share your teaching time equally on both outlines. 2.


i. LESSON OUTLINE 1 – WEALTH, A TRUE SIGN OF SONSHIP i. Believers (too) need the good things of life within the limit that would glorify God. ii. Christ has redeemed His children from the curse of poverty. Gal. 3:13-14 iii. Christ wants His children to be His representatives and ambassadors. I Cor. 5:20 iv. Christ wants His children to be His representatives even in riches too. Class Activity – How can you prove that God is rich? ii. LESSON OUTLINE 2 – THE RELEASE OF ANOINTING FOR WEALTH The release of the anointing for wealth depends on the following: i. Breaking the yoke of selfishness through giving. Prov. 11:24 for instance, the rich fool was selfish. Is. 10:27 ii. The grace of giving - II Cor. 8: 1-7. This is so because giving opens the windows of Heaven for rain. Joel 2:23-24 iii. Faith: A Christian must believe that wealth is part of his heritage. iv. Diligence in all things releases the anointing for wealth because it brings about multiplications and increase. I Thess. 4:11; Prov. 12: 24; John 9:4; 45

Class Activity – In spite of the anointing for wealth, why are some believers still poor? 3 4 5

SUMMARY It is the desire of the Lord God Almighty to see His children rich and not poor. CONCLUSION Wealth and poverty are matters of choice. ASSIGNMENT Find 10 reasons the poor would remain in the land always. NOTE AT THE PREVIEW



20 December 2009

LESSON TOPIC- ANOINTED TO RULE Prayer Point – Students should pray that the kingly anointing should rest upon them. Previous Knowledge – Teacher ask a students to review the previous week's lesson. Assistant teacher collects and marks the assignment.



A. BIBLE PASSAGE – Ecclesiastes 10:1-7 B. Memory Verse – “And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.” Revelation 5:10 C. Lesson Introduction – If you have seen the earthly king before particularly the paramount ones, then you can envisage the position which the Lord places the believer who doubles as priests and kings for God. This is our focus in today's lesson. TEACHER'S DIARY A. Lesson Aim: To study the role of the anointing on the kingly position of the believers. B. Teaching Objectives and Lesson Plan – At the end of the lesson, students should be able to discover the kingly position of believers. They should also be able to discover the role of the anointing on the kingly position. To achieve these objectives, teacher should explain that the position of believers is that of a king and priest. Teacher also explains what the Lord requires from the kings (believers) Teacher should also explain the role of the anointing in the kingly 47

position of the believers. To conclude, teacher encourages students to release themselves for the anointing to begin to live as kings. C. Text Review –Ecclesiastes 10: 1-7 a. The anointing can transform servants to princes and kings. Ec. 10:7 b. The anointing can turn a fool's heart to a wise heart. Ec. 10:2 c. However, the anointing can be caused to stink by little foolishness. Ec. 10:1 d. Yielding to foolish thoughts can bring dishonour to the kings and could dethrone them. Ec. 10:1-2 D. Teaching Method –Lecture teaching method is suggested. E. Time Management – Teacher should share teaching time equally on both outlines. 2.


i. LESSON OUTLINE 1 – THE KINGLY THRONE OF BELIEVERS i. Christ has made believers both priests and kings. ii. King believers should reign as kings on earth. iii. They are to fully know their rights and privileges as kings and act accordingly. iv. The king is always the head and never tail. v. The kingship position is permanent; therefore, believers must remain wise and refuse foolish acts. vi. Foolish acts are contaminators of the anointing/authority of the king. vii. The king that loses his authority shall cease to ride on the horse but shall trek i.e. shall lose the throne. viii. The king who wants to remain as king must remain faithful to the one who ordained him. ix. Such king will cleanse daily in the blood of Jesus and remain victorious (on the throne) over Satan. Teacher should fix the following scriptures: Revelation 1:5-6; 5:10; 20:4; Luke 19:17, 22:28-29; 2 Tim. 2:12, Isaiah 58:14, Deut. 28:13, Ecc. 10:1-7


ii. LESSON OUTLINE 2 – THE BACK UP ANOINTING TO KINGLY AUTHORITY. The Role of the anointing on the kingly position of the believers cannot be over emphasized. a. The anointing makes the saints to become kings. b. The anointing covers authority upon the believer kings. c. The anointing produces the needed wisdom for the throne. d. The anointing purifies the tongues of the kings. e. The anointing brings peace from every challenge. f. The anointing extends the reign of the kings. g. The anointing produces an excellent reign through Godly governance. h. The anointing helps the king to remain holy and pure. i. The back up power for righteous reign of the king is the anointing. Class Activity – Students should identify some powers of the earthly kings. They should compare these powers with those of the believer as kings to see whether the believers are living up to the expectation. 3

SUMMARY Believers are kings for Christ.


CONCLUSION The Holy Ghost anointing restores the believers into the original plan of God for mankind, that is, in absolute holy living, integrity and dominion. Release yourself to the anointing today and you will discover that you will not only begin to rule but with divinely ordained authority as well.


ASSIGNMENT Students should list 10 things that are capable of desecrating the earthly kings' throne. These could also desecrate the believer's throne. NOTE AT THE PREVIEW



27 December 2009

LESSON TOPIC- FRESH ANOINTING Prayer Point – Students should pray that God should exalt their horns like the horn of a unicorn and be anointed with fresh oil. Previous Knowledge – Teacher asks students to review the previous week's lesson.


OPENING A. BIBLE PASSAGE – Psalm 92:1-15 B. Memory Verse “But my horn shall thou exalt like the horn of an unicorn: I shall be anointed with fresh oil” Psalm 92:10 C. Lesson Introduction – Last week's study reminded us of our kingly throne as saints and the back up anointing for our authority. By now, we are kings reigning with authority and having dominion even here on earth. Today, we will look at God's promise of fresh anointing and how to obtain it. TEACHER'S DIARY

A. Lesson Aim: To study God's promises concerning the fresh anointing. B. Teaching Objectives and Lesson Plan – At the end of the lesson, students should be able to discover God's promises concerning fresh anointing. They should also be able to obtain fresh anointing. To achieve these objectives, teacher should explain God promises of fresh anointing to the students. Teacher should also identify the characteristics of fresh anointing. Teacher should explain ways of obtaining the fresh anointing 50

Teacher should conclude by encouraging the students to imbibe the characteristic/ attributes of fresh anointing. C. Text Review –Psalm 92: 1-15 Before the believer's horns are lifted up the following are inevitable: a. He/she must give thanks to God. V. 1 b. God's name must be praised in songs. V.1 c. God's love (loving kindness) and faithfulness must be shared with others in the morning and night. V.2 d. God must be praised with musical instruments. e. The believer must remain a friend of God always. V.9 Such believer shall flourish verses 7, 12. 13, 14 Note the repetition of flourishing in the scripture above. God is about to make our students flourishing. D. Teaching Method –Lecture teaching method is suggested. E. Time Management – Teacher should share teaching time equally. 2.


i. LESSON OUTLINE 1 – GOD PROMISES FRESH ANOINTING i. God's promises for fresh anointing upon believers are clearly stated in Psalm 92: 10. ii. Fresh anointing is characterized by supernatural utterances such as diverse tongues, Psalms and hymns, giving of thanks etc. Ephesians 5: 18-21 iii. Fresh anointing keeps the believers glowing until eternity despite all forms of adversities and oppositions from the enemies. Psalm 92: 10-15 iv. Fresh anointing helps Christians to flow within God's plan and not to be tossed by waves of false doctrines. Isaiah 40: 28-31; Jer. 2: 9-13 v. It helps believers to hold fast that which they believed to the very end.


ii. LESSON OUTLINE 2 – OBTAINING THE FRESH ANOINTING Fresh anointing can be obtained in the following ways: i. Through a daily life of thanksgiving and worship. Psalm 108:1, 57: 7, 92:1 ii. Through appreciation of God's great works. iii. Through high premises. Psalm 149: 6-7 iv. Through rejoicing in God's presence always. Phil 4:4 v. Through combination of assurance of faith, joy in tribulation and praise. John 11:41, Neh. 8:10, vi. Through a daily life of testimony to God's faithfulness. Psalm 32:2 vii. Through a life of biblical fasting and prayer. Isaiah 58: 8-9 viii. Through the inspired word of God. Psalm 107:20 Class Activity – Class should identify those things that could contaminate the anointing. 3

SUMMARY The Lord's promise for fresh anointing is still valid today. If the believers fulfil the conditions, they will receive the rewards.


CONCLUSION Determine today to live a life of constant praise, thanksgiving, testimonies, biblical fasting, prayer and study of God's word so that a constant release of fresh anointing will remain your daily experience until Jesus comes.


ASSIGNMENT Identify 5 believers in the Bible who lost their anointing. List their errors. NOTE AT THE PREVIEW



03 January 2010

LESSON TOPIC - TRANSFERING THE ANOINTING Prayer Point – Class should pray that they be full with the anointing through today's lesson. Previous Knowledge – assistant teacher should mark the assignment while a student should review the previous week's lesson.


OPENING A. BIBLE PASSAGE – 2 Kings 2:1-11 B. Memory Verse “…and I will take of the spirit which is upon thee, and will put it upon them; and they shall bear the burden of the people with thee, that thou bear it not thyself alone.” Numbers 11:17b C. Lesson Introduction – Last week, we defined fresh oil and studied also how to obtain it. Hopefully, with clear understanding of what fresh oil is, we should be operating in it by now. May the Comforter continue to teach us as we examine the last part of this series, in Jesus' name. TEACHER'S DIARY

A. Lesson Aim- To study how the anointing could be transferred in the biblical ways. B. Teaching Objectives and Lesson Plan – At the end of the lesson, students should be able to discover ways of transferring the anointing. To achieve these objectives, teacher cites examples of biblical leaders who transferred the anointing. Teacher also explains biblical act of transferring the anointing. Teacher concludes by encouraging students to desire the anointing from their hearts, pray for it and humble themselves to receive it. 53

C. Text Review –2 Kings 2: 1-11 There are obstacles that may stand between one and the anointing. Sometimes it may be Gilgal i.e. reproach; it may be sons of prophets i.e., unserious co-believers or friends who are not going anywhere; it may be Bethel i.e. discouragement; it may be Jericho i.e. economic political stronghold; it may be Jordan or devastating threat or serious problems etc. Whatever the problem, holding on to the anointed will eventually lead to the transfer of the anointing. The case of Elisha and Elijah are good reference points for believers. D. Teaching Method – Teacher should use lecture-teaching method E. Time Management – Teacher could spend greater part of the teaching time on lesson outline 2 2.





Elijah transferred double portion of his anointing to Elisha. 2Kings 2:9 The anointing was transferred from Moses to seventy others by God. Numbers 11: 16-17 Paul transferred the anointing to Timothy- I Tim 4:14 To be qualified to receive the anointing, those who want it must honesty desire to get close to those who carry the anointing. To receive is to recognise the men of God who carry the anointing. To recognise is to respect the carrier and honour them. LESSON OUTLINE 2 – WAYS OF TRANSFERING THE ANOINTING

Numerous ways exist but the following are considered: a.) Through personal contact. This is a purposeful interaction, which shall not be cut off – Pro.24:14. 54



d.) e.) f.)

This means in effect that the purpose for which you seek an association with the man of God will determine the degree to which his gift is imparted to you. Through audiovisuals. Listening to God's words spoken by an anointed servant of God can cause an anointing on him to be transferred to you - 1 Sam.1:10 -15. Seeing the Lord in His splendour and majesty may also lead to transference of anointing – Ex.3: 1-15, 34:29-35. Through master-servant relationship. Example of this is that of Elijah and Elisha. Elisha served Elijah wholeheartedly and consistently until the promise of a double portion of Elijah's anointing became that of Elisha – 2 Kgs.2:1-11. Through anointing with oil. Aaron and his sons were anointed after the oil of anointing was poured on them to minister in the sanctuary – Ex.30:30. Through prophetic utterances - 1 Tim.4:14. Through anointed materials. These include dresses, handkerchiefs, etc. Acts 19:11-13.

Class Activity anointing?

– Why do some people miss the transfer of the


SUMMARY The anointing can be transferred, provided the one seeking the transfer is in right perspective with the medium through which God could transfer it.


CONCLUSION A close walk with a genuine man of God, genuine purpose behind desiring the anointing and undaunted belief in God will result in the transfer of the anointing.


ASSIGNMENT List out 10 reasons you need the anointing. NOTE AT THE PREVIEW



10 January 2010

LESSON TOPIC- THE GRACE OF GIVING Prayer Point – Class should pray for grace to give as and when due. Previous Knowledge – Teacher asks a student to review the previous week's lesson.


OPENING A. BIBLE PASSAGE – 2 Corinthians 8:1- 15 B. Memory Verse – “Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again” Luke 6:38 C. Lesson Introduction – In today's lesson, we shall focus on three outlines: (a.) Basis for giving. (b.) Christian's responsibility on giving. (c.) Blessings which follow givers. TEACHER'S DIARY

A. Lesson Aim- To study about the grace of giving. B.

Teaching Objectives and Lesson Plan – At the end of the lesson, students should be able to discover the basis for giving, the Christian responsibility with regards to giving and the blessings that follow givers.

C. Text Review – 2 Corinthians 8: 1-15 (a) The Macedonia Church was an illustration of a poor church but with abundant grace to give. This means that it 56

(b.) (c.) (d.) (e.) (f.) (g.)

is not until we have the whole world before we could begin to give. We can give out of the little we have if we have the grace of giving. Willingness is an important requirement to give. There is always a way where there is will. They were never forced to give. They gave willingly. V. 3, 12 They also gave themselves unto the Lord. To give is an instruction for all believers not only the Macedonia Christian. V.11 Not giving does not make one extra rich, while giving does not make one poor. V.15 Believers should abound (increase) in faith, utterance, knowledge, diligence, love to the ministers of God, in grace and in everything good.

D. Teaching Method –Use lecture method E. Time Management – Share teaching time equally among 3 lesson outlines. 2.


i. LESSON OUTLINE 1 – THE BASIS FOR GIVING i. God is a giver. John 3:16 ii. Jesus Christ is a giver. John 4:10, 2 Cor. 8:9 iii. The Holy Spirit distributes gifts () I Cor 12: 4-10 iv. Salvation is God's gift through grace. Eph. 2:8 v. Genuine salvation provokes genuine scriptural giving. vi. To give is to have a mind of Christ. Phil. 2: 5 ii. LESSON OUTLINE 2 – THE CHRISTIAN'S RESPONSIBILITY i. Christians are commanded to give to the saints. ii. Christians are commanded to give to the body of Christ. iii. Christians are commanded to give to fellow men. iv. We must give willingly. v. We are not to be forced to give but according to our ability. vi. The amount we give is proportional to the amount of blessing we receive. vii. The believers of old gave to the apostles and they were blessed. 57

Matthew 6:3; Rom. 12: 8, I Cor. 16:12, I Cor. 16: 2. Luke 21: 14, Acts. 4:32-37, Galatians 6: 6010, Luke 6:38, Matt 19:25 iii. LESSON OUTLINE 3 – BLESSED ARE THE GIVERS i. What you give determines what you receive. I Cor, 9: 6-11, Luke 11. ii. The more we give, the more God will supply our needs. Phil. 4: 18-19 iii. God does not only promise us earthly blessings alone for giving. He promised us greater blessings/rewards in Heaven. Matthew 6: 18- 21, Luke 16: 9- 12 Class Activity – Ask from any of your class members their shoe sizes, neck sizes, waist sizes, colour and buy something you feel will make the person look good. 3

SUMMARY Give and it shall be given to you.


CONCLUSION Give always.


ASSIGNMENT Project 1: 1. Every class should buy befitting gifts for their class teacher and assistant class teacher. 2. All teachers should buy befitting gifts for their Sunday School Coordinator and officials, and the Parish Pastor. 3. All Coordinators in the Area should buy befitting gifts for the Area Coordinator and other officials and the Area Pastor. 4. All Area Coordinators should buy befitting gifts for the Provincial Coordinator and officials and the Provincial Pastor. 5. All Provincial Coordinators should buy befitting gifts for the Director, DCE and Officials. 6. DCE should appreciate Daddy G.O. NOTE AT THE PREVIEW 58


17 January 2010

LESSON TOPIC- PREACHING THE GOSPEL Prayer Point – Students should ask for the courage to preach the gospel. Previous Knowledge – The assistant teacher collects the assignment and scores accordingly, while teacher requests a student to review the previous week's lesson.


OPENING A. BIBLE PASSAGE – Mark 16: 150 16 B. Memory Verse – “For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of: for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel” 1 Corinthians 9:16 C. Lesson Introduction – Shortly after the wilderness and baptism in the Holy Spirit experiences of Jesus Christ, His earthly ministry started with the preaching of the gospel and ended with the commissioning of the disciples for the same assignment – Mk.1:14; Mt.28:18-20. Without doubt, this must have been an issue topmost in the heart of the Lord Jesus Christ for all generations. May the Holy Spirit teach and help us to obey the will of the Master today, in Jesus' name. TEACHER'S DIARY

A. Lesson Aim- To study why the gospel must be preached. B. Teaching Objectives and Lesson Plan – At the end of the lesson, students should be able to discover why they too must be involved in the preaching of the gospel. They should also be able to understand the simple message of the gospel. To achieve these objectives, teacher should explain to the students why the message is compulsory for all who are born 59

again. Teacher also explains God's premium on souls and the content of the message. Teacher concludes by encouraging students to start preaching the gospel of Jesus to the unsaved. C. Text Review – Mark 16: 15-20 a. Mark 16:15- The commandment / the mission to preach & baptize. b. Mark 16: 15b- The direction to every creature. c. Mark 16:16 – The purpose -salvation for those who believed and damnation for those who reject d. Mark 16:17 – The authority – Signs shall follow: Demons shall surrender. New tongues shall be given to Preachers. Serpent/ scorpion shall not be able to hurt; Sick shall recover. e. Mark 16: 20- Outcome – God was with them as promised; Signs and wonders happened; God confirmed His words. D. Teaching Method –Teacher should use lecture method. E. Time Management – Teacher should share teaching time among 3 lesson outlines. 2.


i. LESSON OUTLINE 1 – A MUST FOR ALL BELIEVERS i. Preaching the gospel is the Lord's commandment. Matt. 28:18 ii. The gospel is the power and wisdom of God. I Cor. 1:24 iii. Not preaching the gospel is a curse. I Cor. 9:16 iv. The preaching is at all times (whether convenient or not). II Tim 2:4 Class Activity – Students should identify why the preaching of the gospel is a must for all. ii. LESSON OUTLINE 2 – NONE SHOULD PERISH i. God does not want any sinner to perish. II Pet, 3:9 60

ii. He rather wants sinners to come to repentance. Matt. 11: 28 iii. Jesus is our advocate who pleads our course before God. I John2: 1-2 iv. Jesus cleaned us from our sins through His blood. I John 1: 7 iii. LESSON OUTLINE 3 – THE MESSAGE IS SIMPLE Your gospel message should indicate the following: i. All souls belong to God (Small or great) Ezekiel 18:4 ii. All souls have sinned. Rom. 3:23 iii. Unrepentant souls will go to hell. Rom. 6:23 iv. Whosoever confesses, repents and forsakes sins will obtain mercy. Prov. 28:13 v. This is so because God so loved the world. John 3:16 vi. The grace of salvation is through Jesus blood. Heb. 9:14 Class Activity – Students should mention why wrong messages abound around us today? 3

SUMMARY The gospel of Jesus Christ is the power of God unto salvation. Join the preacher and you will see God smile at you.


CONCLUSION If the Lord Jesus Christ saw the preaching of the gospel as unavoidable, then, believers therefore have no excuse. He has promised that we will do greater works – Jn.14:12 – and that He will be with us always – Mt.28:20. Pray and obey now.


ASSIGNMENT Preach to 5 persons – write their names, addresses and phone nos. NOTE AT THE PREVIEW



24 January 2010

LESSON TOPIC- PASSION FOR SOULS Prayer Point – Students should pray for the wisdom, compassion and power to preach the gospel. Previous Knowledge – Teacher asks a student to review the previous week's lesson while the assistant teacher scores the assignment.



A. BIBLE PASSAGE – I Corinthians 1: 18-24 B. Memory Verse – “But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God.” 1 Corinthians 1:24 C. Lesson Introduction – We were made to understand last Sunday that the preaching of the gospel is compulsory for all believers. It follows, therefore, that if this assignment is to be carried out cheerfully and fearlessly, and with divine approval, divine wisdom, compassion and the Holy Spirit, power must be possessed by any would-be preacher of the gospel. May the Holy Spirit teach us as we study, in Jesus' name? TEACHER'S DIARY A. Lesson Aim: To study the essential of wisdom, compassion and power in preaching the gospel. B. Teaching Objectives and Lesson Plan – At the end of the lesson, students should be able to discover the place of wisdom, compassion and power in preaching of the gospel. To achieve these objectives, teacher should explain wisdom, compassion 62

and power in connection with the preaching of the gospel. Teacher should also explain the role played by each of the three items. Teacher concludes by encouraging students to preach the gospel with the desired compassion, wisdom and power. C. Text Review – I Corinthians 1: 18-24 To destroy the wisdom of the wise and to make nothing the understanding of the prudent, to rubbish the scribes and make the adults (aged) look like babies require the supernatural power of the Almighty God. To preach among the Jews, Greek and the Gentiles who had on several occasions been stumbling block to the spread of the gospel, one needs wisdom. To rise for the lost souls despite their wickedness and foolish acts both to Christ and the believers, one needs the spirit of compassion. The combination of the three will definitely produce a good preacher of the gospel. D. Teaching Method –Teacher should use lecture-teaching method. E. Time Management – Teacher should share teaching time equally among 3 lesson outlines. 2. i.

LESSON OUTLINES LESSON OUTLINE 1 – WITH WISDOM i. God is wisdom. He owns it and gives it. I Cor. 1: 24 ii.God gives it to whosoever asks in faith. James 1: 5-8 iii. Gospel, which is the wisdom of God, is capable of confounding the wisdom of men. I Cor. 1:27; Acts. 17: 1534 iv. Christ's message exposes carnality- I Cor. 3: 2-4 v. Christ's Gospel impacts spiritual things. I Cor. 2: 13-16

ii. LESSON OUTLINE 2 – WITH COMPASSION i. Christ is compassionate ( not wanting sinners to perish) Matt. 9: 36, 23: 37 ii.Jesus came to rescue sinners from destruction. 63


Every preacher must be full of compassion towards sinners. Exodus 2:6 iv. Christ was compassionate to His persecutors- Luke 6: 28 v. By His compassion you and I were saved. Rom. 5:8 iii. LESSON OUTLINE 3 – WITH POWER i. God gives believers power and sound mind. II Tim. 1:7 ii.The gospel power can pull down any strong hold of the enemy. II Cor. 10: 4-5 iii. Every preacher needs power as indicated in the great commission. Matt. 28: 18-20 iv. We all need the power of the Holy Ghost to preach effectively. Class Activity – Hypothetical case. How easy can a believer preach to someone who murdered his beloved one- say friend of a family member? 3

SUMMARY If the Gospel is to be preached successfully, then it must be preached in wisdom, compassion and in the power of the Holy Spirit.


CONCLUSION Messages preached in wisdom, compassion and power will produce desired results.

5 ASSIGNMENT Mention 10 reasons Christian should preach the gospel always. NOTE AT THE PREVIEW



31 January 2010

LESSON TOPIC- GO YE Prayer Point – Class should pray to God for enablement to use their resources for the spread of the gospel. Previous Knowledge – Teacher selects a student to review the previous week's lesson while the assistant teacher collects and scores the assignment.



A. BIBLE PASSAGE – Acts 1:1-8 B. Memory Verse – “And they went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen. ” Mark 16:20 C. Lesson Introduction – We were able to discover from our last study that the gospel preacher must be full of divine wisdom, compassionate and empowered in the Holy Spirit. He or she is equipped, without doubt, to preach anywhere and everywhere though persecuted. May the Holy Spirit bless us as we study at His feet today, in Jesus' name. TEACHER'S DIARY A. Lesson Aim- To study the place, media and situations in which the gospel could be preached. B. Teaching Objectives and Lesson Plan – At the end of the lesson, students should be able to discover the place where the gospel could be preached and the media through which it could be preached. They should also be able to discover that persecution may arise in the course of preaching the gospel and that such persecution 65

is highly rewarded by the Lord. To achieve the objectives, teacher explains the various places of the gospel. Teacher also mentions the various media where the gospel could be preached. Teacher explains the possibility of persecutions in the course of preaching the gospel. Teacher concludes by encouraging students to peach the gospel, not minding the cost. C. Text Review – Acts 1: 1-8 The place of preaching of the gospel messages was stated by the Lord in V. 8 The place could be likened as indicated below: a. In Jerusalem – your family/relations (immediate & extended) b. In Judea – Your street, local government, state etc. c. In Samaria – Geo-political zones and your country. d. Utmost part of the earth- The nations and continents of the whole world. The mandate was to witness Christ with divine approval, “power”. D. Teaching Method –Teacher should use lecture-teaching method. E. Time Management – Teacher should share teaching time equally among 3 lesson outlines. 2. i.

LESSON OUTLINES LESSON OUTLINE 1 – ANYWHERE AND EVERYWHERE i. The vision of the Lord Jesus Christ is that the Church grows without limit and occupies the whole world. Acts. 1:8 ii.The gospel can be preached in: a. Villages and big cities. Acts 26:11; Acts. 16:12 b. Across culture and coasts. Acts 16: 26-33 c. In prisons and palaces. Acts 16:26-33 d. All over the world (everywhere we find ourselves). Matt. 5:14


i. Daniel prophesied that knowledge shall increase. Dan. 12:4 ii.The increased knowledge should be used to propagate the gospel. iii. The gospel can be preached in print and electronic media. iv. The printed message enjoys the advantages of longevity just as the Bible had been written over 2000 years ago- John 20: 31-32; II Tim. 3: 16- 17 iii. LESSON OUTLINE 3 – WITH PERSECUTIONS YET HIGHLY REWARDING. i. Preacher of the Gospel will surely be persecuted.Matt.10: 1618 ii.Such persecution always opens up the preaching of the gospel in unreachable areas. Acts. 8: 1-5; Acts 9: 20-28 iii. The gospel preacher will be highly rewarded by the Lord. Dan 12: 3; Proverbs 11:30. Class Activity – Enumerate the benefits of preaching the gospel. 3

SUMMARY The Lord wants you and me to be bearers of the gospel. Please, preach on without any delay. The reward is great.


CONCLUSION The true believer in Christ is inexcusable as far as the preaching of the gospel is concerned. Therefore, let us watch out for all opportunities or create some by ourselves to preach the gospel – Mt.10:22; Mt.10:39; 1 Cor.4:10; 2 Cor.4:11; Rev.22:12; Mt.25:23; Rev.20:4.


ASSIGNMENT Mention 10 ways to preach the gospel to the whole world before 2020. NOTE AT THE PREVIEW



07 February 2010

LESSON TOPIC- THE REVELATION GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT Prayer Point – Class should pray for a new grace to operate in the realm of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Previous Knowledge – Teacher requests a student to review the previous week's lesson while the assistant teacher collects and marks the assignment.


OPENING A. BIBLE PASSAGE – 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 B. Memory Verse “Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit.” 1 Corinthians 12:4 C. Lesson Introduction – We shall be studying the first and second and the seventh gift which are word of wisdom, word of knowledge and discerning of the spirit in today's lesson. I Cor. 12: 8, 11 TEACHER'S DIARY

A. Lesson Aim- To study the first, second and the seventh gifts of the spirit. B. Teaching Objectives and Lesson Plan – At the end of the lesson, students should be able to understand, explain and desire the three gifts of the Spirit in focus in today's lesson. To achieve these objectives, teacher should explain each of the three gifts. Teacher should also explain the role of the three gifts, their relevance and applications with examples. C. Text Review –I Cor. 12: 1-11 Every Christian is given a spiritual enablement and capacity for 68

specific service. None is destitute of a gift. However, the type given to each person depends on the choice of the Almighty God. D. Teaching Method – Teacher should use lecture-teaching method E. Time Management – Teacher should share teaching time among three lesson outlines. 2.


i. LESSON OUTLINE 1 – THE WORD OF WISDOM i. The gift of wisdom is the promise of the Father. ii. It is the gift of the Holy Spirit. I Cor. 12: 8 iii. It is divine word/ statements to God's elect especially at the time of needs of what to say. e.g. during trial, persecution for gospel. Luke 21: 12-15 iv. It is divine leakage of divine information expressed in words. v. Wisdom and knowledge complement each other. Wisdom is right use of knowledge. vi. The Lord manifested this gift several times. Matt. 22:15-22 vii. King Solomon was also endowed with word of wisdom II Kings 3: 16-18 viii. If requested, it can be given. James 1:5 ii. LESSON OUTLINE 2 – THE WORD OF KNOWLEDGE i. ii. iii. iv. v.

It is a divine ability to understand the truth concerning certain situation as it pleases the Holy Spirit. I Cor. 12:8 It is also a divine privilege to pass information whenever needs arise. It is not intelligence. It is absolute knowledge of God. The gift was manifested by Joshua, Samuel and Elisha. Jos. 7; I Sam. 9:20; II Kings 6: 8-12 God can use it to uncover crimes, that is, lies, etc.





It is the divine ability to know which spirit is in operation whether the Spirit of God or of the devils'. I Cor. 12:10 It is God's grace to rescue the church from the proliferation of devil agents in the garment of sheep. II Thes. 2:9; I John 4:1 It is neither human spirit that bases judgment on available facts. It is a divine gift that bases judgment on available fact. It is a divine gift that tries other gifts. The gift was manifested by: Elijah at mountain Horeb I King 19: 11- 12 Paul at Europe Acts 16: 16- 18 Simon Peter at Caesarea Philip Matt. 16: 13-16, Jesus on His way to Jerusalem. Matt. 16:23 The gift helps to distinguish between true and false prophecies.

Class Activity – Distinguish between “word of wisdom” and “word of knowledge.” 3

SUMMARY The gift of God is for the children of God. You can obtain them if you sincerely desire them.


CONCLUSION The three gifts can become yours on sincere demand.


ASSIGNMENT Project 2: Every class should set a day aside this week and pray for the mighty release of the gift of the Spirit. The prayer should be accompanied with fasting. NOTE AT THE PREVIEW



14 February 2010

LESSON TOPIC- THE VOCAL GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT Prayer Point – The class should pray for more gifts of the Holy Spirit during today's lesson. Previous Knowledge – Teacher requests some students to give their experiences with regards to the previous week's assignment.



A. BIBLE PASSAGE – 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 B. Memory Verse “ But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will”. 1 Corinthians 12:11 C. Lesson Introduction – We shall study another three gifts in today's lesson, namely: the gift of tongues, the gift of interpretation of tongues and the gift of prophecy. These are referred to as the vocal gifts. TEACHER'S DIARY A. Lesson Aim- To study the gift of tongues; the gift of interpretation of tongues and the gift of prophecy. B. Teaching Objectives and Lesson Plan – At the end of the lesson, students should be able to understand what the three gifts in focus in today's lesson are all about. They should be able to explain them and desire them for their spiritual growth. To achieve these objectives, teacher should explain each of the gifts. Teacher draws their relevance or usefulness. Teacher should conclude by encouraging students to thirst for the gifts. 71

C. Text Review –I Cor. 12: 1-11 Speaking is a mighty tool in warfare. Most especially when such speaking is faith motivated. “You will say unto mountain, be moved…” “they overcame by the word of their testimonies…” Prophesy to the wind and the dry bones, etc are few of biblical verses on speaking to situation. God gives prophetic utterance to His children over situations. Such utterance could come through speaking in tongues, prophecy and interpretation of tongues. D. Teaching Method – Teacher should use lecture-teaching method E. Time Management – Teacher should share teaching time among three lesson outlines. 2.



The gift of tongues is a vocal gift that demonstrates the baptism of the Holy Ghost as it was on the day of Pentecost. Acts. 2: 4-6 ii. In the original term, it shows that one has had the baptism of fire. iii. The gift of tongues plays the following vital roles. II Cor. 14:2 a. It paves ways for spiritual communication with God. II Cor. 14:2 b. It edifies believers' spiritual lives. I Cor. 14:13 c. It is a sign to the unbelievers that the body of Christ is true and real, hence, differences can be drawn between true and fake churches. I Cor. 14:22 d. It is a proof of the existence of the Almighty God. Acts 2:11 Class Activity 1: Students should differentiate between tongues of men and the gift of tongues. ii.

LESSON OUTLINE 2 – THE GIFT OF INTERPRETATION OF TONGUES i. It is the vocal gift of translating the overall meaning of the 72

message of the tongue. It should be void of the interpreter's pre-conceived information as the tongue message is divinely strange so is the interpretation – it is pure Holy Ghost business not the interpreter's. iii. The interpreter is full of prayer and faith to understand the message or else the flesh or devil may take over his tongue. I Cor. 14: 2, 13 iv. The gift is manifested either through the speaker or through a separate interpreter. v. The message is revealed in the heart not in the brain and it may be interpreted sequentially or progressively as the speaker speaks. ii.


LESSON OUTLINE 3 – THE GIFT OF PROPHECY i. It is the revealing of the mind of God for a future time. ii.It is also a vocal gift of the Holy Ghost. I Cor. 12:10 iii. True prophesies come from a holy vessel. II Pet.1:21 Prophesies are proved (judged) whether they are in line with the word of God. They should be divinely discerned. Is. 8:20 iv. It is of tremendous value to the Church as it judges sin and manifests secrets in the heart. v. The Apostles and Prophets of the Bible manifested the gift. Jesus too manifested it.


SUMMARY The gift of tongues, interpretation of tongues and prophecy are real in the Church, obtaining them should be our fervent prayers to move the Church forward.


CONCLUSION You could have these gifts if you sincerely desire them.


ASSIGNMENT Students should pray in tongues for at least 1 hour per day throughout this week. NOTE AT THE PREVIEW 73


21 February 2010

LESSON TOPIC- THE POWER GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT Prayer Point –Class should pray for the gift of faith, healing and working of miracles. Previous Knowledge – Teacher asks a student to share his/her assignment with the class while assistant teacher marks the previous week's assignment.



A. BIBLE PASSAGE – 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 B. Memory Verse “To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit; To another the working of miracles; …” 1 Corinthians 12:9-10a C. Lesson Introduction – Hopefully, by now, those who have sincerely prayed to God must be operating by the grace of God, gifts of tongue, interpretation of tongues and that of prophecy in their various ministries. Today, we shall consider the power gifts that can be very exciting. May the Holy Spirit teach and bless us, in Jesus' name TEACHER'S DIARY A. Lesson Aim: To study the gift of faith, healing and working of miracles. B. Teaching Objectives and Lesson Plan – At the end of the lesson, students should be able to discover the meaning of the gift of faith, gift of healing and the gift of the working of miracles. They should be able to discover the value of the gift to the Church 74

and should desire the gifts. To achieve these objectives, teacher should explain each gift in terms of meaning, role and value, citing appropriate illustrations of those who had used the gift. C. Text Review –I Cor. 12: 1-11 Power gift is essential for all round victories in the Church. But no miracles or healing could take place without faith- be it little, great, holy faiths. To receive power, however, requires unity with the spirit. Acts. 2: 1 - holy crave and humility to follow Christ's steps. All the categories of the gifts so far mentioned are from the same source, therefore, they should be used to edify the body of Christ. D. Teaching Method – Teacher should use lecture-teaching method E. Time Management – Teacher should share teaching time among three lesson outlines. 2.



There is a level of faith in every individual- at least in one thing or the other- object, materials, being, etc. ii. We also have a popular faith in God that He is the Creator of Heaven and earth - Rom. 12:3 iii. Faith in God comes by hearing the word of God. Rom. 10:17 iv. The gift of faith is occasional and divine grace in the heart of believers to perform great miracles to the glory of God. v. It is a great act that is beyond human comprehension. vi. It may not reside permanently in believers but comes occasionally. vii. Examples are as follows: a. Faith for impartation of supernatural blessing. b. Divine provision- faith for divine provision. Gen. 27: 320 c. Faith for divine protection. Dan. 6: 16- 24 d. Faith for divine deliverance- John 14: 13-14 Class Activity 1: Class should distinguish between the gift of 75

faith and common faith. ii. i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. iii.

LESSON OUTLINE 2 – THE GIFT OF HEALING It is a divine grace to restore both physically and emotional health to the sick. It is recovery of health without any artificial/ medical aids. It is a promise of God for Israelites (believers)- Exodus 15:26 It was prophesied by Malachi, David, etc Mal. 4:2; Psalm 103: 3 It was a characteristic feature of the earthly and public ministry of Jesus. Acts. 10: 38; Matt. 8:16; The gift attracts people to the gospel.

LESSON OUTLINE 3 – THE GIFT OF THE WORKING OF MIRACLES. i. It is a divine grace of suspending the natural laws by the supernatural laws. ii. It is God's miraculous intervention in the affairs of men. I Cor. 12:10 iii. Examples are: crossing the red sea, and Jordan; feeding 5,000 men with 5 loaves and 2 fishes; asking the sun stand still by Joshua; walking on the sea by Peter, etc, Rom. 4: 1822; Josh. 10:12-13 iv. The gift also attracts people (miracle seekers) to the church.

Class Activity 2: Students should mention any miracles they could remember which had happened to them. 3

SUMMARY Believers can get their miracle/healing today by exercising their divine gift of faith.


CONCLUSION The gifts of the Holy Spirit are certainly the promise of God for this dispensation and to profit thereby. The Church of God is suffering because many have lost their birthrights. Acknowledge the gifts of the Holy Spirit today, pray and desire them. Ask God and you shall receive them. 76


ASSIGNMENT Students should mention 5 things that a person can do to receive his/her healing. NOTE AT THE PREVIEW



28 February 2010

SUNDAY SCHOOL QUARTERLY REVIEW SECOND QUARTER SECTION 1 – TEST (50 Marks) TIME ( 15 Minutes) Parish Coordinators or Area Coordinators are to set 10 similar questions for all students in their Parishes on the twelve lessons on the just concluded quarter and administer them for 15 minutes during the quarterly review exercise. 5 marks should be awarded for every correct answer to make a total of 50 marks. SECTION 2- Attendance and Participating Activities MARKS: 50 marks TIME: 15 Minutes Award 4 marks each for each week's attendance. Therefore, the teacher should check the class attendance register and award marks accordingly. For instance, a student who was present for 10 times during the quarter would score 40 (4 x 10 ) marks while another student who was present throughout the 12 Sunday School lessons will score 48 (4 x 12) marks. Add 2 marks for being present in the Sunday School on the quarterly review day. Total 2 + 28 = 50marks. SECTION 3- Workbook Marks (100 Marks) The addition of marks for sections 1 & 2 above should be added to the workbook marks while the total should be divided by 2 (see workbook note). SECTION 4 -Interactive Section (Zero marks ) TIME: (15 Minutes) i. Teacher should ask students if they have any problem (physically, spiritually) with the Sunday School during the just concluded quarter and resolve the problems. ii.Teacher and students should discuss how to move the Sunday School Class forward in the new quarter. iii. Teacher prays with the students on the past quarter and for the new quarter. 78

Note: Teacher should use scores to award prizes. Thank you. LESSON 27 07 March 2010 LESSON TOPIC- THE PURPOSE-DRIVEN LIFE Prayer Point – Ask for grace to live a purpose-driven life. Previous Knowledge – Teacher asks a student to summarize the previous week's lesson, while the assistant teacher marks the assignment.


OPENING A. BIBLE PASSAGE – Ephesians 1: 3-14 B. Memory Verse – “ For by him were all things created, that are in Heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or power: all things were created by him, and for him. Colossians 1:16 C. Lesson Introduction – What is a purpose-driven life? A purpose- driven life is one that sets out to identify and fulfil the purpose of existence. Ignorance of your purpose of existence can make you waste Heaven's allocated resources. God allocates resources to individuals according to His mandate. Events, situations, circumstances, tests and trials come to you according to the purpose of your existence. Rom. 8:28 TEACHER'S DIARY

A. Lesson Aim: To study how to live a purpose- driven life B. Teaching Objectives and Lesson Plan – At the end of the lesson, students should be able to: (i.) Discover how to live a purpose-driven life. (ii.) Discover the benefits of living a purpose-driven life. To achieve these objectives, teacher explains how students can live a 79

purpose- driven life. Teacher also explains the benefits of living a purpose-driven life using relevant scriptures to support each point. C. Text Review – Ephesians 1: 3- 14 God created us for the following reasons (purposes). i. For blessing (v.3) ii. To be holy without blame (v.4) iii. To become adopted children (v. 5) iv. To the praise of His glory (v.6) v. To abound in wisdom and prudence (v.8) vi. To fulfil His will (v.9) vii To be sealed with the Holy Spirit. viii To be loaded with heavenly blessings. D. Teaching Method –Use lecture method E. Time Management – Share teaching time on the two lesson outlines. 2.



LESSON OUTLINE 1 – HOW CAN YOU LIVE A PURPOSE DRIVEN-LIFE? a. By worshipping God. Worship is our first responsibility to God. We worship God by enjoying Him. God wants our worship to be motivated by love, thanksgiving and delight, Ps.66: 4; Rev. 4:11, Eph. 1: 5. b. By loving other believers. When you are born again, you became a part of God's family. Following Christ is not just a matter of believing but also includes belonging and learning to love the family of God. I Jn. 3:14; Rom 15:7 c. By becoming like Christ. Once we are born into God's family, He wants us to grow to spiritual maturity. Spiritual maturity is becoming like Jesus in the way we think, feel and act. The more you develop Christ- like character, the more you live a purposeful life that brings glory to God. 2 Cor. 3: 18; Phil 1:11; Jn. 15:8; I Jn. 3:2 d. By serving others with your gifts. Each of us was uniquely designed by God with talents, gifts, skills and abilities. Matt. 80

25: 14-30. Such talents and abilities were given to benefit others just as others were given abilities for your benefit. I. Pt. 4: 10-11; Eph. 2:10 e. By telling others about Jesus. God does not want His love and purpose kept a secret. Once we know the truth, God expects us to share it with others, which will help them to discover their purpose and prepare them for their eternal destiny. Matt 28:18-20; Mk. 16: 15-18; Acts. 1:8; 2 Cor. 4:15; Jn. 17:8 ii. LESSON OUTLINE 2 – WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF LIVING A PURPOSE-DRIVEN LIFE? i.




It gives meaning to your life. We were made to have meaning. Without God, life has no purpose and without purpose, life has no meaning. Without meaning, life has no significance or hope. Jer. 29:11, Eph. 3:20 It simplifies your life. It defines what you do and what you do not do. Your purpose becomes the standard you use to evaluate which activities are essential and which are not. Prov. 13:7; Isa. 26:3 It focuses your life. It concentrates your efforts and energy on what is important. You become effective by being selective. Without a clear purpose, you will keep changing directions, jobs, relationships, churches etc. Eph. 5:17. Apostle Paul almost single-handedly spread Christianity through the Roman Empire. His secret was a focused life. Phil. 3:13; Phil 3:15 It motivates your life. Purpose always produces passion and passion dissipates when you lack. Nothing energizes like a clear purpose. Phil 3:10-12

Class Activity – Students should provide a checklist for purpose already fulfilled and purpose yet to be fulfilled.


SUMMARY God created us for His purpose. Believers must live according to that purpose. Abundant blessings are in stock for those who live a purpose- driven life. 81


CONCLUSION Purpose-driven life can be identified and actualized. Living a purpose-driving life is not only godly but also blissful. It must therefore be pursued with intent.


ASSIGNMENT Students should write 5 reasons people cannot realize their purpose on earth. NOTE AT THE PREVIEW



14 March 2010

LESSON TOPIC- TRANSFORMED BY THE WORD Prayer Point – Class should pray that God would reveal to them the transforming word of God through the lesson. Previous Knowledge – Teacher asks a student to review the previous week's lesson.


OPENING A. BIBLE PASSAGE – Luke 5: 1-11 B. Memory Verse – “And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net”. Luke 5:5 C. Lesson Introduction – At a point in Peter's life, he came to his wits end and he saw the limits of human wisdom, knowledge and abilities. His best could fetch him nothing, not even a fish. Then, he had an encounter with Jesus and this produced a turning point. Getting your breakthrough is not necessarily dependent on new techniques discovered but on fresh revelations received from the Master. In this lesson, we shall examine the products of fresh insight into the word of God. TEACHER'S DIARY

A. Lesson AimTo study that revelation of the word of God produces transformation. B. Teaching Objectives and Lesson Plan – At the end of the lesson, students should be able to discover that the revelation through the word of God produces transformation. Students should be able to identify the products of 83

transformation. To achieve these objectives, teacher should explain how the word of the Lord brought transformation to Peter. Teacher should also explain the results of the transformation in the life of Peter Teacher enumerates and explains each point with the appropriate scriptures. Teacher concludes by encouraging the students to get to the realm of revelation for transformation. C. Text Review – Luke 5: 1-11 Professional skill and experience may not be able to prevent frustration. When frustration sets in, reluctance weariness and discouragement follow. In Peter's case. He was not only discouraged because his skill and experience had failed to produce the desired result but Jesus did through His all powerful words- “launch out into the deep, let down your net for a draught” and so it was. Teacher should encourage students to try the word of God where skills & experiences have failed. D. Teaching Method –Use lecture method E. Time Management – Share teaching time on the two lesson outlines. 2.



Peter got the revelation of Christ's message while Jesus was preaching. Through revelation, Peter discovered that the message was not ordinary. The message brought a positive change to his life. Similarly, the word of God brings positive change to the life of those who received the revelation. Such positive changes could be: i. Restoration of hope to the hopeless. ii. Life to the lifeless. 84

iii. Progress to those who are stagnant. iv. Transformation to the deformed. Matt. 7: 29; Luke 4: 32-36; 38- 41; Luke 5: 5; John 11: 41-44 ii. LESSON OUTLINE 2 – BY- PRODUCT OF TRANSFORMATION i. Revelation produces a transformed fellow who could present his/her requests to God. ii. Revelation of the word produces confidence in the life of the one who receive it. iii. The revealed word works wonders in the lives of those who receive it. iv. As Peter got his boats full of fishes, so can the spiritual boats of those who received the revelation of the word of God be filled. v. Revelation of the word of God guides believers to right choice and decision. vi. It prevents heresies and doubts. vii. Crucial decisions are best taken through the revelation of the word of God because the word guides the mind. viii. The transformed mind rarely makes mistakes. Teacher should fix the scriptures below: I Cor. 3: 11; I Kings 17:16; Jeremiah 15:16, Ezekiel 3: 3; I Sam. 30:6; 17-19; Psalm 119: 101, 11, 49 Class Activity – Students should compare their former lives with their transformed life. 3

SUMMARY The revelation of the words of God has power to transform people who receive it. Such transformed person has his/her spiritual boats filled with fishes.


CONCLUSION The transformation in your life that comes as a result of divine revelation will produce a platform upon which your miracle will roll in.


ASSIGNMENT Pray for God's word to transform you. NOTE AT THE PREVIEW 85


21 March 2010

LESSON TOPIC- HIS WORD IS YEA AND AMEN Prayer Point – Class should pray for grace to obey the word of God. Previous Knowledge – Teacher asks a student to share what he or she benefited from the previous week's lesson. The assistant teacher collects the assignments and marks them.


OPENING A. BIBLE PASSAGE – John 2: 1-5 B. Memory Verse – “His mother saith unto the servants, Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it. “ John 2:5 C. Lesson Introduction – God leads His children in definite ways. He loves to speak plainly with His own but when He speaks in codes, using signs and symbols, it is important that the recipients of such messages return to ask for the meaning or else the purpose of the communication is defeated – Jn.10:3. How do you hear from God plainly? May He speak clearly to you from now on, in Jesus' name. TEACHER'S DIARY

A. Lesson Aim- To study further on “His word is yea and amen”. B. Teaching Objectives and Lesson Plan – At the end of the lesson, students should be able to discover that the word is specific and time bound. To achieve these objectives, the teacher should emphasise “purpose” specific and “time” in today's lesson.


C. Text Review – John 2: 1-5 It is not uncommon to see provisions exhausting when the month has not gone half way. Wine can even finish in the midst of merriment when there is no alternative. Money may suddenly be scarce when it is most needed. Raw materials may fail when production is at the point of demand, strength may fail labourers etc. When this happens, desperation sets in, but in the midst of this confusion, there is a word for you. Obeying it will perform the unbelievable miracles. The servants did and the celebrants and the guests received the shock of their lives. D. Teaching Method –Use lecture method E. Time Management – Share teaching time among 3 lesson outlines. 2.


i. LESSON OUTLINE 1 – THE WORD IS FOR A PURPOSE The word God sends is for a purpose. It is to meet needs. He sent His word: a.) To heal physically, spiritually and all-round – Ps.107:20. b.) To deliver from trouble, dangers, and deaths, etc – Ps.107:20. c.) To set us free from satanic bondages and self-indulgence. d.) To bless and deal with frustration, failures, etc – Lk.5:4. e.) To save from sin and its consequences. f.) To direct and show the way – Ps.119:105. g.) To comfort and encourage us – Josh.1:3, 5-6. h.) To protect – Deut.28:1, 6; Ps.91:11-12; Ps.105:14-15. i.) To instruct us – Josh.1:8; Prov.1:10; 23:1-3. j.) To correct us – Prov.3:11-12; Heb.12:5-8; 2 Tim.3:16. Just receive the word as sent, obey and the purpose will be accomplished in your life. ii. LESSON OUTLINE 2 – THE WORD IS SPECIFIC The word of God gives specific instructions on what to do and how to do it. For instance: I. The word was spoken to Peter to produce draught. Luke 5: 4 87

ii. iii. iv. v. vi.

The word was spoken to Joshua to provide the needed assurance of divine presence and victory. Joshua 1:3 The word was spoken to Jonah to direct him to go to Nineveh and to cry against it. Jonah 1:2 The word was spoken to the disciples of Jesus (then and now) to go to the whole word and preach to every creature/ Mark 16:15 Obeying the word produces a great miracle while disobeying it produces a dire consequence. Jonah 1: 3, 12 The word may be in parable, seek for understanding then obey it. Luke 8: 4

iii. LESSON OUTLINE 3 – THE WORD IS TIME BOUND i. There is time for accomplishment of the word. ii. The word does not allow for procrastination. iii. Delay is dangerous and it is sin. iv. The purpose will be defeated if action is not taken. v. God and Jesus Christ work with time. vi. Believers must avoid wasting time whenever God speaks. vii. Whenever God speaks, we must follow. Teacher asks students to fix the scriptures below for the above points. Eccl. 3: 1-3; Psalm 102: 13; John 9:14; Isaiah 55: 6; Hebrew 4:7 Class Activity – Class members should share their experience with the class on one instruction they had complied with promptly or delayed. What were the outcomes of the two events? 3

SUMMARY What God says it for a purpose, it should be carried out promptly without delay.


CONCLUSION God is a God of purpose. His word is specific and time bound. Believers should hearken to His voice and act accordingly.

5 ASSIGNMENT Students should list 10 dangers of doubts. NOTE AT THE PREVIEW 88


28 March 2010

LESSON TOPIC- POWER IN THE WORD Prayer Point – Students should pray for grace to abide by the anointed word of God always and that the anointed word would continue to impart positively upon their lives. Previous Knowledge – Teacher selects a student to review the previous week's lesson while the assistant teacher collects and marks the previous week's assignment.


OPENING A. BIBLE PASSAGE – Matthew 15:1-6 B. Memory Verse – “And honour not his father or his mother, he shall be free. Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition”. Matthew 15:6 C. Lesson Introduction – The presence of anointing in your life destroys satanic yokes and burdens. It can enable you to preach powerfully and obtain results for God's kingdom. When God has clearly given you a message for the congregation, if you lack the appropriate level of anointing to deliver it, your effort may be in vain. This is why the church, which should be a spiritual clinic that impacts life, has become a graveyard where the word is released without anointing and therefore kills the hearers – Jn.6:63; 2 Cor.3:6. TEACHER'S DIARY

A. Lesson AimTo study the features of the diluted word of man and the anointed word of God. B. Teaching Objectives and Lesson Plan – At the end of the lesson, students should be able to distinguish 89

between diluted word and the anointed word of God. To achieve these objectives, teacher should outline the features of the diluted words and the anointed words of God. Teacher should also highlight the features of the anointed word of God. In both cases, teacher illustrates the features, using the appropriate Bible passages. Teacher concludes by encouraging students to live daily by the anointed word of God. C. Text Review – Matthew 15: 1-6 Today's text indicates the Pharisees wrong preference to tradition of the elders at the expense of the word of God. They preferred washing of the hands to washing of the heart. Jesus cautioned of the inherent danger of placing the tradition of men above the word of God. Such act makes the word of God of no effect. Perhaps, it would be right to remember that to ascend the mount of God requires not only a washed (clean) hand but also a pure heart which had been washed clean by the word of God. D. Teaching Method –Use lecture method E. Time Management – Share teaching time on the two lesson outlines. 2.


Diluted word involves deliberate omission of salient transforming truths, trivialising weighty issues of the kingdom and twisting the truth to suit personal purposes – Mk.7:7-8, 10-13; 1 Kgs.22:5-14. Some of the characteristics of diluted words are: i. It ministers to the flesh – 2 Tim.4:3-4. ii. It fails to rebuke sin. iii. It provides a safe haven for all manner of spirits in the congregation. iv. It is always applauded – Acts 12:21-22. v. It kills – 2 Cor.3:6; Acts 12:23. 90

Class Activity 1 – Identify reasons some people still believe in the diluted words. ii. LESSON OUTLINE 2 – THE ANOINTED WORD The word in the mouth of an anointed preacher has propensity to root out, pull down, destroy, and throw down, build and plant – Jer.1:10. Some of the characteristics of the anointed word are: 1. It is easily received and absorbed into the spirit man – 2 Tim.3:1415. 2. It increases knowledge – Prov.2:1-2, 6. 3. It acts as spiritual calcium to build spiritual bones – 2 Tim.3:16-17. 4. It touches the soul and generates a sincere response from the inner man – Lk.19:8. 5. It transforms e.g. Saul to Paul – Acts 13:9. 6. It gives life – Ezek.37:1-10. 7. It is celebrated – Acts 8:6-8. Class Activity 2 – What are the major roles of the anointed word of God? 3

SUMMARY The anointed word produces glorious and desirable results while the diluted word produces death.


CONCLUSION Having discovered the difference between the diluted and anointed word, students are enjoined to live their lives by the anointed word that is capable of producing life.


ASSIGNMENT Students should suggest 5 steps that could be taken by the true Christians to control diluted words. NOTE AT THE PREVIEW



04 April 2010

LESSON TOPIC- HIS WORD IS SETTLED FOREVER Prayer Point – Students should pray for grace of right attitude to the word of God. Previous Knowledge – Teacher asks a student to review the previous week's lesson while the assistant teacher collects and marks the assignment. Teacher comments briefly on the previous week's assignment.


OPENING A. BIBLE PASSAGE – Isaiah 66:1-5 B. Memory Verse – “Hear the word of the LORD, ye that tremble at his word; Your brethren that hated you, that cast you out for my name's sake, said, Let the LORD be glorified: but he shall appear to your joy, and they shall be ashamed”. Isaiah 66:5 C. Lesson Introduction – Right attitude is the basis for positive change. Those who hear the word and tremble are likely going to be blessed by the word than those who snob the word. We shall study reaction to the word of God in today's lesson. James 2: 19; Heb. 12:1 TEACHER'S DIARY

A. Lesson Aim- To study the right attitude to the word of God. B. Teaching Objectives and Lesson Plan – At the end of the lesson, students should be able to discover that the word of God is constant. They should also be able to identify right attitudes to the word of God. To achieve these objectives, teacher explains the permanent 92

or unchanging nature of the word of God. Teacher concludes by encouraging students to develop the right attitudes to the word of God. C. Text Review – Isaiah 66: 1-5 Wrong Attitudes: Isaiah 66: 3-4 a.) Deliberate refusal and abominations. b.) Delight in abominations. c.) Failure to listen or obey. d.) Continuous perpetration of evil. e.) Provocative responses. Right Attitudes - Isaiah 66: 2, 5 a.) Poor and of contrite spirit. b.) Trembling at the word of God. c.) Obedience to God's call d.) Daily delight in God's word. e.) Absolute love for what God says. D. Teaching Method –Use lecture method E. Time Management – Share teaching time between two lesson outlines. 2.


i. LESSON OUTLINE 1 – GOD'S WORD IS CONSTANT a. God's word is settled – Psalm 119: 89 b.. Whatever God's word says will surely come to pass. Habakkuk 2:3 c. Words of God for our lives will definitely accomplish its purpose. Mark 13:31 d The word of God did not fail Peter, Sarah, and Hannah. Gen. 21:2; I Sam 1:17-20 e. The word of God worked for the Centurion. Luke 7: 7-10 f. The word of God will empower you. Acts 10:38 ii. LESSON OUTLINE 2 – MY ATTITUDE TO THE WORD A. Wrong Attitudes: Isaiah 66: 3-4 a.) Deliberate refusal and abominations. b.) Delight in abominations. 93

c.) Failure to listen or obey. d.) Continuous perpetration of evil. e.) Provocative responses. B. Right Attitudes - Isaiah 66: 2, 5 a.) Poor and of contrite spirit. b.) Trembling at the word of God. c.) Obedience to God's call d.) Daily delight in God's word. e.) Absolute love for what God says. C. Benefits of Right Attitude- Isaiah 66: 2, 5 a.) God will be glorified in the believer's life. b.) Joy will multiply on them. c.) They will not be ashamed. d.) Their enemies will be ashamed. e.) God will look upon such person and show mercy. 3

SUMMARY The word of God is settled in Heaven and on earth therefore believers should show right attitude for the word of God and they shall be blessed for doing so.


CONCLUSION Developing a right attitude to the word of God honours God and attracts honours from God.


ASSIGNMENT Students should identify 5 positive (desires) attitudes and 5 negative undesired attitudes to the word of God. NOTE AT THE PREVIEW



11 April 2010

LESSON TOPIC- FRUITFULNESS Prayer Point – Class should pray for grace to be fruitful in our service to God. Previous Knowledge – Teacher asks a student to review the previous week lesson. The assistant teacher collects and marks the assignment.


OPENING A. BIBLE PASSAGE – Genesis 1:26-31 B. Memory Verse – “And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.” Genesis 1:28 C. Lesson Introduction – Today's lesson will address such questions as: a. What is fruitfulness? b. What are the sources of fruitfulness? c. What are the evidences of fruitfulness? d. How can I be fruitful? Fruitfulness defines – productive, good results, success, profit, increase, etc. TEACHER'S DIARY


Lesson Aim- To study fruitfulness in the dimension of sources and evidence

B. Teaching Objectives and Lesson Plan – At the end of the lesson, students should be able to explain what fruitfulness is. They should also be able to discover the sources and evidences 95

of fruitfulness. To achieve these objectives, teacher explains what fruitfulness is. Teacher also explains sources and evidence of fruitfulness. Teacher explains how the students can be fruitful. Teacher concludes by encouraging students to be fruitful. C. Text Review – Genesis 1: 26-31 Fruitfulness according to Genesis 1: 28 means multiplication, replenishing, subdue (overcome or control ) and dominion. Teacher should bear these key words in mind while treating today's lesson. D. Teaching Method –Lecture teaching method is recommended. E. Time Management – Teacher should share teaching time equally. 2.


i. LESSON OUTLINE 1 – SOURCES OF FRUITFULNESS (a.) Source of fruitfulness God is the source of genuine fruitfulness. Gen. 1:28. (b.) How I can be fruitful and remain fruitful? (i.) Remember God, your Creator. Jeremiah 17: 5-8 (ii.) Take counsel from God. Psalm 1:3, John 15: 4-5 (iii) Be diligent (Do not be lazy). Prov. 22:29 (iv.) Be faithful. Genesis 41:39-53 (v.) Obey God. Genesis 22: 15-18 (vi.) Give and invest. Luke 6:38 (vii.) Surrender to God. Luke 5:4-7; I Kings 17: 10-16 ii. LESSON OUTLINE 2 – EFFECTS OF FRUITLESSNESS (i.) Withering. The withered are those who used to be fat but because something went wrong, things have changed. They were once head but now tail. Jn. 15:2 (ii.) Dunghill. A fruitless being will eventually become a dunghill or firewood and become useless or a waste. Jn. 15:6 (iii.) Cursed. A fruitless being has been cursed because that was not the original plan of God for mankind. Jer. 17: 5-6 96

(iv.) A fruitless being is wicked- Luke 19: 12-22 (v.) A fruitless being shall be cut down or eliminated. Luke 13:69 Class Activity – Identify why some fruitful trees may suddenly become fruitless or why some fruitless trees may suddenly become fruitful. 3

SUMMARY God commands all His children to be fruitful and doing otherwise is a sin.


CONCLUSION Be fruitful.


ASSIGNMENT Pray with a class member against the spirit behind all forms of fruitlessness. Ask God to replace the spirit with the spirit of fruitfulness. NOTE AT THE PREVIEW



18 April 2010

LESSON TOPIC- PRAYER: THE MASTER KEY Prayer Point – Students should pray for grace to pray always without fainting. Previous Knowledge – Teacher asks a student to review the previous week's lesson.


OPENING A. BIBLE PASSAGE – Matthew 6:5-15 B. Memory Verse – “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find, knock, and it shall be opened unto you”. Matthew 7:7 C. Lesson Introduction – It is a common practice to lock up valuables in special rooms and with special keys. Where to keep these valuables, whether in the outer rooms or in the inner strong rooms, depends on how valuable they are to you. Though there are different keys to these rooms, there is a master key. However, this is available to the master of the house to unlock at will any of the doors to these rooms. Today, we will begin to examine the spiritual master key of the house to unlock doors to answer the petitions of God's children, that is, prayer. TEACHER'S DIARY

A. Lesson Aim: To study the basic ingredients of prayer. B. Teaching Objectives and Lesson Plan – At the end of the lesson, students should be able to discover what prayer is, why they should pray and where and when to pray. To achieve these objectives, teacher explains what prayer is. Teacher also explains why we should pray. Teacher explains where and when we can pray. Teacher concludes by encouraging the students to pray. 98

C. Text Review – Matthew 6: 5-15 The characteristics of hypocritical people in prayers are indicated in Matthew 6: 5-8 i. They love to pray in the synagogues. ii. They love to pray in the corners of the streets. iii. They love men to see them and possibly honour them for praying. iv. They open their doors and pray in the open. v. They make vain repetitions as heathen. vi. They believe that answers to prayers consist in much speaking. The right kind of prayer was given, however, by the Lord Jesus to avoid praying hypocritically Verse 9-13 Hypocritical prayer attracts only an earthly reward. D. Teaching Method – Use lecture method E. Time Management – Teacher should share teaching time among 3 lesson outlines. 2.


i. LESSON OUTLINE 1 – WHAT IS PRAYER? i. Prayer is the soul of man talking to God. ii. It is worship addressed to God the Father. iii. It is a request to the Father in the name of the Son, through the power of the Holy Spirit. Prayer consists of the following: (a) Adoration i.e. praise and worship of God for what God is e.g. God is good, merciful, kind, powerful, faithful, just etc. When you praise God for what He is rather than what He has done for you, it is true worship - Ps. 95:6. (b) Confession and repentance from every known sin - Ps. 32:5. Washing in the blood of Christ will follow. If you are already sanctified and you have no sin to confess, wash in the blood all the same. You can never be too clean. (c) Thanksgiving. Be thankful for anything and everything that God has done - Phil. 4:6. 99

(d) Supplication i.e. intercession, requests, petitions and desires can now be addressed to God, in the name of Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit - I Tim. 2:1. ii. LESSON OUTLINE 2 – WHY SHOULD WE PRAY? i. God commands us to pray- Luke 18: 1, I Thess 15:17; I Chro. 16:11, James 5:13; Psalm 50:15, matt 26: 15-36 ii. Jesus prayed, therefore, His followers are expected to pray. Mark 1: 35; Luke 6:12; Luke 3:21; matt. 26: 39-42 iii. The early church prayed so churches too should pray. Acts. 4:23-31; Acts 12: 5-6; Eph. 1:15-20, Col 4:12 iv. Believers of old prayed too: (a.) Moses prayed – Exodus 15: 23-25 (b.) David prayed - Psalm 51: 1-2 (c.) Elijah prayed - I Kings 18: 37 – 39 etc. iii. LESSON OUTLINE 3 – WHERE AND WHEN CAN ONE PRAY? i. Everywhere. I Tim. 2:8 ii. In the closet. Matt. 6:6 iii. In the church. Luke 18:10 iv. In the secret places ( closet). v. In the sitting room or place of altar. vi. In the congregation of people or gathering of God's children. WHERE? i. In the morning – Psalm 5: 3 ii. At noon and evening. Psalm 55: 17 iii. Day and night. Psalm 88: 1 iv. Daily. Psalm 86: 3 v. Always. Luke 18: 1, I Thess 5:17 HOW? i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi.

While standing. While kneeling. With your eyes closed. While driving, walking. At work or at rest. Through songs, through worship.

Class Activity – Class should pray a prayer of agreement with a prayer partner. 100


SUMMARY Pray in all situations and time


CONCLUSION Pray without ceasing.

5 ASSIGNMENT Students should identify 5 wrong and right prayers. NOTE AT THE PREVIEW



25 April 2010

LESSON TOPIC- THE ELEMENTS OF PRAYER Prayer Point – Class should ask God for grace not to worry but to pray and to give thanks to God. Previous Knowledge – Teacher selects a student to review the previous week's lesson. The assistant teacher marks the previous week's assignment.


OPENING A. BIBLE PASSAGE – Philippians 4:4-9 B. Memory Verse – “Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.” Philippians 4:6 C. Lesson Introduction – In our last study, considerations were given to the definition of prayer, reasons for praying and where and when to pray. Hopefully, most of us should have cultivated the regular attitude of prayer by now, as we consider other aspects of prayer today. May the Holy Spirit help us even as we continue in our studies on the master key, prayer. TEACHER'S DIARY

A. Lesson Aim- To study how our prayers can be answered. B. Teaching Objectives and Lesson Plan – At the end of the lesson, students should be able to discover what they should pray for, and why they should pray. They should also be able to discover why some prayers are unanswered. To achieve these objectives, the teacher explains to students some of the things they should pray for. Teacher also explains how to pray . 102

Teacher explains some reasons behind unanswered prayers. Teacher concludes by encouraging students to live holy lives for their prayers to be answered. C. Text Review – Philippians 4: 4-9 Specific instructions for answered prayers are highlighted in today's text. a.) Rejoice always in the Lord. V.4 b.) Show moderation in all things and time V. 5 c.) Do not worry. V.6 d.) Pray with thanksgiving. V.6 e.) Imbibe a life pattern of truth, honesty, purity, love, good report, virtue. Praise God for His faithfulness. Whosoever prays under the above-mentioned conditions would have his/her prayers answered. D. Teaching Method –Use lecture method E. Time Management – Share teaching time among 3 lesson outlines. 2.


i. LESSON OUTLINE 1 – FOR WHAT SHOULD I PRAY? Subjects for prayers include the following: (a) Pray for the sick - Jam.5:13-16. (b) Pray for all men, for the President, Governors, Commissioners, the General Superintendent, the General Overseer, Pastors, Deacons, workers, the Choir, the ushers, the Sunday School Teachers, the children, the youths and the elders - I Tim.2:1-4. (c) Pray for every Christian to be made perfect in Christ Jesus Col.1:28. (d) Pray for your enemies - Mt.5:38-48. (e) Pray for wisdom and understanding - I Kgs.3:5-9. (f) Pray for personal safety and the safety of others - Dan.6:1823. (g) Pray for a longer life - Isa. 38:1-5. (h) Pray for the second coming of Christ, that you may be able to 103

do the will of the Lord, to receive daily bread, forgiveness, guidance, victory over temptation and sin - Mt. 6:9-13. (i) Then include your own individual requests. Class activity 1- Every student should make prayer list which would include the items on lesson outline 1. Teacher should examine their lists and possibly approve them. ii. LESSON OUTLINE 2 – HOW SHOULD I PRAY? (a) The Holy Spirit should guide us in our praying - Rom.8:26-27. (b) We must pray with faith in the existence of God - Heb.11: 6. (c) We must pray persistently - Lk. 18:1-8. (d) We must pray with humility - 2 Chr.7:14. (e) We must not ask God to do anything contrary to His will - Mt. 26:39. (f) We must forgive others if we want God to answer our prayers - Mk.11:25. (g) We must be obedient to God - I Jn.3:22. (h) We must not stray from the way - Jn.15:7. (i) We must pray in Jesus' name - Jn.16:24. iii. LESSON OUTLINE 3 – WHY ARE SOME PRAYERS UNANSWERED? There are four major causes of unanswered prayers, namely: 1). Unbelief - Jam.1:6-7. 2) An unforgiving spirit - Mk.11:25. 3) Sin - Ps. 66:18. 4) Asking amiss i.e. asking with wrong motives or against the will of God - Jam.4:3. Class Activity 2 – In addition to the four reasons for unanswered prayers, students should mention any other things which they do or heard which could possibly hinder prayers. 3

SUMMARY Avoiding pitfalls to answered prayers will stimulate accelerated answered prayers.


CONCLUSION Give thanks to God for all answered prayers, believe Him for 104

those things which are yet to be answered and avoid pitfalls to answered prayers. 5 ASSIGNMENT Project 3 Every class should select a day in this week in which the members would go to hospital, or maternity houses, clinic, crèche, schools, etc and pray for the sick, destitute, students etc. NOTE AT THE PREVIEW



02 May 2010

LESSON TOPIC- THE CHRISTIAN FAMILY Prayer Point – Students should pray that true and precious relationship should begin to exist in all homes all over the world. Previous Knowledge – Teacher thanked students for taking part in the 2nd project. Teacher should request a student to review the previous week's lesson.


OPENING A. BIBLE PASSAGE – Ephesians 5:22-23 B. Memory Verse – “Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.” Ephesians 5:33 C. Lesson Introduction – Discussions on Christian living will be incomplete without a thorough discussion on family life. This is an institution that the Lord Jesus Christ likened to the relationship between Him and His Church. May the Holy Spirit teach and bless us the more, in Jesus' name. TEACHER'S DIARY


Lesson Aim- To study on the role of the husband, wife and children in the family.

B. Teaching Objectives and Lesson Plan – At the end of the lesson, students should be able to understand the role of the husband, wife and children in the family. They should also be able to discover the role of love and submission in raising godly children. To achieve these objectives, teacher enumerates the characteristics and roles of a wife in true submission. 106

Teacher concludes by encouraging students to pray earnestly for precious relationship in all families of the world. C. Text Review – Ephesians 5: 22-23 The place of the head in the body cannot be over emphasized. i. it is the highest part of the body. ii. It has the first contact to the skies like the legs have first contact to the earth or ground. iii. The head contains delicate organs most especially the brain which is the thinking faculty of all human being or animals. iv. The head directs all affairs of the body e.g. the eye sees and causes the hands to pick or legs to move. v. The head therefore must be protected and be reverenced just as the hand washes the head, comb it, etc. Similarly, the wife must submit to the head. vi. Both the wife and the husband must submit to Christ. The husband must love the wife too. D. Teaching Method –Use lecture method E. Time Management – Share teaching time among 3 lesson outlines. 2.


i. LESSON OUTLINE 1 – THE WIFE IN TRUE SUBMISSION i. A truly Christian wife must be submissive to the husband as unto the Lord i.e. accept the headship of the husband. – I Pet. 3: 1 Col 3:18; I Tim 2: 11-14 ii. Other characteristics expected of a Christian wife: (a.) Obedience – I Peter 3:1 (b.) Reverence – Eph 5:33; I Pet. 3:5 (c.) Adoring in meekness (d.) Humility both inward and outward- I Pet. 3:34 (e.) Quiet and prayerful spirit – I Pet 3:4 (f.) Purity and holiness – Tit 2: 4-5. (g.) Loveliness – Titus 2:4 (h.) Motherly (mother- heart)- Psalm 128:3 (i.) Diligence and dependability – Psalm 144: 11-12 (j.) Hospitality- Psalm 31:20

(k.) Prayerfulness- Matt. 15: 22- 28 ii. LESSON OUTLINE 2 – THE LOVING HUSBAND i. The husband who is the unconditional head of the wife must unconditionally love the wife as Christ loves the Church. Eph. 5:23; I Cor. 11:3; Rom. 5: 6-10 and Matt. 26: 66-75 ii. The husband loves the wife in pain, sickness, weakness without selfishness until death do them part. Phil 2: 5-8; Eph 5: 28-29 iii. The husband is to train (or contribute) to the children's training and not to provoke them to wrath. Col 3:21 iii. LESSON OUTLINE 3 – THE KING'S CHILDREN i. Both parents are to train the children in the way of the Lord or in the fear of the Lord. Prov. 22:6 ii. Children are God's heritage so they must be trained in godly ways to let them fit into His Holy Kingdom- Psalm 127:3-7 iii. They are the crown/glory of their parents. Prov. 17:6 iv. They should be trained to obey their parents too as commanded. Eph. 6:1; Col. 3: 20 v. The Kingdom of God is the children's. Matt. 19:14 Class Activity – Contrast between a selfish husband and a loving husband or between a selfish wife and a loving wife. 3

SUMMARY The banner over the husband, the wife and the children is CHRIST'S LOVE.


CONCLUSION The family life is a precious relationship ordained by God. How is yours? You can prayerfully answer the question today as you turn to the perfect architect and master builder, that is, the Lord Jesus Christ who can perfect all about your home.

5 ASSIGNMENT Married students should find out 10 love tips that could make the relationship in the family truly precious. Unmarried students

should find out 10 love tips that could produce a precious relationship in future. NOTE AT THE PREVIEW


09 May 2010

LESSON TOPIC- FAMILY ISSUES AND SOLUTIONS Prayer Point – Students should pray that the Lord will uproot all problems capable of creating separation and divorce in the family. Previous Knowledge – Teacher selects a student to review the previous week's lesson. The teacher comments on the assignment while the assistant teacher collects and marks the assignment.


OPENING A. BIBLE PASSAGE – Matthew 19:3-32 B. Memory Verse – : “For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.” Ephesians 5:31 C. Lesson Introduction – In the first part of this series, we discovered the various responsibilities of the husband, wife and even children. We believe that miracles are now happening in various homes. To the glory of God. TEACHER'S DIARY

A. Lesson Aim- To study on the root of separation and divorce in the family. B. Teaching Objectives and Lesson Plan – At the end of the lesson, students should be able to discover causes of separation and divorce. They should be able to decide to guard against divorce now and in future. To achieve these objectives, teacher identifies the causes of divorce and separation and suggests solutions to them. Teacher suggests solutions to other family problems that could

lead to separation. Teacher concludes by encouraging students to hand over their family to the Lord who is able to keep it to the very end. C. Text Review – Matthew 19: 3-32 Question Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for any cause? Matt. 19: 3 (4-9) Answer i. He created them male and female means unity and bond. ii. Man shall leave father and mother and shall cleave means unity and bond. iii. Wherefore they are no more twain but one flesh means unity and bond. iv. What God has joined together therefore, let no man put asunder means unity, bond and seal. v. Putting away and remarrying is adultery. The destination of adulterers and fornicators is hell. The red sign is clear. Gal. 5: 19-20. D. Teaching Method –Use lecture method E. Time Management – Lesson outlines 1 & 2 are longer than lesson outline 3, therefore teacher should share teaching time accordingly. 2. LESSON OUTLINES i. LESSON OUTLINE 1 – DIVORCE AND GOD'S REMEDY i. Divorce is not the will of God for the family – rather it is a planned programme of the devil to destroy the program of God for marriage which is “FOREVER”. ii. Causes of Divorce Problems (a.) Failure to leave others, love and cleave to the wife. Gen. 2:4 (b.) Giving room to devilish suggestions and advices. Eph. 4:27 (c.) Devil uses gossip, false prophecy, suspicion, extravagance and worldliness to bring about divorce- Eph.5: 22-31

Solutions (d.) (e.)

Do not give room to the devil, don't compare your family to the others; don't give room to criticisms and failure. Learn to love, forgive and be affectionate. Eph. 5:25-28; Titus 2:4


Wife usurping the duty or authority of her husband I Pet.3:47;Col. 3 ii. Pride and prayerlessness- both from husband and wife.. iii. Childlessness and associated problems. Gen. 25: 20-22 iv. Polygamy, fund or financial problems, debt. etc. Solutions i. Taking instructions from the Lord will prevent pride. John 13:3-5 ii. Absolute faith in the Lord will solve childless problems. Matt. 11:22 iii. Avoid polygamy, avoid over spending, and avoid fleshly desires. Gen. 29 iii. LESSON OUTLINE 3 – SEPARATION · Marriage is intended by the Lord to be a lifelong affair. Gen. 29: 29-32 · Separation should be avoided by both husband and wife. Class Activity – Students should give reasons people are breaking the divine law of marriage today? 3 4

SUMMARY Genuine love is the secret pill of a lasting marriage

CONCLUSION Jesus can make all things right. Hand over your family to God today.

5 ASSIGNMENT Students should find out 10 conditions or problems in the family which could lead to divorce if not well managed. NOTE AT THE PREVIEW


16 May 2010

LESSON TOPIC- CHRISTIAN FAMILY DISCIPLINE Prayer Point – Students should pray that God should help every family to truly worship Him and that He should take charge of the finances and discipline matters in every home. Previous Knowledge – Teacher selects a student to review the previous week's lesson. Teacher comments on the previous week's assignment and allows the assistant to collect the assignment grade accordingly.


OPENING A. BIBLE PASSAGE – 1 Thessalonians 5:15-24 B. Memory Verse – “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.” 1 Thessalonians 5:21 C. Lesson Introduction – This study intends to focus on some aspects of the family life that are very essential for steady spiritual growth expected of Christian homes. May the Holy Spirit teach and bless us as we study, in Jesus' name. TEACHER'S DIARY

A. Lesson Aim- To study the place of worship, discipline and finance in the family. B. Teaching Objectives and Lesson Plan – At the end of the lesson, students should be able to discover the place of worship, discipline and finance in the family. To achieve these objectives, teacher enumerates the role of worship, discipline and finance in the family. Teacher also enumerates how to achieve the three items in a godly way. Teacher concludes by encouraging students to hand over their families' affairs to Jesus Christ.

C. Text Review – I Thessalonians 5: 15-24 The following blessings will be visible in a family where the members worship God sincerely and are disciplined, i. There will be rejoicing in that family- I Thess. 5:16 ii. Their prayers will be Holy Spirit led, strengthened and answered..Verse 17 iii. The Holy Spirit fire will be burning and the devils work will be totally burnt by the Holy Spirit fire. V.19 iv. Gift of prophecy will be in operation. V.20 v. The family will be characterized by truth as they are deeply rooted in the word of God. V.21 vi. Evil can never enter into such family as the power of the living God will chase away evil. V.22 vii. The members of such family will be preserved blameless by the Lord D. Teaching Method –Use lecture method E. Time Management – Teacher should share teaching time among 3 lesson outlines. 2.


i. LESSON OUTLINE 1 – FAMILY WORSHIP i. God commanded every family to reverence and respect Him in total worship. I Chr. 16:29; Psalm 150: 6; Eph. 5:15 ii. The family worship which could be in form of singing, praises, praying in the morning or night or both or at all times for the whole members bring about the following benefits: (a.) It makes the family stay together. I John 4:8 (b.) It ensures the divine presence of God with the family. Psalm 22:3 (c.) Devil or darkness cannot overrule such homes. I John 1:5 iii. God should be worshipped for His provision, love and His immeasurable power. iv. Cornelius, Louis/Eunice, Joshua, etc are examples of family worship in the Bible. Josh 24: 15; II Tim 1:5; Acts 10:2

ii. LESSON OUTLINE 2 – FAMILY DISCIPLINE i. A Christian soldier should be disciplined (i.e. being on guard against the devil on daily basis). ii. To be disciplined means: (a.) Not to be entangled with worldly affairs or devilish suggestions. II Tim 2:4 (b.) To tame up our appetites through fasting. I Cor. 7:5; I Cor. 7:29-31 (c.) Living exemplary lives for God's glory. Col. 4:5 (d.) Redeeming the time for days are evil (not slothful). Eph. 5:15 (e.) Correcting undesired behaviours promptly ( the rod should not be spared); Prov. 14: 24; Prov. 22:15 iii. LESSON OUTLINE 3 – FAMILY FINANCES i. Jesus must be the centre of family budgeting. I Cor. 10:31 ii. Our love and unity as family should get to cooperation of account. Amos 3:3 iii. Spiritual consideration must top our monthly priority. iv. Remember everything you have comes from God and you will give account to Him on how you have used His resources. Psalm 24:1 Class Activity – Students should identify root of poverty and indiscipline in the family. They should suggest how the identified problems can be tackled. 3

SUMMARY If we truly worship God in holiness we will be disciplined and shall prosper.


CONCLUSION Hand over your family finance and discipline matters to God in prayer.


ASSIGNMENT Students should mention 5 ways in which discipline could be enforced in the family. NOTE AT THE PREVIEW


23 May 2010

LESSON TOPIC- DANGERS OF UNFORGIVENESS Prayer Point – The class should pray for grace to forgive others always. Previous Knowledge – Teacher should allow a student to review the previous week's lesson. While the assistant teacher marks the assignment.


OPENING A. BIBLE PASSAGE – Matthew 18: 21-35 B. Memory Verse – “But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. Matthew 6:15 C. Lesson Introduction – i. Teacher asks a student to define/ describe unforgiving. ii. Teacher explains unforgiving act/attitudes and mind to students. For instance, an unforgiving mind will produce unforgiving attitude. Unforgiving mind could lead to malice, retaliation, killing, picking offence, praying for death of an offender, offending God, etc. iii. Teacher instructs students to be weary of unforgiving attitude. TEACHER'S DIARY

A. Lesson Aim- To study God's commandments on forgiveness and consequences of not doing so. B. Teaching Objectives and Lesson Plan – At the end of the lesson, students should be able to discover God's commandment with regards to forgiveness. Also, students should be able to discover the

consequences of unforgiving attitude. To achieve these objectives, teacher lists out the behaviours of the unforgiving servant. Teacher contrasts between forgiving and unforgiving attitude. Teacher emphasizes God's commandment on forgiveness. Teacher explains the dangers/consequences of unforgiving attitude. C. Text Review – Matt. 18: 21-25 Differences between the forgiving master and unforgiving servant. (a.) The master was merciful but the servant was not. (b.) The master showed compassion on the servant but the servant did not show compassion on his debtor. Matt. 18: 27-30 (c.) The king was patient with the servant but the servant was not with his debtor. Matt.18: 2b, 30 (d.) The king forgave all the debts of the servant but the servant insisted that his debtor should pay all the debt. Matt. 18: 27, 32 and 29-30. (e.) The king set him free from the debt of ten thousand talents (Pounds) but he put his debtor into prison for owing only hundred denari (pence). Matt. 18:24, 28. (f.) The king had a forgiving mind and attitude but the servant had unforgiving mind and attitude. D. Teaching Method – Lecture teaching method is recommended. E. Time Management – Teacher should share the teaching time equally. 2.


i. LESSON OUTLINE 1 – GOD COMMANDS US TO FORGIVE Teacher contrasts between forgiving attitude and unforgiving attitude as indicated in the “Text Review” Matt. 28: 21-35. (b.) Teacher explains that the King represents God. The servant represents you (who fails to forgive) and the debtor is the other person(s) we fail to forgive. (a.)

(c.) (d.) (e.)

Teacher equates 10,000 talents to the much we owed God while the 10 denari is the little others owed us. (Note for ease of understanding, the 10,000 talent is like £10,000 compared with the 100 denari which is like 100 pence (The difference is clear). Teacher further explains that: (a.) The gospel of Christ offers forgiveness. (b.) That forgiveness is God's commandment. Matt. 11:25, I John 1:7-9.

Class Activity – Students should mention any painful offence committed against them and how it was resolved. ii.

LESSON OUTLINE 2 – CONSEQUENCES OF AN UNFORGIVING ATTITUDE Teacher explains the consequences of an unforgiving attitude: i. Unforgiving attitude invokes the wrath of God and makes Him to hand you over to tormentors – Pro.11:21. ii. Unforgiving attitude brings a harvest of evil deeds done to your offender upon you – Matt.18:30-34; Eccl.12:14. iii. Unforgiving attitude prevents you from benefiting from the cleansing power of Jesus – 1 Jn.1:7-9. iv. Unforgiving attitude makes Heaven reject your gifts and sacrifices. v. Unforgiving attitude hinders answers to prayers – Matt.6:15. vi. Unforgiving attitude makes someone a candidate for hell. 3

SUMMARY The consequences of violating God's commandment to forgive are grievous.


CONCLUSION Forgive always.


ASSIGNMENT Students should write 5 offences which they recently forgave. They should write the dates or months of the events. NOTE AT THE PREVIEW


30 May 2010

SUNDAY SCHOOL QUARTERLY REVIEW THIRD QUARTER SECTION 1 – TEST (50 Marks) TIME ( 15 Minutes) Parish Coordinators or Area Coordinators are to set 10 similar questions for all students in their Parishes on the twelve lessons on the just concluded quarter and administer them for 15 minutes during the quarterly review exercise. 5 marks should be awarded for every correct answer to make a total of 50 marks. SECTION 2- Attendance and Participating Activities MARKS: 50 marks TIME: 15 Minutes Award 4 marks each for each week's attendance. Therefore, the teacher should check the class attendance register and award marks accordingly. For instance, a student who was present for 10 times during the quarter would score 40 (4 x 10) marks while another student who was present throughout the 12 Sunday School lessons will score 48 (4 x 12) marks. Add 2 marks for being present in the Sunday School on the quarterly review day. Total 2 + 28 = 50marks. SECTION 3- Workbook Marks (100 Marks) The addition of marks for sections 1 & 2 above should be added to the workbook marks while the total should be divided by 2 (see workbook note). SECTION 4 -Interactive Section (Zero marks ) TIME: (15 Minutes) i. Teacher should ask students if they have any problem (physically, spiritually) with the Sunday School during the just concluded quarter and resolve the problems. ii. Teacher and students should discuss how to move the Sunday School Class forward in the new quarter. iii. Teacher prays with the students on the past quarter and for the new quarter. Note: Teacher should use scores to award prizes. Thank you.


06 June 2010

LESSON TOPIC- BEWARE OF REBELLION Prayer Point – The class should pray against all forms of rebellions in the church. Previous Knowledge – Teacher announces the students' performances during the quarterly review exercise.


OPENING A. BIBLE PASSAGE – Psalm 107: 10-14 B. Memory Verse – “Because they rebelled against the words of God, and contemned the counsel of the most High: Therefore, he brought down their hearts with labour; they fell down, and there was none to help”. Psalm 107:11-12 C. Lesson Introduction – (a.) Teacher samples student's knowledge of the word, rebellion by asking them to give their definitions. (b.) Teacher gives the meaning of rebellion as follows: (i.) To go in the opposite direction of what was commanded. (ii.) To use one's power of influence in a negative direction. TEACHER'S DIARY


Lesson Aim- The aim of the lesson is to caution students against rebellion.

B. Teaching Objectives and Lesson Plan – At the end of the lesson, students should be able to identify a rebel. They should also be able to discover the danger of rebellion. To achieve these objectives, teacher should explain the characteristics of a rebel. Teacher also explains the dangers of rebellion.

Teacher concludes by discouraging students from becoming a rebel or associating with rebels. C. Text Review – Psalm 107: 10-14 Connection with God is: (a.) An emancipation from darkness. Psalm 107:14 (b.) It is freedom from bondage. Psalm 107:4 (c.) It is liberation from trouble. Psalm 107:13 (d.) Darkness and death cannot withstand His presence. Psalm 107:10-11 Distance from God, however, has its retribution. (a.) The one who is distant from God will be in chain of iron and affliction. Psalm 107: 10-11 (b.) He or she will cry to God in trouble and there will be no solution. (c.) The person will be alone and down in labour without help. V. 12-13 (d.) Distress is the next acquaintance of a rebel. V13 D. Teaching Method – Teacher should use lecture method. E. Time Management – Teacher should share teaching equally between the two lessons outlines. 2.

LESSON OUTLINES i. LESSON OUTLINE 1 – WHO IS A REBEL? a.) He/she is in a constant conflict between self and the government. Numbers 16: 11-14 b.) He/she revolts against boss and God. c.) He/she wants to be like the most high God. d.) He/she does not stay under divine leadership or authority. e.) He/she resists the authority of man also. Isaiah 14: 13-14




2. 3.

4. 5.

It locates the rebel in darkness. Every believer dwells in the light of Jesus Christ. However, the moment you team up with people to rebel against the authority of the Church, your Pastor or leader, you move from light into darkness. Rebellion makes the rebel a candidate of death. If anyone rebels against God or His bona fide servant, that fellow could be destroyed. Num.16:25-33; Num.16:42-49. Rebellion ties the rebel with iron chains under serious affliction. If you feel tied to the same spot and you have prayed and fasted for long without respite, examine yourself. It could be that Heaven identifies you as a rebel. Some are deceived into believing that it is when they become rebels that they will be notable or outstanding. No, they will only be outstanding in afflictions and bondages – Num.12:1-10; Num.16:42-49. Rebellion causes the helpers of rebels to turn their backs on them – Num.16:1-6, 29. Rebellion leads to falling – Is.14:12-14.


SUMMARY Rebellion is sin and it leads to destruction.


CONCLUSION Believers should never be rebels.


ASSIGNMENT Identify 10 scriptures which forbid rebellion. NOTE AT THE PREVIEW


13 June 2010

LESSON TOPIC- DOUBT Prayer Point – The class should pray that doubts be uprooted from members of the body Christ in RCCG and the world at large. Previous Knowledge – The assistant teacher should mark the previous week's lesson.


OPENING A. BIBLE PASSAGE – Matthew 14: 23-33 B. Memory Verse – ““And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?” Matthew 14:31 C. Lesson Introduction – (a.)Teacher requests students to define or explain doubt. (b.) Teacher defines doubt as a feeling of being uncertain about something or not believing something. TEACHER'S DIARY

A. Lesson Aim-To study doubt and its antidote. B. Teaching Objectives and Lesson Plan – At the end of the lesson, students should be able to discover the characteristics and dangers of doubt. They should also be able to identify the antidote of doubt and how to apply the antidote. To achieve these objectives, teacher divides each of the two outlines into two and teaches as indicated below. Outline 1A – characteristics of doubt. Outline 1B - danger or consequences of doubt. Outline 2A - Fundamentals of faith. Outline 2B – How to control doubts.

C. Text Review – Matthew 14: 23- 33 Faith made Peter walk on water but doubt made him to sink. Doubt makes the storm/wind look boisterous but faith makes it to calm/cease Doubt is like a cover which may not allow someone to see Christ in a storm but faith opens the eyes to discover that the Lord is near. D. Teaching Method – Teacher should use lecture method. E. Time Management – Teacher should share teaching time equally. 2.


i. LESSON OUTLINE 1 – CHARACTERISTICS OF A DOUBTING MIND IA. Characteristics of doubts i. Instability – A doubting mind is like a wave of the sea blown and tossed by the wind. James. 1: 5-7 ii. Faithfulness – A doubting mind will not believe until it sees or touches. iii. Lack of steadfastness – A doubting mind is not firm, rather, willingly movable and contradictory in his behaviour to the scriptures. I Cor 15: 58 iv. Wrong priority – A doubting mind places priority on the report of man rather than the report of the Lord. IB. Dangers/ Consequences of Doubt i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. ii.

Doubt produces worry. Doubt produces fear. Doubt is sin. Doubt makes God hide His face from the doubtful fellow. Deut.32:20 Doubt sinks a man in the storms of life. Matt. 14: 28- 30 Doubt makes a man miss God's provision for his life. Num. 13: 27- 33; Number 14: 22- 23 LESSON OUTLINE 2 – FAITH IS FUNDAMENTAL

IIA. i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. IIB. i. ii. iii. iv.

Fundamentals of faith Faith is the antidote to doubt, we can overcome doubt by faith. Faith is fundamental to all Christian services. Mark 11: 22- 24 Hebrew 11: 6; James 1: 6-7; I John 5: 4-5 The more we believe the word of God the less we doubt. Heb. 10: 23 God demands faith while the devil hates it. Faith makes us to stand while doubt makes us sink. Faith in God is a commandment. John 20: 27 How to control doubt Stand in faith. Keep your gaze from anything capable of breeding doubt, fear and unbelief. Feed on the word of God daily. Heb. 10: 23 Keep your focus on the word of God. Prov. 4: 20-23

Class Activity- Students should contrast between a doubting mind and a mind full of faith. 3

SUMMARY Doubt is a number one enemy of faith. When we doubt, we disbelieve God. The more we have faith in God the more we are free from doubt.


CONCLUSION Do not allow doubt to hurt your faith in the Lord.


ASSIGNMENT Students should mention 5 practical steps to increase their faith in the Lord. NOTE AT THE PREVIEW


20 June 2010

LESSON TOPIC- THE CHRISTIAN MISSION Prayer Point – Class should pray for grace to go forth and preach the gospel to every creature. Previous Knowledge – Teacher requests a student to review the previous week's lesson.


OPENING A. BIBLE PASSAGE – Genesis 3: 1-15 B. Memory Verse – ““And he said unto them, Go ye into the entire world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15 C. Lesson Introduction – What/Who is a Missionary? Missionary in Latin means Mitto and in Greek means Apostello. In English Language it means “to send” i.e. someone sent with an assignment from a superior authority. TEACHER'S DIARY A. Lesson Aim: To discover the role of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit in mission. B. Teaching Objectives and Lesson Plan – At the end of the lesson, students should be able to discover God's purpose for Christian missions. They should be able to discover also the role of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in Mission. Teacher also explains through questions how Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit were involved in missionary work.

Teacher samples student's response before giving the final answer. Teacher concludes by encouraging student to join the missionary work in their church. C. Text Review – Genesis 3: 1-15 The consequences of eating the forbidden fruit in today's text are as follows: (i.) Eye that is blind to God's glory and opened to sin. V.5 (ii.) Knowledge of good and evil (increased) v. 5 (iii.) Heavy desire to satisfy the stomach, eye and mind. This is the source of all forms of lusts and desires of the world.V.6 (iv.) Loss of God's glory and the advent of modern naked dressing V.7 (v.) Missions remove death and replaces it with life. (vi.) Missions restore the run- away to God and replaces wrath with mercy- V.9 (vii) Through mission, man has hope of eternity. D. Teaching Method – Teacher should use question/ answer teaching method. E. Time Management – Teacher should share teaching time equally on the 3 lesson outlines. 2.


i. LESSON OUTLINE 1 – GOD'S PURPOSE FOR CHRISTIAN MISSIONS Genesis 9: 1-17; 12: 1-3. Q Why is God interested in missions? A Because He is looking for man to fellowship with. Q Why did God call the nation of Israel? A To provide a means for God to reach all nations. Q Why is God reaching for nations of the world? A To save them. Q How did God sustain missions in the Old Testament.? A Through prophets who passed the message on. Q How did God re-establish fellowship with man after the flood? A He entered into a covenant with Noah not to destroy man with water again.

ii. LESSON OUTLINE 2 – JESUS AND CHRISTIAN MISSIONS Q. Why was Jesus sent into the world? A. To save the world. (students should read John 3:17; John 5: 36-37, John 6:57; Gal. 4:5; for additional reasons for His coming. Q What will you consider to be the meat of Christ according to John 4:34? A. The will of God. Q. How did Jesus accomplish the purpose of saving the world? A. He died through crucifixion. Q. Who were His missionary targets? A. Both the Jesus and the Non- Jews. Q. When was the Great Commission given? A. Before and after His death and resurrection. Matt. 24:14, Matt. 28: 18-20 Q. Why was the instruction repeated? A. To show its importance. Acts 26: 13-18 Students should read the passages below to support the responses. Matt. 10: 5-6, Matt15: 21-28, Hebrew 12:14-18, Hebrew 4:15, Phil. 2:5-8, Mark 16:5, John 20:21-22, Luke 24: 46-49 iii. LESSON OUTLINE 3 – THE HOLY SPIRIT AND CHRISTIAN MISSION Q. Why was the Holy Spirit sent to the world at Pentecost? A. To replace Jesus Christ. Q. What was His Ministry to the believers? What purpose has He come to fulfil among the believers? A. To teach and encourage believers. Q. What has He come to do among the unbelievers? A. To convict them of sin and regenerate them. Q. What role is the Holy Spirit playing in the end time mission? A. He commissions the believers to go on the missionary work. e.g. Peter (a.) He directs them to where they should go and where not to go. Acts. 16:6-7, Acts. 13: 2-4 (b.) He guides their movement. Acts. 19:21, Acts 20: 22-2, Acts 21:11-14


SUMMARY God is a missionary. Jesus is a missionary. The Holy Ghost is a missionary.


CONCLUSION Believers must be involved in missions to save the thousands of lost souls worldwide.


ASSIGNMENT Your class can have a Mission Street to evangelize. Start one today. Visit the street with the good news of Jesus until the people there are saved. NOTE AT THE PREVIEW


27 June 2010

LESSON TOPIC- THE CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY Prayer Point – Class should pray for more grace to be deeply involved in Christian missions. Previous Knowledge – Teacher asks a student to review the previous week's lesson while the assistant teacher marks the assignment.


OPENING A. BIBLE PASSAGE – 2 Corinthians 5: 12-20 B. Memory Verse – “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:” 1 Peter 3:15 C. Lesson Introduction –Apostle Paul in his epistles emphasised that each member in the body of Christ has an important function to perform and that there is no spectator in the body of Christ. All are supposed to use their gifts for the work of the ministry – Eph.4:12. These spiritual gifts, if properly put in active use; will undoubtedly result in missionary works. This is a glorious assignment that includes members of the body of every type of class, sex and nation – 1 Cor.12:13. . TEACHER'S DIARY

A. Lesson Aim- To study further on the Christian missionary B. Teaching Objectives and Lesson Plan – At the end of the lesson, students should be able to discover the apostle and the early Church's impression of mission. To achieve these objectives, teacher should explain the purposes for which believers are chosen.

Teacher also should explain how the early church was deeply involved in missions with desired results. Teacher concludes by calling students to the facts that God has given us a ministry of reconciliation to turn those in darkness to Christ. C. Text Review – 2 Corinthians 5: 12- 20 One may pause and ask why the early church was so much involved in missions. They were for the following reasons: i. The love of Christ - 2 Cor. 5: 14 ii. Because their lives depended on Christ who died for them and us. 2 Cor, 5:15 iii. Their knowledge of Christ increased from time to time. 2 Cor. 5: 16 iv. They were new creatures with new desires to satisfy Christ. 2 Cor. 5:17 v. They were given a ministry of reconciliation which involved bringing sinners from darkness to light. 2 Cor. 5:19 vi. They were ambassadors of Christ. An ambassador is faithful to the one who commissioned him, the Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Cor. 5:20 D. Teaching Method – Teacher should use lecture method. E. Time Management – Share the teaching time in ratio 1:2 between outline one and two respectively. 2.

LESSON OUTLINES i. LESSON OUTLINE 1 – APOSTLE PETER'S IMPRESSION OF MISSIONS (I Pet. 2: 9-10; 12-20) a. The Church was called to show forth the praise of Jesus who called sinners from darkness to light. b. The Church was called to attract others to the body of Christ to glorify God. c. To explain to others their hope in Christ. Reasons abound why the Church was committed to this call.

Note – The six reasons are stated in the text review. Teacher should apply them here as part of lesson outline one. ii. LESSON OUTLINE 2 – THE EARLY CHURCH AND MISSIONS The early Church was involved in missions in the following ways. i. Paul praised Priscilla and Aquila who started churches wherever they went. Acts. 18: 26-28 ii. Paul's missionary team spread the gospel from Thessalonica to Macedonia and Achaia. I Thess. 1:8 iii. The gospel spread from Asia to Ephesus from where Epaphas was saved and carried the gospel to other towns. Acts. 19:26, Col. 1:4-7 iv. The Philippians supported the missionary work with their belongings while the Ephesians supported the work with prayers. Phil 4: 14-18 and Eph. 6: 18-20. v. Missionaries carried the mission work to Rome, the political seat of the Roman Empire and others places in Asia and all over the world. vi. Paul encouraged believers all over the world to imitate him on this missionary assignment. I Cor. 4:16 Class Activity- What are the advantages of missions? 3

SUMMARY Missions is a must to be imitated.


CONCLUSION Your duty as a believer is to reconcile unbelievers to Christ. Please join the saints to achieve these assignments.


ASSIGNMENT Mention 5 attributes of a missionary. NOTE AT THE PREVIEW


04 July 2010

LESSON TOPIC- THE CHRISTIAN MISSION SUPPORT Prayer Point – Students should pray to God to supply all the missions' needs of the Redeemed Christian Church of God. Previous Knowledge – Teacher requests a student to review the previous week's lesson. Teacher comments briefly on the previous assignment while the assistant teacher collects and marks the assignment.


OPENING A. BIBLE PASSAGE – Philippians 4:8-20 B. Memory Verse – : “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19 C. Lesson Introduction – In our last two studies, we have been able to learn that the business of missions does not exclude the Almighty God, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and the Church. Mission is a must and all truly born again Christians should be interested. Today, we will continue as we look into missions by proxy. May the Holy Spirit teach us and bless us in Jesus' name. . TEACHER'S DIARY

A. Lesson Aim- To study various support for Christian missions. B. Teaching Objectives and Lesson Plan – At the end of the lesson, student should be able to identify those areas of needs of the missions. They should be able to respond to those needs/calls by providing them as much as they can. To achieve these objectives, teacher explains the responsibilities expected from students in support of

missions. Teacher illustrates the need to support missions using the Macedonian and Philippians churches as examples. Teacher concludes by encouraging students to support mission with their resources. C. Text Review – Philippians 4: 8-20 Support for missions can take the following forms: a. Communicating the missionary (and providing the means to receive the message) Verse 15 -16 b. Giving the missionary essential life support. V.16 c. Sending messages or visiting with provisions. V.16 d. Item sent to missions should be such that is good and well pleasing to God. V.18 D. Teaching Method –Use lecture method E. Time Management – Share teaching time among 3 lesson outlines. 2.


i. LESSON OUTLINE 1 – CHRISTIAN MISSSIONS AND HOME SUPPORT i. Missionaries are Christians sent out across geographical and cultural boundaries to proclaim the gospel. ii. It is the responsibility of the members at home to provide support for the missionaries. iii. Both the missionaries on mission field or members at the home church are co-labourers together with God. iv. members at the home church are required to provide material supports and should be praying for them. v. These supports will enable the missionaries concentrate on their assignments. vi. When we send our material support and prayers we are engaged in missions by proxy. Texts: - I Cor. 12: 25-26; I Cor. 3: 8-9; Matt. 6: 20-21 Class activity 1- How can missions challenges be solved by members at the home church?

ii. LESSON OUTLINE 2 – LESSONS FROM THE MACEDONIAN AND PHILIPPIAN CHURCHES i. Macedonian churches willingly gave their substances for the cause of the gospel. ii. The Philippian church communicated their substances for the cause of the gospel. iii. Their gifts were acceptable as sacrifices of sweet odour unto God. iv. Philippian church was outstanding in giving, therefore, Paul commended them. Text :- Phil 4: 15-18; Phil 4:19 iii. LESSON OUTLINE 3 – YOU CAN BE PERSONALLY INVOLVED i. The woman of Shumen supported Elisha. ii. Priscilla and Aquila supported Paul. iii. You too can support the missions work of RCCG world wide by providing basic support materials, money, etc (Teacher could add the items in the text review) Text:- 2 Kings 4: 8-10; Rom 16: 3-4 Class Activity – Mention reasons majority do not want to engage in mission. 3

SUMMARY Be involved in provision of support for mission.


CONCLUSION You should be involved in missions directly and indirectly.

5 ASSIGNMENT Project 4- Students should go to their mission street, field, neighbour etc and preach Jesus to the people and present them with some token/gifts items, like toilet rolls, toilet soap, tooth pastes and other consumables. NOTE AT THE PREVIEW


11 July 2010

LESSON TOPIC- CURE FOR THE WOUNDED SOLDIER Prayer Point – Pray that God would heal all wounds sustained by all Christians through today's lesson. Previous Knowledge – A student should share his blessing from the previous week's lesson while the assistant teacher marks the assignment.


OPENING A. BIBLE PASSAGE – Ephesians 6: 10 -17 B. Memory Verse – “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.” Ephesians 6:10 C. Lesson Introduction –The Christian race, more often than not, is not a bed of roses. It may occasionally bring physical or spiritual wounds. God, however, has given us the equipment for victory. There is no need to be defeated because God has given us His word, which is all we need for victory. May the Holy Spirit grant the needed anointing to cure the wounded soldier, in Jesus' name TEACHER'S DIARY

A. Lesson Aim- To study how a wounded soldier could be cured. B. Teaching Objectives and Lesson Plan – At the end of the lesson, students should be able to discover how to be cured from wounds or to avoid wounds. To achieve these objectives, teacher should treat each outline as part of a process. Each part has its appendages which must be coordinated to form a whole. And because the parts are many, the teacher should avoid distractions

C. Text Review – Ephesians 6: 10-17 · The whole armour of God. · Loins girt about with truth (waist proof). · Protective shoes of the gospel. · Breastplate (divine bullet proof jacket for the chest) of righteousness. · Helmet (head proof) of salvation. · Shield of faith (front and rear guards) · Sword( the word) · Watching devices (divine binocular, telescope, metal/ acid sensors ). A soldier who is dressed in the above wears may not be easily defeated. Similarly, a Christian soldier who is dressed in truth, gospel, righteousness, faith, salvation, the word of God and good watching devices could be a victorious soldier. D. Teaching Method – Teacher should use lecture method. E. Time Management – Be discreet with your time.

2. I.

LESSON OUTLINES DETERMINE THE SOURCE OF THE WOUND The devil is the archenemy of the believers. He can attack and wound anyone through disappointment, depression, dejection, destruction, temptation, stealing, etc. John 10:10, Job 2: 7 and Luke 4: 5-8



STAY YOUR GROUND. What does this mean? · To look unto Jesus and not the wound or devil. Heb. 12: 1-2 · To jettison evil reports (medical or otherwise). Num 13:32 · Do not fall off/down or avoid depression. · Take doses of faith in the word of God. Rom. 10:18 LIVE HOLY How can this be achieved?

· Through a regular self-examination. · Use the word of God as a mirror. · Allow the Holy Spirit conduct a through search in you · Any sin discovered by the Holy Spirit searchlight must be confessed. · Sin is like an explosive that destroys faith and prayer. · Wash wound with the blood of Jesus. Heb. 4: 12; I John 1:7; Mk. 11:25 4.

PUT ON THE WHOLE AMOUR OF GOD HOW? · Through intense prayer & fasting. · Regular study of the word of God. · Through dedicated life of service of God. · Teacher can apply the components of God's armour as highlighted in the text review. · God's whole armour can destroy devil's strong hold. 2 Cor. 10:4 and Eph. 6: 10-18


SHUN UNBELIEF AND DOUBT How and Why? · Let your mind begin to believe the truth (the word of God) Matt. 24: 35 · Submit to God totally. · Resist lies by believing the truth. · Resist the devil through declaration of the word of God. · Have a positive thought towards God. · Let your desires be God first. · James 1: 2-8, Matthew 24:35, James 4:7, 2 Cor. 10: 5


CONFESS POSITIVELY HOW? · Walk, speak, see, and hope by faith not sight. 2 Cor. 5:7 · When you pray, believe that God has answered it. · Speak what you believe in not what the doctor says. · Claim the promises. · Convince your self of your healing. · Shame the devil and let him know that you are not a victim.

· 2 Cor. 5: 7; Mark 11: 24, Matt 8: 17, Acts. 10:38


GIVE GLORY TO GOD Why? · It speeds up the healing. · It shames the devil · It releases the oil of joy necessary for healing. · It seals up the testimony. · It assures you that God is the source of your victory. · God too is delighted in you. Phil 4:6; Rom 7: 19-21

Teacher should allow students to contribute to all the 7 outline (process). This should serve as class activity. 3

SUMMARY The soldier who follows the above procedures will be healed.


CONCLUSION There is recovery for every wounded soldier, if the right treatment is applied. The above 7 treatments will heal any wounded soldier.


ASSIGNMENT Set aside time to pray for the recovery of all wounded soldiers. NOTE AT THE PREVIEW


18 July 2010

LESSON TOPIC- FAITHFULNESS Prayer Point – The class should pray for the grace to be faithful to God always. Previous Knowledge – A student should review the previous week's lesson.


OPENING A. BIBLE PASSAGE – 2 Timothy 2: 1-2 B. Memory Verse – “And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.” 2 Timothy 2:2 C. Lesson Introduction – Teacher asks a few students to define the term faithfulness. Teacher defines faithfulness as follows: (a.) Faithfulness is ability to positively affect others with one's zeal. (b.) Faithfulness is reduction or removal of loss. Dan. 6:2 (c.) Faithfulness is proving oneself worth of trust. 1 Cor. 4:2 Teacher should encourage students to learn by heart at least two of these definitions. TEACHER'S DIARY

A. Lesson Aim- To study the ingredients and benefits of faithfulness. B. Teaching Objectives and Lesson Plan – At the end of the lesson, students should be able To discover the ingredients of faithfulness and the benefits of faithfulness. To achieve these stated objectives, teachers should place

emphasis on highlighted words in the two lesson outlines. Teacher and students discuss with examples practical ways to achieve faithfulness to God in our worship, giving and Christian lives. Teacher concludes by advising students to distant themselves from all acts of unfaithfulness. Note- (*Teacher should identify as many acts of unfaithfulness as possible). C. Text Review – 2 Timothy 2: 1-2 Grace is a key word in studying or understanding the concept of faithfulness. Another important road map is discipline. “Discipline” will lead to commitment – of time and resources to the cause you believe in. D. Teaching Method – Teacher should use discussion methods. E. Time Management – spare enough time to discuss the class activity 2.

LESSON OUTLINES i. LESSON OUTLINE 1 – INGREDIENTS OF FAITHFULNESS a. A faithful man must be able to reproduce himself in others. If a teacher, he/she must mentor more teachers. A faithful leader must be able to develop other leaders capable of taking his place – 2 Tim.2:2. b. Faithfulness also means faith – Rom. 14:23. To be faithful implies being full of faith. Anyone who walks in doubt and fear can never be faithful. c. Faithfulness is also the ability to keep secrets – Pro.11:13; Matt.16:20. You must be able to keep secrets and confidential information. A leader must not turn confidential information of subordinates into gossip. d. Faithfulness requires one not to be wasteful – Jn.6:12. For one to be faithful, one must become prudent in determining what will be enough. e. Another ingredient of faithfulness is faultlessness. A faithful person must be perfect and upright – Dan.6:1-4; Job 1:1; Acts 24:16; Gen.17:1.

ii. LESSON OUTLINE 2 – BENEFITS OF FAITHFULNESS a) Blessing: A faithful servant is blessed – Matt.24:45-56. b) Enlargement: Faithful servants will have their coasts enlarged – Mt.25:21; Lk.19:17-19. c) Joy of the Lord: Faithful servants will enter into the joy of the Lord – Mt.25:21, 23. d) True Riches: A faithful servant will get the true riches – Lk.16:11. e) Leadership: Faithful servants will become their own masters eventually – Lk.16:11-12. Class Activity –Teacher and students should discuss (with relevant examples) why faithfulness is endangered in today's world and suggests practical ways to achieve faithfulness. 3

SUMMARY Faithfulness is a must for every Christian.


CONCLUSION Be faithful


ASSIGNMENT Students should identify 5 areas where they can be faithful to God. NOTE AT THE PREVIEW


25 July 2010

LESSON TOPIC- TITHING Prayer Point – Class should pray for grace to pay their tithes properly and promptly. Previous Knowledge – The assistant teacher marks the assignment while a student reviews the previous week's lesson.


OPENING A. BIBLE PASSAGE – Malachi 3:6-12 B. Memory Verse – “Bring ye all tithes into the store house, that there may be meat in mine house,” Malachi 3:10a C. Lesson Introduction – Today's study centres on an age-long principle and practice applicable in all dispensations, including this. As some try to infer, it was neither instituted during the dispensation of law nor terminated by the dispensation of grace. May the Holy Spirit teach and bless us mightily today in Jesus' name. TEACHER'S DIARY

A. Lesson Aim- To study some biblical truths about tithing. B. Teaching Objectives and Lesson Plan – At the end of the lesson, students should be able to discover that tithe was paid before and during the dispensation of the law. They should also be able to discover that tithes were also paid during the dispensation of grace and that a lot of blessings are waiting for those who pay their tithe regularly and correctly. To achieve these objectives, teacher should explain that tithe payment is God's commandment. Teacher also explains the need to pay tithe regularly and properly.

C. Text Review – Malachi 3: 6-12 The Bible describes tithes defaulters as robbers. · The defaulters will be cursed. · Paying tithes ensure that there is food in God's storehouse. · Paying tithe attracts blessing to the payer. · Paying tithes destroy devourers. · It directs the nation's blessing to the payer. D. Teaching Method –Use lecture method E. Time Management – Share teaching time among 3 lesson outlines. 2.


i. LESSON OUTLINE 1 – TITHING BEFORE AND DURING THE DISPENSATION OF LAW i. Abraham paid tithe to God- Gen. 14: 18-20 ii. Jacob paid tithes to God- Gen. 28: 16-22 iii. God fearing kings paid tithe to God. Numbers 18: 21-24 iv. The Israelites paid tithe to God. II Chr. 31: 5-12 v. To partake of the tithing blessing, pay it. Mal. 3:10-12 vi. If you do not pay tithe, you are operating under curses. Deut. 28:15 Class activity 1- Mention reasons people do not want to pay tithe. ii. LESSON OUTLINE 2 – TITHING DURING THE DISPENSATION OF GRACE i. Jesus did not condemn the Pharisees for paying or not paying tithe but for being hypocrites. Matt. 6:2, 5, 16. ii. Christ compared tithe paying with showing mercy and love. Matt. 23: 23; Luke 11:42. iii. Payment of tithe is part of our reasonable services unto God. Matt. 23:13-15 iv. Payment of tithe is highly acceptable unto God.

iii. LESSON OUTLINE 3 – THE BLESSEDNESS OF TITHING i. Tithing increases the food in God's storehouse. Mal. 3:10 ii. Pay your tithe where you are spiritually nourished (your local parish) iii. Your tithe is used to support the ministers of the gospel (the full time pastors in your church nationwide) iv. Tithing opens up abundant rains of blessings on faithful payers. Mal 3:11 Class Activity – What are the blessings of paying tithes promptly and regularly and the dangers of not paying tithe promptly and regularly? 3

SUMMARY Blessed are you if you know these things- (the need to pay your tithe regularly and faithfully) and do them.


CONCLUSION This is a duty for all born again children of God to pay their tithes. Obedience does not only nourish the body of Christ but it is also a means of extending the kingdom of God on earth. Get involved now.


ASSIGNMENT Students should identify 5 blessings that follow those who pay their tithes regularly and correctly. NOTE AT THE PREVIEW


01 August 2010

LESSON TOPIC- FIRST FRUITS Prayer Point – The class should pray for grace to carry out God's instructions with regards to first fruit. Previous Knowledge – Teacher requests a student to summarize the previous week's lesson while the assistant teacher marks the assignment.


OPENING A. BIBLE PASSAGE – Exodus 13: 1, 12-15 B. Memory Verse – “Honour the LORD with thy substance, and with the first fruits of all thine increase:” Proverbs 3:9 C. Lesson Introduction – First fruits are in various types. God asks us to give Him all. In this lesson, we will study what first fruits are, how to give it and benefits of giving first fruits TEACHER'S DIARY

A. Lesson Aim- To study what first fruits are and its benefits to believers. B. Teaching Objectives and Lesson Plan – At the end of the lesson, students should be able to understand the different categories of first fruits. They should also be able to discover benefits of giving first fruits. To achieve the above stated objectives, teacher explains the categories of first fruits with examples and Bible references. Teacher also explains with examples and Bible references, benefits of giving first fruit. Teacher concludes by encouraging students to give their first fruits to God accordingly.

C. Text Review – Exodus 13: 1, 12-15 God gave instructions on first fruits as follows: i. Redeem the firstling of an ass with a lamb or break its neck (kill it) for the Lord. ii. Redeem every first born. Reasons for the action: i. The Israelites were once in bondage in Egypt. ii. God set them free by destroying the first born of the Egyptians (both animals and man). iii. To serve as a memorial for the mighty act of God. D. Teaching Method – Teacher should use lecture methods. E. Time Management – share teaching time equally between the two outlines, 2.


i. LESSON OUTLINE 1 – WHAT ARE FIRST FRUITS AND HOW IS IT GIVEN? (a.) First Fruits: i. First fruit of increase- Proverbs 3: 9-10 ii. First fruit sacrifice. (b.) Examples of First fruits i. First fruits of Increase – All increase which include: increase in salary, increase in revenue, increase in crops, increase in profit etc, and so on. Proverbs 3: 9 ii. First fruit Sacrifice- the first male child Exodus 13:13. The firstling of beast. Other example could be the salary of January. (c.) How to redeem First fruit sacrifice. i. You can redeem the first fruit sacrifice with a price because it belongs to God. Exodus 13:13; 34:20, Number 18:15-17 (d.) How to redeem First Fruit Increase. i. It belongs to the Chief Priest. Numbers 18: 15, 18 ii. LESSON OUTLINE 2 – BENEFITS OF GIVING FIRST FRUITS

i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi.

God will lift up the fellow who gives the first fruit. Prov. 3:9. e.g. Abraham. Genesis 22: 15-18. The fellow will be honoured by God. Gen. 24: 35 – 36 The fellow will be mighty blessed. Gen. 24: 35-36 The fellow will be blessed with many children. I Samuel 2:21, e.g. Hannah He/she will be blessed with divine blessings which money cannot buy. I Kings 3: 3-14 e.g. Solomon. Irreversible blessings shall come from the Lord to the fellow and his generations. Genesis 22: 15-18

Class Activity –Class members should identify those areas of increase where they had failed to give first fruit. They should take steps to give the first fruits in the areas so identified. 3

SUMMARY First fruit is God's commandment. Believers should keep it. Proverbs 3:9


CONCLUSION Give your first fruit of increase and redeem your first fruit sacrifice.


ASSIGNMENT Students should identify 5 reasons first fruits is essential. NOTE AT THE PREVIEW


08 August 2010

LESSON TOPIC- THE DIVINE PILGRIM Prayer Point – Ask God for grace to be victorious in your divine pilgrim. Ask also not to be discouraged. Previous Knowledge – Teacher asks a student to review the previous week's lesson, while the assistant teacher marks the assignment.


OPENING A. BIBLE PASSAGE – Hebrew 11: 8-16 B. Memory Verse – “Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him. But we are not of them who draw back unto perdition; but of them that believe to the saving of the soul”. Heb. 10:38-39 C. Lesson Introduction – God wants us to know that we have the citizenship of Heaven. We must be careful not to lose our gaze on Him. He is interested in seeing us through to the very end. TEACHER'S DIARY

A. Lesson Aim- To study the requirement of a victorious pilgrim. B. Teaching Objectives and Lesson Plan – At the end of the lesson, students should be able to discover how not to miss the way to Heaven or be discouraged. They should also be able to discover how to become victorious in their Christian pilgrimage. To achieve these objectives, the teacher explains some of the reasons some pilgrims could not make it. Teacher also points out activities required for a Christian pilgrim to succeed. Teacher concludes by encouraging students to partner with Christ to enable them succeed.

C. Text Review – Hebrew 11: 8 - 16 Between verses 8 and 16 are some examples of Christian pilgrims and the role played by “faith” in their pilgrimage. (a.) Faith helped Abraham to sojourn in a foreign country and obtained God's promise in the process - V.8 (b.) Faith helped Sarah to conceive at her old age. V. 13 (c.) Faith in God was like compass which guided Abraham in his quest for a heavenly city. V.15-16 D. Teaching Method – Teacher could use any participatory approach. E. Time Management – share teaching time equally between the two outlines. 2.

LESSON OUTLINES i. LESSON OUTLINE 1 – IT IS POSSIBLE TO MISS THE WAY (JESUS)? i. Teacher asks students to suggest possible reasons some pilgrims crashed on the way. ii. Teacher explains to students that Christian pilgrimage begins on the day of salvation and ends at death. iii. Teacher enumerates and explains the six points listed below as some of the reasons some pilgrims could not make it. These reasons are: a. Unbroken bridge (link with old life) - Exo. 16:3. b. Unequal yoke – 2 Cor. 6: 14 – 18. c. Discouragement - Heb.10:39. d. Unanswered prayers. e. Cares of this life - Lk 21:34, Mk 4:18-19. f. Looking back - Lk 9:62, Gen 19:26. ii. LESSON OUTLINE 2 – HOW TO BE VICTORIOUS IN SOJOURN i. Five points are suggested here: a. Looking unto Jesus - Heb. 12:1-2, Jn.14:1-3. b. Knowledge of the experience in the scriptures will work for you. Rom 8:32.

c. Get busy with winning of souls. Rom 12:11, Dan 12:3; Prov.11:30 d. Giving – 1 Th.5:17. e. Heaven (the Home) should be your target - Heb 11:10. Class Activity –Teacher should explain the various dimensions of the cares of this life while students should contrast between cares of this life and cares for Heaven. 3

SUMMARY It is possible not to miss the way and to be victorious in our Christian pilgrim. The answer lies in partnering with Christ.


CONCLUSION The more we allow Christ to lead us in our Christian pilgrim, the more victorious we are. The more on the contrary we feel we do not need Christ the quicker we land in ditches.


ASSIGNMENT Students should write out 5 consequences which they suffered for taking decisions without Christ. NOTE AT THE PREVIEW


15 August 2010

LESSON TOPIC- WATCH AND PRAY Prayer Point – Class should pray for grace to be prayerful and watchful. Previous Knowledge – The assistant teacher should mark the previous week's assignment while a student should review the previous week's lesson.


OPENING A. BIBLE PASSAGE – Matthew 24: 37-51 B. Memory Verse – “Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come”. Matthew 24:42 C. Lesson Introduction – The ten virgins were waiting for the arrival of the bridegroom. At His appearance, all were found sleeping – Matt.25:5-7. Naturally, anyone who is sleeping cannot explain the hour he or she has spent sleeping, not to talk of the activities around him or her. Not all who are waiting for the rapture today are well prepared. Today, many are pretending to be serving the Lord but that day will reveal the true virgin. Are you pretending to be serving God while in the secret you are serving something else? TEACHER'S DIARY

A. Lesson Aim: To study how to prepare for the coming of the Lord B. Teaching Objectives and Lesson Plan – At the end of the lesson, students should be able to understand what to watch, how to watch and how not to be left behind.

To achieve these objectives, teacher should explain five major areas where students should exercise watchfulness. Teacher should also explain why students should be watchful in those areas. Teacher should also explain what to do not to be left behind. C. Text Review – Matthew 24: 37-51 Why is watchfulness essential? (a.) Jesus is coming again soon. Matthew 24: 44 (b.) Nobody knows the date and time of His coming. Matt. 24:42 (c.) To avoid being trapped by the misplaced priority of ceremonies that would characterised His coming. Matt. 24: 37 – 38 (d.) Not to be left behind when the righteous would have gone. Matt. 24: 40-41 (e.) Not to disappoint the Lord. Matt. 24: 46 (f.) Because the Lord will punish severely those who are found not prepared. Matt. 24: 51 D. Teaching Method – Teacher should use questions and answers teaching method. E. Time Management – Teacher should spend greater time on lesson outline 1 2.

LESSON OUTLINES i. LESSON OUTLINE 1 – BE PREPARED How can I be prepared for the coming of the Lord. One way to be prepared for the Lord's coming is to WATCH. a. Watch your words. Matt. 12: 36 b. Watch your actions. I Sam 2:3 c. Watch your thoughts. Jer. 17: 9 d. Watch your characters. 2 Tim 3: 1-6 e. Watch your habits.

Why should believers watch those items listed above and others? a. In Words – A person can be ensnared by his words. Every idle word will be judged. Word reveals sometimes what we conceive or who we are. James 3:2, Eph. 5:4, Pro. 15: 1-4, Prov.21: 23 b.

In Actions- God is watching our actions. People too are watching our actions. Our actions determine how God and man will treat us. I Samuel 2: 3, Tit 2: 1-8


In Thoughts- God and devil reveal themselves through thoughts. Believers' thoughts should be Christ's thoughts. Evil thoughts would produce evil actions and provoke God. Pure thoughts provides seat for the Holy Spirit to operate.


In Character- The world is failing in character. Believers should not fail with the world. Believers must uphold the sanctity of integrity, reputation, probity, moral discipline and honesty 2 Tim. 3: 1-6; Romans 1: 26-29


In Habit -It is easy to inculcate bad habits through friends and peer groups. Bad habit has its origin and destinations in hell. Deviation from good to bad habit must be prevented. Examples of bad habit are gluttony, drunkenness, shabby dressing, smoking, fornication, embezzlement, slandering etc. God reserves judgement for those who engage in bad habits. I Pet. 2: 11-12

ii. LESSON OUTLINE 2 – DO NOT BE LEFT BEHIND Why? - Do everything possible not to be left behind. - Those who are left behind will be ashamed. - Pastors who are left behind will be blamed by their members for their inability to rapture. - Those left behind will experience the reign of the antichrist. - Those left behind would receive punishment from the Lord.

Revelation 12: 9-13, Revelation 13: 9-18; 2 Peter 2: 4-9; I Peter 4: 17-18; 2 Cor. 6: 1-3 3

SUMMARY Those who are not prepared will be left behind.


CONCLUSION The Lord will come soon, therefore, be prepared.


ASSIGNMENT Students should list 10 things they are doing to prepare for the coming of the Lord. NOTE AT THE PREVIEW


22 August 2010

LESSON TOPIC- BEHOLD HE COMES SOON Prayer Point – The class should pray to the Lord to make them ready for His second coming. Previous Knowledge – Teacher appreciates students for their participation in the Sunday School for the past 51 weeks. Assistant teacher checks through all students' records and prepares all scores.


OPENING A. BIBLE PASSAGE – 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 B. Memory Verse – " When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory:” Matthew 25:31 C. Lesson Introduction – The Second Coming of Christ is a sound biblical fact prophesied by Daniel - Dan .7:13 - and foretold also by Paul - 1 Tim. 6:14 - and by the angels as well in Acts 1:10-11. Three Greek words were used to reveal it: Paraousia, meaning personal presence, Apokalupsis meaning revelation and Epiphaneia meaning appearing. Christ will definitely return in a public, personal revelation of Himself to the world. This return will be in four phases: the Rapture, Christ pouring down His wrath during the Great Tribulation, Christ fights the Anti-Christ at Armageddon and the Millennial Kingdom set by Christ Himself. May the Holy Spirit teach us and bless us as we begin to look at these details, in Jesus' name. Amen. TEACHER'S DIARY

A. Lesson Aim- To study about the second coming of Christ.

B. Teaching Objectives and Lesson Plan – At the end of the lesson, students should be able to discover the circumstances that surrounds Christ's second coming. They should also be able to discover why the rapture will take and who will be qualified for the rapture. To achieve these objectives, teacher explains what rapture is. Teacher also explains the possible time of rapture. Teacher further explains the purpose of the rapture. Teacher further explains why the rapture is inevitable and who would be qualified. Teacher concludes by encouraging the students to prepare for the rapture. C. Text Review – I Thessalonians 4: 13-18 Verse 16 gave believers some assurances. i. That the Lord (Himself), not a substitute, shall return again. ii. The dead in Christ shall rise again. Verse 15-17 clarifies the order of the skyward movement iii. The dead in Christ shall rise first and be caught up to be with the Lord. iv. The living that are yet alive will be caught up next to be with the Lord. V.17 explains the meeting point- which is in the clouds in the air. V.18 - the fact that there is hope for believers, both the living and the dead, is enough comfort for their faith and labour of love D. Teaching Method –Use lecture method E. Time Management – Share teaching time among 3 lesson outlines. 2.


i. LESSON OUTLINE 1 – WHAT AND WHEN IS THE RAPTURE? i. Rapture simply means to seize or receive up the true believers suddenly to meet the Lord. I Thess 4: 13-18, I Cor. 15:23 ii. It is also referred to as translation or transformation of the believers. I Cor. 15: 51-58 iii. It is transformation from natural body to spiritual or from

iv. v.

mortal body to immortal one. Elijah & Enoch are examples of raptured believers. Heb. 11:5 & II Kings 2:11 Rapture will precede the tribulation. I Thess. 1:10

Class activity 1 - What will you consider to be the benefits of rapture? ii. LESSON OUTLINE 2 – WHY THE RAPTURE? The following reasons necessitate rapture? i. To resurrect the just of all ages from among the dead. Ps. 50:1-6 ii. To take the saints out of this wicked world before the great tribulation. Luke 21: 34-36 iii. That Jesus might present to Himself a church without spot or wrinkle. Ephesians 5: 27 iv. To change the bodies of the faithful from mortality to immortality. I Cor. 15: 21023 v. To assemble the saints at the marriage supper of the Lamb.Rev.19: 1-10 vi. To allow the antichrist reveal himself. II Thess 2: 1-8 iii. LESSON OUTLINE 3 – WHO QUALIFIES FOR THE RAPTURE? i. They must be born again (belong to Christ) Gal. 2:20 ii. They must earnestly desire His appearing. Titus 2:13 iii. They are citizens of Heaven. Phil. 3:20 iv. They must be holy as God is holy. Heb. 12:14 Class Activity – What does it mean to be a citizen of Heaven? 3

SUMMARY If Christ's birth was long prophesied and was fulfilled, then, Rapture too will be fulfilled one day. Be ready to meet thy Lord.


CONCLUSION The rapture, like all biblical prophecies, will be fulfilled. However, the Lord Jesus Christ is coming for a Church without spots or wrinkles. The Lord's coming will be as a thief in the night. Are you ready? Pray to God today that you will be ready to meet with the Lord.

5 ASSIGNMENT Pray for all members, teachers, & Assistant, Parish, Area, Zonal and Provincial Pastors throughout the week. Pray also for the authority, pray for the Director, DCE and Daddy G.O. NOTE AT THE PREVIEW


29 August 2010

SUNDAY SCHOOL QUARTERLY REVIEW FOURTH QUARTER SECTION 1 – TEST (50 Marks) TIME (15 Minutes) Parish Coordinators or Area Coordinators are to set 10 similar questions for all students in their Parishes on the twelve lessons on the just concluded quarter and administer them for 15 minutes during the quarterly review exercise. 5 marks should be awarded for every correct answer to make a total of 50 marks. SECTION 2- Attendance and Participating Activities MARKS: 50 marks TIME: 15 Minutes Award 4 marks each for each week's attendance. Therefore, the teacher should check the class attendance register and award marks accordingly. For instance, a student who was present for 10 times during the quarter would score 40 (4 x 10) marks while another student who was present throughout the 12 Sunday School lessons will score 48 (4 x 12) marks. Add 2 marks for being present in the Sunday School on the quarterly review day. Total 2 + 28 = 50marks. SECTION 3- Workbook Marks (100 Marks) The addition of marks for sections 1 & 2 above should be added to the workbook marks while the total should be divided by 2 (see workbook note). SECTION 4 -Interactive Section (Zero marks) TIME: (15 Minutes) i. Teacher should ask students if they have any problem (physically, spiritually) with the Sunday School during the just concluded quarter and resolve the problems. ii. Teacher and students should discuss how to move the Sunday School Class forward in the New Year. iii. Teacher prays with the students on the past quarter and for the New Year. Note: Teacher should use scores to award prizes. Thank you.

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