RCNA Advertising rate card 2011

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RCNAratecard advertise today and reach over 14 000 rcna members and professional partners. advertising rates and specifications for 2011 CONNECTIONS Royal College of Nursing, Australia | Volume 13 | Issue 2 | June 2010

CONNECTIONS Royal College of Nursing, Australia | Volume 13 | Issue 3 | September 2010

CONNECTIONS Royal College of Nursing, Australia | Volume 13 | Issue 4 | December 2010


Nursing and Health Expos

CONNECTIONS Royal College of Nursing, Australia | Volume 14 | Issue 1 | March 2011


RCNA thANks the goveRNoR-geNeRAl – page 13

Visit the RCNA Nursing and Health Expo and find out where your career in nursing can take you Canberra, ACT Sunday 6 March 2011 National Convention Centre

Perth, WA Sunday 26 June 2011 Perth Convention & Exhibition Centre

Sydney, NSW Sunday 27 March 2011 Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre

Hobart, TAS Sunday 10 July 2011 Hotel Grand Chancellor

Brisbane, QLD Sunday 10 April 2011 Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre Melbourne, VIC Sunday 15 May 2011 Royal Exhibition Building

The RCNA Nursing and Health Expo is a must for anyone interested in the nursing profession.

Adelaide, SA Sunday 5 June 2011 Adelaide Convention Centre

Nurturing the new generation of nurses

New Generation of Nurses Faculty Mentoring nurse practitioners Adolescent sexual health Paediatric palliative care

Celebrating International Year of the Nurse

Recognising excellence in nursing Celebrating nurse-led services Commemorating our service nurses Nursing beyond the bedside

As the only expo in Australia to profile all nursing options under the one roof, RCNA’s Nursing and Health Expo provides direct access to leading universities, hospitals and specialty nursing groups.

RCNA lAuNChes New movemeNt disoRdeRs fACulty – page 13 For more information contact RCNA Events:


freecall 1800 061 14 660 NuRsiNg iN the outbACk – page events@rcna.org.au www.rcna.org.au

the sileNt issue iN the Asylum seekeR debAte – page 4 An event of RCNA, Australia’s peak professional nursing organisation

RCNA Australian member of ICN

goiNg the extRA miles foR heAlth pRomotioN – page 42

Australia’s peak professional nursing organisation

From the city to the country stories from our nursing students


From reFugee to nursing student Breaking the silence on stillBirth ageing in the northern territory

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