Auxiliaries Newsletter - Summer 2012, December

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Auxiliarated All Over

Summer 2012

Seasonal Reports FROM SUE HUNT

the size and scale of both goes beyond words and pictures. But this is a small snapshot, to give readers a flavour of the amazing fundraising efforts of the entire donor community, and the improvements that have been made throughout the past year at the hospital.

As I reflect on the year that was, I am struck by two equally important things. On one hand, just how many Auxiliary members and supporters I have had the opportunity to get to know and on By sharing these stories we seek to the other, what a difference their hard engage even more people in this work can make. important work. I particularly love the The support that people give to The story about three Auxiliary members Royal Children’s Hospital is unmatched – Laura Overdyk, Olivia Guidice and in Australia. It starts at a grass roots Ainsley Faust – all young mums who level with our network of fundraisers are juggling the pressures of work and and Auxiliaries, and extends all the home with a heartfelt desire to help way to major philanthropists and sick children and their families. They corporate partners. It can be driven by are wonderful representatives of the personal experience. It can be driven greater body of Auxiliary work, that by wanting to ensure that the hospital has taken place this year, and every is always there when we need it. It year since 1922. can be driven by the desire to make I’d like to thank the wonderful staff transformational change in the care of the Foundation, who commit and treatment of children now and themselves so passionately to into the future. supporting the Auxiliaries and all our The significant support shown by donors. Thank you also to the staff Victorians for the hospital brings of The Royal Children’s Hospital who with it a great responsibility. The work with us to make the connections Royal Children’s Hospital Foundation so vitally needed and who meet with has stewardship of our donors and donors and support their efforts. custodianship of these funds. It has Finally, thank you to you. My thanks a significant responsibility to ensure go to every Auxiliary member this that these funds – the funds donated year and every year. Your support by the people of Victoria are used to is appreciated. Every hour you put make the biggest impact; both for in, every dollar you raise makes a the hospital, but equally the biggest difference. impact on the future of children’s health. I wish you all the best, health and happiness to you and your family for The Foundation takes this the holiday season. I hope to see you responsibility very seriously. At every in 2013, and that you’ll to continue to opportunity we seek to thank those support the work of our world-class who support the hospital. We strive to hospital. ensure that the funds will make that difference that all our donors expect. Sue Hunt Executive Director Our annual report, The Impact of Giving, was recently released. I encourage you to read it on our website or get a copy from our office. This report aims to capture the importance of our donors and the impact that their funds make. It is an impossible task, of course, as

FROM CAROLE LOWEN The end of the year has come up fast with the new award winning hospital celebrating its first year. Everyone’s delight in this new hospital has been a wonderful bonus and inspiration to our Auxiliaries celebrating 90 years and support for The Royal Children’s Hospital. It has been so good in the past months to be reminded by doctors and clinicians who remember with gratitude the times when the only money available for extras in the hospital, was provided by our Auxiliaries. In October I was delighted to be so welcomed by the Women’s Auxiliary at Toronto Sick Kids. I spent a day getting to know them and what they do in their hospital. They were so amazed we have so many self managed groups. They started the “Bravery Bead” program for patients ten years ago and as you know this program has now been introduced at The Royal Children’s Hospital by the Dame Elisabeth Murdoch Scholarship recipient, Lisa Takacs, whose presentation you enjoyed at the 2010 Annual General Meeting. It is with great sadness and loss as I write this we learn of the passing of Dame Elisabeth Murdoch. Dame Elisabeth’s wise counsel to me as President shall live on. Dame Elizabeth was always willing to meet when I had concerning issues for Auxiliaries. It has been an honour for Auxiliaries to have had such a distinguished Patron. Carole Lowen President of Auxiliaries



I hope that you have all enjoyed your fundraising throughout 2012. We certainly have seen many more Event Notifications coming in, many of which are for new initiatives which is always very exciting for everyone involved with Auxiliaries.

Message from Sue Hunt


Message from Carole Lowen


Message from Sue Manson


The Monthly Digest


Our Christmas Wish List


The Impact of Giving


Dame Elisabeth Murdoch luncheon, save the date


Sally Lima, Dame Elisabeth Murdoch Nursing Scholarship 4 Andy’s Market 2012


Team work and a spirit of giving


Goodbye to Stefan


Farewell from Janelle


What’s happening on the site of the old hospital


GFA 2012 funds will go to a world first at the RCH


Most sustainable building for 2012 6 High praise for our hospital


More children are beating cancer


Seasons Greetings from us to you


Insert: Dame Elisabeth Murdoch AC DBE 1909 - 2012

Auxiliaries is receiving quite a steady stream of enquiries from the website, which is particularly pleasing because it means that what we offer by way of connection to the hospital, and how people can become involved, especially in fundraising is appealing. This gives us great confidence that the concept of community fundraising and community involvement is alive and well. I think that we will see even more interest over the coming five or so years as those wonderful Baby Boomers find themselves with good health and time to spare. The impact that technology has had on society has been immense and this means that Auxiliaries has also been affected, how we connect and communicate with people, and how we reach out to specific groups of people will be one of the major considerations in how the future of Auxiliaries will be planned for and developed. When it comes to the residual effects of the GFC, the Auxiliaries core business has fared well, primarily because we are a cash business, we do not rely heavily on people using their credit card, however our retail activities have taken a bit of a slide, this is to be expected considering that every corner of retail is not performing to its expected potential. But I do have to say that our amazing tote bags are still ticking over. We will make the sale of the two millionth tote bag sometime in the next 12 – 18 months, which is a fantastic effort for a campaign that will be 10 years old. Does anyone still have the two original tote bags in aqua/purple and purple/aqua that we gave as a gift at the 2005 Annual General Meeting? These are now collector’s items. Or maybe you have one of the original aprons with the “Little People” logo – another collector’s item. As we head towards our summer break, Christmas and lots of relaxing times with family and friends I would like to say that you have all been extremely busy this past 12 months and that I hope that you will take the time to re-charge your fundraising


batteries over January and are keen to jump back in to Auxiliary life come February 2013. It is a bit like the school year isn’t it; that is why being part of Auxiliaries keeps us young and energetic. Thank you so much for your support throughout the year, you bring such great pride and joy to The Royal Children’s Hospital and Auxiliaries. Merry Christmas and the happiest of years for 2013. Sue Manson Auxiliary Coordinator

THE MONTHLY DIGEST There are many Auxiliary members that are not receiving The Monthly Digest. As you’ll know if you read it, there is alot of very important information in the digest administration messages as well as news. If you are a Secretary - please ensure the Digest is passed on to your members each month. If you are in possession of email addresses for your fellow members - please contact or 03 9345 4508 to ensure the office has all the correct contact information - it won’t take more than 5 mins, please make time to do this. If you know Auxiliary members that are not getting the Digest, and need a paper copy, again, please help us out by letting us know. An important note about the environment and our cost-saving measures: We take both the environment and cost-effectiveness seriously. To save on paper and postage costs, we can only send paper copies where requested, so you will need to ‘opt-in’ if you do not have access to email and want to receive a paper copy of the Monthly Digest. We have created this useful publication due to feedback from the Auxiliary membership saying that you needed ways to keep in touch consistently and regularly. The Digest will grow with you to become an effective tool if Auxiliary members utilise it to keep updated with important information.

OUR CHRISTMAS WISH LIST Our Christmas Wish List allows people to make a donation on behalf of loved ones, colleagues or clients. From as little as $10, the donor chooses an area to support, and then send this thoughtful gift as an e-card or printable voucher. This is a lovely, simple way for people to give a meaningful gift. We encourage Auxiliary members to keep it in mind the next time you’re having a chat with your friends about the stresses of Christmas shopping! You can access the Christmas Wish List by our website, – a couple of clicks and the gifts are all sorted.


We have been able to use these funds to purchase more than $11.5 million dollars of state of the art equipment and technology for our new hospital most particularly the impressive IMRIS We have directed more than $11.7 million into our most precious resource – developing our staff, nurturing talent and providing funding for leadership positions

March 2013, at Myer Mural Hall. The Scholarship Each year, the Scholarship allows one outstanding nurse to further develop skills and experience by exploring innovative practices and models of care across Australia and internationally. By supporting the scholarship, you are contributing to the world class standard of care that the hospital provides. Come one and all

We encourage all Auxiliary members to save the date for this hallmark event in our calendar, and please consider people within your network that you’d like to invite. If each Auxiliary sells a Read the report at table, half a table or even just a few au or email your postal address to seats, we will be well on our way to THE IMPACT OF GIVING making this a successful fundraising event and another feather in the The Foundation’s annual report, The Impact of Giving, shows the impact DAME ELISABETH MURDOCH Auxiliaries’ hat. of donated funds across the hospital LUNCHEON The lunch campus, and details the Foundation’s Save the date: Tues 26 March 2013 Our goal is to raise $50,000 for the income of funds (Good Friday Appeal, Featuring special guest speaker scholarship. Tickets will be $125 Auxiliaries and more) as well as the Sarah Murdoch pp, and it will be an elegant and distributions back to the hospital informative lunch. We are delighted campus during 2011/12. In the last 365 to announce that our special guest days alone, donations have translated speaker will be Sarah Murdoch. It into some fantastic initiatives and will be a day that truly shows off the projects that otherwise would not fundraising pedigree of Auxiliaries, have been possible. and is a tribute to Dame Elisabeth Here are some highlights from the herself, featuring distinguished guest year 2011/12: speakers, a raffle and more. Auxiliary Executive member, Janet Spooner DSJ, • Over $36.4 million was donated is leading the organising committee. through all channels The Royal Children’s Hospital • The Foundation distributed a Auxiliaries invite you to save the date Add to the invitation list record level of funding - over for the Dame Elisabeth Murdoch This fundraising lunch is open to $28.6 million - to the hospital Nursing Development Scholarship anyone that wishes to be involved Fundraising Luncheon on Tuesday 26 •

More than $4.6 million has been directed into research, mostly through our campus partner, MCRI.


with such an important cause. If any Auxiliary members have people they would like invitations to be posted to, please contact Lisa Addison on or 03 9345 5143 with the full names and postal addresses to be added to the mailing list. Please invite your friends, family and connections to support this event. Invitations will be posted out in late January.

work is that through advancing the Nursing Competency Framework it creates an opportunity for all nurses to advance their practice and therefore benefit all patients and their families.


Sally said: “The Dame Elisabeth Murdoch Scholarship provides an extraordinary opportunity for participation in a structured yet personalised program that will support achievement of my goals. In doing so, I hope provide immeasurable benefit to nursing at the RCH, and contribute to our hospital staying at the pinnacle of paediatric health care.”

If you have queries please contact Jan Spooner on 0418 319 442 or Lisa Addison on 03 9345 5143. More information will be coming soon. Join us in celebrating our nurses’ Sally will use her scholarship funds to achievements now and into the future. extend her expertise in evaluation and facilitation of evidence into nursing SALLY LIMA, practice at the RCH. She will undertake DAME ELISABETH MURDOCH studies to improve her skills in using NURSING SCHOLARSHIP 2012 computer software for managing research data, and complete Graduate Certificates in Evaluation and Coaching.

The Dame Elisabeth Murdoch Nursing Development Scholarship for 2012 has been awarded to Sally Lima, Research Nurse Consultant in Nursing Research at the RCH. Sally’s project will continue to explore and advance the RCH Nursing Competency Framework that supports the development of a competent nursing workforce: all nurses have the necessary knowledge such as understanding treatment, skills such as assessment of patient conditions and the ‘essence of nursing’ such as the ability to establish caring relationships based on trust and professional behaviour. This leads to excellence in clinical nursing practice. The RCH Nursing Competency Framework was introduced in late 2010. Sally led an evaluation of its implementation which identified where it was working and a number of questions for further exploration. This was not the first time Sally had been involved in exploring how nurses are supported to deliver excellent nursing care. Sally has been a member of the RCH for over 20 years, holding a number of positions; for the past five years as part of the Nursing Education and Research Department. What Sally loves about her current


This year Andy’s Market raised over $15,000; a wonderful effort by all 23 Auxiliaries that took part. Andy’s Market is a great example of why Auxiliary members do what they do. Robyn Anderson explained: “Sometimes volunteering is a hard thing to try and explain to people who don’t do it. But we have a ball at days She will also attend conferences like Andy’s. We work our backsides off, in Australia and internationally, and we love it!” and undertake visits to the RCH’s international counterparts; Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa in Helsinki, Great Ormond Street Hospital in London, Princess Alexandra Hospital in Brisbane, Lurie Children’s Hospital in Chicago, Boston Children’s Hospital, Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto and Bangor University in Wales. By undertaking further educational training and travelling to visit other world-leading hospitals, Sally will gain insight into how other organisations create environments that support development of competence and translation of evidence into practice and establish networks for collaboration in future work related to development of competence. She will also act as an advocate, communicating and promoting the innovative work being undertaken by nurses at the RCH. Sally’s excitement was palpable when told she was the successful recipient of the Dame Elisabeth Murdoch Scholarship for 2012: “I’m so fortunate to be part of an organisation that recognises and values the contribution nursing research makes to the experience and outcomes for children and families. I’m so proud to be a nurse supporting other nurses in delivering excellence in clinical care. Photos kindly supplied by Trevor Thomas “I’m very thankful for the incredible opportunities made available through the generosity of the Foundation, Auxiliaries and public”.

TEAM WORK AND A SPIRIT OF GIVING Since August, all the members of Parkville Auxiliary have been working hard on a new fundraising initiative. They have been making and collecting donated products from huge variety of people and businesses – from gourmet foods to cinema tickets to craft items – and put together a diverse range of ready-made, beautifully presented Christmas Gift Boxes to be sold at the Auxiliary stall in Main Street last week. The idea was a great success, and Parkville raised over $4,500 in one day, and sold over 100 boxes that they had lovingly assembled. Helen Mann is a new member of Parkville Auxiliary, but has been volunteering in the Gift Shop since 2001, and also has family connections to the hospital. Helen says: “Our Christmas Boxes were a huge team effort. All the Parkville members did what they could, took on different roles, and it all just slotted together really well. All the hard work preparing for a day like this pays off when everyone works together so well. “We held a great working bee before the event, which was a wonderful bonding experience. I joined Parkville Auxiliary earlier this year, and it was a great time for new members and long-standing members to get to know each other. We had a great time together working on this. I am extremely pleased with how it all turned out. Parkville Auxiliary is very active and energised, and is going from strength to strength.” The funds raised will support Occupational Therapy and the Psychology Department. Parkville Auxiliary was formed in 1946, meaning it has been raising funds for The Royal Children’s Hospital for 65 impressive years, with many members contributing over 20 years’ dedicated hard work.


After a total of 14 years hospital, including 8 years Foundation, our Business Stefan Hnativ has chosen from his busy full time role of a slower pace of life.

with the with the Manager to retire in favour

Sue Hunt paid tribute to Stefan’s dedication to the hospital and the Foundation, and in particular his support of Auxiliaries, with whom he has worked so closely since 1998. “Stefan has been a source of knowledge, advice and guidance for fundraisers, donors, Auxiliary members, Foundation staff and the hospital itself. He has played an instrumental role in steering the RCH Foundation to its place as one of the most beloved charities in Victoria. His loyalty to the hospital and our cause has been wonderful, and we thank him wholeheartedly for his many years of hard work and dedication.” Sue said. Carole Lowen, President of Auxiliaries said: “As Business Manager, Stefan was always the quiet one in the background for Auxiliaries, one of our biggest fans and greatest supporters. Everyday Stefan would pay a visit to the Auxiliary stalls in the hospital to say hello, and was a very loyal customer. Stefan understood the power of community fundraising. He supported Auxiliaries 100% with our tote bag campaign which went on to raise an additional $1 million for Auxiliaries over 4 years. He put great care into ensuring that we were ahead in meeting our statutory requirements and how we presented Auxiliaries as a professional business. He encouraged Auxiliaries always to exceed expectations and we hope that we have done him proud.” The Foundation’s Board would like to express its appreciation to Stefan for his past services and contributions to the Foundation and the hospital and extends its best wishes to him in his future endeavours. Peter Yates AM, Chairman worked closely with Stefan, particularly

when Peter was Chairman of the Foundations’ Investment Committee. Peter said: “For 8 years, Stefan has been a key part of the management team that have ensured the Foundation has grown and thrived in a complex and competitive environment. We say goodbye after another successful year that involved Stefan managing a record budget for the Foundation. Stefan leaves behind a strong finance function, and we thank him for his contributions.”


“The past five years working for Auxiliaries has opened my eyes to some extraordinary people and journeys. To see first hand the passion, optimism and commitment towards creating a better hospital and a better life for the children, is something I value beyond words. There is not a single day that goes past where your efforts and dedication have been unnoticed. “Thank you for welcoming me into the world of Auxiliaries and sharing your stories with me. I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know each and every one of you, and will continue to cherish the memories and the relationships we have built together. Having the opportunity to work with all of you at such a young age has brought me some valuable life experiences that I will take with me into the next chapter of my life. “Thank you also to Sue Manson, Carole Lowen, the Executive committee and the Auxiliary team for your ongoing support throughout my time here. You have carried me through my final years of school as well as my university career, and that is something that I will be forever grateful for. Thank you for always respecting my academic commitments and for every opportunity you have given me over the past five years. “Best wishes for the future and I am sure I will see you all soon enough. Much love, Janelle”



With staff, patients and families now well settled into the new Royal Children’s Hospital - we just had our 1 year anniversary - the project team is focused on completing the demolition of the old hospital, prior to commencing the Stage 2 construction works and the reinstatement of Royal Park. Stage 2 of the new RCH Project is expected to be completed by the end of 2014. Stage 2 includes demolition of the old hospital, reinstatement of the old site as parkland within Royal Park and the construction of additional facilities to support the hospital community. Recent works Some of the larger structures have been completely demolished, most notably the car park and former nurses’ quarters building (aka the South East Building) that opened in 1958. There was a great deal of planning and hard work involved. Although the final structural demolition of the building was completed at a fast pace, many months were spent working internally to remove fixtures and fittings and strip out internal walls, ceilings and floor finishes. These works coincided with the removal of hazardous materials, a process undertaken under strict supervision and controls. Upcoming works Works are now underway to demolish the former main hospital building. Works to the façade of the retained South Building (formerly known as the Research Precinct Building) will commence soon. Lend Lease continues to work closely with the RCH and Department of Health to ensure any disruption to local residents and businesses is minimised. For any enquiries related to the new RCH project, please contact 1300 1 639 724.


The MR PET is state-of-the-art medical imaging technology, a system that will bring a revolution in diagnostic imaging to life the RCH. For the first time, this brand new technology integrates the very best Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET) in one machine. Funds from the Good Friday Appeal 2012 are being directed towards the purchase of the MR PET - it will be the first installation in a paediatric hospital in the world. This machine comes with a substantial price tag of over $6 million, but this highly advanced technology perfectly encapsulates the excellence and world-class standard of care that donated funds can help the RCH to achieve. Many patients need to have CT, MRI and PET scans during the course of their treatment at the RCH. The only way to get the required information presently is to do separate scans and, for most children, this means a general anaesthetic for each scan, which can significantly increase the time a child needs to spend in hospital. Currently, the RCH does not have a PET scanner. Patients who require PET imaging must travel to other Melbourne hospitals, and this is not ideal for many reasons. There are also challenges for doctors when trying to diagnose and manage health care for patients when they are using separate scanning technologies. Not only does the MR PET provide both scans at one time, it overlays the results of both scans into one image, showing the exact localisation of any abnormality. MR PET’s advantages are impressive. Along with paving the way for superior diagnostic and surgical care, the addition of the machine at the RCH will reduce radiation exposure in patients, ensures timely access to PET imaging, improve access to MRI

imaging and vastly reduce the need for general anaesthetics. The MR PET will significantly enhance the RCH’s ability to successfully treat children with cancer and neurological diseases, particularly epilepsy, where it will increase the chances of young patients being cured. These improved outcomes and new heights in the standard of care will be thanks to the Auxiliaries and the generosity of many thousands of Victorians who so wholeheartedly support the Good Friday Appeal. Please read the full article about the MR PET in the Impact of Giving book.


The 2012 Sustainability Awards winners were announced in November in Sydney, recognising the pinnacle of sustainable building practice in Australia. Billard Leece Partnership and Bates Smart Architects won the Best of the Best Award, and were recognised for achieving unprecedented levels of sustainability throughout all aspects of the new Royal Children’s Hospital. It was noted that the new hospital sets a new benchmark for sustainable design. The judges praised the holistic and thoughtful approach the architects took in addressing the high degree of difficulty and complexity in the new hospital’s design. “The implications of the design success at the new RCH are major, because, if this level of sustainability can be achieved in such a large and complex healthcare design project, then the rest that follow will have no excuse for failure,” the judges commented. In addition to winning the Best of the Best Award, the hospital was also recognized as the winner in the Public Building & Urban Design category.


The Royal Children’s Hospital is delighted that a number of staff, teams and projects were recently honoured as winners and finalists in this year’s Victorian Public Healthcare Awards. The awards were presented on 21 November by the Premier, the Hon. Ted Baillieu MP and Health Minister the Hon. David Davis MP. In an outstanding result, The Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH) Gait Laboratory won the healthcare innovation award for ‘Excellence in Service Provision’. One of the most coveted awards, the Minister’s Award for ‘Health Lifetime Achievement’ went to Professor Frank Oberklaid (pictured above) for his extraordinary contribution to the RCH, and the community child health sector, over many, many years. RCH Clinical Nutrition Program was runner up for ‘Excellence in supporting self-managed healthcare’. The Liver and Intestinal Transplant team, in partnership with Austin Health, were highly commended in the category of ‘Outstanding Achievement by a team in Healthcare’. These awards are a wonderful recognition of the work of the RCH, and the excellence that is achieved on campus across all facets of paediatric health care every day. Congratulations to all those celebrated at this year’s event!

MORE CHILDREN ARE BEATING CANCER Over the years, countless people have donated to the Foundation and many other charities towards finding a cure for all forms of childhood cancer. As Auxiliaries know, donations are vital in assisting medical staff and researchers to make advancements in the care and treatment of children with cancer. A report released by the Cancer Council Victoria shows the hard work is paying off. Survival for Victorian children diagnosed with cancer is at an alltime high. The overall five-year cancer survival in children under the age of 15 years has increased from 68 per cent in 1982 to 82 per cent in 2010. CIKA is dedicated to finding a cure for cancer. They have been raising funds for cancer research since 1980 and have donated millions of dollars towards the cause over the past 30 years. Sandra Lehrer, President of CIKA said: “These findings are

encouraging. The hopes and dreams of CIKA are to stop children from ever contracting these types of cancer, but if they do, to ensure that the treatment they receive will be successful. It’s wonderful to see we are moving towards our dream becoming a reality. CIKA has actively supported research projects into solid tumours at the RCH with financial assistance since its inception, and will continue to do so until these types of cancer are cured.” Dr Francoise Mechinaud, Director of RCH Children’s Cancer Centre said the way we support patients and new medication can be attributed to the improved outcomes, but there is still much work to be done. “Brain is a significant issue – not only can the tumour be quite aggressive, but there are issues about whether we can do surgery because some areas of the brain are so crucial”, Dr Mechinaud told The Age.

Cancer type

Cases 2008-10

Overall incidence (%)

Five year Five year survival rate survival rate 1970s (%) 2006-10 (%)






Brain and 74 nervous system









Soft tissue





Neuroblastoma 28



91 7

Dame Elisabeth Murdoch AC DBE 1909 - 2012

Dame Elisabeth Murdoch AC DBE passed away peacefully on 6 December 2012 at her home Cruden Farm in Langwarrin, aged 103. The renowned community leader, charity worker, philanthropist and matriarch of the Murdoch media family will be mourned by countless thousands of Australians whose lives she has touched. Dame Elisabeth devoted much of her life to helping others, believing that giving was the most important and rewarding thing in life. She said: ‘One’s chief obligation is to think about other people and how one can help them.’ Dame Elisabeth has been associated with The Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH) since 1933. The Herald Sun describes The Royal Children’s Hospital and Murdoch Childrens Research Institute as ‘her greatest monument’. After her husband Keith’s passing in 1952, Lady Elisabeth, as she was then, threw herself into the work of the RCH. Whilst bringing up 4 children on her own, she commuted to Melbourne almost daily from Cruden Farm in Langwarrin. She joined the management committee of The Royal Children’s Hospital in 1933, and served as its president from 1954 to 1965.


She was head of the planning committee to relocate the hospital from its site in Carlton to build a new children’s hospital in Parkville. She was created a Dame for her efforts, an honour bestowed on her the day the hospital was opened by Her Majesty the Queen in 1963. She was Patron of Auxiliaries from 1965 to 1983, and joined Frankston Auxiliary upon retiring from her role as Patron. She was named a Living Treasure of the Auxiliaries in 2004. Along with the Queen and Prince Philip, we were honoured to have Dame Elisabeth present at the opening of the new Royal Children’s Hospital just over a year ago, in November 2011. Her commitment to the care, health and wellbeing of the children of Victoria and beyond has never waned. She often turned up to the Good Friday Appeal to thank volunteers for their time and efforts in the name of her beloved hospital. As we remember her, we are touched by her words in this excerpt from Andrew Denton’s Elders, Dame Elisabeth talks about the real meaning of philanthropy: Andrew Denton: Is philanthropy about more than simply giving money?

Dame Elisabeth Murdoch: Oh you must be involved. I think if you’ve got money it’s perfectly easy to give it away and nothing to be particularly proud of but it’s being involved and knowing what you’re helping. And you know, really being committed to whatever things you’re helping and I find I’m involved in so very many things. It’s just amazing but it’s very rewarding when you feel that you are making a difference to the lives of other people. Dame Elisabeth’s commitment to making the world a better place is not only inspirational, but truly transformational. Her generosity toward children and families through her devotion to The Royal Children’s Hospital has had immeasurable impact on the future of children’s health in Victoria and beyond. Her life, her work and her boundless philanthropic spirit are an inspiration to all of us at the Foundation and Auxiliaries. She will be missed by the many thousands of people whose lives she touched through her beloved Royal Children’s Hospital and Murdoch Childrens Research Institute. Our lives are richer for having known her, and we will continue to strive to live up to her example, now and into the future. Rest in peace.











8. 1. 100th birthday celebrations, 2009. 2. With Ellie Pateras from the Foundation, at 100th birthday celebrations. 3. Curtis Crawford and Elisabeth Murdoch announcing the total for the 1955 appeal. 4. Opera in the Roses fundraising event for the Newborn Intensive Care Unit at Cruden Farm, 2010. 5. At the RCH in 1971, photo courtesy of Herald Weekly Times. 6. 103rd birthday celebrations, 2012. 7. With Quentin Bryce AC CVO, at 100th birthday celebrations. 8. Opera in the Roses event for the RCH at Cruden Farm, 2011. 9. With Lillian Frank AB MBE, at 100th birthday celebrations. 10. With the late Dame Patricia MacKinnon DBE CBE, at 100th birthday celebrations.

SEASO NS GR EETIN FROM GS US TO YOU Back row from left to right: Stephanie Zappala Bryant, Ellie Pateras, Gareth Alexander, Laurel-Leigh Lawson, Mary Kutaimi, Debbie Shiell. Middle row: Shiyavanthi Johnpillai, Donna Aranyi, Lucia Di Maio, Judi Giddings, Pranav Kaushal, Caitlin Smooker. Front row: Fiona Ballantyne, Giovina Cicchitti, Lisa Addison, Mima Seldon, Danielle Clark. Absent: Bob Skilton, Janelle Holden, Rachel Hurley, Stefan Hnativ, Sue Hunt, Sue Manson, Suna Panicker, Lauren Stewart, Melisa Williams, Lucy Cavallaro, Kaitlyn Howley

2012 has once again proved to be another successful year with Auxiliaries. I am so grateful to be part of such a fantastic team who live & breath what they do. I wish you all a Happy Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year. I look forward to spending 2013 with such inspiring people who make me want to be a better person. Laurel Leigh I so enjoyed visiting the many wonderful auxiliary stalls throughout the year; particularly St Andrew’s Market Day, with the beautifully made and delicious goodies for sale. They provided a great opportunity to meet the Auxiliary team and in turn purchase special gifts for loved ones and of course, me! Giovina Being new to the Foundation this year it has been so heartwarming and an absolute pleasure to meet so many of the dedicated Auxiliary members in such a small amount of time. My favourite event would definitely be the recent St Andy’s market, I even purchased a giant teddy bear who now has a new home and an infinite amount of cuddles. Danielle It has been more than one and a half years I’ve worked closely with Auxiliaries. I feel proud to be a part of Auxiliaries who have been constantly raising money either stalls, in the shop or in any event throughout year, with unbelievable courage to help hospital for current and future generations. I wish everyone Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2013 and thanks for having me as a part tremendous family which is known as Auxiliaries. Pranav

To all of the wonderful Auxiliary members who help me stock my pantry, replenish my pot plants, help me pick the perfect handmade gift, keep me in reading materials and designer makeup – thank you and wishing you all a wonderful Christmas xxx Judi I love starting each morning with my favourite Auxiliary jam on toast thanks for your hard work on the stalls through 2012. Fiona Merry Christmas and thank you for your dedicated efforts throughout 2012 – you are all truly amazing and inspirational. Rachael

I have had a wonderful introductory year into Auxiliaries, through helping organise memorable events such as Made By Us and the AGM. I have become friends with many Auxiliary members who have been kind enough to share their wisdom with me. The dedication, warmth and strong spirit of this group is an inspiration and I look forward to working closely together in 2013 to create even bigger and better events. I hope the holiday festive season brings a well earned break for everyone who has worked tirelessly this year… and I hope you get to spend lots of quality time with loved ones. Lisa

Season’s Greetings to all Auxiliary Members with special thanks to members of the Neonate Mates and Prem Bubs Auxiliaries. Both Auxiliaries work tirelessly throughout the year to raise important funds for our Newborn Intensive Care Unit. In addition to this, both Auxiliaries sponsor a Newborn Intensive Care Cot within the NICU and it was my great privilege to announce these sponsorships at the 10th Annual A Celebration of Life Gala Ball this year, where Jessica O’Dowd, Nurse Unit Manager on NICU, made a special presentation to Irene Hubbard of the Prem Bubs Auxiliary and Judy Aussems of the Neonate Mates Auxiliary. Please know that your dedicated efforts and commitment to Newborn Intensive Care is GREATLY appreciated - you are an inspiration to so many. Donna

I love the wonderful warmth and collegial spirit of Auxiliaries. It has been great to see so many Auxiliary members talking, laughing and enjoying events throughout the year. I hope to see more of you in 2013. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all Auxiliary members, and your families. Stephanie

Thank you to all the Auxiliary members, it’s a joy going downstairs, to visit the Auxiliary stalls and hear everyone’s RCH story. Happy holidays. Caitlin

The greatest gift you can give to someone is your time, “Thank you”. Lucia

The Auxiliaries ladies inspire me. I love learning not only the so many different things they do to support the children here at the RCH, but also how each Auxiliary member inspires so many other people in their family and community to help them in their quest to make sick children better. Debbie Congratulations to you all on another fantastic year. The RCH wouldn’t be the same without you! Ellie

13 December 2012

Dear Auxiliary members, After more than fifteen years of dedicated service to The Royal Children’s Hospital, Auxiliaries and the Foundation, Sue Manson has advised the Foundation of her intention to leave the position of Auxiliaries Coordinator. Sue has decided to begin her well deserved Christmas break and from next year pursue other interests. Sue worked long and hard on behalf of all in service of fundraising for the hospital and we thank her for her contribution. During her time as Auxiliaries Coordinator, Sue introduced the Auxiliaries Tote Bag, which has been such a great initiative, selling over 1,000,000 bags. The Luv-a-Bub range of clothing, along with Made by Us were her ideas of increasing the fundraising for the hospital. I know that you join with us in the Foundation and Auxiliaries Executive in wishing Sue all the best for her future. We will arrange a time early in the new year where we can all thank Sue for her efforts. We will be filling the role of Auxiliaries Coordinator as soon as we can, but in the meantime we intend to have an interim coordinator in place early in the new year. As you are no doubt aware we recently commissioned a review of the Auxiliaries and the proposed outcomes were discussed at the recent Auxiliaries Executive Meeting and the forthcoming Foundation Board meeting. We will be able to let you know in the new year the final outcomes of the review. We are confident that the recommendations from the review will generate a bright future for the Auxiliaries and its close working relationship with the Foundation. We are looking forward to a bright future, helping all of you to do what you do best: fundraising for the Royal Children's Hospital for the benefit of our sick kids. We know you join us in thanking Sue for her efforts and wishing her well. Best wishes for the holiday season.

Peter Yates AM Chairman The Royal Children’s Hospital Foundation



Carole Lowen President of Auxiliaries

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