RCHF 2007 Year in Review

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The Royal Children’s Hospital Foundation Annual Review 2007

hands up for our leaders

hands up for our kids

Hands up for our leaders

‘It is the burden of good leadership to make the currently unthinkable thinkable, to question the obvious, to make the present systems unavailable as options for the future.

hands up for our leaders The boundaries in our minds create fear about the consequences of crossing over to the undiscovered country. But the possibilities we really need do not lie on this side of our mental fences. Once crossed, these fences will look foolish in retrospect as the beliefs of other times now often look to us.’

Don Berwick Front cover photo Piper, 4 years

1998 President and CEO American Institute for Healthcare Improvement

Hands up for our leaders

contents Chairman’s & executive director’s reports


What you give and what it makes possible


On-line clinical care


Financial report


Major donors


RCH International




Preventable diseases


Trusts and foundations


Those who help make it possible


In honour


Those who help make it possible


How you can help


Contact us


Early childhood development


Issac, 6 years

5 Hands up for our leaders

about leadership chairman’s report After thirteen years, my last seven as Chairman, I have taken the decision to step down from the Board of the Foundation. My leaving will allow another energetic and committed person to take my seat at our table; and that is as it should be. We are extraordinarily fortunate to have Julian Clarke as our new Chairman. I wish him well and foresee the Foundation going from strength to strength under his Chairmanship. I believe the period of my Chairmanship could best be characterised as a mutually supportive and cooperative working association between our Board, the Foundation staff and The Royal Children’s Hospital.

During this time we saw the Foundation: • Grow into a well established, significant fundraising body. • Increase annual revenue from approximately $16M to $31M and full time staff from four to ten. • Experience the accumulation of a surplus of funds to be used as an endowment for the future. • Receive the largest donation in the Foundation’s history. A $25M (matching grant) from Atlantic Philanthropies. • The birth of RCH1000. • The Good Friday Appeal grew from strength to strength. • The creation of several new Development Boards – the Centre for Community Child Health, the Centre for Adolescent Health, the Australia New Zealand Children’s Heart Research Centre, the Department of Developmental Medicine, the Neonatal Unit (Celebration of Life).

executive director’s report From my personal viewpoint, the most enjoyable and fulfilling aspects of my appointment were the opportunity to work with many of the great doctors and administrators at The Royal Children’s Hospital, as well as the Foundation staff and Executive Director, Brian Mallon. Finally, I also take this opportunity to formally thank all my fellow directors for their very significant contribution and genuine support they have given me over many years. Barry Novy Chairman

Visit The Royal Children’s Hospital any day of the week, any time of the day or night, and you’ll see what the hospital is famous for – treating sick kids who need medical care of every sort.

It educates, advocates and promotes a better quality of medicine as practised by the thousands of paediatricians, GPs, nurses and childcare workers across Victoria and Australia.

With the new hospital announced by the State Government, the need for funding excellence and leadership in child health remains our highest priority as a Foundation.

But the RCH is much more. It also plays a critically important role as a leader in child health.

It lifts the quality of care provided to children across the entire system, not just to the children who present at its doors. The ripple effect of leadership.

So in this year’s RCH Foundation Annual Review, we feature some of the people showing leadership in child health and wonderful examples of the people who help make it possible.

It takes the most difficult cases and solves them. It conducts research on improving health.

To do that, the RCH relies on the generosity of the Victorian public and major donors to assist its never-ending quest to improve. The biggest impact on excellence is the talent that the hospital can attract – the doctors, nurses, researchers and medical leaders who will provide the next big breakthrough.

Brian Mallon Executive Director

7 Hands up for our leaders

Sharing the latest treatments

leading the way

on-line clinical care Mike South and team

Highly commended – Innovation in Information Technology in the Department of Human Services Minister’s Awards.

The effect is that better medicine is practised across the country, providing a ripple effect of continually improving outcomes across the full range of child illnesses.

Head of General Medicine at the RCH, Professor Mike South, and his team have developed an on-line clinical practice guide.

This year, Professor Mike South, Dr Penny Bolt, Dr Mike Starr and Dr Simon Young were highly commended for Innovation in Information Technology in the Department of Human Services Minister’s Awards.

Why is this so important? With the incredible quantity of new research on best practice in child health around the world, it is almost impossible for individual paediatricians, GPs or community health workers to keep up to date.

Recently, a paediatrician from a rural town had to manage a 10 year old child with severe diabetes who had fallen into an acidotic coma and been brought to the Emergency Department of the local hospital. The paediatrician emailed to say that he had not looked after a case like this for several years but that he had followed the advice given in the RCH Clinical Practice Guideline for diabetic ketoacidosis and the child had recovered very well. The paediatrician felt secure in the knowledge that he was following the most contemporary approach to treatment. Helping to save lives A resident in a suburban hospital Emergency Department emailed to say he had recently seen a young child who turned out to have meningococcal infection. This is a life threatening condition if not properly recognised. The resident had never seen a case before but found the clinical photographs on the RCH Clinical Practice Guideline for meningococcal infection very useful in making the diagnosis. He also followed the treatment guidelines and the child was stabilised before transferring to the RCH. The child is doing well.

And keeping up to date matters. Sometimes new research can turn old practices on their head – such as the shift from only rarely using steroids in the control of asthma, to the now research-driven practise of using steroids in the prevention of asthma in children. The RCH is providing leadership by ensuring the very best and latest thinking is available in an easily-digestible format.

Jasmine, 10 years

9 Hands up for our leaders

Frank Oberklaid Leadership is often about setting a vision and going beyond the traditional. One person who is pushing the traditional role of the hospital is Professor Frank Oberklaid of the RCH’s Centre for Community Child Health. He believes the hospital should be assertive in promoting the health of all children in the community, not just treating those who present at its doors. As patterns of illness change in the community, more data is emerging of the importance and impact of childhood development and psychology in the lifelong health of children.


The scientific research is clear: early care-taking environments that are characterised by poverty, abuse, neglect, exposure to family violence, or harsh and inconsistent parenting practices, can put a child at major risk of developing problems throughout their life; problems such as anti-social behaviour, crime, poor literacy and educational achievement, welfare dependency and substance abuse. These stressful negative experiences are ‘embedded’ into a child’s biology and behaviour systems early on, and are much harder to change later in life. The good news is that Professor Oberklaid’s work is helping to raise awareness of the importance of early childhood intervention, and in turn, shift public policy.

With 20-30% of children suffering from developmental or behaviour issues even before they go to school, early intervention is critical. A recent example is a collaboration between the Centre for Community Child Health and several clusters of schools in three disadvantaged areas of Melbourne. The aim of the demonstration project is to help create a scientific model for early intervention in the lives of children at risk of developmental and behavioural problems before they start school. It is this learning, funded by philanthropists with a broad vision, that will provide better models of care to help our children of the future.

leading the way

earlychildhood development Telisha, 3 years

12 Hands up for our leaders

Adrian, 11 months

leading the way

rch international Garry Warne Winner: Minister’s award for Outstanding Individual Achievement. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is the place Professor Garry Warne starts when describing the motivation behind creating RCH International back in 1998. The aim of the centre is to share world’s best practice in child health care with developing countries. For example, the RCH provides a range of important ‘capacity building’ projects with hospitals in the developing world, particularly Vietnam. Nurses, doctors and other health professionals undergo training with the latest techniques and current Australian best practice. This helps improve the quality of care overall.

The projects rely on RCH staff spending time travelling and training others – but it’s had a large impact on the morale and mindset of those practitioners who have been involved. The philosophy is inclusive – Garry says, “Anyone with talent and goodwill can be trained to achieve in different environments”. This broader vision of the role of the hospital requires supporters and donors with a similarly broad vision. Garry helped secure the support of Atlantic Philanthropies, a US based trust, which has so far donated $31m to the hospital. In 2007 Garry won the Department of Human Services Minister’s Award for Outstanding Individual Achievement as recognition for his work in international child health.

14 Hands up for our leaders

Julie Bines Professor Julie Bines is the leader of the rotavirus vaccination research project. Rotavirus is a virus that was discovered in 1973 by Dr Ruth Bishop working at The Royal Children’s Hospital. It is linked to an estimated 600,000 child deaths every year across the world and 25 million outpatient visits by children under five years old. The virus causes gastroenteritis, which in vulnerable children leads to dehydration and, if untreated, death.

Even in the developed world, 200,000 children contract the virus every year. The current challenge is to develop a vaccine that can be used at birth, which would have a huge impact on the disease, especially in the developing world. The vaccine is currently undergoing clinical trials in Australia and New Zealand, with further trials in the developing world and production to follow.

This is the kind of work that is made possible by philanthropists who see the bigger picture and want to make a broader contribution. To this end, Victor and Loti Smorgon generously funded a Chair at the University of Melbourne to enable leadership in clinical research and advocacy for paediatric medical research, leading to better health outcomes for children.

Professor Bines says that “Australia has a responsibility to advance healthcare in our region� through leading in new ideas and excellent research.

leading the way

preventable diseases Abigail, 4 months


Hands up for our leaders

hands up for those who

help make it possible Hope Gatt Back in 2004 when Hope was just nine years old, something happened that made her think. Her brother, Harley, had a friend who developed leukaemia. So Hope decided to do something about it. She got together fifteen friends and formed a fundraising club she called ‘Friends Forever’. Every month she produced a magazine for those fifteen friends which she sold for $3 each. Every month, she sent her cheque to the RCH Foundation.

And a funny thing happened. It started to grow. She was soon selling badges and bags at schools and at the hospital. The General Office at Myer Melbourne then raised money on what they called ‘Hope Day’. With the help of her dedicated mother Sue and friends and relatives, she ran a Gala Night in 2006 that raised over $7,000. Her story caught the attention of the media and she appeared on Channel 9’s ‘Mornings With Kerry-Anne.’ Hope showed leadership – she proves that it is possible for anyone to bring about positive change, no matter what their age. Her message to others is, “Anyone can do this if they have commitment and dedication.”


Hands up for our leaders

RCH1000 Efrem Goldhammer

hands up for those who

help make it possible Geoff Handbury

Later in life, first with a successful textile business and then an agribusiness established, Geoff was struck by the thought that the medical profession should be doing something to help tackle the problems of adolescent development. He could see how the research base and skills of the profession could help to improve health across the Victorian community. He became involved with The Royal Children’s Hospital’s Centre for Adolescent Health in 1997 and has supported it for the last ten years.

RCH1000 is the brainchild of its Founder and Chairman, Efrem Goldhammer. Morry Fraid, Chairman of Spotlight, is its Patron. It is a fundraising program with a difference as members enjoy personal involvement with the hospital, regularly attending meetings with clinicians and researchers.


Geoff describes the miraculous way his mother, a widow with three boys, got her three sons through adolescence and into adulthood. He also witnessed how easy it was for kids to get into trouble, leading to drug addiction and suicide, and the profound effect that had on the community. In the 1950’s, with four kids of his own, Geoff and his wife Helen took on fifteen Legacy kids (children who had lost their fathers in the war).

The idea is simple and powerful. Business people commit to donate $1,000 each to The Royal Children’s Hospital each year. There are hundreds of members who have contributed over the last few years, with the aim of increasing that number to 1,000 members who would collectively contribute $1m to the hospital annually. The generosity of RCH1000 members has already raised almost $2m, with the funds directed to vital heart and neurology research at the hospital.

In addition to donating significant funds and his time over the years, Geoff says that there are huge personal rewards in being involved with the hospital. At 82, his enthusiasm and desire to contribute is infectious. Looking to the future, he has pledged another $1m to the hospital over the next five years. Why give? In his own words, “My life has always been about people”.

Professor Andrew Kornberg, Director of Neurology at the RCH says, “The fact that our department is now a recipient of RCH1000 funding enables the expansion of the leading edge care and research provided in our Stroke and Epilepsy Programs.”

19 Hands up for our leaders

what you give and what it makes possible The hospital is staffed by dedicated, passionate people, focused on improving the quality of healthcare provided to our children. They are true leaders.

What you made possible.

Our responsibility as a community is to nurture and support these people in the work they undertake to improve child health.

In the past year, as a direct result of this generosity, the Foundation was able to make possible the following important initiatives in support of the great work undertaken by the hospital in making the world a better place for the children that we treat.

The Foundation’s endeavours are to ensure that, with your support, we can assist in making the RCH one of the best children’s hospitals in the world.

The impact of philanthropy – making a difference. We receive generous donations from our community which continues to support us in the many areas of child health.

We funded the $3.9 million completion of new research facilities

e provided $3.5 million for essential clinical equipment – examples W of which include – $550,000 Operating Theatre Tables and Accessories – $364,000 Patient Monitors – $332,000 GAIT Laboratory Camera System – $250,000 Ventilators – $234,000 Video Imaging System – $212,000 Endoscopes – $146,000 Video EEG System – $89,000 Neurological Monitoring System

Philanthropy makes this possible.

Your generosity makes the difference.

I t ensures that we are able to make available state-of-the-art equipment and technology.

It provides the resources to attract the best skills from around the world.

e underwrote $1.6 million of Oncology/ Neuroscience facilities W redevelopment

It underwrites teaching and academic resources for future leaders.

e supported the hospital with $4.5 million for Research and W Scholarship commitments

e allocated $1 million towards the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit’s W relocation to more modern premises

It enables the hospital to undertake many non-clinical programs that directly provide support not only to children, but also support for their families. I t builds on the Victorian Government’s funding and support.

2007 Fundraising Revenue

e committed to funding Professorial Chairs in Paediatrics and W Paediatric Surgery in partnership with the hospital and the University of Melbourne’s Department of Paediatrics. An initial $255,000 was provided as part of ongoing multi-year support.


$ Millions

Good Friday Appeal – Public Appeal Good Friday Appeal – Auxiliaries Donations & Estate Income The Moss Estate Major Event-based Fundraising The Atlantic Philanthropies Financial Income Specific Purpose Revenue

10.2 1.6 6.7 2.0 1.2 1.7 4.6 2.7



Financial Income

Specific Purpose Revenue

The Atlantic Philanthropies

Good Friday Appeal – Public Appeal

Major Event-based Fundraising The Moss Estate Good Friday Appeal – Auxiliaries

Donations & Estate Income

2007 Distribution of funds Distributions Research and Training International Programs Clinical and Research Facilities Clinical Equipment Non-Clinical Equipment Other Total

$ Millions 6.1 0.9 6.8 3.5 0.5 3.0

Non-Clinical Equipment Clinical Equipment


Research and Training

20.8 Clinical and Research Facilities

International Programs

21 Hands up for our leaders

what you

make possible There are many activities within the hospital that are focused on non-clinical support services for children and their families. These activities do not receive any mainstream funding but rely on the Foundation’s support. The Foundation is committed to provide the necessary funding to ensure the provision of these programs. As such, the Foundation has invested in supporting • A Family Resource Coordinator for the Children’s Cancer Centre with the ongoing assistance of The Sporting Chance Foundation. •

The Social Work Department with a Bereavement Services Program and a Samaritan Fund which assists parents in need. L.A.R.C.H. contributes to these initiatives. he Mother Goose Program that T assists children with disabilities and also children who are disadvantaged. It also helps the mothers of these children and enables them to gain support and make new friendships. The Waverly Auxiliary provides the financial support.

A Cerebral Palsy Register that has projects emanating from the Register the results of which have a long term impact on children and families both at the hospital and in the community. Again, funded by Waverly Auxiliary.

he Peek-a-Boo program T supporting mothers and children confronted by domestic violence with funding provided through the Victorian Women’s Trust. Saliva Control Clinic that A provides dental services to children with disabilities who have poor saliva control, eating problems and difficulties with speech. Many of these children often do not have access to a dentist. This activity is sponsored by the Smiley Auxiliary. Children with Prader Willi Syndrome have problems with learning, eat excessively and become grossly obese, and have extraordinary difficult behaviour problems. The provision of a part-time nurse was also funded by the Smiley Auxiliary.

he Comfort Kids Program was T established to reduce pain, anxiety and distress before, during and after procedures through innovation and implementation of evidence-based integrated pain management. This project was initially funded by Dr Cathy Crock’s Hush CD Collection sales and more recently taken on as a project funded by the Safeway Fresh Future program. he Indigenous Health Project for T RCH to improve health services for Victorian aboriginal children and their families.

These are some of the many programs funded by the Foundation.

The Foundation extends its sincere thanks to the community of Victoria for its continuing generosity. The Good Friday Appeal raised a record $11,788,971. The Appeal included $1,611,032 from the RCH Auxiliaries, $930,000 from the Safeway Fresh Future campaign and in excess of $500,000 from the Herald Sun/ City Link ‘Run for the Kids’ event. The Foundation has achieved fundraising revenue of $30,650,459, with a surplus of $27,730,713 for ongoing clinical equipment and research needs of The Royal Children’s Hospital. The Foundation distributed $20,818,115 to The Royal Children’s Hospital to fund initiatives ranging from new research facilities, clinical research, scholarships and family support programmes, to support for music and play therapy and a horticultural program. $148,139,213 has been distributed to the hospital over the last ten years. The Foundation’s Board of Governors is committed to ensuring its policies and practices reflect good governance and compliance with relevant requirements, sound financial management, and that employees adhere to high standards of business conduct. The Board meets quarterly and delegates oversight of activities to the Executive & Finance Committee. Each month, this committee receives a detailed operating review from the Executive Director.

In addition to the Executive & Finance Committee, the Board has also established the following committees to ensure continuing, strong corporate governance: Audit & Corporate Risk Management, Investment, and Remuneration. The composition of the Board of Governors and its committees is as follows:

Board of Governors Chairman Mr Barry Novy Managing Director, Kliger Wood, Estate Agents Deputy Chairman Mr Richard Leder Partner, Corrs Chambers Westgarth Mr Tony Beddison AO Chairman, Beddison Group and Chairman, The Royal Children’s Hospital Mr Anthony Bell Managing Director, Southern Cross Broadcasting (Australia) Limited Professor Glenn Bowes Stevenson Professor & Head of the Department of Paediatrics, University of Melbourne Mr Julian Clarke Managing Director, Herald & Weekly Times Dr Tony Cull Chief Executive Officer, RCH Dr Hugo Gold General Medical Consultant, RCH Mr Geoffrey J Henke AO Vice-president, Australian Olympic Committee Mr David Huggins Assistant Director of Student Services, Catholic Education Office, Melbourne

Mr Ian Johnson Managing Director, Channel 7, Melbourne Mr Leon Kempler OAM Chairman, Australia-Israel Chamber of Commerce Mrs Carole Lowen President, RCH Auxiliaries Professor Frank Oberklaid OAM Director, Centre for Community Child Health, University of Melbourne Mr Peter Yates Chief Executive Officer, Allco Equity Partners Ltd

Committees Executive & Finance Mr Barry Novy Chair Professor Glenn Bowes Dr Tony Cull Mr Richard Leder Audit & Risk Management Mr Leon Kempler Chair Mr Richard Leder Mr Dale McKee (Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers) Mr Barry Novy Investment Mr Peter Yates Chair Mr Stefan Hnativ Mr Richard Leder Mr Brian Mallon Mr Andrew Shelton Mr Ray King, of Sovereign Investments, has assisted the committee as an independent advisor. Remuneration Mr Barry Novy Chair Mr Richard Leder

23 Hands up for our leaders

financial report The Foundation’s revenue-raising efforts over the financial year to 30 June 2007 resulted in another strong year reflecting the ongoing generosity of donors, including a new record of $11,788,971 from the Good Friday Appeal. The Atlantic Philanthropies, USA, continued its generous support with a $1.7 million donation to the RCH International programmes coordinated by Professor Garry Warne. Through its investment activities the Foundation also generated financial income of $4,559,388.

24 Hands up for our leaders

The results of fundraising efforts over the year are summarised below: Revenue


Good Friday Appeal – Public Appeal Good Friday Appeal – Auxiliaries Donations and estate Income Financial income Specific purpose revenue The Moss Estate The Atlantic Philanthropies Major Event-based Revenue Other Income

10,177,939 1,611,032 6,326,261 4,559,388 2,666,365 1,955,000 1,656,000 1,171,727 526,747

Total Revenue


Fundraising Costs Appeals Foundation administration and support Other fundraising activities

1,041,349 1,378,629 499,768

Total Fundraising Costs


Net Surplus Available For Distribution


The Foundation receives no government funding and is entirely dependent on the generosity of the community through donations, community funding and corporate partnerships. Interest earned on investments from these donations and contributions funds the Foundation’s operating expenses. The strong fundraising result contributed significantly to the underlying net worth of the Foundation as at 30 June 2007 as represented in the following summary of assets and liabilities. Assets Current assets Non-current assets Total Assets

42,712,319 22,787,682 65,500,001

Liabilities Current liabilities Non-current liabilities Total Liabilities Net assets

3,338,828 117,360 3,456,188 62,043,813

Both current and non-current assets predominantly comprise financial instruments invested for ongoing distribution commitments. Full financial details are available upon request to the Foundation Office.

major donors $10 Million + Good Friday Appeal $1 Million + The Atlantic Philanthropies (USA) Inc $300,000 + Special Events Committee RCH1000 members $100,000 + Big W Big Heart Campaign Brainwave Australia Coles Supermarkets Australia Pty Ltd Handbury AO, Mr Geoff Leukaemia Research Fund My Room Inc Novy Family $50,000 + Celebration of Life Challenge - supporting kids with cancer $20,000 + The Beddison Foundation Colgate-Palmolive Pty Ltd Department of Health and Aged Care Fire Protection Assoc Australia Box Hill Grantali Pty Ltd KOALA Foundation Medical Benefits Fund Quang Minh Temple Seven Network (Operations) Ltd Toys ‘R’ Us (Australia) Pty Ltd $10,000 + Adam, Mrs Jo Aminate Pty Ltd Australian Vietnamese Women’s Welfare Association Collins, Mr John Colonial First State Property Management Convic (Australia) Pty Ltd Falzon, Ms Sue Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Kilsyth Youth Club Incorporated Klemke, Mr Les Lepford Pty Ltd Liouliakis, Mr Laz Moreland Bowls Club Incorporated Myer Melbourne Community Fund Nine Network Australia Pty Ltd Orica Australia Pty Ltd Pernod Ricard Australia RACV Great Battery Round Up Rotary Club of Kew Inc Rotary Club of Moonee Valley Inc

Rotary Club of Toorak Inc Sargood, Mrs Pamela Solent Circuit Pty Ltd Stewart, Mrs Kathryn Synthes Australia Pty Ltd United Association of Hellenic Orthodox Communities & Parish Victoria Racing Club $5,000 + Anglers Tavern Australian Chinese Events Committee Inc Boyd, Ms Tiffany Clough Projects Pty Ltd Dadon, Mr & Mrs A & DR Deady, Mr Les Dinron Pty Ltd Gatt, Miss Hope Guest, Mr G Henkell, Mr Hans Kilwinning Nominees Pty Ltd Koadlow, Mr David KPMG Australia - Risk Advisory Services Lambert, Mrs Irene Leslie, Mrs Norma MacDonald, R B Master Plumbers’ & Mechanical Services Association of Australia Metropolitan Fire and Emergency Services Board MLC Ltd New Apostolic Church Australia RWE Pty Ltd Reece Australia Ltd Rogers, Ms Rosemary L Rotary Club of Balwyn Inc Rotary Club of Camberwell Inc Rotary Club of Hawthorn Inc Rotary Club of Melbourne Inc Rotary District 9800 Ryan, Mr & Mrs A & Y Schneider, Mr Paul Slumbercare Bedding (Aust) Pty Ltd Smith & Nephew Surgical Pty Ltd Sonenberg, Mr & Mrs L & D Sullivan, Miss Joan Taaffe, Mr Leon Trevuren Electronics Design Victorian Callers Association Inc Werribee Emergency Services (PCCC) Team Wilson, Mr Ron Yamboon Pty Ltd Zampbeacon Pty Ltd $2,000 + Albachten, Mr David Ararat Medical Centre Au, Bieu Tuan Bagnara Calabra Association of Victoria Bayswater Park Cricket Club Bialik College Biomet Australia Bloom, Mr & Mrs Barry & Lorraine Cadbury Schweppes Australia Pty Ltd Cat Design Australia Pty Ltd Chambers, Mr Kevin Confoil Containers Cubby Enterprise Pty Ltd Davies, Mr J W Downing, Mr Ian Drag Tag Pty Ltd

Duncanson, Mr & Mrs Doug & Francine Elmalek Pty Ltd Elton, Mr & Mrs D & Z ERTH Hydraulics Pty Ltd Essential Imports International Pty Ltd Ewens, Mrs Karen Financial Services Foundation Ltd Fire Protection Association Australia - Ivanhoe East Firefighters Credit Co-Operative Fourth Jultex Pty Ltd Frazer, Mr Robert Frazer, Ms Narelle Fredericks, Mr Barry Gloroy Poll Dorsets Hall, Mr Alan K Harvey World Travel Heldana Pty Ltd Jackwood Family Kidde Fire Protection Kliger, Mrs Sura Lacy, Mr Mal Likar, Mr Filip Franc Marcellin College Matters, Mr Barry Medical Indemnity Protection Society Melbourne Glasgow Rangers Supporters Club Motorola Australia Pty Ltd Myer Melbourne - General Office/Payroll Norwood Industries Pty Ltd Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd Order of AHEPA Supreme Lodge of Australasia Parkville Chamber Ensemble Perpetual Philanthropic Services Philanthropic Brotherhood of Vlachopoulo “O Maglavas” Phin, Ms Susan Pig & Whistle Hotel Powercor Australia Head Office Priestley, Mr Stephen Real Entertainment & Collectables Reed, Mr & Mrs Graeme & Fairlie Rotary Club of Collingwood Inc Rotary Club of Glenferrie Inc Rotary Club of Hoppers Crossing Inc Rotary Club of Moorabbin Inc Rotary Club of Moorleigh Bentleigh East Inc Screw-Pile International Pty Ltd Spicer, Ms Roberta Stamopoulos, Dr Mary Swanson, Ms Adele Swart, Ms Ricci Tenix Corporate Pty Ltd The Palais Bingo Centre Pty Ltd The Presbyterian Church Of Victoria Trusts Corporation Tyco Fire & Security Veneto Club Melbourne Victoria Police Motor Sports Club Victorian Cherry Association Wagga Wagga & District Garden Club Wah Sing Chinese Opera Association Inc Westbourne Grammar School Whitefriars College Inc Williamstown R S L Sub Branch Inc Woolworths/Safeway

25 Hands up for our leaders

26 Hands up for our leaders

bequests $1 Million + Moss, Harry Lyon Murphy, Helen Dorothy $300,000 + Collins, Kathleen Norris, Edna Lydia $100,000 + Black, Gwendoline Madge Bray, William John Dorothy Isabel Stirling Charitable Trust McCoy, Peggy Sinclair $50,000 + Aitken, M J Ashton, Dr David Hungerford Cahill, Iris Mary Dyson Bequest Hutchinson, Marjorie Constance Hyde, Ada Elizabeth Mason, Phyllis Estelle McGuire, Victoria Dorothy Pearmain, Ronald Tuckman, Frieda $20,000 + Baker, Rosslyn Wemyss Greenaway, Clarence Alwyn Hall, Ruby C Jones, Alma Dorothy Ross, David Hume Smith, Heather Sybil Walker, J H $10,000 + Aitken, K B Baker, Enid Lorna Baldwin, William E E C Blackwood Charitable Trust Broadhurst, A E Brown, Ernest Colebatch, The Late Dr J H Fleming, John William Gloster, Keith Charles Henshall, Grace Teresa Hunter, Bruce Keith Goods Memorial Trust Lewis, William Thomas Macrow, William Nissen, Rowena The Frank & Sybil Richardson Charitable Trust Wells, Arthur Donald Winder, E V Wright, J F

$5,000 + Black, Patience Grant Bequest Galbraith, William Hinde, Edwin Erasmus Keirl, Ronald Douglas The William & Mary Ievers & Sons Maintenance Fund Maconachie, Georgina Menzies McCallum, Laurie Gertrude McTaggart, Edith McWilliams, Horatio R C Panton, Ethel May Roseman, John Shepherd, Frederick B John William & Anna Maria Ford Memorial Fund Young, John William $2,000 + Bateman, F H Burnett, Jessie Carnegie Cowell, Kevin Stewart Dyer, James Howard Grimwade, A M Kelm, Robert Kennon, Ralph Joseph & Kate Levi Charitable Trust Marshall, Charlotte Marshall, W Morgan, D M Morton, Christopher Gordon Murdoch, John S Nanson, Katharine Price, Leigh and May Thompson, Flora Louisa

trusts and foundations $100,000 + The Baker Foundation Jack & Ethel Goldin Foundation $50,000 + Bennelong Foundation Ltd The Ella & Mitchell Brazier Fund The Collier Charitable Fund John T Reid Victorian Charitable Trust Lionel R V Spencer Trust Fund Sporting Chance Cancer Foundation Ltd Victorian Women’s Trust Ltd Norman, Mavis and Graham Waters Charitable Trust $20,000 + The William Buckland Foundation The Kimberley Foundation Nominees Pty Ltd Fred and Vi Lean Charitable Trust The Myer Foundation The Orloff Family Charitable Trust Henry B Smith Charitable Trust $10,000 + Bagot Gjergja Foundation Banks Group Charitable Foundation Inc Muriel & Les Batten Foundation The Bell Charitable Fund Gandel Charitable Trust The Invergowrie Foundation Syd and Ann Wellard Perpetual Trust $5,000 + The William Angliss (Victoria) Charitable Fund The Bachrach Charitable Trust The Gourlay Charitable Trust Leslie Eric Paddle Trust Fund Victor Smorgon Charitable Fund William and Eileen Walsh Trust $2,000 + John Anderson Trust DTM & E Davies Memorial Trust Galante Charities Trust Joseph Kronheimer Charitable Fund The Money Managers Charitable Trust Gary Thomson Foundation

in honour Abdelmalak, Mr David Adair, Master Finn William Adair, Mr Tom Agius, Mr Vic Alessandrini, Ms Maria Alexander, Ms Leah Alexopoulos, Marino Anderson, Master Jai Andrew-Frazer, Miss Lexie Aribi, Ms Halamin Ashley, Ms Ruby Isabella Erskine Aslin, Mr Sebastion Tomas Attipa, Master Chris Attipa, Miss Avangelia Aumann, Ms Elsa Dora Avard, Master Daniel Richard Baird, Master Ethan William Baker, Ms Gabriel Gene Bakker, Mr Nickolas Banks, Mr Matthew Barber, Ms Betty Barnsch, Mr G Basile, Ms Rosina Batacchi, Baby Nico, Mattia & Elisa Begley, Mr David Bennett, Mr Lachlan James Beswick, Mr & Mrs Jack & Hazel Bevan, Mr Peter Blackwood, Mr Henry Bloom, Mr & Mrs Barry & Lorraine Bolton, Mr Waylon Lee Bottomer, Master Ari Ros Braude, Mr Max Briggs, Mr Harry Brooksbank, Ms Betty Bull, Ms Margaret Burmeister, Mr Raymond Burnett, Ms Leanne Jane Bush, Mr Greg Butler, Mr Beau Cabral, Ms Jessica Carson, Miss Zoe Casper, Miss Zoe Cataldo, Orazio Ceresa, Mr Alexander Chambers, Ms Edwina Margaret Chan, Mrs Wah Hin Chandra, Ms Dipika Chaplin, Mr Ronald Charleston, Mr John Chipman, Mr Basil Chittick, Ms Stella Cimino, Mr Antonio Cleary, Mr Patrick Clements, Mr Allan Alfred Cohen, Master Aaron Coleman, Miss Charli Comb, Miss Christie Convey, Ms Alma Cook, Ms Emily Cook, Ms Jean Cooling, Ms Sandra

Cooper, Miss Alannah Grace Cooper, Mr Ian Charles Copeland, Mr Graham Corrie, Ms Myrtle Costigan, Mr Paddy Coulter, Ms Marion Joy Cousins, Mr Bob Coutts, Ms Katherine Dabal, Ms Paulina Dadon, Mr Albert Dalton, Mr Alexander Keith Damicoucas, Mr Chris Davidson, Ms Jemma Davies, Mr Greg Davis, Ms Sylvia Day, Mr Shane De Cata, Ms Emanuela Dennis, Mr Ray D’Ermilis, Ms Bambina Deyzel, Mr Edward Dignum, Ms Alyce Dillion-Shallard, Ms Sylvia Dillon, Ms Bethany Rose Dimitriou, Mrs E Dowling, Mr Desmond Dubs, Baby Dudley, Miss Grace Candice Dummett, Mr Daniel Duncan, Ms Fay Dyer, Mr James Edgar, Miss Lucy Kate Edgar, Ms Katie Elbaum, Ms Rachel Elliot, Master Logan Jett Elsegood, Mr James Faifer, Mr Ethan Faram, Ms Alyssa Felmy-Glas, Baby Noah Fergi, Miss Imogen Ferguson, Ms Jean Findlay, Ilma Fisher, Mr Albert Harold Douglas Fitzroy, Mr Peter Fookes, Mr Ronnie Ford, Master Levi Thorn Foster, Ms Olive Fowler, Ms Elizabeth Francis, Master Nathan Fraser, Ms Michelle Freedman, Ms Vici Freeman, Mr Travis Freeman, Mr William J Freestone, Ms Kate Gale, Ms Lois Goh, Dr T H Goldberg, Ms Lindsay Goldin, Master Devon Jesse Goldin, Master Jayden Daniel Goldman, Miss Tahli Gonzalez, Mr Rolando Grainger, Ms Klara Green, Ms Louise

Green, Master Henry John Greenham, Mr & Mrs Peter & Anne Grodski, Mr Leon Guan, Ms Helen Gysberts, Ms Julianne Hadden, Ms Clara Joan Hamid, Mr George W Hardiman, Ms Maureen L Harrington, Mr & Mrs Bill & Tash Harrington, Ms Elizabeth Hartmann, Miss Catherine Rose Hartson, Ms Irene Haviaridis, Mr Fedon Hemann, Ms Vanessa Herrech, Mrs A Herrech, Mr F Hilton, Mr Don Hirth, Master Christopher Hodge, Ms Liela Mary Holckner, Ms Ashleigh Hollo, Kye Hulbert, Mr Peter Hunt, Mr Edward James Iezzi, Master Zavier Ingram, Mr Randal Interbartolo, Ms Francesca Jackson, Ms Daisy Jacob, Mr Samuel Jacovides, Mr Michael James Family Jaspers, Mr Jobe Theodore Jervies, Mr Jordan Joel, Master Brandon Johnston, Ms Merle Jones, Ms Elle Jones, Mr & Mrs Steve & Paola Joske, Ms Louisa Kay, Mr Matthew Keddie, Mr Bert Andrew Kelly, Mr Jordan Kelly, Mr Len King, Miss Alicia King, Mr Robert Gordon Kirsten Knight, Mr Frank Knuckey, Ms Camilla Korn, Ms Hayley Kousides, Mr Theodoros Kranz, Master Noah Kurc, Miss Libby Lamers, Ms Kayla Lawler, Ms Myrtle Lawrie, Ms Elizabeth Lee, Mr Stephen John Lee, Mr Phat Levin, Ms Lauren Levo, Poppa Levy, Mr Darren Lew, Miss Chloe Lewin, Mr Michael Lewis, Mr & Mrs Craig & Donna

Leyden, Mr & Mrs Andrew & Alison Lineham, Mr Robert Benjamin Ling, Choy May Lucas, Ms Nina Lugg, Ms Mandy Luong, Mrs Biec Thi Lustig, Ms Sharlene Malapanis, Mr Athanasios Mazzone, Mr Vince McGrath, Mr Myles McMahon, Mr Simon Meagher, Mr Flynn Mehmet, Mr Tyler Micallef, Master Michael W Millar, Ms Rani Lesley Jean Miller, Baby Harrison Miller, Miss Katrina Louise Mitchell, Ms Mara Mitchell, Master Timothy Mohr, Mr Dean Mohr, Mr Joshua Morra, Mrs Costanza Morrow, Mr Kaden Morse, Ms Kristy Mortham, Mr Brett Moss, Mr Rex Murray, Mr Harold Richard Murray, Mr Thomas Namoni, Ms Kumrije Neal, Master John Timothy Newstat, Mr & Mrs Gary & Arlene Nguyen, Mr Dylan Niemann, Mr Max Noce, Mr Sam Novy, Mrs Helen Riva O’Connell, Ms Madeline Ody, Mr Graham Barry O’Grady, Ms Elaine Alexandra Olstein, Mr Ben Oppenheim, Mr Peter Otten, Ms Theresia Alphonsa Overdyk, Ms Kaytie Pang, Ms Marsha-Ann Patel, Mr & Mrs Hasmukh & Kirti Pattison, Ms Ethel Payne, Ms Peggy Pearce, Master Jonah Pellicano, Mr & Mrs Frank & Nanda Perry, Mr Albert Edward Petrie, Mr Matthew “Peach” Philalay, Mr Alex Picone, Miss Amica Pia Pidgeon, Ms Phoebe Rose Pirotta, Mr Tony Pisano, Mr Mark Pitts, Ms Janette Plotkin, Ms Anna Poole, Ashley Poon, Mr & Mrs James Chan & Tung Kit

27 Hands up for our leaders

how you can help

in honour Postlethwaite, Mr Russell Poulter, Mr William Poulton, Mr Nicholas Andrew Priester, Baby Marlon Quirk, Baby Finlay Randell, Mr Bill Regan, Mr Kieth Rice, Mr & Mrs Andrew & Trudy Richmond, Ms Catherine Robb, Mr Paul Rochman, Mr Jeffery Rogers, Mr Hugh Roth, Ms Madeleine Rubeli, Miss Chelsey Ryan, Mr Sid Sainsbury, Mr Robert Salloum, Ms Gina Sambanis, Mr Jim Sasse, Mr Denzel Banjo Sasse, Ms Barbara Sayag, Master Ben Harry Schwarz, Miss Samantha Sennett, Mr Steven Edward Sfinas, Kalliopi Sheehan, Miss Georgia Rose Shub, Mrs Noga Silk, Mr Andrew Sims, Mr Barry Singh, Mr Sohon Skinner, Ms Danielle Slattery, Mr James Smith, Ms Claire Smith, Ms Doris Smith, Mr John South, Ms Holly Bridget Marion Steedman, Mr James Stern, Mr Stephen Stevenson, Mr Neo Riley Stewart, Mr Riley William Summer, Ms Marlene Swanson, Ms Adele Sweeney, Miss Emily K Symonds, Ms Kerrie Szabo, Ms Tereza Taaffe, Mr Sean Patrick Tampion, Mr Alan William Taylor, Mr E V Thain, Ms Samantha Lee Thompson, Ms Lillian Kate Thompson, Ms Louise Mariam Todd, Mr Phillip Richard Toovey, Mr Sam Tran, Mrs Chau Thi Tsirkas, Ms Labrina Tucker, Mr Chris Vella, Lillo Villanueva, Ms Sabrina Visintin, Stellio Waddington, Mrs Mary Terese Wake, Mr Phillip Wald, Mr Henry Wales, Ms Eleanor Wallwork, Mr Terrance Watts, Ms Kiera

Weatherhead, Mr John Robert Weatherhead, Ms Eileen Weingott, Mr Nicholas Weisz, Mr Tibor Whyte, Mr Matthew Jack Wilkins, Ms Kathleen Anne Wilkinson, Mr & Mrs Tom & Yvonne Wilks, Ms Gladys William, Baby Williams, Mr & Mrs B Williams, Ms Ida M Williamson, Mr Ross Windmill, Ms Patricia Winwood, Mr Ryan Young, Mr John Young, Ms Elizabeth Zaccone, Ms Manuela Zanella, Master Daniel Jack Zeneli, Master Jack Zimet, Ms Marilyn

Workplace giving Workplace Giving is a simple and very effective way of giving. If your company has a Workplace Giving Program set up, the amount you nominate is deducted directly from your gross salary each pay period. You get the benefit of giving ‘pre-tax’, making the value of each dollar go even further, while receiving a tax deduction at the time the donation is made. No matter how small your donation is, it will add up to make a difference. During the past year Workplace Giving has funded state-of-theart surgical instruments, patient monitors for our Adolescent Ward and Recovery and an ECG monitor for Cardiology. Workplace Giving Companies Alinta Finance Pty Ltd Allens Arthur Robinson AMP ASX Operations Pty Ltd Bain & Company Blackmores Ltd Bluescope Steel Ltd Charities Aid Foundation (America) Charities Aid Foundation Community Fund

Coca Cola Amatil CSR Building Products Ltd Klinkerman HW Horst Melbourne Water (MGRC) Project Better World - Shell Australia Employees Seek Learning Pty Ltd Seek Ltd The Boyd Group Foundation Pty Ltd Westpac

There are many ways you can help us at The Royal Children’s Hospital. Please use this form to make a donation, or contact one of the groups listed on the back of this report.

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Special Thanks The Royal Children’s Hospital Foundation is grateful for the dedication of many long term supporters who continue to raise large amounts of money each year. Special thanks go to Lillian Frank AM, MBE and her Special Events Committee, Michael Williamson OAM and the Leukaemia Research Fund, Efrem Goldhammer and RCH1000 members, Safeway employees, Big W Discount stores employees (Big W Big Heart campaign) and A Celebration of Life Commitee.


The 2007 Good Friday Appeal set a new record by raising $11,788,971 for the hospital in 2007. Our sincere thanks go to the Herald & Weekly Times Limited, Channel 7 Melbourne, 3AW (Southern Cross Broadcasting) and Telstra Dome for their ongoing support of the Appeal and to Christine Unsworth, Executive Director of the Appeal and her team.

www.rch.org.au www.rchfoundation.org.au

The RCH Auxiliaries raised a combined total of $1,611,032 for the Good Friday Appeal in 2007 - a magnificent contribution and a wonderful way to celebrate 85 years of outstanding service and fundraising for the hospital.

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Alternatively, you can visit our websites to make a donation where you see this button:

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Please send me information about leaving a bequest to the RCHF I have made provision for RCH in my Will I would like to receive regular updates on the activities of the RCHF by Email


Name Address

Phone Email Please post this form to: The Royal Children’s Hospital Foundation Flemington Road, Parkville VIC 3052

30 Hands up for our leaders

contact us For more information about The Royal Children’s Hospital Foundation and its fundraising activities, please contact: The Royal Children’s Hospital Foundation Flemington Road, Parkville VIC 3052 Phone +61 3 9345 5037 Fax +61 3 9345 6900 Email rch.foundation@rch.org.au Web www.rchfoundation.org.au Bequests Phone +61 3 9345 5037 Email rch.foundation@rch.org.au The Royal Children’s Hospital Auxiliaries Phone +61 3 9345 5188 Web www.rch.org.au/rchaux Good Friday Appeal Phone +61 3 9292 1166 Web www.goodfridayappeal.com.au RCH1000 Phone +61 9345 5143 Web www.rch1000.org.au Volunteers Phone +61 3 9345 5880 Web www.rch.org.au/volunteers The Royal Children’s Hospital Web www.rch.org.au

Thanks to Growth Solutions Group / Right Idea Igor Sapina Photography Amity Design Michael Long Photography Altshul Printers Pty Ltd

The Royal Children’s Hospital Foundation Annual Review 2007

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