RISK COMMITTEE AND MANAGEMENT The Board considers risk management to be a key business discipline designed to balance risk and reward and to protect the Group against uncertainties that could threaten the achievement of business objectives. The Board has documented a corporate risk management policy that defines the objectives of and commitment to risk management. The policy is based on principles of the international Committee of Sponsoring Organisations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) framework and complies with the requirements of King III. It involves continuous risk identification at both a strategic and operational level, as well as the evaluation of mitigating controls. Related risk management frameworks and methodologies are regularly assessed and enhanced, where appropriate, to ensure that the Group’s ability to anticipate and adequately respond to unpredictable risks is improved. Management remains accountable to the Board for designing, implementing and monitoring the processes of risk management and integrating it into the day-to-day activities of the Group. The Risk Committee is responsible for overseeing the adequacy and overall effectiveness of the Group’s risk management function and its implementation by management. The terms of reference of the Risk Committee also includes oversight of sustainability within the Group. Risk Committee membership The Risk Committee comprises Messrs GC Zondi (Chairman), M Dally (Chief Executive Officer), RH Field (Chief Financial Officer), RV Smither (Audit Committee Chairman) and Dr M Griessel. In order to facilitate the effective assessment of risks at all levels in the Group, the GARM and director in charge of sustainability attended the committee’s bi-annual meetings by invitation. Responsibilities The committee charter includes the following key responsibilities: Risk Management
Oversee the development and annual review of a policy and plan for risk management to recommend for approval to the Board Monitor implementation of the policy and plan for risk management taking place by means of risk management systems and processes Make recommendations to the Board concerning the levels of tolerance and appetite, and monitoring that risks are managed within the levels of tolerance and appetite as approved by the Board Oversee that the risk management plan is widely disseminated throughout the Group and integrated in the dayto-day activities of the Group Ensure that risk management assessments are performed on a continuous basis Ensure that frameworks and methodologies are implemented to increase the possibility of anticipating unpredictable risks Ensure that management considers and implements appropriate risk responses Ensure that continuous risk monitoring by management takes place Liaise closely with the Audit Committee to exchange information relevant to risk