August 2014
Expert canning tips for summer fruit
Love ’em or hate ’em, Renfrew blackberries are delicious this time of year by Deanna Cheng Along the trails in Renfrew Ravine, thick thorny vines creep and crawl over wooden fences and through metal links. Clumps of tight green berries bloom and darken into deliciousness, weighing down from their stems. Still Moon Arts Society director and local resident Carmen Rosen said, in an email, those dominant Himalayan blackberry bushes growing vigorously along the sunny areas are an invasive species. They were introduced to North America during the 19th century. These blackberry bushes smother the native species to which the fauna have adapted over time, she said. Rosen admits she has a love-hate relationship with them. “There are three weeks a year that I love blackberry bushes, when the berries are ripe, and 49 weeks a year when I hate them and try to remove as many as possible from the ravine with teams of volunteers.”
Luscious blackberries can be found in the Renfrew Ravine Park, located north of the 29th Avenue Skytrain Station and south of East 22nd Avenue at Renfrew. You can listen to the peaceful sound of Still Creek below as you walk along the ravine path while you search for them. Photos by Julie Cheng
新成立的Joyce-Collingwood社交活动小组旨在推进 社区内各种不同文化的交流
Page 2
Squished skunk? Call 3-1-1 Page 3
Tips to find work
Rosen isn’t the only one who gobbles down these treats. Residents are known to snap up a couple as they take in the lush scenery. To savour the flavour a little longer, some may wish to can them for the upcoming autumn season. Darlene Tanaka, B.C. representative for canning company Bernardin, said there’s two types of canning. Water bath canning is for high-acid foods such as fruit and, in this case, blackberries. The other method requires a pressure canner and is for low-acid food, which includes fish, seafood and Continued on page 16
Page 8
Il Mercato at Il Centro
Page 15
August 2014
新成立的Joyce-Collingwood社交活动小组 旨在推进社区内各种不同文化的交流
[照片]社交活动小组周四晚在Bamboo Café见面。摄影:Patrick Painter 最近的一个星期六,本地的居民David Beattie像往常阳光灿烂的周末一样在自己 的客厅里度过。但是这一次David并没有在 屋里读书或者看电视,相反他走到屋外,在明 媚的阳光下与附近的邻居攀谈了起来。可 是……他怎么可能同时出现在自己的客厅 和屋外的阳光下呢?因为David把客厅搬到 了位于Aberdeen街5123号自家屋前的泊车 道。他在那里布置了沙发、椅子、茶几、 一张大书桌、电力火炉、台灯、花瓶、地毯 甚至还有一个发出潺潺水声的小型喷泉。 Aberdeen街,特别是在Wellington街和天 车站之间的那段常常有行人和踩单车的人来 来往往,因为这是当地许多人去天车站、公
车站、还有位于Joyce街和Vanness街 附近商铺的必经之路。David抱着试一试 的心态,提供了烤鸡翅和冰曼越莓苏打 水,希望邀请来往的行人来他的“客 厅”一坐,通过这个方式结识住在附近 的邻居,也可以让更多人了解他发起的 Joyce-Collingwood社交活动小组。 David跟本报记者说:“有十多个人停 下来,有的小坐5分钟,有的与我和 家人长谈1个多小时。”这次的活动很 成功,David还希望多搞几次类似的 活动,让更多的人知道并参与JoyceCollingwood社交活动小组。这个小组 其实就是想为住在Joyce天车站附近的 居民提供一个见面交流的机会。David 强调“除此之外,绝对没有其它目的” 。他表示,其实Collingwood邻舍中 心这些年一直致力于促进邻里的联系和 交流,也取得了不少的成功。“这 个小组其实是想适当补充邻舍中心的活 动。”他说:“增加一些在咖啡店的见 面,在我的或者其他人家里聚会,过 些时间也可以做一些大一点规模的非正 式外展。” 55岁的David Beattie在东亚地区居住生 活了8年,其中4年都住在台湾。他很 希望能通过建立这个活动小组,促进说 国粤语的华人与当地白人的交流。在他 看来,两种文化有很多相通的地方, 比如大家都相对含蓄、礼貌,比较倾向 于等待邀请而不是主动交流。其实通 过Meetup.com这个社交网站,David 在最近几个月结交了不少华裔和 其它亚裔的加拿大人。 这个社 交活动小组于本月开始,David 也邀请了他结交的这些朋友来参 加。现阶段小组会在每周四晚7到 9点在Bamboo Café见面。
Vancouver Aboriginal Child and Family Services Society is seeking loving and dedicated foster parents who are willing to share their homes and provide foster care for Aboriginal babies, children, and youth in the Greater Vancouver area. We invite Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal applicants. Information Sessions are held on the 1st Tuesday of every month at 6:45pm in our office at 3284 East Broadway, Vancouver. For more information, please email or call 604-216-7447.
有兴趣的朋友不妨去Facebook 查找Joyce-Collingwood Social Circle或者致电778707-9569找David聊聊。大 家也可以几乎在任何时间造访 Aberdeen街5123号,David 大部分时间都会在家,即使他 不在的时候,其它六个家人 也一定会有一个在。
August 2014
Squished skunk? Garbage and graffiti? Call 3-1-1 for City of Vancouver information and services There’s a dead skunk in the middle of your road—who are you going to call? That was the stinky dilemma facing one Renfrew-Collingwood resident recently. Hoping that somebody at the City of Vancouver might care, and even clean up the mess, the resident dialed 3-1-1, the city’s single point of access to most city information and services, to report the pungent remains.
a short wait you’ll be transferred to somebody who can speak that language.
The city sent out a team and the squished skunk was cleared away.
3-1-1 was born in September 2006, after a report went to Vancouver city council that identified the simple telephone number as an opportunity to transform how citizens obtain services from the city. It would give residents a simple way to connect with the city while allowing the city to be efficient in responding to citizen requests appropriately and consistently. 3-1-1 went live in June 2009.
Last fall, a Renfrew-Collingwood resident called 3-1-1 with three different complaints: graffiti on the Gaston Park sign, a broken electrical outlet a Tai Chi group likes to use for playing music during their exercises in the park and an overgrown, weedy lawn outside a city-owned building on Kingsway. The call was made in the morning. By 5:00 pm the grass had been cut and weeded; by the next morning the outlet was fixed and the sign cleaned. Renfrew-Collingwood callers have phoned the city about a variety of issues. Many call about issues with garbage: needing new garbage carts or recycling containers, complaining about missed garbage, yard trimmings or recycling pickups, or letting the city know about abandoned garbage—everything from mattresses, sofas, pillows and television sets to brooms and mops, piles of old CDs, toilets, flowerpots and even a glass shower door. 3-1-1 in any language Many residents don’t know that Vancouver residents who need information, non-emergency services or the opportunity to share concerns or give feedback to the City of Vancouver, don’t need to flip through the phone book or pore over web pages to find the right person to contact. All they need to do is dial 3-1-1 to reach a city staff person trained to help them. Callers don’t need to speak English: 3-1-1 is available from 7:00 am to 10:00 pm, 365 days a year in 175 languages. Just call and say, “Mandarin” or “Romanian” in your language of choice and after
Those who prefer clicking over dialing can visit and follow the prompts or tweet the city @CityofVancouver to report an issue or ask a question.
3-1-1’s customer service representatives accept calls and questions on all city issues, even dead, stinky skunk removal. The range of questions is huge but of the 1.3 million requests received in 2013, the highest number of queries city-wide were related to garbage collection, parking tickets, building inspections, property
City of Vancouver staff at 3-1-1 are available from 7:00 am to 10:00 pm, 365 days a year and can help you in 175 languages. Photo courtesy of City of Vancouver tax, community centres, parks and beaches. It’s not possible to pinpoint the location of every caller because sometimes the address of the caller is not relevant. For example, if somebody calls to ask how to register to vote in the civic election, staff would not collect the person’s address. Local residents have reported abandoned vehicles, burned out
street lights, sewer back-ups, broken sidewalks and potholes. Unwelcome rats also featured in some calls. On the subject of animals, dead skunks and live rats always fall into the complaint category. But 3-1-1 can also provide other interesting animal facts: the number of households in Vancouver that keep chickens? 165. No word on how many of those are in RenfrewCollingwood!
August 2014
Family tree tips for finding your ancestor’s grave by Loretta Houben COMMUNITY NEWS The mission of this non-profit publication is to provide the residents, businesses and organizations of Renfrew/Collingwood with a medium for community communication. Paul Reid: staff writer and layout coordinator Lisa Symons: sales and distribution coordinator Julie Cheng: editorial coordinator Contributors: Jennifer Abele, David Beattie, Ricardo Arturo Cerna Rivas, Cari Chan, Deanna Cheng, Kaitlyn Fung, Jennifer Gray-Grant, Loretta Houben, Patrick Painter, Paul Reid, Wenhuan Ren Kathy Romses, Partap Sahota, Thea Sample, Roberta Wozniak, Esther Yuen
We want to hear from you! Yes, You! Send comments, community events, press releases by regular post, fax or e-mail. Suggestions for improving the paper are welcome. We welcome appropriate, unsolicited editorial submissions if accompanied by the author’s real name, address and telephone number. The author should retain the original as we cannot return submissions without prior agreement nor does submission guarantee publication. We reserve the right to make editorial changes.
Next submission deadline: Aug 10
Over the past year we have looked at ways to keep family tree charts, how to use software to store genealogy records, searching old photos for clues and storing and saving them, searching the Canadian census and old Vancouver directories, using social media to connect with family, and searching old journals and notebooks as ways to delve into the world of genealogy. There is another topic we haven’t touched yet and that is the final resting place of our ancestors. Are you aware that there is a large team of people dedicated to preserving hundreds of cemeteries and thousands of tombstones in North America in a special website? is a marvellous place, with over a million contributors. Jim Tipton founded it in 1995 and you can read all about him and his passion on the website. The unusual thing about this particular site is that by registering for free, you can upload your own information on your family members who have passed away,
The Renfrew/Collingwood Community News is an initiative of the Collingwood Neighbourhood House (CNH).
along with a life story and photos and then share via social media with one click of a button. Another neat option of this website is that you can leave a bouquet of flowers for your loved one, along with a message. Other family members will see you have dropped by. Apparently 50,000 people per day search the Findagrave website! In 2007 before
Yo u C a n F i n d t h e RC Community News @ Libraries, Collingwood Neighbourhood House, Renfrew Park Community Centre, The Italian Cultural Centre, Collingwood Policing Office, other organizations, religious institutions, schools, laundromats, Starbucks, Rona, Superstore, Canadian Tire, Walmart, London Drugs and Safeway coffee shops, restaurants, markets, corner stores, other businesses, and coffee tables all over Renfrew-Collingwood.
The Amity Cemetery in Amity, Oregon, where a few of Loretta Houben’s ancestors are buried.
Vancouver’s Premium Ballet School
604.738.8575 General program From age 3 and up
Professional Programs The Joy of Dance
From intermediate level and up
Contact the RCCNews Phone: 604-435-0323 extension 261 Fax: 604-451-1191 Editorial: Advertising: Phone Lisa Symons at 604.435.0323 email: Renfrew/Collingwood Community News Collingwood Neighbourhood House 5288 Joyce Street Vancouver, BC V5R 6C9
2014 - 2015 Season 3626 East 4 th Avenue, Vancouver BC V5M 1M3
I began genealogy research I discovered and I added my brother’s gravesite description with photos. You can search cemeteries by name and country, and by the surname of your relative. If nothing shows up, you can make a request to have a photo added. Taking photos of headstones is a popular hobby, believe it or not. While looking at recently, I noticed that relatives on my mother’s side had been added, so I’ve contacted the contributor to ask for valuable information regarding a great grandparent. It will be thrilling if they respond! This website is maintained by volunteers. If you can’t find what you’re looking for here, there is another site which may serve your purpose. For research of relatives in Canada, is also a free site begun in 2004 and listing over 18,000 cemeteries. They have a Facebook page so you can follow them for updates. I have received wonderful help regarding the whereabouts of my paternal grandfather’s first wife’s grave by contacting the person who took the photo I found while browsing this website last year. There are many helpful people out there who are willing to share their expertise, so my advice is to take it and enjoy adding to your genealogy clues! Loretta Houben is a member of the British Columbia Genealogy Society. Please check the society’s website at for free meet-ups once a month
August 2014
New on the Rooftop Garden: Family Drop-in gardening program
by Kaitlyn Fung Despite the temptation to sleep in, several families have been spending their Saturday mornings rather differently, at the new Family Drop-in gardening program at Rooftop Garden at Collingwood Neighbourhood House. A recent initiative from the Renfrew-Collingwood Food Security Institute, the program aims to provide opportunities for families to learn about gardening together. While anybody is welcome to attend, the program focuses especially on supporting both parents and children with a safe and inclusive space to ask questions, share ideas and develop basic gardening skills. No matter the level of experience with gardening, all are encouraged to join in. Each week, there is a new garden-related topic to learn about, such as composting, and everyone participates in educational group discussions and interactive activities. As a result, participants have enjoyed a variety of handson experiences including discovering the many types of creatures living in gardens, feeling different types of soil, and harvesting fresh produce from the Rooftop Garden. Understanding the larger connection between gardening, food and health has also been one of the main goals of the program. In the first week of the program, many members of the group said that they were curious to learn how to grow their own plants at home and that they were excited by the benefits of knowing where their food comes from. One of the benefits that came to mind was being able to tell whether or not pesticides and other chemicals had been used on a plant. Everyone also agreed that healthier food was simply more delicious!
Saturday mornings, parents and children learn the joys and rewards of gardening in a new family drop-in program at the Collingwood Neighbourhood House Rooftop Garden. Another unexpected benefit of the program itself has been the diverse exchange of cultural knowledge between all in the program. Sharing unique gardening stories, traditions, and the names for fruits, vegetables and bugs in different languages have become fun ways for the families to further learn with and from each other. With so much more gardening to do and learn about, the program has been off to a great start so far. The hope is that this program will continue to inspire more interest in gardening and build confidence
in those who may want to start growing their own food. Come out and join us for some family-friendly garden fun! The Family Drop-in program takes place from 10:30 am to noon on Saturdays, upstairs at the Rooftop Garden at Collingwood Neighbourhood House. For more information, please contact the program coordinator Kaitlyn Fung at Kaitlyn Fung is the summer intern at the Renfrew Collingwood Food Security Institute.
Events at Vancouver Alpen Club Weekly Specials TUE: Schnitzel Day $11.99 WE: All You Can Eat Bavarian Style $15.99 THU: CrispyPork Hock $11.99
Dinner & Dance in August Friday 1st with Retroband Friday 15th with Euroband Members $25 | Guests $30
Come together right now with Freshslice Pizza
Pick-Up Special Single Extra Large Pizza with two toppings Only $7.99 *Redeemable with coupon.
Ballroom Dances in August Saturday 9th with Euroband Saturday 23rd with Al Pichler Members $12 | Guests $15
Members and Guests only Please ask for our free Membership
Vancouver Alpen Club 4875 Victoria Drive, Vancouver, BC
Two locations
2582 Commercial Drive 604-707-6669 2889 Grandview Hwy 604-568-6121
August 2014
Pope Francisco Art and message by Ricardo Arturo Cerna Rivas Jorge Mario Bergoglio is the 266th Pope of the Catholic Church and the first pontiff coming from the Americas, specifically Argentina. He was president of the episcopal conference Argentina. The son of Italian immigrants, he graduated as a chemical technician at age 21 but he decided to become a priest. In 2001 John Paul II appointed him cardinal with the title of St. Robert Bellarmine. As Cardinal Bergoglio, he was known for his humility, doctrinal conservatism and commitment to social justice. Pope Francisco is the first Jesuit named Pope in history.
Jorge Mario Bergoglio è il 266 papa della Chiesa cattolica e il primo pontefice proveniente dalle Americhe, in particolare l’Argentina. E ‘stato presidente della Conferenza Episcopale Argentina. Il figlio di immigrati italiani diploma come tecnico chimico, all’età di 21 anni decise di diventare sacerdote. Nel 2001 Giovanni Paolo II lo ha nominato cardinale con il titolo di San Roberto Bellarmino. Come il Cardinale Bergoglio era noto per la sua umiltà, il conservatorismo dottrinale e l’impegno per la giustizia sociale. Inoltre sottolineano che è il primo gesuita di nome Papa nella storia.
Renfrew / Collingwood
E.41st Ave.
Collingwood Insurance Ph: 604.438.9888
Kingsway F
London Square Dental Centre #220 3340 Kingsway Ph: 604.435.4545
5750 Tyne Street
Jo yc eS t.
Ru pe rt St.
Ea rle sS t.
E.33rd Ave.
2066 Kingsway
E.22nd Ave.
E.29th Ave.
The Tipper Restaurant Ph: 604.873.1010
Renfrew St.
Nanaimo St.
Boundary Rd.
Sushi Miga 4441 Boundary Rd Ph:604.563.0722 Open Seven Days A Week 11:30 am-9:30 pm
Slocan St.
Grandview Hwy.
First Avenue Dental 604.254.5040
#116 - 2800 E1st Ave.
Joyce Hair Design Ph: 604.451.7680
5156 Joyce St.
Papa John’s Pizza Ph: 604.310.PAPA
#300-3340 Kingsway
Get Involved
Renfrew Ravine Harvest Moon Festival 2014
Good Food Market at the Italian Cultural Centre
This free, multicultural festival celebrates the harvest and the harvest moon. Start at the Slocan Park Harvest Fair and enter your pumpkin or tomato or bean for a chance to win a prize. Follow the giant moon lantern along the candleBeautiful lanterns and fabulous lit ravine trail at performers await you at the Moon sunset. Enjoy the fairy lights, Festival. Photo by Linco Cao mooncakes, stilt dancers and fire spinners at Renfrew Park and field.
Saturday, September 13, 2014
3075 Slocan St, Vancouver near Grandview Highway Wednesdays from June to November 4:30pm–6:30pm Pick up some fresh veggies on your way home from work. The produce is grown up at hill at VanTech Schoolyard Market Garden. Find this market on Slocan, just south of Grandview Highway, off the sidewalk in the Italian Cultural Centre’s front courtyard. food/good-food-markets/ Also at the Italian Culture Centre, Il Mercato, a Farmer and Italian Night Market starts on Friday, August 15 at 3:00 pm and runs every third Friday of the month until November 21. More info at blog/il-mercato-italian-night-market/
Right: Getting ready for the sunset lantern parade at the annual Renfrew Ravine Harvest Moon Festival. Photo by Julie Cheng
Classic 65 unit drive-in motor court just east of Nanaimo St. on Kingsway. Units are ground level and your vehicle is virtually in front of your door. Enjoy picnic tables, gardens and ample landscaped lawns. Many of our units are kitchenettes with 1, 2, 3 and 4 beds, ideal for families, groups and extended stay. Pets are welcome.
All cars : Courtesy of Vintage Car Club of Canada Vancouver Chapter and Burnaby Chapter.
2400 Kingsway, Vancouver, BC
Phone: 604-434-2464
Children’s Programs at the Collingwood Branch Library 2985 Kingsway at Rupert, 604-665-3953
Summer Reading Club for children Make the library part of your family fun this summer. Running all summer long, children can join the “Funny Business” Summer Reading club. Members receive a free reading log and bookmark to start their reading journey and there will be stickers and prizes awarded throughout the summer. The theme of “Funny Business” will be sure to keep them laughing as they enjoy the following free programs at the Collingwood Library: Grossology 101 Friday August 1, 2:00 pm (Registration required) Decorate your Bike Friday, August 8 2:00 pm Joke-bomb your Library Friday, August 15, 2:00 pm Wrap Party and Medal Ceremony Friday, August 22, 2:00 pm Please note that all of these programs are for children 6 years of age or older and some of these programs require registration, so plan ahead to avoid disappointment.
Lego Block Party – drop in. Children of all ages make friends while they express their creativity with Lego! A program for children ages 5-12 years. Lego provided (and Duplo for smaller hands). Please note children under 8 years must be accompanied by a guardian. Tuesday evenings July 29 , August 19, 7:00 pm
Saturday, August 2
Summer fun at your local library
Regular free kids’ and family-friendly programs at the Collingwood Library continue, too
Tuesday – Aug 5
August 2014
Spread the word! If you or someone you know is interested in joining MENSA, now is the time! Admission testing will be held on Saturday, August 2 during the Vancouver Regional Gathering (http://vancouver. mensacanada. org/regionalgathering-2014/). After the test, participants are invited to join us for the rest of the day! Meet some local members, while enjoying presentations, games, hospitality and more. For more information, go to http://www. mensacanada. org/join/take-thetest/ or check out their Facebook page https://www. VancouverMensaRG
Family Storytime – Drop in. Stories, rhymes and songs for the whole family Thursday mornings, July 10 – August 14, 10:30–11:00 am Babytime – Drop in. Songs, rhymes, lap play and books for baby Thursday mornings, July 10–August 14, 11:30 am-12:00 pm
Adult Program at the Collingwood Branch Library ESL Book Club Enjoy practising your English conversation and reading skills in a supportive environment while learning about culture and meeting new people. This program is most suitable for intermediate speakers. Tuesdays, Aug 5, Sep 2, 30, 7:00–8:30 pm Registration is required. To register please contact the Collingwood Branch at 604-6653953.
Children’s Programs at Renfrew Branch Library 2969 East 22nd Avenue at Nootka, 604-257-8705
Summer Storytimes at Renfrew Babytime (0-18 months), Wednesdays 11:15 AM, July 2- August 6 Family Storytime (all ages) • Wednesdays 10:15 AM, July 2- August 6 • & Saturdays 11:15 AM, July 5-August 9 Summer Reading Club Visit the library weekly for contests, prizes, and more! Contests and Reading Record stamps continue through August 29. Registrants who have read for 50 days can bring their calendars in and receive their medals through September 6. Special Summer Reading Club Events - Wednesdays at 2:00 pm August 13: Silly Songs Dance Party August 20: Joke-bomb Your Library August 27: Family Film Screening; Title TBA
August 2014
Vancouver Northeast WorkBC Centre helps RenfrewCollingwood residents find work Unemployed? Looking for work? Not sure what to do? How about visiting your local WorkBC Employment Service Centre! WorkBC is available to all unemployed British Columbians who are seeking employment and are eligible to work in Canada. The Vancouver Northeast WorkBC Centre is conveniently located at 1522 Commercial Drive, near the Broadway-Commercial Skytrain station. The program offers a wide range of services that can support you in getting and keeping a job, as quickly as possible. It offers access to a staffed selfserve resource room where job seekers are supported in their independent job search. If you need additional support, knowledgeable case managers can assist you one-to-one with career counselling, job search assistance, referrals to our employment workshops and, based on eligibility, access to funded training and self-employment support. The Vancouver Northeast WorkBC Centre has been providing employment services to residents of the Renfrew-Collingwood neighbourhood since April 2012. During this time, the centre has supported numerous individuals to meet their employmentrelated goals, individuals such as Alex, who recently moved to Canada from China. When Alex came to the Vancouver Northeast WorkBC Centre, he had been recently laid off from a warehouse position and was unsure of how to find sustainable meaningful employment. In China he operated his own business and had dreams
of one day owning a business in Canada. With the support and guidance of his case manager, his dream became a reality. Through WorkBC, Alex participated in a 48-week self-employment program where he accomplished his goal of learning how to operate a business by Canadian standards. Program staff provided him with ongoing support, advice and encouragement through every step of the process, from developing his business plan to successful launch of his business. Today Alex’s business continues to thrive. When asked about his experience accessing services at the Vancouver Northeast WorkBC Centre, Alex stated, “I am very pleased with being able to access the services and help I received at the Vancouver Northeast centre. I would recommend others to get aid in upgrading or attaining skills to meet their goals.” The Vancouver Northeast WorkBC Centre is ready to assist you in realizing your employment related goals. Come and visit today, to learn more about how the staff can assist you. For more information, please phone 604-708-9300 or visit their website at employmentcentre.
The Vancouver Northeast WorkBC Centre is conveniently located near the Broadway-Commercial Skytrain station.
Effective Job Search in Three Steps! Step 1: Get Organized
Step 2: Target your Application
Identify your skills and strengths. The skills that you are good at and enjoy the most are the most valuable and can be used in many different settings.
Learn about the company and job you are applying for before you write a resume, compose a cover letter and prepare for an interview.
Research occupations and types of employment based on your qualifications and the current job market.
Make sure your resume informs the employer as to who you are, your work experience, your qualifications and why you’re the best candidate for the job. Your cover letter is your introduction to a potential employer.
Be open to an entry level or temporary position. A “foot in the door” is an opportunity to gain valuable insight and experience, and build a solid reputation.
Step 3: Uncover the Hidden Job Market Many job vacancies are filled without being advertised, creating a “hidden” job market. Information is often circulated through managers, employees and business associates, as well as through family and friends. Use your personal networks to search for jobs and to let people know that you are looking for work.
r tu
Aug 23
August 2014
Curbside Fresh Market comes to Collingwood The Greater Vancouver Food Bank is piloting a mobile fresh market (Curbside Fresh Market) at Collingwood Neighbourhood House this summer.
a tomatoes, lettuce, peppers, cabbages and carrots as well as rotating market staples such as bananas and oranges.
Former Collingwood Neighbourhood House volunteer and passionate foodie Norman Hill will be operating the market and on location ready to bag bananas and pack peppers. “I am very excited to be able to help provide good quality, affordable produce on a weekly basis at the neighbourhood From its location outside the main entrance of the Collingwood house. Collingwood is my home turf and I have really enjoyed Neighbourhood House on Joyce Street, the Curbside Fresh Market volunteering and working with fellow community members who is open to everyone and will sell are passionate about bringing the 24 fresh produce items weekly. These will include locally sourced community together.” in-season fruits and veggies such The market runs weekly throughout the summer on Thursdays from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm and aims to bring healthy food at affordable prices to neighbourhoods that have limited food access.
The Curbside Fresh Market aims to increase access to affordable, fresh produce and help improve the overall health of the community in locations across the city, in line with the Food Bank’s vision of providing accessible, healthy and sustainable food for all.
Curbside Fresh Market Day: Every Thursday from now until September Location: Collingwood Neighbourhood House, 5288 Joyce Street, Vancouver Time: 2:00–6:00 pm On sale: 24 fresh fruit and vegetable items
Suggestions for healthy food donations
The Food Bank’s new Curbside Market sells fresh fruits and veggies each Thursday afternoon outside the Collingwood Neighbourhood House.
Your donation matters
by UBC Dietetics students Roberta Wozniak, BSc, MSc, and Jennifer Abele, BSc with support from Kathy Romses, Public Health Dietitian, Vancouver Coastal Health Did you know thousands of children in BC are hungry? First Call’s 2013 Child Poverty Report Card states that almost 1 in 5 children in BC are considered to be poor. The 2013 Hunger Count produced by Food Banks Canada found that over one third of food bank users in Canada are children. Many of these children are going to school and trying to learn on an empty stomach. It is important for all British Columbians to have access to healthy food. If you are interested in making a donation to help feed hungry children with healthy food that will help them learn, grow and develop, follow the guidelines from Canada’s Food Guide when choosing food items to donate.
Foods to donate Fruits and Vegetables l Include dark green or orange vegetables l Choose 100% juice Grain Products Include whole grain items
Milk and Milk Alternatives Choose low fat milk options or fortified soy beverages
Meat and Meat Alternatives Choose fish and lean meat products, peas, beans, nuts and lentils
Suggestions for Healthy Food Donations
Select foods with little or no added sugar, fat, and salt Read the food package ingredient list and Nutrition Facts table to help choose healthier items. l Read the %DV on the Nutrition Facts table. 5% or less is a little and 15% or more is a lot of sugar, fat or salt. l Visit the Healthy Canadians website at for more information on “The Nutrition Facts Table” l
Non-perishable food items are easiest when donating food.
Fruits and Vegetables
Meats and Alternatives
Canned fruit, packed in water or 100% juice
Canned tuna, salmon, ham, or chicken
Applesauce, unsweetened
Canned or dried black beans, chickpeas, lentils, kidney beans, or white beans
Fruit cup, unsweetened Canned tomato or spaghetti sauce (low-sodium varieties) Dried, unsweetened fruits (raisins, figs, prunes and apricots)
Peanut butter and other nut butters Canned meat stews Nuts, canned or sealed bags, low or no salt Canned baked beans
Milk and Alternatives
Whole grain pastas, bread, buns and crackers
Skim milk powder
Whole grain oats, barley, or quinoa Whole grain cereals
UHT ‘tetra pack’ milk Evaporated milk (skim, 1%, or 2%)
Rice – brown, converted or parboiled
To help choose healthier packaged foods, choose “Sell Most” and “Sell Sometimes” items that meet Guidelines for Food and Beverage Sales in BC Schools from the Brand Name Food List website http://bnfl. Another option is cash donations, which allows flexibility for buying fresh BC produce and other items.
For more information on healthy eating, call HealthLink BC at 8-1-1 and ask to speak to a dietitian. Service is available in 130 different languages.
August 2014
Read On!
A news section for Renfrew-Collingwood learners
BC Teachers on Strike
Read On!
has a web page. You can:
Read the articles
The teachers of BC are on strike. What does this mean? A strike is when a group of workers agree to stop working. It is usually because they want a change in their working conditions. The teachers of BC have been on strike since early June. They want the government of BC to give schools what they had before 2002. Since then, the government has spent less money on schools. There is less help in the classroom for students with special needs. Many students who need extra help or do not speak English no longer have an extra teacher in the classroom to help them. The classes are very full and it is hard for all of the students to learn. BC teachers would like to have smaller class sizes. They want more helpers in the classroom.
Print worksheets http://renfrewcollingwood read-on/
Reading levels on this page Level 1 They would like to get a small pay increase. The government of BC and the teachers do not agree on the changes. They are working to make an agreement. Everyone hopes that the BC teachers and the
Types of Education in BC Most students in Canada go to government-funded public schools, but there are other options. Here are a few of the kinds of schools that students in BC could attend: Public School This is the most popular kind of school for students in British Columbia and Canada. Public school is free. It is paid for by tax money. Any student can attend public school. The teachers must be certified in BC to teach in public school. There are certain topics or curriculum that the teachers must follow. This means that all students learn the same thing, no matter what school they go to. Private (Independent) School About 12% of students in BC go to private school. Parents must pay for their children to go to these schools. The government also gives some money to private schools. Some private schools are religious-based, such as Catholic or Muslim schools.
Homeschool Some parents decide to teach their children themselves instead of sending them to school. Parents can decide what and how to teach their children, but they still must register their child at a local school. There are also programs that allow students to go to public school part time and learn at home part time. Distributed (Distance) Learning Some children stay at home to learn, but are taught by BC certified teachers. The children may be too sick to go to school or have difficulty learning in a classroom. Instead, they do their studies at home and mail or email their work to their teachers. BC offers many options for education. Parents can decide which option is best for their family.
government will find a way to agree. The students of BC deserve a good place to learn.
Level 2
Level 3
FREE ENGLISH CLASSES FOR NEWCOMERS CNH has free LINC (Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada) classes weekday mornings and afternoons. Classes are free. Childminding is available for children 18 months to 5 years.
Call 604-4518321 for more information.
Education in BC L E A R N I N G B L K P M O T
Melody Johnson enjoys working in the inspiring atmosphere at Cassandra Hotel Melody Johnson is enjoying her time working at the Cassandra Hotel. As the sales and marketing coordinator for this family-run business, Melody says the Cassandra has an inspiring atmosphere. “The vision of our new management team is inspirational and has endless potential.”
The Cassandra Hotel has 60 spacious rooms, most with panoramic views of the mountains and downtown, in a casual, cozy and relaxing atmosphere. The hotel offers all the amenities needed to conduct business away from the office such as wired and wireless internet coverage; fax and photocopy machines. Guest room amenities include an AM/FM alarm clock radio, full cable remote control TV, individual In a previous sales job that had Melody travelling throughout Alberta, she stayed in thermostat control, hair dryer, iron and ironing board, fridge and microwave, and many hotels. Little did she know that this experience would one day be put to use, in coffee maker. There is also a laundry facility with coin-operated washer and dryer. her current role. “Experiencing the industry from both sides has really helped me in my Guest security is also an important concern for the Cassandra. They offer secured role here.” underground parking and the entire hotel is card key secured beyond the main lobby. In addition to promoting the Cassandra far and wide via the internet and social media, Melody makes sure that the front desk’s customer service skills are second to none. “Our front desk staff are our ambassadors and the first impression that visitors have of us. So to help our guests make the most of their stay, it is important that they are not only friendly and efficient, but knowledgeable of Vancouver’s many activities, destinations and events.” From the Cassandra, guests can visit downtown on local transit. They also explore the many interesting and unique shops and restaurants in the Collingwood area and nearby Metrotown. After a busy day of exploring the city, guests can de-stress in the hotel’s cozy sauna and whirlpool. “Our job is to ensure that guests’ personal comfort is fully met. We strive for real attention to detail and excellence in service and personalized customer attention at the Cassandra.”
CBIA UPDATES HOORAY FOR COLLINGWOOD • 2nd Collingwood International Film Festival – Thank you for
coming out and making our second annual International Film Festival a success. Few were rained out, however we were able to feature two nights. We would like to thank Collingwood Community Policing Centre for partnering with the CBIA. This years we featured movies from, Spain, India, Philippines and China. New this year was the addition of an interactive activity, such as Zumba and Bhangra dancing. We look forward to hosting the third annual C.I.F.F (Collingwood International Film Festival). • COLLINGWOOD CELEBRATES CANADA DAY 2014 – Thank you to all the participants who dropped by for cake and coffee on our annual Canada Day Cake Celebration. The weather was amazing and the event was entertaining! Also, thank you to Don Davies MP Kingsway for donating a cake, Heritage Canada for sponsoring this event, special thanks to Adrian Dix MLA Kingsway, St. Mary’s Catholic School choir and band, Jr. BIA volunteers and lustrous Elvis impersonator, Peter Yap.
Born in Innisfail, Alberta, Melody lived there until 12 when her family moved to Merritt. Before moving here to Vancouver, Melody spent a couple of years back in Alberta doing door-to-door sales. “At first I was really shy and my sales were very low. So I had to get over that. I got over my shyness and was soon breaking the sales record.” When not working, Melody is an active volunteer with the Vancouver Pride Society. “Diversity and acceptance are two things that are greatly valued with the Pride Society and these are values that I hold very close.” Melody also sings and plays guitar, including a gig at the Merritt Mountain Music Festival for over 2,000 people. “It was scary. The crowd can either be loud or very quiet, which means they’re listening to the song. I love that.” Melody really has the travel bug. Why? Melody’s been hearing stories from people all over the world but has never really been outside of Alberta or BC. So she’s really itching to see the world.
• COLLINGWOOD BIA – ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING When: Thursday, September 18th, 2014 Where: Green Thumb Theatre 5522 McKinnon Street (Carleton Elementary – Old Schoolhouse) Time: 5:30 – 7:00pm Register by phone or email by September 12th, 2014 Phone: 604. 639. 4403 Email: • Collingwood BIA Board Member: If you are interested in sitting on the Collingwood BIA Board a director we welcome a call from you. All property owners and business owners are eligible. The CBIA’s boundaries are along Kingsway between Boundary Road and Rupert Street. Be a part of shaping the future of the Collingwood business corridor. • • Twitter
Support our local businesses, shop Collingwood!
*This page is sponsored by the Collingwood Business Improvement Association
August 2014
Summers are made for movie nights in the park This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Collingwood Community Policing Centre’s Movie Nights in the Park. These summer-based monthly events started modestly with a small screen, but has grown to include a significantly larger, 22-foot by 11-foot blow-up screen, a more powerful sound system, and oftentimes, physical activities that get people moving before the movie. Where it once attracted only dozens of people, these movie nights now draw over a hundred people, and have even reached up to 250 people last year. The number of community partnerships have grown too, and the Collingwood CPC now works regularly with other community associations, small businesses and, as always, the Vancouver Police Department. Though this event series has evolved, its goal still remains the same: To help people get to know their neighbours as a way to promote crime
prevention. The Collingwood CPC and its volunteers are present at every event, educating and updating community members about crime prevention, setting up and taking down the equipment and— most importantly— building relationships with community members. Through reaching out to audience members, they’re able to The weather was perfect for summer movie night at Aberdeen Park on July 11. address specific Photo by Partap Sahota safety concerns with audiences. One significant offshoot of these movie nights includes its sister event, the local International Film Festival, which the Collingwood CPC produces in association with the Collingwood Business Improvement Association. Whereas the Movie Nights in the Park were held in
Don Davies, MP Vancouver Kingsway
You are invited to our annual Community BBQ Saturday, Aug. 16 1 - 3pm Slocan Park
(at 29th Avenue Skytrain) Rain or shine! Hot dogs, entertainment & child-friendly activities
2951 Kingsway, Vancouver, BC V5R 5J4 Tel: 604-775-6263 Email:
both Collingwood and Mount Pleasant, this celebration of international film is held in Collingwood parks and showcases a variety of subtitled films from countries that most represent the immigrant populations in the Collingwood neighbourhood. Partap Sahota, the program coordinator at the Collingwood CPC, said that this particular film series started because it would get people from different cultural backgrounds to get out and to meet their neighbours. This film series starts at the beginning of summer, typically from June to early July, but this year, it became a part of the Collingwood Days event in May. A unique aspect of the International Film Festival is its intercultural physical activity component. Before the film starts at dusk, the Collingwood CPC features a physical activity from the film’s country that all audience members can participate in. During the Spanish movie night, there was a Spanish dance class, for instance, and during the Chinese movie night, there was fan dancing! These physical activities start normally around 8:00 pm and is a great way to learn about
different cultures or just to meet other neighbours. Free movie nights in the park have gained popularity in Vancouver in recent years, with films shown in Stanley Park and Canada Place, but the Collingwood CPC’s Movie Nights in the Park modestly continues to grow and evolve and adapt to the needs of its community, even in its 10th year. Just why have there been a burst of summer movies in the park? “Community events and people are interested in community again,” said Partap, “And it’s a good way of getting out.” For more information about the Collingwood CPC’s Movie Nights in the Park, go to http:// movie-nights-in-the-park/ for a full listing of upcoming films, but note that this event is weather dependent and may be cancelled because of the rain. Have specific questions? Contact Partap Sahota at
Local Dates for Summer Outdoor Movie Nights August 15 - Slocan Park August 22 - Champlain Park August 23 - Riverfront Park
August 2014
Get ready for the annual Renfrew Ravine Harvest Moon Festival by Thea Sample With all the good weather lately, you’ve likely had time to grow vegetables to enter into the Harvest Fair this year as part of the Renfrew Ravine Harvest Moon Festival. Organizers expect to get lots of great entries this year and there will be some fantastic prizes for the winners who will be announced by local politicians Adrian Dix and Don Davies! On Saturday, September 6, 2014, Renfrew Park Community Centre is celebrating its 50th anniversary and Still Moon Arts will have a booth from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. They will be making lanterns and collecting stories from community members. Feel free to bring old photos or memories of either the Renfrew Ravine or Renfrew Park and be part of the feature lantern installation of people’s historical photos of the Renfrew area at the Moon Festival. The 12th annual Moon Festival will be held on Saturday, September 13. This year’s theme is Still Creek Stories and the salmon returning to spawn in Vancouver’s Still Creek two years in a row! The theme highlights the great success our community has had in telling the story and history of the ravine and its importance to our neighbourhood! Come to a lantern workshop so you can be ready for the Moon Festival! • September 2-5: Still Creek Stories House lanterns • September 8–11: Globe lanterns For more information on lantern workshops and general information for this year’s Moon Festival visit
Street Murals
The following is a paid advertisement by Adrian Dix, MLA for Vancouver/Kingsway Latin Summer Fest at Trout Lake, August 17th The annual Latin Summer Fest will be on Sunday, August 17th this year, from 11am to 7pm at Trout Lake. The day is always filled with great food and entertainment, and it’s a great way to celebrate with the Latino community of Renfrew Collingwood. For more information, visit
Still Moon Arts Society has had a very busy summer and is excited to announce that their street mural on Ravine Street is finished! The mural depicts the actual underground route of Still Creek before it reaches the Renfrew Ravine. Community members are invited to check it out and enjoy the art.
Please donate to trust fund for little girl hurt by fatal domestic violence A trust fund to help the young girl who both lost her grandmother and was hospitalized after an incident of fatal domestic violence in Vancouver’s East End has been established by Adrian Dix, MLA for Vancouver Kingsway.
A heartfelt thank you to all of the wonderful volunteers who helped paint the mural and make it possible!
“After a fatal act of domestic violence left this little girl facing great loss and injury, both my constituents and people across this city have expressed a shared concern for her future wellbeing. Starting today, they can make contributions to the ‘Kingsway Child’s Fund’, established for her at the Community Savings Credit Union,” said Dix, who made the initial contribution to open the trust fund.
Photo by Yoko Tomita
People who want to donate can visit any of the Community Savings Credit Union branches in the Metro Vancouver and Victoria listed below. Donations by cheque should be made out to “Kingsway Child’s Fund” and mailed to the Vancouver branch
Better at Home 家中安享计划 帮助老年人独立自主地生活
Donations can be made to the Kingsway Child’s Fund at any local credit union. The closest credit union is Community Savings, at 5108 Joyce Street, Vancouver BC or Vancity, at 3305 Kingsway (at Joyce)
Housing Troubles?
Supporting Seniors In Our Community Renfrew-Collingwood Better at Home provides non-medical support services to promote seniors’ independence. Fees on a sliding-scale based on income; seniors on a low income may be eligible for free service. Free Walking Club Seniors’ Shuttle Light Housekeeping & Yard Work
Free Public Access Computer
老年人接送 打理轻家务和庭院活儿
CNH offers other seniors programs, i.e. seniors’ wellness group, community lunch, yoga, Tai Chi, and more. To learn more, please contact:
604-435-0375 Or visit us at 5288 Joyce Street
Talia Mastai
Kat Cureton
Our office has resources for both landlords and tenants on your rights and responsibilities, available in both English and Chinese text. Please stop by and pick one up. If you’re looking for housing or have recently undergone a difficult transition between residencies, please share your story with us.
Better at Home is funded by the Government of British Columbia.
A reminder to those seeking computer access for social assistance applications, BC Housing files, resume creation or housing and job searches: I have set up a public computer in my constituency office with quick links to Ministry websites, government services, and community resources. All constituents are welcome to drop by during our office hours (Monday, from 12pm to 7pm, Tuesday to Thursday from 9am to 4pm, and on Friday by appointment). My Constituency Assistants are happy to help with any difficulty.
August 2014
Collingwood Neighbourhood House
Terry Tayler Centre celebrates graduation Students at the Terry Tayler Early Learning and Care Centre recently celebrated their graduation from the Care Centre. The Terry Tayler Centre is a new childcare centre that is comprised of two programs: the toddler program for children between 18 and 36 months and the preschool program for children who are 3 to 5 years old. Some of the activities the different groups participate in include neighbourhood walks, painting, gardening and baking using fresh ingredients from the Terry Tayler garden. Eight of the students enrolled in the centre who will be attending Kindergarten in the fall took part in a graduation ceremony where they were able to perform a song they
COMMUNITY LUNCH Collingwood Neighbourhood House invites you to lunch every Tuesday and Thursday. Please note that seniors are served at 12 noon; others are served at 12:10 pm. Full meal prices are $6.25 for adults, $5 for seniors, $4 for students and $3.25 for children under 12. Items can be purchased a la carte or “to go.”
August menu 2014 Tues 05 Mushroom soup Smoked salmon quiche/veggie quiche Salad, Chocolate cookies Thurs 07 Sweet and sour chicken (tofu)/chow mein Salad, Vanilla pudding Tues 12 Borsch soup Roasted beef sandwich/veggie sandwich Salad, Orange sorbet
learned and rehearsed for all of the attendees. Good luck to all of the students who will be attending Elementary School in September! For more information on CNH’s various childcare centre’s go to
Drop-in Basketball takes off this September Collingwood Neighbourhood is pleased to offer a new drop-in program this Fall. Basketball for youth and adults will take place on Tuesdays from 8:30 10:00pm and only costs $2.50 per session. The program invites men and women ages 15 and up to come down and get some exercise while improving their dribbling, passing and shooting skills. Celebrate the start of a new school semester by getting active and making new friends at drop-in basketball! Tuesdays (beginning in September) 8:30 - 10:00pm Ages 15+ $2.50 This page is sponsored by the Collingwood Neighbourhood House
Thurs 14 Breaded white fish Vegetable stew Quinoa Salad, Apple and strawberry crumble
Photo Credit: Rob Bennett
Tues 19 Chick pea and lentil soup Samosa veggie/chicken Salad, Pistachio and saffron rice pudding Thurs 14 Breaded white fish Vegetable stew Quinoa Salad, Apple and strawberry crumble Tues 26 Cream of cauliflower soup Tuna sandwich Salad, Walnut cookies Thurs 28 Spaghetti with meatballs and tomato sauce Garlic bread, Salad, Ice cream & fresh fruit
LIKE us on Facebook: FOLLOW us on Twitter: @collingwoodnh
August 2014
IL Centro Italian Cultural Centre hosts Il Mercato, Vancouver’s first Farmer and Italian Night Market New market features locally grown produce, artisanal products and Italian gourmet foods Il Centro Italian Cultural Centre is proud to present Il Mercato, the city’s first Farmer and Italian Night Market starting Friday, August 15 at 3:00 pm at the Italian Cultural Centre (located at 3075 Slocan Street at Grandview Highway in East Vancouver). The Mercado will run every third Friday of the month from 3:00 to 7:00pm until Friday, November 21, 2014. This market is the first of its kind in Vancouver bringing together the tastes of Italy with the produce grown in local farms. The community is invited to come shop for a vibrant assortment of fresh fruit and vegetables, handmade products from local artisans and delicious food prepared by Il Centro’s chef. The Italian community market element allows you the opportunity to bring home a taste of Italy every month. Stay for live Italian music featuring the classic mandolin and accordion, and children’s activities provided by our Italian school teachers.
Mauro Vescera, Il Centro’s executive director says, “Il Mercato – the Friday Night Italian Market – is an opportunity for us to share our rich culinary history with the broader community and create a unique Mediterranean atmosphere in East Vancouver.” The Italian Cultural Centre, or Il Centro, has been an essential part of Vancouver’s cultural landscape for more than three decades. It opened in 1977, when its founding members came together “to promote Italian culture, values and heritage and to share these with other communities.” Since then, the centre has grown to more than 1,200 members and regularly welcomes individuals and groups from throughout the city. It offers catering and banqueting facilities, language classes and a breadth of cultural activities. Il Centro is one of the most cherished event venues in Vancouver and a
destination for those who appreciate authentic cultural activities.
Special offer - The first 50 shoppers
to the Mercato on Friday, August 15 will receive a coupon for a 10% discount on Italian Language Classes offered at Il Centro.
For our full listing of programs check out our website or drop by and pick up a brochure. GST included. Registration has now started. Register early so you don’t miss out. Program held at Falaise Hall (3434 Falasie Ave). $90/5 sess Mo-Fr 9:00am-2:00pm (Thu ends at 3pm.) Jul 28-Aug 22
Yogalates (19+yrs)
Sat, Aug 2
Sun, Aug 3
Mon, Aug 4
$9.50/drop-in if space Tu 6:00-7:00pm
Fitness Centre
Hatha Flow Yoga (19+yrs)
Centre Area
Licensed Preschool Camp (3-5yrs)
Mo-Fr Mo-Fr
9:00-11:30am 12:30-3:00pm
Jul 28-Aug 29 Jul 28-Aug 29
Outdoor Active Play (4-6yrs)
Environmental Wonders Camp (6-10yrs)
$6.50/drop-in if space Tu-Fr 9:30-10:30am, 10:45-11:45am Mo-Fr 9:30-10:30am, 10:45-11:45am
$9.50/drop-in if space. We 5:40-6:50pm
Espirito Santo Mauricio Aug 5-26
$32/4 sess Ana Yu
Aug 6-27
$32/4 sess
Foot Care Clinic (55+yrs)
Tuhien Trieu *Please bring a large towel. Please request a receipt from the foot care nurse. 30 minute session, call to book an appointment. Fr 10:30am-1:00pm Aug 8 $37/1 sess
Alice Shiu $62.50/5 sess $62.50/5 sess Serinda Kong
Aug 5-8 $20/4 sess Aug 18-22 $25/5 sess
Renfrew’s 50th Anniversary (All Ages) Sat, September 6 10:00am-5:00pm
Come join in celebrating Renfrew’s 50th Anniversary. Events include guided facility tours, free class demonstrations, KidsZone– Arts & Crafts, games, bouncy castle, pet pageant, photo contest, FREE swim (3-5pm), Free giveaway prizes and more!
Do you have a musical skill? Are you a youth aged 12-19yrs? Do you want to perform at our local “Music in the Park” August 22nd at Falaise Park? Then you are the talent we are looking for. If you are interested and want more information on this please contact the Youth Worker (Suzy Parker) at Renfrew Park Community Centre (604-257-8156).
Summer Fruit Cocktail (19+yrs) Learn to can the summer’s bounty of fresh fruit so they can last through the winter. Tu 1:00-3:00pm Aug 5 $2/person Summer Sizzler Luncheon (55+yrs) We
Aug 13
Carnival at Renfrew Park (All Ages) Th
Wibit Inflatable Day
Saturday August 2nd, 2014 3:00pm–5:00pm
Come and join in the fun! *Regular admission rates apply
Aug 14
$9/person Free
August 2014
Continued from page 1
vegetables. “Blackberries are delicate and they’re usually made into a jam, a preserve or chutney. You don’t usually can the blackberry itself.” Tanaka said to follow a recipe. “The chemicals are finicky. It’s not like cooking, more like baking. There’s a science part to canning.” BC Centre for Disease Control advised the same: always follow the recipe. Do not reduce the time or pressure specified in the recipe. Also, don’t reduce sugar or acid (lemon juice, vinegar) in the recipe. When a recipe calls for a pressurized canner, never substitute with the boiling water bath method. In fact, improper canning can lead to botulism, a form of food poisioning that can cause death. Additional tips: • Only use clean fruits and vegetables, free from soil, and remove bruised, damaged or cut flesh. • When preparing fruit jellies and james, ensure the type of fruit you
are using has natural acid. • Use clean undamaged canning jars and only new unused canning lids. For first-timers and families with eager, helpful little ones, Tanaka suggested making freezer jam. There’s no cooking involved and therefore, no heated jars. “You have that pride in making it. Taking the first step in canning.” What are you waiting for? The luscious berries are waiting for you in Renfrew Ravine Park. It’s got Vancouver’s only creek, called Still Creek, in a natural ravine setting. Renfrew Ravine is located north of the 29th Ave Skytrain Station and south of East 22nd Avenue. When picking, remember to wear long sleeves and pants to protect yourself from the blackberry thorns. Grab a bunch—it’s free!—and check out the Blackberry Freezer Jam recipe on this page or the Canning 109: Summertime Natural Fruit Jam workshop on August 5 at Renfrew Park Community Centre. Deanna Cheng is a journalism student at Langara College. Her journalism portfolio is at
Blackberry Freezer Jam This recipe uses freezer jam pectin. Makes about five 250 ml jars. 1-1/2 cups (375 ml) granulated sugar 1 pouch (45 g) Bernardin Freezer Jam Pectin 4 cups (1000 ml) crushed blackberries, about 4 pints (2 L) 1) Wash and rinse 5 Bernardin freezer jars and lids or 250 ml mason jars and closures. 2) Wash, thoroughly drain and crush blackberries, one layer at a time; measure 4 cups (1000 ml). If a smoother textured, “less seedy” product is desired, before measuring, press half of blackberries through a sieve to remove seeds. 3) In a large mixing bowl, combine freezer jam pectin and sugar until well blended. Stir fruit mixture into pectin-sugar mixture; stir 3 minutes. 4) Ladle jam into jars, leaving 1/2 inch (1 cm) headspace. Wipe jar rims removing any residue. Apply lids tightly. Let stand until thickened, about 30 minutes. Refrigerate up to 3 weeks, freeze up to 1 year, or serve right away. Reprinted with permission from Bernardin
Local canning workshops The Renfrew Collingwood Food Security Institute runs popular canning workshops at various locations in the neighbourhood. Be sure to check the location before registering. Registration required. Participants must be able to attend the entire time – no latecomers! Tuesday, August 5 Renfrew Park Community Centre 2929 East 22nd Avenue at Renfrew 1:00-3:00pm Canning 109: Summertime Natural Fruit Jam Register in person or by calling 604-257-8388 Friday ,August 8 Vancouver Technical School 2700 Broadway near Slocan in the school courtyard 10:00am-3:00pm Come for a tour of Fresh Roots Urban Farm (www., do some gardening and pickle and can fruits, too! Wednesday, August 13 Collingwood Neighbourhood House 5288 Joyce Street at Euclid 5:30-8:30pm Canning 110: Pickling Beets Register in person or by calling 604-435-0323 Wednesday, September 3 Collingwood Neighbourhood House 5288 Joyce Street at Euclid 5:30-8:30pm Canning 111: Pressure-canning Salmon Register in person or by calling 604-435-0323 To find out more, visit or www.cnh. or email