Auxiliaries Annual Report 2010

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s U t c a t n Co Where to find us Auxiliaries Office The Royal Children’s Hospital 50 Flemington Road PARKVILLE 3052 VICTORIA AUSTRALIA Phone: +61 (03) 9345 5188 Fax: +61 (03) 9347 5146 Email: Auxiliaries Gift Shop Phone: +61 9345 5856

How to contact us Susan Manson Auxiliaries Co-ordinator Phone: +61 (03) 9345 5188 Email: Laura Campbell Account Liaison Phone: +61 (03) 9345 7639 Email: Laurel-Leigh Lawson Auxiliaries & Community Liaison Phone: +61 (03) 9345 5188 Email: Stacey Brown Communications Phone: +61 (03) 9345 6700 Email: Janelle Tanjuakio Auxiliaries Assistant Phone: +61 (03) 9345 7051 Email:

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Around the clock, On any given day, 365 days of the year Auxiliary members are giving their time – They are time donors. A second is a second and a minute is a minute for everyone. Time is the true equaliser of us all. The 24 hours we are blessed with on any given day is exactly the same. It is what you do with your time that counts. So what is time? Time is a gift you have for the fleeting of moments which can be strung together to create minutes and hours, days and years and when it has passed it is gone for all time so what you choose to do with your time is of the utmost importance, for you are giving something which you cannot redeem or live over again. Time is far more valuable than gold for it cannot be bought and it cannot be sold which makes time the most precious commodity known to mankind. When time is given to create a better circumstance for others that value becomes unquantifiable, it is priceless, and this is what Auxiliary members do, not just for an hour or a day, we measure our commitment to the Royal Children’s Hospital in years and more often in decades. Auxiliary members are just like you and me, however what makes them special is their ability to find the time to help, give, listen and to do the fundraising that will bring about a better, brighter day for the children treated at our amazing hospital.

The Royal Children’s Hospital Auxiliaries Annual Report 2010


Contents Welcome ..............................................................................................................................................................................1 Presidents Report ............................................................................................................................................................3 Auxiliary Co-ordinators Report ..................................................................................................................................6 What We Did...................................................................................................................................................................9 July 2009 ...................................................................................................................................................................... 10 Footscray Yarraville Juniors - Celebrating 50 Years ...................................................................................... 11 August 2009............................................................................................................................................................... 12 Cancer In Kids @ RCH - Celebrating 30 Years ................................................................................................ 13 September 2009..................................................................................................................................................... 14 Heart To Heart - Celebrating 20 Years............................................................................................................. 15 October 2009 ....................................................................................................................................................... 16 O.A.R.A - Celebrating 30 Years....................................................................................................................... 17 How We Did It ................................................................................................................................................. 18 November 2009.......................................................................................................................................... 20 Cystic Fibrosis Research Trust - Celebrating 10 Years.............................................................. 21 December 2009 ........................................................................................................................... 22 January 2010 ......................................................................................................................... 23 February 2010 ................................................................................................................. 24 March 2010 ............................................................................................................ 25 Who We Helped & How We Did It......................................................... 26 April 2010 ................................................................................................ 28 May 2010.............................................................................................. 30 The Dame Elisabeth Murdoch Nursing Scholarship ....... 31 June 2010..................................................................................... 32 Templestowe - Celebrating 70 Years ............................. 33 Postcards ............................................................................... 34 Madge Tate Service Award ......................................... 35 Sponsors & Supporters ............................................. 36 Living Treasures ......................................................... 38 Long Service Awards ............................................ 39 Vale ............................................................................. 41 Auxiliary Results .................................................. 42 What To Do Now .................................................. 43

, s g n i h t t a e r To achieve g ; d e d e e n e r a two things e t i u q t o n a plan, and . e m i t h g u eno - Anon


The Royal Children’s Hospital Auxiliaries Annual Report 2010



Carole Low

As one reflects on the past year, and indeed the past 88 years, it is with great pride and joy one views Auxiliaries at The Royal Children’s Hospital. Our proud history is evidence that auxiliaries has always retained its special significance as a very important part of the Royal Children’s Hospital. This is a most relevant and poignant point when one considers we now are the only hospital with Auxiliaries when all the other major hospitals have closed theirs due to dwindling volunteer support. This has not been an accident but a very serious consideration for me and the team at every turn and difficulty. Throughout its history Auxiliaries at The Royal Children’s Hospital has weathered enormous challenges and changes in society. In particular women in the workforce has been our great challenge in the past ten years. However, as in the past where Auxiliaries has weathered a Depression, a World War, economic rationalization, technology, fashion and lifestyle changes, and a global financial crisis we have tailored and changed our working ways. Originally we had larger suburban groups, then target specific groups of a particular health problem. Now often we have less meetings of smaller committees where email correspondence and phone calls action activities. Time is of the essence. With hectic lifestyles, families today, and we all know it is a whole family effort, must be applauded for their amazing support wherever they can. One off events seem popular where groups work towards an annual event so they can get back to normal life for the rest of the year. This year was a year of continued uncertainty following devastating bushfires in the middle of a global financial crisis. In this scenario even more congratulations go to everyone in Auxiliaries for another magnificent effort and total of $1.4 million, the largest cheque presented to the Good


Friday Appeal which again set a record total of $14.5 million. Hearty congratulations to Christine Unsworth and her team at the Good Friday Appeal. All Victorians as proud custodians of this famous, world recognized, Royal Children’s Hospital can be very pleased with this amazing generosity, demonstrating just how much this hospital means to all Victorians. We thank Prof. Christine Kilpatrick for her interest and attendance at our Auxiliary functions. Auxiliaries has always been greatly encouraged in our fundraising, working with enthusiastic and appreciative CEO’s at the Royal Children’s. Our thanks to Mr. Tony Beddison AO chairman, and all of The Royal Children’s Hospital board for their continued support. We are always greatly heartened by Mr Beddison’s enthusiastic attendance at all our major functions, demonstrating his, and this hospital’s, appreciation of our efforts. We are grateful to Mr Julian Clarke, the chairman of The Royal Children’s Hospital Foundation, who has been meeting regularly with Sue Manson, our Auxiliaries Co-ordinator, and so now has a much clearer understanding of our working efforts. The Foundation has the enormous task of protecting and allocating all raised monies for this hospital. We again thank Stefan Hnativ, Foundation Business Manager for his assistance and guidance on business matters. Special thanks to all in Foundation for their much appreciated support of Auxiliaries. As Brian Mallon, Foundation Executive Director has announced his retirement I’d like to formally acknowledge and thank Brian for his belief in, and support of, Auxiliaries over 10 years. We are

The Royal Children’s Hospital Auxiliaries Annual Report 2010


t r o p e R s ' t n e d i Pres n e w o L e Carol

delighted to welcome Mrs Sue Hunt as Executive Director. We are looking forward to an enthusiastic and productive working relationship in the future. It is with enormous gratitude I thank our Executive Team for another year of great support in making sure we are on track. We are blessed to have the high caliber of a strong executive team and I value greatly their wise counsel and support to me. We acknowledge Di Humphrey’s great contribution and thank her for her wise observations and her particular flair and help in launching Living Treasures. Earlier I mentioned my JOY in Auxiliaries, which comes from the great success we’ve had. Here I must acknowledge and thank on behalf of all in Auxiliaries the greatly talented coordinator Sue Manson. We congratulate and commend her tireless work put in, always with fine attention to detail and professionalism. Sue gets my vision for Auxiliaries and has worked so hard over 8 years to raise the bar. We are indebted to Sue for where we are today.


for the Pierre Robin Syndrome in babies. Sharon demonstrated, with her excellent presentation how worthy she is of the award but mostly how very important this scholarship is. I have no doubt Sharon will become a world expert on this syndrome, helping other professionals around the world and we wish her continued success in the future. The Supreme Court Judge , the Honourable Justice Betty Kind was an excellent and entertaining choice as guest speaker after the Governor General Ms Quentin Bryce last year. Dame Elisabeth was our most honoured guest, looking so wonderful at age 101. We congratulate Ellie Pateras, who is so good to work with, who stage managed the whole wonderful day and we wish Ellie well in her new position in Foundation. Living Treasures continue to give us much joy, in our appreciation of their distinguished service to this hospital. Grace Cuming OAM at 91 attends all out functions and recently broke her hip. We wish her out very best wished for a good recovery. In relaunching Cuppa For Kids we had a very special afternoon tea at the historic and grand Windsor Hotel. Prof. Phil Robinson gave an inspiring talk on Cystic Fibrosis. This year the annual event will be at Ripponlea. Many of our Auxiliaries have their own Cuppa For Kids and we are keen for this to multiply in the community generally.

We are so heartened to see our future in our younger Auxiliaries and hope to grow this sector, as well as the Baby Boomers as they retire with all their skills and expertise. The Young Set Gala night is always a great way of spreading the word for our future.

Girls Day Out launched last year again a great information day packed with fun activities, camaraderie and spreading the word. Congratulations to all in our office team. To Sue Manson for her strength and guidance to us all and particularly to the amazing Stacey Brown, Laura Campbell, Laurel-leigh Lawson and Janelle Tanjuakio in the office.

The Dame Elisabeth Murdoch Nursing Scholarship of Excellence, launched last year at the Dame Elisabeth Murdoch Annual Luncheon, was awarded to Sharon Downs. At the second Dame Elisabeth Murdoch Luncheon in May, Sharon have a most informative speech on her research

Our merchandise has continued to be a great success. We applaud Sue Mansons amazing energy, interest, imagination and flair for all these ventures, starting with bags for all ages and occasions, to the delightful Luv A Bub baby wear

The Royal Children’s Hospital Auxiliaries Annual Report 2010

range, so beautifully packaged. Our careful consideration and decisions in the beginning on quality and fair pricing has proven successful. Our aim has been good quality for all families. The stalls in the foyer have continues to be a great success and we thank all our loyal Auxiliaries who have supported these. Apart from the financial rewards we must always value and appreciate the enormous contribution and support out Auxiliary members, on the stalls and in the Gift Shop, give to the sick children and their families. Many of these families are here on extended stays, often in shock and a kind friendly person is often the only social contact they have during their very trying times of shock and sadness of having a sick child.

difference for our sick children that keeps us going and we all know there is no better cause.

Never let us forget we are VOLUNTEERS giving of ourselves and out time. Many people today choose not to volunteer and give back, making volunteers look even brighter like pieces of gold, glistening on the horizon. You are this hospital’s gold and always have been, shining ever bright, making a difference. You are my inspiration and I thank you.

The new hospital is turning out to be a quite magnificent and imposing building. One almost gets the sense of its importance just by driving past whilst still being built and due for completion in late 2011. This building is the largest public project undertaken in Australia. We know its importance, as it will be a great inspiration to us all in our efforts to support out sick children for many years to come. We want to very best in the world for our sick children, which is our focus always. With our hectic lifestyle in a busy society, I must sincerely applaud and acknowledge each and every one in Auxiliaries for their most valued contribution today, in the past and especially in the future. We all do our best at the time and sometimes worry when it is less than other times, because a busy life get in the way. However we always get back to it and never let it slip. This is essence of our continued success that we never give up. We are a “Can Do” organization. It is the cause of making a

The Royal Children’s Hospital Auxiliaries Annual Report 2010


s e i r a i l i Aux t r o p e R s ' r o t a n i d Co-Or n o s n a M e Su

This year has been a mixture of highlights, challenges and change for everyone involved. 2009 was a year of consolidation. We took advantage of the downturn in the economy to focus strategic planning, awareness, member morale and re-invigorating participation. Many new processes were also put in place during 2009, these include the installation of the Point of Sale system to manage the merchandise, a total overhaul of the Auxiliaries Guidelines and the implementation of the Event Management Guidelines. When it comes to all things financial we have developed more detailed forecast for all elements of the Auxiliaries business. We believe that all this has provided Auxiliaries with an extremely solid base from which to launch new projects that will ensure the ongoing success and viability of Auxiliaries. Highlights are the things that make us proud. Challenges make us strong and change is what keeps us adaptable. This report is a backward glance at the past 12 months and a peek at the future. So let’s look back on what made us proud, strong and flexible. Responsibility for the very prestigious Dame Elisabeth Murdoch Scholarship is a privilege and an honour for Auxiliaries and I was very proud to represent Auxiliaries on the selection panel for the awarding of the scholarship in 2009. I am even more proud of the inaugural recipient Sharon Downes who has set the most amazing standard for subsequent winners. The second fundraising luncheon for the scholarship was held in May 2010 at which Justice Betty King was the key note speaker together with Sharon Downes. For those who attended I am sure you are all still regaling friends with excerpts from Justice King’s presentation.


The Royal Children’s Hospital Auxiliaries Annual Report 2010

By the time you read this Annual Report the second Girls Day Out will have been held and I hope that is was as enjoyable as the first. Held in July 2009 it was an ever evolving creation until we settled on a seminar to start the day followed by lunch and several workshops. Response to the craft workshops has continued to this day with the “Rosie Doll” now being commercially produced with a percentage back to Auxiliaries and the “Party Cardi” patter now being considered for commercial sale, again with a percentage back to Auxiliaries. We are are wealth of talent and we must never forget this. The re-launch of Cuppa for Kids was extremely successful with nearly all Auxiliaries holding a “Cuppa for Kids” tea party over the last 12 months. These parties came in all shapes and sizes from formal High Tea at the Windsor to luncheons, morning and afternoon tea with friends. This year we are seeing sponsorship for the main event which will be held at Rippon Lea in early October. There is still a lot more work to be done to bring this event back to its former glory and this will be undertaken over the next 12 months. So please keep up the enthusiasm. Young Set @ RCH has continued to develop its supporter base with two very successful events held during the year. This concept is one of the major elements of the Auxiliaries Strategic Plan as part of our awareness and participation campaigns. We would like to welcome our first new Auxiliary in quite some time. “Absent Friends” Auxiliary was formed in early 2010 by a group of friends who were keen for quite some time to get into fundraising for the RCH. Thank you to Lyn Lewis and her friends. It was just before the 2009 Annual Report Meeting that the 1 millionth Tote Bag was sold. The total number of bags sold over the past 12 months is 130,000, bringing

the total to 1,130,000 over the past five years. Thank you to everyone who is still involved in keeping this campaign open. This is an absolutely fantastic result given the economic downturn and the number of bags that are given as promotional giveaways. Give yourselves a pat on the back. The sale of Scrubs to nurses has also been a very successful business initiative raising over $80,000 in the two years Auxiliaries has been involved this project has also been extremely helpful in raising awareness, and receiving donations from the extended networks of our nurses. The Luv a Bub clothing range has gone from strength to strength since its launch in late 2006 was awarded an Australian Packaging Industry Award in October 2009 for presentation of a multi product range. It is always with a sense of pride and emotion that we celebrate major milestones and so it is with Auxiliaries. Over the past year we have celebrated Templestowe Auxiliary’s 70th anniversary, Footscray/ Yarraville Juniors Auxiliary’s 50th anniversary, a 30th anniversary for Cancer in Kids Auxiliary and the Oesophageal Atresia Research Auxiliary, a 20th anniversary for Heart to Heart and a 10th anniversary for the Cystic Fibrosis Research Trust Auxiliary. The spread of years tells you that at 70 years service Auxiliaries is good to be part of and at 10 years service people still interested in this type of fundraising. Which leads us to the challenge that lays ahead as some of our older members wish to retire. Sadly is the top of the list when it comes to challenges, our long serving auxiliaries are coming to an end. Last year we said farewell to Black Rock Auxiliary and this year the ladies from Beaumaris will be retiring, which brings us back to the strategic planning that has been undertaken. It was recognized quite a number of years ago that the next wave of auxiliary closures would soon be upon us and that several initiatives

would need to be implemented if we were to be in a position to slow if not stop the closure of Auxiliaries. The “Everything Old is New Again” campaign to promote the existence of auxiliaries in their local area was launched late last year with a view to seeking new members for all auxiliaries. Several of our auxiliaries have been extremely proactive with self promotion and have lifted their membership base accordingly. We are also approaching local government for assistance in promoting, introducing the auxiliaries concept to their local communities. We know that promotion and publicity work in this quest, our Pelican Auxiliary had also decided to close (which it will still do) but with a twist. From the publicity about the imminent closure of Pelican Auxiliary came a lady who has offered to continue the work of Pelican Auxiliary. Pam Hargreaves and her friends will create “Friends of Pelican” Auxiliary and continue the charter of Pelican Auxiliary to fund nursing scholarships, book prizes as well as supporting the Art Therapy Program for the Adolescent Unit. So you see there can be a happy ending. To that end I have recently met with the Older Persons Consultative Committee for Port Phillip Council to seek support for St. Kilda Auxiliary. They were also interested in other auxiliaries that may have once existed in their electorate because they like us understand the value of social connection in an ageing population. One of the key things we have learnt whilst researching how to re-invigorate membership is which age group we should be targeting and to our surprise it is people in the over 65 age bracket. It appears that the majority of women below this age are still working either full or part time and are not expecting to retire before the age of 65. In the main these people are healthier and fitter than their predecessors. So I guess it is true what they say that 70 is now the new 50. Change is a good thing they say it keeps you flexible and able to adapt. Some changes come with advance notice. We know that we will be moving to the new hospital within the

The Royal Children’s Hospital Auxiliaries Annual Report 2010


s e i r a i l i x Au t r o p e R s ' r o t a n i Co-Ord n o s n a M Sue

next 18 months and we have made every effort to keep you informed about the changes that will occur as a result of this change in location. I would like to thank Brian Mallon Executive Director and Stefan Hnativ Business Manager, RCH Foundation for being strong advocates on behalf of Auxiliaries during the initial planning of the new hospital. As I have said previously Auxiliaries has been well looked after with respect to positioning, fit out and storage. This next 12 months will see the implementation of the changes to do with the merge of the Auxiliaries Gift Shop with Auxiliaries merchandise to create a singular business in preparation for the move to the new RCH. It was with great sadness in October 2009 that we said “Happy Retirement” to Helen Carroll, who was the long standing Manager of the Auxiliaries Gift Shop. We will also have said farewell to Julie Clyne, our very able Gift Shop Administrator by the time this report is released. The Auxiliaries Gift Shop is a major contributor to the fundraising efforts of many auxiliaries so it is important that the Gift Shop be included in the Strategic Planning for Auxiliaries and become part of the budgeting process because it operates as a stand along business unit. It is for this reason that responsibility for the management of the Auxiliaries Gift Shop now comes under the Auxiliaries Co-ordinator. We also had to say farewell to one of Auxiliaries favourites, Ellie Pateras, who has taken up a promotion in the RCH Foundation. So we still have our very talented Ellie close by and still part of the team. On a happier note we have welcomed Laurel Leigh Lawson who took over the Auxiliaries and Community Liaison position following the retirement of Rose Pozzuto. I am sure you will all agree that Laurel Leigh makes everyone’s day a little brighter.


The Royal Children’s Hospital Auxiliaries Annual Report 2010

Another smiley face in the Auxiliaries Office is Janelle Holden who come to us in Year 10 as a work experience student and we liked her so much we decided to keep her. Janelle is now at university and will be working part time to help us create a more interesting and functional Website and On Line Shop. Banking, budgets and stock management are the major components of Laura Campbell’s role for Auxiliaries and I would like to thank her for streamlining many processes to help everyone through these extremely important tasks. I along with all the staff in the Auxiliaries Office would like to thank Irene Hubbard who tirelessly gives her time to keep everything running smoothly for us and for Auxiliaries as a whole. I would also like to thank Carole Lowen, Sally Dixon and the Auxiliaries Executive for support, advice and guidance over the past 12 months. We would also like to send our very best wishes to Dianne Humphreys who retired from being Deputy President during 2010 but is still keeping her Auxiliary The Archers going. Thank Di for eight years of dedicated service to the concept of Auxiliaries. So my friends this is the year that was. I hope you enjoy the presentation of this Annual Report. It was lovingly and beautifully created by our very own Stacey Brown. Each year we endeavour to focus on a different element of what makes auxiliaries so successful and this year wanted to acknowledge the time that is given to achieve that success. As you can read I opted to describe you as “Time Donors” – my original by line was “Calendar Girls” – but that set up a completely different understanding and upon reflection I think that “Time Donors” is far more true of what you do. Congratulations everyone.

2 x Balls n Run u F x 1 + ays D s i n n e T x + 2 ns o i t i b i h x E t r + 4 x A Show g + 1 x Do tail Parties ck o C x 3 + ys a D f l o G x + 2

+ + + + + + + +

1 x Theatre Night 10 x Luncheons 5 x Concerts Kids r o F a p p u C x 20 50 x Raffles xpos E & s ll ta S x 0 30 lls ta S e s i d n a h c r e M 250 x et 1 x Paddy's Mark

= 2010!

What we + + + + + + + +


1 x Polo Day 3 x Fashion Parades 2 x Trivia Nights 3 x Shopping Tours 4 x Race Days 20 x Card Days 5 x Dinners 20 x Movie Days

+ 1 x Andy's M + 130,000 arket Tote Bags + 600 x Nu rs + 3432 hour ing Scrubs s in the RCH Gift Sho p + 2 x Garag e Sales

The Royal Children’s Hospital Auxiliaries Annual Report 2010


Caroline Auxiliary

Girls Day Out @ RCH

Caroline Auxiliary is one of the quiet achievers amongst auxiliaries. They have welcomed many new members over the past five years who are making an effort to participate in the centrally organised activities, work in the Gift Shop and creating their own opportunities in their local area holding regular stalls at Westfield.

Developed as part of the Auxiliaries objective to increase participation and membership, Girls Day Out was a huge success on this level and an extremely enjoyable day for all who came along. Created as a Trade Fair for Auxiliary members to showcase this concept to their friends we were pleased to see how many auxiliary members where keen to be part of this day. The information stands provided many new ideas for auxiliaries to invent their own version of a concept such as Cuppa for Kids, Party Plan and the Auxiliaries merchandise. The craft workshops were a great draw card as well of which we are still continuing to reap the benefits. A big thank you to all who made this day so successful.

Westfield Airport West

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W e d n e s d a y

T h u r s d a y

Hoy Afternoon

Held on the third Monday of each month at the local croquet club this long standing fundraiser is a favourite of all the regulars. Playing card games, enjoying a delightful super sandwich luncheon, buying the odd raffle ticket ensures that Wangaratta Auxiliary is able to continue its long service to the RCH.

S a t u r d a y

4 1 1 1 8 2 5

2012 Cocktail Party

Ultimate Challenge Football Raffle

This event is the hallmark raffle for Auxiliaries. Run over the month of July in the front foyer of the hospital, the chance to win a signed football of your choice is too hard to resist, This raffle will be operated by Waverley Auxiliary from 2010.


The Royal Children’s Hospital Auxiliaries Annual Report 2010

The 2nd 2012 cocktail party was held at Rattles South Yarra on a cold winters night. This beautiful bar was decorated in a Moroccan theme and was just the place to be, with top entertainment, wonderful food and great people supporting a new way for young people to be involved with the RCH.


Footscra The first Footscray Yarraville Auxiliary was formed in 1932 when, without much government support, the hospital was in need of basic supplies. The auxiliary members made pyjamas, singlets and badages, and collected eggs, vegetables and fuel for the hospital. Wartime shortages and rationing meant the end of the hospital fetes and each auxiliary was asked to raise money the best way they could and present the hospital with the funds. The meetings in those early days were very formal when members wore hats and gloves and ate dainty suppers after the meeting. They raised money with card parties, mannequin parades, dinners and dances at the Footscray Town Hall and amateur theatrical productions. These functions were frequently reported in the local newspapers. One function reported in the “Mail” on the 26th November 1948 was a Funny Hat Parade. “One hat work by Mrs. Dawson was an artistic model made of upright cocktail sausages surrounding a black pudding. Then men’s division winner was a cardboard model of a ward in the hospital complete with a baby in bed and a nurse.” There must still have been rationing in 1948 because first prize was a bag of sugar and a pair of silk stockings. In 1960 it was suggested that the daughters of some of the Footscray Yarraville members and their friends form a second auxiliary. This “Junior” Auxiliary is now in its 50th year and still has many inaugural members. In has been a joyful and meaningful experience for us all and we retain the name of “Juniors” even though the original Senior Auxiliary is no longer operative and we can no longer truly justify the title of “Juniors”. Some of us remember the old hospital in Carlton. It was then a rather spooky old red brick building with dark wards. The hospital canteen was in a small timber building in the courtyard, manned by auxiliary volunteers. When the new hospital opened with its clean lines, new laboratories and sunny outlook over Royal Park it must have raised the morale of both staff and patients. Several members of the auxiliary attended the opening of the new hospital by the Queen in 1964.

y Yarravi l l e Juniors

Over time we have occasionally made some errors. At a jumble sale a volunteer’s hat was sold and we also sold another member’s handbag. An old gardening jacket removed from the back door of a relative for the stall contained a secret cache of money and was sold for a sixpence. One of our earliest ideas was to hold a baby show. Unfortunately we chose the month of February and temperatures rose to 105 degrees F with a hideous north wind and the Health Centre Sister, who was to be the judge, fell ill. As the tired mothers and cranky babies began to arrive one of the members remembered her aunt, who was an actress. The aunt duly arrived in flowing organza and flowered hat to do the judging. Happily she made each mother feel that her baby was just as beautiful as the one she finally chose as the winner. One of our successful events was a Hawaiian Luau held in the garden on a member’s home. The centre piece for this function was a suckling pig cooked by the hospital chef, Mr. Humble, in the hospital oven. What was not so successful on this occasion was our preparation in advance, of the fruit salad for 160 people served in watermelon shells. Mrs. Plowright’s pantry floor was swamped as the fruit gave up its juice in response to being cut and left for a few hours and the watermelon baskets were afloat in a sea of sticky juice. We hold monthly meetings, in the homes of members but unlike our mothers, we dress casually, always have a glass of champagne after our meeting and a long lunch, when we develop some of our best ideas. We keep on making money and love visiting the hospital for shop duty and stalls, when we meet the little patients and their parents who inspire us to keep on for as long as we can to help this wonderful institution.

Like the Seniors we have used dozens of ways to raise funds, and found that variety keeps everyone interested in coming to our events. Our functions have included fashion parades, hat parades, dances, progressive dinners, art shows and jumble sales.

The Royal Children’s Hospital Auxiliaries Annual Report 2010


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Caroline Auxiliary will always be remembered for being the first Auxiliary 11to hold a Kids and art Co on the Go Party Plan. Which was great To He t r a e H e 10 for Caroline and provided fundraiser Let Thus with y a l P ideas for improvement. Thank yourJan n for hild e taking the plunge il neand beingCfirst. kina


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ees Do-B e ill Where Parkv 23 do all the beanies go? TheyPgo kto Wallan r a Market. Where do all the burgh go? They Roxjumpers go to Wallan CPRMarket to be sold on behalf of our Auxiliary. Through rain, hail and sunshine, and sometimes blazing summer heat we head to Wallan for what has become our very well known Knitwear stall. We would like to say a very big thank you to all the knitters who donate to the hospital so that our stall can be the success that it is.

The Royal Children’s Hospital Auxiliaries Annual Report 2010



Jn The Let Play scrapbooking illeChildren rravThe a Y days are extremely popular amongst the 22 scrapbooking fraternity. A day of doing 21 up with what you love best, teamed some peace and quiet, good friends, a py lovely20venue and some lunch to keep Thera c i s u you going, this is a fundraiser M that keeps y on keeping onebecause it is so popular. e l r



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Waverley Gardens Shopping Centre has been a long time 8 supporter 7of the Auxiliaries and rt o Hea T t r Southern Rainbows have taken H the a e opportunity in August to sell their knits and other eloatngthe best time Gebits y – August. of ethe rapyear

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Wo ary Auxili

This day is always one of the highlights in the Auxiliaries calendar that always leaves people feeling inspired. It is a wonderful day to reconnect with the hospital, friends and colleagues. We had the honour of awarding the Madge Tate Service Award to Peggy Mathison, Parkville Auxiliary for her outstanding commitment to Auxiliaries as a social concept. This year we had two guest speakers, Professor Paul Monagle, who spoke on his research into Paediatric Stroke and Lisa Takacs, who gave a presentation on behalf of the Pain Management Unit at the hospital.


Cancer in Kids @ RCH (CIKA) was founded in 1980 by three sets of parents who were devastated after the death of their children from solid cancerous tumours. The CIKA logo is in memory of the children from the three founding families. Scott (aged 3) loved seagulls, Katy (aged 11) loved butterflies and Wendy (aged 3) loved nasturtiums. May these children rest in peace. Since its inception, the objectives of CIKA have been to raise the awareness of childhood cancer and to enable financial support to aid research. The most common childhood tumours include Wilm’s tumour, Neuroblastoma, Osteosarcoma and Ewing’s sarcoma. Although cancer survival rates have dramatically improved over the last 30 years there is still an urgent need to continue research into paediatric cancers as:

• Each year the Children’s


St Kild

Cancer Center at RCH treats around 160 newly diagnosed children under the age of 18. A further 1,000 children receive ongoing treatment and/or active patient follow up. 40 – 50 children in our community continue to die each year from incurable cancers.

The hopes and dreams of CIKA are to stop children from ever contracting these types of cancers, but if they do, ensure that the treatment they receive will be the world’s best practice. CIKA is comprised of the family and friends of a child who has had a solid tumour. Being involved with CIKA gives members a chance to build relationships with others who have been through similar harrowing experiences, to feel better equipped to support the child through the battle with cancer, and to contribute to finding a cure so that other children can be spared the awful suffering.

external funding.

Cancer In K ids @ RCH

CIKA’s current ongoing financial commitment is $120,000 per annum towards an immunotherapy project at the RCH. This Clinical Trial commenced in 2007 with many children enrolled. The results thus far have encouraged CIKA to commit to funding this research for a further three years.

The current standard therapies (surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy) for paediatric cancers have reached the limits of toxicity and efficacy. While the cure rates for paediatric cancer are one of the true successes of modern medicine, there remain approximately 20% of children that fail these treatments. However, current therapies are often not specific for only the tumour, but can affect normal tissues as well. Furthermore, standard therapies can have long term adverse effects for children who survive their disease. The need to continue the financial support of research into childhood cancer is critical. How Do We Do This? Fundraising in the early days included all manner of ideas from stalls to fashion parades to gambling nights. By the time our 25th Anniversary came around in 2005 CIKA had raised $1 million. In the past five years CIKA has raised $720,000. Many events have become calendar events for CIKA, however, the “Blue and Orange” Ball is the largest revenue raiser for the cause. Held annually in August, this year’s ball will also celebrate the 30th anniversary of the formation of CIKA. This major social event attracts many CIKA Supporters and raises an average in excess of $90,000.

The old time “Wood Days” weekend is in its 15th year and is held at Milltown in South Western Victoria. It is always a sell out for people wanting a complete CIKA has funded many programs since ‘back to nature’ experience with 1980. The research has provided better working horses; post and rail fencing understanding about the progression being built; wood being cut for tables of cancer in children and has helped in with a slab saw; firewood being cut a better delivery of treatment to these on a saw bench and with drag saws; patients. CIKA has also provided the timber being cut with a swing saw. seed funding for many other programs Volunteers come from all over Victoria that have gone on to receive further

to support Andrew and Christine Duyvestyn in running this most successful event. The annual Wood Days Calendar is always a sellout and contributes in excess of $10,000. All costs associated with this calendar are donated.

CIKA member Ruth Murray has taken charge of the running of the RCH Stalls. Along with a band of volunteers, Ruth has re-vitalized and re-energized these fundraisers and a consistent income is derived from these stalls. All goods on sale are donated. The “Pooches in the Park” Dog Shows is held annually and organised by Dr Anne Dynon the local Flemington Vet and CIKA Committee member. This event has also become a favourite fundraiser with the puppy brigade. The CIKA Website has been a great communication tool to promote CIKA. Komosion kindly donated setup costs and ongoing hosting support. The first ever CIKA Art and Craft Show organized by CIKA Vice-President Ellen Webb was held November 2009 at the Farnham Street Neighborhood Learning Centre and was so successful, it will become an annual event. Each year CIKA holds a major raffle between October and December. In excess of $5000 was raised in 2009 with great assistance and energy from CIKA Supporter Pam Phillips. CIKA would like to thank Peter Mitchell, Patron of CIKA, Israel Rosenfeld (Spacerack), the Murray Family, the Dixon Family, Briamar Press, Bev Marks Aust., the Woodpeckers and the Macedon Ranges Focus Group ladies. If you would like to know more about CIKA or to assist in some way, please contact Sandra Lehrer (President) via our website

The Royal Children’s Hospital Auxiliaries Annual Report 2010


Let The Children Play

Cuppa For Kids

Tesslers Tulip Farm

We are over joyed with the response from auxiliaries to the relaunch of Cuppa for Kids. While many auxiliaries had continued this fundraiser in a more low key way, the news that we were about to bring it back as a calendar event for auxiliaries was well received.

Each year we head up the hill to Tesslers for the opening of Tulip season. It really is a most glorious time of year (so long as the sun is out) and we enjoy setting up our stall with auxiliary merchandise, particularly the Tote Bags because they come in such a range of colours is hard to choose between the Tulips and a Tote Bag. I think the tulips win, but we do very well too.

2 4

T h u r s d a y

Officially launched at the Windsor Hotel, Cuppa for Kids has continued to gain momentum amongst auxiliaries and we are now starting see this event teamed up with other activities such as the Kids & Co on the Go party plan, a luncheon or a fashion parade. The list of options is endless for this timeless fundraiser. Thank you to everyone to made Cuppa for Kids a successful REALITEA once again.

F r i d a y

2 8

S e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 9

9 : 0 0 a m 9:30 am

9:00 am

Caulfield Auxiliary

10:00 am

9:30 am

10:30 am

10:00 am

Cuppa For Kids 10 :30 am

11:00 am 11:30 am 12:00 pm 12:30 pm 1:00 pm 1:30 pm 2:00 pm

Inspired by the request to help with a Tea Cosie display for Cuppa for Kids our auxiliary put together the most 11:00 am amazing day as a fundraiser. We polished the silver and 11:30 am decorated our tables with our finest china, antique lace doilies and our very shiny silverware for a delicious High 12:00 pm Tea Party attended by 40 ladies and 3 toddlers, because after all our Cuppa for Kids is for the kids.

r o F a C u p p s K i d

12:30 pm 1:00 pm 1:30 pm

2:30 pm

2:00 pm 2:30 pm

3:00 pm 3:30 pm 4:00 pm

Charli's Angels 4:30 pm

5:00 pm

Fashion Night

3:00 pm 3:30 pm 4:00 pm 4:30 pm 5:00

pm It’s a long way from Mount Eliza but each year Blue Illusion – Camberwell host a fundraising evening to show off the newest collection for the season, to sip champagne, nibble canapés and to assist this group with their efforts to support Music Therapy as a pain management / distraction therapy. Everyone loves trying on the clothes, looking like a model and feeling a million dollars.


S e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 9

The Royal Children’s Hospital Auxiliaries Annual Report 2010


Classic Golf Day Held at the Box Hill South Golf Club for the past couple of years this event has a dedicated following of players and sponsors who have followed this event from course to course to help raise funds for the development of the Oesophageal Atresia Research Data Base and for family support. This event is the major fundraiser for this auxiliary and has been loyally managed by John Graham.

Heart To Heart Auxiliary was formed in 1989 by volunteers Pam Burch and Judy Lundy who were volunteers on ward 7 west.

Heart To Heart

There were no Auxiliaries supporting the Heart Ward back then. We still have three foundation members Pam Burch, Phyl Brown and Louise Edmonds.

Over the years our fundraising calendar has consistently had a Cuppa for Kids at the top of the list.

Back in the early days members made and embroidered memorial service nighties and singlets for babies.

These have been held at all sorts of locations including Parliament House for the very first event to friends homes and gardens to the more recent relaunch of Cuppa for Kids at the Windsor Hotel in 2009. We also love organising Shopping Tours and Movie Days. We also made a lot of money catering for the Quilting Association, the Taxation Department, Melbourne Water, Customs and for the recent Combined Auxiliary Meeting Cuppa For Kids event.

When the auxiliary first started it was as a transplant auxiliary then after a while we decided to supported all heart patients. Members Pam and Judy took families out for day trips and sometimes took them for breaks down to the holiday houses at the beach. We also made casseroles for families mainly from the country, overseas or for those in need. The casseroles were coordinated by Val Wright, Phyl Brown and Olive Cooper. Kelvinator donated a freezer to us so that the casseroles would last a little longer. Heart to Heart Auxiliary has had one member receive the Madge Tate Service Award, Olive Cooper, in 2005 Our forever Living Treasures are Margaret Greenwood, Olive Cooper, Sid Cooper, Phyl Brown, Louise Edmonds, Mary Richardson, Val Wright, Noel Smith and Val Robson. Since starting out Auxiliary has had five presidents; Molly Allen, Pam Burch, Mary Richardson, Phyl Brown and Louise Edmonds as co presidents and Phyl Brown. Phyl Brown has also served as Vice President of the Auxiliary Executive Committee from 2004 to 2006.

Margaret Greenwood’s sale of jam and chutneys are always an absolute favourite at her stalls in the Front Foyer of the hospital each month, add this to stalls and raffle and sale of Auxiliary merchandise and members working in the RCH Gift Shop all make for a very busy year of fundraising for our members. One of the most recent efforts Heart To Heart efforts was to fund an afternoon tea for the VAD (artificial heart) family support day. We donate to the Heart Throb annual camp and purchase equipment for 7 West when required We are grateful to members and friends for their support in donating goods for stalls, and giving of their time and cash donations. We all agree how rewarding it has been to be part of Auxiliaries and to see the changes in medical and surgical technology since Heart To Heart was formed 21 years ago.

The Royal Children’s Hospital Auxiliaries Annual Report 2010



Fashion Show Waverley Auxiliary have worked hard to build up their membership and supporter base and it is because they do have such support they are able to present a Fashion Show Luncheon each year for 200 guests. Members perform the modeling duties and everyone gets into the vibe of the day by supporting the all the other fundraising activities.

Caring Friends of Cystic Fibrosis The Glen Shopping Centre

Taking up position in the community stall site at The Glen Shopping Centre just as everyone is starting to think about Christmas has proven very successful for this Auxiliary. Specialising is beautiful handcrafts and Christmas cards, Caring Friends spend a week at The Glen meeting up with customers from previous years and making new friends.

O c t o b e r 2 0 0 9

O c t o b e r 2 0 0 9

T h u r s d a y 8 t h

M o n d a y 5 t h


T u e s d a y 6 t h

Teapots, Tea Cosies and Hi Tea

C h o c k y e s d a y T u W e d n e s d a y 7 t h

Heart Throb

Chocky Tuesday Where does all the Easter chocolate go after the bunny has been and gone. It goes to Heart Throb to be reinvented for Chocky Tuesday. Held on the first Tuesday in October for the past 10 years, this event is definitely a calendar event not just for auxiliaries but for the entire hospital. This is a mark your diaries day, because as the signs tell you Chocolate has amazing health benefits, you just have to eat the right amount.


F r i d a y 9 t h

A very grand affair was created to entice local society to support the RCH at Hi Tea on an October afternoon as part of the relaunch of the Cuppa for Kids campaign. The display of “Pots” and “Cosies” was a real walk down memory lane and the afternoon S a t ucame r d a y 1 0 t tea delighted all who along h to what was a S uvery n d a y 1 1 t h fun and successful fundraiser, proving once again the “Cuppa for Kids” is a winner.

Parents, Children & Babies Expo Melbourne Exhibition Centre

One of the first centrally organised fundraising opportunities for auxiliaries to participate in, this event has been the showcase for the new seasons Luv a Bub range since inception. Supported and subsidized by the organiser we always have prime position to promote all the auxiliaries merchandise. We would like to thank The Archers, PremBubs and LARCH for operating this stall and making it an amazing success with their high class presentation and selling ability. Many of the stores that go on to retail the Luv a Bub range saw it first at this expo.

The Royal Children’s Hospital Auxiliaries Annual Report 2010

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