Renfrew-Collingwood Community News July 2016

Page 1

July 2016


Still Moon Arts takes youth on a caravan along the Fraser

by Lucas Chan

Youth from the Still Moon Arts Society spent a week in June traveling along the Fraser River watershed in the 2nd annual Wild Salmon Caravan! The Wild Salmon Caravan, taking place from June 6 to 11, was a journey from Mount Robson to Vancouver celebrating the spirit of the wild salmon through indigenous communities in Chase, Adams Lake, Kamloops, Lillooet, Lytton, Chilliwack and Abbotsford. “The journey was really about celebrating, recognizing and honouring the spirit of the wild salmon, and how it is interconnected with First Nations culture as well as the rest of the environment,“ said Henry Lau, one of the youth from the Still Moon Arts Youth Team. The spirit of the salmon is something that influences across cultures and communities, representing more than just the ecological health of the land or water but also the relationships communities have with nature and each other. Groups from across British Columbia joined the Wild Salmon Caravan in this travelling collective of culture, art, drumming, music and storytelling. It sought to connect with people and express the significance of salmon to the well-being of our cultures, communities, food systems and nature from an indigenous perspective.

The Still Moon Arts team started of at Mount Robson, the headwaters of the Fraser River. Photo courtesy of Still Moon Arts

Create Your Canada contest winners Page 5

Battling the chafer beetle Page 8

“What I The youth team took part in the parade witnessed in Kamloops. Photo by Carmen Rosen

Skytrain Rambler Picasso exhibit Page 10

Continued on page 2

Solving a family mystery Page 11


July 2016


Caravan along the Fraser: Continued from page 1

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reminds me of how food is important to me in my neighborhood of RenfrewCollingwood and how that is connected to the ways that First Nations groups access culturally relevant food in their own indigenous landscape,” said Crecien Bencio, who also participated in the journey. The Wild Salmon Caravan also stressed the It was an honour to take part in the Lytton importance of building strong relationships with ceremony. Photo by Chitha Manoranjan indigenous communities and conducting meaningful bring some of Still Moon Arts’ creative reconciliation processes. Threats of energy. More importantly, it was an development and climate change honour to be so warmly welcomed to endanger the well-being of the wild different indigenous communities and salmon that are so intricately linked be witness to the rich cultures and with the land and its people. experiences that these communities have.“ The Wild Salmon Caravan carried the wishes and hopes for what The journey was part of Still Moon relationships with wild salmon was Arts’ Youth Engagement Project funded in the past, what it is in the present, by the BC Arts Council. The youth team and what will be in the future. was made up of two Grade 9 students Still Moon’s previous youth from the Leadership 9 Ecology class engagement coordinator Chitha who have been working in the Renfrew Manoranjan expressed, “I’m Ravine this past year, and two longproud that we were able to take time youth volunteers (and dedicated a small team of youth from this board members). community up on this journey to share stories of our community’s The team returns to the community successful efforts at bringing chum with deeper knowledge, experiences salmon back to Still Creek and and stories that are necessary to continue to act as stewards of the salmon and inspire the community to create their own intercultural ACCEPTING NEW CLIENTS! experiences around food. ICBC / WCB / MSP / PRIVATE

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To find out more about Still Moon Arts Society’s journey on the Wild Salmon Caravan, visit www. or find out more about the Wild Salmon Caravan at www. wildsalmoncaravan. Lucas Chan is a summer student with Still Moon Arts Society.

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July 2016

Green Cross Society faces fines and closure by Paul Reid I remember this time when my friend Mike was helping my other friend Greg with his gardening company, and Mike, who was told to pull out all the weeds in one of the beds, went ahead and pulled out the owner’s prized clematis plant. This, my friends, is reminiscent of what has happened here as the City of Vancouver attempts to weed out the recent proliferation of fly-by-night ‘medicinal marijuana’ dispensaries. Accidentally, they have pulled out the Green Cross Society, likely Vancouver’s foremost legitimate dispensary. Having been around since 2005 (the second-oldest medicinal-marijuana outlet next to the Compassion Club), our readers will know from past write-ups in the RCC News that this time—the GCS has been working with the utmost care and professionalism to bring its clients quality medicinal cannabis, conduct research. So the move to close GCS while letting many others through has stunned everyone who knows about it. To my knowledge, the Green Cross Society is the only club in the Lower Mainland to own and use a gas chromatography machine to analyze every batch of marijuana that it sells. The machine, operated by Dr. Manju Sharma, a trained technician in this field, will reveal if there are any harmful pesticides or molds present. It will also reveal the exact quantities of the active ingredients in the marijuana: the THC, CBD, CBN and others. Without knowing these levels as revealed by the gas chromatography machine, a dispensary cannot know which strain to recommend or if it is even safe to ingest. “If it hasn’t been analyzed, then it isn’t medicine,” says Paul Hunt, executive director at the GCS. For this reason alone, Green Cross Society is at the top of the heap when it comes to being a legitimate medicinal marijuana entity and should be revered as such.

So, what happened? Green Cross fell victim to a new ruling that says that dispensaries need to be a minimum 0f 300 metres away from any school. Gladstone school is just within 300 metres from the GCS’s back property line. When they went to the Board of Variance to plead their case, one of the first to do so, the BoV Committee said at the time that it’s hands were tied when it came to relaxing the 300 metre distance ruling. So, case closed. However, The Green Cross Society is far from happy with this ruling and is now seeking legal action against the BoV. What they are after simply is a second chance to plead their case. What is there case? Primarily, they feel like the rules have changed since their appearance to the BoV. Since then, the Compassion Club was given the green light to proceed although they are located right next door to a school. So the committee’s hands don’t seem to be as tied as they originally were. Also, we now know that Gladstone High is on the chopping block and might not be around soon. In the meantime, the fines are piling up for the Green Cross: 10 at the time of this issue equaling $2500 and climbing. You can help the GCS with their fight for justice by by visiting their Go-Fund me page at gofundme. com/gsclegalfunding


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July 2016


Oh, Canada

COMMUNITY NEWS The mission of this non-profit publication is to provide the residents, businesses and organizations of Renfrew/Collingwood with a medium for community communication. Paul Reid: staff writer and layout coordinator Lisa Symons: sales and distribution coordinator Julie Cheng: editorial coordinator Contributors: Cari Chan, Carmen Rosen, Chelsea Sharman, Chitha Manoranjan, John Mendoza, Julie Cheng, Loretta Houben, Lucan Chan, Norman Hill, Paul Reid, Ricardo Cerna, Still Moon Arts, Taya Lawton

We want to hear from you! Yes, You! Send comments, community events, press releases by regular post, fax or e-mail. Suggestions for improving the paper are welcome. We welcome appropriate, unsolicited editorial submissions if accompanied by the author’s real name, address and telephone number. The author should retain the original as we cannot return submissions without prior agreement nor does submission guarantee publication. We reserve the right to make editorial changes.

Next submission deadline: July 10 The Renfrew/Collingwood Community News is an initiative of the Collingwood Neighbourhood House (CNH).

Yo u C a n F i n d t h e RC Community News @ Libraries, Collingwood Neighbourhood House, Renfrew Park Community Centre, The Italian Cultural Centre, Collingwood Policing Office, other organizations, religious institutions, schools, laundromats, Starbucks, Rona, Superstore, Canadian Tire, Walmart, London Drugs and Safeway coffee shops, restaurants, markets, corner stores, other businesses, and coffee tables all over Renfrew-Collingwood.

Atwood, Munro, Boydon, Ondaatje. With so many great writers in Canada – both well established and up and coming – how can you not be reading Canadian? Here are a few of my favourites. Late Nights on Air by Elizabeth Hay Harry Boyd, a hard-bitten refugee from failure in Toronto television, has returned to a small radio station in the Canadian North. There, in Yellowknife, in the summer of 1975, he falls in love with a voice on air, though the real woman, Dido Paris, is both a surprise and even more than he imagined. Dido and Harry are part of the cast of eccentric, utterly loveable characters, all transplants from elsewhere, who form an unlikely group at the station. Their loves and longings, their rivalries and entanglements, the stories of their pasts and what brought each of them to the North, form the centre. The Antagonist by Lynn Coady Against his will and his nature, the hulking Gordon “Rank” Rankin is cast as an enforcer, a goon – by his classmates, his hockey coaches, and especially his own “tiny, angry” father, Gordon Senior. Rank gamely lives up to his role – until tragedy strikes, using Rank as its blunt instrument. Escaping the only way he can, Rank disappears. Twenty years later, a betrayal from an old friend opens up old wounds. With deep compassion, a deft touch, and irreverent humour, Lynn Coady delves deeply into the ways we sanction and stoke male violence, giving us a large-hearted, often hilarious portrait of a man tearing himself apart in order to put himself back together. The Golden Spruce: A True Story of Myth, Madness, and Greed by John Vaillant John Vaillant takes us into the heart of North America’s last great forest, where trees grow to eighteen feet in diameter, sunlight never touches the ground, and the chainsaws are always at work. When a shattered kayak and camping gear are found on an uninhabited island, they reignite a mystery surrounding a shocking act of protest. Five months earlier, logger-turned-activist Grant Hadwin had plunged naked into a river in British Columbia’s Queen Charlotte Islands, towing a chainsaw. When his night’s work was done, a unique Sitka spruce, 165 feet tall and covered with luminous golden needles, teetered on its stump. Two days later it fell. The tree, a fascinating puzzle to scientists, was sacred to the Haida, a fierce seafaring tribe based in the Queen Charlottes. Vaillant recounts the bloody history of the Haida and the early fur trade, and provides harrowing details of the logging industry, whose violence would claim both Hadwin and the golden spruce. The Sisters Brothers by Patrick DeWitt When a frontier baron known as the Commodore orders Charlie and Eli Sisters, his hired gunslingers, to track down and kill a prospector named Herman Kermit Warm, the brothers journey from Oregon to San Francisco, and eventually to Warm’s claim in the Sierra foothills, running into a witch, a bear, a dead Indian, a parlor of drunken floozies, and a gang of murderous fur trappers. Eli’s deadpan narration is at times strangely funny (as when he discovers dental hygiene, thanks to a frontier dentist dispensing free samples of “tooth powder that produced a minty foam”) but maintains the power to stir heartbreak, as with Eli’s infatuation with a consumptive hotel bookkeeper. DeWitt’s unique, humourous writing style pairs well with the Western genre. I Married the Klondike by Laura Beatrice Berton When she first arrived by steamboat in Dawson City in 1907, Berton expected to find a rough mining town full of grizzled miners, scarlet-clad Mounties and dance-hall girls. And while these and other memorable characters did abound, she quickly discovered why the town was nicknamed the “Paris of the North.” Although the gold rush was over, the townsfolk still clung to the lavishness of the city’s golden era and the young teacher soon found herself hosting tea parties, attending formal dinners, dancing at fancy balls and going on elaborate sleighing parties. While thousands of people left the Klondike each October on the “last boat out” and Dawson City slowly decayed around her, the author remained true to her northern home. Humorous, poignant and filled with stories of both drudgery and decadence, I Married the Klondike is an unforgettable book by a brave and intelligent woman.

What are your favourite Canadian reads? Drop by the Renfrew Library to talk books, discover new ones and to join one of their many programs, including Computer Training and the popular ESL Conversation Circle.

Contact the RCCNews Phone: 604-435-0323 extension 261 Fax: 604-451-1191 Editorial: Advertising: Phone Lisa Symons at 604.435.0323 email: Renfrew/Collingwood Community News Collingwood Neighbourhood House 5288 Joyce Street Vancouver, BC V5R 6C9

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MP Don Davies takes Kingsway students to Ottawa Two Vancouver Kingsway students, including one senior Windermere Leadership student, were the lucky recipients of an all-expense paid trip to Ottawa from June 12 to 14 to participate in Canada’s Parliament through the 2016 Create Your Canada contest, hosted by our local member of Parliament, Don Davies. Started by Don Davies in 2009, this annual contest is open to all Vancouver Kingsway students taking Grade 11 or 12 classes. Create Your Canada challenges students to propose ideas that they feel will make a better Canada or a better world.


July 2016




MP Don Davies with 2016 Create Your Canada winners Mabel Huang of Windermere Secondary and Judy Gong of Gladstone Secondary. Photo by Chelsea Sharman

The winning idea is submitted by Davies to Parliament where it is drafted into federal legislation in the form of a Private Members Bill. This year, the winning entry was jointly submitted by Mabel Huang from Windermere Secondary and Judy Gong from Gladstone Secondary.

Mabel is in Windermere’s Leadership program and has volunteered with a number of organizations including Youth Celebrate Canada Day and Windermere’s Climate Change Conference. She and Judy were selected for their proposal to introduce a national pharmacare strategy. “We were inspired by the discussion of health care in my Law 12 class. We then researched and found out that of all the countries with a universal health-care system, Canada is the only country where prescription drugs aren’t covered,” said Mabel. “We are looking for a feasible solution to give everyone an equal opportunity to access prescription drugs, since many citizens are not taking prescribed medications they need because they can’t afford it,” added Judy. The winners were treated to a jam-packed two-day tour of Parliament Hill where they visited the House of Commons, Senate, Peace Tower, Library of Parliament, Sir John A. MacDonald’s office, and met many politicians from all parties. They also had time to visit the Supreme Court of Canada for a tour and the Canadian Museum of History in Gatineau, Quebec. “This is a great way for youth to share their vision for our country,” said Davies. “I think it’s also an engaging and fun introduction to Parliament and the legislative process.” Honourable mentions for the 2016 Create Your Canada Contest go to: • Robin Horner from Windermere Secondary School for her idea to create a national strategy for mental health services for youth. • Thien Ho from Sir Charles Tupper Secondary for his idea to create a national incentives program for the purchase or lease of electric and hybrid cars. Don Davies funds the Create Your Canada program entirely by himself, and no taxpayer funds are used.


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July 2016


Union of our body and spirit

E-petition for a national child care program

Art and message by Ricardo Cerna The moment our spirit reaches perfect union with our earthly physical body is when our living soul is set and shaped, in other words, the union of our body with our spirit.

Deadline for signatures is August 31, 2016 There is a new e-petition to the federal government’s Minister of Families, Children and Social Development to provide for a national child care program to provide affordable and accessible child care spaces to Canadian families. 500 signatures are needed to officially recognize the e-petition, which is open until August 31, 2016.

To live in perfect harmony is to live happy. To live happy is to understand what is good, and when good is done that is when harmony is manifested perfectly between the body and the spirit.

To find details and sign the petition and details go to https://

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July 2016

Get Involved

What’s happening at your local library

Youth Celebrate Canada Day – Friday, July 1

Collingwood Branch Library, 2985 Kingsway, 604-665-3953

Friday, July 1, 1-5 pm Renfrew Park (2929 E 22nd Ave) This annual event is held at Renfrew Park Community Centre every July 1st for the past 20 years, organized by Windermere Youth Volunteers. Come celebrate Canada with arts, crafts, games, food, entertainment and more.

Collingwood BIA’s Canada Day Cake Celebration – Friday, July 1

11 am–1 pm Corner of Kingsway and Tyne Cake, refreshments and giveaways!

Used appliance collection - Trout Lake Farmers Market – Saturday, July 2 The first Saturday of each month until October at Trout Lake, ElectroCycle and their partners at the Trout Lake Youth Council will be collecting your old, broken and unwanted appliances for free! Find out what you can recycle on their website

Italian Cultural Centre’s Movie in the Park: Benvenuti al Sud

Friday, July 8 8:00 pm - 11:00 pm Get ready for a free Italian Movie in the Park! Bring a blanket and some good company and enjoy the summer evening! Featuring the hilarious film Benvenuti al Sud. Film starts at sunset in Beaconsfield Park. Admission is free! More info at http:// movie-park-benvenuti-al-sud/

Collingwood International Film Festival

Friday, July 8 – Philippines – Gaston Park Friday, July 22 – Spain – Collingwood Park Free outdoor movie and popcorn at dusk.

Still Moon Arts Stewardship Mondays at Renfrew Ravine Mondays, July 11–August 29 10–11:30 am

Join Still Moon Arts Society every Monday in the Renfrew Ravine to remove invasive species and waste, test water quality, and continue to make the Ravine an inviting natural space for both the community and the ecosystem around it. Meet at the Labyrinth at 27th Avenue.

Still Creek Stories Performance Exploration Workshop

Moving Story in Landscape Wednesday, July 13 and Thursday, July 14 10 an–2 pm Meet at the yin-yang bench at the North Ravine Garden Prepare for future performances as part of the Moon Festival, a Still Creek Stories book launch, and a full Moving the Story in the Landscape show in 2017. In this two-day workshop, work with choreographer/director Isabelle Kirouac and artist/vocalist Carmen Rosen to help develop site specific performances and displays in Renfrew Ravine inspired by art, music, and stories collected from the community about the ravine and the creek. Find more information at http:// Moving-Story-in-the-Landscape-promojune-2016.pdf or contact Carmen Rosen at

SUMMER FUN! CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS Summer Reading Club: Book a Trip! Kids 6-12 years of age can enjoy fun activities, and become reading stars in this popular free program designed to encourage creativity and build excitement around books! Joining the BC Summer Reading Club lets them track their reading while giving them a chance to participate in free programs, enter contests, and earn their own Summer Reading Club medal. Highlights of Free Summer Reading Club programs at the Collingwood Library: Castle Siege Challenge Friday 8 July 2pm Electric Bugs Friday 22 July 2pm (Ages 8-12. Registration required) Paper Minecraft Travel Tales Friday 5 August 2pm Around the World in 80 Frames Friday 19 August 2pm (Ages 8-12. Registration required) Book a Trip to your Library Alternate Fridays at 2pm Drop in to check out a few new reads, play games, take part in self-directed activities and more. Summer Reading Club Celebration Saturday 17 September 2:30pm And our regular FREE kids’ and familyfriendly programs at the Collingwood Library continue too: Lego Block Party – Drop in Drop in to express your creativity with Lego! A program for children aged 6-12 yrs. Lego provided. Saturday mornings 2 July and 27 August 10:30am Family Storytime – Drop in Stories, rhymes and songs for the whole family. Thursday mornings, 7 July – 11 August 10:30 – 11am Babytime – Drop in Songs, rhymes, lap play and books for baby. Thursday mornings, 7 July – 11 August 11:30-12pm

“There is no such thing as a child who hates to read; there are only children who have not found the right book.” –Frank Serafini ADULT PROGRAMS One-to-One Resume Clinic June 14, July 12, 1:00–3:00 pm, June 28, July 26, 6:30–8:30 pm – Registration required Bring a copy of your resume! If there is a specific job you are interested in, bring a copy of the posting too! A Career Advisor from the MOSAIC - WorkBC Employment Services Centre, Vancouver Northeast, will provide feedback on your resume, as well as offer job searching tips. Registration is required for your 15-minute appointment. In partnership with MOSAIC - WorkBC Employment Services Centre. For more information and to register, please contact the Collingwood Branch at 604-665-3953.

One-to-One Computer Training Every week Want to learn how to use a computer? How to send an email? Or maybe you would like to learn more about VPL’s online collections, eBooks? Call the Library to book a 45 minutes session at your convenience! ESL Book Club July 5, 19, August 2, 16, 30, September 13, 27, October 11, 25 7–8:30 pm – Registration required Enjoy practising your English conversation and reading skills in a supportive environment while learning about culture and meeting new people. This program is most suitable for intermediate speakers. Registration is required. To register and to get the book to read, please come to the Collingwood Library! ESL Conversation Circle July 13, 27, August 10, 24, September 7, 21, October 5, 19 – Drop-In Enjoy meeting new people while practising English in a supportive environment. Most suitable for intermediate speakers. Community Conversation Café July 19, 7–8:30 pm Community members gather for conversation and coffee in a casual, welcoming environment. Children welcome! Discussion topic to be announced.

Renfrew Branch Library, 2969 E. 22nd Avenue at Nootka, 604-257-8705 CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS Storytimes • Babytime (0-18 months) Wednesdays, July 6 to August 31 | 11:15 am | Drop-in • Family Storytimes (all ages) Tuesdays, July 5 to August 30, 10:15 am | Drop-in Saturdays, July 2 to August 27, 11:15 am | Drop-in

Lego Mondays Every Monday, 3:30pm | Drop-in Come express your creativity with Lego and make new friends. Lego provided. For ages 6-12. Afternoon at the Movies Fridays, 3:30pm | Drop-in Join us on Friday afternoons for family friendly movies! • July 8 Home • July 15 Paddington • July 22 Journey to the Center of the Earth • July 29 Walking with Dinosaurs • August 5 Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted Coding Buddies Coding Buddies pairs teens with children from ages 9-12 who would like to learn how to code. We are looking for role models who can connect with children and help them learn about some of the latest iPad coding apps. The program includes a training component and will have ongoing support from library staff. Coding Buddies sessions: Wednesday, July 6, 2:00-3:30 pm Thursday, July 7, 2:00-3:30 pm Teen Training is Wednesday, July 6, 10:00-11:30 am If you are a teen who would like to volunteer for this program or a child from 9-12 who would like to participate, please contact the Renfrew Branch Library at 604-257-8706 for more details or pick up an application at the branch.

ADULT PROGRAMS Canadian Citizenship Test Preparation Saturdays, July 9, July 16, July 23, 1 pm Prepare for the Canadian Citizenship Test in this 2-hour session. Learn the Canadian citizenship application requirements and process and test contents like history and geography. Admission is free. Seating is limited. Registration required. For registration and more information, contact Kiwassa Neighbourhood House (Kim Lu) at 604-254-5401. Beginners Guide to Online Travel Planning Thursday, July 14, 6:30–8:30pm Want to plan a vacation online but don’t know where to start? This class will introduce you to a few of the many travel sites available to help you get started—from transportation and accommodation to finding things to do when you arrive. Register online at www.vpl. ca/events/

Summer Reading Club 2016: Book a Trip! This year’s theme, Book a Trip, is all about travel, exploration and adventure! Kids can sign-up for free at their nearest VPL branch until the end of the summer. Once registered, club members can attend free events and earn a 2016 Summer Reading Club medal by reading for at least 15 Big Eno minutes a day for 50 days. ugh Castle Siege Challenge Tuesday July 5, 2-3pm | Drop-in Travel back in time and build a mighty catapult or a strong and sturdy castle. For ages 6-12. Electric Bugs Tuesday July 19, 2-3pm | Contact branch to register For your next backyard adventure, build your own battery-powered bug. Connect the circuits and watch it glow! For ages 9-12. Paper Minecraft Travel Tales Tuesday Aug. 2, 2-3pm | Drop-in Use your imagination (and a few craft supplies) to create your very own modern Minecraft folktale. For ages 6-12.

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July 2016

Battling the European chafer beetle Those pesky chafer beetles started showing up earlier this year—from late May right til the end of June.


but mostly I dig up 10-20 a day and feed them to my neighbour’s chickens. Signs of chafer beetle You have to love those Adult European chafer beetles are They first showed up coming yummy, protein-rich copper-coloured beetles. Females from underground and creeping chafer eggs the chickens lay eggs, which hatch in about two up strands of grass on the lawn, weeks and grow into grubs. These soft, produce. where I’d stomp on them, wincing white grubs chomp on the grass roots, at every loud crunch. Mid June Fighting chafers destroying lawns. found me outside with a broom naturally Chafer grubs can be found in your lawn from whacking my tall rhododendron It’s important to keep My lawn will start showing damage where they swarmed at dusk, your lawn healthy. This fall to spring. Photos by Julie Cheng from fall to early spring. During this hoping, I reasoned, to ruin their time, the resident skunk and the crows means regular aerating, not allowed to use pesticides sex lives so they wouldn’t mate watering and mowing, as well as make a buffet of them. I don’t mind to treat chafers, but you and lay eggs on my lawn. I later applying lime. Try overseeding your these critters digging up the lawn, I may use nematodes, which used the more dignified tactic of lawn with tall fescue grass, which think they’re doing me a favour by spraying them with the hose. the beetles don’t like to lay their eggs are microscopic worms that eating as many of the grubs as they attack the grubs. You can buy in and the grubs have a hard time can. nemadoes at a garden store. Late June I found some dead ones feeding on. Microclover is also a in my backyard. I imagined them good choice. Otherwise, I’d be digging them up Make sure you apply the burrowing down into the grass, myself. I have been known to smash a nematodes in the early morning laying their 300 eggs or so, then few with my shovel out of frustration, In the city of Vancouver, you’re or evening or on a cloudy day and keep the soil moist for four to seven days afterwards. You may purchase a water exemption permit from the city to sprinkle your lawn extra days ( Collingwood BIA & the Collingwood Merchants want to hear dying, their life spent but fulfilled.

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from you. olcoll #coolcoll#coolcoll #coolcoll #coolcoll (include yourself, if you like) with the 1. Take a picture of your purchase #coolcoll coll#coolcoll #coolcoll frame at participating businesses #coolcoll follow @shopcollingwood #coolcoll #coolcoll 2. Post it on Instagram with Ò#coolcollÓ &#coolcoll coolcoll #coolcoll #coolcoll - the more entries you have,#coolcoll the more you increase your chances to win a coolcoll #coolcoll #coolcoll #coolcoll FITBIT & other prizes! coolcoll #coolcoll #coolcoll#coolcoll ¥ #coolcoll street team will be out on Kingsway on: july 8, july 29, aug 26 handing#coolcoll out free swag - be sure to snap a picture with them #coolcoll & post it on oolcoll #coolcoll instagram! coll#coolcoll #coolcoll #coolcoll @shopcollingwood #coolcoll#coolcoll#coolcoll #coolcoll #coolcoll #coolcoll #coolcoll#coolcoll coolcoll cool in#coolcoll#coolcoll #coolcoll coll #coolcoll#coolcoll #coolcoll#coolcoll #coolcoll #coolcoll#coolcoll #coolcoll @ s h#coolcoll o p c o#coolcoll l l i n g #coolcoll wood oolcoll For more information: City of Vancouver http:// aspx

A spent chafer beetle, found late June.

# co o lcoll

Nematodes are a natural way to fight chafers.




July 2016

Collingwood BIAÕs Cake Celebration Don Davies MP Vancouver Kingsway

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July 2016


Skytrain Rambler: Vancouver Art Gallery’s spectacular new exhibit is just a ’train away by John Mendoza

Picasso: The Artist and His Muses is now showing at the Vancouver Art Gallery until Sunday, October 2, 2016.

9 pm. If a recent Tuesday in mid-June is any indication, expect long lineups and certainly do not wait until the last minute to see the exhibit.

Let’s go back to October 2010. I’m at the Seattle Art Museum. It’s a monumental art show to say the least. Picasso: Masterpieces from the Musee National Picasso, Paris, takes up the top floor of the museum, and it features artistic highlights from Pablo Picasso. Its placement Directions: Take Skytrain on the is apt. It’s right next to Expo Line westbound from Joyce/ the arts of Africa and Collingwood station to either The Picasso exhibit is showing at the Vancouver Art Gallery until October 2. Granville Station or Burrard Station. Oceania; people queued Photo by Julie Cheng next to a stark display of For information on admission rates African masks. (Picasso and opening hours, check www. was influenced by the arts of Admission by donation is Tuesday nights from 5 to Africa and Oceania.) I follow the other museum visitors exhibition of Picasso’s artworks into the first crowded room. What I influenced by the many women in discovered was not only the results of his life. an imaginative and unusual artist, but roomfuls of the different ways one can The pieces come from as close as approach life in the name of creativity. the collections of the Vancouver Art Gallery and as far away as places A good example of Picasso’s ability to like France. One particular artwork MONDAY FUN- DAY GROUP think creatively was Bull’s Head. The supposedly is still in the frame that Every Monday 1.15pm-3pm name reflects the idea and shape of Picasso himself picked out and is 星期一健康组织 the sculpture, but what’s surprising making a rare appearance outside Fun activities, informative talks and a focus on wellbeing and interculturalism for seniors. Open to everyone, new comers welcomed! is the medium of the work: a bicycle of its usual museum home. seat, some handle bars. Picasso had JULY 2016 found these items in a pile of garbage If you ever have been the least Monday July 4th 1:15-3pm: Birthday Cake + Bingo –Join us for FREE cake for everyone and a celebration of May birthdays then stay for Bingo! Tell us if your Birthday is in July. in Paris. He simply welded the metal bit curious about Picasso’s Coffee and cake will be served. There is no cost for this program, but please bring a small prize or $2.00 seat to the metal handlebars, mashing life and career, it’s definitely a for bingo. Everyone gets a chance to win! together two found objects to create a recommended excursion. You’ll modern work of art. find that publicly funded museums Monday July 11: 10am– 3pm: Trip to Squamish! Join us on a journey along the magnificent Sea to Sky highway. The bus will leave CNH at 10am and stop at beautiful Shannon Falls where you will have to and art galleries are not bastions opportunity to walk around and stop for picnic. Afterwards we’ll go into Squamish town for some shopping before returning to Vancouver before 3pm. Must register at CNH reception to secure seat. Cost is There’s something still alien and of elitism, but places where all can $10. Please bring your own lunch. uncommon about being able to see be transformed by the experience beauty and potential in discarded of seeing art. If you are a night owl, Monday July 18th:1.15 – 3pm: Empower Health. The first in a series of lectures given by Empower Health Clinic especially for seniors health. Empower Health is a Vancouver clinic specializing in integratobjects thought of as trash. don’t miss their FUSE program ed health. The series will have information on: Arthritis, Type two Diabetes, Osteoporosis, Fatigue, Depression and Influenza and will run at CNH once per month. We are very happy to welcome the Furthermore, sometimes context is where the Vancouver Art Gallery practitioners from Empower health. Cost is $2.50. Refreshments provided. everything. Picasso created Bull’s Head opens late from 8pm to midnight, in the early 1940s during the Second and augments their art exhibitions Monday July 25th 1.15– 3pm: Monday July 25th: Qmunity Queer Competency Training. It’s Pride month! We invite you to participate in this important training and awareness session givWorld War. To create something with performance and music. Next en by Qmunity. If you’d like to learn about Gay Pride or LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, beautiful is incredibly life affirming, one will be Friday, July 15, 2016. Transgender and Queer) culture and history then please come along. Tell your friends and help us to show support and love for EVERYONE in our neighbourhood! Cost is $2.50, Refreshments especially in the face of turbulence and And don’t forget the admission-byturmoil. donation Tuesday nights from 5 to Day of Fun in the Park! 9 pm. In total, I spent four hours looking at Wednesday, July 13th John Mendoza is a long-time resident Picasso’s art that day in Seattle. Local seniors, in conjunction with CNH and NeighbourIf you want to inject a little more creativity and leisure into your life, start with a visit to the Vancouver Art Gallery this summer and check out this show on the first level, and wander around at the other three floors. You might be surprised at the value and pleasure derived from sauntering through an art gallery— you might even leave inspired.

hood Small Grants programs, will be hosting a morning of fun in Gaston Park from 10am– 12pm on July 13th. Free lunch for seniors and Zumba session provided. Everyone welcome.

Fast forward to 2016, and the Vancouver Art Gallery in downtown Vancouver is readying Picasso: The Artist and His Muses, a summer

of Renfrew-Collingwood and a regular contributor to the RenfrewCollingwood Community News.


The Seniors Connection Solving a 90-year-old family mystery Growing up I would sometimes hear stories about Nellie, my Grandpa John Williams’ first wife. She had died in 1926 out on the barren Saskatchewan prairies of a broken heart.

I was advised to join the Naicam Homecoming group. The very day that I asked for help regarding Nellie and her maiden name and how to search further for her marriage certificate, a researcher at the Naicam Museum Facebook messaged me her death certificate! I had never thought to look for a maiden name on that type of certificate, but there it was; her father’s name, Edward Egerton! Also included was Nellie’s date of birth and birth country, her length of residence in Canada, her address, her husband’s signature, her date of death and her cause

Join me to celebrate Canada Day – Friday, July 1st

Congratulations to the Class of 2016! This is an exciting time for all of you and your families and I wish you all the very best in your future endeavors. I am proud each year to sponsor scholarships for Gladstone and Windermere Secondary. A full list of winners will be announced soon.

What was her real name and her maiden name? Where had she come from? How did my grandpa meet her?

However, taking my own advice, I joined the Saskatchewan Genealogy Network on Facebook, and began asking questions about family research in Naicam, Saskatchewan, the place where Nellie had died.

Dear Neighbours,

Gladstone & Windermere Graduates and Scholarship Winners

An old photo of Nellie taken in 1919 intrigued me. She was young and pretty wearing a large Edwardian style hat, but looked quite sad and mysterious.

On the 1921 Canadian census I discovered her real name was Ellen (see the February 2014 RCC News article “1921 Canadian Census Tips”). I searched for a few years for her surname but the fee from Saskatchewan Vital Statistics was too pricey for me to track down her marriage certificate.

The following is a paid advertisement by Adrian Dix, MLA for Vancouver/Kingsway

Come out to Renfrew Park Community Centre on July 1st to celebrate Canada Day! The Youth Celebrate Canada Day Festival is organized each year by a terrific group of Windermere high school students; this year’s edition promises to be as good as ever, if not better.

by Loretta Houben

I love genealogy, the study of family history. For years these questions had perplexed me, and after solving other family mysteries recently I felt it was time to discover more about Nellie.


July 2016

BC Teachers Institute

Nellie Williams: mystery woman, 1919. Photo courtesy of Loretta Houben

of death; croupous pneumonia due to low vitality; in other words, a broken heart. This was because her young son, Edward, had died in 1925. Now I had facts to help me in my search for further clues to Nellie’s past life, and I quickly found the dates of her voyage to Canada on the ship’s passenger lists online, but this presented another mystery, as she had lived in Toronto for four years, returned home to Wales for a time, then took another sea voyage in 1918 with the destination of Three Hills Alberta, where my grandpa was residing. No one would go to such a tiny town without a purpose, so I believe she was headed there to marry John. Did they meet back in Wales and keep up a correspondence since 1910, when John had immigrated to Canada? It’s just another mystery to solve. Now on to the next one, and have fun with yours! Loretta Houben is a long-time resident of the Collingwood area and enjoys poking around on Facebook in her spare time, always on the lookout for new family clues.

The Legislative Assembly of BC offers BC teachers a professional development program at the Parliament Buildings in our provincial capital. The deadline to apply is June 30, 2016. Visit and search BCTI to apply online for the October 18-22, 2016 session. This course includes a meeting with the Speaker of the House, MLAs, senior public officials, and a behindthe-scenes tour of your Parliamentary Buildings. Vancouver Greek Summer Festival This 10 day festival runs from July 7 – July 17th, 2016 and has attracted thousands of Greek culture enthusiasts since its inception 1987. With a strong emphasis on Greek dance and food, this festival is always a sure hit! For more information, go to www. Join Adrian as he participates in the opening ceremonies on July 10th! Location: 4641 Boundary Road, Vancouver Place/time: Opening Ceremonies begin at 5:30pm on Sunday July 10th Fiji Festival On Saturday July 23, 2016, join me and thousands of people in celebrating the 15th annual Fiji Festival. The free admission event encourages communities to come together and celebrate traditional Polynesian, Melanesian and Hawaiian dancing, folk songs and a Fijian fashion show. Location: Swanguard Stadium, Burnaby Place/time: Saturday July 23, 10am-7pm; with introductions of local representatives at 1pm


July 2016

Read On!


A news section for Renfrew-Collingwood learners

Becoming Canadian


In December 2015 I became a Canadian citizen. The citizenship ceremony was very interesting. There were people from many different countries becoming citizens with me. They were young and old. Some had lived in Canada a very long time, some only a few years. They spoke many different languages. Each person had their own story, but we all had one thing in common (the same): we were all excited to become Canadian.

Read On!

has a web page. You can:

 Read the articles

 Print worksheets http://renfrewcollingwood read-on/

Reading levels on this page

The judge told us a story about a young girl who had to leave her country because it was very dangerous. That girl went on a boat across the ocean and the boat started to sink. They were rescued by another boat. The girl lived in refugee camps for years. Finally, one day, she was able to move to Canada. What happened to that little girl? She became a citizenship judge. Yes, it was the same judge that was at our ceremony. What an amazing story! July 1 is Canada Day. It will be my first Canada Day celebrating as a Canadian citizen. I haven’t decided how I will celebrate yet. Maybe I will go watch the fireworks at Canada Place. Maybe I will go listen to music at Granville Island. Maybe I will go to Renfrew Park for the Youth Celebrate Canada Day event. Whichever I choose, I am happy to celebrate Canada Day as a Canadian this year!

Level 1

Level 2

 

Level 3


Happy Canada Day, everyone!

Canadian Quiz


If you have taken the Canadian citizenship test, you probably had to study Canadian history, provinces, laws and symbols. Maybe you are hoping to take the citizenship test sometime in the future. Since Canada Day is this month, I thought it would be fun to give my readers a little quiz (short test) to see what you know about Canada. Good luck!

A) Justin Trudeau B) Sir John A. Macdonald C) Emily Carr D) Wilfrid Laurier

2. When did Canada become a country? A) July 4, 1776 B) July 1, 1971 C) July 1, 1867 D) December 25, 1881

5. What are Canada’s national sports? A) hockey and baseball B) basketball and hockey C) skiing and ice skating D) hockey and lacrosse 6. What does RCMP stand for? A) Real Canadian Men’s Police B) Royal Cadet Municipal Police C) Regal Canadian Mounted People D) Royal Canadian Mounted Police

3. What is the capital of Canada? A) Victoria B) Ottawa C) Quebec D) Toronto

7. What is the capital of British Columbia? A)Vancouver B) Vernon C) Victoria D) Ottawa

4. How many provinces are in Canada? A) 10 plus 3 territories B) 14 C) 9 D) 50

8. What animal is a symbol for Canada? A) the bear B) the moose C) the duck D) the beaver

Answers: B, C, B, A, D, D, C, D

1. Who was Canada’s first prime minister?

Your Collingwood Branch #48 Update


July 2016


by Paul Reid

This is perhaps the last group shot that will ever be taken of Collingwood Branch #48. Why? Because our beloved Branch #48 and Grandview Branch #179 are in the process of what they call amalgamation. This is when two Legion branches merge into one. Branch #48 has already voted at their last meeting that they are in favour of the amalgamation. Branch #179 still needs to have their vote, something that will not happen until their September meeting. What would this mean for Branch #48? It would mean a place to rest our weary bones; a place to call home; a place to retire some of #48’s memorobilia on the wall; a place where members from Collingwood can continue to socialize and fundraise for the community. For Branch #179, it would mean accepting our notoriously rowdy members (pictured above); accepting our half million or so dollars that we have tucked under our mattress, and adding the word ‘Collingwood’ after Grandview. Hopefully they can keep number #179, though we would definitely need to retire ol’ #48 : ( We are pleased to add two new members in June: Don Davies and Adrian Dix. Welcome aboard gentlemen. A note also, the old Legion was on Cecil St., not Battison as stated here last month. Thank you Bill and Pat for pointing that out.

RENFREW PARK COMMUNITY COMPLEX 2929 East 22nd Avenue, Vancouver, BC V5M 2Y3 604 257-8388 Fax: 604 257-8392 Website:

Jointly operated by Renfrew Park Community Association and Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation.

Summer Registration is ongoing, register early so you don’t miss out. For our full listing of programs check out our website or drop by and pick up a brochure. GST excluded. Registration has now started. Register early so you don’t miss out.

Canada Day Friday, July 1st Renfrew Park Community Complex will be closed. (includes pool and fitness centre area) Come Celebrate Youth Celebrate Canada Day with us at Renfrew Park from 1:00pm-5:00pm. Everyone is Welcome.

Special Event Highlights

Salt Spring Island’s Best (55+yrs) 62168 Thu Jul 14


Summer Day’s Luncheon (55+yrs) 62063 We Jul 27


Playgrounds (All Ages)

Activities are weather permitting. Collingwood Park Mo-Fr Jul 11-Aug 19 10:00am-5:00pm Renfrew Park Tu Th Jul 12-Aug 18 10:00am-5:00pm Slocan Park Mo We Fr Jul 11-Aug 19 10:00am-5:00pm

Summer Program Highlights Go Karting (11-15yrs)

Suzy Parker We will be heading to the Richmond Go Kart for the day. 63434 Th Jul 14 11:00am-5:00pm $20/person

Swimming at Kits Pool (11-15yrs)

Suzy Parker Come and join us for a day at the beach. We will swim at the famous Kits pool and maybe go and hang out at the beach after our swim. 64323 Th Jul 28 11:00am-4:00pm $20/person

Boot Camp (19+yrs)

$103.81/person $8.57/person

Alicia Meek Boot camp is a group workout that combines both cardio and strength/resistance training to tone and tighten from head-to-toe. Outside rain or shine $8.57+tax/drop in if space. 63335 Th Jul 7-Aug 25 7:05pm-8:05pm $60/8 sess

Youth Celebrate Canada Day

Show your Canadian pride! Join in on the celebration at Renfrew Park for this fun day of music, games, arts and crafts and of course carnival food in this fun event organized by Windermere students for the whole community to enjoy. Food vendors and refreshments available. See you here Rain or Shine. Everyone is welcome.

Friday, July 1st 1:00-5:00pm

Wibit Inflatable Day in the pool

Saturday, July 2nd from 3:00pm–5:00pm

Come and join in the fun! *Regular admission rates apply

Power Stretch & Core (19+yrs)

Rachel King This is an intense cardio workout that combines the core-firming benefits of Pilates with the strength and flexibility of yoga movements while using only your body weight. $11.43+tax/drop-in if space. 63949 Su Jul 3-Aug 28 10:45am-11:45am $90/9 sess


Come and join us at Slocan Park for this fun day of music, games, arts and crafts and of course carnival food.

Wednesday, July 27th 11:00am-4:00pm Free


July 2016


Collingwood Neighbourhood House (CNH)


Getting involved with CNH’s food security initiatives by Norman Hill If anyone likes to grow food, cook it, or preserve it, the Renfrew-Collingwood Food Security Institute (RCFSI) has lots of activities they’ll enjoy this summer. There are regular weekly gardening sessions on the CNH Rooftop Garden in which participants learn to garden organically, share knowledge with neighbours and grow food for community programs. Volunteers are needed and everyone from beginners to experts is welcome—all they need is an interest in gardening! Sessions are held every Wednesday from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. For people who are more interested in fruit than vegetables, there are monthly work parties at Norquay Learning Orchard. Participants learn how to care for fruit trees and other plants, including pruning and organic pest control. No experience is required and everyone is welcome! A work party is scheduled for July 24 at the orchard. As well, a special ‘Garden-Learn Work Party’ is scheduled for July 10 that will focus on permaculture. For gardeners looking to build their skills, RCFSI also holds gardening workshops. There was recently a Gardening 101 workshop that covered basic gardening skills and another session on small container gardening. A gardening workshop is also scheduled for August 10 at Renfrew Park Community Centre. For anyone who loves food, RCFSI also offers regular cooking sessions as well as summer food preservation workshops.

COMMUNITY LUNCH Collingwood Neighbourhood House invites you to lunch every Tuesday and Thursday. Full meal prices are $6.25 for adults, $5 for seniors, $4 for students and $3.25 for children under 12. Items can be purchased a la carte or “to go.”

July lunch menu Tuesday, July 5 Tomato soup Salmon or vegetable quiche Salad Mango mousse

Cooking sessions include Community Kitchen, which takes place at CNH on the second Friday of the month from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and on the last Wednesday from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. In these sessions, the focus is on cooking, eating, and sharing skills and cultural knowledge. Free childminding is available upon request, so Community Kitchen is perfect for families. More and more people want to learn how to make the most of their garden produce, so RCFSI offers food skills workshops in which participants can find out how to preserve food through canning, pickling, fermenting, making jam, or using other techniques. Scheduled workshops include a ‘Canning 101’ session on July 8 or 27 at CNH and a ‘Pickling and More’ session on July 13 at Renfrew Park Community Centre. Anyone who wants to buy fresh, local produce can get it at markets run by two RCFSI partners. Youth from the Windermere Secondary School Organic Garden will be producing vegetables and selling them on Tuesday afternoons at CNH from July 12 to the end of August. Curbside Fresh Market, a project of the Greater Vancouver Food Bank, will also be

selling locally grown, lower-priced, fresh produce and market staples at CNH on Thursdays from 3 – 6 p.m., until September 29. No matter what people’s interest in food is, RCFSI is keen on having them participate in its programs. As Food Security Coordinator Elise Barber said, “You’ll find lots of friendly people at our events and activities we love bringing neighbours together to share stories and get to know one another. You’ll likely learn something new about gardening, cooking, your community, or about yourself!” For information on upcoming RCFSI workshops or activities, people can visit the CNH Events page at http:// Anyone interested in registering for food security activities can contact the site where the activities will be held: the CNH Front Desk or 604.435.0323 for CNH activities; 604.257.8388 Ext. 1 for Renfrew Park Community Centre activities. For questions about food security activities, people should contact or call Elise Barber or Cassandra Ly at 604.435.0323.

Thursday, July7 Grilled chicken with salsa / rice Salad Coffee cake Tuesday, July 12 Vegetable soup Spinach or chicken pie Salad Ice cream Thursday, July 14 Burger (beef or veggie) Salad Chocolate strawberry pudding Tuesday, July 19 Borscht soup Egg salad sandwich Salad Fruit salad Thursday, July 21 White fish pie / veggie option Salad Apple crumble Tuesday, July 26 Zucchini basil soup Crab cake Salad Peach tart Thursday, July 28 Meat or veggie loaf Salad Vanilla pudding

Reminder: Register your child now for CNH Summer Recreation Camps CNH’s Summer Recreation Day Camps in July and August offer a variety of sports and interactive activities for children, including Piano Camp, Arts and Crafts Summer Camp, Rhythmic Gymnastics Summer Camp, Summer Creative Dance Camp, August Sports Camp, and Gymnastics Camp. For more information, visit http://www.cnh. To register, call 604-435-0323. Our staff can help you in a variety of languages, including Mandarin and Cantonese. All camps run Monday to Friday, except holidays. There is no camp on August 3 due to BC Day. This page is sponsored by the Collingwood Neighbourhood House



July 2016

Sophie Middleton (third from left) with co-workers at the Collingwood Branch of the Vancouver Public Library. Sophie Middleton is passionate about her occupation with the Vancouver Public Library. For the past 8 years, she has been at VPL and has been the Branch Head for our Collingwood Library and Champlain Heights Branch for one year. A graduate of Simon Fraser University with a masters degree in Information Studies from University of Toronto, Sophie loves to give people access to the information that they require. “We provide access to a great amount of information at the library,” says Sophie.

Within the past month, the VPL has started an exciting new program: The Sunlife Financial Musical Instrument Lending Library is a collection of instruments that you can borrow using your library card. You can borrow instruments such as acoustic guitars, acoustic bass guitars, violins, ukuleles, mandolins, banjos and hand drums including bongos, cajons, doumbeks and djembes. They are still accepting donations of new or gently used instruments to add to the collection until July 4. Instruments can be dropped off at the Collingwood or Renfrew branches, or any VPL branch.

For more than 100 years, the Vancouver Public Library has been dedicated to the lifelong learning, reading and information needs of Vancouver residents. With 21 locations across the city, last year, the library had approximately 6.8 million visits. Signing up for a library card is free and gives you access to more than 2.1 million items in their collection, including books, ebooks, CDs, DVDs, magazines and even streaming services for music and movies.

There’s lots of fun at the library for all ages: storytimes, book clubs, film screenings, lectures, author events and more. The library is a community hub for people to enjoy, hang out and connect with others in their community. There is a variety of programs for all ages: Summer Reading Club for kids and families is on now. Fun programs happening at the Collingwood and Renfrew branches include Lego! Around the World in 80 Frames, Castle Siege Challenge, Afternoon at the Movies, Electric Bugs and Paper Minecraft Travel Tales.

Did you know that you can access databases such as with your library card for free? Or the Criterion Collection of great films from around the world? They also have special collections that you can find online full of historical photographs, newspaper archives, consumer reports and more.

Born in Abbotsford and growing up in Pitt Meadows, Sophie enjoys Cuban salsa dancing as well as stilting and costume performing. Of course, also, Sophie loves to read. She is excited about being in the Collingwood community and looks forward to helping you find the information that you seek.

CBIA UPDATES Canada Day July 1st – Join us for Canada Day Cake at the corner of Tyne and Kingsway (Safeway parking lot). Canada Day swag to hand out and show us your Canadian spirit!


Collingwood International Film Fest – See ad in this issue, page 9. Bring a chair and blanket and enjoy the free family movies and much more. #coolcoll – Collingwood BIA’s Awesome Summer Contest The Street Squad will be out in July and August to promote what’s “cool in Collingwood” #coolcoll Find a #coolcoll frame at participating businesses and post a picture on Instagram and you can win prizes. Grand prize is a FITBIT and lots of other cool prizes. The more you post the more you will be entered.

Let’s tell everyone what’s Cool in Collingwood! We have some of the best dessert places in town. It doesn’t have to be just deserts, be creative you might think it’s cool to be having your haircut at Juniors Barbers or cleaning your teeth at one of our many dentist offices. There are no limits to what’s Cool in Collingwood. If you are a business in the Collingwood area you can be featured as the next Who’s Who in Collingwood. Email: info@shopcollingwood. ca or 604.639.4403.

Stay Cool in Collingwood! Happy Summer! Facebook




July 2016


Time again to save our neighbourhood schools Kingsway schools face possible closure Late June, the Vancouver School Board (VSB) released a list of schools to be considered for closure. The list includes three schools from the VancouverKingsway area: Sir Guy Carleton Elementary, Graham D. Bruce Elementary and Gladstone Secondary. According to VSB (see the reasons and planning behind the closures are:

Three Vancouver-

Graham D. Bruce Elementary Students at Bruce Elementary would be accommodated at Grenfell and Collingwood Annex. Collingwood would become the annex of Grenfell Elementary. Both Bruce and Grenfell are in need of seismic upgrading. By combining the school communities, VSB can make a stronger case for potentially building a replacement school for this community.

The historic Carleton Elementary is once again at risk of being closed by the Vancouver school board. Photo credit. Vancouver School Board



Sir Guy Carleton Elementary Students at Carleton Elementary would be accommodated at Cunningham Elementary and MacCorkindale Elementary. By combining these three school communities into two sites at MacCorkindale and Cunningham, VSB can make a stronger case for funding to complete the seismic upgrading of these two schools. Gladstone Secondary Students at Gladstone would be accommodated at Windermere Secondary, Vancouver Technical Secondary, John Oliver Secondary and Tupper Secondary. The buildings at Tupper and Van Tech have been seismically upgraded, so students would get a safer school. With the incoming students, John Oliver and Windermere’s new enrolment makes those sites better candidates for seismic upgrades or new school buildings in the coming years.



No decisions have been made yet, but school communities that are approved for consideration of closure will have significant consultations in October and November. Back in 2010, we saved schools in our neighbourhood from closing and we can do it again! Stay tuned for more information and ways to take action.

School Closure Consultation Timeline At this point no decisions regarding school closures have been made.



THE GREEK WAY JULY 7TH–17TH, 2016 4641 BOUNDARY RD. – CORNER OF E. 29TH AVE. Come and enjoy the best that Greek culture has to offer! Featuring local Greek and ethnic dance groups, live music, Greek cuisine, and raffle prizes including a chance to win a trip for 2 to Greece! Open daily at 12:00pm from July 7th to 17th! For full event details, visit us online at VANCOUVERGREEKSUMMERFEST.COM GREEKSUMMERFEST




Trustees will review a detailed report on each school listed for potential closure consideration in September. At that time, trustees will decide whether schools on the list should be considered for closure. Schools communities that are approved for consideration of closure will have significant consultations in October and November. If you would like to be involved in this consultation, or to provide feedback at this point, please provide your information at A decision regarding closures will not be made until December 2016. No decision will be made until community consultation with affected school communities has taken place. The earliest any school closure would take effect is June 30, 2017 (for the start of the 2017-18 school year). Source:

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