2022 Annual Repor t
2022 was a year of eagerly anticipated reconnection. Virtual meetings, program delivery and events began shifting back to in-person. Emboldened by booster shots, socially distanced waves and elbow bumps cautiously became handshakes and hugs. Long-cherished community traditions returned to eager crowds, and we were finally able to welcome our partners into our new office. Smiles – both familiar and new – began to emerge from behind the masks that had long protected us.
It is precisely for these reasons that – as you read through the stories of impact in this annual report - you will see an intentional focus on faces. Belonging to people of different ages, races, creeds, identities and backgrounds, these faces highlight the diversity of Rose Community Foundation staff, committee members and trustees; our grantees and the communities we collectively serve; the issues we address, the leaders with which we collaborate, and the donors we engage. We are grateful that this network of partners continues to deepen and grow year after year because the challenges and opportunities facing our region continue to grow as well. Together, we can ensure that philanthropy is a catalyst for innovation, impact, and inclusion.
Rose Community Foundation envisions a thriving region strengthened by its diversity and generosity. Our mission to advance inclusive, engaged, and equitable Greater Denver communities through values-driven philanthropy requires using the many tools at our disposal – our leadership voice, grantmaking dollars, and collaborative work with donors and nonprofit partners. Many of the challenges and disparities we face as a region have been with us for decades but continue to take on new complexities as our region grows and we collectively recover from the pandemic –among them, homelessness and housing insecurity, educational systems struggling to meet the needs of all students, mental health challenges; alarming rates of antisemitism, hate crimes and division; inequitable access to economic opportunity, and the need to ensure access to safe and legal reproductive health care. To address these issues requires a deep understanding of the local landscape along with earned trust, intentional listening, genuine collaboration among partners and community, and a willingness to take a stand on key issues affecting our region.
Just as we leveraged these assets and approaches in our multi-faceted COVID response, 2022 brought crises of a different nature that compelled us to quick and collaborative action. The U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, the war in Ukraine, and social unrest in Central and South America have dominated international headlines, but they have also had local impacts as evacuees, refugees and migrants from these areas arrived in the Greater Denver region in significant numbers. Like so many metropolitan areas across the country, these international humanitarian crises literally arrived on our local doorstep.
We are proud and grateful to live in a state that is welcoming to all, but meeting the needs of these new arrivals while ensuring the local nonprofit safety net infrastructure could still meet the needs of others requires commitment, collaboration, and additional resources. We are grateful to the donors, peer funders and government partners that enabled our Colorado Afghan Evacuee Support Fund to
As you read through the stories of impact in this report, you will see a focus on the many faces that make up Rose Community Foundation.
deploy $1.1 million to local resettlement agencies and nonprofits in 2022. We are honored to have been selected by the State of Colorado in 2022 to house the Refugee Integration Fund, distributing $6 million in federal dollars to local resettlement agencies and nonprofits this year. And we are inspired by the ongoing donor and peer funder support of the Newcomers Fund, which launched in December 2022 to support local nonprofits assisting the Central and South American migrants arriving in Denver. Our longstanding commitment to welcoming newcomers stems from our organizational values and history, which are anchored in the Foundation’s Jewish community origins. We honor the Foundation’s Jewish roots with an enduring commitment to supporting the Greater Denver/Boulder Jewish community – as well as the larger seven-county region as a whole, in all its diversity – through grantmaking, ecosystem investments, convenings, professional development opportunities, endowment building work and facilitation of donor support.
In the financial section of this report, you will see that our donor-advised fundholders made $7.2 million in grants in 2022, in addition to the $9.8 million in discretionary grantmaking directed by Rose Community Foundation staff, committees and trustees. For our fall 2022 grant cycle focused on advancing inclusive and equitable economic opportunity, we invited donor-advised fundholders to learn about grantees’ work and give alongside the Foundation so that we could have a greater impact together. We are grateful for the engaged and enthusiastic response of our donors in that particular grant cycle – and year-round – which amplifies the support we collectively provide.
Advancing the culture and practice of philanthropy in our region is a priority for Rose Community Foundation, with donor learning and collaborative giving important cornerstones of our work. In addition to our longstanding giving circles for Jewish teens (Rose Youth Foundation) and young adults (Roots & Branches), the Foundation launched two new giving circles in 2022 – Rose Women’s Circle and Generation Now – that bring together people with diverse perspectives, life experiences and backgrounds to engage in collaborative values-driven philanthropy. After much planning, 2022 was also a year of launching new committees – Community Grantmaking, Philanthropic Services, and Policy and Advocacy – welcoming amazing new committee members to them as well as to the longstanding Investment and Jewish Life committees. New committee members, grantee partners and donors add to the growing kaleidoscope of faces and perspectives that have been connected to Rose Community Foundation since its inception in 1995. All these faces – including the many more not pictured in this report – represent both the inspiration and the fuel for our work.
We are incredibly proud of the ways our grantees, donors and community partners come together to advance equity, justice, inclusion, opportunity and belonging in our region. Building and sustaining thriving communities can only be achieved through collaboration and partnership, and we look forward to continuing our work together.
Lindy Eichenbaum
Lent President and CEO
Lisa Robinson Chair, Board of Trustees, 2022 – 2023
Ronald Montoya, Rose Community Legacy Circle member
Master’s Apprentice
Allison and Nathan Levy, donor-advised fundholders 1
Latino Cultural Arts Center Ofrendas workshop participant
Lisa Robinson, Rose Community Foundation board chair at the Live On | LIFE & LEGACY® Celebration
Issue Area 366 Grants = $9,781,875 in Total Grant Dollars
ARTS & CULTURE BASIC NEEDS & HUMAN SERVICES CIVIC ENGAGEMENT & MEDIA COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT & CAPACITY BUILDING CRIMINAL JUSTICE, PUBLIC SAFETY & VIOLENCE PREVENTION DISASTER RELIEF & CRISIS RESPONSE ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY EDUCATION ENVIRONMENT FOOD, AGRICULTURE & NUTRITION HEALTH & MENTAL HEALTH HOUSING & SHELTER IMMIGRATION JEWISH COMMUNITY OTHER* SOCIAL JUSTICE & EQUITY YOUTH DEVELOPMENT $2,336,240 76 Grants $1,499,000 34 Grants $1,352,285 39 Grants $868,500 22 Grants $617,400 31 Grants $600,000 31 Grants $497,160 29 Grants $362,750 11 Grants $333,360 38 Grants $304,250 11 Grants $237,250 9 Grants $205,000 10 Grants $182,000 9 Grants $131,000 5 Grants $95,500 4 Grants $90,180 3 Grants $70,000 4 Grants *Animal Welfare; International; Other Faith and Spirituality; Recreation and Sports; Science and Technology; Transportation; Veterans and Military
Programmatic Grants by
Issue Area
Our impact 2022
Adams Arapahoe Douglas Jefferson Denver Broomfield Boulder Programmatic Grants Region Served of programmatic grants were to organizations new to Rose Community Foundation
$427,670 80 Grants $55,859 38 Grants $250,400 68 Grants $114,500 19 Grants $251,197 69 Grants $64,500 18 Grants $268,050 30 Grants $147,750 37 Grants $118,605 31 Grants $5,900 5 Grants Donor-Advised Fund Grants by Issue Area 1,053 Grants = $7,214,181 in Total Grant Dollars $3,055,839 302 Grants $134,550 32 Grants $45,250 17 Grants $57,500 14 Grants $230,500 22 Grants $1,143,148 146 Grants $842,963 125 Grants 3 Jewish Studio Project
Investing in community wellbeing
As Colorado students continue to recover from the impacts of the pandemic, Rose Community Foundation awarded $1.37 million to 33 organizations advancing social-emotional learning (SEL) in schools. SEL experiences play an important role in promoting educational equity, and 91 percent of grants supported organizations serving BIPOC youth, teachers and parents. Ricardo Flores Magon Academy, a K-8 public charter school in northwest Denver, is integrating SEL into school-wide practices including creating a restorative practices matrix, educating staff on social justice and incorporating cultural awareness in school policies. Another grantee, The ROCK Center, is an out-of-school program based in the Del Mar Park neighborhood of Aurora that provides arts programming to young people. Participants learn coping tools to improve their abilities to identify, express and modulate their emotions. “By creating spaces of connection where students practice being in community as an act of healing, it can lead to a deeper awareness of self,” says Reverend Corbin Tobey-Davis, executive director of the ROCK Center. “This is a model of mental wellness that expands the capacity for transformation through community-based connections and proactive creative wellness practices.”
Irrespective of language, country of origin or background, arts and culture are powerful tools of connection, education and inspiration. In 2022, Rose Community Foundation awarded $200,000 to 32 local organizations encouraging participation in civic life through arts and cultural events. Grants supported programs that promoted reconnection after pandemic-related separation and social division. The Latino Cultural Arts Center received support for its Ofrendas workshops, celebrating the Hispanic traditions that make up Dia de los Muertos while integrating conversations about grief and resilience. Funding also supported Sakura Foundation’s 48th annual Cherry Blossom Festival, after a two-year pandemic hiatus. The free community event highlights Japanese and Japanese American culture through music, dance, exhibits, arts and food. By lifting up important cultural narratives, these organizations are helping to make Denver a welcoming and inclusive community for all.
RIGHT: Servicios de la Raza community celebration | BELOW: Ricardo Flores Magon Academy
At the Well
From 2018 to 2022
, Rose Community Foundation partnered with the Harold Grinspoon Foundation on Live On | LIFE & LEGACY® , an initiative to help Jewish organizations establish and grow their endowments while nurturing the Jewish community’s longstanding culture of philanthropy. The program built on Rose Community Foundation’s endowment work both inside and outside of the Jewish community to provide participants with hands-on training in legacy asks, donor stewardship, marketing and gift acceptance policies. In the four years of Live On | LIFE & LEGACY®, participating organizations collectively secured over 920 new legacy commitments from 550 donors with an estimated value of $46 million, helping to reenergize legacy giving in the community. “This program has been instrumental in putting legacy giving into focus for the Boulder JCC,” said Heidi Dormody, senior director of development at the Boulder Jewish Community Center. “It inspired us to be strategic, thoughtful and forward-thinking – not only about meeting our goals, but in creating a culture of planned giving that will lead to long-term sustainability.”
Philanthropy is a family tradition
for Justin Levy, which can be traced back to his family’s arrival in Colorado from Germany in the early 20th century. Today, Justin and his family oversee The Raphael Levy Memorial Foundation (RLMF)—a family foundation that partners with Rose Community Foundation through a donor-advised fund and seeks local insights and grantee connections to help achieve their philanthropic goals. The RLMF focuses its funding on a variety of issue areas including civil rights, education, health, environment, arts and culture and Israel. Justin and his family are guided by the Jewish value of Tikkun Olam (to repair/improve the world) and a desire to advance social justice and celebrate diversity. “Without a strong community, we are all lacking,” says Justin.
“Supporting the community was the intent when our family foundation was founded by my grandfather Jack and his sister Hannah, and this is what inspires us to help however we can today.”
Latino Cultural Arts Center Ofrendas workshop
Live On | LIFE & LEGACY® celebration
Donor-advised fundholder Justin Levy and family volunteering at the JFS Dorinda Levy Thanksgiving Drive
Sakura Foundation Cherry Blossom Festival
Closing gaps in access and opportunity
inflationary pressures and continued economic uncertainty, Rose Community Foundation awarded $2.7 million in support of 67 local nonprofits working to close gaps in access and opportunity by increasing financial freedom, dismantling generational cycles of poverty, and growing assets for those furthest from opportunity. One grantee, ActivateWork, provides recruiting and on-the-job training to connect underrepresented talent to meaningful careers. By bridging the gap between potential employees and companies who need talent, ActivateWork is helping to spread opportunity equitably across society, and the organization’s placements have a one-year retention rate 36 percent higher than the national average. Another grantee, Montbello Organizing Committee (MOC), received support for its Building Community Wealth From Within program that helps Montbello residents create employment opportunities and protect against displacement. Says Donna Garnett, chief executive officer of MOC, “our mission is to ensure that entrepreneurs of color have the knowledge and skills to launch their own businesses and thrive.”
As part of its strategy to advance inclusion and engagement, Rose Community Foundation awarded $338,500 in support of 15 organizations working to promote nonpartisan voter participation ahead of the 2022 Colorado general election. One organization, Community Resource Center (CRC), helps direct-service nonprofits conduct outreach to their participants, engaging individuals who can be difficult to reach through traditional voter organizing. “CRC supported over 30 nonprofits in offering nonpartisan voter engagement to their constituents, and our program engaged over 14,000 individuals in conversations about the election,” says Alex McHenry, director of civic engagement at CRC. Another nonprofit, Young Invincibles, has a fellowship program that empowers youth to engage their peers around voting. “Our experience has shown us that when young people are educated about why voting matters and are given the information they need to make informed decisions, they do,” says Kyra deGruy Kennedy, Rocky Mountain director of Young Invincibles. “This support helped us move the needle on voter engagement.”
Minds Matter Colorado
ActivateWork participants
Bushenga AaronAli presenting to Montbello Organizing Committee cohort
Mirror Image Arts
(MIA) uses participatory theatre as a tool to foster social-emotional learning for young people who are furthest from opportunity. The nonprofit partners with schools and youth prison facilities in the Denver area to provide theatre programming to young people, including those involved in the criminal legal system. Upon learning about the exorbitant restitution fees that many young people are expected to pay following incarceration, MIA staff developed legislation prohibiting courts from ordering juveniles to pay restitution to insurance companies. In June 2022, the bill was signed into law by Governor Polis. “Our organization and the young people we serve feel galvanized by this experience, and we aren’t turning back from this entry into the advocacy space,” said Julie Rada, advocacy manager at MIA. “Passing this legislation was important, but just as critically, MIA learned and grew in ways that will equip us to tackle even bigger systemic changes moving forward.”
Rose Community Foundation’s nonprofit endowment cohorts provide training, coaching and a financial match to help organizations launch an endowment fund and build the capacity to grow the fund over time. Minds Matter Colorado connects driven and determined students from low-income families with mentoring and programming to get into and succeed in college. After participating in the 2021-22 NEC cohort and opening an endowment fund at Rose Community Foundation, Minds Matter Colorado received a $500,000 gift and is working to unlock an additional $500,000 match pledge to their endowment, helping to ensure the future growth and sustainability of the organization. “Participating in the NEC gave us the knowledge to engage in conversations with confidence around gift acceptance, and our partnership with the Foundation allows us to accept gifts that we weren’t able to receive previously,” said Kate Brenan, chief executive officer of MMCO. “We’re now better positioned to evolve and mature as an organization.”
Young Invincibles day at the State Capitol
Minds Matter Colorado
Mirror Image Arts teacher and student
Strengthened by collaboration
Giving circles are a powerful tool for individuals who share common values or priorities to pool their contributions to make a big impact. In 2022, Rose Women’s Circle, an evolution of Rose Women’s Organization, was relaunched with a focus on advancing gender equity in the Greater Denver community. The program brings together local women from different professions, races, ethnicities, lived experiences, religious affiliations and generations to build relationships with one another and amplify their charitable impact. The 2022-23 Rose Women’s Circle cohort is focusing its grantmaking on supporting women’s economic empowerment and stability. By learning from one another and applying principles from trust-based philanthropy, members are deepening their connection with one another and their understanding and commitment to our community.
In support of the Jewish communal ecosystem, Rose Community Foundation awarded $2.3 million to 42 local Jewish organizations. The grants help to strengthen core organizations, increase the number and quality of programs dedicated to serving the diverse Jewish community, and support Jewish organizational projects that advance social justice through the lens of Jewish values and identity. With seed funding from Rose Community Foundation, Valley Beit Midrash, a global center for learning and action, launched it’s newest hub city organization. VBM Denver provides engagement opportunities that utilize the concepts of social justice to engage Jewish individuals. One example was a recent Community Service Workout that mobilized 60 participants to build over 4,000 meal kits to support neighbors facing food insecurity. Explains Alix Cramer, operations manager of VBM Denver, “the support we’ve received has allowed us to connect and inspire Jewish people of all ages and backgrounds to work together towards bettering our community.”
Rose Women’s Circle
Valley Beit Midrash volunteers
In 2022
, Rose Community Foundation partnered with author and storytelling coach Nancy Sharp to conduct a workshop on sharing one’s legacy via a life letter. A life letter – or ethical will – is a written record used to share one’s personal stories, values, life lessons and hopes for the future with family, friends and community. The ethical will workshop consisted of four sessions where Rose Community Legacy Circle donors came together to discuss the values, aspirations and stories they would like to share with their loved ones and future generations. The value of philanthropy and their role as community donors were topics that participants Barry and Gay Curtiss-Lusher reflected on when drafting their life letters. “One of the topics I wrote about was the importance of community involvement in our lives and how much we get out of it,” says Barry. Adds Gay, “the life letters workshop was one of the greatest gifts we’ve received. It was a remarkable experience.”
Economic concerns have been paramount since the onset of the pandemic, and many are focused on what this means for the Greater Denver region. When Rose Community Foundation launched its grant cycle focused on creating equitable economic opportunity, donor-advised fundholders were invited to learn about the grantees and give alongside the Foundation. Donors contributed $136,000 to amplify the Foundation’s grantmaking and help investments go even further. Donor-advised fundholder Leslie Melzer was inspired to address displacement and housing affordability through a gift to the East Colfax Community Collective (EC3). These funds are helping the EC3 to implement a Mixed Income Neighborhood Trust, an innovative land trust model that addresses the crisis of rising rents by acquiring rental properties along the East Colfax Corridor. “While affordable housing has always been a need in our community, it became a bigger problem in the aftermath of COVID,” says Leslie. “I can co-fund alongside the Foundation to create a larger impact on the issues that resonate with me.”
East Colfax Community Collective Membership Assembly event
Jewish Family Service of Colorado KidSuccess participants
Gay and Barry Curtiss-Lusher, donor-advised fundholders
Metropolitan State University of Denver students
Rose Community Foundation’s
Responding to pressing needs
Thanks to the tireless work
of advocacy organizations and the donors who support them, Colorado is a national model of reproductive health protections. While the blow the Supreme Court dealt to Roe v. Wade was not a surprise, it was no less devastating to community partners on the ground. Ona and Dr. Ernest Marshall are founders of the Kentucky Reproductive Freedom Fund, which is dedicated to maintaining and improving access to contraception and abortion care in Kentucky and nationally. The Marshalls moved their donor-advised fund to Rose Community Foundation because of Colorado’s commitment to protecting reproductive freedoms and the Foundation’s leadership on these issues. For decades, EMW Women’s Surgical Center has acted as the plaintiffs to challenge abortion bans in Kentucky, including the case recently decided at the Kentucky Supreme Court. Dr. Marshall was drawn to this work by a dedication to “women’s equality, and a belief that people should be able to direct their own lives,” says Ona. Adds Ona, “reversing the current setbacks to reproductive care will require sustained efforts. Some of our greatest challenges yet lie before us.”
longstanding support of and partnership with immigrantand refugee-serving organizations positions us to respond quickly when necessary to ensure that Colorado is a welcoming place for all. Building on partnerships that began with the Community Action Fund in 2017 and the Colorado Afghan Evacuee Support Fund in 2021, the Foundation collaborated on an additional project with the State of Colorado to support newly arrived Afghans, Ukrainians and other refugees residing in Colorado. The Refugee Integration Fund was created to manage the deployment of $6 million in 2023 from the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement to support services for local refugee individuals and families, including mental health, legal and school-based assistance. This government-philanthropy partnership model was also replicated in the creation of the Newcomers Fund to support local nonprofit organizations assisting migrants arriving in Colorado after fleeing unrest in Central and South America. By addressing both basic needs and long-term supports, we can help to ensure that all newcomers can thrive in Colorado.
Afghan evacuees supported by Jewish Family Service of Colorado
Ona and Dr. Ernest Marshall, donor-advised fundholders
ECDC African Community Center
2022, Rose Community Foundation awarded $1,825,000 in support of 48 nonprofits that leverage policy and advocacy efforts to help communities furthest from opportunity create conditions for equity, justice, inclusion and engagement. Funding was directed to a diverse slate of organizations working to close gaps in access, power and opportunity by cultivating systems change, growing resources for community needs, or influencing the levers of policy. Spring Institute for Intercultural Learning received a grant in support of its immigrant-andrefugee-focused legislative work, including proposals to promote workforce integration of internationally trained physicians, expand high school credentialing opportunities for adult learners, and improve language access relevant to civic engagement. Funding also supported One Colorado’s advocacy efforts to advance LGBTQ+ equality, such as protecting marriage rights and ensuring inclusive education for Colorado students.
Informed by our organizational values and community partners, Rose Community Foundation took a position on several statewide, municipal and school district measures on the November 2022 ballot. One measure, Proposition 123, created a new statewide funding stream for affordable housing development. Prop 123 is a comprehensive approach to the state’s affordable housing challenges, addressing the full continuum of needs – from homelessness through homeownership – and using various strategies to target support for low- and mid-income housing. Another successful measure, Proposition FF, will fund universal access to healthy school meals. By eliminating lunch costs and debts for all Colorado public school students, Prop FF will ensure all kids get the nutrition they need to thrive. Rose Community Foundation will continue to use our voice to support policy efforts that support those furthest from opportunity.
One Colorado Denver Pride event
Proposition 123: Mariposa Housing
RIGHT: Proposition FF (photo: Kevin Beaty for Denverite)
Colorado Children’s Campaign
Kevin Patterson, CEO of Connect for Health Colorado and Rose Community Foundation Policy and Advocacy committee member
2022 Grantees
“I Have a Dream” Foundation of Boulder County 9to5 Colorado
Access Gallery
Access Opportunity
ACE: Arts, Culture and Education at the J ActivateWork Inc.
Adams Twelve Five Star School District
Adelante Community Development
African Chamber of Commerce Colorado
Anti-Defamation League, Mountain States Region
Anythink Foundation arc Thrift Stores
Art Students League of Denver
Asian Pacific Development Center of Colorado
Association of Fundraising Professionals/AFP-CC
At The Well Project Atlantis Community Foundation
Aurora Economic Opportunity Coalition
Aurora Mental Health Center
Aurora Public Schools Foundation
Bayaud Enterprises
Bell Policy Center
Benefits in Action
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Colorado
Black Resilience in Colorado Fund at The Denver Foundation
B’nai B’rith Youth Organization, Rocky Mountain Region
Boulder Jewish Community Center
Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Denver
Breakthrough Alliance of Colorado
BrightonMusic Choir and Orchestra, Inc.
BuCu West Development Center
Building a Better Colorado
Building Bridges
Catholic Charities and Community Services of the Archdiocese of Denver, Inc.
Center for Community Wealth Building
Center for Employment Opportunities
Center for Health Progress
Center for Work Education and Employment
The Center on Colfax
Chabad Jewish Center of South Metro Denver
City and County of Denver, Denver Arts & Venues
City and County of Denver, Denver Landmark Preservation
City Year Denver
Civic Center Conservancy
Clayton Early Learning
Cleo Parker Robinson Dance
Cobalt Foundation
Coloradans Don’t Accept Daily Shootings
Coloradans for Affordable Housing Now
Coloradans for Ballot Transparency
Colorado Academy Philanthropy Board
Colorado Asian Culture and Education Network
Colorado Center on Law and Policy
In addition to the grants listed, we are proud to support grantmaking from the Colorado Media Project which is fiscally sponsored by Rose Community Foundation.
Colorado Children’s Campaign
Colorado Circles for Change
Colorado Civic Engagement Roundtable
Colorado Consumer Health Initiative
Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition
Colorado Doula Project
Colorado Dragon Boat
The Colorado Education Initiative
Colorado Education Organizing Funders Collaborative **
Colorado Equitable Economic Mobility Initiative*
Colorado Fiscal Institute
Colorado Freedom of Information Coalition
Colorado Healing Fund
Colorado Health Institute
Colorado Housing Accelerator Initiative*
Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition
Colorado Inclusive Economy*
Colorado Jobs with Justice
Colorado Media Project **
Colorado Organization for Latina Opportunity and Reproductive Rights
Colorado Perinatal Care Quality Collaborative
Colorado Planned Giving Roundtable
Colorado Poverty Law Project
Colorado Statewide Parent Coalition
Colorado Women’s Hall of Fame
Colorado Youth Mariachi Program Commún*
Community College of Denver Foundation
Community Enterprise Development Services
The Community Firm
The Community Foundation
Boulder County
Community Resource Center
Congregation Beth Evergreen Congregation Har HaShem
Conscious Alliance
Council on Foundations
CU Boulder Hillel Foundation
The Cultural Caravan
Denver Academy of Torah
Denver Asset Building Coalition
Denver Community Kollel
Denver Film
Denver Healing Generations
Denver Health Foundation
Denver Jewish Day School
Denver Metro Community Impact
Denver Public Schools Foundation
Denver Regional Council of Governments
Denver Scholarship Foundation
Denver Streets Partnership
Douglas County Libraries Foundation
Downtown Denver Partnership
Early Milestones Colorado
East Colfax Community Collective
East County Housing Opportunity Coalition
East Denver Food Sovereignty Initiative*
ECDC African Community Center of Denver
ABOVE: Colorado Education Initiative
BELOW: Access Gallery student
Ednium: The Alumni Collective
Educational Access Group
The Efshar Project*
Ekar Farm
El Alba Cooperative*
Elephant Circle
Elevation Community Land Trust
Emily Griffith Foundation
Empowering Communities Globally
Energy Outreach Colorado
Ent. House*
Enterprise Community Partners
The Family Learning Center
Family Voices Colorado
Filipino-American Community of Colorado
Florence Crittenton Services
Focus Points Family Resource Center
Food Bank of the Rockies
Foundation for Black Entrepreneurship
Foundation for Jewish Camp
Friends of BVSD
Fund for A Healthier Colorado
Fundacion de Colombianos en Colorado
Generation Schools Network
GES Coalition*
Girl Scouts of Colorado
Girls Inc. of Metro Denver
Good Business Colorado
Great Education Colorado
The Greater Than One Collective*
Growing Home
Habitat for Humanity of Metro Denver
The HadaNõu Collective
Hands of The Carpenter
Healthy Air and Water Colorado Action
Healthy Child Care Colorado
Healthy School Meals for All Colorado Students
Hebrew Educational Alliance
Hillel of Colorado
Historic Denver
Home Visit Partnerships*
Honeymoon Israel
Hope Communities
Housed, Working and Healthy
Hunger Free Colorado
Impact on Education
Institute for Leaders in Development
The Interfaith Alliance of Colorado
International Rescue Committee in Denver
Israeli-American Council Colorado
Japanese Arts Network*
The Jewish Experience
Jewish Family Service of Colorado
Jewish Fertility Foundation
Jewish Funders Network
Jewish Studio Project
Jewish Women International
Joy as Resistance
Judaism Your Way
Kabbalah Experience
Kavod Senior Life
Kids Crossing
Laboratory to Combat Human Trafficking
Latina Initiative*
Latino Cultural Arts Center
League of Women Voters of Colorado
Lutheran Family Services
Rocky Mountains
Maiker Housing Partners
Make A Chess Move
Maria Droste Counseling Center
The Marigold Project
The Master’s Apprentice
Meg Foundation
Mental Health Colorado
Metro DEEP*
Metro Denver Nonprofit Loan Fund, Nonprofit Finance Fund
Metropolitan State University of Denver Foundation
Mi Casa Resource Center
Mikvah of East Denver
Mile High Behavioral Healthcare
Mile High WorkShop
Mirror Image Arts
Mizel Institute
Moishe House
Mongolian School of Colorado
Montbello Organizing Committee
Mother House
Motus Theater
Moyo Nguvu Cultural Arts Center
Muslim Youth for Positive Impact
New Era Colorado Foundation
New Teacher Center
Newcomers Fund **
NEWSED Community Development Corporation
Nourish Colorado
One Colorado
One Colorado Education Fund
Out Boulder County
Philanthropy Colorado
Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains
Positive Coaching Alliance
Prizmah Center for Jewish Day Schools
Project Worthmore
Prosper Colorado*
Queer Asterisk
Radian Placematters
Ramah in the Rockies
Repair the World
Resilient Communities Resilient Futures
Ricardo Flores Magon Academy
Righteous Rage Institute for Healing and Social Justice
The ROCK Center
Rocky Mountain Employee Ownership Center
Rocky Mountain Immigrant Advocacy Network
Rocky Mountain Jewish Historical Society and Beck Archives
Rocky Mountain MicroFinance Institute
Rocky Mountain Partnership
Rocky Mountain World Trade Center Institute
Sacred Voices
Sakura Foundation
Seasoned with Grace UnBoxed
Second Chance Center
The Senior Hub
Servicios de la Raza
Sewall Child Development Center
Shalom Park
Shorter Community AME Church
Sister Carmen Community Center
Small Business Majority Foundation
Social Venture Partners Denver*
Soul 2 Soul Sisters
Southwest NCSY*
Spring Institute for Intercultural Learning
Staenberg-Loup Jewish Community Center
Stand for Children Colorado
Strong Library Strong Denver
Su Teatro Inc.
Sunshine Home Share Colorado
Teach Plus
Temple Emanuel
Theatre Or
Together Colorado
Transformative Leadership for Change*
Trendlines Colorado*
Una Mano Una Esperanza
United For a New Economy
United for a New Economy Action
United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
University of Colorado Foundation
University of Denver
Valley Beit Midrash
Vega Collegiate Academy
The Village Institute*
Violence Free Colorado
Vocal Coalition Youth Choirs*
Warm Cookies of the Revolution
Warren Village
Women’s Bean Project
The Women’s Foundation of Colorado
Women’s Wilderness
The Word, A Storytelling Sanctuary, Inc.
Work Options
WorkLife Partnership
YESS Institute
YMCA of Metropolitan Denver
YMCA of Northern Colorado
You Be You Early Learning
Young Aspiring Americans for Social and Political Activism
Young Invincibles
Youth on Record
*Fiscally sponsored by another entity
**An initiative of Rose Community Foundation
Donor-Advised & Donor-Designated Funds
$7.2 million in total grantmaking
1,053 grants distributed
A&A Abarca Fund
The Enid M. and Mark J. Ablowitz
Philanthropy Fund
M & S Alexander Family Charity Fund
Altenberg-Plotkin Family Fund
The Anchor Fund
A-P Family Fund
David and Anna Asarch Family Fund
Atler Family Fund
August 23 Fund
Marti Awad Charitable Fund
The B6 Fund
The Bay Philanthropic Fund (RCF)
The Bender Greenberg Family Fund
Benenson Family Fund
Bernie Buck$ Fund
The BLTS Fund
David and Zita Bram Family Charitable Fund
David and Zita Bram Family Fund for the Sons of Israel Cemetery in Colorado Springs
162 total funds including 13 new funds in 2022
78% of all donor-advised funds made grants of dollars granted went to organizations located in the seven-county Greater Denver region
Donna Bryson and Fredrick
Glick Family Charitable Fund
Bugdanowitz Family Fund
The Button Stores Philanthropy Fund
Calamus Fund of Phil Nash and Bob Janowski
David Carlson DAF
Chatfield Family Charitable Fund
The Cohen Family Fund
David Cohen Charitable Fund
Lisa and Rich Cohn Family Fund
Mark Cordova Family Fund
The Corley Family Fund
Mary Gittings Cronin Fund
David J. and Vicki Perlmutter
Dansky Fund
Barbara Mellman Davis Fund
DiBella Family Fund
Alison Dinn and Jeffrey Goodman
Giving Fund
Dizzion Cares Fund
Drinkwater Shneer Family Fund
Tracy Dunning and Eric Sondermann Family Fund
Eder-Adler Fund
EEC Intent Fund
Larry and Judy Ann Eichenbaum Family Fund
The Eichenbaum Lent Family Fund
The Ellie Fund
Erev Banot Fund
The Ferris Fund
Firefly Fund
Fischborn Fund
Stephanie Foote Enterprise Fund
Lulu Frankel-Weisberg Family Fund
Charles and Anne Garcia Fund
Ken Gart Family Fund
Tom and Margie Gart Family Fund
Roger and Jill Giller DonorAdvised Fund
The J. Glick Donor-Advised Fund
Gerald and Lorna Gray Family Fund
GoFish Fund
Golden Hands Fund
Good Karma Fund
The Gootys Fund
Grandwine Fund
Renee and Martin Gross Family Foundation
Guild Community Fund
Gwirtsman-Reichman Fund
HAC Intent Fund
Brad and Emeri Handler Family Fund
The Hankin Family Charitable Fund
The Leslie and Andy Heins Family Fund
The Henry Family
A. Barry and Arlene F. Hirschfeld Family Fund
Indyk Miller Family Fund
Jahon Family Fund
Jewish Women’s Fund of Colorado
Larry and Helayne Jones Family Fund
Kalstein Family Fund
Keith Family Fund
TOP: Asian American and Pacific Islander+ Festival MIDDLE: Youth on Record’s Underground Music Showcase | BOTTOM: Stacey Aviva Flint, Director of JEDI Education and Community Engagement at The Jewish Federations of North America and Rose Community Foundation Jewish Life committee member
Kentucky Reproductive Freedom Fund
Kikumoto Family Fund
Klondike Fund
David and Judy Koff Family Fund
The Korff Family Fund
Richard K. Kornfeld/Julie A. Malek
Family Fund
Kortz Family Fund
L & M Charitable Fund
Ladis Family Fund
Lanig Family Fund
The Lanig Fund
Leaffer Family Charitable Fund
Leevers Family Foundation
Devora Leiser Fund for Jewish K-12
Education Scholarships
Alan and Leslie Levine Family Fund
Marc Levine Philanthropic Fund
Steven and Diane Levine Family Fund
J. Leonard and Myra B. Levy Fund
Nathan Levy Fund
Lightning Bug
Liner Family Foundation
Lion Heritage Fund
The Mally Fund
Don Marcotte Memorial Fund
The Mariposa Fund
Ernest and Ona Marshall Fund
Ona and Ernest Marshall Fund
Mayer-Rose Family Philanthropic Fund
Mayer Selig Philanthropic Fund
Emery Mendel Family Fund
The Micah Fund
Steven M. Mizel Charitable Gift Fund
Susie and Perry Moss Family Fund
MTC Intent Fund
Nevet Sydell Montgomery
Endowment Fund for Temple Sinai
Devra and Michael Ochs
Charitable Fund
Jane D. Oppenheim Fund
Opportunity Ventures
Over the Rainbow Fund
Papa Marv Fund
The Pollock Family Fund
Pollock/Gorden Donor-Advised Fund
Kami and Neil Pomerantz
Charitable Fund
JHJ Posner Family Fund
Ready Foods Fund
RLC Foundation
The RLMF Donor-Advised Fund
Lisa and John Robinson Family Fund
Marcia and Richard L. Robinson
Family Fund
Laurie and Chris Romer Fund
Schauble Family Charitable Fund
Schneider Malek Family Fund
SEO Oxman Charitable Fund
Seserman Family Fund
The Shmerling Family Fund
Marvin and Harriet Shogan Family Fund
Judith and Martin Shore
Donor-Advised Fund
Silvers Refuah Shlema Fund
Smith Family Rose Foundation Fund
Sosa Family Fund
The Spirituals Project Endowment Fund
Debra Strear Aleinikoff Memorial Fund
Allan and Helena Striker Donor-Advised Fund
Gary and Lin Sunshine Fund
The Thorpe Family Fund
Zahn Vance Thorpe Fund
Michael and Pegi Touff
Donor-Advised Fund
Richard B. Tucker Family Fund
The Vanderburg Family Fund
Wald and Weiser Fund
The Waldbaum Family Fund
The WaterBlum Fund
WE4Smith Foundation
The Jerry and Nancy Weil Family Fund
The WeiZan Family Fund
Welsch Farber Family Fund
The Wherewithal Fund
Wilkinson Family Fund
Williamson Family Fund
Carolyn and Dave Wollard
Donor-Advised Fund
The Wolman Family Fund
Xorak Fund
The Yourtz Family Fund
Initiatives & Field of Interest Funds
Colorado Afghan Evacuee Support Fund
Colorado Education Organizing Funders
Colorado Friends Fund of the Harvard Women’s Studies in Religion Program
Colorado Media Project
The Conductor Circle Fund
CRSP Refugee Integration Fund
Early Childhood Leadership Commission
Early Childhood Mental Health Fund
Economic Opportunity Fund
Friends of Colorado Student Leaders Institute (COSLI)
Fund for Jewish Nonprofit Resiliency
General Rose Statue Project
Generation Now Circle
Jewish Community Capacity Building
Jewish Life Field of Interest Fund
Learning League
Live On | LIFE & LEGACY™
Metro Denver Nonprofit Loan Fund
Newcomers Fund
Policy and Advocacy Field of Interest Fund
Roots & Branches Foundation
Rose Women’s Circle Fund
Sheila Bugdanowitz Leadership Development Award Fund
Sue Miller Transitions Fund
Together Fund
Motus Theater UndocuAmerica
Young Invincibles
Roots & Branches Foundation members
ABOVE: Hazon Jewish Youth Climate Movement participants
Convivir Colorado volunteers with mural “La Serpiente Dorada”
Nonprofit-Endowed & Nonprofit-Designated Funds
154 funds total
An endowment
signifies an organization’s focus on the future and provides an opportunity for donors to leave a lasting impact on their community. The annual distribution from an endowment provides a reliable source of funding and ensures stability and flexibility in uncertain times. Our Endowment Building Pathways are designed to give nonprofit staff and board members the training and support to integrate endowment building and legacy giving into their development work and incentives to help launch or grow an endowment fund.
21 new funds in 2022
$13.9 million contributed to nonprofit endowed and designated funds
ADL Mountain States
- ADL Regional Director Restricted Fund
- Anti-Defamation League New Century Endowment Fund
- Atheneus Humanities Fund for the Anti-Defamation League
- Barbara and Norman Gray Fund
Aish of the Rockies Endowment Fund
AJC Colorado Legacy Endowment Fund
The Alexander Foundation Endowment Fund
Anchor Center Endowment
The Arc of Colorado Inclusion & Equity Fund
Art Students League of Denver
Ascend Performing Arts Fae Tourtel Endowment Fund
$1.9 million endowed fund distributions
50% of endowed funds took a distribution
$414 thousand designated fund distributions
The Blue Bench
- The Blue Bench Endowment Fund
- The Blue Bench Fund
BMH-BJ Endowment Fund
B’nai Havurah
- B’nai Havurah Designated Legacy Fund
- B’nai Havurah Endowment Fund
The Boulder Jewish Community Center
- Ablowitz Early Childhood Education Fund
- ACE Endowment
- The Boulder Jewish Community Center Endowment Fund
- The Early Childhood Center and Camp Program Endowment Fund
- Brianna Friedman Memorial Fund
- Ari Pollachek Memorial Arts Fund
- Ilona Irene Rosenschein
Holocaust Education Fund
Boulder Jewish Community Foundation Endowment Fund
Brent’s Place
- Brent’s Place Legacy Fund
- Nair Family Fund
Center for Judaic Studies, University of Denver
- Center for Judaic Studies, University of Denver Endowment Fund
- The Holocaust Awareness Institute Fund
- The Dr. Irwin E. Vinnik Fellowship
Supplementary Fund
- Rabbi Dr. Stanley M. Wagner Community Cultural Fund
Cherry Creek Schools Foundation
- Cherry Creek Schools Foundation
Designated Fund
- Cherry Creek Schools Foundation Endowment Fund
CIRC-Unity Fund
ABOVE: Ryan Torres, Rocky Mountain Immigrant Advocacy Network | BELOW: Jane Oppenheim, donor-advised fundholder
Clayton Early Learning
CHIC Growth Fund
Colorado Agency for Jewish Education Endowment Fund
Colorado Ballet Endowment Fund
Colorado Center for Nursing Excellence
- Colorado Center for Nursing Excellence –BOD Reserve
- Colorado Center for Nursing Excellence –
Long Term Investment
Colorado Nonprofit Association
Designated Fund
Community Resources and Housing Development Corporation
- CRHDC Building Strong Foundations Endowment Fund
Compañeros Endowment Fund
Congregation Beth Evergreen
- Congregation Beth Evergreen
Endowment Fund
- Ellen Diesenhof Educational Endowment Fund
Denver Academy of Torah
- Denver Academy of Torah Endowment Fund
- Englard Fund
- Makovsky Fund
- MBG Foundation Fund
- Obby Shames Fund
Denver Film Society Endowment
Denver Jewish Day School
- Auerbach Family Children’s Fund
- Denver Jewish Day School Endowment Fund
- Jack Robinson Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Rose Medical Center Sports and Fitness Endowment
- Charles and Louise Rosenbaum
Scholarship Fund
Denver Kollel 5C
Denver Public Schools Foundation Endowment Fund
Denver Rotary Club Foundation: Don and Margo Schlup Family Endowment
Denver Scholarship Foundation Endowment Fund
Denver Urban Gardens
The Douglas County Libraries Foundation Fund
Early Childhood Partnership of Adams County Endowment Fund
Emily Griffith Opportunity Endowment at Rose Community Foundation
First Baptist Church of Denver Fund Foundation for Douglas County Schools
The Fund for Impact on Education
Girl Scouts of Colorado
- The Rae Ann and Richard Dougherty
Look Wider International Travel Fund for Girl Scouts of Colorado
- Dream Bigger Endowment for Girl Scouts in Routt County
- Endowment for Denver Metro Outreach –CenturyLink
- Stephanie A. Foote Leadership Prize Endowment Fund
- Girl Scouts of Colorado Board Designated Fund
- GSCO Board Designated Fund #2
MSR/DU Funds
- GSCO Endowment for Capital Replacement
- GSCO Jorgensen Endowment
- Mary Jo Jacobs, M.D Memorial Girl Scout Adventure Fund
- Doris M Knudsen Sterling Endowment Fund for Girl Scouts of Colorado
- Lufkin Family Restricted Fund for Routt County Girl Scout Troops
- MMR Capital
- MMR Capital - Zip Line
- MP Camp Operating Fund
- Zonta Endowment for Denver Metro Outreach
The GrowHaus Endowment Fund
Growing Home Hillel of Colorado
- Hillel of Colorado Endowment Fund
- Hillel Political Education Fund
- Raphael Levy Program Endowment
- Annie Rosen Fund
- Schayer Leadership Fund
- Siegel Endowment Fund
Dorotha Hogue Endowment Fund benefiting Florence Crittenton Services
Invest in Kids Endowment Fund
Jewish Community Center of Denver
- Rosyne Gardenswartz Memorial Fund
- The JAAMM FEST Endowment Fund
- The Harold Lane Memorial Fund
- Dena and Charlie Miller Theatre Fund
- Rose Medical Center Fund
- Jerry Spitz Memorial Education Fund
- Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Endowment Fund
- Wolf Theatre Academy Fund
Jeffco Library Foundation Endowment
Jewish Family Service of Colorado
- Jewish Family Service of Colorado Endowment
- The Raphael Levy Memorial Foundation Endowment for Refugees and Mental Health Services
- Metzler Family Childhood Learning Program
Kavod Senior Life Allied Jewish Apartments Endowment
Kempe Community Children’s Fund
La Veta Cuchara Foundation Designated Fund
The Laboratory to Combat Human Trafficking Endowment Fund
Latinas First Foundation Endowed Fund
Latino Community Foundation of Colorado Endowment
L’dor Vador Circle, Aspen Jewish Congregation
Lighthouse Writers Fund
The Logan School Endowment Fund
Maria Droste Counseling Center
Linda E. McKinzie Legacy Fund
Mending Faces
- Mending Faces Designated Fund
- Mending Faces Endowment Fund
Mental Health Colorado Jeanne M. Rohner Endowment Fund
Mesa Verde Foundation Operating Endowment
Mikvah of East Denver Fund
Minds Matter Colorado
- Choksi Family Endowment of Minds Matter Colorado
- Minds Matter Colorado General Endowment
Mizel Museum Endowment Fund
The Montessori School of Washington Park Endowment
Museum of Contemporary Art Denver
NAMI Colorado Springs
Parent Possible Endowment
Posner Center for International Development
Project PAVE
- Project PAVE Designated Fund
- Project PAVE Endowment Fund
RedLine Endowment Fund
Rise Above Colorado
- Rise Above Colorado Designated Fund
- Rise Above Colorado Endowment Fund
RMIAN Endowment Fund
Rose Andom Center
- Rose Andom Center Designated Fund
- Rose Andom Center Endowment Fund
Rose Women’s Circle Designated Fund
Rose Youth Foundation Endowment Fund
Save Our Youth
Sewall Child Development Center
- Sewall Child Development Center Endowment
- Sewall Child Development Center Teacher Fund
Shalom Park
- Shalom Park Endowment
- Milton and Lillian Toltz Staff Appreciation Fund
Summit Huts Association
- Francie’s Cabin Designated Fund
- Francie’s Cabin Endowment Fund
- Janet’s Cabin Designated Fund
- Janet’s Cabin Endowment Fund
- Sisters Cabin Designated Fund
- Sisters Cabin Endowment Fund
Tara Performing Arts High School Endowment Fund
Temple Emanuel
- Congregation Emanuel Fund
- Temple Emanuel Fund
Temple Grandin School Endowment Fund
Temple Micah
- Temple Micah Designated Fund
- Temple Micah Endowment Fund
Temple Sinai Endowment Fund
Third Way Center Endowment Fund
Violence Free Colorado
- Violence Free Colorado Designated Fund
- Violence Free Colorado Endowment Fund
Warren Village
WeeCycle Endowment Fund
Bret Weller Scholarship Fund
Yeshiva Toras Chaim Endowment Fund
YESS Institute
Nathan Yip Foundation
- Nathan Yip Foundation Endowment Fund
- Nathan Yip Foundation Designated Projects Fund
- NYF Guang Yu Restricted Fund
Staff and trustees from Community Resources and Housing Development Corporation at the Nonprofit Endowment Cohort celebration
Scott Levin, Mountain States Regional Director, Anti-Defamation League
In addition to the listed donors who supported the Foundation and its programs, we were grateful to receive 1,551 donations totaling $70,274 as part of the 9News Word of Thanks campaign in December 2022, with additional donations that followed in 2023. These donations were directed toward the Newcomers Fund, supporting the thousands of migrants who have arrived in Denver after fleeing unrest in South and Central America.
Ray Barrie-Kivel
David Bashover
Patricia Bortz
Priscilla L. Bostic
Colorado Refugee Services Program
Community First Foundation
Therese and Jeff Ellery
The Ellie Fund
Marvin and Barbara Aal Charitable Fund
Rachel Abrams
Ziba Ahamad
Sheryl and Milroy Alexander
Lauren Alexee
The Aloha Foundation
Judy Altenberg and Bruce Plotkin
Amazon Smile
Thomas Anderson
William Joseph Aperance III
Katherine Archuleta and Edmundo Gonzales
Rachel Arnow-Richman
Kristi Augustine
Tina R. Axelrad
The B6 Fund
Geri Badler
Patricia Barela Rivera
Susan Bassow and Erin Fajer
The Bay Philanthropic Fund
James Bell
Angela Beloian
Bender West Foundation
Mandell and Madeleine Berman Foundation
Hans Bertschi
Annie Bielecki
Edward Bischoff
Christian Bischoff
Mary and Kern Blackburn
Kathryn Blanas
The BLTS Fund
Arlene Bobrow and Charles Tanabe
Lisa Bohack
Katherine Bonomo
Libby Bortz
Stephanie Botvin and Adam Sacks
Stephen Brackett
Becca Bracy
Kevin Branan
Brooke Breitnauer
Janet Bronitsky and Mark Suprenand
Debra Brown
Ruth Brown
William I. Brown
Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck
LeAnne You Brumbelow
Cairn Christian Church
Catalyze Partners Foundation
Dulcie Camp
Vicki Capek
Jessica Carney
Lelia Carroll
Carson Foundation
Diane and Ed Caso
Franki Cassaday
Judith Cassel-Mamet and Sam Mamet
Ethan Castro
Eliza and Gabriel Chafetz Rossini
Mary Chavez-Rey
Amy Coats
Sue Cobb and Kate Shea
Melvin Coffee
The Cohen Family Fund
Lisa Reckler Cohn and Richard Cohn
S. Coignard
Carol R. Collier
Jeanne and Allan Collins
The Community Foundation
Boulder County
Conduit Law
Ellen Marie Connole
Dave Cooney
Caleb Cord
Robin Corley
Stephen Cory
Kelly Costello and Jacob McWilliams
Nancy Crawford
James Ray Crook
Nancy Crow
Gay and Barry Curtiss-Lusher
Janine Davidson and David Kilcullen
Delta High School
Lexi Denman
Barbara Dey
Mariah Dickson and Rob Stein
Katie Diehl
Kate and Josh Dinar
Alison Dinn and Jeffrey Goodman
Giving Fund
Janice and Albert Dinner
Nicholas Donaldson
Galen Donoviel
Joanna Dubisher
Kelly Dumesnil
Diane Dunn
Sue Dwyer
Sandra Eichberg
Lindy Eichenbaum Lent and Jason Lent
John Ekeberg
Nadia El Mallakh and Paul Washington
The Epels
Marit Evans
Anne C. Fendrich
Erik Fetzer
Michael Fierberg
Robin Filipczak
Mira Finé
Amelia and Andrew Fink
Tim Fires
Jeanne Fischetti
Sandra Fish
William J. Foster
Gail Frankfort
Heather French
Jessica Frenkel
Sujata Fretz
Dr. Lisa and Dr. Stephen Friedman
Jeannie and John Fuller
Dan I. Gabbay
Judy Gainsburgh
Miranda Gallivan
Mark Gallovic
Jean and Ben Galloway
Elaine Gampel
Marjorie and Thomas Gart
Louise A. Geil
Perla Gheiler
Roger and Jill Giller Donor Advised Fund
Eric Ginsberg
Dr. Michael Glassman
Heather and Grant Goerzen
DreamSpring small business loan recipients
Michael Goldberg
Elisabeth Goldman
Melissa S. Gonzales
Michael Allen Gonzer
Rose E. Gotseff
Thomas Gougeon
The Graham Family
Benjamin Gray
Donna Green
Alison Greengard
Harold Grinspoon Foundation
Gwirtsman-Reichman Fund
Celeste Grynberg
Andrew Guerrero
Colleen Hall
The Hankin Family Charitable Fund
Amy and Eric Hansen
Jodi Hansen
Jennifer Harding
Emily Harrington
Dayna Zolle Hauser
Susan and Larry Hauser
Anna Jo Haynes
Mary Haynes
Pauline Herrera
Anne Herrington
Rebecca J. Hill
Pat and Kim Hillyer
Arlene and Barry Hirschfeld
Diane and Robert Hochstadt
Beth and Todd Hoffman
Patricia Holschuh
Mike Horsford
Barbara Howard
Chen-Pin Hu
Jesse Hudgens and Scott Roach
Eileen Hunt
Evelyn Hutt
Sonia ImMasche
Susan Imming
Sarah Indyk and Charlie Miller
Saletha Isaacson
Tejas Iyer
Ken Jacobs
Ivan Jacobs
Chris Janeczko
Dr. Bob Janowski and Phil Nash
Bridget Johnson and Ben Miller
Deidre Johnson
Joy S. Johnson
Brian Jones
Helayne and Larry Jones
Joseph Jordan
Robin Kane
Krishna Kantheti
Linda Reinstein Kaplan and Arnold Kaplan
Florrie Katchen
Jonathan Katz
Abby Kaufman
Kathy Keairns
Donna Keeling
Cathleen Kendall
Zachary Kiefer
Eunice Kim
Mindy Klowden
Jeffrey Knight
Dr. Mark Koester
Alison Koff
David and Judy Koff Family Fund
Lisa and Brad Kornfeld
Emily Kornhauser
Jess and Rose Kortz and Pearle Rae Foundation
Elizabeth Kosar
The Kris Family Charitable Fund
Morris J. Krohn Memorial Foundation
Phyllis and James Kurtz-Phelan
Sarah and Brian Kurz
Ladis Family Fund
Heather Lafferty and Dart Winkler
Susan and Sam Lanzer
Rebecca Lathen
Matthew LeBauer and Phillip Bankston
Gretchen and Scott Lenamond
Laure and Scott Levine
Leslie and Alan Levine
Lisa Levinson Williams and Chad Williams
Ann and William Levis
Della and Jeffrey Levy
Nathan Levy Fund
Elise Lieberthal
Catherine Lindsey
Marlene Lipman
Dianna Litvak
Larry Londer
Cindy Long and Jason Sindler
Robyn D. Loup
Judy Lubow
David Lujan
Colleen and Andy Lyon
Rachel Lyons
Judith P. Macomber
Evi and Evan Makovsky
Evelyn Lifsey Male
Dr. Sharmila Basu Mann and Ben Mann
Elliot Marks
Katherine Marshall
Alexander Martin
Julie Masciangelo
Amanda Matthews
Joy and William Mathews
Arthur E. and Terrie L. McAlarney
Revocable Trusts
Barbara McDonnell
Jaqueline McKenna
Jennifer McLellan
MCS Charity Fund
Nazwarit Medhanie and Arkan Haile
Andrew Melick
Barbara and Paul Melinkovich
Daniel Melleno
Mile High United Way
Garrett Mengel
Bonnie Merenstein
The Micah Fund
Bobbi Lou and Michael Miller
Christopher Miller
Dana Miller
Lisa Farber Miller and David Miller
Modivcare Foundation
Rachel Molzahn
Maddie Morgan
Mike Moses
Mountain Range High School
Nick Muller
Hal Naiman
Dr. Ann-Elizabeth Nash and Jonathan Scupin
Julieann Nespor
Margot Neufeld
Andrea Newman
Mary Norbury-Glaser and Dr. David Glaser
Carrie Noteboom
Yael Nyholm
Gillian Nyland
Peg Oldham
John Oppenheim
Lisa Opper and Jason Ortman
Joel Pachefsky
Jane Packer
Jon Parrish
Sarie and Kevin Patterson
Tiana Patterson
Leah and Jeff Peer
Rosa Perlman
Katie Peshek
Cheryl Ann Peterson
Dave Pierce
Piñon Trail Foundation
Michael Pipich
Roma and Kenneth Pitt
Melinda Pollack and Tony Frank
Alex R. Popof
Sophie Porcelli
Sheila Porter
Morris W. Price, Jr.
ABOVE: Work Options
Launch party for the American Indian/ Indigenous Peoples Historic Context Study
BELOW: Barbara Altenberg McDonald, Rose Community Legacy Circle member
Anna Prybylski
Sunita Przewlocki
Lorii Rabinowitz and Paul Lhevine
Rick Rainy
Daniel Ramos
Paula Ramos
Diane E. Reddin
Leila Regan-Porter
Larry Reiff
Leslie Reingold and Thomas Eskelson
Sheila Reinhold and Richard Sacks
Scott and Trina Reisch
Dr. Eli Reshotko
Julie and Matthew Rich
Taylor Ridge
Jeannie and The Honorable Bill Ritter
Roberta Ritvo
The Roberts Family
Bree and Ed Robin
Andrew Rothberg
Rachel Roussel-Diamond
Eloise and Nathan Rubin
Emily and Andrew Rubin
Denise and Jeff Rucks
Adrienne Russman and Teva Sienicki
Lori Sabian and Rob Goldstein
Nicholas Salter
Alec Sarche
Afshin Sarvestani and Chad Skurdahl
Amalia Sax-Bolder
Michele and Jordan Scharg
Alyssa Schlenz
Donna and Phil Schmidt
Daniel Schneider
Alan Schocket
Emma and Christian Schwarz
Thomas Scriven
Ean and Abby Seeb
Alan J. Seiver
Julie Selsberg and Josh Protass
SENDing Support Foundation
Kimberly Senger
Benjamin Shamon
Ruth Sherry
Samantha Sitterley
Janet L. Slate
Kelsey Smith
Jill and Howard Snyder
Joshua Sokol
Christiano Sosa
Constance Souder
Sheldon J. Spector
Linda and Howard Speil
SSJ Charitable Fund
Diane Stahl
Leslie and Gary Stiefler
Katie Stjernholm
Richard W. Strouse
Ben Sturgulewski
Loraine and Steven Summer
Douglas Swartz
Mark Sweitzer
Samantha and Bruce Tanenholtz
David Tanguay
Risa Tatarsky
Andrew Stephen Taylor
Taylor Insurance Agency Inc
Dr. Paul Eric Teske
Amy and Dr. Stephen Volin
Sarah Wagner
The Waldbaum Family Fund
The Walker Family
Members of the Eric Waller
Mt. Washington Community
Vegetable Garden
Charles Walton
Alana Watkins
Richard Wedgle
The WeiZan Family Fund
Ken Weil
Annette and Michael Weiner
Laurie and Steven Weiner
Anita and Scott Wesley
Elene and Timothy West
The Wherewithal Fund
Kathryn Whitaker and Dr. Monte Moses
Roxane White
Cynthia Whittington
Nancy and Edward Widmann
Stefanie Slade Winfield and Patrick Winfield
Hugh L. Williams
Margaret Williams
Beverly Winsett
Lisa and John Robinson Family Fund
Marcia and Richard Robinson
Scott Robinson
Elizabeth Robischon
Dr. Sarah and Trinidad Rodriguez
Joseph Rogers
Kelli and Kevin Rojas
Susan and Jeff Rona
Nick Rosen
Debora Gail Rosenfeld
Paul Rosenthal
The Rosenzweig Family
Grace and Evan Roth
Eric Rothaus
Tara Shields
Dr. William Shiovitz
Judith and Martin Shore
Felice Shore
Leslie and Mark Sidell
Traci and Michael Sidon
Gail Sigman
Joan Silar
Barbara Silcox
Iris Silva
Darlene Silver
Erika and Mark Simon
Brad Simpson
Dale Theiling
Michiko Christine Theis
Jenna and Craig Thomas
Karen and Richard Thomas
Wendy and Tom Thorpe
Maria Jose Torres Ariceaga Chavez and David Villecco
Michael and Pegi Touff
Donor Advised Fund
Joshua H. Trager
Twelve Twenty-One Fund
Marty and Bill Uebelher
Ricki Vincent
Vita Brevis Fine Art
Al Wirtes
Sheridan and Laury Wolfe
Alexandra Woods
Nancy Wright
Rosemary Wrzos and Daniel Luecke
Pat Wynne
Eileen Yager
Deb and Gary Yamashita
Rachel Yeates
The Zimmer Family
Lisa Zolle
Anonymous Donors (77)
Donors continued
2022-23 Rose Youth Foundation participants
LEFT TO RIGHT: Jonathan Lev, Boulder Jewish Community Center and supporters Ed Victor and Harris Faberman
LEFT TO RIGHT: Marlene Price, Rose Women’s Circle member; Morris Price, Board of Trustees member; Dr. Bob Janowski, donor-advised fundholder
Rose Community Legacy Circle
Ensure your giving makes a lasting impact on the causes you care about most. Rose Community Foundation stewards charitable legacy gifts, manages the investment and grant administration of donor-advised funds and helps individuals and families develop a values-aligned strategy for legacy giving.
Enid M. and Mark J. Ablowitz
Sheryl and Milroy Alexander
Judy Altenberg and Bruce Plotkin
Marilyn Van Derbur Atler and Lawrence Atler
Ellen Beller
Zita* and David* Bram
Sheila* and Richard* Bugdanowitz
Shanti Chacko and Graig Weisbart
Bill Clarke
James W.* and Peggy* Clausen
Susan Cobb and Kate Shea
Lisa Reckler Cohn
Mark Cordova
Mary Gittings Cronin
The Curtiss-Lusher Family
Vicki and David Dansky
Maxine* and Fred* Davine
Rae Ann and Richard E. Dougherty
Tracy Dunning and Eric Sondermann
Therese and Jeff Ellery
The Ellie Fund
Erica and Elliott Farber
Sheryl and Kenneth Feiler
Amelia and Andrew Fink
Jennifer Atler Fischer
Stephanie Foote
Anne and Charles Garcia
Marjorie and Thomas Gart
Shannon Gifford and Jerrold L. Glick
Katherine Gold
The Goldberg Family
Margery Goldman
Lynda Mallinoff Goldstein*
Julia and Dr. Jonathan Gordon
Renee and Martin C.* Gross
Lauren Handler and John Silva
J. Bourge Hathaway
Joan and Mark Henneberry
Betsy Herrick and Milt Kahn
Lisa M. Herschli
Arlene and Barry Hirschfeld
Elsa Holguín and Ed Lucero
Sarah Indyk and Charlie Miller
Dianne and Michael Jacobsen
Dr. Robert R. Janowski and Phillip A. Nash
Helayne and Larry Jones
Gale and Ron Kahn
Leslie B. Karotkin
Kathy and Rob Klugman
Judy and David Koff
Lisa Stein Kornfeld and Brad Kornfeld
Mary Lou and Donald* Kortz
Elizabeth Kris
Steven Kris
Hilreth Lanig
Dr. Indira S. Lanig
Mary Lee and Jay Schusterman
Devora Leiser*
Lindy Eichenbaum Lent and Jason Lent
Gaye Leonard
Laure and Scott Levin
Diane and Steven Levine
Marc P. Levine
Ann and William Levis
Myra Levy*
Norman Levy*
Suzann and John Love
Ian K. Macgillivray
Evi and Evan Makovsky
Julie Malek and Rick Kornfeld
Miriam Mazel and Mark Hockenberg
Arthur E.* and Terrie L.* McAlarney
Revocable Trusts
Barbara Altenberg McDonald
Barbara Mellman Davis
Bonnie and Dr. Jerry* Merenstein
Bobbi Lou Miller
Lisa Farber Miller
Sue Miller*
Elaine Millman*
Carol and Larry Mizel
Naomi* and Ronald Montoya
Susie and Perry Moss
Kathy Neustadt
Gillian Nyland
Barbara and Neil Oberfeld
Essie and Jordon* Perlmutter
Patrice (Hall) Pierce
Helene and David* Pollock
Joanne Posner-Mayer
Dr. Dean Prina
Melinda Quiat
Roberta and Gerald* Quiat
Henry Rasof*
Lisa and John Robinson
Marcia and Richard Robinson
Susan and Edward Robinson
Rachel Romer and David Carlson
Mona J. Rosenberg
Alec Sarche
Nichole E. Scott
Miriam Sherman*
Debra and Dr. Jim Shmerling
The Shogan Family
Judith and Martin H. Shore
Darlene Silver
Dale and Robert* Silverberg
Dr. William S. Silvers
Terry Smith
Helena and Allan Striker
Richard B. Tucker*
Liz Ullman
Irit and Dr. Art Waldbaum
WE4Smith Foundation
Carolyn and David Wollard
Teresa* and Gary Yourtz
Anonymous Legacy Donors (10)
*Of blessed memory
Anna Alarid
Executive Assistant to the President & CEO
Judy Altenberg
Director of Donor Funds and Legacy Giving
Ray Barrie-Kivel
Policy and Advocacy Manager
Vanessa Bernier
Community Impact Officer - Jewish Life
Mary Chavez-Rey
Office Manager
Kelly Costello
Director of Grants Management
Nicholas Donaldson
Communications and Outreach Associate
Marit Evans
Information Systems Manager
Amelia Fink
Director of Nonprofit Funds and Endowments
Mary Haynes
Director of Talent and Administration
Chen-Pin Hu Grants Associate
Sarah Indyk
Vice President of Philanthropic Services
Tejas Iyer
Donor and Fund Services Coordinator
Mary Katherine Kerr
Philanthropic Services Associate
Emily Kornhauser
Director of Collaborative Philanthropy
Sarah Kurz
Vice President of Public Affairs
Gretchen Lenamond
Chief Financial Officer
Lindy Eichenbaum Lent
President and CEO
Catherine Lindsey Committee Liaison
Gillian Nyland
Philanthropic Initiatives Coordinator
Katie Peshek
Director of Communications and Outreach
Tara Raju
Director of Philanthropic Partnerships
Kelli Rojas
Chief of Staff
Afshin Sarvestani
Accounting and Benefits Manager
Emma Schwarz Controller
Christiano Sosa
Vice President of Community Impact
Maria Torres
Community Impact Officer
Audit and Finance
Brad Kornfeld, Chair
Josh Dinar
Lorii Rabinowitz
Michael Touff
Brian Wilkinson
Community Grantmaking
Lorii Rabinowitz, Chair
Stephen Brackett
David Carlson
Perla Gheiler
Ryan Harris
Deidre Johnson
Amy Kiefer Hansen
Heather Lafferty
Jeannie Ritter
Jeremy Shaver
Tom Thorpe
Michael Touff
Gary Yamashita
Lorena Zimmer
Jeannie Ritter, Chair
Steven A. Cohen
Lisa Robinson
Michael Touff
Brian Wilkinson, Chair
Martha “Marti” J. Awad
Steven A. Cohen
Barry Curtiss-Lusher
Krishna Kantheti
Eunice Kim
Richard L. Robinson
Paul Washington
Jewish Life
Kathy Neustadt, Chair
David Asarch
Josh Dinar
Stacey Aviva Flint
Abby Kaufman
Zachary Kiefer
Matthew LeBauer
Evi Makovsky
Matthew Rich
Susan Rona
Julie Selsberg
Leslie Sidell
Philanthropic Services
Martha “Marti” J. Awad, Chair
Elise Barish
Lisa Reckler Cohn
Barry Curtiss-Lusher
Therese Ellery
Jonathan Fung
Elaine Gampel
Margie Gart
Johanna Ladis
Morris W. Price Jr.
Lisa Robinson
Brian Rothberg
Stephanie Stein
Desta Taye-Channell
Irit Waldbaum
Ken Weil
Policy and Advocacy
Julie Selsberg, Chair
Katherine Archuleta
Sharmila Basu Mann, Ph.D.
Beverly Buck
Janine Davidson, Ph.D.
Steven Kris
Monte Moses, Ph.D.
Kevin Patterson
Tiana Patterson
Melinda Pollack
Daniel Ramos
Nancy Reichman, Ph.D.
Adrienne Russman
Paul Teske, Ph.D.
Elbra Wedgeworth
Committees as of May 2023
as of May 2023 22
continued above
Board of Trustees
Founding Trustees
Linda G. Alvarado
Joseph M. Aragon
David C. Boyles
Fred T. Davine*
Steven W. Farber*
Jeannie Fuller
Stephen Kurtz
Norman Levy*
Sister Lydia M. Peña, Ph.D.
David M. Pollock*
Richard L. Robinson
Stephen H. Shogan, M.D.
Martin H. Shore
Robert A. Silverberg*
Richard B. Tucker*
Albert C. Yates, Ph.D.
Former Presidents and CEOs
Sheila Bugdanowitz*
Donald L. Kortz*
*Of blessed memory
Matching gifts
177 matching gifts from Foundation trustees, staff and committee members
120 grantee organizations
$104 thousand matching gifts distributed
New Trustees Welcomed in 2023
Financials 2022 unaudited
Total Assets Under Management
TOTAL: $352.6 million
Total Contributions in 2022
TOTAL: $33.1 million
UNRESTRICTED $241.4 million | 68% ENDOWMENTS $38.9 million | 11% DESIGNATED FUNDS $24.5 million | 7% DONOR-ADVISED $40.6 million | 12% PARTNERSHIP FUNDS $7.2 million | 2%
FUNDS $12.3 million | 37% ENDOWMENTS & DESIGNATED FUNDS $15 million | 45% UNRESTRICTED GIFTS $327 thousand | 1% PARTNERSHIP FUNDS $5.5 million | 17%
Grants & Expenses in 2022
Heather Lafferty, CEO & Executive Director, Habitat for Humanity of Metro Denver and Rose Community Foundation Community Grantmaking committee member
Total Grants & Distributions Since 1995 $367,939,372
Jewish Studio Project
1. Eldad Malka, Israel American Council and Rabbi Ahron Wasserman, Yeshiva Toras Chaim
2. Laradon teacher and student
3. Collin Heng-Patton, Growing Home
4. One Colorado voter registration
5. ArtistYear student
1. Richard Robinson, Rose Community Foundation founding trustee
2. Jewish Studio Project teacher
3. Work Options participant
1. At The Well wellness circle participants
2. Tania Chairez, Convivir Colorado
3. Timiya Jackson, The Heart & Hand Center
4. Jewish Fertility Foundation family
1. Maria Gonzalez, Adelante Community Development
2. Meghan Yen, Asian Girls Ignite
3. ActivateWork participant
4. Attendee at launch party for the American Indian/Indigenous Peoples Historic Context Study
1. Commún volunteers
2. Mother House residents
3. Master’s Apprentice construction apprentice
4. Laradon student
PROGRAMS & GRANTMAKING $28 million | 90.6% FUNDRAISING $1.5 million | 4.8% ADMINISTRATION $1.4 million | 4.6%
TOTAL: $30.9 million
-12.1% 5.6% 5% Investment Returns 2 022 -$43.4 million 2 021 $63.7 million 2 020 $28.8 million 5 YEAR 3 YEAR 1 YEAR INVESTMENT RETURNS FOR THE YEAR:
Stone, Work Options for Women; Desta Taye-Channell, President & CEO, Florence Crittenton Services and Rose Community Foundation Philanthropic Services committee member; Suzanne Banning, Florence Crittenton Services
4500 Cherry Creek Drive South Suite 900 Denver, Colorado 80246 303-398-7400 | info@rcfdenver.org | rcf denver.org Join us in support of a stronger, healthier and more equitable Greater Denver region at rcfdenver.org/give Thank you for your partnership. Together we can do more for our community.
TOP: Mordechai Hoffman, Hillel Academy of Denver
MIDDLE: Amy Leszman, Roots & Branches Foundation alumni; Papa Dia, African Leadership Group | BOTTOM: Courtney Samuel, DreamSpring small business loan recipient